10 TITTS OlSf ATTA DATLV WAZi S AfriTTT)AV4 SlPTRrnRK 20, 1000. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Keeps Dull and Weak Gait During All the Session. CORN IS WITHOUT LIFE OUT OF SYMPATHY .Nothing In Holme In the Ontu I'll Pro visions Enjoyed n I-'nlrly (iooil Speculative Triule Without CliniiKlnir MncU In Price. CHICAGO, Sept. 2S. An estimate of ft heavy exportable surpltM for ArgeiiUno was largely rcsponstblo for a, week1 wheat market today, October closing l'.ifllHc lower. Corn cloned c down nnd oats n shado higher. Provisions closed but llttlo changed. Wheat started dull nnd weak and ftept at that ealt nil day. The chief bearish factor was the Brotnhlll estimate that the Argen. tine would havo an exportable surplus of 92,000,000 bushels. On the other hand north went receipts wero llfiht, Argentine ship ments only 2-10,000 bushel, compared with 624,000 bushels the- week previous, and New York reported 70 loads taken for export. Tho crowd was In the selling mood, how ever, and hulls' news wa3 tossed Into the waste basket, while the price bumped down tho speculative rttulrs. October opened Up lowr ut from 77UC to 7734c, touched 7710 soon after and then, under pressure of liquidation, some of It credited to foretell ers and some of it on stop-loss orderi, dropped to 76!4c, nt which weak llgurc the market closed, 1UW1c under yesterday. Primary receipts were 950.000 bushels, coin pared with 071.000 bushels Inst year. Minna nnolls and Dulu'h reported 374 cars, ugulus: 409 last week and S69 a year ngo, Local re oelpts wero 302 cars, 25 of contract grade. Clearances were 319,000 bushels. Corn was a sluggard all day nnd price waro enslcr cn the receipts. 837 car.4, 117 moro than tho estimate, aid In sympathy with tho whent weukness. The shipping demand was slack, exporters reordering cargoes hero, October sold between 39!ic and 39'ic and rlosed 5,0 down at 39T4c There was practically nothing done In tho corner of tho floor devoted to oats. It was largely a changing market, but there were no offerings save upon demand nnd the market In consequence held steady. Octo ber sold between 2Hil22c and 21-yic closing a shade, up nt 21V22c. Receipts wore 262 ears, Provisions enjoyed n fairly good specula tive trado without changing much In price. Huylnc by shorts In Otcober lard and ribs was tho ohlef sustaining Inlluence. Janunty pork sold between Ml. 574 and $11. 6714 and clessd unchanged nt $11.60; January lard between J6.77V4 and $6.S2V4, closing un changed nt K.TIV89.So, unci January ribs betweun J6.17V4 and Jti.22V4yc.25, with tho cloia 214c up at $6.20. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 30 enrs; corn, 25 curs; oats, 2iio cars; hogs, 13,. 000 head. Tho leading futures ranged as follows: ArttclcB.I Open. IIIgh. Low. Close.l Ycs'y Wheat Hopt. Oct. Nov. Corn Hept. Oct. Nov. Oats Hept. Oct. Nov. Pork Oct. Nov. Jan. I.ard Oct. Nov. Jan. nibs Hept. Oct. Jan. I 77'4 77J4 7C; 7C'.774g'; TOffft 77(4 7U 7C.4 TTHffft lf 7(S7SUl!il 77 77 5j',4 78 ii 12 (fit; 42Hi 40V, 40SJ 42V4 39MiH 23 3!)'i 39i 40 3St-74 37!4 3GVtf? 36 37'-i 21; 2t?4,1i22 21; 21'if?22 2Wi22 21?iRTi 21T4fi22 21i 21T4fi22 21 22?4I 22 224 22 U 22 12 37'4 12 3714 12 10 12 15 12 20 12 25 12 30 11 25 11 30 11 32tA 11 62V, 11 67i4 U 5714 11 CO 11 (10 7 074 7 10 7 05 7 10 7 OV.i 7 05 7 07'A 7 03 7 0714 7 03 6 SO 0 82', 0 77V4 C SO 6 SO 8 15 25 8 15 S 25 8 10 7 S5 7 00 7 X0 7 SO 7 77U. C 20 C 25 6 1714 C 20 C 1754 No. 2. Cash quotations were ns follows: KLOUR Dull and weak; winter patents. t3.901f4.10; straights, $3.201f.1.SO; elenrs. 13.20 n3.6u; spring Hpeolnis. $4.70; patents, $3.69'o 4.10; straights, $3.103.80; bakers, $2.3002..), Wl I HAT No. 3, 72jf"lS,.4c; No. 2 red, 70U1 78'ie. CORN No. 2 lOMTIlc; No. 2 yellow, 40';i CT41c. OATS-No. 2. 22,iff22i,4c; No. 2 white, 25v4 (ti27'4c; No. 3 white, 23Wi2U,2e. ItVB-No. 2. 62c. PARLEY l'nlr to choice malting, 52167o. SEEDH-No. 1 tins-. $1.60; No. 1 norlh westorn. $1.50; prime timothy, J l.30Ti 1.45. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., FI2.20 12.23. Lnrd, per 100 lbs.. $7.1U1j7.12Vs. Short ribs sides (loose)r- $S.15f.S,35. Dry suited shoulders (boxed). J0.2516.37':. Short clear sides (boxed). S.20iiS.30. WIIISKY-Ilnsls of high wines, $1 26 HUOAR-Cut loaf, Sl.rto; granulated, $5.10; confectioners' "A," $6.00; oft A, $5.93. Following are tho receipts und shipments of tho principal grains: Articles. Receipts. Shlpmmts Plour. hbls 20.000 14,000 Wheat, bu 353.00O 233,000 Corn, bu ,....579.000 IM.OW Oats, bu 261.000 461.000 Hyo. bu 11.000 1,000 ilarlev. bu 50.000 24,000 On tho produce exchange today tho but ter market was steady; creamery. 16W21Vic; riolrv, 13fi'lSc. Cheese, quiet, ut lOWaWio. Eggs, firm; fresh, lCc. nuw Yonic (;i:m:hai. jiaiikrt, 4lno)tntliiiia of tlir liny on Vnrlnns (JnmiiimlltlPH. NKW YORK. Sept. 2S.-KLOlJR-Rrcepts, 14,800 bbls.; exports, 15,200 bbls. ; steadier on spring: than winter grades, but quiet throughout, closing rather easy; Mlnnesotn rfttents, $4.10$f4.50; winter patents. $3.701j ,00; winter straights, $3.50U3.5; Minnesota ftkerw, (Z.h3i43.3.r; winter extras, $2.70115.00; winter low grades, $2,451(2.65. Rye tlnur, fcttve: naUs, 150 bbls.; fair to good. $3.101r ,; choice to fancy, $3..11t3.6J. Buckwheat flour, unstttled at $3.351f2,DO. 8HED8-Quiet; timothy, October, $1.65; clover, October, $10.75. ttllt'KWIIEAT-Uuli, 60If65c. c. i. f New York. CORNMEAL. Firmer: yellow western, lo; city. 92c: Rrunrtywine. $2 I.KrtMK). RYE Firmer: No. 2 western, 61c f. o. b. afloat; state, 6&ii07c c. I. f, New York. BAIUjKY Bteatly; feeding, 4ifUe. c. I. f., Wuffalo; malting, 50B5Sc. o 1. f., Ruffalo. TSAnt.F.Y MAI.T Dai' wanern. 62Ti'We. WHEAT Receipts, 200,100 bu.: oxports, 32,373 bu, Spot, easier; No. 2 red. S-i'.ie f. o. 1). afloat and 80so elovator; No. 1 northern, fJuluth, S64o f. o. b, nlloat; No. 1 hard, Dn uth. SOVic f. o. b. alloat. Options declined pretty much all day. Selling motives in cluded a bearish Argentine crop estimate, lower cables, persistent liquidation, poor snccuUtlvo support und heaviness In out side markets. Closed wenk at Tilde de cline: March, SKfiSOic. closed at fcfie; May, SSttfitfiiic, closed nt S54e; Saptemlier. R0-H 4i81 9-lCc, closed nt 80Sc; October, S0W81i,o, vlesed nt Rrto; December, 82 15-16"5fS;ic, Closed ut 83c. CORN Rocolpts, 001,350 bu.; oxports, 21, 346 bu. Spot, easier; No. 2, 49Ho elevator and 41T4c f. o. b. nlloat next week. Options quiet nnd weaker, lullueured by tho break ing bent, luwer cables nnd a less urgent short demand nt Chicago: closed weak ami ifi54o net lower: May. 3H4f llc, closed ut 41Uo; September closed ut 46Uc; October, 4R5ic, closed nt 46c; December, II 1-I6fll2 mo, closed nt 41?4c. OATS Receipts. 117.CO0 ini.? exports. 12, 703 bu. Spot, llrm; No. 2. 25'Ji23'4c; No. 3, 25o; No. 2 white 25V4'; No. 3 white, 3;iic: track whltp, 26l33c. Options neglected and nominal. !'yif;:D,.;ai,.in?prlnff brnn- JiC.50i717.00; mlddltnir. $17.004i'19.5o. IIAY-Steady; shipping, 7Mf77c; good to choice. 82mT9)i4c. HOPS Qiilet: state, common to choice. 1S99 crop. 101il3c; old olds, 2if5c: Paclllo coast. lfcOO erop, ItMi 13c; old olds. 205e. HIDKS-Flrm; Oalveston, 20 to 25 lbs., ISc; California. 