TITT3 OMAHA DATLV 11V, E: SATURDAY-, SICPTEM V,VA1 22, 1000. 0 NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL it i.n oh si n.vrio.v, Davis sells kIuhs. "Hr. Mley," 6-ccnt clear. Ltffert, 23fi I!dy., test r.ycs frft Obs fixture and Rlnbei at Illxby's lne A IS C. le-r. Noumaycr' hotel. Dr. Stf-phennnn. 101 t'enrl St. Tel. 3. Rclimldt'x photo, r.ew ntul la'et iityler Cab. photos J1.C0 ilnz. Wlillnms, 5(1 Inly. Wullmiiri, urimtitlr optlc tiin. "9 II il y. W. J. IfnstPttnr. .Witl-t. Hnlilwln Work J. C. & V. Woodward, architect. 522 inly. W. K I.'-wls iells monument!-. 3')l H wny. I,emi m beer. Hoenko Hoyson. sola aKcnt. lit 1,' -r I! :dwclr I,, llnenfeld. Ak New owl frame. -'. K. Alexander .V Co., SJ3 Ltroailwny MIm Miiry Itrtzel nf Avorti la the KlleMt of jtlcH Minul Hinlcy. 0t your work ilono nt the popular ISagle laundry, 721 Ilromlwiiy. 'l'hone. 157. V C. lXcp. umlfrtnKer. a I'enrl street. T .'pnbnxo nfllw 17- re'liU'tirc 3 nQ Vfiup ttiiri lino ffiiip to Aurora, 111., where he wilt resume her atudles. irom a tn.i'rith'H vacation trip throush the rant. W. V. draff, undertaker and licensed em Imlnicr 101 Houth Main street. Phone ..'0 Mr and Mr. J. Mon.n are home from h three weeks' visit at Mucktnnek Inlaiul, Ml.h. , Mrs. Ktta I'arkhurst of liwn Is the Ktiest of Mrs. Harnh Camp on haul Pierre htreet. . He. and Mrs. Henry t)el.jnn returned eitenlnv mornltiR from u visit at HenKIc inun. Neb. , Mrx J. K. Swan and son of I-ncllle June tlon ure the nuests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry M Hrown. lament K. Hart, republlean national com tnlttcemun from this Hlate, returned yes tiTdov from ChlriiKo. JiiiIro Mney left last evening for his hftue at Harlan. He will return Monduy tnornliiK nnd reronvene dlslrtrt court. The owl elub and the fnlon I'neltlc team will cross bats at the Thirty-fourth street KtMiinds Sunday miirnltiK at fl-.Wi o clock. Mrs A. T. llenneke anil Miss Corn Hen i.ke of CurtlwiKf. Mo., are the KU.sts of Mr and Mrs. A. T. Klwcll of Willow nve IMie An ble Walker was arrested last nlKht l,.ir.Ml with KtealltiK HtiKS valued at (W 1 in j.roperty of his brother-in-law, Louis V. l.lnnli:er. David Lane nnd Ills tluiiRhtor, Mrs. Alice WrUlit. charK''d with uNSnultlnK the Kel lev children, will have a licarliiK before. .ludKc Alesworth this mornliiK- Mrs It U. HuiKess. neo Miss Mattle lliirlc of this city, In a member of the Mid nhtlit Alarm" company, which appears at tin- Dnhanv theater Sunday nlKht. Professor Chambers extends to his tjast pupils and all his friends an Invitation, complimentary, to attend Mb openlna p.irt this evening for children, at Odd ItIIov.m t'mple. Hint prize ball will ho nlven by libit Cllv Indue No. M7 Saturday evenltiB, hcP temlicr :-.. at (Irand Army of the Republic hall Tickets 25 cents. admlttlnK Rentleman and laily. All members of V. S. tlrant companyNo. II. filiform Hank, Knlshts of Pjthlas, ale renin sted to be present at the meetlnt to n'Kht ns there Is business of Importance to come up for action. V. ('. Gebhart of the, Mllwaukeo ticket otllce li mournlni; the loss of a brand new n.itumn overcoat. It was taken yesterday from the hallwuy at his boitrdlnK house on 1'lrst avenue. Acent Hlius'art of tho Adams Express company rei elvcd word yesterday that his company woidd transport all money and packages to Galveston for tho relief of the tctlmn of the storm free. The case aKalnst Hrnest Mlnnlck, chamed with robbltiK Oscar Johnson of Shenandoah of a Job of alcohol, was taken on a clmiiKe of venue yesterday from Justice Kerrler's court to the superior court, where the evl-di'tm- of the complaining wltnci-H was tnkeu and tho further luiarlliK continued. William ICdle, charKed with the larceny ol a horse, Iho. puberty of Thorn Price of WeHton. took a cIihiikh of venue yesterday from thn court of Justlco Kerrlcr to tho superior court The testimony of Price was taken und the further hearlnn continued until this morntni;. The fli--t meetlnn of the Ministerial usso il.itlon of this city, nfter the summer vaca tion, will be belli Monday morning In the pastor's study of the Klrst Presbyterian liurch. The subject for discussion will be, "What has your denomination dono for missions durlnn tho year." im Sunday nlKht the winsome youiifT a. tress anil sweet sliiKer. Uella 1'rliiKle, will appear at the Uohany theater supported bv hr lurge and capable