TTTTC OMATTA DATLT I? RE: STTDAT, SEPTTCFBTCT? 23, 1000. From Sept. 24 to Sept. 20 alf Fare on Every ailroad into Omaha From Sept. 24 to Sept, 29 T BARGAIN SELL L 12 H R OF Mil IIL UBi you visit Omaha make Boston " T Store vour trading place, your meeting place, your wash un nlnce. vour lunch room, make it vour home during Hie day and A el at home. We have everything ready for your convenience, at NO expense to you. We will check your packages free of charge. Ask 1 ho floor walkers to show the ladies of your party to our special reception room. Eat in our restaurant (in basemenl)- -popular prices. You save cnotiHh money on your purchases to save your fare many times over. IN THE WHOLE HISTORY OF MERCHANDISING A whole week to buy the goods you want at half the price they would cost you at home, and the opportunity to select fhein from a million dollar stock of the finest goods Hint money can buy. Six days of sensational value giving introducing to thousands of strangers and proving again to all Omaha and the entire west the advantages of trading with us the vastness of our stock the mighty influence our spot cash controls and how very much money is saved to every one of our customers. i IX DAYS COMMENCING MONDAY AND CONTINUINC EVERY DAY UNTIL SATURDAY NICHT TORE Our own magnificent ELECTRIC DISPLAY is worth coming many miles to sec. Six days of startling bargains Six days of special sales Six days to procure the best of everything at a low price. & . & u OPENING SALE OF SUITS, SKIRTS, ETC. Como nnd see the handsomest ideas from every important fashion center of the world. Here are just a few hints of what you in iy ox-ieot. 1 New Fall Suits . " Ysr. iota, in single or double breasted, fly front or box front effects, jackets lined with silk, and seven gored llaring skirts, Bpoeial opening sale price Loudon Box and Top Coats and Automobiles The swellest of the season's styles of line imported English Kerseys, Vicunas, Montanaes, Covorts and jf Q Q Cheviots in all colors at 19.00 and 4S down to the popular priced ones at The New Fall Golf and Walking Skirts have received Hpecial attention this season. The styles are right, the cloths are ot best quality and the $1 A 50 AT colors oi most pleasing and stylish cornuinations. l Hey nro all rnudo in tlio 7 cored stylo nnd positively will riio materials arc plnid back coverts, homo- 98 not tap. HputiB, Korsoys nnd pobblo cbc viots, ii charming as fiortnicnt tit $15 $10 $7.50 $5 - n,l KJ Children's and Misses' School Reefers and Jackets Over 700 dainty, stylish juckots for tho littlo ludkn, ages 4 to H, made In tho latest and prettiest styles, loose or tight fitting buuks,iome with capes, trimmed with applique or dl t K . . Ct 1 08 braid, prices range p 1 & down t0 1 OPENING SALE OF FALL MILLINERY ThiB fall our display of rare and artistic millinery surpasses all past efforts. Our spacious department is filled to overflowing with lots possessing rare artis tic beauty. AtGIC fill handsome line of hummed hals and ip'Vv draped turbans in season's correct styles, made of the new chenille, felt and braid, with new designs in fnncy feathers, pompoms, plumes, with touchos of koIiI braid and long buckles. $10 On Woman's very stylish trimmed hats, ex kJ I V. UU .,,.( copies of imported patterns. They are made from the richest, materials that the season affords. Walking Hats 100 dozen ladles' ulco felt walking hats, trimmed with largo polka dot Bilk, limiting tho golf effect In all colors worth 51.00 on sale ut 49c Very Stylish Hats Mmlct of vplvt-t, liluck and all rolors, trimmed with fanry feathers, ribbon, large buckle, etc. A very tmall turban, black Ujo no mikI colors, on sale at ipO.VO Kxnct copy of $2j.C0 pattern hat, tho now "Oraley" hat, draped with velvet (J; and gilt embroidery, at ipO Handkerchief Sale Ladles' and men's Handkerchiefs plain white, all widths of hems, lace edges, embroidery and Inser tion trlminod, worth regular liie, ' t, u .ii n .......... 3yac-5c Ladles' nnd men's all pure Irish linen Handkerchiefs. with nil widths of hems worth 4 s regular up to 25c 1 fl ffj this Hale I-ndles' fine Imported Swiss Rmbroldered Handkerchiefs worth up to a5c so at 15c Hosiery Bargains Orand special hosiery sale of ladles', misses' and boys' hos iery, In plain, line and heavy ribbed, guaranteed fast black full seamless, Hue gauge, all sizes, pair 7c Ladles' fine Imported hose. lancy coiora ana pmin nincK, worm regular 19c-25c COc, In this sale at Men'H Half Hole nil colors, on sale at 10c, 12ic and 19c Corset Bargains 10,000 ladies' perfect fit ting corsets, handsomely laco nnd sill; ribbon trimmed, with fine satin stripes, In pink, light blue, blnck and A g drab, all slzos, Special Corsets at 98c "Wo are showing all the bost standard tnakos nnd vory boat corsets, In black, f" drab and white, all long-tin, CjC Grand Linen Sale r.8-luch extra heavy all linen Cream Scotch Tablo Damask ut, yard 60-lnch Full Bleached Table Damask yard 64-Inch all linen Cream Damask regular price BOc yard G3-lnch all linen Silver nioached German Damask, yard 72-lnch extra heavy Cream Irish Tablo Damask 72-lnch Oerman Damask, silver bleached, very heavy, yard 72-lnch full bleached, extra heavy Satin Damask, yard 72-lnch extra heavy, round thread em bossed. orlKlnal Sliver flleacheri D.imunk. vil NAPKINS TO MATCH-J1DS and I2.JS DOZKN. 