Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1900, Image 13

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    Omaha Sunday
PAGES 13 TO 24. g
KST-MJLISIIIiD .jrXIO (), 1871.
icnts 1 i liutiur.
1' ttcrni.
.Mail Orders
Sensational Sales That Demonstrate "The Big Store's" Leadership
Astonishing bargain giving in finest, newest and most stylish goods, direct from the world's greatest markets, Varieties and assortments unsurpassed in
America, There is not an express or freight station in the entire TransMississippi country to which our goods do not go on mail orders, The Big Store is
daily thronged with crowds of eager buyers, Hundreds of merchants buy their entire stocks from us, 1 his tremendous volume 0 business and spot cash
enables its to sett good? at lowir fiyicvs than other merchants pay for theirs.
Buyers will find Monday's Sales the Grandest Genuine Bargain Opportunities ever presented in Omaha,
Ths Leading Stress
Over 40,000 styles now in stock
Omaha combined. We wholesale dress
Black Dross Goods
Comencing Monday we will soil Dreas
floods cheaper Hum others can purchase
robes, etc.
25 pieces of blnck all wool CG-lnch Klbellnc
Cheviot llio regular price
In $1.98 per ynrd on Mon
day It will go for
2." of nil wool Cheviot, cxira heavy-
regular prlco Is $2.2."
this nalo It will go
nt ,
GO places of tho finest CrepotiB thnt were
ever placed on the market theso were
Hold In this town at $3 per fiSffc
yard on Monday wo will Sjfijjfi
ncll them nt, yurd .... btf
Black dress Roods from 15c to $10 M ynrd.
Colored Dress Goods
C4-lnch strictly nil wool Suitings In blue,
brown, (tray. etc. Roods worth up to $1.0J
per yard will ho sold Monday,
f. ynrils dress patterns for
ptiHri, nnltnpn nt
350 dress patterns of nil wool, silk and
wool, crepoiiB, sonnies, suitings nil wool
licnriottns, serges and Roods wor.h from
(I to $3 yard all ro en this tffc fFfa
nalo for cntlro pattern, ff t
l'KENCII ELANNKLS We nre s !! rvery
thliiR else, strictly hcadciiuru rs Tor Kren h
KlnnnolH. Wo Riinrnnteo them to he p r
fectly fast colors nnido In I'mnee and to
lie from r0 to 75 per cent below nny o her
Letting Down
FurniSisye Prices
It Is rarely In this world that our fondest
Ireams nro realized. This Is Just what has
happened during the past week so far ns
furulturn selling Is concerned. Wo hnd
dreamed of largo sales, hut tho brightest
of theso dreams fell far short of tho actual
ns It camo to us this week. What n crowd
What orders? Hvcrybody convinced that
hero nnd hero only enn they buy reliable,
up-to-date furnlturo nt n less prlco than
oskcil elsowhoro. Could wo get all these
people to testify you would bo astonished
thnt you have not come here long ago.
Wo Intend to continue this salo rlRht
along, nnd ns lots of new goods are nrrlv
log dntly, we can show you bright, now
Goods, new designs, liew'llnlshetj In every
Grade, of furnlturo.
Full slzo metal bed. white, ennmel, bras'?
trimmed, wood top, mattress to lit, good
spring to lit. tho whole for $I.S5.
High back, leather cobbler seat rocker.
Largo cano sent, nrm rocker, $1.75.
2U2! oak center tnblo, $1.00.
Solid oak enno scat ehnlr, brace nrm. 75c.
D-drawer oak .chiffonier, solid hrasb
drawer pulls, our new line, $0.50.
Flno. large, nicely finished sideboard, 3
drawers, largo cupbonrd, bevel mirror, for
$D CO.
Quarter pawed extension table, pol
ished top, heavy lluted legs, for $5.60.
Just In, lino oval frame, 4'ixGti opening.
With burnished heading around edge, tltted
complete, for 50c. Now frames and pic
tures Just put In stock. Tho lowest-priced
place in town to have n frame niado to or
der. Your photo enlarged free.
Wail Paper and Paints
Great stock reduction salo to mokn room
for several big carloads now on tracks hero.
