Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1900, PART I, Page 6, Image 6

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Ak-Saf-Bon Fcstivitios Engtos3 Attention
of Omaha's Fonr Hundred,
Bolirmlniilsiu Attrmlitnt Lpon Cnrnl
tiI pL Onrel Uiffilne for I'tit
thiK Coiivrnlloiinllty Aalde ami
Hating (mud Time.
HoHhI Cnli-mliir.
sVHIiNi:HIAY-Klni! s Daughteis Ounce.
iillin l'r..l, rl.-W ti-l,llt1ff.
THCHHDAV-Mf. I". L. Ilallor entertains
for Mrs? A. L. Wll'lams.
Aside from the Ak-Sar-Den ball and I ho
Lyman-Dickliuon weddln tee last wtek has
been devoid of any attempt at formality, so-
clelly. and Indeed these to were quit.
uuourIi. Society has been almost onilrcy
if lain In nrnriarntlou for the
ball and FrlJay night its anticipation was
realized, for the event wa3 one or tiie
most brilliant In the socUl history of
city. It was a gathering of the talent and
beeuty not only of Omaha, but of the on-
tiro state, and one of Its most pleasing
features was the presence of su many of
thn vnune. women who will make their
formal debut this seasou.
Thero were n tow Informal gitliorinss.
compl.mentary to the M.ltlng guests, which H-rhHI. Herman. E. Hosowater II. nose. -brought
together a number of women who " "ran,,cl?; J; lfcR tel . H.
havo been leaders of Omaha society at "rnn.lrln. Misses H. -Hosewater, Hellman
different times.
Tho Oriental carnlvnl did not fall to
attract fashionable visitors along the
rest of the crowd, and here It wns that
a well known bachelor, whose grand phys-
lnue and military bearing have Itng b en
tho envy of his felloWH mid admiration
of the visiting young women, got Into
ttouble. A popular Lincoln belle who has
been a guest In one of tho prominent fam
ilies was lntrustul to his protection
Wednesday to do the street fa r. In
tending to have n good time, both wore
musks and the young woman further lost
her Identity In the conventional golf suit
and hat. They visited nil tho booths,
patronized nil the slot machines and par
took of nil the free refreshments and
when they had been tho roiinls dcslr d
to throw their shi'ie of Th y
looked about for n vender of tlil3 ptrtlc
ular abomination and, seolng none, it oc
turred to the man to snatch tho first l Ible
tackful and the opportunity was
sfforded. Three boys of about 14
...... m 1
ramo toward them and each unshed a
handful of paper Into their faces. Care
less of consequences, or possibly confident
in his own strength, tho man snatched one
of tho sacks and than turned to dodge the
nhower of confetti thrown by the other
boy. Neither of these people can tell Jus'
how It happened, but the next tnlnuto the
bystanders were surprised to sco u young
woman und two boys running down th
street, tho boys pulling her on and sho
resisting with all her strength and scrci'm
lng. Somo ono rescued her from tho iir
chins and when her escort finally came up
sho said nothing. It was not ii'cesary,
her mask was gono. but sho Just "looked
nt him. His gloomy faco wns tho subject
of much comment Friday night.
Wiimini'" f'liili Hi-KlnM U'nrl.'.
Th- Woman's club will hold Its first
meeting tomorrow. Tho reports from the
biennial will bo finished and delegates t-
tho Stnto Federation at Lincoln elected
Mrs. Stoutcuborough, ex-prcsldent of Hi
Stato Federation, will be present and give
a talk on traveling libraries.
Plrniirra 1'imt.
Mrs. V. J. Kenyon gavo a breakfast
Saturday noon for Mrs. Jcrrems and Miss
Mr. James Taxton gavo a dinner at the
Omaha club Friday evening In honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Swift.
Mra. Myron Learned entertained nt
luncheon on Wedneoduy at tho Omaha
club, In, honor of her guests, the Misses
Tlmbrrlako of St. Paul.
Dr. Lyman entertained at dinner at tho
Country club on Tuesday for his ushers,
Messrs. Hamilton, Gannett, Ed and Joo
Morsman and Wallaco of Salt Lake.
In liTr of Mips Sna'dlng of Sioux City
bo 13 tho guest of Mrs. J. K. White
Tweuty-llfth and Jones Htrcot, Mr. C. J.
Lane gave a dinner party at tho Omaha
club on Wednesdny.
un Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Miner gavo a
puppor to tho members of tho Miller-Nelson
brldul party. Covers wero laid for Mr.
and Mrs. Kennedy, Miss Oliver, Miss Hun-
nell, Miss Miller, Mr. Collett. Mr. Weston
nnd Mr. Nelson.
Mrs. S. D. Darkalow gavo an Informal
buftot luucheon on Friday In honor of Miss
Jean Morton of Chicago, Those present
Were: Misses Park, Allen, Elizabeth Allen,
Woolworth, Towlo, Lomax, Messrs, Fair-
Held, Morsman, Joo Morsman, Crctgh,
Btuart, Gannett, Hamilton, Luddlngton and
Fair of Chicago,
Mr. Nod Kellogg was given n surprlso
on Tuesday ovonlng, It being his birthday.
The guesto nssorablcd In time for tho 6
o'clock dinner and spent a most enjoyablo
evening. Thoso present wero: Misses
Hunc&to, Her, Desslo Her, Loulso Edwards,
Whltflold, Kellogg, Messrs. Gardner, Cor-
rlgan, Whitfield, Ashbaugh and Deacon.
Mrs. Lou Wentworth entertained at her
home on North Twenty-first street Bntur-
To Ciiturrh Sufferrrm.
Every person suffering from catarrh In
Its many forms knows that tho common
lotions, salves and douches do not cure. It
Is needless to nrguo this point or to clto
cases of failure, because every victim of
catarrhal trouble known It for himself If
ho lias tried them.
A local application, It It docs anything at
ill, simply gives temporary relief; a waBh,
lotion, salvo or powder cannot reuch the
teat of the disease, which Is tho blood.
