The Omaha daily" in3E: ti'indw, orTvm:n l moo. 4 4 SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for these column rrlll br tnUrn until I!i m. ror inu rrrnliiR edition mill until N ltd p. m. for inornliiK and .Similar edition. Kntra, 1 J-',io a linrd flrfct Insertion, le a vrnrit thereafter. XotliliiK tnUrn for lfi tliun for the II rat Inser tion, Tlifir nilTrrtlneiurnt Inuit tic run eonerntl elf. Advertiser, ljr rrnneatlnic a nnni berrd chccU, enn liie inTrer d drraneil to nntnlicred letter In erne of Tlir llee. A timers in addressed will he delivered on presentation of the check only. SITl TIONS YV WTH1). AN eastern teacher desires a position 1,8 governess to small evhlldren or a rnm banlon to an elderly lady Address N ". lice . A- MWj BITl'ATION wanted by experienced all round butcher ;ind moat cutter; single mutt, temperate, no objection to country. Address X 67, Hee. A-M64 S EMPLOYMENT on farm M man and wife. J P Dorr, IIP S 7th si CotintljHIn If WMXTKII-MALE 11111.1. WANTED, we have s' pood hustlers of goo. an. e C. F. Adams ,i,lv work for a few habits and appear m , 1805 Howard St II 02 1 BARHKR trade taught thoroughly In short time, cnlntiiiriie and tmrtlctllars free. Adi'rcss Western Ilarbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb. n-s.i COOK, at once for (lav restnlirant. Ad. dress F. K Miller. McCook, Neb. II-MW1 V'ANTUD, trains for It. It. work In Mis slsfiiiiiil: frt- transportation for outllts, AV I kham. Phdan At Co,, 19 Scott street, Itluffs, la. lt-im VNTKD. grocery specialty salesman; cue inur exnerlenen f nil v : We offer ex Ai'Mounl opportunity and good salary. Address X Hi. Uee. 1J-MIH3-: OES KHA L helper for repair work, rental rii siriment; also one plasterer. Xt For nnto si. ' H-.MW 2 WANTI.D. two nice appearing young men wi i inisl'iers utility for rind positl n n'n' and expenses, come quick, today f a tn to ; p. m. Drcxel Hotel, ronm l! SOLifiTOHH for "Onlveston: The Horrors if a Stricken City.", by Hal-fa I; roil oiges. biggest book, best terms; de-mii-il ennrrnouf Solicitors clenrlng K, to JW -lallv: mtllls free. Standard Publish ing house, 3S2 Dearborn St., Chleigo. H-.M7B0 2 W NTHD. reliable solicitor of good ad dress W have world-beater and you can t lore. Peo "Iltllotto,' D to 10 a. in., ri ado hotel. H-M7C2 2' PAI.ES.MAN wanted to sell rubber boots and hoes ami macltlntoahes. AddregJ The Duck Hrund Co., Chicago H-.M7i'd 3 rum -KEitY and glass sa'esmnn. with references, N 5.". I lee. H- Addrexs, -M7IS 3 V. ANTIHt FIIMAMI II Ill.l" V WTl-JD. 200 glrlH. mi Dodge. Tel. J70. C-7 v. girls wanted. Canadian oltlco. 1522 Douglas C-62S WANTED, girl for genera', housework, fl per week; only neat anil competent girl need apply. 120 Davenport. C-01 OlftL for general housework; must bo gool nok. wagea II week for competent nirl. ''all at once 2020 Emmett. C MW6 WANTED, nurse girl, must A; .U 22jS Harney St. live at home. C-7II-3' WNN'TED. a young lady who Is accurate In tlgurliiiT and good penman, as stock lerk References required. Address X lice. C 730-1 WANTED, girl for general Ixiusework. 2223 Hurt. C-332-1 WANTED. 'alio vdlce for church choir Ad dress X 50, lice. C-M7CJ 2 YOI'NO ladles for theatrical company to travel, experience not 'ri quired; chorus ,i.l siniill orris: give ngu, height, weight. Address X 53, Hee. C-M751 WANTED Hy the finest millinery estab lishment In Sioux City, a llrst-class mil liner, ileslgnir and trimmer; very best salary paid to competent person; but llrst-elnhs milliner n. oil. .inply. Al dress, at once. P. O. box 4S7, Kloux cit, la. C-.M.Kl 2' Tr XPKIUKNCED china and glass sales. Address with references. X 51. H,.c C-M7I5 3 run hi:.t not si:s. IF 'on want jour houses well rented place them with Hciiawa ft: L'n. D-63ij Full RENT, strictly modern Hat In Day hlge building, oposlte cltv hull JOHN W. ROHHINS, 102 FARNAM SI". D 529 CHAMPION Carpet Cleaning Wks.. cleins ... ,..!. nc o it n..l rA. anil iay vurprin num. c tri ON ' ALWAYS moving H. H. Olllce, 15114 Farnam St. goods. Pianos. Tel. 1550 or VII. D-1X.0 linrSES for rent In all purls of tho cl.y Hreiinau-Love Co., J So 13th St. D tIl HOI SES, stores. Hemls, Paxton block. D-mU.1 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam. D Oil FORHEN'lV house R rooms. S. W. C r. Park uve. anil Leavenworth. Modern -.-x-cept furnace. Key at cottuge In t'ir- irnti iirn'T. Octnber 1. to stniill family, a desirable seven-room cottage. 22nd and California street; water In kitchen: J22 pr montu. inqiiuu in. wi j. in "jyjj'j coir liout cnnklnir. 11.25. delivered: notll ini? better. Harmon ft: Wceth Co. Tel HI. Vii OKI x.m JONES Street, beautiful ten-room r., rnuiilencn In nerfect order: new ii' imbing. new furnace, large lawn. SC'J.OJ. OMAHA LOAN THI ST CO 16th & Douulas St. D-MM2 FOR RENT, a enzv S-room modern cot togo. Inqulro 2152 St. Mary's. D MM 22l LAN DON Court. 10 rooms, modern; In fine condition; rent JUO0. OMAHA LOAN A- TRUST CO., 10th & Douslas St. D-Ml PEE HENRY 11. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIKE. D-0J6 IIOFSES, etc. F D. Wend, 1521 Douglas. D-037 HOI SES and llats. RlhGWiiIt, Parker Hlk D W3 FOR RENT. 14-room bulldlns In South nmnhii. arranced for boarulni: house: re centlv intlnted Inside and out. nanered and overhauled generally; favorublo terms to responsible narty. H C. PETERS & CO., 1702 FARNAM. D-.M500 5 HOUSES nnd flats. Rlngwalt, Harker blk D-ssi EIGHT-ROOM modern house; good repair near nostolllce; one qr morn years lease furnished If desired; rental. HO unfur nlshcd. O. C. Olsen, liui j-'arnam St. D-M 171-6 3217 CUMING St,, 8 rooms; modern except xurnace; in goon cuniiiiiuii. jiiinj. OMAHA LOAN Ac TRUST CO., 16th Ac Douglas St. D-550 S-POOM. modern, and barn. 24th and Har nev: Cor. 26th and . Hamilton, modern 6 room new house. T. D. Weail, 16th nnd Douglas. D-M500 VI'llNISIIEH cottnee. elos in piano Included. Inquire 1203 Farnam st W 'l 113 FINE E 7-room house furnished. moilorn in eve rv iiirllciilar. Avnlnnt Hill, fnr rent until April 1; references required. Addresi X 41, Iloo. D-M;82 9-ROOM hoijse, inojoni. SSvfi Ilarnov st D-M7W FOIl HEAT Ft IIMSIir.ll ROOMS. FOR RENT, furnished or rooms and board If desired, urf utn'ihcd 14. ' s I t' 5' roii hext-im hmmied rooms. THREE t,"m, housekeepliR; 111! S. Ill ll. E 371 t-ftivtnirn i nlee rooms, also bark i,.irl..r .in. I kltihen for housekeeping. 