TITE OMATTA DATTjT TTTRTa rOXDAY, OCTOr.TST 1, 1000. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MINOR MKNTION. Davis sella elans. "Mr. IHIey." 6-cent- clear. Gas fixtures and globes nt Blxby's Fins A B, C. beer, Neumnyer'K hotel. Br. Stcphcnon, 101 I'cnrl St. Tel. 3J. Bchmldt's photos, now and latest styles. 11 M. Leffcrt, export optician, 230 Hdy. Cab. photos tt.CO doz. Williams. Ml Wf Wollman, scientific option. ri. 460 H'd'y. W J. Hostettrr. uVntlnt. Baldwin block. J. C, & W. Woodward, architects. 523 Iiuy, XV P.. Ij.hI. 1U miitinmrnt!". 3')1 B'way, I.emp'n beer, Soonko Hoycn. solo agent. Host t-rrr. 11udwcls.:r. U Itoeeiirem. asi. Npw oval frames. C. 12 Alexander & Co.. 833 Hroiitlwny. , TlfkrlH on sh1. Wrdni-dny mornlnt; ft "Allen In Wonderland " Mr mill Mr. Wtlllnm TurklnKton ui. vIsltlilK frlnndM at rlimu'i. la. Tbr mr-uiticra of th" I-lKlil Onnrd arf organizing foot bull i-lcvni. Oct your work done at the popular imsie laundry, 721 Hromlway I'tionc 157. W r nten. nniP rtnkrr. IS Ptarl street. Telephones: 6fflc. ')'. residence, 33 x ii ti'ill inopl 111 rPKUiui Msslon tomorrow nfn-rnoQii at 2 o clock. W. F. draff, undertaker and llcetwii I'"' balmer, 101 Hoiitli Vim street. I'hon . The. ladles of I'ulm Rfovo will Btvo their fr ,tni, n October 2 at Oodmcil r.f tho World hall; Wlmli-y'H orchestra World hall; wniiu-y h nreiimuu. :1s for the lust block of brick sidewalks red by the ct mum II have to be In hi ml" -.r Mt v c-l. rk IMillllps by noon ntd ordcre th hands today ,, NlKht ciliool Western lowu college. Oc tober 1. itrrjiR Hl.orlhand, touch typewrit ing, uni' tb nl booklceepliiK mi" common lirnnches. IHItll. IC.I .1., ill. n O-nahl; w!ih not ...rested In the hhIoom. but was foijnd by tho police at tlie OKrten li'iici II 8. Htevlek was arrested at a Into hour Katurdav nlitlit on runtpmini im m Wl.c T . bareell liltn with Intoxication and nbuslim his famllv . Word has 1 r. received here of the eath In Nr n York of Mrs. Samuel Theodore, for rnVrH of tlils .11 v llnr husband died In Council lllulTs Fevernl years nun. The polU" wtn- o.itin.Ml last itlcht that a rotien tatm.l IM!" bsd escnned from th Fn 'an" l."."rtm. nt at St. Hernanl "s hos pital The man was said to be without co.it fir vest Miss K.llth llavman SaundciH of (Jraivl l.slnud. Neb, arrived hero last even iik nnd will make her home with Mrs. II. 1 rey virtr while tiursuliiK her studies at t'relghton Medical eollejje. The Sixteenth Avenue StarH defeated the Merchant llrowns yesterday afternoon In a earn of lull by a score of S to ii. ltuspe nnd Hansen were the battery for the Mars nnd llemerleh anil Shmart for the Mer chant llrowns. V W. Kllloll nnd wife of I .os Angeles, f'al . arc the siipmIm of Mrs. Mlllolt's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Musselwhlle of lift North Twlfth Hlreet. Mr. Klllntt with the litirllngtmi system In this city for ii number of years. Wlu.t about "Alire In Wonderland?" It Is koIiik lo b" the prettiest and mint elabor nlo children's production over given l.rro under the auspices or the Woman s aux iliary of the Grace Kplscopnl church, l'oint lnr prices, grand matinee. Saturday Oc tober li. Tho funeral of Wlnne. the 'daughter of Mr and Mrs. .1. II. l.owery, was held yes terday from tho residence. -W Fourth nvenue, the services being conducted by Jlev. U. W Krl.kson of the Fifth Avenue Methodist ehirch. Interment was In Falr vlew cemeterj Tho iiollce department Is congratulating ItHolf that not u single burg-ur was re vnrted In this oily (he entire of last week, while the greater part of the citizens were across the river tiiUlng In the Carnival fes tivities and their homes being left prac tically unprotected. Tho I'tilon I'acllle freight house bus ball team defeated tho Milwaukee freight house leant by a score of C, to I vesterilay after noon at tho Sixteenth avenue grninds. Heath and Williams comprised the batter., for the Union I'.iclllcs, and (lebhart and i asey for tlie .Milwaukee noys. The funeral of Levi Orate, killed by a motor car last Tuesday night, wns held yesterday afternoon from the .family resi dence In Omaha. Interment helm; In Wal nut Hill cemetery In this city. The funeral was under the auspices of the Ancient Order of I'nlted Workmen lodges of this oily and Omaha. J t li lee. who was given a suspended acnteuoo for thirty days in the county Jail foam few mouths nun for perjury In con nection with Ills trial for shoollnix siiulrre's within tho city limits, was brought In yes terday to serve his time on orders from Judgo Aylesworth. It is understood that Attorney James MeCabe has tiled nnothi complaint against Price. Andrew Itccnrd, one of the pioneers nf Pottawattatiilo and Mills cuuntles, ille.l at ids home, one mile north of (Jlenwiml, Saturday, lie formerly lived In Council muffs. Ills aged wile, three sons, Jamni ' , Charles and Samuel ltecord, and on daughter. Mrs F. M. Hhriver. all living iit nionwood, survive him. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon fiom the family residence. He had been an Invalid for a number of yc..r.. N. V. riumblns Co., teleonone ZZ0. City ' tell TouIkIiI. A number of Important matters aro booked for tonlght'fl mooting of tho city council. Action Is to bo ink' n on th" application of tho motor company for per mission to lay a double track on Pearl street nnd South Main Htreet. Property owners on South Main street nro very anxious that tho permission shall ho granted, as they will recover over $1,000 of tho amount they paid for tho paving of that street. Tho city will also recover about J500, tho cost of tho paving at the Intersections. This being tho rase It Is said that thoro will bo little. If any, op position to granting the company's re quest. The question of awarding tho contract for tho laying of about II vn miles of brick sidewalks Is also slated for trntght. as is the awarding of tho contract for tho last block of brick walks ordered. City Engineer Ktnyro Is to make a re port on tho North .Main street paving. In ordor that tho council can order tho cost of the Improvement assessed against tho abutting property and the certificates for tho same Issued. The total cost of tho Improvement will amount to something over $4,000. which will bo obaut $4 per foot frontage. Tho ordinances providing for the ap pointment of b city electrician nnd regu lating nil electrical construction nro on tho list for action tonight. Tho nppolntment of registrars for the general election to be hold next month la another matter booked for this meeting. JO.OOO cakes Domestic soap usud in Coun. rll HI mis Inst month. Uss Domestic soap. It's the best. AMERICAN PRINCESS Stylish, Forviccablo sohool Shoes for girls nt HAMILTON'S 412 Broadway, FARM LOANS Nazotlated In fc.uiiern rttornrkn and Iowa. Jamea N. Ca-vdy. Jr., ut .Main m i-iuncii i"jrf. Save Your Money lnvestinr With the KAVINCk, LOAN AMI III ll.UIVti ASM'V, iuu raarl street, council lllun, la BLUFFS. CAMPAIGN IN THIS COUNTY Chairman Wrigbt Plana a Vigorous On slaught Against Brjanism. JUDGE BARTLETT TRIPP SPEAKS TONIGHT nislliiKtilslicil Squill DnUotn .lurlsl mill Diplomat to Address tUf I'nb 1 1 lit lloliiniy (Ipern House Tills KteiilliK, Tho first big gun of the republican cam paign In Council HlufM will bo tired to night, when Hon. Ilartlett Tripp of Houth Dakota will speak on the political Issues nf the hour at IJouany opera house. Ar ranuumcnts for a big meeting hove been made. Thoro will be n torchlight proces sion through the principal downtown strcctB, In which the McKlnlcy (lusrds, the McKlnley-Hoosevelt Marching club and the Colored McKlnlcy club will participate. Judge Tripp Is regarded as one of tho best campaigners In the northwest and Is an orator of considerable merit. He Is well versed In the Issues of the campaign, so that an able presentation of the various ques tions before the public at the present tltna nitty bo expected. Hon. John N. Daldwln Is expected to preldo st the meeting and the proceedings will be enlivened by music by a main quartet. The mcctlnc Is open to the public and the committee extends a cordial Invitation to the women of the city to bo present. Chairman Wright of tho republican county central committee has prepared tho fol lowing schedule of speakers. for the county townships for the first two weeks of Oc tober: llooincr George H. Scott and D. O. Btuart, October !i. Center W. II. Klllpack and l'hll Dodge, October 17. Crescent Colonel J. J. Rteadtnan and Hon. James Dewcll, October 10. Carson Hon. Thomas N. Doutney of Wor cestor, Mass., and D. 13. Stuart, October 6. flr,ove Frank Turner and O. S. Dlanclv nrd, October 9. Oarncr Judge Oeorge Carson and I). 13. Stuart, October 13. Hardin W. II. Klllpack and C. F. Kim ball. October 8. James A. I Preston and I). 13. Stuart, October 16. Hazel Dell At Weston, II and C. F. Kimball. October - Center School House W. October 10. J. Chambers II. Klllpack, Keg Creek At Center school house, G. II. Scott and Phil Dodge, October 4. I.aytou Hon. Thomas K. Doutney, Oc tobcr f: Y. II. Dyers of Harlan and Phil Dodge, October 10. I,owls--H. J. Chambers and W. II. Kill- pack, October 8. Lincoln I.. F. Xeff and W. II. Klllpack. October 1. Mlnden H. W. Ilycrs of Harlan, October 10. Norwalk At Underwood, O. H. Illanchard and Hon. A. S. Hnzclton, October C. Pleasant At Frum's school house, F. A, Turner and U F. Neff. October 6. Hockford At Loveland school house, W. H. Klllpack and C. F. Kimball, October 13, Silver Creek W. II. Klllpack and O. S, Illanchard, October II. Volley At Hancock. James D. Illuff and Phil Dodgo. October fi. Washington A. Turner and L. T. Van Slyke, October 11. S'ork-rAt York Center school house, W. II Klllpack and L. T. Van Slyke, October P. Tho meeting In this city on October 10 Ahon I'nlted Slates Senator William Iloyd Allison will be the speaker of tho evening Is to bo the big demonstration of the cam paign In this vicinity. Arrangements for making It a monster gathering