12 TIIE Q MATT A DAILY 111313: SATVT? D A Y, SI3PTRM BT5TI 22, 1900. WHEN TEDDY COMES TO OMAHA Local Republican Will Oivo Him Wolcomo Without Rostraint. EVENING TO BE MADE A LIVELY ONE Thrrp MrelliiR to lln H -l tl nml mi Icorl of ll'inuli llliler Will Miirch ttIIIi tin- Ciiinlltliilr from Hull to Hull. OfBccra of the various republican rlubs cf Omaha ami Douglas rotiniy ami mem bers of thn DoiikIiis county republican oen tral committee mot last night nt Washing ton hall to outline n program for the re ception of Governor Roosevelt and the prominent speakers who will assist him Id the rally to bo held In Omaha Oc tober i. How aril II. llaMrlgc was selected ns chairman of I ho mectltiK ami explained the luns whleh have already been formulated concerning thu demonstration, (iovernor noosevelt and his special party, which will probably Include Speaker Henderson, Sen ator Jonathan P. Dolllver. (Iovernor I.os llt M. Shaw of Iowa and Hon. .lames M. Beck, first assistant nttorne general of the fnlted States, will arrive In Omaha at 7 30 on the evening of October I. Three meetings will be held In Omaha and (Iovernor Roosevelt will speak at all of them. One meeting will be held In the tent which the llellstedt band Is now using, another will probably be In Cr Ighton hall and the third meeting will be In Turner hall on South Thirteenth street, (lovernoi noosevelt will speak llrst at the tent and will bo followed by other members of the party. He will then go to the other two meetings. Speaking will bo continuous throughout the evening at all three places and the special party will leave Omaha at 11:30. I'lnim for mi Kurort. Several plans were suggested for the reception of the Illustrious speakers. As the parly will remnln In tho rlty such a short time It will be Impossible to have a parnile, but the republicans deslro to give tho party leaders a rousing reception. An escort will form at the station anil march to tho different meetings with the speak ers. About twenty clubs were represented nt last night's meeting and the otllcers assured the county committee that iion horsemen and 3,000 men on foot will lend their assistance In making the meeting n success. Rough Rider suits will be pro vided for the horsemen ami the men on foot will wear Rough Rider hats and carry torches and flambeaux. Sarpy county will send 100 horsemen and a Woman's Rough Rider club of twenty-five and the country precincts of Douglas county will be well represented In the escort. A store room nt the corner of Seven teenth street nnd Capitol avenue has been socured ns h.'adiUarters for the marchliiK clubs. This room will be opened In a few days. All tho paraphernalia for tho use of clubs will be kept there nnd men will be In chnrgo who can give full Information as to the plnns for tho meeting of Octo ber i. HOWARD IN THE FIRST WARD I.ltrwv Crimil Torn (lilt to lli'iir the (ienernl nml III" A noelnle. Republicans of the Klrst Ward club were treated to two stirring speeches on current Issues Inst night at the club rooms In For est hall. Tbe seating cnpntlty of tho hall waa absorbed and n score or more stood up around thu wallB. Oenoral O. O. Howard was the first speaker introduced, lie spoke only for a few minutes, touching but lightly upon tho Issues that most appeal to tho soldier. On tho question of expansion he recounted the various acquisitions of ter ritory by the t'nlted States which have con tributed to tho country's greatness, poluteil out tho similarity that marked the acquisi tion of tho Philippine islands with those other acts of expansion, directed atten tion to the zeal manifested by William J. Ilryan for tho ratification of the treaty whoreby the Philippines were acquired, and declared that Mr. Ilryan must either have been acting through Ignorance then or try. Ing to fool the people now. (Ienernl Howard pointed out tho shallow pretenso of tho cry of Imperialism and militarism as only a soldier could do It, awakening much enthusiasm and