Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1900, PART I, Page 9, Image 9

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Iowa Central V11I Consider Runnlnc Into
Capital City.
Governor Sucr of Terns .VcUiiimtI-
dgc Mm- Appcttl .Mntlc by Shnw
lor the A III of Tc.iiu Storm Suf
ferer unci Sends 'IIuiiiUn.
DKS MOINKfi, Sept. 25. (Special Tolc
rem.) Tho directors of the lowa Central
will meet within two weeks to con. lac.
a proposition to build their lino at rund
Into I)es Molnos. F. M. llubell, who
returned from tho cant a few days ogi,
Mated this morning that whllo In New
York ho called upon tho Central people
And discussed tho matter of the r c.m.tiK
to Dob Moines. They havo had for some
tlmo under consideration u p an to build
their line ot road Into this city, hut hnvr
never acted upon tho matter as yot. After
overal Interviews between tho owners of
tho property and Huhboll they asked hhu
to return to Dea Moines and tnako thcru
a definite, proposition regarding the usii
of tho Dob Moluca tcrniinalB and all hi
formation possible regarding their entrance
to tho city of l)cs Moines. This loiter
containing UubhcU's proposition was com
pleted and mailed this morning. "Th ri
Is llttlo doubt," fluid Htlbbell today, "but
what tho Iowa Central will build into thl.i
city during tho coming year. Tho directors
and owners of tho property will meet
within a few weeks to consider th s matter
and from my Interviews with them whllo
In Now York I am convinced that they
will order tho road built."
Tho following acknowledgment from Gov
ernor Bayers of Texas was received ro
frnrdlng tho appeal of Governor Shaw to
tho people of Iowa respecting contribu
tions for tho riulvcston huffrrora:
I lmvo to acknowledge with grcut plciti
tiro tho receipt of u copy of your npiicn'
to the people of lowu for contributions
for the storm sufferers on tho Texas const
It Is linposslhln for mo to thank you and
tho people of Iowa too much for your ac
tion In tho premise and their generour
response. Tho contributions sent mo are
being distributed among thoso who lmvo
sjrfered and are uniililo to help themselves
I nm endeavoring to get tho generous bene
factions of tho people to them us rapidly
mid iih cheaply as possible.
lMfiiHo extend to tho people of Iowa my
most curliest acknowledgments for their
liberal contributions and say to them that
thoy nro fully appreciated and will bo mosi
gratofu'.ly remembered.
Governor Shaw will arrive In tho city
Mondny morning nnd will spend next week
In campaign work In Iowa.
Tho auditor's bank report showing tho
condition of Iowa bunkH will bo completed
early next work and will show a dccldod
Incrcnso In tho number of banki, as well
is a favorable business situation.
Articles of Incorporation ot tho IUirllng
ton Union Manufacturing company were
filed this morning. Tho incorporators aro:
Mark S. Footo, Thomas It. Stokes, Klmor
H. Kcnyon, Moses L. Footo and Ida liners.
Tho placo of business Is Darlington and
tho capital stock Is $30,000. Tho object
Is to manufacture gloves, julttcns and other
similar goods.
William Jordan, who served as a Rough
Hitler during tho wnr with Spain, was ar
rested this morning nnd taken to Audubon
In tho custody of tho county sheriff, charged
with being a horscthlof.
Chairman Weaver today said ho thought
Iowa would go 7C.O0O for McKlnlcy. Thcro
remains but nno mouth of tho presidential
campaign and It Is qulto lmprobablo that
tho situation as It now exists will be
greatly changed In that tlmo. Tho ques
tion Ib, What will McKlnley's majority In
Iowa bo? Hon. Wnlt Dutler nnd othot
democratic lenders who havo kept In touch
with tho situation from tho bcglunlng con
cede that tho state will glvo M.KInloy
80,000, but do not bellevo the 40,000 mark
will bo reached. Thoy also contond that
tho democrats will elect Henry Vollnor
to succeed Joo I.ano In the Second district.
Those who aro close to democratic head
quarters havo given up nil hopo of reduc
ing the republican mnjorlty to any ma
terial extent, but feel that tho democrats
will bo successful In tho Socond d'strlct.
with a lighting chance In tho Sixth. At
republican headquarters tho only coneorn
Appears to bo In relation to tho full voto.
Chairman Weaver snys tho party will glvo
McKlnloy 7D.000 If anything llko a full voto
Is polled and tho committee holloves that
If tho majority reaches theso figures II
will bo absolutely lmp sslblo for tho dem
ocrats to carry n slnglo congressional dis
trict against such odds.
Muny Venule Arc Kciit Awn from
flood I'roKrmit of IIiicch,
IlfiD OAK, In.. Sept. 29. (Special Tele
gram. ) Tho Montgomery county fair had
hard luck this week with mud tlx Inches
deep. No fair was held Friday. Today the
sun shono bright nnd warm, but mud kept
tho attendance down to 2.H0O.
Tho nssoclntlon presented a good program
of races. Tho last heat of tho freo-for-all
trot was finished nfter tho sun went down
and several races had to bo called off. Tho
track was slow and the races wcro all hotly
contested. In tho Montgomery Countv
Derby four horses went nil tho way around
lu a bunrh, Montana Gont winning by a
length. Summnrlcs:
Trotting. 2:27 riass, purse J20).
Snyles (Irn Hall) t 12 1
llappv CI (W. J. Conloy) 2 2 l 3
Mabel L (Al ltussell) 4 .14 2
Hed Arehlo ft,. A Powns) fi 4 .1 G
K'eetrlclty fll M Sponccr) 5 7 r. 4
Nitrogen f.Tohti Hall) 3 C 7 ds
Time: 2i2HU, 2:2M., 2:25, 2:23.
Froo-for-nll trot, pnro J2CO.
Polllo A fMllei Tllden) 1. 2 13 1
Henry arsdv (Jilin I In Hani 4 12 2 2
AVllksman (J. llennrtl) 3 3 3 14
(irnro areenlamler (AV 8. S'inrn) 2 14 4 3
Tlmo: 2:21. 2:22ll. 2:2I"4. 2:2US, 2:22.
Free-for-all puce. puro flO.
I. oulsa M (John nunncrmtm) 1 1 1
Kdlth Wlll'd Unlin Tllden) 3 2 2
Hazel 1, (V. J. Conloy. tr.) 2 3 3
Bllent Klner (8. 8 Hlnehart) I 4 4
Time: 2:2V 2:l'i. SID1.
Special 2:30 trot. purHo $100.
ftcbcccu (John Tllden) i
'nclllo Meillum (George Hang) da
Montgomery Countv iVrhy, en nnd a
eight miles, purse tl'0: .Montana Gent (W
.1. Newell) won, Miss Cumbers (W. J
Newell) second, Major King (P. p. I.nri
fi"r. ti.'r.), sunburst (C Vyne) fouith
Tlmo: 2:01.
