THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WHILES DAY, SEPTEMBER 2(5, 1000. 1 1 SPEC I AL NOTICES Ad vertUetnrnta for Uiese column iflll lie Inkrn until lit m. for the renlng edition nnd until H.JIO p. in, for ini.mlntr nnil Sunday piIIUoii. flutes, 1 t-'le n irtird flrl Insertion, la n iToril thereafter. .Votlilim tnkrn tor lex th tin ltr,e for the first Inser tion. These nilTrrtlnpinrnU ninst br ran connccutl vely. Advertisers, by rrunestlnic n nnm fcereil chroU, run hnrn mintcrii nd- arraaed to n nnmberril letter In cure of flip Ilec. Answers in addressed vrlll lie delivered am preseutuUuu of the check onl7. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED, by experienced abstractor and nice man, pOHltlon In Neb. or Iowa: 16 years' experience; references. X 20. Hep. A-M349 2S WANTEH-MALE Ili'.I.P. WANTED, wo have steady work for a few goon nusiiers oi goon nanus nnu appear ance. C. 1. Adams Co., 10 Howard St. BARBER trade tnught thoroughly In short ime; cutaioRUo una particulars free. Address Western Ilarbers' institute, Omaha, Neb. . 11-871 nANiisD. laborers, tenmrten. rock men and surface, men, Neli, V o. and Iowa; tree rare: highest wagl;, ship daily. Western R, 11. Labor Agency. 310 8. 11th. 11-87? AN INTELLIGENT young man to take ft shorthand scholarship In best school and imy lor u wnen xotirso is rompieieti anu funuiuii oubuicii. nuuiinn AU, V, 11-873 WANTKD, two gentlemen of good address. wan k nam go map. Mon 26' S ANTED, reliable and energetic agents in each county to sell Whiskies and Wines to consumers; references or bond re quired. S. II. Oppenhelmcr, St. Joseph, Mo. B-M974 20 DO you want tntvellnc Jobs on salary? quicK. triumph Co.. Dallas. Texan. U-M972 2C ANTED, cood. sober, steady all round baker: Kond waitcs to rlsht man; Minnie preierrea. Kurtnnn s Uakery. York. Neb. H-M127 26 WANTKD. A manual training boardliu school near Denver, where only the oivi of the noor are educated, wants thor oughly eilucatcil men. Rood wol kers (for superintendents, engineer, fruit growtfrs and Reneral farm work) to Rive, without salary, ti year or service Hoard and room furnished. Uulph Field. preiiin,; Denver, Colo. H-MIOI "J COOK, at once, fur day restaurant. Ad dress 1". K. Miller, McCooK, Neb. U-M2M WANTljp, chicken picker, expnilenced, for scum picuniR; muni dp man or ijij!i'iy nanus, iticnarri Webber, Sioux t'ltv. in. 11 a s: WANTKD, nulck. maker, nt Oram! a first-class broom- Island Ilroom factory. Nebraska. 11 .'( WANTED, competent yoiiitR man for houfe nnu yarn wora and to as'isi in nam. v. II. McCord, MoCord-llr.idy Co. Il-AMU 27 WANTKD, men to learn barber trade; only S weeks required: two years' time Mived; furnish constant prnctlco by free tickets sent to eburlttible Institution: this oirportunlty cannot be had In smaller towns; for this reason we furniMi tram iiortfttlon to our eolleKes at Chicago, Ht I.ouls or Minneapolis, where we have ex pert Instructions, lectures and diplomas and Rtiarailtee positions when competent: our Krnduates In Rood demand on account of our thorough trnliiliur. For particulars nnd cataloRUe address Moler Harbor Col lege ropresentiitlve. W23 Farnam st. Omaha. "Caution:" Our success has caused others to adopt our name. Do not conruse the orlRinal .Moler system with shops cnlllUR thcm'Je.lvej collfRe?). l .l.wi - WAKTKD. twd llrst-class coat makers: pay Des Miiines' b 111: $7.70 to Jlfl ner eoat William II. Shepherd, 401 Locust St., De.s Moines. B-M330 28 WANTKD Tw(i. 2 lmys"wlth blryetes: Hberman Mclonnoll Dr.tR Co., corner 1Gth and DodRe. H-,148 23 WANTKD. vouuk mnn learn lllustrathu: bv correspondence free: tuition payable days arter position is secure paying i:i a week. Correspondence Institute of America, Scrantou, ra. 11 M3ti8 20 WANTKD, everywhere, hustlers to tack Rlans. distribute circulars, snmnlcs. etc. no canvassing, good pity. Sun Ailvertls- Ing .Bureau. Chicago. B-M363 26 SOLICITORS for "CSalveston; the Horrors of n Stricken Cltv. bv Murat Halstead: 600 pages; biggest book, best terniB, de mand enormous; so'lcltors clearing $i to (10 dally: oututs tree. Htanuard t'uu. House. 332 Dearborn St.. Ch cairn. II-M3CI 26 SALESMAN wanted to cull on doctors onlv on behalf of the leading firm In the busi ness; estnuiisnod trade; position perma nent; applicants must be Intelligent. Inde fatigable nnd of good appearance; state experience. Address p. O. Box 838. Phl'a delMiln. B-M363 26 WANTED, young man. 16 to 20. ceneral work In wholesalo house. Apply at 1417 Davenport st. u 26' WA NT 1 1 1I I' I . M A LIS 1 1 K I , V. AN INTELLIGENT Infly to take a short- hand scholarshln In best school and nay for It whon cotirso Is comnluted and posi tion secured, Address L 2ft, Bee. C S7P WANTED, 200 siris. .52TDod8c7TeT. T76. C 876 SO girls wanted. Canadian office, 152: Douglas C h77 WANTKD, girl for general housework, il per .week; only neat an.l competent git I need apply. 1929 Davenport. C 003 WANTED. Rlrl for 1919 Chicago st. general housework. C 937 25 WANTED, a good girl for general house work nt ;no. su h. ;tiu hi. i'-jiiBt si WANTED, a manual training boarding school near Denver, where on y the soin of the noor are educated, wants thor oiighly educated women, good workers (for teachers, stenographers and general housework), to give, without salary, a vear of service. Hoard and room fur nished, Ralph Field, president, Denver, Colo. C-M202 29 GIRL for general housework; must be good coon; wages t weeit lor competent girl. Cnll at once 2020 Kmmett. r M990 WANTKD, competent girl for general housework: good wnges. Mrs. It. S. Iln'i, 34 16 f arnam, c aia 26 OOOD nil-round girl for housework. W2 N. 24th. C-M279 26 WANTED Girl for housework; four In family; no small cniidren: wages to com petent pnrtv $4 to $1 per w'eek. Mrs. H. D. Neeiy, 4:171 unmiiton hi C 313 WANTED, experienced cloak nnd suit salesladies. MenrnsKa ciotiung Co. C-M333 WANTKD. girl for general housework; small raniuy. tunney. c-.msm 29 I'tlll IIUT UOl!E, HOUSES and flats. Rlngwnlt, Barker blk. XJ S.S1 FOR RENT, strictly modern flat In Day Iduo bulldlnn. onnoslte city hnll. