10 THE Oar AH A DATLV BEE: THURSDAY, OOTOBTCTC 4, 1000. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat to Irregular, but Closes Strong and Highor. CORN IS MODERATELY ACTIVE AND FIRM Onts Continued In Thrlr Conmr of Doing; VulliliiK Worthy nf Special Mention Price In Provision Mnrkrt Are (.lour. CHICAGO, Oct. 3.-Whcnt was Irregular, but closed strong; November, lic higher; corn closed unchanged and oats ; provisions closed 7"4jT(10e to 27',4jC higher. Wheal was Inconstant and llckle us ti Hummer breeze, wonk und strong by Ms and starts. Till near the end of the session trading wafl largely of a local charncter. with scalpers on tho verge of nervous pros triitlon from Irving to keep on the right sldo of shifting sentiment. Liverpool did not relit ct the d-Mltm hero yesterday nnd the northwest still had bail weather. With theso to start with, November was Vl'ic higher ut 77 V"7"V . on lark of outside ip j,ort the market dropped to 70V- Mer pool showed greater firmness latrr,L,n! shorts t..nk bick earlier stuff, causing a rallv tr 77He The market was not tiijc enough tn stand the prollt-tnklng which met this bulge and ngnln weakness ap peared November dropping to At this r"i" strong talk of cash buslines from tho northwest, buying by Interests oi that sertir.i) In this market and Indications that shipping business here wo llil soon pick up rami d a sharp rally near the end .Novem ber Jumped rapidly to 77V and closed strong, Wiie over ycsterdn, at iiWiituf New York reported iwcntv-ftght loads taker for export Clearances in wheat and fl-sir were eiiual to wi.oi lniheq and local cash rules footed up t" 'Joo.ooo bushels. Pri mary receipts aggregated l,07R,i bushels, crmpared with 1.371 IiinIioIs. Minneap olis and Dtiluth r. ported 127 cars. against Sla last week and 926 a ear ago. A Dtiluth authority declared present receipts to be tho probable maximum of tho movement of this crop In the northwest. Local receipts were 163 ears, four of contract grade. Corn was moderately active and llrm. The opening was a shade caller, because of an Improvement In the weather west, giving promise of a large movement before the end of the month; country acceptances to last nlgh's bids, however, were very llsht nnd from this the market derived consid erable of Its firmness. The seaboard re ported an excellent demand for cash, but tho demand was not apparent here unless It wns done outside the usual channels The market scored a Rood advance on buving by shorts, but lost It on prollt-tnklng. No vember sold at between 37 V anil 3Se and losed unchanged at 37140 . UecelptH were ail curs Oats continued In their course of doing nothing worthy of special mention, but In n small and moderate way followed the fluctuations of wheat. November sold at between 22lit22'se mid elohetl Ho higher at 221m- Iteeelpts Were 133 cars. Tho small stocks and buluR by packers, both of which created a scarcity among shirts, gave a strong provision market. January pork sold at between 111.77 and $12 06 and closed 27Hc over yesterday at 112 (C'i, January lard at between J6.9) anil J7o:i. closing "MliWc higher at $7.07'4. and January ribs at between J0 32S and $6.12',, with the close 12Hc better at $6.42',4. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat. 310 curs, corn, 630 cars; oats, 330 cars; hogs, 32.un0 head. Tho leading futures ranged as follows: Articles Open. I IIIgh. Low. Clote.l Yes'y Wheat Oct Nov. Dec Corn Oct Nov Dec "Oats Oct Nov. Dec. 3'ork Oct. Nov. Jan. l.a nl Oct. Nov. Jan. Jtlbs Oct. Nov. Jan. Vn 1 "6 77 7GVJ 77 76iri. 77i(, 77'4 76'77Ti 77't, 7S'tcrsU ISWlSW 77',, 7SV4 77W4 40 40- I 30ti 40N, SD'i .37MJ Vi 3.S ' 37 37'4 37H 3l?".l.i 35U 33 3IT, 22 I 22Vi 22 22UWH 22 22'JI 22 22H 22H22tafH 22- 23 22 22'n, 22,S"1 13 00 13 2.-, 13 00 13 IS 13 80 11 CO 11 70 11 M 11 70 11 40 11 77H 12 03 11 7" 14 12 02V4 11 75 7 20 7 40 7 20 7 40 7 20 7 27',4 7 42'4 7 274 7 42'.4 7 22'A CM 7 10 6 90 7 10 CM 8 26 8 25 S 20 8 22!4 8 20 7 50 7 50 7 40 7 50 7 42H 6 S2H 0 424 H 324 6 42V4 G 30 Cash quotations wore as follows: FLOl'R -Firm; winter patents. J1.00ffi.io utralghts, J3.2ifi3.S0; clears, J3.20,ft3.60; spring ppecials, J4.70: patents, J3.60fli.i0; straights lJ.tOHi3.SO, bakers. J2.3oVr2.SO. 1,1 WHEAT No. 3. 72,77Hc; No. 2 red, COHN-No. 2, 40c; No. 2 yellow, HlU'Ef .OA;rslM- .SWIiac; No. 3 white, 26'ic; No 3 white. S!'siri25'c. RYE No. 2. 61tc. " ltARI.EY-Oooil feeding, M'ic; fair to hole malting, GOftCSc. SEEDS No. I flax. J1.66V. No. 1 north western, 11.55; prime timothy, H.25(ff4.3S I'HoVIBIONB-Mess pork, per bill., 113.20 Lard, per KW IDs., K.sf'.ifTT. 10. Short ribs sides (loose), IS 1(M;S.). Dry salted shoulders (boxed), lG.2;flC.G.37&; short clear fides iboxed). JS.OMS.70. o.,j.l?Y",,!lHN of h,Fh wines, 11.27. Bl OAH-Cut loaf, JC.iiO, granulated, 15.10; c-onfectloners A. Ifi; off A, 15.W. Kollowlng are the receipts and shipments of the principal grains: Articles Receipts I.,,)ls .W"! heat, bu 40ti,OltO Corn, bu r,"5 ono Onl". ' iiusltrtj ?;''. IU; : S.000 Jlarley. bu m m Hhlpm'tH. 21,000 2GI,iiXI 91.001) lOI.WX) 2.001) :3,ooo On tho l'l'Dllllee ,. v.. i, .,.,,. ',.! ".'!.. tor market was llrm; cfeameHes, lif Mr dairies Uwlse rh. w, i,.;y, pi.,, 'a".1 Hggs. llrm; fresh, Ific MJW VOHK (Jn.NTllTvi. MAItKirr. (liiotatlons of llir liny on urloiiK 'oiiiiniiill(l,-H. tfiS) yHK ct- 3 I'l.OITIt-Hecelpts ro.119 bbls ; i.xports. 9.337 hbls.: bales, f fcw Pkgs Market having alrea. y s, ppl'e, their wnnta 1V..1.1 ..tj . ' iinil tho market was featureless, ex, e it for Its steadiness; winter straights, ll..V,V,f 3 05 Minnesota patents. $4 .mi4.i;i)- .!..,. Patents. J3.70HROO; winter extras. 2.70(ii3 (rr Jtlnnesota bakers. 12.5fi:i.;i5; winter low rades. 2 VMi'lfA. Iliieltwlie.,1 a,,,, t, J C3 40 Hyi- llimr, firm: sales, 4 bbls'.; fiiiV Jo Rood. 13.10iT3.30; cholco to fancy, $3.35 I3.U5 111 CKWHKAT-Qulot at GOISc, Isrw York c 1. f -iT. If,iNM1;,.A,';1 lr.",: yllnw western. c,!f(..;lu': "'andywlne. $2.43i(2.C. JUL Mrm, No. 2 western, file, f. o. b.. IIAHLl-atroijRir; feeling. 43(f(i;e, c 1 Xiilo "laltlng. G4tiC2e, c. 1. f.. Huf- iMt'.'v1;.)' MA''.T Hull; western. G2fiC.!c. .Jr" '',A1",l'l','1i'f,'! 2:,8 !1-5 : export . 11,990 bu ; sales, 1,30T,, p,,. fulur,Wi bu snot. Hoot, llrm; No. r ' i c f o b.. artoiit ; N.1..2 red, Sue ,, , ovitor- V ' J northern. Duluth. S7i?e. " o b niloii No 1 hnni. imiutli. ooe. r V," Viio'it" Options were Irregular; opening llnne" ,ni covering, they experienced n harn ieibjek' uuder iVlsappolntlug cabl,.,.' unl. ' dh, mall uutsfde support; net responding t light receipts and a got eash demand If I-ouls. supplemented by rain pre dictions for the northwest ,,, llunl Ing for both iiccounts, they turned stroii,r nnd cloFcd very llrm at Ml 4c net auvanci sales Included No. 2 red. March S'McGV. closing at KHc; .May, WiliMi 3-lCc, ei,ln,; at W!ie. October closed vt t0'c: Deeeni her. S2 7-lflf(S3 7-16o. closing at 'tL,'m COUN--Hecolnts, !!. bu. : exports. ),. tl bu. . sales, I80,() bu. futures, 2(i0,iOO bu rjiot Hpot, llrm: No. 2, l9o In elevator and 4!W!)4e. f. o. b.. afloat. Optloim wcr etierally firm all day on active covering of early deliveries, bad crop new3 from the corn belt, a liberal cash demand weU und higher cables, closed hrm and Vn"iva advance. May, 41Mf414c. closing at 414"; October 4G'44fic. closing at 4UV; Decem ber. 4JMJ42 D-lfio. closing at 42Uc. OATB Hccelpts. 1G,'(W bu ; exports, 17,513 bu . sales, 25OOH0 bu spot Spot market nrm. No 2. 