Fiirollntctit In limit Cullette.
OniNNICI.L. Ia.. Sept. 20 (Speclnl
Tho registrars of lowu rollego hivo Jus"
completed tho entlro registration of stu
dents, old and new, and nro lu position
J Dyspeptic
"Nets foul-mnllnr ntt'jr-tr ltrl;o(t.
but tMliUMe, net (.'iiin.K-oirectox ot umf
y. Artirfftimi and i Rt rtii rtA . it rcnwvri
the tonin murm thi innt.t the d- rTtie
itomitph, Iruvtiig It rt'ddy to dlcoi I tuit.r
loud. 2Jc.,Wc,RnrtJ'-
pnU thl eld remlr T,'"-'a rraeh of all,
'I urrnnl'a "l)ri inr I" ti (U.clr.
nli,nc. tor ngrmr. Mitt- ull.r ituiin,
curehrni. tia foot twwitnr,
At ttiunUU. ur inallrO o:i rrolpt of trice.
TARRANT A CO., S1"1",1,'; ,k,
to glvo out something on the attendance
for tho years 1900 and 101. Tho total
enrollment of students this year Is, In
.ound numbers, 40, This is a considerable
'filling off In tho registration at ths sann
tlmo last year. The falling off, however,
. In tho upper classes. Many of tho ol ler
itudents havo not returned this yar. The
freshman and preparatory c:nso., how--ver,
made up of new students, show an
hcournglng Increase over that of last
year. The peculiar falling off among the
upper classmen Is accounted for probably
by reason of tho numerous changes which
have occurred In the faculty this year an I
In tho resignation of President George A.
tJales. The student body Is greatly at
tached to tho outgoing president and ininy
of those who havo not returned have g-:ne
elsewhere for this reason.
Atlantic I'lnim I'nlr,
ATLANTIC, la., Sept. 2?. (Special.)
Atlantic Is making great prcpir.Ulons for
tho freo street carnival to bo held for flvo
days, commencing Tuesday, October 9, nnd
continuing for five days. Two themnnd
dollars wns raised by the business men to
mnko tho carnival a success nnd with good
weather tho carnival promoters boilovc
that the lnrgest crowds evor sen In At
lantic will bn on hand. Krco attractions
havo been engaged for the entlro week.
Five bands havo bocn engaged from At
lantic, Anita, Aveca, Exlta nnd Vllllsra.
There will bo n public wedding, $25 beln?
iilvcn to tho couplo go' ting married. Lib
oral prizes for tho floral parade havo been
offered and the women of tho city aro tak
ing hold of It with tho determination of
making It a great event. Two days havo
boon sot apart for republican and demo
cratic day and prominent speakers will dis
cuss tho Issues.
r.ii-rliiirntal Motion lliillrtlit.
AMi:S, la., Sept. 20. (Spoclal.)-nullctln
No. C2 of tho Iowa experimental station
Is being Issued by tho dairy and chomlstry
departments. It contains articles on
"Cream Testing," by C. H. Klklcs; "Tho
Influonco of Cortnln Conditions in Churn
ing on tho Amount of Water In Uuttor"
and "A Study of Butter Incroascrs," by J.
11. Weema nnd F. W. Donska.
This bullotln Is Issued In response to tho
general demand for moro exnet Informa
tion In regard to testing cream by tho
llabcock method.
ProlilliltluiilxU .ii nip Ticket.
ONAWA, la., Sept. 29. (Special.) In ad
dition to the three county tickets a ready
In tho Held, republican, democratic and
middle-of-the-road populists, wo imv havo
another one, tho prohibitionists, who mot
nt Mnplcton nnd nominated a full county
ticket, with tho exception of county attor
ney, no nomination being made for' that
oinco. Tho ticket Is as follows: Auditor,
A. 11. Smith; clerk, Won iloslaugh; re
corder, O. O. Uoslaugh; supervisor, L.
C. II. Gray.
itKi'oimm) ami nni'int.MKit.
Ciiinlliliitf- Wottllry'fi Suci'PNNful Tussle
Mill! tho lloorr llllliit.
It Is not generally known to tho public,
says tho Chicago Chronicle, that John G.
Woollcy, tho prohibition candidate for
president of tho United Stales, was unco
nddicted to tho cxcesslvo uso of InUxIcants.
It Is u fact, howover, and whllo Mr. Wool
lcy seldom refers to It ho docs not Beck
to conceal It.
Mr. Woollcy went to Minneapolis to livo
nbout 1877. He had not been moro than
two years In the city when ho was nomi
nated by tho republicans for tho position of
county attorney. Ho m'ado a brilliant can
vaBS, speaking In every community. Ho
was elected, and for two years filled tho
office acceptably.
After this Mr. Woolley's descent was
bwlft. When under tho Inllucnco ot alcohol
ho was, to all Intents and purposes, a rav
ing maniac. By tho time his two years'
term of ofllco expired ho seemed to bo a
total wreck, and another was nominated
to succeed him. Ilia wife, who had stood
nobly by him, wns compelled to leave him.
The II rat time Minneapolis people saw
Mr. Woolley intoxicated was In tho sum
mer ot 1885 or 1S80. Ho had been Invited
to deliver n Fourth of July oration at
Lake Mlnnetouku, and had rcliglousiy
agreed to remain sober for that special
occasion. Hut In his thou nervous condition
It was a physical Impossibility for him to
rcmutn sober so long nB he possessed tho
means to get Intoxicated. He, therefore,
mndo something ot a spectacle of himself
upon tho platform and disgusted tho mana
gers of tho celebration. After that ho went
on another month's debauch.
Ono morning Mr. Woolley, after a night
out, called at a friend's houso and told a
story ot deslro tor repentance.
"John," wii3 tho reply, "you havo de-'
colved mo so often and abused my confl
dcuco so repeatedly that I havo almost
becomu discouraged with trying to assist
"I know It, I know It. Hut this tlmo I
am lu earnest," said Mr, Woolley.
"That la what you havo often told mo
before and nfter I havo given you money
nnd clothing you havo deliberately gouo
wrrng again. Now, I want to help you
and If you will bo truthful with mo nnd
with yourself I will glvo you ono moro
Mr. Woolley promised nnd his friend took
him again under his protection, bought him
a completo on tilt of clothing and put him on
thu cars with it letter to a friend In New
York City.
Arriving In Now York, Mr. Woollcy, still
sober, delivered tho letter and met n cor
dial reception. Thu gentleman invited him
to lake up his -homo with him on Long
Island nenr tho seashore, nnd hero Mi
Wcolloy remained several weoks. While
resting there ho determined not only to
renounce tho evil habit himself, but to
leavo tho legal profession and dovoto tho
remainder of his Ufa to the work ot u
temperance evangelist. He lint toured tht
eastern cities and publicly annouueed his
own downfall and his redemption. Lntoi
ho made an experiment near Lake Popln,
In this Btnte, which was a financial failure.
