10 TTTE OrATIA DAILY BEE: W TCP'S" ESP AT, SEFTEMTCET? 1900. COMEUCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Weak on Favorable Weather and In crea8o of World's Supply. GOOD CASH DEMAND ON THE CORN MARKET Oa Are Ens, Hrrminr of .loll Inn: for North ires tent Account Pro Is Ion llulc stendy With Fnlr Vol ume of Ilimttifi. CHICAGO, Sept. 25.-Prospeets of clear weather In tlio northwest and Increase In the world's visible supply gave a weak wheat market today, October closInK l'.iC lower. Corn closed Ho higher and oats ic lower. Provisions closed 2Vio higher for January options. Wheat started out weak In the face of firmness nt Liverpool and unimproved weather In the northwest, October at 77!fe 77V4c. Tho heaviness was duo to pressure by longs, who were after profits. North" west markets wore lower and thero was nelllng for that nccount and for foreigners as well. October enrly dropped to 77Uc. A recovery to ""WilUc took place on In correct world's visible supply llgures nnd tho report making tho Incrcaso only 1,811,000 bu. Later the figures were corrected to make the Increase 4,634,Ci0 bu. and the liquidation again commenced. October turned weak and sold to "CTic, nt which the market closed l'4c under yesterday. A pre diction of clear weuthcr for the mulcted spring wheat territory was also Influential In tho slump. New York reported 21 loads taken for oxport. Seaboard clearances In wheat nnd flour wero eirrial to 439,oo0 bu. Primary receipts aggregated 1,127,000 bu., compared with MM.ihjo bu. last year. Min neapolis and Duluth reported 483 cars against 605 last week anil U2. a year ago. Local receipts wero 480 cars, 20 of con tract grade. There was a good cash demand for corn and as offerings wero light tho market held firm, savo for a llttlo enslness early In sympathy with wheat. The volume of business was light and without features, r.ecclpts wero 070 cars nnd shipments UTo.ono tin. October sold between SO'to and SO'fcl .".9c, closing .(,c up nt 39Vft39Vic. New York reported 63 loads taken for export nnd cash sales here wtro 400,0") bu. Oats wero fairly eaHy, becausn of selling for northwestern account, although the re ceipts showed no reason why holders would want to let go unless they wero In fluenced by the wheat weakness. Receipts were 250 cars. October sold between 22'ic and 2nic, closing 'tc lower nt 2lTic. Provisions ruVd steady, with a fair vol jimo pf buslneis. A good cash demand was largely responsible for the firmness, ns hog receipts were l.furt over tho estimate. The .January option Is now the most nctlvc. January pork sold between S11.I2V4 and $11.65 nnd closed Be higher at $11.60; Jnn unry In til, between $6.7214 and $6.80. clos ing 6c up at SG.77',4. and January ribs be tween f it.10 and $0.13, with tho closo 2Uc better at $6.12!4. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat. sJ&EJ1.1" r,orn 4T0 carsl oats 215 cars; hogs, ZO.ooo bead. I'he lending futures ranged as follows: Artlclnsl Open. Ullgh. Low. Clase.1-.eHfd 'Wheat Sept. Oct Nov. I'orn Kept. Oct. Nov. Oct. Nov. Pork- Oct. Jnn. Lard- Oct. Nov. Jan. Ribs Sept. Oct. Jnn, l i i -,..77'" 7"s "''7 7C"M 7'i 77'47t 7774 7fi)i 76'4 73 7Sft7ST,? 7STi 77771 7U HflNPi 41 II 4l;i oil 39UWI, 3914-. 3W 3W'9',M. 36)if('Ti 36Tij 3Gi!3G4fttl 35ft 2174 2li 21S SlVi 21TaU22 22 22H K'JdjlJ 22, 22H It 9'. 12 10 11 po 12 00 11 95 U 4214 " M 11 4214 It 60 11 4714 7 02W 7 07U 7 0214 7 OS 7 05 7 02U 7 07t4 7 00 7 03 7 02K 6 72!4 6 80 6 7214 6 77!4 6 72(2 7 70 7 7214 7 70 7 72V4J 7 71 7 45 7 60 7 4214 7 60 7 45 6 10 C 15 6 10 6 1214 6 10 No. 2. Cash quntnttona were as follows: FLOUR Firm; winter patents, $3.9014.10: straights. $3.2003.80; clears, $3.2063.00 spring specials. $1.70; patents, S3.60S4.10: straights. $3.10!3.80; bakers, $2.3njT2,S0, w,'ST-No- 3 BPr"K. 70fl7Sko; No. 2 red, 7 1 ffii He. C'OnN-No. 2, 411i?T41!4c; No. 2. yellow. 41,,4il41'4C. OATS-No. 2, 22?ic; No .3 white, 2I',JS ItYH-Nn. 2. 6214c BARLEY-Good" feeding. 391ic; fair to choice malting, 62??56o. SEEDS-No, 1 tlnx. $1.64; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.51; prime timothy. JI.30ffj.C0. PROVISIONS-Moss pork, per lint., $12.00 ffTI2.0G. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $7.05f7.O7'4. Short libs sides (loose), $7.6Ofr7.S0. Dry snlted Hlioulders (boxed). ti'4f6)ic; short clear sides (boxed), $S.lSffi8.20. WHISKY-Bnsls of high wines, $1.26. SUGAR-Unchnnged. Following aro the receipts nnd shipments of the principal grnlns: Articles. Receipts. Shlpm'ts. Flour, bbls 26,0o 7.0:0 Wlieat, liu r37.K) 310,0(0 Corn, bu 479,010 G70.001 Oats, bu S4K.00O 820.IM Rye. bu 10.0(10 3,000 Parley, bu 157.O0C 18.0C0 On produce exchange tn.lny the butter market was firm; creameries, 15ff22c: dat rlcs, 13fN8c. Choose, llrm, lOUS'llftc. Eggs, fresh. lCc. msw yohic oenehai, market. (tnojlntlnim of tlin Ony on Various Cuiiinimlltlcft. NEW YORK. Sept. 2.-..-FLOUR-Recolpts. 25.85Ti bbls.; exports, 11,0.17 bills; sales, 8,100 pkgs.; mnrket was weaker and shaded In some Instances to zet moro in lino with buyers, owing to the further dip In what; winter patents, $3.7MT1.0O; winter Strnlnhts, $.i.50'S3.; Mlnnesotn patents. $I.151iI.70; Minnesota bakers. $2.85it(3.35; winter extras, $2.704j5.00; winter low grades, $2.4:,fl2.fiTi, Rye flour, qnlot; sales, 300 bbls.; fair to good, $3,10i?3.30; choleo to fancv. $1.35ft3.75. Ruckwheat Hour, dull nt $2.102.50. CORNMEAIr-Firm; yellow western, 90c; city, 91c: Rrandywlne. $2.4M?2.60. RYE-Steady; No. 2 white. COc f. o. b. noat; 65f!T5rto c. I. f. Now York. nARLEY Oulet: feeding, ihfQKc c. I, f. Buffalo; mnltlng. 50fi5Sc c. 1. f. Huffnlo. BARLT0.Y MALT Dull; western, G2Jf8c. WHEAT Receipts. 171.125 bu.; exports. 111,715(1 bu.: sales, 4,170,000 bu. futures. CS0,0"H) bu, exports. Spot, weak: No. 2 red, 72'4c f, o. b. afloat nnd 81'in elevator; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 8fil41?87c f. o. b. uflnnt, new; No. 1 hnrd. Duluth. 9lo f. o. b. nlloat. Options developed a good dent of weakness today, being Influenced by ' liquidations, nulls were discouraged over the sharp drop in northwest markets, notwithstanding more rain nnd liberal receipts nt primary points, Tho decline Invited so much short selling, however, that a late Rroomhall cable reporting serious conditions In Russia alarmed shorts and led to u quick rally. Just nt tho closo renewed selling broke out on ii correction In world's stocks and th" mnrket left off weak at miilc net loss. Mnrch, 83'ifl87ic, closed nt 8fic; May. SJTf, (ff8?ic, closed at SGc; September, SlHfi82Sc closed nt Sl'jc; October. Sttfi81ic, closed at 81-lic; December, 83!4iWilNiO. closed at 83'4c. CORN-Recelpts, 112,617 bu.; oxportu, 2C8. lOfi bu,: sales. 1G0.000 bu. futures. 320.000 bu. export. Spot, strong; No. 2, 6014c elevator and 48i;o f. o, b. afloat. Option market was nciivn ana irregular, un mo pronounced strength of ensh corn owlnir to scarcity near months ndvnnced decidedly, while Into neuveries wero inclined to drag. Closed irregular, with Septepiber lic higher nnd December 'ic not tower; Mav, 4li'iTlltt,c, closed at 41l4Ci September. 49"irf r0o, closed nt 4D40; October, 45Hfil0c, closed at 4flc; liecomber, 4142c, closed nt 41ic. OATS Rece hits. 243.000 bu.: exnorts. 20.. 899 b:t.; sales. 30,000 bu. spot. Spot, quiet; No. 2, 25Vic; No. 3, 2lc; No. 2 white. 