The mucous mcmbrano seeks to relievo
tho blood of catarrhal poison by secreting
large quantities of mucous, the discharge
oinotlmea closing up tho nostrils descend
ing to tho throat nnd larynx, causing an
irritntlne couch, continual clearing of thn
itroat. deafness, indigestion and many
other dlsngrceable and perslstont symp-
A remedy to really cure catnrrb must be
in Internal treatment; a remedy which will
(radually clcanso the system from ca
tarrhal poison and remove the fevor and
sor.grstlon always present In the mucous
The best remedies for this purpose are
Eucnlyptol. Sangulnarla and Hydrastln, but
Iho difficulty hna alwavs been to cot thea
valuable curatives comblued In ono pala-
table, convenient nnd efficient form.
llecontly this has been accomplished and
tho preparation put on tho market under
tho naiuo of Stuart's Catarrh Table s; tho
ire largo, plcasaut-tastlng lozenges, so that
thoy may slowly dissolve In tho momb, thus
reaching every part of the mucous tnem-
brane aud finally the stomach and lutes-
An advantage to be considered nlso Is
tbut Stuart'B Catarrh Tablets contain no
cocaine, morphine or poisonous narcotics,
o often found In catarrh powders, and the
use of which often entails a habit more
danccrous than the disease.
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are sold by
druggists at 60c for full sized package aud
aro probnbly the safest and most effectual
catarrh cure ou the inarkit.
day afternoon to celrhrnte tho double1
birthday of her children, Minn Hmlly and
Muster Willis Wentwoftli. The darkened
rooms wero prettily decorated In Ak-8ar-tTen
AmotiK the many enjoyable cvcuU of the
last week was a birthday party tendered
Mrs. V. C. Uouk at her borne, 2609 St.
Mary's avenue. Tho house was very pret
tily decorated with cut flowers, while the
large yard was well lighted with a number
of Japanese lanterns. Among those pres
ent were: Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Daniels.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Hartley, Mr. and Mrs.
M. D. Vleno, Mr. and Mrs. Ed niack, Mr.
and Mrs. Louis liorsliolm, Mrs. V. L. Hol
land, South Omaha, Mrs. Minnie Carter.
Mrs. (leorgf Drown, Misses Ida Wheeler.
Ma Hpley, Oraee Sheeley, Millie Drown,
Messrs. Frank Drown. Hoy Miner, Ed 1
Walker, Henry Lehman. J. I. Tamlnoslaii.
J. T. Wlthrow, Mrs, Estelle Hodgers, Mas
ter Clifford Daniels.
Complimentary to three visiting women,
Mrs. Fell of Cleveland, Miss llellmati of
Cincinnati and Miss Jacoby of Los An
Hles, Mrs. Arthur Dratnlels entertained a
number of women In n novel mannor on
Thursday afternoon. At 2 o'clock the party.
on a tour through the Oriental carnival
visited the booths and participated In all
the fun, until 5 o'clock, when they re
turned to the Dr.tndcls home on Seven
tennth and Douglas streets, where an elab
orate luncheon was served. The Ak-Sar-
Ilen colors were tarried out In detail In
tho decoration of the house and table
Mrs. nrandels' guests were: Mines. K.
and Jacoby.
WrditiiiK anil I'uunei-iiH'iitK,
Tho marriage of Miss Olive Frederick,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
and Mr. William Hoberts of Chicago will
uciur at 11! o'clock Wednesday, October 3.
The marriage of Miss Lutilsu Wilson and
lr. Roger E. Moist of St. Louts occurrol
on Tuesday at the home of tho bride In
West Philadelphia. Mr. Moist Is we 1
known tn Omaha, having resided hero for
somo time.
Mhs Emma McElroy of Dunlnp, la., and
Mr. Jtnucrt (.'. uozlcr or this city were
married at tho homo of the brldo Wednes
day. They will be at homo to their friends
after October 12. nt their residence, 2i"32
North Nineteenth strcot.
Crnls havo been received 111 tho city
amounting tho marrlag" of M'ss Alice
Drake aud Mr. Call E. Miller, the wed
ding to occur Wednesday evening, October
10. nt S o'clock, nt the reMdtnco of Ihj
bride's father, 19."0 Ellis avenue, Ch.cngc.
Thi. innrrlnt'it nt Mla 1,'rnm.iw U",.t..l
and Mr. A. L. Hotchklns occurred Tuesday
ut th residence of W. II. Gould, Jr. Tho
ceremony wns performed by Kcv. L. (Iron
Only Immediate friends werp present. Mr
and Mrs. Hotchklns will live in Qulncy, 111.
pretty wedding occurred on Thursday nt
tho home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Drown, when
Mrs. W. L. Harrod nnd ltev. 11. 11. Drook
Ins of Fort Smith, Ark., were married, Ilev.
J. It. Hansom officiating. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Drooklns left shortly after for Fort Smith
where they will live.
On Monday Miss Grace Terrell of S
Paul, -Minn., and Mr. F. Y. C. Mackenzie
wtro married at All Saints' church, Hov.
T. J. Mackny officiating. Mr. Mackenzie
Is a son of tho late Lord Mackenzie of
Edinburgh, Scotland. Tho couple left Im
mediately for Europe.
On Tuesday the wedding of MUs Hannah
Grucnlg to Mr. Fred J. Mnrtls occurred nt
tho homo of the bride's parents. Only the
relatives wcro present. The bride was
gowned In whlto organdy. Mr. nnd Mrs
Mortis will bp at homo to their friends nt
4G1S North Twenty-fourth street after Oc
tober lfi.
Tho marriage of Mr. George Stockmoyer
nnd Miss Edna Hartwctt was solemnized on
Wednesday morning at Sacred Heart church.
Father Judge oftlclatlng. Mr. George Mc-
Ardle and Miss Nettlo Vorwald wcro the
only attendants. After tho ceremony Mr
and Mrs. Stockmoyer recolved a number of
frlomlrt at tho home of the bride on North
Twentieth boulevnrd.
