TTIE OMAHA DAtLT BEE: SUN DAT, SEFTEMBEK 23, 1000. 8 NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. seriously Call -1 91 1. Mill MKNTION. Davis sells glass. "Mr. lllloy," 6-cont cigar. Leffert, 23C Hdy . tests ryes free. Gas fixtures and Riches nt Illxby's Fine A II C. beer, Neumayer's hotel. Dr. Stephen, 101 Pearl St. Tel. 3M. Schmidt's photo, now and latest sty cs. Cab. photos 11.50 doz. Williams. Ml IW Wollmsn. scientific optl.lan, 100 " ' W J Ilnst-Her. dentist. Ilaldwln Work. J. C. A W. Woodward, architects. E J nay. W K Lewis, cells monuments. SOI way, Lemp's beer. Socnko Uoyscn. sole agen llest brer, lludnrl-.r. L. tfisenfeld. Agt New oval frumrs. C. K Alexander i. Co. 3 Ilroadwny. rtnlmri i h of Park avenue Is 111 with typhoid l-v.r t ....ininy ilntie im with rare lor and delivered i::12 Avenue 11 Oet your work done nt the ponulnr Lagi laundry, 724 Ilroadwny. Phone 157. W C Kutep. undertaker "3 Pearl street. Telephones: Office, 07; residence. 33 Tir Wltrr removed from 116 Soiltll dentil street t'o 17 North I'lrst street W, F. Qraff. undertaker and H""'1 "51" balmer. 101 Houth Main street. Phono 60 For ale. thlrteen-room, tYill"' lau" hotel building Inquire- nt Hluff Ut laun dry. 34 Norlli Main. Wanted, board In small family In south ern part of cltv. Address Miss M.. can The Hoe. lf l'earl Htreot. .. ... ii,.in,. M Kiiv. city yrslrrd vv. Justice IVrrler olllclatlng fnmp iiliil wiih mane io u - terday that a te ephone hue been stolen fr.Vm th. h-.i.s.. .rt 110 South Seventh street whl h has bei n vacant for a few days. 'flip reception tendered General f' M. I.... l.v Alio l.lueoln llOHt. Clrnud Army'.'TVb.. .'.-puiMlr. was at...nd,;d by a. large number of veterans of th- oUll ti'fii Plrst prize ball will be given by Hluff t'lty lodge No. 617 Saturday evi'liliig. Sep Umber Z, ni Grand Army of the KeimHlr hall Ticket 25 cents, admitting gentlen.nn mid inily. The case against A. Ilraberg. Hoe . n....!.'.. nuuiuttint ehnrued with the larcetiv of a canine, the properly of .in.ik.-.. H K Avtenwortli. was dismissed In Justice Vien'M court yesterday, .in... . ... ,.it.i ,,r l,irv nml Macule Mi' Kenzle attains! Sheriff Cousins for alleged unlawful levying on certain live stork be- longing t" Hie pininiins nave in-tn um missed nnd settled out of court. During the storm yesterday afternoon a bolt of lightning str.iek the coal chute at . i... it.,1,,,. it., trmmfer vanls. shatlT- inr. mm .mil nf It. Knur men were Inside Hhfivellni: coal, but were not Injured Krncst Mlnnlck. chargi-d with robbing r tnl.. ,.f Mtlennnilnllll nf n UI1T "f alcohol, secured ball In ho sum of 5J vesterdav and was released from the iltv ..niltni? the further hearing of his ruse. The funeral of the late .lames Stagcman ...i. ,n,i inui Tin. mln v. will be held to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the u.. in rlrirner tnwiiHlim. In terment will bo In the Garner township cemetery. x1. l ntn'on tinvo rnmmenred suit in tin. Hiiiieilor court asallKt the State ijiiul nml Iiniiroveinciit company to com pel It to redeem under a scronil mortKa.c ir be debaned from any Interest In nln i ,..,ii- t lila r Iv. I.outreo I.oilKeo are the holders of the llrst mort cacc The case acalnst Ollle Orr. the yontiK woman from Grnnil Island. cbari;eil wll ...r.iiK- ....liaiiitiiiiiiL- with C 10. Moor' was continued In police court yesterday until Monday. The ynunrf wimjn sun or ..,,iu r.inm ni ilm i'IIv lull. Her case I nnlv iinn of many polntliiK to tho need of n matron nt police headiuarters. Tim iinlofriittoi lii llir ileinoeratic county convention from tho Klrt-t precinct of ilu Second ward are tnstructeu inr w n. i.w "i inuii nt tin. iii.nri.. Thi ileletrate from the First precinct of the Fifth wnrd are Instructed lor (ieorRe n. u. i. nunn,.ri. l.nfii'M nmfini? his friends I "Alphabet" Hunter, for tlm Bame nomlna tlon. v hni'K a full line of fall carpets. Hen u tlful patterns In Axmlnslers. moiiuettes velvets, tapestry brussels nml ItiKnuns fact we have everythlliK you want hnusafurnlshlnK kooiIh and Invite vou ...ill .mil imt nrlces before bUVlnK. e ca sell you n carpet by pavlni; l n week un til tiald for. Keller & Hand, 407 Broad wnj. During tlm hoarliiK In police court yns tnnlav mornlnu of the noluhborhood row In which David Lane and his daiiRhte Mr Allrn Wrliiht. are cbarued with ben inir Hi i'lillilriii of Mrs. Cura Ke'ley. th latter nnd Mrs. Wrlcht, who was on the witness stand, almost