THE OMAHA DAILY 1113 13: SVXDAV, SI3PT13M KKIt 2tf, 1000. HEAR BURROWS ASD HOWARD irnWMrw nanwffirr- urnifur People Crowd Oreightoa Hall to Liston to Truo Eopublican Goapol. SPEAKERS APPEAL TO VOTERS' REASON I,,n" llclrteen Pnrtle Sharply I)e iieil mill llinilnnntel l)a. cuaaeil hy tho Kmliirnt t'pliulil era of Mr. McKlnlry, V . i Benntor J. C. llurrows of Michigan and General 0. 0. Howard of Vermont opcncj tho republican campaign In Omnha Intil night with a rousing meeting In Crolghton . Long before 8 o'clock every neat waa occupied and all nvalllablc standing room wns taken when Howard II. Raid rlgn rose to Inirodiico Senator llurrows For nn hour nnd a half Senator Hurrow poko on tho great Issues that nre at stake U the approaching election. Ho attempted t quit speaking sooner, but tho enthu siastic niiUlcncc compelled him to con tlnuo and cheered hltn to the echo when the Uat words of his peroration were pro nounced. He set forth tho two great Issues hlch aro really at stake In the campaign free trade and free silver and disposed of the make-believe Issues wlili h ilryan ami bis followers are setting forth under the names of Imperialism and militarism. Among other things ho said I urn glad to apeak a good word for Congressman Mercer, who lias represented you so well at Washington nnd with whom I served for ho many years In the house. Ton will unanimously return him to con iress. if you do not do this It will lie u great redaction upon the Intelllgenre of your community. A great day has been Im posed upon the people of Nebraska and I am sure that you will not bo deceived as to tho real Issues ut stake Thirty new senators are to be chosen w thin tho next few months nnd Nebraska will select two of them. Tit republicans must elect it legislature which will select two republicans for the senate. Io not swerve from your determination to bring about this end. for Nebraska's two mem bers may completely change the complex Ion of the sennte. Mr) nn Iliiien I lie Ciiiiipii, In a few woros 1 wish to state what Bryan nnd the allied poweis mund lr Mr. Ilryan Is a candidate for president on four tickets, lie is supposed to represent tho views of democrats, silver re publicans. Mntl-ttnperla:ists and populists. The two groat Issues which he represents are free sliver and free trade, 'lite battle on the tariff has been fo.ight After u period of free trade depression McKliilov was elected on a tat 1ft platform. The result Is great prosperity and I cannot umletstatid how uny man can vote to bring back the de pression the United States suffered tinder free trade policy. Anil now a few words as to free silver, I dislike wandering In a cemetery, but feel thut I must do It. (Applause t Mr Uryun s atmeches on this subject nre adjusted to the latitude and longitude In which he speaks, but nevertheless he Is the avowed apostle of free silver and had this doctrine Iterated and reiterated In the Kansas City platform. In his speeches on colnngn ho fulls to tell tho whole truth. He savs tint w liavo the coinage of silver at the ratio of 1G to 1 under McKlnlcy nnd Intimates thut free sliver would not be different from our present system. He does not explain tho difference between government colnag.' and Indlvld.ial eoliingi . Soventy-llve mil lions of citizens of the I'nlteil States are standing behind the silver dollars whl li Imvo been coined since the terrible crime of 1673 and maintain the value of theio dol lars In spite of tho market of the world. Hut If each Individual coined silver ut will there would be nothing behind the dollars and they would Join the Mexican dollar, which contalnii more stiver than our dol lar anil Is worth less than 50 cents. Th result of such n system would bo the hoard ing of gold. Cheap money Invariably drives dearer money out of circulation. If 1 could but persuade the people of til" United States that free trade and free sli ver are the only two Issjes of the cam pulgn I know that tho honor and thr credit of the United States would be sus tained. (3rovei Cloveland sank his political future to maintain tho credit of our na tion anil there are thousands of democrats who aro equally loyal. Old Glory In the Orient. We hovo the Philippines and It Is no