27iW 27'4o; No. 3 white, 26ic; track, mixed west- eni, -iWli'o; irncii, wnite western nnd white state, 201(330. Options, quiet but stendy. FEED-Steady; sprlpg bran, $16.60017.00; middling. $17.oofri9.60. HAY Steady : shipping, 75fJ77!4c; good to choice, ICiflflilsC. HOPS Quiet: state, common to eholee. 1899 crop, 10ftl3c: old olds, 2fT5e; Pacific const, u'.iti crop, iimtiac; out olds, 2af3c. HIDES Firm; Onlveston. 20 to 23 11. Jftc; California, 21 to 23 lbs., 1S3c; Tex.is dry. 24 to 30 lb.. ISc. LEATHER Firm; hemlock solo, Rueno3 Ayres, light to heavy, 23f23Hc; ncld, 2214('(i 22Uc. WOOIv-Diill; domojtio fleece, Kfi'JSj; Texas. 151i1fiV,i. PROVISIONS-Reef. Arm: family, $11.60ffl 19.00' boef hams. $20.00i21.ft); packet, $10 0) eiio.&o; extra India mess. Ji'i.uuij u n i, cut meats, steady: nlckled bellies. $).00fll.Ort: pickled shoulders, $0.60: pickled luims, $9.75 dlo.T&. i.aru, work: steameti. a. tan; tsep. (ember closed nt J7.6H. nnnilnnl' rellnil enny: South Amerlcn, $8.60; compound, $il.I5 816.37': conuneni, ii.o. i-otk, eay: simi clear. $13.75Q 15.00; mcus. J12.B0iiH.00; family, iik ?sii:niv TALLOW Firm; city. $2 per pkg 44c; countrv, pkgu, free, IHfiuo. RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, i Q(tii,c: jupan. vvnoc. HIITTER Recelnt8. 10.704 nkus.: weak orenniery. 17(fJ22Uc: June creamery, USi'ii SUio: ractory. inuuitc. CiiilHISIC-Retclvts, 12.1S3 plus,; itrone; large, white, U'r. small, white, ll4011ku: large, colored, ll'tc, small, colored. Il'sc ICOOS Receipts. 14.456 pkgs.; quiet and steady; western, regular packing, at mark, 12MjUc; western, loss off, lllsc MoLASSKS Firm; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice. 4V- METALS Tin In the lo. al market started this mornlns nt a considerable ndvanee, due rhleflv to ft rise of llJ 7s Ud abroad, bJt rearted later on Hrge arrivals and closed firm In tone at $28.:,ufljs 7S. Pig Iron war rants exhibited some weakness In tone, nt $9 7Vtlo.on. I.nke cotiper ruled quiet and steady nt $16.7M?17 00. head wns dull nnd uinhsnged at $4 ".',. while spelter contin ued quiet at $I.P4.15. The brokers' prlre for lend was $1 nnd for copper $10.75fflC.S714. OMAHA -WHOI.HXAI.K MAR ICIVI'.H. ( iitiilf tlon of Trmle nnd )notn;llon on Miiplp ii ml I 'n lie)- I'roiliiee. ICOOS Receluls. Ilsht: good stock, firm at tCc. LIVE POtfI.TR-ttens. 7c; roosters, 3ff 4c. spring chickens, Sc; ducks, 4t5c; geese, tfl.'e, turkeys, 8c. FRESH PRESSED POt'ITRY Hens. SIT 9e; roosters, 6Cc; ducks and geese, 9&10c; nroners, per in, I24e; turkeys, 12',4C. GAME Prnlrio chickens, per doz., $3.00 ill. 60; mallnrd iltlrks. per doz., $100; tenl, Sl.iVll.7.',: mixed. S1.50iTit.7S: liirkHiilne. J1.2', (&1.60. tu iter common to fair, 1214c; choice, I.VilCe; separator, 21c; gathered creamery, ir20o, FISH Trout. 0r: bliieflRb 9e: nlekerel. Sc; catfish, 12c; dressed buffalo, Cc; white- usn, i"c; ncrnng, cc; blnck bass, 10c; sal mon, 13c; white bass. 10c; cropple, 10c; perch, Oc; lobsters, irrcen. 22e: boiled lob- sters. 25c; mackerel, 20c; codfish, lOcj yellow perch, Ge. FRESH OYSTERS - First grade, sotlfl packed, New York counts, per can, 40c; extra solccts, Kc; standards, 30c. Second grade, slack filled. Now York counts, per cun, 30c; extra selects, 24c; standards, 20c. PIOEONS-Llvc. per dozen, SOc. VEALS Choice, tftflOc. HAY-rPrlces quoted by Omnha Wholesale liny Dealers' association: Choice upland, ft?,!1 :'n' 1 "n'unl. W; medium, $7.50; coarse, Jfi.uO. Ryo str.iw, $5.M. Those prices aro for llliy of ROOd color and nllalllV. I)mnn,1 fnlr nnd prices steady. OATS-No. 3 white, 2Cc. CORN-No. 3. 3SC. URAN-$12.75. VEQETARLES. Jt.'V.)i.s"I''s",lo,," grown, per dozen, 15c. MEANS Wax. tier half hinahel tmnkni ilr- string, Xic. POTATt)ES-Per bnhe, 4ftg50c; sweet potatoes, per bushel, 75f90c. i aim iu!.-nomo grown, per pound, 114c: Holland seed, lic U . J5, f'.Vr'ir.l!!'.0 Rrown, per pound, 114c CAFLIFLOWER-Per dozen. $1. rOMATOICM lliimn irrnti'n rv t,n1 bushel barket. 60c. ' ' V5t-i u',,t" Brown, per bushel, 60gC0c. CLLER -Nebraska, SOiflOc. FRl'ITS. uc; per box. 00c. im;.sjcm I'cr box, JI.75iQ2.00. ORAPES California Tnkai'. i.l.n.U.t eratu. $1.60; Concords, homo grown, 17c; Delaware and Niagara, per 6-lb. basket. 15c: enstern Concords, 18 19c. 2fU;',Allil'"KH-'" o 15U20c each. CANTALOI'PK Oems, per dozen, 40Q5OC largo sizes, C0g"3c. APPLES Nnt I ve. 75fftl.no nm. v,,, . bbl.. $2.603.00. " ' CRANUERRIES-Per bbl.. $; per crate, TROPICAL FRUITS. JxPAIO.Ii;fcc;n.l,f0rnlni cxtra 'ancy. $3.23; Choleo, $I.50 1.75. $2.!00" 75NAa-Per bunch- according to size, V lub-Cnllfornla, new cartoons, $1; layers, SOc. MISCELLANEOUS. MJTS-Engllsh walnuts, per lb.. 12(fJ13c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, per lb. mi I??1 -V?w l)enmit8. Per lb-. 4!iS5c; roasted, HIDES No. 1 green, fio: No. 2 green, 6c: No. l salted, 7'ic; No. 2 salted, 614c; No. 1 KtolSlbs Sc " lbS" RPi N Calf' CIIAXCSES IN AVAILABLE SUPPLIES. Speelnl Culilc nnd TelearrRDhln n. Iiortu of Oriiln A Hunt nnd Ashore. NEW YORK. Sept. 23.-SpeclaI cable and elPIZr.'l till (( r, ,,..,,...! . ... I . ?wi r following chnnges In nvallable suptily rrom last account: Whunl ITnltA.l t . , . n i ' ouiier umi tanaim, ensi nnd In Europe, Increased 3,100.000 bu.; total supply increased 4,034,000 bu. nrii, i nueu Htntes nnd Canada, east Rockies, Increased 1,011,000 bu. Oats. 1'nlted States and Canada, east Rockies, Increased 791,000 bu. Amnnf- (It,, mnn I ..... ...... . I .. . ........ Irl ..... I,,,,,,,, ,,tui iiiui tritsrH if. ported to Rradstreet's aro those of 000,000 bu. In northwestern Interior elovntors. 70, 000 hit. nt Chlcugo private olevators. 50.0,0 bu. In Mnnltoba nnd 40,000 bu. at Dallas, Tho leading decrease Includes those cf j.'i.w" mi. iu oi. uunciill aiiu io.wio I1U. nt Port Huron. Stocks of wheat at Portland. Ore., nnd Tneoma and Seattle, Wash., de creased 2OS.000 bu. last week. St. I.onls Ornln nnd Provision!. ST. LOUIS. Sent. 5K WllRiTl.n.r No. 2 red. cash, plevntor. 7Ret imul- irl&- 77c; September, 75c; October, 75Uo; Decern- wi't tu-74, ,iu, IIU1U, IOC. uii.M i,ower, casn in; track, 40'jc; Sep tember. 40!iC: October. 37l.lo: Derxmhr rati 33?i c. OATS Firm, No. 2 ensh, 22c; track, 22H 22Jic; September, 22c; December, 22T4c; May. 2414c; No. 2 white, 26c. ' Jtvi'-illgher; 66c. lI.OITIt lC.nUV. milAf nftlanla 4"Art. J.fIfA,f,'X"cy nn'1 '""night. $3.S5tj3.60; clear! , Sl'KDS-Tlmothy, firm. $3.7!KH.t0; flax, lower, $1.50. I'ORN.-MEAI-Hlnher. $2.0502.10. I IRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 7057720. HAY Hlcher: tlmnthv. t1rt vvt?l! Aft. Zri- rle. $0OOT,9.00. WHISKY-StcndV. $1.2S. IRON COTTONtlES-$l.. iiAoniNn-$.ioits.f3. HEMP TWINE $9.00. PROVISIONS-Pork. stendv; 1nhV,ln $12.73. Iard. firmer: choice, $0.9714. Dry salt i mn in wiuxcnj. uiKiirr; cxira snorts, ".7 ; clear ribs, $S.50; clsar sides, $1024. nacon (boxed), higher; extra shorts, $9.12'4; clear ribs. $9.25; clear sides. $9 3714. METALS Lead, quiet, $4.271Jtf4.32; spelter, llrm, $4. POULTRY Easy; chickens, 7c; youngs, Sc; turkeys, 7c; youngs, 9c; geese. dia. EGOS-Steady, 14c. PUTTER Higher: creamerv. 1S5M5U.V dnlrv. 16W1714C. RECEII'TS-Flour. 13.0CO bbls.: wheat, 92,000 bu.; corn, 39.000 bu.; oats, 44,000 bu. an u'.mi'jin i a i-iour, iv.vv unis.; wheat, 122,000 bu.; corn, 38,000 bu.; oats. 25.000 bu. Liverpool nrnlii nnd Provisions. I.IVHIlPnO!,. SenK 5fS Wlll!iTOnl fltm; No. 2 red western winter. 6s 3d; No. 1 northern spring. 