became Involved In a hnlr-iiullliiR match. It took the com bined efforts of Sergeant Slack nnd Deputy Marshal White to keep tho two women pnrt JuiIrc Avlesworth took the case tinder ndvlsement TonlRht the attraction at the Dohnny theater will bo Delia Prlncle and a most excellent company In ''The Mldnl;ht Alarm." In the presentation of the piece 11 will be the same its in Chicago and other lurpp cities, whero the cpaclty of the theaters meant the erowdliiR of nil avail able space. Jolly Delia I'rliiRle will doubt less be Rreetcd by u Inrue and enthusiastic RUdlonro this evenltiK and thoso roIiir will certainly be entertained by o ie of the best comedies that has been at our local theater for a Iouk time. The ce'ebrated Acorn baseburners, cook Inr stoves, steel ranees and Acorn Oak nnd Hot lilnst are the best stoves Mint are plnced upon the market. It takes less fuel to run them Mian any other stove made. They urn economizers In every sense of the word and thev are sold at n-t low prices as many or tne ciieap stoves. It would take a column to tell all of the Rood points about these stoves and we In vite you to come In. whether you buy or not. nnd let us tell you nil about them. You can own one of these stoves by payliiR tl a week until paid for. Keller & Hand. 407 Hroadway. Tho case nRatnst Archie Walker, charged with stealing two rings valued nt $100 from his brother-in-law L. V. Lennlban, was continued In police court yesterday until Monday morning. He Is sllll behind Mi" bars at the city Jnil One ring valued at fM) wns recovered from n pawnshop in Omahn. where young Walker had pledged It for $10. and the other ring nnd n re volver were recovered In this cltv. Mike Smith, under bond on the charge of steal ing coa' from Mayor Jennings' yard. Is njld to be Implicated In the robbery. Smith's bond was placed at $liv, but by reason of his connection In this case Countv Attorney Klllpaek has applied to hnve his ball Increased to $1,000. N. T. PUimbln; Co., teleonone 250. ROUBLE FOR MOTOR COMPANY Residents of Lowib Township Qiving the Local Corporation a Race. OILING THE NEW PARK AT MANAWA ntititr linn da Fenced In Without Atl- tborltr Are llelnir Opened by the liunil .Snpervlsor 1,'inlcr the l.ii rv. mcnrlng today. The parrlce wilt b at 7.30 o'clock. Services at Grace Kplscopal church today will bo as follows: Sunday school at 9.4o m. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock. Kvenlng prayer and aermon at S o'clock. At the First CongreRatlonal church this morning the pastor. Ilov. J. vv. Alison, will preach on "Tho Gospel's Messnga for the Human Heart." Sunday school win be at noon nnd Christian Kndeavor society meeting at 7 p. m. Kvenlng worship will be Ht 8 o'clock with a short sermon by the pastor on "What Is Your Life?" The pastor. Hev. Myron U. Wadiieii, win occupy the pulpit nt both services today nt tho Broadway MethodUt Kplscopal church. octal at the home of Dr. W. K. ItelUr on First nvonue on Thursday, October 4. Misses Ddlth nnd Stella Lett of York, eb., who havo been visiting Mrs. It. N larrls of South First street, will be the guests of Mrs. Charles Hlghstnlth of Omaha during Ak-Bar-Hen week. Mr. nnd Mrs. D. W. Keller have taken up their resldince for the winter nt 103 Park avenuo. William L. Thlckstun, teacher of piano, 802 Avenue H. 'Phone 518. Itond Commissioner Coylc of Lewis town ship has taken tho bull by the horns In tho matter of tho Wright county road that runs through Manana park nnd has decided that shnll be opened up to the public. Acting nder the authority vested In him by vlrtuo f his ofllcc ns road commissioner for the township of Lewis, he has torn down the foncu erected by tho Suburban Hallwny com pany and has put a force of men nt work with a grader grading the rond clear through the grounds of Manawn park to tho lako edge This action hns been taken by tho road supervisor on the grounds thnt thn rond Is n public thoroughfare nnd not tho rlvale proficrty of the Suburban Hallwny company, which therefore has no right to fence It off from tho public. Tho road In question Is known as the 1. S. Wright county road nnd runs directly south from the city clear to the edgo of the lake. Somo years ago, as shown by the county maps, after reaching the Inke It took n turn n the southeast nud ran alongside of tho lake. The portion of the thoroughfnro along the lake edge, however, some few years ago was vacated liy the county nnd vested In ho then