easy matter to dispose of then). Hryan would abandon the islands anil allow Agulnaldo to maintain control and keep tip it stale of war which would Unary result In a division of the territory among Uuio pean powers. We have 10,000.000 people there who speak ten languages nnd I ex pect It will take threo or years to get them oil to speak tho same tongue. (Ap plause.) Our attitude toward the Philippines) Is called Imperialism by the democrats. It wouldn't do for them to call It expansion, because people might understand what tha' means. The republican party favors ex pansion of the sort advocated bv Jeffer son and other crent democratic leaders of tho past. In Manila we possess the cltv which will eventilallv control the trade of half tho world nnd the matt must be short sighted who would not have the United Slates maintain a footing in the Orient .fust n word as to the militarism which Ilryan says Is threnletilnu us. lie says we have 100,000 soldiers and are threatened with being ruled by an army. During th war with Spain we hud 2."pO.P0u snUHers. Colonel Hryan wns one of them twsi I hav. not heard that he harmed anvbndy In a sliced! the other day he suggested that perhaps these soldiers aro maintained for shootlnsr down the miners In the Pennsyl vania coal regions. 1 la knows better than this and s'.ich u remark Is dentagogery and Is only another attempt of his to divide capital nnd 'nbor and create dissensions He thinks that such a courso may gain him n few votes. A man who will resort to such methods Is unworthy of tho presi dency. Hope for November. When serlous-mlnded citizens approach the polls In November I attl sure they will vnto for McKlnley. who has led the na tion to prosperity anil has administered the nation with such wisdom that Euro jenn 'towers sit at our feet and tnke les sons In dliiloniacy In Cuba wo are rock Ing nn Infant republic Into greatness. Our president has unfurled the (lag over Hawaii. Porto Itlco and the Philippine" and the Stars and Stripes now llout over Pekln to warn the Chinese not to InJirr tho foreigners who nro within their walls. There are never any ex ternal signs of Cancer until the blood is polluted and the system thoroughly con taminated by this deadly virulent poison Then n sore or ulcer appears on some part of the body , it may be small uud liaritiless looking at first, but as the can eerous cells form and arc deposited by the blood near the sore, it increases in .sue nnd severity, with sharp shooting pains. No matter how often the wire is removed by the surgeon's knife or flesh destroying plaster, unother comes and is worsi. The real disease is in the blood, nil the treatment must begin there. The poisoned blood must be invigorated and purified, nnd when this is done cancerous cells can no longer form and the sore will heal snturally and permanently Mm. Strati M. Keeping, 4! Windior Ave., llrUtoi, Tenn . write? : " I am 41 yearn old, nnd for three )ir hnd suffered with n sevie form of Cancer on my J.iw which the doctor ' Mid incurable, and that I could tint lire more thtn sit mouths, I accept ed tliflr stntemen nstrue and hod gl en up all hope oi eter ueiug well again when inydruagbit know ttiK of my condition recntu mallrird K. ft. Aflrrlak. lnir a few Imttlr lh tutrr -e begun to heal, to the mrpfieof the physicians, and lua sliort time made a ejinplele cure 1 h ve (allied la Hrh, my appetite splendid slfer rtfrethliir in fact, am enjoj Ins perfect health." SdK overcomes this de- structive poison and removes every vestige kJS Ni-4?f f it front the system, 4KJF VSfy niake9 new, rich 'blood, strengthens the body and builds up the general health If you have n suspicious (.ore, or have in herited uny blood taint, send for our free book on Cancer, and write to our medical department for any information orndvice wanted ; we make no charge for this ser vice. Your letter will receivj prompt and careful attention, nnd will be held in strictest confidence. THE IWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. It is beyond the power of the average individual to conceive of the immensity of this purchase. But every knowing person wil realize that there is but one store in Omaha that can handlo such a volume of Furniture nnd that is tho Peoples. This mighty purchasing power brought the goodB Into into our poKst'seion at a mere fraction of intended selling prices and now we aro going to shake Omaha to its very foundation with unparalleled vuluea in thU great September Furniture and Carpet Sale. CLOAK D We are proud of if. Its superior as regarding style, quality and price, can not be found in the west. Call and give us a chance to prove it. AK-SAR-BEN WEEK, TAILOR-MADE SUITS lined jackets, ffk cheap at $15, for . , i Golf and Separata Skirts. i.ADins' nounuE textine golf i'klrtn v.