20 TTTTC OIATTA DATLV "BEE: STXDAV, SEPTTCarRFR 510. 1000. TRAVELING ON THE LIMITED rrauBltlon of the Oonntrj from- Widespread Povorty to Generous Plenty. A BANKER'S STORY OF THE CHANGE Vlilrltrtl l)pfrlilloii of (lie I'ntlr-nt Jlrfuri mill AfliT TnKInu lie i II III I mil 11 pill i-1 in- Urn to Hi' I'l-rfiirniril. The following nddross wcis delivered by Mr. C. I!. Adams of Suporlor, Nob., nt thu convention of tlio Slntu Hankers' asiocla tlon In Omaha Scnlombor 2S. The nltuatlon of todny remind me some what of a Chlc-ngo biislnons man who rurted out to upend SumlHy with a friend In the country, nnd nfl ho wiih leuvlnf? the union depot mid tho train wrnt Hpuc-ditiK nlonc Imro.iilnr: ltd tlmu to n mllo ft minute, he sought out the porter and said: Mr. Porter, lan't thin train runtilnK pretty fant for a local?" "Why, IjIphh you, nail, this IB tho llur llngton limited across tho continent." "Cut It stops nt Monmouth, does It not?" "No, Hah." said tho pprter, "It doesn't eren lien Knte thar, sail." Our business Interests are all on tho limited today. Six yours .iro, when we last met In convention, wo were traveling; on foot or on mixed trains nnd that part of tho country was mlKhty lucky that had a local passenger train at all. Tho last two years of national nscend sney have given an impetus to all our busi ness enterprises, our llnanees have righted up and nre In excellent rondltlou; business Is on the move; farms nre selling rapidly nt advanced prices; live stock nnd country products of all kinds nre meeting ready demands; soup houses have disappeared nnd beefsteak and plenty have taken their places. Kven tho pessimist and the croaker and the nutl-monopnllst and tho tariff llnkerer, the antl-cxpanslonlsl and til the rest of the nutls aro on the limited, fiomo of them aro kicking like blnzeH to get off. but they find there is no other place for them. Th train docs not even hesitate nt tho bugnboos and Jack-lanterns they have set up along the notion's pathway of pnigreKs and greatness. Does muni! one sny there aro no Improved conditions In the country? Many of us arc living In tho samo towns vo did when wo last met and you all know In your homo town, ami in fact everywhere wo wont, rould bo seen placarded In front of banks and real estate ofllces farms to trade for secondhand goods; equities In good farms to trade for old horses and wagons. And one fellow down In Knnsns was so anxious to get rid of his farm of ono-hnlf section that he bantered a passerby ono day to trade his team, harness and wagon for one quarter of his land'. Tho trade was made anil the man put In two quarter sections In the deed Instead of one. The notary called his attention to it and tho man Bald; "I Just slipped tho nthor quarter of land In to get rid of II." Do you henr of any one slipping nnother quarter of land In now adays Just to get rid of It? Shim Ivril Mir Deluxe. Why, times wero so discouraging and bad then (hat even as bravo an Institution as tho Nebraska Hankers' association closed Its doors and would havo been glad to have slipped Its charter In on almost "any old thing." Now, como to think of It, wo were a bravo set of fellows, weren't wc. Wo had Just us well own up, for wo actually rhut up shop and souio voted tho pop ticket, others shouted for HI to 1, nnd wo skulked round and tried to dig our own graves. Abuaos of tho vilest kind wero heaped upon tho business Institutions of tho country and we did not mnke an effort to correct It. "Wo were so meek anil mighty humble that oven when tho IIlspano-Amerlcnn war enme we dodged around llko so many lightning bugs and allowed ourselves to think that wo had again entered upon another scries of dcpies8lou and failure, and if It hadn't been for tho thunder of Dewey's guiiH at Manila. I don't know as wo over would linv rnrtln in llfo II unnm.tit tn linvn l.nnn l.,r t for that great hero, Dowey, ns an In strumentality In tho hands of our able president, to give ub tho impetus of new i courage, nnd Just as soon ns wo began to peep out from behind tho bogey of depres sion wo found that a per cent government bonds wero selling currently among our customers at a premium and that our nation's credit had biou re-established and wo great financiers of tho country did not linow It. Tho country was on "the limited" nnd did not oven henltato at our predictions. It was not tho would-bo financiers of tho country that did It, but It forced Its way In splto of them. It was tho wise, Intelligent, action of tho men at the helm that brought