owners of the report nt Lake Mnn awa. The other portion of the road running llrectly south to the lako has never been vacated and Is still n public thoroughfare Where the How Slnrted. L'nder the old management of Mannwa park this portion of tho road, while Inside the enclosure, was accessible to the public by n gnte. When the Suburban company purchased and assumed control of tho lako resort It moved Its fence, taking in more land and completely fenced off this portion of the road, which thus became a part of the park grounds. When the Suburban com pany sold out to the old motor company and the latter corporation nssumcd control of Iho lnke resort, the residents of Mnnawa nnd Lewis township derided to assert their rights to the road. They filed n petition with tho county Hoard of Supervisors requesting hat the road be ordered cleared nnd that tho Suburban company be Instructed to remove tho fence. At tho same time the Suburban company, or moro properly speaking the old motor company, filed n petition nsklng that the county board vncato the thoroughfare In Its Interest. The board refused to consider cither of tho petitions, but directed County Auditor Innes to notify the road supervisor of the township that his duty was to act without authority from tho board or Inter forence In tho matter. Acting on these In structlous Commissioner Coyle decided that thu only thing for him to do under the clr cumstances was to seo that the public thor oughfare wns opened and kept cleared of obstructions, With this end In view 'be now hns a forco of men grading tho road and thereby somewhat marring tho appearance of tho park grounds. The piece of road, which is only 400 feet long, runs through the park west of tbn casino. The merry-go- round stands directly in the middle of the road and tho motor company has been notl fled to move It or else It will bo taken down by tho road supervisor. Another Itoiul Deinmiileil. Thoro Is a question whether the county road running directly west and east through the center of the park has ever been legally vacated and residents of Lewis township are now ngltatlnn for tho opening of this thoroughfare. If they succeed In opening this road It will practically de stroy the park. This road runs through the park grounds Just south of the Casino, leaving the enclosure at a point opposite tho northeast corner of the enclosed grounds formorly known ns Schlltz park. In tho event of the people succeeding In In having this road also opened the motor company has announced Its Intention of re moving tho resort to tho south side of tho lake on Manhattan beach, where it owns all the land. In absorbing tho Suburban lino the old motor company has brought more or less trouble, If not litigation, on Its shoulders. In addition to the suit brought by II. K. Forsyth to restrain the company from taking up any of the suburban tracks resi dents tilling Avenue C and South Sixth street nro circulating a petition nsklng thu city council to require the company to continue Its car service on theso streets, ns required under the provisions of the frnnehlse granted tho Suburban company. These petitions, It Is understood, are to bo presented to the city council next Mon day night. Tho petitioners demand that a regular service to the city limits be con tinued by tho motor company. Property owners nnd residents of Avenue C declare their Intention of taking tho matter Into the couits If an appeal to tho city council falls of the desired effect. Alter In Wcindrrlnnil. Council Hluffs children will present a grand spectacle In tho near future. Some' thing unique lu tho line of theatrical cn tertalnments Is In store. "Allco In Won dorlnnd," a dramatization of Cnrroll's fa motis book for children, will bo given at the Dohany theater Friday evening, October 0, and grand Saturday matinee October 6. Tho Womnn'a auxiliary of Graco Kplscopal church has the production In hand. Over 250 costumes will bo used, having been specially made for this production. The tableaux, marches, specialties, etc., will be elaborate and brilliant. Mls's Leonard, the dramatist, will direct the stage. Como In and let us show you tho lUdlant Home. It lias a big reputation In tho city of being tho most economical heater sold by nny house. Peterson & Schocnlng, Mcr rlam block. Commonwealth 10-cent cigar. LAST WHKK IX LOCAL .MICinri'Y If coal goes up, buy a stove that saves fuel. The Hndlnnt Home, sold by Tctcrson Schoenlng, will