-lth plaid back, deep Mitch InR at bottoruu a 7.D0 Skirt (or .88 Mk fifiil Flannel Waists. LADIES' COLORED AND I1LACK TafTfla Waists, tucked all over a $3.00 Waist for 2.98 Miliinsry Qspcrtnian). YOUR CHOICE OF OVER 250 FELT read-to-wear Hats some full pleated 2fi0 FELT II pleated SSc lorae trimmed at nearly hall price only LADIES' FINE TRIMMED VELVET Hata In hlurk and colorsa bat thut would bring V UO In any department only 2.08 To William McKlnley Iio'oukh Hip distinc tion of 00 111 )e 1 1 1 nij nil nations to rcHpect tho United filutea. 1 1 imi mil 1111 Our Dent lnv. As General O. O. Howard was Introduced tlin audlunco greeted tho "hero of 100 battles" with hats In tho nlr and loud thoern. Tho general opened his remarks by referring to n mootliin with ox-Governor Uoutwcll, in which tho former mem ber of Grant's cublnet took him to task for bolnR an c-.pnnslonlst. Ills only roply to his old friend was "IJewey was the ex pansionist at Manila and now the question Is scttlod." Tho iicnillsltlnn of the Philippines was no rcBular thut no one couhl tulso excoptlonJ to It. The treaty imlorsod by tho ricino cratlo ciindlilati' win npiiroved by the scrmto nnd then tho Filipinos tho Tannhis cnnplrod to drlvo our army Into the sm. If W. J Hrynn had been In eommnnd of tho American army in the Philippine". I do not believe he would havo pcrmlttvl that to havo been done; for ilhl h- mr udvlso his friends to vote for the treaty nnd by the law of nations upon the ap proval of the treaty tho Ib'hivIs lircatnc the property of the United Stii'es There is no such tilling as lmperlallm In this country. Of the twenty-seven com manders of Independent urmles I hav known not one hut subordinated his posi tion to hits citizenship and during nil of mv service 1 looked forward to the time that I could become nn American citizen in deed nnd take part in the political nf fairs of tho nation. You nil remember General John Logan, who w,h nlunva In tho forefront of buttle His son died, nobly tluhtlne In the Philippines In a lett r to his mother I remarked that It Hcetnd stninuo that he and I should have sur vived the battles In which we wit n Hatred nnd that our sons nhould have fiiron so soon Let not the bio id of these bo.' be shed In Vain. In tho provld'nce of O -d the-e lands are ours and we must caro for their people. ISITri'l of the Cniileen System. Referring to tho army canteen the Rtn oral stntcd that It wns the experience that it had lessened drunkenness among tho sol diers, that under the policy of the Rovern niont tho low saloons had been suppressed In Manila and that In the opinion of Gen eral Otis that city was now better gov erned than the average American town of that size. Ho closed by paying tribute to the high character of President McKln ley and Colonel Roocvolt. At tho close of General Howard's speech Hon. I). II. Mercer responded to calls In a brief rpeech, In which he paid his re spects to his opponent. It was announced thnt next Monday Sen ator Stewnrt of Nevada will deliver a re publican address at Crelghton hall. After the meeting adjourned Senator Ilur rown visited The Ueo oftlce. Ho leaves In tho morning direct for Washington. t'nngrescmnn Mencr nnd other speakers will address the citizens of Washington county. Nebraska, as follows: Fnrt Cal houn, Monday. October 15, S p. in., Her man. Tuorday, October 16, 8 p. in.; Adman. Wednesday. October 17, 2 p. in.; Fonts nolle, Wednesday. October 17. 8 p. m.; Ar lington. Thursday, October 18. 2 p. m.; Kenuard, Thursday, October 18, S p. m.; Washington. Friday. October 19, 10 a. in. Congressman Mercer and other speakers will address the citizens of Douglas county as follows: Florence, Monday, October 15. 