The marrlago of Mr. Ernest Darrett und
MIus Leola Pardee was solemnized nt St.
John's church nt 7 o'clock a. m. Thursday,
Father Young otllctatlng. Tho brldo was at
tended by Miss Taylor of Sioux City, maid of
honor, and Misses-Cotton of Green Hay, Wis.,
and Phillips of Omaha, bridesmaids, Mr. L.
V. Pardee was best man. A reception nt tho
homo of tho brldu'a parents, 312 North
Twenty-second street, followed the cere
mony. Mr. and Mrs. Barrett left Immedi
ately for Salt Lake City, where they will
A beautiful wedding occurred nt S o'clock
Tuesday evening at the homo of Mrs. E. M.
Gulll, the contracting parties being her
daughter, Miss Edith Snyder, nnd Mr. Floyd
Klynn of Dlalr. Tho color scheme of pink
and whlto was carried out most effectively
lu the decoration of tho rooms, Tho bride
was gowned In white and carried pink roses.
She wns attended by Miss Laura Hbondos,
and her two llttlo cousins acted as flower
girls". Mr. Hex Pcttlgrow was best man.
Mr. aud Mrs, Flynn will mako their home
In Dlalr,
Invitations aro out for tho marrlago of
Miss Margaret McKell, daughter of Mr
and Mrs. James Cook McKell, formerly
of Omaha, but now of Des Moines, nnd
Mr. Albert Wilson Logan of this city. Tho
ceremony will tnko place at Des Moines
Wednesday, October 10, nnd Mr. and Mrs
Logan will be nt homo nt 1042 Georgia
avenue, Omaha, after November 1. The
brldo was during her resldenco In this city
ono of tho lenders of tho younger society
set of a fow years ago nnd Is sure of a
warm welcome back among her old friends
Mr. William II. Nelson and Miss Amanda
Miller wero married at 7 o'clock Wednes
day evening at tho Chapel of tho Saints
Twenty-Hrat aud Clark streets, Ilev. F. A.
Smith of Lamonl, In., ofllclatlng. The
brldo wns becomingly gowned lu white
chiffon over white taffeta and carried
white roses. Sho wns attended by Miss
Mamlo Oliver of Council Bluffs and Mr,
Austin Collett acted as best man. After
tho ceremony a reception was held at their
new homo, 1012 North Twenty-fifth street
Mr. nud Mrs. Nelson left on Thursday for
n trip tnrougn uoiorauo ana win no at
homo after November 1.
At 12 o'clock Wednesday at St. Barnabas'
church occurred me marriage 01 .MISS
Jessie Dickinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs
Ddward Dlckluson, nnd JJr. Harry Lmun.
Though tho church was handsomely dec
orated with banks of palms and American
Beauty roses tho wedding was marked
by Its simplicity nnd the absence of pomp
und conventionality that so frequently at
tond the fashtonablo church wedding.
Promptly nt 12 o'clock, to Lohengrin's
"Wedding Mnrch," Miss Mao Mount, maid
ot honor, entered, followed by tho bride,
with her fatlior, and tnen mo unners
Messrs. Joe and Ed Morsman, Frank Hum
lllou and Earl Gannett. The groom nnd
bis best man, Mr. Goorge Wallace of Salt
J.nko City, met tho party at the altar
where Father Williams read tho Impressive
seivlco of tho Episcopal church. Mrs.
Dickinson woro a robo of hand-raado lace,
heavily embroidered with paillettes over
black, with trimmings of violet poppl s.
The bride' gown was an exquisite creation
of Venetian point and duchess lace over
white satin, cut princess, and an exact
copy of thn famous Worth prize medal
wedding gown at me raris exposition.
MIks Mount wore a gown of renalsuanco
lace over pale green satin. At 1:20 o'clock
the wedding breakfast was sorvfd at the
Dloklnson home, on Park avunue. Here
tho color scheme of red and green was
carried out In elaborato detail, In banks
of palms, ferns and American Ileatity
roses. In the drawing room the InrRe
roundtablo seated twenty-three pueU-i.
Tho cover, which was especially construct d
for tho occasiou, was of dAUUisk and Ijcu,
with a ccntcrpfoce of renaltsance, and
above all hung ft huge canopy of southern
smllax. studded with American Deotlty
roses, from the center of which was sus
pended n large ball of the same flowers.
The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Lyman, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur (lulou, Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Yost, Mrs. Delden, Miss
Doane, Miss Oakley of Lincoln, M tin.,
Mrs. Terry Allen, Messrs. Geotge Wal
lace. Dixon, Hamilton, Gannett, Erwln,
Morsman and J. Morsman. Dr. and Mrs.
Lyman left at 5 o'clock for New York and
other eastern points, to bo fi-'no nbout a
month. The trip will be made In Mr. Dick
inson's private car.
(tut of 't on II Otic!,
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Adams of Superior nro
In Omaha.
Mm. Prouty of Dot Moines wns In Omaha
for the ball.
Mr. Will Downey of New York spent last
week In Omahu.
Mr. IIoxlo Clark of St. Louis was In
Onmlm thin week.
Miss Mnyfleld of Cheyenne is visiting
Mrs. L. II. Korty.
Miss Selma Hellman of Cincinnati Is
visiting Mrs. Holler.
Mr. Ed Woolenhoupt uf North Platte was
in Omaha Inst week.
Mrs. W. II. Duller of fait Lake City 1b
visiting Mrs. E. K. Mackcy.
Miss Webster has as her gue?t Mrs.
Arthur Jerrcms of Chlcugo.
Mies Laura Houtz of Lincoln spent last
week with Miss Ura Kcllcy.
The Mlif,cs Timberlal-.e of St. Paul aro
gui-sts of Mrs. Myron Learned.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Lyslo Abbott are entertain
ing Dr. Era Schobutl of Chlcngo.
Mrs. L. W. Danner of Chicago visited in
Omaha for sovornl days last week.
Mrs. Boss Curtlr of Lincoln is the guest
of Mr. und Mrs. William K. Kcllcy.