Ho opened a homcllko hotel on the shores
ot the Inka and named It Host Island, but
tho lnehrlntes who ratno there wcro not n
conscientious nnd faithful us hlmsulf. They
would spend a few mouths at the hotel
and would sneak back to their pernicious
habits., maki:s a gooo jiTaht.
IV I ii tlit I'lrnt Ca in ( of the .Sciiunn
friiin AIiiiiiiiI Pliiyoro,
OHINNKM.. Ia.. Sent 29 -tSpeclal Teto
grnm.) Tho llrst foot tintl gnmo of the sea
son at Iown college was played hero tntln
on Ward field. Tho team opposing th
'varsity was mndo up from the nlutnnl nn t
numbered In, aggregation such well known
.dayers as Ilert tJrny. the halfback
and Pierce, captain anil fullback on n for
mer OrlnnoU tenin. Couch Harris nlso
played with the n'umnl. Tho Orltiucll team
is .in unknown factor in Iowa foot ball and
demonstrated by Its manner of plnylng tin
"lillo It la tho lightest team that illT on
he Rrldlron In Iowa this yenr It will large!
makes it.- for th s dollclency In dash an
team work. Tho gamo resulted In a score
of 6 to 0 In favor of tho 'varsity. Tlu
ii'iiiiin iiiil'ii up us unions:
Alumni. Position.
Cnlderwood .... CVntertleld
Wnnpn Left guinl
Harris Loft tacklo....
Homers Left end
Grlnnell ItlRht guard....
Hawson Lynde.nUht tackle...
It, Haines UUht end'....
Heed Quarterback...
Oray Left half
Norrls illjjht hnlf
Miller. Plerco Fullback
... . liniig
.... Powe"'
, .. Fellows
.... 'loplor
. Douglas
.... Lyman
l'nllnlhcil IlncfN Hun.
HHAUVILLK, Mas., Sept. 29. The un
finished raceH of tho Breeders' meet, whlen
enmo over from Thursday, on neoount of
ruin yesterday, wero flnlihed today. Th
Private U. II. winning tho 2il2 elms pao.
in which he took two heats Thursday, nnd
Consuelu 8 taking the third host and rar
In the 2:21 class. Tho l'rlvuto' bvst time
wus 2.24'.:.
Noodles Hahn Holds the Pittsburg Boyn
Safo for Nine Innings.
l)nj- Not I.otiK Kim tl cli fur the FlnUli
Tlipre New York it ml .it, l.tiul
Ilncli AVI in; a (iiiinl
Cliiflnnntl, at Plltnlittrnr, 1.
St. LoiiIk, lll-Ot Clilenuo, 7-0.
IlimiUl; n, (I lliiHtnii, (I,
.Nru York, -I PhllndiliiUIn, U.
PITTSllUItO, Sept. 29. After n heavy
rain this morning it cleared up sualclemly
to allow a game. Hahn was mvin.lblo
after tho first Inning. Leach s Wild throw
to first In tho ninth allowed tho vlslitrs
to scoro tho winning run. Attendance,
2,200. Scoro:
n.HOA.i;. It.HO.A.E.
McfVry. If. 1 1 I 0 1 turret!, cf. 0 0 J 0 0
Ilemim't, cf 0 0 SOU ltartztl, If. 0 1000
ltllclity, JU. 0 0 S 3 0 C.rlr, rf.... 112 0 0
Waxntr, rf, 0 1 10 0 lVltx. lb.... 1 0 19 I 0
O'Urlcn, lb. 0 1 8 0 0 Ittvln, Sb... 0 2 110
5b... 0 1 4 2 1 Corcoran, Ml 1 M 0
O'Connor, o 0 0 4 0 0 Stelnfdt, 2b 0 0 5 4 0
Kly, fd 0 1 2 2 0 Kuhue, c... 0 0 6 0 0
I'liUllppI, p. 0 0 1 3 0 Hahn, p 0 0 0 2 1
Hchriver .. 0 0 0 0 01
Total .. ! 7 12 1
Totals ..1 5 27 9 !l
Halted for Phlltlppt In ninth.
Pittsburg 10000000 0-1
Clnclnnutl 0 0 0 1 CO 0 0 1-2
Two-bnso hits: McCrenry, Unmet, Oeler.
Thrcc-bnso hit: Cort'oraii. Sncrlllco hltn:
Ileaumnnt, Phllllppl. Uoublo play: Phllllppl
to Leach. First buso on balls: Off Hahn, 0.
lilt by pitched ball: Phllllppl. Struck out;
Uy Phllllppl. 3; by Hahn, f.. Passed ball:
Knlioc. Tlmo: 2:02. Umpire: Unislle.
CIiIciiko'k Wiiinlrrf ill Finish.
CHICAGO. Sept. 29-Twelvo men faced
Powell In the opening Inning of the llrst
gnme, seven of them scoring on four errors
nnd tlvo hits. Chicago mudo no more runs.
Menofeo wns wild, poorly supported and hit
hard In the fourth nnd llfth, SL Louts
tlulng Chlfitgo's big lead. Garvin came in
and pitched one good Inning, but wait hit
for threo runs In tho ninth, Tho second
gamo was u pitchers' battle between Hnd
hoft and Grllllth. Heldrlck preventing Chi
cago from winning In the last Inning by
two wonderful running catches In deep
center. Game called at end of seventh In
ning on account of durkness. Score, first
itno.A.i:. imi.o.a.i:.
Strang, tb.. till I JWlran-, 3b 2 t 11 1
Dolun, rf... 0 1 1 0 0 llurkctt, II. 0 H 0 D
McCurt'y. It 1 2 4 0 Oil. Iilrlck. cf 0 1 3 0 0
O eon, cf. .. 1 1 2 0 0 lionovan, rf 0 -l 3 0 0
llrinlley, lb. 1 0 5 0 0 Wallace, n. 1 ! : I t
Chlllf. 2b... 0 1112 Ke.etrr, Sb. 2 2 2 0 2
MrCor'U, tl 1 ! ! 0 Mcdiinn, lb 2 0 7 0 0
KllttR. c 1 1 8 3 1 lloblnson, c 2 2 A 0 0
Mtncfco, p.. 1 2 0 1 0 Powell, p... 1 3 0 1 0
Oarvln, p.. .ooooo
1 Totnls ..10 10 27 6 4
Totals .. 7 10 27 6 41
Chicago 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 07
St. Louis t 01033000 310
Karned runs: St. Louis. 3. Left on bnses:
Chicago, 9; St. Louis, 12. Two-base hits:
Green, Powell. Sacrtllco lilts: Strang,
Kllng, McGaun, Stolen bases: Green, Mt
Cormlck, Hurkott, Heldrlck. Kelster, Mc
Gaun. Struck out; Uy Mniofoo, 2; by Gar
vin. 3; by Powell, 2. Hnses on balls: Off
Menofee. 4', off Garvin. 1; off Powell, 3. lilt
by pitched bull: McGraw. Time: 2:20. Um
pire: O'Dny.
