Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Four Sales The
reatest in Our History.
s, Millinery and Shoes
Ifcnilquurtcr.s for I.udlcs'
Fine Ball Room
Slippers and Shoes
The Finest In tlic I, mil.
Hciuiirknble bargains.
0 Cloal
warn tm wii
Another Triumph in Shoe Selling.
The whole town excited by
the way we sell the
Entire Stock of Shoes
of the
From the corner of lfltli and Douglas.
Tho quality of this splendid lot of shoo Is ho vo'l
known to tho business men of Omaha that tho salo is
growing ovory day.
Bargains Saturday
We'll glvo your money back at onco if you can du
plicate these, shoes for twico tho prico wo ask.
Every Pair Warranted
Your choice of any boys' shoo in
the entire stock from the Or
"Continental" at J Js
Your choice of any man's slioo that
the "Continental sold up 1 QQ
to $4.00 for 1. O
Big Sale Ladies' Fine Shoes
Your cholco of all tho women's
shoes that sold for up to four
dullars, In sizes 21, 3, 3 and 4, ut
In basomont.
All tho wohion's shoes that sold
for up to $1.70,
go at
In basement.
All tho women's shoes
that sold for .up to
$5.00, go at
On main floor.
We are sole agents tor Edwin C.
Burt's Ladies' Fine Shoes. Our
price is 5.00 a pair.
WB ARB SULili Alil-TSlS I' OK 11111 yL'li'K'.N Q LTAl.lTT3UTtAJbliOli
for women. Wo carry 30 dlf foront styles of them.
Hosiery and Underwear Sale.
. i. a. Ladies' and children's line hoso in fast
.V.hfv b1lck and tan, plain and heavy ribbed,
CtYmSrV' full seamless, all sizes, worth 71
?A Wmv 15c pair' g0 ,lt '
?m ull Men's half hoeo, silk plaited, silk mercer-
attw u reSu'Jir "wide in fast black, reds
ffiK !in(l purples, worth 35c pair, 1 Err
AS goat lt-Jw
Lndies' fine imported cotton
and Halo thread hoso. full regular
tnado with doublo soles and spliced
heels, In plain black and
fancvcolors.lncludlngdrop JJ
stltc'hod llslo, go at, pair.
Misses', children's and boys'
vests, punts and drawers In natural
wool and camel's hair effects, medium
and heavy wplghts, up f f
toslzoIIO. IUC"1DC
Ladies fine Egyptian vests
and pants, handsomely silk crochot
trimmed, soft tloocod, In Rgyptlnn
and Saxony wool, worth A CX
up to 81.00, HbVC
ut 25c, 35c and
Our Great Clothing Sale
We placed our orders for fall and winter clothing at an early date,
when the manufacturers were idle, and saved from 2u to 40 per cent by so doing;. This gives us
a decided advantage and enables us to offer you the remarkable values that vc do. Come Satur
day and secure the suit and top coat that you need, at a dcidedly low price.
MEN'S s t y lish fall
suits and top coats.
tho suits nro inside of lino worsteds, ens
slmcrcs nnd cheviots. In n variety of now
stylish patterns, with drop I'rench faring
Top coats nro made of tun eoverts nnd
Oxford cheviots, all well made, nicely
trimmed and perfect lining garments.
Special price
EN'S very fine fall
suits and top coats
Suits made of Imported bind; clay and
fancy stripe worsteds, fancy cheviots
and casslmeres, sowed throughout with
silk, ovory garment expertly tailored
nnd elegantly trimmed. Top coats made
of whipcords, vicunas and coverts, with
or without velvet collars, vlcunns with
silk lining to the edge. Special sale
Ladies' fast black fleece lin
ed wool hoso, medium and heavy
weight, with plain and "fr
ribbed tops, extra lino JYC
gauge, go at 10c, 15c and
Boys' and girls' medium
and heavv wolght flccco lined and
jersey ribbed vests, pants and
drawers, all sizes up to CS--,
34, good quality, ZHC
Thousands of ladies' per
fect lining union suits in medium
and heavy wolght; jorsoy ribbed,
lino Egyptian outton fa g
and Saxony wool, .jl"!