Mrs. Hubert Vlerllng of Chlcugo is the
guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. .1. Vlerllng.
Mrs. r. F. Stuart has as her guest her
slBter, Miss Agues McGoath of Seattle.
Mrs. Fell of Cleveland Is tho guest of
her parents, Mr. und Mrs. E. Hosewater.
Hev. and Mis. Frank SlK-cklotk of Archer
arc gucata at tho home of Hev. C. Gltfsel!.
Mrs. L. J. Penbody of Morgantown, V.'.
Va Is visiting her sister. Mrs. Will Wood.
Mrs. Walter Guluzues of Green Day,
Wis.. Is tho guest of Mrs. Alphous Pardee.
Mrs. John W. Thomas of Chicago spent
last week with Mr. nnd Mrs. Lyslo I. Abbott.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Beedo nro guests
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Elllck, 2123 California
Miss Blake of Avoca, la., and Miss Peters
of Albion. Neb., aro Miss Mabel Hukc's
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elllck of Fremont
wcro In Omaha for tho Ak-Sar-Den fes
Mrs. Howell und daughter of Sioux Clty
are visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Nalle on
Dodge street.
Dr. nnd Mrs. George Llttlo of St. Louis
wcro In the city to attend tho Lyman-Dlck-lnson
Mrs. Cnrrlo Overholt of Harlnnd, In., is
the guest of Mr. H. M. Jainleson, SI2I
Franklin street.
Mr. G. Dcltrlch aud daughter. Josephine,
of Avoca, la., wero guests last week of
Mr. F. (1. Urlau.
Mr. and Mro. W. G. Blako nnd son of
Avoca, la., were guosts last week of Mri.
Charles A. Hunter.
Mrs. William Van Dyko of Sioux City
was a guest nt tho homo of W. N. Nason
during Ak-Sar-Den week.
Miss Elizabeth von Wedelstedt of Dead
wooi bns been tho guest of Mrs. W. W.
Marsh for the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Fry of Niobrara, Neb.,
have spent tho week In Omaha as the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Sturgess.
MIes Edna Baker of Sioux City Is tho
guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Hyde Emery,
1142 South Thirty-second street.
Mrs. Currier and Miss M. Hansen of
Sioux City are the guests of Mrs. Frank
Moore nt 2520 Davenport street.
Lee Duncan of Randolph, la., a former
Omaha resident. Is In tho city, tho guest
of G. II. Cramer and other friends.
Mr. and Mm. Will Singer of Los Angeles
Cal., visited friends in Omaha last week
while ou their wedding tour east.
Misses Harrlette McMakln and Marthn
Huplcy of Plattsmouth were guests of
Omaha friends during Ak-Sar-Den week,
Mr. Loomis McKIm of Norfolk spent
carnival week In tho city, the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Suthcrlnud, nt tho Dachelors.
Mrs. A. A. Mitchell of Hlchford, Vt.. and
Mrs. S. F. Wllloy of Montroso, S. D., havo
been guests uf J. II. Hoyce for the last
Mr. and Mrs. C. Farnsworth. who havo
been guests of Mr. and Mrs. George A.
Joslyn, return to their homo In Chicago
Mrs. J. D, Fowler Shea and children of
Wntsonville, Cal., havo been the guosts
during tho last week of Mrs. C. Marks
of 817 N. Fifty-first street.
Mr. nnd Mrs. H. D. Fisher nnd nleco,
Miss Emily Ingram, of Florenco, Wis,, and
Mr. Charles Hosktns of Dutte, Mont., aro
guosts of Mr. and Mrs. Pinto.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Eberly of Stanton,
Neb., and Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Ley of Denl-
son, la., spent tho week with Mr. and Mrs:
Joe Allen, 1313 South Thirtieth avenue.
Mrs. W. L. Keller of Koarnoy, Neb., who
has been visiting her sisters, Mrs, S. F.
Wysockl, 1819 Davenport street, aud Miss
T. M. Sclbold nt the Utopia hotel, will re
turn homo next week.
Mr. Stuart Webster, who came on from
Chicago for the Dlcklnson-Lymnn wedding,
remained for tho Ak-Snr-Bcn ball nnd .will
return homo tomorrow with Mr. Joseph Fair,
who came over to attend the ball also.
Pryor Markcl and brldo, who wns Miss
Nelllo Kitchen, spent carnival week In
Omaha and attended tho royal ball. Their
homo Is now lu Kansas City, whore they
have apnrtmi'iita nt tho Washington.
Moolnl Clilt Clint.
Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Hlngwnlt have taken
apartments at tho Her Grand.
Mrs. F. L. Haller entertains next Wednes
day In honor of Mrs, A. L. Williams. '
Tho Visiting Nurses will open their
booths on Thursday, Roosevelt night.
Mrs. E. Hymos and Miss Delia Stein
will ho nt home to tholr friends this after
noon from 3 to G o'clock.
W. It. Melklo has taken rooms at the
Paxton for tho winter. Mrs. Melklo and son
will return to Omaha about October 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn Jones will, upon
their return to Omaha soon, make tholr
home for a time with Dean and Mrs, Fair.
Mrs. II. Hugo nrandels and her cousin,
Miss Etta Jacoby, from Los Angeles, will
receive nt their homo, 722 South Twenty-
ninth stroet, this afternoon from 3 to 6
Wednesday evening, October 3, the King's
Daughters of the Church of the Good Shop
herd will glvo tho first of the sorles of
dances to bo given by them this winter
nt the Thurston Rifles armory, corner of
Seventeenth and Douglas streets.
The Metropolitan club has completed ar
rangements for a bowling party to occur
October 17. Tho first of the series of balls
will occur on Saturday, October 27, Wednes
day will bo women's sight during the en
tire season and every second week there
will he some special form of entertain
ment In 'f tv I parties or theat
rlonl?. .Movr iiii'ittft mill WiirrcnliiMitu,
Miss llftko has returned from Albion,
Mrs. Doup sailed for Europe last Satur
day. Dr. Fred Wearu has returned from tho
Mrs. Blatschlcy leaves next week for Cal
ifornia. Miss Josephine Brady has returned from
the cast.