applause. Ho declared that Imperialism meant the government of a people by nn emperor through force of arms nnd without their consent, pointing out how utterly Impossi ble It will ever be to have Imperialism In this country, where every man Is a sov ereign. The speaker dosed with an exposi tion of prevailing prosperity and some apt nnd Intensely Interesting recitals of hi" personal experiences In the army. Ho was followed by Judge Raker, who spoke for over on hour, covering thoroughly nnd convincingly nil of the questions now before tho public. Ho showed how the democratic party has abandoned its tariff for revenuo doctrine anil Its free coinage clamor because tho people have rejected them. In discussing the so-called "para mount Issue" ho trnced the origin nnd progress of the Spanish war down to the ratification of tho treaty by the senate with the assistance of democrats tinder the leadership of Ilryan, declaring that two days before its ratification It was known that the Filipinos had fired upon the Amer ican soldiers. Mr. Ilryan know when he urged tho ratification of that treaty that when this country got tho Philippines by the treaty It also got an Insurrection which - i.-.i- f. -if ,i l. ,i.j..f ,i. ... .t.r i i.j ,i, jj.i,ijiMl mi wmmwm msm A VERY IMPORTANT DATE is Wednesday. September 2t. This Is tho dale of the Ilurlincton's second nnd Inst Homo Visitors' KxcurMon to many cattem points. One Fare Plus $2 will be tho round trip rnte for this excursion. Itoturn limit, October 31. Tlohtl Otfloa, 1 S02 Farnam St. -i t.i. aeo. i' was bound to s ippress He closed with iHrring rcfcrcn.es to existing prosperity and was followed In brief remarks by John W. Parish and A J t'olesnn. two of the candidates on the eountv tMtrt SWEDES HEArt FROM HOWARD Club ililreiiMl li- tlie One- trineil (ii-neriil on tlie linnet llefore tlie People. The American Swedish Republican c'ub of Douglas county was addressed Friday night by (ienernl O. O. Howard. Congress man David 11. Mercer. A. J. Coleson, J. U. Jarobtou and Nelaon ('. Pratt. Oonernl Howard devote'' 'ie most of his time to the two chief boj, of the fusion Ists imeprlnllsm and militarism. "The destiny of the Philippine Islands," said he, "in their relation to tho United Stntoa h the same as was that of Hawaii or Alaska. They will be given territorial government as soon as they arc ready for It, and per haps, In the fullness of time, they may bo admitted to the union as a sovereign state. Hut all that Is in tho future. Meanwhile wo must get along ns best wo call. Tin so things can't all be accomplished at one fell swoop." Congressman Mercer compared the pres ent situation with that which obtained In IMlfi. Chairman Theo. Johnson announced that members desiring to Join tho Hough Rider regiment to greet (Iovernor Roosevelt could signify sti'ii willingness y signing a blank. Several names were lidded to the long list already secured. H you coire before your neighbor you'll gel a better chance Haydcn Uro , with n big ad on page live. WHY HE CANNOT STAND BRYAN T. .1. MiiIii - I-. Mill of the Opinion 'Iiuit Hit it l the llrrnl Imniii. , T. J. Mnhoney, the well known Omaha lawyer nnd a democrat of prominence for many years, says: "I cannot vote for Mr. Ilryan. My op position to him is based on the silver question, whleh I regard as the leading Issue of tho campaign. Mr. Hryan and his political associates would take the election of the fusion presidential ticket as n ver dict from the people In favor of the free coinage of sliver at the ratio of 10 to 1, and they would do nil In their power to bring nbout legislation of a cheap money tendency. This, of course, would so threaten the business Interests of tho coun try that there would bo a serious contrac tion of credits nnd a demnrall7atlon of enterprises and Industries. I do not see much difference between tbe attitude of the two parties on the Philippine question, nnd If that were the only or the paramount Issue of the campaign I could vote