2 p, m.j Klk City. Friday. October 19, 2 p, m, . Valley, Friday. October 19, 8 p. m . Waterloo, Saturday, October 20, 2 p. ni.; Elkhorn, Saturday, October 20, S p, m. Bought by Our Buyers From a Number of Largo eUni only Inl Kit, from Fine quality black pebble cheviot jacket lined through out with best quality of all pure silk taffeta, gdj g? worth $20, for . . . DUB9li Ladies' all wool storm serge add cheviot suits, full silk I-MMKS UliACK (iOFF KIItTS- , 1. ,. r.F .ln1.t nAUIn 4X fkv ssr: .!!!?. LADIES' ALL WOOL FLANNEL Valt3--all colors bargain aquare price J1.93 cet one Monday (or 1.29 CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' TLEAT eri Mexican Felt Hats all colora worth $1.50, (or 200 HIGH-CLASS NOVELTY TRIM med Hat the very latest of this Reason's Ideas -every hat cheap at JS.50 only 4.S8 3 Jcr31rsic1 si3hzZ&&v3'3in!2hi'. ijj South Omaha News . Tho new Jungmann public school bulld Ing at Twentieth nnd O Btreets waa dedi cated last night with appropriate cere monies, the exercises being held under tho auspices of tho various llohcmlnu uoclutlc3 of the city. A largo crayon portrait of Jo seph Jungmnnn, tho gift of tho Bohemian societies, occupied ti place of honor over tho platform in tho largo assembly room, where tho exercises were held, and wns draped In the national colors. Evory seat In tho room was occupied by parents and teachers, while ranged about the room stood threo scoro or moro brlght-cyed children, pupils of tho school. After several solectlonB by Franok's band, which was stationed In tho lobby ad joining the assembly room, tho assemblage, was called to order by Philip Zelenka, chairman of tho committee In charge of the arranRotnents City Prosecutor Henry C. Murphy, as a representative of Mayor Kelly, delivered an nddrcsa of weloomo. South Omaha Is proud of Its Industries, he said, and she stnnds foremost In some of the leading Industries of the world. It Is equally proud of Its schools, which ore maintained at a high standard. In speaking to tho children Mr. Murphy snld that man's success In life and his happiness depended largely upon his education and theiVfore he urged tho children to pay strict attention to their books nnd arcumulato all of tho knowledge possible. Attention was called by the speaker to the fact that the hand some, school Is a public one and that no direct charge la made for tuition, thus en abling every boy or girl to becomo uaoful In the world and therefore bo (nullified to take the places of tho men and women who as time rolls on disappear from the sceue of Hctlon. Mr. Murphy In conclusion paid a grpreful tribute to the Hohemlans of tho Second ward. Chairman Zelenka then Introduced Ed ward Rosewater, editor of Tho Ilea, who spolce briefly on "The Influence of Jung mnnn." Mr. Rosrwater said that It gave him great plearure to speak of one of the great men who had been so prominent In Bo hemian history. Tho dedication of the school house, he said, commemorated the memory of a man who spent half a century In assisting civilization and It wn a great honor that a building fi.000 miles from th'' humble cottage where Jungmnnn was born should be nnmed for him. The speaker said that Joseph Jungmnnn was born In a small vlllngo In Iloheinln In 1773 and In his youth assisted In the tilling of the soil and was subjugated by the tyronny of the Austrian.. The people of Ilohemla at this time were bound under a yoke more sevcro than were ever the people of Ireland or the blacks In the south. The Austrian authorities fci bade the Breaking of the Ilohemlan Ian guago and a foreign tongue was Injected by force of arms. Thus the language being so maltreated became but a vestige. Natur ally, the liobrmlans In such a condition were unable to extend educational Ideas or keep up with tho march of civilization. contrast was made by the rpeaisr fcy Grockory Draporle; 65 1MKCK DIN tier t, now pat term anil color ilcc oration1 verv r- 1C0 PAIRS NOT tlnqlmtn Luco Cur tains, 3 yard;! lonir, full width thin salo 5n.r. 1.25 100 PAIKS HUU3 soil Net Laco Our tftlnM. no and pret tyuu,:p.r3i75 60 PAIHS HKAVY Damask Drapery orlnntal patterna rich, oxtra i aq sdooUI 1.9V tittle act aie . 