10 T1TE OMAHA DAILY BEE; SATUBDAT, OCTORETC 0, 1000. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL J?ovembflr Wheat Opens Lower, bnt 3rows Finn Towards the End. CORN QUIET, SUFFERING EARLY DECLINE Onim Are Stently anil I'nrlin iiReel flrrnt Hirer In October Pork Cntises tlir Krnnnllnn In .Mnrkrl fur Provisions, CHICAGO, Oct. 5. Wheat was Irregular, but turned (Irm toward the end on good cash demand ami In sympathy with the strength of October, November closing 4c over yesterday. Corn closed unchanged, oats yya lower and provisions for January I delivery 2H5il5c htsher. October pork cloned Jl 40 higher. November wheat opened 'Jc lower to un changed at 77U,! to 77'.4c Liverpool was .weak, however, ami Argentine shipments ii4,e;0 bu., compare-d with 256,000 bu. th previous week As tho outside wan not buying selling by local longs snt Novem ber down to 77c Noithwcst receipts were pimnll, rain wus predlctexi for that section lof the rouniry anil the cah sltuiitlon later Improved, local ar,H being reported at 3on, 000 bu t'nder these considerations the market began slowly to revive and toward tho end of tho session sharpl , snl4c, In nytnpathy with tho bulge In uctober pork. The rlono wan firm, Novcmbor 4r,e higher nt 77-,c Cleitruncea In fchent and Hour wero equal to 1M,(io bu l'rlinary receipts aggregated lfi03,Wt In. , eoinpsreel with 1.248.0W bit. last yenr. Minneapolis anil Du lulli reported 42) earn, against 34 Inst week and 1,01 1 ti year ago Lot ill receipts were 1.11 cara, 16 of contract grade Corn was quiet Tne market dipped (lightly early on local BellliiK. In which the demand of ycHtcrduy ami today hud Its Influence. A recovery camo later, In sympathy with the October pork sentiment und because of a di-mand for October corn now controlled hv otie man. 'ov(imlir sold between 37t4i ami JiStlSVc and closed Un changed at 37V October clotted at 40VC, ic over yesterday. Receipts were 615 cars. OatH wern quiet and steady. There waa licavi filing of Slay and December by local longs unit tho olTrr were Well taken. Receipts were 330 cars. November sold be tween 224 c and 22144' und closed io lower at 22'22c. In provisions everything dsn was over shadowed by the sensational rise In Octo ber pork October opened 10c lower at $13. Half u dozen attempts to 1111 modernto or ders resulted In a bulge to $16. Tho close was at 11.4 50. The strength ot October was Influential In holding tbe rest of the list steady January pork sold between Jl) j and J12 and closed 15c higher at 112; Jan uary lard, between Jfl.95 and 7, closing 2Hc higher at S7. anil Januarv ribs. Iietween Vj.iaVS! nml V!.40, with die close made up ut $0.37 Hstlmuti-d receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 223 curs. corn. G75 cars; oats, 133 cars; hogs. lS.ooo head. Tho leading futures ranged as follows: Articles Open. High.! Low. Clo,o. Yesy Wheat (Jet Nov. Dec Corn Oct. Nov Dec Oats Of t Nov De'C Pork Oct. Nov. Jan. Lard Oct. Nov Jan. Jtlbs Oct. Njv Jan. 11V . large colored. 11c, small colored, 114 u 1 1 'W L'Udrf Receipts. 7.212 nkes . strong, west em. regular packed, at mark, 124flUc. Western loss off, 20c. MRTALS The general iHtialltin In metals presented very little change In price or fea ture Pig iron warrants were dull and un changed on the busls of $9 5O10.00, this was the figure quoted a week ugo Lake copper nun win some nrmness on mm strength abroad, closing pHrtlally higher at Jt.7fV(f L 00. Tin was It lower In London and this fact rausd a similar decline here, closing the market easy In tone at J2S.751f23.20. The tlnplnte market wan very dull with prices nnrnangeti. i.euil and spelter not quotaoiy changed, though spelter had an easier feel Ing Tho prlce were Jl.37',4 for lead anil Jl ii7i4HM.l2tu for spelter. Tho brokers' price for lend was J I and for copper J16.tfH4. i TCJit 77 774ibAi77Wi'; i8 ,h 761! 77 77 1 771 77',74.i'; 77' b 7l? 89TU 17'L 40l S7 3nl 40 37, 31 40 1 40" I .HI. I IWM r. 22i 22Vj,22U'i.22yi(tf vl22-'i l ". Wit'.'! 4 13 (V) 11 7W 11 bit 7 23 7 27',i, 7',ii 15 CO 12 00 12 00 7 2714 7 00 8 02141 & 0714 7 33 1 7 40 C 324i ti 10 13 m 11 11 at 7 2214 C 93 7 115 7 35 6 H2V4I 14 50 11 W 12 00 7 27'4 , J6 7 00 , S 07., 7 33 U 37 '.4 13 10 11 63'-4 11 5 T ;to 7 31 C 'jVj $ (5 7 35 6 32V4 OMAHA VIIOI.i:s AI.Ij .MA UK UTS, (.'iindltlon of 'I'riiile und ((tiotntlnna on Mnple nml I line j- ProtltK'ts. Kf!OH-Heclpts, light; good stock, firm, at 16c LIVi: I'orLTltY-IlMiH. 7c; roosters, 4c; spring rhickrii. hv. ducks, 4fjCc; gee.ic, 4ftf.r. turkevi. Sc KKLHIl liUKSSKD I'OfLTllY-Hens, JfOc roosters, 5Hc, duck.i and geee, &tf lee, broilers, per dtr.-n, . spring chickens, per lb, 9f,10e; lutlieys, 12VJC. OAJIL-I'ralrle chickens, per dozen, $.100 Wtri; mallard dtu'kh, p-r dozen, Jl; teal. til 'A mlxet, JI.00fll.7S; Jachsnlpe, Jl 25 IH'TTKtl Common to fair, 12'4c; choice lafl')!'' r'par"tor' 21r; Blithered, creamory, I'KlisiI OYSTHHS -Klrst grade, snlld packed, New York counls pet can, V)c; extra selects, 35c: standards, 27c Hecemi grade, slack filled. New Vnrlt noiinft nnr -'', 3"c; extra selects, 21c; standards, 20c. rfOKONS- Live, per d. . . n, 1-Oc, VEA 1.8 Choice, litilOc. .1IAY-1'rlces quoted by Omaha Wholesale I lay Dealers' i,sioclatlon: Chnlcs upland. JJ.2u: No. 1 itiu.'ind. t ,R tneilliim. 17 r.l coarse. J7.50. y si raw. J6 Thecn pr ces ui no oa- 01 Kooa co.or una quniuy Demand fair and prlcei steady, Ilccelpts, II can. OATH No. r- white, 2c. t'OItN No J, 3c. 1IUAN-J12 75. VROIJTA m.KS. OCCIT.MDMHH-I'cr dozen, 20ir2Sc. NIIW TI HNII'8-Per bushel b.isket, 00c. NEW HEKTH Per bushel, C0375O. NEW CAltIOTH-IVr doii n bunches, 25c. LETTt.'CE-I'er dozen. IClSc. HADISHE3- Home grown, pir dozen, 18o. ULANS Wax, per half bushel basket, 40c; string, 35c. POTATOES- Per bushel, 4y50c swet potatoes, per bushel. 75WOC CAIIUAOE- Home grown, per pound, 114o Holland seed, lc. (ACLIFLOWEn- Per dozen, II. TOMATOES - Homo grown, per ha.lf bushel basket, 50c. ONIONS Homo grown, per bushel, WS One. CELKRT-Xebraska, 3fl-40c. ruriTS PEACHEH-Callfornla freestones, 8OJT?0o! clings. Kc; t'tah freestones. 75800. PLCMH-Callfornli, per crate, $1.0031.10; per box, 00c. PEAKS-Per box. $1.7SiK.OO. GflAPEH California Tolmirs. ..hasket crate, $1.50; Concords, homo grown, 17c; Dolawaro and Niagara, jier 5-lb. basket, 16c, eastern Concords, lSfflfic. WATKHMELONS-As to slzn. lfVTrnc each. CANTA L01'PE -Gems, ptr dozen, 4O60c; WEEKLY REVIEW OF TRADE Prices in the Prodnoa and Tdztilo Marko's Are Firm and Buoyant. BUT LITTLE ORDERING IS DONE AHEAD llnslliesa While Xnt Depreised Ai penra In Attitude of WnltliiK for the Result of the election In .November. No 2. ash quotations were ns follows: PLOt'Il -Steady; winter patents, J3.90CT4 10: BtralghtH, $.1.201 J.MI; clears, U2O4JXC0; spring mieclalH. $1 70; patents, J3.0tKJi-l.lo; straights. $3 tiWl.il'l. bakers. $2.;iivar2.S0. WIIEAT-No. 3, 7214077c; No. 2 red. 771i?j COIIN-No. 2, 4014410; No. 2 yellow. i V lie OAT8-N0. 2. 22,4?r23c; No. 2 while, 2C'.ic: No 3 white, 2VjJ25V4c. It YE No 2. f.2c. HAltLE Y K&lr to choice malting. 687KSO. SiniDS No. 1 flax. $1.(314; No. 1 norih westurn, $l.frl, prime timothy, $4.25W.8 . PHOVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl , $U.tO till. 57 Lunl, per 100 lbs.. $7.2710'.. 