company and will pri sent tho comedy drama. "The MldnlKht Alarm, with all tbe elahorate scenery, K'TBeous costumes, extravagant hIuku ae- essorles, Intricate mechanical effects pre ilsely tho same as In New York. Chicago ami the other larKe cities where this com pany appeared earlier In the season. iillli (nr. a yotuiK woman whose home Is suld to hn near (irand Island, was arrested tu (imaha and brought to this city yestcr la niornliiK. An luformatluii was tiled by Mrs Mar Holmes, who charKcs the yoiiliB woman with llvitiK with her IiusImiiiI. t H. Holmes, last July at 1020 Seventh avenue In this city. Holmes Is in Jail at Plattsmouth, Charcot! with stealing brass from the MIs iio.irl Pnclllc and HiirllnKtou railroads. Mrs. Holmes Is snld to be a resident of Omaha. N. Y. Plumbln; Co., telenaono 250. Domestic soap sells on Its merits. I.nhsortl the Wronn Him. A. nrahergcommenced work Thursday as assistant toT'oundmaster Hurke, tho official dog catcher. This morning llraberg will have a hearing In Justlco Vlen's ccurt on tho eharpe of larceny. About tho first thing Hrnberg did after being employed by tho dog catcher was to corral a pet canlno be longing to the family of Judge K. K. Ay'.es worth. The Jndgo resented this ami filed an Information against Hrnberg. The Judgo had paid tho llcenso for tho canine, but llraberg asserts that when ho lassoed the dog It had neither collar nor tag on. Hrnberg gave ball for his appearance In court this morning. llenl IXllle i'rnilfer. Tbe following trunsfeis were Hied yes tenla tu the abstract, title and loan otllce of J W. Squire. 101 Pearl street: Henry Sill and wire to Maria Gelger. Id !l. block a, Mlndeii, la . w.d $ 710 Harriet 1 Limit to Kllzabeth Hoag Uo.l lot 115. Old Plat. Council PI iffs. q c d 10 Kllz.ibeth lloauland to Llzzlo M. Car- t r. same, w.d 1,000 Mi Kin Smith and wife and Luis ,M. Huberts, to Nora Roberts, w.d 1 Sheriff to l. J. Fogarty, 2 In 3, Rid dle's sub., w.d jss Jehu S Smith and wife nml C I). Di- im .inn wire in i-niricK litlcKiev, se'i iiw , l-Tii-ll, w d l,2i no Total, six transfers j:i.Ul fiO 000 lakes Domestic soap used In Coun cil Uluffs Inst month Gravel roofli ? A I! fiea 1, Ml nroadway. ROUGH RIDER SCHOOL SHOES. ...I. . E Est: HAMILTON'S 1 HI liroadvia), NeiOtiu.tM ,n cuAitifii -iruraMU' aim Iowa, James N Casady, )r. M .s. i rti .'f. MEY TO LOASI; Savings Lean and Building Associal'n Council Ulllffa. Iowa, BLUFFS. FLEMING'S STORY OF STORM Personal Experience in the Wreck That Overtook Galveston. HIS WIFE AND BABY BOTH DROWNED lltislinml nod rather Seen Ills l.ovril Ones "mic pi A (Mi) li Jhe Itlltll li Hlllri Olid lloul liiK WlniN, J. W. riemlnc, a survivor of tho tcrrlblo ratnstrophe at (Julvcston, arrived In the city yesterd.iy on a short visit to his cousin, J. ('. Fleming, foreman for the Pullman Palaro Car cunirnny, living at 1C03 Klfth avenue. Mr. Fleming lost his wife and bauy ilurinR the fearful storm ami he la now on his way to Chicago to enter a sani tarium, the awful experiences he under went In (lalveslon having completely shat tered him. He Is In a condition of com plete physical and mental collapse nnd Is unable to sleep except with the constant aid of opiates. .Mr. Fleming's wife and baby were lost under particularly pitiful circumstances, as ho saw them the night of the fearful storm for the first time la three month. Ills homo was formerly near Sioux City, where ho had been entered In tho stock business. Three months iiro ho went 'o Colorado on mining business, while his wlfo and baby went to visit her sister In (ialvei ton. He arrived In Galveston the night of tho sturin and a few hours later his wife and biby were swept away and drowned. Of the eight persons In his brother-in-law's house he was the only oun to escape. He was on a piece of tho roof and after tieln? buffeted about fur several hours managed to reach high ground. His wife and oaby were with him when the house went to pieces. His wife was washed awuy first and then tho baby, which whs In his arms, was torn from his grasp from the rush of water. After that he n memhered nothing moro until h" found himself on dry land, clinging to a piece of the roof. Story of the Mcllt. In describing hl3 awful experience of th.it ulght Mr. Fleming said: "The house which my brother-in-law and family occupied was a frame building. When the building com menced to collapse we had not tlmo to dress. I picked up the belt In which I had my money and. with my wife, and the baby in my arms, climbed upun the roof. My brother-in-law and his family wero al ready outside the house and must have ben swopt away Immediately, as we never saw them ngaln. Tho next two hours appear like a horrible nightmare and 1 cannot tell what happened. It was too awful to de scribe. 