order out of chaos and prosperity out of depression nnd ruin. And I believe If wo had Jt to do over again we would rather have tho record of tho First Nebraska regi ment for doing things. Our place was on tho firing lino In a business way, nnd wc would all bo much hotter off had wo taken that position. Why should bankurs stand back and why should they keep away from caucus anil conventions nnd why should they not hold n sent in tho legislature hail of tho country. Thpy aro In touch with every business In terest nnd know tho needs and demands of tho country and should bo ninciig tho fore most In endorsing and shaping tho ntlnlra of the government. They may not deslro to keconio statesmen, representatives and senators. Hut they can nnd should assist In nil tho functions of government In a fearless manner and in tho true spirit of loyal nnd patriotic citizens. Did it over occur to you that no danger awaits us so great as when tho business nnd producing elements of tho country nbaudon tho ballot box and tho legislative hails to tho pos session of tho depraved and Incompetent? Tho demands of tho hour aro for Integrity, SENT FREE TO MEN A Most Remarkable Remedy Thut Quickly Restores Lust Vior to Men, A Freo Trial Package Sent by Mall To A 1 Who Write. Free tilal package of n most remarkable remedy are belnc mailed to nil who write the State Medical Institute. They cured so muny men who had buttled for ytal gainst the mental und physical aufi'tilns of lost manhood that the Institute has de cided to distribute free trial packages to all who write. It Is a home trcatmunt and all men who suffer with any form of sexua. weakness resulting from youthful folly, prematuro loss of strength and memory wrak back, varicocele or onmclatlon ot parts can now cure the nuolvea at home. Tho remedy .has a peculiarly grateful ef fect of warmth and seemi to act direct to the dralred location, clvlng strength and development Just where It W needed, It ?ure all tho Ilia nnd troublci that come from years of mlsuio of the natural func tions and hu been tin absolute suceres In 11 cases. A request to the Htate Medical fmrltute, 309 Klektrou ltulldlnc, Fi. Wayne Ind., statin? tint you deslru one ' their free trial packages will be compiled with promptly. Tho Institute I deilrous of reaehlnr that great elms of men who are unabla to leave honin to be treated and the fr sample will enable them to seo how aiy It la tn b cured of sexual weakness when tho proper remedies are employed The Institute maker, no restrictions. Any man Wio writes will "bo sent u free sam ple, carefully sealed In a plain packuge, so that Its recipient need havo no fear of em tiarraasment or publicity Headers sua re quested to write without delay. competency and honcaty ns tha only safe qualification for public employment, as well as for private trust; and lot this demand br iQslsted upon, be enforced, as I hope and believe It will bo, nnd wc shall havo but llttlo to fear from any temporary depres sions that will call us to a deeper sens.) of dangers nnd duties. Kri-pliiK Vnrr Willi 1'rnnrPM, Tho last two nnd n half years of our history ns a nation have marked nn epoch In the annnls of tho world and In this great history-making our armies and nnvles have taken a prominent and all-Important part And wo can alfo seo as a genuine factor of encouragement In this great national strurgl that overy business Institution In our land Is keeping paco with progress, yea, more than that, we can seo Jill clasfes of patriotic people lending their energies, their Ininieuces, their fortunes and their "God speed to the Orcatcr America. " Nations, like Individuals who compose them, havo their charncter, their trials, their responsibilities and their rewards, and In a nation's vast cerebrum there should not bo left ono particle linlm pregnated with the spirit ot patriotism and tho essence of honesty. These nro tho sublime requisites that have caused us tu grow great as a nation. Under theso Influences has our financial credit been guided In tho pathway of integrity among other narians and established fur us a worldwide credit Hint stands towering nbovo nil others, and that, too, without the aid or consent of Lombard streot or auy other money mart of tho world. Under these patriotic Influences tho man that fol lows tho ptow, thnt wields tho ax, that slta nt tho loom, that stirs tho furnnco fires, that clerks In tho store, that tenches our schools, that delves In our mines and handles our commerce; yes. every man, woman nnd