THE OMAJiA DAILY JHSK: MONDAY, OCTOHKK 1, 1000. SPECIAL JOTICES Advertisement for these rotnmns rrlll tic tnUrn until IV in. fur tUc rvrnhiK edition anil until 8. HO l. m. for niurltliiK nml Mundnr citlllnn. Ilntcs, 1 J.2o n word llrt Insertion. In fi tronl thereafter. t'nthln- tnUcn far Iran Oiun 2.ic for the first Itmrr tlon. 'Ihesc ndrrrlhrmeiili mutt be run consecutively. Advertisers, hy rrimentlnr n nam lierctl clieoU, rnn lifcvp miswrrs ml ilresseil to n ntinibcrrd letter In rnre of Tlic Uer. Answers an ndilresacit will lie delivered on presentation of the check only. SITL ITIONS WANTED. AN eastern Icachor desires a position as govfrness to smnll children, or as com panion to an elderly lady. Address i x .o, Bee. A Ml wanteu-m a help. WANTED, wo have steady work rof i n i few good hustlers of good;lt unci nppcnr- onco. u. t . Auams v-o , il STO BARBER trade taught thorough V In short time; catalogue und particulars free. Address WMinrn Barbers Instltule, Omaha, Neb. B-871 wivTi'n ii,n...a tmtnttei. rock men and surfaco mcn."'Nei Wo. and Iowa; free faro; higher "iliPo ?.' Western It, It. Labor Agency. 310 f . 11 th COOK, at once, for day restuurant. Ad- urcss K. Miner, .ml-uuuh, "",,. U M2i WANTKD. teums for It. II. work In '" KlH9ltit)t ; free transportation for outfits Wlckham. Phelan ft Co.. 19 Scott street roun-.n niurr. la. B-g wiVTPti tow nrst-clas solicitors on a strictly up-to-date proposition : cxelusle territory an.i oiner niMuc-eiiinnm In from 7f. In S1.V) Vf!lv: nppllcutlnns wanted from capable partis only Addreiw the W. It. Grace Co. kit -tredgo bldg. Denver, Colo. B MI31 1' WANTKD. itrorery specialty salesman; give your experience fully; we offer ex ceoMonal npmrtunlty and good sa sry Address X 1. Hee, H-MIS!-.' GENERAL helper f"r repair work, rental department;-also one plasterer. 1-Wl;iir-nam st. . -- WANTKD, 25 boys Monday morning at 8:3). Howe Shoe Co.. 1615 Douglas, st. B Mi2S I WANTED, two nice appearing young mn with buslners ability for road posltl n: salary and expcnsen; nunc quirk, todav 9 a m to 4:30 p. in. Drexel Hotel, room 10. H MiJI 3' WANTED at once, good tullor at U. H. Welnhuz. 312 S. lrttti. II Mi20 1 wa,tui)-i'i:m hem. WANTED. 200 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. 8;. C i.O V) Rlrls wanted. Canadian office. 1522 Douglas C ST i WANTED, girl for general housework. $1 per week; only neat anJ competent sit I need applj . 1329 Da veiip lit C SUl OIRL for general housework; must be good rook, wages S4 week for competent girl. Call nt once 2020 Emmctt. C MlM WANTED, girl for general housework nt 51S So. 2iJth St.; small family; good wngi-i. C MI93 I , OIRL for housework. 13T. N 32d ave. C-391 29 FOIl HUST- IIOt'Si:). FOR RENT, strictly modern flat In Dav Idge building, opposltu city hall. JOHN W. ROHuINS, 1W2 FARNAM ST. D 603 CHAMPION Carpet Cleaning Wks. cleans anil lays carpotH right. 71S fi. 11. Tel. 655. , IV 15I-02S ALWAYS moving H. II. goodB. rlanot. Otnce. 15UH Farnam Bt. Tel. ISSSorsw. HOUSES for rent In all parts of the elf. Brennan-Love Co., 320 So. luth St. D SS7 HOUSES, stores. licmlfl, Paxton block. D-MO CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 1203 Farnam. D MS74 FOR RENT, house ot S rooms; city water and good barn. 4112 N. 33d st. FOR RENT, house S rooms. S. W. cor. Park ave. and Leayenworth. Modern ex cept furnace. Key at cottage ln rear. D 103 COAL Best cooking. $t.2.V delivered; noth ing better. Harmon ft Weeth Co .Tel. MS. D-9S7 0-I3 FOR RENT. October 1. to small family, a deslrabje seven-room cottage, Kd and California street; water In kitchen; $22 per month. Inquire at 6o7 K. 19th street. D M293 3707 JONES Street, beautiful ten-room modern residence In perfect order; new plumbing, new furnace, large lawn. $60.00. OMAHA LOAN ft TRUST CO., lfith ft DoukUih St. D-.M352 FOR RENT, a rozy S-room modern cot tage. Inquire 2152 St. Mary's. D-M793 S-ROOM furnished house, all modern. Chrlstlo Hroa., 2120 N. St. D-316 2240 LANDON Court. 10 rooms, modern; In fine condition; rent no.w. OMAHA LOAN ft TRUST CO.. IGth ft Douslas St. D-ool SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 001 N. Y. LI F B. FIVE unfurnished rooms, all modern. 2711 , 11 Mill IF you want your houses well rented place uiein wmi iciiw.t . v.... u 0,d HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1521 DougluM. D-S79 FOR RENT, ll-room btillillnz In South Omaha, arranged for boarding house; re rrntlv nalnird Insldn nnd out. papered anil overhauled generally; favorablo terms to responsible party. R. C. PETERS ft CO., 1702 FARNAM. D M5t 5 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker blk D-iSl KIG1 IT-ROOM modern house: good repair near postorilce; one or moro year lease; rurnisnca ir ursirea; rental, i) uniur nlshed. O. C. Olsen, 1701 Furnam St. D-.M471-6 3217 CUMING St.. S rooms; modern except luniacn; in goon couuiiiou. tzu.w. OMAHA LOAN ft TRUST CO.. 16th ft Douglas St. D-K0 8-ROOM. modern, and barn. 21th and Hnr ney; Cor. 20th nnd Hnmllton, motlcrn 6 room new houso. F. D. Wead, 16th and uougins. D M50) FOR RENT,' llve-room cottage. D Mc- .Miiinu, iiio nou in rnn at. t HoO-.J' FOR UENl'-FlfRNISlllRl HOOMS. THREE rooms, housekeeping; 1112 S. Ilth E-374 FINE suite furnished rooms for housekeep Ing to rent at 6"U S. 2Uth st. ; modern. C i;. roungs. i; .M43S ! FOR RENT. furnlhed or unfurnished rooms ana uoaru it uesircu. ii.n a. win. E-.M4J9 6 FURNISHED. 2 n co rooms, a so baric parlor and kitchen for housekeeping, sic ,-sortn lain tit. k .Mitv-.1 NICE furnished room. 5 minutes' walk trom courthouse: cneup. Newman. 22 Farnam. E-- M727 ! TWO rinall looms, one double room, for Kciiiiciurui luruace. i-J uuu(ii, E-M719 3 FL'R.MSIinn ROC.1IS AND IIOAHI). nLENCAIRN,tranilent8,$1.25daj-. 