Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1900, PART I, Page 4, Image 4

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.(Iilu.t llir, Mlli.allnll Vol Mill! 1VP lid llllt
knnw wlielhsr llixl Irunl tmu tm i1lns.ilv.xl
or imi Mim i wnnt to umii youi mini-
lldll lit In IIIH flip. Mini WM Will lllll.t IIU.
Iimvm iiniiUi HilritvnKiiiit i.rnf ukIiiiiii Hint
at-M .IaIiilt ..iji tt.ial 111 lIlMaillVP tha It'tlfll
Mammoth Oontontlon Hull Jamnw.1 Wlirn VXh(,,;i;,;7M,',;,;l,i;,,'!r.n: ,nni
irAftftflviHi. iinnKn. i 1 1 1 u i in nimv von main inn !, mtunuir
I I.. .....- ...1... ....I.ll. 1., flMllllM
l''llll''in nun lHf I'liini' IJ im ikmiih . h
I Hi tti" nutim 1 1 int Intvc nmi prmuo owiipr-
.i.t It. tl i I I ttttil mi mkii Out I m I 111 I
rt ill flltll rltl I r""l " "
OVER 22,030 1'LUn.L in ..... .iuiliiiiii. .
Ah llilnil" "in now only tin. alales run
1'nr I'd. I Tii.'mI)' (Uniite I In llrrii of
Hun .In ii ii II I ll.-lo.r (iienl A.l.H-
eliec Wi.lllnil fill" l.rera (ii Mil'
Ami) 'I ' II' "1'1'
KAofHAK (MTV. Mo. Kept 20 I tttt -
dcitl effectively with coiporitllons. 'I'lml
IHHiAI 1 1 1 Ml I tnnmillllPH nwuiK i hip
lor-tl ii till between hliitca. Hp Inivo nut to
huvn n roii-itiiuilniiiii iiiuniumii'iit lo give
tin' tniltmml Kin i imii'iil iriiiiil' power,
I.iihI June ii t i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 o i i j i I illimu'llllPlIt IVIIM
lllll Ofllll'l'll III rilllHl'PKH wllll'll W'lltll.l I'.IVll
Din lui I Ion full ihiwpi- In ilrul with IruntM -
III I'XIIIIlltll' Ihl'i llli'lll. I'l I'eKllluto them, In
i.oi'iiiil iliulr ilinrli'in n ml Miinnrcsii thrill
... .. .1.- nrrl.l ,,r III. I I tllllllO V 0 1 1 C 1 1 1 111 0 1 1 Willi OlllPr CO 1 10 HI I I.MI i 1(1 ll.l
Ulm.ily iiimiii llm nf Hi" '""""V, li mi seined wlmv TIiiiI mmiiiro n-
pr.ilnl train nt linn pliieo mm I'vciinm. pp4., Mm into of overv republlcim lull two
f.nrrlHIl' WIIH escorted Kl MIIIW imo I'lirii, i" llMUl.iai ii nun run every ininuiii 11
. .1 ir ...... i'ii if. .ii where mii vol" no four. Now I nuk ynu, mill I think
Armoimbile. Khiiaiih i It y. Knit . win rn hi )( ( )() ,. . um,
lliltiiciisn open nil' itii'xIltiK wa liciu. I utn ,p,.i ,i,mn liy tm Willi wlliil Inm lici'ii
..i. ...... i i.. II... viiil nanitlilblv. All hi iilnlNiiil Mini ntmi'lii'Mli'il mill lint boot.
i imvn limn iioi.o i.y .our iwiinmmlHtM - liy iliPlr fniii.n .mm... - fhl,u j,, ,,v ihpin." mill I nil you lo looK
lit tilt hi-f nt I ili'iniirrnlli' I Hint Iim n lid not
IiiIik Into nrroiiiit tint ItniiKlniiry Ilnrr
ilii'V Iiumi iiiiinuiiiii lo iilurlt n mil tlii'mi
li.l.p i CiiiMiiIrr i( lllil.
. , .1... I null, jr mi... .iiimiii, iiimi . j in. ... nr iiipii mill IkiV'm on llm imIko hi inn , ., Hl.,,.. I.,lnl.l.ri.l (IiIhiIi-h n ml
irnwil Hi iiriivnnl IiIh iimKlUK m-ii-ii
Crlrri mill Inii i iuitimin wi'io ti iMiiniit ilnr
iuu llm llrxl fnw inoim'llln. Hili'll I II I I" f II l
tinn wiih fiilliiwiMl wllli liiinl lilt" from tlio
MinitliT. until qilli'l wn IKHlnrml mul Hi"
Krratpr part of tit" nnocoli wim iihiubi'ii io
In rpupcptful hIIpiii-o.
On llm conplimlim of lil mlilrpiti llmrn
(lovnrniir HoomnnU wiih ililvtm to i.otmm
(Inn Imll. wlioro mi ihiiIIhiipo wnn im
Pinlili'il wIi.pIi for mnnlmrii nml ipiuipiIii
Mill y nf niii'iiriitir" In Hi'lilom fiutxl ty
miv I'liiimnlisn mirnUnr. Tim vnnl niltll
torlntii im lllli".. Hoi Iminotmo y,ullirlin
Sllvof-Tongiiod Now Yorkor Oreotod by
Grout Orowdat Ohicngo.
At (Miprryvulii loiluy llm r.vornnr toUa
fmm ii Mtniiil. Up hhIiI t tin t ttio ropulillinti
pMty ii I mul fur Hip pi)tinl rUlita of ull
nm nil liul, wlilln (lie oppoiiniilN of I Im rn
I'tit.l tin ti pnrly wnro IiivaIHiir t tin dintrlnu
of llm llui'lni'iilliin of IuiU'Pi'IIiIpiii-p mi up-
plinl to tlin 'I'ii km I I in nil 1 1 H on llm otlior
niilii of tlm worlil,' t hoy fall to npply
ilnl ilni'triiui In fdllow riiiintrymon of ours
wliuno nklnrt in o ilurk In North Cnrnllnii
' . .. .....I A i
tinil not u viu-rtiil Mint mnl no HinnuinK , , , ,
room muNMn-r... Tim mnl Inn .aim.-lly of At ( mo. to, IM iionn. M.rroUpo ti
tbit lull Ih S3.0UH. Tim iiuiUi-im.. I.olo Imil c '; IMItMnirK. IMonminto... I'miln mnl
bcPii wnltliiK from 7 o'olocU until tun lthrn Imrl mapo wcro inartn un.l nl
mlniitrH irnm 10. Imt tl.olr piin.inil.iHin w.i. ' I'"-'"1" lon- no Ht.,p .u nil wow nn.l It.. lr l-H.'... o '""; n.m-.nt. Iril on llm p ntf.-rii
Inuipiril WIipii (lovprimr Hmmpvi-ll H' ttlon Hi ftic.-r tlm train n It
ninnnli'il llm platform Hi" nil.llrmp luol.o I'""'"'';
Itilo w.ivo of which nwoll.Ml nml At l ort Scott. Knn.. liovcmor Itooiovolt
dlpil n wh y mnl ioko iiKnln. IhhIIiik for nt ."l'lrcH.a n nmotliiK for thriHi-.mnrt.TH of
I.M.M iw.mtv nilnnl.'P. Hr.lor t.clim nl limt l'n'. .IwuIIIiik ii.n tho micntion.i of
Tpnioir.l (lovcinor lt.osolt procioilcl with inllllnrlHiii. linpci'liillHin nml .x.miiii'oii. At
IiIh which cohtlhim.l for ilir.m oim polni In hlx inoro iln.u onlmniy Im-
.iiiiirii'iK of mii hour. II" nillc.l nttcntlon ihi kkuhhI n.l.lii i ho .'xcliilinc.l:
to Urn pronpiTllv of llm .oiinlry, con "1 ft " If I to nppronchltiK n cm-
tr.ii.HiiK Hi" coiii'iiiiIc coinlllliMiii now with '"". I ilo not feci iih If thin v. pro n
wlmt limy wt-ro four m'iiim into. Ilo .lwolt onlliuuy pollllcnl .ontont. I feci Hint 1
minion Imt upon the of Mr. Ilrynn huvo n i to uppcnl lo tlm iimnhiunl of
nml rhowoil liow Homo proplmnlri lia.l not "very Amcrlcnn nn wo nrprnlot to It In
.onio lo pnMH. (Hi tlm wholo. tho wolcomo th" ln of tho civil wnt. I nuk you to
urnl tlcmoiiMtriittmi'. nl tho two iuhpUiikm tuiul with tin for tho nnko of tlm or.lorly
nml on tho mro.'ln wcro nomcthlni; Hchlom llhcrty wlilch U tho crner-Mono of thin
wltnciiiicil miyVhoro nml never heforo In icpuhll" mul for tlm mUo of prcnorvlns
llllH (,y tho uintcrlnl pronporlty which wo luivo
Will M I To.l.., U.' ,,uw "H'lHi'-J"
tl.iv.THor ItooNincIt will nppitil Sim.tny """ MmmtI.c. In Kn..n..