1 remember seeing my wife washed away and then my baby wns torn from my arms. "The next day was even as terrible. 1 vainly searched for any traces of my wife and child, hut I could seo nothing of my lost ones, neither could I find any trace of my brother-in-law's family. Hundreds of men went crazy searching for their lost ones when they could not llud them. I stayed for threo days assisting In tho work of sa.irchlUK for nnd burying tho dead. I could not stand It, however, any longer, as I bellevo I would have gone raving mad If I had remained." Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap. Davis sella paint. Use Domestic soap. It's the best. Suits for Dhorer. Mrs. Martha Williams commenced suit for divorce In the district court yesterday ugalnst Adolph W. Williams. She as mar rled to Wllllnms at hogan. In Harrison county, on September 25, 1SH7, and two months later ho deserted her. In addition to the dlvorco sho asks that her maiden nnmo of Martha B. Syles he restored to her Judgo Macy of thu district court handed down his decision yesterday In the dlvorc suit of Mrs. Marcy M. Smith against Wil son Smith. He granted the dlvorco prayed for, hut refused the application for alimony. The court stnted that the evidence showed that the plaintiff had recently received the proceeds of a mortgage amounting to J 2 , 5 L 0 nnd that her testimony as to tho disposi tion of this money was not satisfactory to the court. Mrs. Smith was allowed $ 100 attorney fee. The Smiths aro both of advanced ago and had been murrled eloso on tlfty firs. In tho dlvorco suit of William A. Peter son ngalnst Magglo Peterson, Judgo Macy dismissed tho petition and the eross-petl-tlon, holding neither party to tho suit entitled to relief prayed for. Henry K. Price was granted a divorce ft cm Mrs. linima H. Prleo on statutory grounds. J. J. Drown commenced suit In tho supe rior court yesterday against Hfrman Drodgo and others to recover $250, tho valno or a horso which ho pastured with tho defendants and which had been killed through their alleged negligence. Howell's Antl-"Kaw'f" cures coughs, colds. Premiums given with Domcrtlc soap. llHtleri In Frtlrrul Court, In tho United Stntes district court yes terday DeLos Snyder, Indicted for breaking Into nnd robbing the postofllro at Polk City, entered a plea of guilty and Judgo McPher son sentenced him to two years In the pen Itrntlary nt Fort Mndlson and to pay a flno of ?1.000 and costs. Albert M. Anthony who, while traveling with a circus, raised n $1 bill to $10 and Niiecc'ded In inducing a naloonkcper to cash It, admitted his guilt and was sentenced to one vear und one day In the Fort Madison penitentiary und to pay a tine of $59 and costs. Judge McPherson completed the hearing In the cale of Walter A. Lattlmore against the Hardi-ocg Manufacturing company to re strain an Infringment on a patent device for holding a lamp In U miner's cap and took his dei lsion under advisement. This morning Judge McPherson will re turn io Red Oak to spend Sunday. Monday be will go to Creston to open tho first term of I tilt pel States court at thnt plnco and will rei urn here Wednesday, when the crim inal lalenciar will bo taken up. As soon ns the criminal cat-es are disposed. of tho re tiial of the suit of .Mrs. Jennlo Kerr against the Moletn Woodmen of America will be lomnie'i cd liacbarges in bankruptcy havo 'been Is suel in tho fallowing cases; William K Partlow. Audubon: A. T. Thompson. Mont eoniery county, Frank Wisdom, lllockton; Isidore Mu.