do this to your satisfac tion. Itrpulillcnn Not Sleeping. Lieutenant Governor J. C. Mlltlman spent ast night In the city on his way home to .ogan from Osceola, where he and C. M ltnrl of this city addressed n republican meeting. Tho lieutenant governor In peaking of the meeting said that while It a claimed the republicans nro sleeping over this campaign tho claim Is evidently based on no foundation, as the meeting wns largely nttended and close attention was paid to the addresses, Kvery meeting he has nttended so far, Mr. Mllltman said, had been well attended and he had been unablo to find the npathy among repub licans about which so much Is talked of this campaign. The truth of the matter Is, ho said, tho farmers are enjoying an era of prosperity and consequently hav,o little time to discuss politics, but they nro wide nwako Just the same and when It comes to casting their votes next fnll tt will be seen that Iowa Is right In line and will roll up n large majority for McKlnley and the entire republican ticket. A ALSO THB tetson Hats HAVE ARRIVED Miller $5 and Hawes $3 Hat and a full line from a DOLLAR UP. "If You Have Them rstt:"tani From Us, They're Right SMITH & BRADLEY. Council Bluffs, la. Greene's C. 0. J J6-3J8 Broadway. Plionc 65. D. A good heater. The Hndlant Home, sold by Peterson & Schoenlng, Morrlnm block. Tho Hadlant Homo Is warranted not to crack. It Is cleanly, will savo its cost in a few years In economical fuel saving and will heat moro spaco In your houso than nny other stovo you enn buy. Step In und let us show It to you. Peterson & Schoen lng, Merrlnm block. Premiums given with Domestic soap, Davis Bells paint. Domestic soap sells on Its merits. ROUGH RIDER SCHOOL SHOES. Every jmir warrnntod nt HAMILTON'S 412 Broadway, FARM LOANS Megotlated in i',adiern rMiraka and Iowa. Janirs N. cawdy. jr., iii Main St 1'iuucll PiylT unuru TA I fklll On City nUll CI IU LII!! Property Savings Loan and Building Associate Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap. ISventn of Six Hitys Amiiiig tlir I'co- Iilr of the City. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Uonham of East Pierce afreet celebrated tho sixty-fifth nnnlver snry of their wedding Monday night, when sixty-six of their children, grntidchlldrcn nnd great grandchildren wero gathered at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Honham were the recipients of many bandsomo tokens of tho happy occasion. The Misses Hoss of Willow avenue en tertnlned Informally Monday evening fo their guest. Mrs. N. Sibley of San Fran Cisco. Mrs. Charles Test Stowart ontertalne nt dinner Tuesdny evening for Mrs. Allen of Wnshlngton. D. C. After dinner tho party attended thu dance nt tho Hoat club. The event of last week was tne aanc given by the Council Hluffs Howlng assocl ntlon nt tho club house at Lako Mnnaw Tuesday night. About thirty couples were present, who wero conveyed to nnd from the lnke In a speclnl car. Refreshments were served. Mondny night tho rowing association entertained Its members nnd friends nt an enjoyable stag smoker at the club house at Lake Manawa. The Woman's nuxlllnry of Grace Kpis copal church entertained Wednesday night at Odd Follows' hall at a most enjoynbl musleal. followed by dancing. The auxll lary has announced Its Intention of giving a series of theso cnjoyablo entertainment during tho winter season. Cards nro out announcing the wedding of A. C. Cillbert to Miss Dull at tho First Prosbyterlnn church next Wednesday aft crnocn nt I o'clock. A vitv nleasant children a party was riven Wednesday evening by Mr. and Mrs II A. Hallcngcr In honor of the twelfth birthday of their son, Leigh. About twonty five children were present. Dainty rerrcs ments of lco cream, cako and fruit were served. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. M. Mctz of Olcn ave nni. rntcrtalned last week Mrs. U. II Welnhold of Minneapolis. Captain J. Hayward of St. Louis was tho guest last week of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Mc- Twlggen of 100S Avenuo u. Miss Klngsley of New York City was the guest Inst week of Miss May Caldwell of Washington avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Whltelaw have leased the Cummlugs house on First avenue und will take possession of H on October 1. Mr. and Mrs. Cummlngs will remove to Omaha. T. 13. Cavln of Park avenue is spend ing a few days at Colfax Springs. Mrs. J. I. LuU of Porln avenuo l home from a