616 North tlh St. H-Mo'3-2 TWO tmall looms, one double room, for gentlemen, furnace. 193 Dodge. ..,, Foil HUNT, rooms, furnished or un furnished, modern, with or without board, private family. 21M Chicago St. E 73J-2 I t IIMSIIHI) ROOM AMI HOARD. aLHNCAIRN,trBnslents,$1.26day. 1000 Doug. F-fl3i GOOD board, private family. 609 Bo. 25ih avenue. F .MOW UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport SL F-C40 TIIK Merrlam, good summer resort. 25th & Lodge. r tin TWO large south Webster st. modern. 2010 F-C23 7 'Oil HUM' 1'. IT It. MS 1 1 III) HOOMS. TWO or three furnished or unfurnished rooms; hot water heat, bath nnd all mod ern conveniences, hks h u si. G-M718 3 THHEE or four unfurnished rooms f u light housekeeping; fnodern 2H5 Dnv.-1 port St. CS-MuC 4 FOH HUNT Vl'OHIlS AND OFFIfllS. Foil 11ENT. store In first-class location; rem reimniinlite Annlv H. C. Peters .As Co., ground llonr, Hee bldg 1 "ji A till NTS WANTI1I). WANTED, ngents In every Nebraska community to sell the "Hest" apir Oiisollne Lamps; most seientlllc Lamp made: two years on tho market; auso l,it(.lv siinrnnteeil for mf year. Hest itl candescent Light Co., ais So 15th Ht., Omaha. Neb. J-M132 021 2.5"" A YEA It easily made by hustling nirents. Im mil I n tr our white and fancy rubber collars, cuffs and neckties, pat ented and guaranteed goois, our cam nalen ties are winners; liberal commls slon; exclusive territory; send stamp for special plan, terms, etc. M. At .M Mig Co.. Springfield, ainss- J .Miol 2' AHENTS WANTED For fast selling olllt e necessity; liberal commissions; entirely new. Write for particulars to the Duncan Mfg. Co., 150 Manhattan bldg.. Chlcuco. j ,Mio, W A N T 1 1 1 T O IlllXT. WANTED. 8 or !-room modtrn house. Fred Loewo. manager shoe dept.. Hoston Store, Omaha. K .31-3 WANTED. 3 or 4 unfJinlshed rooms with bent for verv lleht houscKecnlng; family of 3 grown people: must be close In; state location and price. X 51, Hee. K 720-2 STOHAOI2 PACIFIC Sinriice and Warehouse Co.. !)1! lilt Jones, general storage and forwardjntr. Om. Van Stor. Co 1511's Farn. Tels. 155C- 63 WA N'l'IlD TO 1II Y. ALL kinds of household troc.ds. hotels, etc.. In large and small quantities. ChlcagJ Furn lure Co.. no.;-io Doilge. Tel. 2r.u s-r'n WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha Sa-lngs bank accounts. Urennan- Lovo Co., 'J So. 13th. N-till DHAND bicycles. Omaha Hlcvele Co. N-4515 OLD stamp collecMons bought. 216 N. lfith. W A STTIsn in liif HtiBtliiml nniiv: mllt be gentle; one that weighs about 0"0 lbs. Mr. A. l). Hranueis, uoston store. ,-,iujo ; SIX-ROOM hmuc, .with bath; north part of town, will pay 51.700. X 52. Hee. FOIl SALIl HOUSES. VEHICLES, ETC. NEW nnil 2dll. vehicles nt mnrked down prices. Harry i rost, Jltn ft: i.uavenworm. r 6l'5 'OR SALE, new buggy bodies with gcir- ing for sale at Jl SO each. A. u. Aipirn. fJU Douglas. P-MDt C. 'OR SALE, a liors :se and buggy cheap. In- Mary's ave. P M755 'OR SALE, a good all purpose iore cheap: also buggy and harness It dcilreJ; must sen. lhii ni .iu . .."in hi. P-M5W 2 roit sai.i: misci:i.i,m:oi s. HARD igid soft foundation piling; hog fences and cribbing. !d Douglas. ij',4i CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman Al- Mc- Connell Drug Co., cor. iiitn ana uouge. Q-618 unit SALE, tlvo Lowe lvn iIok nuns, now ready to unait: sunjeci to registration; nrlce. 110. Address W. S. Keellne, two miles eiiMt of city. Council muffs. Q-M373 Ol DHAND safe cheap. Dorlght, 1116 Farnam. SAFES; buy, tell, ex'ge. Schwartz, 114 SoJS. "tltl.VND wheels. J5 to 110: now wheels. $15. Omaha Ulcycio co., jam ft: cuiciibo ai. I'-fi-d MANSON bicycles, 25. Omaha Hlcycle Co. tj mi M. & W. tires, $2.73. Omaha Bicycle Co. J to;. SECOND-HAND Callgraph (new) for sale. Call al oilico cicrK uistrici couri. Q-651 CORNCOHS. Monroe & Co., Sll N. 16th St. Q 655 FINE horse and rubber-tired buggy, very cheap. II. E. rreuericKson, 1122 uouge st. (J 431 us FOH SALE, payable after received, three months trial free: HI 25 fnr a high grade. 5-drawcr, drop head cabinet sewing ma chine: ill w for a regnnr Jtuoj uicvcie; j:S 50 for n $300.00 pluno; $29 75 for a $75 00 parlor organ!; $15.50 for a 6-pleco over stuffed velour $4001 parlor suite. All new blah crnile standard kooiIs. For full liar- tlculars state articles Interested In and we will mall you a. special catalogue. boars, uoeuucK flc vo., wuicago. Q-M65.S 013' NEED Money. 1l will huy lino Chlckor- log upright. Aourcss, u s, uee. Q-267-O-l FINE Stelnway piano for sale cheap; party leaving city. Auurcss 11, umann ii"e. Q-267 Ol LUMHER for lale, 2x6 and, 2x5, id ft long. Apply carpenter loreman, iucuoru-jirauy bldg.. 13th ami t.cavenworin hi Q M5.6 HARD COAL Art Garland stove, nlmoii new, cheap. 1121 n. ism. Q-417 MISCELLAMlOl H. NOTICE, country dealers. Jdhnnd furniture and stoves at lowest prices, carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture co.. jhh-iu woiiKe. 11 r.,7 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITiC, clairvoyant, 819 North lfith MME.OYLMER gcnulno palmist. 1C05 Dodge S-M721 ELECTRIC THE ATM EXT, ELITE parlors. CIS S. 16th. second floor. T 37S 05 MME. AMES. 1615 Howard, room 1, 2d Moor; Mae Edgar, assistant. T 123 4 MME. LEE, magnetic 13th, room 2. treatment. 