-ei, Council Muffs; Charles 11 llunibtirl, Woodbine. Commonwealth 10-ceni cisnr. t'lt I uollicr Suit, The Iowa .Mortgage nnd Trust rompmy of this city soaired a decree, against Wil liam Arnd, county treasurer, nnd G. W. llrett. holder of a certnln tax title, declar ing tho tnx certificate null and void, as the tax for which It was Issued was lllccil Tho defendants are enjoined frcm g.vmg or taklos a tax deed to the property In question. This Is one of the several suits brought ngnlnst the city to declare icrtain assessments for spiclal taxes null and void, ns being assessed against property according to tho lineal front footage Instead of according to the betietlts derived. lie in lie rti Ho li I in n rles. Democracy turned out Hi sufllelent num bers last night to fill the rooms of the Hry.in-Stevcnson club nt tho Osden home to listen to Lew T. Oenung of Hastings, Iowa. The spellbinder from Mills c unty made one of his characteristic talks, which seemed to please his audience. 1. J. Dunn of Omaha had been announced to i-inUe an address but he failed to put In an appear ance. Owing to the counter nttractlon of Coming at the Ogden house the primaries to select delegates to the county conven tion to be held next week were sllnily at tended. Reports wero obtainable from the ! following precincts: First Ward. First Precinct I'. McMnckeji, M. Goodwin, Charles hace;, , Charles H uber, 11. Otto. II. Shoemaker, G. Miller, J. Ross. Second Preclnct-J. W. Kelly, .1. J. Klein, 1.. A. Devlne, J. McltobertM, J. R Stockert, W. Grirn, J Walters Second Ward. First Precinct W. I). Flher, It. T. Montfort, F.mll Seh.irz, C. W. Nichols. W. II. Ware. Second Preilrct J. C. Morgan, L. P. Servls. C. Hlorwlth, J. W. Matlock. J. J. Nugent. J Dobbs, C. ltlshop. Third Ward, First Precinct Max Mohn, .1. P. organ, L. C. I.uiseii, J. O'Neill, II. O. Oiireti. Second Precinct J. P. Peterson, Frank Tulk. Pat Ounntnidc, Donald Hryant, J. W. Schooling. Fourth Ward. First Precinct A. W. Wy mati. S. G. Fiulerwood, J. M. Pntton, O. P. W lcklinm P. C. Aylesworth. Second Precinct Fred Catty. John Mul quecti, J M. Sheatcr, Fred Froh.irt, 'lhomas Kllpaln. Fifth Warn, First Pr.-clnct-T. F. Callag Imn, G A. Jacohs, T. I.. Coady. M. 11, Drown, W. W. Cones, l.ee F.vnns. Sixth Ward, First Precinct -P. It. Hurke, Sam Albro. C. Mercer, W. C. Hoyer, C. C. Graves, D. I,. Weir (irnrrnl lloilup mill tlic (iiiuiil. General (1. M. Dodge, Inspected Company I., Fifty-first regiment, Iowa Nat.onal guard, last evening at the nrmory In the Dnhany block. The seneral, af or whutn tho company Is named, was much pleased with tbe drill nnd complimented Captain Tlnley wnrmly on tho lino appearanco of the company. At the close of the drill General Dodgo made a short talk to tho cotnpnny In which he emphasized the Importance of the mil itia. Ho hiielly sketched the history of ih regiment, referring to tho splendid rerord it had made In the Philippines nnd In con clusion Impressed upon the company the Importance and duty at" maintaining tin prestige of tho organization. Refreshments were served, after which the members wero Individually introduced to the general. Judge Smith Mcl'h'rsi.u of tho I'nlted States court accompanied Gen eral Dodge. This evening General Dnlge will be tendered a reception by the mem bers of the Abo Lincoln post, Grand Aimy of the Republic, In their hall on Pearl street. Price of Hlulit of Wot. The United States I.lfe association se cured a Judgment In the district court yes terday against the Omaha, Council Uluffs & Suburban Railway company and the Lake Manawa and Fast Omaha CviHtructlon com pany for $1,000. The Sulmrkin company when building Us line to Lake Manawa laid out Its right of way across forty acres of farm land owned by the association south of the city. It never offered the association any compensation for the land taken and tho latter brought suit with the above result. Iiitrniair tit Fiilniiuimt 1'nrlc. The dirt that encumbered the entrance to Fairmount park during tho entire sum mer has at Inst been removed. At the next meeting of tho park commissioners a con tract will be let for securing tho bridge over the cut with long girders nnd cables. The commissioners havo decided not to re move the structure from Its present loca tion, as they believe It can be made per fectly safo with cables. HIM loMtrr' Convention. The Iowa State Hill Posters' association will hold Its nnnual convention In this city on Friday, Septcn er 2S. The sessions will bo held nt the Grand hotel and It Is ex pected that about 100 delegates will be present. The Nebraska members of tho national association will tnke thn oppor tunity to visit their Iowa brethren. Suit for l ll I prnct icr. Mrs. Sadie Coleman of Avorn has brought suit In tho district court against Dr. J. K. Summers, Jr., to recover $25,000 damages for alleeed malprnctlce