6s Cd: No. 1 California. to fiiHifis 614d; futures quiet; September, 6s 2-V1: Dtfcember. Cs 4?id. CORN Spot. Arm; American mixed, new. in 17Tt, lilliiti Hi 4U,Ck, wuiuiter, in,!,io; xso veiinter. wnuemoer. is zn. FLOUR St. Louis fancv winter, firm nt 8s 6d. Receipts of wheat during tho last three days. 225.500 centals, nil Amerlrnn- receipts of American corn during the Inst wirce oays, ao,i ceniais. wentner lino. PROVISIONS Hnms. short cut. stemiv nt 41s: bacon. Cumberland put. Arm 45s; short ribs, Ann at 47s 6d; long clenr middles, light, llrm nt 44s; long clear, mid. dies, heavy, firm at 43s. Lard, prime west ern, iiriu ui as. L-neese, American finest, white, llrm at 63s; American colored, Arm III UIM Kit ii mi City firnlii nnd Provlslnm, KANSAS CITY. Sent. 23.-WHEATnn. cember, CO-fiOOTdc; Mny. 7l!fl74io; ensh. No. 2 hard, 70Sj7!c; No. 3. ns'4t0914c; No. 2 red, 73'Mi74i4e; No. 3. 7Hfr73'ic i-uit.- uecemner, s:v,c; May, 33Te; cash, No. 2 mixed 37j374c; No. 2 white, 39',ic; No. ' OATS-No. 2 white, 2314c RYE No. 2. 50c. HAY-Cholco timothy, $9.5Oi?tO.0O; choice prairie, llUTTER-Creamcry, lSJf20c; dairy, fancy 17c. EOOS Hlcher: fresh Missouri nnrt Vnn. sns stock, 14c doz., loss off, cases returned; lie tiiiut uttti u.invci liu illilt'll, more HKCKirrS-Whoat, S2tm lm.; corn, 27, SOrt bu ; OHtH. S.00 l)U. SHIPMKNTS-Whpat, 12I.C00 bu.; corn, I'll 1 1 ii ii il nit I ii ln ill ii 1 fi !. THTlT.AlP.r.TIIT A Snnt tltTnU 5R- Firm; good domantl; fancy wcsti-rn croa 11 m V i 1 till V. J VOItl It III III in, !V1 PL' Pl.m. e.Ktl, Hnnlt.. nH.l i i vi i to ii iii i v nn, ii iii iii I'nii'rii, 104c; fivnh Houthwostern, 18c ; frosh pouth nrn 1 Tr nltrr'l.'at.' Vlrm Vow Vnrb Cull IMJIO'M . II llll ' I l ItMl VI fill fancy small, llWnHc; New York fair n1w.nn 1 Al TI1 1 ms, to .triinkic (irnlu Iiirliet, MILWAUKEE, Sept. 25.-VHEAT-Mnr- Ket tower: ,o, 1 nortnern, sic; no. 2 north em. 7Sfj794o. RYE-Enaler: No. 1. 63tifl56c. HARLEY Quiet; No, 2, 57c; sample, 4214 me, Duluth Wbent Mnrket, DULUTH, Sept. 25,-WHEAT-No, 1 hard. K3sic: No. 1 northern. Mie: St: 2 northern. TS?ic; No. 3 uprliif, 7$?;c; to arrive, No, l CUCPMRERS-Per dozen, 23230. Nl'JJV TIR.NIPS-Per bushel basket, GOc. NEW REETS-Per bushel, 60tf75c. NEW CARROTS Per dozen bunches. 23c I.ETTl (' -Per dnxen. iniilRn. PEACIIES-Callfornla freestones, 80090c; lings. '0e; Ctnh freestones, 75S0c. I'L'vMS-Cnllfornlu, per crate. $1.1031.25. I Rl N I'.S I tall and nolnrmln. nor emt hard. Mic. September. Sl-ic; December MMtC. May, S4r. OATS-ai'JrflZSliC. CORN-IO'sC. Toledo Mnrket. TOLEDO, O.. Sept. 2S.-VHEAT-Dull; spot nnd October, ,914c; November, S214C. CORN-Dnll; No. 2 cash, 4Sc; September, 43; December, 35c, uats uuu; .no. 2, 23c; December, wsc. RYI-Dull; No. 2 cash, 5me. CLOVER SEED-Dull: October. $6.75: De cember, $6.6714! No. 2, $6.20. MlmirnpolN Wbent .llnrkft. MINNEAPOLIS. Sent. 23 -WHEAT In store. No. northern, 7Sc; December, 70c, May. M4'M'fcc; on trnek, iso. l nam, Sl'ic; No. 1 northern, 7914c; No. 2 northern, 76Uo. Pitnrln Mnrlrl. 1 'EORIA, Sept. :.-CORN-Stendy; No. 2, 40e. OATS Firm; No. 2 white, 23'ic, track. WIIIHIvV lln Dm lnU of tl Pi! for tilt. Ished goods. MOVEMEVrs OF .STOCKS AND IIO.MJS. Prices for Stocks Arc S trim it, On Inn lo tinerlnn (Iperntlotin, NEW YORK. Sent. 2:.-Tod.iVs nrlees for stocks wero strong, owing to covering op erations by the bears who sold stocks Inst week while the forced liquidation was go ing on. There wero signs ulrendy evldint yesterdas that the nrofesslniial henrs bud oyerdlscounted the decline, but the failure of n small Stock exchange llrm nnd the dls- iriiiuuun oi selling orders skllirully ur runged so ns to appear to come, from last year s bear leader strengthened Hie rnnll. denco of tho hears, and their uttnek on the market later In the day was successful In uwnkenlng It again. They continued their efforts this morning njul hhd good success for a time in tho most prominent Industrial stocks, notably Sjgar, Tobacco nnd Peo ple s (5ns, but the genera' list failed to re spond ns reudlly us yestirdiy to tho weak ness In tho special stocks The bears In consequence bought lo cover all through mo nm unn wrougni some suustuntiai ral lies. The declines In the specialties wero mostly Wined out. nnd llrnoklvn Trnnnlr and People's Ons were lined u point over last night. Last week's liquidation appar ently outran the needs of the money mar ket, and tho raids upon stocks were not successful In dislodging selling orders. mime iinuuiiy was induced in tite Dears oy the possibilities of suddenly favorablo de velopments In somo directions. The cut In the prlco of steel rails has not led to largo buying, so far ns known mul riillrnml mil. clals expressed dissatisfaction that tho price was not pinced there. When the rail road compnnles begin to place their con tracts for tlio coinlmr venr. Iinwever. nn effect Is sure to bo produced on the stocks pf steel companies generally. Wall street Is on the nlert Tor a settlement of tho coal strike, but thero was nothing to show the imminence or any 8UC11 event outside tho fears felt by the bears. While the liquida tion of Inst week seems to have met the Immediate needs of the money market forces mnktng toward tho depletion of New ork reserves continue in undiminished force. The currency movement to the In terior is VerV llirire nnil thn flithlrnnattre Id absorbing considerable Bums from the money market. A sharp fall In sterling was a reminder that New York still domi nates tho International exchange, tho stiff ness of the London money market proving unavailing to check the decline In sterling In New York. Sterling advanced, however, u Merlin and Paris, In spite of the harden ing money market at those centers. While no dOUbt Is felt that n.HV wldrnnre.nl ntrln. Kency In our domestic money market would " ins pronipi reuer uy goltl imports, in viow of our largo outstanding credits, no one supposes the needs of mere speculative holders of securities, however violent a rise In the exchange rate they might cause, would Induce any movement of gold from Europe under tho circumstances attending una luu b money inurKei mere. Ponds active In the market show ad vances, but losses were scored by some of tho less actlvo Issues. Total sales, par value, $930,000. United States refunding 2s, When Issued, nnd tbn fin leelln,l l. In tl. price. Commercial Advertiser's T.omlnn flnnnelnl cablegram: The markets were dull here to duy. Amerlcnns opened over parity and wero rainy firm nil day on benr closing, though Now York hesitated, trading llghtTv on both sides. The close exhibited small gnlns, Tho tone was more bullish for somo time. Copper shares were weak, Paris selling trensury bills, and prepara tions for the end of the quarter caused tho innrKei 10 oorrow auout i.'.wuw from tlio Dank of Enclund at 4 nor cant, ntsennnta wero firm. Tho bank lost 1150,000 gold to Egypt. Sliver was slightly lower, closed linn. Tho following aro the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atchison If'4iUnlon Pacific .. 64'i .. 7P. .. i'n .. in; .. t .. .. 11 ..108 .160 .. 4.i ..123 .. SI 14 .. (8 .. 4 .. 20 . . uf .. &0 .. l'i lo nfil CSi; do pfd Ilaltlmore & Ohio. b7 f.7 Wabash Canadian Pacific . Cnn.vla 8o do pfd 47H :'; Wheel. A I,. B dies. A Ohio do 2.1 pfd Chicago G. W. Wis. Central .. Third Avenue . c. 11. & q nn. Chl. Ind. &. I. 2fi',4 Adams Kx American Kx... do pfd.. ol 90 Chl. I). III... I, rt. Hx Chlcaeo A N. W...119k Wells-Parco IJx.. C, R. I. & V IO414 Amer. Cot. Oil .. do pfd Amer. Malting .. do pfd Amer. P. A II.... do pfd ,., Ameilcan Spirits , do pfd American 3. II... do pfd Amer. S. & W.... C. C. C. & St. L. CM, Colorado So .. 4Tt .. 