of rcpub llcaun from all parts of Pottawattamie county are now well under way. The couutv central committee expects to secure ro duceil rates from the railroads and a num ber of excursions from nearby towns are being planned for. Howell's Antl-"Kawf' curea coufihs, colds. Commonwealth 10-ceni cigar. Premiums given with Domostlc soap. mint op SKCHIJTAHY WILSON. To inn Jim" linn llnd n Sntlsfaolnry Uinerlrnrp In Cnmnnlcn lux, Hon. James Wilson, secretary of agricul ture, who addressed largo republican meet ings nt Macedonia and Hastings Saturday nfternoon and evening, left eBrly yester day morning for Omaha, after having spent the night nt tho Grand hotel In this city. Secretary Wilson oxpected to leave Omaha yesterday uftcrnoon over the Durltngton for Holdrego, Neb., where ho Is announced to speak tonight. Iowa's member of President McKlnloy's cablnot has bocn out campaigning for about two weeks. Ono week was spent In Ohio, where he spoko every day. From Ohio he went to Topeka, Kan., to attend a good roads meeting. At tho Kansas town Mr. Wilson met nnd talked with n number of farmers and from what ho learned from them they appear to bo well satisfied with tho existing conditions nud favor tho re election of President McKlnlcy. Speaking on the attitude of tho farmers throughout the part of the country ho has io far traveled, Mr. Wilson said: "There Is a general slldo to McKlnley. This Is duo to tho fact, that tho people as a rule do not seem Inclined to take any chances on losing the good times they have been and are now enjoying under tho republican administra tion. Tho farmers especially are support ing McKlnley, ns they remember too well tho prices they obtained under tho previous administration. It Is not at all necessary to point out to them tho advantages of n con tinuance of tho present administration, They realize this themselves and in my Judgment they wilt vote .this fall for a re turn to a democratic administration. Wherever I havo spoken I hnvo been greeted with good crowds and my speeches appear to have been listened to with Interest. In short, I think the conditions for the re election of President McKlnley are most favorable." During his stay here Secretary Wilson had a conference with National Committee man Krnest B, Hart and other prominent local republicans. Domestic soap sells on its merits. Davis sells paint. I'unernl of Cniitnln Murphy. Tho remains of the late Captain Will Mur phy arrived hore yesterday morulas, nnd after tho casket bad been opened nt Estep's undertaking rooms the body was taken to the family residence on Avenuo F. A detail from Company L. Fifty-first In fantry, Iowa National Guard, escorted the body from the undertaker's to tbo residence, where six of the detail remained as a guard. Tho funeral will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock from the family residence and will be with the full military honors due the dead o Ulcer. There will be a detail ( United States soldiers from Fort Crook 'and Company L will act ns part of tho escort. The services will bo conducted by Dr. Mann of Omaha. Interment will be In Falrvlew cemetery. All members of Company L. Fifty-first regiment, town National guard, nnd nil members nf old Company L, Fifty-first Iowa volunteers, are requested to meet nt the armcrv In the Opera house block this nfternoon at 1 o'clock to attend tho funeral of the lato Captain Will Murphy. Ml veterans of tho civil war are re quested to meet at tho hall of Abe Lincoln post, Grand Army of tho Republic, this r.ftcrnoon at 1 o'clock to attend tho funeral of tho lato Captain W, L. Murphy. Domeetlc soap outlasts cheap soap. t mwt school roii Tin: m:.i Venr of Instruction Opens Tniliiy Pu ller Supi-rliiti'iiilpiit'n Direction. The school year nt the Iowa School for tho Deaf opens today, and yesterday n number of the -pu;lls nrrlved. Most of the ofllcer. are hero and Superintendent Ilothert reports everything In readiness to com mence tho school work nt once. During tho long summer vacation a number of im provements and ropalrs have been carried nut at the Institution. The following is tho list of teachers and officers for this year: Jlenry W. Itothort, Council muffs, superln tendant; John F. SchulU, Council Bluffs, bookkeeper; Mrs. M. 13. Poole. Council Dlufis, matron; Lena Scyfort, California, Mo., assistant matron; Marvin Denlny, Mount Vernon, la., stenographer; II. M. Iiodley. Olatho. Kan., boys' supervisor; Mrs. M. Drake. Valley Junction, la., small boys' supervisor: Mary Harmuth, Olathe, Kan., girls' supervisor: Hauchett & Smith, Coun cil Illuffs, physicians; Mrs. Mary Kbcrllng, Council Dlurrs, nurse; J. M. Tunnchlll, Cla rlnda, la., engineer; Charles Watson, Coun cil Illuffs, assistant enclnecr; Hay Holland, Afton, la., fireman; Mrs. Susan Olbbs, Mon damln, la., cook; F. K. Cave, Coleridge, Neb., assistant cook; F. Auswestcr, Coun cil Illuffs, baker; J: J. Kles, Council Illuffs, foreman of farm; Gits Valentino. Council Illuffs, foreman