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST D 0Ou ALWAYS moving II. II. Office, 15UV4 Farnam St. goods. Pianos Tel. 1659 or D-S SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N, Y. LIFE. FIVE unfurnished rooms, all modern. 2711 , " u-Mlll HOUSES for rent In nil parts of the city. Breunan-i.ovp co,, ssu 00. itn at. D-S37 IF you want your houses well rented place them witn nenaw1 it iu. u kts HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wend, 1521 Douglas. D-S79 . Tnnt flat ol,., T. ,... "wv " ' " ' DAM HOUSES, storos. Bemls. Paxton tilock. D-880 MODERN 13-room houe, steam heat. 2219 Dodse at. Rlngwalt Hros,, Marker block 11 - AIISI C1IAB. H. WILLIAMSON. 1203 Farnam. L--l71 Toil RENT-HOUSES. FOR RENT, house of 8 rooms; tlty water and goon oam. uu ;un si. FOR RENT, house 8 rooms, H. W, cor. park nve. ami i.eavenwortn. Modern ex- i opt furnace. Key at cottage In rear. U l'K TWO 6-room modern houses," new, 26th and Hamilton. F. D. wead, icth ana Doticiai. D M314 COAL Rest cooking, 11.15. delivered: noth ing better. Harmon c wcein co. ici. sic. u mi u-i;i 9-ROOM modern house and barn. . 2211 Howard. J. II. Parrotte. doiikms mock. Ton HUNT, a cozy Sroom modern cot- tage. Inquire 2152 Ht. Marv s. d-mi.'j roil rent. 818 Uo. aid at., 6 rooms, bath, closet, water, 117.60. Han Just been paperca ana painteu, is nil ready to move Into. ... OMAHA LOA.M ift' U'U.i 16th and Douglas Sts. D 727 3407 Jackson St., 7 rooms, all modern, $18, 713 H. mth at,, 8 rooms, city water, jix. . IS07 Webster St., 3 rooms, strictly all mod ern. 116. 316 N. list St., 12 rooms, modern, $.13. We have some 4 and 5-room nuts on Dewey avenue modern extent furnace. JS and W. Wo will also haVo one of the finest homes In tho llnnsrom Park district for rent October 1. About 12 rooms, cast front, on Carllne, payed street. If you want something strletlv eleennt come in and seo tts. l'ayiie-'Knox Company. First Floor, Now York Life. D-M131 20 FOIl HKNT 0-room modern cottage, 3 Id and lioulevanl St., one b'oek south of Vinton. Apply Carpenter Taper Co., 12th and Howard. D M179-25 FOH HF.NT flintier 1. n small fnmllv. nesiraoie seven-room cniiaoe, ma nijti Hinoruia sirFCi; uter in Kiiciien; ivv month. Inciulre at t7 K. 19th street. . D MSW A TKN-ItOOM Ntentn lipated flat, all mod ern, 2.iir DouKlas. Apply to undquesi, :iib 1UW1 Bl. L AtlUAU PI MODUHN 8-room house, furnished or not, desirnblo place, close In. u 61, nee.' D-106 27 FOH HKNT S team-lieu ted 10-room house. ivo. soil llarney at., two blocks west of court uouse. Hen James bovine. D-M123 2S FOH HKNT, 1 room cottaRC. sw s. mti. D-321 2H 6-HOOM eottHRe, 2319 Heeae Ht. Clyde C. Quuuiau, ins farnam Ht. u an 2jp 0-HOOM furnished house, all modern. Chrlstlo Ilros.. 2120 N. St. D-310 A NICK 6-room house for rent. 832 S. 21st. V 310 2li' FOH HUNT, stable on 2)th street between Leavenworth and SI. Mary s ave: threo stalls. Apply 11. ai. lingers, y.'4 is', v. l.lfo Hide- D-M.T.V, FOH HKNT, to small family, a seven-room house, strict'y modern. fJliy furnished; Cleori: a nve.. near Hanscom twirk: refer ences Riven and rcciuireu. Anaress a si, Tlee. D M31 2fi" FOH HM.V I' l'L'H.NI.SIIF.I) HOOMS, TIIHKK roms, housekcplneg; 1112 S. 11th -374 IIOl'SKKKKPINO. 014 So. 17th Ave. K-981 2 MODKHN. Improved. nearby, furnished rooms, and board IT fornla at. desired. 2024 Cull H Mil" 28 I.AnOK front room, modern, with or with out uoaru. issu iiorney. n no Ft'HNIDHKD room, prlvato family. S12 S :d street. a mwi a- I,AHOK. finely furnlsheil front room, with or wlthuui uoaru, private rnmny; i.ent, gas, bath; telephone 116 Ho. 2Tth st. 1J .MilUI . i't)it.Msin:n Hocus ami iioahd. aLBNCAinN,translents,1.25 day 1600 Dr15, ssa GOOD board, private family. f,00 So. th nvenue. F M8w 1'TODIA. 1721 Davenport Bt. F-J9) THE Merrlam, cood summer resort, 23th & Dodge. e oj) FI'RNIBHKD south back room: also front room, with Boarn. zuio wdubuvi. F MI9 FOH HKNT To two persons. largo front room, with small uicove, turnisneu or un furnished, with board; private family. 720 N. 2.1(1. F-M122 29 ELEGANT room, with board, 1909 Capitol nvenue. r mm 314 SOl'TH 26T 1 1 ST.. two suites, connect- ng front rooms, with or wnnout uoaru; modern. F-M371 27 "Olt 11 1 1 V T l' . I' U It X I S 1 1 1. U HO.OMM. 2 UNFURNISHED rooms; no housekeep ing. 1067 Park ave. u iu FINE suite of rooms, modem; housekecp- Ing, C16 Cieorgla ave. unu at FOH ItKNT STOUTS ANH OFFICES. FOR RENT, storo In first-class Ideation: rent reasonntiie. Appiy it. j. i-eiers Co.. ground floor. Bee bldg, 1266 AOENTS WANTED. LUCRATIVE nnd ploasnnt em inloymrnt; Ion larK: no cxpenso nttaclied; coinmis1" nn exnerienco ronutrcd: teachers nartje- ularly nflaptcd to tho work, but nnyono can ou SUCCCB3IU1. llulldlng. HKfilABLE ngents In every Nebraska town to sell the best combination uro nnn accident policy ever Issued; easy to sell double the ordinary nmount of business: liberal contracts to good men. Address Guardian Llfo Co., Denver, Colo. .'-M756 29 WANTED, good agent In every town nnd community to sen tne "tiesf vnpor Gasoline Lamps; most sclentlllo Lump made; two years on the market: abso lutely guaranteed for one year. Best In candescent Light Co.. SIS S. 13th St., Ojiinho. Neb. J-M132 Oct.21 MEN or wonion to employ and superintend agents: per monin nnn expenses; ex perience not required; permanent, .leg ler Co.. 309 .Mo mm Bldg., Chicago. J M562 .6 GALVESTON HORROR, most, complcto account by oyo witnesses; nutnentic il lustrations; money maker for live work ers: best commissions: rreignt paid, credit given; write for frco rroo otiilli. 