21 to 23 lbs., ISVao; Texas, dry, 2i to 3D lbi ISc. IwUATIlKR Firm; hemlock sole, Runoi Ajres, light to heavy, 23i23hc; acid, 22',4fl WOOIv Dull: domestic fleece, 25A2S?: Texns 155i 15Uc. PROVIHIONS-Reef. Arm: family. $11.60ffl 19.00: beef hnms. $20,00121.00; packet, $10 01 SflO.SO: extra India mess. Jlrt.oOifM7.00. Out meats, steady; pickled bellies. $').oojn.oa: Jilckled shoulders, $6.50: plcitled hnms, J0.75 1 10,75. lird. firm: stenmed, $7.57i4: Sep tember closed at $7,B2M, nominal; rellned, quiet; South Amerleu. $.W, compound. $6.2. P6.3714: continent, $7,85. Pork, easy; short clear, $14.0011 16.00: mess, $12.7614.00; fumlly. lia.ootn 50. TAI.LOW-Flrin: city ($2 per pkg.), 4T,c; country (pkgs, free), 44(,5c, RICK Flrmj domestic, fair to extra. 4, fotH-ji': Jnpau. 4si'u3o. MOKA8SK8 Firm; New Orleans, open kettle. rood to choice, 4ie. llUTTKR-Recelpts, 3,815 pkgs.j steady; creamery. 1722o; Juno crenmcry, 18ii21!4c; factory, 14yi6VjC CHKF.SU-Recelpts. 4,728 pkgs.; llrm. lower: large, white, HMfll'jc; small, white, llUWUSe: small, colored, llljo; largo, colored. llSc KaOS Receipts, tV42S pkgs.; steady: west ern, n-gular packing, ut mark, 1214iflSc, western loss off. I.lrenionl C rill 11 nml Provlsiniis, lilVERPOOL. Sept. 2S.-WIIBAT-Spot, flira; No, 2 red western, winter, Cs 3d; No, fornla. cs fiUdlrts 7d; futures, easy; Sep- f'ORN-Siiot. steady. Amerlcnn mixed. new, 4s Id; futures, stendy, October, 4s 3'itl. November, 4s 2T4d, December, 4s 2Ud Fl.OPR St. Louis fancy winter, steady, ion. PROVISIONS-Peas, Canadian, Cs lOd. Hums, short rut. ntendl 4lx tturnn. Cum. berlnnd cut. llrm, 45s 6i, I,nrd, American retmeu, urm, yjs su; primo western, llrm, 37s Sd. Receipts of wheat during the last three days, 35, ,ooo centuls, Including 307.000 Amer ican. Receipts of Amerlcnn ceTn during the Inst uajr, VmiW ceil IU IS, OMAHA ivhominam: mahkbth. Condition of Triule nnd (tnotn,t Ions on Slnple nml Knncy Produce. Kaos-Rccelpts, light; good stock, firm at 16c. hlVK POl-ITRY-Hens. 7c: roosters, 3'J) Ic; spring chickens. Sc; ducks, 406c; geese, iWue; turkeys, 8c. FRKSII DRKSSKD I'OtTI.TrtY Ttnn. in 9c; roosters. 6fi6c: illlcks and cpese. Oif?M..' broilers, per lb., 12i.4c; turkeys. 12Ve. OA.Mh Prairie chickens, per doz., $3.00 'r.i!. Ka"ara hucks per Uoz,. W.O0; teal, '(150 m'xed, $1.50ftl.73j Jacksnlpe, $1.2o lir'TTr-2R-Common to fair, 12V4c; choice, 3i.o; sppnntor, 21c; gathered creamery, 19y20c. FRKSH OYSTURS First grade, solid Parked. Ntv VnrU miinli ,n. . - " ...... v.ui,.n, fcllll, TW, ,4 neieeiu, ,i.,c; sianoarus, ;7c. second grade, slack filled, New York counts, per ri,T.-A.?." . . ' 'ecis, iic; sinnuarus, zoc. .,.,.,.vi-''" 1'ive, per dozen, ooc. VKAI.e- "holcc, on 10c. 1IA Prirrta mining 1... 1 iti. i Df.nIrs nssoelntion: Choice upland, J9; No. 1 upland. $8.50; mciTt:jm. $!; course, $i. ItVP straw. $3.50. These i)rlces are for bnV Of ennil nnlnr t.fwl iiinll,.. T-iAMnHj and prices strong. Receipts, 5 cars. VICOUTAnliKS. CIJCUMniCRS-Per ooacn. 20Jf23e. T,V.IA5'i,'sJr1r b"N,lcl hasket, 60c. NKW HKHTS-Por bushel, 60'ii73c. i'iVn,9i,,,Ul.OT8-p' d"511 bunches, 23c. l.l2TTIJCi:-Per dozen, lOfUoc. i?iSJn,,or,,0.Brow"- vor dozen, 15c. llK.VXK Vnv nnl. Unit 1. l .r.-. string, 35c. ' l'uiATOKS-Per bushel, 40Q50c; sweet potatoes, per bushel, 75?i90c. CARiiAau Homo grown, per pound, lHcj CAUMFLOWKR-Pcr dozen. $1. TOM ATOfU 1 Ia. . , . ........ iiuiiiu b'unn. jicr 1UII bushel b.Trket, 50c. S?;!(?.?J.f;r"0,"u cmwn. pr bushel, 50960c. CUI.ISRY-Nebruskn, SoyiOc. FRUITS. lRArrti.'gr'ntiv,-,,in r.nutnn.. tADM., clings, 70c; Utuh freestones, 75'JfSOc. i-i.i-.nn .uiiiorniu, per crate, ji.ioifl.zo. ..I'RUNKS-l'tali and Colorado, per crate, luc; per box, COc. PKARS-Pcr box, $1.73i7J2.00. (IRAPKS Csllforntn TnUnvn l.hn.Wi erntc. $1.50; Concords, home grown. 17c; Delaware and Nlagurn. per 5-lb. basket, 15c; eastnrn Concords. 8(319c. ' WATRHMUI.ONS-As to size, 15ft20c each. CANTAI.OI'Pi: Gems, per dozen. 4050c; large slr.es, 0a73c. TITir 1.-LI X...l.. ar.i ... . . . 2r-i,w"ve i"0i.w por du., per 1)1)1.. $2.ri0!73.00. CRANIIKRIHFR TVr l,hl ,o. $2.25. . TROPlCAIi FRUITS. T.IMnNIHOnllfnrln .. .t T. choice, $I.50(T(4.75. HANANAS Per hittirh nppni,1ln nl. $2.O0fi2 75. " KUtS California, new cartoons, $1; layers. 90c. . MISCKU.ANKOU8, filberts, per lb., 12c; nimonds, per lb., 1CW ISc; raw peanuts, per lb., 44'?c; roasted, 67140. No. I salted, 7'ic; No, 2 salted, d'.c: No. 1 J,'"?1 Jva L' 8 J" 12 ,u"-' 8c: 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c. St. I.oiiU (i nil 11 nml Provision. '' fml njl .ntn. -T 1 . . . 1 - -r., Wkc; September, 744c; October, 7IVic; De. cember. 7fic; Mny. SOc. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash. 39c; track, 40c; September. 39c: October. :,7l4e: Dnrornhnr 33i4e: year, 3.'(c. OATS-Wcak; No, 2 cash, 23'4c: Septem ber. 2er llnppinhnr "In- Mm- 'JS'. sn white. 26c. ' RYI; Firm, 56c I'M.ont unlet ,11ml unchnnged. WI'M.llim Thnnltiv utmn r, f c rjvnr Ki Clover. $6.00JiO.&0. Flax, lower ut $1.49. milVMl.'AT Stnnilv n t- e-.e" in R RAN Quiet: sacked lots, east track, 70 (f( 72c. HAY-Strong; timothy, $9.00J12.00: prairie, $G.0Uil9.OiJ. VV1IISICY--Stendy nt $1.2G. IRON COTTONTlKS-$1.27. HAaOINO-$S.50ff8.50. 1'ltnVlRIOVR l,,rL- llrm. InVkl.. ,--r I.nrd, lietter: choice. S7.00HT7.02V4- Dry salt meats, higher; boxed lots, $8.75; clear sides J'l ,.nn ,-ll.u t V7 Iti,..,., i lots, extra shorts, $9.50; clear ribs, $9.C2Vj; clear sides, J9 73 MHTAI-S-I-iad steady, $i.27mT4 32H; -ui iinii iiifuers. (c; young, kc; tur keys, ,e; ducks. CHc: ceese. 6c. lOOOS Steudy ut He. HII'l'TKH Mtemlv: nn.itnnrv unnl. dairy. Wific. " ltl'.l'l'MI'TH Flrmr T.flflft l,l,la .l.o, n' COO bu.: orn, 42,t")0 bu.; oats, 16.000 bu.' ' ,nii-.ui'.."M in eioiir, lo.ow DDIs.; wheat. t.j,000 bu.; corn, 3S.000 bu.; oats, 22,000 bu. Kit linn City liruhi und Pro vIMoti. KANSAS PITV Son "a -Win.' t r- cember, 69t4c; May. 74ifc74.io: cash. No. '2 hurd, 601i7H4e;No. 3, G7iJ( 70c; No. 2 red, 73ff Hi; .Ml. .1, U'llC. COItK'-rii'rfmlipr. S?UiMln' Mm. mimi 33Hc: cash. No.2 mixed, 32',Ac; No. 3.' 30c." UA i'H-.No. 'l white, 2ii'4c RYK-No. 2, 50c. II A Y fholcn llntnthv torjn1ftnn. pralile. Ss.lO. KtT'l'TKR (VirniMiv 1Sr,l.. ,itii. KOOS-FIrm; fresh Missouri and Kansas stock, He per dozen, loss off. cnsen re. turned: new whltewonil cimoa itmlti.H imir cent more. ' P.12C1IPT8-Wheat, 14,000 bu.; corn, 33,800 bu.; outa, 6.OO1) bu. SIHT'MKNTS Wheat, 89,600 bu.;. corn. 21.K0O bu., oats, 4,009 bu. .-. Toledo Market. TOI.KDO. O.. Sept. 2S,-WHHAT-Cash and October 79V4c; November, " 81Vie; De cember. S2'Jc, CORN-Cash, 42o; September, 42'.4c; Oo tober 0c: December. 35V4c. OATS Cash, 23o; September, 23c; Decem ber, 24c. RYU-Cash. 55HC. ' Cl.OVKRSURD-Closeil at $7.05, canti. !'lillutrlliiit I'rndiice lHrkrt. PHII.ADUI.I'HIA, Sept. 2S.-B1JTTRR-Klrm; fancy western creamery, 23c; fancy western prints, 25c. HGClfl Firm. Ho higher: fresh nearby, 20c; fresh western, lpi4W20c; fresh south western, 19c; fresh southern, Uc. CI1EESH Firm; New York full creams, fancy, lUse; New York full creams, fulr to choice, 10i,ji1flH4c; Ohio Hats, lOCu'llc. lliineiiiilU Wheat Market. M1NNKAPOI.IS, Sept. tH.-WUKAT-Sep-tember. 78c; December. 7R'''q7iVac; May, SlUe To nrrlvo: No. 1 hard, SIMc; No. 1 northern. 73'4c; No. 2 northern, 77ic. Fl.Ol'R Lower; llrst patents. $t.MS'4.40; second patents, $U0f-l.20; first clears, $3.10 4(3.20; second elenrs, $2.10613.20. URAN-In bulk, $12.00(T 12.25. Dii I nt li MnrUi't, nri.l'TH, Sept. SS.