3G .. lini ..lOTij, ..172 .. 11'i, .. MS, .. lnij 32 ..l.Wi .. 13 .. 31 ..llPi .. nit .. 35 .. si .. .. (o .. SM, ..IIG4 .. It .. 61 .. M'n .. 47T, .. 33 .. 9 .. :o ..lM'i ..127V4 .. 31', .. 731, .. 41i .. Wi .. 1S .. 42 .. 76 ..12'.Ti do Int pfd do 2d pfd Del. & Hudson .. Icl. U & W Denver & It. O... 17 U ri!4 3) 71 do pfd Uric do 1st rM Ot Nor. pfd 10 pfd.. Hocklnc Coal Amer. Tin Plate... 23 Hocklnp Valley. Illinois Central . Iowa Central .... uo pra 77 Amer. Tobacco .... MH do pfd ij " Aliac. Mining Co... 42 llreoklj-n It. T w, Colo. Kuel A 1 3,) Con. Tobacco ,' do pfd --, 1'ederal Steel 3ie, do pfd... 0-.T, Men. Electric ....13S'j Olucose Kugiir 4S4 lo pfd os Inter. Paper ic do pfd IJiclede Oils ss National Illscult .. Sin do pfd m National Iad .... i;i; lo pfd ft; National Steel t do pfd sz'i N. Y. Air llrake...i'6 do pfd Lake Krio & W. do pfd L. & N Manhattan !.... Met. St. Uy Mexican Central. Minn. & St. I.... do pfd Mo. Pacific Mobile & Ohio .. M K. & T do pfd N. J. Cmtral ... N. Y. Central ... Norfolk & West. do pfd No, Pacific do nfd Ontario A W Ore. Ity. A Nav... .no. American H14 do pf 4 .iciiin cont .. do 1st pfd.... Pennsylvania ReaJInt t0 15 ao 1 prd do 1st pfd do 2.1 pfd Itln G. W do pfd , St. U & S. P...., do lit pfd do Id pfd 6:',;, Pad do Mull .... 1 People's Uas Pressed H. Car... do pfd Pullman P. Car. . 90 . !!i . 3 . 32 . 11 . S'ili .. .Ail .. 414 ..U3H ..114 .. 53 .. PS .. SI, .. 271, .. 92 H. R. & T Sugar St. I j. South w.. do pfd Tenn. Coal A I. V. 8. Iy-ather ... do pfd U. S. Rubber .. do pfd do pfd St. Paul ..113 ..173 ..110 .. 31'i .. U ,. M .. 11 ..209 do pfd St. P. A Omaha So. I'aclno 80. Hallway .... do pfd Tea A Pacific Lake Shore .... Western Union 75 Republic 1. & S.... 101, do pfd til P. C. C. A St. U.. 4S Offarcd. Ex-dlvldend. Xew York Slonry aiarket. NEW YORK, Sept. 25.-MONEY-On call, steady at lif2 per cent; prime mercnntl'e paper. 4(4tfi)Va per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Heavy, with actual business In bankers' bills at SI.M'i. for demand and at $l.82.'Sl.S2'i for sixty days; posted rates, UMVA'iM and J1.87'.''a 4.88; commercial bills, $I.S.'(i74.S2i-. SILVER - Certificates. 2'0C3ic; bar, 62Hc; Mexican dollars, C2ic. 1IOND8 Governments, weak; state, Inac tive; railroad, Irresular. Tho c'oslng prices on bonds today are as follows: U. 8. ref. 2, reg.. 10314 do coupon 104 do 3. rfg 10:"'j do coupon Ma's do new 4, reg..,.1334 do coupon ISS'i do old 4?, reg- litis do coupon lHls do Cs, reg 113 do coupon 113 D. of C. 3 65s V.3 Atchison e'n. 4s... 100 do adj. 4s K' Canada 80. 2s 106' Chen. A Ohio 414s.. 9", do & IIS N. Y. c. is N. J. C gen 6s,.., No. Pacific Sm No Pavlflo 4 s N Y, C A St I, ,, N"f. A W. c. 4s... 0 e. Nav. Is do 4s .Oreifon 8. I.. 6s... 1 "do ronFol is..,, Heading cen. 4s.... Hlo O. W. In St I. A I M c. 3. "S I. A S P c, 6s, .IM14 .1224 . HI ' 101. . 97", .1 9 .102 .127 114 . SI os?i .112 .123 .K,S .11714 .UMl . 77i4 .lflSVj . M .112'i . 69 10IH .117 .looij .112 . SI m. 1 'an 1 con....... 8t P. U A P. is. 1 do is 'He. Pacific 41 C. & N. W. e. 7t..f59' do P. P. deb 5s..l204 Chlcairo Ter. 4s... W Colo. So. 4s 70 n. a 11. a. i.... 10314 do 4i I'" Prie general 4s 6714 ISo. Railway Ss 8. R. A T. 6s Ter. . l.,ln 1. I do It ' ll'nlon Pa-lrtc Is.., Wabash Is P. W. A I). C Is.. 72 Gen. Klectrle SS....U2 Iowa Ontml Is 113 I. & N. unl. 4s.... 9S1; M.. K. A T. 2s.. .. CI do 2s West Shore 1. Wis. Central Is... Va. Centuries do IS . ... 90 I When Issued. OfferedT l'orelnii l'liinnelnl. RERI-tN, Sept. 23, The weekly statement of tho Imperial Hank of Germany shows tho following changes: Cash In hand, de. crease, 1.420,000 mnrks; treasury notes, de crease, 180,000 murks; other securities, In crease, 30,520,00) marks; notes In circulation incrense, 21,240,000 marks. Business quiet on tho hourso today International securi ties declined, "Mine shares wero djll at tin opening, but rallied materially nt tho clobe Americans were flat. Money whb in lm Drovd demand. Exchnneo on London. 20m iota tor checks. Discount rates: Short bills, '! per cent, thfree months' bills, 3s ler cent Li 1 Sept 2o. Muney wns In good demand today Money Is relying largely on tho Hank of England, whence It has already obtained h considerable amount On the Stock exchange operators nre nerv ous nbout the condition of the money mar ket, the llrmness ,,f which has 11 depressing Influence. Government gilt-edge securities were dull, chiefly owing to there being no Improvement In the Chinese situation. Home rnllrouds were Idle American se curities wero fairly steady nnd were 11 trllle above parity. Northern Paclllcs improved on the cessation of German sales. Grand Trunks were weak as a result or the dis appointing tralllc returns. Knfllrs were somewhat llrmer. operators being occupied with the carryover The ntnouut of bullion withdrawn from tho Hank of England on balance today was JUjO.000. Spunlsh 4s closed nt "IS. Tho gold premium ut llueiioj Ayres Is 1.10.10. PARIS, Sept. 26. Prices on the bourse to day wero weak until near the close, when they partially recovered. Apprehension of new ilimcultles in Chlnn nnd fenrs of dearer settlement money caused n decline. Knlllrs wero firm on the Trnnsvnnl news. Three per cent rentes, lOOt 5c for the nc count. Exchange on London, 2of lV4c for checks, .Spanish 4s closed nt 72.35. Ronton HOSTON, Sept. cent; time loans tOCU (llKllllllllllK, 25. Call loans. 2'4if3 tier , tftl'fc'per cent. Ufllctat closing A., T. A S. P, Wis. Central Atchison N E. (1. A C. Cs. Adventure Allouez Mining Co U M CO' 114 do pfd Amer. Sugar .... do pfd Hell Telephone . Iloston A Me C, II. A ( Dominion Coal .. do pfd Federal Steel ... Uo pf,l Pltehburg pfd.... Clen. Ulectrlc ... do pfd Ed. Klectrlc III.. Mexican Central Mich. Telephone N. 1. O. A C... Old Dominion ... Pnlon Pacific ... West End Wcstlngh. i:iec. ti. 1I4U 137 m 13t 3S 110 3 3't m' 132 K9 210 10 S3 1) 10 MS 92 4S14 Amal. Copper Atlantic tloston A Mont.... Ilutte A tloston.... . SC, . 2214 .309 . ro .740 . 13'4 . 13 . 23 . 63 . 40 .142 . 4 .229 . 25 . 5'-l . 39 cnt. A nccia C?iitennlal Franklin Humboldt aceola Parrot Qulncy Santa Fe Copper.. Tamarack L'tnh Mining Winona Wolverines mv York Mliilnir Stocks. NEW YORK, Sept. 25. Tho following nre the closing quotations for mining shares today: Chollar Crown Point Con. Cal. A Vn.. Deudwood Gould A Currle . Hale A Norcrosi . II' ine.inkn Iron Sliver Mexican . 13 . S .113 . 4 . 2! . 18 50M . a Ontario Ophlr ,...K0 .... 4d .... 8 ....ISO ....K10 .... 28 ....4CI0 .... IS .... 17 1'iyiiioiitli Q nck'llver .... do pfd Sierra Nevada Standard Union Con Yellow Jacket , London Mock (liotntlona, LONDON, Sept. 25.-1 p. m.-Cloalng: Consols, money do acoount .. .. 9?i Erie 9S7-K do 1st pfd . . 2 i Pennsylvania .... . . S9l Ileadlng ..11114 No. Pacific pfd.. .IIS Grand Trunk .... .. Anaconda 11 3314 6414 74 70H nv 40 Atchison Canadian Pacific St. Paul Illinois Central . Louisville Union Pacific pfd N. Y. Central .. . 7",4 Rand Mines 130'f1 PAR SILVER-Stendy,' 2STid per oz. MONEY-2'cf4i3 per cent; short bills, per cent; three-months' bills, 4 per cent. KI it II til' 111 1 Notes. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 25,-Clearlngs, 5,C33,0')0; balances, JOeO.144 Money, BW" 1 er cent. New York exchange, 60c discount bid, 40c discount nsked. CHICAGO. Sent. 25.-CIenrIngs. I21,lBS,nSa: balances. SI,2C),314. Posted exchang", I.Ha T(4.fc7,j; New York exchange, 35c discount I'lM'l.NKAT . sent. .;. i-irarings, j;,oji - OTA New York exchange, 350740c dUcount. Money. 