30. 8I1 irt fibs sides (loose). $S.00!.3O. Ury salted fhoulflnrs (boxel), $i;.25(ifC3714; short cleur Miles (boxed), t$.&0tr?H.(. WI1IHKY Itasls of high wines. $1.27. SI GAIt Cut loaf, $5.TO, granulated, $5,10; cimfectloners' A, JH; off A, $5 !v. I'ollowlnr aro tho receipts and shipments of the principal grains: Articles. ltecelpts. Shipment 3' lnur, bbls 20.OW 15,000 A heat, bu 22.1.000 lH.0i Corn, bu 47t'.,UH 69;,0 Hats bu 3-Jl,(ii) 21700 Jtye, bu ti.ono .. .. ilarley. bu 1C.C00 IS.OiO On the Produce exchange today the but ter murkot was dull; creameries, IfiOVif; dairies, isyidc neese, stuau), 10',4'ii ilt. ICggs, llrm; fresh, Hie. m:w yiiiik fiHMinAi, maiikht. (iiotHtlona of flic Diijr on VnrloiiK CoiniiKiilllIrn, NEW YORK. Oct. 6.- FLOrrt-Itccelpts, St.llS bblu; exports, 17,218 bbls.; sales, 7,150 Jikgs. Tho market was again neglected, be ing held l(i(2c abovo the buyers' views In most grudus, Minnesota bakers, $.'(.00'i(3.H; winter straights, $3.5.rf(3.KS; Minnesota patcnU, $4.20jf4.(fl; winter patentH, $3.7(il.O0. w'!l"'JxlrnH' -"W3.00; winter low grades, li.ito2.Kt. llye nour, steady: sales, ;tOu bbls.; fair to good. J3.10ia3 30. choice to fancy, $3 33 Ill CUW HEAT-Htcady ut COiCCc. c. I. f New York. COItNMEAl-Qulet; yellow western. 90c city. 91c. Hramlywlnc, $2.l5-i,2 00. ' HYE Steady, No. 2 western, Wc, f. o. b afloat, state, f.5fi5i;c, c. I. f.. New York " HAHLEY -Quiet; feeding. 43i617c, c. L f.. lluffulo, mailing. 5!!j62e, c. I. f , lluffalo HAU1.KY MA..T -Dull; western. G2.1(Wc. U HEAT Hecelpts, 204,100 bu.; exports 15.M1 bu , sales, l,.S3O,0i'0 bu. futures nmi IfiO.OOO bu. snot. Spot, steady; No. 2 red, K2lk.. f o li., itfloat. and Msc, elevator: No 1 northern, Duluth, 871c. f. o. b., afloat. No. 1 luinl, Duluth, MMc t. o. b.. uflout Options wcakeneil a Uttlo today and were, oxtremeiy dull. Traders fuund selling motlvea In loner cables, weakness of north- west markets In splto of showur predictions. small seaboard clearances, abi'ncti of out- . ",,;p,lltt"v Hupport und more conser- ?m,i !!i,,mT ,!ip,,""H- ''' ""ally milled und closed irm ut a i.artlal 1,0 net de- a.P ffl aV mrWl.ttir r,-i'V,lN" ,J'',lptis i;ti.)25 bu ; exports If- r.-flectlug well sustained casb sitimtlm,' und moderate demands Irom "him 1 fie. of larger receipts, tine weathe cubles Closed steady ut a naril.il .?, J. decllno May clo,. t llO'S .' 4,c closed at 414c; December. 42W(V? closed at 42lic. .. OATS-ltecelpts. 98.100 bu.; exports 1 s-si bu, Spot, quiet: No. 2. 25V, So 3 No, 2 white. 27140; No. 3 white. 27c; tnuk !.l!!x,.!,wea,"rn' W!"!': inick white westi'Vii I'4(a34c, track whlta state. 2oMf3c tm' tlotu very quiet and barely steady p FEED -Steady; spring bran, llil sowi? m 33.X) nKH' ,l7W19 j0- wl"p'- hran. $17.5o0- .'tioici m7vic- ko" ,o i'0ernnQl,.rM,,",",rt CO"1mo,l Choice. im crop. 10tH3c; old olds, iiifjc; Pacltlo c,w?!,r!,V.ri,p' WJ3'': "hi ouu. 2ij.v" 1 IDLS -Ii Irm; Galveston, 2Mi26 lbs., 18e; S "a h" 1 i34oto ' lihc' T'X"H ,irv 2i LEATHEH -rirm; Hemlock sole. Hurnoi H23V l UnU w,Bl,t- -W3:3ie; ac.. Texas'c'''1 dm0St'" fl"C"' 2WSl' l'HOVlSlONK-Ileef. steady; family. $10 :o JfllOO, mess, i0OWy.50. lleef hams, iimu Jl.00 I'nPket. JOi 0010 50; city exira Iudui 11 ess. til 00HV.O. Cut meats, ste.rly; pickled bellle,, ICillc; pickled shoulder Jlic Hams, 4lW4o Lard, easy; wosi-rri Hteamed. $7.75, October closed nt $7.75. re ,,ulct' -,u'tl'',"t. 7f"; South America. $3 75. comnouud. $fi.25BC.3m. Pork strum; Mmlly. $10 w, 10.5o. short clear, $ Vo . 10 75; mess, $ll.O0t15.OU. TALLOW- Steady; city ($2 per pkg ). lit HICL f irm; domcstlu to extra, 4fj64c; 9aiiun, Iitr5c, MOUVSSES-l.'Irm: New Orleans open Kettle, good to choice. 43"no3e. nteaily. creamery, lftlTJlc. June creamerv (17W(ff20l4o, factory, 13VolOSc crfam". CHEESn lleo.-lpts. s.Mt pkBs,: dull and wcaij lurse whlto, llo; small whlta. uwa APi'i.KH Native. 75c'(7$l.(io per bu., p.r bbl.. $2,082.73; eastern, $2.7523.00 per bbl. CHANBEURIES Per bbl., $6; per crato, TUOPICAI. FRUITS. LEMONS-Callfornla, extra fancy. ttMl choice, 14. UANANA8 Per bunch, nccordlng to size, $2.01112. "5. KIGS California, new cartons, $1; layers, 90c. MISCELLANEOUS NUTS English walnuts, per lb., 1213o; filberts, per lb.. 12c; alircnds, per lb., IftH ISc; raw peanuts, per lb., 414'qfic; roasteil, J!4W7'4c. HIDES-No. 1 green, die: No. 2 green, u-'iCi .o. 1 sailed, i,c; rso. z salted, 0VS ". 1 vei.11 cair, a 10 1: calf, 12 to 15 lbs., Ik NEW YORK. Oct. 5. -II. O. Dim & Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade rays; Tho anthracite caul fttlntnit Ii.im been delapd iinothcr week and tho ellect on business In the east Is nioru apparent, though distribution In the west nml smith seems no less active. Hen.ionablo weathor In the east would quickly Md matters. Prices nro slightly lower In Iron, wool, euiil anil sugnr, but the produco and textile markftn are linn und In all departments of business an effort bv distributors to In. rrense transactions would quickly advance prices. There Is little ordering ahead In 1111 kind of morchamlKi. hut xlinl mil makers look for contiuits for about 2,iioo,i) ti'iiti uiier eieciinn icn 11 i tiumi.-ii in iit south and on the north Atlantic coast, but In tho fiouthwest rains hao checked cot ton picking. Tho most Interesting Iltut.ii clal development wus the further drop of 1 cent In the pound sterling exchange, mak ing a decline of 2 cents In two weks, with out any Important change In our mom y market. At the same time London rates for discount havo strengthened materially, though the Rank of England made m. haiigo In Its rate. In which an advam-.. hud ixeii expected. Hcav) foreign buying of cotton has outweighed all other Influences and there Is Insutllcient demnml for regu lar remittance to absorb commercial bills drawn uRulimt this staple. Cotton shipments un- producing nbout doublo tho exchange they did a vear ago and us the crop Is nenB moved with funds shipped from New York and without gi,i imports to Europe tho net result Is that New iork Is loaning foreigners about halt tlio vaJuu of the crop. Most manufactur ing concerns arc delaying extensive produc tion until after election and ure buying little, raw material. Pig Iron has declined on smnll oruers and win. also depressed by tho cut In southern freight rates. Kln lshed material imd siructurul lines ure steady and export tmjlng does much to Priuont dullness Contracts for cars 1 "i"",'1 P'n-tes for ship building were ... Vo """'. ie weeK anu rails were sold at $.tl to domestic roads, whllo a small amount was taken by Italy. mi01. nl?d sh0B P'orlcs aro moro nctlvoly employed on rush orders, confirming tho reported reduction of stocks, but spr ng contracts are Postponed. h mofe0' ,vo' ,nt..tno thre chlof eastern markets were 3,417.2(13 pounds exceedln'r every week slnco August, but still Inslgnill cant c0mpar.1l with last year, and Coal u s Uros.' averag., price of loo gra "s on Oc? Se,dem1berllH Cenl"1 nBa?nst a ?" exor1 JtUh .Atlantic against 3,502.622 liu! In mi. After the e d of September there was a decllno In 1 1 o f M .,":"."". l JtJr aB- Lower stocks at hlltlirdn W.'in t. .rn fdl .imiKIa Itinn tinil br. ii aiitlclt.iiled. so f ir as the reduction of surplus rei re Is iu irned Time nioney. however, advanced to 5 per cent and call money was firmer Ht 2ltil3 per cent Tho nrmmss of tnonej was nfTset to some ex 1".' 