-WHKAT-No. 1 hard, S2'4c; No 1 northern. SO'ic: No. 2 northern, 7!H4e; No. 2 spring, 72'ie, To nrrlvo: No. 1 hard, J2V4c: No. 1 northern, fJUc; Septem ber, 0i4c; Jlcccmber, S0kc; May, !i2'ic. OATS-2.1,'i(23',iC. CORN-iOlic llllwiuiUee tirnlii .Mnrkrl, MH.VArKi:i:. sept. a. wheat Lower; No. 1 northern, fOlifSHic; No. 2 northern. 7"?73c. , RYE-.'teady; No. 1. 65fJ5ee. HARI.EY Finn; No. 2, 67c; sample, 55',ic. I'rorln Slnrki-t. I'EORIA. Sept. 2S.-CORN-Kasler; SSHc OATS-lnacttvo; No. 2 white, 23o. billed through. WHISKY-On tho basis of $1.27 for finished goods, Ciillfornlii Dried Krnlt. NEW YORK. Sept. 2S. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Slow. but nominally steady. A largo supply of new evaporated apples was put on sa'o today, with the result tliat prices were somewhat lower to sell, but up to tho close of business no material change was noted, uslde from a weak undertone. Stnte, common, was ildoted at from 3o to Cos prime, WQaVic; choice, fifjiic; fancy, 6fr6Ho. Prunes were quoted on the basis of S'.i'ifTHo per lb us to slzo and quality. Apricots, Royal, list He; Moor Turk, 153160. Reaches, peeled, HijlSc; unpeclcd, 6'utio. t'offor Market, NEW YORK. Sept. 2S.-COFFEE-Spot. Rio, easy; No, 7 Invoice, SVc. Mild, barely steady; Cordova, 95)llc. Futures opened nnd closed steady ut unchanged prices to 10 polntn decline, with unsatisfactory Eu ropean nnd Brazilian cables, and ruled quiet. The weakening was Increased by continued large receipts ut Rio and Santos, small wnrehojse deliveries In this country nnd slack snot demand. Total sales, 36,000 bugs, including September nt $6.85; Novem ber, $6.k5; December, $7.00; January, $7.05; Murch, 57.154ir.20; May, $7.30; July, $AIC4j7.I5. WEEKLY REVIEW OF TRADE Entire fensincs World Watching Efforts to Arrango Strike Settlement, FARM WORK IS PROGRESSING RAPIDLY (irnln In Slmek tins llron SoiueiTlinl DaniiiRed In .ortliuent lint (It lie r itIp Wenther ('oiiilltlon llnve Uceii I'n vnnilile. NRW YORK, Sept. 28. R, G. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review of Trndo tomorrow will say: Not Wnll street nlone, but the entire business world us well, watched the prog ress of efforts to bring about a settlement of the nnthmcltc coal strike with active Interest, This week the paralysis of th anthracite Industry was more complete limn uini. 111111 mi- I'lll't'l wtl frmi uiou nit' distribution of merchandise In the east und tun pmcing ui new iiruers wuu me inunu facturers. Coal advanced 25c above last n. 1111,1 iiiu liiit'i uoiiiuuirr lunif'ii m name a selling price. The strike Involved iiijuui i,i,vw mure illlliern iiuu iii.nuretin oi truinmen, but the working force has In ctcused largely through the settlement be- ItVAAtl lllu linillitnt,il,.,l , oart.,1 o I I,ih nli.1 several nlccl coninuuluft, wIiofo works, cm- Mlrvlti Ci Ai Si 1. .. 1,11.. .. i.ll,. l""j hh ir,vi"j 1 j iu 1 1 inn v tirrn mil , lint only 1,600 men were affected by the shut down of the Susquehanna Iron und Steel comttnnv liv 11 HtrlUn In till Ullli till fill clltloiiB Hcvm concrnUv fuvorublo for a quick recovery with th ooal strike over, while In the went thrre hun been no note hij nun jii in- mail iinuiwii ui iii claHS of Komto Wcuthor condltlotiH have ui-t'ii iitvuriioie lor nut rropH ana turm us iub "Hlh IHH, 1 rtV- rfc Wl Bomo (liiniiitjc to cruin In l lie nliock In the Ashlo from tho exported reduction to $20 fflf iifnal fl It nll.1 .1 .in I.. ,, iuun.,.. ..I va .iivi. iiiii mid t. ram icrr'iin'i I MH at I'lttsburg at $13.75, the whole list of Iron und steel products Is unchnnged. The feel ing grows stronger that tho bottom has been reached. Taking the eleven articles quoted In our prlco tables It will be seen that after an advance of over 100 per cent Itl KfI rHr.f.a hnn .l...lln,l ...1. ..1...,. ,-. ... -ww ,...., ..,..1. i.Lviiin it uiiij iivuui oJ per cent thin yrur und there la iilruudy a "uciiwj iuuiu u uiKiier icvci, uuo com pany Is considering tho purchase of lo.ooo tons of foundry iron, nnd nn export order v,vvw tuna j i uuin nun IILXII UIUVI'II, iMUIU coko ovuiim aro In operation, but tho prlco m iiv,iiiiiit;ii, Whnut jinttt moo tn ct. ti rnnn.i maintain tho advance. Torn for prompt delivery wuh ncnrce and advanced 10c ahovo tho price this dato lust yenr. or over J3 per cent. This naturally disposed of for- filCn htlVAm. find nvnnflu tr tlin AAt ....... only 1.5U0.0IS bu while for four weeks S.I70,- ""i- "' i miunur pons, against 1-M55,jil a yaar ago. Wheat shipments from tho eastern coast were L,7KI,7l:i bu.. flour Included, against 3.9:o,ia last yenr. In tnn rerentu nu u-lfl, .1 not purchase freely nt the current level of Another Increase of 6.570 cases In ship ments of boots and shoes lrom Uoston makes the nnllnnlr mnr.. ...,...... , r-l that Industry' and matiufactuters are re joicing oyer 11 widely distributed range of irr.'inpn linn r..nnli,t.l .. 1 , -. .' . .. .i.uv.,.,, n n,w iiuuii. eeiis aro Imperative in many sections. Jobbers 111 1 M 1 0 111 Ml 1 . . . . . . . . 1 . . , ' uuny anil western buyers ask prompt shipment. After 11 long period m, 7,7' r.e "J"0"?1--".': vo - Bhurlng tho improvement, but the situation nnv,vl'n rj',ls.raU,c'r 'ePresHie becu?e of nrobibll. v nV i .V." i " ? n of woo fnll fn' ; . iY3'.B,eH year's nnd 100 grades quotei in he Phi a Inur?:1 fi,ow a ,!"pllnu ot "bout He. eighteen in Ca h a da'i gainst t'ityne Zt WUIJKM- CI.B.HI.(i IKIU.SE TAllMJ. AKrcKntr of Trniisnetnl b- Aiini'iiiicii Unnkn. NEW VOtll," BrM no . tnllS. rnnnTlf;; S.,. Vii.ir.'I,0." "w "S bank' c.earlngs t' the " rinS pal cU lc3 the week ended September 27. with the ner ccntago of Increase nnd decrease as com year' W corresponding week last CITIUS. Clenrings Inc. I Dec. I New York , Chicago ..1$ 811,651.62.11 125.6S7.IKS 102,l:l7,V OS. 275,173! 31.S20.2I7! 2. 42.", ill', 30.0 6.7 2J.5 nostun , Philadelphia , St. T.miU 7.8 2.1 I'lttsburg ...I ! llultlmoro , San Francisco .... ll.fi is,7(;7,n.'6 hi.Vii.imi ,ij ) 6.3 "ilfi 62.5 33.0 inelnn.'iil I. 1,312,100 15.13S.SI6 H,i7i,715 II, 132.707 H.3!i.l4t li. im rn; Houston New Orleans Minneapolis , Cleveland , Detroit Louisville Providence , Milwaukee , St. Paul Iluffalo OMA'IA , Inllanupoll3 , Columbus, O Savannah Denver Hurt ford Richmond Memphis , Toledo (iiilveston Washington , Peoria , Rochester , New Haven Worcester , Atlanta Salt Lake City ... "hirlnplleld. Mnss., Fort Worth , Portland, Me.-...., Portland. Ore , St Joseph Los Angeles , Norfolk , Den Moines Nashville , Scrantnn Orund Rapids Autiistu, Oa Dayton, O , Seattlo , Tncoma , Snoknne Kloux City TopeUa Syracuse Wilmington. Del... Fall River Lowell New Redford Knnxvllle. Tonn.., lllrmlngham Wichita lllnghumton Lexington. Ky.... Jacksonville, Flu. Kalamazoo Akron , Chnttanooga Rockford, III Canton, O Springfield, O Fargo, N. D Sioux Falls. S. D., Hastings, Neb Fremont, Neb Davenport , Helena 'Kvansvllle Macon Little Rock Springfield. Ill Youngstown, O..., Totals, U. S.... Totnla outside N. 18.7 3.0 7.501,410 516 K.llD.ilir, 5, If2. l(Xl n.wii.Bin 5,3r,0,S!)7 4,817.701 fi.31R.705 S.SMl.'IH 4,601,01 K) S.'i 23,166 S.TOO.kTr, 3.2 5.3 6.5 12.6 3.2 !l.3 15.3 .1.1 15.3 24.1 1.0:6.5231.. 2,714,572 :3'VJ23 2,073,211 2.3 17.1 WV 1.S74.422 2,217,36! 5,67(,!i:i4 l.."21.127 l,5.'l.lifi' 6.31 3.4 I 'iiinl. i mi 75. S II. 1 i7.i : I 12. G 21.5 2. ni.rn'c 2i i. 6 1,1171. 