14. c jmrso & Co., cnicaso. J-M333 26 AGEN"1' ' "Galveston; the Hor rors of a HtricKen i u. uy .Murnt tiai stcad: fully Illustrated; fastest aelllng book over nubllshed, only $1.50; best terms guaranteed: outfit free; bp quick. .1. S. '.teeter & Co.. Chicago, III. J-M33S 26' WANTED, agents, nrgnnlzers and deputies for modern un-to-uaie society; uenitn. ac cident, disability and death benefits com bined under ono certificate nt cost; con tracts liberal and eay sellers; nplenUld chance and big money for hustlers. Ad dress "Manager." Brown Building. Bos ton. Mass. J M337 26 wnti:i)-to 1112 vr. WANTED To rent, by small family, no chl drcn, n n or 7-room modern nnuse in good nelRhborhooil. Addresa x 19. Bee K-342 27 !4TOICA(ll2. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. 912 914 Jones, general storage nnd forwarding. S92 Om. Van Stor. Co., 1511H Farn. Tols, 1I59-XJ1. WANTED TO MUY. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, on , in large and small quantities, unitagj Furniture Co.. 1406-10 Dode. Tol. 2)20. N f9l WILL purchase a limited numbor of Omaha Saving bank accounts. Brennn Love Co., 309 So. 13th N-8;5 2DHAND blcyclen. Omaha Bicycle Co N S96 SECOND-HAND safe. Address, plvo price nnd make, John Trnub, Rock Port. Mo, N-M979 26 WANTED To purchase' soldtern' nddlflonat 80-aere script; state whether It hai been certified by tho Interior department; nllw lirlce wsntfd, Address H. A. White. 1002 Bonnie Brae street, Loa Angelus, Cal N-3H 27 WA .TKII TO III' V, A FIRST-CLASS fire and burglar proof safe, about 6,000 pounds, with time lock. Address T. O. t'nderhlil &. Co. Collbrnn, Colo, N-M2H8 30 OLD stamp collections bought. 216 N 16ih N-936-O-10 WANTKD To buy. at good price, some wtnaua Havings liunk accounts. Aiiuress X IS. Dee. N-311 FOH SAI.U Fl'lf MTllli:. FOH SALK Furnlt ire In most desirable Call at F".at K, Hlock. o-22a-3y four-room flat in Omaha. 1612 Chicago St , dowry CONTKNTS of 10-room house. conslstlnR of tine carpets, elegant rurniturc, ma hopany and brass, for sale by piece or In bulk. 2006 California, House for rent. O-.MS70 26 foii sAi.n-iioiisus, viiici,ns, nrc. NEW anil 2d It. vehicles nt marked down prices. Harry Frost, ittn i L,eavenwortn. r-t93 FOH SALK. new buggle bodies with Rear ing for sale ai $i.w each. A. H. Aiplm, 913 Douglas. P-M401 Oct. 7 FOH SALK. n horse and timgy. cheap. In quire at 2152 Ht. Mary s nve. 1 M7r SI'KKDY driving horse. Address X 14. lt.-c. t' MJ.U -I People's Store. P-M339 26 HO HS K for salo cheap. FOIl SALK MISCKI.I.AM'.OI s. 1IAHD und soft foundation piling; hog fences nnd cribbing. 901 Douglas. ( 899 CUTTKH8 of drug prices. Connell Drug Co., Cor. Sherman & Mc 16th and Dodge. 'J-'JUU H. 11ASS, Florist. 1S13 Vinton St. Tel. 770. Plants, cut llowofs, boquets, hall, resi dence, wedding and graco decorations. Orders by mail or cxpresso promptly niled. Q-901 2D1IAND safo cheap. Dorlght, 1116 Farnam, y-902 2D1IAND wheels, $5 to $10: new wheels $13. Omaha Ulcyclo Co., 16th & Chlcugo Sts. g-906 SAFES; buy, sell, ex'ge. Schwartz, 114 S. 13 Q-O03 MANSON bicycles, $23. Omnha nicyclo Co. Q-905 M. & W. tires, $2.75. Omuha Bicycle Co. Q-901 SECOND-HAND Callgntph (new) for sale. Call ut ofllco clerk, district court. Q-SIO FOH sXlE. corncobs. Monroe & Co., 811 N. 10th st. Q-M106 FINE horse nnd rubber-tired bucpy, ory cheap. II, E. Fredrlckson, 1122 Dodge St. Q-434 08 FOH SALE Two pool nnd billiard tables, cheap. 161 lrouilway, Council Bluffs. Q-M0A? SECONDHAND bicycles from $1.00 up. Neb. Cycle Co., Cor. 15th and Harney. Q-M724 29 FOH RALE, payable after received, threo months' trial free: $11.25 for a hlRh Rrade, 5-drawer. drop bend cabinet sewing ma chine; $11.90 for a reRtllnr $10.00 bicycle; 198.60 for a $300.00 piano; $20.70 for a $75.00 parlor organ; $15.60 for a 6-pleco over stuffed velour $40.00 pnrlor suite. All new high grade stnndnrd goods. For full par ticulars stato articles Interested In nnd wo will mail you a special catalogue. Sears, noebuck & Co., Chicago. Q-MC3S 013 NEED Money, tng upright. $186 will buy Address, U S, line Chlcker llee. Q-267-O-l PIANO, slightly used, left on salo by prlvato party; big bargain. Call 1620 Douglas St. Q M129 28 THREE fresh cows. 4315 Ersklnu st. Q-M281 29 FINK Stelnway piano for sale cheap; party leaving city. Address W IS. Omaha Heo. Q-2G7 Ol HAND elevator ttnrchotfuo trucR; 3 h. p.; i.L-wis gasoline . engine, witn pump jncK, wood lathe; 48 In. H. G. drill press. Sproguo Machine Works, 1216 Jonen st. Q-M323 20 FOR SALE, flvo Iwellyn dog pup, now ready to break; sublect to reRlstratlon; price, $10. Address W. S. Keelfne. two miles east of city, qouncll Bluff. Q-.M373 02 MISCKI.LANUOLS NOTICE, country dealers. 2dhand fiirnltnro and stoves at lowest prices, carload lots or loss. uicago furniture co 1406-10 uodge, R-907 CLAIRVOYANTS. MME. GYLMER. OMAHA'S FAVORITE PALMIST LOCATED 1003 DODGE South side P. O. Don't fall to see this wonderful woman; sho reads life by the only correct meth od now extant. Her advice Is Invalua ble and her predictions nro Invariably accurate. S 348 28 MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 819 North 16th. S-929- MMK. PAL.MKH, THE PA LM1 ST-( 'LAI HVOYA NT, AT BOOTH NO. 17. All visitors to the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities can consult Mme. Palmer, America's foremost llfo reader, clalrvoynnt-nalmlst within the Ak-Sar-Hen grounds. At the rigm nana sine or 1110 mam entrance vou can consult this remarkable .woman, who win read your me. past, present nnd fu ture, with unerring uccurncy. Do not fall to see tins wonuerrui woman, ns tho op portunlty may never present Itself again Mine. Palmer, Booth 17. H-M332 20 KI.ECi'HIU Tlir.AT.11 EXT. ELITE parlors. 