IS THE POLITICAL WHIRL Qtieor Pooplo Who Oall at the National Ropublloin Hoftdquartors." QUEER THINGS THEY SAY AND DO Orntnry Hint Poetry on Tnp, AVlietlier It I Wnntfil or .Not hoini- I.I t -L-rnluri' Tlml In ."Sot Suit nil Ic fur I'ulilleiitloii, CHICAGO. Sept. 21. Business is the key that unlocks tho republican national head- wag un,u.r tnu Jurisdiction of the Chicago quarters. To tho man who has business headquarters. His Itinerary was a dim to transact communication with any of thu ,1uit otle t0 ftrrango, becauso of tho nva members of tho executive committee Is ianche of demands that was made for him mickly obtained and their attention ma (,0m all partB of tho country. Chnlrman be had as long as Is necessary. The Hanna, Senator Scott and Governor Roosc-twenty-odd rooms which tho committee volt would gather at tho Now York tele occupies on the third floor of tho Metro- phone and talk with Hon. Henry C. Payne, polllan building at 1 Madison tivcntio In io Is at tho head of tho committee In New York City aro always open to th Phlrngo. Three consultations between them man or woman who knows what ho wants sufficed to arrango tho whole tour of forty and whoso wants aro of a kind that in- threo days, so that tho regular trains of tercst the men who are striving for tho tho various rouds over which tho candidate election of McKlnlcy and Roosevelt. Krom will ride will be Utilized, and the schedule nil parts of tho country, therefore, como was so contrived that his speeches will ill sorts of people, who have, or tultiK they have, Important trans .etlous w Uh the republican party In the matter i tnu com- Ing election. If those persons only wno Imvc a real Interest In the cumpalgn and Its management called there, thu Uoors vould bn open on tho corridors at an Jiours. IJut besides tho great numuer wno visit tho committeemen on business, every day a stream of curloslty-lmpellid visitors, ranks of various degrees of crankiness und fakirs wlio ncilovo mai uiey uu die tho managers of the campaign to their own advnntugc, pour Into tho building. 1'un theao visitors ttiero ih courtesy cnougn, uu Hanna. They loaf In the corridors. Impor- - i . -. 1 1 ... ,.natn till, t 1 1 11 0 llfl. . I vney aru uui iui - tho men whoso minds aro occupied witn tho detail work of getting out tno rcpuu- Mean vote tlirougnout mo cuuturj. Tho national headquarters ol tno rcpuu- llcau commlttco In New "iorit is oniy icm- vorary. Krom It all of tho campaign work for tho eastern states Is directed. It wus opened on tho first of August. It will In- closed up within a couplo of days after the election, but It has all tho appearances of permanency that attaches to tho oxec- tunc ollioos 01 n greui ...w... Tho fittings are suustnnwiu uuu ,.,, .. they had been lustalled to stay. The clerks, inessenKcrs and doorkeepers all havo an lr about them which Hays to tho visitor that they aro permanent parts of a groat organization engaged in Borious Throughout tlio olllcea aro portrait, ml m. republican national candldutca set off by tho national colors. mo .Mcivinuy pur- traits aro all tho same. They show the jirealdent as he appears at his desk In tho White House. Oi tno poriratis o velt thcro Is a great variety. n m ns a aoldler mounted on a norso aim iiuu- ing a churgo of Hough Hlders; ho Is shown f,s a Btntesman, dressed In a frock coa , mich bb statesmen aro alleged to nfiect. Thoro aro pictures of tho soldier velt dressed In khaiti at mess ''" omcers oi ins rcguutui. pictures aro thoso of a cowhoy and others oi a iiunicr. au oi uwiu u.u u - - Koosoveit, nowevor. nicy m.. ."i" " tho portrults that aro being dlstrlbutfd throughout tno country on uiu of tho various state committees. I low tin? Work I Divided. Chairman Hanna Is essentially a business man. Ho does his work as tho head ot tho national committee In tho samo way that he manages tno commun-uu uau- rriscs which no controls, no uuu uui, u- i .... timn Vnlthnr do tho men ..v. i.i i.i.n nn hn nxucutivo committee. in- ,.rin.,., at tho New York head- nuarters arc: United States Senator Na- than II. Scott of West Virginia, ex-Stale senator Krcdcrlck S. Gtbbs of Now York, ?,C"at L .nh ii Man.v of Maine and ex- tirovlnce to 1111 in tho work of tho com mlttoo. Mr. Miss looks after Its flnanccs ills books ns treasurer of tho national com mlttco nro kept on tho samo systom that tho books of tho house of which ho Is tho Jioad nro kent. Mr. llllss dots not want to mi liin namo Into tho newspapers. Ho Is seldom interviewed. When his opinion Is asked ho usually says that ho docs uot wish to bo quoted. Ho Is busy always llo Is consulted by tho other managers on every move of Importnnco that Is made end his experlenco makes his Judgment of great value There is strong personal friendship of long standing between Sen- AlOr illUlU.l llllU imaa. " . mi - ator Hanna Is at headquarters they spend a rrent deal of tlmo together Mr. Manly looks out for tho general work of tho campaign, llo knows tho United States llko a book, politically. Hardly