1! I 1.33S.33H 12.31 1.OTI.06SI I 2.367.5421 35.21 5.S '2G;7 3,713, W 1.51 2.31S.117I 17.il 1,367.2331 23.71 1.402.S22I 18.41 l,K3.2ih! i 1,239,40l S.4I l.l!'6,S3.i 2,6C).6I 1.067,r.-i2l 2 971. 'i5.1l 1.2S7.17II 9.6'... 22.0... 2),4 8.81, 1.042. IS II.. 1,2(!M37I I. 1,I81,IK")I 20.1.01. r61.7i.2l 34.2 85S.U7I 5.!l SIS,76.)i 460,3101 3S0 647' S21.0S0I 12.9 9.1 22.9 2.5 4SO,5'll 36.0. 491 I. 1-3I.-SOI 4.0I. 392.5611 "45.61. 157.156 K51,!tl 470.7001 46.2)3I 270,0!2 245,0 K) 31 1,9261 .".OTlKI 122.2321 16.1.M7I 129.0171 7M.C.60I 11.0 15.ol.. 40.21.. 10.2 .. 'iii'.i.. 10.11.. 42.51.. 2.51.. 0.2 23.41 I 27.1 o!i 11.0 6. SI 513.S13I.J.. 776. 16' 1 73l,I.OI pi. 2 1 r-"iS,7.Tl 47. Si 50,427l "110.242 9.0 "3!S ..l$l, 132.519.465 '..I 010.S97.S36 DOMINION OF CANADA. Montreal .... Toronto Winnipeg ... Halifax Hamilton ... St. John. N. Vancouver .. Victoria Totals ... $ lf.OlS.r.il 7, '),7l7,7!'9l !.. .r32.'iV'l ll.'f, v 1. "09.7.1S 9.51 rao.s3.if f n.i 751 2111 2 6l l,04i674 t.3' 851,095 SJ.2I ,1$ 30,442,5501... 13.5 IlIlAnSTIlEnT'.S FINANCIAL RHVIUW. Miner' Strike nml Pnllllenl Outlook Hie Tnn Mnln Fin-tor. NKW YORK, Sept. 28. nradstreefs Fi nancial Revlow tomorrow will say: In tho early part of this week the mar ket was inclined to break under the In tluiiice of tho anthracite coal minors' strike. Declines were scored throughout the general share list, accompanied bv liquidation nnd a good deal of short sell ing on the part of tho traders. The onlv buying support that could be seen was lii fnct. nfforded by the disposition of "the professional bears to cover their contracts nt moderate declines. On Thursdav ther was n slinrp rally in prices, due malnlv t.i ccverlns on n more extensive scale than nt uny time since the reaction begnn It was caused by the reports that a settlement of the coal strike was In Immediate pros pect und that the political outlook, about which Wa!l street was becoming iiiipre henMve, hud also Improved While tho bears thoniBelves furnished til principal buying, It was noted that lns 0 support once moro app.ured in certain stocks and some scattered fresh buying was nlso noted. On Friday, however th short covering slnekened and reports Mm' tho settlement of the strike hud met with obstiwles reultd In a renewed de lining lotul-ticy. The public still keeps out or th market and Is considered likely to do at. until the election is olt of the wit v. Londo has taken little part In our market, though some little buying by the rurelgu olntnen occurred and they wero also credited with selling Northern Pontic. Ilia- money situation was next to the slock nnd pfaved the principal Influence In the market. The heavy movement of fund to the south and west, with tnn reduction of the bank reserves at New York, neeos "dtutpg a curtailment of the volume of funds orfered on time in the Wnll street market nnd a marking up of rates to 5 per cent for arrangements running beyond the let'tl-in. A r-ood deal of const rvutltm Is srown In i-u nklti-; circles, but It Is noticed that there Is little or no disposition to per mit liny indue npprehenlon to assert It self regarding th' relntlnnr of tho money ir.irkvt to the im'ttuul sit'intlon. Ni ne of the symptoms of acute alarm which pre vnl'etl four yeur.t ago in tho money and stock markets eun in' seen ns the present preFiiieniini election upproacnes, nnu tne t ght.'n'iir of money would appear to bo muliil' the result oi tne heavy movement t f lunds to the Interln.. MOVIlMHVrS OF STOCKS AMI IIOMI.S, Mnrkot Is A mi I n Itenetlonniy mill Closes Dull uml llenvy. NliW YuliK, Sept. 2S. Stocks were re artlnni.ry ngaln today on the substnntlnl sntlsfiictlnn of the Urgent demand from the ."hurt Interest. The brokers weie too busv on the door last night In the closing hour to notice what was going on In the loan crowd, but the fact wan disclosed- this morning Hint the supply of stcckt was again very abundant as u result of tile heavy reduction In the outstanding short Interest und the consequent blowing de mand for stocks. This In Itself wus sulll cieiit to Indicate a i paction, as the exist ence ol u large short Interest Is u potential support to prices and Its elimination ma tirlally weakens tho technical position of a market. In addition tin re was the usual lack of explicit Information regarding es teiday's rumored strike settlement and some natural reaction in sentiment ns a conscquuice. Rut tho underlying convic tion lui'.alns unshaken that u settlement Is In com so of arrangement. 1 here wero strong spots among the coal ers, Reading lit t preferred advancing at tho opening on Its good showing of August net earnings, anil Lackawanna rising un extrune 3 on tho declination of the regu lar quarterly dividend. This sei veil us something of n drag on the downward course of the market. Urowlng weakness developed union; some of the speclultle3 uiiil heavy liquidation was la evidence In Northern Paclllc, the stock dtopplng 2-V I he liquidation was attributed to Uerlin tu count, the Uerlin stock market continu ing In highly unsettled condition with the stilngeiuy of money. Declines lor many of the prominent slocks ranged tu.m 1 to J points in the lowest und ktho demand to cover shorts at the decline was slight, lho market closed dull and lieavv. The prospect of an unfavorable bank stu'temeiit was a notably depressing factor. Tho bunks havo lost on sutitreasury account "'""o Ij.109.W0. which Includes deposits bv the banks for payments at other points. loss of cash i,y the banks (o above 57.,- il"u JVe,el5- 'initiation in the stock market ainocreusnre ..ever- w.mXttV,', "tile" cleVr" 1 V, r..i,Vl n il . "nw'lra of J2.250.00tJ as llio result of two checks for gold received from Australia ut Sun Francisco a week 2.?: J .utJ,,ta.RU,n. .'0 "a"kS wlll llgure . . v ," "I me uverages. A dis patch from Australia announces the shin mf of 00l") 1,1 "' 1 San l.'ranclsco which will ultimately become uval able t" the New York banks. Sterling excli nu H cut let in New York to.lay, but Ac nt on ReHIn fell sharply. Sterling exchange ut Paris ulso fell li4c und the" " wus Jnnild' erablo resulting tllsturbance in that market the reactionary tendency was not so mockM'St rallroaJ "'"'l "mrket'ns for UnUS,a.ea,,g,i2s. Commercial Atlvertlser s London llnancl-il dAr StreraTnr"H S The bkaS 2!rpercen,ifk,nS ",0 C"" rVteTo'!,l4Ui1 P"ce- on Atchison t'nlon I'npinn do tM.. .. 61i .. 7.' ... O'k ic ! .. 22 .. lL'iJ ..losvi ..123 ..150 .. 45 ..111 .. S3 .. SS .. 4 .. 21 .. 31 .. SS 114 .. 17 .. IS .. r.4'i . . 31 , .. 70T, 2.M, .. 73 do pfd nbasl do pfd "" 'Vheel. & U do 2d pfj Wis. Central .... I'hlrd Avenue .... daniH iTv llaltlinuro & Ohio.. C7 c.iniullan l'uclllc .. 8;'3 lutmaa tio Ches. & rthiu 43 ChliaBO tc S. W. 10 C. 11. o. 111 "ClilciiKO Iml. & 1... :o'j ilo nfd.... 541.2 Amerlcnn lit.'.'.'.'.' Chi. & K. Ill 06 139 tot f.'i, &!i 37 11 110 173' i Mil 1 . Kx Wells-l-'nrL-rt i Chicago & N. W 'C, It. 1. At p.. C. C. U. A: HI. L. Colorado .So tlo 1st pfd lo 2d pf 1 Del. ,t lltuUou... Iel. U Ac W Denver At It. O. tlo prd Krle , do lBt 11M Amer. fot. oil .. do pfd Amer. .Malting .. (lo pfd 1 Anicr. s. & It." " do pfd Amer. Spirits .... do nfii. Amer. s 11. .!.'" iu-4 00 pin 3: 14 Amer. S. A- y" 1.V1 1 tlo pfd "' 12!i Amer. Tin riaie" do nfil.. OI. Nor. pfd Hocking Coal .... Hocking Valley Illinois centrul . Iti-a Central ... do nfd 113 .Amer. Thk,"" 87 ... 