Scoro, second game:
Rtrang, en.. 0 0 1 S 0
Dolun, rf... 0 1 3 (i 0
McCarfy, If 0 0 1 0 0
rrrn, cf... 0 0 J 0 0
Oanzel, lb.. 0 1 It 0 0
ChllJu. 2b... 0 0 0 1 0
Drnilley, 3b. 0 1 0 2 1
Chance, e... 0 0 2 1 0
ninth, p... o o i o o
McGraw, 3b 0 1 1 1 0
llurkctt, If. 0 0 2 ft 0
llcblrlck, cf 0 1 2 0 0
Donovan, rf 0 0 0 0 1
Wallace, m. 0 1 2 G 0
Kelster, 2li. 0 0 12 0
McGann. lb 0 0 11 1 0
CrlRcr, c... 0 0 1 2 0
Sudhoff, p.. 0 0 1 3 0
Totals .. 0 3 21 S 11 Totals .. 0 3 21 1 1 1
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-O
Left on buses: Chicago, 5; St. Louis, 3.
Two-baso lilt: Wallace. Sacrifice hit:
Chanco. Stolen baso: Donovan. Double
play: Crlgcr to Wallace. Struck out: lly
Grllllth. 2. liases un baits: Off Grllllth. 1;
off SudhofT, 4. Time: 1:20. Umpire; O'Day.
(initio nt llrooUlyn,
nilOOKLYN, Sept. 29. Today's gnme
ended in a tie after eight Innings of sensa
tional play on account of darkness. The
Hostons hammered Kltson out of the box In
threo Innings, but could do nothing with
Donovan in tho remaining Ave, With two
out In thu seventh the home team batted
In tho tiring runs. Line catches by, Col
lins nnd Teiiney and. plays by Demont nnd
Dahlrn worn the fea turns. Two games will
bo plnyed on Monday. Attendance, 2,7u0.
H.It.O.A.K. I " n.H.O.A.B.
Ham't'n, cf 0 0 0 0 0'Jonrs, cf.... 2 2 0 1 0
LonK. rs.... 0 2 & 4 llKueler, rf.. 1110 0
Stnhl rf O 2 2 0 O'fihiwknril. If I n i
Tcnncy, lb. 1 1 6 1 0 Kelley, lb.. 1 0 10 0 0
Collins, 3b.. 1 2 5 0'llCronK, Jb.... 0 117 0
Harry, lb... 2 2 2 0 0 Unhlcn, rs.. 10 3 4 0
Iw, Ib. ... 1
0 1 OlDiinont, 2b. 0 0 ,1 3 0
Connor, o... 1 2 3 5 0
Karrell, c... 0 1 4 3 2
ICltFOtl. p... 0 0 0 0 0
Donovan, p. 0 0 0 3 0
Dlnccn, p... 0 2 1 3 0
Totals .. C 15 24 11 2
Totals .. 6 7 24 21 3
Tlonton 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 00
Brooklyn 20010030-(i
Hnrnod runs: Iloston. 4; Urooklyn, 2.
Threo-lmso hits: Unrry (3). Two-baao lilts:
Kheckurd (2), Klrst buio on errorB: DiiHton,
1. Lett on bntteH: Hoston, 0; Hrooltlyn, 0.
atrnck out! By Donovan, 3; by Ulneen, 2.
Sncrlllco hltH! Ulneen, Demont. Stolon
liasoH: llnmllton, Stulil, Tenney (3), Harry,
Dlnei'ti, Klicckanl, Kelley. lliiHoa on bnlU:
Off Kltson, 1; oft Donovnn. 3: oft Dlneen, 3.
Double pluy: Demont to Dalilcn to Kelley.
lilt by pltcheil ball: lly Dlneen, 1. Tlmo:
2:15. Umpire: Hurst.
(ilittitN Win Alno.
N13W YOUK. Sept. 2.-riillntlelpliln wnH
uttablB to do unythlnK with Hnwley nt tho
Polo groumld this afternoon niul its a result
Htifferort defeat Wolverton 8 homo run
with Kllek on bnnes saved a Whitewash.
Attendance, 750. Scoro:
It II. O A B
Thotnat. -f 0
SlaRle. It... 0
0 0
vanll'n, cf. 2 1 3 0 0
0 0
wimcn. tr.. l
2 'l
Dcleh'ty, lb 0
1 0 llk'km'n, Sb 0
IjiJoI, 2b... 0 0 1 3 0 gurnard, rf,
ruck. rr.... i o s u i mitn. rr
McKarl'd. c. 0 0 4
2 1 Doyle, lb... 0
Wolv't'n, 3b 1 3 1 10
nolan. cs... 0 0 4 1 0
ITaror, p... 0 0 0 2 0
I'avin, B9...
Murphy, 2b,, o...
tlawley, p.,
4 21 10
Totals ..4 8 II 13 4
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-2
New York 1 0 1 1 1 0 04
Gnme called nt end of Philadelphia's half
of elKhth on account of darkness, Iteverted
back to seventh Inning.
Earned run: Philadelphia 1. First base
on errors: Philadelphia, 3; New York, 1.
Left on b'iscs; Philadelphia, 4; New York,
4. Unses on balls: Oft Krazer, 2; off Haw
Icy, 2. Struck out: lly t'rnzer, 4; by Haw
ley, t. Stolen buses: Solbach, Murphy.
Two-bnso hltp Vanllultren, Solbach. Homo
run: Wolverton. Double plnys: Doyle to
Davis; Grndy to Hickman. Hit by pitched
ball: lly Hawley, 1. Pussed ball: Mct'ur
land. Tlmo: 2:00. I'mplre: Snyder.
StniitlliiK of the Teniiin.
Played. Won. I.oit
iirooitiyn i.i to
Pittsburg ISO "4
Philadelphia 129 ro
Boston 127 til
Chicago 120 fij
St. I.ouls 12d M
Cincinnati 123 r.7
Now York 129 (f
Kloriic .Hef( tltn lrnliiira,
The rnlques nnd the Floronco team will
play ball at 3 o'clock this afternoon nt the
Vinton Street park. Tho line-up Is ns fol
lows: Unltpues. Position. Florence.
Hall Third base Anderson
Doe ltlBhtlleld Plnnt
fape First baso Smith
Small Pitcher Holmes
O'Connors I.efttlcld Tnylnr
Henry Catcher iie'l
Spain Shortstop Husk
Kennedy Socond baso Barrett
Strong; Centerlleld Phillips
I'oot Hull lleatilts lu Brief.
At Sojtli Bend, Ind.-Notro Dame, 63;
Ooshen. 0.