a political question can bo asked that ho can- nrriinml nnd If tin does not have , - T , , , . tno lniormaiinn in uia unuu uu mmnn whero it can bo obtained most easily. Mr. Olbbs Is another old-timer In politics. Ho, too. hns a store of political knowledge co extensive with tho history of tho repub lican tiarty. Most of his attention has been devoted to tho city and atato ot New Vnl, i rt.l l f Mm la nntrtiatml ninrn rtnrtlo-l.. York and ta him Is entrusted more partlc tilarly the direction of affairs In tho Km iilro Stnto. Senator Scott Is at tho head of tho spenkers" bureau. Ho makes tho A SORRY SIGHT It is, to see n stroug man shaken like a recti by n paroxysm of coughing, which leaves him pastiing for breath, People have suffered with bronchial nllcctions for yeara, with obstinate, stubborn cough, aim growing weakness. They have tried uociors ami incut- cities in vain. At last they have been iintiticea to trv ivr. 1'ierce'sGolden Med ical Discovery, with the general result experienced by all who put this wondcr- lui tuetttcitie to tne test help nt once, nnd a speedy cure. For couKtis, bron chial nffections. weak lungs, spitting of blood, and other diseases of the or- enns of respiration, I : . i l: "women mctncni nlfienvprv' 5s nrac tically n specific. It always helps; it al- tliost always cures. "I had been troubled with liroucliltit and catarrh of the head tor eight yerj had evere cough, aud at time great difficulty In breathlnc," write J. V. llowerton, i;l.,ornlgfall, Hancock CO., rciill. " portion of the time my appetite mi poor and part of the time I was unable to do anything. 1 ld been treated by our bt country phviclau Tor iVvVrVl year, but with little benefit. I had beta .u.,,, t,,i vnur mrillclue for a lotm time but hailu't muc'h faith in it. Last pring con- coded I would try it, arm ikiuic i i" hir.i ni n iintile of Dr 1'ierce1 Golden Medical Dlkcovery I began to mend, I con tlnued taking it until I had taken several bottte. TookDr Pierce's Pleasant Pellet also. Now I feel like a new man, aud can do as hard day's work as any one." nr. Plorce's Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 oue-cent stamps for paper covered, or 31 stamps for cloth f?ecrotary of tho Interior uornoi us ,n. uiiss - . of New York, who is treasurer of tho na- lhe? ,aB unappreciated by the public. "."i ,. Manh ono has his own Hcvotcd members of tho party, and cranks. V I U .1 1 , . Ulll.l... . i ... ul I... I . I M . nsngnmenM for all the speakers who op- i rata under the dimMon of the national lotnralttpo a far west an the middle of Ohio. Krom that line to tho Pacific roast everything Is iinrler the direction of the campaigners In Chicago. To the eastward of It they have no Jurisdiction. At noon of every working day, under an arrangement with tho telephone company, me long distance telephone In tho Chi cago headquarters Is connected with that in New York headquarters", and the com mitteemen, nearly J.000 miles apart, talk matters over with each other. The tele phone was of especial value when the com mltteo was arranging the Governor Rooso- veit stumping tour through the west. Gov ernor KnnRfVftlt u-na In ur YnrU Mml of (ue tcrrttnrv in whirl, h ,. in nu bo delivered whero they can bo heard by the greatest possible number of persons. now u coum nave ticcn tiouo witnoui ino am or tno telephone Is a question witnoui any answer. SHionipr nnd ThHr Sulirmeii. A ()rt ooJ CODj..lon. o( conie go to tho headquarters. Those whoso visits aro of Importance are usually uninteresting to an observer, while those whose presence Is not noccssary form an entertaining sub- ,ec, .....i.. , ... ,n ... ,, lno oul of 100 of (hoso wll0 haVQ nQ rcn, business nt headquarters want to sco Mr. lUnmg tno sergcant-at-arms to get tliem ,, Mr . nunna.8 room somo of them con- ft,ig Ujat Ul(iy 0M,y want ,n ook nt hm Othois have strango and weird schemes tthlclj )hcy want th() commlUcu to n,i0,t. Tll0 ,an vltl, u Bcll0mo j8 tno uant, ot tno committeeman's existence. He cornea In (lrovos an, s(ays a onK wll0 TIu Bchcnu.g which a-o suggeitod aro as various ns human Kc.nulty cun ,iovlc. Sometimes the pro- , . cnnu,H frm ... ,u .ii.i,,,.,.. t,atl,(l but U8lmlly lbu prol0,,er llas ,, cyc wl(I(1 0ic f()r n)s own flmincnI betterment. Sllch u turnp(, up 0U(J ,,ny was ungaH0(j , tho manufacture of ribbon in oll . ,, ..,.,. u ,,,, lhal he mURt tco Mr nanna ullJ ,hat ho wnnteJ tuo nutlmia committee to miopt a rlbtion badge, the material to ,m SUiil lofl by him. He explained that If ,,, c,)mnlttc would adopt tho badge and causo u to ,l(J worn ,y (t) rop0cans ,t wmIll ncrcaBe tho demand for ribbon to Blrh an extf nt tmu a Ule mam,faclut.nr8 would put on oxtra-hands In order to till thelr orders. His plan was for tho com mUco to make arrangements with tho man- ufaclurer8 that n), thu80 nt,w ,mn(,9 Bhou(l bo drawn ffom U0 rnnks Qf (ho ,,Pnloeracy aD(l tbat each onc of thpm 8l01ll(, b(, plca(;cd to voto tho republican ticket In turn for his employment. Tho plan didn't commend It- seir to tho committee. A manufacturer of novcites bau a bIg scbcn)e for nooilltiR lno country with spirit thermometers con tinning a flguro of Undo Sam. Tho bulb ot th0 thermometer wus to bo held in tho hand and as tho spirit expanded In n good republican hand tho flguro would rise to prosperity. Tho man who suggested this Bc.hcmo didn't explain what tho committee CouId say when a democratic hand got on ti10 thermometer nnd tho flguro rose. The commlttco haBn't bought any thermometers. ,,...,, , I,..