254'J2:c; No. 3 2f,o; No 2 'white. 27v1274c, No. 3 white. 2,c: track, mixed western. 2'72'i'iC, track, white west- ern and state. 2Bt'.ifi3li!. Options Inactive uiu lutMiuiT, wun corn. VV.V.D Bteadi ; spring bran. HG.Mfil7.00: mlddllliKS. 117 004(19.50; winter bran, l.SOji" 19.00 HAY-gulei. shipping, 75S774c; good to choice h244i924e. HOI'S -Quirt: state, common to cholco. 1S93 crop, liilSc. old olds, 2-ffuc: I'acltlc coast, 1S99 crop. 104i'13e; old old 35c. HIDr.S-FIrm; Galveston, W1T25 lbs.. 18o: California. 21 to 25 Urn.. lS4c; Texas dry. 21 to 30 lbs , ISUo. LK.VTHHH - Klrm; Hemlock sole, Ilucnos Ayre, light to half wilght. 21423'sc; acid, EOltSc WOOI-Quiet; domestic fleece, Stf2Se; Texas. ISfiltic. lMtOVLSIONS-llepf, steady; family. IIOTO 11.00. mess. 19.004i9.50. Heef ham, 2l.OV( 21.00, pucket. lloiX(l50; city extra IndU mess. HG.0iMn7O0 Cut meats, 'tealy, pickled bellies, 91(llc, pickled shouldcri, C'.ia Hams, Otflo'tc, 1-ird, llrm; western steamrd $1 M, October tl- sed at 17 124, lit.i 'i. rrm, i "iitlnrtit. $i l,i, South America, tk , , 'impound 16.1111137', I'ork, stronz, family, lit! OofilS Ut, short clear. tl4.0i'rfl6.7ii mess. ll,(.iV1JII.60 TA LLOW Hteady ; city (12 per pkir), 4?i fttr, country (pkgs. freej, 4-4ff64c. HICI2 Firm; domestic to extra, 4fj64c; Japan, IHtlf'c M'JLASSKrf- Klrm; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, 431(63e HI "rTIJH Hccelpts, G,31l pkgs.; creamery, 17f22c; Juno creamery, lSp21c; factory, 14 ttfGc. i HKKSH-ltecelpts, 4.233 pkgs.i market steady, large, white. 114c; small, white, 11 ,'Mlv. large, colored, ll'c; smal!, colored, 114c. KdfIS Hecelpts, 7,545 pkgs.; firm; west ern regular packing, at mark, 1241(18c; western, loss ofT. 2i'c M13TALS Tho total exportation of pU Iron from the Crdte,i states during tho llrst eight months of 1WW amounted to 120, 775 tons, aifalnst 177, tin for tho same period a year ago. This leature had little or no effect upon the sen tUiu rit on the local mir ket for pig Iron warrant i. that market closlne di, II at 19 Cdfi '(i,i). L ike copper was a simile steadier on favorable advices fr.im abroad and . sed steady at JIG.G24'iIl7 0), Tin was ipilet but stead.- on spot, but lower and very weak for futures. London adlecs showed a gain of 12s Gl for spot, which help, d to raise the price here on Spot to 12!' i,." LKi G'i'j. Lead was dull Pt 11374 and spelter, while lower tn tone, was not iuot.ihl lo. ir on the basis of 11 I'ffM 15. The lookers' price foi bad was II w) and for coppr. IP, 574 OMAHA VII(ll.i:sAI,i; MAHICUTM. Condition ttf Trade anil lluotnittons on Stnple nnd l-'iinc)- Produce. K(!Ori Hccelpts, light; Rood stoclt, firm at lGc LIVi: I'Ot'LTHY IlenH, 7c; roosters. 2(ff 4c; spring chickens. So; ducks. 4i(5c; geese, CU5c, ti.rkejs, Sc. I'HKHII DHL.-5HKD I'Ol'LTHY Hens, Rifi 9c; roosters, f.liGc; ducks and geese, 9jl0c; broilers, per lb . 124c; turkeys, 124c C.AMi: -I'ralrle chickens, per doz., 13.00 H4.50; mallard duckf ner doz., 13.00; teal, 11 5W.73; mixed, $l.S0rl.75; jacksnlpe, 11.25 til. to. Hl'TTKIt Common to fair, 124c; choice, lriilfic; separator, 21c; gathured creamery, l'yu2uc. I'HKSH OYHTHHS - First grade, solid packed. New York counts, pur can, 40o; extra selects, .-".c: statiil.irds, 27c. Second grade, slack Illled. New York counts, per can, 30c, extra selects. 21c; .standards, 20c. l'lOLONS-Llve. per dozen, 90c. VHALf- "holce. ftifjlOe. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Cholco upland, 19; No 1 upland. is5n, medium, 18; coarse. 17. Hve straw, 15 50 These prices aro for hay of good color and iiuallty. Demand fair and rlceB strong. Hccelpts, IS cars. VKCIKTAULKS. crcr.MIHJHH-I'er ao2en. 20ff25c. NKW 'I rilNIl'S 1-er uusliol basket, 60c NHW HKKTS Per bushel. G0((f76c. NKW CAHHOTS-I'er dozen bunches, 25c. LLTTl'CK- Per dozen. lUfiloc. HADIflHKS Home grown, per dozen, 15c. HKANfl Wax, per half bushel basket, 40c; string, 35e. l'U TATOKS Per bunhel. 40(350o; sweot potattKS, per bushel. 75i9'ic. CAItHAOU Homo grown, per pound, 14c; Hollnml trd, t CAfLII'LOWKH-Per dozen, 11. TOMATOKS Homo grown, per half bushel backet, 50c. ONIONS -Home grown, per bushel, COQGOc. CKLIiHY-NebniBkn, 30040c. FHU ITS. PEACH K8-California freestones, SOjj-OOc; clings, 7uc; Ctah freestones, T5tt80c. PLL'MS-Callfornla, per crate, ll.O0i81.10. 75e; per box. GOe. PEAHS-Per box. tlS.OO. tlHAPES California Tokays, 4-baaket crate. 11.50; Concords, homo grown, 17c; Delaware and Niagara, per 5-lb. basket, 15c; eastern Concords. 16 19c. WAT1:HMH1.UNS-As to size. 15ft20c each. CANTALori'n-Gems, per dozen, 4050c; largo sizes. Gnti75c. A PPLKS Native, 73011.00 per bu.; per bbl., $2.50(ii2.75; eastern, 12.75(83.00 per bbl. CIIANUKHUIHS-Per bbl., G; per crute, THOPICAL I-'HUITS. LEMONS-Callfornla, extra fancy, $1.50; choice. Jl.oo. HAN ANAS Per bunch, according to slzo, J2.m.J2 75. KHJS California, new cartoons, $1; layers, Wc. MISCELLANEOUS. Nl'TS English walnuts, per lb., 12(ffl3c; Alberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, per lb.. lGtj.' lc; raw peanuts, per lb., 44fl-c; roasted, Cff74c. 'IllDES-No. 1 green. 64c; No. 2 green. 54c; No. 1 salted. 74c; No. 2 salted. 64c: No. 1 veal calf, 8 to J2 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs.. Cc St. I, on Is Oral ll nnd Provisions. ST. LOt'IS, Oct. 3. WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red. cash, elevator. 73c; track. "6ft76'.ic; October, 754c: December, 7fic; May, !0fe 804c; No. 2 hard, 72Utl7-ic. r l.ui ll uuiei anu uncnnngeii. METALS Lead: Quiet at ll.274fkl-324- Spelter: Lower at $1.00. uoii.v-iiiRner; ro. casn, joysc; iracK, 40c; October, Xc; December, 344ff34Vic; year, 3.rsc. OATS-lllgher; No. 2 cash. 23c; track. 214 $1 2 14c; October, 234c; December, 2J)8c; May, 24c; .no. j wiuie, .ic. HYE-8ter.dy at 55c. SEEDS-Tlmothy. llrm at 3.751.40. COHNMEAlr-Stoady at $2.U.Vif2.10. HHAN Quiet; sacked, east track. C9fl70c. HAY-Klrm. timothy, I9.00Q 13.00; prairie, $7.50U M.00. WIIISKY-Stcady at $1.27. IKON COTTONTIES-11.30. HAOOlN(;-$S.IWiS.S3. HEMP TWINE -$9. POl'LTKY Dull; chickens, 74c; young, 74c; turkeys, 7c; ducks, 64e; geese, Gc. P.dOS Higher at 144e. Kl'TTEK- Steady; creamery, 17ff23c; dairy, l(ul7c. PHOVISIONS-Pork: Firm; Jobbing, $13, Lard, higher; choice, $7.474W7.50. Dry salt meats, strong; boxed lots, extra shorts, 1S.S74; clear ribs. 19; clear sides, 19.124. llacon, strong; boxed lots, extra shorts, $9,624; dear sides, $9.75; clear ribs, $9,874. KECEII'TS- Flour, 10.000 bbls ; wheat. 64.- 000 bil.; corn. 4G,OoO bu.; oats, 25,000 bu. SHll'MENTS-FIour, 15,000 bbls.: wheat, 60,0uo bu.; corn, G,uoO bu.; oats, 15,0u0 bu. KniisiiM City (iinln nnd I'rnilnliinii, KANSAS CITY, Oct. 3. -WHEAT Decem ber, 7o'i,ti704e; May. 71?c; cash. No. 2 hard, li72c; No. 3, 67(fl694c; No, 2 rod, 724 73c; No. 3, 70(704c. COHN-Docember, 32T(.c; May, 3lff3l4c; No. 2 mixed, 374; No. 2 white. 394c: No. 3. 39c. OATS-No. 2 white, 25Q254C. UYH-No. 2. 50c. HAY-Cholce timothy, $10.00; choice prairie. $S.50ifi9.00. HCTTEK Creamery, lSQ20c; dairy, fancy, 17c. KOOS-Steady; fresh Missouri and Knn sas stock, 144c per doz, Iocs off, cases re turned; new while wood cascn Included, 4c more. WIIEAT-Hecolpts, 92,000; corn, 15,800; oats, G.noo, SHII'MENTS-Whent, 149,600; corn, 12,000; oats, 4,000. Liverpool (iruln anil Pro visions. L1VEHPOOL, Oct .3.-WHEAT-Spot. No. 2 red western, winter, steady at Cm 4d; No. 1 northern spring, firm at Ga 7d; No. 1 California, unlet at 0V1. Futures nulot; December, lis 34d; February, Cs COKN-Snot, quiet; American mixed, new, 4s 3V4d, American mixed, old, nominal Futures quiet; November. 