16"0 D;K GOOD board, private family. f09 fio. 2Kth avenue. r jijj I TOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-F00 3 LARGE, well furnlshe.1 rooms, with o without board, xingle or ens'ute evcrj mouem convenient, lis w m 1 1-Mtf4 1 I-1 HM.MIF.l) ROOMS AMI HOARD. THE Merrlam, good summer resort, Kth ft Dodge. ELEGANT room, with board, !! Capitol avenue rMsgs i TWO large south rooms, modern. J'to Welwter st. tus 7' "OH RENT tNFlRNISIIHD HOOMS. 2 UNFURNISHED rooms; no hojsekeep. ing. ii I'arK ave. u i TWO or three furnished rr unfurnished rooms, not water tient, tinth and nil mod ern conveniences. 1026 S. 2Jd st C.-M71S FOIl ItHNT "STORKS AM! OFFICHS. FOR RENT, store In nrst-cla's Tocntlon; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters Co., around floor. Heo bldu. lVA A(SETS WA.VTUI), WANTED. rooiI nsent In every town and rommunlty to sell the "Host" Vnpor Gasoline Lamps; most scientific Lamp made; two years on the market; nbo Ititely Kuarnnteed for one yoar. Rest In candescent Light Co.. 318 8. 15th St., Oma ha. Neb. J-.M132 Of t.Jl WANTED TO ' RI2T. WANTED Hoard and room In xchanje for work by student. Address, X 37. Hee K M50G 1 WANTED, two ftirnl'hed room nnd bard; ronneetlnK or adjoining; ri-ou ueignoor homl; atate terms. Address Lok Hox IS Omnhn. K M723 t MoitAC.i:. PACIFIC Storage and Worehoue Co.. 012. 911 Jonea, general storage and forwarding, S92 Om. Van Stor. Co., 1511H Farn. Tcls. l-'Sl, 03 WA.NTUD TO IIUY. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc , In targe urid small quantities. Ci.l agj furniture 1.0.. iivr-iu uou;. lei. zrjj. N-591 WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha Saving bank accounts. Drennnn LOVO CO., Sl HO. 13t!l. N 8 5 2DHAND bicycles. Omaha Rlcycie Co. N-sr- OLD stamp collection bought, ilfi N. 16ih N-9fri-0-19 WANTED To buy, nt good price, some Omaha Savings Rank accounts. Address X IS. Hee. N-311 WANTED to tiuy Shetland pony: must le gentle; one that weighs about 5"0 lbs. Mr. A. D. HrandclH. Roston Store. N M535 2 WANTED, good second-hand shapcr, hand nw. Jointer nnd 3 or 4-hor. poweV gaso line engine. Cnll on J. C Jordan nt Mer chants hotel till noon Tuesday. N-M612 1 roit s ii -houses,, etc. NEW and 2d H. vehicles nt marked down prices. Harry Frost, llth & Leavenworth. P-S9J FOR SALE, new buggle bodies with gear Ing for snlc at H.D0 each. A. D. A:plrn, 913 Douglas. P M401 Oct. 7 FOR SALE, a horse and tuggy, cheap". In quire at 2152 St. Mary's ave. P M7: FOR SALE, a good all purpose wso cheap: also buggy mid harness If desired; must sell. Call at 210 S. 30th St. P-M5S0 2 rou SALE MISCELLANEOUS. IARD nnd soft foundation piling; hog fences and cribbing. 901 Douglas. Q 99 CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman ft Mc- council urug .o., i.or. ltiin unu uoage. FOR SALE, flvo Lewellyn dog pupj, now read to DreaK; suoject to registration; price, $10. Address W. S. Keellne, two miles east of city. Council lilurfN. Q-.M373 02 DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 11H Farnam. SAFES; buy, sell, ex'ge. Schwarta, 114 8. 13 y 903 DHAND wheels, $3 to $10; now wheels $13. umana uicycio to,, ibtn ft cnicugo sts. Q-906 MANSON bicycles, $23. Omaha Bicycle Co. w w II. ft W. tires, $2.75. Omaha Bicycle Co. Q-904 SECOND-HAND Callgraph (new) for sale. uau ui oince cieiK uistrici court. Q-S10 FOR SALE, corncobs. Monroe ft Co., SU letn st. q mhw FINE horse nnd rubbcr-tlred bucgy. very cneap. ji. ii. i.-rcuricKson, hk uoage t. Q 1 OS FOR SALE, payable after received, three monins- trial free: sii.s for a ninii ernue. 5-drawer. drop head cabinet sewing ma chine; $1190 for 3 regular $10.00 bicycle; ?S.50 for a $300.00 piano; $29.75 for a $73.00 parlor organ; $15.50 for a 6-pleco over stuffed velour $40.00 parlor suite. All new high grade standnrd goods. For full par ticulars state articles Interested In and wo will mall 3'ou n special catalogue, Scars, Roebuck ft Co., Chlcugo. Q-MC33 013 NEED Money. $1K will buy fine Chlcker- ing uprignt. Auarcss, u , Jieo. Q-267-O-l FINE Stclnway piano for sale cheap; party leaving city. Address W IS, Omaha Hee. r,!7 ni B. HASS, Florist. 1813 Vinton St. Tel. 776. 1'innts. cut l owers. bonnets, nail, resl dence, wedding nnd grnco decoratlonsi uruers oy man or exprcsso promptly tinea Q-901 Ll'MHKR for rn c. 2x6 and 2xS. 16 ft. lonir. appiy carpenier foreman, aicuoru-urauy uiug.. uui aim i.eaveuwortn st. Q M376 3 HARD COAL Art Garland stove, nlmost new, cneap. jui jvt will. g 147 MISCELLANEOUS. nnd stoves at lowest prices, carload lota or toss. V.IUCUKU i urnuuro to., iiuti-iu uouge, H-907 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 819 North 16th. S-923 M ME GYLMER genuine palmist, lfios Dodge H-.M721 IM.ECTIUO TREAT.MENT. ELITE parlors. 615 S. 16th, second floor. T-373 OS JIME. AMES, 1613 Howard, room 1, 2d floor Mae Edgar, assistant. T 123 4 MMB. LEE. magnetic treatment. 507 S 13th. room 2. T-.M599 6' PERSONALS. LADIES' hair shampcoed. dressed, 35c. Hair toilet irooda. Monhdt, 151S Farnam. Tel 2S4J u IV MONHEIT, Chlropcdlst. IBM rarn. Tel. 233, U VXl HOFF'8 Exprtss ft Messenger Co. Tel. lTlf. IT Ol DR. ROY. chiropodist; corns removed, 25o unu upwaru. iioom u, t Tenser uiock. U-9I3 VIAVI, woman's way to health. 316 Boa b'dg U vis TURKISH baths, massage baths, electric baths, for Udlos onlv; skilled women niassnge operators; finest equipped baths in ina 'u j. iicnsitom uaiu eomtisny. 