Flno gilt papers, weio 15c. go on salo ut
6o per roll Wall paper bargains that will
surprise tho shrewdest shoppers.
Noxnll ready mixed, per gullon, 9Sc. The
eamo grade other dealers usk $1.50 to $2.00
Aleo cut prices on varnishes, slalus, cnam
el, brushes and room molding
PfwlfiPII1'1111''1 tn us fo1' 0n,,,h"' Tlu'-V ,,lilk(' "
0MMwMm sllU ,,M1,1,S- no I"J!,1 K1, but
IwifxSS?''11 trrty first cjass. and any house
mMWS staling that they are soiling these goods
Ono t-et bost
Knelish Dtfcirntotl
Sutnl l'lii'i-eniiii
C-'upi and huui-ers,
wot- h $1. ut
IJet qimll y
Vnlvfloi'ii Corduroy
SKlri U.ndlri,',
GaoiSs Housa welt8
nnro than all the other storas 0'
goods as well as retail them.
We carry the product of
the leading mills in the
Cuited Slates Holony Worsted mills,
Passaic. X. .1., Coodnlls celebrated wool
en mills, 'Sanford-MncFnrnsworth worst
ed mills, Arkonia mills, I'olwell Urns.,
Philadelphia; William F. Head, Phila
delphia, etc. These are the first class
mills of America and are strictly con-
of us are making misstatements.
hons6 In Omaha no Jobs, no plug styles,
no domestic Roods In them prlco, yard
38c, 55c, 55c, 75c, 35c,
90c up to S3
Two cases of short leiiRths from the Ar
lington mills, run from 1 to 7 gk
ynrds In pleco for entire nSnjJP
piece only t&JW
1 case of short lengths from the Atlantic
mill goods pieces run from
1 to B ynrds per yard,
2 enses of short lengths from tho Paclllo
mills In nil wool, silk nnd wool In lengths
from 1 to C ymds worth up to $1.00 yurd
will ro on snlo Monday
per ynrd ut ,
2 cases of short lengths In dress Rocds
from t to C ynrds In pleco -worth up to
$2.00 per yard all will go
on this sale nt per
r dress patterns In French Koule Apple
nued In tho very latest designs -worlh
from $32.30 to $6(.u0 per pat
torn on this sale they will
go nt, for pattern
Our samples nro now ready nnd nny lady
pending In hor nddress wo wilt send her
u package containing over 100 different
samples of fall dress and If b!io picks a
dress from theso samples wo w(ll prepay
charges on same.
and heiings
nni) siMtr.ADS.
10-1 crochet bed spreads, sale price, lOc
each. 11-1 crochet spreads, sale price, COc
each. 11-1 crochet spreads, sale price, 75c
euch. 12-4 fringed crochet spreads, sale
price iSc ench. 12-1 fringed colored crochot
spreaCs, tale prlco, $1.45 each, 12-1 lino satin
nullt. orth $5.00, snlo prlco, $2.!tS. 12-1
flno satin quilt, fringed, worth $0.00, salo
price, $:l.25.
L'lxIG-ln. Turkish towels, 12 to a customer,
sale price, 10c each. 22xl5-ln. linen damask
towels, fringed or plain, at 22'ic each.
20x40-ln. linen huek towels, worth 15c, nt
He each. 17-ln. all linen Barnsley crush,
salo price, flc yard. lS-ln. glass crochet
crash, 3'ie ynrd.
' 1-1 unblrnchcd muslin, the Cc kind, salo
price, 4',j.c yard. 4-4 unbleached muslin,
tho 8c kind, salo price, fie yard. 30-In.
bleached muslin, any leading brand, ut 7c
ynrd. 30-lu. blenched muslin, would be
cheap nt 7c, salo price, 5',sC yard. 9-1
blenched sheeting, special snlo bargain, 18c
ynrd. 9-4 unbleached sheeting, special tale
bargain, 17o ynrd,
CO-In. cream damnsk. sale price, 30c yard.
6t-ln. hleachod damask, salo price, 59c
yard, 0S-lu. blrnched dnmusk, nh ptleo,
02VjC ynrd. ill-ln. crenm damnsk, extra
heavy, at 50c yard. 24x2l-ln. bleached
damatk mipklns, ea'o pi Ice, $2.25 doz. 22xJ2
In. blenched dnmusk napkins, salo prlco,
$1.50 do.