3j0 per cent. NEW YORK. Kent. 25. riearings, its,- CSI.SM; balances. $S.32.'!,2M. HOSTON, Sept. 25. (."leanngs, Jia.'Jl,- C05; balances, $l.nsn,545. Piin.AnEi.i'iiiA. sent. 25. r enrinur. JlS.415.TiN: balances, f3,1l'l,S4I".. HALTIMORE. Sent. 25,-Clenrlngs. $3,111,- D2I; bnlances, JIOO.Tal. Conilldoii of lir Trensnrr. WASHINGTON, Sept. 25. Today'n state ment of the treasury bnlances In the gen eral fund exclusive of the J150.000.000 gold reserve) In the division of redemption, shows: Available balance, $134,905,84"; gold, $77,070,020. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 1".. COTTON-There was a fairly active but much weaker mar ket for cotton todnv. tho first call showing 11 decline of S to 12 points, with selling gen eral. I'rices ny noon unn returned to about tho closlngi llgures of tho previous day on covering in .anticipation of the bu reau report, which, when It appeured, fell n llttlo lint. The market advanced a. few points in responso lo it, but immediately turned very weak under renewed selling on tho grounds that tho report had been previously discounted. There was a luck of support of any kind and prices gave wny sharply. In tho early afternoon the mnrKet was orr to tno opening finals, with speculation sluggish. Traders were afraid of receipts with tho New Orleans esti mates for tomorrow particularly depressing. At tho weaker Interval of the Hsslon prices showed n toss of 18 to 23 points, Selling wns checked, however, by the largo discount ut which the more remote positions nre selling as compared with current prices. Tlio market closed barely steady at a net loss of 12 to 2.1 points. Cotton futures closed barely steady. September, 10.0S; Oc tober, 10c; November, .Ode; December. .958c; January, .057c; February, .958c; March, .050c; April, .951': May. 95Tc; June, .950c; July. .954c. Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 9c; middling gulf, 11c; sales, 10) ST. LOUIS. Sept. 25.-COTTON-Steadv; middling. lOic: sales, none; receipts, 3,395 bales; shipments, 1,611 bales; stock. 8,031 bales. NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 25,-COTTON-Ku-lures, barely steady; September, 10.3310 10.35c; October, D.btiftO.RTc: November, 9.3.Vfi9.40c; December, 9..T.V9.."i',c; January, 9.a'ii9.3iJo; February, 9.15fi9.19c; March. 9.40039.43c; April, .41i5i9.42e- May. 9.41SID. 13c. Spot, easy; sales, 4,450 bales: ordinary.. 8 fl-lOc; good ordinary, 9c; low middling, 940; mid dling, lO'ic; good middling, 10'4o; middling fair, IC'iic- LIVERPOOL, Sept. 25. COTTON-Small business; prices lower; Amorloan middling (u.1rr'..!'4,,,; 800,1 middling, 7d; middling, i 15-lfid; low middling, r,'4rt: Rood ordinary, fi 13-3.M; ordinary, 5 21-32d The sales of th day were 2,0o0 bales, Including 1,000 Amer ican: none for speculation nnd sxport. Re ceipts, 13,000 bales, Including 9,100 Amer ican. K 11 turns opened stendy and clnsed quiet, but steady: American middling. 1. m. c.; September. 7d value; September and October. G U-fi4d, buyers; Octobor nnd No vembor, Ii 44-Gld. sellers; November nnd De cember, .1 31-Clftn 35-61d, buyers; December nnd Jnnunry, 5 2S-6lfi5 29-Gld. sellers; Jun unry nnd February, 5 25-015,5 Jfi-cid, sellers: February and March, 5 23-fild, sellers March and Anrll. 5 21-Gld, sellers; April and May. 5 19-6115 26-64d, buyers; May and r,"'.f-' ;S"6I,'; fellers; June nnd July. 5 IG-m 2,V-l.:,,,1 "filers; July nnd August, 6 15-C4(rf 5 lT-GId, sellers. " Wool Mnrkel. ROSTON, Sept. 25,-WOOL-The market hero continues dull and Kales ruled light during the past week. Manufacturers are only demanding such quantities of ivnol as thev need in tho manufacture of th?lr products. Arrivals of wool In tho market show n largo decrease, compared with Inst year, when the uctlve demand prevnlllng nt that time Induced early shipments from the went. Tho prices are being held f-,r all kinds of wool, but any pressuro to force sale would undouhtedlv tend to reduce prices greatly. Territory wools con tlnuo to hold tho list of snlcs. Fine medium and fine, staple and scoured, quoted at 48W,Oe. wlil'o strictly sta tile calls fur 52TiE3e Fleece wools are nom inal, with prices slow. Fallowing nro the quotations: Ohio and Pennsvlvnnln, X and above, 2iiri"7c; X nnd XX nbovo iSfijic; delaine. 29'i30e: No. 1 combing. 2!l1i30c; No 2 and thren-elghths blood, 291T30c; quarter blood washed. 20r10e; ronrce and braid washed 2'Wi27o. Michigan, Wisconsin, etc : X Michigan. 22fl23c; No l Michigan eomo Ing. 2Xc:'No. 2. 2Sfi2Do; quarter blood washed. 2Sfi29e, coarso nnd braid wiiHhe I, 25fl2c: fine delaine. 20ft27r; unwnBlied medium Kentucky nnd Indlnnn qunr'er blood combing. 2IW23c; three-eighths blood, 2ITi25c; Missouri quarter blood combing, 22 (fi23o: thrce-elijhths blood, 23fi:Tc; braid combing, 20ft2lo: lake and Georcln. 22fi2Jo. Territory wool, scoured basis: Montana and Wyoming, line nnd medium. lliBP'c: scoured, 5le; staple. n2T5.: Utah fine meuium nnd tine, lG17c; scoured. 4Sf?50f; stnple. 5217530: Idaho fine medium and fine. JtVaiTc: scoured, 4Vfr50o; stnple. 525553c Australian wools, scoured basis: Spot prices comhing, superllne, nominal, E2fiS5c: good, TSQSOc; average, TCiiTUo. Ciilirornlii Dried Frnlts, NEW YORK. Sept. 25 CALIFORNIA DRIED FRI'ITS-Evapornted apples were aout stendy on small receipts, but wot. em quotobly higher. State common was quoted at SfiSo; prime. 414f'5,c; choice, R'yfifie: fancy. 6q6UjC, Pollfornln dried fruits ruled quiet nnd unchnnped. Prunes, 3tjff "Uc per pound, ns to size nnd quality. Apri cots. Roynl, IliTille- Mo.ir Park, ISfilGc. Peaches, jieeled, 14018c; unpeeled, 6Q9c. SiiKitr Mnrket, Sept. 25,-SUOAR-Heet, lis LONDON. NEW YORK, Sent. 25-SUGAR-Raw, unlit inn ii'uiuiiKi 1 w, ut'iiu uumii, int int, 4?io: molapRps Hiicar, in; refining, firm. NEW OltUCANB, Srpt- 15-srGAU- cenirttugai, i tr, uivi '!"- I" HI1 1 1 1 1 iiV4lUtlli J low, Cfi-iUo; seconds, 3'H 9-lCc. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Liberal Recoiptj of Oattle, bnt Markot Held About Btcadj. HOGS OPENED WEAK, BUT CLOSED STRONG On ml Active Ilrinnml for Iloth Sheep mid I.ittitlis nt Ycsteriln js Prior nnd 1'ceilers Wore Also About the Sitiur, SOUTH OMAHA, Sept. Receipts were: Ofllclal Mondny OIllclul Tuesday Cuttle ,..10,710 ,.. 0,603 Hog. Sheep. 1,637 10.60S 6,995 6,725 Two days this week 16.313 8,632 16,393 BHino uays last week ....13,091 10.266 zs.uss Knmo week before 11,9.17 7,939 11,351 Same three weeks ago.. 11,929 11,135 18,216 bame four weeks ugo.... 11,572 10,370 19,352 Average price paid for nogs for tho last several days, with com parls on . I 1900. 1899.1S9S.1&97.11M..1M.1KM Sent. 1... 6 OP, 1 "oi n u it 'ill ? 77 ' I 6 M Sept. Bcpt. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Kept. Sept. 2... 3... 4 14 3 SH 4 071 2 SI 4 51 5 02 r ( 5 0, 5 OGif, 5 10Ti 5 1W, B 22 I 35 I 3 62 4 07 2 SI 4 31 4. . E. . 4 04 2 71, 4 21i 5 f.l 5 (A 6 51 r. 37 6 51 5 62 5 83 5 80 S 73 5 72 5 67 5 61 5 4G 5 43 5 31 5 26 5 2C 5 40 4 05 4 02 4 00 .1 94 3 93 3 S4 4 13 4 20 6... 7 3 Ml 2 78 2 81 2 SI 4 2 3 GO 3 C7 3 CS 4 21 4 0 4 01 10. 11. 1! 2 86 2 SI nept, 6 20lt 3 771 2 79 4 on 4 06 Sept. is:.-, 5 07; 3 T9l 3 82 'i-i'i. 1 n it 3 S.I' T W 2 fi9l 4 05 IS ! (.71 5 70' Sept. Sent. 15.. IS.. 17.. IS.. 11 .t M, 3 f 2 ,3 4 1. 2 05 4 03 2 71 4 041 2 SI 4 0! Sept. 512 4-5 3 (Ml 3 86 I 3 911 wept. r. 13, G 19 sept 1 3 74 ;t 71 Neni. "11 1 r 22 'k I 031 I 4 02 4 01 2 Ml 3 96 1 ,?; mi Sept. 2t: 1 1 5 23 I Sept. 22.. 