-,.,, ' ,",ltu l-Mcrntur. Thpre ' 0o department devoted to cam- PaKn literature. It has already Issued 200 ll"cnt documents which will bo dls '"""-'.i tno minions, -mese documents nro not ono-twcntleth of tho entire number -mlttcd to tho committee. Authors, some rlpt which reaches tho literary bureau. All of It la read. Somo of the documents aro very remarkable. Hcccntly one was received from a Nebraskan, which contained a vio lent attack on the personal character of the democratic nomlnco for tho presidency. Its author wroto that ho had personal kuowlcdgo of tho facts on which It was based, and that he was posltlvo Its circula tion would not only prevent democratic success thin year, but would drive Mr. Ilryan from tho United States. He added ,' , r mC , pampMret s a llocutnont r that tho national committee rould hold docs not recolvo much attention. It wan returned to Its nuthor with a nste saylnu it was not acceptable. Within a week the commltteo received an Indignant letter from him, declaring that thero was uot a republican In the United States who knew hlB busluess nnd that to rebuko them the .. autnor wouia vote ror Ilryan On another day n well groomed Indi vidual appeared with proof sheets of a scurrilous attack on President McKlnlcy iio said that ho was tho author of It and that tho democratic national committee had bought It and would issue It, but ho of- , ,mvo u ' - - ... " u 'l uu Mean commlttco would mako it worth tho while. Tho republicans were cnnlldent that tho democratic national committee had never seen the document and they promptly turned tho blackmailer out Occasionally these troublcsomo visitors go astray and get Into tho wrong place Ono day a long-haired poet wandered around tho corYldors for n half hour or so without telling anyone his business. One of Mr. Hanna's callers, on leaving the rhalrman's room, forgot to close tho door and tho poet slipped In beforo anyeno could head him off. He drew from his pocket a great roll of MSS and explained to Mr. Hanna that It was a history of tho republican party In rhymo. Iloforo tho chairman could reply tho poet said, will read It," and ho began. How long It was tho chairman never learned, for he made an excuse nnd deserted his desk leaving the poet In possession of the room Tho poet was lured out afterward by Mr Hanna's secretary Mr. Olbbs attends to the gentlemen who nro organizing great movements nnd who need only n llttlo aid from tho national ommlttce to bring nbnut a landslide. Thero are moro of theso persons, Mr. Olbbs says than thero aro voters In tho United States In the month of August ho received over 1 io letters, all of which endorsed tho work "'at was being tlono by an individual In ao of tho Atlantic const states. This man was organizing too negro voters, i.ot tors bearing tho signatures ot clergymen physicians, lawyers and merchants reached Mr. Glbbs, all of them commending In ardent words this orgnnlzer. Mr. Glbbs Investigated tho movement and learned that all of tho letters had been written by the supposed organizer himself, com mending him for work that ho had never done, and that tho namo ho had been using was that of a man who bud been dead for threo years. Ornturr In Vnat Qiiiintltlm. To Senator Scott go tho would-bo speak ers. Tho senator Is convinced that CO pe cont of tho entire mnle population of th United States want to mako speeches fo tho republican ticket. When thoso who aro ambitious to take tho stump apply by letter thoy can bo disposed of easily, but sometimes they mako personal application It has occurred that an aspirant for a Jo In tho speakers' bureau has Insisted on glv Ins a sauiplo ot bis ability. Ono day wbll lOf tnom With rnnittnt nna Aan t.l lt. n.l . " cuuuiuuiu in mo mass oi manuec TJTTC OMAHA DATLY 1VEE: SPXHAY. SUPTRMnRK 23, 11)00. Senator Sott was busy mapping out the tours of four I'nitcd States senators he was compelled to stop everything In his oflke to listen to a "natural orator" from a southern state, who spoko for a half hour on the Iniquity of human slavery. Hoy orators aro projected upon the senator In abundance. They are usually brought to his oillce by their doting parents, who Insist that the infant prodigy shall give an exhibition. Senator Scott has to listen to them. The senator does not believe that a deep Impression can bo made on a full grown man by an Infant, but he has pre served his good nature so far and has not slain any child orators or their parents. Once in awhllo an aspirant for oratorical