100- PIECE DIN ncr Het. cMchi do- ami napoi p n y v qilalltr, 7.75 nu rxir quality 000 SAMPLE Lauipa, patent burn it a,bHUtl(ul ilinpra and colorli'E,. n.r. ta clot out th Up ... 124 1U in icron solid I fit 10 O a 1c China Clonets, bent ends, hlfhty polUlicd frames set with specially se lected cliiay, caryed and ornamented. Tou pout lively new saw Its equal at P3.M. I3J9 V O n MABSlVE i i aoim oik liiuaDoarn. very elaborate design, tidily carved ana with an elnsant beVol plutc mirror Compare It with what others will offer thti treek at 130, Thin sale ohly 113,70. ELEGANT MAHOGANY OR GOLDEN OAK PARLOR SUIfS. FIVE PIEcCb, superbly iioilahed uud oarvod, extremely catoby coverings of damask and as aubiUntlal as they are beautiful, fpoclal for thin sain 7Q FOR MANTLE FOLDING I1BD. polish oalt panel front, hai supilortod woven wlr spr ng and Is made extra Mrjng and substantial, a blr? hi VV vaJue at SUafO bods, reinforced anil -upolbly enameled luaai trimmed and bra5s roil he 'd and foot. Special fir this tale, 4 95. calling attention to tho fact that 200 years before this time Prague was the center of learning and that many eminent men of the sixteenth century Hero edurated there, not only In the Christian religion, but In civilization. : It remained for Jungmann to nrlso and by his owu force of Intelligence to impress himself so strongly that In half a century the Ilohemlan language wns re-cstabltBhed and printing presses set In motion. Jung mann not only contributed to the education of his own people, compiling a dictionary of the Hohemlan language, but ho publ.shrd ail encyclopedia. Other nations copied from this encyclopedia and from thin tho world learned that tho Hohemlans were not as Ignorant or as boorish as had been re ported. Mr. Rosewater mentioned tho fact that Jungmnnn was n born agitator nnd that in 1S4S. one ear after his death, a revolution was fltnrted which brought forth a written constitution from Austria giving the Ilo homlans rights ns citizens. In speaking to the children Mr. Rosewater said that they came from good stock and had behind them culture, civilization and education. Then referring to tho bunting about the portrait of Jungmann the spenktr said that tho lu al biuc had boon added to tho red and white of Ilohemla and that Hohemlans had al ways shown themselves to bo fearless nnd especially so on tho battlefield. When tho applnuso following Mr. Rose- water's address had subsided the chairman Introduced Dr. H. K. Wolfo, superintendent of public Instruction. He spoko especially of tho Improved condition of tho Second ward schools since tho erection of the Jungmann building and said that now there wns plenty of rooni for nil of the pupils enrolled. He considered the Jung mann the best school building In tho city at this tlmo aud congratulated the ward upon having such a line edurntlonal struc ture within Its confines. Mention was made of the Influence of prominent Bo hemians and a compliment was paid to tho student corpB of teachers at this school. Joseph Ilunata spoke In Ilohemlan of the tnllueiice of Jungmnnn and his remarks were well received. Miss Marie Subrt also spulto on the topic, "What Is n School?" The singing society of tho Tel Jed Sokol roudereil n number of selections as did also Frnuok's band. Tho exercises, which were a success In every way, were in charge of a committee composed of Philip Zolenka, J. M. Tobias, Jcseph Dvorak and Frank J Fltle. i'W Goods .llMt Ueeel veil. Just arrived, fine display of Hnwkes' rich cut glass, tho best made Ladles' long guard chnln3, mw and elegant. A grea,t variety of ladles' watchoi. gold and gold filled, now special designs. Now Is tho time to select for ('hrlstmns and havo laid uwny. Call In nnd see us and get cur terms nnd prices. Golfrc the Jowoler, 2413 N Mreet. South Omaha limle City .oNlp. John Crothers Is In Colorado Springs, f'ottngcn built to suit buyers Jno.J.Hyan. A mn has been born to Mr. and Mri Robert Tlghe of Albright. An Important mcetlny of the Knlgbu ami t . O .... ...411 i. ....... ,rv . uay tvenla. CiiBtsuiA rjt yup h 111 Michigan Factories at a 'RXDNJAM STQCETS. (THK MCOI'I.' KC1151TCRBAHU EVERYTH NO SOUO for CASH orCHDlT. tUO.DO Tor(li ajnotla, fl.OO nefli, 4.00 tnanth. f'jn.00 it n rlli cuoda, 91.US wffk, C.OO month. fSO.OO rorth ool, week, IJH.00 month. 