1VUUI119 io iu 11CO UlUg. U" 10 RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no uans'rr. senu lor circulars, umpire Hup " " . ' . . U.Ik W,U&(, .V 1 ' . ' 1 1 i .. ' U-9M PRIVATE hospltnl for Indies before ft dur. ins connnement; uauies aaopiea. lizi 17, U-9I1 PLEATING, buttonK to otder; p.nklrir while you wait. Omaha Pltatlng Co. '524 uougius, L 919 PitlVATE home bofors and durlnc conPne. men. babies adopted. Mrs. Burget, :'ao uuraeue, u u PERSONAL. LADIES' Jackets and tailor made suits al tered, cleaned, repaired. .M. roeei. r, . w. U-.1II-0-4 LA PETITE French oval photos 60c per doin during September only Proctor. C16 S. 19th. U-M333 Oct. 4 PLACE your order now for seal sacque, fur scarfs and collarettes of all descrip tions: furs repaired and altered. Aula baugh, Son ft Co., o; Karbnck hlk. C-.MJ57 OT LADIES will receive first-class care before and during confinement; lady phvslclt.i. S13 N. 23d St. U-115 02U E. L LOVEJOV. IM N. 15th St.. for a GOOD blryrle, for a good sewing machine, for anything for bicycle or sewing machines see him. U-101 Ol YOUR OLD SKIRT Can Ix? altereJ to look new nnd s'ylln by using one i.f our btutlful FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATED FLOUNCES Anv kind romt)let from mi. AL TERATION PATTERNS AND INSTRUC TIONS FREE. Accordion nnd side p eat Ing hy the yard. Send for circulars. M. GOLDMAN ft CO. 2v) Douglas IJlk.. JSth and Dodge. U-151 SHAMPOO.. 35c: halrdress, 2Sr; manicure. Wc; scalp treatment. 20c; electric mu sage or scalp treatment, 3.V-. F. M. Schadell ft Co.. 1522 Douslas. U-M5S7 029 MRS. JACOHSON removed to 1811 Lake. U-MHO fi YOI'XO lady wMhp arqinlninnco of well smiuted i.atiinnc gentleman; give derrip tlon. Address X 47, Ilee U MC1S V MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iov?a farms at 5 per cent. Borrowers can pay $100 or any muttlnle. Anv Interest date. No delay. Brennan-Lovo Co.. 309 soutn i3in-st., umana, ;eo. w 921 MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real csiaic. urcnnan-L.uve to., si ss. iuil W 92S Jl.nco nnd upwnrd i loan on Improved city property and fnrn.s. W. Farnam Smith ft Co., 132W Farnam. W-929 WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants Gcorgo ft Company, 1001 Farnam St. W-931 MONEY In nny amount nt S. 54, 6 per cent. J. W. ROBUINS ft CO., 1S02 FARNAM ST, W-930 MHVRV tn ffinri nn fnrm nnrl rltv nrnnnfiv v KB MONEY to loan at 3 and 5'4 per cent on umana property, w. u. .mcikic. 4Qi . lritn, W-927 PRIVATE money. 5, BH, 6 per cent; no de. lay. uarvin uros., iis Karnam. v WANTED, city nnd farm loans; nlso bonds nnd warrants It. C. Peters ft Co.. 1702 Farnam St., nee mug. v ji PRIVATE money. F. D.Woad, 1521 W-922 FIVE per cent money. Bemi?, Paslon block. v vz MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city property or ror iiutiuinc purposes, ravne- Knox Co.. New York Life. W-923 .MONEY TO LOAN ilATTELS MONEY MONEY LOANED HAI.AIUEU PEOPLE. No endorser or mortgage required. LOWEST RATES, EASY PAYMENTS and BT U l; I L. U'J.N r 1 Ur,M IAL,. OMAHA CREDIT CO.. Room 526, fifth Iloor, New York Life Bldg. MONEY lonned on nlnnns. furniture, lew lery, norses, cows etc. v.. . Jteeu, arj h. u, a yj6 LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE. FOLLOW THE CROWD. They come to us. If you can do better eisewnere aon i como nero tDUt you can't). Come nnd let us prove to you tnnt we give nr-ar it-iuia in tne city and more for your money than others dark. ro mortgage, no lnuorser. no publicity; simply confidential business RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Room 303, Third Floor, Paxton Block. X-M973 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, dia monds, woicnes, privaieiy. uerger s i.oan Co., iuh tarnam at., upstairs, x aio MONEY loaned on pianos, funiltuto. horses cows, Jewelry, uurt ureen, K., Barker iuk X.V3S -M-O-N-E-Y--D-O-Y-O-U-N-E-E-D-I-T- Wn make loans from $10.00 tin on furniture pianos, norsos, cows, etc.; you Keep tne nronertv; or we will make you u SALARY LOAN rn your own note, without Indorser or mortgage; wo charge absolutely noth ing for making papers and wo keep noth ing out of thn amount you borrow: vou may ray the money back In one month or inKe more xim in wnicn 10 pay u, ana you are expected to pay for It only what tlmo you use it; our rates aro low and our terms nre the easiest; our business Is as conlldentlal as Is possible and our treat ment Is always courteous. Omaha Mort gago Loan Co., 306 So. 16th St. Estab lisbcd 1592. X 934 MONEY lonned salaried people holdlnr Der maneni pojmon wun responsioie concern tinon their own names without security: easy payments. Tolman, 706 N. Y. I-. Bldg XVJH SALARY LOANS. CHATTLE LOANS. J, W. TAYLOE, 218 First Nat. Bank Bldg, X 937 MONEY loaned on furniture, diamonds, watches; payments conlldentlal. Omaha cnaltin L,oan Bank, 220 S. 15tn, upstairs, PRIVATE LOANS TO SALARIED PEO PLE momentarily. embarrassed who desire above evorytning eiso tn AVUU) I'lJliL,lUlTY can be accommodated at our office with less expense, tlmo and trouble than any piaco in ino cny. 1 AMERICAN LOAN CO, Room 601. Bee Building. X-943 BUSINESS CHANCES. $150 cash or easy payments buys 25 strictly lawful (nickel) slot machines for drinks, cigars or cash: will earn $2 and upward weekly each. Karl. Clark ft Co.. Furnl turo Manufacturers, Chicago, in. Y-M7S4 FOR RENT, owing to advancing years Mr ii. itaas, tne norist at jms vinion streei lias decided to rent out his hot house al nbovo location, occunvlntr 7.0.0 to 8.010 square feet, under glass, with about 200 windows, and the residence and store fronting tha street, on tlit motor lino ' South Omaha. Excellent location for the business. x 9 FOR SAI.V OR RENT, hotel: nlso hlaek smith shop, at Perclval, Iowa. Address Mrs. R. M. Les'Je. Y-397-3 FOR SALE, well paylns dressmaking and corset business; centrally located. Ad dress X 31, Bee. Y 121 ! $300 buys photograph outfit In good town, u. u. urucuert, narvaru, eo. Y'-MSII-: A RARE CHANCE-Everybody know Muellers Bakery nnd Confectionary a tho corner of 2Sth and Leavenworth Sts I am irolnir nut of business and will civ the right man a great bargain. Will sell or lent. Call and see me. Also have the third storo from corner for rent cheat kouu location lor any Kinu oi nusiness. Y-M464-2 BIG CHANCE, three floors (10 rooms) full of tine furniture and good roomers; best location; title clear. Insurance paid, pays 100 per cent on Investment; $500 cash takes It by October lstji. Address "Bargain Ilee OtTlce. Y MMS-2 FOR SALE. Interest in a well cstabllshe grocery store; will sell cheap; going awny on account oi sicKuess. Adaress o, li e oince, uouncu inures. v MtrU a r uii aiui-4t I'tm-iu iikiil; win sen siaie or counties In Nebraska; If you wish to make n n tnni.l thin i-l. . U. iV HUOU11.U 41110 V 1 1(1 VI Y t IIU I Uf llili titulars to J , co omce, council Bluffs, Y M612' FOR E.VCIIANOB. $3.C00 DRUG stock, all new goods, at wnoiesaie prices, jor a rami. v. ii, lloman, itoums ii ana lu, t'renzer Block, .