At Minneapolis, Minn. University of Min
nesota, 41; Ciirletnn. 0.
At Ann Arbor. Mich. University of Mlchl
nn, 2!); Hillsdalu coIIi-ko, 0.
At Champaign, Hi. Illinois, 26: Itoso Poly,
technic. 0.
At Des Moines, la.-Drnke university, 29;
Des Moines. 0.
At Cincinnati, O.-Cinclnnatl university,
20; Kentucky State university, 6.
At, Ind.-Purdue, 40; Illinois
esleyan, 0.
Enamel Shoos $4
Wo have nn oiiuniol flioo that Is tlio
licst shoo value ever offi'ietl In Omnliu
tliere ate clteniier eiininels sold, but these
are not of the bMfstty top kltitl these
nro jjenulno 1'rench enaiiielfi tho tutine
poods ns vc hnve In the higher prlcett
slioos only the prnlu Is not so line
extra heavy extension soles of the best
((Utility of oak Hole leather there are n
great ninny euiitnoln sold at $5.00 that
ate not as good these for men ot
womeu $4.00.
Drexel Shoe Co.,
Sew Ontnlojjn," rondj Sent tree for
(lie nnUlnu.
(Imtilin'f) t'i-(ti-ilnti- Shoe Hnnsp.
Mr Frederick Hatter
Snys: "The advanced styles we are
Nhowlng of the fall and winter shapes of
tho famous Dunlap and Stetson lints
havo nil the tone nnd cxelu&lve points
for whloh they nro noted In nil colora
nnd both the Fedora and Derby shapes
Our hat for ?3.00 lu n pearl gray
Fedora style Is the "renl ono" for these
days of sunshine it Is tho ono
that pleases the young men, not only In
price, but because It eomos In any
stylo of stiff and soft shnpes-anA
brown and gray and black colors all
hats lltted by u couforniatciir.
The Hatter,
Thr. I.enilliiK Hut Mini of (lie AVrM.
Ji!0 MM Til l-'irTUHXTII ST.
Jockey Henry Continues His fiood Work by
Winning Three Kacos.
I'riiNiieet llnnilleiui l'lln to the Lot
of limn (iiilliuil, AltliiniKli flinty
Think thu Kvout Wit .ot
Hun True,
NEW YOUK, Sept. 29. It was a charac
teristic ect-away day ut Uravcsend today.
Not u single favorite was llrst to tho wire,
ono nfter another going down In startling
buccesslon Tho weather wiiu cloudy, but
no rnlu fell and as a good card was
offered a big crowd was present to sco the
curtain rolled down on thu meeting. Tho
feature of the day was Jockey Henry's
clever work. Ho rodo threo winners and
ono placed horao and as It happened In
euch case for S.-C. Iltldrcth. Ills follow
ers reaped u harvest.
Two sttkes wcro decided, tho Orient nnd
Prospect handicaps. Imp was scratched
from tho Urlcutal and Jack Point was then
mndo u hot favorite, with Gonfulon next In
demand. Chnrcntus, tho outsider In the
betting, upset calculations. Well handled
by Bui in, ho mado all the running and won
easily from Gonfalon, who closed fast nfter
dropping out of It on tho far turn and beat
Jack Point for tho place.
Beau Gallant won tho Prospect handicap
largely through Henry's riding. He was
slow to begin, getting away next to Inst,
but gradually Improved his position nnd at
tho end won cleverly from Watcrcolor, who
roado most of tho running. Autollght was
third. It was not a truo-run race as fnr
ns Blues and Dublin wore concerned. The
former was practically left nt the post and
then finished fourth, and Dublin was
crowded out of It on tho far turn, running
with the leaders. Results:
First race, about six furlongs: Telomon,
10i uieni.) j, o to 1, won; Joo Froy, 113
(Burns), 6 to 1 und 2 to 1, second; Hedp.U h,
119 (Welnerj, 13 to 5, third. Tlmo: l:lu 1-5.
Sparrow Wind, Tho Uhymer, His Hoyal
Highness, Mysotte, Flluu D'Or and Magic
l.lRlil ulso run.
Kecontl race, ono mllo and n furlong;
Alslke, 10s (McCue), 3 to 1. won; The Amu
r.ou, 107 (Shnwi, 13 to 10 und 1 to 2. second;
Urecncck. 110 (Burns), 8 to n, third. Time:
1:05 3-5. Thu Chamberlnln und Hulftlmo ulso
Third race. Prospect handicap, nbottt six
furlongs: Beau Gallant, Uti (Henry), C to 1,
won; Watcrcolor, 115 (I.lttlelleltl). 16 to 6
nnd 0 to 5, Hecond; Autollght, 99 (O'Con
nor). 10 to 1, third. Time; 1:11. Blues. Dr.
Barlow. I.ady Schorr. Dublin, King I.lef,
Drlscolf, Bedeck nnd Sllvenlalo ulso rnn.
Fourth race. Oriental huudlcup, one tulle
and n quarter: Charentus, 100 (Btirun), ti
to 1, won; Gonfalon. 110 (Henry). 10 to 5
nnd (5 to C, second; Juck Point, lit! (Tnrul),
third. Time: 2:07i. Andronlcua and Pink
Coat also ran.
Fifth race, flvo nnd a hnlf furlongs:
Balloon, 1U9 (Shaw), 8 to 1, won; Cherished,
lit! (McCu). 7 to r and Ii to 2, second;
Queen Ctrnivnl, 110 (Wedderstrand), 12 to
1, third. Time: 1:03. Princess Kvelyn,
Dangerlleld, Maiden, Tho Golden Prince.
Tho Brother, Kstnlniln, Duotyle, Glnkl,
Peldrlch nnd Anion also run.
Sixth rncn, ono mile und n sixteenth:
Woostor Boy, 101 (Henry). 7 to 2. won;
t. yrano, iu, (.Mci-tio), i.t to t nnu oven,
second: Withers, 107 (Burns), 7 to 1, third,
Tlmo: 1:4S4-G. Compnncutlon. Bettlo Gray,
Star Chime, Ten Candles, Hadford, Klrk
vvood and Hultlzolpochtll also ran.
Jockrr Kkktoii Heoclvcn Injuries nt
llnivtlioriip Which Aro Sertoli
tf Xothlnpr More,
CHICAGO, Sept. 29.-Kourhorses foil In n
hunch nt tho eleventh Jump In Hawthorne's
steeplechnso this afternoon, seriously In
juring Jockey Kggerson nnd slightly
wounding W. Johnson. There were eight
starters In tho rnco and although It wns
over tho full course tho Hold was closely
bunched nt the eleventh Jump, when High
Admiral fell. Sullust, V.ufnlllg and Becky
Itnlfo nil stumbled over him nnd tho hordes
and Jockoys wore mixed up In endless con
fusion. KKgorson, who had tho mount on
.titnlllg, and W. Johnson, on High Ad
miral, lay as tf dead. C. Johnson, nn Sal
lust, wns only slightly Injured nnd wns
able to walk away. KKgerson and John
son had to bo carried to tho dressing
rooms. Johnson soon recovered and nl
thotiKh badly bruised had no serious In
juries. Kggerson was unconscious for
nearly un hour nnd seemed In great ngnny.