1. ' 'h'" 'nft'ier decline of exchange, which, as explained elsewhere, caused some 1 xpn tation of gold Imports. It Is hardly thought, however, that any large amount or specie would be sent here at present on uicount of the continued strain In tho poj tlnn at the tlnanclul capitals abroad. Lon don took only a moderate. Interest In our stock market, but was a buyer to some lit tie extent, particularly In the Pacific stocks. It w-as also noted that Herlln Interests were Haln buyers of Northern Pacific common, arter having ...1,1 .hat stock heavily In the preceding fortnight. MOVEMENTS OT S'KM'KS AXI) IIO.MIM. closed at 7o'i (lol.l premiums at Hucnos . i res, lit so PARIS. Oct 5 Prices were Arm on the bourse today owing to the belief that 11 general understanding between the powers regarding China will be arrived at Inter nationals were strong and Rio tlntos were strong itaiurs were in good demand on expectation that the mines will start work ing again short 'y Three per cent rentes, 100r 7140 for the account. Exchange on Lon don. Mt lie for checks. Spanish 4s closed nt 71.80. ex-lnterist. MERLIN. Oct 5.- Internationals nnd Americans were stron on the bourse to day. Transvnuls were weak, owing to the uncertainty as to the railroads' future At the close prices wire weak on a de cline in Imljstrlals on Vienna advices. Exchange on London, 2Hm 4iji4pfg for checks. Discount rates: Short bills, 3, per cent; three mom lis' bills, 4 per cent. Iloaton & Me r , I). & Q Dominion Con I , do pM Federal Steel ... do pf 4 ntcliliuric pfd.... (STi. Elffma ... do pf.l IM. Rlee. Ill Mexican Central Mich. Telephone N K (. &c.. Old Colony Union 1'uclflc ... "Ex-dlvldend." 3S. 111 ;ii'. lb., 8c; No. 2 ve.il St. Irfitils (irnln und Provlalonn. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 5. WHEAT I'lrm; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 75Vic; track. "&GVto; October, 75c: December. 76&,fl76c; May. S0?;c: No. 2 hard, 72!ifi'73c. CORN Lower; No 2, canh. 3S'Ac; track, 40o; Octolx'r, 37c; December, 33na; vear, 33;c. OATS Lower; No. 2, cash, 23VJc; track, Sla24l4e; October. 23Vlc; December, 23'(f 231ic; May, 24H'&24c; No. 2 white, 2Sc. HYK-1'lrm at 55c. ! LOt R Steady, with Improved demand for both domestic and forelsn. SHEDS-Timothy steady at $3.7504.40. Flax, higher ut $1.S2. CORNMEAI, Steady at $2. 05if2.10. HRAN Oulet; sacked lots, east track, (M77Pc. HAY-Strong; timothy, $0.00313, 00; prol rlu, $7. 5010. 00. WHISKY Steady nt $127. I It' IN COTTONTIES-$1.30. . RAGGING JS lO'tfS.SS. HEMP TWINE-Dc. PROVIHIONS-Pork, higher; Jobbing, $11.50. Lard, lower; choice, $7.3214. Dry salt meats, unchanged. Hacon, uncnanced. METALS;rLead. quiet at $. 271404.5214. Spelter, dull at $1. POULTRY-Steady; chickens, 7o; young. 714c; turkeys, 7c; ducks. 614c; geese, Gc. EGGS Steady at J414c. BUTTEn Steady; creamery, 17iM3e; dulry. ir.'(il7c. RECEII'TS-Klour. 10,000 bbls.; wheat, H2.0O0 bu ; corn. 95,000 bu.; oats, 5,1.000 bu. SHIPMENTS -Flour. 13 000 hhla .vhnii 35,00i) bu. ; corn. 35,nno hu. ; oats, 12,000 bu. ' KlllisiiN Mty (irnln nnd Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 5.-WHEAT-De-cember. 70Hc; May, 7mnT74Ho; cash, No. 2 hard, ffflfiTCe; No. 3, 6614?j71o; No. 2 rod, 72t73c; No. 3. (VT114c. CORN December, 32'ic; May, 34e41e; cash. No. 2 mixed, 3714(rtfl3ci No. 2 whlto 39!t.c; No. 3, aPiJjfiW!, c. OATS-No 2 white. 23a25i4c. RYE-No. 2. 604C. nAY-Cholc timothy, $9,505-10.00; choice prairie. $S.0iVfi.25. HCTTER-Cieamery, ISftlOc; dairy, fancy, 17c i:GGS Weak; fresh Missouri and Kansas stock. 1414c doz., Iohs off. cases returned; tiew whltewood cases Included, He more. RECEIPTS Wheat. 2;.2,000 bu.; corn, 41, SOO bu.; oats. 12,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat, 248,000 bu.; 11,300 bu.; outs, 7,000 bu. Toledo MurUct. TOLEDO, Oct. 5,-WHEAT Dull, lower; spot uml October. SOc; November, sOftc; December, S2',ic CORN Dull.k firm; No. 2 ensh. 42c; Oc tober. 4lc; December, 35Uc. OATS Dull, unchanged; No. 2 cash, 3j; December. 21i.4c. RYE-Dull. llrm; No. 2 cosh. C4c. CLOVERS EE D Active higher: October, $7.40; December, $7.1714, No. 2, $5.5085.53. Ph I hide I (ill la Produce. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 6.-I1UTTER 14 lc lower; fancy western creamery, 21e; fancy western prints, 23c. EGGS -Klrm; fresh nearby and western, 20c, fresh southwestern, 19c; freah south ern, ISc. CHHESE-Steady; New York full creams, fancy small, He, fair to choice, lOHtniHo. Mliiiicupolla Wheat und Plonr. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 5 -WH EAT-Octo-ber, "Onc; December, 79Kc; May, 81Sf)(lV.o On track: No. 1 hard, S2i,o; No. 1 north ern, SlUc; No. 2 northern. 77it(379'4c. KLOl'R- Patents. $l.3.,ii 1.45: second pat ents. i.lfi4 2S; first clear, $3,1503.28; second clear. $2.1.Vri2.25. H11AN -In bulk, $12 000-12.15. Liverpool (irnln Mnrliet, LIVERPOOL. Oct. 8,-WHKAT-Qulet; (Tild lower; December, 6s 3Hd; Kobruary. 6s 4Ju CORN Quiet; (ff,d lower; November, 4s 2Jit); December, 4s 2d; January, 3s HUd. PROVISIONS Reef, oxtra mess, 70s; prime mc.s, steatly at Cos. Lard, prime western, steady. Diilntli .llnrlifl. DULUTH. Oct. 6. W II E A T No. 1 hard, cash, 7b4o; to arrive. 82ic; October. S2?ic; December. Sic; May, &1&,c; No. 1 northern, c.-uih. SOc; to arrive. SOe; OctolMr.W4C; December, Sic; May. S31c; No. 2 northern. i5c; No. 3 siirlng, 72c. (ATB-23vi24c. RYE (3c. Peorlii Market. I'JponiA. 111.. Oct. 6.-COriN-Stearty; No. Chlcatro cH.nRn,! , .i "l"rKH ' vork "products:- Coiton " rZl . - u, raw riiairrini N nut of proportion to quotations ruling I tho Bootls market. Refiners reduced sugar mSow 8tllndnrd Bfnlated. bu supplies Mnrliet Cnntliiiiev to Sliovr EfTecIs of AotHlly of the Hull Pnrty. NEW York, o(.t. v Tho stock market continued to show (he effects of profes- MOlin! ,ll,er:ltlA,ltt f. 1. ailf-innr, .,..... N"W points of strpngth developed under tho shifting operations of the bull party, nnd the sustaining Influence thus nfforded v. ,t taken adantuTi of to realize In stocks w ti.th have alrendv had their ndvnncn Distinction was thus made even In stocks of t he sanin group, as. for Instance, in the steel and Iron group, where National Steu! and I In Plate, which have had their nota ble uilvance., helel buck, while other mem bers of the group were tiushud forward h.eu Tennessee Coal, arter un opening JUmil Of 2 imlntu nliil..r 111., allmiilim i.t III.. short cottrlng, dragged behind the others, it wns p tiled up In sj mouthy with tho Kent raj Hue, but closed with 11 small net loss. I he buying of Stee! nml Wire was the most conspicuous and lifted stock at one time 2j4. Directors of the- company were iiiotee rm expressing tho belief that persons who sold nut last spring when the rnillcul cut was madn in prices of the 1 l'oii.irt aro trying to buy back their stock A number of the tecl stocks saved a net gain of over a point. In tho rallrond list there was tho s.une disposition manifest to take up tin. new stocks for the advance nml these were selected, for which tho bor wine demand Indicates that there has !";. n a lnrge short Interest. Raltlmore & otilo Northern Pailllc, Missouri Pacific Con. Cal. A V 12.1 nmi liiiriiiiKton are In this class. Thr" Ootild Currle ... 