child, havcnrtslstrd In making this great history. And our nation's des tiny In Its onward flight must be placed In the hands of men who nre competent to control. For If tho Individual or the party seeking control should prove to be obstructionists or Incompotcnt. then would tholr efforts bo doomed to disappointment and to ruin. If, Indeed, they wero not quick to catch tho Inspirations thnt lend up along tho lines of human destiny; then would the opportunity bo lost and liberty Itself must bo abridged. Hut, on tho other hand. If the party seeking control should Intelligently nnd honestly perform Its duty to our country and to mankind, then would tho reward be glory nnd honor and eternal life. Knees nru perpetual, why theu do parties die? Simply because they rnnnot cstapo Judgment for their acts, (ircut II-niiiiimIIiIIII lei, Tho past few years havo brought to ns grave responsibilities nnd possibilities, which wo hud never before contemplated. And all theso responsibilities must be met manfully and in a business wny. 1'aily prejudice should be laid asldo and all Join In moulding und shaping our greater des tinies. The credit of our nation must not bo debased by cheap money. In II nance wo should unequivocally maintain the gold standard. The present Is full of economic questions. To relate the finan cial history of the past year even would re quire Journals that would look like decades of former American history. Its statistics would mount to volumes, to even glvo an outline of Its magnitude, nil of which bus been set In motion by sound financial legislation. Wo nre "on tho limited" nnd wo do not even hesitate at tho bogles that appear bpufore us. Wo havo brushed aside tho old adago whoso uniformity hnd almost resolved Itself Into a law namely, that bard money and tight times come In all presidential campaigns. Tho em ployment of lnbor nnd Increased products of our factories havo given us better prices for all farm products. In fact, It Is a great consolation to tho Nebraska farmer that tho consumption of farm products hni reached tho maximum never attained. Not only have wo employed more labor, manu factured moro articles, but wo havo ob tained better prices for them than pt before. Our foreign trade has passed the two-bllllon mark, and our domestic trade reaches the astounding figures of ono hun dred billions. Tho past throe years of our history shows morn than live times ns much trade as wo had during tho 100 yours previous! Tho sublime economic featuro of Oreatcr America today 1m the concentrated Indus. ry and working force of "j.OOO.uoo tree American citizens bonding their energies to their surroundlnKs nnd entering upon thalr duties as n world power. Stupendous ns has been this work thus far, there are still greater possibilities In store for us In tho Imnudlnto future, If wo only RUldo these forces In tho pathway of tho enlighten d civilization so plainly marked cut beforo ub. Far-reaching Indeed Is tho intrinsic worth ot tho Amerlcuu dollar in tho Innld.ng up nnd completion ot tho great fu.uro before us. Its standard fineness must not bo de based. Our luws havo determined und proclaimed Its weight 23.8 gold nlno lmu dred thousandths line, and that standnid must bo kept. Hut our duty iKos not stop here. There Is still before our financial credit nnd standing a nn-iuco to tho stability and uniformity of our money supply. )iiliT .Miiiiey. There Is nn clement ot weakness nnd un certainty in all our transactions that h'gher civilization must abolish, and, in viow of our advanced standing ns a nation, must bo corrected soon. I refer to a reforma tion of our paper money uyatem nnd bet ter facilities for tho Interchanging ot tlio nutlou's lnbor products that wl.l be' ndt quato to all tho conditions and necessities that may nrlso and that will foieveV do away with tho damaging nnd mcnae ng Influences brought about by tho astounding fluctua tions ot Interest rates in our money cen ters. It Is not a well balanced monetary system that will call for 200 per cent lu torest toilay and 2 per cent tomorrow. Wo must wipe out tho disturbing Inllucnces that bring us such damaging results. Let us nBk tho flnnnclers and economists ot iln country to bring forth u sys cm that w 11 bo in keeping with tho high national as cendancy to which wo havo attained. These warnings havo been frequent and recent enough to stand out betoro tho world as a unique crime. Let It bo promptly ruuio died. Every business outorprlso nnd ecry day's labor In this country calls for lis