17!i ... 37.i ... 23 ... 93 ...2'),', ... 701 J ... 66', ...in;', nu nrrt Uike Krle & W., iipni 1.: " "Bl--- do nfd .. ecu . . oj, .. 21 . ,5 .. 31'4 . . is:-', . .lii'i 4vi, .. Si'k .. H . SI OMi .. 51 ij 1!4 .. 74 .. 9) 21 .. SO ..11s .. 14 .. 53 .. .0 . 61 .. 2! .. ii ., 3314 .. 70 ..'SI it-Olo. J.'Ue g. J, Luke .Shore L. & N' i-on. Tobamo ... do nfd Manhattan I. Pederal Hte'e'l ""' do if,l ' Oen. .!Ur,riA Met. tit. Ity Mexican Central Minn. & St. Ii... do pfd Mo. J'acitlo Mobile Az Ohio .. SI.. K. & T du pfd N. J. Central ... "N. V. Central . Norfolk & W.... tlo pfd No. 1'ncinc do tiftl 51 .OIllCOS HltnH'" 91 I do nfd.. 7U 'Intel. Paper ';.'." ... 3J n pra llclede Oas '. .. 2;i,i ..132 .National Ulsoult do pfd Nnttnnul T.i !'i)i 5i I do pfd ' ri Rational Steel .. 46 m 42 00 pfd N. y. Air Drake XO. Am,rl.un Ontario & W Ole. Ity. Ac Nnv. 1'aclllo Const .!! do D d .... 76 ....126 Kia .... 5S .... 2Mi .... 51 .... 10 .... 0'4 .... CI "lo 1st pfd tlo Id 11M Pennsylvania Iteudltn? Pao.ilo Mall People's (jas Pressed a. Car do nfd do 1st pfd do 2d pfd lllo Ci. AV Jo 'nfd Pullman P. Car . St. L. & H. 1... S. It. Sr T do Ut pfd do 2d nfd Sugar !!!"!!ni do nfd 1 1 j 32 Hi 26 11214 St. K Soutliw.., Tcnn. Coal & I. ... I 64 tlo nfd U. S. Iynther tiik do pfd cfi'i U. S. Rubber 21 do pfd !i;4 Western Union .... "Hj Republic I. & S.... 11 , do nfd r.iu. St Paul do nfd 173 St. P. & Omaha... 110 ho. I'ucllU- 31 So. Hallway 11 do nf,l ... Texas & Paclllo H P. C. C. & St. Ij... 43 Offered. Kx-dlvldend. HH.M)STlli:i:'I".S HKVIHAV t). THAIHJ. OiillimU In the IliiNluivin World 'lakes on n llrillli'int Color. NEW YOIHv. Rnnt 00 I1.1, ... - , - ' mu. uiuuaiii'ci a Commorclnl Itovlcw ot Trndo tomorrow will Tho mnnlli tf oi.i..- .... Mii . o;-,.ii iiiui i ciuauH wuu n 1? !.Mr .,bl'Uor outlook In tho Industrial uoiui than wns uppurent n week or ten tltlVS 111711 'Clin ..,...,... .... .n .... ,.,.1.111. . , " " '" iiiu prueii- 1 J, ,i"f " ':,"l'lement of the anthracite 7. ... "iiicu unvo neen current tor 11 tiitiplc of dus, seem to have u basis of . .' ' w" 'o is moro tnnn n IIKellliuod 1,, 1 m!"sl disturb ng fenturo In the mill Hlrl',' ut,,r.,ln.. ........ .1 ,,,. , "" 111 mime unit) 1M 111 proceks of eilmlratlop The settlement of jr.'- utnulguiimted wn-;o scale in the west in 'l1lr('a,1; resultetl In tho starting of soino Invortant mills. An encouruglng fenturo In the Iron and WSJ. 1,'U' Is the number nnd chur rnf,L."f '.""'ir5'' intiulrles. Thus far little K?", I" ho way of ortlers has been ellelteil bv iw, ,,,1. ,i..H .1 u, , .iUUllllll in uiu iiuut 111 2f,IS!. rnlls' tl'"ul H Is perhaps a little ear.v tn nnpn r ...in. .inii..t.A J .n .i. ..e,. 1, it, ,, in,-,,,- ,r tin 11, iii-- 5 , . 1 "f reduction. Prices of southern nil? imi.n i,,.An 1 .. . . ... ... V .7..1 . " ' " "il'"" ti pumrwniii ill ni. Louis nml nt nii,ui...H,. i.A-. 1 1 , ... l,,r,,,lln lllll.' II.IYf Uf.'ll .1 1 n ...,t:a ul iiesiBeiiier piK iron ill uie liecilne. lho tlnmiiml fnr utriinl urn I nii.- terinl continues stoutly nnd prices aro llrm ...vf ..!'''. ,llllt tl10 'I'1 "h1"' ""'I' remains u sc'tlf'l produces but llttlo effect. Hut llttl., r,e rir...tiin,. ...... iu ... i... , J H ,11111.. I l' IO I'l H' ,'A- inieteti from the niovement of prices iii-ui iias neen somewhnt irregular nnd prices shift llstlessl'- being about where tliv wero ut tills tlui- lut.1 week. Ah- MOIIPA .tf rn.nl.... ri ..!.. I. ..1.1.. . , ,'..iil 1 i-in ini, unniK iiuui,ii to larger Itusslun rhlpnii rtn, coupled with ,,,-i in-iuiiin, itjutieii iu ijimnii eiut'lli. I orn, though liinotlve, showed strrugth, presumably on sniull supplies of "spot,'1 triL'nt ll,f l-lll. ..,.,..,.., ,. ,.lt, I.. .l.n n.nnl. n- ...v. u 1 tun, m 1.-.1I ,j tu nil- ,i-- ut it "rtiueeze" iy Chicago speculators, but lnlnl I,. ,1... ... 1. ........ 1... ...... ,,i wi-t-h rrui.-ui'll e.uwi- nui. Ktnt 1 .... .. ,, 1.... .1... vuiiuu ia u Ull lliu i-ui, uill lie- general market has ilucUutcd nervously Intlugnced on tho 0110 Jmnd by heavy port recelpls nnd mi the other by nppiiren famine cnndlllons. A satisfactory activity In distributive trade checked to some extent In certain Ioca!lt!eHby unseasonable weathfr and In others by n tendency to curtail operations pending the outcome of the electoral con test. Is disclosed by telegraphic advices At the larger centers, particularly In the east, the undertone appears to be con servative. Wheat. Including Hour, shipments for th week aggregate 1,212.810 bushels, against 3,535,857 last week, 3.872,455 In the corre spondlng week of IV9. 5,306,879 111 U9J 5,834,216 In 1S97 and 4,215.791 bll.-hels In UsH From July 1 to date, this season, wheat exports are 42.76J..VX) bushels, against 59,516, 015 last season nnd 47.0iV),897 In 1S9S-99. - .'.'!.,rn exports for the week aggregate 2,lo6,171 bushels, Hgallist 2,134,205 Inst Week 3.523.0sn In this week n year ago. 2.58S.07J til 1593, 3 10S.601 In 1897 and 3,165.. 111 15S6 I-roni July 1 to tlnte. this season, corn exports aro 41.917.412 lushels. agalnrt 56, o,8.n, lust season und 3. 9 ,2StS In UW-ro Ruslness failures In tho fnlted States for the week number 169. us against 183 last week. 129 In this week u year ago. ltV, In 1S98 iso , 1S07 nml 325 In 1896. Canadian failures number twenty-two. nalimt twenty-one last week nnd thirteen -i the week one your no. Xfw York .Money .Mnrkrl, NKW YORK. Sept. SS.-MONBY-On call steady, at lff2 per cihjt; prime mercantile paper. Pi-ftSiS per cent. STMRLINn HXCHANOK-Steadler, wltli ncttial business In bankers' bills nt U.K for tlemand nnd $I.S2i,fi I.82U for slxtv days; posted rates. $I.S31i4.S3iJ nnd $4.S7W 1.8,14; commercial bl!ls, $i.82iiijf4.82Ili. SlLVKR-Certltlcntes. raH(U64V5c bar. C3i,c: Mexican dollars. 4Wic. RONDS-qoveniinent. Irregular; state, Inactive; railroad, llrm The c oslng prices on bonds today are as follows: P. ft. ref. 2s,.xes..lfliv V Y C Is ,oin v. .1 r. tm 5s.... t::, No. Pacific 3s sn; 'I" 4s 01 N Y. C .St I. 4a.. 1074 Nor. V. c. 4s.... S 110 mupon 101' tin 3j", reg do 'roupon do new 4s, reg J old 4r, reff.. tlo coupon do 5s, reg do coupon n. of c. 3 Atelilon gen. 4s. do mil. 4s 1 '9 ion 13K lit", iir., im, 121 l!8 Oir. Nnv. Is 105 do 4s j PJ Orenon H. U 6s 127i do ooiuol Js 113 iieiiainit on. 4. ...losij 1110 O. W. u !V. Ss..ll2iH is..1'.2i4 164 ls..H7!i 11SU Cannil.1 So. 2s... C. & ). 4'is ...ui M I, I M e. ... S8i St I. & S F g, ...lit St. Paul con.. tU f,s C. & N. W. c. 7s.. 139 Ht. P. C. ! tlo M. P. ileb. 5s.. IM UO hS Chlrago Ter. 4s M Colomdn Ho. 4i J3H Ifo, I'nclllc t.i So. Hallway 5a, ., H. It. T. 6s.... Tf. & Pncldo Is do 2s I'nlon l'arltlo 4s.. Walmtli Is Wabash !s West Hliore 4s.... ..108i .. 61 ..11.1 .. 60 ..103 ..1I7U ..lOOti ..112'., .. S!.4i I). & It. O. Is 103 do 49 971,4 Krle Keiifr.ll 4s S"i P. W. Af D. C. U.. 72 flen Illrctrle 5s. .111 In. Central ts nri I.. A . tint. 4 M.. K. & T. il '. Wis. Central Is... do 4s M'i Va. Centurlfs When issued. 'Offered.- llnston SlofU. tltiotnt Itiim. 110STON. Scot. 2S.-Cali loans. 3a ner cent; time loans, 4BG per cent. Orllclal closing: A.. T s. v.. . 26i . CSli .it:.'', .111 .ISM, .17 .122 '. 3? .110 . 