nt tlm Mlilliiuil hold. Ilo will ult.iu.l tho IOI.A, Kan., Sept. 29. At S o'clock this
Dutch ltcformcil church In tho uioniluu mornliiK tho II rut melius whs uililro.'.-o.l
nml In tho nftciuoon ho will tnko n lollop i,y Hoxctuor KoriK-vrlt, which wiih ho il In
Into tho country with hoiiio frlumlH. 11" tho opoti ulr t Kl.lor.iilo. Knn.. mul in pl u
will bco no cnlliTH nml ntton.l no nine- ,it tliu curly hour nml tho ilamiuum uf ino
tliiiui Ilo will rout nml Hlocp nml prcpnro roiiml tho peoplo of tho town nml from
for hlii NyhruHliA tour tlurlnu tho .oitilnc u,p fmius niljncrnt niiscinhlcil In uillc out
week. number.-, to nmko n dim nppenr.ini'o. tlov-
llov.Tiior UooncM'K mil.l In pnrt: otner It.uvevclt innilo n llv.-mluuto nililr.'SK.
Y.mi know Unit n toiuIm mnounti. to Kurekii wnu llm nct Htop, w hero ho uov
:,,:!:!ilnr:.l,i!,p:r..,;,:,,,,.i:. xx$a " " j" "'" "i"
In inv own Rtuto Murine tho lnt four mhiw. c.neh to aevernl htimlieil pooplo. Aiihiiik
iiv trinity wo itmmi. K'iteimi vpooi.tim. nu other thlUKs ho k.iI.1:
the IiIk corimrnlloiio Now. th rc niv tin . , .... . ... . .
mmmloimlih cvIIh coitiieotp.l with them, hut , ''-o n "ert.tlii p.eul n.- nj;ht to conn
i, . tri rl.l uf eIN I'V IndH- hetorr on. for It won Unnmw more Hu.u
. rlinimVt? owtori. tmt i.y n,.olill ".ii ' '. Hi; ' " that l.i'ls.,,1 on iny n,i:i-
Virtln lo not hurt, tV"iln hltc Two eiiri.
i bo. when I wnu rtiniiiiiK for noernor. niv
oi','iiiipu(. .Mr nn ck una nio nun
nii.iiv I. -.i.tcr. tlm 1 1 mi. Ittt-liitr.l i t'oki'i
(!iuinlilcr mnl t'hpcno iou hcoiii to linxp
hpui.t of Hi.' (ii-iiiii'iniili -in-iu'woil liitiKhtori
-lotli ilcitounccil .-orporunonp. mey in
lio.uieixl tr.iMN mill llm like mul yet they
ohnrcett inoro vehemently thiin I co-ilil. he-
o.iuh.i, In the tlrnt plnco. 1 wi.ute.l to ll-
nuiloii for vice pie'lilent. ho Hint v.ut if,.
tpHpunaitilo 111 ii hirKo iiiP.iMirp for my heliK
hero. I novo neon tnrviticii sour
sleek loin-li-v 1 tireil to llvo iniieli
l tit r wen the. ii tilts, wlmrp I he lirnn.ll i;
li.ui to.i ti e iipieo or nio wire teii.-o uur
M.fet) In i IiIh country Ilo In kocp.nif ever
i-eioiv lit urn lUMimmeiti'ii uiui. itr.u iuu
.'niuetiti.t tirotherhooil of the AouTlcmi peo
pie. l-'or wcul or for wop wc nro knit lo
Allpiupt lo Aiinkrn .1y i..inll.y tar
Ihiorn mul 'I'll I U of .Sorrot Al.l.ini'u
it 1 1 It Ji-i. ( llrltnlii I'nll
llvol.lp.lly riut.
CIIU'AdO. 111., Hcpt. 29. W. ltourko
Cocltnin of Now York. In opeiilui? IiIh went
mil cniiipi.lKii Itlnnn.ry hero tnulKhl. pol:o
to uii atiillcnco Ihut crow.loJ tho ColUctim,
hulll lo 12.0D0 ppruous. Tho apucch
who innilo iiniler tho niriplcci of tho Anil-
tniperinllHiio lonKiio nml ultriii'te.l thou
Hnn.ln, who wcro iiunblo to cuter tho fimll-
lorliiiu. Tlu crilHh nl tho iloorn when
Mr. Cockr.m, iircotnpnnle.l by Muyur Ilnr
rlMon un.l ollitTH urrlvpd, win. so Krcat
Hint Bcorca of men ami women fulntcil
nml both Mr. Cockrun nml CIiIchko'h oxcotr
tlvn wcro Joslleil nml hnlf Hilffocnteil
Culled Hutf Ueiulor Jonos nml IiIh wlfa
wcro i-uiiKlit I" Dip throng cd only by
Imiolo nfforta wnu Mrs. Joucs reucttcd from
Mr. Cockmn nrrlve.l In ChlcaKu nl 130
in. nml wnu vHcortc.l to tbo Auditorium
hotel by Mnyur Hiirrlmm. Al 0 p. m. ho
wnH rlitertnlncd by tho IroipilB club nt din
nor mid nt K o'clock nicnrtcd by two bnn.ln,
tho Cook County Democratic MnrchliiK
luh, city uml county otllclnla to tho
'dllncum. Kn rim to tlm Bpenkur wiih In
troilucetl, IiIh n.nno bolng mliutle.l with
that of W. J. Ilrynn. Tho inarching club
provided flrownrkn nml oilier menus of
Illumination nionK tlm line or pnrnuo.
Mnyor HnrrlHon Inlrodiiced Mr. Cockrnn,
who luiiucdlntoly licRitn nu uttn.k on the
xpniiHlon policy of tho fpivorntiKnt.