521 2-5 Sent. 23 I 3 761 2 SSI 4 (0 3 8SI 2 811 3 85 Sept. 21,. 614 2-5 hcpt. 23.. I 5 16 4 41 3 82 2 90 3 82 Indicates Sunday. The ofllclal number of cars of stock brought In lodny by each road was: . Cnttle.H gs.Sh'p.U'r's. C., M. & St. P. ny... 7 6 O. & St. L. Rv........ 1 Missouri Pacific Ity.. 10 4 Union Paclllc System 54 19 8 2 C. & N. W. Ry 2 V., E. & M. V. II. R.. 61 31 7 S. C. & P. Ry 1 3 C, St. P.. M. & O. Ry 7 B H. i M. R. R. R SG 21 9 C, II. & Q. Ry 1 5 K. C. & St. J 8 1 C, R. I. & P., enst... 2 3 C, R. I. & P., west.. .. 1 Totnl recelnts ....228 103 21 Til,. . 1 1 .. . I . t ., .. .. ,!. .1....... ...... as follows, each buyer purchasing tho num- uki- 111 iicuu inuicnieu: Cattle. Hors. Sheep. Omaha. Packing Co., 670 1. 11. unmmoml co Swift JC- Cfimniim. 1,425 1,526 1,300 2,022 316 113 5 10 2,117 Cudahy Packing Co....! iriieuir ,v company willllllll I I1UK1IIK V.O., IV. U Swift R- fmnliunv If C Swift & Company, country 126 it. 11. iiammoi u. iv. i:.. Armour & Co.. K. C... R. Heoker & Degnn ... Ynnsant Sr. Cn 132 14 2fl9 351 159 65 178 79 II 453 269 1113 23 S3 J. L. Carey Lobmun & Co MrPrpBi-i Claris W. I. Stephen Iltlt Jtr I1lliil7tnirr Huston & CO Livingstone & Schaller Hamilton it Rothschild L. F. Husz H. L. Dennis & Co R. F. ITnbblek A. S. Mawhlnney Other buyers , .1.407 2,937 Totals CATTLE After 6,r,ll 8,913 6.058 yesterday's record- breaker of 10.710 head, which overrun the record of September 18 of last year, today's supply did not seem very heavy. There was, however, a good supply of feeders, nnd ns yard traders wero well filled up from yesterday thero was plenty to meet all demands. Included In the receipts were nbout thirty cars of corn cattle. Packers took hold with n little more life than they have on 'tome days of late, and where the cattle Just happened to suit them they paid perhaps a little stronger prices, but as n rule the market was Just nbout steady. 8ome cattle on the other hand, that did not suit them, they neglected, and those kinds were hnrdly steady Thero wore about thirty cars of cown on tho mnrket today and the demand being In good shape, practically everything changed hands In good season at steady to stronger prices. A few sales were mado that looked quite a little higher, but the market could best bo described by calling It a good, steady to strong, nctlvo market on all grades. Tho feeder market seemed to ho a little uneven today, owing probably to n large extent to the largo supply In sight In the hands of yard traders. Cn" of good weight and quality were steady, nnd the market ns a whole wus Just about steadv, but especially toward the Inst end tfie mnrket seemed to drag a llttlo nnd the kinds that did not suit the buyers, were weak nnd dull. Considering the large supply tho mnrKet was In good shape nnd the cattle us n rule brought very satis factory prices. There were practically no western beef cattle on sale today, although packers are anxious for that class of cattlo nnd aro paying good, strong prices for what does arrive. Cows brought steady to stronger prices and were In good demand. Feeders also sold generally steady, particularly If they were at nil desirable. Representative sales: nEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. A v. Pr. 1 700 14 00 23 1047 5 IS 20 1213 4 CK 23 lf2t 5 15 23 1M4 4 50 80 1139 S U 2 ll'O 4 55 20 Wl 5 15 1 fi" 4 CI 42 K03 IS 3D 13 SIS 4 "5 38 1271 R 30 10 1010 4 83 24 1242 5 3 54 1043 4 90 2 1237 8 35 4 625 4 W 70 .'. 1431 5 35 20 1148 4 93 20 12ft) 5 40 24 1202 5 10 61 1262 5 40 21 1157 5 10 1 1IM 5 40 21 1201 & 10 43 1(44 5 50 21 1177 6 15 43 1582 5 0 STEERS. COW'S AND HEIFERS. e 1014 4 to COWS.. 1 730 1 CO 6..... !M 10O 1 820 1 60 8 IOCS 3 00 1 900 1 50 11 SM 3 05 1 8S0 3 25 6 0S8 3 03 1 950 2 23 16 5t 3 10 1 780 2 25 4 1087 8 10 1 1100 2 25 t 8(3 2 10 2 M0 2 40 24 SS 3 13 3 870 2 40 1 1000 3 20 r, 928 2 50 693 .1 20 3 Sf.0 2 80 2 850 3 2.1 1 040 S 50 3 115 3 iO 7 957 2 50 14 10C9 3 30 4 (185 3 50 t 1164 3 30 8 941 2 70 20 943 3 35 3 810 2 85 & 972 3 40 1 SM 2 Ii 1 1170 3 51 9 1011 2 90 1 1230 3 50 2 9f0 2 90 2 1043 3 CO 4 1152 3 00 10 1208 4 10 1 9M 3 (0 HEIFERS. 4 533 3 00 3 880 3 25 13 537 3 00 13 993 3 30 1 850 3 00 2 493 3 75 10 748 3 10 1 11M 4 30 16 819 3 20 BULLS. 1 10OO 2 ft) 2 913 .3 25 1 1450 2 65 1 730 3 23 1 1000 2 85 1 9(0 3 33 1 920 3 10 COWS AND HEIFERS. SO 1045 3 50 (9 T65 4 00 CALVES. 1 110 r, 00 STOCK CALVES. 1 350 2 50 1 330 4 25 2 S10 3 00 6 300 4 50 1 400 3 50 2 383 4 30 1 400 3 50 S 306 4 50 3 356 3 W 32 3C6 4 (0 1 390 3 50 18 233 4 85 3 3(3 4 00 4 90 ( 10 16 420 4 10 2 290 4 75 1 !64 4 10 1 210 00 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 "SO 2 75 R 662 3 15 15 726 3 00 2 1100 3 15 f, 778 3 00 8 54 3 25 1 700 3 00 2, 715 3 JO 2 825 3 00 1 820 3 60 1 830 3 01 1 9i0 3 fti STOf'KERS AND FEEDERS. 1. 830 2 10 II 552 3 45 3 53 3 60 3 03 3 0.1 3 C5 3 73 3 75 3 75 3 ',3 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 80 3 0 4 CO 4 00 4 00 I 0) 1 X. 3 S 1 3 1 9 13 1 3 2 2 3 10 74') 900 720 700 400 853 WO 757 filO 430 f.C 700 800 803 880 (93 630 823 850 U 2 50 2 M 3 00 3 to 3 10 3 M 3 00 3 03 3 '.0 3 15 3 S3 3 23 3 23 3 73 3 23 3 25 2 23 3 25 3 33 3 44 39. 720 769 731 676 873 9i8 733 767 C77 537 611 778 8(6 8V) (85 470 8J0 66 tl 70 8... 16... 27... 41... 10... 47... 4... 7... V 20.... 14.... 10.... 44.... 8.... 17.... .... 10.... 4.. 3.. I.MM.I. 4 Ot 131. NEBRASKA 66 feeders. 3 feeders. 93 feedtrs. 4 feeders. , R feeders. 6 feeders. 10 feeders. , Stll 3 40 3 11 27 feeders.. 817 3 40 3 75 3 35 3 70 3 70 3 70 3 70 3 50 3 60 3 CI 3 00 3 10 2 SS 2 SB 3 65 3 00 3 40 3.75 3 10 2 90 a 10 4 10 4 .15 4 rti 1 35 3 50 3 2 7(1 3 75 3 15 , 810 , m 90 , 820 , 831 , (x , S91 27 feeders.. 76-1 10 feeders.. S6J 82 feeders.. 820 39 feeders,. 831 69 feeders. . i'O SI feeders. 891 3 70 3 80 3 00 3 ( 3 00 3 CO 3 BO 4 (1) 4 05 4 10 3 20 2 85 3 70 3 70 3 70 3 25 3 25 3 00 6 00 3 80 .1 65 2 60 :i 15 I 35 3 70 3 60 3 75 .1 30 2 25 10 feeders. 11 feeders.. 711 1 bull 18 feeders 31 feeders .1210 .. S24 1 hull.... ..1100 7 cows... 1 cow.... .1075 .1070 . 910 .1150 34 feeders.. 678 1 cow 43 heifers... 8G2 12 cows ....1050 1 steer 1120 1 steer 1150 1 steer 1030 1 steer 910 1 steer 950 1 steer V0 1 calf 270 13 feeders.. 969 C.i steers... .1051 15 cows 862 6 cows. 1061 B feeders. . 921 C feeders.. 833 24 cows 9S0 25 feeders 7s 13 cows .. .1014 2 bulls 1200 4 heifers... 752 15 feeders. . 9'W 1 stag 910 10 calves... 378 3 heifers. ..1113 6 heifers.. .1016 2 hclfers...l025 1 cow ...1050 II cows 9S0 15 feeders.. 723 1 heifer.... 48'j 1 cow... 1 cow... ..1090 ..1210 .. 970 .. 98? 2 cows.... 12 cows 35 cows.... 15 feeders. 4 feeders. 10 feeders. 3 feeders. 9 feeders. 4 cows. . . . 6 cows.... 911 723 191 sOO 95 10S5 1167 9oG 31 feeders. . 6 '.1 2 COWS 1030 COLORADO. 3 15 1 bull 1231 3 20 .1 75 3 75 3 60 3 00 3 73 3 75 3 25 1 75 .3 15 2 9i) 2 60 3 15 3 00 1 feeder... 760 C calves... 426 1G feeders. 3 feeders. 2 hulls.... 1 btm 1 bull G28 710 785 950 1070 1 heifer.... 660 1 cow.. 2 cows. , 970 . 890 W, 934 1000 ID J. Burns Neb, 4 25 3 feeders. 47 feeders. 1 feeder.. 916 4 25 w E. Hntl-Neh. 4 05 15 feeders.. 927 232 feeders. 927 3 60 Hooking Bros. Neb. 23 COWS 922 3 10 J. H. Orash-Neb. 2 cows 790 2 75 7 cows 993 3 20 3 SO 4 00 2 00 2 75 2 75 2 75 3 9 3 60 A. lllirr zvel), 17 cows. . . . 3 cows..., 1 calf 1 calf 1 calf 1 cnlf.... 4 cows... 1 cow 3 cows... .1101 3 00 7 feeders.. 6S0 .953 2 70 Wilson 310 fi 00 2S0 5 00 . 170 B 00 3 feeders. 