demise. Why should not .bankers sp ak plainly of theso wrongs In our financial system? While In this short talk I will not at tempt to deflno a remedy, yet I vllf eay that bankers, by committees and by rcsn it Hons, should point out theso evils. Thoy nre tho proper persons to assist to batter down tho barriers that Intercept n moro oven nnd thoroughly substnnt al money rr.nrket. We havo leaders capaldo of do ing It, and why stand back? History Is full of good deeds of bankers. H-bort Morris saved tho struggling colonies du -Ing tho revolution by loaning them monoy. Tho bonkers ot the north came to tha res cue of President Lincoln during the civil war and loaned tho government monoy without regard to tho socurlty thoy re colved. We hnve our Grants and Shermans and Shcrldans, our Dowcys and Lawtons then why should bankers bo timid? Thoy aro tho custodians of tho people's savings, it Is their army of customers that keeps the wheels of progress In motion. Their cus tomers nro those who till tho soil, who build the railroads, who mako nil tho pub lic Improvements, who start the factories In motion, who lloat our commerce, equip our navies nnd mobilize our armies. It Is their customers that obey the low of tho land and represent tho highest type of American citizenship. Their standing Is not based upon the deposits they have In tho banks, hut upon tho honesty of their transactions. And why should they bo forced nslde by the demagogue. I can see In the future for this elass of people an honesty of purpose anil concert of action that will mean n regeneration of the na tion's conscience and enlightenment In all its financial transactions. Oilier liii'tliin. There aro other questions which wc must treat with equal force and wisdom. The revenues ot our country must be kept out of tho hntids nt political mountebanks and grave illggern. Men whoso only ambition Is to create deficiencies, to destroy prop erty rights nnd values, to abuse the na tion's credit and to raise hades generally must not be put In power. We have a serious lesson along this lino that should never bo repeated. The entire Industrial force of the country succumbed to Its withering touch. Thousnnds of In dustrious worklngmen were hunting Jobs, business of all kinds was pnraiyzcd, prop erty values were destroyed, farm produce wero no longer salable at living prices money disappeared from tho channels of trade, the I'tilted States treasury boennv bankrupt. Want and ruin wero every where. And the debris of bad management . Incompetency and dishonesty was piled mountains high at tho door of tho tnrllf tlnkcrers nnd Ism-uionijcrs of the country ail tho results of their nets of "perfidy and shame." And tho most reniarkablo thing about It all Is that a policy lould bo In augurated by the government that would enablo the country to recover from these distressing and damaging and ruinous policies so quickly. This nation did not only Immediately rccupcrato Its finances, hut commenced the reduction of tho national dobt. The In-tcrost-benrlng obligations of this govern ment wero rapidly reduced to 2 per cent, the lowest government Interest rate .In the world. Our per capita circulation nrose so It Is only exceeded by one other eouutr. Our people Immediately took on tho In spiration from the Improved conditions and not only commenced p.iylng their debts, but soon found themseUes able to lonn large sums of money to Europe. The storehouses of mortgnges In Nebrnskn Knnsns and tho Dakotus havo been reduced to tho minimum or wiped out entirely. Tho farm loan trust Is E"no hecnusu ther was no more business for It to du. Tho foundntlon has been paved for tho world's financial center upon tho American continent and upon this structure, erected by prosperity nnd national Intelligence, will tho commercial and financial transactions of tho future securely rest. Hcalstlng tho encroachments of greed and oppression, It will bo nblo to hurl back tho demoraliza tions of dishonesty and Incompetency. It will resist all attempts to weaken our credit. It will assist In the abrogation of ull forms of despotism find forever silence anarchy nnd oppression upon the American continent. Isms, bogles nnd Illiteracy must ccaso nnd tho conscience of the country must bo represented In the government of the country. Soon our merchant marine will deck the seas and In tho bright com mercial constellations that will surround our monument will bo seen the nations of tho world bound to us In the strongest mutual bonds to keep the