II wiih nearly iiiIiIiiIkIiI wlicn Mr. cock ran
roiulu.U'.l. After rcvl. wlni? tho effort!) of
tho Iloer eiivoyn to obtnin icco.iniilim ut
llm hnmlH of tho i;ovorunicnt, ho kiI.I, ro
fcrrliii: to tho relntlons of thin mlmliiln-
nation to tho KiikIihIi r.uvcmmcilt : "T hero
wiih unt nu ulllatice. Thill wculd not be
tho nropor way to doRcrlbo It. U wiih a
Hurremlcr of thli. iioveriimutit to tho con
trol of tho ltrltlsh KorclKti ulllco."
Ilo mnliituliiod thill If tho cld Ktnmlnrd
In not st'diro now II can nevir bo tuado
secure by tho olvotlou of republlcntiH.
In i'oucIiihIoii Mr. Cockrnn it.. 1.1:
"1 have no doubt huv lliln campnlKii
will end. I pco on oviry nldo tho itoo.
Hint Jinttlco will triumph now r.n It turn nl
wnyif irlumplied In thin country. I cnnnoi
bcllcNo Hint i. republic Is In tinnier thni
In built upon nil tho virtue which httmnul'y
hna dovoleped nml which In In It-elf the
tiipi'ciim outcomo of Chrlstlnn civil. zntlcn
That nil men nio cm a I beforo Ihu Inw In
tho natural fruit of Christianity. H will
remain whllo Christian clvllUatlon en-
lll'.hteim tho world nml atlinulates t!i
heart of man. An loni; ns iiinu Its destined
to Justin', to proRrena. as lonp as hlii eye
In fixed upon tho eternal truth of h nven,
the Hhk of this country, typifying Justice,
tho constitution which Hccures it, insepara
ble, indcslrurtlblo nml Invincible, shall re
main linked together, forever und for
ever. (rroloiiRed upplnuse.)
e'rlinlnrtte betw e'en tlm 'pood ' mnl evil In r.iiher. wo inuhl ko up or down lo
iiikiii. mul in t he nel n nee. I iim not in- n''""'
f..n.l In miic imtflilni- tli.lf I enlll.l lint tmCK I A. Viifen P,.n.ip n Rtnt if llvo mlnlitra
up in .ie.Mi.. M.w. i cnu e ill. iitii. oi con. r- d T,1(J no,,.,!-,..,,, .Vns nt tho st.i-
inv Htnto the createit evil eonneeted with lien. Covornor ltoosevell showtd hlm.'i'lf
the eort'orntloii'; wiih tlm fact Hint HOtne ey o:, the platform of his conch mnl was
ceedltKly wealthy corpora t Ions, will, h ...,,.,.. ...... . cr.,lt n. ehecrlnu hut
owned the stiret mllwny nml plmlinr fr ,rt ic.i wun n snni or LiucriUK, uiu
ch-ipii. tho in. valuable franelilteii that the time was too short for htm to siy
tlm Htutn un.l to Ktve. iu. i inane eiiorni" s nnylhlnK more than thnt ho was Rlad to
e,,V;,SU!.ny Kn.eV;u,::,U,N;hi et tlm people of Knn.ns nml to tiava
itld not ici nt them In n poelnlUtlc. or mi I tl-rotmh their historic state.
yretiiKi e spirit, tun I went in iifn wiui sevenil thuuanml po:iplo were fiS3emblcd
e.ctliw Justlep Horn tlmni. We went to Ut the station at Clmuute, watching for the
work and v pit throuuh u franchise tat nirlxal of uovernor Hoosevolt. No tltuo
Vr- .'"""..VJ! I ".. '.V:r' 1:1 v 1 'V i ) ! wus lost in prcllmlnnrlfs r.nd hero ho com
.111' I. "V'P.H in., ,-.- -. .i,, ...... . l . ..... .. . .
pr.ieii in a lew worus um prepn cies oi irs-
nster uttered by Mr. llrynu four yoors uro
villi the prosperity of tho pr.'scnt t:ni 1
nnd usked his henrers to Juds" of the Its
sen tuuiht thereby for tlmmschcs.
111.. tlHM1110nt I'll
iienrlj f3iXl.iW.lW of ci'l-pornti' property (Imt
lisd li.-ri't.'fiui' tiHi-aoed tiiMttloti. As n eon-
HPuneiieo of legislation of tint type dnrlnc
(l0 l.-isi hi enrH. i.-Kmiuui'ii "' wnu-ii
llrt'P HOllCII II I'n'l'itl irtillll in'iii ilie . i -
Voriiuon- tor wnu. iiip K"i iriun .u- ui",
wo imir h.ivr In lhat sti.te the lowest
i .r that wo hin.i had lor the last foit
I'roli'r nn.l III loe Trul.
Thero nro inv perfot-niiinees Now let me
cull alleiitleu to oerniln facts nlmut niv op-
liouplits. At the time we were puttlii'i (he
frnnehls tn bill throiiuti Mr Vmi vv.-k
In n sneec i. ami Mr I'roKer tn interview -i
lviamie xier. h; It not III-. stlO!
point llauiihter were denouucliis trtiNt.-t
wun inerp it-ro.-u .nan . eouin puij'ii" .
mid t Hip vr time they wero tecinlnc
ttip la rcr.i l Hto.-Mie-Mer'. In tlm Ice iruu
wht.-h was tho worst trust In the country.
Now. Mr Van V ek was by Mr. CroW
put on tho ootutulttpo on nl
llooetrtt llo.-t t'lilef I'oi'iieri.l t'p (o n
Turn nt loin. V here (inllniit
li.iml.i.i Hilt IIIa Ilo. no.
CUANCTi:. Knn.. Sept. 30 fiov.-rnor
ltooitev. It s train renehed Iola nt 11 oVIoc
this merultiK- lie spoko for n few mo
uicnts from the rear platform of iho car
lie said.
"1. is with nlcnstirp that I
KansH City wUi.h drew , .in , ,V'"-V,JV.ITJ hlo to stop and extend n word of greet
drawn in' tn Mr Van VcW who at tlm liic to you In loin, tho town y,avo to
(line had In hl poiloii (ho leo trust ti1( honor roll of the united Ststes ns gnl
V.A . .L".V.Vi,...:x",J lain a i-ol.ller ns ever wore Ihnle S.m
emtio commit le. ono of nm enter oeim- luiiieiin, i,ii:-i;u i iu, i i m tt
rtcUrtes of tho .vtlon lle (rust In hli i,ow In thin town thoro can bo r.ny man to
St.stP . , .... M..i, ,,nli'tl lh, hnlior nf llm rnltil
Tlm ilemecMt eonveniion tni nm jusi " - - -
bcon held In New York condemned tlm leo Slates flK.
trust mul at nio very tun.' an or nm lenii- iicro shout for urjmi wns heard.
rrs. Mr. Vnn Wm-k n.ut. .Mr cmKer ait.i . .,, ..,,, ,,,. .,, ..,.
ulrs un tho principal Issue of hid pnriy.
Tun mucllnK Mas loticluue.l with nn aim ess
by Oliver W. fllewart. Today's seed ilo In-
cludeH stops ut JanPHVllle, l ort Alk nun
nml Wntikeshn. closing with lh evening
mrctliu; nt Milwaukee.
Poind, (lul I'o.ii.lo .Will llm r dinner
lo I'orri-.'l .MIxtnLo of IJ.eet
li.K M.'Klnlcy.
Two large buildings packed fail of furniture.
