14 Tin-: OMAHA DAILY 75EE: StTXDAV, SEPTEMBER 23, 1900. ltl,(lltli:s 01' AITIM.N STYI.i:. Ilttt Iti-ltlnic iMViin, I'rti'tilnK lllnunc nnil llritutlc- In .Millinery. NBW YORK, Sept. 21. Tlio charm of the now flannel ahlrt waist lies ns much in the quality of Us material as In tho manner of Its making. Satln-fnccd llannel ami wool flllcil satin aro tho two new goods upon which the tailors nntl dressmakers arc lavishing all the distinction nnd ornuncnta Hon that a shirt waist Is capable of re ceiving The satin-faced flannel Is pllablo nnd brilliant beyond anything wo have mrr hnd before, and It comes In the most dullghtful pule and deep pastel tones. Olive Kreen, murky grays and the softest tints of marshtnallow pink are among the blurred and bocomlng colors In which tho easy blouses will appear. Somo of them arc to button up the back, after tho mode of COHN COLOR UUEHTY SILK, WITH CREAM LACE AND HLACIC VELVET. popular summer ahirt wnlsts, und others arc to have flapped nnd buttoncd-down pocketo on the left breast this last more for ornament than utility. The pouclng front fullness will not bo done away with, hut even enhanced by tucklngs on tho shoulders, while tho chief featuro of the new stylo Is, of course, U'io rolling Byron collar. Women who resort to flannel shirts for tho comfort of tho thing havo Inslstod on tho low, picturesque neck finish, and where tho llyron collar rolls back a nccktlo of tho softest pnnno ribbon is drawn nnd knotted. It may bo n four-in-hand drawn through n dollcato ring of chiseled gold, the ends tucked In tho belt, or short, wide scarf tied In a simple knot under tho chin with broad ends flaring out under the collar's tips. These waists aro ideal for autumn golf, and their slightly full sleeves, caught Into a straight cuff nt tho wrist, nrc so arranged, with an clastic insertion, that when tho vigorous golfer rolls them high the elastic will hold tho arm snuglv nnd prevent any slipping. l'ulliiut' lint. Nearly every woman's head boasts a new crown of nutumn glory In tho millinery wny nnd nothing is moro surprising and yet welcome than tho perfection tp which tho manufacture of autumn leaves has been brought. Follngo In richly glowing colors has alrcndy tnken first place ns n decora- tlvo specialty, and tho smartest hat to wear before snow flics Is n shapo of brown red or bluo Juto wreathed with ruddy maple leaves, or a toquo of u new ma terlal In tho millinery way that looks as If It wero woven of braided grapevine ten drils. Crushed Into auy odd, almost Im possible shape, tho superadded trimming Is done in russet, chrysanthemums, small clusters of purply rlpo grapes or red, brown nnd yellow lenves, whllo the whole erection Is mado fast with hatpins, tho heads of which play a proniluent part In tho hat's decoration. Wonderful indeed nro somo of tho hnt plns that form the new stock. Gorgeous examples of tho goldsmith's art Bhow satyrs hends among the grape leavos of a coquettish toque, another plu is In tho form of a (laming torch of gold, and u stout, long, sharp-pointed shaft la topped by a terrestrial globo of Jade, or onyx, or agate, with tho continents exquisitely out lined by inlaid threads of gold. Tlic Oi'tnlirr Sulliir. No newer fancy in tho way of a useful morning and walking hat has yet appeared than a felt sailor shape with n big bow made at taffeta, velvet, or satin, arranged directly In tho front of tho crown. Wc hnvo had so many straw sailors trimmed thus with dotted foulard that a variation from the unbroken uniformity of that fashion vuuld have bcon a welcomo change. Evi dently, however, a heavy winter of these ntlff head ornaments has set In. It Is the elegant, tho almost puritanical rlmpllclty of tho nutumn cloth gown that llrst strikes tho beholder, nnd, it sho Is n graco loving beholder, It impresses her with a degree of dismay. Women with any thing less than faultless figures will be In hard case It this stern severity of style is to provnll the season through. Take as truthful evidence of what Is hi store for us tho walking gown ot the nccompanylug skotch. This Is an ollvo itray lady's cloth toned with dull grcon goods of tho samo weave. Tho skirt Is spll open In Ave places, as high, nearly, as tho knees, In order to show wedgo-shaped panels