607 S. T M5M 6' PERSONALS, LADIES' hair shamnooed. dressed. 35c Hair toilet goods. Monhelt, 1515 Farnam, Tel 2:133 c DR ROY, chiropodist, corns removed, I5c una unward. Hoc 111 12. Ft enter block U-662 phrsoxal. MONHKIT. Chiropodist. 1515 Farn. Tel txst HOFF'S Kxpresa & .Messenger Co. Tel. 1H7 U-C61 VIAVI. woman's way to health. 316 Hee bldg u v TURKISH baths massage baths, electric lint Ms. fnr Indies onlv: SKiueu women massage operators; linest eqjippcu oains In tho city. Henstrom Hath Company. Hooms 216 to 220 Uee Hide. IT -661 RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no danger; send ror circulars. jimpire iiup ture Cure, 9J2 N. Y. Life bldg. Omaha. U 6y5 I'lUVATE hospital for ladles before A- dur ing connnemeni; uaDics nuopicu. nw u. -U666 I'IjKATINO, buttons to order; plnklnK while you wan. utnanu i-ieuung lu ion DouRlas. U OS I'lUVATE homo before and during confine ment; puuics aiioptuu. mts. uursei, ai.-w Hurdette. L'-OB LADIES' Jackets and tal'or mado suits al tered, cleaned, repaired. M. 1' oKel, 30, s. 17. U-3H Ol LAPET1TE French oval photos 50c per dozen (luring September only, rroctor, 616 S. ICth. U-JI333 Ol. PLACE rour order now for seal sncqics, fur scarfs nnd collarettes of all descrip tions; furs repaired and altered. Aula baugh, Son At Co., 5J6 Karbach blk. V-M337 OS LADIES will receive first-class care before and during confinement; lady physician. M3 N. 23d St. C-115 021 E. L. LOVFJOY, 118 N. 15th St.. for a OOOD bicycle, for a good sewing machine, for anything for bicycle or sewing machines see hltn. C-hM Ol YOL Il OLD SKtllT Can be nltero.1 to look new and stylln by using one of our butlful FHENCil ACCOHDION I'LKATKD'S Any kind complete from H.) up. AL TERATION PATTEHNS AN D INSTIU C TIONS FH EE. Accordion nnd side p'.eat Ing by the van!. Send for circulars. M. GOLDMAN A CO. 2X) Douglas Hlk., 16th nnd Dodge. t; -161 SHAMPOO, 3.'.c; halrdress. 25-; manicure, we; scalp treatment, .i'c: electric mas sage or scalp treatment, 35c. F. M. Schadell & Co., 1522 Douslns C-Mw7 029 MRS. JACOHSON removed to 1S11 Lnlce. f-.1616 6 YOl'NG lady wishes ncqinlntanco of w.ll situated i atnoiic gentleman; itive descrip tion. Address X 47, Uec. C-M61S 2 MON 12 Y TO 1,0 A.V HI1AI, KST-VTH LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western lowu rnims at o per cent: borrowers can pay 100 or any multiple: any Interest date: no delay. Hrennan-Iovc Co.. .W So. 13th St., Omaha. Neb. W 70 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. iironnan-L.ove co., aw so. win W-C71 Sl.O'iO and unwnrd to loan on Imnrovcd ct property aim larms. w. i'nrnam ttmun .t Co., 1320 Farnnm. W 672 WANTED, city lontM, bonds nnd warrants ueorgo company, iwi l arnam st. W-673 MONEY In any amount at 5, 5H. 6 per cent J. V. KUUl.iS CO., lMrj All.NAM Ml W 674 MONEY to loan on farm and cltv property; lowest rates. O. F. Davis Co., 1505 Farnam. W 075 MONEY to loan nt f, nnd M per cent on H. Molkle. 101 S. 15th W 67 Omaha property. v. PRIVATE money. 5. 5U. (1 per cent; no de lay, oarvin nros., 1B13 i-.trnam. v m WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants, it. c. 1'eters ft: t o., no.' Farnnm St., Heo Hldg. W-7S PRIVATE money, v. D. Wead. If2l Doughm W-079 FIVE per cent money, Hemis. P.ixton block. 6q MONEY to loan on flrt-class Improved city property or for tminiing purposes rayne Knox Co., New York Life. W-6S1 MOXI1Y TO LOAX CHATTELS. MONEY MONEY PEOPLE. LOANED SALARIED No endorser or tnortgece required. LOWEST RATES, EASY PAYMENTS anil STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA CREDIT CO.. Room 626, lltth floor, New York Life DM qr. .6 MONEY loanel on pit no, furniture, jew elry, norses, lows, etc. c ! . iteeu, aiu u A liM LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE. FOLLOW THE CROWD. They rome to us. If you can do better elsewhero don t como here (but you can t). Come and let us prove to you that wo give HEST TERMS In the city and more for your money than others DARE. No mortirage. no Indorer. no publicity; simply confidential business deal. RELIAHLE CREDIT CO., Room 3i33, Third Floor, Paxton Titock. X-6SI MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, dlt- momls, watches, privately. Herger l.-ian Co., 1504 Farnam St., npsiidrs. X !4 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, hories. cows, jeweiry. unn urcen. iiarker inn X-6i3 -M-O-N-E-Y -D-O-Y-O-U-N-E-E-D I-T We make loans from $10.') up on furniture. pianos, norses, cows, etc.; you Keep toe nronertv: or we will make vnu n SALARY LOAN on your own note, without lndorser or mortgage; we cnargc aos-oimeiv notn Inir for making papers nnd wo keen nu:h ing out of the amount you borrow; vo.i mny pay the money back In one month or take more time In which to pay It, unci vou nru exnected to nay for It onlv what tlmo you use It; our rat s nre Uw an I our terms are the cosiest: our business as confidential ns Is possible nnd our treat ment Is always courteous. Omaha Mort gage Loan Co., 306 So. 16th St. Estab lished lt92. X-fi!'J MONEY loaned salaried neonle holillnc ner mancnt position wun reiponsime concent imnii their own nnmcH without security : easy payments. Tolman, 706 N. Y. L. Hldg X 6S7 SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. J W. taylue, 21s nrst Nat. uank mug. X-sS MONEY loaned on furniture, diamond watches: payments conuuentiai. umana Chattle Loan Hank, 220 S. ibth, upftnirs. X 6V PRIVATE LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE On their plain note without security. No cnargos lor papers, i.owcr ruies. easier nnvments. Conlldentlal treatment as, sured. Wo wnnt your trade. AMERICAN LOAN CO , Itoom Wl Jiee lilo. X-712 lllSIXESS