Physicians who examined lilm said then)
might bo Internal Injuries, but expect no
serious results.
After tho fall Coronntus, who wns lead
ing, hud but llttlo trnublo In disposing of
his field. Mr. Dunlap beat Donation live
lengths for tho placo.
Misfortune befell Iclnlc In the second
raco nrtcr ho hail been bucked from 10 to l
down to 6 to 1 nt tho post. Tho colt bled
lifter renchlng tho quarter polo and nnd to
bo pulled up to n walk. Tho accident prob
nbly prevented a big killing, as tho colt was
the heaviest played 2-year-old In tho field
of eight. Handy Man won tho raco pithily.
Weather clear and truck fast. Ke.nilU:
First raco, six furlongs: Gonl llunner,
101 (Buchanan). 11 to 10, won; Hludonnttt,
105 (Tnlly), 11 to 5. pecond; Abo Furst, HI
(Dupee). 0 to 1. third. Tlmo: 1:18',. I.ouls
vlllo, XCnster Card, Paulino J nnd Frunk
Vogel also run.
Hecond race, ono mile: Handy Man, 100
(Wllgerson), K to 1, won: Tyr, 109 (Wlnk
lleld), 8 to 5, second; Bowen, 10.1 (J. Martin),
5 to 1, third. Tlmo: 1:IH4, Fancy Wood.
Hernando, William Ack and Kd Adack also
ran. Iccnl drawn.
Third nice, steeplcchuse, full Co
ronntus, 132 (Huston), S to 1. won; Mr. Dun
lap, 137 tMoxley), 4 to 1, second; Dnnution.
145 (Plnest. ;i mi, third. Time: 4:43V,. Last
Follow, High Admiral, Snlltist. Ziifalllg und
Becky Ilolfo full at tho eleventh Jump. No
Fourth race, six nnd onr-half furlongs:
I.ennep. 102 (Tally), 13 to 10, won; Prejudice,
102 (J. Mnrtlni, 4 to 1, Ferond; Charlie
O'Brien. 102 (HnrehborBei), 25 to 1, third.
Tlmo: l:2l'i. Sly tlnlshed hecond, but wns
disqualified for foul. Sir Christopher ulso
Fifth-race, one and one-eighth miles, Bell
ing: Ohnet. 102 (Tnlly), 7 to 2. won: Tho
I.udy, 109 (Brrgen), 3 to I, FOCOlld; Brigade,
107 (Klnktlcld), 7 to 1, third. Time; 2:0Pi.
Our Nellie, Precursor nnd Florlsttr nlso rnn.
Sixth nice, otio nnd mie-half miles, sell
ing: Joo Shelby. 114 (Wlnklleld), 4 to f,
won; False Lend, 101 (J T. Woods), 7 to 2,
second; Judge Denny, 104 (Kane), 7 to 1.
third. Time: 2-l9V(. Senator Thompson und
F. Gunier ulso ran.
Counter Attractions Keep Ctnuil
A lly from the .Mutlnec nt
Drltlitg; I'urk.
Saturday's rnccs ut the Omnhn Driving
park drew only a fair attendance. The tiny
was nn Idenl ono for racing und sotti" ex
ceptionally fast time was made. Threo
raci-s were lulled off. the llrst on the pro
gram being tho frco-for-nll pace. Five
horses wero entered In this rnce. but nt th
last moment three of them wero druwn.
leaving Miss Klopplng. owned by H. A
Sago of Parker. S. 15.. and Tompleton.
owned by C A. Pecnnt of Sioux City, Ia ,
to contend for tho honors. Tho second heat
wns a good nno, both hnrr t being neck
nnd neck until within n length of the wire,
when Templetou forged ahead and won by
a noso In 2:19'.i.
Tho next rnco on tho program was the
freo-for-nll jiuco nnd trot for members of
tho Omnhn ltoud club. There wer threr
starters In BiIh rnco. Curler McGregor,
owned by K. B. Winn of Omnhn; I.adj
Richards, owned by H. B. Allen. Omnhn
nnd Henry Colbv. owned by A. W Wynian
of Council Bluffs, In. Cnrtt;r McGrei'O
who was In something llko his old timp
form, won the race In straight heats, with I
l.auy Jtlcharils second und Henry Colbv
third. Tho third rnco wns between 7.. II
Clnrk's I.sdy Trotwood. 13. II. Brewer's
Kid B and Tags's Hobson, Hobson wns
tho favorite nnd landed the race In strulth
heats, being closely pushed by Kid B, with
Lady Trotwood a close third.
The progruin for todny will consist In th
free-for-all 2:40 pace und 2:10 trot. Yes
terday's summaries:
Free-for-all pace, ono mile, purse 1200:
Templetou 1 1 1
Miss Klopplng 2 2 2
Time: 2:37. 2:19';. 2:21.
Free-for-all paco nnd trot, hnlf mile:
Curler McGregor 1 1 1
J ndy Hlrhttrds 2 2 ?
Henry Co'-by 3 3 3
Time: 1:12. 1:11, 1:10.
Match raco:
Hobson 1 1
Kid B 2 2
Lntly Trotwood 3 3
Time: 1:15. 1:13.
Victory of Flv Public ('holers (ilvea
I'niollli'rs Painful Nervou
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 29. -Tho ring nt Klnloch
park got nnother scorching todny, public
choices winning In llvo out of six events.
Attendance good untl truck slow. Results:
First race, ono nnd one-half mlleH, sell
ing: HI Canoy. 92 (Domlnlck), 3 to 5. won;
Fly Fire. 101 (Coburn), 40 to 1, second: Fox
Bartl, 99 (Bssslnger), 10 to 1. third. Time:
2:40,. Hougo ot Nolr und Jimp nlso ran.
Second rnce, six furlongs, purse: Orleans
104 (Bolnnd), 9 to 10, won: Omdurmaii, 109
(Basslnger) 13 to 5, second; Marcy, 100 (Co
burn), 8 to 1, third. Time: l:19i. Mavmu
I.oulsc. Appollonlu, Kchodule und Ulidle
Stone nlso run.
Third rnco, ono nnd ono-slxteenth miles,
selling: W. B. Gates. 107 (Domlnlck), 3 to
5, won; Do Blaise, 104 (Coburn). r. to 1.
second; Groy Forgo. 100 (Funs). 12 to 1,
third. Tlmo: 1:5IH. Captain Gaines. Judge
Stoadmnn. Joo Oummage, Duchess VI und
roter Duryen nlso run.