760 Bros. Wyo. t cow 1 cow 1 cow , 1 cow 12 feeders., 2 feeders. GOO SS0 8i0 960 883 710 . 330 .1000 .1100 ,. 900 I 3 60 3 00 2 75 w II. Rothwell -Neb. 24 feeders. 901 3 70 1 steer 900 4 50 J. 1 1. Krouse Neb. 1 cow 900 2 10 6 cows 920 2 10 20 cows 9S1 2 S5 HOGS There wns not a heavy run of hogs here today, which makes the supply for tho two days this week rather short. Chicago reports show that buyers were trying to get their hogs cheapor there nnd packers started out to do the samo thing here nnd succeeded in getting n few loads at n llttlo easier prices. In view of the light supply nnd the good tlemnnd the market firmed up Inter on nnd became quite nctlve nt fully Monday's prices. The Mtinllty of tli arrivals todny ns a whole was -better than yesterday, which fact nelps out today's nvcriige to some extent The top today was J5.25, or 5c higher than yesterday, and several loads sold nt J5.22H tint those tliat brought over $5.20 were of much belter quality than anything on yesterday's market. The bulk of the choice lightweights sold nt 15.171 and 73.20, nnd n few loads ns hljth ns J5.25. Good heavyweights went Inrgely ut $5.15 n-"!!.V1.0,, coarser, heavier hogs brought $n.l'iJ5.12l.. The lust arrivals were picked up nt u little stronger prices, In spite of the fact that Chicago closed weak. It was evi dent thnt packers wanted hogs todny. and iiii-ii- hum not a very uie suimiv here they had to pay good Ropresentntlvo sales: prices for thorn. No. 88... 33... 52... 10... 10... 74... 43... Av, fill. Pr. ... 84 25 40 5 OJIA No 53., 63., Av. 8I1. Pr. J 15 5 1 i 13 5 15 5 15 5 15 ? 5 15 5 15 5 13 ..105 ..337 ..301 ..288 ..290 ..219 ..282 219 IS) 2(2 40 5 10 r. 10 5 n 5 10 5 10 R 10 : 10 4 10 s 10 s ui r. 124 5 iVi . 12' j 5 12V4 5 124 S 12U r 124 5 124 5 121, 5 124 c i:a 5 15 R 15 6 13 5 13 5 1.'. 5 15 5 13 5 15 G 13 5 15 5 15 5 13 5 P. 5 15 5 15 r. is 5 15 r. r. 70... 52... 51... 46... 60... 26... 40... (3... 53... 71... 69... (0... 74... 9... 73... 16... 61... 73... 74... 235 300 230 281 275 213 80 '9. .191 49 306 ...203 ...234 ...232 ...243 ...277 ...270 ...243 ...264 ...2Jt ...116 ...245 ...234 ...262 4! 93 320 56..., 77... 47..., lfO.. 15..., 10..., 61..., 66. . . , 69..., 64..., 68..., 00..., 53.... 31..., 70..., 81..., 75... , 64... 73..., 49 .. 54... 69... 40... 61... 59... 68... 80... 67... 63... 68... 77..., 61... ....339 ....291 ....271 ....291 ....278 ....293 ....2.19 ....236 ....297 ....200 ....225 ....294 ....355 ....233 ....250 ....223 ....220 ....233 ....269 ....S34 ....276 . . . .255 . . . .288 ....260 ....285 ....281 ....257 ....264 ....287 ....279 ....193 5 13 R 13 5 174 5 174 r, 174 r. 174 6 :74 5 174 5 K4 R 174 B 174 5 174 5 174 5 174 5 174 6 174 5 174 5 174 R 174 R 174 R 174 5 174 6 174 5 174 5 20 5 20 5 20 S 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 r, 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 224 R 214 R 224 5 J24 6 25 I 25 120 280 100 SO ISO 40 'so 40 'ii so 40 120 40 40 '20 40 80 m fi4 210 62 248 60.. 09.. 63.. 6f.. 74.. 66.. ....292 ...203 ...S83 ...198 ...212 ...258 63 303 82.., ..209 69 S3 60 74.,..., 69 47.'!".'! 61 , 76 ..282 ..220 ,..274 ..216 ..250 ,..201 ..262 ..264 . .241 ..194 ..2(3 ..264 ..233 ...228 ..234 ..229 ,..230 .223 '.'.164 ..213 . ,2.'8 ..208 271 58.... 60.... 75.... 77.... 68 250 61 306 6 15 5 15 6 15 r, is & 15 6 15 5 15 5 13 6 13 5 15 63 317 88.. .187 .229 .283 .265 .236 .263 .ha 74 63 (5 63 41 63 52 3D.... 78.... 76.... 6.8.... 216... 70.... 79.... 210 80 89 ... R Ii (0 66.. .241 ... 6 IS There was not SHEEP- nutte ns mnnv Hiicop on suie toaay ub yester day, and the demand, on the part of both packers and feeder buyers, being in good shape, It was not long before the pom were practically cleared. The market did not show much change on either sheep or Inmbs from yesterday, everything being bought up at Just about steady prices. Feeders n'.so brought about the same prices ns they did yesterday, and the da mnnd from the country continues fully equal to tho supply. Quotations; Choice western grass weth ers, $3.7Bf4.tiO; choice grass yearlings, $3.76 (JfLOO; choice ewes, $3.2.V(i3.nO; fair to good ewes. $3.tWiJ3.25; oull ewes, $2.50ft3.00: choleo spring lambs. J4.fi3JJ-l.75; fair to good spring lambs. $4.50WI.G5; feeder wethers, $3,354? 3.65; feeder lambs, $4.O0'5l.40. No. Av. Pr. 10 cull owes 85 $2 03 18 Utah ewes M 3 00 93 Utah owes 80 3 00 27 South Dakota ewes 93 3 25 141 Nebraska ewes 94 3 25 1 Nebraska ewe 70 3 25 49 Nebraska ewes 91 3 25 12 Utah ewes 98 3 25 87 Utah ewes 9S 3 25 66 Utah cws 96 3 25 5 cull lambs 26 3 60 373 Utah feeders 93 3 60 191 Utah feeders 89 3 GO 621 Utah feeders 93 3 60 124 Nebraska wethers 100 3 65 143 South Dakota wethers 95 3 SO 380 South Dakota feed lambs 60 4 31 60 Utah lambs 65 4 60 90 Nebraska lambs 63 4 50 246 South Dakota lambs 60 4 05 231 feeder wethrs 92 3 50 85 feeder wethers 92 3 70 632 Wyoming wethers 97 3 70 3 Wyoming lambs 60 4 70 1177 Wyoming Inmbs 60 I 70 3 feeder wethers 66 3 00 61 feeder wethers 70 3 311 161 feeder wethers 109 3 55 149 feeder wethers ....1 108 3 65 30 feeder yearlings 74 3 60 18 feeder yearlings 61 3 60 141 ewes and wethers 78 3 GO 97 Utah feeders 92 3 60 311 Utah wethers 99 3 70 1 Utah lamb 60 4 60 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cuttle Generally Hlenily to Slovr Hon I, on or Sliet-p Hlnlier. CHICAGO. Sent. 25.-CATTLE-Recelpts. 3.600 head, Including 1.000 westerns nnd 1,200 Texnns; generally steady In slow; Texans a shade lower; native, best on snlo to day, two carloads at $5.80; good to prime steers, $5.IO'i5.I); poor to medium, $l.60'if 6.35: selected feeders, strong ut $3.&0ff 1.40; mixed stockers, $2.75fia85; cows, choice, stendy; mediums a slin le lower nt $2.8001.25: heifers, $3.005.00; ennners. steady nt $2.00 ji2.75; bulls, $2.&ifi 1.60; calves, steady nnd unchanged nt $l.504i6.50; Texnns, receipts, 1,200 head: best on snlo todny. 10 carloads at $3.65; Texiis-fed steers. $l.25ff5.00; Texas grass steors, $3.40SI.20; Texas bulls, $2 60ft 3.60. HOGS Receipts today, 21.000 head; to morrow. 29.000 estimated; left over, 2,600 head; steady to a shade lower; top, $5.55; mixed and butchers', $5 10f5.52V4; good to choleo henvy, $5 10425.60; rough heavy, $1.93 ffi5.05; light, $5.20fj5.60; bulk of sales, $3.25 Q5.40. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpls, II.O11O head; steady to too hlghor; lambs, 15c higher and nctlvc; good to choleo wethers, $3.S5f 4.25; fair to choice mixed, $3.60413 90; west, em sheep. I3.9if4.20; Texas sheep. $2 60r 3.6fl; native lambs, $1.2565.25; western Inmbs, $I.T5',cf5.25. Kmii) ('Mr Live Stock, KANSAS C1TV. Sept. 25. CATTLE Re. celpts, ll.CiiO natives. fi.4'K) Texans. l.60 calves; market about steady; native steers, $4 75f(6 60. stockers and feeders, $3.60ftS 00, butcher cows and heifers, $3.00ft4 25, can ners. $2.&0?M 00. fed wusterns, $3.01j I 9); wintered Texans, $3 604j3 75; grass Texans, $3.0fljl3.65; calves, $4 604(0 00, Iioas-Kecelyts, 13,CW bend; trade fairly , 806 3 40 : 1073 STEERS AND STAGS, 1(16 5 2.. nrlive, prices rullnr JViTjc lower, heavy nnd mixed, $5.15tf3 25; light, $5 104T6 25, pigs, $4 -o'rl , IV. SHEEP-Recelpts. 4,000 head; muttons steady; fnt lambs, shade lower, lambs, $!. si3 in, muttons, $3.rli3.75; stockers nnd feeders, $3.250 1 25; ctllls, $2 60ff3.25. Ml, LottU l.lvr Ntoclt. ST LOUIS, Sept. 28,-CATTLE-llecelpts. 