3i was conspicuous buying of Pennsylvania. Unl" 4 Noreross.... K 'too r.imors wero revived, such as were ' lwrni-'Uko &;oi neurit wnen the vast proportions of th years earnings first began to bo under stood of an Increase In tho tllvldoml rate-. Gossip on (he Stock exchnngo attributed the buying to (he same Interests which wero active in the previous movement. Some strength was shown by Sugar. Peo ple s Gas anil Brooklyn Transit, In all of which eleullngs wen- large, but tho tone was feverish nnd Irregular. Tho market closed rather heavv ami at substantial re actions from the best Th preliminary es timates of tho weekly cash changes were rather disappointing to those who havo figured on heavy offsets to tho forces to warel depletion of tho money supply. The subtrensury ri'turns for tho week have taken freim Mm banks Sl.(!23.tm0. so Ihnf ilm payment of government interest and bond llokdnt .Stuck ((iioditlem. IJOSTON, Oct. 6.-Call loans, 3'eJI per cent; tlmo loans, 4ifj per cent, ufllelai closing: A.. T. & ft. F tsi. Union Land lVi do pM it i;nd 'U Amer. Hugnr U7M, Westlnirti. Ulec (7 do pfd tlji, Aiehlnon In M Amer Teliph.me .lik Adventure 4U tiosion Albany.. !4li, iii,urz Mitt. Co.... W Union Metateil .14t, Am.tl. Colwr Kt. 1M , Atlnntle 21 llnsion it Mont 2S2 lluitr b Ilonton ... M CjI. A Hrcla 7J5 e'eiilennlal l'i Franklin H ...13ri r ttceola 67'4 .US 1 Parrot , 41' Mi ijulni-y 112 .V'W Siinta Pe ("opptr .. . 11H TamaJ-ack 234 . S, t'tah Mining 3I ti1, Wlnonit 7Ti ! Wolverines 40H ..mv York llnlnir .stocks. NEW YORK. Oct. 6.-TI10 following aro tho closing quotations for mining shares today: L.nll...- .. United ut.,. 1110 .week were 20S In M10 2t in r"n ni t aKal8t 131 hist year, and id In Canada, against 20 last year corn, white, 2314c, billed OATS-UIrm: No throuch. Ished 'ifoodsT0" ",0 baa,S f "37 for MIlMituUee (irnln VlurKet. MILWAUKEE, Oct. 5. WHEAT Firmer No. 1 northern, 81c; No. 2 northern 7HHS0c RYE-lllgher. No. 1. 651," ' 50y57cU'KVI'OWCr; N' MfiWc; a'nPl. Centre MtlrUfl. NEW YORK, Oct. 5 -COFrEE-Snot Illo nlt; No 7 Invoice, sc; roll I. nulot; c5K tlova. SUc Kutures openeel steady tit an ndyanco of 5 points on brisk local and httht foreign buying, prompted by Urmer European cables thtn expectetl and gener ally firm advices from crop centers K. '.""i8?'1 off 'at, In the resHton under profit taking nnd closed steady with rrlceti JSKI. ,.?,c?ua,Sg,BOc Zlfh llIUtDSTItKET'S UIOVIUW UP TIIAIMS. Genrrnl Tone f Trn.le Is Frr,lB nel Conlldenee Is Vol lord NEW YORK, Oct. S.-Rradstrect's tomor row will say: Despite somo Irregularity both ns tn .1.. mand nml prices due partly to warm ?alnv weather, but likewise a reflection of "a hesi of trf.L t',t.a' "T!,,H' ,llu Ki'lirul tone SWf V V? --.'jobillng & conM ,oi1Htr1iilt Iursrc, western centers, ml alike cherK'"??; XlXtUrr ln 11,0 "rthweH aline checks tho Tnovements of wheit market. Inj.ires the grade " f t,0 i r, discourages rotal' and jubhl ng "uSr I ut I. Ten-cent cotton Is the key tc T tho very tn n2ri'1 rctinnt w1"1,1' Cl""f's from the st.tiMt f.nl th. character of reports from this si --' " ls 'nnro nearly favorable than for many years pant nt this time. Tl e n(ii,. turo 1h perhups most mtrked In the Iron und steel trade, und hero also the most marked tendency toward wv- kness in he cruder forms of production Is noted T Industrial outlook has Leon Improved I "v the. signing of tho tin plate scale but Ihe anthrac Re coal situation Is. o 'the sur ''axt. rather more unfavorable than a. woek ugo, moro mines and miners belnt' Qn.nl, II.. """ul l,"0 "ll-aOliy 111111 II Sll llg. Specially good reportn come from the boo ?ed S,,?S am,1 "H'0'1 trudes. which are act &f;w th prl,c','8 tending upward nnd firm ?,p fM ,v'uk"'f"'u I" noted in the s "a r trade, owing to tho practica' break of Tl . nfnfln !VA"inln'?,?CHSOn nml reported intention of the refiners to reopen the war tUoAn';01"1 trt," I noted In pro Mslons and hog products, in which the m,?.". MnK.i",at'?.f.,,'al I'"s"lon Is receiving more attention The- strength of tho rail road situation Is reflected ln earnings fiillv Wr!tartnn,nHt,iyPnr a!"1 Somf "Calicos .nrger, nnd the announcement that rates aro to be advanced on November 1. Oc tober disbursements weTo the heaviest ever known am nro pu-tly r.'lleetod in current last June W ''' ar ,he lnrBeHt "Ukc i'JI3? ra." "'t'latlon Is the cynosure of eyej In tho Iron am! steel trade. A western road has bought 2.').0.) ions at Chicago und 11 large anthracite railroad has gone, Into the, market at the east, but the heavlem systems havo not yet e-ontrnctcd for their requirements, though announcements, art) awa.ted with Interest because of the ex amplo thoy set to buyi rs generally. Chi cago reports a sale of light rails to Italv. but also notes that much business Is held Imck pending election, pig iron ls 'Mk ?,V.Jl?0Ulld' t''ng lower ut the south ami at Pittsburg, and demand is 'argelv lor smnll lots. Export demand ls being favored hv liiVtCr t,ro,tn- A J"'P to the market for plnteR has ben afTordod by tho order for t,(K) steel cars given bv n trunk line. W heat. Including flour, shipments for the week aggregate 4.HW 167 1m . ....nlnnl a "ft . 810 last week, 5.1S3.39S In tho correspondln't WP?k.fA,I69' I" U9 4.8.15.IH i 1897 and l,or,o,772 bu. in 189t From July 1 to unto this season whent exports are 47 '"1 - K'uii urxmVmAU ",Ht -'" ""'J ow?o?n 0M'rts for Ihe week ngi;rcgato J'lS ii)lV. , "Pa'fft 2,150.171 last week. i,4S4.i.i.i in this week a yeur ugo. 3 501 7i'i In IRM. 2.P 9.510 In 1S97 ort.l 2.772 f90 In JKiV I' rom July 1 to date this neason corn ex ports are 44,311.6151 bu . against i,917.a0'i his! season und 39,i!39,94S in 1MS-9 r-J".ln,'ss ."ll,lrt'H in the Unlleil Statot for the week numbered 177. as against lt!9 "'' un '" week a ve r " go 0. nnudlan failures for the week number IS, as against 22 last week. 21 In this week aear ago, 2.1 in 1S93, 45 In 1897 and 37 In premiums and redemptions nnd the puy nient of gold at Pacific points have been offset by that tvvcess on account of regular government collections and deposits for transfer by teligraph to points in tho In terior. The lnnt llfirnoil vnt en,tul,lnl.lt. In excess of that of Insl week, and coupled with banlot" shipments by express shows the movement to the. Interior to be well maintained. The loss to tho banks ln cash is exiected to be nearly $,', rmo.oon. The larg. paytrent of gold by the sjbtrcasury on last I'l-ldny Is exiiected to ilj?ure partly In this week s statement, under the svstem of computation by dally averages. Rut even with this It will be seen that tho draft on tho surplus promises to bo about ns largo as last week until reserve requlro inents havo been further redilceel bv loan contraction, of which there haa been no ev'denee. Today's money market contin ued firm and sterling exchange reacted. WllllA ,llutiii)lu .. .. ..n..l ... r ,ni 1 . '. ennier III l,onUOU. Hie bond market continues Irregular on n small volume of dealings. Total sales, par value, $1,130,000. United States bonds, un changed In tho bid prices. Commercial Advertiser s London flnnnclal cablegram says: Tho markets here wero buoyant today on the government victories In tho elections, the professionals laying In stocks on the expoctatlon of a boom und tho bears also covering. Tho elections ure regarded ns the last obstacle to active markets. Americans were uctive through out, Lries leading. Silver closed at 29 18-lfid on speculative buying. Thero wus consid erable business In till options for March riii following nro the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: ' Atchison Mt Union 1'acTfioT do pfd 70V Jo ptj i.u 1 iimurc M uuio.. l't VYRtaaU lAiuiiiian I'acilio .. ij Cri-nadA So Cliea. & Ohio JSV Chollar Crown Point . Iron Silver Mlcin ... Ontario ... . 