of gardens; John Mather, California, foreman carpontry; L. It. Thomp son, Council Illuffs, foreman printing; L. W. Pound. Council Illuffs, foreman shoo making; Anna 13. Merrill, -Modlapolls, la.. foreman sewing; Cnrrie Jensen Council muffs, foreman ironing; F. W. Fllnnlken, Columbus, O., night watchman; Lessie Dick, Council Illuffs, lady night watch; Sophia Nelson, Council Illuffs, laundry; E. E. Clip- plnger, Monmouth, HI., principal of school W. O. Connor, Jr.. Cnvo Spring, On., teacher manual department; Hiram Phillips, Dcla' van, Wis., teacher manual department; H 13. Stewart, Omaha, Neb., teacher manual department; F. C. Hollowny, Council Illuffs, teacher manual department; J. W. Har rett, Council Illuffs, teacher manual de partment; C. S. Lorbaugh, Council muffs, teacher manual department; David Ryan, Jr., Newton, la., teacher manual depart ment; Laura MacDIll, Durllngtoh, In., teacher manual department; Margarut Wut klns, Iowa City, la., teacher manual de partment: (Mnttle Edwards, Plattsmouth, Neb., teacher manual department; Mnmlo R. Cool, Council Illuffs, teacher manual de partment; Molllo Medcraft, Manhattan, Knn., teacher manual deportment; Mary E. Leary. Cnrvonvillc, III., teacher manual department; Mildred Cooper, Frederick, O., teacher oral department; 13mma Hensley, Shelby villi. Intl., teacher onil department; Florence Wllcoxson, Tarklo. Mo., teachor oral department: Stella Stewart, Neosha, Wis., teacher of cooking; Charlotte A. Reed, Marsballtown, la., teacher of drawing. Millions will ne npent in politics this year. We can't keep the campaign going without money any mora than wo can keep the body vigorous without food. Dyspep tics urcd to starve themselves. Now Kodol Dyspepsia Curo digests what you cat and allows you to cat all tho good food you want. It radically cures atcmarh trouble RAT HI3FOIU3 (iOl.Mi TO II P. I). It In I'nor .Inilument to Itrllre on nil Kinpty Stomnoli. Many people have an Idea that It is in jurious (o cat Just before going to bed, but dooton Inugh at the suggestion and often prescribe a light supper nH a cure for in somnia and many ailments. "It stands to reason," says one well known authority on nerves and digestive disorders, "that ns In he dally routine of tho average porsons five hours elnpse be tween the three ordinary meals nnd aB tho stomach in a healthy Individual is empty threo hours after digestion begins, It Is neither wise nor necessary for the stomach to remain empty from, say, 0 o'clock In tho ovenlng ujUU 8 o'clock tho following morning, a period of eleven hours, should there bo a craving for food during tho in terval. "Some physiologists hold that the stom ach should bo allowed this period of complete rest and that In consequenco it Is better to go to bed fasting than to satisfy tho craving for nourishment, hut if tho food eaton Just before rotirtng Is of an easily digested character tho tax upon tho stomach 1b uot sufficiently great to dcprlvo It of tho rest which is necessary for Its proper action tho succeeding day. "Nothing better can be suggested than n glassful of milk, but It should always bo at blood heat. Cold liquids wilt do harm rather than good, for In that caso tho blood Is not drawn to the stomach with tho samo rapidity and in tho same quantity as It Is when warm liquids nro taken, In a great many Instances long-continued Insomnia may be completely cured, after an interval of, say, a couplo of weeks, by tho Bteady adherence to such regimen. "Lettuce, especially when dressed with oil, hu3 a soporific effect on account of cer tain sedatlvo principles which it contains. "Heavy suppers after the theater, so popular among city people, aro oxtremoly delotcrloua to henlth If taken regularly but It must bo romembercd that in tho majority of cases an hour or -two elapses between eating a theater supper and retir ing for tho night, and the muscular activity so necessary to tho proper digestion of u heavy meal is supplied whou the supper is eaten at a restaurant or at some other placo awny from one's home. "Ilrolled live lobster and Welsh raroblt, the two favorlto after-dlnnor dishes of a largo clatis of people, when eaten lato nt night nro about as dlgestlblu as leather, and many n devotee at their shrine awak ens tho next morning with a sick head ache as the result of his indiscretion. Cheese In nuy form is Indigestible at night. 