During tho past wook Bliipimmts of now full goods havo arrived and in some cases tho
goods wore bought at a special Discount lor Spot Cash. Among tin' bargains aro:
Colorndo Drniooral
!?n(.'mim Odliiin of Tticlr lt.mdjlMii.
iVrvortitl.m iVimsel Wlmlen and Mr, (lu-
Kt'iiiielmer. nil of them not onlv had htock.
bat (hwlr law) or are tlKhlliiii nt everv stop
nm rrpui'iiesn nnortiev sein'iai s en.Ti i
uissoivo tins trust, itio chiiis novo um
McKlnley wero made. Mr. Kcoicclt cou
tliumd: "No! Let him shout for Uryn and
AttulnnMn mittl he Is black In the face, but
for tmiwen's sake do not let htm w. n l.n
ileurral Punstcu In conu.e Ion with either.'
fun Try l( for
I'mip II.
1 out-Keif unit
im i-iuein t of I'olltlelnnt.
CniC.UlO. Sept. Adl.-.l K. S ev-nson's
III. .iii.Pi . rltti n a rra w Pi.' Is l tin .
O-ae Kraln of the act he pr nclple in ; tUtll, lUmccraiL- is as toll ws:
GrteuMlle, OetobiT S. aftornoTt; Situ,-
fild. OctoUer 5. nljtht; WVoitcr. 0 t brr 6;
art's dpepl.i Tablets will dlRest 5.Wo
Fnilns of uwti. offts or o'.her wholonMue
hvvt. nud this clalut has Neu proven b)
neiual experiment. wMch anvvu can rr
fornt for hluuflt In Iho follow lac wauncr
Cut hrt NMIrd efK Into ter) small pieces,
as it would tv If nuMkatrd. place (fee tj
and twv or three of the tablets In a bottle
or Jar coatalule warm water fceaied to J
iWrtei (the tetuperalure vi (he body! asd
.t, It at tats tewperaturv fr (are and
one-half heun. at ( e4 f wab-a llwv
(he em; will be a cawpleiely atsr:J as It
f ouUl hae be la (&e iealtty ;uach o(
a huafry by.
Tae ivlet of expenvieKt I taat - Uai
PiiiarC lipPt Tiu ai do (o tar
tit la tbo Kttle i: tit to tn tgt at
raeat la tie ttwea.-S xal :;.ilr; ll". j
re( and (ci:srie tae ttaata.-ti ro fely
ar.vl (Aecnully. Kiea a Utile efciW eaa take
Sruxrt i Tabids llii Mfetj a4 Wweat li
lis tll;te I weak and tiMMiaada ot
cures aoeaipltihe4 by tielr racular daily
uie are eajtly fiplalaett wbra H Is under
stssxl (bat (Jvey are wiptt4 f ie-tebJe
et-t?e vtie vrts. d(ase n4 Isol
des feat. mlutUi wu lit fvo4 and
dibits It (&Ntttily. tn-icj; the overwixrked
sterjA.-h a fSaac t re.-uperaie.
lVttn r.nw eures yiftepJla. neliier do
ptlU acid catharde. tweHeine.s. wiU-h sliupty
Irritate and intante tkt ltettne.
When enoiuh .vvl ts eaiea and prowptly
Jt(;Mted tier will be m. eianstipatl.-'R. Br
la tact will tirrv N liae et any Vtnd. be
cause kvsxI dUfttie naeaai (imJ health m
extey onfia.'
Tte went a4 tKve oi S:ur('j Dytpep
rU TaMt are vTd M and tioy are
oU at ti ntiOeraie rrt.-e o( kV. tr full
elie4 ivrVre in eiry wtm( tinre In (he
Called States and Canada, as e)t as in
Ar tie tntornsaifeMft oX (awe lotertsJ a
little Svt will be mailed free by aidrv
tus r A Stuart C MawiaSL Mii nr-
tnt bneij tie )xtil. vf te xar.ji
tvrtus et itoRiih wx-aVceu. raaces aad
Mllleiburic. October S, afternoon; Coshoc
ton. October ntfiht.
Oeiwse I'red W'llllauis of Massichusetts
asd Seuator Hutler of North Canllna were
aiteas enat 'r James 1C. Jones' callers to
day. Mr. Williams will ro io Kansas to
tt'aVe specchti for llryau end Stevrnsoc.
Senator IVlllver of Jowa was at repub headquarters tedy In coufsreure wt-h
Y.ce CSalrmau l'ayue. 11 left en an early
(rata f.T Indiasapolts. where (aalcht he
will wake a speech ou trusts.
.Ui-.-is H. Bekels today made a tentative
pror'.lse to Terry 5. Heath. chat-an of h
aatlenal pres ccmrulttee, to make s orh s
Id t. 1'auI. lr.dlasaper.s, St I. uls and
UcuttxtUe fcr MtKlsley aad ltooievcl:.
VICTOlt, Colo.. Sept. I?. The Victor
county democratic convention end club of
Victor adopted the following resolutions
Whereas. Governor Hoosevolt nn.l party
wero not received m Meter with me
tolerance nnd courtesy due to the governor
of ii sister state; therefore, bo II
Hesolved. That wo. tne uemoernis or
Victor. In convention nssembled, condemn
tlm er'rtl of Intolerance and dlicourtesy
exhibited on that occasion and illnavow a.l
responsibility lor nio uisi irrmicc oi ui
Hpeukers tn a public tin It mul for thr
subsriiaeut vtolenco tndulced In by mem
bers of the Republican Marchlni: club; and
be It further
Kesolvid That we deplore the folly
that caused the republicans of l olorado
to provoke disorder that followfd the
lirinrlnir of Cloiernor Itoosevelt to this city
under th aosplees of His corillaliy hated
traitor una icnvuauo. Minnior i.uwuru u
D1:nvku. Sept. M a mccttus to-
nljht under tho auspices of the Arapahoo
County Democracy resolutlous worn Intro
duced by Covcrt-.or C. 3. Thomas and passed
cuucemtiiK tho nssaull at Victor ou (5ov
ernor Koosovclt nnd party. After stating
that tho "disorder was provoked by the
preseuco and assravnlod and continued by
tho londuct of Senator V.. 0. Wolcott." and
that "durltu the prof;ros of llovenior
Koosovclt and his party to thu depot .1
took place botwosn certain republicans who
inlsttok each other for disturbers of tho
peace,'' tho resolution coutluuts
We un.iinilinedlv ilenounod the wilful and
mi!!.-!ous uiaiiufnet-.iro and clrculnt'.o:i of
the false nnd wh lly Imaginary rumors unit
ri ports whuh aro mm lor the purpose of
liihaeucliiK tho a.. lion of the po
pie mid who o onb effect can be to lnJu:o
and retlect discredit upon the coo.l name
and ntundlmr of Hie COmllianW-tflth Y.'
protest nnalust the men who so rcckles,y
un.l ivniii.iiilv sip.. tier ai-d m.iMiii om le -
p'o for a sui',osed political mlvantaKO tii .I
renroiich a euose lhat icuulns resort io
t-.-.famy to hiuu1
rrulilliltlim Lenders l).-Hi;htid ulili
Ti.t-t)ii) l.iiufclou .lust Un iled
of , on l.ii t-l.
MII.WAl'KKK. Sept. -John 0. Woollcy
and Hor.ry II. Metcalf. prohibition candl
datoa for president and vice president, con
cluded a ten dajs' tour of the northwest
with a well attended rally hero tonight.
Tho meeting was held at Ulncon hall, about
I. SW persons belus pioseut The pakers
wero Henry 11. Metcalf. Samuel Dickie. John
O. Woollcy. Oliver W. Stewnrt. J. H. Smith
of Madison and K. W. Chat'.u of Waukesha.