25c 20c 39c 50c 50c 69c 75c 85c 49c 98c New Fall Dress Goods Dress Patterns $1.98. Monday we placo on special sale 500 new fall dress patterns, each pattern containing' 7 yards, enough for au entire dross pattern, including silk and wool novel ties, new pebble granites, all wool armures, home- spuns, mohair brilliantlncs, tweo d Jingonnls, -t dj Gorman henriottus.and French serpes, ovury yard of Zr theno goods worth B0o, on bargain t(v, Mori, entire jmtT $1.00 Dress Goods, 49c. 800 pieces now fall dress goods, including f4 inch ex tra heavy tailor suitings, all wool storm serges, French poplins, Lnghsh coverts, new prunellas, herringbone cheviots, silk and wool plaids, bilk finished henriettas, in black and till colors, sold tmially for $1, on :pccial sale, yard The greatest and most complete showing of lino tailor clotln, lnclndin; I'Yoneh vonotiaiii. bi'oa.l'l"tlis. camel's hair, f.obbie cheviot, ;unno cloth, kor.oys and meltons also n complete lino of new iinnori'fd novoltios, hhown in nil tho latest fall color! sold roiilarly as high as SL'.flO, , on special sale, yard A new arrival of 200 pieces of black finished ere- poiip, now mohair plerolas in medium and small designs, also a com. ploto line of steam llnislicd cheviots, satin borbers, zi bclinus, broud cloths and r-atia lncod Venetians, nnd mnny other now (fr-i and popular fabrics, on special sale in black dress rFl I BD !l .'oods dopartmont, per yard 00 pieces ol i"2 inch now blnck cheviot, sponp-'d and shrunk, aruntccd not to spot, cun bo mndo up with or without lining, on special sale, per yard Bargains in New Silks OVEI? 10,000 YARDS SILKS AT HOc AND (ii)c. .lust to open the season we have placed on sale for Mon days and all the week, over 10,000 yards of black nnd colored 27-in. taffeta, colored striped plisse, figured foul ards, black and colored sal in duehesse, brocaded silks nud hundreds of othfr new silk fabrics These are all new fresh goods, including the newest colors of the coin ing season every yard worth from L to !?l.0, which you will readily discover on examining these goods special price 50c and (IDc-onCAn d fSQo bargain square, per yard . . . v-w V S W Extra Special Evening Silks, We are showing over 100 styles in high class imported silks for evening and street costumes, heavy rich da masse satin, new satin de Lyon, poult de soie, figured crepe de chine, plain and striped crepe de chine in new weaves these silks niv worth up to a.r0 y4l1 Afj our price Monday and all week, yard kJl.JYJ 75c Special Underwear Sale Misses', Chlldran's and boys' Jewry pants nnd dniwors, medium and heavy welRht. worth roijulnr up to 35c, at each. I.ndles' Vests nnd Pants, made of line KRVptlnn rottun, with nice soft (lieiliiR, medium and henvy weight, silk trimmed, remilar prire 50c, In this sale Balance of the Carpets Bought of the Carpet Mill, on Sale Tomorrow at Wonderfully Low Prices. All tho very heavy Ingrain Carpet that generally soils for 85c a yard IQp now and beautiful patterns, yard S' All the extra heavy Union Ingrain carpet that generally sells at 50c, OESft all new and beautiful patterns, go at, yard kJks All the best grado strictly all wool, veiy heavy Ingrain carpet, that Qpr generally sells at $1.00, in this salo at, yard All tho pro-brnssels ingrain rugs, ingrain art squaros and Kiva Hugs, all Bizes and tho heaviest goods madegenerally sold up to $15 each, Glf Oft go at, each jU.VO All tho regular ingrain art squares these are 410 QC dl'l QQ worth up lo $7.50 in two lots at, each 4. VO"45i- JO There are also in this lot over 1,000 kinds of fringed carpet rugs, J GS- worth up to $2.00, we oler thorn tomorrow as long as they last at, each Best grado of wiltou velvet carpet all new and beautiful patterns, Qftp with or without border worth $1.25 a yard at J 10 rolls Scotch Velvet Curpct worth 9Sc A Or Ultra, heavy Tapestry Brussels Carpet ertp yard worth 75c-yard JJ 10c and 15c 25c and 39c Misses', children's and hoys' union Bults, In great varloiy of styles, Including Jersey ribbed