-M329 1 PAWNPROICJJRS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, nernmmnrtnt Ing; all busness confidential. 1301 Douglas. 3 LOANS, II Marowltz, low rates, 41S N 16. 6W FOR SAM-RUAI. 1 1ST AT 1 5, TWO full lots, 10Oxl feet, on grade, one mors: norm or ruiion tnu. near school nnd car only 19) for both; easy tcrma iiyron it. Hastings, .i. . inn st. j HB-M371 2 'OR HALE chean, large lot and three Cottaes. J. A. Lovegren. 4th iloor Pax ton block. RE MM HOUSES, farms. R. C. Patterson. V5 N.Y.U jtr ih READ THIS; one of the best homes In Hnn- scorn l'lace: a rooms, inree ot. troo.i turn. Rightly home; party leaving city; prlc, I $7,500 ( M. J. Kennard ft Son, room 10, I Brown block. RE 917 , HOUSES, lots, farms. tand, loans; aio 0r , insurance. Hemls, paxton blk. RB-9H SEE HENRY H. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. I UK 9 i PAYNE-K NOX CO. 1IEADQT7 XRTERS for HKAL KoTATK H.MIUAIN8 LOW EST RATES on LOANS. HOUND IN SURANCE. HOUSES. FLATS. STORES, for RENT. First floor, N. Y. Life Hldg. RE-AI9 RANOJI AND FARM lands for salo by tho union l'nciuc uaiiroaa rompany. h a. McAUaster, land commissioner, Union Pacific Headquarters, Omanu, Neb. RI-9I GOOD rental property for farm. Monroe as co., i'ocu ana f uci, su is. iiin si. Z M622 BARGAINS HARRISON, N Y. LIFE. ill- HSOCti CHAS. E WILLIAMSON, 1203 Fnrnsm St. RE-AUSt C. F. HARRISON. FARMS. N. Y. LIFE. RE-S6I Oo DELIGHTFUL home In llanscom Place for sale at a liberal discount. M .1. Kennard & Son, suite 310-311 Brown Blk. RE-180- ,12i) ACRES of good farm or grazing land in central rvenrnsKn lor sine ennn. ret erson. 622 N. 16th St. RE-M)9 OclSI RESIDENCE. 11 rooms, modern, lot "8x110. fine shade, contract let to pave street, wii S. 2Sth street. David C. Patterson, 1623 Farnam. RB-M2S5 Oct. 2 LARGE 7-room, 2-story house, good barn, 3 large lots, near paved St.. school, etc., $1,200. C. F. HARRISON. N. Y. Life. RE-126 4 A GREAT BARGAIN In a well Improved GO-nrre form one mile norm or norence. with a line s-room house, very sightly locution with bonullful lawn covered with tine forest trees, nl-'e orchard and small fruit, lare basement, barn, all but above flvo .icrcn hlih and level and the best of soli: beat location for fruit near Oinnha; .we nre authorized to tak $l.0"0 this Is only Jc0 per ncre: Im provements cost when jullt over $3.CO). adjoining lnnds unimproved are selling at S0 to $1 tier acre: the owner asks $3,000, but must hnve some money und has au thorized us to make this lew price; terms, one-fourth cash, balance to bo arranged. Call In nnd we will show you the prop erty. Payne-Knox Company, main H'or. N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-.173 2 LANDS. C. B. Burrows, Norfolk. Nebraska. RE IW-Dor. 2B 2717 CHICAGO ST.. 4 large rooms und hnll. porch In front and around tho side; nearly new; city water In kitchen; lot 50x152 ft., on grndo. Price, II.S'OW. Easy terms. This Is a bargain. Sold adjoining houses last week THE BYRON REED CO., 212 S. 14TH ST. HE .M573 2 NEW house, 7 large rooms, porcelain bath. etc., very complete, full So. front lot, $3,200. C. F. HARRISON, 913 N. T. Life. RE 133-3 LARGE 7-room. 2-story;. good barn, S large lots, near paved St., school, etc., $1,2. C. F. HARRISON. N. Y. Life. RE-426 2 LOST. LOST. Elk's pin. R. P O'. No. 33. Reward ior return to v . j. snrauer. ijohi j LEMON nnd white colored setter dog. a t u t ti. coarse-hatred nnlmal; reward. S. 127 N. 32d Ave. Lost 12.1 LOST, a gold hunting case, ladles watch, a many maae, wun goia ennmei vimei pin, diamond setting, attached; supposed to havo been lost on Sixteenth street; reward for return. Brown ft Borshetm, Jewelers. 222 So. 16th. Lost 117 23' LOST, mlleago books, U. P.. No. 215; B. ft r -ie- ii p. M r-. .....I tt- t.- ... At ..l., , l. .,4., II",.,, UIIU I , I . V .. V., 2W!7. Liberal rewnrd for return to It. D. McCutcheon. care Standard Oil Co., erchants' National bank bldg. L03t-M726 3 PAIR lady's nose glasses nt merry-go- round, carnival grounds, neturn to i.ouis Henderson, 1519 Farnam. and reeclvo re ward. Lost M722 1 HORSES FOR SALE. FINE matched carriage team, young, gen- Ia vtvllah nml trnml trm'Alnra n-Alirht about 1.150 each; nlso nice standard -bred bay mare, 1,000 lbs.; a tine light roadster; all blood bays and will tell very chenp For particulars see II. F Dalley, with Payne-Knox Co., main floor N. Y. Life bldg. P-MIU 1 DANCINti. CHAMBERS' school of dnnclng. Kth and Douglas, classes ana ciuns now rorm Ing nt academy. Open dallv, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. 'Phone, 1111. Hall and music furnished parties. Circulars. M59S O10 NEW classes now formln? at Morand's this week, Tuesday and Friday. S p. in.. 12 lessons, ladles $6, gentlemen $S; special prices to clubs; assemblies Wednesday. -155 623 ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION and side pleating, cheapest, best, quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 9 Pat terson Blk., 17th and Farnam. -M514 03 TICKET HROKUrt. CUT rate tickets every where. P. H. Phil bin. 1503 Farnam. Telephone 7SI, 967 ACETYLENE. MONARCH Generators are best. Carbtde. $4.50 per 100 lbs. Agents wanted. M. A. O. Co.. 1822 Douglas St 677 0-13 PIANO TUNING. WE tune your piano for $1 TO, Rose's Art Store. 