of green, nnd from the poluis of the wedgo ns high as tho wnlst lino the sklrt'a reams nro covered with stltched-down Mraps of soft gray green cloth. Dull green and gray green and ollvo gray aro har nonlously. contrasted on the wnlst with groups of tluy silver buttons, over which Blip cords of gray silk. Tho offect Is In form and tono boyond criticism, but such a mode would be simply cruelty to nnlmnl when applied to a very stout or lean woman. Thcro Is not n line, nor loop, nor ALWAYS BRINGS BACK YOUTH Ail roior, life and beauty to cray. white o tileaihed hair Produces n neiv thirl growth on bald heads and Immediately dandruff and Itching scrip. DOES NOT puM. biu uu i iju i iii.-su. a clean, healthful hair dressing for men and women Nothing like it or Just as good. Uuequalod as a Quick hair Kroner. eoW Large Hot. 50DArt6'S IN TO DOMAIN Of WOMAN. rlLklo to conceal or cvado the frankest revelation of defects, and yet the dress makers and tailors say this Is the style In hkli we must, fat nnd thin, tall nnd short like, differ ourselves to bo adorned. Mmli-a In Dlniirr Urease. It Is vastly more agreeable to turn to contemplation of tho few evening gowns that have so far been put forth as In- tcators of good things to come. Thcso Ideas are direct from ono of tho best Frisian studios nnd npply to women of ny nge under 60. Corn-colored liberty Ilk In the basis of tho first dinner dress nd the veil of yellow tissue is draped ou nn uuderdrcas of soft, heavy corded silk, more pink than yellow In tone. Crisp taffeta Is no longer, wo hear, the proper foundation for evening gowns, that must (low, not stand, slimy about their wearers. Over tho hips and about tho squaro, open neck nnd elbow sleeves of the prutty frock Is laid heavy cream Irish point lace, in n somewhat zig-zag pattern, while the girdle nd shoulder knot are mado of black civet. Tho exceptions simply go to prove the rule in favor of olbow-slccvod dinner and ball dresses, for long laco sleeves nro distinctly "have beens," though some women contlnuo to wear them, but In tho undcrsleovo guise. An exceedingly nlco fleet Is secured by bringing n close luco leevo to the elbow and draping there u deep-falling frill, nt tho roots of which he looser laco undcrsleovo begins nnd extends clear to the wrist. Ah ItcBimln Nesv Mrrvc. Smartest, though, of all sloeves Is that ono which is cut in one piece, gtnips tho rm snugly to the elbow and then widens, to bo caught In at tho base of the hand by close-fitting band. It has the under- lccve effect without changing Its color ings or material throughout tho length of tho arm, and that, after nil, Is the reason why tho ordinary undcrsleovo Is so unbecoming to the majority of women. Admiring contemplation is invited for the second evening frock of whlto Egyptian tlssuo upon whlto silk. Tho lower half of tho skirt nnd tho upper portion of tho body arc encrusted with blaci: chautllly np- pltquos nnd n girdle of black pnnno ribbon cut in a point finishes and elongates the waist. MARY DKAN. riNU aiit ix cakk-makixc. Some Ilnlva tlmt Insure nil Absolutely Verleet Ciiue. Uoo good materials if you want good cake. Thero Is no alchemy in the oven to transmuto stalo eggs, sticky sugar, strong butter and lumpy Hour Into something rich nnd toothsome. Nolthcr will tho most skill. ful mixing nnd baking do away with the acrid Aavor resultant from poor baking powders. To Judge flout, ruffle tho surface of It tho shadows between tho heaps look faintly creamy. Illuo-whlto flour is opt to hnvo a taint of cornflour or cornstarch, or clso to havo bocn ground from wheat below tho highest grade. Perfect (lour, grasped In the hand, will bhow, when released, all the veins of tho palm, as well ns keep shape. It has also a sort of velvet feel, which may bo learned, but caunot be more accurately described. A soft, well-flavored coffco sugar with only ti faint saccharine smell Is for many sorts of cako better than either granulated or cut-loaf, nud first-class grocers will supply on demand n light yellow soft sugar, much better for dark cakes thau any of tho whlto sugar tribe. Duttcr speaks for itself to eye and nose. Eggs enrry within tho hall mark of fresh ness. It Is tho alr-bubblo at each end, be twixt the lining membrane and tho