015 S. 10th, second floor, T-373 OS MME. AMES, 1615 Howard, room 1. 2d floor; .Man i'.cikhi, assisimii. j, MME. 13th, LEE, magnutlc room 2. treatment. 607 S T-M2S3 29 l'EHNO.VAI.H, LADIES' hair shampooed, dressed. 33c. Hair toilet goods. Monhvit, 1513 Farnuni. Tel 2.U3 U-lflt MONHKIT. Chiropodist. 161S rarn. HOFF'S Express & Messenger Co. Tel. 1717. c uw DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns removed, 25o and upward. Room 12, Frenzer block. u :u3 VIAVI, woman's way to health. 310 Hoc bldg U 'J 1 8 TURKISH baths, massage baths, electric haths. for ladles onlv: ski led women massage operators; finest equipped b:itha in 1 no city, nen'trom nam company 1100ms .10 to kv, nee mag. u viu RUPTLHE cured; no knife, no pnln. n danser: send for circulars. Empire Rup ture vine, .'j- . 1.111- uiug., umaua. U-H14 PRIVATE bosnltnl for ladles before .t- dur. Ing confinement; babies adopted. 1126 N-17, U tin PLEATING and pleated skirts of all kinds m. tioiuman a co., .tw uougias diock. U-913 PLEATING, buttons 10 order; plnklril while you watt. Omaha Pleating Co.. 153 Douglas U -919 PRIVATE home before nnd durlni? eont'ne' mcnt; babies adopted. Mrs. Burpet, 220 miroeue. c viu LADIES' laekets and tnllnr made suns nl tered, cleaned, repaired. M. Fogel, 3o7 S. 17 C 34f J- LA PETITE dozen dur French oval photos 60c per doien during September only. Proctor, 616 S. 16th. IJ .M5JJ uct. 1 PLACE your order now for senl sacqueJ, fur scarfs and collarettes of all descrip tions: furs repaired anil altered. Aula baugh, Son & Co,, 606 Karback blk. U-M357 OJ UNDERSKIRTS; see those wn make to or der from $2 up to $5; the very latest and decidedly swell, Omnha Skirt Co.. Doug las Block, 16th and Dodge, U M999 27 SUPERFLUOUS hnlr. warts and moles per", manendi' removed by electricity; consul tation free nnd confidential; all work (uuruntred. Mia Allender, 1613 Douglas, U-M372 2S SO V A I,. E. L. LOVKJOY, 118 N. 15th nt., for a OOOD bicycle, for ft good sewing machine, for nnythlng for bicycle or sewing machines sco him. e 104 OI LADIES wftl receive first-class care bof ore and during confinement, lady physlctt.t. 811 N. 23d St. I'-llS 021 SFPKHFLVOl'S hair treated for ten days half price; one treatment $1. Mme. True, 1623 Douglas. U-M243 2S WANTKD. R0 second-hand ladles' bicycles. Nebraska Cycle Co., Cor. 15th and Harney. r-M171 29 WANTKD To correspond with a party owning full-bred bitch Iewellyn setter. Address Cos S. 24th nve. N .117 2fi MO.MJY TO I.OA.N-HKAI, USTATH. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iova farms nt 5 per cent Borrowers can pay $100 or any multiple. Any Interest ilate. No delay. Hrennan-Love Co., S09 South 13th St., Omaha, Neb. W-921 MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real estate. Brcmian-Lovo Co., 309 Ko. 1.1th. W-923 $1,000 and upward to loan on Improved city property nnd farm. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam. W 929 WANTED, city loans, bonds nnd warrants. ueorge .v company, iun f arnam St. W-931 HONEY In any nmount nt 5, 3'4, 6 per cent. J. W. HOBHINS & CO , 1802 FAHNAM ST. W-r930 MONEY to lonn on farm nnd cttv property: lowest rates. O. F. Davis Co., 1503 Farnam. W-93J MONEY to lonn at 5 and !j per cent on Omnha property. W. H. Meil-.Ie, 101 S. 15th. W-9J7 THIVATK money. C, S lay. Oarvln Bros., 1613 6 per cent; no de Farnam. W-920 WANTKD, city and farm loans; nlo bonds and warrants. It. C Peters & Co., 1702 Farnam St., Bee Hldg. W-9.1 plmTmoney?T W 1'22 FIVE per cent money. Bemi. Pssiou block. W-923 MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city property or for building purposes, l'nyno- Knox Co.. Now York Life. W-923 MOXKV TO I.OAX-UII.VTTKI.S. MONEY LOANED MONEY PEOPLE. SALARIKD No endorser or mortgage required. LOWEST HATES, EASY PAYMENTS nnd ST11ICT LY Ct ) NK 1 1 J IS NT J A U. OMAHA CIIED1T CO.. Room D26, fifth floor. New York Llfo Bldg, x SSi -M-O-N-E-Y--D-O-Y-O-L'-N-E-E-D-I-T Wo mnko loans from $10.CKi up on furniture, pianos, norss, cows, etc ; you Keep tne property; or we will mnko von a SALARY LOAN rn your own note, without Indorsnr or mortgage; wo charge absolutely noth ing for making papers nnd wo keep noth ing out of tho amount you borrow: you may pay the money back In ono month or take more time In which to pay It, and you nro expected to pay for It only what time you use It; our rates aro low and our terms ore the easiest; our business Is as rontldentlal as Is possible nnd our treat ment Is always courteous. Omaha Mort gage Loan Co., 306 So. 16th St. Estnb urine :ied 1S92. X-934 LOANS TO SALARIKD PEOPLE. FOLLOW THE CROWD They como to us. If you can do better eisewnere uon t como here (but you can't). Como nnd let us prove to you 'Hint wo give BKST TERMS In tho city nnd more for your money than others uAiu;. fo mortgage, no indorser. no publicity; simply confidential business oeni. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Room 303, Third Floor, Paxton Block. X-M978 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew- lery, horses, cows etc. C. F. Reed, 319 S. 13. X-936 SALARY LOANS, 43HATTLE LOANS. J, w. 