peace. Another (St-i'nl Duty. In tho rhlllpplne Islands another great duty confronts us. It Is not a question as to how tho3o Islands enmo to us. but It Is the condition that exists there that must be mot. And this all-Important question, llko our flnnnces, should not l:o mndo n party question. It Is a plain, humnue duty that wo havo to perform thcio and in the per formance of that duty we must net like fair-minded. Intelligent men, meeting every impulse nnd every obligation In tho spirit of statesmanship. We cannot, wt must not a'low any scuttling policy In those Islands; they aro under tho sovereignty of the Amer ican flag and our nation's honor must be sustained. That territory Is as completely ours as Is tho slato of Nebraska. And why should the establishment of law and order be opposed. The Interests of our people arc mutual and must not be dllded. Every right and patriotic impulso savs restore order under our Hag and complete tho es tablishment of n stable form ot government for those deluded people. Those Islands, If not cared for by this government, will im mediately bo seized by other powers. Every principle of right says hold them. Humanity dictates our course nnd confirms tho wisdom of the policy of President Me lt I nley. In the lines of trade Manila Is ns com pletely tho metropolis for tho commerce of tho Orient as Is New York for tho United States and those four hundred millions ot peoplo must njul will emerge from tho lethargy of barbarism and take their placo tn soine form with a higher civilization And with this change soon to come and tho Philip pines ns our base, It will plnco tho pro ducts ot our farms, our factories and our workshops In clo30 touch with a rising mar ket. No man can tell Its Importance or nggregato tho wealth It will bring to our nation. And all this can bo nnd will bo brought nbout without war and bloodshed, without endangering a slnglo life, without damaging a singlo commercial sail. All wo havo to do at this tlmo Is to net like intelligent American citizens and stand to gether ns a nation, stand by tho ling nt our country in all our possessions, sustain tho hands ot tho administration thnt has po ably led our people to prosperity and na tional glory. Ivey of (ho Orient. There Is nnother great American duty to perform. Wo must enrry out all our na tional nnd International ohllgntlonn In China and In all quarters of the globe. Our national ascendancy must bo sustained. No quibbling, no receding, no hauling down of tho American flug. In tho first stages of fho Rpanhh-Amerl-ean wnr wo found ourselves In pnises3!on of trado for which wo had been contcnd'r.g with France, Oormnny and Enghnd fcr lfiu years, nnd always camo out btiilnd In the tace. Tho thunder of Dewey's guns blazod the way nnd our foothold In Asia was firmly established, never to bo retraced. Tho first 100 days of war advanced tho com mercial standing of this nation more thin half a century beyond what It could have attnined in peaceful llmos. In n tow- days we found oursclvca In pasacsblun of trade aud territory thnt hatl been uVui' nated by a hostile people, and why shou'd nny business man think of abandoning It? It not only opens up great commercial ndvuitnges to us, but It puts us In posses sion and control of tho great Interoceanle canul, which only awaitB American oiitcr pilsc nnd a few scoops of dirt and wo will be placed thousands of miles nearer our new possessions nnd the Irada of tho Orient. And whllo this would bo of vnst Inrportanco to our coramorco In times of peace, In times of war it wculd in-re thau treble tho strength and effectiveness of our navy for strategic work nt sea and thereby save tho nation millions tn the building and operating of an euorauus navy tc protect our coast. In the great questions of tho hour wo find American statesmen foremost In di recting the policy of nations In the settle ment of alt International questions. In iho field of commerce our advancement Is won derful. At tho present rate our merchant marine will not only declc, but soon swejp the sens. Soon wo shall see the produc.s of tho American farm and workshop a d factory shipped in American vessels to all i tho marts nnd markets of the world, and we shall have tho proud satlsfaiton of ! seeing tho American homo not only tho , home of the free, but tho borne ot tho con- I tented, happy patriot, who will conscien 1 tlously feel thnt he has done his duty to i his country nnd to tho world at large. Grand ns has been tho rotults of the 1 Spanish war, single