shell. When the bubble Is small and locatod at tho ends tho eggs aro at least reasonably fresh if it has shifted to tho top or Is as big as your thumb's end, tney aro open to suspicion. Eggs nre better broken cool thnn warm so in hot weather It is well to lay them in ice water, or sot them In a ro (rigcrator halt an hour or so before using. Cuko-maklng single-handed is a matter for mothod. First mcasuro your butter and sot it where It will soften without oiling. Melted butter cannot bo creamed nnd cream ing Is essential to lightness in the cako. Put it In n bowl big enough to admit of vigorous stirring. Then measure your flour, sifting It first, put In tho sodn or tho baking powder nnd sift ngaln. Cako flour should nlwnys bo slftod twice if it Is measured, ns It comes out of tho barrel, you will In fallibly get too much of it. It it fcets the least bit clammy, or even If the day is damp, bet it where it will warm without scorching until you nro ready for It. Next measure your sugar nnd bo sure tho measure is exact. Sift it, ami set it also to warm, but bo sure It docs not heat. Now break your eggs and scparnto yolks nnd whites. Break each one over a small dish then If you And a bad ono, you will not ruin tho whole batch. Put the yolks Into the mixing bowl, and bo sure it is big enough- It should bo twlco tho capneity of the finished bnttcr, to allow for beating. Beat the yolks till they foam and look almost creamy white, then put in tho sugar, n cupful nt a time, and beat ngaln, After that, cream tho butter really cream It. Do not be satlsflcd when It Is soft enough to stir. Keep beating nnd stirring it, ulwnya tho samo way, until It drops from tho spoon In n frothy ropo. Add It to tho eggs Biid sugnr, alternately with flour, nnd tako caro to stir In ovory bit of (lour before you put In moro butter. A drop of buttor falling upon dry flour makes a lump It Is almost impossible to be rid of. When all tho butter nnd flour are In beat hard for ten minutes, then go to work whipping the whites of eggs. Beat them very stiff and mix alone, put In your lemon Juice strained, or your sour cream, Hont tho wholo mixture for three minutes longer, add your flavoring, nlso a dash of rum or brandy, then pour Into molds and set in tho oven. Here Is an excellent quick sponge cuke especially good to break nnd ent hot or serve with sauce as a dessert: Break flvo eggs, whites and yolks togothcr, beat them very light, then add two cups of sifted sugar, threo cups scant ones of twice-sltted (lour. Bent smooth, then add a cup of strictly boiling water, In which you have dissolved halt a level teaspoonful of baking soda. Stir hard, then follow It with tho strained Julco of two lemons, a ten spoonful of lemon extract and the grated yellow rind of the fruit. Last of nil stir In hnlf n gill of whisky or brandy. Duko In a quick oven. This makes a. fine layer cake, by baking thin. Spread n layer, still warm, with frosting, then Btrow chopped nuts und seeded rnlslns on tho frosting and put on nnothcr layer. Repeat until tho cake is as high as you like. Lot cool, trim smooth all around nnd frost thickly. PIONEKIt AHTI&T IX JAPAX. IIimv One Plucky Little Woman I'orerd Herself tit the Front. In the schools in Jnpan drawing and painting are Included In tho curriculum for all the scholars, whether boys or girls. Every Japanese learns to use tho brush as he Itnrns to rend, nnd all havo a natural deftness In that direction. Besides being boru artistic, tho Japaneso would nutur ally becomo skilled in the free use ot tho brush because nil their writing Is done with it. requiring freo-hand strokes for overy letter. Men particularly gifted with a talent for art make It their profession and und plenty ot work and plenty at ea- courngement. For n man with moderate tnlent thero Is always decorative work, more than In any other country, because tho Jnnnnrsn never turn nut pvnn J tho simplest nrtlclcs for dally household uso without somo decora tion which is realty artistic, nnd year nftcr yenr the demand for theso things In other countries Is growing. The nrtlst who wishes to duvoto his talents to becoming a painter of pictures finds new schools of art which havo superseded tltosu In the old days supported by tho "shogun," tho "mllkado." Dut