goat....:Wc, IDcand
MEN'S new fall suits
and top coats--Suits
nro mndo or black clay ami nobby strip
ed worsteds and casslmeres in neat
t heeks and mixtures, with serge or Ital
ian lining. Top conts mndo of tnn cov
ert or Oxford vicunas, lined with lino
satin lining, many with silk velvet col
lars, latest cut. elegantly tailored. Very
remarkable values at--
MEN'S finest suits and
top coats Suits made
from tho tlnest nnd most select fnbrlcs,
in the choicest patterns. Top coats
mndo of tan whipcords and Oxford vi
cunas, with silk lining. These gar
ments arc tnllored in the very best man
ner nnd nro equal In every respect to
tho best mnde-to-ordcr clothes. Your
c hoice of this lot. Saturday for -
Suits, Jackets and Capes
Some Wonderful Bargains Offered for Saturday,
Big assortment of new suits in all
tho new fabrics and colors, now cut
jackets and skirts, on sale Saturday.
These were purchased at a remarkably
low figure, and for that reason wo are
able to oiler you 10.00 and f QQ
$12.00 values at KJ J O
Handsomely tailored suits made- of
homespun, cheviot, covert and other de
sirable materials. This sen son's latest
novelties, some all silk lined. Kvery
suit in this lot is a bargain at $'jr.00.
Saturday you have your -fl PJ
unrestricted choice at - O'w
Women's fine kersey jackets, largo
appliqued collar and rovers, full silk
lined, all colors, various fabrics, would
bo a bargain at $7,50, our A Q"Q
special prico for Saturday . . Hr O
Saturday we place on sale a big
assortment of tho now box coats, jack
ets and automobiles, made of line Eng
lish kersey, cheviots, coverts, etc., in
all colors, this season's newest styles,
ranging in value from i?rj.r0 to
Sl7.r,0. O Oft
Special for Saturday
111 'f TjJWIV
Younp; Men's Stylish Fall Suits
Youth's s11'18' ma ot a11 wo1 cas" Youth's
. sin.ercs nnu uubwuib, mm
stnglo or double breasted vests every coat
jnado with deep French facing, carefully
tailored, perfect fitting, sizes 14 , -q-to
10 years, worth J.V50 and $6 -y Jiy
special for Saturday
Suits, mado of unfinished wor
steds. cheviots and cassl
meres. In blue and black, also nest chocks
and mixtures, with line sen;" llnlni;. single
or doublo breasted styles, nscs 14 . -v
. ii r -.n U vO
Saturday's special prico
Youth; vory fmo sult8, niad0 ot bl"
- stTRes. black clay nnd fancy
worsteds and narrow wnlcs. with hand
made, button holes and padded shoulders,
apes 14 to 13 years, every suit a wq
blK bargain, nt our special
salo price
Special Sale of Boys' Suits
n aw
Bo vs' nc scn00 su'ts
made of fine ool
fabrics, is this season's newest
patterns 20 different kinds,
ages 3 to 15 years small sizes
with double breasted " 3S
vests oaturaays
special price
Boys' very nc suits mac
- - J-. . of the best materials,
extra well lined, elegantly tail
nrfd nnd trimmed, everv SCam
. ,
reinforced, lined with serge and
Italian cloth, $4.75 95
values, Satur-
day only
Boys' H00 -'.3 -made Boys' u7s'es3P?on!l
or guuo rang bcrvire yMrS) ma(Je of ,he f jnes, foreign
fV a great variety of patterns an(j domestic fabrics, in wor-
& and labncs, sizes trom 6 to lb, steds, cassimcres, serges and
small sizes are vestec " 98 cneviots a" colors and 95
style, special for 1""" Pattcrns $7.50 value,
Saturday Saturday's price only
IT d i
Ladies' golf capes.
have a great variety of these
popular and stylish garments
at prices from $1.'.)S to $15.