In April of Inst year. Service was had on Dr. Summers while attending tho meeting of tho Medical Society of the Missouri Valley In this city Thursday evening. HOLD UP THE NIGHT AGENT Stilt Ion nt I'o i-1 Doilue Ilolibcil by l'onr Men, Who I, nek lellm in llnv Car. FORT DODGF, la., Sept 21. (Special Tolegrnm.) Four masked men marched Into tho Minneapolis & St. Louis passenger .station last night about 10 o'clock nnd at tho point of a revolver compelled Night Agent Roy Tomllnsnn to open the safe. Two robbers stood guard outside the stntlon, while the other two robbed the safe of Its contents, securing nbout $25 and soma val uablo papers. Ihey then took tho agent's gold watch and, marching him to a box car near by on a sidetrack, locked him Inside, while they proceeded leisurely ou tholr wny. About half an hour later the day opera tor, who hnd been out of tho city, arrived on a freight train and found the dopot deserted, tho safo open and papers scat tered nbout. Tho police and Stntlon Agent Noonan wero promptly notified, but could secure no trace of the thieves. Some time later Agent Noonan discovered tho night agont In tho box car and released him. Tim stolen papers were found In tho switch yards this morning. There iu no cluo to the thieves, but It Is thought they are members of an organized gang who at tempted tho Clare bank rohbety a few days a co. Dies from rural) He stroke, AUDITION. la., Sept. 21. (Special.) W.J, Kenuidy, while at the fnir grounds yester day looking after some stock which he has on exhibition there, was stricken with par alysis. He was In one of tho stalls caring for his horses when the stroko occurred. He was Immediately taken to his home up town und a physlclnn summoned. In spite of the best efforts of the doctors he died at 2 05 this morning. Prepare toe l.llnury Meeting. SIOUX CITY, la., Sept. 21. -i Speclall- Thoso In chargo of tho arrangements for the annual meeting of the Iowa Library ns soclatlon nre making great preparations for tho entertainment of tho members f the nsoelatlon and other prominent persons who will bo here In attendance at the meeting. Judge O. W. Wakefield has been chosen to deliver the address of welcome. election l!ct In Iiihii. OTTU.MWA, la., Sept. 21. -(Special Tele gram.) While In Centervlllo today J. K. Stout of Des Moines, sheriff of Polk crunty, wagered $300 with It. N. Hardy of St Paul that Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado will go for McKlnley this fall. The sheriff based Mb opinion on Informaiion eljimod to have been recehed from manufacturer in Omaha und other western cltlei. I I? n I r T? V I)! I li IV in' Vtllil.fl JL1V1 1 1.1 lWH.l No Provision for Selection of Venires if Amendment Carries, MAY CALL SPECIAL LEGISLATIVE SESSION WninniiN Christian Temperance I'nloii Protests Aunln.l I'.icct Ion uf Army l'ot at lies MoIiifm on Ac omit of ll. Htll Inlliiciice.. DF.S MOINKS, Sept. 21. (Spoih.il Tole grnm.) County auditors of Iowa wiio aio principal members of the county commis sions to select grand jurymen are inu.h worried because there Is no provtslou lor the selection of gland juries In IU 2 if the biennial election amendment carrlis this fall, as It will eliminate tho eLc.loii of 1!HU nnd make It Impossible to seKc. jury venires at that election. The sin.u o re quires annual seiertlous of gland Juries. 'Ihe judges may summon speciul venires of petit Juries but not grand. The judaes are much exercised also. A special session of tho legislature may be required to remedy the dcicct, It being thought that the amend ment referred to will carry till tail. The Woman's Christian Temperunru Union of this district In convention today passed resolutions denouncing war aud army posts and declaring it the sense of the society that the projected army p. st for this city shall not he built on account of alleged evil influence of the so.dlers tipnu young girls, Tho resolution piedges the otgaiiizutlon to use every effort to mitigate tho evil It the post Is located here. Action of rircnien. In the lodge of the Brotherhood of Loco motive Firemen today It was decided not to pay beneficiaries to persons partially blind as has been the custom, policy hold eis being required to become totally blind In order to enjoy Insurance. Heretofore If u tenth blind, firemen got the.r full pJllclcs. The proposition of Des Moines for removal of the