with nil these oppor tunities for men there Is almost none for tho Japaneso women who uro endowed with extraordinary gifts. Under thtso circumstances It is tho more remarkable to lind a woman artist In tho Japanccc capital who is not only making of her talent for 'painting a lucrative profes sion, but who has n number of pupils of tho opposite sex. This little woman Is named Ktmpu nnd sho hns hnd n hard struggle. For many years sho lived with her hus band In the country near Kioto, where art was Judged nccordlng to the standards of certain old schools which nourished In that vicinity. Klmpu's work was lacking In tho conventionality to which they wero used nnd the people wero Incapable of ap preciating it. She nnd her husband woro miserably poor, stilt she kept working in tho face of all discouragements. Ilor talent was nt last unexpectedly re- WHITE EGYPTIAN TISSUE, CTRCUSTED WITH BLACK LACE. membered by n. wood engraver for whom sho hnd dono work somo yenrs before. Hp found himself In a position of responsibility In Toklo, whero tho work of u number of progressive nrtlsts was necessary, and ho sent for her. Slnco that tlmo she has been growing more nnd moro successful. Hor painting Is thoroughly nppreclntcd by her employers nnd Homo of It Ih even being sent to this country. Whllo Kiinpu is not a great genius, sho has broken away from many useless contentions nnd her work Is always' fresh and beautiful. Her subjects aro chiefly flowers nnd birds. Llko tho old masters of tho rennissan"o, ovory notablo Japaneso nrtlst has a fol lowing In tho shape ot pupils, and Klmpu, though a woman, has nchleved tho supreme triumph of her nrt In this man's land, for it has overcome customs and prejudlco to such nn extent that n number of men aro among her pupils, receiving Instruction from her and making duplicates and Unlsh Ing her work. This bravo little artist, a pioneer in the higher education and position of women, stands for what will some time bo pos sible for all women in the progressive and beautiful emplro of Japan. a n.iu; (inn,. Pretty Million Christy Stvltn Across ('(iiineniit I, like. Tho daring exploit of a lu-yenr-old girl nt Conneaut lake a few days ago Is nt- tractlng wldo nttentlon, writes nn Ashta bula correspondent of tho Philadelphia In quirer. Miss Marlon Christy, a pretty school girl of Orcenvillo, Pa., dived from n hont, landing Into tho wntcr nt tho deopest point, swimming across tho lake, a distance of a mile. When sho emerged from tlfb wnter at the opposite bank sho was greeted by a thousand pcoplo and slnco has boen THIUSE NEW DESIGNS the subject of newspaper dispatches throughout tho country. Miss Christy, although young In years, Is, the llrst woman to attempt to swim across' Oonticaut lake. Sho will be 10 years old next February. Sho rides n bicycle, dances and la a bowler as well as nn expert swim- j mer. Sho learned to swim when 12 years of r.fc,c. I Conneaut lake has Its source In springs' situated In tho northwest corner of that body of wnter. When lu swimming these' springs can easily be located by tho sudden changes In the temperature of tho water. This change of temperature, which is only noticeable over tho deepest points, some times causes cramps. This cornor, how ever, was tho starting point chosen by tho daring miss. Tho course which Miss Christy Intended to tako was duo west. The course of tho lake Is from tho northwest to southwest. It wis rough nt the starting point owing to tho high winds. Miss Christy drifted down tho lake, therefore, till nearly half way across, not being nblo to keep lu n direct course on this nccount. Then sho changed her course nnd swnm against tho current nnd toward tho bnth houso. Her father accompanied her, swimming near enough to her to bo of nsslstnnco in case help was needed. A rowboat nlso followed ns a precaution against possible accident. Residents along Conncnut Inko tell ot daring fents in the past, but nouo that has caused moro comment than tho swim of Miss Christy across thnt body of wntcr. In tho early days of tho country nn old settler named Foust started down tho lako In u log canoe. He saw a black object np pronchtug. Bravely Intent on discovering what It was ho rowed right up to It. It was nn Immense black benr nnd Foust