2.) Ophlr 11 1'lymtiuth Qulckf liver .... do pfd Sierra Nevada fit.-indard t'nlon Con Yellow Jacket . 0X1 .... 7S .... 12 ....HI ....CfO .... ) ...(00 .... 21 20 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Usual Friday'? Conditions Prevailed at tho Yards Today. HOG MARKET NOT QUITE ' 96 GOOD t.tioel Mirrp uml I.nmbs Scnrt'f, Imt Prlft. shot Little ( limine I'eeders Alio .Sold A bu nt Steuily. , BOUTH OMAHA, Oct. 6. timfLi" !roi ClUlc. Hoti. Sheep, HH'1 a! Alotnlny -.m u.u; tn. V"5'1"' 0.33 S.213 7,3A .in , r 'V'li'suuy ij,rtO s,.ui 3.9.U ?." ' " ' hiirsda b.Ais .l..i. 7.00; umciai Friday 1.217 6,191 7,SM IflVo days this week... ..Tuft 3L1R7 4),S52 teaine . nys last tvel. . 30 l"i 31 WJ 'J. ... :V,K colore... $,sm 4i.U " wKM ago 2,-i.M, ,31J 3,.,0J Hamo four weuks ago p.1,214 "j.i-oa j2.;5:. '." I'rtcc paut for im)s lor (In luU Jii.,"l",'"i 'iti cuuip.ii isutis: I lWD. IlkJS.ilMj.dWe.itiiii.lPjSs 14. S'rr S" 5 0,'l '1 3 o2 b7 2 70 I 5 tl u rr 1 ' ti; 1 N I r . rj 4 IS, 2C,P,V J!"GJ2.J:5l I 3 Wi J 1(,, 2 U I l 5 f bent. f. ii. 1 19. , n, 1 a,.' r. ., bept. 19.. 5 19 1 I 33 3 71 . 2 Si, 4 UJ J 4U gopt. 21 ,,5 13 4 31 3 71 4 Ul 2 M, M 0 33 Soot. 23 . 1 I i 11 1 7JI 1 Tit, ? V' 1 iOI bept. 24. I5H 2-5l I S 77, 3 Ml 2 Mi 3 Sol 5 ti gept. a.. 1 6 is 1 4 41, I J U, 2 0, A 5 4u Mi nt. I'ti ..1 . jr. 1 , 1 ?i ',i t kt :i. gept. 27 .,514 3-6 4 3(J 3 72 3 711 3!52 Hept. 2i..,c,lU 1-j 4 44, 3 01 3 Ml 2 S9, 4 H2 5 17 "l'i Alb 1-5 4 371 3 64 J Si s 91 Hcpt. 30 Oct. 1 Oct. 2. net. 3. Oct. 4. Oct. 6. 4 .llil ?. C7 :l Ml 2 95 3 M . 5 I3U : .1 .1 x.. 2 m 3 VS. 5 2i .1517 4-61 4 39 I 3 791 3 021 3 93 5 2,' .51b 4-5 4 42 3 W, , 2 79 J SK u 00 '619 3-5i 4 37, 3 f.4i 5 73, 13 2i 5 1616 2-5i 4 31 8 LI, 3 71 2 61 3 )5, 4 !ti London SlncU (lutitndiins. LONDON, OPt. 6.-4 p. m.-Closlns: tons., money . PS 9 16 Pennsylvania etS do aeouM . . 08 1-18 Reading Jl; Canadian J'aclrlP.. tm Krle 1st pfd 8S' f - rau I list, No. pacltlo pfd 37i Illinois Central Orand Tnmk CH Ixiulivllle l?Vi Anaconda Union Parma W4 Hand Mlnea 4JU .V. V. Ontral ... lliHl IJiicago O. W.. C, 11. U Q Chi. Ind. & L. do pfd cnieuKo & k. 111 . aiv. . fii . 91 e'hicKO & N. W....151V4 ..lira Ijln T1 ,. 34 . lift .llo .17S do pfd WIlMl. St I,, li,, do 2d pfd Wis. Central ... Third Avenuo .. Aikmi Kx Amrlcan III (-. 8. Kx. . 71 . 7 . W i . M, . 23 . 11 UOVi .113 .161 (S U'ella-I'arKO Bx....tjj C. U. I. & I I'. C. C. i SU I ( (ilnntdo tk) do 1st pfd do 2d ptd Del. ii lludaon . Del. It. 4 V Denver i It. a.. do pfd Krl do IX pfd (It Nor. pfd Hocking Cml ... llurklng Valley . llllnuU Cendal . Ion a Central ... do pfd Like i-le & W. do jifd Iilie Hhora I. N limliuttan I. Met. St. Ry Mexican Central Minn. St L. .. do pfd Mo 1'ai'lflo Mobil & Ohio .. M.. K. & T do pfd N. J. Centr.il ... N. Y. Central ... Norfolk it W ilo pfd No. P.tclllc do pfd Ontailo W Cr. Hy. i Nuv. do pfd Peninylvunla ... Heading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd ltlo (1. W Jo Pfd UJ 1 Pullman I i'.ir ! S(. it. & s. r loi.'tf. it. & t Amer. Cot. Oil ao prd Amer. MaJtln- ... do pfd Amer. S. & n do pfd '.' Amer. tjulHi. t-'l ao pfd t74 Amer. S. Hoop ... l-'k do pfd 84 ' Amer. H. St W 16J do pfd " 13 I Amer. Tin Plate '. --' do nfd .116'. Afiitr. lVihacco .. do pfd Anao. Mlnlnjr Oo. Hrooklyn It. T Colo. Purl it I... Con. 'iVbjcco .... do pfd Federal Steel .... do pfd ' Hen. lClrctrlo .... tllucoi.9 Suitur do pfd ; Inter. Paper do pfd !acletie Qan National lllscult do pfd National Iad ... do pfd National Jteel t pfd N. V. Air Ilrake. No. American Purine Coat do 1st pfd do 2.1 nfd l.'S Piu-lflo Mall 6fH People's Oas )H ITtusud S. Car.... 51Va do pfd... liVj ... S3 ... & ?i ... fl ,...20S ... V ...Wlii ... U'.t ... 6 ... tl ... ... 31 ... 0V ... ZHt ...ViV-, ...K ... SC. ... 75 ... ... C'i . .. Sui ... 4! ... 7(i ...ir', iirtAD!4Tiiniyrs ki.vaxciai, ur.viuw. Aniiniineoinent 'Hint StrlUe U Knillnu CiiHxrel It,. , Vnlue-i,. NKV YOIIK. Oct. 5.-nradstreefs Finan cial Review says: Hpecuhttlve sentiment nppenred to un dergo a change ihls weeli. Tho bear ih wtV a,,u ,It,''K ten.lency , which had been gen..rally displayo I for 1 ho P''lns fortnight. gavV placed ?n hlblt of renewed ci.nl deuce and rlsliur vnl. lies. The immediate cause of this mov. ment was the announcement "hat tho anthracite coal strllto would be ei led a id though a concession of an increase ,.f wages to the miners by the om,mnlr ,11,1 not result In the prompt colia K of ho strike or the reop.-nlng 'of the' niLnes 0 street seemed to accept the ,,.n that liliil. ? the circumstances the strlk.. woul, I. st Heports that a settlement had he, , rrlve d at were brought out several times lurin -tho week and ultwis pre.duced c.,nHd"r.ibk. effect In m rensihenlng the mark, ,t other factor In the same connect! on w is the pievalence among tlnanclal lntori.", ,7t .,, crcnrel npprehenslnn at.ut the outcome- of tho tiend ne e ect on . ... . .. IV1.1- '.ir ;V,11 "!!!'"''. I"'' wmild c a a rn !. I' 111 II Will Vnr T'""C" 4lS'rt 111 powe-fful' nnauclnl ' mayn(b,r"i iributed to this Inlluenco The p rblle h w. ever, cannot be laid to hnve a 1, tv , 'a Its position to follow such bullish lea, ers l ip o to indulge In any speculative buying "rhJ largo Increase In the current trans tctio . 4 at the Block exchange Irei on K " duo t,. professional activity nnd the col J ,1 that have be.-n nut out In anticipation of a break was largely responsible) fn t 10 Uulru advance n many rtocks. "rp Tho money market was decldeelly firmer L.a.li", Mnf curtnlled owing to 1 o uZVy withdrawals of funds to tho south rid west, though the bank statement of last do let pfd do 3d Pfd St. L Soutihw.. do pfd fit Paul d pfd St. I. & Omaha Fo. Pacific Sc. Hallway do pfd Teias & PaclMo CO.? .. 31 .. 12 .. 2) ..n:i sugar do MM Tenn. Coal & I.. P. H. leather ... do pfd lCliJi V. 8. Itubber Hi do pfd Z."it Ves(rrn Union ... IP, Itt-publlc I. it H... 1.3 , do pfd 10 I P. C. O. & St. L. Offered. -Kx-dlvldend. .. 33 .. t 4W .. a 37Vi .. i" .. 1U .. 17 .. 20H .. Ct .. 3ii . 7( .. 21 . 2 .. W4 ..129 . 4! . I.?, 3.',i ;'.,,s . 34 . c. .1 JC . Sui ii'.i . 19 . M . 70 . 32. .. 89 17(J .. SO .. sr.i . 91 ..122 .. 11!. .. M .. hi . U .. JO 14 .. t64 ,. (J , . 75 ..Ut .. un, .117 fH . l'H, .. r,s ,. 2Mi . 14 .. 7u, . 12 . . 1)1 Iluyors. Omaha Packing Co.. Co. "A'A S'l'VBn-Steady at 29iid per ounce. MONL--2i4 per rent; the rate of dis count In the open market for short bills Is STa per rent for the account; for throe months' bills, 3'il per cent I'Miimtctftl Notes, CHICAGO. Oct. 5,-Clearlnss. 122.84J.618; balances. 12.902,638. Poated exchange, 14.8214 8(4.4014. New York exehanca 6Rn illnnnut HI. LOUIS, Oct. 6.