ClIAXCllS. $150 CASH or easy payments ouys 25 strlr tlv lawful uilCKon siot macnincs lor iirinas. cigars or cash: will earn $2 and upward weekly each. Earl, Clark & Co., Furnl turo Manufacturers, Chicago, III. Y-M74 FOH SALE Oil RENT, hotel: alfo blnck smith shop,, at I'erclval, lowa. A'Kireis Mrs. R. M. Leslie. Y?97 3' FOR SALE, well paying dressmaking am' corset uusiness centrauy locaieu. ja dress X 31. Hee. Y-421 1 $300 buys photograph outfit In good town u. u. jirucKcrt. jtnrvarn, .e. Y-M5H-: A RARE CHANCE Everybody knows Muellers jiakcry nnn confectionary at the corner of 2Mh and Leavenworth Sts, 1 am colnc out of business nnd will ctvc tho tight man a great bargain. Will sell or lent. Call and see me. Also have the third store from corner ror rent cheap goon location tor any xinu or Dusiness. Y-M4C4-2 HIO CHANCE, three t'.oors (10 rooms) full of line lurnituro ano goon roomers; nest location: title clear. Insurance nnld. navs 100 per cent on Investment, $500 cash takes It by October loth, Address "Harsaln, Uee Olllce. Y-M548-2 FOR SALE, patent right; will sell state or counties In Nebraska; If you wish to make n lew nunurt'i mis winter writo tor par tuuiurs to j', uee omce, council niurn Y-M0.2 6 Itt SIMl..! CHAM IIS. FOIl SALK. Interest lo a well established Krocery store; will sell cheap, Inpaway on account of sickness. Address O, H'e olllce. Council Bluffs. l-MM WANTED. St.. Dook clocks. 1S20 Webster Y-73.7' Store SPECTACLES. KUiiranteed perfect, war ranted 2 years, worth J2.W. tOc. 1S20 Webster St . Hook Store. Y 730-7 ALL the popular novels of the day 3c. 2 for 5c; e.chunne. 152" Webster St.. Hook Store. A -710-7 FOH SALE, established coal business. ards and office central'y located; owner lenvliiK city; ureat opportunlt ti Kt hold of it Rood business. Onlv small capital required. Address X 4H. Itee. roit ii.xciiA.Non. FOH SALE or trade. A anham scai. small safe, lot shelving, taoies, rouer-i p desk, small wagon, show cases. Ap;.ly 131S Farnam. Mi4i 3 roit su.n-itiMi. ii.sTVTi: TWO full lots, 100x120 feet, on grade, one block norm or union inn. neur scnum and car, only 300 for both; easy terms. Byron li. Hastings, 212 S. nth st. IlL Moil 2 FOH SALE cheap, large cottages. J. A. Lovegren, ton block. lot anil three 4th floor Pax It E-M 546 HOUSES, farms. H. C. Patterson, 3ff. NY.L HOt'SES, lots, farms, lands, loans: also tire Insurance. Ilcmls. Paxton blk. HE till SEE HENHY 11. PAYNE, C01 N. Y. LIFE HE 8P5 PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HEADOI" HTEHS for HEAL ESTATE H AUG A INS: LOW EST HATES on LOANS; SoUND I.N Sl RANCE; IIOFSES. FLATS STORES, for RENT. First floor, N. V Life lltdg. RE RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by th iirt, ii.,cific itnllronil comnanv. It. A MeAllaster. land commissioner, t'nlolt Paclilc Headquarters, Omaha. Neb P.L 69 norm rnntnl tironerts' for farm. Monroe A: Co., Feed and Fuel, ill N. 16th St. .-COS LA HO A INS HARRISON, N. Y. LIFE. RE-113 07 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St HE-l.93 C. F. HARRISON. FARMS. N Y. LIFE. RE-361 05 DELIGHTFUL home In Hanscom place for sale nt a liberal discount. M. J Kcnnard & Son, suite 310-311 Hrown Hlk HE-ISO 1,120 ACRES of good farm or grazing land In central enrnsKa lor paie cnenn. if i erson. 622 N. 16th St. in,-, -M3"9 023 m.-mni'STri-T 11 rooms, modern, 'ot 75x10. nn. Khmle. contract let to nave street. 504 S. "sth street. David C. Patterson. 13 Furnam. RE-M2S3 O LARGE 7-room. 2-story house, good barn, largo lots, near paved St., school, etc. 11,200. C. F. HARRISON. N. Y. Life. RE 126 A rttirTAT TlATirSAfN In n well Improved 50-acre farm one mile north of Flotence. with n tine S-room house, verv sightly location with beautiful lnwn covered with fine forest trees, nl-v orchard and smnll fruit, largo basement, linrn. nil hut above five acres high and level and the best of soil; best location for fruit near Omaha; we are authorized to take $l,00o-thls Is only S0 per acre: lin. iirnvnmentu crmt when jullt over $3,030 adjoining lands unimproved nro selling at 5VI to U"J per acre; uic, i.-vwut uskm .).'", hut must have some money and has au thorlzed us to make this lew price; terms one-fourth cash, balance to be arranged r-nll In nnd we will show vou the nrop. ertv. Pnvne-Knox Company, mnln floor, IN. 1. lHO lHUh. "-o ANDS. C. B. Hurrows, Norfolk, Nebraska im vm uec. . 717 CHICAGO ST.. lnrize rooms and hall. porch In front and nround iIia ul.le: nenrlv new: city water In kitchen; lot 50x152 ft.. on grade. Price, i.20.f"). Easy terms. This is a uargaiu. aoiu aujoining nourcs last veek. THE nYRON REED CO., 212 S. llTH ST. ut. .110,1 2 NEW house, 7 large rooms, porcelain bath. etc., very complete, full So. front lot, J3.2O0. C. F. HARRISON, 313 N. Y. Life. 1112 153 3 LARGE 7-room, 2-story; goia burn, 3 largo lots, near paved St., school, etc., $1,200. :. F. HARRISON, N. Y. Life. RE-426 2' A LOT of cheap lots you can nrtord to hold for years. A bargain in every one. Huy ono for your boy or girl. 502 lots Just north Fort Omaha. 75 Lot on the bottoms. North Omaha. $100 325-ft. lots, corner. N. 16th near paved street, vcnooi ami store. $t2i-2 lols. Not Mi C'jniiliu $125 Lot lust north Hlwivlew Park. $Io0 25-ft. front, M'-'ltary road, enst end lteuson cur line. 'VlFine, lot Ciclghtop Hi-isbts. $350 Full lots, Kendalls Add., Stevens Place, Hewer and water, near car. $100 Good lot Ames, between 27 and 2S. fjoo &0xl40. near Vinton Hchool, Boulevard, So. Omaha car. GEORGE G. WALLACE, 313 Hrown Hlock. JW I.JU-0 CHOICE Investments for moderate purses: $1,6002 cottages, corner 101, cuy waior, lu minutes wain west 1-. u.. renis jis. $1.75i 3 cottages, 2 lots, city water, rental $22.5". 