97.1.00 TTorlh Eiiml, ftf.UO vrerU, 8.00 tuoodi. finO.UO TTnrth aoorta, SU.nO rrrrU, 910.WO muuth. f'JOO.OO Ttorlh iidiiIi, fil.00 iTek, month. d "yc FOR K X I 'Vi I O trcmely nr tlatic Hook Cuko and Doslc Combination, made of solid msely hand carved ai) hlflily poltihed, Uno bevel p'.ato jnlrror and brass trlmtnlngfl. Took all the mf, had ut our own urlce, Hpoclal thld sale, only 3 ftQ FOn 1-ADIK' Fan- yt) cy WrlUng Desks, aolian onJi or mahogany finish, piano polUh, a pratty design wltii Xtnch carvcJ legii Tliey were tnaifo to veil at XL IJxtra special dar ing this cata, P.Si. 3 QO FOR ILltGE MAS- bles, gnlden oak. finished, 3 large, artistic legs, extra well bract" , carved all around and highly pollihcd, 6 ft long. Would be cheap at $7. tlmmmmm 1 MM FOR KLAUORATIt t a tj urc3serjiiM HKAVY IRON ih lui roldeu oak larao uots a.-d Imitation niahorany- hluh y polished and carved, mum moth bevel plate mirror, dove-tailed, smooth running drawers. We liotijht them at a bargain stlllnp them same way only 13.75 joints, ni-n nci.u erved and i nnldeniblc business will come up for disposition. A moM'tnent Is on foot to repaint the First Prcb ti rlan eliun h. Servlcis will be held ns mual at St. Mar tin's church today. The municipal ownership of electric stteet lighting plants Is being agitated here. Coal Is now Felling for fit M u (on and local dealers say thin It will go higher. Mrs. I.ctlu ;.! rriinnn Uutterttebl. 16l'J North Twenty-iifth mrtct, is seriously 111. For rent, furnished rooms; also board. Mrw Gibson. HMh nnd C, streets, South Omaha. I. M Click lr. laying ti line concrete elde wnlk In front of his property ut Nlnetco-.itn mill M streets. Rev. Dr W'ic' ler prenehex this morning at tho First PreMliyterliiti chun It. Thele will he no evening service Tho Jetter base ball team will piny a gunie with the Fnrt Crook team nt tho fort at 3 o'clock this nflernoon. . Secretary Overton will conduct the Miff ing for men nt the Young Men's Christian association rooms this afternoon. A meeting of the l'o'lsh Republican cluo will he held nt Ilex lui'l. Thirty-third and I. streets, nt I o'clock this afternoon. William V Ileutz will conduct the Pre-i. bvterlnn Kmlerivof service nt 7 o'cloc'i thU ev-i Iiht. Topic, "Tares nrd the Wheat." I'nvld Anderson hns received word tint IiIh form neur Houston, Tex . was ludlv (inmnged by the storm which destroyed Galveston. M. Dotinellv. national president of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters' union, hn e turned to South Omaln and will remain Indefinitely. Frank W. Merrill, son of Editor M. Trill ol the Presbyterian, has secured a poItlun with L C Olbnin, tho well known real tstnto denier. The women of tho Presbyterian church nro figuring on giving a chicken pie In ner nt lOfi North Twenty-fifth street shortly after October 1. H. H. Wilcox, republican cindldate for thil legislature, has relumed Horn Elk City, where ho met with nn exceedingly cordinl reception See Eil MmiBhaw & Co. for lumbor.Tel.2S5 Police Olllcer II. U. Newman leaves today for Indiana, to be gone ihrec wi""i. lie goes to visit relatives and look afttr hi' property lntercMs. The local lodge nf Foresters will meet nt 1 o'clock this afternoon to attend th" funernl of William Cooper, Seventeenth and Jackson streets. Omnha. The Woman's Mlsslonarv society of th First Presbyterian church will meet wl'h Mra JC. A Chaffee. Twenty-seventh end G streets, on Thursday afternoon. Members of the Commercial club are out now raising ll.Ooo for tlm purpnse of buy ing a certain strip of ln.ul, wlibh. when secured, will permit of tho ops:dng of N ctreet to the river. For sale, furniture of slx-room house complete, with or without piano. Good location. Cheap r-nt In South Omaha. Sell on tlmo If desired. Address 1, He olllce, South Omaha. Colored republicans In South Omaha nr taking a great deal of Interest In tin Hough Riders' puriule, to be held In Omaha October t. A delegation of nt least ulxty from .South Omnha will match In tne parade A union meeting of all the churohe will bo held nt the First Methodist churcM, Twent) -third und N streuts, this evening In the Interest of the