'A broiled English mutton chop or small lamb chops with creamed potatoes, while not a very fashionable theater supper, is as good as any that can bo taken from the standpoint of the physician. "Raw oysters produco no bad effects If eaten at night, tho soft part of them being vory easily digested, though the hard part Is much less so, Fried oysters and clams should bo tabooed at night," Cnrc Orlppe Without !rlpr. Grippe's caused by microbes. Germ-kill ing, system-toning Cascarets Candy Ca thortlo provide a quick, permanent curo for grippe. Druggists, 10c, 25c, 50c. StIIKP la llrlil Pp. BOISE, la.. Sent. 30. The Ontario and IluniB stage was held un at 9 o'clock this morning, seventy miles out of Onturlo, by a luue nigiiwiiymuu. ino runner stopped me stage by firing a shot across the road. He uemanneu me man, wnicn was thrown out The stage was not further molested. It is ooi inougni mucn oi vaiue was secured. DES MOINES TO SEE TEDDY Spooial Train Will Carry Thousands to the Waterloo Meeting. MANY CLUBS WILL JOIN THE EXCURSION Vctcrnnn nml Vomittsters Alike J3n thuslustlu )er tin- Proposition Cuiiiion to He Tut-on Atonic to I'lre Suliitr. DKS MOINI3S, Sept. SO. (Special.) The committee havlug In charge tho arrange ments for tho Waterloo uxcutsiou to be run on Koosovclt day, next Friday, held n meeting last night nud perfcUed all the details of tho plan. A special of ten coaches, with one chair car for the women, has been ordered and additional coaches will bo ndded ns the crowd Incrcasus. Fri day morning a battery will awaken the city and after firing salutes for an hour will bo placed on board u flat car und hitched on behind tho speclul train, so that a salute muy ho tired for every town 03 tho special rushes through. In addition lo the John C. Fremont Republican cluu of old-tlmors,- who voted for Fremont lu 1S3C, and tho Voternn Tlppecanoo club, the Grant club will bo largely reptcseuted and there will bo a company of Rough Riders with fifty mounted mon, Tho mem bers of this company aro mostly veter ans of tho Fifty-first Iowa, who saw u year's service In tho Philippines. Roose velt day at Waterloo promises to bo tho greatest political rally tho stuto has ever seen. Thomas G. Orwlc, the chairman uf tho district prohibition commlttco, issued a challenge last ovenlug, In which ho says that "the dominant Isauo in the present presidential campaign Is the liquor traffic as encouraged by stnto and national laws aud executive officers" and ho adds that a challenge Is hereby given to uuy rep rcscntatlve of any other party to deny this affirmation in a public debate In Des Moines." Mr. Orwlg says in tho chal lengo that tho prohibitionists depend mainly upon tho righteousness of their cause for final success and that "they do uot depend upon spectacular exhibi tions of rough .riders or tho like." W. P. Chnso returned from Omaha Sat urday, where ho has been In consultation with W. W. Colo rclatlvo to tho open lug of the Auditorium In this city ns a vaudevlllo theater. This morning Mr. Chaso made a proposition to tho public, in which ho ngrees to spend 118.000 In mak ing tho Auditorium ono of tho finest thea ters In tho west, provided tho thenter goera will buy $9,000 worth of ticket books. Tho democratic state central commltteo announces that Uourke Cockran is com ing to Iowa for two dates. Ho will Bpealt at Burlington on October 10 aud at Davcn port tho uoxt day. Tho De3 Moines Dally Democrat, an even lng paper started a llttlo over two months ago, gavo up tho ghost Saturday and an- Jnounced that tho Issue was Its last. II M. Helvel, tho principal member of tho stock company owning tho paper, an nounces In hla obituary editorial that tho paper was started by a company of men of less means than enthusiasm nnd that after n vain attempt to secure some sup port from tho democrats of, tho city ami stnto ho has given it up as a bad Job, having lost several hundred dollars In cash nnd contracted moro debts than ho can pay In five years. Student Chnrcert ivltli Tiled. OSAGE. Ia.. Sept. 30. (Special.) A queer case of kleptomania has come to light in tbo district court here. For a yenr or more a largo number of small articles havo been mlssod from tho stores and prlvato residences and no clow could bo obtained. Finally Prof. Chandler, superintendent of the city schools, caught young Chester MrCullough, a member of his graduating class, taking a box of pens. Confession wns made of other thefts and a search of tho boy's homo was made. A large number of nrttcles were found which ho had taken. Ship Cattle to Soollnml. QRINNELL, la., Sept. 30. (Special.) The experiment of shipping cattle to Glasgow, Sootland, has been found to be a great sue cess by Ewart nros, of Poweshiek county. They mado tho first shipment In July nnd sold tholr cattle for $111 per head. At each trip they tako about 200 head. It Is said the cnttle stand the trip well and really gain in weight while on tho ocean. Ewart Pros, say they can make moro by taking their cattle to Scotland than by selling them in Chicago. CROWDS TO SKIS TUB COIl.V PAI.ACI3. Mltuliell'n Vrntnre Afford Entertain ment fur .tinny People. MITCHELL, S. D Sept. 30. (Special Telegram.) Tho Corn Palace attraction wa3 tho means of bringing a great crowd of pcoplo to this city today. Excursion trains wcro run over the Milwaukee road from Madison, Aberdeen, Chamberlain, Yankton and Sanborn, Ia. Over 1.G00 pcoplo came In .theso trains and the Omaha road added to tho crowd 600 more with Its train from Worthlngton, Minn. Four concerts wore given during tho day to accommodate tho