4s 24d; Decem ber, Is 24d; January. 3s llnl. . PHOVISIONS Lard. American reflned llrm at l"s 3d. Macon, Cumberland cut! llrm nt 49s 9d; short clear, backs, strong at 41s tid; clear bellies, llrm at 50s. CHEESE -American finest white, quint at 62s fid; American llnest, colored, qulut at 63s Gd. Toledo MiirLrt. TOLEDO. O.. Oct. 3. W 1 1 BAT Ac 1 1 ve and higher; spot and October, 794c; No vember, S0,c; December, S24c. COHN Active nnd higher; No. 2 cash, 42i ; October. 414e; Decembur, 33Hc. OATS Dull nnd unchanged; No. 2 carfh and October, 23c; December. 24c. H YE Dull nnd unchanged; No. 2 cash, 61c. SEEDS-Clovor, dull and higher; October, $7,274, December. $7,074- Plilliidelphln Produce .tlnrUrt, PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 3-HUTTEH-4c lower; fancy western creamery, 224c; fancy western prints, 25c. E(K1S Firm; fresh Pennsylvania und western. 20c; fresh southern. 18c. CHEESE-Quiet; New York full creams, fancy, fmall, 114c; New York fair to choice, 1010 ut,c. Dnlutb MurUrt. nCLCTH. .Minn.. Oct. 3,-WHEAT-No. J JmriV..,cn81- S-C: to arrive. S24o; Oc tobcr, 8J4e; December. S3c; May, W4c; No. 1 northern, cush. SOUc; to arrive. 040: October, M)4e; December. 81c; May, 8jc; OATS-23234C: N' 3 720' lliHvanee (iruln Murhrt. MILWACKEE, Oct. 3. WHEAT Firmer1 Nr,M.,,0irtmr"' ye; '0;,2 northern. 78t(S0c: H E Lower; No. 1. 55SM4c. HAKLEY No. 2, 59c; sample, fiOSSc. .MIimcMiiolU Wlient und Plonr, MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. J.-WIIUAT-Oc iber, i9',4c; December. ?J4c; May, SITto: . arrive, No. 1 hard. j;2',ic; No. 1 northern tober, to SO'.ic; No, northern, 79c. Cnllfnrnlit Dried Frnlts, NEW YOHK. Oct. 3. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRl'ITS-Qulet nnd unchanged. A quiet and uninteresting market prevailed for evaporated apples, with demand of a nature only to supply Immediate rcqulte ments Prices at the closo uf bu-dnc-s w re unchanged from the previou- nay. date common was quoted from ac to &c, prime, 44K'lC, choice, 64If6c, fancy, i4o. i'runns were quoted at 3't1f74c per lb , as to slzo' and quality. Apricots, Koynl, lift 14c, Moor ParK, Ibylte. I'eaches, peeled, a W16c; unpeded, fgin;. MOVi:.MIlTS OF STOCKS AM) IIOXHS. Cnnse of llnoynnt lllsp In .'Mnrket is DHMctilt In lilscrrn, NEW YORK, Out. 3. -Wall street was considerably puzzled by the resumption today of aggressive tactics for the advance, which, alter thu bull campaign projected on .Momln . , seemed esteiou to oe aban doned. Rut while the motive of the buoy ant Use was dllllcu.t to discern, the force and the proportions of It were sutllcleutly lmpresseil to take the courage out of the bear parti and to Induce heavy covering all around The small btars, who had re ujtned operntiuiis tor the decline Were 111-' Ilr'U to 1.1 I Mctlms to the maneuver ot ill. bulls, who, however, gave indication of being alter linger game and pursued their advantage wun great commence nnd abounding resources. Thcj drove some long standing shorts to cover nnd mti maiely effected a buoyant rise in the whole market, which closed strong and active at the highest level of the nay and at net ;,'iilns musing trom 1 to 2 points lor u largo numoir ot active stocks, lllg drains In a number of stocks seemed om to af ford tho better vantage ground tor the ad vantage which was made thu more im pressive. The acute depression manifested tor a lew industrial stum was without effect In deterring tho bulls from their ina iilpjlatloii In tho market. Inquiry ot com mission houses falls to Hint any tiaco of buytiiR orders Irom outside sources and opinion Is itgreed Unit todays movement was practically in professinnu: hands. A long persisting bull interest Is supposed to ha?e been joined by some ot the jiowetful operators who have recently returned to tho street for a campaign against the shuns. (Stocks which havo recently been the tar gel for bear attack reflected thu most ur gent demand loda. Mlrsoarl Pacljlc, which Is a leader of this clasn, showed gathering strength tlurlni, the da in coiiuiction wun yesterday'!! meeting ol the stockholders 01 tho St. Louis & Southwestern luuroad, ill action at which Is supposed to toreshndow nioro intimate relations betwten the Iron Minntuln and St Louis & (.loulhwe.itci'n From early low points Missouri Puclllc was carried up 34 per cint. H irllimton also reflected a demand tor a large out standing short Interest unit was mark.-d up an extreme 2'. Hii.ttmorc At Oll.o, Northern 1'aclllc and Louisville .X: Nash ville were uiso piominrnt In ihis class. Inn the movement gathered force and th streugth ultimately sptead through the whole list. The most buoant period of tin market was due to the circulation ot a rumor that President Mitchell of the Mine Workers' union had callul the coal strike off. which completed the illscomlltuie ot tho shorts. Even Tennessee Coal, which had sold down 3U on the feat' that no dividend woj!d be declared at today s meet- nig, raiuen -1 points ami (sugar, winch 11 id fallen 24 on account ot the demoral ized condition and the deep culling in prices In tho reflned sugar market, ral lied Is. Tho continued weakness of sterling exchange wits used b th- bulls 11:1 an argument for the advance in stocks on the ground that Imports 01 gold could not long be deferred. A easing olf of discount rates In Hurlln gave strength (o the .liga ment, but later there was a sU-mtU-nnl hardening of discount rates on expectation that tho Hank of England will raise Its rate tomorrow. Tho local market for time loans continued llrm and thu mtnluum rate for call loans was advanced lrnm 2 to 24 per cent, with the maximum unchanged at ii ner cent, lloilus were not mm li affected by the activity in stocks and price changes wero mixed. Total sales, par value. 9i0. 000. United States bonds were unchanged In bid price. Commercial Advertiser's London llnauclal cablegram: Tho markets hore were slightly brisker today despite the observance of the Jewish holiday. Americans were (cat 111,1 less except for considerable option busi ness, especially In Erlos for New York houses, llllla were llrm today on the posi tions of the American and German money market!'. Uetmany, as well as America, feeling tor gold here. Silver was quiet, the bazaars being closed, but there Is a great scarcity of .Mexican dollars. The following nro the closing prices on the Now York Stock exchange: Atchlfon do pfd Baltimore .N Ohio Canadian .Pacific, !0' Lnlon I'aclllo . . ;i . "1 . fli . . 2!4 . 10 .IU . 214 . 5- . 33 do 11M. . 7''i 74 . IN . 4 . Wis . 1: .ll'J4 .i:j .i;u . 4 .U'.l . 34 . bS . 4 . !C-l4 14 . 1, P-V. . t . :i . 74 . JH. . ti . 90 l.'S . 43 . 524 . 31 -I'.'J 114. . 32 . ai .I3S . Mi; . S14 . IS . c . t,s4 . 3.'-4 . Si . 17 . 8.' 4 . 2l?4 . &3 .lis 4?4 , S3 . 64 . a4 . 17 . a;a4 . T3 Ml 4'f, .ll!r .113 . ir, . CS , 93 . ;s . 11 n . 49 Wali.iHh do pf, W. ,k .1.. .j do 2d pfd... WU. Central ... Thltd Avcnui) ... Ad.ims i;xiir0 . Ainer. Kxpreiti . I-'. S. lCxpes,.. Vell-KurKU li.. Amir. Cut. oil.. do dm Canada Soutelirn.. Ches. & OhW Chicago Gt. V.... C. 11. & Q Chicngo, I. I... do pfd Chicago A. n. I.. Clil.'iiKO & N. W... ,114 C. 11. I. A: 1' C. C. C. & St. L. . C'4 In . ll'a .tu .nc.il . 19V . ( iti Colo. Soutrlirn .. do 1st I'M... Uo S.1 pfd... Del. & Hudnon Amer. .Multlng . 