didn't have his gun with him. Tho bear climbed aboard tho canoo, seated himself In ono end whllo the owner of the boat rowed back to tho shore, whero tho boar disembarked and disappeared In the woods without ottering to attack tho oarsman. I'rlllN of l'nslilon. Kelt hats will bo worn and mmp nrettv nnd stylish nre of delicate ulindes of color as fashionable shades ot pink. Ecru, cream nnd ivorv culnurc laces, with stock collar nnd girdle of some, dark-hued velvet, nre nun in niarKc.il rnvor us u deco ration for handsome gowns of cloth or wools of lighter uimvo. Fonther bons In nil shades nro now found In straight feathers, presumably those from tho barnyard fowls made up fnnc'fully, ami they uro qulto as nttructlo nnd rather moro stylish than thoso of ostrich feathers. Many l'ersliin designs nnd soft combina tions of colors uro to bo seen In hroml wwli ribbons nnd panne satin ribbons havo vel vet on one side und rutin on the other. A heavy, warm looking rlbuon is tho beaver. The gold nml silver, which Is to lio ho popular this mciikou In so mnny forms, must bo used with discretion, particularly the gold. It Is seen nlrendy on blouses nnd jackets, conspicuous nnd Inartistic nnd un attractive.. Bonnets nre not much In evidence, but they uro to bo found for matrons, und there Is a variety of fnney frames for founda tions for them. These nro of blnck nnd whlto luces, with embroidery or spungles of silver or gold, nml somo with jet. Tho new Russian blouse, with nnd with out the skirt below the waist which lln Ishcd ull tho Russian blouses when hit lu vogue, will rival the Eton and bolero Jack eta in fashionable fuvor. These garments nro particularly becoming to slender tig urea. The new beautiful "old-robe" Mindo of the nutumn Is almost ns pink as a carnation blossom. It Is at Its best in the display of sntlns for evening toilets. nillltner und Unlugs, among the lovely sheer wools tor iiouso ureases nun velvet lor vnnous ci fcctlvo ami becoming droH.s ut-e.-i. Many of the folded nud bllk-stltched blouses which are cut nwny Just under the chin to show tho tucked lront ot tho vest, und nlso any number of tho new nutumn boleros nnd Etous. nre finished with three graduated shoulilt't capes, title lined, to inutcii tno juciici ami edgeii witu a narrow scroll dcsUn lu silk bruld, or merely with sevurul rows ot stitching. Wry handsome silks and velvets uppenr among the leading fabrics for smart cos tumes for day urcs during the fall, but the Htyilsli cloth models uro the onus with which to ben In tho season. Tho black cloths wero never no velvety fine or no beautifully ilnlbhed mh thoy nre tills season und they undoubtedly toko the lend us modish gowns suitable to wear at any tlmo or. uuy or lor uny Kinu or ueini-uress wnter tulnmcnt. The greut thing to determine Just now Is the apparent center of gravity of tho hat. The trimming lu many seems to rudlato from tho center of the front In long lines to tho back, In plumes, folds or feathers. That Is nlwnys a pretty tashlon and be coming to many people. Most of I he hats uro set well off the Hue, while a few pco plo to whom that particular style In becom ing cling to those worn well over the fore head. Thero nre soft Turn crowns to hats, soft crowns of other designs, largo broad flats with only an Indication of n crown and hats with decided high bell crowns. Tho double and triple rims will bo worn this year. 'I'll Ik Alionl Women. Miss Mary Anderson, city attorney ot Palmyra. Mo., made her clUclal debut in eouit tho other day and succeeded In t-o-ctirlng a conviction. ller victim was lined 2. Tho queen mother of Italy reads nnd speaks English perfectly, l.nst winter she persuuded her husband to give up enter tulnlng nt court and devote to the poor tho money thus saved. Mrs. Anna L. Dlggs. the strenuous Kan sas Htftteswoman, Is by bin It n C'nnadlnn, by profession n really clever politician, nnd earns her living ns state librarian. Sho began her political career as lender of tho Kunsas temperance forces lu 1ST?. Christine Nllsson cherishes in n iinlquo way mementoes of her triumphs on the IN FLANNEL 13 LOUSE WAISTS FOR muslcnl stage. One of her moms Is papered with leaves of music takeu from tho various operns In which she has appeared, another with receipted