Tho greatest assortment nt tho lowest
prices will always be found at llnydcn
Flamte! Dept.
Threo cases whlto wool llannel, per yard
22c, 25c, 30o nnd 35c.
Ono caso bleached extra soft and heavy
Shaker llannel, 10c per yard, 1
Three cases remnants of tho best Olympla
light and dark outing llnnnol, 8Hc per yard,
Ono case fancy plaids wool flannel, extra
bargain, 25c per yard.
Two cases extra heavy and soft light and
dark outing llannel, 4'ic per yard.
Thirty. nlno cases cotton bed blankets
from C5c to $1.85. Wo havo 500 pairs extra
largo and heavy tan nnd gray, size 74.S4,
price, $1.60 per pair.
Wo havo 000 pairs wool and all wool som
phi blankets, In all colors, from $1.50 to
$18,00 per pair.
Sixty dozen extra heavy winter weight bed
comforters, each, 75c, $1.15, SSc and $1.25,
GIii-s Check
2c I
250 Bolts 27-in.
Phis is beyond question the best
all pure silk and in the new soft
and that can be relied upon to wear We have black and over 40
different colors while thev last at onlv
New Silks, Shown for the First Time in the Big Silk Dept.
Direct Importation of high art silks, for evening wearbeautiful conceptions, in all the
much wanted shades. Wo believe theso to be the handsomest silks of this sort that was ever
before shown in town. Now applique silks, new tucked silkk, now mirror silks, new panne
siiks, new brokado silks, in grenadine effects in fact, tho finest and most complete collec
tion of new and stylish silks in tho land. Come attd soo for yourself.
On Sale All Day Monday,
A big lot of changeable bro
cade silks that may be used
for numerous pur- 1
poses at only I t-J
Any one interested in Black Tn,ff.3tzL3 should visib this D3pb. Md ulny
We have about 30 different lines of black taffetas, and in order to bettor uquaint the la
dies of this city with tho various makes that we handle, we will take several numbers from
each line, and for Monday sell them at the most sensational reductions, ft will pay you to
buy black taffetas at this sale for a WHOLE YEAR'S NEEDS.
CSc Black Taffeta, 10-ln. wide 39c
75c Illack Taffeta, 20-ln wide 40c
OSc Illack Taeta, 21-ln. wide 50c
$1.25 Illack Tatfetn, 22-in. wide...
$1.50 Ulack Taffotn, 22-ln. wide...
50 Pieces of Handsome Silk
Big scrolls In pink, blues, greens, all kinds
of stripes, big brocades, tnffctns, sntlns, gros
grains and nil kinds nnd colors, In very
lino silk, worth $1.00, nnd $1.50, for
Wo sell tho best Black
the opportunity of buying
uiar price. We guarantee every yard to be perfect and warrant every yard to wear.
$1.3.- Blaik Armurc Dress Silk, at.
$150 Illack OroB Grain Silk, nt...
Our constantly incraasin? sals of the famous Winslow Taffata is tlio
Highest Tribute to its worthiness, despite tho fact that there are many cheaper
tairetas in the market, Winslow b talfelas stand pre-eminently alone in the field as the most
trustworthy and reliable talfeta in tho world. It pays to buy Winslow because Winslow wears
Wo havo Just opened up a line of lace cur
tains closed out to us by tho mlllB nt one
third of their regular selling prlco. $1.00
Nottingham curtnlus, 19c. $1.50 Nottingham
curtains, 75c. $2.00 Nottingham curtains,
OSc. $3.50 to $1.00 Nottingham curtains,
$2.00. $i.00 Nottingham curtains, $2.98. $5.00
Brussels curtains, $2.98. Also a big lino of
milled nnd novelty curtains.
Special carpet sale. It will pay you to
I look Into It. The finest goods In tho world
' at prices nobody else can make you. All
j wool Ingrains, 39c. Closing out patterns of
best nil wool Ingrains, 49c, all now fall pat
j terns; all wool ingrains, uOc and 00c; 65o and
, 75c for extra quality patent and fancy
weaves; Axmlnster and velvets, now goods,
! 95c and $1.00. 15 per cent off on all room
I s'zo rugs.
ina Department
A visit to our china department Is time
well Bpent.