employment brings his wife along with hlra to plead his case. To tell a devoted wife that her husband is absolutely unable to a peak In public Is out of tho question and diplomacy of tho highest order Is necessary to handlo such a family without giving offense. Most of tho stump speakers are men of prominence in tho party or are pro fessional speakers. The big men do not receive any pay for their services. The compensation of tho others is graded ac cording to their abilities. Tho speakers' bureau Is besieged by men who bollevo that appeals should be made to special classes of tho population. They can never under stand why the committee does not sco the situation as they do. There is a man who Is known In his homo as tho "Hollermaker Orator." becaufo ho makes good boilers and bad speeches. He believes firmly that If tho national committee would put him .on tho stump nt a high salary every holl ermaker In the country would vote tho re publican ticket. Drntlnu with (,'rniiks, All tho cranks and pcoplo with queer no tions must be turned down, but the process must be a gcntlo ono and tho words well chosen, or elso there will be a tremendous hullabaloo about It. A natlonnl commit teeman who had ridden f00 miles on a hot day to get to headquarters, whoso head was splitting with it tremendous ache, whose desk was piled high with corro spondenco that required his Immediate at tention nnd who was generally out ot sorts, onco called a man who had bothered him for half an hour a "damn nuisance." Within a day there was a story In circula tion that he had driven a mild and In offensive visitor from his olllco with blows nnd curses. Some pcoplo hero believed It ever since, it may happen some day. Tho campaign contributions sometimes hldo strange stories. Recently there wnn received at headquarters a check for $100 from a woman In a Bcaboard city. Some thing in tho letter aroused the Interest of Chairman Hanna and ho caused It to be Investigated. He learned that this contri bution represented half the savings of a lifetime of n poor nnd bard working woman, whoso only Interest In the party came from ter belief that Its men and policies were ho best. Tho commlttco returned tho con tribution with a noto explaining that 11 did not think such sacrifice on her part was necessary. Not all tho checks that aro received at headquarters are llko this one. Thero Is a urge class of the population which con siders it a hugo Joko to send bogus checks n ns contributions. These can usually bo detected by tho stylo in which they are drawn. One day last week a check for $1, 000,000 was received. It was drawn on an elaborately engraved blank. The committee men looked nt it and decided that they would not place It In a bank for collection. Sometimes, how over, they mako a mistake. A letter containing a check for $5,000 from a man of whom no member of the commit tee had ever heard was received several months ago. Tho commlttco thought It was Joke. The check was laid aside and for gotten. It came to light three weeks ago and wns put In tho bank to sco what would happen. To tho astonishment of the com mlttco it turned out to bo good. Tho con trlbutor wns n Missouri farmer, who neither sought or desired any reward, but wanted to help tho party along, Running n campaign Is a business. As It appears from the viewpoint of the commit teeman It Is hard work and Is llttlo else. Thctorchllght pyrotechnlo display period of politics seems to havo passed and cam palgns now aro managed Just as any great business enterprise is. ThoiiNiiiiiI Dollnrn fur a Ilnttlr of Apollliiurli. It's a mean gambling Jiouso proprietor who won t glvo a busted player enough money to get a room and breakfast with when he's blown all ho has over tho grcci c'oth. So, true to this unwritten law. "Tom Powers and "Tim" Kinney, as proprietors of u big game, In a delicate way, returned to Jim Wakeley J2.000 of tho $20,000 ho had lost to them gambling. Herein Is also told how a bobtail flush cost the sumc James a fortune, relates tho New lork Journal. Now. Wakeley didn't need tho cash to buy a room to sleep In, nor did ho havo gnawing at his innards for breakfast In fact, ho didn't wnnt nor ask for a cent but ho got It, and ho got It good. Remember that James Wakeley, king ot sporting men, has not a drop of blood In him that cannot traco Its sporting pedigree Pock to tne original Iloyle. In fact. Wake. ley onco raado all tho sporting authorities leok llko six nickels on his query: "Is piker? Or did Pat Shcedy go from Capo to uairo ami now :" The answer was: "In a minute." This established Wnkeloy's reputation as a wit and so "Tom" Powers and "Tim" Klnnoy decided to get even, for they had been rondo tho goats In this Joke. Thoy became the butts, so to speak, ot rude Jests by vulgar men who woro 4-carat stones In striped pink shirts. Now Wakoloy thinks ho Is a great card player. Everybody olso knows ho Isn't but ns ho backs his opinion all the good rciiows try to encourage him. Ho nlwaya nas loads or