MUs Alice Buchanan has entered Welles-
ley college,
Mr. A. H. Thompson has returned from
New York.
Dr. A. E. Muck has returned from a visit
In the cast.
Mrs. D. F. Mnrtl left for Chicago Satur
day mornlnc.
Mrs. J. E. Baum returned from Chlcngo
on Wednesday.
Miss ltuth Berry has returned to school
lu Mlunenpollc
Miss Florenco Hardy returned from the
east last .Friday.
Miss Katherlne Cooper has returned home
from Salt Lake City.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Hntteroth have re
turned the east.
John H Ilnycs left for the east today,
where he enters college.
Mrs. E. II. Spraguc leaves today for New
York, to be gono for some time.
Mrs. John S. Brlggs returned Saturday
from Washtn nnd Cherokee, In.
Miss Susan Holdrege has gone to New
York to enter Miss Iteynold's school.
MIrs Luella Allen has returned homo from
an extended visit In Ohio.
Miss Mary Buck left on Thursday for
Cleveland, O., to visit friends.
Miss Edilh Smith has gone to Cluclnnatl
to attend the wedding of n friend.
Mrs. Johr Brady has Just returned from
her father's funernl nt St. Joseph, Mo.
Mlso Ellen McShano Is expected homo In
about two weuks. She Is now In Chicago.
Miss Alice Oalbralth leaves Omaha tho
last of the week to reside In KanBas City,
.Mr. and Mrs. William II. Sutherland are
at "The Bachelors' Quarters" for the win
ter. Mrs. Cnmpboll Fair returned on Thursday
from tho enst. where sho has spent tho sum
mer. Miss Bluncho Hosowater returned Friday
to Jicr studies nt the University of Chi
cago. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barker returned
last week from a month's visit In New
Mrs. John D. Crelghton returned home on
Tuesday from a three weeks' visit in Spring
field, O.
Mrs. Henry P. Kobb and children have
returned ftom their visit to St. Louis and
Blanche H. Craig left Wednesday even
ing for Chlcngo to enter the Northwestern
Miss Helen Brandcls will leave this week
to continue her studleB nt the University
of Chicago.
Mrs. U. A. Sheldon and daughter. Loo. ro
turned last week from a visit of soveral
months in Utah and Colorado.
Miss Bertha Swcnsborg enmc homo from
Green Day. Wis., on Wednesday. She has
been n guest nt a house party.
Misa Huby D. Forbes has returned from
a six weeks' vneatlon spent nt Salt Lake,
Denver, Colorado Springs and Manltou.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Loblngler were
guests In Lincoln over Sunday nnd attonded
the Inauguration of Chancellor Andrews.
Miss Outa Matthews McKay nnd Miss
Zetta Mutthews havo returned from a thrae
weeks' trip to Des Moines, St. Louis and
Moborly, Mo.
F. H. Koesters has returned from n threo
months' trip through Europe, visiting the
exposition: also the firemen's tournament
nt Vlncennes.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McAvoy and son have
returned from their two months' visit In
Kentucky nnd Ohio and have taken npart-
ments In the Winona.
MIbs Paulino Schroedor leaves tonight
for Philadelphia to enter tho training
Bcl'opl for nurses at tho hospital of the
University of Pennsylvania.
Mrn. (I. I. Gilbert and daughter, Miss
Frances V. Gilbert, arrived Friday even
ing from Kennedy, Neb., where thoy hnve
been for the last six weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Weller and
daughter have returned from Chlcugo.
whero they attended the meeting of thu
National Wholcsalo DrugglstB' association.
Dr, nnd Mrs. H. P. Hamilton returned
home Inst TutBday after having Bpent a
most delightful summer In northorn Mlch
Ignn. They also visited the doctor's pa
reuts In Kentucky.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Clapp arrived
Thursday morning nnd have taken apart-
mcntB nt the Millard hotel, where they
will remain until their home. 1128 South
Thirty-first street, Is completed.
Mrs. T. L. Kimball and Mlts Arabcl Kim
ball went east last week for an extended
visit to members of the family In New Eng
Innd. They accompanied Mr. George Hold
rego on his way to place his second daugh
ter, Miss Susan, nt school In New York.
Mrs. E. Van Wngcnen and her son, J.
Hees. hr.vo been Bpendlng some time visit
ing friends at Hlghlaud-on-tho-Hudson and
vicinity. HceB will enter Honss.oIaer Poly
technic Institute, Troy, N. Y. Mrs. Van
Wagenen will again spend some time with
her husband In Mexico.
Omaha summits.
Services will be held today at 11 a. m.
nt tho Methodist church.
Mr. Joseph McGulre made a trip to Den
ver during tho last week.
Miss Pearl Lowe has gono to Fremont
to attend tho Normal at that place.
Mr. A. J. Hoscnbaum has returned from
his visit with his sister In Lynch, Neb.
Miss Mnry Hnrfley of lllalr visited with
friends In Ilenson during the last week.
Miss Holmes, who has been visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Hellls,
returned to her home last Wednesday.
Dr. Law3on, who has been visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Morgan, re
turned to his homo In Wintcrset, Ia last
Miss Ruth Hogan, who has been teaching
In tho Ilenson schools the last two years,
roslgned her position to take another in
the Omaha schools.
A number of tho members of tho Mod
ern Woodmen of America lodge of Ilenson
attended Woodmen night at the Ilellstedt
concert Wednesday night.
Hov. A. J, Markley was appointed at the
conference of the Northwest d strict as
pastor ot tho Donson Methodist Episcopal
church for tho coming year.
Mr. Otto Scmercb, who has been spending
tho summer vacation at the home of hla
parents, has returned and taken up h's
. .. . .. . . ..-J.--, 1,
studies in me umana .nemcm turi,r.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rosenbaum enter
tained during thn festival week Mrs. Rum
sey and daughter. Edith, of Crelghton, Mrs
C. Mlnshart and children of Carrol, Neb.
nnd Mrs. Roe of Ndrfolk.