visit with relatives and friends at Hurllngton, In. H. B. Glover of Grand Island was the guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Cavln of Park avenuo. Miss Cfllla Peterson of Defiance, la., was tho guest Inst week of tho family of . J. Ilalladay of First street. W. J. Eyestone of Washington, la., Is the guest of his son, L. W. Byestono nnd daughter, Mrs. Friend. Mrs. L. H. Hlghsmlth entertained laBt week the Misses Lett of Benedict, Neb. Mrs. J. C. Duff and Bon, Charles, are both homo from a trip te Colorado Springs and Manltou. Mrs. W. H. Gillespie Is onjoylng n visit from her sister, Miss Bessie Jackson of Beatrice, Neb. Miss Myrtle Mnttlngly returned yester day from a month's visit nt Randolph, la. Mrs. Clara Kills nnd daughter, Miss Blue Kills, nro visiting lu St. Joseph and St. Louis. Miss Klsle Sayles Is home from nn ex tended visit with relatives nnd friends in Des Moines. Mr. nnd Mrs. James I. Henry of Butte, Mont., nro guests of tho latter's mother, Mrs. C. J. Roth. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnmes Bono are rusticat ing on their ranch at Fullertan. Neb. Mrs. T. C. Jarvls and daughter nro homo from a two months' visit In California. Miss Schilling of Avocn is tho guost of Mrs. Robert Arnd. H. (leorgo of Broken Bow, Neb., was the guest last week of C. P. Shopard nnd family. Mrs. John N. Baldwin Ib home from an Tho Radiant Homo is the best heating stovo on tho mnrket. See us before you buy. Peterson & Schoenlng, Merrlam block. The Only Way AdniliiUtrn tor for Mra, Fox. Michael Fox, n farmer llvlns near Weston In this county, was yesterday np' pointed ndmlnlstrntor of the estato of Mrs, Margaret Fox. who was run down nnd killed by a motor ear a week ago. He Is a brother of tho dend woman's husband, who died several years ago. His bond was fixed in tho sum of $1,000. The ap polntment Is said to be likely to lead to litigation, ns Attoraey I. J. Dunn f Omaha expects to apply for lotters of ad ministration on behalf of alleged eastern heirs. Mlchnol Fox In his sworn application to bo appointed receiver stated that Mrs. Fox had neither sisters nor brothors living, while J. W. Welch of Omaha, who acted ns Mrs. Fox's business manager, Is said to havo stated that she had two sisters liv ing; In New Ycrk and the other In Pena- ylvanla. A fuel saver. The Radiant Home, sold by Peterson & Schoenlng, Merrlam block. CO. 000 cakes Domestic soap used In Corn ell Hluffs last month. Gravel roofing. A. H. Read. 541 Broadway. IlrnI lintntp Trnnsfor. The following transfers were filed yes terday In the abstract, title and loan office of J. W. Squire. 101 Penrl street: Eastern Building nnd Loan associa tion to M. 11. and Susan McG. Sny der, lots 1 nnd 7, block .1. Van Brunt & Rice's ndd., s. w. il t 1 Chris Johnson and wife to K. S. Klrk- patrick, lots is ami n, uiock i, Sunnyslde ndd., w. d Exchange State bank to Margaret Drake, south 18 feet lot 2, block ie. Walnut, w. d , Grant DeWItt nnd wife to Samuel -,n nml Bt.ll nwl5 10.74-r:9. w, , ; 19,000 Mamie C. Puryenr and nusuanu io Pl.,n 1.- 1 1 nealVi!irth lnf 1 ltl 4UU- dlv. of lot is',' original plat, w. d.... 1,315 Mary J. Mrglnness to William Nixon. swii Sl.TC-n w. d. William Nixon and wife to undlv. h ot nwn Bey nw'.i 33-7(1-4.1, w. d r.3.1 1,4.0 1,6V) To got down to ROQK BOTTOM In grocery buying Is to go to the store I that sells tbo most gooas ana sens them for CASH. The eupcnse ot sell- V lng a large volume of goods Is pro portlonately Bmaller, nnd CaBh means T no losses. T Monday and Tuesday Prices J FLOUR should Interest you. Do I you know that It has advanced 40t T per barrel ut tho mills In 10 days' 4 If you don't you will soon find It out. i Wc have still got some old flour that t we are going to give our cuatomcrs the ndvantago of, Jrrnrjr ("renin or White Hose liotli kimiiI nml war ranted, iirr inii'k lltte Itoyiil fully Tfurrnntod nnd oik- of (lie lirst lll.lO Colli Colli tin- brit Hour In tlir world, lunitr where wlirnt Is klni;, .Vew lllni, Mlniiesotn process, nek.. MI. in Per 10(1 iionmln tJ-.-n order for IS I. OO r uroi'rl 1U uonmln I? LOO Colli DaM, fl plfcn Kc Snl Soiln, -I lb' -o 1, 11 m 11 S lurch. 