3l'i 2 .1.15 Atchison 4s N K. O. & C. 5s. Adventure Allouez Mln. Co.. Amal. Copper AtUnttc Ussttin k Mont... Ilutte & Uoiton . i Oil. & Hecla Centennial I'ranltlln Humboldt , SMi , m :tu 1 313 (2 45 114 13 a M 41 142 4 223 2k SH 3914 1I0 pfd Ainer SiiKar do pM Hell Telephone.... Iloston it Albany.. Hcwton & Me C. II. .t Q Dominion Coal do pM Federal HtPol do pfd Pltdiburu pfd... (len. Illertrlo ... do pw 1?.!. Klectrlc 111., Mexican Central Mich. Telephone N. R. O. AC... t'nlon Paclllo ... West Knd Hx-tllvldend. Osceola ..l!3?i. Parrot U9 Qulncy !10 10 83 P c:i 01 Panta I Copper. Tiimarack Ptah Mining .... Winona Wolverines , I.tintlnn Sloru Qunlnllnna. LONDON. Sept. 28. I p. m.-Closhig: Consols, money.. tlo account Atchison Canadlun Paclllo St. Paul Illinois Central .. IxiiiIhvIIU (Krlo M do 1st pfd ; 2 Pennsylvania W Heading 113 No. Paeldc pfd....! HS'a flrand Trunk 7?' Anaconda 11 34 65'i ! . 6 S 40 I nlon P.ic. pfd... 1 Hand Mines N. V. Centrnl 1321, Kx-dlvltlend. " InPv'i,l? s,.ronF', ?u1 "rr ounce. .MOMA-Hio rate of discount In the open muiket lor short bills Is 4 er "cent- (or threo months1 blplpcr cent. ' Xew VrU Mliilnu .Stork. NKW VOniv. Sept. 2S.-Tho following nre totlny'08 "B flUOtntlon!, for mining shares Chollar ('nun Point Con. Cal. & Va.. Deadwood (lould & Currle ., Halo oz NorcroMs.. II me-tnke. lion Silver Mexican . 17 '.m ,. 45 . :o O) . rr, . 27 (Ontario Ophlr ...600 ... 43 ... 12 ...150 ...650 ... 27 ...400 ... 15 ... IS l'lymouth l , t IT .... do pfd , Sierra Nevada. Standard Union Con Yellow Jucket .. I'orelcH riiinnrliil. PA-ltlS. Sept. 2S.-Tho bourse wns rather ngltutetl during the whole session today, tho unfnvornbleness of tlui condition of lentes having exercised an adverse In lluenco on everything. There wns n lot of selling by option dealers In view of the settlement. Iiilernatlonnl securities woro eitHler on rumors of fresh ngreements he- iwcen tne powers nnu industrlnls suffered somewhat. Trunsvanlers were weaker on tho lust reports regarding Lord Roberts return to Knglantl. which nrc comtnente.l upnn uniiivoraiiiy. Tliree per cent rcnt3, fflf 75c for tho account: OXehanen nn t nn. don, 23f 13c for checks; Spanish 4s closed at HRKLIN. Sept. 2S.-Flrmness prevailed on tho bourse today In American nnd Ca imdlan securities ns n result of New fork ntivlces in connection with the reported settlement with tho coal strikers. Local stocks wero (Inner. They easled later, hut 111 mo ciose mere wns n snarp recovery Home funds were weak. International se eurltles were little noticed. Kxchntipe on London, 20m 46iipfrs for checks. Discount rates: Short bills, 3l3 per cent; three monms nuis, 4 per cent LONDON. Sept. 2S.-P.iyments In connec- 11011 wiin me seitiement caused nn er hanced tlemand for monev toilnv. which in. tluenred consols nnd high-class Investment siocks. un tne ritocK exenange the busi ness was quiet, but the tone improved In sympathy with the recovery In American securltls. There was not muoh Imvlnr here, howevor, ponding tho confirmation of mo rcporieti seiuemeni or tnn coal striKe. PliiHiiolnl Xntes. CHICAOO. Sent. 2S.-CIearlngs, J18.981,. 731; balances, $1,521,453: po ted exchange, SI.Wf4.K7; New York exchnnge, 35c dis count. ST LOPIS. Sept. 2S.-Clea rings, SI 617.171: bnlsnces, $381 218; money, steady, with good demand, nt 6ffi7 per cent; New York .x clmnce. lower. Jl tllscount bid, 75c nxketl. IlALTI.MOltn, Sept. 2S.-Cleurlllgs, $2,709, 811: balances. S35.131. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 28,-Cloarlngs, $1310.2I6: Ixtlnnces, $1651.917. NHW YORK. Sept 2? -Cleat inns. $130.. SS7.71V b.i lances. $s,6n9.0.'4. UOSTON. Sont. 2S.-Clearings, $17,540 '0t; balnnees, $1,695 275. 1 CINCINNATI, Sept. 2S. Clearings. $1.6(3,. 900; New York exchange, 40c tllscount; money, SftO rfir cent. f iiiiilltliiii of the Trrnsiiry, WASHINOTON, Sept. 28. Totln-'s state ment of the treasury halanees lir the gen eral fund, exclusive of tho S150.eoO.OiiO sold reserve In tho division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $37,131,050; gold. $70,091.701. Cot tun Mnrkct. NF.W OHLKANS, Sept. 2S.-COTTON-Steadv ; pales, 4,350 bales: ordlnnrv, 8e; good ordlnnrv. 813-10e;. low mlddllni; 9ll-16c; middling. 10 11-lOc; gooti middling, inr.-16e: middling fair. 10 O-IRo; recolpts. 24 055 bnlcs; stock, 127.522 bales. Futures, sti-udv; October. ! 5f &ft C9e ; November. 9.'0 li9 12c; December, 9 3Sfi9.r9e; January, fl.liSf'1 l'(9o- February. 9.405t!).42c; March. 9.44'i; 9.'4; April. 9.41Ti9.45c; May. 9.4lff.).15c. ST. I.OIMS. Sept. 28.-COTTON-Qulet; middling. 10c: sales, 200 bales; reculpts. 2.mV) hales; shipments, 1,707 bales; stock, 9,672 hales. ,w York LI vi- Stock, NKW YOItK, Sept. 28 -lUinVKS-He-celntH. 11.051 head; steers, fully lflc higher; bulls and enws, 10ffi20c; bulls, S2.Wf3 60; cows. $1.25i3.25; cables tiiotet live cuttle slow nt 1KTM20 per lb, sheep selling nt ll'.i (f,lJi-c: rofrlgcrntor beef, 9i9c per lb; shipments, 200 cattle. CALVES ltecoipts, 170 head; market do moralized; veals. 25c lower; grassers. 60c lower; veals. $4.00ii8 M; llttlo calves, $3.60tf 4.00, trassers, S2.25f3 00. Slli;i:P AND LAMIIS-Itecelpts, 5,375 head; trade slow; prices 1525c lower; sheep, $.'. 501, i4.00; choice and export weth ers. $1.2511.60; culls. $2; lambs, $l.40f5.60; culls. $:i.tMil.00; Canada lambs, $5.37M. HOtiS ltecoipts. 2.7S9 head; slow ut $3.70 76.95. Stock In Sight. Following aro the receipts at the prin cipal western markets for September 2s. : 1 Cnttlc. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha a.ans 7,i.2l &.! Chicago 2,000 26,Wl G.OM St. Louis 6,300 5,000 21 Kansas City 1.600 4.8m 2,00' Totals i:2CS 43,421 13.MI OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Oom Oattlo Brpnght Steadj to Stronger Prices, Others Unchanged. H0G3 OPENED WEAK, CLOSED . STRONG Receipts of Sheep Comprised .Mostly of Kertlers for Which Hie l)r manil Vu (iootl nntt nl Fully Mlentlr Prices, south llecelpts were: Otilclal Mondny OfHcl.M Tuesdav Ortlclul Wednesday ... Olllclul Thursday Ofllclui Friday OMAHA. Sept. IS, Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep .10.710 10.WS fi.fi::. 7,$:s 7,3.Mi 5,933 5,960 6,74$ 4,391 2,368 Five days this week 30,1(10 Same days last we ek.. . .24,30 8nme week bofore 2.1,440 Same threo weeks ngo.. 19,241 banio four weeks ueo.. 22.475 37,64(1 47.1JS 36.4W 32,552 40,613 last Average price palu tor lios for cocihi uays, wiin comparisons. 1900. lMr.TlSJ8.l(i7.18iT!H.l1. Sept. Sept. Sept. Hept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Kept. S-pt. Sept. Sept. Sept. Kept. Sept. Sept. Kept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. I. .. 2... 3... 4 .. 6... ... 7... ... J... 10.. II. . 12.. 13.. II . 15.. 16,. 17.. 16.. 19.. 20.. I i 04 6 03 I en 5 OIU 5 OuU 6 0SJ 5 10T4 C 16U 4 20) 3 611 1 99, J 77 4 111 3 4 07 2 81 S S3 4 31 4 34 I 3 ) 4 0 2 St 4 191 ,4 04i 2 .1 4 21. 5 1.1 I 13 5 St 4 20, I Jl 4 221 5 57 4 22 3 C2 4 23 3 C3 4 M 4 30 .1 Ut 4 02 : .si 2 81 2 SI 4 80! 3 60! 4 00 5 51 4 2 3 671 .1 94 3 93 3 S4 4 21 3 68 2 m 2 M 2 791 4 f6 4 091 4 or. 5 62 il i. 4 2 5 l 5 8) r. r. 20U) 4 221 ; Ojtil 4 25j 3 77 3 79 :t x i 4 06 5 o 3 82 5 (' . 4 ;oi , VI' 2 f'9 4 05. 5 7' 5 (!?, 4 3 71 .1 31 .1 cs S7I 70 3 M 2 73 2 C6 2-1 2 81 4 12 12 4-1 I 3 68 3 S6 4 0,1 5 67 11 4 32 3 94 4 04 ,1 61 t ID 5 22 4 33 3 4 0,i f 46 4 .11 4 31 4 031 4 Ol! 3 ?fi' 3 76 4 OS o 21 2 W 3 96 'SI 1 5 31 5 26 5 26 6 40 5 3," 5 2) 5 17 521 2-5! 