11 fd do Amor. S. A: H... do nfa Del. L & W Amr. Spirits ... lrn. & It. G, Uo pid S. 11 nftl do I'M Erie da 1st pfd Ot. Nor. pfd Hooking Coal Amer. do in. . S4W .in . 11 . 3!4 .11', . 174 . u'J . - . 91 .2.) Amur. s. w... do pfd Amur. Tin Plate. do pM Amer. Tolmcoo . do pfj Anaconda M. Co. lirk. Hup. Tr.,.. Colo. p. & i Con. Tobacco ... Hocking Valley . Illinois CVntrul .. Iowa CVntrul .... do pfd L. K. & W do pfd Lake Hhore IouU. & Nanh.... Manhattan L .... Met. St. Hy Mrx. Ontral Minn. & Hi. L. ,., do pfd Mo. I'ftciilc Mobile & Ohio..., M., K. & T do pfd do nfd... . HtjFoderal Slerl ... .119 I do pM . P. lOcinral Klfctrlo . 614 Ulucobe Sutar . . so 'a do pf, ' . IDS Int'n'l Paper ... . 31 I do pfd . 9Vi'lacled Qua .... . :; .Nutlunal insult .lSSI Uo piu N. J. Central N Y. Central... Nor. & Went do pfd No. I'aclllo do pfd Ontario fk V O. It. & N' do pfd Pennsylvania .... Heading do lt pfd... do 2d pfd... .l.vii national i-ad . ,. 3l',t do pM ,. 7J National Stei-l .. ,. I4 do pfd .. 63'. N. Y. Air brake. ,. 2041 No. American ... ,. ii IP. C. lit pfd . "6 do pfd... ,.1JS4 I'aclllo .Mull , if Pi-iipie'B dm .... . tf' Pressed H C ,. 2TM do nfd lUo a. W 4." 4 Pullman p. C... S. U & S. V do Irt pfd do 2d pfd.... 8U !. 8. W do pfd St. Paul do pfd 8t. P. & Omaha.. So. Paelllo So. Hallway do pfd Tex. Pacific... . li-',, stand. It. & T... . ot riugitr . KT4 do pf, . 114 Tenn. C. & I.... . 2t U. S. Leather.... .WiSi Uo pfd .10'Ji4 P. 8. Huliber AW I do pfd . 3.T141 Western Pnlon . . IIS Hepubilu I. S. , oZt do pfd . 13 I P. C. C. Si St. L. Offered. Ex-dlvidend. .Verr York blooey .llnrket. NEW YUUIC, Oct. 3.-MONEY On call firmer nt 241(24 per cent; prlmo mercan tile paper, 61(64 per cent. BTEKL1NO EXL'UANdlJ Klrm with ac tual business In bankers' bills at $4.81 for demand and ut JLtd'sIt I.Sl'i for sixty days; posted rates, J1.V24 and Jt.Mi4; commercial bills, It.S034.81. HILVEH WiMiBoc; bar, G34c; Mexican dollars. 004c. HONl)8-(Jovernment, stendy: state bonds Inactive, railroad bonds Irregular. Tho closing prices on bonds today aro as follows: V. B. ret. U, rrg. do coupon Mo 3, reg do coupon do new , ree.. do coupon do old 4, ret.... Mo couiMin do Is, rug do coupon D. of C. 3 M , Atch. (ten. 4 do al. 4a Canada Bo. :..... C. & O. 44 do Da C. (t N. W. c. 7 do 8. P deb. It Chicago Ter. 4j... Colo. 811. 4 V. Jt It. CI. Is.... do 4i Erie en. 4s V. W. & D. C. Is "(ten. Klectrlo ts lu. Central Is U A N. unl. 4s.. M. K. & T. 2s.... .104 .104 ,.1W N. Y. C N J C. Is.... KS4 12:1 64 ldJ IT. Ss. No Putiilo 3a,. 100, do 4- .44N Y O 8 L'u. lift .oriuiK i w. c ( .lH"4iOre. Xav. i8... .109 ,lu;4 .1244 .1124 . 57 . !'S . .1S34 .16S4 ,!17, .list, 7.1, WU . 6 ', .1134 . 5S . 104T, .11a, .1014 .1154 ,.114; Uo 4s ... tm4 O S. U fia .113H do con. ts.. .123 Heading Ben. U.'. .. 994 lllo O V. 1... S' 8 L & I M o s. ,1W4 . 94 .117 .139 t. Paul cons... 8t. V. C a, 1. i.' do St ' So Paeltln il .1:0 . 91 180. Hall.... !"" . . 9SVi! do 'la .. C74 Union Pa, Ilio "is.!'. .. "14 Wabash It .. 1 do 2 "" ..113'i'We.r '" .. 9", Wis Central 4s"" . 614 Vlrjlnla Centuries. t'4 M4 When Issued. Offered. l-'orelffii I'lnitncliil, LONDON, Oct. 3. -Tho money market hardened on considerable movements of cash nnd a good demand for money Dis counts wero Arm and owing to fears of further exports of gold and an early ad vance of the bank rate. Tho latter expec tation was strengthened by the ndverso condition of continental exchanges nnd tin knowledge that exports of gold win cause an outflow of currency to the country, which will bo reflected by a reduced re servo In this week's bank return. Henowed apprehensions In regard to dear money, In addition to the Jewish holiday, affected business on the stock exchange. There was no material decline In miotatlons, but there was a noticeable absence of support of con sols and other glltedged securities wero weak. Americans relapsed fractionally owing to tho delay In the settlement of tho coal strike, but subsequently recovered. Grand Trunks wero up, the tralllc having decreased less than nail been expected, tloel premiums wero ipn ted today ns fol lws lidei is Avrs '1I70. Madrid, 130.25; Lisbon, U'On, Home, by PA Ills. ii t 3 - Although transactions on the llourso today were verv Insignificant for a stood portion of the day the favora ble china news had a reassuring effect on the market Internationals were Arm under the lead of HtianHh stocks. Snnnlsli rail- I ways were again lu demand. Later busl- nen whs quiet and tne ansenco 01 iiemanu weakened limitations, which were below the best. Mines, after the close, were Arm but Inactive. Three per cent rentes, 99 francs 974 centimes for the account; ex changes on London, 25 francs 134 centimes lor checks; ftpunlsh 4s c'osed at J72.90. 11KHLIN. (let. 3 The tone on the Hourse today was Arm and dealings we're restricted on ncciit.nl of the absence ol many of th'J members Among the International secur ities Chinese were the leading feature and Improved on 'he higher ipiotntlons prevail ing In London. Local bank and speculative share advanced Americans and Canadian I'nclAcs wire well supported. There wm an Hbiiud.iiii supplv 01 money. Exchange on London, 2') marks Pi pigs for checks; dlsco.int rates, short bills. I per cent; three months' bills, 34 per cent. Huston Mod. (luotiitloii. HOSTON. Oct. 4. Call loans, 3fll per cent; time loans. 406 per cent. Olllclnl closing: A., T. 8, P.T.... 2V, Westlnrh. niftc... 47 do pfd TO. Win. Ctntrnl 11 Amer. Sugar ltsfc Atchlnon ts 99 do Pfd 11 1 N. K. It. " " ll.HI TelBphone 1HV, Adventure Alloticz Mln. Co.. AjikiI. Copper .. . Atlnntlc lloslon & Mont.. 4 ls ii'isinn & Albany llostnn Klevatei liostnn & Me C, II. ,t Q Iminlmon Cal , do pfj 1'cdi-ral Steel ... do pfd Pltchburg pfd.... General Klectrlc. do pfd Ul. Llectrlc 111.. Mex. Cuntrnl Mich. Telephone N. K (1. .V C... Old Colony Old I'omlnlon ., t'nlon Pncillc ... .1(6 .1174 .1(4 .317 Ilutte A HoUim. ..1114 Cnlumet ft llccln...7M Ra I'Vnlinnlal H . U iKianklln 11 .138 llunilRildt 23 ,133'j tisceola 61, .133 Pairot tn, :io Iguincy s . ID', Hanta Fe Copper. . . C. . S5 ITainnrack 219 . 11 ftah Mlnlnit IMi'i .2 13 1 Winona 2'-' . is Wolverines 39 . SS'i . nid. Xmv Vork Mlitlnic StonUs. NEW YOHK, Oct. 4. The following are tho closing quotations for mining shares toiiay: Chnllar frown Point Con 1 'nl. & Va.. lieadwnod Gould ft Cnrrlc llllle ft Nnrelost.. 11 'lie slake lion Silver Mexican .. 19 .. 1J . . I'ju . 4 .. 21 .. 33 . .. 3" Ontario Oplilr p mouth '(Julcksllver ... I do pfd Sierra Nevada Ititalidald Villon Con Yellow Jacket ...W.0 ... TO ... 10 ...110 ..CM ... 2a ..4(W ... is ... is l.onilon Slocl. (luolatloiiN, LONDON, Oct. 4. I p. m. Closing: Contois, money.. 'jSt-16 Krle do acct 9S 11-16 do 1st pfd.. .. So .. G,-4 .. r .. 704 .. 6S .. 74 .. 41',, Atcnlton Canii'llun Pa, lllo. . St. Paul Illinois Central ... Louisville Union Parlilc pM N Y. Central 2V Pennsylvania 6l'4i Heading .11,4 No. Pitclfle pfd. .Ilia, Oraml Trunk .. WiucenJR Itand Mines .. SILVER Har, uncertain at 294d per ounce. MONEY 2V4 per cent; short bills. 35i I per cent; three months' bll's, 4 per cent. I'lnitiii'llll .Votes. ST. LOITIS. Oct. 3.-Clenrlngs, $5,220,180; balances, 1117. M(; money steady with light demand; New York exchange, 60c discount bid. CHICAGO. Oct. 3. Clearings. $2H.CSfl,010: balances, .',oj.".9t3; posted exchange, 11.83 6iI.nC4; New York exchange. 00c discount. CINCINNATI, Oct. 3.-Cleniins. $2,780, Sl'O; New York exchance, 30'o0c discount; money, 3',aa(ij per cent. NEW Yi'Hiv, Oct. 3. Exchanges, $182, 2US.27C; balances, $lo.r,i,25(. HOSTiiN. Oct. 3. Kxclianccs, $21,937,919; balances. ?1, 973,814. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 3. Clearings, $18, 52S,:E1; balances, $2,fiu3.103. HALTIMUHE. Oct. 3. Clearings, $3,8w, 2.72; balances, tv9,Wj. Condition if tlir Trrnsiiry. WASHINGTON, Oct. 3.-Todays state ment of the treasury balances In tho gen eral fund, exclusive of the $100,000,000 gold reserve In the division of redemption shows: Available cash balance, $Uu,9C8, G54; gold, $83,878.290. I'iiIiiiii JliifKet. NEW YOHK, Oct. 3,-COTTON-Tho cot ton market opened llrm at an advance of i-'iiU points. Liverpool after opening at a decline recovered partially und revived con .1,1. ,.,1,1.. u,,..riilniH-,, Interest here. VVllliil also caused shorts to cover. Tho opening advance wus checked by selling ny export iiiMt 1 liurchiisoH in tho stroet; Huh uitllliw I'll impi i it rtiirtlal reaction in connec lion with reports that high grade cotton was heading for New York, vyhlch offered n 1, mnriii.i tb.iii I .IvitdooI. thus prom ising Komo Increaso to the small stock at New York. At 1110 siiuiu tune vui, Minnta fiv,riie,rl oiitte as well as hereto fore, with some contradictions to claims that the crop was to be picked nnd out of the way with phenomenal dispatch. Prices sold oft 49 points from the opening basis, but again the market rallied on the uotuul movement lulling below estimates. Tho imu-nril movement w as further stimulated by private cables forecasting a higher Liv erpool market in tne muriiniK- iiiiuuiB was at no time very active Local traders bought most of the cotton sold In Liver nonl There wss some desultory buying by Wall street parties. Tho south bought, whllo tho southern spot markets are gen erally unchanged, In one or two instance!) a shade lower. The Anal phase of the local market reflected a disposition to hesitate. Tho close was sternly at a nut rise of fyi(9 points. Eutures closed Btouily; October, $10.29; November, $lu; December. $9.87; Jan uary, $9..sd; February, $9.8fi; March, $9.87; April, $9.80; .May. $9.87; June, $9.80; July. $9.80; August. $9.77. Spot closed quiet and steady; middling uplands, iu-c; miuuiiug UMilf. 11'hC: sales. u2 bales. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 3.-COTTON Quiet: sales. SAW bales: ordinary, 8 5-lCe good ordlnarv. 9c: low middling. 94c: mid dling, 104c; good middling, 104c; middling fair, lne; receipts, .'O.Sbl Dales; stock, 151, ir,."i bales. Futures steady: October. 9.8lfa 9.85; November. S9.fi71t9.fiS; December, $9.64'd' 9.1,); .lanuary, .vj.iiiug.tu; eenruury. jM.tWir 9.C.S; March. $9.C9i9.70; April, $9.0969.70; May, $9.fi91j9.70. ST. LOt'IS, Oct. 3.-COTTON-Steady; middling, 1114c; sales, 300 bales; receipts, 2.7M bales; fchlpmenta, 2,480 bales; stock, 11, 230 bales. L1VEHPOOL, Oct. 3.-COTTON-Spot, moderate buidness; barely steady; Amer ican middling, 64d. Tho snles ot the day Were fi.000 bales, of which !i00 wero for Hiien. ulatton and export and Included B.20O bales American; receipts, 11,000 bales. Including C.OOi) bales Aineiican. Futures opened qulot anu cioseii quiet nut steady: American mid dling, I. m c, October, 5 G8-GIS1 j r,9-Cld, sell ers; October and November, f 42-GIW6 43-fild, hellers; November and December, 5 3(l-fild, buyers; December and January, 5 32-Clf( n 3.1-fild, sellers; January and February, 0 2."i-Gl'i(u 30-oid, buyers; February and March, f, 27-iilI(5 28-fild, buyers; March and April, :r,-(Virtj 3 20-fild, buyers; April and May. 5 24-fi4d. buyers; May nnd June, ESl-fild, buyers; June and July, r, 21-fip(f .. 22-Md, buyers; July and August, u20-iild, buyers. Codec Market, NEW YOHK. Oct. 3.-COFFEE-Spot Hlo quiet; No. 7 Invoice, 84c; mild steady; Cordova, OVkIIc. Tho market for coffee futures opened utendy at Gf&io points de cline nnd ruled quiet and weak under 'ocnl liquidation following unsatisfactory cable grams and an Increase of Clu.ooO bags In tho world's visible Instead of fiOo.nOO to 700 -000 predicted. Trading was entirely local and tho undertone weak In anticipation of heavy new- crop movement, closed steady nt a net loss of 5 to 10 points. Totnl salos, IS.iM bags, Including October at $7.10; n,.. comber, $7 2Xc7.30: January, $7.3oT7.35; March. $7.4((7 15; .May, $7.50; June. $7.f,5if 7.C0; July, $7.5.'.. " SiiKiir Mnrltc(. NEW YOHK, Oct. 3.-3tOAH-naw. steady; fair leilnlng. 44c; centrlfugnl, 60 test, oc. Mol.mses sugar, 4c. Hellned. weak and Irregular; No. fi. $5.20; No. 7. Vi.lO; No. 8. $u.(Xi; No. 10, $5.0n: No. 13. $1.75; No. 14. $4 7o; standard A. $5.35; confectioners' A. $5.55; mould A. $0.00; cut loaf, $i!.15; crushed. $8.15: powdered, $5.85; granulated, $5.75; cubes. $5. 90 NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 1. SCO Alt Quiet; open kettle, stendy; centrifugal yellow, new, r.-Vc; seconds, 3fl4 9-lGo. Molasses, nominal. Syrup, 30c per gallon. LONDON. Oct. 3.-8CGAn-Beet, October, 9s ll'.id. New York Dry (ioods, NEW YORK. Oct. 3-DnY C.OODS There was a slim attendance In the mar ket today, observance of Yom Klppur or Jewish day of atonement, kept n niimb'T of buyers away. HuMnesa was on a quiet scnlo In all dipartments and without spa clal features Other advances reported In bleached cottons, but only In accordance wifli those miilo yesterday. Print cloth market opened quiet but Arm. Men's wear, woolen and worsted goods, show limited business nnd Irregular prhes. Drehs goods are generally nulet. (III MurUel. OIL CITY, Pa., Oct. 3.-OII.S-Credlt bal anres, $1.12; cnrtlllentes, no bldi shlpmentH, K.,.,00 bbls.; average. 7I.73S bbls.; runs, 120. 804 bbls.; average. 107.E60 bbls. LONDON, Oct. 3.-OILS-Calcutta Un seed spot, 9s: Unseed oil, 33a 9d; turpentine spirits, 29s 3d. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET EccoipU of Cattle Liberal and All but Beef Cattle Very Slow and Lower, HOG MARKET A LITTLE STRONGER Shrrp for the Week Are Ahont st Dime I, inter nnd Lambs Ahont Twenty Cents l,nner-leileri Hold I'rnetlcaliy Stendy. SOUTH OMAHA, Oct. 3. Receipts were: Cattle. Hog. Sherp. Oltlclal Monday 0,88? 2,.iiG 14, lb? Olllcl.il Tuesday 6,33 8.2K3 7,306 Oltlclal Wednesday 6,047 S.151 3.9J2 Tlireo days this week. .. .19.317 Samo days last week. .. .23,418 Same week before 20,027 tiumo three weeks ago... 19,637 18,79) 16,937 15,573 15,2o9 25,151 24..I51 24,S7 20.790 oamu iour weens ngo...ie,iiJ 17,163 20.59S 4 . . . . I , . . . . . . 1 . I.., avi-i.iKi! price pain tor nogs toe tiiu several days, with comparisons: I 1900. lls93.IIS3i.llS!l7.llMfi.llS9S.!lJ9. Sept. Kept. Kept. Sept. Sept. t5. d. Kept. Hem 15. 16. 17. 19. 211. 21. ! 5 Ostt! 4 83 3 72 I. 87 2 70 5 I 3 34, 3 65 3 f4 2 "3 Ui r 5I2 4-5 I 3 3 8b 2 C5 4 0$I 5 67 5 13 4 32l 1 3 i, 2 ill 4 in 0 i I 6 1 I 4 33 i 2 74 I 5i vi 7'' I Ji 6 .1 4 03, 1 4 :i " 4 31, 3 7), I 01, 2 l Sl I $1 t tr. 1-11 IC. O It I h .o I 5 2J I 22. '621 2-5 Hept.' 23'.'. 4 4b 3 7f 3 7fi 2 88! 4 W :. 24. .1511 2-5 I 3 7J- 3 Sn 2 81 3 80 5 .6 t- 20.. I 5 1G 4 41 I 3 82, 2 V) ,i 821 u 40 I. 2,1. 4-51 4 33 3 71 , 2 8'J- J ' r' nepi, Kept H pt Indicates Htinday. , Tho olllclnl iiumbcr of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hobs. Hh'p.IIra. C. M. A' St. I'. Hy.. 2 6 O. & Ht. I,. Ry 2 Mo. 1'. Ry S .. .- U. I', system 07 17 11 2 C. N. W. Ry 3 .. . V., K. t M. V. R. R. 74 3H .. 6 C. St 1'., M. & O. Ry 5 10 li. &. M. H. It. R 76 2.1 5 2 C, 11. & Q. Ry 6 K. C. & St. 1 3 C. It I. At 1'., cost.. .. 7 C, R. I. & 1.. west.. .. 