Beautiful line of onyx, bisque and metal
novelties, dozen different styles and sub
jects, 25c,
All sizes of plain and decorated lamp
shades from 25c up.
Imported blue Canton tea sots, 69c,
tins mantles, 10c.
Slx-pleco crystal cri-nm sets, 23c.
Decorated collar boxes, handkerchief
boxes, glovo boxes, brush and comb trays,
bread trnys, chop platters, vases, decanters,
cracker Jars; theso nro all $1.00 values, 29c
Decorated oyster bowls, 6c.
Kggshell decorated Japanese ware In cup
nnd saucer, tho llnest you over bow, 714c
Fine engraved water tumblers, fie.
Decorated 100-plece dinner sots, tho very
best English porcelain; theso sets aro cheap
at $12.00, tomorrow's sale prlco Is $0.9S.
12-pleco decorated toilet sets, with largo
slop Jar, best English poicolalu, $1.29.
Extension spring solid brass hanging
lamps with 11-Inch shades, $1.9S.
Largo slzo decorated Holland bowl, the
regular price Is 60c, on sale tomorrow at
Fine lino of French china plates, fancy
shapes and decorations, from lOo up.
Decorated oatmeal bowls, 5c.
Decorated fruit saucers, 5c.
W'omcn's fluu l)i'c9
Patent Louthor
viol kid tup, worth
8.') 60, Motidav
59c $1.87
30-lnuh wldo
Pure Hluck SUk,
worth 31.00,
wide Black and Colored Taffeta Silks,
tafl'eta value in our city it is
finish that does not muss easily,
50c and 75c Silks Moiday 25c,
About 300 pieces. In n mixed lot thnt wo
cleaned up from a manufactute-nll colors.
In both China
Silk and taffotn -at
$1.00 .Black Taffeta, 27-ln. wldo C9c
$1.23 Blnck TnlTetn, 27-ln. wide C9c
$1.50 Blnck Taffeta, 27-ln. wldo 75c
$1.50 Black Taffeta, 3'i-ln. wide S9c
$1.75 Black Tnffetn. 3G-ln. wldo $1.00
on Sale
Silks for
Kxtra heavy tnffctan
designs, over 100 pieces of swell Persian
nnd scroll effects, in lino French Foulard,
for entlro dresses, heavy lining silks, In nil
colors and blnck, full 27-ln. wide, some of
tho3 sllka worth $2.50
Dress Silks in t&o World
u handsome black silk dress
I $2.00 Black French Poplin, at OSc
$1.60 Black Satin Do Lyon, 21-ln. wide.. 85c
Grand Shoe SaEe
Now ful' styles ut th' most astonishingly
low prices, Big spot cush purchases es
pecially for this snlo right from the factory
Moors afford the greatest bargains shoe
buyors wero ever offurud. Hvory pair care
fully fitted.
Tho I'ltrn" Shoes for women-the "Stet
son" shoes for men.
Women's flno $4 vlcl kid nnd uatent
leather Sample shoes, In all sizes, on sale
nt $1.90.
Women'B fine Brooks Bros.' Itochester
mndo shoes, In vlcl kid and patent leather,
for dress wear, all sizes ami widths, on
enlo nt $3, $3.50 nnd $1.
Men's line Sample Shoes, In vlcl kid and
box calf, worth $1 ami $3. on su!e nt $1.97.
Men's flno box calf and Russia calf Cloud
ycur welt Shoes, on sale at $3. $t!.50 and $1.
Children's School Shoos. In vlcl k.d and
velour calf, on sale ttt 75c, 9Sc und $1 -").
Grand Silverware Sale
Just received, 50 gross pieces elegant quad
ruple plato silverware, bon bon holders,
cako baskets, fancy spoons, manicure pieces
and sets, etc.
A beautiful lino of high-class useful nov
elties, regular 60c to $1.00 pieces, on sale
.Monday, ench, 25c,
$4.00 Bohemian glass vases, sale price,
each, $1.00.
Just purchased, n sample lino of this beau
tlful glassware the genuine Bohemian
goods, on Bale nt 50c, 00c, 75c and $1,00,
worth up to $5.00.