The Omaha-Councll muffs R. M. S. club
was entertained last Wednesday by Mrs
H. J. Grove at her home In Reason, She
was assisted by Mrs. John Spaedy of Lin
coln, who has been her guest for some
time. The decorations wero lu the club
colors, purple nnd white. In spile of th
cotiuter attractions In Omaha qui e u num
ber of the members worn present. Mrs.
IM E. Hoffman will entertain the club next
M. 11. Potter made a business trip to
Omaha Friday.
J. B. Young of Crescent. In., visited friends
hero Friday and Saturday.
Mrs. M. D. Potter and Mrs. Wall were
business visitors In Omaha Saturday
Olo Olson nnd family visited relatives In
Wakefield, Neb., Saturday nnd Sunday.
Dr. H. C. Smith attended the medical lec
tures nt Crelghton Medical college) this
Miss Dcrtha Smith, who has been at Fre
mont tho last two weeks, returned home
Mr. William Lee left Saturday morning
for Wayne, Neb., where he will remain dur
ing tho winter.
Mm. Hubert Glllnn nnd llttlo daughter of
Auburn, Neb., aro spetidlug a week visiting
with Mrs. Miller.
Mrs. Jano Thomas made a business trip to
Calhoun, Neb., Tuesday, returning home
Wednesday morning.
Tho public schools wcro dismissed hero
Wednesdny in order to allow tho pupils to
attend the Ak-Sar-Den parades in Omaha.
Messrs. Taylor and Garrison, traveling
men, spent part of the week at homo and
took in the Ak-Sar-Den festivities at Omaha.
Hev. Fraukol and wife, on tbclr way to
Wood Hlvcr, Neb., visited with tho family
of Mrs. J. G. Hunt n couple of days last
Mr. Emll Webber of Wayne, Neb., hns
been spending the week hero with his par
ents nnd tnklng In tho carnival festivities
at Omaha.
A new weather vano was placed on tho
water works building this week, replacing
the ono that was destroyed In the Blorm of
u fow weeks ngo.
"C, C. C." on livery Tulilct.
Every tnblot of Cnscarets Candy Cathar
tic bears the famous "C. C. C." Look for It
and accept no other! Dcwaro of fraud
All druggists, 10c, 23e, COc.
l'roiiil,' of ii Society Si-limit Ion.
Certain pxcIufIvc social circles, so It Is
said, aro much Interested aucnt the appear
ance of a new slnr, or, rather, the reap
pearance of a former stsr, who has been
temporarily In eclipse. For obvious reasons
complete details cannot be given (it this
time, but rumor has It that n certain Miss
B has come to her own again and that
peaco reigns whero onco a broken heart held
sway. Some two years ngo. so the story
goeB, Miss B , who possessed considera
ble beauty nnd was a social favorite, met a
prominent young business man, and, after
a mutual admiration society hod been or
ganlzcd, their engagement was announced.
Just nbout this time Miss II 's health began
to fall and her beauty to fade. Nervous
troubles appeared, dimples gave place to
wrinkles and n lovely complexion vanished.
She gave up society. Physicians were con
sulted and a change of climate wag tried,
but nil to no avail. Her fiance grew cold,
paid marked attention to otners and, so
the gossips say, broke the engagement.
Miss B was In despair. Health nnd happi
ness seemed gone forever a.nd life held no
promise worth claiming. And now comes
the most pensntlonal und, at the same time,
tho most prosaic, part of tho story. For
tho past threo months Miss B bus becu
In retirement, "not nt homo" even to In
timate friends, but last week sho reappeared
upon the scene of her former triumphs and
scored another Boclnl success. Her health
and beauty have been regained nnd at the
Ak-Sar-Bcn ball she was ono of tho belles
among many beautiful women. The young
business man Ik once more a dovoted ad
mlrer nnd the knowing ones Bay he will win
again the heart he once throw away. Miss
B la not talking for publication, but her
friends eay sho has been a regular patron ot
the Ladles' Bathery for some time pafct, and
declare that Bhe owes her restoration to
that source. Ono thing Is certain. If the
managers of the Bathery could' get a testi
monial from Miss B It would bo worth sev
eral hundred dollars, but, of courso, thnt Is
out of the question and that popular resort
will havo to get along without such effec
tive udvertlslug.
Mr. O. W. Wattles, president of tho Union
National bank, purchased tho elegant slx
paspenger brougham which wan shown nt
thn street fair In the Durmraond Carriage
company's exhibit. It was dollvercd to Mr
Wattles on Friday afternoon In time for
taking Its occupants to the court ball. Tho
brougham Is trimmed In genuine goat
morocco and green satin tufting overhead.
nn elegant design of lamp, tulip-shaped;
genuine German gold leaf stripe on gear,
rubber head springs and rubber tires on
Jessie n. Dorwnrd, teacher
1324 Far-
latest methods, new selections.
nam, or 1037 Park ave.
Miss Julia Officer, piano. Karhach block.
Prof. Chatelaine, Just returned from
Paris, will reopen his school of languages
Monday, September 10, Iloyd's theater.
Adell Layer, mandolin, 301 Sheely hlcc!f.
personal" paragraphs.
O. E. Hcrg of Hlalr Is nt the Murray.
V. T. Price of Rapid City Is In Omnhu.
J. W. Hooth of Ogden 1h nt tho Millard.
V. L. Fay of Kearney Is at the Her Grand.
O. H. Hrown of Lincoln Is nt the Tier
S. F. Hnndcock of Kansns City Is nt the
It. II. Stuart of Cozad Is at the Mer
chants. W. P. Johnson of Lake City. In., Is at tho
Her Grnnd.
H. F. Copeland of Lincoln Is stopping
nt tho Murray.
S. II. Hoyt of Broken How Is staying
at the Millard.
C. W. Arehor of Denver Is stopping at
tho Mcrchnnts.