headquarters of the order from Peoria to Des Moines was presented, with little chance uf favorable uttiou. Clevo lnnd, ()., is leading for location of the next biennial national convention. The strike at Saylorvllle Is now a thing cf the past nnd only awaits tho formal dec laration of President Reese to beomno tillb tally so. At a meeting of tho operators and the miners elsewhere at the same time it was derided to come to the terms of tho lowa division of tho I'tilted Mlno Workers of America and unionize tbe mines. This decision affects 300 men and Is consider, d ono of tho most signal victories of tho union. The miners have agreed to Join tho union In n body and accordingly on next Tuesday evening will bo met by President Reese, who will give their camp a charter and formally Install them. At that time Mr. Reese will olllclally declare tho strike off and the troublo that has so long been exist ing at Saylorvllle will bo ended. rho special train bearing John G. Wool- ley, "candlduto for president; H. F. Metcnlt, caudlduto for vice president; Oliver W. Stewart, national chairman; O. D. FJlett, state chairman, and the other distinguished guests arrived over the Northwestern from Ames at noon nnd was transferred to tho tracks of tho Des Moines Union and run Into tho Union station. There the- speakers were mot by a reccptloa . committee and escorted across the street to the county court house, where tbe speakers' platform had been Improvised upon tho stone steps. Here a meeting had been In session for a couple of hours, addressed by local speak ers and surrounding the steps had congre gated a crowd which numbered about 500 people. The presidential party was greeted by three half-hearted cheers nnd nt once began the series of addresses. Woolley spent most of his time 111 upbraiding peo ple who called themselves Christians and yet vote with parties controlled by the liquor power. The special went from here to Ames, thence to Marshalltowu and ou toward Chicago. Priests I'litlcr Arrest, A letter was received by the local de tectives today from I)aenport olllclals say ing Rev. Paul James Carney and Jaiiath Fdwaids, tho alleged bogus priests whose stuy lu Des Moines wns suddenly terminated last Saturday, wero taken in custody there and brought before Hlshop Cosgrove, but were finally released on promise that they would conduct themselves properly In the future. It Is snld tho so-called priests col lected something over $1,000 here. Johu K. Waller, u wealthy sawmill man residing near Swun, is lost and his wlfo believes he was lost In Des Moines. Sho called at the police station today to sectiro the aid of tho pollco In searching for her mlEslng spouse. Mrs. Waller says her hus band has left his entire deposit In tho Swan btik. Sho does not, therefore, bellovo ho le.t her Intentionally and is ilrmly con vinced ho has been foully dealt with. Whether ho Is held an Involuntary prlsouer Anheuser-Busch Brewing AssiJ St. Louis, U. S. A., Brewers of the original Budweiser, Faust,IUichelob,AnheuserStandard, PaleLager, Black and Tan, Export Pale, Exquisite and Malt-Nutrine, use no corn in any of their. products, but only the choicest of materials, which accounts for their leading in both Quality and oraers addressed to Geo. Krug. manager 220 BLEES PLACE, MACON, MO. MAIN BUILDING- 224 X 08 FEET, A STORIES, ABSOLUTELY FIRE PROOF. GROUNDS 700 ACRES CAMPUS PROPER, 143 ACRES GYMNASIUM with large swimming pool two large lakes NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR CAVALRY AND ARTILLERY DRILL NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR MECHANICAL DRAWING. LABORATORY WORK, COMMERCIAL BRANCHES. SPANISH, FRENCH nd GERMAN NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR MEDICAL ATTENDANCE AND MEDICINE. ATTENDANCE 110 BOYS OF GOOD CHARACTER. FACULTY 17 COLLEGE TRAINED MEN OF EXPERIENCE. FALL. TERM BEGINS, by lies Moines confidence men In hope of ft reward or h been killed bv thugs she fears to predict. He has not been im since Tuesday. The articles of Incorporation of the Fella. I Southwestern Hallway company were re ceived at the secretary of states ouVe 10,lnv mle provide for the orcan. Iz atlon of a railway company an I ioo- strurtlon of a line from Pellu to Howell a distance of about eight miles The line will connect the Wabash at Fella and the Keokuk nnd Drs Moines division of the Rock Island