30 TTTID OMAHA DAILY TH! 3T3; ttI lTl?ST)AT, RErTEMBER 27, 1000. COMMERCIAL AXD FINANCIAL Ootobcr Wheat Opens a Shade Down and Closes Higher. SEPTEMBER CORN FURNISHES EXCITEMENT tats Are Dull nml Finish Session t Vp Ornde Provisions Are Steady LIcchum- f (iiiml nsl. I) em ii n J. Ilrm nt J2S.80S29.2S for tin locally. Lake inirtior roiitiii.i. h nulet nnil unchanged nt JK.75!M7O0, lend ruled dull nt Jt.37Vi, spel- l ir. quiet, i.pin nnu pig iron warrants very dull nt J9.ftoffl0.fw. The brokers' tirlco for lend wan Jt und for copper J18.7S016.87V4. oM4.ii a -wholesali: maiikets, Condition of Trnile nn Staple nnil Font EGGS-Recelpts, light. CHICAGO, Sept. 16. Wheat turned Arm today, helped by com and Indications of fllmlnUhlng receipt. October closing -VOe lhcr. Corn aloBed ,iio und oats a shade up. Provisions closed unchanged to 5c hlcher. October whoi open"!1 n shade down nt 7?i,"64c, with n line filmost nt the tnp of the gons. This flight exhibition of easl nesfi wan dye to better weather In the north went. During the two pievlous ses sions most of the week bulls hud been forced out und the talent was In opposition to buying. In thin they were encouraged loy the strength developed by corn, com parative steadiness at Liverpool und 'Indi cations of diminishing receipts. Later In the day weakness of the oeenn freight rates and anticipation of export business cnuseil still further ndvonce. October advanced with few reactions to "Sc. On protlt-tuklni the market reacted, but closed Ilrm, M'Mio vcr yesterday nt TTITT'aC. I'rlmnry n- fclpts were 1,i19.oo0 bushels, compared with .Olfl.OtO last year. Mlnnoupo'ls and Duluth reported 315 curs, against 4"9 lust week and liti n year ago. Local rorolpts were 261 tars, IS of contract grade. Clearances were 78,000 bushels In wheat nnd Hour. New fork ronoited 20 lo.ids taken for export. Corn was very Ilrm mid shorts for the cri'scnt month's delivery were much dis turbed by the difficulty of getting corn In tho pit. September early Jumped oxeldcdlv ml furnished tho most noteworthy Inci dent of the day. The geuernl feeling was that corn for delivery next month was likely to be no more plentiful In October than nt present, and Its prospective scarcity was Indicated by the fact that shippers are now nuvlnir for corn to be delivered by October 10 a premium of l'4c In store over the prlre of the regular October delivery rientemlior corn opened nt 41 Vd l-!'o. Jumped to 44'(,c and then reacted, closing lr higher ut 42VC. October sold between 39,.lc and 40;o and closed N,ft--,c h ghcr at 40'4c. He. celpts were 600 earH. Selling of September ?n tho bulge wns mostly by commission ouscs. It wns reported (and denied) that n laltlmore man was behind 600,000 bushels or ociouer wnicn nas not noon oeuvereu. OiiIh xvere dul I. Ill svmnatliv with corn. October r-elllng between l'ljjc nnd 2o, and closing a shade up at 21'sru22o. Receipts were 190 irs. rrovlslnus were dull but steady because of n cood cash demand. January pork be- tween JlUli'A and J11.57V4 und closed 6c lilgher at sll.r.ri, Junnary lard between I6.77H and J6.,so. closing unchanged nt J6.77V4. and January ribs between J6.12V4 und J1. 15. with the close a shade up nt Jfi.l2Wfi6.ir.. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Whent, ai'i cars; corn, iHO cars; oats, 21.1 cars; hogs, J.000 head. Tho lending futures ranged as follows: initiation nn 'roduee. t.jod stock, firm nt 16c. LIVE I'OI LTIIY liens, 7c: roosters, Sffl 4c; spring chickens, Sc; ducks, 49501 geese, 4,76c; turkeys, so, FRESH DRESSED POULTRY Hens, 8Q 9c; roosters, SflCc; ducks and geese, SfJIOc; broilers, per lb., 12"; turxeys, uw. GAME Prnlrlo chickens, per dor... J3.00 1I4.&0; mallard ducks, per doz., J3.00; teal, Sl.G0ttl.75: mixed. Jl.50fil.75! lacksn no. J1.25 fftl.60. HUTTKii-wminon to rnir, lzc; cnoice, lMilCc; separator. 21c: gathered creamery. 19320c. fish Trout. 10c: bluensh. 9c: r eKerei. Sc; cattish. 12c; dressed buffalo, 6c; white- llsh, Me; herring, 6c; black bass, 10c; sal mon. i;ic; wnito bass, ioc; croppio, iuc: perch, 6c; lobsters, green, 22e: boiled lob sters, 23c; mackerel, 20c; codfish, 10c; yellow prrcn. iK". FRESH OYSTERS First pra,le. ootid packed, New York counts, per can, 40c; oxtrn selects, 35c; standards. 30c. Second graue, siacK nned, New York counts, por can, 30c, extra selects, 24c; standards, 20c. PIOEONH-I.lve. per dozen, 9ftc. VEALS-Cholee. 9f?10c. HAY Prices nuoted bv Omnhn Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice .upland, J8.50; No. 1 upland, JS; medium, J7.50pconrse, S6.S0. Hyo strnw, $3.50. These prices lire for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair nnd prices steady. imts-.no ;i wiuie, ;gc CO UN-No. 3, 38c. llUAiN IK.IO. VEG ETARLES. crct'MHEHS-Por dozen, 20325c. jmi-.w j i ii.Aiii'H I'or uusnei nnsKct, eoc. NKW HEETS-Per bushel, 6075c. Ni:V CAItHOTS-Per dozen bunches, 25c. LLTTl'Ci: Per dozen. lOfllSc. HADISHKS Home grown, tier dozen. 15c. HI2ANS Wax. nnr hnlf bushel hnnknl iftn. string, A. ntTi ti ins per bushel, 4050c; awect (loiiiiues, per iiupnei, ibjiwc. i 'AiiHAUK nomu grown, per pound, lVsc; Holluud seed, lic AI'HA'li'V Home grown, per pound, liic CAfLIKLOWini-Per dozen. 11. TOMATOKH llntnn rrnu'ii nr hntt ijimie'i iiuKei, we. OMONS Home grown, per bushel, 50Q60C CX3LI3UY Nebraska, SOfjMOe. I'ICACIIKS California freestones. 8090c: clings. 7"e; LMnh freestones. lydUOc. in i .!.- uuinornia, per crnie, 11.1g31.2j. Pltl'NIiS t'tllh find (!nlnrnilo nnr rrnl. I'UAIIH-I'er box, Jl.7GJj2.00. UHAI'lia Cal fornla Toknvs. 4.bniiW rate. $1.50: Concords, bomn urnwn. i?r. Delaware nnd Niagara, ner 5-lb. baHltit. trie- eostern Concords, lSfjlSc. . 1 i;iiMi:i.u.NH as to slzo. Iofi20c each. CANTAI.Ol'PIO Ocms. tier ilnzn IMi'n. large slzj . criTuc. ' 'i ...r ; T'UIVC' "W-w per bu.; per uui f-,ir.'im,is;, CKANUUHKIES-Por bbl., $0; por crte, Artlclesl Open. IHlgh. Low. 1 ClosclYest'd Wheat Sept. Oct. Nov. Oct. Nov. Oct. Nov. Pork Oct. Jan. J.ard- Oct . Nov. Jan. nibs- Bept. Oct. Jan. 767r77Ti'!!7876iTH!77U'!7:l 7C4, 7WiTif 78 7(ii,!7(ttft 7fiTi 77i1il 7h?i 77',i 7S'S77i'i; 41W-2W 2if; 21i 22ir-iJ 12 05 45 I 2IT.I 30 21HI 21T1 2ia; 21Tifff" 12 15 42ni 41i 1 -1-1 21'i 22ft 11 mi) 11 !7& I 12 00 12 13 12 00 I 11 47Vj 11 53 I 11 50 7 OTi 7 07V4 7 02!4 7 02'.4 7 03 7 0216 7 113 7 0ft 7 02'i 7 03 C 7714 C M 0 771i 6 7714 6 7714 I 7 7216 7 70 I 7 72141 7 7214 7 53 7 50 7 5216 7 50 I G 1716 6 1216 CIS C 1216 7 70 7 50 0 15 No. 2. Cash ouotatlons wern ns follows: V LOU ft Firm; winter patents, 3.P0Ur!.10; SinumuH, j.i.TJni.i.wi; clears, VJ.iWifJ.w; prlng specials, $1.70; iiatents, $3.G0W4.10; WHKAT-No. 2 red. 77'c. COHN-No. 2, 42-Vfl-13!ic; No. 2 yellow, OATS No. 2. 221Jc; No. 3 whlto, 2616c; No 1 wiiiie, a(iiU'4C. ItYK No. i. 23Vc. ltAHLlJY Fair to choice malting, 62 fit-. HKEDS No. flax and northwestern, $1.53; brlmo tlmothv. J4.30fi-l.6O. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per hbl., $12.10 B12.1B. T.nrd, per 100 lbs., J7.0Cg7.0716. Short rius sioes woosei, ,.riii4i7.N): dry salteil Khoulders (boxed), $7.2.3ijf7.37',4; short clear nines (iioxoo;, 3, m'ni.ai. WHISKY Rnsls of high wines, J1.26, flrCAR-Unchangcd. Following nre tho receipts and shipments ni 11111 iiiuui(iui Kiuinn Articles. Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu , OfltH, bu Rye, bu Jlarloy. bu On the produce exchaugo today tho but Ter market was ilrm; creameries, 16220: "iiiiici., hhik. . Hi-en r, nrm ai luvitj Uc, J.il,ni mini ireau, ibc, new yohic oi:xi:it,ti( mahickt. Receipts, Shlpm'ts, .. 27,000 14,000 . .608,000 2f,S,0U0 ..SOO.OOO 321, OilO ..401,000 197,000 . . 9,0011 3.000 .131,000 7,000 tnc(n4lnns Various of tlie liny on Coniin oilltlei. NEW YORK, Sept. 2il.-FLOUR-Re- rcioih, iHJis. ; exports, 15,000 bbls, ales. 2,a,o pltgs,; market was nulet and Hteady; winter pujcntH. J3.70W4.oO; winter KiiuiKiiiH, .i.ixhuj.u.i; iMinncsota imtenls, 14.151k 4.70; Minnesota bakers. $2.S33.35: win ter extras. $2.705.00; winter low grades, I2.45i2.0.). live Hour, iicllvn! h.iIou ir.n I. Mo fair to good, $3,105(3.30; choice to fancy, $3.35 h.).iki. ituriiwiieiii nour, iiuici, 5-.J01i2.Hi. SEEDS Quiet: tlmoth, October, J1.C3; clover, October, $10.73. HUCKWHKAT Dull, COfltwc, c. I. f Now CORNMEAIy Firmer; yellow western, lie; city. 92c; Rrundywlne. $2. 131?2.l!0. RTE Steady; No. 2 western, 60c. f. o. b., nfloat: state, 5oft5Sc, c. I. f.. New York. BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 435741m. c. J. f.. Ajuiiuiif, iiiiiiuiiK, uwyiitje, u. 1. 1., llimaio. PARLEY MALT Dull: western, 25(OSc. viiiAi iieceipis, iuii.suo uti. ; 110 ex tiorts: sales, 3,100,000 bif, futures, 200,000 bu. rxports. Spot, Ilrm: No, 2 red. S3ftc. f. o. b.. Blont, und Slc, elevator; No. 1 northern pu'.uth, S7c, f. o. b., afloat (new); No. 1 lmrd Duluth, 9116e. f. o. b.. alloat. Options onened stcudv. with corn 11 ml (ben ,!rnm.i a sharp advance, in which bullish estimate--. on ine worm s crop, ngnt speculative of ferlngs, the Jump in corn and general Ktrength of sentiment after recent declines, lilayed a part. Just beforo tho closu realiz ing produced a slight decline from top, but tho market left off firm nt Vf-o net ndvnnce. March, 8C5-10ffS7c; closed, S(l?ic: Mhy. R3fefr fSU-lCn; closed. SC14c; Septemlier. SI 7-ltiiV ?2c; closed, SITie: October. SlTifiSi'iic; closed, I'ORN Receipts. 113.625 bu. : exports. 165.. 160 bu.; sales, I00.O0O bu. futures, 1G0.000 bu. xport. Spot, quiet! No. 2, 50c, elevator. nnd 49!ic. f. o. b.. alloat. arrlvr. Ontlnn market muulfestcd further strength on the uuiiiKii casu siiunuon nnu a big scare or uorts In Chicago, holding for nil day. with tho close Ilrm at 'iii-Hc not advance; closed 4116c: September. lO'fJIOiio; closed. 1914c; October. 4i,l4c; closed, lfic; December, 41H tl2Uc; closed. 42ic. oath -Receipts, 7.wkj uu.; exports. 1.525 .: sales, ia.nn 1111, spot. )U. mot. Snot, steadv: Nn. 1, MUc; No. 3. 2P4c; No. 2 white, 27'4ilT2714c; No, 3 white, ,.'t)io; truck m xed western. 24iQ2Cc; track w)ilt western nnd state, 2G 26;c. FllED-Steudy; spring bran, ItC.&OiH 17.00; middling. $17.0019.60. HAY nicady ; snipping, 751177160; good to cnoice, -.''jjr.i.ic. HOPS Quiet: state, common to choice. JS99 crop, Wil3o: old olds, 2ti5c; Pacific coast. iws crop, umnc; 0111 olds, 2f3c. HIDES-FIrm: Qalveston. 20 to 25 lbs.. IRc; California. 21 to 25 lbj., 15'fcc; Texas, dry. 24 to 30 II11.. ISc. LEATHER Firm; hemlock solo, Ruenoi Ayrcs, light to heavy, 23Jf231jc; acid, 2216'tf WOOI domestic -Reef, firm: fleece, 23172S5; family. Jll.Srtff J10 0) Dull: Texas, l.WflB'ie. lROVISIONS. l!)0il hfift bums. J20.00fi2l.00: nucket JH0.G0; extra India mess. Jlil.OOiSn.Oo. Cut meats, steady: nlrkled bellies. $9.00Tlll.i): pickled- shoulders, $0.50; pickled hams, $9.75 6fl0.75, Lard, weak: steamed $7.52; Hep. amVir eliimiil nt 17.50. nominal: retlnnrl nsy: South America. JS.00; compound, jr.25 P6.3716; continent, I'orx, easy; suari clear. JM.OogK.ou; mess, J12.75514.O0; family, ti: nvf, in mv TALLOW Firm; city ($2 per pkg.), 47c. pnimtrv dikes, free). 4Viiolc. RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra. i Hc; Jtipan. 4inc, MOI.ASSES-FIrm; New Voltln. kroorl to choice. iKe. METALS Another advance was scored r,r iin in tho local market for metals to- duy, on account of much higher cables from London, that market showing a rlso of 3 as for si'ot, diUi to manipulation, On aulte uctivc day's trading the close was J2. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS California, oxtrn fnnrv K '. choice. J4.&0Q4.75. ' ?2ANANAS-rer bunch, according to size, FIGS California, now rnrlnnna tl liv.r. , . MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Enc llsh walnuts, nor lh i?ri5o. Illlierts. per b.. 12c: almonds, nor tr... f.'r lau: nnr pL-unui.9, per id., 4VS'tf.)C; roasted, t,(''5716c. HiiJMS o. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green, 3c; No. 1 salted, 71ic; No. 2 salted, H4c; No. l veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veat calf, i. . ft ln,, nt. St. l.otiln C nil n nnd Prortalona ST. LOFIS. Sent i! U'llWAT Vn r.A cash, elevutor. 74i'i76c: track. 7C(!T7i;o: heptembcr, 73!ic: October, TSlJc; December. CORN Illuher: No. 2 ensh. 40Uo: fr.iolf ceneniuur, ivivte: uciODer. Jnic: ue cember, 33-Vc; year, SS'ic. OATS Hlcher: No. 2 cash. 52c! tr.irfc. :21.(ri22,c; September. 22'.4c: December, 23c; Mil. .l-.l'i ll. . 1VI1HU, -'JC, RYE-Hlgher at Dfic. 1'i.ui'it I'ncnanged. SEEDS Timothy, llrmer nt B.TMI 40 clover. KOOTiO.tjO; flax, higher at $1.51. vjim.-s.-Mi-iAii steady at K.06'ri2.l0. 11RAN Steady: sacked lots, east track. IUC. HAY Strong: t mothv. $9.0CR13.00: nralrfc. $6.00'ti0.00. .WHISKY-Stendy at $1.20. nt; iron cotton, ji.oii. P. AOO 1 NC.-$!. 10fi S.S5. TWINi:-Hemp. 9c. PROVISIONS-l'ork. tlrm: Jobbing. $12.75. Lard, lower; choice, J6.!)55f6.5714.' Dry salt meats, steady: boxed lots, extra shorts, j:i.iaw: clear nos, js.2.r: clear sides, p.3i"j. J1KTAI.S-Lend, steady at ll.27..ffl4.37.A. Spelter, higher at J4.3714. POI'LTRY-Chlckens. 7fISe; turkeys, 7c; young. 8.c; ducks, 7c; geese, 6c. KUiis-Hteauy nt nc. RFTTER Steady : creamery. 1823c: dairy, 10145J18C. KunsiiN City tirnln imil Provisions, KANSAS CITY. Sent. 2ti.-WHEAT-Do- cember, 70Hc: May. 74i5T74Tfic; No. 2 hard, B'4i72c; No. 3, 67?i71c; No. 2 red, 73!67ic; NO. 3. TXU I.IC. CORN-Decembor, 33Tc; May, 33'Jf?3(c; No. 2 mixed, K7c; No. 2 white. 39'itl 3314c; No. 3. 3S4c. OATH No. 2 white. Z5U2514C. RYE No. 2, 50hc HAY Cholco timothy, J9.SO310.00: choice prairie. !8.00. nun -Kit creamery, is'o-ue uniry, fancy. 17c. KilOK-Firm: fresh Missouri nnd Kansss stock. 14c per doz., loss off. cases returned; new white wood cases Included, 14c more. RECEIPTS Wheat. 7S.400 bu.: corn. 18.000 bu. ; oats. 4.000 bu. SHI PMENTS Wheat, 75,200 bu.; corn. 21.- 000 bu.; oats, 3,000 bu. Liverpool Criiln nil it Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Sent. 26. WHEAT Snot. steady: No. 2 red western, winter, 6s 3d; No. 1 northern spring, 6s fid; No. 1 California, (W C'4d. Futures, steady; September, 6s 6d; uecemner. ts iid. t:ORN Hpot, steady; American mixed, new. 4s lV6d. Futures, steady: October, 4s3Uil; November. 4s 3d; December, 4s 2Ud. V 1 ivu inaun ti.iL-ou, einuri rius, urm, B3. l.urd, American rellned, Ilrm, 39a 3d. Toledo MnrKet. TOLEDO. O.. Sont. 26 WHEAT-Dull nnd higher; spot nnd October, "9!4c; No- vemuer. ic; uecemncr. nc. corn Active and lilglicr: .no. 2 casn. Sefitenibcr, 45c; December, 3tT4c. OA l a i il l.Ii nnu urm .-no. . casn, acp- tcmber, 23c; December, 24e. rve uuii; uncnunged; jso. 3 casn, oivic SEEDS-Clnver. dull and higher: Octo- bcr, Jtf.CO; No, 2, $3.co. Phlliuletpblii Proiliit-p Market. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. M.