For Saturday wo offer an
unusual bargain in lino
stylish golf capes, cheap at
$S.50, our special K QO
prico only kJ J? O
1 1)
Women's collarettes,
made of good elect rio seal,
astrakhan and ntar mar
ten, some with astrakhan
yokes, all heavily satin
lined, with and without
tabs, some with clustor of
tails, irnod values at A f T
$0,511 ami $7.00. Sat- UQ
urdav spct'lal prico "
Otlior spi'eial bargains in collar
ettes for Saturday at $7. Mi, $0.US.
$12fi0, 15,0U, worth fully ono.thlrd
Millinery Sale.
Uvcry trimmed hat that wo show on our second lloor Is full ot style nnd
chic. Wo huvo mado special olToris for Saturday, and you will bo richly
rewarded for coming.
200 elegant trimmed volvot hats,
plain and fancy crowns, trimmed with fouthors,
panno volvot and ornaments, Hats thatcnnnotpossl"
bly bo equaled in stylo, quality of material
and cllect In any store in Omuha
for less than $.').00,
on salo Saturday at
v H
At $5.00 wo will show 400 of the
choicest copies of French model hats, mado ol tho
llnost materials, tlrst-class workm:iushii) and
stylo, oxnet copies of $25. CO hats,
In nillllnory department
Special salo of ready to wear hats.
SoKT Sh i.oo & i.50
All of tho $1.00 and $1.00 fancy
fnalhcrs breasts and black OCSA
birds, choice AUv
Hats in Basement.
Children's and Misses' felt hats, Cult hats,
trimmed with nnA lCn lot silk,
. IUU UIIU UC in basement at
ribbon a t.
with polka
... 50c
Commissioner WilsonMakcsStatomentAnent
Stromsburg Insurauce Company.
At(en,p of .r r""t
ruporrnor "Up n"",,,
lor lh" L'oimrrmrann
KnlU Tln.
Ths attempt of tho local organ of pop
ocraoy to nrnko political capital for Con
Treasmna Stark out of tho net on of o -mleioncr
of internal rovoauo in tho mut
Sr of tho Xchnwka Mutual Ufo It.suranco
company of Stromaburg has placo.l tho con-
TKnrpsont facts. In audition to this tt has
Pu Z Z ch "w.aprc.l x.y tho mln.
of m.ntbors of fraternal """ 1
Nsbrnska that Oomin ssloner ilsou has
it ?r, to make a statement
in rcRiml to the matter, howlnn tho sta s
of mutual an-l fraternal insurance com
panies before tho department
nt liberty to make, such uso of as you may i
consiiicr Deuetieiai to mo rovnnuo service.
The main fact In tins caso was tile an-1
nitration of this enmnanv to tiu entirely '
exempt from tho taxatluu Imposed on 111"
insurance companies uy tne war revenue
uet. under tho proviso which exempted
from tax fruternal benetlclury societies and
other llko nrKanlzatlons, organized nnd
rondueted solely by tho members thereof
t'nr tho exclusive bcnetlt of the members
and lint for prollt, but did not exempt
mutual life companies as such.
This application of tho company was
denied nt tliu time It was made, as It did
not nppiar from the facts before tho ntrtro
that It was entitled to tho exemption.
After a careful reconxlderatlon of the ease
anil of the further facts presented by Con
gressman Stark. Secretary l.lttlo and your
self, the tlrst decision. hoUllm; the com
pany to the tax. was rcatllrmed September
s, ltnto. amplo evidence appearlUK from tho
llnauclal statement of the company to tho
statu olllcers that It mild not be con
sidered as bohiK conducted for tho
oscliisive bcnotlt of Its members mid not
tor proiit.
Tim lurther claim was made that tho
time of paying the tax should bo changed,
and. Instead of requiring a stamp of U to
bo ufllxed to oaeh of the policies when
Itsued, as It was tlrst decided, only IS cents
In stumps should bo atllxcd when the policy
sn Issued, and then N cents each e,ir
until the whole $-' was paid. This rl.ilm
was allowed owluc to tho peculiar
character of tho polities Issued by the
compaii). b which tho amount agreed to
be nald In case of tlo.itn Increased at the
end of each year from 0u) at iho end of
the III st year by stages of JlaO to J'.'.fiou at
llio end of the twentieth year, hut it In
volved no relluiiulshmenl nf any tax. onlv
a moillllcatlon as to tho time of iiayment.
pauics oo ore mo SrpU.mbrr Uonco It will bo seen that tho statement In
It will ho remembered that on hrm,""' ' , ,u,WH.mpor article that the eommls
17 ihn World-Herald, under larfia ncau- j finwr roversetl his rulliifj. that all tho
,' ., nn nllcKcd report of the action policies of the company mut bear revenue
".BC ? headed. "How Stark stunum under tho war rovenuo law. Is with-
Ul llll' i v .v-. , i... . Villi- uninitiwi(.