nt Howell. The company Is capi talized at $100,000. Siidileii llciitli nt illliiint.n. I OTTU.MWA, In.. Sept. 21 (Special Tele- 1 gram.) William L. Harrington, an attache of one of the shows at the stteet carnival. dro ped dead while at the breakfast table this morning. His death wns due to heir: dtf.case. The decciised was C enrs old nnd has a sister residing In Ch eago, where the body will be taken for Interment. I ( ll 1 1 r ii tl .1 I'ropecl) I i nlitferrcd. I WATKRLOO. In., Sept. 21. -(Special.) A deed transferring the property of the Iowa, Minnesota & Nort hwest-rn rallwa to the Chlcaso & Northwestern railway has been filed with the auditor of this (ounty. The valuation of the propertv is p'ne d nt $.l.!Hn,r.co and $3.f00 In revenue stnmis were used In completing the imminent. I 'ill i- Well Alleiiilcil. AFDl'HON, In., Sept. 21. (Special.) Th county fair here was very well attended yesterday, the crowd being estimated at 5. 000. The heavy rnlns the tlrst of the week made Thursday practically the flret day. Tho exhibits uf stock, grain, etc , exceed all previous years. Cured of chronic I tin rt-ttiirn After 'liilrtj ono of MirVci'lnu. "I suffered for thirty ears with diarrhoea ' nnd thought I wns past being; cured." says John S. Halloway uf From h Camp. Miss. I "I had spent so much time and mnnev and ' suffered so much thnt I had given up all hopes of recovery. I wns so feeble from i the effects of the diarrhoea that I could do no kind of labor, could not oven travel, bin by nccident I was permitted to Hnd a bottl -of Chnmberlaln's Colic, Cholera anil Diarrhoea Remedy and after t ilung several bottles I nm entirely cured of that (rouble 1 am so pleased with the result that I am nnxlous that It bo In reach of all who sutler as I have." HYMENEAL WooiN-Mii! (. SYRACUSE. Neb.. Sept. 21. (Special ) At the residence ot the biide's parents In this vllhife Miss Nellie Holt was marrkd to W. W. Woods of Omaha by Rev. T. II. Foster of the Congrcsatlonal church. The eouplo took a rip across the country to Rer un, striking tho Missouri Pacific ra.lnnl at that point, thence to Omaha, where they will reside. The contract lug parties are well known lu this community. Co P. I tls-iiiniiip.ini, HDHRON. Neb., Sept. 21. (Special.) At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Thompson, occurred the wedding of ft- If daughter, Miss Fun. to Raymond L Call as. Mr. Calkins was formi r!y foreman of the Republican printing olllce. but te celitly has gone Into tho train nrvico of the Iltirllngton. Miss Thompson has been book keeper for W. A. Lockwood for a number of years. llii!;-llni:lii'H. HRATRICR, Neb., Sept. 21. (Special Tel egram.) Mr. James King nnd Mlsn Flsie Hughes, two of Hentrlce's most prominent young society, people, wore united In mar riage last night nt the Second Pieshytorlan church, this city. DEATH RECORD. Ir. II. n.Vllnnii. Tho death of Dr. H. ll. Wilson occurred unexpectedly on Thursday at Aberdeen, Md., where he was spending a vacation. Dr Wilson was a well known practitioner 'u Omaha aud had been connected with the Omaha Medical college during moht of his six years' residence here. Dining the treat ment of 1 dlphthetetli: enso last spring Dr. Wilson contracted tho disease and ,ns very 111 for sowral weeks. After his recoserv he went to his old home in Maryland for rest und It Is suppoi ed wus attacked by some compilation of his former affection. Dr. Wilson's family Is In this city. pi:MON roii vi:s'n:ii hthiians. Wnr "uriMor Home inlicrrd lj- tbe (if no en I I i live en in cut. WASIIINCTON, Sept. 21 -1 Sp i I'l I- The following pem-lon-i have bei it gra tiiil : Issue of September 1. Pilo Nebraska: Origin. tl-rh it lc n wiblnms, Nellgb. $3; Wll'lum Huker. NrNnt. J; Kphrnlm 1.. Hceson, Lincoln, fii. lie hmc William A Hull, Lyons, $12 (il!ncl wll owh special .iced.. September lo Margaret S. Hubbard. Arcadia, ii. Iowa: Original John I.. Mowry, Shelb . $ Aililltloiial, Joseph A. W. ilia. e. M. Or son. $12. Original widows etc. -Margaretl a Stiiebnier, Haveiiport. $1; minor of 1) .w Rosenberg, Climbing Hill, $14; Vina Vlgren, Des Moines, $S. I.'nrty lvrrMim Oi'tiiviii'il, LONDON, Sept. 21. A dispatch from Athens to Lloyds, giving further details of tbe disaster to tic Fgvptlan mall vtcamcr Charkleh, now ashore on th'. Island of Andreos. one of the Ci l.nlos. wins thai fortv of tho p.issengi rs and crew wetc drowned. Quantity, Omaha branch, will bo promptly executed. 