-nUTTER- Flrm: rood detnand: fancy western cream- cry, sto ; rancy western prints, iic. KtH.H l-irnr goon uemann tresn. near by and westerns, 17Uc; fresh southwestern, W. iresn poiunern, nc. ciieesh Finn; fancy small inn cream, 13lill'4c; fancy small fair to choice cream, UWI0V6C. Mlnneiipolls tVbent Mnrkrt. HtlNN'EAPOIiIS. Sent. 26.-VHEAT-Sen tember. 78Jic; December. 73iHf 79V6c: May, sj'.MJWic. to nrrive: mo. i nnru. c; iso l norinern. vc: .o. noriiicrn. m-.c. Fi.oril-Firt patents, ji.nrin.tm: second patents, $l.20ff4.3O; llrst clears. $3.105J3.20; second clears, jx.ium BRAN In DUIK. i3.iwi.'.2a. Duluth WIii-iiI Market. ni'LI'TH. Minn.. Sent. 2il Wl IEAT-N'o 1 hard, SI,o; No. 1 northern, 81?io; No. 2 northern, 7fic; No 3 spring, 730; to nr rive No 1 hard, fcaj4c; No. 1 northern, 81-v,c; September. No. l norinern, Wfto; .May, northern, M'ic. OATH 23;'.23'4C. CORN-IOltC. ColTee Miirliet. NEW YORK. Sept. 26.-COFFEE-Spot, Rio. oulet: No. 7 invoice. M.c. nominal. Mild, nulet: Cordova. 9'llfH4c. Futures oiioiied steady: nrlcea unchanged In the nb soneo of now factors on which to furnish Ideas; cables wnro too conflicting, to glvu either sldo advantage; snot demand slug gish; tho marKei steamed inter in mo day on room covering aim scurcuy oi onering; closed bnroly steady, with prices net un changed to 5 points decline; total sales, l,ooo bags, including: aepiomuer, 8..Yir7.uo; ictober. je.:mu.yo; isovemuer, ?; uerem- with modernle, sale. Print cloths Inactive1 at previous prices. Prints and ginghams very Arm Men's wear woolens and wors teds continued dull, but no change in prices. Demand for woolen nnd worstefl goods shows slight Improvement. .MlltrnaUee Ornlti Market, MILWAUKEE, Sept. 26. -WHEAT -Firmer; No. 1 northern. 80H7I8114C; No. 2 northern, 79c rye Lower; no, i, bsmwc. PARLEY Less Ilrm: No. 2. 57c: iarnple. 403G4C MOVEMENTS OF STOCKS AND rJONUH. Market I Fererlsli nuil IrrcKiitnr nnd the Ilanitc Wide. ,, NEW YORK, Sept. 26. Tho stock market was moro feverish nnd Irregular today. The range was very wide and the denllniTS were on a. large scale. bu,t tno action or tno mnrkct showed thnt It was being tested by professional operations. The rally which set In tho first of tho week seemed to have culminated during tho morning session and tnc over ontnusiastic uuus wno nttempteii to bid up prices against the outstanding short account found themselves unable to realize Instead of being able to drlvn tho shorts to cover. They therefore allowed irlces to drop back nnd the markt fell nto dullness nt about last nlcht's level. Tho boar party apparently made up their minus tuai tne elimination or tnc snort in terest had so far weakened tho technical position of the market as to warrant a fresh Inroad unon nrlces. The rnld wns conducted with determination und showed tno commnnd of large resources. Northern Pacific wan slni-leil nut nn tho iwolnt nli. Jtct of nttnek on account of President Mel len's assertion In the annual report that tho prospects of business are not so bright for tho coming year, owing to tho spring wheat shortage. Practically the same com mentary was contained In tho annual re port of President Hill of the Great North ern published during tho dny. Union Pa cific had failed to shnro In the early strength and although there were other stocks which covered as wide a range on the down grade, Northern Pacific fell farther below last night's level. The sell ing of Union Paclilc was supported by pres sure by holders, us there are supposed to bo long lines of that stock outstanding. I hero were many stop-loss orders and the whs e market fell away with violence. The leading stocks were n point or so below last night s level before the decline culmi nated. The close showed gnlns for many stocks. The nervous condition of the bears wus strikingly shown In the violent recov ery In the last hour of tliMnnrket, when a rumpr got Into circulation thut tho strike or tho coal miners hud been settled. This rumor wus attributed to Chicago, und al though prompt measures were tnken to se cure Information on the point, failed to confirm ll and the bears bought stocks to cover In dlaorderlv basio. tinmn vini;,,.. recoveries wero the consequence, Readlng llrst preferred rallying 3', on wldo Jumps and New Ucrsoy Central 3. The covering muti'im-m extended tnrouglioiit the list and pricey swiftly retraced their courso to almost tho top level In many cases. The market closed excited and strong, with n largo number of stocks showing net gains. Iho novs that tho miners' settlement ap lj J.onl)r, ' P",0, ,nilno where peculiar con ditions existed did not come until after the closo of the marknt. What effect the nctual uicis may nave remains to bo seen. The continued weakness of sterling exchange i!VL."i uTUre c'Jecturo again us to rllef .for Ul. '""iey market is to do looked for by gold imports. ir L0inndTli,.Rrikot .w,lH au" 11,1,1 continued f nu. Totnl sa,f' Vr vnllu'- amooo. t nlted States new 4s advanced li and ull Other cnivrnminii V. i., .i,. i.i.i .r," J"1, Commercial Advertiser's London IIIIU.-UU cauiegrum sas: Tho markets ihi V; J ,u" aim improved slightly In the afternoon on African news, but tnero was no increase of business. Americans wero featureless, but they closed hlshcr, though be low the best, the tendency iTelng unsteady throughout. The opening of the new account attracted some buyers. The general contango. l'i; St. Paul. Us. The higher rate was owing to the stirrer ru es. The liunk of England wus again cnl ed up on for n large amount of lo.vn nnd It nlso did the bulk of the-dlscount business at 4 per cent. Silver wns KM on n,,iHi. dui tejureze, The tollowlnc are the closing prices 01 the New York Stock rxrrtnnge itnlnn Parllo Atchison ........... Un pfd Ilnltlmore A Ohio. Canadian Pacific . Canada Houthern . 71ie. & Ohio Chlcato at. W.... O.. 11. & q ChlciiKO. I. St L... do pM Chkago d V.. 1.. Chlcaxo & .V. W... C, Jt. I. A V C. U. C. HI. L. Colo. Southern .... do 1ft pfd do !J pfd Del. & Rildfon.... Pel. I & W Denver it rtlo CI... do pfd Krle do let pfd (It. Nor. nfl locklnir Coal Uocklnr Valley ... Illlnola Central ... Iowa Central do pfd L. 11. & W do pfd I.fikp Shore Loam. & Nash.... Manhattan L Met. SI. 1lV Mex. Central Minn. & Nt. L. ... do pfd Mo. Pacltlo Mobile k Ohio M., K. T do pfd N, .t. Central... N . Central.,. Nor. A West.... do pfd No. Paclilc do pfd Ontario & V... Ore. Ily. & Nav do nSd Pennfylvnnla. .. Heading do lnt via.. 2d Hd.. W pfd & S. P.. lnt pfd.. 2d pfd.. S. V.. P&1 Paul do pfd St. Paul & O... So. Pacine So. Hallway .,, do pfd Tex. &. Pacific. . March, J7.255J7.30; May, $7.40; Orleans, open ber. $7.10: July, $7.50, Oli Mnrket. OIL CITY. Pa.. Sent. 26 OILS Credit balances. $1.60! certificates, no bid or oner Ings; shipments, S2.0S2; average, DS.SSI; run.i, lw.i'zr, average, i.i)MHi.. sent. 2B. oitjS eaicutta. nn seed, spot, 57s 9d; turpentine spirits. 28s M'-P-m; unseen on, ajs io. NEW YORK. Sent. 28. OILS Cottonseed nulet; yellow, 37!4o; petroleum weak; re fined New York, $7.65; Philadelphia and Baltimore. $7.65; rosin inlet, turpentine easy, limine. .Nev York Dry (ioiidi. NEW YORK. Sent. 26.-DRY QOOD8 Moro business doing In cotton goods cine iy m d eacnea: buyers looKing for net ter prices In some grades of these. Brown sheetings nnd drills strong, but demand nulet. Coarse colored cottons also strong . 