pcoplo. Tuesday is Elk's day and also Republican day, when Murnt Halstead and John R. Daldwln will speak in tho nfter noon and tho evening, with a torehllght pro cession previous to the evening speech. The Milwaukee road has consented to run spo clal excursion trains for this event from Sioux City and Canton, while tho Omaha road will run tho rame service from Sioux Falls. With another day like this tho flnan clal nuccess of the Corn Palace vonturo 1 assured. LAD SAI.IIS IN SOUTH DAKOTA l.nwe Trnotn yenr Huron llelusr Sold to Sltn with rnnfy, HURON, S. D., Sept. 30. (Special.) Some noavy real cstato transfers have been con summated hero during tho last few davs, Peter Kelnne of Dubuque. Ia., has bought j.iu ncres, ana J. J. wnsou of Pelln, Ia. 2,i20 acres, the former tracts being In lieauie, and tho lattor In Hydo county nea Hlghmore. It is Mr. Wilson's intention to remove upon his now possessions at once and begin preparations for establishing stock ranch. Several other parties havo purchased from 600 to 1.000 acres in this locality for actual farm and stock pur poses, woi ror several years has the de mand for land been so great ns at thl time, and what Is a healthy sign is the fact Bwi ti 4 M Kind Y03 Hin Always Bcajh Blgn&tnr. t lean th. v? J KM Ym Hare Alwais Bflt.13 tL. Bft.J U- . II. al. ft Bian tk ,ra "'"I" IU Mag's (Jla&tui of that purctiasarn bnvo monoy and In most canes pay spot cash. South DnUotn tiiporpnrntloii, I'imiRK, S. I).. Sept. 30. (Special.) Articles of incorporation have been tiled for the White River Cattle company at Cham berlain, with a capital of $60,000 Incor porators, II. D. Rrown, M. M. Ilrown and Douglas Webster. For the Traver Cider company at Huron, with a capital of $SO,000, Incorpora tors, Frank N. Traver, James T. Carroll nnd Eliot Somers. For the Palmer Kxtract company nt Mrooklngs, with a capital of $30,000. In- orporators, John S. Foley, David K. Uro- phy, Harry 13. Axon, Albert Martin and Phllo Hall. Potter county has called for $3,000 of the pormanont school hind In addition to tho regular apportionment of such fund re cently mado to that county. 0RECAST OF THE WEATHER Onielnl MullHIn I'rniiilnrn First Ilnyn uf WrrU Will Up I'ulr III .SelirnxUii. WASHINGTON, Sept. 30. Forecast for Monday nnd Tuesday. For Nebraska and Kansas Fair Monday and Tuesday; east to south winds. lor Iowa and Missouri Fair Monday and Tuesday; winds mostly southerly. For North Dakota Showers Monday and probably Tuesday; enstcrly winds. For South Dakota Fair Monday nnd Tuesday; warmer Monday In western por tion; easterly winds. For Colorado Fair Monday aud Tues day: variable winds. For Wyoming Showers and cooler In western, fair In enstcrn portion Monday; Tuesday fair; varlablo winds. For Montana Showers and warmer Mon day; Tuesday fair: varlablo winds. For Illinois and Indiana Fair Monday nnd Tuesday; light to frosh east to south winds. For Oklahoma and Indian Territory. Fair Monday and Tuesday; southerly winds. I' or Now Mexico Showers Monday and Tuesday; southerly winds. For Western Texas Partly cloudy Mon day and Tuesday; probably showers in northoru aud western perilous; southerly winds. For Arkansas Fair Monday and Tues day; light to fresh north to east winds. I.oonl ltecord. OFFICI3 OF TIM! WMAT1IKK nlTltKATI OMAHA. Kent. 30. Olllelul record of tern neraturo nnd tireclnltatlon pmnnnml with tho corresponding duy of the luHt three years: 15C0. ISM. 1S9K. 1S9T. .Maximum temperature... 78 fit 71 !) Minimum temperature... Bt : 43 61 Averniri tennieratiiro nil M in Precipitation 00 .00 .' .in Record of temtierature nnd iirHelnltntlnu nt Omaha for this day and since Mnrch 1. 19O0: Nnrmnl temperature CO Excess for tho day 7 Total excess since March 1 Cf.2 Normal precipitation (id Inrh Deficiency for the day 03 Inch Total since March 1 21.20 inches Deficiency since March 1 K9 Inch Deficiency for cor. period, 1ST9.... 4. CI Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1X38.... 3.17 Inches llpnort from Slnllonn nt H. P. n STATIONS AND STATE OF WEATHER. P2 cc IT ! Omaha, clear North Platte, clear Chcyimne, clear 70 7H .no 72 M .Oi bo ;s .on KS 74 .1)0 M oi .no 5C fiS .Oil 42 tti .01 co ra .- 70 74 .0 t4 fiSl .01 GH 711 .00 70 7rt' .01 44 4 .0.' 30 40 .IS 44 -II .01 S2 8S1 .0) Halt I.alte City, cloudy Raold Cltv. clear Huron, clear Wi listen, rn n uc Chicago, oleur Hi. j.ouis, clear St. Paul clear Davenport, clear Kansas City, clear Helena, cloudy Hnvre. raining Bismarck, cloudy Galveston, clear I j. A. WELSH. Local Forecast Ofllclal. Oetulirr Av'rnen. Tho following data, covering n period of twenty-nlno years, have been compiled from tho Weather bureau records nt Omnhn for the month of October: TEMPERATURE. Mean or normal lemnerature. BI decrees. Tho warmest month was that nf 1879, with nn nverugo of 62 degrees. The coldest month was that of 1S73, with an nverage of 4S degrees. Tho highest temperature was K degrers, on October 12. 1S!9. Tho lowest temneraturo was 15 decrees, on October 27. 