H. D. Blnnoek of Newnrk, N. J Is a
patron of tho Murray.
General II. C. Murrlnm, V. S. A., of
Denver, is In tho city.
Mrs. O. Conrad of Grand Island Is a
guest of the Merchants.
George F. Palmer of Uroken How Is stay
ing nt tho Merchants.
Georgo Sutherland of Grnnd Island 1 a
patron of the Merchants.
J. A. Simpson of Auburn, Neb., Is a
patron of the Her Grand.
H. T. Walton of Hnstmgs, representing
tho Plnno Manufacturing company, Is at
tho Merchants.
General II. C. Merrlnm, commander of the
Department of the Missouri, Is In the city
from Denver.
F M. Odenn of DotroR. genernl repre
sentative of Park, Davis & Co., Is In the
city, n guest nt tho Iler Grand.
Malor John W. Anderson, special agent o
tho Treasury department. Is In Omahn on
IiIh annual visit of inspection.
Dr. J. II. Long of Haynrd, J. McCrackon
of Lincoln nnd J. A. Miller were state
guests at tho Murray yostoruuy.
W. It. Dickinson, ninnnger of thn Home
stake opera bouso nt Lead, S. D., Is In
tho city for n fow days. Mrs. Dicklfion
accompanies him.
II, N- Wood returned j-esterdny from
Chicago, where he attended u convention
ot the Northwestern I'ndurwrlters' assort i.
tlon. He was elected as n member of the
board of directors of tho organization.
W. W. Elliott of Los Angeles is in th
city visiting his many old friends. lie wis
formerly conneetM with the general freight
department of the Hurllngton In Ornaliu
und now represents that road ax geneii
agent lit Los Angeles.
Nebrnskuns at the Mer. 'Hants: Mr no.l
Mrs. Henry Klopnlnt; and (1. U. Dovlne of
Wayno, J. C Jordan and A N J"hnon
Gordon. II L. Jones of Fills cltv, D It
Cash of Lincoln, '' A Wdson of Tekanvi'i
J H Hurger of Kearney und John Melater
of West Point.
Olub Women Making Elaborato Prepara
tions for tie Lincoln Meeting,
l.oenl Cuniiillttoen SpiirhiK No l'nln
In Give thr Doleunte nn P.n
Jo utile iiiiir Olelirhlr
Will Attend.
The local committee and women -ot Lin
coln nro making elaborate preparations for
tho sixth mutual meeting of tho Nebraska
Federation of Womnn's Clubs, which Is to
bo held In that city October 3-12. Tho city
Is to be decorated and tho citizens propose
to make it tut occasion long to bo re
membered. A reception commtttco will
meet tho visitors nt the station to direct
them to desirable lodgings, delegates aud
speakers being furnished rooms and break
fast In private families.
Tho convention will be held In the Con
gregational church, and here also the
women of Lincoln have arranged to serve
dinner nnd luncheon to nil, at a reasonable
price. Tho presence of such celebrities as
Octavo Thanet, Sarah S. Decker, Susn
Young Gates and Chancellor Andrews will
add not a llttlo to the luterest of the meet
ing. The following is tho program for the
week .
i'iu'iln ,
10 n. m., executive meeting,
2 p. tn., meeting of board of director..
11 . in., meeting of tho ledemtlon, MrP.
Apperson. chairman.
AddreM of welcome, Mrs. 11. M. nusli-
nell, Lincoln.
ltC!ponse, Mrs. Adelaide F. Donne, Crete
Address of president, Mr. Anna L. A-
Deports of aMcer, eredotitlals committee
und roll cull of dclocutc.".
S ii. in., report of biennial tlelocutes.
S.30 p. ni . Art. Mrn F M. Hall, rhnir
man; "Antiquity of Pottery," Mrs Wlgneii
horn, Ashlntnl: "PrchlUorlo Pottery," Mr..
Morey. IlnstlnuH; "Potteries of Fnl'ed
States." Mrn Perfect, Otnalm: "Plonre s
of Ceramic Art in America." Mls lluttor
Held, Omnbn: "The In Hence of (Vrnnic
Art on tho Home." Mrs. Hroek, Lincoln;
"CernmlcB as n WHi:e-i:nrn'r for Women,"
Minn Lumbard. Fremont: "Illustrated Ti'k
on the Pictures nnd Statuary of thn Paris
Exposition." Mrs F. M lPill Lincoln.
!:50 n. ni , meeting of the federation,
(iub reports.
2:30 p. in., business meeting.
3 p. in.. miilc, Mrs. Harbour, chairman.
Music In Amerlcn.
"The Muslr of the American Indian and
Negro," Mrs. Henry P. Eiimes. Lincoln;
"Evolution of American Music," Mine.
Unetetis. Omaha.
Polonaise ntilllnnte Parker
Mrs Lllv Iluegg Iluttnn, Fremont.
Tho Spirit of Sprlnir Purkor
Mls Lora Holmes, Lincoln.
Slumber Song Abt
MNs Lillian Kimble, Plattsmouth.
(n) A Dav In Venice Nevln
Venetian Love Song,
Good Night.
(b) Serenade Lleblllig
Miss Corlnne Paulson, Omnbn.
The Nightingale' Song Nevln
Mls llolle Warner, York.
From Sen Pieces MneDowell
(n) To the Sen,
(hi Song.
Flute Idyl MicDowi'
Witches Onnee MrteDowell
Mrs Will Owen Jones, Lincoln
Merrily I Honm Schlleffarth
Mrs. Wagner Thomus. Omnhu
Serenade Victor Ilfrbcn
Miss Mny Hello Hngenow, Mrs. Emma
Hagenow. MIps Agnes Drownell,
Miss LIIMm Elchc, Lincoln.
f. p. m., reception.
'lii ii rm! ur.
0:30 u. m.. reports of biennial delegates.
10 a. in , household economic meetltiir. re
port of chairman, Mrs. Mary Moody Pugh.
"Are Cooking School Methods Practical
In Everyday Life?" Miss Itnn Hfuio:i.