Won tho FlKht-Coiupoiieu inienm.
enuo Commls'slonor Wilson ;vrn.on
Decision." A copy of tho article nt
to tho commissioner and this Is his reply,
under date of September 25, addressed to J.
n iTotiU. collector of internal rovenuo at
I have to acknowledge tho receipt of your
lottor of tho ? ;,, luV rt ee from
f! '"P. nK."ft 'o'ntlo 7th Inst..
.Mutuuridfo lnsuranco oi nin
l. VaV.
ii u .Hi'. . .l,rnni?ll
facts hi resarti iu i hid ..... com.l8o
deemed It atlvlsablo to n ja'' l olrcum
suttemeut of the real fact s an rcuJ'?e
idunces attendlnu tho case, whun ou
i:mnillv baseless Is tho statement that
tho commissioner reversed any rullna by
which fraternal benetlclary societies were
hold to bo taxable. Tho Internal rovenuo
olllco has always held that such societies
wero clearly exempt under tho law and no
tax was over demanded or collected of
them. Neither directly nor Indirectly wero
thev Involved In the rulings mado In re
gartl to tho liability of tho Mutual Ufo
lnsuranco company of Stromsburg, Neb.
tho -twenty-four hours ending at noon
Krldny :
Deaths Thomas W. Graham. 83S South
Klehteenth. need 15 days: Mrs. Susannu
Ageusteln, 721 Hickory, aged 51. John Alex
ander, Fourth and Ok1ou, aged 11; Huth
Alexander, Ninth and fort, nged 1.
liirtns .u. .uwrimj. to ixirtii nevrii
teeuth, boy; J. Shouse, 418 South Sixteenth,
boy; C. J. Carlson. .'3 Seward, boy; Wil
liam Warner. Burrtette. boy: T. Hansen.
North Twenty-fourth, girl.
Trnnn'oiitliu'iititl I'liHxeiiurr .hsocIu
tlou .otv Soeiim to ll Aurrtl All
AVeKtern I. lues In Deal,
Tho formation ot a passenger association
by tho transcontinental lines of the west is
now an assured fact. Preliminary steps
toward fuch an organization wero taken
this month when tho passenger representa
tives of all through western lines met in
Salt l.ako City and discussed the proposition
at some length. This week an adjourned
meeting was held In Chicago and virtually
all of thu-olistacles ut tlrst encountered wero
dissipated, coubcipiontly tho organization
seems a certainty.
General I'assenger Agent S. Francis of tho
Kurllugton camo In from Chicago yester
day whore ho had been In attendance upon
tho meeting. Tho session will continue for
a day or two yet, during which tho details
ot tho association will bo closed up and do
cislvo action will bo taken within a short
time. Tho most pronounced diniculty which
presented itself when tho proposition ot
forming a transcontinental association was
first broached was tho division of military
business to tho coast This has been set
tled by tho uppolntment of Chairman Mao
l.eod of the WcHtcrn Passenger association
to hnvn chargo ot tho division ot this busi
ness between the various roads. With tho
elimination of this question other matters
connected with tho organizing of tho as
sociation wero easily disposed of.
through which tho tranecoutlncntnl system,
In consideration of tho dismissal "without
prejudlco" of tho action brought by tho
stnto over its nbsorptlon of tho St. Paul
& Duluth railway, agrees to forever maintain
that lino in all respects as It it still re
mained a separate lutercft.
After having been nnnroicd by tho North
ern Pacific directors In Now York, the con
tract was lllcd hero today.
Mothers oudorsu It, children like It, old
folks use It. We refer to One Minute
'Cough Cure. It wllf quickly cure all throat
aud luug troubles.