'lAiivUf;, 21s nrst Nat. Bank Bldg, X-917 MONEY loaned salarledmconle hobll ner. maneni position wiiu-respo'nBioie concern upon their own names without security, easy payments. Tolman, 706 N. Y. L. Bldg MONEY loaned on nlnnos. funiltuto. Homes. cows, jowciry. uun ureen, li.s, Barker Hlk X 93S MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, dia monds, wntcnes, privately. Berger s Loan co., iwt rarnam ni., upsinirs. a yio MONEY' loaned on furniture, diamonds. watches; payments confidential. Omnha Chattlu Loan Bank, 220 S. 15th, upstairs. .VJU PRIVATE LOANS TO SALARIKD l'EO- PLE. momentarily embarrassed who desire above everytning else to AVOID PUBLICITY can bo nccommndated at our office with less expense, tlmo nnd trouble than any place in the city. AMfJHICAN l.UAIS CI), Room 001, Beo Building. X-9i: llt'SIN'F.y.S CHANCES. $160 cash or easy payments buys 23 strictly inwrui tnicKeij slot maenmes ror drums clRiirs or cash: will earn $2 and unwaril weekly each. Earl, Clark & Co., Furni ture .Manufacturers, Chicago, ill Y-M7S4 FOH RENT, owing to advancing years Mr, 11. Haas, the florist at 1S13 Vinton street, has decided to rent out his hot house at nbOvo location, occupying 7.00 to 8.0m) square feet, under glass, with about 200 windows, and tho residence nnd store fronting tho street, on the motor lino 10 South Omahu. Excellent location for tho business. v 941 FOR SALE, nice hoarding and livery stable business; chance for live man with small enpltal to make money. Address W, Beu Olllce, South Omaha. Y M262 29 A $5,6i0 grocery business, Including build ing, for salo ut a great sacrifice, in one of tho best locations In Omaha. X 15, Bee Y M327 27 VERY desirable stock of general merchan dise; only been running 18 months; involoo $S,SO0; owner wl'l tnko about $3,010 cash, balance In Nebraska or Kansas slock land; hero is a chnnce for n good deal Sinners & Brown, 607 Manhattan Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Y-MS87 20 $3,000 STOCK general dry goods, ladles' and men's furnishing goods; all or any part to exchange for land nniK nbout one fourth cash; this Is high Rrade, clean mer chandise, up-to-date and stnplc. Sinners & Brown, 607 Manhattan Bldg , St. Paul, Minn. Y M360 26 FINE stock of dry goods, fjrnlshlng goods, clothlni;, etc., all clean und staple; need about $1,100 cush to pay bills; will take clear land for balnnce; this Is an espe cially desirable stock; hundreds of yards of staples and fall goods; lines of under wear well li'led. Somers & Brown, 607 Mnnhattan Hide., St . Paul, Minnesota. Y-M301 26 FOH EXCHANGE HAVE $9 600 stock of gcnernl dry Ronds nnd $1,600 cash to exchange for pood, Im proved farm In iiorthcuvtrrn Neb. r r Iowa. Box 71, Norfolk, Neb. X-M30I J6 $3,600 DRl'G stock, nil new goods, nt wholesale prices, for a farm. W. R. Homan, Rooms 8 and 10, Frenzer Block. Z-.M339 1 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 32. 48 or 80 acres, 9 mllei west. Improved: $50 per ncre. 80 acres 11 miles northwest, house, bnrn. crop, horses, cows, Implements, etc., ail for $l,yi0. 80 to 13) acrea 12 miles northwest of Omal'.a P. O. $."0 ner ncro. Adjoining the land last mentioned, 122 or 11. ucres, lllK -aiiu uuiium, ii. 107 acres near Military road, with good Im provements, $37.60 per acre. 10 acres, 9 miles west, near paved road, $65 per acre. ,120 acres good Burt county land, nenr Her man. $30 per aero. 312 ncrcs 12 miles west of Omaha, near Millard, 135 per acre. Bargains In city lots, houses and business property. JOHN N. FRENZER, opp. old P. O. HE-M2I3 29 HOUSES, farms, n, C. PatteronT306 nTy L. RE--&15 READ THIS; one of tho best homes In Han scom Place; 9 rooms, large lot, good bam, sightly home: party leaving city; prlc, $7.600.W. M. J. Keuiiard & Son, room -10, Brown block. HE-917 roil ai,i:-ih;ai, estate, HOfSKS. lots, farms. latuR lonns. nKo Ore insurance. Bemls, Paxton blk. he-914 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. II K !W PAYNE-KNOX CO.. MEVDQUARTKH3 for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. LOW EST RATKS on LOANS; SOUND ?N SUHANCK, HOUSES. FLATS, STORKS, for RENT. First floor. N. Y. Life Hldg. RE-A19 OOOD rental property for farm. Monroe &c vjo , t eed ana f uel, mi is. ittn si. Z-.MCi2 HANCH AND FAHM lands for salo by tho i nion I'acinc liaiiroad company, n a. McAllaster. l.tnd commissioner, t'nlon Pacific Headiiuarters, Omaha, Nob. Hi:-9I3 BARGAINS HARRISON. N. Y. RE LIFE. -II30ct7 CHAO. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam. St. UK MiSl nT ym7he" RE-361 OS C. F. HARRISON, FARMS. LARGE 7-room, 2-story house; good barn, 3 large lots, near paved St., school, etc.. $1,200. C. F. HARRISON. N. Y. LIFE. RE-919-.'?' DELIGHTFUL home In Hansconi Place for snle at a liberal discount. M. .1. Kcnnard & Son. suite .110-311 Brown Blk. RE-1S0- 8-ROOM modern cottage, full lot, fine lawn nnd shade; monthly payments 11 ielrea. 2120 M.'indersoii st. RE 320 30 1,120 ACRES of good farm or grazing land in central enraskti ror sine cneap. Pet erson. C22 N. 16th st. RK-M309 Oct2:l' RESIDENCE, 11 rooms, modern, lot 75x140, nno snnue, contract let to pave street, wii S. 2Sth street. David C. Patterson. 162J Farnam. RE-M2S3 Oct. 2 LARGE 9-room. 2-story house, nil modern. -MM nve. nnd Douglas sts.. for -., If taken before repairs nro made. J. B. Piper, Rumge block, Omalia HE-M3J4 2i 5-ROOM cottage near 27th and Hurdette sts paving 7 per cent unovp expenses on i.ii; jrlee reduced to $675 If sold tills week. C. C. Skinner, 219 So. 16th st. HE-M369 27 .1IEDICAI.. LADIES out of health find prompt relief. box 23.', umunn, co. connuentiai. Xt LADIES troubled with Irregularities, whites, stor lilt v. nnlnful or sunnressed menstrunllons tinil prnnlpt relief and cure; (fillet iiomo uororo una uurinz connne ment. Call or wrlto with stamps to Dr. Pries, 1513 Dodgo St., Omaha. Neb. U-M069 013 V1HTUAMA cures Impotcncy resulting from Indiscretions or debility, gives vi tality, vigor, restoring desires, nmbltlous, aspirations of youth, health, fitting for success, hupplness In business; profes sional, social, married llfo: $2 or 3 for $5 Sent anywhere prepaid on receipt of nrlce. The Kid Drue Co.. E c u. II American Olllce. retail, wholesale, Mye-rs- i on Drug Co.. Omaha: M. A. D 11 on. South Omalin; D.wls Drug Co., Council Hiutis. fun line rubber goods. OSTEOPATHY, JOHNSON Institute. 