5.400 head. Including 2,200 Toxntis; market steadj , nnllvo shipping nnd export steers, $l.85i5,S6, dressed beef nnd butchers' steers, $U5ir5.30, steers under l.cmo lbs., $3.35;TG.15; stockers and feeders, $2.604il,S0, cows ami heifers, $.M-,i 1.95, tannors. $1.60(172.75, bulls, $2.40(3.25; Tixas nnd Indian steers, $3.25jf 4.6B; cows nnd heifers, $2.254j3.G0. 110US-Receipts. 9.800 hend; mnrket BfilOo lower: pigs and lights, $5.304ff.43; packers, S5.20fM.S5; btiti hers', S5.3086.6j. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Hoeelpts, 2,60 head; market stendy: native muttons, $3.V ffil.OO; Inmbs. $1,6055.10: culls and bucks, $2.7&ti3.75; stockers, $2.5003.25. ew lurk t.Ur Stock, NEW YORK. Sept. 25HEEVES-Re-celpts, SO tinnd, steady: bulls, $2.60f3 60; cows, $1.70if3.25: cables llrmer; live catt e, ll'ol2Uc; ops, 13c, refrigerator beef, 9f 9c; Inferior, 9c per lb.; shipments, oSO entile nnd 3.V0 quarters of beef. CALVES-Recelpts. 125 head! veals stendy; grasscrs lower; nearly all sold; veals, $5.00'fS 75, sninll calves, $4.50; crass ors and buttermilks, $3,0013,40. SHEEP AND LA MHS Receipts, 3,151 head; market slow hut steady; sheep, $3.00 Ml. 35; lambs. $l.604i5.75; Canada lambs, $5.70: nulls, $3.50yi.0i). HOO8 -Receipts. 2,491 head; no sales re ported; nominally strong St. JosPiitt Live !4tnok, SOUTH ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Sept. 23.-Spe-clal.)-CATTLE-Recelpls, 2.200 head: mar ket ensy to 10c lower: natives, $I.104TG.M: Texas and westerns, $3,254)6.40; cows nnd heifers, S2.254TI.76i bulls nnd steers. J2.25U 4. SO; yearlings nnd cnlves. $3.60171.65; stock ers nnd feeders, $3.liVTf 1.60; vcnls, $1.500 6 50. HOOS Receipts, 7,000 hendi. mnrket opctied weak to 2l,4c lower! closed 5c lower; nil grades, $5.154j'5.25; bulk of sales, $.16 6 22-. 8lf EEP AND LAMBS-Itccclpts. 3.500 hend; Inmbs, steady i sheep, ensy to 10c lower; lambs, $l,60fjo.OO; sheep, $3.50i?4 no Stock In .Mailt. Following nro tho rccelntB at tho four principal western markets for September 23: Cattle, Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 6,603 6,995 6,725 Chicago 3,60) 21,000 11,000 Kansas City 18.000 13.G00 4,000 St. Louis 5,400 9,800 2.G00 Totals ...32.50,1 61,393 23,325 (Hi MnrUrl. OIL CITY, Pn Sept. SS.-Oir-Credlt bal ances, $1.17; certlllcntcs, no bid. Shipments, 118,636; average, 93,120; runs, 114,292; nver uge. 89.661. NEW YORK. Sept. 25.-OH-Cottonseeil, steady; yellow, 3i',4c. Petroleum, easy: refined, Now York. $7.75; Philadelphia nnd Baltimore. 7.70; Philadelphia and Haiti more, In bulk, $5.15. Turpentine, quiet at 414fi 12c. LIVERPOOL. Sept. 25. OILS Cotton seed, Hull refined, November nnd April, llrm nt 20s 3d. Turpotitino spirits, steady at 2Ss. LONDON. Sent. 25.-OlL-CaIcuttn lln Turpcntlno spirits, 2Ss seed, snot. 6Ss 6d. 34d. BREMEN. Sept 23. OIL Potroleum, 3 murKH .hi pigs, ANTWERP. Bent. 25. Oil. Petroleum, 25 francs, paid nnd sellers. f'onVc Mnrket. NEW YORK. Sent. 25.-COFFEE-Snot Rio, ensy; No. 7 Invoice, SSc. nominal; mild, quiet: Cordova. 9;4il4c: futures. steady, prices 5 points lower, under ntl verso European nnd Brazilian cables, with receipts very heavy and rnto of Rfo ex change bv prlvato cables 9Td against 10 l-10d nlllclnl. The mnrket milled later on covering, whll the undertone remnlned weak. In the nbsenco ot nubile speculative support nnd satisfactory spot demand. Tho closo was steady, at BftIO points higher. Total sales. 97,750 bags, including Sopti'tn- ber, J0.9Oj46.9Ti; October, $b.9U; November, $7,005(7.05; December, $7 05417.10: March, $7.30U7.35; MaV $7,404.17.43; July, Si.45. Xew York Dry Oontla. NEW YORK, Sent. 25.-DRY C.OODS- Demnnd shows some Improvement over yesterday, but Is still quiet In all ntnplo cotton. Henvy brown shootings nnd drills strongly held. Ducks, firm but quint. Bleached cottons without change. Coarso colored cottons nro dllllcult to buy. Prints In light request, hut very llrm. Fair de mand for staple prints, with upward tentiency m prices, (tingnnmH strongly held In stnnlo Hues, Silks show n better business nnd steadier tone. Enjoins Cinn Cnmpsny, CHICAOO. Sent. 25. Nathan Oeorce. a Connecticut man owning 1.700 shares of Mtock In. the People's Gas. Light nnd Coko company, today further complicated th gas war hero by filing a bill In tho United States circuit court asking for nn Injunc tion restraining tlio People's compnny from selling gas nt 40 cents per 1,000 feet. Tho Injunction comes as an Incident of tlio price, cutting hi gns on tho north side of tin city, whom tho price of gas ban fallen from $1 to 40 cents per 1,000 feet. Mr. George, avers that tho rato cutting endnngers tho dividends of tho People's Gas and demands that tho former prlco, $1, bo maintained hi all parts of tho city. Mortality Statistic. The following deaths and births were re ported to tho city health commissioner for tho twenty-four hours ending at noon Tuos. day: Deaths Ella Holland. 1416 Leavenworth, nged 37: G. B. Dowell, St. Joseph's hospltnl, nged 35; Mrs. F. Stlka, St. Joseph's hospital, nscd 62; Georgo Prcscott, St. Joseph's hos. pltal, aged 65; J. J. Dillon. Eighteenth and Hiirdette. nged 39; Stephen Yntcs, 3221 Maple, need 76. Ulrths-J. P. Bacon. 1619 North Twonty second, girl; J. W. McCnrthey. 1544 North Seventeenth, girl; Emll Dcnhllck, 220 North Twelfth, girl; Oscar Carlson, 2550 Harney, girl. Found Ilcnil In Cell, CINCINNATI. Sept. 23.-Wllllam Haloy, who engnged In a rough street light last night with Harry Whlto and who wns ar rested, was found dead In his cell today. It Is said some mysterious stronger rushed In nnd kicked Haley over the heurt whllo ho was prostrato over White, and thus caused his death. THE REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS filed for record Septem ber 25, 19U0: IVarrnnty l)rrd, G. W. Holhrook and wife to C. II. Pierce, lot 12, Washington square.. 3.000 W. J. Cnttln to Mary L. Cuttln, lot 4, block 4, Mnrysvlllo , 1 C. A. Rush to M. 13. Wilson, n62V4 feet of wV4 lot 77 Hnrtmnn's add 100 II. M. Bliss and husband to J. M. Tyner, wlO feet of e204 feet subdi vision lot 4 In tnx lot 65 In 10-1E-13.. 1,400 M. 10, Wilson and husband to Battv Hollngrcn, nG2',, feet of w',4 lot 77, Hnrtmnn's add 850 C. C Wentz and wlfo to Nona Bald win, lot 12, block 4, Portland placo., 50 jtme 'iinne and nusnnmi to l.uiu Roenfeldt, lot 6 nnd s'i lot 6, block 7 l.-,w!n IIV o.l.l An'nln Turllo to Gustavo''ii'uh'n,''lot'6. Hhlll's subdivision .' Mary Peterson to M. P. Johnson, lot 9, block 39, Benson ..,v...... Quit (In Int Deeds. T. 8. Howlnnd nnd wife to Omaha fc North Platte Railway company, lot 8. block 220, Omaha Same to same, part lots 2, 3 and 4, block 255, samo 600 1,000 400 Totnl nmount of transfers $7,303 OVnit.3IENT NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE Stores Olllco Purchasing Commissary of .Subsistence, Omnha, Nob., September 25, 1900. Healed proposuls, subject to tho usual conditions, will bo received at this olllco until 10 o'clock, a m., October 9, VM nt which time nnd place they will bo publicly opened for furnishing subslstenco stores, as follows: Potntots, onions, canned tomatoes, etc. Prelerrnce will bu given to articles of domeiitlo production. Blank proposa's and specifications can bn obtained at this otllco. D. II. WILSON, Major 25th Infnntrv. Commlssnry. E25-M-26.27-28-0-6-8.M JAMES E BOYD & CO., Telephone 1030. OtualM, Not; COMMISSION, GRAIN, PROVISIONS und STOCKS IIOAUD OF TIlAnE. Correspondence: John A. Warran It Co uirot wtr to Chicago and Nw Tori; ITJIW. tvm RRPEilMEY&CO. CX, Pro u SoorMhrurEiua SYnhJS i BflAMCrl l03QrUt turnout ntm !