dough, nnd never squeals ho when ho called nt Powers' and Kin noy's placo In West Thirty-third street near tho Waldorf-Astoria, early this morn Ing no, yesterday afternoon It ended this morning at daybreak he found tho pal of sports ready to welcome him. it was it rour-namied game. The two partners, Jimmy aud an English banker son not a faro banker. I no session lasted until 3 a. m. today. Then wakeley paid $20,000 for his mark era and quit. Ho lost tho whole amount on a bobtail Hush. The partnors then visited Wakoloy' saloon aud ordered two pints of Apnol llnarls. They each throw down a $1,000 hill and would tako no change. Cnnuinluii llnntnr. Cleveland Plain Dealer: "Plngerly, wh Is running for congress, sprained bis leg the othor nay. "I suppose his wife promptly sent for 'healor.' " "Yea, sho attempted to, but Plngerly stopped her, Tvo had dozens of heelers working at that leg,' ho said, with a smile 'Wh-why, what did they do to It 7' gaspe his surprised wifo. 'Pulled It,' said Pin gerly." Mothers endorso It, children llko It, old folks use it. Wo refor to Ono Mlnut Cough Cure. It will quickly euro all throa and lung troubles. Sordid. Detroit Journal: En route, wo met Death on a Palo Hlcycle. Observing a largo bag or wallet depending from his saddle, w said: "Your ropalr kit, presumably." "No," said Death. "Thoso aro the tool for prying people looso from their money. For the sordldness of the ngo had much augmented tho dlfllcultlcs ot his already difficult position. AS APPEAL TO FIRST VOTERS ome Facts to Be Weighed in Determining What Party to Support. LUMINING TRUTHS OF POLITICAL HISTORY he Dcmournoy of the Founder nml the lli'inoernoy of Toilnj t'oit trnstcd Tilth I'roKreimH e llriitihlleniilstii. The letter following speaks for Itself It requires no introduction, it is irom me pen of a Council Muffs traveling man, h emphatically denies. In an accompanying note, tho claims of democratic papeis that a majority of traveling men nine gono over to uryan. i am uuu ui i. who have not," he writes. "I bellovo the best Interests of uot atone travollug men. but all men. Is in tho re-election of Pres ident McKlnley nnd tho continuance oi tne republican party in power." It Is mcrltablo that thero will atways be wo great political puiuc. u j u...".. that there should be. No people aro or can be unanimous upon any great question and notio but the opinionated will deny another perfect freedom of vlows with opportunity to express them. It Is upon this foundation nnr rriuihlieati institutions nro based and our magnificent progress In civilization has been made. In tho rise of tho great rcpuu- lie a now era and a new theory of govern ment was established among men. men had obtained through tho ages the notion that government was tho rightful preroga tive oi klngB and so thoroughly had this Idea been Inculcated, not alone royalty, mil tho mass of mankind had como to believe and accept without question tho monstrous theory of the dlvlno right of kings. Every capital wns hedged about by cxcluslveness. Ucyond tho charmed circle ot tno roai court were tho common people, wno nan consideration only ob the prosperous farmer would look upon his nmple Hocks and herds. That day is passing. The future Is to wit ness tho supremacy of tho people and the consummation of greatness In tho nation becauso of the freedom nnd tho vlrtuo of tho Individual. Naturally those of diner- Ing opinions find their place In ono or the other of tho great parties and In that school of politics recetvo their political education. No party has reason to exist that Is not honest In principle, honest In Its theories and consistent both with Its principles nud theories In tho discussion of ovcry public question, Issue without merit, raised only n exaggerate conditions ami gain success through deception aro beneath tho dignity of a great party. Good government docs not come of such councils. It Is not enough that govern ment Bhnll be strong. It must bo Just. There must bo eliminated from It every suspicion of corruption. It must be kept from extravagance and waste, for It Is ol and belongs to tho people. It must bo a government that commands respect, that Is In Itself an incentive to loyalty, an In spiration of pride, of hopefulness and en ergy. To no party tnat noes uot iiiiuii tins requirement can safely bo Inslrustcd the vast Interests of this rapidly developing nation. Our nlleglanco to country Is nbovc and beyond all parties. Wo should choose the lntter only as wo find it to best rep resent tho conclusions we havo reached In honest Investigation of tho Issues Involved, Iliity of l'Mrt Votrrn. Those who are about to cast their first voto In a presidential contest have an Int nortant decision to mako. They cannot afford to stake their chances ot being right unon hereditary prejudices, taking their political opinions for better or for worse becauso thoir father was a democrat or a republican, as the caso may be. Their country demands of them they shall weigh deliberately tho