The tlrt stop after leaving Madison was
at Jauesville. where Mesirs. Metcalf, Wool
ley aud Volney H. Cushlut uniko to SOO
persons at the der-ot. Ai Kort Atklnsoa a
stop of thirty minutes was made, both
coiiJldates being loudly cheared. At Wau
Xcsht au hour's stop was wade. J. W. Smith.
yrDh'bitton candidate for governor. Heury
II. Metcalf, John 0. Woollcy. Volticy 11.
Cussing aud Samuel Dickie ipoke to IN
pern at the depot. Mr. Woolley was
prese-ntts! with two bottles of Waukesha
water. Oliver W. Stewart, chairman of the
national prohibition committee, cud the
fo'lowiug statement tonifht:
The prohibition special train on the trip
to (he northwett surpsel my exre.-ta-
lireat crown mei i. everj-nrnrrv'
I-'AIKIO, N. li., 8cpt. 20. SpeechtnaltliiR
from tho roar phitform of tho Ilrynn train
began early imlny. Mr. Ilrynn rhniiKcd at
Aberdeen tliiriiiR tho night nml tho town of
llntikluHon wnH tho first atop todny. Tho
Ilrynn pnrty hail been nugtiient.d nt Aber
deen by n .Iclegiitlon of democratic londorn
from North Uakotn, who tiro escorting bi n
ncross this state. Included In thin party
are: Hon. J. II. Katon, chairman of tho
atato committee; W. M. Wlpperman, nom
inee for governor on tho fusion tlckot;
I.lciitcmint lllldrcth, nomlneo for eon
gross, nnd Messrs. Klclnol uml
Cnroth, secretary nml clinlriuun ro
spoctlvcly of tho stnto committee. There
wnn n Inrgo crowd anscmbled ut Ilanklnson.
Mr. Ilrynn lalkod to tho usscmblnico for
llvo mlnutca, ilenllng freely with tho ques
tions of tho Inoreaso In tho Btnndlng nrmy
and Imperlullbtn. Ho told them thnt tlm
ono wns dependent ou tho other nnd ho said
Hint In our purchnso of tho I'lilllpplnca wo
hud only aoctired nn option on n tight for
tlm Islands. Tho next stop wns at Wuhpo
ton. Hero ii Htnn.l had been erected In tho
center of tho town nnd from It Mr. Ilrynn
spoko for llfteen niltititcH.
Heferrlng to tho Introduction of lilmsolf
ns "thn next president," Mr. llryuit anl.l
that whether ho r.lmutil bo the next presi
dent or not would depend, In part at least,
upon tho voles of those present. It was
never ton Into to correct n mlBtnko, ho said,
nnd ho minted North Dakoln to remember
that nn.l nt the elc. Hon In November re
verso the result of four enr ngo. He anl.l-
I ti in glad Unit I live In u country wiioro
tlm peoiiln can picet -.vli'.in they plea"', l
inn gliid that w-r not only luivo the rluht to
elect. Imt that wo Imvo frequent eleet'ons.
m. thnt If von mnke a mistake one limp
Mill I'm. rnrreel II nnotlio.' fine, mill I ll PC
tii peoplo In ro will cornel tho inlHluko
you mime riuir years ngo.
A government Is like u corporation. In
Homo respect-., he continued, lhieli citizen
Is ii Htoekliol.ici- mid on election day tne
elHieiiH select their directors ami nm in
reetiirH tmiiiii.'n llm 11 ITiilr.l nf till. ffOVlr.1
inenl of tho coiporiitlnii If those wboin
you elect tiimuigo tlm uffulra well, then
you give them your approval, nml If limy
do not do what you want .lono you con
demn them. Wo have had four vears of
republican administration. Yon know whit
llm republican parly stands for; you know
wlmt om- imllllen me. nnd eon are the ones
to elinoso b 'tween thoe parties nnd HmJe
millelej t'tider llm l-elltllllleatl lldtllllll tri-
Hnn the trusts have Increased If von like
the trusts you ought to vote tho repub man
ticket, ir y in lutvo imt enoucn oi i irni
now ynu will get enough If Iho ri'publlcnn
ii.ip.v uIiivm li niiwer Hot vll'"i I IP-
inenibor how tho people have learned In
tho Inst four cnr- what tlm trust Is .when
t iev nuclit to luivo Known in uuvunce, i
nm rnmliiiteil .if em nf nlomnll S tll'OVerll '
He said: "Tile wln mnn foreseetn llm evil
nnd hateth him elf. but the foolish pass
mi mid nre minlthril."
Poinatlmi't I Un.l republlcnn who enn
not remember long sentences, n) I havo
condensed tbli thnt they .can remember It.
Kolomon's proverli eomnnied rends th's
wny: "rim who mini geis nn men
his head; the foolish man gets It In the
Discussing tho l'lillipplno iiuestlon, ho
"You will search In vnln for a more ills
honorable part than tho republlcnn pnrty
has taken In turning n war far humanity
into a wnr for conquest."
Ho then referred to the fact thnt n com
pnny qf soldiers for tho 1'hlllpplncs bad
been organized in Wahpetoti nnd asked how-
much of tho orleutnl trade should bo re
quired in exchange for tho life of ono of
them. Ho wanted expansion of trndo as
much as ntiyoue, ho said, but ho wns "not
willing to put ono American boy on the
block nnd auction him off ior all tho trade
of tho east."
CK00KSTON, Minn., Sept. 10. Mr. Ilryan
explored tho valley of the Ited River of tho
North from Wahpeton to Grafton, and turn
ing back from Orafton to Grand Forks, then
started e.istwnrd nnd reached this placo at
7:15 o'clock tonight. He mnd nine speeches
again today and several of them wero ngaln
more than an hour Jn length. Tho speeches
were generally addressed to farmers nn
Mr. Ilrynn spoko to them ns u fnrmsr. The
weather was again good, but at places was
ro-.nouhnt too breety for comfortable outdoor
rpeaklng. Uetween llrand Forks nnd Graf
ton some ono carried off Mr. Dryan's best
hat, supposedly ns a souvenir.
No. 333-CHINA CASK-Quartcr-sawc.i
golden onk mirror bnck and largo hov
eled French plato mirror on top twist
carvings--French legs nnd hand carved
worth $15.00 A speclnl
No. 369 TKA TAIIM3 lllrd'n-oyo mnplo
two shelves very fancy design bead
carving u very stylish table would or
dinarily noli for $12 among C
tlm bargains O'DU
No. sna-lllON IIIH) This la thn old regu
lar $2.50 bed brass knobs best ensters,
etc. Wo arc getting pretty low on tho
special five thousand lot, nnd have but n
few of somo alios left
Iron bed $1.00
Good Spring 1 !
Cotton Top Mntress 1 75
llnrd (o rime In Iditlio.
BOISK. Idaho, Sept. 20. Tho populist
executive committee by a vote of 3 to
decided to place democratic candidates tor
governor nud attorney general on tho popu
list tirket. They offered to filo the noml
nation of Frank W. Hunt for governor, but
it was refused by iho secretary of state
on the ground that there was not sufllclent
showing of authority of the eonuulttoo to
make, the nomination. They Hlso ngaln of
fered to tile tho nomination for Democratic
Klcctor inch, but li was refused for the
KMim reason.
Onni entloil of M.oli.l lM.
Anr.HDKKN. S. D., Sept. 29 (Special.)
A mass convention of tho na'lonal social
democratic party voters was held In this
city September 27. The following electoral
ticket was nominated- K. F. Atwood of
Twla Ilrooks, V. I'osley of Aberdeen, George
I Swan of Frankfort and It. w. Hairs.