2f'i . lf . cc, . Mi . 41' , -ii . I'l . ; ii . 2: . h . .' n IV. ! 30 J.'1. .I'lS V.-3'4 . 11 . i . . 37 ,r.o . V.V, . "''i .1114 . l.'Vt 61 do Ttlo O. do St. Ii. do do 6t. L. do St. ... SiVi ,...2'n .... Vi .... !-i ,...HV. .... VJi .... 51 .... t-O'i .... 47 .... 31 .... 9 .... ....n ....K7 T4 .... 4ii; .... cu .... ;i .... 4-J .... ....HJ'i .... 15fc .... 84', .... U .... r-.vj .... 'l .... M .... it .... 11 .... if. ....ii:'.i ... .1.3 ....110 .... si .... .... r.i'4 .... uu do Dfd. Wubash do pM W. & I B do 2.1 pfd.... Win. Central Third Avenue ... Adams nxprens .. Amer. lOnprem .. P. S. Kxprem.... Wells-Fnrgo Rx.. Amor. rot. Oil do pi J Amer. Malting .. do ,pfd Amer. H. & It.... do pfd Amer. Spirits .... do pfd Amer. S. II do pfd Amer. 6. A W.... do pfd Amir. Tin Plato.. . do pfd 78 Anier. lob.icco .... w;.i no pfd i; Anacorvlu M. Co... ll urn. Jiap. TV... C'mp.inle.l ,y renllzatloiis. Imlng In view th" approach of the o: Moment Shortly befoie the close, on a runp.r that the em peror of China had decided to hand over Prliuo Tuaii to the powers, tho market slightly Improved. At the clofe It was un settled, llln TlntOK wero easier nlld An- daluslan rnllwHy.i were considerable higher on tho rumor that the company has sold ii coal mine In Its territory for 12,oon,ooo pesos. Kaffirs were firm on the belief that the mines will soon be working agald Three per cent rentes, 99 francs 9714 cen times for the account; exchange on London, francs 144 centimes for checKs; Hpnnisu 4s closed at 72,43. MERLIN. Sent M. On tho IlOUrse tOdlV International securities were dull.. Chinese were weaker. Honk nnd mine snares re covered sharply on benr purchases. Amer icans und Canadian Pacifies wero quiet. On the street, after the close of regular business on the lloiirse, mine snares were boimv tini iiet iu'iiiks of the day. Ex change on London, 20 marks tSVapfgs. for checks. Discount rates: . Short bills. S'4 per cent; three months- bins, 454 per cent. ltosfoit Stock (Imitations. BOSTON. Sent. 2fi.-Call loans. 3fi4 per cent; tlmu loans, IfcO per cent. Official closing: OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Receipts of Both Oattle and Hogs Fairly Liberal for Wednesday, JOG MARKET HOLDS ABOUT STEADY Corn Cattle Mronnht About Yester day' Prices mid Oood Feeders Also Sold About ns Well, tint Common Staff Dull. SOUTH OMAHA, Sept. 26. Recelrits wore; Pol tie Hol's. Sheen. Official Monday 10,710 1,637 10,M$ uuiciai Tuesday 6.960 Ofllclal Wednesday 6,066 A . T. & 9. P.... do pfd Amer. Sunar .... do pfd Amer Telephone Ronton Klevnted llcwion Me.... C . II. & Q Dominion Coal . d.. pfd Federal Steel .. do pfd ntehbtirg pfd... General Electric do pfd IM. KUelrle 111. Me. Central ... Mlrh. Telephone N. 1:. o. & c... Old Dominion .. I'nlon Pacific .. Went Knd West. Electric 4814 Wis. Central 10 Atchleon !J N. E. O. ,V C. Adventure 3'i Allouez Mln. Co... 14 Amal. Coppt-r M Atlantic 22 H Itooton ft Mnnt 309 Untie ft llonton tA Cal. ft Reela 740 Ctntcnnlal 1V4 Franklin 1J 131'4 Humboldt 2o Oeeenia i.i Parrot K'.i qulncy US Santa Ko copper... . Tmarack K'4 Ptnh Mining AVInona 514 Wolverines 33 . 564 . 1. .11c; .mi. .IV. .1(3 ....isr ...IS1 .... 36 ....110 .... 311, . . . . fil ....11.V '1M ..210 ... 10'i ... .'. ... lU't ... 16 ... t Three days this week... .22,736 Samo days last week.... 20,027 Samo week before 19,537 oamo tnreo weeKs ago.. 16,172 Samo four weeks ago. .16,359 Average price palu lor Hogs for the last "veraiuays, witll comparisons. Scr York Mliilnir Stocks. NEW YORK. Sept. 26. The following nre tho closing quotations for mining shares today: Chillar 15 Ontario 1"3 Crown Point :u Ophlr 4 con Cnl ft Va... ,1M Plymouth 10 Deudwood 4.", yu oKnllver 100 Oould ft Currle.... 3.) do pfd M Halo & NorcroM... 50 Sierra Nevada 1 me ik" 601' Standard (00 Iron Silver C5 Ptilon Con IS Mexican 2-f Velow Jacket 5) l.o 11 do 11 StneU Cliiolntloiia. LONDON, Sept. 26. p. m. Closing: Consolj, money . do ncct Atchison Canadian Pacific St. Paul IlUnd Central Ixiulsvllle I'nlon Paclilc pfd N. Y. Central.... ... !'1',,i:rle OS!'-10 1 do lnt pfd.. ... 2TI, Penn.iylvanla ... . H-'tilleaillng ...11V.4 --. Pacific pfd. ...US Grand Trunk .. 7.' "l.l Anaconda Hand Mines .. 11 .. J.!i .. CIU .. 7't .. mi .. ''; .. Ml .. 4ti SILVlMl-llar. Arm, 29 1-I6d per o.ince. MONEY 3'u3',4 per cent; short bllln, 3 15 Idyl per cent; threo months' bills, 4 pet cent. ' I'liinnrlnl Notes. ST LOUIS. Sept. Cll.-Clenrlllgs, $5,049,643; balances, $502,218; monoy. steady nt 5?j7 per cont; New York exchange. OV discount bid, 50C discmint asked. CIIR'AOO, Sept. 26,-Cloarlngs J21.R27.4ol : ba'aiices 11. SSI. f20; posted uxchauge, $1.8311. 5jl.S"14; New York exchance. 40c discount. NEW YORK. Sept. 26.-Clcarlncs, $15.1,800. 6S0; balances. $7,C12,lfiO. UOSTON, Sept. 20. Clearings, J10.r.0,209; holancen. $1,237,200. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 20.-Clcarlngs, 917.450.iUl : ba'anees. $2,01!,,00. BALTIMORE. Sept. 2C.-Clearlngs. JO.Sil, 333: balances, J.TO.iilO. CINCINNATI. Sept. IS MONEY 31(6 per cent; clenrlnps. fl.OSS.oai; New York ex chunge, 35c discount. Ciiiidllliui of the Trensiiry. WASHINOTON. Sept. 20.-Today's stnte nf ih, irAfimiri" llnl.inre In the cen- eral fund exclusive of the J150.000.000 goM In the division of redemption shows: Avail able cash batnnce, $l3o,45fi 267; gold, J(S.- .. 164 .. ( .. Sl; .. 1) ..10'i ..li. ..150 .. P. ..i:i .. 35 .. n .. 41; .. II .. k; .. f7',4 .. P.. .. 17 .. 17-,. .. ll' Si'V .. 7-, Colo. 1. ft I, Con. Tobacco .... do nfd IViloral Steel .... do pfd General Kleotrlc (llurosc SiiKar ... do nfd Int'n'l Paper .... do nfil Licledo Gas National lllscult . lo i,f, National Iad ... do pfd National Steel ... ilo pfd N. V. Air llrake. No. American .... Paclllo Coast do in pfd.... do Vd pfd.... PaclOo Mail People's Gjs I're.ed S. C do pfd Pullman P. C S. H. ft T Sugar do pfd Tenn. C. ft I U. S. Leather do pfd U. S. Rubber do pfd Western Union .. Republic 1. ft S.. do p'd P. C. C. ft St. 1. .. 4f1i 21 75 ,. .1114 .. CI's ..1321, ,. IS .. 9$ .. K..1. .. 61 .. CO .. .titi; .. Vtu .. 17i, .. M .. !(., .. s ..111 .. 1(1, .. f.',',4 .. S' .. Zti'i .. K .. .. 7iH, ..1S2 4'i ..IMS ..111 .. 5.ili .. :ti .. fir. 4 "7 92 .. 7S .. ll U .. SI .. 17 Offered. New York .Money Mnrket. NEW YORK. Sent. 26 MONEY on nll steady nt l;4i2 per cent; prlmo mcrcanttlo paper, .li'iib1 per cent. STERLINO EXCHANOE-Wcak with ac tual mi9iness 111 nanxcrs bills at Jl.-ii'jfi' 4.S6U for demand nnd at $I..S2 for hIkv dnys; posted rates, JI.K1V4'(( LSI and $I.S'i,4 STt.gS; commercial Mils, $4.S3Mf "'. SILVER-Ccrtlllcates. 62(Q63Hc; bar, D-'..c: .Mexiuiiii fiouars. -t.r?&c. llONua uovernmcnt. strong; stato bonds inactive; rnuroau noncis, irregular. The dosing prices on bonds touuy are as follows: N V. C. l ie,i, N. J C. ren 5i. ..t2i No. P.iclllo 39 6(1, do 4s U3U N "i , C ft St L (...1071; Nor. ft v. e. .. T: pre. Nav. 1a io do 4s losij Oregon 8. L. 6s....i:T do Ca J13 Heading Gen. 4s. . ! !;ii Rio O. W. Is n t I. ft I M c. 5...1I3 -3 i b r ir. e..i?.i Paul con in C ft P. is. .11714 Jin U. S. ref. 2s... do coupon .... do 3i, rrg do coupon . ... do new 4s, rep do coupon .... do old 4s, reg. do coupon .... do in. reg do coupon .... D. of C. 3 &..... Atch. gen. 4s.... do udl. ( Canada So. 2s.. C. ft O. 4's do 5s C ft N. w. c. do 8. F. deb . . .M34 ...w; ...11!"4 ...100 ...131 ...131 ...1M, ...115; ...in'; ...in',; ...113 ...100 ... 