Mortality Statistic.
Tim rniinwiiiEr deaths and births were re-
ported to tint city health commissioner for
Allovr Horidn tn l'tiniilldntp.
ST. PAUL. Sept. 2S. A contract has been
entered Into between the Northern Pacltlo
Itnllvuiy company nnd the stntn of Min
nesota, through Governor Llnd, Acting At
torney (loncral Douglas ami the State Board
ot lUilroud and Warehouse CoinuiUkloaers
Itoelc Inland 'I'd Urn steps to Kttprni!-
mto Mlorol os.
Rock Island olllclals havo mapped out n
plao of campaign for tho extermination of
all dlsease-breodlng gorms which from time
to tlmo talio temporary abode In railroad
proportlcs. Considerable preliminary at
tention has been given the matter and tho
road has adopted a hermetically sealed, au
tomatic nnd economically distributing dis
infectant. This deodorizer will ho distrib
uted In cars, ofllces, stations and shop's and
it Is bellovcd that tho continued existence
of microbes on tho Uock Ii,land will bo but
Rolatlvo to this matter Goneral Agent
Huthorfortl says: "There will bo no gorms
of dlseaso or bail and offonslvo odors lurk
ing around tho property nf tho Uock IsUnd
after those plans nro put Into operation.
Knllroad properties are hard at best to
keep clean, but our ofllcl.ils bellovo our
road will bo tho aenio of hygienic cleanli
ness after a short time. A great deal of
money will bo sppnt In tarrying out tho
Itnllvwiy .oten iiml IMtnoiiiiIk.
General Manager lUcklnson and Chief
I.nglneer llerry of tho Colon Pacific left
in a speeiul train yesterday to make a
tour over tho road.
General Passenger Agents Francis nnd
Buchanan of the Burlington nnd Klkhorn
aru In Chicago attending a meeting of the
Western Passenger association.
Donald Hose, commercial agent of the
Illinois Central at Suit Lake Cltv, Is In
Omaha In consultation with Assistant Gen
oral Freight Atrpnt .1 S uvitxell.
A. F Webster. cxourHlni auont of the
nut iioKton at neaver rin, m in wic c.t,
having brought in n delegation of sight
seers for the Ak-Sar-Uen festivities.
I'.tlwln Mather, tho newlv appointed con
tracting trrlcbt fi?mit nf tin. Uncle Island,
has arrived In the city from D'S Moines
ami has assumed tho duties of W new
fit til or Fltrpntrli'k Kilters Church
lust ns HnrKlnr Wits l.oti
Contribution lln.
When Fnther Fltzpatrlck, pastor of Holy
Family ehurrh, Eighteenth nnd Izard
streets, entered tho chapel lato Thursday
afternoon to obseivo Ms evening devotions
ho saw a burglar standing In tho transept
prying open a contribution box by means
of a Jimmy and n ten-penny nail. So deeply
was the thug engrossed In tho unholy pro
ceeding that ho failed to hear tho priest's
footstops. Father Fltzpatrlck stood in tho
shadow for a moment and watched him.
Tho thief was nn unsavory looking custo
mer, with broad shoulders, loose joints nnA
big. bony, hairy hands. Ho handled the
tooln nwkwnrdly. Through tho stained
glass window enmo a shaft of ruddy light
thnt touched his ugly face and played grcon
nnd amber tunes upon It. An opalescent
ray, and another Hushed with tho tint of
old rose, .bathed his gibbous shoulders, vied
with tho Hakes of partl-cnlorcd confetti
thereon and made them nshamed nf them
selves. For thorn was every ovldcnco that the
burglar had Just como from the merry
making thiougs nn the streets, nnd that
homo saucy girl had been throwing chopped
paper nt him.
Finally tho Bhect Iron top of tho con
tribution box gavo way. He seized a hand
ful of ponnleB, nnd Just at that moment
Father Fltzpatrlck closed with him. There
wns a brief struggle In tho poetlo light, and
then, down tho broad aisle, over which
still hung tho uromtt of Incense, tho priest
pushed his prisoner. For though tho bur
glar was strong, Father Fltzpatrlck was
A moment later Chief Donahue received
a telephone mcssngo from Futher Fltz
patrlck. "I havo a burglar bore,", he
said. "I'm holding him with ono hand
and tho transmitter with tho other. Yes.