3 Total receipts 227 119 16 The disposition of the day's receipts was ns follows, ench buyer purchasing the number of head indicated: Cattle. Hogs.Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 13 O. II. Hammond Co. .. lit Swift and Company Ml Cttdahy racking Co. .. VS Armour & Uo 5,011 Hammond Co., St. Joe.. GC J. L. Carey CM I. obniim & Co 7 McCronry & Chirk 2!ti W. I. Stephen 22 1 Hill & Htintzlnijcr 131 ltenton & Underwood.... 350 Livingstone A: Schaller.. 76 Hamilton & Rothschild.. 301 L. V. llusz IS H. L. Hcnnls & Co 21 II. R Hobblck 2 A. S. Mawhlnliey 2G Other buyers 615 1.21 242 24 r,"3 1.211 501 1,470 719 874 3.03S sin Totals 5,5(5 8,107 f'ATTI.l!-Ttecelnts of citttlo today wero hardly as luavy as on Monday nnd Ities dav, but thcro were all tho feeders hero that were wanted. Heef steers, however, wero In good demand and sold very' satis factorily. ... .., Only about a dozen loads of corn eattlo wero on sale this mornlnx nnd packers bought those at Just about steady prices. In some enrcs they may have bid a llttlo lower on them, where tho quality did not suit them, but good light or handy weight cattle brought fully steady prices. As high as $5.50 was paid for a nice bunch of cattle. The demand seemed to bo In good shape and It was not long before practically everything on that order had changed linmis, The cow market was In bad shapo today. Huyera hung back and when they did try to buy them they bid all of a dime lower on all kinds. Hellers were not willing to make the concessions and us a result It was a slow, draggy market from start to finish and It is safe to call prices all of lKfi25c lower for tho week. Not much change was noticed today In the prices paid for bulls. Tho demand was nnnu too good, but prices held close to steady. Tho demand for stock cattle from the country Is rather light nt tho present time and ns a result tho yards are full of feed ers. All tho yard traders were welt sup plied today and sellers found It almost im possible to get even a bid on anything but tho very best heavyweight cattle. The mar ket was extremely dull and prices wero fully a dime lower and In somo cases worse than that. It was lute before many had changed hands. Sellers found the cattle of medium weight the hardest to move, either light or heavy cattle selling better. Thorn were about ten or a dozen loads of western beef cnttlo In today's receipts and they brought Just about steady prices, Cows were very slow and fully a dime lower, or 15S25o lower for tho week. The feeder market was also In bad shape, ua sneculators had all the cattln on hnnd thev wanted and refused to buy anything unless they could get It a dlmo or more lower. At a latu hour comparatively fow had changed lllljiua. ivciurncuiauvi- Buien; HKKF STKKR3, Av. 1'r. . 780 fi 75 No. 46 49 CO 1 72 A v. .. fctt .. 997 ..1244 ..H70 ..1220 ..1214 ..1392 Pr. S 15 5 IC 5 20 S 2S 5 40 5 40 S Ir) 780 4 05 .1175 . 10 . W0 .1147 .1007 4 kh 4 S.V 4 35 5 00 37. Sf. b 10 COW8. 1... 15... 29... 2.... 4.... ... M0 ... 830 ... 867 ...1U35 ...I'M ... V15 ...It") ...l'V.ti ... 930 ... SS7 ...1030 1 54 10., .. 1(8 . .10-11 ..1110 .. HA ..1054 .. 777 .. 'M ..1340 ..1W ..1010 2 84 2 15 2 Si 3 J 3 00 3 fO 3 Oi) 3 00 3 05 3 U 1 fO 10 1 90 1 2 25 t 2 35 1 2 50 4 : so 5 2 50 1 2 75 24 2(0 1 HUIKKRS. 4 10 HULLS. 3 50 1 1... .1070 1250 3 15 HEIFERS. 6(2 3 00 STOCK COWS AND 770 2(0 iU , GS3 3 CALV1CS. , 290 4 CO STOCK CALVES. C25 3 85 23 3M1 3 75 51 433 4 0) (8 3(4 4 "0 l 294 344 403 3(1 4 r. 4 60 4 65 4 75 3 3 5 313 4 25 STOCKKHS AND FEEDERS. 630 6(3 3 25 3 tr, 3 25 3 25 26. 7CS 3 50 2..., 11.... 12.... 965 654 633 S 75 3 76 3 76 652 851 804 3 50 I NEHHASKA. No. 4 feeders. 30 feeders. 1 heifer... 2 heifers.. 3 cows 8 steers... 1 steer Av. Pr. 7S7 $2 90 No. Av. IT. 7 feedors.. 765 J3 40 979 3 G5 1 feeder. . . C30 3 25 GoO , G71 1310 MS 820 2 75 feeders 90 3 00 2 60 3 00 3 15 3 10 3 25 2 00 1 3 60 3 10 3 10 2 75 2 60 3 15 3 05 4 25 3 10 3 6.1 3 C" 3 75 3 75 3 25 3 65 2 00 3 00 2 50 3 35 3 60 3 60 3 10 3 65 3 85 3 80 2 90 2 90 2 83 3 20 10 cows,... 2 cows.... 1 steer.... 8 feedors. 1 feeder.. 1 bull 1 cow 712 1160 740 G50 600 2 85 2 75 3 U0 3 40 2 90 3 25 3 66 3 10 2 85 1 feeder. 1 bull.... .. 630 ..140 ..1230 ..1100 . 1110 ..1040 ..1000 ..14X5 ..1087 .. 690 .. 9o0 .. SIO ..1160 ..1150 .. 886 ..1080 1 bull 1 feeder.. 1 bull 1 bull 1 bull 2 cows 8 cows 1 heifer... 1 steer.... 1 feeder.. Ill feeders 3 cows. . 1 bull... 1 bull. 1300 1 bull 1460 2 45 3 15 3 05 3 25 3 60 3 10 2 75 3 00 3 75 2 40 2 90 3 70 2 75 3 V, 2 60 2 5 3 50 3 85 2 SO 3 65 3 85 2 93 2 0 2 85 3 10 3 90 3 01 4 65 4 CS 2 60 3 00 2 70 6 cows. 980 810 9) 670 800 2 helfors,. 2 feeders. 1 feeder.. 4 feeders. 2 cows 3 cows 2 cows. . . . 10 cows.... C9 cows,. . . 7 cows. . . . 3 cows,... 2 cows. . . . 1 cow 43 cows 8 feeders. C2 feeders. 2 heifers,. 14 feeders. 902 .1075 . 9-80 .1003 .1085 . 9 02 . 914 .1013 . 890 . 910 . 930 . 926 . 837 . 576 20 feeders.. 976 o feeders., dm 2 feeders. .I'M 22 feeders . 570 3 heifers.. 4 bteerh. . 13 cows 2 cows 3 cows . 79) . C.V) .1055 . 830 . 1101 . 899 13 feeders. .9 feeders. 954 43 cows 1010 12 feeders.. 1150 2 feeders.. 510 23 feeders.. 1110 5 cows 1118 2 cows 935 6 cows 95S 726 81 feeders.. 1021 15 cows., 880 2 cows,.., 6 cows,.., 2 cows,... 2 steers.. .1160 .100 . 676 . 910 . 524 . 400 . 383 .1325 .1023 .1080 14 heifers... 649 COLORADO. 3 ! cows. . . , 3 76 18 calves. . 3 25 C calves.. (1- Hurke Neb. 2 CO 1 hull. .. 3 00 6 c. &ll. .. 2 70 6 c. Jill... 3 25 27 feeders.. 722 6W 460 ( 1440 18 feeders.. 4 feeders. . 2 bulls... S c. & h.. 1 cow 1 heifer.. 91S 970 970 C. 28 feeders.. 876 2 bulls 1115 1 but! 121") , Honon Neb. 3 50 43 feeders. 661 721 G36 3 75 3 15 2 75 3 25 3 70 3 20 61 heifers. . 2 60 3 heifers.. A. Halo-S. D. J. 18 steers, ...1073 4 00 2 steers, 1090 18 steers., .,10' 6 4 00 28 feeders.. 88! Kept. 28.. ,16 1-5 44, 3 Gt 3 8J 2 99, 4 92, 5 L Sept. 2-J..I51G 4-5 4 371 3 Gl 3 81. 2 91 6 .b Sept. 30.. I 1 1 30 3 67 3 81 2 951 S Mi Oct. 1.... 6 13ii . ,a;i,3 8i 2 91 3 18( 5 2 Oct. 2,..,617 4-5 4 39i 1 3 79 3 C2i 3 93 "6 21 Oct. 3....618 4-5 4 42 3 C6 1 2 79, 3 8b 0 tO 3 00 8 feeoers 830 3 85 C Bhaw-Neb. 3 GO 15 feeders . 844 3 20 2 feed 01s. . 755 3 90 1 feeder... 15(0 3 94 3 25 3 90 J feeders.. 1203 K. L. Hoyster Wyo, 967 3 45 17 cows... 6 steers.. . 17 heifers.. 19 feeders. 37 feeders. 11 steers... 3 heifers.. 17 feedere. 1 feeder. . I. Trotter Wyo, t 10 1 steer 1140 3 20 1 heifer.... 640 4 15 Klrktnnd-Wyo. .120S . 129 . 712 A. . 6ri v. .1272 4 M 3 W 4 00 1 feeder. Whalen Mont. 4 2,1 4 heifers 664 3 60 900 3 05 1033 3 05 C Caminlnzlnd Neb. ios 1 or, 1 bun 1220 9"0 3 50 1 bull 1530 E J Dillon-Neb. : sj 2 60 3 M 4 20 4 20 3 25 4 00 4 00 4 00 30 feeders . w S 5 feeders 616 I'ratt fc iv: iiurr iurr Cattle Co.- Wyo. 5 cows. . . .1003 3 70 95 steers.. ..1186 1 cow 1170 3, feeders.. 4(0 1 steer.... 12W 1 steer l(Xj 2 steers. ...1210 1 steer l.iso 1.' 3 25 3 10 3 25 4 W 4 00 4 00 94 steers.. ..1202 1 steer 1270 1 steer.. 1 steer. . 3 steers. 1170 ..1050 ..12G0 Peterson Neb. 4 Uo 8 feeders 96 feeders.. 1013 987 757 3 12H 2 W it. v. I'urson Ncu. ..10.16 2 90 4 cows... .. 930 3 10 Ueorgc Hurllne Neb. .. 8S5 2 90 5 COWS... IS cows,. 1 bull... 2 cows.. 1 cow... 1 cow... 2 cows., 1 heifer. .1200 . 980 . 910 . 860 . 970 2 90 2 2 60 3 05 3 15 .. VW 2 70 1 COW ..1040 2 25 1 COW !u 3 05 2 COWS 950 J. 943 K. 682 812 3 25 2 heifers,.. Kenned j Neb. 3 00 5 cows A. Potter-Neb. 1 90 28 heifers... 2 40 Thornborg Colo. 21 heifers., 23 feeders. 954 2 95 701 3 10 8 cows. T. A 17 feeders.. 