nnd swift us nio our victories, yet I do not believe wo can even contemplate what is lu storo for ua In the immediate future. i:pniinliiti Precedent. Look back over our history for tho past 120 years and wo behold thirteen Mnall American colonies nestled way d.wn on our enstern bolder. Thoy were pr ml Ivj and poor, but they wero honest, Intiua riciis and enlightened. They begun to grow, they required n llttlo more room, they aim xd a llttlo moro territory, sometimes by .In slow gradations of driving tho savage back Into tho widerness, then again it came by leaps and bounds, sometimes by war and sometimes by purchase, and sometimes by both war and purchase. Our expansion policy has always been "on the llmKcd." Hence we see our monster government stretching Itself out over a vast hemi sphere, always requiring moro room nud annexing moro territory. It pissed the onco boundless plains1" of tho west, It climbed the snow-capped peaks of tho Heckles and with either ear listened to the duct of tho commerce of the Allan Ic mil tho Pacific. It rested for a time upon tin. gciden shores of California nnd then leaped to the frozen boundaries of Alaska, and then, within thirty dnys of war, we sa the stnrs nnd stripes in tho hnnds of the First Nebraska boys, flitting across tho placid waters of tho Pacific nnd planted firmly under the frowning guns of l)wy's Meet, upon the Islands of tho archlpo'.ago. And thnt act, with tho treaty of p nc fhould have caused the shedding of Ameri can blood upon those islunds to cense. Hut we nre sorrowful to know that there are mourning mothers In our land today from tho loss of boys In those Islunds. It makes no difference to the American peo plo whether that son Is a son of a Logan, a Lawtnn, n Stotsenberg, or tho most hum ble of our land. Thut mother Is un Ameri can mother. And that son Is nn American ltlzen. Let no man say that ho Is not In tho line of his duty as a patriot. Lot no one attempt to lower the Hag In dis honor fiom any country where tho Intrepid bravery of our soldiers nnd the fervent prayers of our mothers have placed It. Yen, let the flag of freedom, guided by our higher civilization nnd man's efforts in his humanity to inun, continue to enlighten the world und bring blessings to genera tions yet unborn. We did not desire war witjj Spain, we tried to avoid It, but the time camo when wo were obliged to fight. And now that unexpected territory and commercial ad vantages havo como to us, why should wo tnlk about turning It back, why should wo shirk our duty In tho least? Certain ob jectors look down over tho conduct of tho wnr with Spain for something about which they could find fault, and finding absolutely nothing they waded out Into tho bayous und sloughs of unrest nnd brought out tho hobgoblin of imperialism nnd militarism, and attempted to fasten it upon tho nd mlnlstratlon. Had theso men been pa triotic enough to emulate the examplo of Stephen A. Douglas, In 1601, nnd Ocnernls Lee, Wheeler and Sickles, In 1S9S-!)!), the Tagalo war would have nover taken place. I realize that nil tho grandeur and great ness of tho present day haa not taken placo without somo mistakes. Dollilf tint licit Wp Can. Let mo not speak of our trlumpliB In nny vnln spirit, let mo not arrogato to my countrymen nny superior wisdom und vir tue, for who will contend that we havo always made the most of our Institutions or Intrusted their care and keeping to the wlsost or worthiest of men. Who will deny thut we havo not sometlmos taught the world what to avoid, as well us what to Imltntu, and thut tho causo of freedom, as well au tho whole business interests of our country, havo sometimes been dis couraged and put back by our shortcom ings? Our light at best has been only n revolving light, warning by Its darker In torvals or Its somber shades, as well as cheering by Its flashes of brilliancy or tho clearer luster of Its stendler shining. Yet In splto of all its Imperfections and irregularities, to no other earthly light havo so many eyes been turned, from no other earthly illumination havo so many hearts drawn courage. It ban breasted tho tides of sectional and party strifes, It has stood tho shock of foreign and civil war, and 1 bollovo It will still hold on erect nnd un extinguished, defying the returning waves of demoralization, Incompetency and corruption. Millions of patriotic hearts nro ready at this moment to glvo their lives to render its radiance purer and brighter and more constant. YOU MAY CONSULT Till: HUDYAN DOCTORS ABOUT YOUR CASb FREO-Call or wrlta. A I'oivilm- 31 1 1 1 KxploKlon Itcmovea everything In sight; so do drastio mineral pills, but both aro mighty dan gerous. No need to dynamite your body when Dr. King's New Life Pills do the work so easily and porfectly. Cures headache, constipntiou. Only 25 cents nt Kuhu & Co. 