I'll detain him until tho patrol wagon ar
At the station tho burglar gave tho mime
of James Wilson und said his homo was
In Wyoming. Resides tho handful of pen
nies, ho had in his pocket 60 cents In
nickels nnd dimes, property of tho Holy
Family church.
Onrlnuil Stoves ami Uiincrs
wero awarded hlghost prize at Purls Ex
position, 1000.
School Tonolirr Conf routed liy Itr
volvcr Slums tin: Door lit Km-c
of LimelconiB (iurst.
Two hold-up nrtistB wern baffled, Thursday
night by Miss Alta Peacock, a teacher In the
Franklin school, who lives nt 817 North
Thirty-third street. Shortly after ft o'clock
thero was n rap nt tho kitchen door of
Miss Peacock's home. Supposing that somo
member of tho family was seeking entrance
sho opened tho door. A man wearing a
black mask thrust n revolver Into her face
nnd ordered her hands up. but Instead of
obeying commands Miss Peacock slammed
tho door In tho thug's fnco and screamed for
help. Shn was unablo to lock the door, hut
held It shut In spito of tho robber's efforts
to got in.
Members of the fnmlly who had retired
wero roused by tho screams and rushed
downstairs. When the robberB heard tho
reinforcements coming thoy brat a hasty ro
treat. Miss Peacock saw only one of tho
men, but heard tho two tulklng whllo Him
was holding the door shut. Tho man bo
hind the gun stood In tho shadow of the
boiuic snd the 'nly description given of him
is that he wu-. a lull man and woie a long
blai k mask and a slouch hat
I'lorsford's Acid Phosphate
A wholesome tonic and nerve food, im
parting; vigor and strength to tbe entire
system. Induces tefrtshlng sleep.
Cenuw bears nme HersroRO s en vrnrprr.
mil n iiishiii
l (Irfty.htrrakntnr Urrarlietl, It ran bo
rcilored to tuy liciuttmi (ulur by
Tho Imperial Hair Regenerator
tin acknowlfflKM HTANIIAKI) IIAIIS
i.'UI.OMN(i fur (tray or lllrwliwl ltlr
I'oinrs irs nuriimiittuiiTuiiniirfl, iw mo
cuunotbf deUrttil Hamplnntliilreoloratl
frffl. Corrniiunanei rnntltlimtUl.
Hot Weather
or Cold Weather
ynu want a comfortable place to
work. You spend moro timo in your
olllco than you do nt homo. by not
bo comfortable? T1IH HFi: Hi ll.D
JNO Is the bust heated building in the
winter find the coolest building In
town la tho summer. No west ex
posure. Light and nlr from every
sldo nnd perfect vontll.itluu through
tho court. Tho rents are no higher
than In poorly conatuictrd and badly
heated and ventilated buildings.
Ilfiilal Agcu'3.
Ground I lonr, Dec lluildiuj.
wrul; purt, niak" m
itrnnir, vlRoroiif, ruhnai .
married ini!ii. inpn liiirt ,
u:z to iiiHrry.sttt.UKJ iak n not; HtlonUlwrp r
utiiti i nlrhl unit's plopped, Hiwrr rciiorcd, 11
ftt rtiiirtiufi A Mi I nnnt itit hiilm A. ., ami ti r
tlriigcuu i inn 1,-uuy N trt c ll. ttli l.u ItuITit.o N V
Pennyroyal pills
M-i"7V l.Br.0f!,'"', ZHi ".n,r Utm.ln".
it 3
io ur.n tni i;.,iu win ...lei
llkl.ur.ltn 'I ktn nliirr. Hif'ti
lnrMi KuL.IIIuiIiiii. snil Imltv.
........ . ,uur r M1 r, !
U4 ''Mrllr rnrl l 1.(1"."" ,,'
Mlll.oUJ,.,., 11.41,,. ,kr. tMIJl.,