Antl-finloon league Thomas Darnell of Lincoln will deliver nn address Tha reception given to Rev. D W MorUrtv on his return from clurope Fri day night greatly surpasicd the ex, e u lions of thoso who managed the offil. It Is estimated that fully 1 Wjo nueti bid the reception Ut the parochial icsldem Hall for liohritiin NtifTrrera, The Ahamo society, tha woman's auxil iary of the Omaha Typographical union, has forwarded (15 to Galveston, Tex. fr-r ;4he.telleOtflfSEjrliUcr of that dty, The Ridiculously Low Prict. OMAUA. CA.tlHET CO.) AN ONEQUALF.D HHOWINO f Ccoklnf eta,-ea, the ftrnni and duravu kind, with laria ovVu ana nrthoi, our heti. an auarantfed far baklni. Kx. tra special (or till. 7 r tale, only. . I il9 CREAT SEPTEMBER SALE OF CARPETS AND RUC3. The richest weaves direct from tho looms, many design, ex clusive with us at prices belnc asked by many dealers for rem nants and carried over patterns. INOKAIN'SAn Imuecihu will hold to tho very last: a nUAVV INGRAIN Wool, rlchett coloring, very deslr VKLVKTSVery choice pattern In this lot. extra quality material and hold faat rolori--spcclal this sale only TAPESTRY IJRUSSIvl.S-Very heavy in nalglit and mailo of arlri'.tod tnatirlaU, This Is a special talue with in Extra apectal at ouly . AXM1NSTER U('G9-Ia floral and Oriental off rets, specially prlrt.d for tl ulM SMYRNA RUOS-Strlotly all wool and worsted, hoiutlful (J ft fall patorns, sUn 4x7 feet, and during this sale ifo at only ... UaS&J jcr ji C o gn I FOR UEAUTIFUI. K'ouches, large frames, French valour coverings, deeply tufted over plenty of well-fastened springs, rosettes on head. You'd lie chanted 115 for It any place else, This salo, l19. iia in tin to h or QIC FOR LARGn MORRIB 1 9 Chairs, massive solid ouV: or mahogany polished frames hind carved, loverslble cimhlonx In 11 varied an'ortment of colors. An other dealer In erklng 112.00 for a similar chair This na!s $.75. executive committee of tho International 1 vpocruphlcnl union has pent out an ap peal to all the local unions for uld. In the dt&ustroiis storm which swept over Galves ton the local union loit twelve members The devastation of the city wnn so com plete that It will take some tlmo before the remaining members nre ublo to cure for themselves The Ahiiiuo society wll' give, a ball on the evening of October 3, the. proceeds of which will bo sent to the Galveston sufferers. streetswll be cleaned City TlinroiiKhfaren in He I'ul (noil Condition fur the A L-Sur-llen I'rullt lllcn, III Mayor Moores hns determined to unlto with tbe council In having the street cleaned during Ak-Sar-Uen week. He hau signed the resolution empowering the comptroller to Issue certificates of indebt ediuss to men who work with the street cleaning gangs. In discussing the matter the mayor said that street cleaning during tho carnival week Is, In' his estimation, emergency work. He Ib In doubt ns to tho wisdom of attempting to clean the streets during the remainder of the yea. under tho emergency clause of the ihartci "I haven't anything to say ns to what action will bo taken concerning tho care of the streets after tho carnival," said the mayor. "That Is A tough proposition and I have been hoping for some early snows. We will put the streets In good coudttlon for tho big crowds that will visit here this work nnd perhaps the weather will tako a hand and make any further cleaning unnecessary." Millions will ns apent 'ir. politics this year. We can't keep the campaign going Ithout money any more than wo can keep tho body vigorous without food. Dyspep tics urcd to starve themselves. Now Kodol .'spopii!a Cure digests what you eat and "nna you to eat all the good food you want. It radically cures stomach troublc'4 RELIEF FUND KEeTsTrOWING Over Kluht TliiniNniiil Dolhira .11 rendy Ruined for Gnlxra on Siiirerem, The Galveston fund hns passed tho $8,000 mark and bids fair to reach J 10,000. the sum which Mayor Moores has been striving to raise. Individual contributions nmouutlug to more than $500 were received by the mayor during the last two days and nearly J300 wrb contributed by the teachers and pupllB of the public schools. A full report has not been made by tho principals of the different schools, but tho contributions already