7 lh iSfte Domestic Soup, 10 burn.... Sine HornlihlnK 1.? e, It lioxes.... Hie Clothespin, ilnzrn It I.rwls' I.y, It onus -."ie Good Illne, lioltle Ie I'.vli 'n Perllne. ft ikB KH- .w Ten .Klftlnnn, lh -(' 111 rl or .Mntehrx, ..pita ' Oxford Corn Slnroli, ilk. . -Ie Cider Vlneunr, 1-e New HorKlinni, In qnnrt .Mnion Jar 17r I.rnion Kxt,, stnnduril Ic Vnnlln Kxt., ntnmlnrd 4a Three bottlen nliorr 10c Yvnnt Fount, likir ;tu Real Estate is Rising IN VALUE. Some excollotit lots, pleasantly located and do sirable for suburban homes, can be had now at reasonable prices. These lot 8 are located in Omaha, Wright's and Central Sub. additions. This property will steadily increase in value as the city grows in th nt direction and the time to buy is the present. Call at THE BEE OFFICE, Council Bluffs. Before vou ml SiiKiir with ii worth olln-i Seven transfers, total t Big Monday Market 1 Choice Shonliler Ilonst, Hi.. ' T B.8W J Choice Shoulder Stenli, lli..U',iCA Ira Nixon, Hlli nml Plntr llolllnir, flc to -le T 2S nnd nVi n T Mntton Stew c -"Z Mutton llonst 7o 1 $23558 X I'nrterlioime or .Mrloln y Smnkeil Uncoil t Slnrrlnur I, Ionise Licenses to wed wero Issued yesterday to the following persons N7nmn nn.l RaslrletlCP. Ate. t L.v r-rtimrll nlllff Haul H. II M. Rnydfr, Omaha o Inmrs Council Billffs u..aoi M Council Hluns .... n T n 3r.m. Mtunrf In H II". M. Murray, Neola, la -5 iVl it sinvnnf Cnunrll Hluffs 3J v...ia T.clivm. Council Bluffs 2 FIREMEN WILL KEEP SARGENT ...i.. rhonil Convention nt He .Molnen Itnlse the Snlry of the (irunil .Mauler. DKS MOINES, Sept. 22. (Kpeelal Telu gram.) It wns settled today that drand Master Sargent of tho Brothor'iood of Lo- comottva Firemen, who has held that o.- flce for sixteen yenrs, will hold It for nt least another term of two years. The con vention today decided by an unanimous vote to raise his salary to 15,000 per an num nnd expenses. No other salaries were raised. J. J. Hannahan of Chicago was re elected vice crand master and ' A. Wil son was re-electod secoud vice grand mas ter. Ono feature of the day wns tho further consideration of tho roport of the com mittee on boneflclnry claims. Somo $15, 000 moro was voted, making over ICS,- 000 that the organlzntien has slvun its disabled members at this meeting. All of tho afternoon and evening woro consumed In tho election of ofllcors, the session last- In until very late at nlftht. The conven tion did not get through Its work nnd an other session will havo to bo held Monday. very well break away nil or a sudden. The plntform of four years ngo, nlthough bad enough, wns moro lit for domocrnts thnn tho Kansas City platform is. I contend there Is no democratic party to day. That which passes under tho name represents nil tho vngarles to which tho democratic paarty has always been an tagonistic. Flat money, free riot and ret rogression in goneral would have been combattcd at all times by such domocrnts ns Jefferson, Jackson, Van Huren, Ilenton and TUdcn." Have your teeth attended to call and get our prices and see for yoursolveH how very reasonable they are. Remem ber it coats no more to havo good work than it doeB to have poor. . ..Telephone 145 H. k. Wooibury, D. D. S-, Council BluHs- 30 Pearl SI & Hotel Rubber Stamps in Council Bluffs Don't forget that there is a place in Council Bluffs where you can get anything in rubber stamps at reasonable prices. Rubber typo outfit, sign markers, stamp pads und ink. U07 Broadway, Telephone 2fi2. HUBBBR STAMPS IN COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA FARMS FOR SALE DAY & HESS, 39 Pearl St., Council Bluffs, Have for snlr lurnr list of lmrorfil farms, ohlnkrn ranohe. frlt nd vrgrtHklr IiiiiUki kIso realdrnoe mvA liunlnea property In Conuelt HlufTn nml Ouinlin, SO Ml! 1'AHMSi ten iiiitaI nll wn.. 11 miles ne C. B..160-acres Missouri bottom land, 8 miles tl good buildings. J4!i per acre. SO acres near Crescent, well Improved, $45 LIKELY TO BEAT PETTIGREW per ncre. I eo ncres 5 miles east, rood buildings and fruit, $50 per acre. CO-acro fruit farm, near city, good Improve ments, $1C0 per ncre. 30-ncre fruit furm ndjolnlng city, JS.000. Tlir- nliovr Is only n umilr of nr fS iirr rent Intrrrst. Telephone !!!. Cuiinrll lllulTs Wins. Despite tho fact that the toam was com posed largely of now ttmbor the Council Illuffs High school mannged to wipe up the HWh school eleven from Sidney, la., yes terday afternoon In the first foot ball game of tho season. The game was played nt tho i extended visit In New York nnd other oast Driving park, the homo team winning by IC to 0. Tho game was called promptly nt 3 o'clock and Council Illuffs kicked off. Council Illuffs got tho ball on downs nnd tho first touchdown was made by Aylrs- worth, who also secured the Bccond touch down. Council Illuffs failed to kick a goal cither time. At the opening of tho second half Mitchell of the home team got knocked out, and Dlngman took his place. Sidney made ii mint ninl Dlnvmnn rnucht the nicskln nn ' the sixty-yard line, making splendid run nnd securing n touchdown. Whoeler man aged to kick tho goal, making Council Illuffs' score 16. Tho lineup: Council muffs. Positions. Sidney. Campbell. ... Illght guard Hutchison Cochran Center MoDnmld I'llllng. 