dinner checks and hotel bills made out 111 tho name of tho great singer during her professional wan derings. Mrs, Sarah flrand, author of "The Itaiv enly Twins," is greatly incensed nt Or Price of Birmingham. England, for putting forth the statement that when she nc s sketching In Frnnce she wears nantuloons. Sho bus placed the doctor in a cnti dltlon of embarrassed silence, so deep that It enn bo heard on tills side, by the query. "What nre pantaloons?" Miss Lillian Claton Jewett, the Boston woman who has been agitating In favor of tho negro, has so fur paid no attention to tho proposal of ii young Richmond lawyer J. O. Egglcston, who otters to engage with her lu u Joint debate somewhero in 'ho south, the proceeds of thu entertainment to bo given to tho orphans ot tho victims of lynch lnw, but she mny, It Is Bnld, con sider tho proposition later. Mrs. Jnno Westover, who died last Friday In Marlborough, Conn., wore nicn'H cloth js for the last twenty-live, years of her lifi'. Sho shocked tho Marlborough pcoplo at tlrst, but she settled down ns n barber thero nnd they soon got used to the ntt're nnd lenrned to respect the woman, and sho left n small fortune. She was n gradu ate of a training school for nurses, and It Is believed that her Idiosyncrasy was due to u secret tragedy in her enrly life. One of the Havana pnpers tho other day had this reference to the Cuban teacher.) : "Almost nil of tho women enmo dressed a la Americana. They wero resplendent in little hats of gray cloth, which wero very becomlug to the young and pretty ones Of mnny wo naked It so foou they hnd bo como Americanized, nnd they answered that from gratitude to the Fnlted Stntes nnd from tho exactions of American fash ions they wore theso clothes: thnt. while their Cuban hats had been discarded, their hearts wero still Cuban, nnd thnt utter knowing a great, free people they were moro than ever Cubans and lovers of in dependence," I'sed liy Yuiiiik r Old. Best for baby, best for grandpa Is that perfect laxtlve, Cascarcts Candy Cathartic, Ideal liver regulator nnd Intestlnat tonic. Druggists, 10c, 25c. 50c, Itni.HiKM'K. The Fcmliiary at Nortlilleld, Mnss., opened last week with nearly -tuu students. Ira I"). Snnkey has been making a icvlvnl tour of Ireland nnd receptions in his honor hnvc been frequent throughout tho Island. Permission has been granted by tho au thorities for tho establishment of a third Jewish Creche In Warsaw and to oiien for th's mirposo a public subscription tor S.fioo rubles, i.ev. Frederick W. Johnson, D. D of the Clayton (N. J.) Presbyterian church has refused to ncei.pt a vacation, with ull his expenses paid, that was offered him by the oflielal board of the church. Tho t'ntted Stntes troops nre quartered In six places In nnd nround New York. In almost nil of them religious bcrvlces nre held, generally under dlreetlon of tho Young Men's Christian association. Monslgnor James McMnhon, tho Siilplclan AN OLIVE GREEN CLOTH OOWN PURITANICAL SIMPLICITY. priest who gave JMM.onfl to the Catholic Uni versity of Amcilca lu Washington a few years ago, has now given that Institution eleven lots of land in Washington valued nt JtOO.CiO Lord Roberts' denial that h Is a Baptist nnd his nsrrtlon that ho Is a communicant of the Established Church of England re calls the fact that Ills grandfather, Rev. John Roberts, wns one of the minor canons of St. Patrick's cathedral, Dublin, 100 yenrs ago. Rev. Ernstus 51. Crnvath, for twenty-two years president of Fit-It university, died Inst week. Ho was one of the founders ot tho university nnd devoted himself to tho work of promoting the education of the negro race. He was the organizer of tho famous ttoupo ot Jubilee singers. The king of Saxony, although reigning over ii kingdom that Is Protuutant almost to a man, is, together with his whole fam llv. Roman Catholic, the chance of religion dating back to the timo when one of the Saxon kings sought the crown of PoUud by such a letuin to the Church of Rome. The religious sect known ns "Holiness IVople" have been painting scripture, texts and other warnings on barns and other places near Noi tonvllle, Kan. On a brldg-i they i lunted the words: "Heaven or hell which do you clinoye'." An Irreverent sign painter cumo nloii nnd ndded. "Snu Hrown & Co., ut Hiawatha for cofflns and enskots." AUTUMN AND WINTER. OF "MOTHERHOOD "5 A Book for Gifts nntl Wnrtmn 2? 