Letter from MoKlnley.
NKW YORK. Sept. J. -Senator Hanna
alked to the Commercial Travelers' Mc
Klnley and Koosevelt club at noon today.
U K. Ccry. deruty naval efflcer of ne
p.iT(. preswe anu lairvvru.d me ip-asers. , hirpnrhi.Uim tn mary placis was
- ' r - - - - - - ' ' riTBl 4 IV . . " . t -w " " -- -
the fellowtns letter from Mr. McKtnley
Mear Sir I taie rvad )iur le'ter of
the list ct lae work la which eu are en
ta-sed and send cordial creetlairs tJ y u
and the wewbers of yrur club. Please ac
cept lay (hanks for your kindly express , ns
tt good will, which are much app-e. lueJ.
Slneorely yeur. WUXIAM M'KIS'LKY."
Sejutior llaaaa's speech cwuyned twinty
Arrmmr llootei rli' Tour.
NKV YOKK. Sept. 2 ArrasgeaMt n s for
iiiernr KeaseirelCs teur thranch Wait
Virtiaia ere mi t-iay at the repub
litis a headqutrters. He will so io Whsel
ag (he meralas of IVioWr 27 and taeacs
t t rurkersbura. Of(cbr iS he ill
olattit (o make as to apathy V.eryw-ftetv
our local and state workers sre awake to
the opportunity which the canuuitu of
WW oners io i iij
The special leaves Milwaukee at I M Sun
day wcrBtug. arrivtag In Chtcigvi at 7 W
Woolley In Wisconsin.
MADISON. Wis.. Sept. J The prohibi
tion rectal (rata arm est here Mmne-
apoll (his Euaraiac. making a itap of f.ur
tMur-s. A forenoon's rally was held in the
art-eiubly rvccii of the state capital, a lirct
crowd beiag preseat. Chalrsaa Dickie m
trodneed, Heary U. Metcalfa, candidate tor
vice preildeat. who dellvired an sd'
belec feltcwed by Volley Cnshtac of Milne,
fe laid open the eaa(een vrr4tis.. Cha r
tuiu Dickie felliwed wUh a shert ajdreas
The New Bargains
No. SCO DIlKSSnil nird's-eyo maple
swell front harnl carved fancy beveled
French pinto mirror slzo 26x3J size of
top 24x44 n dresser that would retail for
fully $35.00-blg value, j RQ
No 307- SOLID OAK DltHSSKU-Golden
oak fancy shaped beveled French plato
mirror 22x21 slzo of top 21x11 triple
serpentine drawer froiitu French legs
nnd vor finely finished -In tho regular
wny this would sell for
$16.00 Special"
Completo outfit $4.20
No, 181 IKON 11KD Mosa green bronze
flntsh-acilld brass Irlmmlnss cxtentlon I
footn bed lo sell for $22 A
special bargain nt
1IA1U MATTHESSKS- Matin to order In cur i
own shops eonio and aco oru "Special
Inducements" otiw.
TWO CAHLOADS of Dressers and Chiffon
iers dressing tables und full bedroom
V1! WILL havo over forty now patterns of
drcbscrs In mnhogny golden oak aud
blrd'a-eyo maple bought cheap and
marked nt a bargain.
COMU AND 8RH these new goods before
they nro picked over.
lior.uny, blrd's-eyo maplo, goldon oak-
hand polished French legs fnney shaped
bovolcd French plate mirror, slzo !Sx21
size of top 1Sx24 swell front drawci
lined with blrd's-eyo maple and finished
-a regular $17 00 Dressing Table
sr."!.:::: 10.75
Many bargains In this department which
should be seen to be appreciated.
Kxteusluti rods for .V each.
Drapery Kings nt Co dozen.
China Silk oriental, DOc yard,
Ktiibrolili'i'Cd Muslin, lie yard.
(30 Inchon wide.)
Mndtan Muslin, 19o yard.
Hope 1'ortlrres, $1.75 each. (Any color.)
Couch Covers, No. 524, $1.50, extra
"Host Down" Pillows, $1.60, extra. (24x24)
Irish 1'otnt $4 Laco Curtulus tor $2.00
pair slz ill ft o rent Btyles.
ncmannts of upholstery goods good for
chair Hcnta nnd sofn pillows
No. CM-TA1M.STIIY lOKTinilKS-50-lnch
wide. 3 yards long green red browu -
bluo and assorted colors a $4.u0
I'ortlero to sell
No. 1244 LACI3 CUKTA1NS Kococo de
sign $S. 50 curtain
No. 719-SOLID OAK KOCKKK-Leathor
sent wide arms very large, extra strong
a splendid rocker at $3.25 Wo have
Just received uuo hundred of
these for
ococo de-
K Leather
xtra strong
Wo have
in or.lerliiK !' mnll plensn kIvo (Ii c stocli iiunibara us quoted above, or e.iine in nml nU ( sec Hie pieces
n iilr.led. , ... - .uj-i
Startling Pacts Frowotcil by Forthcoming
Postoliico Doiiartmont Roport,
Any Ilonlit nn to (J.c lliinlnrss 1'ros
lierlly of (ho lulled Mnli-n Cnsl by (be l-'luurpis 1'iii-iililieU
(o llm Co un Icy.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 20. Tho annual re-
pott of Third Assistant Postmaster General
Madden for tho llscnl year ending Juno 3,
WOO, which Is soon to bo published, will
inm liivii iiim;si;.
n whole nn increase In population of f0,C"-r..
or flC.Sl per cent from 1VJ0 to 19"0.
Tho population In lSo was 32.131. show
ing nn Increase of 10.S03, or CI. 34 per cent
.n . cnfi . I , I .. i... .,....)
in WOO Is ns follows: First ward, 12,43.-.; ! furi )we c"nV," " "hWU '''Vl wC!"lV."n1y
, llierleiin ('iiiiiiiinlen llo Little llll-l-iicfi
lit Hie
There nro but three American life In-
Second ward, (5.703; Third wnrd, 11.513;
Fourth ward, 0.SI5; Fifth ward. 1 .371,
Sixth ward. 11,206; Seventh ward, 14,031;
Klghth wnrd, C.UC'.i; Ninth ward, 0,7:3.
The population of the city of Knoxvllle,
Tenn., ns officially announced today, Is:
lOOo, 32,037; 1S90, 22.535. Theso figures
show for tho city na a wholo an increase
in population of 10,102, or 4 1. S3 per cent
from 1S90 to 1900.
Iloir n ClorL W.irKeit t'p nn i:ei.p
fur lneli lllty to Ills l.iiiiiloi er.
"It's mighty hard for a clerk to be suave
contain somo interesting figures, showing a1 nnd polite nil tho time," said a department
largely increased uso of tho postal system. 1 manager in one of mo uig stores to n .now
Tho total number of postage stamps of all Orleans Times mnn. "A clerk Is llko any
kinds issued, Including ordinary stamps, other human being, subject to headaches
postiigc-due stamps, stamped envelopes nnd and Indigestion nnd nts of irrllnbllty, nnd
nostnl cards, reached tho enormous total occuaiuiiiuiy uu ni ou n htu" utl
of 5,333.000.000, valued nt $9S,tOO,00O, an lu
croaso of over 400,000,000 stamps over the
preceding year.