reasons anil arguments that enter into tho questions that confront us today. It demands they shall decide hon cstly and with Intelligence with whom and with what party they will act. It will be well for such to review to some extent the political history of tho last fifty years Let thero go back to tho record of '56 and note the methods of ono of the great par ties In tho eventful days preceding the civil war. In tho full nnd undisputed pos session of government they will find the party of Jefferson, of Jarkson and that galaxy of greatness past nnd gono, torn by dissensions, bankrupt of principle, hope lessly confronting a crisis It did not have tho courage or ability to meet. Let them scan tho record from that day to this and discover. If they can, a day or an hour when the country would have been tho bet tor under Us leadlnis. Let them consldor candidly tho principles, tho theories nnd tho policies that actuate that party and for which It stands before tho country Will they accept Its theory of finance, ns Implied In Its demand for tho freo coinage of sllvor at 16 to 1? Will they concur In the doctrine of freo trade, that opens to our ports tuo competition ot the worm with Its pauper-paid labor, every trial of which has brought distress to our ptiople and hampered our progress ns a na tlon. Will they share with democracj tho dlsgraco of hauling down tho flag that tho heroism -of our army and navy has mado to float over lands rescued from despotism and dedicated to freedom In short thoy will attach themselves to party that Is without principle, without (let Inlto theories of government, whoso policies aro torn of greed nnd whoso highest nlra Is political success that they may rcallzo tho fulllllment of the doctrlno "to tho victor belongs tho spoils." ltrpulilleiiii I'ollelr. Let them turn from this picture of pollt leal chaos nnd uncertainty and consider for a moment tho career of another of tho great parties Its nets, Us theories and the pol teles for which It stands nnd from which It docs not shrink. Horn Into greatness by success at tho polls In tho most perllou crisis of tho country It was equal to the great responsibility put upon It. Tho ro publican party held to tho theory that tho national authority was paramount, thnt theso United States wcro a nation. It hai tho courago to stand by tbat theory nn men all up nnd down our broad lnnd. lne spectlvo of opinion, hall with Joy tho flag that symbolizes and emphasizes that fact Tho closo of that eventful struggle wit nesscd an army of 1,000,000 hardy veterans and nt Its head a general who had led to many victories. What au opportunity fo Imperial ambitions, and yet so quietly did theso legions melt nway Into tho ranks citizenship wo hardly realized their serrlci ranks were broken forever. Beforo we had been a nation In theory From that hour a nation in fact, purged of tho Infamy that had mado tho declara lion oi tno irecaom and equality ot men a llo tho great republic faced tho world re generated and strong In tho hopes ot tho future. Principle Ileeomc I.inv. A republican congress registered In it nets an inieiiugeni grasp oi tno need3 o tho country. A protectlvo tariff which a onco met the needs of tho government I tne way or nnanco ami protection to ou Industries has been consistently adhere to. as an economic measure it has passo from tho domain of theory to well-eatab llshcd fact. Its etTleaey no longer slncorel questioned. For tho most part, during th past forty years tho republican party hn guided In tho councils of tho nation h'as heen upon the averago a period of tin exampled prosperity. Our financial condl tlon nt tho outset ot republican control a the lowest has been raised to tho highest point among the nations. The principles Prices That Influence Mill bnckftl b,v proper qualities are t ho prime iiulueeinenls in our new autumn line. Then there's rn suii;estion in pretty room 'omplete one that will satisfy style stantlnoint. You'll like the into the handsome styles the o be an interesting store through tho autumn months. son of unusually good values. Carpets and Rugs Sncclal Ak-Sar-Ben week sale ot Car- anprlal nrlecs. 40 rolls ot Smith a Tupestry Carpets, worth G5c all good patterns will go AAp t, per yard ' ..... , . 1 . . . r,nM fin piece Silicon's best qunmy um-i. -..- et, worth $1.25, wo offer tuis u-1 iiii week at, pir yard yiv The new nnd beautiful Moquetto Carpets the elegant parlor carpus In most beauti ful patterns and colors no other such line hown west of Chicago prices J(-.p $1.00 nnd $1.15 closo out patterns. . UJV ngraln Carpets, cottage stripe, yard 20c ngralu Carpet, two ply, yard 2.V nlon Extra Super Carpets, yard.... 3jo All Wool 2-ply Carpets, yard OOc Best qualities In two plys, yard 6oc xtra weight all wool, In two and three plys, patent weaves. .. ,75c and 90c We Guarantee our prices on carpets of all grades nnd will not ho undersold by nny market. Rurs Just now wo are making a special show- ng of Tapestry Brussels ami iiotiy urus- sols Rugs. Best quality Tapestry Brussels. Clrx Best quality Body Brussels, $26.50 9x12 feet, prlco ART SQUARES, In nil wool now Brussels weaves, at $0.75, $7.50 and $9.00. Japanese Cotton Rugs, for chnmbers, In self-colored greens nnd blues, $12.00. $16.00, $19.00 and $24.00 each. Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Company 24M-1420-I42S DOUCMS STRP13T of tho republican party uro national In their scope. They had their Inception In Intelligent consideration of tho welfare of nil tho stntcs. Its theories nre Ideal of government Its hope to realize, Its pol icy measures of wisest statesmanship in tho Interest ot nil our people. Tho republican party Is the party of the young man, tho young man of the "bound ing ptllso" of hopeful usplrntlons and cour ago to battlo for tho victory that Is sure to bo his. C. It. HAWKES. An after theater thought, a bottlo of Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagno and then "sweet sleep." QUAi.vr FNiiTiins of i.irn. It Is not often that ono pair of shoes will do two men. but In Mlddlesboro, Ky., thero aro two men who wear tho same pair at tho samo time. Ono has his right foot off, whllo tho other is minus his left. They ucnr tho samo size shoo and mako It a point to buy together and only have to get ono pair. By this method they nre nblo to get their footwear ot half price, as they dlvido tho cost. Wlllio Faun, aged Just 2 years, lives with his parentB half a mite from Kaiser's lake, near St. Josoph, Mo. Ono day last week Willie disappeared in tho morning and was discovered thirty-six hours later stalled In the mud of tho lake chore, nothing but his head being visible. As near ns can be learned from his bnby talk he got stuck there shortly after his disappearance nud hail slept as he stood all night. Tho llttlo fellow was weak and desperately hungry when rescued, but soon recovered and Is now as well as ever, An Illinois paper contains tho following comprehenslvo ad.: "I tako great plcasuro in announcing to tho people ot Wellington and tho surrounding country that I havo purchased tho J. N. Uarrltt stock of turn! turn and will not only enlarge the stock, but will put In a full lino of undertaker's goods. I am a licensed embalmcr and will attend calls night and day. Will furnish a funeral car when desired. I also do all kinds ot re pairing and mako screens. I am also an at torney and notary public nnd will give legal advlco nnd draw legnl papers of all kinds. Farm loans a vpoclalty. I solicit a sharo of your patronage and Invito you to call and get acquainted." Ralhor than wrlto his namo D4.000 times A. M. Morcland, secretary ot tho Carnegie Steel co m puny, tendered his resignation. This is the basis of the recent sensational story about Mr. Morcland being forced out of tho Carneglo concerns and his retirement being followed by tbat of other officials. Mr. Morcland Is the secretary of all tho farnegle Interests, Including tho Carneglo company, tho New Jcrtcy corporation, which Is tho operating company. The old Carneglo Steel company, limited, organized under tho laws of Pennsylvania, has to re tain a sepnrato organization, Tho work nt Issuing tho of bonds of tho Car neglo company, which was part of tho reor ganization scheme, fell upon Mr. Morelaud Thcro aro 51,000 bonds, ranging In denom ination from $1,000 to $23,000 each, and Mr Morcland had to alllx his signature, as Sec rotary of tho Carnegie Steel company, lim ited, to all of them. Cecil Rhodes onco fitted up a beautiful cometory near Klmborloy, but fqr somo rea son It remained untenanted, Seeing this Mr. Rhodes offered a bonus to widows who would bring their husbands to bo burled in this cemetery, hut without avail. Event ually ono poor woman allowed her husband to bo burled there and a handsomo marblo Btono was erected over his grave. But oven then tho scheme hung fire. Tho Inhabitants, passing tho gates of tho beautiful come tory, would look through tho railings and seo tho ono man lying thero In solitary state and go away shaking their heads and think ing how lonely It must be. Mr. Rhodes gut so exasperated that ho Increased tho bonus until It wus a large sum. Then tho inhab itants gradually began to weaken, one after the other bringing their dead to the lonely cemetery, which bocamo as popular as such a placo can properly I. every style feature every mou furnishings, for our stock is most from every price, quality and rtiiir to prices -you 11 appro- kind of values here for his is A sea- Curtains and Draperies 100 pairs cholco Tapestry fringed end. cholco colors, nil tho week, per pair Curtains, $1.50 150 pairs cholco high grade Tapestry Cur tains, In satin damask effects, ribbed tier hys, armurcs, oriental designs nnd colors, atl full slzo and heavy fringed, cholco col ors, and worth $6.00, $6.50 and $7.00 pair, all this week, per pair $5.00 75 pair regular silk finished Mercerized Tapestry and Frou Frou Curtains, corded edges, fringed top nnd bottom, anil oriental designs nnd colors, In flue French tapes tries, somo