151,4 ...loci; ... 9S'i ...mii 7S..1W4 cs..i:o4 4s.... 9 Chleairo Ter. Colo. So. 4s 7F'4 It ft R. O. IS....103H do 4s 9H. Krle general 4s .... 61 ' 1'. W ft D C 1 7' O'n. Illeclrlo 6s..lH Iowa Central Is.. 113 I, ft N. unl. 4s.. M.. K. & T. Ss... do 4s When Issued. Offered Gl 90 St. St. P do I Po. Pacific in So, Hallway 6s . i. ft T. 6 Tex. ft Pa.-o Is. 'I 2s Union Pacific 4s'.-.'. Wabash la do 2s West Shore Is...'." Wis. Ceutral Is.... Va. Centuries 7t'.4 Ci 113 5S 10 p; MT'4 101 U2U 8?j Korelicn I'lnmielnl, LONDON. Sept. 26. Short loans continue stiff. A new Issue of trearury bills October 2 will replace a similar amount fulling dii". Contango day absorbs the attention of tho operators on the Stock Exchange to the exclusion of new business. Dm lug tho last fortnight's account bmlnets sank to the lowest ebb of 1&00 nnd there are to signs of its Improving. Tho responsibility for this state of affairs is divided between the approaching general election, the labor disputes and the Chinese difficulty. The position of account strengthens home rail' roads. American securities inened at liar- tty and subsequently Improved. IaiuIvIUo & Nashville and Southern railway being the features of the transactions. Later they relapsed. The closing wus dull Oriiud Trunk milled fractionally. Spanish 4s closed nt 71 He. Gold premium at lluonoa Ayres, sub.oij. PARIS. Sent. 26. In view of the discord among the powers regarding China the.-e was a reaction on the Dourse today, ac- fnllon .Mnrkct. vi.-u' Yfttnr Soot, "6. COTTON All was confusion and uncertainty In the loinl cot ton market uiraln today. Tho market aturted easy In tone, with prices unchanged to S points lower aim coiuiiuicu iu mimm raiildiv. following the call under brisk llnuldatlon of long cotton 'purchased last nlnhl nn tho belief that todnV WOlllll Wit tiess a marKtu reaction irom 1110 n iimn nrevn nt. Tho sei una: wns nnneiieii by a sadden and pronounced decline In tno Liverpool marKei. ine noavv reieipii. uuu splendid ploKing went ner nipeu n iinuei mine tho Enallsh market. The crop move ment wus decidedly larger than generally looked for and crop nccounts from the cen trnl nnd cistern bolt were reassuring. P0011 after midday the market took a turn for tlie uotter on reports mat a com wave wns In store for the southwest tonight, with rain likely to nccompany the drop In temperature. As that section of the belt w.is atroudv suffering from excessive pre- cin tnt (in. the oral trade became appro henslvo of Hood damage and further delny In crop maturemcnt, tlie latter already dan gorously late nnd making damage by kill inc frost Imminent. Estimates for tomor row's rereitits did not ca ior nmnunis as iargo as tho movement today led the trade to expect: on Hie .advance tne foreign. southern and Wall street contingents camo to tho lrnnt ns moderate luiyern of tho winter month"), while room shorts hurriedly covered. Kali River cloth mnrket dispatches and private reports from soiltnorn spot mnrkeiH wore onoournglng us n whole and helped signally to right tho lato afternoon market. Throughout the dny. however. there wns clearly manifested a fooling of d strust und t in d tv. wit 1 11 goodly num ber of traders actually withdrawing from tho market where onpoitunlty nfforded un til new developments of Importance enmo to light. In the last half hour a flurry of locnl covering carried prices to ubovn tho closo of yesterday. The market closed Ilrm, with prices net 4 to 12 points higher. Fu tures cloied Ilrm: September. $10.30: Octo ber. J10.O2; Decemher, $3.62; January, $0.62; Kenrunrv. $u.t.2j Ainn-ii, fy.tr."; April, w.m May. $0 62; June, JO fil: July, $0.fifl; August, 5:1.4s; spot nun; middling upianus, iu;ic middling gulf, lie: sales. 313 bales. NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 26.-COTTON Steady: sa oh. 4.250 bales: ord nary. S'ic good ordinary, 8l5-16e; low middling, !13-1fio: middling. 10 13-16c; good middling, 10 7-n;e; middling fair. 10 11-icc; receipt 2:1,03s bales; stock. 14.7PO bales. Futures steady; Se'detnlier. $10 31iilo.;i3; November, $0.4 -(iiii.47: December. S9.42ff9 43: January $0 1'9.I3; February. $!t.4H?9.46: March. $9.16 ntl4S: April. J9.ICIl9.4M: MIl.V, 19 47119.19. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 2ii.-coTTON-Qulet nnd l-ibe lower: middling, mo-iuc; receipts 2,511! bales: shipments, 1,900 bales; stock 8,619 bales. LIVERPOOL, Sent. 26-COTTON-Spot limited demand; prices lower; American middling, fnlr. 73-lOd; good middling 15-16d; middling, iVid: low mmdllng tiii-Piit; goon ordinary, u-;i-'it; ordinary 519-32(1. The sales of the day were 3.000 bales, or which 2oO were for speculation and export nnd Included 2,100 bales Amer ican; receipts, 2.000 bales. Including l.SOO American. Futures opened easy nnd closed irregular; Atnerienn middling. 1. m. a, sop temiier. iiiM-iiKi, ouycrs; riepiemnor nnd oc tobor, 5 5!),6ld. buyers; October and No vember. 5 31-Odl, sellers; November and De comoer. 1. :n-i,iu, nuvers; uercmber niu January, 519-6ld. Fellers; January nnd Feb runry. 6 lb-6td, sellers; Februnry and March, n ri-'siir. 14-H4U, buyers; jiureh am April, fi ii-cnisi2-6id, sellers; April am Mnv. ft iu-uki, sellers: siay and June. ftR-il Il5 9-0lil. buyers; Juno nnd July. 5 7-tild buyers; July und August, 6 ti-Miiu 7-Glu, sell ers. ( iillforiiln Dried l-rnltN, NEW YORK. Sept. 26. CALIFORNIA DRIED FIU'ITS-Dull but steady nnd tin changed. The market for e-nporated ap pies t.' ilntalned a st.-ndv undertone nt un changed prices, with only light trading sinto common wns minted at from 3c to 5c prlmo. 4.ri5;c; oliolro. 5'-1i6c; fancy, GTr 6Uc. Prunes wero minted ut from 3v4c to 7'm; per lb., ns to size and nunilty. Ann cots. Royal. lUiltc; Moor Park, 15f16c Peaches, peeled, llfiise; unpeoied, (,y9c. St. Louis Live Stock. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 26. CATTLE Receipts 5.000 head. Including 2.500 Texans; markel steady; natlvo shipping and export steers $4.7.VT5 SB: dressed beef and butcher steers 4. 1515.30: steers uni or 1 (ss) lis.. $1 .3517 3.00 stockera nnd feeders, J2.504.S0; cows nni! heifers. iZ.i.V): canners. 9l.50fi-2.75: bulls $2.IOft3.?S; Texas and Indian steers, $3.25'(7; l.l,.'. ; cows 11 ill 1 neiiers, ;.-.n,i.w. HOaSRecIpts. 0.500 head; market easy to ic on; pigs and iiguts, i..i.v , 1; pncK prs. J5.30di5.40: butchers. $5.30f.45. SHEEP AND LAM RS Receipts, 2,500 lieau; marKei sienov; native muttons, J3.M oh. no: lumps, 14.aiKtrs.20: cuiis and ducks, $2.50JI3.7a; stocKers, J2.503.2.i. S. .loxeiili Live SloeU. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Mo. Sept. 26.-e (Hnectal Telegram )- CATTLE Receipts ;iw neuu; innrKin uctivo nnu sieauy; na lives. Jl.lMi5.B5-. Tovo. nt ,1 westerns. 112' ff1.50: cows and hcl'e- J2 23'!T4.i5: bulls nnd stags, J2.2.Vfi4.!0; e r:.-ii' und calves, $3 51 fffl.ra: FtocKors and f' dor.-, $:i.25?i4 40; veals, fLftifllli ,w. HOtlS Recc nts. 5.fi(10 hend: mnrket steadv: all grades, $5.15t)5.25; bulk of sales, J3.15Tir..22'4. SHEEP Receipts. 2,500 bend: market nc tlve nnd steady; lambs, Ji.6ya5,00; bhecp 6,965 15,141 23,743 15,573 15,209 17,t) 1S.061 5.825 24,186 40,679 S4,I!I7 20.7M 30,318 27,266 1. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. dept. Sent. Sept. Sept. wept. Sent. Sept. Sept, Sept. Sept. MODI. Seut. 21 Sent. 2?. Sept. 23.. Sept. 24.. fopt 3... i'.'.-.l 6... V.v.1 9... 10.. 11.. 12.. 13.. 14..' 15.. IS. . 17.. 11.. 19.. 4 201 4 14 3 61 3 6) 3 65 3 99 2 771 4 1 4 22 4 23 4 30: 4 30 4 2D 5 IfilL 5 22 4 2 ? 20UI I 22 6 07TI 4 2a 5 05 . ( 30 5 0?T, 4 M 3 71, . 3 6S1 4 32 4 33i 1 Ul 4 311 4 .Til 4 41 3 62 3 63 3 531 3 60 3 67 3 64 3 77 3 791 3 S3 1 612 4-5 5 13H 5 19 t; 2JL,, 5 23 521 2-5 514 2-5 5 16 4 41 i 71 Til, 3 71 3 73 3 77 3 77 4 071 4 07 4 041 I 4 05 4 02 4 001 3 94 3 93 3 M 3 82 K9f 5 871 3 n 3 6 3 91 11 2 Sl 2 71 2 $1 2 81 2 t 2 89 2.79 2 09 2 70 2 731 2 a 71 Sept. 26.. 616 4-5 4 391 3 711 4 03 4 01 3 861 3 76! 3 8S 3 82 4 31 4 34 4 22' 4 21 4 06 4 09 4 OS1 4 06 4 C61 412 4 03 4 04 4 0J 4 021 6 51 TBoo. iissiiTiisji.iuin.iisH.iisst.iiJiL S04HI 6 02 I 6 iii; G 08141 6 Cf, ill i OS! 6 104 I 2 811 2 Ml 3 96i i 8l' 2 tV. 4 CO 2 SI 3 85 2 90 3 82! 2 89! 3 841 5 61 5 U t 61 6 51 8 5$ 6 3 6 81 S 8) 5 73 5 71 6 tS 5 67 6 01 5 44 5 43 6 33 6 26 5 : 5 40 6 3? Indlcntes Mundny. Tho nlllelnl nt Block brought In today by ench rond wns: Cut tie. ft iiM.Sh'n.II'r s. c. m. & st. p. rty.... 1 r, O. & St. L. Ry 1 2 Mo. Pac. Ry 5 4 .. .. I'nlon Pac. System.. 40 22 21 C. ci N. W. Ry 1 I E. At M. V. RV....107 3 4 4 C, St. P. M. & O. Ry 1 6 IJ. ei M. Ry 91 19 C 8 C 13. Ai Q. Ry 8 K. C. ,i St. J 1 1 C, R. I. & P., east.. 2 6 Total receipts ...,2M 109 31 3 Tho ftlfttiAfllllnn fiC tho ilnv'a roooliitQ wua ns follows, each buyer purchasing the num- ucr oi neuu indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omnlui Packing Co 31 l. 11. Hammond Co 3v2 Swift and Company 1,231 Cudahy Packing Co 1,231 rninur & Comnanv 479 Omaha Packing Co,, K, C. 117 Armour ci (jo., k. C ss 1,169 1.027 1,405 1,105 1,805 361 40) 400 41S R. Recker Vansant & Co. J. L. Carey Lobman & Co McCreary Clark W. I. Stephen Livingstone 4- Schaller. Ilnmlltor. & Rothschild. L. F. Husz II. L. Dennis & Co A. S. Mawhtnney Degun 196 .IBS .313 .655 .212 .169 . 1 .367 .141 . ;t ..154 Other buyers 1,410 Total 76. 181 CATTLE There was a good. 1.SS9 1 feeders. 11 feeders. . 4 heifers, ., 2 heifers,., 2 heifers. 10 feeders 52 feeders 16 cows,.. t56 831 775 606 1340 . S(3 .1030 3 t-G 3 53 3 10 2 50 3 10 4 65 R cows, B cows 1 heifer 5 cows.... 57 cows, .. IS feeders. WYOMING. 3 60 1 feeder.. 3 45 37 cws, .. IDAHO. ... 954 680 . 720 ... 930 ... 801 1099 7S0 874 803 776 11 feeders S fenders 1 feeder ..1060 1 feeder... 780 12 feeders . 881 1 foeder... 910 1 feeder... 930 2 bulls 1545 1 bull 1320 1 sin 1310 10 heifers .. 702 116 cows..., 850 3 85 3 S5 3 65 3 65 3 90 8 90 3 90 2 50 2 70 2 90 3 30 3 00 11 feeders.. 721 2 feeders.. 1020 1 feeder 6 feeders. 24 feoders. 6 feeders 2 feeders. 9 feeders. .1077 2 feeders.. 985 3 feeders.. S6d 1 feeder... 820 4 heifers... 945 820 756 9, "5 840 830 2 85 2 M 2 75 2 75 3 15 4 SO 3 to 3 45 3 83 3 65 3 65 3 85 3 90 3 50 3 25 3 65 3 65 3 25 3 25 7,200 3,0!S liberal run of cattle here for Wednesday, but the mar ket as a whole was In good Htiape. Feeder buyers huvo a good many cattle carried over from yesterday und the day before, but thuy took ho'd fairly well, particular! of the best grades. mere were about tlftoen cars or cornfed cntle on sain nnd packers seemed to bo looking for cupnlles. Tho light hnndv weight cattle that suited the buyers brought steady to strong prlcos, while the less uoHiraoie grades wero ratner Slow anu a shade lower. The fact that Chicago came wealc to a dime lower had rather a bud effect on the trade here, but the light supply and good demand kept prices up In good shape. There were about thirty-five cars of cow stuff on sale today und tho market ruled fairly active nt nbnut steady prices. Homo of the best grades sold n lltt!o stronger than they did yesterday, but tho medium kinds and canners brought Just about steady prices. nuns, cnives, etc., nrougut practically tno same prices as they did yesterday, no par ticular cnango ueing noticed. Strictly cholco heavyweight feeders wern rather scarce today nnd prices on that clnss of stock wero fully steady. Thero were, however, n good many medium and common Kinds and tho mnrket on that clnss of stuff was very slow, the same as It has been, and Hellers wero calling it a Utt'o lower today. The supply has been liberal nil tho week and as n result yard traders have 11 good many cattle on hand, which naturally makes thorn very cautious about buying these common cattle. Stock cows nnd heifers were In good demand at abcit steady prices with yesterday. There were only n few cars of western beef steers on sale, and, ns usual, they brought good, strong prices. Cows sold genernlly at nbotit steady prices, and in some cases tlie best grades broUEht n llttlo more. (Jood feeders hold about the same as they did yesterday, while the common kinds were slow sale, and a llttlo lower. Representative sales: REEF STEERS. No. 1 1 1 4 1 4 57 25 1 1 V.'.V.V 3 30 1 1 5... 4... 6... 1... 3... 9... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... I... 1... 1... 1... 16'.!! 12!!! 19.., Av. 740 7f0 1010 1100 1240 1070 997 970 830 910 775 930 90) 933 MO !kK) 100O 108 1008 103 J 1033 750 hoi'i 840 9.-.0 IM 1010 MO 1050 1270 110) 1450 1150 1070 ...... 370 373 Pr. 3 00 3 75 4 23 4 00 4 50 4 64 4 73 4 73 2 CO 3 !3 2 ?r, 2 M 2 C3 2 70 No. 18 3 43 33 1)5 103 41 30.; COWS. 1 1 1 3 10 9 2V 2 75 2 75 1... 64... CI... 1... 1.... 2 75 HEIFERS. 2 65 2 SO 3 80 2 80 3 85 3 10 3 10 1. : so 2 M 2 05 : 73 2 73 CALVES 4 00 1.... 4 90 STAGS. 1.... 3. 1 1580 ....MM .... 45 Av. ...1309 ...i:o ...11s: ...1229 ...121C ...1199 ...1401 ...1357 ...1000 ... 90l) ... sso ,.. 973 9(7 ..1190 ... 820 ...1000 ... 996 ... 950 ... 990 ...1290 ...1083 ...13(0 ...1350 ...13S0 ...1150 ..1330 1... 1... (3 460 Pr. 4 90 5 00 5 20 5 20 1 25 S 30 5 35 5 SS 2 73 2 75 275 2 8.1 2 90 1 90 3 00 3 00 3 10 3 20 3 33 3 40 2 5 2 83 2 J 2 85 2 90 2 90 2 90 3 10 3 25 4 23 s 00 00 1:0 coo ...1030 8 23 10V) 1410 3 00 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. , 7(0 2 00 6 690 3 10 It) 2 50 9 606 3 10 450 3 00 9 920 3 10 Ctt 3 00 13 831 3 30 STOCK CALVES, 310 4 25 STEERS TEXAS. 1105 4 70 20 IMS 4 70 HULLS. 1400 2 15 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS 1.... 1.... L... 23 , M0 . 700 901 . 910 . 900 . 640 3 ( 3 15 3 25 3 (5 3 50 3 50 3 50 1. 2... 1... M... 3... 10... 20 55 heifers... 659 4 feeders.. 857 4 feeders.. 735 1 feeder. .. "70 15 feeders.. 697 5 feeders.. 850 1 cow 930 20 feeders. . 615 136 feeders. 1019 1 steer 880 81 feeders.. 649 6 feeders. . 6'.) I heifer... 82 feeders. 12 feeders. 7 feeders. 16 feeders.. 1034 116 feeders. 978 51 feeders. 20 feeders. 8 cows,. . . 3 cows 14 cows.... 13 cows t cows. . 2 cows. 2 cows. 2 cows. 1 cow NEURASKA 3 05 3 50 SSO .. M) ..1080 .. 619 .. 976 .. 923 .. 91S 3 60 3 70 3 75 3 75 3 9", 4 0) 4 00 , 850 855 950 997 3 50 3 60 1 10 3 00 2 85 3 40 3 65 2 90 4 20 3 50 3 05 3 75 3 70 3 25 3 70 3 75 3 60 3 95 2 80 3 15 3 00 3 00 2 65 3 00 3 00 2 60 2 60 3 SO 6 cows 3 feeders. 1 feeder.. 2 feeders. 46 feeders. 4 cows.... 23 cows. , 833 , 670 , 700 , 750 . 865 .1015 956 25 feeders.. 818 27 feeders.. 106.'! 1 cow 1 heifer... 15 heifers.. 6 feeders. 20 feeders. 35 feeders. 10 feeders., 10 feeders. 35 feeders. 31 cows 2 cows 8(9 927 817 .. 850 ...1147 ...1126 . . 923 ...1035 ...1200 . .. !)0 ... 910 ?9 feeders.. 1016 114 feeders. 