Tho use of what Is known ns "special re
quest" envelopes, on which tho rostonico '
department prints tho purchaser's return '
address tree of charge, has increased over
15 per cent over tho previous year, tho total
number issued being nearly -4 0,0t0,t00. The
use of these stamped envelopes is confined
largely tuslness coucems nnd tho immenjo, to especially significant pt tho
Increase of business correspondence.
business in all Asia, reports the New York
Tribune. Ono of these has placed most of
Its policies In India, another has made a
special cffoit in China, but most of tha
policies nre written on tlm lives of whits
residents. The total number of policies
written by American companies for all
Asia was only 0,172. insuring the holders
to tho extent of $13, . 'S3. 1 II, nnd on which
they paid a total premium of $7$0.54S
Statistics nro not given of the number of
policies held in Chlnn. but the percentage
Is small and the number of policies held by
Chinese stunllcr still.
The companies have mndo It a rule not
to Insure Chinese who live outsldo tha
treaty ports. The business that could ha
secured in tho interior would not pay fur
tho trouble that would be necessary to
get It, and, besides, the question of Identi
fication Is so dlfllcult thnt no company
could nfford to tnko the risk of being do-
frnuded by tho crafty Orientals. There ara
scores of Chinese who look so much nllke
intending it. When I was younger n few
thoughtless words once enmc near los ng tllat (ort,lKner could not tcU thcm apiirt
and with so many doubles available tho
speculation, tn human death would be ruin
ous to the companies.
At tho treaty ports a number of Chinese
have been nblo to secure policies. They
mo n good Job, nnd tho wny I escaped being
fired was rather amusing. It happened llko
"I ha ' chargo of the men's furnishing
counter In n large clothing store, nnd tho
Mint Will Hereafter 'iy Two I'enl
Mini' mi Ounce for (lie Little
While Mftnl 11 H.iy.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 29. Owing to the
advance In the prlco of silver, Director of
the Mint r.oU-rts todny Increneod iho prlco
to bo paid by the government for silver
bought fiom 55 to 57 cents u standard ouuec.
Tho government at present buys only such
silver ns Is contntned In gold deposits from
tho Klondike nnd other gold-producing sec
tions. Cnder tho existing statute all silver
In gold deposits Is paid for at tho market
price. The price has advanced, steadily
since 1896. when It touched 17 cents for n
standard ounce. Tlm now prlco Is to go
Into effect ou Monday.
The director of the mint also has changed
tho India rupee from Its silver to lis gold
value, to go Into eftffect at the beginning of
the next quarter. Although England placed
India on n gold basis somo time ago. no
ofl'.elal Information was received to that
effect until very recently. A stiver rupee
had previously been the standard Indian
coin and was valued nt 20H cents. Under
tho gold standard the sovereign succeeds
the mreo as the standard nnd hereafter tho
rupee will be reckoned on ct Its gold value
of 32 2-5 cents.
Ilrynn l nt Snrni.iiin.
NKW YOHK. Sept. 29. -Chairman Me
Gulre of tho state democratic committee
sail todav tt at Mr Dnan will speak one I POPULATION DY STATES NEXT
nur at mo'ien nan at fcar.voga oi
Census Iluremi Will Itculn TtiU Week
Announcement of Interesting
Lot uf Motlstlot.
pay being flrstrato nnd chance of promo- ,iad t0 tako thp pnilowment or more
tion excellent i was nnturn.iy nnxious io pcnslvn p0ic,c, jUt they wero not charged
hold on to the Job. One morning, however, a h,Kh(!r rntc 0nIj. roc,,,, of rtJC0K.
I was feeling all out of sorts and was nU((I 8tan(1,nK wno wrro able to glve ul
just developing nn ugly headache, when a ,je,all8 reganj,,,,. tamll. hlslory wcre Rc.
man camo lu and nsked to tea some cravats.
ceptcd. Although the Chinese aro partlcu-
I could tell from his general appearance ho ,ar abQUt trac(nB ,he h8tory of thclr
was from the north, nnd ho had a curt. ,re back ,0 lh(J,n; of talaiS ,n.
senil-superclllous manner that lirltated mo
Immediately. If I had been feeling well I
would luvo kept my temper, but my bead
was throbbing, and when he pawed over
the stock, finding fault with everything nnd
sneering at my statements as to quality, I
begau to get crusty. Finally I couldn't de,,,j,ng on n rlsk
surancc men havo found that as a gcnaral
thing they know little about their own
particular families. They aro seldom able
to tell of what diseases their near relatives
wore victims and cannot give other In
formation which Is considered necessary In
stand It any longer. 'If you really wn,nt a
scarf," I suid. 'you'll find plenty hero that.
Few of tho Chinese living In America
have taken out insurance on their lives
t , .. - . . .... .... , ..'.!.... ..nil'.... -
.... are ... BU,.u a. a,. ...... umh ,u Thf r,ch raercnilnl3 who e0UJ BfjorJ
ueen accustomed to ivpsr. jusi men i
Petolcr l. David It Hill will preside. Mr,
Hill will a'so preside at the meeting in
Ail-any en October 17. at which Mr. Ilryan
will ipeak.
tlnnnn Golnir to South llnli.Kn.
NKW YORK. Sept. St.-Senator Hanna
left this afternoon for Cleveland, where hts
family Is. He will leave for Chicago early
In the week. It Is said he will not return
to New York till the last week In October.
The senator will accompany Senator Frye
on a tour of South Dakota.
omluitci! (or Conuress,
NKW YORK Sept. JS Tha republicans
of the Sixth district today nominated Nor
ton V. Oils for representative In congress.
SYHACCSE. N. Y.. Sept. 29 -The repub
licans of the Twenty-second district today
nominated M. IV Drlscoll tor congress.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 23. The census
bureau today finished the enumeration of
all tho cities in the I'nltfd States of over
2 000 inhabitants, wiih the exception of
Los Angeles, Seattle and Tacoma. The
wcrk of announcing the states will come
next, beginning with Arkansas probably
next Monday or Tuesday. The states will
be announced in short bulletins glilng the
total population, the increase over the
two preceding census reports, the popula
tion by counties and the population of each
of the cities under JS.No. Including all
the Incorporated towns within tho state
limits. It is hoped to complete the work
on the states by the time congress as
sembles, after which the work on the vital
statistics will be pushed. Interesting bul
letins are expected.
Munition l nelinnaed.
PHII.ADRl riHA. Sept. if -For the first
time since the beginning ef the an'hrac te
coal strike (he situation. at the ecl e-l s
owned by the Philadelphia Mading Coal i ni cost in tho nelhborhood of $15.W0.N0.
and Iran company a unchanged t dy
oirr that of the preceding day. The ofSclal
daili report from Superintendent Liuther.
received at the office of President Harris,
shows that the same twelve collieries In
operation yesterday were all working today.
Tweaty-seiea collieries are Idie.
President Harris was nut at h's olee
today No Information was obtainable at
either (he oCk-e of (he cojI roxpany or rail
road company on (he subject of a settle
ment of the misers' strike.
happened to look up and caught sight of n
floora-alker. standing In a rear aisle and
making frantic gestures to me with his
hands. 'If you'll wait n moment,' I said
to tho customer, wondering what the dick
ens was up. 'I'll sc if I can't find some
thing else nt tho other side." With that 1
hurried over to where the floorwalker was
standing. 'Whafs the matter?' I asked.
In a lew tone. 'Great Scott, man!' he
whispered, 'that's the boss!'