received amount to $J0O. This money was brought to Super intendent Pearse by the principals when they met Friday ovenlng nnd Is largely In pennies. lu each school room In tho city the tenchar provided a gift box, Into which tho pupils dropped their money. The facts concerning the Galveston disaster vcre stated to the pupils aid no elfort was made to secure Urge contributions. MretliiK lit Grant Strerl Church. Today Eldor B, JJ, Tyler of New Tork. one of tho great evangelist of the conn try, and a Wader a-mvng the disciples, will liBTATE DAK HBATEU OiU celabratrd make ty. ta tt. ahawy nickel trlmiUn. otroal haft! reulr.a Mt rti0ln and Is a treat healer, yra leed to k"ep nre (I cent'-. mt hours Vflth soft coal- Q "B barcaln at wt I H shipment J11M In, pretty oolor that lagular Cue quality at 27c 45c 89c the none.ot, catchteit dolctia anil ilileapeclal for t li li tain only 53c ,JxU22.75 ROCOCO lre, ctrong 698;! on I !iIA 8HAT inii il antlquu r thoroughly worth every 60. This sal inahocai y well innde rent of (1 inly C3c 90 tin I"0'1 STAR ESTATK (9i3U Stcl RanRe-haa every thing 'hut a third mora tnonsy usu ally brings- big nne-plece ventilat ing ovun. balance drop oven dear Nickel wharever It can go la as bestOH llnod throughout The more you use It the better you will like It worth Itr this sale JJ3.50. begin n series of meetings nt the Grant Street Christian church. Tw( ntv-slxth and Grant streets. Elder Tyler Is a member i.f the revision runimlttee of the American lllhh Miclutv. ii member of the Interna tlonal Sunday School Lesson commission at il Is known In rontons clrulri as on of the rnriiinnst biblical stuilentH of the times Hiirlug the two weeks following he will preach nt 7 30 inch evetilnu at the same pluct.. At 12 m. each week day men'a mass h cet'ngs will be conducted by him nt the Young Men's Christian association hull and at .1 o'clock eueh afternoon ho will conduct blhlo study alusses at the cliuroh Co in in ere I ii I Men CihiiIiik. Word has been received liy the United Commercial Travelers of this elty that tho Sojx Cltv branch of tho order will b In Omnha. 100 strong next week to partlel unto in tho exercises or l ommerclal Trav elers' ilnv. The Sioux City inntlnvntit will he accompanied by u bund unit will be en tertained ny me umniiu men ui tneir neau quiiium In the lleo building. The local ccumc rclul men would like to have th assistance of nil drummers In the city lu iteming entertain tne lownns. -fl'nriiialey'N Wild Hide, J. Worinsley. n bartender, wua arrested lust night by Emergency Olllcer Baldwin for being drunk and tor cruelty to iinl inuls. He hind u rig from Thomas Jones, tho DodKe ntreot llvervmun. to attend the democratic county convention at Hntlth Omaha and while there got so full of bouze and enthusiasm that he drove the team into a mien, wrecneii tno liuggy anil cov ered himself with inul from bend to for.t When ho arrived ut the barn the team was lu bud condition from lmrd driving. ii:u. MOORI3 Mrs Mnry, formerly of Derilson ia., nt tlm resilience or ncr iinugiiler. 232.1 So. Eleventh St. Funernl Monday mornlnn. Iiitermuut t Dcnlson. lu. M'KKNNA-Chrlstopher, ngeil f.t years, at nt. nernnru s hospital, council lliiffs Funernl Tilesdav nuiriilnu. Hentemlirr "-. at 8 o'clock, from Henfey & Ilenfey's tin dertnklng moms to Sacred Heart church, Twent v-seeond and Kinney stretM. Inter ment Holy Sepulchre, enmetcrv. ,Munibrn of Ancient Older of United Workmen lodge il uimj nuiii.e. itu imwrrn. Funernl .Notice. The funeral of Herman Horns Knunlz son of Mr nnd Mrs Charles T. Kountzr' will h from the family residence, corner l ornein street ami uewey avenue, nt 2'30 p. rn., Sulidny, September 23, lo Forest Lawn cemetery. Interment private. use "Not a pnlscnoui, drcstlccitlnrlic " but on aoreeallr, tferxticent ifomaci euisfr which acts gently on tho fiur and IWnrii nnd keuin tha luudi In healthy action, thus Insuring good cotr.pfrxfeni, rVnr trains and htaitliv bixlitt. "Once trlrd u!wnn used when needed, " A nsw tire, JJ;, Itrgular sizes, 'An. and (1. Tarrant's "Dermal" poflsrldaiatr, aaMitrtlo. ti' nnri'tf. tolljt. ltr ittlo(, cjras chaflnr. '"t po-iir, 35c. At drsiz'.tts or maUe i on rttpt of price. TARWANT ft CO., 'Fuil' Ntw Vof