-Cleaxlngs. 17,971,051: O. H. Hammond Co balances, J.22.607. Monoy, stcttdy at 6Si7 1 Swift and Company. IT!" CJ uw iork exchange, Jl discount Cudahy Packing Co. CINCINNATI. Oct. 5.-Clearlngs, 12.375,200. New lork exchange, 30tf40c discount. Money, 3115(11 pit cent. S7',UaV.,nh6.6til.6-C,Carln,f,' ,147- iJiUAi1'T,M0UV;0ct- 6 Clearings, 13,370, 141; balances -Vjfi,373. ' ' ,J'ti,l.n'AI-).KI'1nlA' Oot- .-Clearings, 113, 392,bCK); balances. 11,829,721. Money, 3li per Indicates Sundnv. The olllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cuttlo. Hogs. Sh'p. C. M. i St. P. Hy... O. fc Bt. U K .y Missouri Pneillc Kv. L'nlon Pacific system 23 11 IS C. i: N. W. Ky IV, K. At M. V. H. 11 S. C. & P. Uy C, St. P., M. & O. Ity.... 11. & M. It. It. It C, 11. & . Hy K. C. & St. J C. It. I. & P. Ity., east.. C, It, 1. P. Uy., west.. Illlnolrt Central 1 6 11 1 1 1 1 It 1 15 1 14 25 13 3 1 97 Total receipts 46 97 20 Tho dlstiosltlon of the day's receipts tut as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. .mt VnrU Miincy Market. N'KW YOKK, Oct. f..-MON13V-On call, llrm at 21'UJ per cent; last loan, 2!s per cent; prime mercantllo paper, 6i534 per cent. STKHLINO HXCHANaK-Wenker, with actual business ln bunkers' bills at !4.X4 lof UL-munu anil at tt.bl'Wif 1. 81 for sixty days; postetl r.ttes, Jl.b2'a..82',a and ll.8tiit 4. &t.'-; cominercia! Iiills, jl.Soi(f4.Sl. HILVHlt Certillcales, (llyd.,i4c; bar, 04 'e, .Mexican dollars, SO'bC Id JNDS-(!vernuienis, steady; state, ln uttlve, iiiilroad, lrregjlnr. Tho closing prices on ponds today nro as follows; U. S. ref. 2s, reK..ID4 N. Y. Central la ...putt do coupon 104 N. J Central 5a....K' do 3s, le 109 I. No. Piielllu 3a ,r4 do coupon ivjV do U lojt. do new if, leg. ..134 N Y, C & St L 4..10j'i do coupon 131 N. & V. contol 4s. vith 1111 do old (a. reg ji44 Ore. Nav. do coupon 1H do 4s do 6s, re IIKj Oregon S. I. 6a do coupon 11 J V do contol Ca... D. of C. 3 C3 IM 1 Heading pen. 4s Alchlion gen. (a.... ltlo O. V. Is... do adj. 4 Ef St L & I M c. ts...o9 Cun.'idu So. 2a l';C'i St L & S P g. 6s. .1231, Ches. & O. 4!s.,., St. Paul conol do 6n Uf St. P., C. & P. la..li;'i V. I8...iwji) uo lis do S. P deb. r.s..l!'j 1P0. Pucllle 4s Chicago Ter. 4s SI Iso. Hallway Cs... Colorado So. (s tl ,K. h. it T 6s 1 & II. O. ls lOJli Tei. & Paclflo Is. do 4s do Is Krle general 4a fj .Union Paclflo 4s.. 1'. V I. C la.. Ti'j Wabash Is Hen. r.ttctrlo 5 .. 113 do 2 In. Central ls . ...no West Shore 4s.... L & N. unl. 4s ... ),', Wis. Central 4s.. M., K. & T. 2h 0.4Va. Celiturlf do 4s 91 I hen Issued. 102, 127, m, .US', . g: .11314 . 61 .I0P4 .113 . 1 . I I'eirelltu Pliiiini'lnl. LONDON, (let. 6.-Money Is temporarily plentlfj'. owing to the release nf illvldrnds and advices were obtulnable today at 21i '.'j p'r cent. Discounts were somewhat easier In view of the firmer Now York ex change. '1 he plethora of money, tho igh not expected tei last long, has glvon u miuncntiiry stlm.il.is to prices. The im piinenieiu Is partially attributed to the oxtruordlnary bulccss of tho government cnndldatcs nt the polls. Dullness, however, remains slack Tho movement of Ameri cans wns Irregular, however, which wus attributed to a disposition of New York opctatora to profit-taking. Spanish 4s Comintern of tlin Trrnnnry. WASHINGTON. Oct. 6-Todays state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, excluslvo of tho 1150.000.000 gold reserve) In the division of redumption. BoUlVSisftwn.jf Ca'Hh bala"Ce '13a,4n8,9.9, Cotton Mnrurt. NRW YORIv, Oct. 5-CCTTON-Tho situ citlort was somethliiB of a standoff in tho local cotton m.ttkci today, traders being nervous over the appronchlng government report and tho posslbM damage to the crop by .111 early frost. The market opened ste?ady, with prices up 3j7 points on light outside support, cttuted by stronger LIv t ponl advices, together with gloomy crop reports from several parts of the belt. Sentiment nppearcxl to bo radically bullish around the opening, but a later slump .it Liverpool, tho result of hedging against sput purchases in that market, Insteael of hero and ln New Orleans, started liquida tion mid aided tho bear Belling in the local pit, under which prices rattled down 10 points with a rush. Calmer thoughts onto more turned tho tide and by midday the market wns tolerably firm at 11 net rlsa of several points, with the public once more a fair purchaser of tho January post tion. Tho week's figures from the sou.h and nhroad were about in lino with pre conceived Ideas, nnd while they attracted attention, played nn Important part as an Inlluence. The private advices dcclar ! southern snot markets wero holding llrm on an unahntrel demand fmm 11, iu,n contingent and smaller offerings from tho iiueiiur. 111-uuceti crop estimates continued to sift ln from the lnter'or nml cell,. ,r spot cotton quietly loaded up with winter month futures. Nenr the close another ui'ciine occurred under a llurrv of liquida tion, started by selling for New Orlems account. At tht close the market was fteaely. with prices net unchanged to 7 i'luiua iinver. .11ua11ng upinnim, ioc. mid dling gulf, 11c; sales. 130 bales. Futures closed steady; October, 10 32c; November. 10c; December, 9 9Sc; .Innuary. 9.V7c; Febru ary, ;i.i,r; .inrrn. April and Jiav, 9 9ic .Line. i9c; July 9.87c; August. 9 75c. NF.W OHI.KANR. (let r.. -PnTTfiVin.. Let quiet: snles, 3,G30 bals; ordinary, Sc; good ordinary, 0Vc: low middling, 91s'1; middling, loijc; good ml'ldiing, 1014c; mid dling fair, lft,-; receipts, 19,138 bales; stock, iumsj oaies. i' inures, sieauv; uctousr, !i.8lVri!).Rc: N,n ember. H.fSii79.70c: Docember. 9.C5fi;i Me; Janunry. 9 tififij.CTc; February. 1,1'uy (c; .March, 9.iiKfn.,2c; April. Vill 9.72c; May. 9 72fr9 74c. ST. LOI'LS. Oct. B.-COTTON M.irket 1 1-lfic lower: middling, lO.t-lCc; sales, loj imies; receipts, two days, .,!, Dales; ship ments, i,i iu nnies; siock, h.mu nines. LIVUllPOOL. Oct. S.-COTTON-Spot lower; American midd'lni:. R 5-lfid. Tb (tales of tho dny were fi.OOO bales, of whlc'i im were feir speculation pud extort i("-l included B.leo American. Receipts wer f.m bales, including l.ono Ann rlc.in. I n (ures opened nnd closed unlet: October. 5Cl-f,ld, sellers; October-November. 5 (3-filff 6 1 1-041 it. sellers; November-December, 533-04 fif 37-04d, buvrs; Decembor-Jnnuary, 5 3.1-11 flfi .11-fild, sellers; January-February. BSO-fll ft 31-04,1. sellers, I'-obriinry-March. 5 2S-6IJ, ouyers; .Mitrcn-ytpru. osn-mu, ouyers; Ap.li May. 5 21-f.lfiri 2.1-04,1, sellers; May-.lune, 6 23-01,1, sellers; June-July, 5 21-G4'(Ai 2-641, nuyers; Juiy-Atigust, d iu-01,1. Xi'W Yeirlt Dry Cooels. NKW YORK. Oct. 6 -The trade in heavv brown cottons has been slow today, but prices are fairly maintained. Illenchod cot tons are firm. Denims are dlfllcult to buy nnd Ftlll tending upwnrd; other coarso col ored cottons nlso strong. Print cloths aro llrm but quiet. Prints nnd ginghams nro unchanged. Linens are stiffening under foreign advices. Kurlaps aro against buy ers. M.irket bare of supplies. 