4 3'.l 3 3 77 2 US' 4 00' 514 2-5 I 5 16 1515 4-5 3 3 SS 2 M 3 " 4 41 3 821 2 90 .4 S2 26 4 29' 3 71 1 2 Ml 3 M 27.. 1514 3-61 I 36 3 3 7S 13 RS 28.. 1616 1-5 4 441 3 611 3 83l 2 S9 4 92 Indicates .Sunday. . The olllclnl number of cars of stock brought In today by each road wns: Cnttlc. Hogs. Sh'p. C, M. & St. P. Ity, 5 O. St St. L. Hy 2 Missouri Pnclllc Hy.... r. P. system C. & N. W. ny..t V K. & M. V. It. It.... s. c. p. ny C St. P.. M. A O. Ity. II. & M. It. It. It c, 11. & q. ny C, It. I. & P., east C. It. I. ft P.. west Illinois Central Ity 38 i3 14 6 3.5 1 in 23 7 5 1 32 Totals 66 116 The, disposition of the day's receipts wns as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Huyers. Cattle. Hons. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 121 1,223 O. H. Hummond Co 69 snn .... Swift and Company 441 1,551 Cudnhy Packing Co 329 1,990 736 Armour ft Co 406 1,752 1,971 It, Decker A- Degnn 620 ., Vansant ft Co 209 .1. L. Cnrey 43 1,0 tnn un ft Co 59 McCreay ft Clark II W. I. Stephen ni Henton ft Underwood 193 Llvlngstono ft Schnller.. 40 L. F. Husz 15 H. L. Dennis ft Co 1 Hobhlck 82 H. Stiindish 384 Other buyers 299 2 6S3 Totals 2,999 7,733 5,399 CATTLI-3 There wire only a few cuttli on sale today and about tho usual Friday conditions prevailed, lluyers as 11 rule wero not particularly anxlcus for st.vk cattle, nnd tho market as a. whole wns not very active. HeColllts Included nhollt kovpii ran nf cornfed steers. Packers evltlojitly hud to hayo a few cattle today, and in some canes paid 11 little higher prices for them thsn they tlld yesterday. Oenerally speaking, lho inarKei couiu Do called steady to strong. Cow huyers were not quite as nnxloiis for fresh supplies today ns they were yes terday, but us 11 rulo tho twenty-flvo cars of cow stuff on the market changed hands ut close to steady prices, thuch In some enses sellers hatl to tnko ofT n llttlo. fan ners were In good demand today nt about yesterday s prices. Tho demand from tho country for stork cattle continues heavy, but yard traders havo finite a few on hnn.'. which fact naturally mmlo them n Httm careful nbout buying more today unless the cattle were of good weight and quality. Such as could answer to that description brought Just about steady prices, but common stuff was rather neglected and sellers found It dlll cnlt In some cases to get fully steady prices. Thero were practically 110 western b.-ef cattle 011 sale today and consequently nothing with which to mak n test of th margei. tne tiemunti, tnouin. is kooii. .ind packers have paid good strong prices fur nil tho grass beer they could find. Cows were nnoiit stenuy wuu yestemay. though tne mantel wns not quite as active as it hus been for tho last eouplo of days Not much change was nntlceablo In the "looker and feeder traue. noon stuff nrougnt s.oadv prices, while the less desirable grades and lightweight cattle wero rather slow sale nnd 11 r res nono too llrm. na Is ant to h th case this time of tho week. Representative sales: nF.KF STEERS No. Av. Pr, No. Av. ..1330 ..tl7 ..1303 ..1293 Pr. 5 10 5 13 5 43 5 45 1 1030 3 ; 1 20 31 3.. 17.. 3.. 33.. 930 $1 15 958 4 53 1383 1119 720 830 8(0 8tt Sf4) 7S0 890 S80 850 010 819 1018 1040 $48 9S6 670 1120 900 1030 4 60 5 CO ( COWS. lW 1 CO 1 iO 2 00 2 ro -, 2 25 2 2.3 2 40 2 10 2 50 2 30 2 63 2 C3 2 70 14 2 11 1 11 , 8 12 2 , 1 18 20 jo'.!!!"! 4 1 .... 785 .... 900 .... 7M ....1030 .... 766 ....1200 .... 00 ....1080 ....1130 .... 785 ....I0O3 ....1001 ....1009 ....1019 ....106O ....1023 ....1025 .... 784 ....1430 .... 940 .... 765 .... 666 .... 691 .... 737 .... 486 .... 4(5 2 S3 2 8.3 2 90 2 90 2 90 2 to 3 00 3 M 3 00 3 15 3 15 S 20 3 20 S 2a 3 25 3 25 3 TO 3 33 3 73 4 23 3 13 3 13 3 13 3 26 3 23 3 25 1... 1... 2... 1... 1... O v.y. 1... 1... IS... 10... o 17.'.! 20... 1... 1... 2 15 1 2 73 2 V 2 83 . 861 . 930 . 742 .1000 HEIFERS, 4 7 1 2 18 5 2 60 2 f5 2 S3 3 05 3 10 7 1 6 13 800 r.os 976 1364 3 10 2 HULLS. 2 60 1 2 75 1 2 S3 2 2S5 1 2 9 CALVIJ8. 4 CO 1 5 23 STAOS. 1.... l'.'.'.'. 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 2.... 1.... 3.... I.... 8.... , 960 2 SO 730 3 00 775 3 40 770 4 00 1570 11C0 ,12C0 960 110 250 130 E 60 .1220 3 00 1 . . ....1170 3 50 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 781 2 '0 6 822 3 05 OT) 2 13 6 794 1110 3 00 0 030 CC6 3 03 3 593 3 "ti 3 to 3 40 632 3 03 STOCK CALVES. 345 3 35 C 218 4 40 325 4 23 5 322 4 75 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1035 3 00 2 473 3 15 420 3 15 26... 2... 1... 3... 1... STOCKERS AND FEEDERS 683 3 f0 10.... (80 3 65 840 741 S30 700 900 3 no 3 60 3 23 3 60 1 4 10 , 653 C70 873 M0 975 3 CS 3 75 3 !) 4 00 4 05 37... !... 3... 1... 3 V) . 11. NERRASKA. 21 cows.. .1035 . 991 3 65 3 IO 1 cow.... .1070 3 00 .. 696 2 75 .1000 3 65 .1013 3 S5 2 cows. . 1 CO w. . . 3 steers.. 1 teer... 17 feeders 650 2 75 3 65 4 20 3 00 4 20 3 35 3 SO 2 65 3 !W 4 03 3 75 VI 4 steers... .1052 1 steer ir.40 1 feeder... 790 6 steers... .132S 3 Steers.... MO 1 steer 10X0 1 bull 1310 ?0 feeders.. 916 1 feetier 460 3 00 ! heifers.. .1010 3 10 2 cows... 4 steers.. 1 steer. .. 16 cows... , 6 1 ows., . , 8 heifers. 035 777 931 7)3 911 917 2 90 3 35 3 SO 2 97 2 2.5 3 3) 31 feeders.. 101! 2 feeders 1 hulls... M! .1355 J M. Cunningham- -Utah. 26 cows.... 915 3 10 S. K'rof-Colo. 7 feeders.. 9V, 3 W 2 rows 11S5 4 feeders.. 915 3 90 1 feetier. . .IW) 3 feeders.. 190 3 !) J. Nelson Wyo. 3 10 3 W 3 rows... 3 cows. . . HSU 3 60 1 COW.... .1010 3 00 953 S9J 3 :sn 4 on 1 steer... 4 00 10 feeders 4 45 P. Prntt-Neh. 2 65 4 t) 15 heifers. 3 00 II feeders ImO 756 3 00 3 SO 4 feeders.. 9.li 21 feeders.. 1026 j t cow... , 9 to , 775 33 steers 615 3 60 1 steer. S60 A. W. Smlth-Wio. 1 cow. 1150 3 30 2 COWS., ,.11M 2 30 j 6.96.1 7,355 M21 7.621 3L999 26,290 31,318 29,21)2 SS.531 tho 1 cow 87 feeders 4 feeders 1 steer.... ?() .1 30 , 3 cows . . Oil 3 3i 1U00 4 30 ! cows. ,,..1010 3 4 1000 4 30 1 steer ....ID) 3 40 1UO0 3 2fi 1 steer 1010 3 10 J. II. Sutton-t'tah. 597 3 00 21 heifers. James .Mlchclson Wve. 13 feeders . I tPil 4 30 til feeders.. 1072 4 30 50 feeders. 1C63 4 30 34 feutUrs. .1072 4 30 : cows 104 1 3 50 43 cows 932 3 05 28 cows.. 1 cow..., 62 steers. 4 cows.. 3 cows.. . .lOitt 2 70 1 COW 780 3 Oi .. m 2 70 C. Moore Colo. ..1143 4 25 1 COW 10SO 3 00 ..HO'i 3 10 1 cow 1220 3 00 . ItoO 3 10 13 CCWS 1215 3 33 . COLOHADO. ..fO'O 4 15 13 steers.. ..1171 4 27 22 steers.. 1 steer 1310 4 25 (I. W. Leonard-Colo. 11 fecderH.. S05 4 0n 1 feeder... 700 J 25 50 feeders.. 668 4 10 4 feeders.. 525 3 2J 13d Swan Wvo. S6 feeders.. 1000 4 25 6 cows 933 3 00 14 feeders.. 1031 4 00 3 cows 1136 2 S 3 3 24 cows 931 3 li 3 steers.. 956 J. SS9 92.1 Heaves Idaho. 3 70 5 feeders.. 1000 3 70 3 25 1 foeder... S80 3 25 Peterson Wyo. 4 30 2 bulls" HS3 2 65 3 W 1 bull 1410 2 "7 i, (1 r. - 1. n 43 feeders. 3 cows J. 12 feeders.. 1156 12 feeders.. .ViO 20 cows.. ..1011 .VAV... V1" W " "'' ivu .1 Of HOtlS H hern w.re n f ni'ap N nn A hogs orf snle today, but tho tlemand wai ftllly Cflltnl to the Slltmlv. Th,. mnrli.l started out not much tllfTerent from yester dny h close, u fow packers getting rnlxsd liogs ut Jo.12'4 und $5.15, but thq market soon llrnictl up and tho hulk of the bogs Changed hands ut nlioilt Klen.lv nile. win. jesjerduy's general market. Tho trade wim uctivo nnd prnctlcallv everything was sold nt mi ear y hour. The top of ,'..27 wus 11 shade higher than yesterday, but the bora wero prlmo nnd fully ns good ns imythlng thnt has been hero In tho last couple of lIUVS. 