914 3 80 SOl'TII DAKOTA 1 bull 1430 2 60 i cowu, 500 700 656 855 !S 1090 975 7S 974 867 1016 19 feeders.. 794 5 feeders.. 800 111 stners.... 811 2 bulls .... 950 38 feeders.. 717 88 feeders.. 80S 46 feeders.. 1059 30 feeders.. 916 3 feeders.. 914 2 80 3 50 3 60 4 10 3 45 2 85 2 85 4 00 3 75 2 60 3 05 3 05 3 3 25 3 90 3 70 3 25 4 HO 3 SI 3 15 3 05 3 00 3 85 2 95 3 70 3 70 4 10 3 70 3 25 ,10TB . S90 925 .1490 Johnson & Hamilton Wyo. 4 feeders.. 1212 4 35 1 feeder... 1160 J. O. Wrlirht Wvo. 13 feeders . 1131 4 40 1 feeder... 1000 10 feeder.. 995 4 40 1 feeder... 1210 2 feeders. 1090 4 40 1 feeder... 1090 av r rn.-i. avun 25 feadrs..l065 4 25 V.. AIlnVh 21 feedtrs.1137 4 35 . , Charles Henley-Neb. 9 eolvs... 293 6 O) W. TlnrtnnVh 26 fder.. 935 3 BO 3 feeders. z neifsrs... 4tn 3 25 'bull 1M0 2b 2 cows"'.. 1 bull 1420 2 75 I cow 4 cows 1007 3 05 tm , P. O, Donnell-Neb. 1 feeder... 1020 3 85 31 feeders. K. A. Arnold-S. D, 9 cows 853 3 10 1 bull U. C. Trnmnetor S n ! cows 1065 2 75 1 cow 960 W. Rarton Nob 28 feedrs..147 4 70 6 feeders. .1302 iz feeders.. 13(0 4 70 R. It. WllllnmNeh 4 cows,.... 910 2 85 67 calves. . 20 cows 707 1 76 S. Unll-Neb, 25 cows,.... S9d 2 90 13 cows..., Thomas Swnn Neb. 11 cows 1013 2 75 2 feeders. 6 feeders.. 616 3 70 1 feeder.. J. H. UnUer-Neb. 46 feeders.. 992 3 70 1 feeder.. A. 8. Schlaeter N'oh 6 cows 1012 2 63 21 feeders.. 830 1 cow 105O 3 ) H. O. Hanks-Ncb. 6 heifers... 888 3 05 2 cows 11(T 1 heifer... 1060 nor, 3 cows 1026 1 cow nto 3 15 8 feeders.. 855 2 COWS 1050 3 15 , Shot St Hopt-Neb. 22 feedsrs.. 954 4 O) , . . v- Currle-Neb. 10 feeders.. 9.5 3 85 7 cows 1031 1 feeder... 870 3 25 2 cows 1005 , . , J Cook-Neb. 49 feeders.. 977 3 90 41 cows 848 R. S. Neoce Neb. 33 cows 916 2 75 13 cows 961 , L, Thurror-Neb. 27 calves... 30n 4 00 13 cows 1123 3 calves... 203 5 00 9 cows 931 2 steers.... 710 2 25 Scows 933 1 steer 1000 3 00 . . E. Craln Neb. 13 feeders.. 866 3 65 3 cows 950 7 feeders.. 930 3 65 5 cows 918 8 feeders.. 931 3 65 . , V. C. Prantcter-S. D. 13 feeders.. 890 3 70 19 feeders.. 822 2 feeders.. 715 3 25 oo Jl' WHght-Utnh. 29 cows 915 2 70 1 bull 1?on 4 $5 4 40 4 40 3 60 833 3 00 3 T 3 05 3 85 3 56 2 75 4 70 246 4 60 ROt 2 50 . 810 . 630 .1070 3 60 3 00 3 70 3 85 3 15 2 65 3 70 2 85 2 Ri 3 05 3 10 3 OS 3 00 3 00 2 70 2 70 3 70 2 70 HOGS There wero about as many hogs .".""y .'? yftnrday, and ns the dr fi.?r? Ji." i;,rly J100. .Practically evory nr E. 2"J,0,1 HniuWclK,lp,'1 b' ,,ln middle ?!. i f0Mn,)1on' The market opened with light hogs In good demand and they changed hands at from steady to a llttlo stronger prices. A prlmo load of assorted hogs brouitht J5..10, or 5c better than yester day s hlh price. The bulk of tlie sales, however, fel 1nt ni.i,,t i.. ..." j" ..r' notches. None of the packers wero buying ttS:..,,.;Wy..,L0s.uon Penlng. and wheti '?" . no in iney wanted them at a llttlo easier prlcos than they paid yestor- Tho Inst end of the market was hardly as goad as the oponlng. so that today's K.K0 '! " J""?'0' than, yesterday .i t . ? .. utii oi anytning left on 'V. I5!,.t of ,h market but the heavy hoirs which In part accounted for th" weakness' Representative sales: e.iKness. No. 20... 47.. (I.. 61.. (.. ( 60 (5 60 Av. Sh, .213 ... .110 ... .1(1 J3... (J... 54... 33... 21... 61... 82... 96... 20 64 66 44 tl 73 76 M r.234 ..290 ..336 .310 .29 ....63 ....307 SI7 ....290 ...341 ....290 ....257 ....240 ....3M ....212 VJO 2 !5 60... 53... 62... 76... 60... 46... 73... 61... 61... 70... 65... t... t... 71... 74... 61... 62... 70... 50... 70... 75... 58... 73... 0... ..322 ..313 ..29C ..2C0 ..130 262 273 266 241 2(4 139 217 223 2M 2W 251 239 273 250 241 29 27( 2(( 264 233 279 .!!!!:o3 251 29S 238 290 80 120 80 (0 160 40 120 Pr. No. Av. Sh. 6 10 63 ;o joo 1? 7 -C, 1M t 05 70 260 M R ' M 290 SO t 10 S3 3IS .. 5-;!f 217 160 M 21 275 SO 5 12lj 8 536 60 5 12'4 66 :,5 go "14 62 :66 40 6 1214 73 :7 M 6 12(4 69 ft) 6UV4 M 2 ... JJJJi 2(5 120 5 R4 76 231 SO 6 12H 02 22S fo 5 121a 62 270 ... 6 t214 90 2(1 5 12V4 71 2C0 80 dl'l M 2J3 ... 6R14 S r.7 ... 5 H 63 230 to 5 12'4 72 22!) 200 8 IS S6 242 120 5 M 61 233 ... 5 15 61 217 40 5 15 63 260 40 6 15 it 243 ... 5 'J 75 2)2 40 5 13 6.1 24; f.) 8 15 63 233 40 5 15 67 262 ... 5 13 f.8 260 40 5 CI 228 160 5 M 73 242 sa 5 11 52 227 40 5 15 f.9 233 120 1 47 320 40 5 15 81 220 40 13 64 27 ... 5 15 91 223 80 5 !" 61 2T0 ... KM 66 276 ... 5 1 5 63 303 ... 5 13 74 240 240 5 15 44 1M ... 5 15 69 227 40 6 13 76 191 SO 5 15 7i ;:a 40 5 15 S3 225 ... 6 15 79 210 ... 5 15 3 15 5 15 5 15 5 13 5 13 5 13 C 1. 5 15 n IS 5 15 5 16 5 15 5 15 5 15 5 17', 6 171, 5 1P4 6 171a 6 1714 5 17H 5 174 .-. im S 17H 5 174 r nn 5 1714 5 1714 5 171, 5 1714 8 17i, 5 171, 6 1714 5 i;, 5 1:14 3 1714 .1 20 5 20 8 20 5 20 .1 20 5 20 5 20 r, y K 20 6 20 5 224 5 2214 o 23 5 25 5 30 ... -- tciy ion- mieep on tho morning market today and most of thoso that did arrive wero feeders. A few killers changed hands at about steadv prices, but the bulk of the recelpls did not como until Just before noon. For thnt reason It was lato beforo much of anything was done. Tho sheep market, however, could be quoted Just about steady, with the demand In good shape. Thero wero very few lambs of good quality here, but had there, been any cholco ones on salo they doubtless would havo brought good, strong prices. Feedors mado up tho bulk of the receipts today, and ns tho demand was In good shape prices held about steady. Quotations; Choice western grass weth ers, 93.75aT4.00: choice grass yearllnea, J3.75 Jft.OO; choice ewes. J3.2.V(?3.50; fair to good ewes, J3.00fi3.25: cull ewes, J2.50fl3.0O; choice spring Iambi. Jl.6j5jr4.75; fair to good spring lambs. J4.60iff4.65; feeder wethers, J.I.S.'xQ' 3.(8; feeder lambs, J4.00i34.40. ivo. Av. Pr. M 13 15 90 3 15 75 3 15 92 3 25 9!) 3 tr, , 99 3 25 , 85 3 60 , 89 3 60 , 103 3 70 , 95 3 70 ,97 4 00 ,160 4 01 64 4 15 .63 4 20 feeder ewes feeder ewes...... feeder ewes I 'tah ewes I'tah ewes Utah cwos , feeder wothers Utah feeders Utah wethers 1,'Uh wethers 116 native breeding owes... 2 native breeding bucks.. 59 I'tah feeder lambs 460 feeder lambs 96 18 9 20 73 85 23 601 39 1 ted, J4.50; culls. J2,O(VJT2 50: lambs. JJ.fAff nxtra prime $8 8.', Canada lambs, $5,374 CHICAGO LIVE HTOCIC MARKET. Nntlve Steers nnil lltitolier Stork Stonily Hogs Strong; nnd Active. CHICAGO, Sept. 26.-CATT!.H-Rccfilpts, 20,000 hend, Including 1,000 westerns and 600 Texuns. Native steers and butchort' r.tock steady to lOo lower: westerns, nunc; Texnns, slow; quality Inferior; natives, best on salo today, two carloads at J5 80: good to prime steers. J5.40fi5 8r; poor lo medium. SI.ROfiB 35. selected feeders, weak, $3.80f(4.60; mixed Blockers a shade lower, $2.60ft3 75; cows, 10c lower, J2.75iuTi.10; heif ers. J2.9oflli 00: canners. J2.052.f6; bull" 10c lower. J2.60771 35; calves, steadv, $1 V'trp 6.60; Texans, receipts, 6u0 head; best on salo today, ono carload nt J3.55; Texas fed steers, Jl 20f5.00; Texas grass steers, M..15 fil.10; bulls, $l.50ff6 40. HOGS Receipts. 31,0) head; estimated tomorrow, 27,000 head; estimated left over, 4,Oio head; steady to strong nnd active, top, $5.60; miked and butcher'.'. $3lMi6 55; good to cholco heavy, $5lPi5 55; rough heavy, $l.9"i5.