5 in T tells plain facts that everyone of the gentler sex f.fJt otii;ht to know. Its common sense advice saves ft pain, trouble and anxiety. One or more copies sent upon request, to one person or to different nd dresses. If the readers of this announcement know of tsj cx,K.ctant mothers, they will do them a Kfcat favor by 35 ImKllttTllltO I CPBI IflTllMMl. till 111 II Ifsj !. "WW" - TIU5 nilADFIKLO IlK(it'MTOIl IS YOUR HAIR DEAD? What the Microscope Reveals Regarding Diseased Hair and Its Follicle. In a ml crojcop cxamlna tlon of 1.000 d liferent snrunlos of human made In thu rrnnltnnle Institute, U dlfTcrcut diseases of the nnir nnd ncnlpMerodlfcoveri'd, mniyof them highly contugloua nnd ull fatal to thu 111 ot tho liulr The Crnnltonlc Treatment was formul ated for the end ptupote of preTcnilUK and curing these dlteusM. -sBB aWT' mmW . microbe, the delicate llnlnc of which II soon destroys. In time the hair root Is affected, becomes shriveled up nml the hair falls out. If tho ravues of the microbe nre not arrested. Imldncns soon follows. firnnltonlc Hair 1'ootl cures diseases of the hair and sculp because It de stroys the cause which produces them. It does mote It feeds the weakened hair follicle back to health nml aids In replnciuK lost tissue. Split hair, harsh hair, lustreless hnlr, brittle hair, falling hulr, aud prema turely (,'rny hulr can all be cured by the use of Crnnltonlc Hair and Scalp Food. It cleanses the scalp from dandruff and keeps It iKTinanently clean ami healthy. Itchluu' ami Irritation of the lioad are Instantly relieved nntl pol tlvely cured. Uullke ordinary hair preparations. Crnnltonlc Hnlr and Scalp Food con tains no oil. Krense or dangerous min eral Ingredients. It Is not sticky nntl will not doc the scalp or stain the clothing. It Is perfectly harmless, clear ns crystal, sparkling as cliam piistiio, delightful to use and most exhilarating In Its effects upon the system. Free Hair Food qua sciip To convince every reader of this paper that Crnnltonlc Hair Food and Scalp Soap will stop falling hnlr. make hair grow, cure dandruff and Itching scnip, and thnt they are the only hair preparations fit to put on the human head, we will send by mall, prepaid, to an wno win send name and ad tjm dress to OHAN'ITONIC IIAIK FOOI fM CO.. UO TKMPLK COUItT. NHYV 8WN YORK CITY, a bottle of Cranltonle ' MICROHM HAVC JUST AT TACK et "UI MAIt Hair I-ooil nnd Shampoo Scalp ii id ia 1 1, nun; tii.mii: mppi.ikii A SKIN OF BEAUTY IS A JOY FOREVER D R.T. FELIX GOURAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM, OR MAGICAL liEAUTIFIER. Hemove Tan, Plmpln, Freckles, Jtoth I'atchu, uaar inn nkln Jl eaf. and every Mfnllih on beauty, and dellea di-loc. Hon. It has stood the teat or C) earH, and la an hnrmleta wc taata It to bn sure II Is properly made. Accept no counter feit of almllar name. Dr. U A. Suyre inld to a la dy of the haut-ton la tiatientl! "Aa you ladles will use ihom, I recom mend 'OOl'ltAt'D'S CREAM' as the least harmful of ull thu Bklu preparutlona," For aalo by nil DniBBlsts and Kuncy Gooda Dealers lu tho U. S, nnd Europe. Fliltl). T. HOIMCINS, rroit'r, 87 Great Jones St.. N. T. Whero La Orlppo appinrn tbla wonderful remedy putn It to lmmetttata a 1 1-Lit. Kren In the eerereet canon Us action In nulck and elfuctlro. It alwaia prorea a blesslumollio afflicted. A Tqrrora or I. a urlppe Hudilenly Checked. N 1 Uh cood that ha neen periormen in ma country by Dr. Jlurkbart' Vegetable Coin- fonna la iinyona aeacripiion, rernnniuiy. t cured run of n tniacfierous and painful cue of Ln Orlppo In 30 dnr. Slnco than I linvoniitoiporlencediiKliiKlncold. The .Compound lirovca a hlenlnif nherarer In- Jtrn.litr-A.l ..lnlin A. .Tnrilan. Innriii. In. FnrHulH lis nlU,i,.nl.l. TIiI.Ih .In.al Irnnlmkllt Jor25c rivnntyriay' treatment Mc i Six montbV treatment II uo, ndavi' (rial treatment r In Tulitol I'n nu I'laiumil lit Take. Ull, W. S. HUItKIIAKT, Cincinnati, Ohio I will Ruarantea that tny Kidney Cura will cure W) per cent, of all forma of kidney oomplnlnt and In uuny liiitohcei the taoat aerloua formi of llrlgbt'a dliuabe, U the dlneaae la conv plicated nd a four