20 gross pieces of statuarj, artistic and
handsome, reduced from 25c to, each, 10c.
J Ik
I'iain colors in
Wo.d IClderdown,
w rth 40c,
50.000 yards
Yard Wide Percales
all now stylos
M onuny tuny
22'c !
IQuun'ity Umltod J
$1,25 Black French Foulard 50c,
On Monday wo offer you tbo blRgeat bar-
.(.... ..,.i 1. i lit... l,tn!- r.'.tw It
,,,ollInr(1 ,.,. w)(lo ,, w maUi, ft
mo-t serlrcahle silk dress
worth oveiv cent of $1 25--On
sale Monday yard . . .
; $1.2." Oarnet Black French Taffeta 75c
$1.50 Black Sterling Taffotn Sc
$1.25 Blnck Swiss 24-ln. Taffeta 75c
$1.(13 Black I'uro Dye Lyons Taffeta. .. .$1.00
$3.00 Black La Metoro Tartetu $1.50
Dresses, Waists or Lining,
In nil tho nobbiest
and Monday yon have
for about half the rog
$2.50 Black l'enu I)e Sole, 27-ln wide.
00 Blnck Prau Do Sole, 24-lu wide.
Ladles' Furnishings
Special bargains In ladles' nnd children's
underwear and hosiery.
Ladles' heavy ribbed vests und pants nt
25c, :i6c nnd 60c.
Ladles' flno black hose at 10c, 15c nnd 25c.
Ladles' nil wool vests and pants at 75c
nnd $1.00.
Ladles' union suits at 50c, 75c and $1,00,
worth double.
Children's lino black ribbed hose, In fall
weight, nt 10c. 15c nnd 25c.
Childion's flrecM-llned vests and pants nt
lue. 20c. 25c, 30c and 25c.
Children's nil wool veslB nnd pants at 25c.
30c, 35c nnd 45c.
Special Bargains in
lien's Furnishings
Men's extra henvy Jersey ribbed (lcece
ILncil shirts nnd drawers, at 35c nnd 45c.
Men's extra heavy llccced lamb's wool
shirts nnd drawors, nt 45c, 75c nnd OSc,
Men's extta henvy all wool shirts nnd
drawers, In double front nnd back, worth
up to $2.00, In ono lot at 98c.
Men's henvy llannel shirts, In blue and
all tho new colors, at OSc, $1.50 nnd $l.'.tS.
Sheet Wmk Sale
Lenders In Sheet Music nnd Books. Wo
carry all tho latest mublc and sell It at tho
very lowest prices.
Monday wo will sell tho following very
latest Sheet Music nt He, regular prlco 50c:
Such popular hits ns "Tho Tale of n Kan
garoo," "Ma Tiger Lily," "Bird In a (Hided
Cugo," "Sing Mo a Song of tho Sunny
Meats and Lard
No. 1 California hnms IViC
Fancy pickled beef , .....So
Sugar cured bacon ll',a
Solid packed oysters 25o
l'icklcd tripe 1o
I'lckled Pigs feet 5o
10-lb. palls best lard 89o
I'ork sausage S'.-ic
Best bologna 5c
Kamy pork 12Vio
Mo to $1.00
M n.luy
j t
Snesia! Notion
Fancy ribbons. ."Oc quality all new goods
per yard
Iancy ribbons, l,"c tjuality
Special veiling sale, goods worth
at '. .'
(5KAX1") OPENING on newest novoltif's in Irossiu' Him
minjs, including line Frondi elTeels in inlTetii, sa tin, velvet nml
broadcloth, nnd the very latest novelties in tinsel oods.
10c dress Irininiinj's iiuntilv
for '.
Machine thread, full 200 yards
per spool, for
Great sale Monday on Ladies' Stylish Cloaks and Suits and ex
quisite fell and winter mil.inery,
Pianos! Pianos!!
Now is the Time to
Purchase a Piano
if you want to save money
we have just received the first
shipment of our fall stock.