33U ft: unio. kx) S-room modern house, full lot. paved street, fine location, north, rented $21.50, erv chean. $;,Siv I cottages, full lot, Izard, bet. 21st KM renting $33.00: a great barcaln. GEORGE G. WALLACE, 313 Hrown Hlock. Jits i3i-a CHEAP homes for small purses: $600 3316 Larlmore Ave.. 6 rooms, full lot. 1000 5-room cottage. .MiiBon near lam. 6-r. house, full lot, city water. WhI nut Mill, oincK irom cur, line uargain. J1.Tr 2041 N. 1Mb. 5 rooms, n co ot. $2,50o r,-r. cottage, modern, good barn, lot 33x112. lllgn scnooi nm. uargain. Mnny other; get particulars. GEORGE O. WALLACE, 313 Hrown Hlk itis-i;w HERE'S A SNAP. , good six-room cottage, inst front, with fine aero lot for gurden purposes, nt 53d and Poppleton ave.: must go for the prl of n song by October 10; 12,100 cash Was refused for the same In 1W, but $l,0'.O will buy It now: Just vacated, owner coin away, so possession can be given now; call at once. HENRY IS. PAYNE. WI N. Y. LIFE HLDG. HE M749 J HANSCOM PLACE UARGAIN. Ono of tho finest homes In Haiucotn Place, 9 rooms, all modern house; good barn; full cast front lot: only $7,500. C. F. HARRISON, N. Y. LIFE. 1136 S. 31st st. Look at it. RE-M7II 3 LOST. LOST. Elk's pin. for return tn W, H. P. O No. J. Shrader. 19. Reward Lost 377 1 LEMON and white colored setter dog; thin, coarse-haired unlmal: reward. $3, 127 N. 32d Ave. Ixist 126 LOST, mlleaco books. U. P.. No. 21.1: 11. M.. 767; H &. M.. 77075, and F.. E. M V.. 2u37. Libernl reward for return to R D. McCutcheon. care Standard Oil Co. erchants- National uapk bldg. Lot-M726 3 LOST Ring; wnito and purple stone: no value only ns an iieinoom; finder liber ally rewarded. Zoij Sherman ave., Tel phono 1603. Lost-M73i 2 IIAXC1.MJ. CHAMHERS' school of dancing. 17th and Douglas. Classes nnd clubs now form ing at ncanemy. upon ciany, 9 a. m 5 p. in. Phono, 1111. Hall and music furnished parties. Circulars. M59 OH NEW classes now forming nt Miran 1 this week. Tuesday and Friday, hum 12 lessirs, ladles $0. gentlemen $? special priced to clubs; assemblies Wednesday -455 O.i Ml.tHClL. AlTTlIS out ( f health llox 232, Umnha. Neb find prompt relief Conlldentlal -702 LADIES troubled with Irregularities whites, sterllltv, painful or suppressed menstruation And prompt relief and cure, quiet home before and during contlne metit. Call or write with stumps to I'r Pries, 1513 Dodge St., Omaha. Neb U-MWC 013 LADIES, Golden Seal Is a never falling regulator; remotes irregularities rrom any cause In rive hours: sent secure from observation, $1. Cnttotu Medicine Co . St Louis, Mo. ,M-5WM LADIES' Chichester's English T. unroyal Pills are the best: safe, reliable, take no ther. Send 4c stamps for partlcut irs. "Relief for Ladles'' In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co . Philadelphia. . Pa. GONOVA Is a Fretir). treatment tor male nnd female, for the positive cure of Gonorrhoea. Gleet. Unnatural Discharges. Inflammations, Irritations and Ulcerations of the tiucims membranes. An Internal remedy with Injection combined, war ranted to cure worst cases In one week. $3 per pai kage or 2 for $0. Sent any where on receipt of price The KUd Drug Co . Elgin. Ill American Olllce, retail, wholesale. Mers-Dlllon Drug Co.. Omaha, M. A. Dillon. South Omaha. Davis Drug Co.. Council Dluffs. Full lino of rubber goods. OSTEOPATH V. JOHNSON Institute, t,15 N. Y. L. Plug ; Tel. 1661: Alice Johnson. D o. ladies dept.; Old E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, Mgr. 7'U M. E. DONOHUE, D. O., of Still sch. o- Klrksvllle. Mo. 601 Paxton Hlk. T01. iv, 7oi N. F. McMURRAY, 11. S. D , D. O.. Mrs. J. R. Muslck, D. O, graduates A S. O.. Klrksvllle, Mo., suite 536-3? Heo Hldg. . -372 o5 ,. T. HUNT, D. O.. 305 Karbach. Tel 2352. -'6 OJ SIIORTIIA.M1 A.M1 TVI'HWHITIMJ. A. C. VAN SANT'S School 717 N. Y. Life. 705 HOYLES' College, court reporter principal. jiee iuih J NEHRASKA Huslness and Shorthand col- lege. Hoyd s Theater. iOi GREGG Shortliand taught nt the Omaha Commercial College, loth ami Douglas his. '."OS Accomiiov i'i.iiTiMi ACCORDION nnd side pleating, cheapest, best, quickest Mrs A. C Mark, 9 Pat terson Hlk , 17th and Farnam Sts. -M514 OS TICKET IlltOICIlIt. CUT rate tickets everywhere P. II. Phil bin, 1505 Farnam. Telephone 7SI. 709 ACr.TYLEVE MONARCH Generators nre best. Carbltle $4 &o per 100 lbs Agents wanted. M A G. Co.. 1022 Douglas St. -677 Ol.l ICIl roii SALE ICE for silo In Council H!uffs. car lots. Gilbert Pros M510 .STAMMHHIVU AMI STtTTEHlXC CURED. Julia Vaughnn, 430 RamgO Hldg. 710 I'A W.MIltOKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglns -70) LOANS. H. Marowltz; low rates. 413 N. 16. 701 IMAXO rtxiNfi. WE tune your piano for $1.50. Store, 1521 Dodge. Tel. 1915. Rose's Art 950- IlltESSMAIvlMi E. G. Mi DONALD, 1612 Capitol avenue M-67 013 Mill II OR FACTORY. Damaged looking glassca rcsllvered. 70S N IS 1 1 1 LANGUAGES. CHATELAIN School ot Langunges, Hoyd's theater, lias reopened tor season 125 O? HOTELS. HENDERSON, $1."0 per dav $3.50 to $5 week, 9th nnd Fa house; board. arnam; tm I24i) -M2GI Ol LAUXDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, "c, collars, 2C;Cliri8, 4C. llOU lA'HVl'IlWOrill. JCI.U1I FLH.MTl'Hll HEPAlRIXr. TEL. 1331. M. S. AYalklln, 2111 Cuming St. 713 hTOVIl IIEPAIHIXG. STOVE, furnace, ratige repairs, water con nections, uin. aiove jiep. una , i-ui Tel. 960. , TAII.OHIXG. HIGH class tallorlng.modorateprlces. latest designs, a. J . uroueiiiit, ion oii( r.X(ilES, HOILEltS, 171'C. L. C. Shnrp-Mach. Wks. motors, d namos. 715 CAHPEXTERS A X II JOHIIEHS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochlltree;20th and Lake Sts. 3' EI.OCI TIOX A XI) ORATOR V. ELLA DAY, 204 Ramge b'.dg ; reading, elo cution, oruiory; juursuuy iiiriii m-iihui, - LS8 Ol5 MC1CEL PLATING. STOVES, lamps and chandeliers reflated. Om. Plating Co., Heo Hldg. Tel. 2533. 