615 N. Y. Life Bldg.; Tel. 1061: Alice Johnson. D. O.. lad es' dept.; Old E. Johnson, Osteopathia!, .Mgr. J-U M. E. nONOHUE, D. O., of Still school, KirKviuc, .mo. uui i-nxton uik. lei. un,. -B37 N. F. McMURRAY. B. S. D.. D. O.. Mrs J. R. Mustek, D. O., graduates A. 8. O., Kirksviuc. aio., suite kd-b ueo uing. 372 OS T. HUNT. D. O., 303 Karbach. Tel. 2332. rvvii-cet. n, LOST. LOST, a purse, at Ilcllstedt concert. Finder may keep purse und money if pencil Is re turned to Bee Office. Lost-M3l4 26 SHORTHAND AND T YPHWllITINfi. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life, -951 HOYLES' College, court reporter principal Beo Bldg. -932 NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand Col- lege. Boyd's Thenter. 9j3 OREGO Shorthand tnucht nt the Omnbn Commercial College, lGth nnd Douglas Stn UJl PAW.VnillHCEHS. EAGLE Lonn Office, reliable, accommodnt ing; all busness confidential. 1301 Douglns, 963 LOANS, H. Marowltz; low rates. 418 N. 10, COO ACETYLENE. MONARCH Generators are best. Carbldo $4.50 per 100 lbs. Agents wanted. M. A. O Co.. 1022 Douglas St 677-0-13 ACCORDION PLEATINO. ACCORDION nnd side pleating, cheapest, best, quickest. Sirs. A. C. Mark, 9 Pat terson Blk., 17th und Farnam. -M514 OS TICKET BROKER. CUT rate tickets every where. P. II. Phil bin, 1605 Farnam. Telephone 781. 967 PIANO TUNING. WE tune your piano for $1.50, Roso's Art Store, lii2l Dodge. Tel. lUlfi. vx lHESSMAKI.C5. E. G, M DONALD, 1612 Capitol avenue. MC67 013 ICE I 'Olt SALE. ICE for sale In Council Bluffs. enr lots. Gilbert HroR, -M5I0 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vnughan, 430 Ramgo Bldg, utii MIltltOH FACTORY. Damaged looking" glasses resllvered. 70 N. 16 --:2t; LANGUAGES. CHATELAIN School of Languages. Boyd' theater, will reopen Monday, September 10. 4a, on HOTELS. HENDERSON. $l.C0 tier day house: board $3.60 to $5 week. 9th and Farnam; tol. 1216, -M261 Ol LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1760 Leavenworth. Tel. 547, -863 Ft HM i rltl; REPAIRING, TEL. 1231. M. S. Walklln, Hll Cuming St. 962 STOVE REPAIRING. STOVE, furnace, rango repairs: water con nectlons. om. Stovo Rep. Wks., 1207 Doug. Tel !wn .11 AG NET 10 HEALING. GREAT Westom Institute. 1623 Douglns St chronic diseases cured:. no drub'", surgery Mil CARPENTERS AND .1 0 11 II 101 1 S. ALL kinds of carpenter wirk nnd repairing promptly attonded to. J. T. Ochiltree. 20th und Lake Sts. -310 ENG IMV, BOILERS, ETC, L. C. Sharp-Mach. Wks. motors, dynamon. -941 DANCING. CHAMBERS' school of dancing. 17th and Dourlas. Classes and clubs now form ing st ucademV Open dally, 9 a. m. to 6 p m 'Phone, 1111, Hall and music furnished parties, Clroulurs, Mi&i Old ELOCUTION AMI ORATORY. ELLA DAY. W4 Hnmge bldg; rending, elo cution, oratory, Tnursuay nignt school M7V3-Oetl5 NICKEL PLA'IING. STOVES, lamps and chandeliers replated. Om. Plating Co., Bee UKg. Tel 2553. -Dt TAILORING. HIGH class tailoring, moderate prices. latest designs, S, J. Broderlck. 161 Far nam ! o-pt I'LR.MTUIti: AND PIANO MOVING. JACOB SCHWARZ, 1510 Webster. Tel. 20IC -M12S 30 MUSIC L. PROF P. BRAUN, teacher of plnno Old organ; studio 650 Hnnme blk; open I to , p m.; terms moderate; thorough, nrtl'lo work Runranteed. MSI) octlV lllltl) AND TAXIllEHMY. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1603 Leavenworth. -'.'.".9 GOVERNMENT NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR FRESH VEGETABLES Olllce Chief Commissar;,, Omaha. Ne braska. September 22. 190n. Sealed pro posals, In triplicate, will be received here unHJ 11 o'clock n. m , Oelober 12. 19u0. und then opened publicly for furnishing nnd delivery of such quantities of potatoes und onions as may be required by the Sub sistence Department nt Forts Leaven worth. Kansas: Logan II. Roots. Arkansas. and Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, between October 31, I9oo, und Juno 30, 1901 Pro posals will also bo received and opened b ine commissnnoH nt tne posts named, eacn Post Commissary receiving uronosais for nis own post oniy. rnp rignt is reserved to reject any or all proposals In whole or In part. Information ns to conditions of crntrnct win no rutnlshed on application o this ofllce, or to anv of the ntiove men tioned ofllcers. D. 11. WILSON. Major 23th Infantry, Acting Chief Commissary S22-2I-23-26 010-11 PROPOSAL FOR WATER SYSTEM - Dp partment of tho Interior, Ofllce of Indian Affairs. Washington. D. C. Sent. 19. tin. Sealed proposals, endorsed "Proposals fur water Hysiem, nnu addressed In the Conv mlssloner of Indian Affairs. Washington D. C. will bo received nt this ofllce until n elOCK II 111. of Wedliesiliiy. netnher 17 19ni. for lurulshlng and delivering at the Klckapoo Boarding School, Pottawatomie etc.. Agency. Kansas, the necessary niiilt- rlal nnd labor required In the construction of n water system, In strict accordauce wnn mo pinns, specillcallons and liirtnu ,.M, .,,.,,.-, r,, i",u-r ,,i lilt- I II n 111 I 1H nt In. III,. IT H I,, .11,,,, w. ele-. Hiiiiuers ami -traders' Exchange. Omaha Neb., und the newspaper publishing this advertisement. . A. JONES, Cominls K22 d ISt morn doner. POSTOIM'ICi: NOTICE. (Should bo rend DAILY by nil Interested as changes mny occur ut any time ) foreign mails for tho week ending Sep- temper iiw, win close ti'iilJ.M p i i, y in nil enseal at the General Pom Olllct as follows: PARCELS POST MAILS do o one hour earlier thun closing time shown below. Parcels Post Malls for Germany close at 6 p. m. Monday and Wednesday Trillin-Mliini(. MiiIIn. WEDNESDAY -At 7 n. in. (supplementary J a. m.) ror EUROPE, per s. s. St. Paul, via Southampton (mull for Ireland must be directed "per s. s. St. Paul"!; nl 9 u m. (supplementary 10:30 n. in.) for EUROPE, per H. 8. Majestic, via Queenstown; nt 10:30 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per s. s. Noordland (mall must be directed "per s. s. Noorillainl"! THURSDAY-At 6:) n. m. for EUROPE. per 8. s. Alfpr. via Southampton und Bre men (mall must bo directed "per s s. Aller ); nt 0:30 a. in. lor EUROPE, per b. h. Kaiser Frledrlch, via Plymouth and iiiiiniiurg inaii ror France, Switzerland, iJ'V.V'. 