1 87S. Average dnto on which llrst "killing' frost occurred In nutumn. Sentember 21 . average date on which last "killing'' frost occurred In spring. April 15. PRECIPITATION. Average for tho month, 2.10 Inches: nver age number of days with .01 of an Inch or more. 7; the greatest monthly precipitation was S.SO Inches lu 1R77; the least monthly precipitation was .07 Inches In 1S9.1; tho greatest amount of preclpltntlon recorded In any twenty-four consecutive hours was 3.73 Inches on Octobor 3, 1S.S4; tho greatent nmount of snowfall recorded In any twnty- rour consecutive nours irecoru extending to winter of 1SSI-83 only.) was 4.5 Inchca on October 29. 1891. CLOUDS AND WEATHER Average number of oleur days, 13; partly cloudy days, 10; cloudv days, 8. WIND. Tho prevailing winds have been from the south. The highest velocity of tho wind was 41 miles, from tho northwest, on Octo ber 16, 1881). L. A, WELSH. Local Forecast Ofllclal Weather Hureati. Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY. Used by peoplo of refinement for over a quarter of a century. Mrs. Wlnnlnwii noclilou Syrup Has been used for over FII-TY TEAKS b) MILLIONS of MOTHKItS for their CHIl, DHUN WHILE TKETIIINO, with PEK FECT SUCCESS. IT SOOTHES the CHILD SOFTENS the GUMS ALLAYS all I'Al.V, CURES WIND COLIC, and Is tho best rem! edy for DIARRHOEA. Sold by Drugglsta In every part ot tbe world, ne sure and ask for "Mrs, Wlnslow'o Soothing Syrup," and lake no otner kind. Twonty-ilvo cent a bottle. Dohany Theater Friday Night, Oct. 5. Grand Saturday Mat, October 6. Elaborate Presentation of Hope I.rnnnril'i Operetlr., Alice in Wonderland Two hundred children lu the cast. Under the auspices of tho Woman's Auxiliary of the (Jruce Episcopal church. Elaborate properties, costuiueH and ef fects. Prices-KvcnltiEM, Me, &0c, 75e. Mat inee, -5 c. CLOTH IV OF MIMSTUIl'.t FAMILY. Subjected to Anno) Init ('rltlclani, Hp They I'lno or Slinliliy. "A Minister's Wife," writing on "Crltlcls lng the Clothes of tho Minister s Family." In the October Ladles' Homo Journal, asks "why tho clothes of tho minister's wife Is of more public consequenco than that of tho doctor's family? Evorybody helps to support the doctor as well ns the minister," she contends, "so It scarcely seems possible that It can be because tho parishioners feel that tho appearance of poverty on his part retlects upon their generosity. Some one snys that It Is beonuso the minister and his family seem to bo n part of each house hold lu the church, so dear and close Is tho relationship. Surely then tho very closeness of tho tie Is but another reason why thero should bo an absence of criticism and avoidance of hurt on thj part of tho congregation. Cannot the minister's wlfo be trusted lo make the very best possible appearance that her husb.ind's salary will permit her to make? When a woman Is expected to mingle on terms of equality with tho wealthy ns well as tho humble alio uuturally docs not want, for her husband's sake ns well ns her own, to bo noticeably badly dressed, any moro than sho wishes to bring upon herself tho charge of ex travogenee. What sho really desires, more than anything else, Is to manage so well that sho Is uhlo to pass unnoticed, so far us clothes nro concerned." Mothers endorse It, children like It. old folks uso it. Wo refer to Ono Minute Cough Cure. It will quickly cure all throat and lung troubles. Storm on Mexican Count, RAN FRANCISCO. Sept. .10. The stenmer Curacao brings news of u storm which was rai;lng nlong tho Mexican roast when It sailed for the north. Several vessels wore driven nshore. among them being the Her man bark Planet, which will be u total loss "The Planet went ashore on September 15." said Captain Parsons of the Curacao "Wo Jist missed the worst of the storm by running to aunymns. The following day Mnzatlan was swept nnd the wreckage was something fenrful. Mouses were blown down, roofs were lifted, trees uprootod, telegraph wires twisted out of their posi tions and vessels swept from their moor ings." 1'oi.tolllee In Itolilied. HOWLING ClltEEN. Ky.. Sept. 30 -The poMtotilce nt this pluce wus broken Into eur'y this morning and robbed of $3,000 in monev unci stnmps. lio roiiuers are sup posed to bi' experts wflo have been operat ing g In this section for some time Look Around For Office Rooms Co to all tho ofllcn buildings nround town nnd look nt their rooms. You can find plenty of them vacant nnd you can probably get any size room you want. Then como to THE I1EE UUILDINO. You will not find so many rooms from which to moke a selection. There Is good reason for that. All tho rooms in THE BEE are first clnBO and the few that aro occupied. Rents are no higher than hay stack. o,,,: :vTn;,n,,B. R. LEA & PERRINS' O THE ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE Beware of Imitations It I liiqhly approved for the very agreeable zet which it imparts to Soup, Full. Oarnr, Hot and Cold Mmis, Silads, Welsh Kartblts, etc. Mormon