12 SEPTEMBER, 1900. jilt Wi A by I Is mam a Sick Headache Is nlwas i auicd l,v torpid liver or lmper- fci t dl4' sib. a. nnd is generally ae. ni panli d with i tinstlp ition The c.tu.-p is quickly rennncd and a nnrmal ami hi allliy cotidlt Itm obtained l y a ! ae M 3 1 Purely vegetable mild .md tellable Cause Perfo t Ugen' Ion complete ubsorp 1 tlon and Icalthful tpgulnrPv For the euro , of nil disorders of tile Stomncb. Howels, Kidneys, Hladder, Nervous Diseases, Pllia, i Sick Headache. ! And All Disorders of the Liver J Price, '-." (. per box. Sold by all druc ' gists, or sent by mall on receipt of price. IlI)WA' A I'O., ."r. Kim St., .New York. lltt buro to get "Radway s." S3SEfefi3.Jl CURE YOURSELF! fV,.r iifsNjU """ Hl far uuioiliirst 1 m la 1 i i l.t. l Jii batk'H. tlllt tlliluit'liilit, W7 (.tt.r.n.tr.i Y irrlutlnim ur UKi-rutit.ui tfD D.l .j .1 1 let ,r of til 11. i 11 H I'irnil TMIlfA Pr.t.Dt. ...Lt.itun I tioili'i., mi. I. iii u.tna' rHcEvnsCHtu cuCo. "r i'u-i. .u. NCSNtl '" y "rucdl.ta. twyrvtZrr. It i uo. ,ir I Imttl.'.. t i.t rii'.r,,, circm. IO (a3i'," M (atuuiar .oi.l ou rtKiuuA Anfi-Kawf A cough is a cold iriiinsltioii Antl l iw f will answer Tr It all drujelsts V for I tra T) n?i raet Hggj i ughiOpera. Jfp1' Before- COLE'S ORIGINAL HOT 6 4 Main St., Council Uluffs, lowa. Cole's Original Mot Blast, OleiinlliieT, and even Ileal w hh Hoft coal. ll IN VALUE. Some exec lent lots, pleasantly located and do strable for suburban homes, can be hud now at reasonable prices. These lot s are located in Omaha, Wright's and Central Sub. additions. This property will steadily increase iu value as the city grows in th at direction and the time to buy is tho present Call at Council 1 Miss ! ran kit' itaiim wav, of Sixteenth Street, HoVi.itul, Mich., says : ' I am twentv one voars old. At sixteen I was p.Uo find weak. Hy the tune I was nineteen years old 1 was so weak I could not walk across the floor. I was terribly ema ciated and my kin had lost all color. The doctor pronounced tho disease An.vmia. Ileitis advised to trv Dr. Williams' l'mk 1'ills for Pale l'eople, 1 bought a box, and hetore 1 had taken all of tlie pills toutid that they wet e doui me uood. Appetite in-crea-ed and the healthy color lieatt to show in my cheeks and lips. 1 con tinued to use the pills until 1 found myself per manently cured. Since then I have had no return of my old trouble. I know' that Dr. Williams' l'ink Pills for Pale l'eople saved my life, and I be lieve that no other medi cine could have done it." ", Ollatta Times, Holland, Mich. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People ate MiUI by all tlrnu KliM or dlmel from tbe Dr. 1 1 . la in m Mfuirlnc Co., Solicit. eotml.T, N. , postpaid on re ceipt of price, We. per box, six pray theater SIMHY Mt.lIT, Sfpt. JOLLY DLLQ PHGIE ami I ler i'i.ii;,.tiu A STAIi ri.INiJ STOltY FKAMKD IN BTIIANOHST ALARM hcuni:s. An Immense amount ot luo. music and pretty faces- HrookKu IhMro l iiujihiIIkIu - Palace nf gnlil In big specialties- in. Pl loon 2"c, !l1e. "Krug If not, you have mlssen a good thing. This exquisite mult beverago stands on z unlquo basis. It rcllo Itaclf. Its fnrao ani reputation is the envy of many. The palate, tho bcnellclal icsults achieved "within" tho Inner man aro tho only and real Judgea o( Its merits. Approved of by them. It tri umphantly enters Innumerable households. Whero Cubluet enters, doctors und druij tills exit. imriivni) IIV i'iir,i) Kmc iitti:vi: i:n Phr..o lll. O.MVIIA. MCIV g't-agg ' TIE Wiih Soft Coal, OSeanliness and Even Hca?,... It is ek-nnor than tiny wniul t-tovo liinde, Is ns clcim ns most hard coal Iiiihu Imi'iiorf. doesn't nrodtluo htilf the nhlifh of cither a Hoft coal Htovn or u lmso burner, and Is tfuiu nnteed to hold Iiro bailor tluiii n buvj burnor, WITH HARD COAL equals tho economy aud ovoti liuat of any ba-o burni'i' inado. TESTIMONIAL. ('oi:ncii, Hi.ui'ks, Aug. 27, 1000. With No. 105 Fiivnri n Ihtsn Murnor huatnd flvo rooms frnin lirst of October 'till Mav and only buriifd two and a half ton of hard coal. Kept all doors opon the. wh It) winter. Onu rfi .in I'Jjr ID, nnu room J Ux 1 1, two room l-xl4, two moms 0x 1'J, one room 10x10. I'. H. Ull.KY, til.'i Suv.Mith Avoiiuc. 600 Hot Blasts in Operation iu Council Bluffs to io B ll m l Eluffa. IBOIBBg i