918 bo u bulls.... 1210 2 85 J. Erlck-Ncb 8 feeders.. C73 4 feeders.. 1052 2 feeders.. 1020 3 feeders.. 670 1 feeder... 610 1 cow 1010 L. 3 a heifers... 05 3 20 3 20 3 20 3 05 2 85 2 50 3 95 3 35 3 25 3 61 1 heifer..,. 070 1 heifer. 1 bull... 3 cows.. 660 .1090 . 893 .1080 2 60 1 cow.. A. HIckel-Ncb. 21 cows 1093 3 10 2 nn TVl ! ,. . , 11. (. tiotimnn wyo. 14 feeders.. 807 3 60 2 stags 1360 3 15 in . 1 , P' O!en-Wyo. 19 feeders.. 102 3 35 HODS There was not much dlffcrenco be tween tho supply of hogs here today 11.1 compared with yesterday, but the quality was not as goon as on Tuesday. Packers started out bidding no more than stealy with yesterday s general market, but solleru dlil not cut loose freely and they had to ,..,;? 1 lr nn".'ls n The bulk of tho nogs chnnged hands at steady to stronger i.J SH.i?n 1 ,e "larket cenmed to gain riJi'PK!n "M 1110 morning Advanced. Unci Hi ihi.,KH soW. fronl J3 2il&25 nnd go id H!l.i..no.KS.-lJiV1 Prime heavyweights sold .51.,v Hml 5-so- Huyers do not seem to take Into consideration the weight of the limes as much as they do the quality, anil there Is now only about a nickel split i.r,i,- Bnotl 'IW "(,'!!, P1 Hunt hogs. Common light stulf, an well us course henvv stuff is very slow snle and they ire Uiem W I'ai'k,;r!' aru 11 mlml 10 Klve for Tho last end of tho market waa In g'od' shape and generally n .shade higher ih.m tho opening on anything at all deslrablo. jf iu ua seer, irom tne table of average prices:, today's market aveiages ; 1 1 il 0 higher than yesterdjy. Representative sales No. 22 8t 10 10 22 10 II 67 11 Av. Ph. l'r. No 64.. 62.. .. 71., ?.. Av 301 247 1S7 2W 370 Stl 40 S4 ... 13 75 1W 3 ,6 ... 4 00 ... 4 00 ... 4 76 5 174' 5 2) 6 20 5 20 3 .'0 5 20 5 20 6 2) 3 "0 S 20 5 20 3 2u 5 20 6 20 5 20 5 2l 5 20 6 20 6 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 3) ..119 .. 83 ..101 ..104 ..S3! ..241 ..302 40 8') 5 134 6 114 8 i:4 5 IS 6 n 3 15 M 65 25 C9 63 61 7" 67!!.".' 76 7( 70 85 76..... 72 64 M CO 45 79 79 70 5S CO 65 71'."'.'. 76 70 46 65 W 73 77 66 67 76 C9 64 75 tS 65 75 79 65 "5 73 68 61 67 71 70 73 f8 67 74 254 240 27 251 213 K0 80 80 263 295 2fT S11 3I2 193 213 316 Sirj 331 D97 21", 35 3J"i 2S9 ....27S I'J W2 316 271 2t 285 M7 290 237 159 250 219 274 24S 160 80 80 iw 120 320 S7. 41... 9... St... CI... Si... S3... 1... J... (5... 54... ji'.'.! CO... 59... SO... tS .. 61... C2... J2... 37... 31... 25 .. 64... 27... CI... ei... cs... u... 160 ...218 . . .275 ...272 ...211 ...217 ...2(9 ...216 ...254 ...238 ...206 ...272 ...309 ...237 ...Hi ...212 ...220 ...25S ...200 ...2(9 ...270 ...2S3 .'..'?60 ...229 ...2(9 ...182 ...:.-,o ...214 ...204 ...313 ...hi ...-M ...253 ...204 ...247 ... 3 15 120 5 IS 40 5 15 1!0 40 6 15 5 15 S 15 5 15 40 SCO t 40 (0 5 15 4-) 6 15 I 15 ... 5 15 ... 6 15 160 6 15 160 5 15 80 6 15 120 5 15 ... SIS ... 6 174 ... 6 174 ... 5 KU 40 1C0 160 40 "to 1 so . . . 5 20 ... 5 SO 120 -5 20 40 5 20 ... 5 20 40 5 21 !60 5 29 SO 80 'si 5 14 6 174 6 174 5 174 5 174 5 174 5 174 5 174 5 17 , 80 120 340 1C0 5 20 6 20 5 20 lo a 63 .. 5 20 .. 5 "0 .. 5 20 40 6 20 278 ... 5 174 ICO 5 174 40 5 :74 C3... 62 62 53 63 81 SO 28J :s.i 40 40 5 174 5 174 6 '.74 5 174 210 5 20 so 3 20 ....278 ....217 ....235 ,...::9 ....3i)6 40 5 20 40 J 2O0 6 10 ... 0 174 40 S 174 80 5 174 ... 5 174 120 5 1,-4 ... 5 174 207 120 5 20 67. ...321 5 20 5 22 4 6 2:4 5 224 5 22 4 6 22'i, S '.24 5 224 r, 224 8 2'4 5 224 5 324 5 224 8 2.4 6 25 S li 57.. (.. s:.. M. 34.: 69.. 4S.. 71.. 64.. C9.. 65.. 6.1.. ...226 ...169 ...167 !.'.224 . . .257 ...201 . . .220 ...217 . . .321 ...250 ...210 . ..220 ...ICS ...m 263 218 275 315 306 297 274 28 257 260 3(1 80 40 SO 89 40 'fO (0 120 80 60 6 174 5 174 6 17t, 6 174 6 174 40 40 5 174 80 5 174 60 6 174 72.. 67.. 93.. 80.. 29 319 Ml 288 68 :1 5 t- 6 174 I 14 63 237 40 5 174 85.., ISO aHEEP There were rinlv n few uhen hero today and a good proportion of thuu were feeders. Chicago came weak to loo lower, and ns n result buyers did not tako hold with much life here. Sheep were slow and barely steady, whllo lambs were also dull and about a dime lower. For the w"k sheep may -safely be quoted 10c lower and lambs 15ft 25c lewer. Feeders are still In good demand and prices havo pot changed materially. ThN U particularly true of sheep, lut If anything lambs nro a llttlo easier. Quotations: Choice western grass weth ers, J3.GOfl3.80; cholco gross yearlings, '3.51 (3.80; choice owes. $3.253.60; fair to good eyes, $3.(J3.25; cull owes, J2.5(?(3.(; cholco spring lambs, J4. 001.80; fait to good spring; lambs, Jl lOffl.GO; feeder wethers, J3 35r(3.Cj; feeder lambs, JI.0OJf4.4O. Representative much: No. 6S cull ewes , 26 Nebraska owes , IWi Colorado owes 18 stock wethers 210 stock wethers 121 Wyoming ewes 160 feeder wethers 1SS Wyoming wethers 5 culls 12 1'tah ewes 2 Wyoming ewes 242 Nebraska owes 2 Nebraska ewes ITS Wyoming ewes 26S feeder wethers 231 feeder wethers 191 feeder wethers 29'.f Wyoming wethers 9 Colorado wethers 360 feeder lambs 326 1'tah feeder lambs 60 1'tah feeder lambs 5 Nebraska lambs 122 feeder lambs 35 Colorado lambs 6 Nebraska feeding lambs 3 steers, 756 J 95 steers. 9w 4 steers.. .. 996 A v. Pr. 78 J2 25 90 3 26 89 3 25 67 3 65 73 3 (5 84 3 50 93 3 CO 101 3 75 CO 3 25 115 3 25 CO 3 30 91 3 45 135 .1 50 81 3 60 9') 3 65 91 3 GO 97 :i 70 101 3 75 135 3 85 51 4 00 62 4 15 62 4 50 78 4 50 C4 4 55 93 4 SO 106 5 25 MA It Kill' ClIICAtiO LIVE hTOCIC MA It Kill'. Cattle Are (iciinallj- Stendy Moics II iKher Sheep Lower. CHICAGO. Oct. 3. -CATTLE Receipts, 51.000 head, Including 4,000 westerns and 1,101) TexnnH. Oeneral cattle market, choice steady, others weak to 0c lower, Including butchers' stock. Nntlves, best on sale today, one carload nt JG.OO; good to prime steers, $5.4WfC.0O; poor to medium. J4.607C 6.40; selected feeders, weak at 13 75111.50: mixed stockers 10a lower at 13 503 60, cows, J2.75W.20; heifers, 2 60fi4.75; din ners. J2.0K'J.65j bulls. J2 50IS5; calves. Jl 01 ftfi.OO; Texans, receipts l.lOn head, bet on sale today, fourteen carloads at J3.I5; Texas fed steers, JUOi'4 85; Texas grass steers, J3.2Ml4.O0; Texas bulls, J2 4Ji3.2n. IIOOH Hccolpts today, 30.0U) head; esti mated tomorrow, 26,000, estltnatod left pvr. 6 000: market opened 6c higher and cIohpiI weak; advance lost; top, J5.55; mixed and butchers', JS.WWj 52H; good to choice heavy, J5.0.ViT5.f.21-4: roueh heavy. Si.COt-fi 0); light, J5.1045.6B; bilk of sales. 3.20'cf..43, SHEEP Receipts, 22,000 head; nheep fj 10c lower; lambs about steady; good to choice wethers. J3.R5fi4 05; fair tn cholco mixed, 11.40(3.W); western sheep. Jl 85M4.05; Totas sheen. J2.MTi3.50: native lambs. Sl.25'1 6.20; western lambs, J4.60f(5.00. Xpii Turk Live Stnok, NEW YORK. Oct 3.-Ili:EVES-Heceliits. 2,338 head; trade very light and prices barely steadv . steers. 1l.70fr3.35: no inimi hooves offered; bulls, 52 25ff3.60: cows, JI.4O5; 3.25: no change In calves: iihliiinents. iMi quarters of beef. uaiiVkb-iteceipis. 1.071 neait; dull und demand limited, veals, J4.WM(S.O0; little calves, J3.751i4.00; grassers. S2.0G'n2.75; fed and mixed calves, $3.0U'a3.50. SHEEP AND LAM HS Receipts, P.C66 head; market slow, prices steady, sheep, 12.501il.00; few selected wethers, Jl 25. culls. 11.604(2.25; Iambs. 4,ri.60j culls, J3.60iil.00; Canada, lambs, 15.10tf5.40. jiuuw-ttcceipts, 9,304; stendy nt J5.C.V86.8.. Ht. I.onls Live Stock. . tit-. v" 1 i ijc itereipis, J FYlA 1. 1 I. .nil. .11.... 