"The store, as I should have explained,
was th S'Uthern branch of a New York
establishment and during the time I had
been there the head of the firm bad never
beforo paid It a visit In person. Conse
quently I didn't know hint by sight and
my blood ran cold when I reslliod how
hopelessly I had rammed my toot Into It
During tlm next flvo seconds I did somo
quick thinking, and among other things
that came crowding into my mind was the
fact that the bes had been married onlv
a short nroe before. That gave me an Idea.
think they do not need to lock out for
posterity In any such fashion, and. cf
course, the poor Chlncso cannot take out
endowment policies. It Is for the benefit
of the poorer classes that a mutual In
surance society has recently been formed
In San Francisco. It Is not well under war
as yet and the Chinese of New York C.'t
do not seem to bo acquainted with the
details of the scheme. It is said to be
modeled to a certain extent after a well
known insurance order.
The first Chinese policy to be written in
this country was Issued about ten y. arj
ago to a rich Mongolian merchant bo
lned In Montana The company did c t
care to take tho risk, and so Inf rmed ths
hustling agent who had secured It. At
soon as the Chinese found that they d.l
not consider him desirable he waate-l a:
insurance policy worse than anything :e
cn earth. Ho told the agent that he .
had to have It. After much ccrresy.r.
ence tho company said It would wntr
policy for an extra premium. anJ aa-n i
I'm. Mln- I...I. ' T I, l r,dA.t , n t ft. A fln,.
., . , , . 'a figure so high that the Ch nese wec.i r '
walker, 'and In a minute or two ycu sendi" " ,7 . . ' . .
one of the boys to me with a pleco of folded
letter paper.' 'What are you up to?' te
asked. 'Never mind' said 1; "you do ex
actly as I say. Let htm Just hand no the
paper and walk off." I hurried back to th
counter and found my taan locking black
as thunder. 'Serry.' I said, still as gri.fl
as ever, "but that's all we have If nothing
In It suits you. you'll have to go else
where." 'Very well.' he replied sarcastic
ally, 'and now let me give you a small
piece of information. I"
At that moment a boy handed aae the
nave cocsiuerea tt for a moment u:
ordlnary circumstances. As It was. he a -ceptcd
the offer and the policy was ax .
Nearly all of the Chinese ministers to :lt
United States during recent years, lac'.' :
log the present incumbent. Minister v
hae taken out policies of ose kind
another. It Is a case ct advertises: i
the companies more than aaythlsg ei--Several
of the Chinese cestui hare
sored their lire. The ther Cklaei jm'
ties held In this cousiry were taJtia c'
paper. I tore It open, pretended to read a ' P-T A.-t.-ne ate.icann.s
nete. slapped my leg Joyfully and pw-: ArK Ut Insurant .ati
eeeded to do a double-sR on (he floor. ' Poetically xo lunw( la I'tod trr
The stranger glared at nse in aasasetaenL I ,orJ"- Is '- sl Arner: r
What the deuce Is the matter with you" " -i" f -'
he growled 'Are you crazy, or Jus( drunk ' Vsued Stale.!- TV 4lk -'.Wtiher.'
1 criPd. ! im stmniv rn,vj Chinese sre insurance ts vtHU la Ki-
Inexpressively relieved and rejoiced! You ,1,a' c'r"ws l1 im-Tii w
must pardon this idiotic exhibition, my dear
sir.' I went on earnestly, 'and I hope you
So far as the work has progressed It , wlli .t o.rjon mv Er01. rudeness to rau
appears uaeiy aa iae prsseui census
Dnnlnp root Hull t'rniness.
Pl'N'IAI'. t Sept f-.Spell TeV
tram i The V.mlap Oiart met anJ d
rsi(sl the IVnison eiMlete fni( ball (earn
on (he ciid I mil here th's afiemtton by a
sre ef a o A lane crowd witneel
(he game The liuniap warn Is tn splendid
trim and V L met any team am
plae at any tune. ft says Manager t-ailth-vrs
-p.S Huntinttian br the Oh o Kher ra '.-
' -,..i ,icF i rhiriPivi ii-ini.ecien John U Woolley caadiia'.e lor presuetit
lrl r ven rg s. " aad rea aj; N. h- was nexs 'a-Placed, was wa ir. y I'
Ycrk (Xtcter W. rt r WocJ.ey srvke tor Jcrty ta ,v
Clllsens Who Mind Their llasliirss
nml Are Duly Sober ("an Mny
Out I ntll 1 1 (I'Cloek.
a moment ago. I was beside myself with
anxiety and didn't know what I wa doing
The fact is.' I said, with the best lailtatlon
of diffidence I could muster up. 'the fact Is
we have Just bad a new arrival est at my
house and. really, I hope you will over
look' 'Don't say a word.' he interrupted
cordially, grasping my band: 'I appreciate
your feeling and your apology Is ample
Here's tuy card '
WASHINGTON. Sep: 29 General Mac
Arthur at Manila recsntiy Issued the fol
lowing general order fot the betterment
of the government of the city of Manila:
"Kxlsttnc orders requiring residents of
the city of Manila to confine themselves
to their hows after 10 o'clock p. a. are
v.rhT smendeJ to extend, the hour (a 11
o'clock p. m . afier h:ch hour (he streets I afterward he never failed to ask bow (he
.k rltr wttl b rlPri bv ii Mile. , yauagsier ws genius on ne tz. e.a t
tcore c' which have itesviei at zt-t:-
Chinese parts- Seieral ftjmM istaa;
a;es have worked p a My te.
China dnrtnt retetit jsar. Vtecs f
Lbout a deien regvtarty eTnt:i& C-i.rnf
imurauce ccrapaatfi, eS l...-4 ti n .
wealthy ts d ta W itii 0it .'
Penang. whtek a firiul.M'.fcwt rt i
ttt. Heng Kc Xi iaf let i
surname rKTa:e Ckl At tii Hta n
hctk eapitst.t4 fee II ssl M. ?wt
Ho. of ShaiMtit. I if-x turpi ttu.ii.f
with a car -tat .ttKl -.kttii.
added the department manager, grinning, i )VK: w, sn? . . .-..,
"hut It was a clese shave, especially a rn-.r1. --. ' . - ''..
view of the tact tbat I was aad am a case
hardened eld bachelor with a special aver- '
ston to Infants The toss wis very klsl
asd cardial. al whenever he came to tows
Niiii'k i.'f
t n - T . .- -T P."
It 1 e -.-
( - -
,r -a-Tr
.l,fl'.-' n
e. nm nu
- ft. ! li
'I'lfliW. 1 1
I''. 'I , .,
ft. ! U "I
Saloons will be closed at 10 oclcck p. m
asd the sale of liquor ts prohibited after
tbat hoar."
know znr better to this day
Arrests Werr Kerr.
Th n-yie arrwnaemerts for (he
Gronn Indians Win. I 4 Jnsrnh and Wnnxrlllr. of th eamlval las( nlh( wtre s..
OKNO V NeK Sryt . - -Spe -lal Tele- .,cHrw.m' s.. -Th. .,,u,i. i V 't?"". 2?i"7 .."' "
friM Th I VI ' J. S i'f K". I - ... ' . s " 1 '". : r
Z .. ,. . , , ' ,y by H i,' Th cf the vlty of St Joseph Mo is cR;.!;;. c.i tM ( w:,. kil t.i-.'.i '"v '
a bxw " r--t ..r s;e- ts 't . UBr,- ,J tod.y is 1a- 1 . -- . ?" '-r: - ' .
r X
.1 taaiu is ti' ' I
Rcid the U-.istoj $iwe an-
nouiKCJiw it ou pV l- ?"
bvi:iis .luiiJav at a- m