110 lllllDS AM) TA.VIDUHMY. STOCK S Hlrd Store. 1603 Icavenworth -717 .Ml S1CAL. piiou. 1. I1HAI N. teacher of mono and organ: siiuuo Kin ttamgo iiik., open j io t, p. in.; terms moderate; thorough artistic work guaranteed. M M0 015 rot. xi). FOUND Iady's pin; owner can have sani by applying to T. R. M., Nebraska N i tlonul bank. Fuund-M759 2 FOUND-One Jersey cow, short horns 21 N. 2sth st , Scuth Omaha. Foutld-M713 2 ACCOUNTS. CHARLES E WALTERS. 326 Heo bldg -M76) nov 1 (iOVEHXMEXT NOTICE. PROPOSAL FOR WATER SYSTEM-Do-partment of the Interior, Ofllco of Indian Altnlrs. Washington. D. C. Sent. 19. 19I0-- Sealed proposals, endorsed "Proposals for Water Systim. and auuresseu to inn . nlaulnni.r ,.f Inrllnn Affairs. Washington D. C.. will be received at this oilico until .' n'nlnelc n m. of Wednesday. October 17, 1900. for furnishing and delivering nt tho Klckopoo Hoarding School, Pottnwntomle, etc.. Aeenei. Knnsns. tho neceBsnry mate- Hnl anil labor reuulred In the construction of n watir system. In strict accordance with the plans, specltlcntlons nnd Inrtruc tlons to bidders, copies of which are on fllo in this office, tho U. S. Indian Ware house. Chlcaeo. 111., the U. S, Indian Agent Pottawatomie, etc. Agency. Kansas, tho JlUIIU'rn Ullil ltt,ir,D LAiioiiic, ,, n , Neb,, and tho newspaper publishing this adverMsenuni. a, juni-.m. i-ommis sloner 1 ISt morn ItllLWAY TIME TA lll.l'.S, 81 M X CITY Ik PACIFIC Hsliroai 'The Nonlv est.rn Line' General Offices, t'nllsd States National Hank Hulldlug, 8 W Corner Twelfth a id Farnam Sts. Ticket Ofllce, ll''i Farnnm St Telephone, Ml. De pot, ai.d Mason Sts. Teliphone. 623 Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express . Twin City Limited . Bloux ity Local ... a Dally .a 6:5.' am nlO.fiO Pin ..a 7.36 pm ..a !:W am a am u 4:20 pm CHICAGO lb NORTH western Hallway "The Northwestern Line ' -City Ticket Office, 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phone. 161. Depot, Tenth and Mason Sts. Tele- phone, 623. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago fine cial . . Chicago Passenger ., a 7:00 am a 4:16 pm nll:30 pm a S: 10 am Lntern Exorrs" Des Moines, Marsttnlltowtt CedHr Rapids and Chi. c.igo . Eastern Limited. Chi cago and East nlO:fi am a 4:05 pm a 4:55 pm a !:05 pm Fast Mall. Chicago to Omaha . Omnha-Chlcngo Spoclal.a 7:45 pm Fast Mall a Dally. a 2:45 pm a S:00 pm a 3:30 am CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. Minneapolis & Omaha Hallway "The North western Lino" Getter.! I Offices, Nebraska Dl 1 slon. 15th and Webster Rts C'lfv Ticket nnieK. lint Farnam St Telephone. CC1. Depoi, and Webster Sts, 15th . . 1eave. Arrive Twin City Passenger . a 0:00 am a 9:10 pn. Omnhtt Pasisnger . ftll:10 am Sioux City & North east Nebraska a 3:50 pm Oakland Local . ..b 6 45 pm b S:15 nm a Dally b Dally excep. Sunday. FREMONT ELKIIORN .; Missouri Volley Railroad "Tho Northwestern Line ' General Offices. United States National Hank Hldg., S. W. Cor TlVnlfM, n.1,1 17rtr.,,i,n U , u Ticket Office 1401 Farnam St. Telephone, Ml Depot 13th nnd Webster Sts. Tele phone, 1I5S. Leave. Arrive. Hlack Hills, Deadwood. Hot Springs a 3:00 pn a 5:00 pm yomlng, Caspar nnd Douglas ..d 3:00 pm 0 5:00 pm Hustings. York. David City, Superior. Geneva. Exeter and Seward., .b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk Vcrdlgro and . Fremont b 7:30 nm bl0:25 nm Lincoln. Wahoo and Fremont b 7i30 am bl0:25 nm i rcmoni i.ocai . . . c :;.' nm a Dally b Dally except Sunday, c Sun nay only 11 ualiy except Saturday. 0 uany except .vonuay. CHICAGO. ROCK ISL- nnd ft: Pacific Pallroad "Tin- Great Rock Isl and Route " Cltv Tick et Office, 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone. 42J. Depot. Tenth A: Mason Btreets. xeiepnono cri. 1 ..,, Arrive. ues bionics anil Daven port Local a 7 25 nm Chicago Express bll.lSnm Chicago Fust Express a 6:00 pm Lincoln and Falrbury. .a 8.30 am Lincoln, Colorado Spgs , Denver, Pueblo and bll:35 nm a S:in am a 1:25 pm a 7:00 pm . est a 1-30 pm a 4:15 pro ieii flumes. i;ock isl and and Chicago a 7;15 pm Colorado & Texas Flyer a 6:5S pm n 5.50 pm a 9.16 nm a j-ruuy. o uauy excepi ssunaay UNION PACIFIC-'THE OVER land Route" General Offices, N. E. Cor. Ninth nnd Farnam streets. City Ticket Office. 1324 Farnam street. Telephone, 316. Depot. Tenth and Mason Stc Telenhono. 629. Leave. Tho Overland Limited.. a 8:20 nm The Chicago-Portland Special a 8:20 am Tho Fnst Mall n S:50 am The Colorado Special... nll:35 pm Tho Fast Mall .... Lincoln. Heatrlco and Arrive, n 7:35 pm a 7:35 pm n 3:25 pin a 6:50 nm a 4:35 pm Siromsburg Express..!) 4:10 pm bl2:25 pm 1 im 4iiiiiiii. iuxpress n 6:50 nm b 9:30 am uiann isiauo i.ocni b 5.30 pm a Dally b Dally except Sunday. nURLTNOn-ON & Mis souri River Railroad "The Burlington Route ' General Offices, N. W. Cornor Tenth nnd Farnam Sts Ticket Office, 1502 Farnam street. Tolephone. 23.1 Uurllngton station, jcnin anu .Mnson Streets. Telephone, 12S. Leave, Arrive. Lincoln. Hastings nnd McCook .a 8:43 am a 7:35 pm Lincoln. Denver, coio- rndo, t'tnh California a 4:6 pm 1 'ncnln & Hlack Hills, n 9:30 pm Montana, tuget Sound a 9:30 pm Lincoln Fust Mull a d:0.J pm Denver. Colorado, I tah a 3:00 pm a 3;i"J pm a 6:l5'am a!0:35 am At California a 6:16 am t. Dally KANSAS CITY". St. Jo seph A; Council rutins Railroad "The Hurling ton Route "llckct Office, 1502 Farnam street. Tele phone 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason streets. Tole phone, 12S. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex ..a 8:50 am a 0:10 pm Itansas city Nigm tsr. aiu;jo pm a u:iu am St LiuU Fiver for St. Joseph and St Louis a 4:x pm nii:i an) a Dallj CHICAGO. BURLINGTON i quincy Railroad "The Uurllngton Route"-Tlckot Office. 