1521 Dodge. Tel. 1915. 930 DRESSMAKING. E. G. M'DONALD, 1C12 Capitol avenue -MG07 013 ICE FOR SAMS. ICE for sale In car lots. Gilbert Bros. Council Bluffs. M3I0 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING, CURED. Julia Vaughan, 430 Ramge Bldg, -951 MIRROR FACTORY. Damaged looking glasses resllvered. 70s N- 16 92C LANGUAGES. CHATELAIN School of Languages. Boyd's theater, will reopen Monday, September 10. i'i n HOTELS. HENDERSON. $1.00 per day house: board. $3.50 to 15 week. 9th and Farnam; tel. 1210. -M261 Ol LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7e: collars, 2ci cuffs, 4c. 1730 Leayenworth. Tel. 647. -603 I'l'llNITCIIU HEPAiniNG. TEL. 1S1. M. 8. Walklln, 2111 Cumins Bt. -962 STOVE REPAIRING, STOVE, furnace, range repairs; water con nertiors Om Stove Rep, VtHn.. 1SJ7 Doug Ttl, 9v9- s MEDICAL, LADIES out of health find prompt relief Box 232. Omaha, Neb. Confidential. LADIEH troubled with Irregularities, whites, sterility, painful or suppressed menstruations find prompt relief and cure, quiet home beforo and during confine ment. Call or wrltu with stamps to Dr Pries, 1513 Dodge St., Omaha. Neb. U-M6C9 013 LADIES. Golden Real Is a naver fallliu! regulator; removes Irregularities from any cause In five hours, sent secure 'rom obervtlon. $1. Cnttolu -Medicine Co . St Louis. Mo. M-6S3 029' VIRTUAM A euro Impotcncy resulting from Indiscretions or debility, gives tl tallty. vigor, restoring desires, ambitions, asplratlonn of youth, health, llttlrg for success, happiness In business, profes sional, social, married life; $2 or 3 for $5 Sent anywhere prepaid on receipt nf price. The Kldd Drug Co.. Elgin. 111. American Office, retail, wholesale, Mvers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha: M A Dillon, South Omaha: Davis Drug Co , Council Bluffs. Full line rubber goods. OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. 515 N. Y. Life Illdg.; Tel. 1604; Alice Johnson. D. O , ladles' dept.; Old E. Johnson, Ostcopathlst, Mgr. 36 M. E. EONOHUE, D. O.. of Still school. Klrkvllle. Mo. CO I I'axton Hlk. Tel ml -937 N. F. Mr.MURRAY. B. S. D.. D O Mrs J. R. Muslclc. D. O.. graduates A S O Kirksville, MO., sulto &36-2S Beo bldg s: OS T. HUNT. D. O , 305 Karlmch Tel 2352 i'i'i-Oct 9 SIIORTHANI) AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life. -Ml BOYLE?" College, court reporter prlnc't'ft' Hon ltMir V".! NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand CM. , lege, uoya h 'theater. 9 3 l GREGG Shorthand taught at tho nratil Commercial College, Kth nnd Douglas St -3.M TAILORING. HIGH class tailoring, moderate latest designs. S J. Broderlck. llf Far nam. '94 O-lti iuui'i .1 . i- in ilea ENfsivi;'', noii.niis, i;tc. L. C. Sharp Mach. Wk?. ; motors, dynamon. -341 CARPENTERS AND JOBIIERS. ALL Rinds of enrncnter wjrk nnd repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochllttec 2iH.i unu i.uko nis. j.v El.OCLTION AND ORATORY. ELLA DAY. 201 Ramgo bldg: reading, elo cution, oratory, Thursday nigh school. M7sS-0"tl5 NICKEL PLATING. STOVES, lamps and chandeliers replated. Om. Plating Co . Bco BKg. Tel. 2533. -9J0 IIIRII3 AND TAXIUHHMY. STOCK S Bird Store. 1603 Leavenworth. -K9 Ml SIC A I PROF P. BRAUN, teacher of piano and organ; studio 550 Hnmgo blk; open 1 to 6 p tn. : terms moderate; thorough, nrtlMlc work guaranteed. MM) Octl5' FOI.ND. LIT'l-.E girl's bicycle; owner can hive same by calling at 8520 Dodge st. and pay ing for advertisement. Found M723 1 GOVERNMENT NOTICE. PROPOSAL FOR WATER SYSTEM De partment of the Interior. Office of Indian Affairs. Washington. D. C, ept. 19. 19.10 Seiiled proposals, endorsed ''Proposals for Water System," nnd addressed to tho Com missioner of Indian Affairs, Washington. D. C. will be received ut this office until 2 o'clock p m. of Wednesday. October 17. 1900. for furnishing nnd delivering at the Klckapoo Hoarding School, Pottawatomie, etc., Agency. Knnsns, the necessary mate rial and labor required In the construction of a wati r aystcm. In strict accordance with the plans, specifications and Instruc tions to mailers, copies or which are on file In this office, the U. S. Indian Ware house, Chicago, 111 , tho U. S Indian Audit, Potluv.otumlo, etc . Agency, Kansas, the Builders' and Traders' Exchange. Omaha, Neb., nnd the newspaper publishing this advertisement. W. A. JONES, Commis sioner. S22 d ISt morn RMLWAY TI.ME TABLES. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "Th North western Line" General Offices. Nebraska Divi sion, 15th and Webster 1401 Farnam St. eis. city TicKct Office, Telenlinnn Ml n.nAf ic.h r ' """ 1' .,,.. 4-t.u uLiaier 019. , Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger... a 6;00 am a 9:10 pm Omaha Pasesngcr nll:lO am Sioux City ft North-. east Nebraska a 3:50 pm Oakland Local b 3:43 pm b S:15 a Dally, b Dally excep. Sunday. am CHICAGO ft NORTH western Rallway-"The Northwestern Line" City Ticket Office. 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phono, 661. Depot, Tenth and Mason Sis. Tele- phone, 623. T.nova 4 Daylight Chicago Spe- -El' a 7:00 nm all:30 pm Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm a 8:40 nm Eastern Exores" Des Moines. Marsimlltown, Cedar Rapids and Chi cago .................. al0:53 am a 4.03 pm Eastern Limited, Chi cago and East a 4:53 pm a 4:05 nm Fnst Mull. Chicago to ' Omaha a 25 Dm Omaha-Chicago Special. a 7:15 pm n 8:00 pm I'UBV,Jna.'.1 a 8:30 am a Dally. SIOUX CITY ft PACIFIO Railroad 'The North western Line" General Offices, United States National Bank Building, fa. . Corner Twelfth AMM I n rnn m Ui m.i.K Office. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone, ca De pot, Tenth and .Mason Sts. Telephone. C29. n-.i 01... 1.