11 Illght tncklo Mitch. 'II Treynor Illght end Hawley lvirMim Left guard llenderHun Ferron Left tackle I'ardeo I KettrliiK Left nnd. .Huyesl Mitchell QuartcrbacK Hooper Wheolor lllallt half Travis Ayleswortli . .. Left half ! ruzer Hickman (C.I.... Fullback Thorno Uio Domestic fcoap. It's the best. Howell's Antl-"Kawf" curei coughs, colds. Church Notes. St Paul's Kplscopal church, Hev. Oeorgt Kdward Walk, rector. Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity. Holy communion nt S n. ni. Morning prayer and sermon at 10:30 o'clock. Subject of sermon' "The Hecord of FIdol Uy." Evening prayer wUl be retumsd, com- em poluts. Mrs. H. H. Montgomery has returned from lier trln to San Francisco and other Pa cific coaBt points. I E. Smith left Friday evening for a month's visit with friends at Utlca, N. Mrs. M. Lundean Is entertaining Mrs. S. j. rtoddn and daughter ot Hamburg, la. Mrs. W. L. DoueIus of South Klghth street Is home from nn extended eastern trip. Mrs. Kmma nrodbock of Oakland avenuo left Friday for York, Pa., where she will visit for two months with relatives. Miss Helen Archibald of Denver, Colo., was, the guest last week of Miss Caroline Dodgf. Mr. and Mrs. Victor K. Ilendcr have ns their guest Mrs. Uender's mother, Mrs. H. W. Colvlllo of (iulesbiirg, III. Mrs. I. C. llonhnm and Mrs. J. W. Mitch ell will leave tomorrow for Donver, Colo., to uttend tho wedding of a friend. The Elite Dam lng club gave Its first as sembly Inst Thursday evening In Odd Fel lows' hall. The hull was tasufully dec orated with iho national colors, whllo the orchestra was Btatloncd behind a screen of palms. A number of new gowns wero no ticed among the younger sot. The club ex pects to give n dance every week during this season. The Knlgrts nnd Li!lcs of Security en tertained last week at two very enjoyablo socials, tho first at the residence of J. C. Hollenbcck and tho second at the home of A, M. UonUam. The next will b a "pit" .Mltlillo-of-thH-IlondtTK Mert. ONAWA. In.. Sept. 22 (Special.) The mlddle-of-the-roaders held their county convention here today. The proceedings were very orderly and harmonious. Tho convention decided to make no nomination for county nudltor. Joseph Jeffries wns nomlnnted for clerk of the courts, L. Dader for county attorney, J. II. Jeffrey for su pervlsor nnd O. L. Cooper for recorder. N. Lludsy was elected chairman of the county central committee nnd Josoph Jef frey secretary. N. Llndsey delivered n very eloquent ad dress to tho convention and advised them to stick to tho middle-of-the-road ticket and avoid tho so-called domocratlo reform party, which has betrayed the populUts once and would do it again If possible. The mlddle-of-the-roaders have a very strong organization In the county. I,cnve Ilcinooratlo Pnrty FOP.T DODOE, la.. Sept. 22. (Special.) Telegram.) F. F. Nugent, ono of the most prominent young democrats of central Iowa nnd a leading attorney. Iibh rormaiiy tic nounced tho democratic party. Nugent has always been prominent In the councils of the party and was formerly cnndldate for county attorney on the democratic ticket, LaBt night he was elected chnlrman of the Fourth ward delegation to tho republican county convention. His action has created much surprise among democrats. Will Support McKlnley. SIOUX CITY, Sept. 22. (Special.) W H. England of Ilryan's town of Lincoln, Neb., was in the city yesterday and vx plained why he was going to vote for Mc Klnley this year, although he voted for Bryan In IS08. "I voted for Ilryan four , year ago," ht said, "bacausv I bad vted South IJnWota Hcptitilleaiia Will Slow Aivny AKiiliinldo'n 1'rraonnl HrprrNciilntl VI-. SIOUX CITY, Sept. 22. (Special Tele- grnm.) Senator J. M. Kylo of South Da kota was in Sioux City today nnd In speak ing of tho warm contest which is now on In that state over the election of n senator to succeed Mr. Pettlgrew he said: "I don't bellevo Pcttlgrow will win, but If tho