Kloml.Ue rtyle, silver eray and natural wool, In lots, ut I.udles' Vests and I'unta, made of part wool or all wool, Jersey ribbed, plain natural wool and r.nnel'H hair, extra tine quality, In lots ,it 25c 49c, 75c 49c, 69c, 98c Special Drapery Sale $2 Lace Curtains $1.25 Nottingham Lace Curtains, 54 inches wide, 3.J yards long, largo and varied line of imttorns, rugulur R"I prloo $i00, go at, '1. pair $3.00 Lace Curtains $1.90 All the line, light, lacy stylos Nottingham Lace Curtains, full width and 1.98 loniitlis, usually soli) ut '13 on sul-J ut 500 pairs very fine Nottingham Laco Curtains, full width and length, latest designs, beauti- $ Q ful goods and a rare bargain at, pair. ... JO Grant! Special Sale of fine Lace Curtains All the finest Nottingham Laco Curtains, all tho genuine Brussels, real Hattonberg Luce Curtains at $3.98, $4.98 and $7.50 pair Tlioso are the finest curtain iiunortod and aro wortli roular up to 20.00. More than a million dollars' worth of new fall goods to select from We are headquarters for everything to wear for man, woman or child THE CLOTHING SALE OF THF yEAR" This store has boon the scene of many a sale, but none so important, as this. Here is a SPHCIAL SAI.IO OK MEN'S and IiOY8 MATCHLESS CLOTH 1XJ AT A M SOLUTE LY UNRIVALLED LOW PRICK, The very latest creations in fall and winter Suits, Overcoats and Ulsters. We place before you the choicest products of the world's -greatest clothing markets, a brand new stock of fall and winter ready-to-wear clothes. Everything that's new and fashionable for men and boys to wear is here for you Monday at the very lowest prices such goods could be sold for. See the clothing bargains we offer at $g00 $50 $" 50$g 00 BOYS' KNEE PANTS SUITS. Our stock of boys' knee pants suits is the most complete and comprises all the latest and newest styles. The sizes i to S are made up in three-piece suits coat, pants and vest The sizes from 8 to 15 come in double-breasted coat style. Our prices are really a half of what these suits would cost you either at home or anywhere else. $J25 $J98 $250 $J98 m Underwear. Men's wool floeced underwear, oxtru honvy woijjht, well made, ohoanntSoo, all fizos, Ofkf, shlrU and u.-nwors. . . . Men's extra lino flocnud under wear and natural ffrnv wool underwear, a dozen dllToront colors, GOri oc values -rvw Mon'a all wool naturRl pruy and camel 's lialr nnd lamb'tt wool underwear; also Bilk flcnccd underwear, $1:60 value VOU BOYS' LONG PANTS SUITS, The greatest variety of young men's long pants suits that have ever been shown in ages from 19 years. All hand somely tailored, guaranteed perfect litting, nicely lined, made with double-breasted vests and worth nearly double these special prices. $J98, $g00, $50 Men's Shirts Men's fancy flannel sizes, well made, various colors, all sizes shirts, full ... 45c Men'n naw blue flannel shirts. fancy and plain tujlora regular 51.1:5 vuIucb C at JL Men's finest grtdcB of all wool flannel shirts In tho very latest patterns and colors, none bettor'made tfH ftQ spcolal value Zpl "tj Sale of Yarns Domestic Saxony In orory shado manufac tured at 5c sucin Tho best crado of Imported Saxony, every shado, 10c skein. Fleislier's Gcrinantown Zephyr, all calors, 10c skein. Flelshcr's J Knitting Worsted, all tho now mixed colors, 15c skein. I'lelsher's bost grado German Knitting Wors ted, 25c skein. I he best Spanish Knitting Yarn 15c skein. Coral Saxony, 12c skein. Shetland Zephyr, 12c skein. The best grade Angora yarn, every color, 10c ball, Ice Wool, large bill, 10c each. Ksrlin Zeephyr, regular price 8c, 2c lap, Blanket Sale $5.00 Blankets, $2.98. All the strictly all wool white, gray, and red blankota, sold ns hitrh as 85.00, in ono -) no lot, pair $."0 $6, $7, $8 Blankets, $3.50. All the strictly all wool plaid blankots, all line whlto all wool blankets, all tho heavy blue gray blankets, in fact all tho blankets that this jobbing house sold as high a. $8.00,ln one lot, l TA at pair J).uU Bargains in Cotton Blankets and Comforters. A genuine Omaha Soiipation an Omaha Bar gain A 15th and Douglas Stroot, Omaha Stock of Shoes. Every pair of FINE SHOES OF THE Continental Clothing Co. Have been sold to us at a TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE And we're going to have the salo tomorrow. V J. IJU lllUrili HAUlliii vj. iijf nuwu atiiu oiui nuui EVEKYRODY IN OMAHA KNOWS THAT THE CONTI NENTAL DID NOT KEJdi A PAIlt LESS THAN .?2.r0- the cheapest cost that WHILE Til EI K 11 EST SOLI) VOH ?ri.()0. ALL T1M5SI5 FINE SHOES (JO ON SALE TO.MOI5UOW AS WELL AS Till-: OKEAT I'UWCHASE EWOM THE CHICAOO wholesale stock and we divide both purchases into 1 lots. 79c, 98c, $1.98 mid $3.00.