of them worth $15.00 a pair nnd every pair a bargain take your cholco this week, per pair vD7 Lace Curtains Wo want to emphasize the fact that we hnvo tho largest ami choicest assortment of lace curtains ever Bhown in this section of tho country nnd worthy tho nttentlon of tho most critical buyers. For the bene fit of tho many visitors In our city this week we shall havo numerous cholco things at special reductions, into the details ot which our limited space will not allow us to enter. A good Nottingham at 75c per pair or a good nrusscls nt $10.00 n pair. Any price you may name between theso ex tremes. LOOK THEM OVER. 1,000 YARDS CURTAIN MU.SLINS-36-ln wide, white, assorted patterns, cheap at 124c per yard all this week, Q per yard JJ 500 YARDS CRETONNES AND DENIMS In artistic Moral nnd oriental designs, per yard FINE SILKOLINE per yard FIGURED DRAPERY SILKS per yard 10c 10c 40c Wherever placed thoy make friends and give great eatis faction. It is always ready, day or night, wet or dry, cold or warm, storm or calm, for Pumping, Grinding. Shelling, Separating Cream, Churning, Bono Cutting, and any work requiring not more than 2 11. P. Visitors to the fall festivities are cordially invited to call and see this machine in operation. Lot us tell you about it. We buy and sell new and second-hand machinery. Call or send for Catalogue. Allen P. Ely & Co., 1110 DOUGLAS ST.. OMAHA, NEB. aHIBODI j THE BEST KL!00 0O0D I ei You have only onu life (o live, and more llian half of it you spend in your olllco. It is a amid bright, pleasant surroundings, beautiful court of THE BEE With its marble fountain, columns, substantial, yd. grace- e fill architecture, broad rotundas, and well kept oflices is m certainly more attractive than dirty, dingy hallways and ill-kept rooms. Look about for yourself. ' Uf PFTFRS & f n RENTAL agents, ft. ju ILILHO U lUM Ground floor, Dec Bldng. oo ooo oo o o coaoi oooooooo Worn Out? TRY KTJIjI TRY (Murlunl Wlnv) WOULD FAMOUS TONIC. Marlani Wins Ir a tonlo Ft fc'iaVa'nJ truly icientino prlniipi beneficial as well a aurcnabla. Marlani Winn has moro than S.000 written endorsements from leading physicians In all carta of the world Mnrlanl W'lnn rlvm power to th brain, itmnrtfi and elasticity of t(; muaolva and rlrbnsss to tho blood It Is piomoter or zood health and lunAvltv. Malcii ihm nIA ' young; ker th youur urong MuriHni vin is specially reuommended for 0ncral Debility. Overwork, Weakness rrom wntever cautes, rroround DepreiMon nnd Exhaustion, Throat and Lunr Dls a.ies, 1a Onppe, Coiwmmptlon and .Ma laria, It Is a diffusible tonlo for the antlr system Marlani Wine Is Invaluable for over worked men. dnlicatn women nnd alckly children. It stimulates, strengthens and sustains th system and braces toly ana urain. u comuais Aiaiaria and L.aCrlDD. j u"d ee"ly n form of a hot 1 Hold fey J1 drmtsU, ivus of HxUUUbm. 10 Furniture Brass and iron Beds Never beforo In tho history of the west have you been able to see sm h an assort ment of high character, novel and nttrac tlvo Brass and Iron Beds as we aro now showing. They como In designs that aro newest finishes thnt are tho latest colors as follows: bower bnrIT, moss grecu bronze. Iron nnd gold, cameo canary, light blue nnd gold, Pompiilnn red, dull black and gold, dark groon. whlto enamel Low prices nnd high quality nro In evidence It will pay you to see this magnificent bed display whether you Intend purchasing or not. $5.00 Outfit The best In the land for the price bed, mattress and spring, com plete, nny size $5.00 New Line Rockers Hundreds of new fancy odd parlor pieces Good tityles nnd low prices nro blended here nnd the newest Ideas are ready for your choosing. This elegant Rocker leather scat fl) -llnely finished this week JJ) Tables and 1 aborets Parlor and library Tables In all the new est aud most attractive dcolgns nil woods somo plain, others handsomely carved -still others nre nicely Inlaid. Buying them lrom this stock Is best, for you get the lowest prices and then you've n selec tion from our new nnd handsome stock. This ologant Tnboret, made of select oak. pretty French shape legs and Hhaped top, extrn value, this week only title. New Illtistrat cd Catalogue mailed free out out of town. ebster's "Handy Man" Hi - Gasoline Engine. pleasure to work A glimpse of the BUILDING "Krug Cabinet" If not, you have mlss a good thine, This cxquUlte mult boveraga standi on i ' UnlqU9 basls' U Bclla IUo"' 1,8 fme a"l reputation it tne envy of many. The palate, the beneficial results achieved "within" th Inner man aro tho only and real judges ol Its merits. Approvod of by them, It tri umphantly enters Innumerable household!. Where Cabinet enters, doctors and drug bill exit. ItllrjWKI) II V Fimn icituo; ro.. I'hcie -tan. .MI A II A. Ni:il Cook's Dticbw aTablotsare uicceanfullr uind moothly by over 10,000 ladies. Price. . fl. ny mall, tl.08. hud 4 ctnta tot ampU aud oartlculan. Tbn Cook Co.. 2.V5 Woodward are.. Detroit. Mich. Boll In Omaha by Kubn ii Co., 15 & DjuiUi,