republicans wnnt to win in this con test they must keep on fighting until tho very last mlnuto of the campaign. Every thing else In South Dakota is being secrl flced by tho fuslonlsts lu Pottlgrow's In terest. Ho is willing to trade anything at his command for IiIb own success. With his Indomitable energy and his uncompromls iug determination, Pettlgrew is in condi tion to mnko a Htrong fight nnd it will tnke work to wipe him out. Ho la working pub licly nnd privately und would move henven and earth to win." Senator Kyle said Governor Itoosevelt's vlBlt to South Dakota had been productive of much good to the party In that state. Illtrh nr ut Oiinvrn. ONAWA, In., Sept. 22. (Special.) Tho Monroo county district court Is In sosslon. On the celebrated ditch ense Involving tho contract lot by tho county auditor to tho Chicago Canal Construction company, when Mitchell Vincent of Onnwa claimed tho lowest bid on several sections, Iho court. nftor listening to tlm arguments oi ut- murrer filed by defendant, has taken the case under advisement ad will not render a decision nt proscnt. Fntnl I'nll from Trnln. CLAKINDA. In.. Sept. 22 (Special Tel ecram.l Levi II. Harmon fell from a step of a passenger coach of the Humeston & Shenandoah railway near Its station In this city tonight. His head struck heavily on the sldotrack at the switch crossing nnd was badly mashed. Ho died Instantly, lie was returning to his home hero from his day's work on tho railroad ns a tiriuse i-nrnnnter. He leaves u widow anil two children. Woollrr nt I'ort nnit'. FOItT DODOE. la.. Sept. 22 (Speclnl.) Telearam.l The nrohlblilonlsts concluded their presidential train party rally with a large meeting at tho Young Men s i-nrisiian association hall this ovenlne. lUIn inter fered with tho opn-.ilr meeting today, but tbn evening meeting was well attended Dr. E. L. Eaton of Uek Moines delivered tho principal address. It Is announced that ovry minister In the county and Hon, S, S. city, 110 psr acre. 240 acrts near Pactflo Junction, well Im proved, $40 per acre. 320 acres In Silver Creek twp.. $B0 per acroj well Improved. 213 acres fine bottom land In Rockford twp $42.50 per acre; well Improved. Hat. JlllJiliV I.OAKHO ON FAIlMfl AT By Our New Plan A. wn sni.i, snwi.vt: machines at 91,1.00, IJIH.OO nnd fii.l.OO. Full tilfkpl. with high nrm. Thoy nro good lnuchiiH's-not chonp thliiRs. Our :i0, I!.", 10 nml no dollar ball bonr Inc. doublo iVud "Now Homos" nro tho tint'st you over saw. Trial freo. If you would like to see, try or buy n 8PvlnK niaehlin' rail on us. Wt ront nowliiK inachlni's "fie a v-ok. Everybody knows thnt tho "Nl'W HOM1V Is all right. You tnke no olinnecs. Wc guarantee, every one and our tftiarnntpo is good. fall on us nml see tlir iikiiHiIiii'ii nml enmwarr lirlur"!. GEORGE A. BULLIS, il.'!- llromlwny. Conncll Bluff.. QOHANY THEAiERv SUM1AV MtillT, lent. S.'l. JOLLY DELLA PRIHGLE and Her Company THE MIDNIGHT ALARM FOR SALE House of 5 rooms, collar, city water and bath, 4 blocks from P. O., $1,400. 6-room house on Mynster St., $1,0. 8-room house, pantry, closets, olty water, cemented cellar, nlcn lot, fruit and shade trees, 4 blocks from P. O., $1,800. Good fi-roum house, with bath and cloret. cellar, city water, cistern, good barn; only $1,500. Houso of 4 rooms, pantry, rellar, coal house, city water; $850. $50 down, balanco monthly. C-rnom house nnd room to finish two mors rooms, city water, good repair; $1,100. $100 down, balanco monthly. Fine house of 10 rooms besides basement, bath, closet, gas, furnace, laundry room, wnter on three floors, cholco location. 100-acrn farm, nearly nil In cultivation, house, barn, well, etc., $25.00 per acre. Johnston 6c Kerr 541 Broadway, Co Hluffs. STOftV I'll AM IJD IN HTltANOHBl acKNr.s. An Immense amount or run, music ana nretly f.irns -nrooKiyn Dringe or muoniiKin -Paine', of gold- If' big sp'clnltlns 10. Prlei'S 2.'r. "' Coffin, former republican, will support Pres idential Candidate. Woolley. riv lork'n 7trlif Punil, NEW YOIIK, Spt 22. Tho snktrrlptlons Io dnto In tho city for the relief of th Gal veston nuffciers amouat to $2U,U. Dohany Theater Strvrnaiin A Krnneily, Mnr, Council nluffs Kavorltes always good. The Chase-Lester Theatre Company In a new repertoire of plays, presenting MOM1AV IJVK.VINfi Agnes Herndon's great success, "LA BELLE MARIE" nim-.ciai. imiichs toe, inu a.ii. Result Tell THK HRE WANT AD5 PRODUCR KESULTfi. I. Y UOUUGM tflllllli AJ n t