If yon are expecting to purchase, ,vou should not fail to
visit our piano department. We show .von the largest line of
standard pianos in the city. New pianos, i?MS from Hint price
up to the price of the (M.ickering, Fischer, Lester, Franklin, rla
cob Doll, Haines and several other makes. Any piano sold guar
teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. New pianos
for rent. IManos soltl on monthly payments if desired.
handle Mnrdottc and Newman Bros." organs. Slightly used
organs at S. 10. $1Lr0. .?t.". '21.0H and $!.".)(). Pianos moved,
stored, tuned ami repaired. Telephone l(s:.
oiui mm hot stovi: s.vlr is in cull
Did you sec that beautiful riegal. Uni
versal double heating base burnor? If
not, don't fall to see It beforo you buy a
busn burner. Bo up to date. Oct tho
best. Savo your coal. No smoke or gas.
It Is perfect In construction; exira largo
Hues; mirror nickel plating; way nh ad of
anything olso of Its kind In Omaha. Usu
ally sells for $18.00 to $50.00; our price,
Then wo havo a beautiful douhlo heating
Base- burnor. n llttlo plainer, flrHt-clasi,
tnndo by tho saino llrru, 10-Inch llro pot;
would be cheap for $10.00; our price, $33.00.
Tho Cyclone Hot Hln3t, a snap (keep flro
48 hours), $S.I9.
ID-Inch Oak Stove for soft or hard coal,
21, nlr tight, burns nny old thing, $1.95.
No. 8 Laundry Stoves (good heatora)
Our Standard Steel Hango; It Is tho
handsomest, tho largest top, tho large t
oven, tho best made, tho heaviest, largest,
high warming closet, nslicsios ln.od
throughout, duplex grato, for cool nr wo. id,
would bo cheap nt 3s. 00; our price. $29 95.
Same stylo with a 16-gallon copper or
cast whlto oiiamolcd reservoir for $35.95.
Then wo havo n good honest nwdo Stent
Itnngo with n largo ovon, IS-lneh high slulf,
low wnrmlng closet, nicely nickel plutul,
nsbeslns lined, $20.50,
No. S four-holo cast cook, flrst-dnss,
1K-Inh oven, a nice, neat, plain, honest
stove, 10.49.
0-holo Cast Ilango. JO-lnch nvin, white
enameled reservoir, lino baker, $15.50.
'ron l'lpe (commonly called
Ilusela), 27c,
i pire. 9c.
Send us your mail orders,
1M uitis SiiUi 011 l itsy Payment!
........ ........
ami Ribbon Sale
4 l-2c
!."c and HOe
on sale .Monthly
taday Erceery Salo
Fresh bulk oysters, solid
packed. iiari, LW.
Self-raising pancake (lower, li
lb. package, S -',U:
New evaporated yellow
peaches, pound, '2U:
Fancy .lava ami .Mocha cof
fee, pound. 2."c.
White Uiissian soap, S bars
for Hoc.
Feonomy evaporated cream,
can, Sc.
Tall can extru fancy red sal
mon, I'J.U-.
2-pound package fresh rolled
oats, He.
:-pound cans golden drip
syrup Oc.
Fancy whole Carolina rice,
per pound, ."c.
Maker's baking chocolate,
large cake, 17Ac
I'earl tapioca, worth 10c
pound, 2 pounds for I He.
Oil or mustard sardines, per
can. H:Me.
New Cape Cod cranberries;
per pound, 7M'..
Shredded cocoanut, i pound
for I Or.
IMnt bottles pure tomato cat
up lextra tine), 12.1c.
String beans, baked beans or
wax beans, ; cans for 2.rc. This
year's pack' new goods.
.'Mb. cans fancy California
pears, 1.rc.
10a rly .fune pens, worth 20c
can, only J 2 Ac.
.'Mb. cans fancy grated' pine
apple, 12ic.
I'uro corn starch, per pack
age, fie.
Laundry starch, 1 lbs, for 1Tc.
.Jersey Cream (lour, on sale
.Monday, D."c
Visit Optical Dept.
! mid get your eyes examined free ami glumes
tilted fortius than half the usual pi h e I'er
' feet satisfaction guaranteed Itepairs of all
kludj Lenses ixihangcd K-allies lined
, Tbo iiepnrtmeiit in thuri: of uu pert cert!
I fled optician
fvv CxirHiniNf) tL