Fourth , nice, ono nnd three-sixteenth
miles, hurdle: TlttiH. 110 (Movd), 1 to 2
won; Eva Mon. 125 (Porter), C to 1. second:
urubn. 1.T) (Barton). 3 to 1, third. Tlmo:
2:19V4, Wllllo I'rlco and Jack Hnyos uls.i
ran. Padrone fell.
Fifth race, nix nnd ono-half furlongs,
hundlcnp: Hungarian. PS (Coburn), 10 to 1
won; Allen Turner. 101 .Domlnlck). 3, to .
second; Miss Mae Day, 92 (Cochran), fi to 5.
third. Time: l:24!fc. Nobleman. Muster
Mnrlner and Tom Collins also ran.
Sixth race, one mile, soiling: Meddlesome
103 (Bo land). 4 to C, won; GtiMo liock? "oi
(Domlnlck), 2 to 1, second; Tom Gllmorr
(Coburn), 9 to 5, third. Tlmo; l:47H. Bklff
man and Ladns nlso ran.
Stnrtor .li'tvptl nt the Itritdvlllc
Trnck 1)IciIIii,h TeuiiiHlcrs Gol
Ucn, Cheney niul .llcICcnii)-.
READVILLK. Mass., Sept. 29.-Tho two
unnnlshod races of tho New Englaml Tro'
tlng Horso Breeders' usaoclntlon left -v r
tr,0,"lil.f,t. Tliursduy worn finished todny
Tho 2:21 tnit was won by Consuela. who
JSmW T,.,ur,f" ?y' Wlnaka socond
The third heat of tho 2:12 pnee wiih won b
Tho Pirate ; who had nlready hnd two Iteuts
to his credit. Tho heat was untutorcHtliie.
for tho horses went In a procession all tha
wny down tho stretch to tlin wire.
. t , . mm. uiiiim no lion
i who drove Con Withers, nnd John Chi. y,
who drovo Volo, In the 2:lti trot on We '
, liosdny. and nlso J. u. McKenney. who
drovo Georgo In tho 2:10 pneo tho same day
hud been lined $100 cm-h by tho Judges nnd
had boon suspended from the truck for the
balance of tho year. Summitry:
Tho Private, b. g. (Foote) 1 l i
Dark Wilkes, br. r. (Wull) 2 2 ft
Hnna, g. m. t Vouiu) 3 2
Time: 2:10V,, 2:12'i, 2:13' i.
2:14 trotting, purse
Consuela 8, b m (Pierce) 1 1 1
Wlnnka, b. h. (Tltur) 2 2 2
Knlnvnhi. b. m. (Young) 3 3 I
Bully King. eh. g. (Sanborn) I 4 3
Harry, b. g. (Knnpp) a 5
Time: 2:13H. 2:11, 2:16;,
Allien DrfcitlN Print College,
AMI3S, la. Sept. 29.-(Specla Telegram)
'ihls nftcrnton at the 1. h. C nthlet'e
grutinds the opening game f font ball v.ns
played by Peon college and tho Ames to im
The game was Interejtlng nnd full of snap
throughout. The most brilliant plitys bv
Ames men were tho punts by Keyser nnd
long runs by liny ward und splendid tnck
ling by Burr, all new meu Tho scoro whs
1(5 to 0 in favor of Ames. The Ames team
goes to Minneapolis next Saturday for rt
gamo with the University of Minnesota
(Jllhrrt 011 Wny to Oiiiitltii,
FOItT DODGH. Ia , Sept. 29.(Sperla'
Teltgram.) Fred Gilbert of Spirit l.iik'
champion shst of the world. Is In tho .I'v
on his way to Omaha, where he will take
purt In the tournament and will leave w
Chicago. whjre he will give sin oxhlblto
shoot at tho trtirnument to be given by tbe
Chicago Gun club
Mr Qllbert will hnve to give up shootlnf
Pianos At Hospe's
This week nro going to he offered nt
prices that will surprise tho Intending
purehaser-our stock Is now the finest
In tho west and comprises some of the
very finest pianos made sold on easy
payments to stilt the purchaser. Have
you seen the latest solf-plnylng plnno at
tachment, "The Apollo?" Drop In and
hnve a look at It
Music anil Art. 1613 OoiiHlas,
Sensible Women
Do not htiy candy twcntino It Is cheap
nor do they Rrnde confccl lonory no
oordlna to tho coat common ewnse and
the remitntlon of tho dealer nro lh
only patldeB ono needs our candy lit
overythlnp; that money and care nnd
experience can make It nnd our repu
tation Is n guarantee of the quality ot
the confectionery that wo soil nil the
ladles cat our (Sold Medal Chocolate
Hon Hons the llnest candy made -sixty
centM a pound. Hat Hahltiff's candles
and you'll cat Kood candy.
W. S. Balduff,
1520 Famam St.
We Am H10 Disiribuiation Agents
Fur do Kavorltc Stovo and -llaiiKe
company -tint's wat my boss saynuhd
dill's wat he wantH mo to write In my
Sunday advertisement and dat he'rt In
a j;ot)d healthy condition to supply to
do trade all de stoves and ranges dey
may want of dls mnUe-on do very
shortest notice, too vou see. my boss
don't do tings by half-he Jobs as well
as retails dat puts him In position to
sell cheap to de retail trade nnd can
supply dealers Just as cheap as do dey
wuz biiyln' from de works which am
located at 1'lnua, Ohlo-so If yore a
denier In de country you write my bons
dat's A. C. Raymer
1514 Fariinm St.,
The birth stone for October 1h opal.
It is one of the most beautiful of pre
cious stones. COPM3Y has It set lu
Scarf Plus, IMuks, Urooches, Cuff Hut
tons, etc.
Nothing pleases COPLEY more than
to show his stock so do not hesitate
to come In any time.
Wnres of Ooltl nnd Sliver.
215 S. 16th St., Paxton Block
for u time nt least, ns the continued shock
at each discharge ltns badly bruised bis
tirin nnd dioulder, which is one mass of
bruises. One rcisott for the bad condition
of Mr. Gilbert's arm may bo found in t'-.o
henvy chargo whlih ho itbonts. I'!s or 11
tiury load consists of three nnd 1 linif
drams of powder nnd one nnd n nunrter
ounces of idiot, tho ordinary load being
threo drams of powder nnd one ounce of
shot. When ho Is shooting Mr. Gilbert
tires nbout 300 shots ti dr.v nnd this con
stunt pounding hnt Injured him.
Scnnoiiril 'William Waller Defeats
Youthful A 111 lit 111 llolliililrd fur
Golf t ' 1 1 11 in ) I i h li 1 1.