10 Xtui 1 70-1 1SS 1.366 298 C3-1 2.055 724 1S3 1,257 493 860 nt 116 IS 37 291 138 18 31 70 203 411 4.436 ,209 C.63I 0,811 Ciillforiiln Dried FrnlU. NKW YORK, Oct. 6. CALIFORNIA DRIBD FRI'ITS-Dull but sternly. Trad ing wns of a hand-to-mouth chnrarter, with the undertone no better than quiet at nominally unchanged prices. Statn common Ml'ic; prime, 44f6,c; choice, 51:fi6c; fancy, fii&Clic Prunes, .UstiTic per lb., us to slzo nml quality. Apricots, Royal, ll(614c; Moor Park. 15?j"16c. Ponchos, peeled, 14tJ18c; tin peeled, OfjPc. (Ill MarUrt, OIL CITY. Pa . Oct. B.-OILS Credit bal nnceH, $1.10; certtllcatcs, no bid: uhlpmejits, 113,292 bbls.; average.. 83.920 bbls.; runs. 114,327 bbls.; nvcrago, 104.4S9 bbls. LONDON, Oct. 5. -OILS-Llnseed, ,n0t, 50-e; turpontlno spirits, 2Ss Del; rosin, Ameri can, strained 6s lHd; lino, es. NKW YORK. Oct. 5. -OI US-Cottonseed, dull; yellow, 27if3714c. Tllll H MALTY MIRKET. INSTRl'MKNTS placed on record Kriasy, October 5, 1900: ' 7 Wiirrmity Dee-d. Mnrgarct and Jnmos Hoyle to R. D. Stone, lot i21, Windsor Placo 13,500 (J. N. Stono and wlfo to James Kwns- nlewskl. lot 12. block 1. ri'rtr.rnn H.'s mid M. II Howes and wife to R. J. Hlgley, lot 3, Howes' add Kmmn llnrtrt to J d Urnndt, sifiil fi'et or nli rcet lot 2. Lane's subellv 1 Portsmouth Suvlngs bank to K. M. Karle lot II, Fnlrmnunt Place 2 500 M. (' noe to Anna M. Ilazcn. nls lot 10, block 1, Pinlnvlew Armour Si Co. Swift, from country Hammond, from K. C. .. R. Decker & Degan Vansunt iMr Co J. L. Caroy I.obmatt & Co Ilenton & I'nderwood... Hamilton & Rothschild.. I). F. Hobbick A. H. Mawhlnney Lay to n Other buyers Totnls CATTLH After the liberal supply of cat tlo that has been on this market all tho week today's run of about 1,200 head seeemed rather small. About the usual Friday's conditions provalled, but at tho same time tho market was ln fairly good shape as compared with yesterday and the day be fore. About a dozen cars of cattlo wero offered today nnd packers took hold In fairly good shape. The bettor grades brought fully steady prices as compared with yesterday, but the half-fat and common stun wuk hIok sale, tho same as usual. Anything at all goexl wns sold In good season ut generally steady prices. -Ther were only a few cows on sale to day, but buyers seemed to hold back and the market wus rather dull. It was rather a matter of chance as to what nailers could get for their stuff, and as a result snm were, calling It strong, while others were calling 11 lower. That Is quite apt to be tho case the Inst end of tho week, but as & rule today the market could bo called about steady. The feeling on bulls today was rather weiiK. uui not mucn cnangs wns noticed ln the prices paid. The stocker and feeder tradu was aUo rather uneven this morning. There are very fenv really good cattle ln the yards, und ns a result tho better grades today moved quite freely at fully steady prices. The commonor grades, however, wem slow sale and anywhert from 20o to SOc lower than last Friday. The bettor grades are perhaps luc or Ijc lower than the close of last week Western beef cattle wera ucarco today and brought fully oteady prices. Cows were nona too active, but as a general thing tho' market did not show much change. Stock ers and feeders wera rather an uncertain quantity und tho poorer grades wore dull asd certainly no better than yesterday 'Ihe choicest grudes sold mora readily and in nii.un mnn wrin jjrriiupn a luiio stronger, 1 1. l'i K mil ill 1 rsiiir.-i. HREF BTRKRS. jvo. av. 1 r 1 900 m 8 814 3 SO B 1116 4 55 9 ( 4 ", 1 1620 4 80 1 IMS 4 : itts 4 ss 19 10) 4 IS s:o 1 31 1 St Ig 6 feed. I -C feeder 1 HOO. ,i, hogs .in 1 , that 1 ti. tnnrki 1 1)1111 tl dill i , here tn'ii. , remalnid n,. mosti it 1 1 nf, 1 feeder 9V .1 Si '(' .1 H5 & .e tiers.. !M , (It " .1 to 17 feeders.. 86 3 '.' 1 wns not eiillf ICO tars of . .'dii), but owing to the 1 11 1 t .uiie weak lo ir lower tho 1 ir with a decline if 1 .1 ,e of prices wim imt j 1 1 here- were better hi'g4 1..1. .esti'rday urul the ( , t 1.' OoihI light hugs soi.l us iiRUinsi .i..iirj-. -j 1 "i-- "d mlvcil hogs si.l.i HJ". ' v The iirentest decluo was oh the hei. . i , .. V. Kdi ..1 1.....L, (ii'iiis nt e; 1.1 In. 1 1 " 11 1.1 1 bro-.iKht i5..ii yi t, 1 airiy active thro 1.1 It was k little sti, about as good anu w.ls sold tit good SUIOSi No. Av. Sir. Pr. n i SI ... 1 e. SI 91 ... 1 i,j el 9i ... J t W f ... 3 to a' J ivt ... 4 m i 4 t4 ... 1 It', 49 M 31 100 ( 12 tw . m m vi j u j 1; t i..3 l'.U J l2Vj .333 .l 3. al.... f5.... it.... 74.... 4t ... it.... a.... ca.... 61 . . S3.... ti ... t. . .. 65.... 61 M4 110 1) 1 IV i S 12k 40 a i: 117 CO & 11,1 281 M I 212 IN 12H 347 40 S 1JH th.it would have. ihe market w.is md at one tlni' ihe cloe was i-.illy ever.vlhliig itvprosyntutlvo Av. Sh. Pr. 31 ... ( 11 '311 ... t IS ic; iso J 16 -i 7 so Sr. '. . t - ... 1 1.-. (1. - .iu 1 1.1 -t" 0 I j SS. 4. . li 1.. 40 1 , 4' I. , ft It ... IS 40 t 15 40 I Xi (4 ... li.... (-.... n. . . . it.... C4.... tl.... .... 45.... W.... tl.... .. U ...:7l ...17.. ...Ml . ...l ; ...Ji,'. ...m ...iXt to 1 I'1 a l: io 1 IS s is 40 t U ( IU. 78.... Ji. 2).., 3V... r.4... 6.. tl .. U... 31... 64... 44 .. 55... tc... f.7... S... 75... 6!... CT... ... IV.. tl... 49... 74 .. CO... 62... .211 ..an ..Mi ..im ..ill ..2K 130 s u il 41 5 li (9 t 1) M i It .. t 16 .. t ti H 6 16 .. S i ..277 SO ft It ..m o i it ..210 120 t 1 . .340 1 IS .39 II SI . .W9 40 6 li . It) 1W I II 246 ... 6 1J ..:i 40 s li . .2HI 120 5 IS ..274 ... 6 IS 1:0 t 15 ..216 1M S IS ..17 ... 5 15 ,.211 ISO S .181 ... SIS .312 ... 5 15 .:! ... S IS .30 ... ft IS .251 120 S IS .2.VS SO 6 11 322 40 S IS tl 6 6S Si 61 64 6) CI 61 89 tfl tl .... u It C4 6k 75 (4 11. ..Sti ..311 . .931 ..III U 214 ty . 1 ton 1 :.J . . xi ... ..tM 4'i 1 . tit :w 1 --171 . . 6 .; ..Sit 44 Si. ..161 ... s ; ..Jwi 40 t ' ..115 4 Si. . 27 130 St. . .21 50 1; ..til l'i i I ..29 ISO 6 JSC O S I. (VI. ts... 7T... !!" I 1 . . . M... TO .. HI .. ... M. 57. ...3SS ) t 1. , 40 S ... ti ... t f i 20 ....721 50 t 20 ....Stt HO t 2 ....21J 1M S ?) 40 S2I ....2(7 fO S 2U ....26 120 6 2 ...M0 120 5 J ....W0 ... 5 20 ....111 160 f. ..1(2 ... 6 26 HHK1!P There u-n n fnlr run nf Hlieen hero for (ho lust end of the week, but th.) same as has heevii the case of late, the bu it of the reccln(H were inmln tin nf feeder There were a few bunches of good sheep ,.11 salo and they mot with ready sale to pa. k ers at Jjst about steady prices with sester tius. Mlilbs weiro also without material change, the offerings today changing hands ut steady to atroug prices The demand for teediTs still continues heavy and fully equal to tho supply Prices have held practically stead) all thu week. (Quotations: Choice we'.ttern grass wet'i ers, J3.6.(i3.W; choice grass yearlings. !S 10 il3 SO; choice eiwes, S3.-)'3.50, fair tn g d eyes, J.I.OOftS.S.i; cull ewes, $.2.rMt3 00: ch.n o spring lambs, $4 Oti(4.S0; full to good sprl lambs. J4 MrJil.ik); feeder wethers. IXwiJ 0 ., feeder lambs, S-l. 004.40. ReprosentailN a saies; No 100 Nebraska cull lambs 1 Wyoming buck 2 Wyoming cull ewes... 5 Wyoming cull ewes.... 745 l.'tah lei'der ewes 10 Wyoming ewess 4 Wyoming ewes 15 Utah feeder ewes 203 western sheep C74 western lambs Av. .. 16 .. no .. S) .. ss .. Oil .. S3 .. SO .. 5S .. 103 .. CO Pr SI 75 2 00 2 en 2 1". 3 VI 3 mi 3 M 3 J.'. I ;'. CHICAGO I.IVIJ STOCK MAIIKIVP. 1... 1... IS... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 2... 8... C... 1... 5... 