- ".ve. Arrive, .in City Express a ;55Nam alo!fo rim ,ln City Limited a 7:35 pm a 15 Sm !un.ii,y Loca: a 8:00 am u 4r20 pm '1W11 Slou i Dally. FltEMONT ' ELKHORN ft Missouri Valley Railroad r, 'Tho Northwestern if.Pi? r "eneral Offices. K?Udn&ta,e?. National Bank BIdir.. r w Twelfth and Farnam Sts! Tllinf nni hai -.,'"""" r.irnamaia, Vi f,'..1401 Furnam St. Telophone. nhone0 rV 15,0 and Webster Sts. PTel0: fipk'lliVta. Deadwood. LeaVe- ArrtVC' HOt bDrlnes a .(V1 r.A .d 3:00 nm a Ilastlnirn. Ynrlf David City, fcjupcrior, Geneva nVerdigVrerUandb 3!M Pm b SiW pm ift" Wahoo" andb 73 bl0:25 a" Fremont b 7:30 atn bl0:25 am Fremont Locai 0 7:30 urn Dally' h,0?1, except Sunday, o Sun day only d Dally except Saturday? o Dally except Monday. ' OMAHA ft ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omaha. Kansas City ft Eastern Rallroad-"Thii Qulncy ltouto"-Tlcket Of fW, 1415 Inrnam Street. Telephone 322. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Tele phone, s. St. Louis Cannon Ball I'eaV"- Arr,ve KWlty and Quinc Pm a S! a'oo'lly. a 7:09 am a 9:00 pm CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE ft St. Paul Railway C tv Ticket Office. 1501 Farnam Street. Tolephono SSI. Depot Tenth and Mason Streets Telephone, 629. Leave Arrive, WllWAUt Chicago I Imlted Ex a 60 pm a 8,05 am c nu -,gr i! (innna w ni ii am t 3 10 pni a Dally. b'Qaliy icept Sunday, I. RILW.V TIME T WILES. CHICAGO ROCK ISL nnd ft Pacific "illrovl "The Great Rock Inl and Route " City Tick et Office, 132S Farnam Btreet Telephone, ass Depot. Tenth ft Mason Streets. Telephone 6TI. f (!.-. Afrit, ues -Moines nna Daven- port Local n T it am bll:V am Chicago Express .bit -15 am a S:I0 am ChUago Fast Express a B:M pm al:3fpm Lincoln and Falrbury. .u S;30 am a i:(M pin Lincoln. Colorado Spgs.. Drnver, PkKblo and .West a 1 SO pin a 4:15 pm De? Moines. Rork Is!- r.nd nr.d Chicago . a 7 IS pm n 5:60 ptr. Colorado ft Texas Fler a 5;M pm n 9.15 am a Dally b D.iliy except UNION PACIFK -'THE OVER land Roate General Offices, N E Cor Ninth and Fartmm streets. City Ticket Office, 13.M Farnam street. Teletihone, 316. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Ster Telephone, 629. Leave Arrive. The Overland Limited.. n 8:20 am n 7:34 pm Tho Chlcago-Por'.land Special a S;20 am a 7:.V, pm The Tast XIall . ... a 8:60 am a 3-2S pm The Colorado Special... all :35 pm n 6-90 nm The Fast Mnll ... a Lincoln, Beatrice and Stromsbjrg Express ,t 4;10 pm bl2:28 pm The Pacific Express n 4:26 pm Tho Atlantic Express . a 6 50 am Gland Island Local b 3-30 pm b 9 30 am a Dally b Dally except Sunday. HURT INcrrON ft MIS- sourl River Railroad "The Burlington Route General Offices. N. W. Corner Tenth and Farnam Sts Ticket Otllce. 1502 1 t.'.trnntn street Telenhone. 1 ti.gton station, Tenth and Mason Telephone, 121 Lincoln. Hastings and McCook ' a 8:40 nm a 7;3o pm Mncoln. Denver. Colo- rndo. t'tah. California a 4;25 pm a 3:W pm I incnln ft HlacK Hills n 9:30 pm n 3 W pm M-ntana. f jget sound a 9:30 pm a 6:45 nm Lincoln Fust Mall .a j.w pm uiu;.w inn Denver. Colorado. Utah r,"u a C: IS am KANSAS CITY. St. Jo seph ft Council Bluff Railroad "The Burling ton Route ''ticket Office.. 1502 Farnnm street. Tele- phone 150 Depot, Tenth and Mason streets. Tclo- ' Phone. 12. I Leave. Arrive. Kansas Cltv Dav Ex ,n s:50 am n 6:10 nm I Kivr.rm CUy Night Ex aio.15 pm a 6:15 am I i St I. uls Flyer for St. Jcee.h aid st Louis a 4:66 pm nn:iniu' a uauy CHICAGO. BURLINOTON 1 ft qulncy lnilroad "Tne Burlington Route" Ticket Office. 1502 Furnam St. Tel 250. Depot. Tenth ft Mason Streets. Telephone, ia. I.iavi. Arrlv Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 am Peoria Express a 9:25 pm Chicago Vcstlbuled Ex.. a 4.09 pm a 7:45 am Chicago Local Express. a 8:50 am a 4:05 pm Chicago Limited a 7:15 pm u 7:t& am Pacltic Junction Local.. alO: 15 am Pa.lflc Junction Extra. n 7:00 pm Fast Mall a 2:45 pm a Dally. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Offices and Ticket offices Southeast Cor ner 14th and Douglas Sts. Telephone 1H. Dci'oi Union Station. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis & Kansas Cltv Express alO:00 am n 6:30 pm K. C. St. L. Express... al0:10 pm a 6:15 am Leave from 13th and Webster Sis. Nebraska Local Via Weeping Water b 4:15 pm al0:l3 am u Dully, b Dally except Sunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad City Ticket Of flee, 1102 Farnam street. Telephone, 245. Depot Tenth and Mason streets. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Express Ch.cago Limited . Minneapolis nnd Paul Express . .. Minneapolis and Paul Limited Fort Dodge Local Council Bluffs a Dally, b Daily .all:10 am a 4;oJ pm .a 7:45 pm a 8:15 am St. ..1 St. b 7:00 nm b 9:40 pm a ,:U pm a S:15 am from b (::0pm bio 1ft am except Sunday. W ABAS II RAILROAD Ticket OHIco. 1604 Farnam Street. Tolephone. 93. De pot. Tenth and Marcy Streets. Telephone. 029. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a C:05 pm a 8:20 am a Dail. PO.STOI'FICE NOTICE. (Snould bo read DAILY by all Interested as changes m.i occur at any time. 1 Foreign malls for the week ending Octo ber ti. Vf). will close (PROMPTLY In all casosj .it the General Post Office as follows: PARCELS POST MAILS clo e one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels Post Mnlls for Germany close at 5 p. m. Monday and Wednesday. Trnus-Atliiiitlo Mnlls. TUESDAY At 7 n m. for EUROPE, per s h Knlsvr William der Grosse. via Cherbourg, Southampton and Bremen; at 9 11 m (supplementary 10.30 11. m ) for EUROPE, per s. H. Oceanic, via Queens town, letter mnll only (other matter must be directed "per s. s. Oceanic "). WEDNESDAY At 7 a. m. (supplementary 9 a. m. for EUROPE, per h. h St. Louis, via Southampton: ut 10:30 a. m. for BEL GIUM direct, per s. h. Frlesland (mall mast be directed "per H. s. Frles'nnd' i THURSDAY At 6:30 a. in. for EUROPE, per s. h. Columbln. via Plymouth und Hamburg (mall for France. Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Egypt. British India and Iirenzo Marqucz, via Cherbourg, must be directed "per k. s. Co lumbia"'; nt 6 30 11. tn. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. POR TUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT. BRITISH INDIA nnd LORENZO MARQUE., per s. 8 L'Aqtlltalne. via Havre (mail lor other parts of Europe must bo directed "per s. 8. L'Aqultalne"). SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per 8. s. Rotterdam (mall must be directed "per s. s. Rotterdam"); nt 9 a. m. for AZORES ISLANDS dlreit. per s. 8. Tartar Prince; nt 9:30 a. m. (hup plementnrv 11 a. tn.) for EUROPE, per 8. 8. Campania, via. Queenstown; nt 10 a in. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. Ethiopia (mall must be directed "per a. 8 Ethiopia"): nt 12 m. for ITALY, per s. a. Ems, via Naples (mull must be directed "per s. b. Ems"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC Tim sfamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial Papet and Samples for Germany only. The snme class of mall matter lot other pins of Kurono will not b tern bv this rhlp 23"I?ur1 Streets. ran fell unlets specially directed o h. After the closing of the f-u.-nii-meniary Trans-Atlantic Malls tinmen aoovu uddl tlonal supplementary malls are opened cn tho plrs of tho American. Engd h, French and German steamers, nnd icm.iln open until within Ten Sllnuies of tho hour ot sailing of steamer. M11IU for South 11 ml Central Amerlen, West Indies, Ktr. TUESDAY At 9:.w n. m. (supplementary 10.30 a. m I for CENTRAL AMERICA (ex cent Costa Ricn) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS, per s. . Advance, via Colon (mall for Guatemala must he directed "per s. Advance"!; nt 10 a m. for INAGUA and HAITI, per s. s TJonio: at 9 p. m. for JAMAICA, per b. s. Admiral Farragut, from Boston WEDNESDAY At 4 n. m for NORTHERN nitA7.lL. per s s. Paracnse: at 10.30a. m. for HAITI, per s. 8. Prlns Frederlk Hen drlk (mnll for Curacao, Trinidad, Vene zueln, British and Dutch Guiana must be directed "p r s. 8, Prins Frederlk Hen drlk "j; at 1 p. m. for CUBA. CAM PEC! IK YUCATAN'. TABASCO and CHIAPAS, per s. s. Vlgllancla, via Havana and Pro greso (mad ior o her parts of Mexico mus bo directed "per s. h. Vlgllancla"); nt 1 p. m. for MEXICO, nor 8. s. Ithakn. via Tamplco (mall must he directed "per a. s. Ithaka"). THURSDAY At 3:30 n. m. for JAMAICA per 8. s. Admiral Schfev, from Philadel phia; at 1 p. m. for BRAZIL, per s. s. Grecian Prince (mall must bo directed "per s. a. Grecian Prince"); at 1 p. in for SANTIAGO, per 8, s, Santiago de Cuba. FRIDAY -At 9 u. m. for BRAZIL dlnct nnd ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. URU GUAY nnd PARAGUAY, per a. b. Hevc Una (mull for Northern Brazil must be directed "per s, s HeveUus"). SATURDAY At 1 a. m. for NEWFOUND LAND, per a. s. Curthaglnlan. from Phil adelphia, nt 9 a. r.i. for ARGENTINE UIJLIC URUGUAY nnd PARA GUAY, per a. s. Kaffir Prlnco. at 10 1. m (hupp'ementary 10 30 a. m,) for FORTUNE 18! AND, JAMAICA, S A VAN ILL A and CUITHAGENA per s Altai (mall for ' ' st he "rr I 'tier 8 s Altai'); at 10 a. m, (supplementary 19.30 POSTOUFHE NOTICE. h m for HAITI and IN AG!" A. per Andes, s, nt 10 n, m. (supplementary 10:30 a. tn for POHTO RICO. CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Caracas (malt for Savnnllla find Cnrthnxena inuit be directed "per s. s. Caracas"), at U a. tn ror CI 'HA, per s. s. Mexico; nt 1 tt m. for M VTAN.Aft. CAIHARIEN. NUK VITAS. GIHARA and HARACOA. per s. s. OllmU (ordinary mall onlv, which must be directed "per s. s. Ollndn"). Malls for Newfoundland, iy rail to Norlh Sydney, and thence by t-amcr. close nt this office dally nt .: p in. (connecting rloe hero every Mondny. Wedneilay nnd Saturday). Mulls for Mlquelon. by rail to Boston and thence by jtenmrr. r!oe nt this office dally nt S3-) p in. Mills for Cuba, by rail to Port Tnnipii. Fin., nnd thence by steumer, closo nt this office dnllv at ? a. m ithe connecting closes are on Sumliiv. Wednesday and Frldav) Malls for Mexico Cltv, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steumer Hose nt this office dally at 2:30 n. m nnd 2:30 p. in. Mulls for Costa Rica. He'lte. Puerto Cnrtci and Guatemala, bv rail to New Orleans and thence bv steamer close nt this otllce dally at M p. in. (connecting closes here T"idn) for Costa Rlcii nnd Mondays for Belize. Pucrlo Corte nnd Guatemala). Registered mall closes nt 6 p. m. pre vious day. Triiii'-l'iK'lllc .Mnll". Mails for China ami Japan, via Vancouver. cloe here dallv at fi-30 p m. tin to October 2d. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Empress of India i registered mall unit he directed "via Vancouver") . Mails for Hawaii. Janan. China and Phr Ipplno Islands, via San Fraiu'sco. close hern dnllv nt G..10 p tn up to October Mil. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Coptic. Malls for China. Japan and Phll llplnn IslnniN. via Seattle, clnsi- here'J .it 6 10 p m. up to October 5ih. Inclusive, for dispatch per s s. Rlolun Mum (regis-ti-re.l tnnll must be illrieted "via Hentt'o"! Malls for China, Japan and Phllliiplne Island", via T.icnma. close here dallv at 6 SO p. tn. up to October MOth. for dls pntch per s s. Olvmul.i. Malls for Hawaii, China. Japan nnd Philippine Islands, vU San I'ratict'co. close here dal'y at .) v m nn to t)ctober 12th. Inclusive, for illf :ni.i per s r. America Maru Malls for Hawiiii. la San Francisco. cloe here dnltv at 6 p m up to October 12th. In clusiM", for dispatch per h. s. A istralls Mulls for Australia (except Wet Aus tralia, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, which goes via San Francisco) nnd. Fill Islands, via Vuncouvcr. close here- dally nt 6:30 p. m up to October 1.1th. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s Mlowera (supplementary mails. vis. Seatt'o. close nt il 30 p. tn October llth) Malls for Australia (except West Aus tralia). New Zealand. ILmviiII. FIJI and "nmnan Isiutids via San Francisco, closo here dally nt 6:30 p. m. after October llth nnd up to October 27th. Inclusive, or on day of arrlvnl of s. s. Campania, due at New York October 27th. for ills- natch per s. s. Alameda Trnns-Pnclflr mnlls nre forwarded to port or Foiling dally and tne sciiriiuio or nos ing Is nrranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mnll cloee at 6 n m prev ious day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster . ... HAMAPO WATER (ill All. Veir lurk Clt' Principal Issue Aunlnst the Political lliisne. Tho separation of state from national Is sues, which reformers havo been urging for years, says tho Outlook. Is supremely essen tial this year In New York. Apparently tho managers ot both parties are counting upon tho presence of a national election to make the voters forget that any state Is sues aro to bo decided. Yet a state Issuo Is to bo decided moro Important than any which has brcught the voters to the polls In nny distinctively stnte campaign during the last decado. Unless the voters keep this Issue In mind and vote only for the candidates who roprescnt their Interests regardless of national party lines the Issuo Is likely to be decided hy the party man agers adversely to tho welfare of tho pub lic. Tho Issue to which we refer Is. of course, that of tho Ramapo water monopoly. Dur ing tho Inst fortnight, thanks to tho high public spirit ot tho Merchants' association, the public has received an authoritative report showing Just what this colossal con spiracy threatens. The report, which was prepared at a cost of over $30,000 and cov ers over COO printed pages, makes clear and sure Just what New York's present water supply has cost, Just what the Ram apo contract will cos nnd approximately what the city will need to expend to con tinue Independent of the private monopoly. Put In tho briefest possible compass, tho facts are as follows- From 1S32 till 1834 the cOBt of construct ing the old water system with the Croton aqueduct was $37,000,000, nnd the net profits over and nbovo operating expenses and in terest wore $1,000,000. From 1885 till 1894 the cost of constructing the new water sys tem with tho new aqueduct was J49.0CO.OOO. and the net prodls have been $t9.000.000. The yearly pronto hnve steadily risen with tho city's Increased consumption. They now aggregate nearly $2,000,000 a year and nre HKely to equal $4,000,000 by 1910. The coat to the city of supplying water has fallen from $31 per million gallons half a contury ago to $29 In 189S and still further, reductions aro promised from works neir under construction. At this point tho Kamapo company entera nnd almost binds tho city to pay $70 per million gallons for water brought ouly to the northern boundary of tho city. As dis tribution through tho city costs $10 a mil lion gallons, tho Uamapo prlco Is really $S0 per million, or nearly three times as much as It costs tho city to Bitpply Itself Tho proposed Ramapo contract covers a period of forty years (1906-1945). during which tho company offers to supply 200.. 000.000 gallona dally nt this prlco of $S0 per million. Inasmuch ns tho city charges consumers but $50 a million. It would dur ing this whole period have n deficit of $30 where It now has a profit of over $20 on each million gallons delivered. Put in tab ulnr form, the difference Is: Comparison for forty years. 1SW-1945. Net profit by city system.. ....... Dctlclt under Ramnpo contract. ... 60.000,000 Total loss from contract $105,000,00 In estimating the coat ol operation under city ownership tho Merchants' association reckons not only upon keeping up Interest payments, hut alao upon making sinking fund payments sufficient to pay for the now system that will bo needed within a fow years to fcupply additional water. Huca a system, capable ot supplying 250.000,000 gallons dally from tho neighborhood ot Poughkccpslc, can. It reports, bo constructed for $37,000,000. By 194S the bonds Issuei to pay for this system would all he re tired by tho sinking fund payments ami the city would own this voluablo plant, whsreas If It accepted the Ramapo contract It would In 1915 own nothing. The difference, there fore, between the results of city ownership and the" acceptance of tho Ramapo contract will bo not merely $108,000,000, as stated In the tabic, but this vast sum In cash, nnd the ownership of a. $37,000,000 aquoduct besides. With such an exhibit there is no doubt as to what course the people wish to have pursued. They wish for tuch legislation as will extinguish or expropriate the danger ouo rights claimed by the Ramapo com pany under its scandalous charter. They also wish for such legislation aa will per mit tho pooplo of New York City and other cities to secure or themselves such water as may be necessary for their future needs. No party, however powerful, would dare to go Into any campaign not even Tam many hall into a Now York City campaign proclaiming to tho people that nny other courto would be pursued, But present ap pearances Indicate that tho party managers of both parties Intend to put forward can didates who, when In office, will pursue tho course desired hy tho Ramapo com pany, and put obstacles In tho way ef tha measures desired by the entire disinter ested public. It the public permits this all Important stato issue to be Ignored In tb conflict over national Issues, or consents to vote for party nominees whose position on this issue U sot clear and explicit the party managers will come out victorious and the public Interests will again k tit t rared. 4