Lincoln: "The Domestic Problem nod Its
Solution." led by Mrs. Mnry .1 Piili, St
Paul; "Echoes from the Domestic Sctrnc
Session of th?x Biennial." Dr Oeorglana
Grothun. St. Paul; "Food Adulteratl ns
find What Mnv Be Dono to Enforce Pure
Food Iiws." Mrs. Harriet S. MneMurphy
Omaha. General discussion. Hecltatlnr.
"Domestic Science,'' Miss Alice Howell,
Vo3e, Ivors & Pond
Emerson, Gteger and Packard
New Pianos for rent Fine tuning nnd repairing. Telephone lfi23
Write for catalogues, prices and terms or puy us n Mslt of inspection and
see the wonderful
The greatest musical Invention of the age. It plays any piano, anyone can play It.
Old Reliable Piano House.
r- ever
We have especially pretty styles in the now
From mercerized up to tho prettiest silks.
Our Art Needlework department is full of now and prottj
goD ds.
James Richards, M. D.
lloemi O, 7, K . . . ... lii. Psitna Hotel.
Dr. Richards It a eraduate of the Missouri Medical College, of St. Louis. Me,,
alio of an Kye Surgical School and an Optical Institute. Is Special Instructor In
the Omaha Opth al College, and ha many years experience In ulseuues of the IJye.
Ry Hungry. lUfraotion, Headache and Nervous IjUcrhbs from eye defect. Gives
free examinations as caiefully and scientifically is any occullm can glvs, Chutiees
lenses If necessary within one year from examination and rutin? of L'lasies without
cost to patron or patient . ,
Frea clinics every Monday, Wsdnssdav and Friday mornlii- from 10 to 1J tor tba
bsntnt of thos who art uaabl to pay for trsatmenU
Lincoln: "Home-raaklne from ti Fathnr
Standimlnt," Hev Fletcher L Wbrto:,
Lincoln. "fMm-p v DrudKr " Mr
Anna M fteh, Falrbury- "How Mn ''
Interest Women in This Praetlrnl !. i
ment of Club Work'." Mr Minnie
land. Norfolk. "Kthtw of Homo Life, i:
Mnry O Andrew, (iniiiha. H"pov'
the NntlotiHl Household Economic .v n
convention t St Louis, Mrs. fcusn Y..',
Gates, Provo, riuh.
2:3t p. in., report of biennial delcgnt's
3 p. in., educational meeting, Miss His
kell, chairman. Iilpiinlnl tfport of rd n a
tlmml wsslon bv chairman: "The Sen ii
Liiws of Nebraska," Mr Grace M. Wh 1
lor, Lincoln; "The Public Schools of N-
brnska," (n) from a Mo Iter's Stnndno n
Mrs. Minnie S CHi e Mlndcii; (t from
Temiier'p Standpoint. Miss Berthu Blonm
Iitgdnlp, Syrncne, u from tl County S'l
nerlnti-ndent's Stan Ipolnt, MNs Chnrlii'te M
White. Wayne; (D from the School Hoar I
Standpoint, Mrs. Harriot S. Towne. amiu
nddress, Miss Allc French (Oi t ivo
Thanet), Daveiipoi t. l.i
S p. in., report of biennial dc'cKntes
S:30, report of th- 'ilntnlnl Industrial
meeting, Lillian It, ll irfird. Otinhit Ad
dress. "Club Hvolut on, Mrs. Sarah H
Decker. Denver; "Iiiilu tilsl Laws of Ne
braska." Althen. l.etton. Falrbury. Hep ..-;
of Industrial work do-o !v the rlilb. dis
cussion. "What Can We f'o to Better I"
dtistrml Conditions
D M n tn , business iiv elliig, report , f
nominating committee; elortion of oillcei v
report of resolution committee; mstallatl m
of oillcers; adjournment.
Pennies Piisseil for lllnir,
John Darnell, titter giving somo tHty
pennies n bath In ncld to thnn
bright, was doing a rushing buslnrm on
the Mldwav Friday night, passing his
"raised" coppers for dimes, in the elec'rle
light the rolnes had n llverv si. ecu and
bore n close resemblance to dimes, and. 1 1
the rush of making change, few of tho
conceslolinlreji detectid the cheat. The
detectives nro said to have a tip that
with Darnell In tho city Is nn nccompllci
whose specialty is raising nlckeN to t
goid ideccs. Severn! mcrchnnts have com
plained of having been defrauded by his
clever counterfeits.
Are You Going
to Buy a
If so, we Invito you to Inspect our stock
of TAILOHED SUITS. Every few days we
nro receiving new Suits tho best New
York styles shown, representing the high
est art In man-tailored garments.
Pretty French
Flannel Waists
A Urge variety of patterns to select
Hellable Goods- Lowest Prices.
1510 DotmlnsSt
Belmore Cheney
Season Opened September 3d, 1800
Cunuliliiu fr Concert, Oratorio,
nnd Operatic Work. Itlrt llninK Hldu.
Must nnd will bo sold regardless of cost
Ilrand new up-to-date I'Iiuioh In all fancy
woods, only Jllti. JK. 1172 and up
Slightly used I'prlght und Square Pianos.
only 2S, $rTi. JSS nnd up
New York Piano- Co. I'prlght only S 8.1.0O
.1 I'. Hale Fprlcht. only. . H05.00
Root & Hons' Upright, only . .$123.00 & Sons', good condition, only. .JMK.OO
Lurgo Clilckerlng. rosew'd cuse. only J18'i.W)
Hteck Conrert Grand, only J.rS.W
Elegant Sohmor Parlor Grand. only..(M00
Every Instrument Fully
Street Waists
Wo nro showing tho prettiest lino
of French Flannel, Silk, Brillian
tine and Mercerized Shirt WaiHts
ever shown in Omaha.
Have you tried tho new Straight
Corsets? tho easiest corset
worn. J'rices, $1.1)0 up.
1:00 p. m. to 5:00 p. m.
Othor Hour hy Appointment.