ounce rial of urine. Wo will analyze It and adrlaw you free wlint to do, UUHYON. i, .11 Aruerlitt. Itfl, a UI. Oulde to Health aas rr 1 fn I unnrP I II C ' " ' ' " " . , J 4 KM 1 1. at Phil Ad Set ise , A monthly publication full of good tlnnzs tersely tolJ That you may becomo ac- i qualntcd, send n dime coin or atnmps -for ampli copy If you va already aoen it. you want It, vou'U g-l It for a year If you rend a dellur to Ad Utnsc, U Fittb Ayu Chl.nco. 30 Days' Treatment lllli BBkrfa aui mw m av w mtm m m Pi Sprtai Iht Chi HOW 1M(-I1III)I1SI1('I?4. I CO.. Atlnntn, Cm Nlne-tonths of all diseases of the hair nml pcnlp nra cnused by microbes ami micro panit.ltes. Tho microscope. In the lunula of the skilled pliysl clnus nnd bacteriologists of the Crntiitonle lustltute, has proven this fact. The Importance of the discovery cannot be overestimated. It explains why ordinary hair preparation are of absolutely no value lu the treatment of fnlllin'4 hnlr, dandruff, premature biihlncfcs, nntl other hair and sculp diseases. It is because they lire manufactured with out any exnet knowledge of the real cans of the diseases which they nre In tended to cure. We know that diseases of the hair nud scalp arc caused by microbes aud parasites. The cause beliiR mlcrobic or para sitic, It logically follows Hint a cure can only be effected by a scientific mlcroblcide a specific that will de stroy the microbe. This fJriuiltonle Hair Food and Scalp Soap will do. Your hair receives Its nourishment, from minute blood vessels which end lu u luiiR sheath In which the hnlr grows. This slienth is the home of tho a sample cake of Soap. A tIAIRTlltJ MicnoecisiutuMd iiy iim imnihov nut ; o omaiia. A BEAUT8FUL HMK. A. Kl'PPRKT'S WORLD RE NOWN HI) PACE BLEACH AL MOST WITHOUT COST NO MATTER HOW BLEMISHED THE SKIN', FACE BLEACH VWLL MAKE IT PERFECT Uadamfl A. Ruppertiaya: "My face, Bleach not n now, untried roBiKly, but biw Iwo use! liy the best peojilo for yrara, and for dissolving- and removing fomvnr plmplu f reck leg, moth putchoH, lilaokhcnds, t'czouin, taii.aunburn, allowiinu, rouuliura or reditu! or ttia akin, nud for hrlfchteiilnif and beautifying tho complnxlon It hxi uo e'lual. It 1 5 absolutely barmlcii to tha most delicate kln. Tho inurvellnu Improvement nfter a few appllciitlona Is most apparent, lor tha kin becomes n unturn intended it ehiiuld bo, smooth, clear anil white, fico from overy impurity and lilcmlMi. It cannot fail, for it action Ih audi tlmt It drawa tho Impurities out ot t lio uklii, and doca not cover tUoiu up, nud U tnvliuiilii during use. Thills tho only thorough und puruument way. Durinir this month, I will offer to all n trial bottle of my world rt-noivnid Karo Illcach, tofllclcnt to eliow Unit It In ull thut I claim for It, nnd nny reader of this can eond inol'oconti fiiHtnmpa or nilvor, und I will fend tho trlul liottlo, lu-curely packed in plain wrapper, acolod, all charges prepaid. My book 'flow to he itiniitftiil' will be mailed fmo to ull who will wrlto for It." HADAHH A. RUPPERT, 6 Haat Mth Street, New York rime. Ruppert'a dray Hair Keetoratlve notu ally tmt orca irraylinlr to Its natural color. Can bo used on nny aliadn of hair, and la not n dye. and dors not dmcolnr tho skin nor rub off Perfectly harmless und always es at Israel Inn. Mme. Kuppert'a Depilatory removes uperlliioiifi hnlr In llvo luinutea, without pain; will not Injuio tho most riulicnto bkln. rime, Runpert'a Heyptlan Halm for soft, anlritf and henllnu tho fuut and hands. flme. Ruppert'a llalr Tonic positively removes daudril If, all acalp disease, utops falling hair, und In many cu&ch nutoics hnlr. Mme. Ruppert'a Almond Oil Completion oap, mado of puru ultiioiul fill and wax. Delightful for tho roiuplcxiou und war ranted not to chnp the mmt dnllentu sliln All of thoatiovti I'Ulot prepiiratlnns uro alwaybkopt In stock ami run bo hnd from our local nirent. Ivl IIV .t CO., llniuuUO, IMIAII , Mill Wilcox -MS PILLS Koi trtfriiii-cnly-i ife-in.l reliable Feumla lle-H taint eir Icr -'I tro it irs It. 1i'muiii.i, i(U, . Ai (Ir'ifftftbtl, flr t.y trail I'flie.ff'J ,"' 14', I'.fW. ii,-n . l,f. ixl mint IMl dll'ill ;.. -i -1 ml -,. , 1-1,11,,. ft. Sold by Ili-u'on-McOlon 1 rui; Co , ana Sherman & AlcCoi.iicll Drug Co. Jj COSVa FLEXION FREE