I.AKR FOBF.ST. III.. Sept. 29.-Wllllnm
AVitller. the vetornn Onwentsln golfer, won
tin- western nmuteur gnlf championship
this nflernoon front William Hollnblrd. Jr.
tho 17-year-old Glmivlew ji'.uyer, by the
uurrnw mnrcln of 1 up. llollublrd nupar
ently feeling the effects of hlit close morn
ing game with Wnlter B. Smith played n
wretched gitmti for tho llrst nine holes nnd
did not get over his nervousness Until the
fill mo wan almost hopelosslv lost Cnmlntr
n he plnyed brllllnntly nt times nnd nt tho
seventeenth ho'o hnd succeeded In pulling
un nil sipinro. Waller, never 11 brilliant, b'lt
nlwnys a steady player, took the homo hole
In throe, nftor n magnlllcent upprouch to
within six feet of tho oui, nnd with It tin
chnmplonshlp. Waller really won the match
on the fifteenth hole, wit Ii 11 fortunu'o
brnssey, which struck Just over tho hunker
and, bounding on tho sldo of the elevnted
green rolled within two feet of tho hole
HoPublrd's second, on the contrary, struck
tho sldo of tho green nnd bounded buck
That tho clement of luck had considerable
to do In deciding tho championship, al
though Wuller apparently outclussed his
voiithful opionent for tho first nine holes.
Tho sensation of the day was the defeat
of Wnlter B Smith by Hnllablrd In Hie
weml-llnnls. Smith's mnchlnt-l'ke work
Thursday nnd Friday hnd mnd hlrn n
warm favorite for the honors of the tournn
nent. but In his gamo with the Glenvlew
ilavcr ho was sadly out of form.
Tho limits for tho second and third slx
' 'pn cutis were rather ono-slded I.ouls
Mils of Mllwn'ikeo took the second sixteen
up from Charles Zueblln of Mldlothlnn. !i
n, 3 to play,- and "Snake" Ames, famous
'1 Princeton foot ball struggles, won the
bird sixteen cup by defeating W. A. Alex
miler of Onwentsln, 3 up, fi to play.
The medal scoro of tho championship
tlrnls wns ns follows:
Wuller: Out-r 4 r, fi fi fi fi B fi H
Ilt-5 C fi 5 5 3 4 G S-42-R7
Hollablrd: Out 0 fi fi fi r, fi fi 4 648
In-fi fi K 4 fi 6 3 4 4-41-S9
Tho medal scores follow:
Smith: O it s 4 r 5 4 r, 4 c-42
ln-8 5 fi 4 fi 4 I fi
Hollablrtl: Out-fi 3 fi 4 fi 4 14 8-41
In-fi 5 fi 4 8 C 3 4
Seml-flnnis, oocontl cup:
Chnrlcs Xiu.blln beat W. T. C. Bristol, 2
up and 1 to play.
I.ouls Allis beat I). H. Home, C up, 3 to
Third oil":
K. t. Ames bent II. G. Wn,tnn, Jr., 3 up, 2
to nlny.
W. A. Alexander heat W. M. Bnlcomb, 1
up, 10 holes.
In the scml-llnnls fnr tho chnmplonshln
'letwcen Gale Thompson und William Wal
'er Waller won. 3 up, 2 to play.
Th tnednl score In tho match between
Thompson and Wuller were us follows:
Waller: Out 7 r. 6 .' fi 4 4 fi 410
'n-l fi fi I fi 4 1 -
Thompson: Out-fi 4 fi fi fi fi fi 4 R 41
In-6 5 0 5 4 5 1
Vremont AVIim ICiislly,
FItKMONT. Neb.. Sept. W.-(Hnecal Tolo.
rum ) The t'olnmbiis Hlah school cloven
met the Fremont I Hull rcli 10I myn on thi
-rldlron this efternnon and before the gamo
vns through Fremont hud r.S ic lnts to the'r
one. Tho Kiimo was too one-sldcij to be In
renting, tho Columbus boys being plilnly
l it rliiHucil nn.l unable to do u thing w t'i
'apt. tin .Munition's men They wcro weak
it Interference, almost every play muile bv
'"remi'iit rc-,ultlng In 11 gain of fully
twintv live ynrdt If off nMvo pl'tv M 1" 1
kens men put up a line t lie y could not go
All of the pop-
v mar ana as
Eastman Kodaks
Pretno Poco Adlake
Vivo Diamond Cyolone
and Now Karona Cameraa
glusa plutos, IlliuH. ohomlonls,
mounts, oto. duvoloplng und
printing prlcos right,
Amateur I'hotographl ttupptUt.
140S rarimtii. OAIAIIA
Ladies' and Gentlemen's High
Class Tailoring1 at Mod
erate Prices.
TEL. 805. 422 SO. I5TII ST
s 1,11001. S.
The Kearney Military Academy, m:ii.
Third yenr begins Kept. 12. 1,100, with In
creased faultily and facilities to glvo tho
boys of Nebraska completo prcpuru'Ion for
University or Huslncso. Churgta moderate.
Address tho president
Read the Huston Store an-iiouiicuiU'-'iit
on P 'K I1- Sale
hcliiH MtJiitlity nt 1) .t. in.
ngnlnst nnd nt no time as Fremont's goal
In danger Score llrst half, 1!C to 0. second
half, 22 to 0. Touchdown. Fremont. 10,
gouls, Fremont, 8. Time: 2 minute halves.
rii'voral Crock Miii-Kniiicii lli lnti .Dimvii
Uti-ry lllnl Set I'icc.
Tho closing day of tho tournament hold
under tho uusplccH of the Ditpmit (iim
club wuh n moHt successful (mil Interesting
ono for the shooters who participated In
tho twenty-lhc live bird handicap. Tho
licnrrn were purtlcularly good, us will bo
hhtiwn by the following summary:
llruy (30 yds.)..121'J 32B 22:'J 2201 2111 11111-21
flrant (30) 223 2J.M.' 222l 22M 12'J2 12222 ITS
K. Hick (,'J)....22.'2 -Uti 2222 22J2 2222 22221-25
O. Illirnsltlo (30)2222 2222 2222 2222 2222 22,22 M
l.lntlurmun C10).2222 2222 SM22 2212 2221 213.'2 2
1'nrmiili'ii (32). ..2222 2222 2222 0222 1222 21222--2I
Hlllott (28).
.2121 222 '2')22 i22 2222 22022. 1
.1212 2222 22J2 2222 2222 VSUi--.
.221 120J 2222 2212 2020 12222- 21
.2222 2222 2202 '222 3222 22222-' I
.2212 2220 2222 222 222(1 12-2J--1J
Townseml (30).
Ilurk (20)
l.nomls (30)
Ilrucker (2:1;...
.2121 2122 2222 2122 2222 11122. 1
Flrat money, JOO, divided:
ili ritmn und 11-27.
K. Dick, l.ln-
Second money. J.tfi divided,
nldc J'r i her und I'nrmtleo.
Third money, :i. liurk.
llruy. Uurn-
1 iwm wrnm