'a drug store. l ull iiiiu- In Hlllvlltc. Atlanta Constitution; Tho nlr Is as crlap as a brand-new $5 bill though we haven't seen more than two since Loe's surrender. We return thanks for two Ooorgla cows sent us on subscription. All that wo need now Is a butcher to kill 'em and n box of matches to light tho fire. Wo will send tho paper three months to tho person who brings us n good, fat possum and doesn't stay to dinner. Wo aro sorry to seo tho north Is trying to lynch the colored race. They should leuvo that country for tho law-abiding touth. I( Wan ii .Sin-pom, Chicago News: "Hcow wus th' fair, Silas?" queried Mrs. Ilarlx of her husband, who hnd Just returned from a visit to the animal county exhibit of rural prcducts. "Out o' sight, Samanthy," replied Silas. "Aboout tew thousand exhibits, I calkor lute." "Dow tell!" exclaimed Mrs. If. "Hain't I Jlst bin a-tellln' yew?" said Silas, "Tow thousand exhibits nn' moro as nineteen hundred on 'em wus punklns, Gosh! It wnr great." Relief for the Gentler Sex "Mother's FHand"' is a special friend during the nine trying months before childbirth. It is a simple liniment ot marvelous power, and, by its relaxation of the muscles, allays all nervousness, re lieves distressing headaches, cramps nnd nausea. It Is a bfossftsg In a Itcttlo, robbing confinement of all its pain. Mother'! rrlcad" It H rjr til rt-pontlbtadrugiitit t 81 .no per tiotllo. If It r&nnot bd founj, we will tent It by ciprcst ircuill any vbr in the L'rlrd States tipftu ree-lftt cf rrlc, TIIK imAIll-ini.D Itr.tll'l.ATOU CO., Atlanta. Cm. We pu&mh toe ci ' MoiMUwod" Uut ovtcy aba ol t&a fieaUci MS Ml I D"in, NSiL a MM I P.ii.i in Side cr Back, y$k Emac a'ion or Pal.or, vSa 01 I General Wciknsss, ypa a f Imp lircd Digestion, M a i Cosiivcness, m F$ ( Nervousness, h I Kyi Headaches or Giddiness, Ifw :i y Lack ol Energy, lid j f&ll ' Sleeplessness, M i Tendency to Faint, ' Painful Mens rualion, JmM 1 wtvil i Irrcgu'ar Menstruation, h WA ; Dragging: Pains. Jmf LETTliRS C0NTINUI: TO POUR IN, TELLING OP THO WONDERFUL RERULTS OF HUDYAN THAT IltlDYAN IS TH12 I.KAI'NG N12MKDIA1. AOBNT OK TODAY IS l'HOVItN HY THR FACT THAT KVERY MAIL imiXtIS .MANY UCTTUHS T HI-LINO OF ITS GOOD WORK. MI3N AND WOMEN IN Al.h HKCTIONS OF T1I1E COUNTRY ARK HKINO CITRKD It Y HL'lJYAN. III'DYAN 1H NOT MURKl.Y A I'Al.l.IATI VU OP DISBASU, IU.'T IT OOKS TO THE ROOT OF THE EVIL; IT 1113 MOVICS TIllO CA1T8K; IT CITRUS 1'HU.MANKNTI.Y. NO MUDICINK 12VUR POSSESSED STRONOKR PI-AIMS UPON THE RUSI'KPT AND OltATlTl DU OF TIIK I'UOI'UM THAN DOHS HUDYAN. WOMEN IN AU- ST.UiKS OF DECLINE AS A RESULT OF WEAKNESSES NATURAL, TO THEIR SEX HAVE HE EN CURED RY HUDYAN. HUDYAN GIVES RENEWED LIFE AND ENERGY; IT- RELIEVES THOSE PAINS TO Vt'i'S'.'nWSK iHK, tMlJKT-;r: H- STRENGTHENS THE CIRCULATION AND GIVES A GLOW OF HEALTH TO r, . PROVIDENCE, K. I. TACOMA. Wann. JEFFERSON CITY. Mo. Dear Doctors: lludyan saved my life, Dear Doctors: I um feeling tine, for Denr Dot-torn. You will remember that 1 am miri I was weak. ialo and hnrc- Hudyan did the work. My troublf wus I Hcnt for six hoxun of Hudyun. At th Knrd. Suffered crcat pain lu buck and of u nervous nature, und I treated time I was verv 111 from iiervom rtli pvor nbdonien, nnd nt such times would with Bine nil doctors who could do mo cane, which was comullctled with fe have a (IHiiKroeablo dlHcharfiu. 1 was no nood. The llrot box of Hudyan male weakness. I am now ntlrulv well. iiIfo very nervous mado a porccptlhlo cIiuiiep for the thanks to our rplmlld remitdv 1 Six boxes of lludyan cured me per- better, und within livo woeku, tlm I would sny to nil weak and milTerlnc wo feeily. 