Wlshopa' Pills fhurrJi aJU tJlc..' lu.tuWCIh. Potillfa.r cl wUtbuss, Ul?i;jn, ticcuct, or n nu,i, mnn, u(itu, uurot koat Mnnnpoo, im- potenoy, tost Power. Nlrht-Lossea, Bpermatorrnota Insomnia, Palna In.UacKt Eill paalrea, Samlnal amissions, La mo Uacx. Nentom Da bllitjr, Hqndaeli,tinfltnon to7nrrjr, t-psa of tinman, Varloooels), bllltr, HqntraeU,Unfltnq to Mnrnr, lobs of or cdnsHpntlon, Otop qulCKna .of 3U.TWItCnln(i of Cynlldi u ImBtJu-. klm TwMf.fi nr nf -w ..1 1 rl . raot, EUmnlMr. Hie britn and nre ctniert. toe Ui, u wwrytrfuodei, ou u. cwfiuUr tvo.. AucJroMj . . vtii lun.aiuB wti, at. t iinni i i, CTnj, lunmuB. wuui rci a(nri, VOXi SAI-E IY MYKHS-rUIJ.OX o IN VALUE. Soino excel lent lots, pleasantly located and do sirable for suburban homes, can be had now at reasonable prices. These lot s are located in Omaha, Vright's and Central Sub. additions. Thin property will steadily increase in value as the city grows in th at direction and tho time to buy is th present. Call at EE Council IOWA FARMS FOR SALE DAY & HESS, 39 Pearl St., Council Bluffs, Have for Hair ii Iurito lUt of Improved fiiriim, nlilrkrn ranolim, fruit anil vrft-Mlulile InuiUi uUn rrnlilenue uml liiiNlncmi pro.irrly in Oonnuil II I u fix ami OuiHlin. SO.MU PAIlMSi , 160 acres Hazel Dell twp n miles ne C, D., cood buildings, S45 pnr ucio. 89 acres noar Crcfcmt, well Improved, $13 per acre, SO acren fi mllcii emit, good bulldlnija and fruit, $50 pe: acre. 60-acro (rult (arm, near city, cood Improve- mouts, USO per acre. SO-acre (rult farm adjolnlnc city, $0,009. Thr nliurr lu nly u aitii),lr f our 0 vr ut lultreit. Telapkoao 114. WEARINESS AND LANGUOR Among Ihe First Symptoms of Ner vous A Tcnlblc Affliction Thnt Is Averted iirnl Ctiroil by IIUDYAN. THE CARE. WORRY AND LAP.OR THAT MEN und women of this busy ago must endare makes Itself manifest In wear nnd tear upon the nervous system. Men nnd women grow old long before tholr time ns a result of this over-strain upon tlm nerves. Exhaustion und weakness result. The orgnns of nutrition soon suffer from lack or nerve control, there Is loss of nppe tlte, deranged digestion, oostlveness and emaciation and paleness follow. The blood becomes thin and watery, it being deficient In those elements thnt support the strenfth of tho body. Headaches, sleeplessness, mental confusion, poor memory are symp toms that soon follow. Complete prostra tion may bu tho dual result. There Is no remedy on earth that equals HCDVAN lu Its curative powers for such illsordors. lll'DYAN stands nt tho head, for It Is a positive cure for all nervous dlienses. If you suffer with any of th above symptoms, If you feol that your nerves uro weak from any cause whatever, by all means "tnke lll'DYAN." It will cure you sound and well. HUH VAN will give you the strength ou need, It will over come that tired ami wornout feeling. IIUD YAN will enrich your blood, it will give you a splendid appetite, It will Improve your digestion If that Is at fault. lll'DYAN bus saved thousands of men nnd women from becoming nervous wrecks. IIUDYAN Is safe, sura und cures perma nently. lll'DYAN Is for snle by all drugglsts-Mo a package or six packages for J2.H). If your druggist does not keep IIUDYAN send direct to the lll'DYAN REMEDY COMPANY, San Francisco. California. You may consult the IIUDYAN dootois about our use FREE of CHARGE. WRITE. Druggists- Kuhn Co.. Sherman A Mo Connell Drug lu., Mvers-Dllion Drug Co., J. A. Fuller .V- Co., Chun II. Schaefcr. J. II. Schmidt. Omaha. Cump Bros. Council nitiltH. Dillon Drug Co , South Omaha all sell nnd rccomimnd tludyun. Or, Kay's Renovator Oiinrnuierd lo cure tho very worst coaet, of dyMjeuMu, constipation, bilious head uche. liver and kidneys. At drmtgUts. 2Sv und Jt. Send for Fren Sample. Freo DooU nnd Free Ai.-.co. Dr. B. J. Kay. Saratoga. N. Y. f Now I BUILDING at are 1 vacant are Just ns good ns thoso th In buildings which may burn up like a I T C. Peters & Company t Thl Ifnuturn Ii on trtrj botlU JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, Agents. New York. lr over 50 rem tr Ut ImAcii or im Mermoa CUIU Ihft wont CUH la aA &nA r.r. ..1.1b r,AM dfuineiaeklaf, Duroa Lost Mnnhood, lm- iLu ti kt. In, r-1 !.A'. 1 J rBiBMiii iu ii,utui m euro II SI Ulna, at tun ia wani. A fr fi 5a by mall, 2mjiU$ A tiito tfuiTtntit, te cur Blthcp Mcmcdjf Co., ftan rranclaoo, OaU nillir. CO.. 10TII AND KAUNA3I. efore you Have your teeth attended to call and get our prices and see for yourselves how very reasonable they aro. Jlemoin ber it coats no more to havo good work than it does to havo poor. . ..Telephone 145...., H. ft. Woodbury, D. D. Council Bluffe. 30 Pearl St. Sranii Hotel OFFICE, Bluffs. 1G0-acres Missouri bottom Und, 8 miles si city, (10 per aero. 240 acres near raclflo Junction, well Im proved, $10 per aero. 320 acres iu Silver Creek twp., $G0 por acre; well Improved. 213 acres lino bottom land In ItoeUfoni twp,, $12.00 por aero; well Improved. IUI, UO.MJV I.OAMCU O.N rAKSIli AT