1502 Farnam St. Tel. 250. Depot. Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephone, 12S. Leave. Arrive Daylight Chicago Spe cial .. . . .a 7:00 am Peoria Express .... n 9:2., nm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex a 4.00 pm a 7:45 am Chicago Local Express. a 8:50 am a 4:03 pm Chicago Limited a 7:45 pm a 7;45 am I'aclnc junction Local .nlo:45 am Pac lie Junction Extra. n 7:on nm Fast Mall . a 2:45 nm a Dally. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket Of flee. 1102 Fuvnam stroet. Telephone, 215. Depot Tenth and Mason streets. Leave. all:10 am a 7:15 pm St. b 7:(X am St. a 7:43 pm from Arrive, a 4.05 pm a 8:15 am b 9:10 pm a S:15 am Chicago Express .. Chicago Limited . Minneapolis and Paul Exnresa Minneapolis and Paul Limited Fort Dodgo Local council liiuns a Dally, b Dally b 4;;o pm bio lb am except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General offices and Ticket offices Southeast Cur- ' ner 14th and Douglas Sts. Telephone 101. Depot-lnlon Station. Leave. Arrive. St Louis ft: Kunsas Itj Kxnress .. aio.fn) nm al0:10 pm a 6:30 pm a 0:15 am K. C, St. L. Express Leavo from 15th nnd Webster His. Nebraska Loral 'la Weeping Water h 4:13 pm al0:45 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. KHf OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omaha. Kansas cltv Eastern Itnllronil "The OH wuiiic) iiuuiu Ticket Of. flee. 1415 Farnnm ut-Ao, Telephono 322.s Depot, Tenth phone, 629. Leave. Arrlvo. St Louis Cannon Hall Express . . . a E:0a pm a S:20 am Kansas city and Quincy m I'Ofni a 7:00 am a 9:00 pm CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE A Ht. Paul Rnllwav cit iMlLWAUh Ticket Office. 1501 rnrnam Street. Telephone 2S4. Depot lenui ami Ainson ritreets Telephone, 029. Leave Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex. . . a 6:00 pm a 8:0ft am ChP ago ft: omalia j-;x d i ii nm 11 s:iu pm a uuliy I) Diiy except aunuay. WABASH RAILROAD Ticket Office. 1501 Farnam Street. Telephone. 895. De pot. Tenth and Marcy Strtets. Telephone, est. Leave. Arrive, R. lunula "Cannon Hall" Express a 5;C pm a 6;20 am a Dally. -Ml- posToi-rn H xo nt r (SnouM be r, a, I DAILY 1 .ill interest'il as 1 bangc.s tuny occur .11 .my time 1 Foreign mulls for the wi ck ending Octo ber fi. i;.. will ilose 1 PRi iMPTLY in all rasesc nt th General Pe-t Office as follows PARCELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown below Parcels Post Malls t,.r Germany close at 5 p m. Monday and Wednesday. i'rnus-Vtliinllo Atnlls. Tt i::' Y At 7 a. m. for EUROPE, per s s uiser William der Grtvse. Ma Chertmurg, Southampton and llremen. at 9 a tn. (supplementary l-30 a. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s Oceanic, via Queens town, letter tnall only (other matter must lie directed "per s. s. Oceanic"). WEDNESDAY -At 7 n. nt. (supplementary 9 n. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. St Loills. via Southampton, at lu:30 a. in for HEL GIUM direct, per s s. Frleslnhd (mall ttust be directed "per s. s. FrleslMthl") THURSDAY At 6 SO u m. for EUROP1 , per s. s. Columbia, via Plymouth and Hamburg 1 tnall for France. Switzerland. Italy. Spain, Portugal. Turkey. Kgpt, Hrltlsh India and Lorenzo Marque., via Cherbourg, must be directed "per s. s Co lumbia",), at 6.30 a. m. Tor FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. POR TUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT, HRIT1S1I INDIA and LORENZO MAHQUEZ, per s. s. L'AquItnlne, via Havre imall for other pans of Europe must be directed "per s. s. L'AquItnlne"). SATURDAY At S a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct, tier s. s. Rotterdam (mail must be directed "per s. s. Rotterdam' , nt 9 a. m. for AZORES ISLANDS dltect. per s. B. Tartar Prince; nt 9:30 a. m. (siip plemetitnrv 11 a. m 1 for EUROPE, per a. s. Campania, via Quecnstown; nt 10 n. 111. for SCOTLAND direct, per a s. Ethiopia (mall ttust he directed "per s s Ethiopia "); nt 12 in. fi r ITALY', per s s Ems, via Naples (mall must bo directed "per s. s. Ems"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC Tin steamer takes Printed Matter. Commercial Papers) and Samples for Germany only. Tha same clnss of tnall tnntter tor other pins of Europe will not be cent hy this k'hlp unlets specially directed oy her. After the closing of the Bu.,Mementitry Trnns-Atlantlo Malls tinmen anove addi tional supplementary malls aro opened cn the piers of tho American. ICngd ll. FretKh and German steamers, nnd remain open until within Ten Mliiu,es of tho hour of sailing of steamer. .Mali" for South mid Centrnl Anicrlon, West Indies, lite. TUESDAY At 9.30 a. m (supplementary 10 M a m ) for CENTRAL AMERICA (ex cept Costa Rl.ii) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS, per s. s. Adance, via Colon (mall for Guatemala must be directed "per s s. Advance "); at 10 a. m for INAOl'A nnd HAITI, per s. s TJotno; at 9 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Admiral Farracut. from Hoston. WEDNESDAY At 4 a. tn for NORTHERN I1HA7.IL. tier a. s. Parnense: at 10 30 a. tn. for HAITI, per s. h. Prltis Frederlk Hen drik (tnall tor Curacao. Trinidad, Vene zuela, Hrltlsh anil Dutt h Guiana must bo directed "per s. s. Prlns Frederlk llen drlk "): nt 1 p. m. for CUIIA, CAMPECHE, YUCATAN. TAHASCO and CHIAPAS, per s. H. Vlgllancla. via Havana and I'ro greso (mall tor oihcr jiarts of Mexico must bo directed "per s. s Vlgllancla"); nt l 1. m. for MEXICO, per . s. lthaka. via Tamnlco (mall must be directed "ner s lthaka "). THURSDAY' -At 2:30 n m. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Admiral Schley, from Philadel phia: at 1 p. m. for HHAZIL. per s s Grecian Prince (mall must be directed "per s. s. Grecian Prlncu "; nt 1 p. in for SANTIAGO, per s. s. Santiago do Cuba FRIDAY At 9 a. m. for HHAZIL direct and ARGENTINE HEPUHL1C. URU GUAY and PARAGUAY. Per h. s. llee llus iirtull for Northern Brazil must bo directed "per s. h."i. SATURDAY At 1 a. in. for NEWFOUND LAND, per s. s. Carthnglnlan. from Phil adelphia; at 9 a. m for ARGENTINE iti-,11 iit.H-, 1 nnn av ami rana GUAY, per s. a. Kaffir Prince; at 10 a. m (supp'ementnry lo.llOa. m ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SAVANILLA lid CA RTH AOENA, per s. s. Altai (mall for I'osta Rica must be directed "per s. s. Altai"), at lo a. in. (supplementary 10:30 n. m ) for HAITI nnd 1NAGUA, per s. s Andes; nt 10 a. in. (supplementary 10:30 a. in ) for PORTO RICO. CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Caracas (tnall for Savnnllla and Carthanciia must be directed "per s. s. Caracas"); at 11 a. m for CUHA. per s. s. Mexico; nt 1 p. in. for MATANZAS. CA1 IIARIEN, NUEVITAS. CI HAH A and HARACOA. per s. H. OllmU (ordinary mall only, which must be directed "per s. s. ollndu"). Malls for Newfoumllano. iy rail to North wvdnev. anil thence hv steamer. clo3c at this oilico dally at 8:30 n m. (connecting close hero every Monday. YVednesday and Saturday). Malls for Mlquclon, by rail to Hoston and thence by atcatner, cloc at this office dally at 8-30 p in. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fin . nnd thence by steamer, closo at this olhco dally nt a. in. itho connecttnr closes are on Siindav. Wednesdny and Frldnv). Malls for Mexico Cltv. overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer ein.-,. nt this nffico dally nt 2:30 n. m. and 2:3" p. 111. Malls tor Costa Rica, Ho'.lze, PtiiTto Cortez and Guatemala, by rail to Now Orleans and thence hv steamer,' close at this officii dally at ".I p. tn. (connecting closes here Tuesdays for Costa Rlcn and Mondays for Hellze. Puerto Cortez and Guatemala 1 Registered mall closes ut 6 p. in. pro- lous day- Trail. I'ni'lllc "Mulls, Mnlls for China nnd Japan, via Vancouver, close here dully at d:3" p in. up to October 2d. liuluslve, fnr dlspatiii per S s. EmprcsH of India 1 registered mall mist he directed "via Y'ancouver' '. Mulls for Hawaii, .lanan, China nnd I'hl -Ipplno Islands, via San Frntn Isco. ctosi here ilallv at C:3 p in tip to October 5th. Inclusive, for dispatch per s s. Coptic. Malls for China. Japan and Phll llplne Islands, via Seattle, close heredal'y at 6:30 p 111. up to Octnber 5th. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. h. HI0J1111 Maru (regis tered mall must ho directed "via Seattle' 1 Mnllh for China, Japan and Phllliiplno Islands, via Taroma. close hero dally at 6:30 p. m. up to October 10th. fnr dis patch per h s. Olympln. Malls for Hawaii, China. Japan nnd Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, dose here dal'y at 6 3) p. m. up to October 12th. Inclusive, for dispatch per k. s. America Maru. Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, cfhse hero dully at 6:30 p. m. up to October "12th. In clusive, for dispatch per h. h. Ajstralla. Malls for Australia (except West Aus tralia, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, which goes via San Francisco) and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, closo hero dally at 0:30 p. m. up to October 13th, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. a. Mlowcra (supplementary malls. via Seattle, close at 6:30 p. m. October lltb). Malls for Australia (except YVest Aus tralia). New Zealand. Hawaii. FIJI utid Kamoan Islands, via San Francisco, closo lieie dally at 6:30 p in after October 14th anil up to October 27th. Incilslve, or on day of arrival of s s fampnnln, duo nt New York October 27th, for dls natch nur s. s. Alameda Trans-Pnclfle malls ore forwarded to port of sailing dnlly anl tue m nciiuie 01 clos ing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overlnnd transit. Registered mall closes at 0 p ni nrev lous day CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster TRIAL OF Y0UTSEY TUESDAY Effort (11 SIiimv Hi- Purchased Ilia SiiiuLt'lrSN I'linilrr Cartridges tn Kill (iocbcl. (iUOHOETOWN, Ky . Oit. l.-Tlie trlnl ot Henry Y'outsey, on tho charge of com plicity In the Uocbel assasBlnatlcn, will lo gin tomorrow. When court convened to day Commonincalth's Attorney Franklin was granted a subpoena against the post roaster nt Frankfort to prodm o nn applica tion for n money order mado in January by Henry Y'outsey, payable to a flro arms com pany of Cincinnati, from whom it is as serted tho Bmokclcss powdor cartridges were purchased. Ho was also granted a subpoena for tho Adams Express agent at Frankfort to produce tho book showing tlia receipt for a package received hy Y'outsoy on January 21. Ex-Governor Hradley and Ooneral Daa Collier, Important witnesses for the de fense, nro hero to tell what they know for Y'outsey. PEXSIOXS FOR WESTERN VETERANS. Wnr Survivors Iteiiieinlierril lijr Hie f.eiirnil Go eminent, YVASHINGTON. Oft. 1 -Tho followinST pensions liavo been granted: Issuo of September 15, 1900: Nebraskn: Original Henjamln F. Gard ner, Grand Islr.tul, $0; Christian Knrcherd. Ing. Hooper, $0. Ira Gouilf.eli, Craig, $1; Snmtiel Fulton. Alma. $6. Original Widows, Etc -Minor of Squire M. Coon, Alvo, $12; Sarah Ann Axtell. Ong. $S. Iowa- Original William H. Clayman, MnrHhalltown. $12: Edwin C. Hlackman, Hurllngtoii. $12; I'Vederln J. .DeGrnsh, Ma quokela, $S original Widows, Etc - Au gusta 11 Bennett. Cherokee, $; MHry fihiw lllt lllll lu ' iiii". o. ! "ill "01 i,i uinv"; , 41 War with spam, orlglliai-llowaru L Tm- ner. voincy, i. lliillillnn l'i riiills. The rl'y Inspect. r of bulhltnrs has Issued the following permits Clara S, Riio water Twenty-fifth ard Douglns r w ot brlrk houses. $7 500 Charles Fulterot Fif teenth and CasUilur, framo rc:lUence, llw, 1