1 feel better now thnn nt nny was u well man. I feel splendid, und men, "tuke Hudynn " 1 know from my tlmo In my life. 1 am Kind that I took cheerfully rucommend Hmlvnii. own experience that Is Is a Mileudui Hudyan. MRS. MARY DONOVAN.. WM. SHORER. remedy. MRS. F. L. MURRAY. HUDYAN CURES ALL DISEASES OF THE HLOOD AND NERVES. NERVOUSNESS. WEAKNESS. EXHAUSTED NERVE VITALITY. RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA. LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA. PARALYSIS SLEEPLESSNESS I IE AD A 1 1 10 DESPONDENCY. MENTAL DEPRESSION. HYSTERIA, NEURALGIA. PA INS IN TH E SIDE AN D HACK EPfl.EPT C LTrS!?kTOWn .r.VHI'Kl'HIA. INDIGESTION. MENTAL WORRY; EARLY DECAY CON- STIPATIoN. ALL FEMALE WEAKNESSES. PALE AND SALLOW COMPLEXIONS. HUDYAN IS FOR SALE RY DRUGGISTS, Me A PACK AGE OR SIX PACKAGES FOR $2.60 ..,e,Jh' ".0,t'.,,UD,U.Vi,GIST D0KS NOT Kl:1' "' I'VAN, SEND DIRECT TO THE HUDYAN REMEDY CO.. SAN FRAN YOU MAY COUSULT THE HUDYAN DOCTORS A ROUT YOI'R CASE. FREE OF CHARGE. CALL OR WRITE t ,.Du,t?i!l,a!rJf",lP & Co' f""lrnl!,n & McPonnell Drue Co . Myer-DIIIon Drm; Co.. J. A. Fuller A- Co.. Clins 1 1 Schacfer. J. H. Schmidt, Omaha. Cam? Rron , ''ounell Uluffa Dillon DniR Co.. South Omaha, nil sell und recommend Hudyuii. eBni!niiiAtAi'fnACacscnoD!!nBBinoHHin!ti()aini) Woman& Opportunity Pnro$, N. C, April 2'., J900. I wish to thank you for the good your Wine of Cardul lias done mc. I got five dollars' worth and ii did me twenty-five dollars' worth ot good. I was unable to do my housework before taking the Wine, but before the summer was out I was doing my own wanning, ironing and all my housework myieli. I felt better than I had in eight years before, and it did me more good than all the other medicines I ever have bought. I have had a great deal cf treatment from Hie doctors but I never have received half the benefit from them that I did from your Wine of Ordul. I shall ever praise it and recommend It lo all suffering women. All who doubt this may write to me. Mrs. W. J. MULL. WINECARM)I It s Many women who fltht the active battles of life soon lose their blooming checks anJ ruxldy health. Hcmalc diseases are killing thousands of them by slowly stealing away their vitality. Falling of the womb, leucorrhcza, and disordered menstruation hardly leave a home untouched. But every woman can now escape these troubles. No one need throw away the opportunities of life while Wine of Cardui can be secured so easily. This simple medicine fits a woman for every duty of life. It enables her to do her work and retain her health. It helps her to retain the appearance of youth and to have freedom from pain and suffering. Wine of Cardui is brought to your attention to day to give you an opportunity to secure perfect health to make your life a delight not a burden. You can secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui at your drug store and take It in the privacy of your home. In enact requiring special directions, addr, clving Bymptouiii, "Tha Ladlei' Advisory Department,7' The Chattanooga Uedlclno Company, Chattanooga, Todd. Telegram from Russia: "SI3XD TO AMTCIIICOFP PAI-ACH, ST. PETCrtHllUltf;, IMMKIIIATHI-Y A. OTHErt CASE- OF VIV MAItl NI l'Oil IIIIIl IMPERIAL MAJESTY, E.UPUI'.SS OF RUflhlA." Ordered hj flit Court I'lirntclnn. STRONG WHEN IN DOUBT, TnY Tf havoitooc! Ihfltcttefytin. ad h-v cured ttwui.mJl ci cimi 01 Nffvoul Dikeasei, turli ai ueDinty, Duiintis.ilif.li-ii. a lit and Vancoct Ic.Aitonbv .'ic. They clear ihe btain, rtriirthe.i mc circulation, malm dletitibii eiiacc, ana imii-rt a nouuy I r. PCI ,gjTl(0r to the whole btlny. All dralni and Iohm are chteked firnianrntly, UnUki patisoii "V" Hui,sl,r , uru lvhuiiiuii .urn wvmoB uiciu in io i nia nny, c an turn prion or ueam. VS Mailed lulled. Price tt perbun 6 boici, with Iron-clid legal guiraaiee locurr r refund tne 11 tioney.lj.oo. Seod tor tree book. Addjtsi, PEAL MEDICINE CO.. Cleveland, 0. Sold by Kuhn & Co.. ISth nnd Doii(,-ln, and J. A. Pullor Co.. 34th and Douclaa. OlAIll V.M Vv IM: WOHLB FOUS TONIC. Prominent I'l-niilr KviTj-ullere Uae It. Gold by all driiKtlms. Hefuso .inbstltutea Marlanl A l o 62 W ISth Ht . New yorj' publlah a linndsoma book of ondorsurrmnta of ICmper'.rs, Kniprrs. 1'rlncrn, Cardinals ArchblMiopB and other dlHtlneulihrd per Bonuses. It In kent gratia and puatpald to all who wrlto for U -monument to a Richard Cobden's name lias gone down into history because lie was the leader in a distinct field. Richard Cobden 5 Cent Cigar is a monument to his illustrious name and a credit to his noble achievements. As with the man himself, the better one becomes acquainted with the Richard Cobden five cent cigar the bet ter one likes it. It's worth knowing and smoking. Call for it wherever cigars arc sold. PAXTON & OALLAOMIiR CO., DIstrlbutorA, Omaha. JOHN a. ItOOT, Maker. Relieves Kiunoy I a. tiinucicr t.ouui.j at once Cures in 4GKcursail URINARY DISCHARGES 1 jf h Cau fule I car the Hewn of tiii cfliintprfetu X-, I M n M o a a B A, m o D a a a o n o B A a 33 O H O n o CO c a o a A m n o n n o n ra o a 11 v n ci til 0