6... 1... 1... 5... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1. No. Av. Pt. 103 UM 6 00 1 1020 C 00 100 lOQi 6 0S 74 H2 : 03 1 ilea s os 1 mo s 40 (S 1163 I 4) ws. 2 IOOO 2 40 4 1007 2 SO 1011 ? n 2 W0 2 Hi V74 3 W S7.1 3 00 s im r 3 or, It 77 3 01 3 1700 3 10 1173 3 10 3 1263 3 10 1 ir.0 3 15 PKJ) 3 3S 1 1SC0 3 'SI 23 Ks: 3 !0 7M 1 0 10O; 1 To 770 2 m) 7S0 2 0.1 720 2 10 100 2 2J 1M0 2 7) SJ3 2 CO 1042 2 Ol 1111 2 10 11 TO !.'. kW 2 U M 2 T5 1240 2 75 11W 2 SO IlKIFRHft. COWS AND HISIFRRS. 730 3 50 6T0 K.I 6 DM j J5 6R0 2 HO HULLS. 1400 2 10 2.. 1820 2 60 1.. .KM 1 60 1.. 1 1000 2 M . t CALVRS. ..loss 3 10 ..1410 3 00 ..UM i Q) ..1440 3 . 21.... 1.... IS.. ... M5 6 21 c 6T0 3 00 STAGS. 1 . .. .lttY) 1 U STOCK COWS AND HRIFRRS 44) 1 SO 4 67 3 j 420 2 50 1 1140 3 20 M0 2 0 1 tOO 3 10 080 2 5 1 5-,o 3 n 1130 2 S 1 tso 3 15 930 3 00 STOCK CALVRS. 31i Hi STOCK RRS AND FEKDRI1S. 1 7(5 t 55 27 19 3 I. 2 JTO 3 M 1 . . . 9S0 3 SS 4 7S2 .3 16 1 s) j f 6 811 3 25 1 90 3 (0 2 C40 3 2i 61 "36 3 6) 1 9X) 3 75 2 TM 3 i)5 t 9.'.0 3 '.5 1 730 3 65 2 711 3 45 NRHRASKA. 1C0 feeders. 9S5 J.I SO 41 heifers... 5T.fi 3 15 1 slac 1260 3 25 1 heifer.... M 3 15 1 steer.)... i10 2 2 steers. . ..1025 3 V) 1 steer 10 a 0 24 feeders. .IMS 3 '0 1 bull 1470 2 m 38 feeders . (110 4 W 1 feeder... I03U a 23 3 tot ders .li0 :; im 1 sleer .... 0V) 3 51 fi fe.ldlT.4.. V0 : I) 2 feeders. . Wi 3 5i 250 750 JO (lull Clnlin Deeels, (!. F. Ollmore, trustoe, to Carrie J. Flack, f'n lots IS to 20, block I, Hllleke's .nld John Wood .in 1 wife to 1! W. Curtis, lot 12. W. A Re dick's add Heeds, Sheriff to John Woodford, lot 12. W A Redick's add 1.70 Total amount of transfer V7.4S3 1 heifer.... 540 1 heifer.... 720 3 15 4!) freelers.. 6S1 3 25 1 bull 1240 3 no 1 steer 1240 3 50 1 steer.. .. K50 3 00 1 steer 1420 3 50 1 feeder... tM 3 50 12 feeders.. S7S 3 20 2 feeders, bpi .1 1 feeder... (17) 3 25 1 eulf 2AJ I (0 6 steers... .143) 3 50 fl f.ei1nrl. . 053 3 5.1 t WJW 1 1. 12 feeders.. IOOO 3 25 1 feeder... 1(X) 3 23 . ir."fi i, . i r I ., ten ., -- 1 ieiier. . . i"i t- i" J':i . . . ,., 1 feeder. . 1010 2 75 1 feeder. .. !'I0 2 75 l feeder... H0I .'S 10 3 feeders. . ') 3 20 25 feeders.. 01S 3 40 WYOMING. 3 feeders.. 003 3 2u 2 feeders.. 925 3 25 D- Rasen Neb. C2 feeelers. .1W1 .'ISO 10 feeders. . 930 3 80 3 feeders.. WO 3 25 J. Talbot Neb. 14 feeders.. 937 3 65 a. A. .Merrill-Mont. 1 steer 1010 3 85 1 cow C10 2 50 1 Steer HO 3 00 2 cows HtiO 2 00 1 Steer 770 3 () Jensen Hros. Nob. 8 feeders .1003 3 10 otto Frank .Mont 1 steer 1720 2 20 3 rows 91 2 '0 14 cows. . '150 2 M 1 Mtac tijl) 2 10 35 cows 1051 3 40 35 cows . .10.8 3(0 5i heifers... t&'t 3 2.. 1 calf . i.vo 2 00 1!, V Howies Colo 20 cows 855 2 85 5ei feeders 37 3 d Ccows,. 1000 2 S5 7 feeders . M7 2 H Cnttlr (Jeneriilly Sleuilj lleius l.imi'r She'i'p ii ml l.niulis Slim, CHICAOO. Oct. fi - CATTLH Keci'lpts. 2.0O) head; generally ileidy; iiallses, b-st on sale, totluy, tw. iMrlo.nts at 5(); go 1 (o prime stceTs, s.i.4..(,).i.!i'); poor to mcellu u, Jl.fjO'Ut'.W; selecd'el feeders, slow, ut S3 7j li4.eii; mixed stoekers, weak, at $2 fsit'3 ITS; cows. I2C5ii l.D5; helfors, IIhOIi'LCkS; cam ors 10c lower, at $2 PO'tiZ.SO. bolls, slow. u( tl 51) iHZt, calves, stoutly, at Sl.OOufieO: Te ,,is led steers, Sl.lv&I.eS; Texas grass steerq, S3 3O.ii4.00; Texas bulls, S2M13.25. HOOS-Receipts, 25.')') head; estimate,! tomorrow. 18,(.i head; loft over, .1 tw heuP average! a i ha.le ,i ver; top, S5.fi0; mlxeil and butchers, S5 UOiiG.fiO; gonel to chop n heavy. S5.0onfi.47t; rough heavy, $4.S5lf 4 "; light, JS.ti 5 ITij. bulk of sales, S5.ir.Vj6 " SHKKP A N 1 ) LAM II 5 Receipts. ti.O) head, sheep ami lambs, slow; good t. cholco weth.-rs. 3t0'p3.95; fair to ch-'co mixed, S3.4(.5i3 -.0; western slice p. S3.S5J.( ' 5; Texas sheep, $2 MVi.1.40; native lambs, II 2j (fr5.10; western lambs, J4.fm5 1. ICniisiiM City Live- Slewk. KANSAS CITV. Oct 6 - CATTLH Re ceipts, 2 600 nntlvcs. 501) Texuns and 2UJ calves; light supply of bi'ef cattle, that sold fairly active at stetdy prices; good feeders steady, common slow; native sfTte, 14.fi5Wi 45; stoclters and r'Cders. Hir.al,25; butcher cows and heifers, t3.(WT4 75: din ners, $2..VKi1 0); fed wosterns, 3.75d?.5.rO; Texans. J3t'u3 35; calves, J 1.0055.50. HOC.S- Reculpls. 10.WS) head: trade slw; prices steady tn 5c lower; heavy, J5 3iVI(5 "5; mixed. 15 205.10.30. light. S5.(ftj5 30; pigs, JI.50 (ti 15.0,1. SHRKP AND LAMIJS Receipts, 1,3 JO head; killing grades steiuly, feeders stn.il to shaile lower: killing Iambs, $4.3f(.fO; muttons, S3.fi04j 1 00; stoekers and feederi, S3.20iM W; culls, S2.50fi3.25 Xrw Yeirli l.lvr Steie-k, NKW YORK, Oct. S.-HBBVRS-Itecelpts, 3,448 head; steers nnd cows, steady; bulls, weak to shaile lower; natlvo steers, Jt.25'o; 5.70; oxe-n and stagw, J3.50if4.60; bulls, J2 25 ((3.25; cows, SI 4011 4.tt); cubles weuk; ship ments, none. CALVHS-Rccelpts. IfiO head; veals, dull: grassers, steady to shaile higher; veals, $1.00 SiS.on; grussers. J2.255j3.iji); mlxed calves, J3.oy 4.00. SIIRRP AND LAMPS - Receipts, 4.C21 he:ud; stendy to 10c higher; ttlieop, J2.5011 4.121--; Iambs. J1.7555.CO; Canada lambs, 3.() &ri.rio. IIOC.S-Recclpts. 2.090 hcael; fe-edlng, trillo llrm; no sales reported. SI. .loxi'iili l.tvn Stock. SOUTH ST. JOSRPII. Oct. 5.-(Spcclal.) The Journal ejuotew: CATTLH-Receipts, 1.500 head; market olow and steady; nothing cholco offeieil; natives, $1,255-5.25; Texas and westerns, J3.25fi5.25; cows and holfers, J2.255T100; bulls (ind stags, $2,255; 1.75; yeurllngs and calves, S3. 2551 1.. Ti; Blockers and finders. S3.00Jl.h): seals, $(.50Wf,.m. HOOS - Receipts, 1.900 head; market mostly Bo Iowit; all grades, J5.I55W.32H; bulk eif sale. $5.2056.27Vj. SHRRP AND LAM IIS - Receipts, 1,700 head; marki't nctho and steady; lambs, Jl. I05(l.85; slUHip, J3.605I.0O. SI. 1, mils Live Stock. ST. IH'IS, Oct 5 --CATTLR necclpt-e, 2,2 head; market steailv: native shipping nn, I nvnort sleers. J(.iWi.7: dre'sseil be". nnd butcher it. e i s, Jl ifJ-r. 30; steers under l.Ooi) lbs.. $;)5U5'5 0.; sdickert anil fcodrrs, J25'it75. cows and h"lfers, SC 251 1 1.70; ciin ners. $1 505(2 75; bill's, J2 'jii'ei J.50; Te-xas ind Ind an steers, HWfll i, e'uws anil Im frrs. f2 251(3 SO. , limit itecuptH. ;).iii neau; margei o.isy to sternly; pigs arm lights, 3 l&tiOJO; pack ers, v vfiu-i'i. nuirners, .;i'X((n. IS. SHI5I7P ArVD LA.MHH Itect'lpln, 7Mhn.HI ; market steiuly; native muttons tt.fvuii '.r.- lambs, J4.00'''G.23; culls und bucks, J2.25fi3.25; stoekers, J2.005i3.30. Stete'k In MkI.I. Fol'owlnir aro the recoints nl Mm four principal western markets for October 5. Cattle. Knirs Sheen. South Omaha 1,217 d.49! 7. 71 Chicago 2,00 25,0ii0 0'fr Kansns Cltjr 3,0i 10.0 0 4,3' St. Louis 2.200 9.000 7) Totals LONDON, .. 0.417 50,131 18.S71 Siirjur Mark el. Oct. 5 SI 'OA R Raw, Mus covado, lis 3d; heet suirar October, lis. NRW YORK, Oft 5- SI OAK Kuw, eaiyj ruir lo lino, 4ic, cenlrirugal, test, 4ic; molasses sugar. 4c, rellned. easy JAiViES E- BOYD & CO., i'cicphoiic 103!). Omnli.i, Nat COMMISSION, (JKAIN, 1'KOVISIONtiuiid HTOCICS IIOAIID OF THAIlli. Corretpor.dcnce, John A Wurran & Co uirct wiroi tu Chicago and Nw Vor H.RPB1NEY&C0. R0OM4MY' LlrC BLDQ. OMAHA fits. BnvMCH 1036 Hlit unicLfi fiitt