'Sral,"i Portugal, Turkey. Kgvpl QUKZ. nor 8. s. I nn Men trim -f n fin ii-n (mall fpr other parts of Europe must bo bAHRDA-At 5:30 u. m. for EUROPE, in..for NETHERLANDS, per 8 s. Spaarn dam. via Rotterdam (mnll must be dl KSUTr.i"i?.'';,fi Spaiirmlam"); ut 9 a m. must be dlreeted "per s. s. Island "i. at 10 a. in. for SCOTLAND direct, per s s Mirnessla (mall must be directed "per s s. Furnessla"!. 1 PRINTED MATTErTeTC.-TIi 8t-ainer takes Printed Matter. Commercial P-jpai i find Samples for Germany only. The some class of mall matter nn other parts ,?,f,iiilJri""! iwi'in ',',ot tvnt by this chip unless specially directed ty her. Af er tho closing of the Huvnleinonturv 1 rans-Atluntlc .Malls nameii nnnve adli tlonal supplementary malls nre opened en the piers of tho American. Engil'h, f ronch and German steame-;. nrd remain open until within Ton of tho hour of sailing of steamer. MnlU for Sonlli nnil Cenfrnl Aiuerlen, AVest liiillen. Hip, lll'T,1 a,1,J SANTA MARTHA, pfr s. i. Mt. Vernon; at 10 n. in. for GRENADA and TRINIDAD p,.r s. s Orem dn : nt 10 a m. for NEWFOUNDLAND, per s s. Hll via; nt 1 p. m. (supplementary 1:30 MCAN REPUBLIC, per s. s. Cherokee; nt hi, m for MEXICO, per s. s. Seneca, via lumplco (mall must be directed "per s. s. Seneen"i ' THURSDAY-At S a. m. lor BERMUDA iter s. s I CATAN. C CHIAPAS. Pretoria: at 1 n. m fur vc. CAMPKCHE. TAHXSCO nnd i. per s. h. Ytiivitim vit, ifni.,in-i and Prngreso (mull for other nans or Mexico and for Cuba must bo directed "per a. s tfcntnn"); at 1 p. m. (supple !,np,i'!r.J:30 for NASSAU, ni'AN- '1ANAMO and SANTIAGO, per s s MiiRnra; nt It p. m. for JAMAICA, per Ailrnlral Hampson, from Ho-iton. FRIDAY At l.p.,m. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Orlgen (mall must be directed "nor , s. s. Orlgen "). COUNTRIES direct, per s. s. Parana; ",U.Q.n; IV' (Pi'I'I'lementary 10:30 a. m.) for A T,,.N.'3 ISLAND, .IA.MAICA. SA Y,1?.1''1" C'ARTIIAGKNA and GREY I OWN. per s. h. AllcRhany (mall for Costn Rlea must bo directed "per i s AlieRhiiny"i; nt 10 a. m. (supplementary L.:V?-,n; n,) for f'KACAO and VBN'i: .ULLA, per s s Mnracalbo (mail for Savanllla and Carthagena, via Curat-in. must bo directed "per 8. s. Maracallm' ) : at 10 a. in. for PORTO RICO, per . Ponce; nt 11 n. in. for CUBA, per s s Havana. SUNDAY At 8:30 p. m. for ST. PIERRE MIQUELON, per steamer North Sydney Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, nnd thenco by tt-'amer. close u this ofllco dally at 8:30 p. in. (connecting closo hero eyerv Momlnv. W'odnpml II j nnil Saturduyi. Mulls for Mlqurlon. bv rail In Boston and thence by jteamer, cloo nt this ofllco dally at 8:30 p in. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fin, , .md thence by steamer, closo at this ollloe dally (except Mondnyl nt 7 n. in itho connecting closes nro on Sunday, Wed' -day and Friday). Malls for Mexico n y. overland, unlos specially addr' H . l for dispatch by steamer, eiopo at this olllco dolly nt 2:.".o a. in. and 2:30 p. m. Mails for Costa Illcri by rail to Mobile, and for Belize. Puerto Corfez and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, end Ml, nee b steamer, close nt this ofhco dally ut 3 P. in. (connecting closes here Tue'Silnva for Costa Rica and Mondays for llo'izo, Puerto Cnrtez and Guatemala!. "I'euls tered mall closo ut fi p m provious day. Trnnii.Piif Ifle Mulls, Malls for Hawaii. China, Jnpnn ni'd Phil ippine Islands, via Snn Frant'wn cl.,se hero dnlly nt 6:30 p. m. up to September 2itli. Inclusive, for dispatch per a s Rio dn Janeiro. Mails for Australia (ex cept West Australia). New Zealand, Ha wall, FIJI nnd Saiimnii Hands, via Francisco, clino here daily at 0:"o p. in after September lfith and up to Septem ber 29th, Jnclushe, or on day of r rlval of s. s.1-Campania, duo at New York September 29th, fur dispatch per s . Alameda. Mnlls for China nnd Japan, via Vancouver, clone hero dally at 6:30 p. rn up to October '2d. Inclusive, for dl"pateh per 8. s. Empress of India (regl terd mall must bo directed "via Vancouver"). Mnlls for Hawaii, Jatmti. China and Pnll- Ipplno Islands, via Han Francisco, here dnlly at 6.30 p. iri up to Ortnber 15th, Inclusive, for dHpatch iior s. s Coptic. Malls fur Hawaii, via Han Frt ,. Cisco, closo here dnlly at 0:30 p. in up to October ,I2th. Incluiln. for ilisnaioi per u. u. Australia Mulls for Auitra!a (except West Australia i. which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, which gnfu via Han Frnnclseo), and FIJI Islands, vl i Vancouver, close here dally nt 0:1a , m up to October I3ih, Inciuslvf for dl--putch per s. s. Mlowiiri (sunplemeni.'rv malls, via Seattle, closo at 0:30 p m. tober "Mllii TratiH-Psclfle mnlls nre forwnrded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of dol ing is urranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. J; . . i"""L " '!" .lMr?. Marquez, via Kansas City Day i KniiS" u,iSi-SV aV? WS? . L !anraScity N HIil I IHH INDIA iitul .n m,!vii a i, ' POSTOrFIt E NOTICE. Rcgltered mall cle.c nt 6 p. m prev lous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Potm.ter PestoflUe, New York. N. Y., September 2', TO, II Ml, WAY TIMli T MILES. FREMONT Et.KHOHN & Missouri Valley Hallro.Mt "The Northwestern Line Goneral Ofllces, Unltid states National Bank Bldg., S. W. Cor 'l'u,lftli iitul Fitrnnm Stfl Ticket OflKe, H01 Famnm St Telephone. M, Depot. i.,in ami wensier Bts. 'reie- phone. il.",s Leavo. Arrive Black Hills. Deadwood. Hot Springs . . . . u ; Wvnmlni!. Caspar and S.00 p-n a 5:00 pm e 0:00 pm Douglas ..d 3:00 pm Hastings. York. David city, superior, uenova, Exeter und Soward. ..b 3:00 pm Norfolk. Verdluro and b 5:00 pm bl0:25 am Fremont b 7:30 am I llirnln Wulioo anil l.'n rnmit b 7:10 am bl0:26 am l'ri m, int Lot-it i c 710 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday, o Dally except Muiiduv. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL, Minneapolis A Omaha Rullwny "The North western Line" General Olllces, Nebraska Divi sion, l.'ith and Webster Sin Cllv Ticket Omar. nui f arnam Ht Telephone, 661. uopot. iuiii uun m eusicr Mis. Leave. Arrive Twin City Passenger n 6 00 am a 9.10 pm nlLlO am omnn.t rasesnger. Hinux city North east Nebraska ... a .1:50 pm Oakland Local .. . b 6:15 pm b 8:15 am a Dally. vb Dally excep. Sunday. CHICAGO it NORTH western Railway "The Northwestern Line" -City Ticket Office, 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phone, 561. Depot, Tenth and Mason Sts. Tolo- phone, 029. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chlcnuo Sue- clal a 7:00 am Chicago Passenger a 1:16 pm Eastern L'xures Des Moines, Marsualltonn. Cedar Rapids and Chi cago olO:fS am Eastern Limited, Chi cago and East a 4;55 pm Fast Mall. Chicago to Omnha Omnha-Chlcago Special a 7:15 pm Fast Mall n1l:30 pm a SMO um a 4:05 pm u 4:05 pm a 2:15 pm u 8:t0 pm a 8:30 am Dalle SIOI X CITY PACIFIC Railroad 'The North western Line" General Olllces, United States Nntlonnl Hank Building, H. W. Cortier Twelfth .... p,.rnillii Zt Tlobnf ,. , ,a. ''JJ? 'J'i1"1."1 S3lS. ticket "Tcnth ."n. STOhe, S Leave. Arrive Twin city Esmresu . .a 6:56 am ..a 7 25 pm ..a 8:00 um n 10:50 pni a 8:15 jui a 4:20 pm Twin City Limited Sioux tty Loeu; n Dally BUHLINm-ON A Mis souri River Railroad "The Burlington Route General Olllces, N. W. Corner Tenth and Farnam Sts. Ticket Ofllce. 1503 Farnam street. Telephono, 2.'A Burlington station. jenin and Mnson Streets. Telephone, us. Leave. Arrive Lincoln. Hastings nnd McCook a 8:10 um a 7:3o pm Lincoln. Denver. Colo rado. Utah, Cnllfornla.a 4:25 pm Lincoln & Bluck HUH.. a 9:30 pin Montana. Pugot Hound.. a 9:30 pm Lincoln Fast Mall . ...aS:00pm a .1:00 pm n 3:0!) pm a 0.45 am al0;35 am a CMS am Denver, Colorado. Utah & Cullfornla r. Dully KANSAS CITY, St. Jo seph &. Council BlufTs Rnllrn.ul- "The Burling ton Route '--Ticket Olllce, 1602 Farnam street. Tele phone 250. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason streets. Tele phone, 12S. i.eave. Arrive Ex a 8:50 um n 0:10 pm Ight Ex nlO 15 pm a 6:15 am ror Hi. Louis a 4:65 pm all:15 ant CHICAGO. BURLINGTON it oulncy Railroad "The Burlington Route" Ticket Olllce. 1502 Farnam St. Tel 230. Depot. Tenth A Mason Streets. Telephone, 121 Lcnve. Arrlye. Daylight clal ... Chicago Spe- . ...a 7:00 am Peoria Esnrcss a 9:25 pm. a 7:45 nm. a 4 :05 pm u 7:45 am n 7:Oi pm a 2:45 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm Chicago Local Express. n 8:50 am Chicago Limited a 7:45 pm Pacific Junction Local. .al0:l5 um Paclllo Junction Extra. Fnst Mall a Dally. UNION PACIFIC-'THE OVER land Route" Goneral Olllces, N. E. Cor Ninth and Farnam streets. City Ticket Ofllce, 18J4 Farnam street. Telephone. 310, Deiiot, Tenth and Mason St Telephone, 029. Leave. Arrive. The Overland Limited .a S;20 am a 7:33 pm Tho Chlcniio-Por'.land Special a 8:20 nm a 7:33 pm Tho Fast Mail a 8:50 am a 3.25 pm Tho Colorado Special. . .ull:35 pm a 0:60 am The Fnst Mall a 4:33 pm Lincoln, Beatrice nnd Stromsbiiri; Express.. b 4:10 flm bl2:23 pin The IMcllli! Express.. ,u 4:25 pm Tho Atlantic Express.. a 0:60 nm Grand Island Local b 3:30 pm b 9:30 am a Dally, b Dully except Sunday. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE H SI. Paul Rallwav-'CIt Tlckot Ofllce. 1501 Farnam Street. Telephone 2S4. Depot Tenth und Masun Streots. Telephone, 029. Leave. Arrive Chicngo Limited Ex....u 0:00 pm n 8:06 am Chli-ngn & Omaha Ex b 7:15 am b 3:40 pm fi Dally b Dally except Sunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rallioad. City Ticket Of llce, 1402 Farnam street, Telephone, 215. Dopot Tenth and Mason streets, Leave. aiuio am u 7.43 pm St. . . , .b 7:00 am St. u 7:45 pm from Arrive a 4:05 pm a S:15 am b 9.40 pm a S:15 am Chicago Express . Ch.cngo Limited Minneapolis and Paul Express Minneapolis and Paul Limited Fort Dodge Local council iiiurrs .b 4:30 pm b!0:lt am H Dally, b Dallv except Sunday. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS HAH. roail -Omaha, Kansas Cllj & Eastern ltnllroart "The Qutncy Route" Ticket Of llce. 1115 Farnam Street Telephone 322. Depot, Tenth and Marey Streets. Tele phone, 029. i.eave. Arrive St. Louis Cannon Ball Express it 5:05 pm a 8:20 am Kansas city anil wmney Local a 7:00 am a 9:00 pm u Dally. CHICAGO, ROCK ISL nnd & Pacific '"illroa.l "The Great Rock Isl and Route " City Tick ct Ofllco, 1322 Fnrnam Street. Telephone, 42.4, Depot, Tenth & Mason Streots. Telephono 6Zh I.Auv,, Afrli.' Dea Moines nnd Daven port Local ... n M', nm hll:3r, nm Chicago Express ..b1l:lG um a 8:10 nm hlcugo Fast Express, .a 5:on pm a 1:25 pm j.incnin nnu f airoury . ,n s:ao nm a 7:i pm Lincoln. Colorado Hp?H , Denvir, Pueblo and West . ... a 1:50 pm a 4:15 pm Dec Muliies. Rock Isl and and Chlcaao . a 7:16 nm a 6:60 nm . Colorado & Texas Fiyrr a r:ttt pm a 9:15 am it wiiii-. ujjaiiy except ijui.tiay. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL- ra(rC I'm 1 1 t.. i'ii i' ri Wjgi Ticket office (WTf ner llth ur, iJW Telephone 1 road General Offices and ces Southeast Cnr- nu uouglas Hts 104. Depot t'liluu Station. Leave. Ht Lnuls A: Kausus (Tfv express ul0:00 nm K. C St. L. Exprom... nlOUO pm Arrive. a 6 10 pm u 6:15 am Leave from 15th W( biter Sis and Nebraeka Local Via Weeplny JVnter b 4:15 pm aJ0:45 am a Dally, b Dallv except Sunday. WABASH RAILROAD Ticket Olllco, 1504 Farnam Street. Teltphone, $96. De pot. Tttnth and Marcy Street. Telephone, ti. Leave. Arrive. Louis ' Cannon Bull' Exprens a Dull. a 5.C6 pm a $.20 am n jMllWAUKEft mm Bt.