1 be che u-nn irnml u,,,l ul.,,J 1 ""."III l)o seen from tho sales below, tho .!.. : . V ""h" J'ini uootii in yestur Iny s notches, with the exception of the heavy ,0gs, which soltl n little higher The market so far this week has not nrietl much, the low unlm 1..1..., .... i day, when tho nverapo cost was slightly is $..Ii, so It hits been very near n steady iitui un mo wcck. Jieprcscntutlvo salesi No. Ay. Sh. Pr. No. A v. Kh. IT. 53 S3 4 1.3 4 30 68.. 239 (0 5 13 70 107 64.. 58.. 71.. 65.. t t 55.. 61.. 263 2.3S 23 290 .....266 .."..322 263 I : .3 5 15 6 15 5 1.3 5 15 i IS I 15 5 15 5 li 5 17(4 5 17'J 6 m, 5 174 5 "'i 5.mi 6 I7i, 5 ITS 6 171, 5 17i 5 171, 5 17" i 5 171, 5 171 j 6 17Vi 5 m, 5 17', 5 IT'i 5 17', i 0 17', s i;'i 5 K'i 5 171.4 5 mi 5 17', . .3 1714 J 174 5 1P4 17!. 5 17i.i 5 jn 6 20 5 30 5 10 5 20 5 20 6 11 5 20 5 24 5 20 6 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 6 20 5 20 5 224 6 224 5 25 5 V5 5 274 6 27'i 16 4 30 4 rs 5 10 r. 10 ' 5 l.'li 5 12H 3 12i 5 12'i 5 12!t 5 li', 6 15', 6 124 6 '2'i 12'4, 5 121, 5 12t, 6 12'j 5 12V4 5 12'.B 5 !2'j 6 12'.i 5 1214 5 15 &.I3 5 15 5 15 6 13 6 13 5 13 5 1.3 b 1.3 I 13 5 13 S 13 5 13 5 15 5 16 3 15 5 15 5 15 5 15 5 13 5 13 6 1.3 5 15 5 1.3 5 13 5 1.5 5 15 f. 1.3 r, 13 r. 15 6 15 6 15 6 13 5 1.5 5 15 6 15 6 15 5 13 31.. f.0.. 49 . 76 507 333 323 226 57.. 59.. 62.. 27.. 6.3. . 51.. 31.. W).. r.o.. a.. 80 80 307 . 296 . !M . 32i) . 307 307 1 206 . ?J I 69 64 7S 4? 55 69 ...Ml ...240 ...218 .242 ,'..2.'i9 ...241 6ii... 37 67 2J5 40 40 41 DO 6,7 63 59 ..271 ..2.39 . ..297 . 63. 239 63... 81... 91... 71... 61... (1... 62... 65... 59... 60... 67... .... 53... 72... 62.... 63... (9... 41... 53... 55... 69..., 71... 2... 76.... 2C1 ....24.' 211 ....2.30 ..,.268 ....216 ...,261 ....277 ....28.1 ....287 ... 282 ....181 ..,.371 ....341 ....1(6 ...,JI7 ....212 ...,t!2 ....27 ,...3 ....Ml ....229 ....SSI M 2W 160 120 40 SO IM "m SO 120 160 160 ib 80 SO M 40 M 80 120 W 40 ...27S : ...234 l: ...27 ...340 . ...IS4 . 54. 61. 73 4S.T... 51 .212 2: .282 I ....300 . 55.. St.. 4).. 74.. 63.. 67.. H.. f!7.. M.. 31ft 21 210 216 27J 227 174 233 270 308 273 267 160 24 0 60 m r.s 62 77 47 6S .203 ...219 273 20.3 338 247 !J 2.30 238 M 240 S3 ...209 ro 76 73 66 74 C3 6" 77 71 S3 69 1,7 73 fO 67 M M f") .... 70 ..237 ..224 ..217 ..240 ..217 ..281 . .:.'0 ..228 ..271 ..TV, ..255 ..1!K) ..238 ..224 ..253 ..201 . .2.37 ..195 ..243 61. 62. 73.. . . C2.... M 76.... 59.... S2.... 4:1.... 62.... 60.... 62.... 79.... 61.... 62.... r.7.... ..2t6 ..269 ..270 ..823 ..278 ...123 ..253 ..243 ..23.3 ..264 ..281 ..2.38 ..240 80 240 234 219 15 SIIU.P 1 hero wero twonty-four cars of nlieep on the market this morning, but H16 bulk of them wero feeders, only about nlno cars of good sheep being on salo. Most of the trains weri late In arriving, so tho market wns slow In opening. Shctp. how ever, were nbout steady, .villi yestf rdny, al though Chlongo cmne steatlv to lOo lowor. There were practically nu fnl lambs offered, consequently then- was .lotlilng to mnko a test of the ninrket. Feeders were Mi good demand ngaln today and prices ruled steady to etroiig for both sheep nnd lamlis. Quotations: Choice western print, weth ers. $3.7.iff4.no; choice crass enrlliign, $375 (it 1.00; choice ewes. $3.23-tT3 .. tulr to good ewes. $3 noil 125- e-dl ( wen t?8ta", no- oho'ci spring lambs, $1. 73(15.00: fi.n m good spring Iambs. J4. 5011 1.75: feeder wethers. 3.66 feetier lambs, $tuOiJ4.4U. No Pr $2 or 3 45 3 65 2 cull ewei 201 feeder wethers.... Hi u yonilng wethers Si J.9 CHIC.tliO 1.1 YH STOCK ."31 AHIC11 1 CbIIIc Are' (if iiernll.v Almiit .Sternly TeiniiN Sluiv unit I.imtit. nSSIi,CAP' Scpt;. 2S-TCATn'K-n"'Pt. 2,000 head; generally nbout steady; Texan slow to 10c lower; nntlves, best on sula today, two cnrlouds nt $3.60; good to prlmo steers. $.i.45ff3.S,3; poor to medium, $4 50 it 5. 10; selected feeders, choice sternly, other! wenk. $3.S014 60; mixed stnekers, weak. I2.ri0tf3.ry); cows, $2 70VI.OO; heifers. $2.9rvj 4.60; dinners. S2.flOfi2.Ci; bulls, weak, $2 54 (ill 15: calves, SI.6iVi5.60. Texuns, receipts, 1,00) head; best on salo today, ten carloadi at $3.80; Texas fed steers. $l,15f5.00; Texan grass steers, $3.23iil.0Q; Texas bulls, $2.3 if 3.25. IIOOS Receipts. 20,000 head; estimated tomorrow, 18.000 head; left over, 5.000 brad; top, $3.55; mixed nnd butchers, $.5.106.53".; good to cholco heavy, $5.10475.641; rough heavy. Sl.95'rt5.05; light, $5.205.55; bulk of sales. $5,251)5.45. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpts. ii.001 head: sheep steady; lambs, good to rholc", steady; common. 15c lower; good to choice. $3.90fH 00; fair to cholco mixed. $3.60TJ3.91; western sheep, $3.9flft4. 20; Texas sheep, $2 50 Ti3.60; native Iambs, $l. 251(5.50; western lambs, $4.75115.33 St. Louis Live Stock. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 28. -CATTLE-Recelpts, 1,600 head, Including 1,000 Texans; market steatlv: native shipping nnd export steers, $1.754. SO; tlressed lieef und bjtcher steers, $1. 15115.30; steers under l.OuO lbs., $3,351(3.00: stnekers nnd feeders, $2.6tl1i4.75, enws nnd heifers. $2.50(1?' 1.80; ennners. $1.50'ii2.7.5; bulls, $2.40113.25; Toxns nnd Indian sleers, quiet, ut $3 251(4.50; cows and heifers. $2.251i;i.0O. IIOOS RecelptH, 4.NX) head; market about steatlv; pigs and Hunts, $5.301J5. 10; butchers, $5.351i5.62i. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Rceolpts, 2.000 head; market stcad : native muttons, $3.51 1(1.00; lambs, $l.ooii.3 "5- culls nnd bucks, $2,501(3.60; stockers, $2. '' i t 25. iciiiisiim t iti ; 1 . '"tui'i.-. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 2-f VTTI.E-R- celpts, 3,600 head natives, 2,01 head Tex ans, .,') head calves; inarget sieauvr nnnvn steers, $5 00115.50; Blockers and feeders. $3 60 11 30: butcher cows und heifers, $3 0 t7JI''5; runners, $2 00f3.O0; f(d westerns, $1.00135 15; wintered Texans. $3.60?i,1i; grass Texniw, $3(101,3 35; calves, $I.OOf5.60. ltotiti Keccipis. o,'i neiiu; itcuvn; ' 6c higher: closed strung; heavy anil mixed, $5 224115 35; IlKht. $3.20?,n.50; pigs, $l.f,O1(4.S0. blll'.r.r AM- liAMliM ueceipis, -1 niu; market nomll'iil: fat lamht nre bringing $1,751(5.25: muttons. $3 60Cf, too; htnekers nnd ft:edtirs, $3.Wfj4.oo; culls, $2wijaw. SI, .liiNeph Live nlnck. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Sept. 2S.-(Spo- rial.) The .louriml quotes: CATTLE-Ricelnts. 1 :vo heatl: mnrkut 5f(10c higher; natives, $1,261(5.65; Texans nnd westerns, rs,vniu.u; cows nnu uciiers, .-.., ((1.63, liulls and stags, $2.23liI.SO; yearlings nnd enlves, $3.601i 1.50; uttu-kers untl feetier', $3.2.31(1.40; veuls. $l.601iii.r.0. IIOflS-Recelpts. 3.S0O head; market 2','it 5c higher; nil grades, $5.1741(5.27'; bulk of sales, jj.aiotri.-.'h, SHEEP AND LA.MIIM -IteceipiS. J(W licati; market steady, lilinbs. $1 601(j.(W; sheep, $3.605jl.OO. JAMES E BOYD & CO., Tciaphono 10IJ9. Omnlia, Sal COMMISSION, GRAIN, PROVISIONS mid STOCKS BOARD OK THAI) S3, Correspondence: John A. Warrn b Ca Lnrtct wltM to CfalciMto and Htw Tortt RRPEMHEYa CO. SffKS URAl Doori4Nr urEiua OMAHA ni. tRANCH K)3brUt wriwui MI I IS rv 1 :;v -. v I I