1 A. ... ... . . ' . ofltlve and prices steady, nutlve shipplni,' nnd rrp-.rt steers, S41 fi 4i " "0, dressed beef nnd butcher steers, Il.0tvif6.30, steers under 1.000 po.mil, J3.501C, 00. storkers and feid ers. 12o.ii4.75, cows und heifers, 12.7514 30, dinners. 160i-J7i, bulls. $2WI3.50, lexns and Indian steers, J3.owi4.50, cows nnd heif ers, 12 25-U3.60, HOOH Receipts, 9.00 head; market fi'iilS'.'l 1,ml "Kt. 15.2tyjf5.40; packers, ,5if(V'.1.,i Vu,chcr"' ft.vut-5o. SHLLP-Hecelpts, I.6O0 head; market nrm, native muttons, lJ.tnT4.25, lambs, 14 W irpMfjM ,Ult' ,'Ul'1!'' stockers, Knnsns t Ity Live StoeU. rriNMi-S t',T.Y' 3 CATTLE Ro- SSil-J..'. m'i ei. .'.aw Texnns and M S2m .iJ,.biP.rnl ""PP'V. all desirable killing catle steadl , common grades steady to loo LN A 'tWi'-. ?;-t, ,1r! 54MiY56; stockeis hSlfnrS ti-ditcher cows and heifers, $3.O0y4.Oo; enmors, J2.5(Mf3.00i red westerns, J3.8W4 V,. winter ..l Texaiis. li t' Sfiiso' Krn'"' l cXRns' Jo; calves. Juw llOOS-Recelpts. M.rtno he.td- market opened etrong. gained In s tre hgt l and JJ.J.HJI J.311, light, 5.1.,'ii., 3il pKfl J 36fiH to HHi:i:p-Recelpts. 8 200 ii, n,ut tor" ac Ive ut nrm prices; killing lambs "low and lower; fat lambs. Jl flOui.110. muttons. 75 X,rr,2',!,ii"-10r'S M,Ul tpl,,lt'rS. UOiHKl.OOi culN, 4m.Wl4..V. St. .Imrpb I,lp stork. SOUTH ST. JOMIJPH. Mo., Oct. 3.-(Hpe clal.) The Journal quotes as follows; CATTLE Receipts, 2.900 head; market weak to 10c lower; natives, M IOTICS); Te 11ns and westerns, J3.25-W5 25; cows and heif ers, 12.2541150, bulls and slags, J2.2Mf4 75 yearlings and calves, $3.501pl 4J, slockeni and feeders. J3.2o'i(4.25; veals. 4 ;01?.75. IIOCS-Receipts, 3,8"0 heud; m.irket steady to 5c higher; nil grades, W.IfrWo ' bulk of sales, i5.17H(jf5.25. SHEEP AND i.A.MIlS-Hecelptg, 3301 head; sheep steady; Iambs, IKmJo lower lambs. J4.35U4.85; sheep. J3.WJ4 .)u. Stock In MkIiI, Following are the receipts at the four principal western markets for October .( I'tlttJC. lilies. Sheep South Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Louis ..... Totals .... 11.017 VIM 3 9SJ 21.000 lt,3() 4.500 30.000 10.6.K) 9.600 3,. 0 ' 1.6 H) .15,817 68,351 W.S llnuk Mhmv l'rospr rlty. CHEYENNE, Wvo., Oct. 3. (Special.) "Wyoming Is prosperous." said State Hank Examiner Harry II. HenderBon today. "Tho deposits In national, state and prlvnto banks in tho stato on September u exceed thoso of any previous corrmpoudlng date and every Institution shims a marevelously healthy growth durlnR tho last two or three years." Tho Increase! deposits in banks Is un Im portant fnct to be borne lu mind by tho peoplo of this stale, for It Is a fact that can not be dented In light of the verllled fltinucl.il records, and It goes far townrd disponing of tho questions as to whether the, people havo been prosperous or not and whether thev nm still enjoying that prosperity which began to show Itself so clearly about tho middle ot tho summer of 1S97. Tho peoplo of Wyom ing are not asleep to the conditions and they aro alto aware of tho cause of theso prosperous times and will show their ap preciation of the present government, both state and national, by voting the straight republican ticket. I'ltriir I'll 11 it fur Schools. PIERRE, S. D., Oct. 3. (Special.) Tho forthcoming report of tho state cnmmUolonor of lands will show a permanent Interest bearliiK fund for tho benefit of tho publlo pchooln of tho state amounting to Jj3.372.92C. This fund Is made up from sales of lands amounting to $3,333,621 and from smaller sums received from n percentage of the sales of government land In the state, the salo of dead und down timber and other smaller Itoms. The general government donated to tho state 2.160.4S0 acres of land from which to derive u common school fund. Of this the state has disposed of 238,103 ncres at an nvcrago prlca of 511 per acre, nnd this, with the other sums mentioned, has given tho stato a permanent fund. Reduce the Price if siiu1-, NEW YORK, Oct. 3 All grades of re fined suEar were reduced 15 points today. Tho sugar market 13 demoralized. Tho American company has reduced Its prices for refined fifteen points. Arbucklo Ilros. havo reduced their list prlcos twenty points for fine grnnulated. This Is five points under the American nnd other rellncrs and It Is rumored that other Independent re finers are making reductions of twenty five points. PK.VSIO.NS VOll WK8TI1IIX VI'TIIHA.VS lVnr .Survivor Iteniembereil hy Ilio (iciicrul (love rumen I, WASHINGTON, Oct. 3. (Special )-Tho following pensions have been granted: Issue of September 17, 19n0; Nebraska Additional. Vernon M. Hab bltt. Pawnee City, Jid. Iowa-Orlglnal: Edward W. Luca, Iowa City. J12; Calvin H. Crispin. Missouri Vnl ley, 6; Evan Hrlggs, New Sharon, J12, Ephralm Watenpntigh, Sumner, J6; t'um tilings J. While, Soldiers' home, Marshull town, J6. Addlttinal: James O. Crane, Davenport, J12, John Smith, Llttlo Cedar, JS; Henry D. Tlllotson, Ottumwtt, J12. Restoration and Increaso: William A. Welch, deceased, Exlra, $12. Renewal, re Issue nnd lncreuso: Abraham T. Swear Inger, Perry, J17 Increase: .losnphus Lacy Iledford, J10: Joel II. MUllkln. Corvdon. J17 Original widows, etc.: MlnorH of William A. Welch, Extra, $12. Mnny Cull m President, CANTON, O., Oct. 3 -President nnd Mrs. Mckinley took their usual drive today. Tho day was so delightful that they remained out longer than tihUal. No plans havo been made for going to Washington to confer with cnbltiol oflieern on matters connected with the Ohlneo S'tu atlon, or for any other piupose. on tho contrary, there Is every Indication that tho president will bo lu Canton all this week. There wero many callers today, (he m-'St prominent of whom was Michael H. 'in Young of the San Franclrco Chronicle. Mr Dn Young Is ono of the twelve I'nii'-d States commlsilnners to tlm Pnrls "cpol Hon. He arrived during tha morning ,md mado nn appointment to tee the presliliut later. Coffer Trnile Threatened, HOMHAY. Oct. 3.-Tho Indian coffeo trade with Franco Is threatened with ex tinction by the new French duty on colonial prodiicta. India annually exports 10.000.oeo pounds of coffee to Fiance and If It lias to pay twice tho duty levied on Hrar.lllan cofte8 this trade, It Is asserted, will bo ruined. Till! HKAI.TV llAIIKllT, INSTRl'M ENTS placed on record Wedncs day, October 3: Wnri'iinly lierds, Atlnntlc HcillV association tn T. 1 Helton, lot 3, block 7, Hemls until.. $ .00 Jlvron Jteeu company to Julln H, bunn. lot 3, block 2, Drake's add.. . Vnlvorslty of Mlchtgnn to M. L. Good, child, et III, cost 30 feet nf wo I '2 feet lot 9, block 11, E. V. Smith's add J II Levy and wife to Omuhi Hrew Ing association, west 20 feet lot 5, block 20M4. Omaha JS. H. Cniino and wife to O. C. Olson, lot 6, Huscnll's subdlv O C. Olson and wife to W. D. Reed, samo 1.2M 7W 2,0(0 1,200 1.3 0 (lull (illliil Denis, E. II. Edson and wifo to il n. Finch, lot 6, block 1. Patrick's add 1 L. O. Jones und wife to 1 E. Hast ings, lot 12, tlock 20. Hanseom Place 2 C H. Hunt, trustee, to same, same ., 1 Anutn MeOavork to E. H. Cosne, lot 6. Ilasoall's subdlv I Ellen O'Keefo to same; same 1 Deeds. Sheriff to National Llfo Insurance company, lot 8 and s',-4 'ot 7, block 7, Hanseom Place 9.GV) Total amount of transfers J16,rn7 JAMES E- BOYD & CO., Telephone 1039. Oinsli.i, Sal COMMISSION, GRAIN, PROVISIONS mid STOCKS HOiHO UF THAHK. Correapondtnc. John A. Warrn U C utrtot wires to Cftlco and Nw rorS H.R.P:rjriEY& CO. -v 80014 Mr ure bloc OHAHA fit CfbVtCH 1038 Ntt UMUU1 rt(ft