(C; light, $5.20f6iV); bulk of sales, J5 2551 5 80 SHEEP Rfcrelpts, 18,000 hend; sheen and lambs rttrong: cholco wethers, tI85fii.2B, fair to cholco mixed, $3 6lfJ90; western sheep, $3,901)4.20: Texas sheep. I2.6W3 17; native lambs, $1.25'o4.l0; western lambs, 94.7rya6.SS. IVe.r York Live Mock. NEW YORK. Sunt. 26-UEEVES-Re-celpts. 3,093 head; natlvo steers, Ilrm to n sliude higher; Texans slow; bulls and cows, 1Wj25c lower; several cars unsold; nntlve steers. $4 25 5 65; Texans. $4.l8'n4.2(i; west erns, $4.45; bulls. $2.60(21.00; cows. $1,154(3.40, no chnimo In cables; exports, 4,200 quarters 'l).'.nJ..,o O-IT, K....I. .(,,11 I.A1, V l,n Hrvttiu, u.wiu (,(-. r.n( i.u,, and 25,i50c lower; gr.assers slow, common .'..i. ti rjvr, u ov ,, turn nil, lit t:un,r, . , .... ..w,... grassers and buttermilks, $2.75t(3.60; HnKB. 92.B0. . KIII.i;r APiU UA.Mlia uecripm. it;"" head; sheep, slow and lower; lambs, dull and gtnerally 1015o off; sheep, J2.7&S4,3U; selected. 6 75. ex (, ..nil. tir.Hfiml HOGS-Recflpts, 8,824 head; havy hogs weak, others about sternly, whoU range. $5.701,6.00. $8,75, year- 11.000 Kiinsns CHy I,le Stock. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 26. CATTLE Ite celpt io,600 head nutlves, 3,600 head Tex ans, 1,200 hend calves; market steady: na tives, Jl fiOiiS.Bo! stpekers and feeders, $.1.50Jf 1.70, butchers' cows nnd heifers, $3.00y4.SO; canners. J2G'V5T3.O0; fed westerns, 13.8T,jf( 10; Texans, I3.rw3.4t; calves, $l.50l(3.V). . HOGS Receipts. 10.600 head; market Ac tive, steadv to oo lilghrr: heavy nnd mixed, $3.20fl5.25. light, $3.15'if5.27V4: pigs. 9I.75W5.O0. SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipts, 3.500 head; exeeponl demand, all Grades selling strong to lc higher; lambs, $(.75ii5.25; mut tons, $.1.603 75; stockers nnd feedcri, $3,004, 4.00; culls, $.' 504i3.00. Stork In Sight. Following nre the receipts at the four principal western market for September 28! Cattln. Hogs. Sheep. South Omahn 6.066 15.141 24,lf Chicago 20,000 SO.H00 18.000 Kansas City 14,200 10,600 3,500 St. Louis 5,000 9.500 2.500 45,266 65,241 48,180 Totals Siif.nr Mnrket. LONDON, Sept. 26-StjaAR-Hfet, Sop tember. lis 3d. NEW YORK, Sept. 26. SUGAR Raw, firm; fair reilnlng. 4t,c: centrifugal, P test. Be: molasses, 4c; refined, Ilrm. NEW ORLEANS Sept. 26.-SUOAR-Qulet; open kettle. lc, centrifugal yellow, Bi,I5Sc: seconds, 3iTI9-16o; molassei, nom lna; new cane syrup, none on hand. FRUITLESS ttUK.ST FOR WEALTH. Dentil In i Madhouse of One of the Helm to jthe Dm Is Millions. Tho announcement of the death of Ed ward A, Davis In a hospital ward in Chi cago recalls his fruitless quest (or soma of tho Davis millions tied up for years In the courts of Montana nnd frittered away In court costs and lawyers' fees. Davis wns a mental wreck long before death ended his struggle. Years of battling for the fortuuo that ho claimed had brought him sleepless nights and wonry days until his reason tottered and his wife and family wero parted from him by a decreo of the courts. Then came tho final brenklnc down, and at Inst, without a friend to soothe him In his dying momonts, he novo up the struggle ns tho dawn of Sunday wns breaking through tho hospital win dows. Edward Davis wns ono of sovcral sons of John A. Davis of Chicago. Tho latter wns a brother of Judgo Andrew J. Davis of Montana, whoso death In 1S90 precipi tated ono of the most bitter legal con tests for millions over fought In western courts. The Judge had left nn ostuto roughly estimated at tho time of his demise to bo worth fully $15,000,000, but Inter was found to be valued at nbout $3,000,000. John A. Davis wns chosen administrator of tho estate, nnd with his selection began the days of suffering and tormont for Edward Davis, his sou. Tho heirs apparent at the tlmo of Davis' death wore Erwln Davis of New York and John A. Davis of Chicago, brothers; C. P. Davis of California, also a brother; Miss Dlnna Davis of Somers, Conn.; Mrs. Sarah Cummlngs of Ware, Mass.; Mrs, Harriot Woods of Springfield, Mass,, nnd Mrs. Elizabeth A. Howen, sisters. In addition to these thero were a number of nopliows and nlecos of sisters who wero repre sented by Henry A. Root of Now York. During tho month following the death of the tnulto-milllonnlro a number of sons and daughters appeared. Tho first was Thomas Jefferson Davis of an TJuron county, Iown, who claimed th 'Into under tho Iown laws, lie claimed Davis lived with, his mother ns his wife before going wost. Thero wero also a number of al leged wives. Ono was n barmaid In a saloon at East Snglnnw, Mich.; nunther lived In Kewaunee, Wis.; another lived In Cali fornia and was living at tho tlmo .with a man named Johnson. An action was hrought to break Inn will and was sot for hearing February 2, 1891, In the district court of Montana at Iluttn City. Colonel Robert O. Ingersoll of New York appeared as counsel for the Henry A. Root contestants; D. II. Payne of Dlooni fleld, la., Hon. J. M, Woolworth of Omahn, ex-Senator Woolson of Mount Pleasant, la.. W. W. Dixon of Helena, J. C. Klrk patrlck of Rutto City, Wnrren Toolo of Helena and F. W. Ulchelborger of Ilutto City appeared for tho proponents. Tho first move was on tho part of Henry A. Root, who petitioned the supreme court for a writ of prohibition on tho district oourt of Silver Row county and a writ of mandamus on Judgo J. McIIatton. It wns alleged that tho Jury wnB Illegally drawn and that both Jury nnd Judgo were preju diced. Colonel Ingersoll argued tho points and the court decided In favor of tho con testants. Tho trial began before Judge McIIatton and a Jury early In July, 1891, and closed September 9, tho Jury falling to arree on a verdict. Shortly after this trial John A. Davis, administrator, was accidentally killed at Victoria, II. C. Slnco his death there has been another trial between his heirs and thoso who wero contesting tho will, which resulted In some kind of ti compromise, tho particulars of which havo never been made public. Among the many contestants and would be heirs who hnvo loomed up for awhllo are two or three women, who have asserted that A. 3. Davis was their husband, al though ho waB never married, Tho contest was ono of tho most stub born nnd bitter contests on record; each sldo presented an array of legal talent soldom aqunled; vast sums of money woro expended In tho light; weeks lengthened Into months and months into years, but no final decision was reuched and'no sottlo. ment made. For a few years tho caso has rested. At the present tlmo practically nothing remains of the mlllons of A. J. Davis. Edward Davis did not got a dol lar, and tho dashing of his hopes lent htm to a tnadlioiiflo. Lowest Rules of the Season VIA THE NORTHWESTERN LINE. ALL POINTS iu Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Northern Michigan, TWO DOLLARS, PLUS ONE FAUH Round Trip! Minimum Hate, $7. September 28. City Omces. 1401-1403 Farnam Streot. NATIONAL COXVETl(). OIT DEMO CRATIC ( Ll IIS At IndlnnniKilli, Inil., Ootobcr 71. Tho Omaha & St. Louis railroad will sell tickets for this occasion at one fare plus $2.00 for the round trip. All Information at city ofDco, 1416 Farnam street, or writ Harry E, Moores, O. P. & T, A., Omahn, Neb. JAMES E BOYD & GO., Telephone- 1039. Oiualu, .Vet COMMISSION, GRAIN, PROVISIONS Mtui STOCKS HOAKD Or TRAUIA. t2orreaposdeno: John A. Warren Ca Imtmi wlra to Chicago ul Mw Tori", H.R.PEHNE.Y&CO. (porM-IY LirCBIXG. OHAKA nil. BRANCH BJaUSt WrKOUl IU 1