for Mr. Ilryan, but, ns I said before, the business Interests of tho country aro to bo pro tected llrst of all." What you want and tho right price for It Is what you'll get at tho big store of Haydcu Bros., with an ad on page live. Jiiniiik Iri'iilnicnl for Wrinkles, There Is no end to the number of "wrinkle remedies" on the tnnrket and a credulous public seems ready to buy every now lotion that is offered. This U all wrong, nnd n little reflection sprinkled with common sense will show It. Wrinkles are tho handi work of Old Father Time, aided by trouble or sickness, and they cannot be washed, coaxed or scared away from the fnlrest face. There Is only one remedy nnd that ono Is about the most simple treatment that ever happened. Massage properly applied will remove wrinkles, becniiBo It Increases the circulation of tho blood, opens the pores of the skin, exercises tho facial muscles and re news the wasted tissues. And tblt Is an Important part of the new Ronstrom treat ment given at tho Ladles' Dathery by women who huve been carefully trained In the application of scientific massage. The Ronstrom system of hyluno-bathlnc, massage nnd electricity Is not a "cure-all," but theie are somti thlnes It will do beyond a doubt. It will Improve your health, your complexion ami your figure. '-'specially Is this true of those who nre too thin. It will Increase your weight and round out the lines of neck, bust and arms as no exerclso or developer ever can, and the treatment Is moie pleasnnt and Invigorating than a tonic of rare old wine, Don't overlook this modern fountain of youth. Tho Dathery, second floor Hoe biii'ldiug; ladloa only. no suro to hear the boy cornet 1st at tho llellstedt bund concert Sunday afternoon, matinee. Wertzlne prevents baldness and removes dandruff. Sold at 1615 Douglas street Fidiiing & Preserving. W.' nre prepared to furnish nil hinds nf SlMt'HS for plckllnt; nnd preserving als i L'UItKS-bottles, sealing wax, etc., as lol- ln s : Tiirmenlc In Cc and 10c pki;s w uoie unci 1,-rouiiu rioves, in tc ie Whole and ground cinnamon Be " i(ie " Whole and ground allspice 5c ' 10c " Whole and ground black pepper. In Be " 10c ' liole eeler seed, In Be " 10c " White nml lihtck mustard seed, In Be " 10c " Whole- Dill xoed Be " lOe Whole coriander seed .. Be " 10c " Flat corkH to tit all sizes bottles and Jarj. Se.tlliiK wax. Be pound Fariitllne, In Be, Me and 25c packages. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go Pharmacists nnd Purveyors to 1'lcklers and Preservers. COR. lfiTII ANT) 1)0 DOE ST. urllnaton Station, 10th and Mason StB, Tal. 120. n RELLEY, STICER & CO, Saturday's Specials in Women's and Chil dren's Fall and Winter Underwear. STORE OPEN TILL 930 SATURDAY EVENING The I'ninoiM MiihhIiik II r mid nml Other tiooil t nil 1 1 1 1 ', Mitlifnotor) In liter lteUM'l, (in In Tills Hle nt .Sii''lnl 1'iiee. We have a complete line of alzes In la dles light and heavyweight ribbed vests and pants, nicely made; Is a real bargain; nil sizes, only 25c each. nc A lino of ladle' lightweight ribbed fine merino vests, high neck, sleeveless, $l.oo qunlllles, white or natural wool, Saturday only 60e ca'h. Tho Munstng underwear will not Irritate tho moat sensitive skin, The best made; the host lining, tho most durable under wear on tho market. Ladles' Munsliig, fine cotton ribbed, long alcoves, vesta nnd imklo length pants, nil sizes, r.Oe each. Undies' "Munaltig" cotton ribbed union suits, Just tho weight for fall wear, beauti fully made, 1.25 srM. Ladles' "Munslng" plati.d wool, fine rib bed vests and pants, gives universal satis faction, any size, only 1.00 each. The "Munslng" union suits for boys nml girls; the best wearing nml best lilting suit for children, 7Sc; heavy cotton ribbed, fleeicd, natural color, drop or open seat, all sizes, T5c suit. I.ADIKS' AND CHII.DRICN S HOSIERY. Ladles' extra line gauge, fast black cot ton hose, high spliced heel and toe, double sole, 2fio pair. Ladles' black cotton hose, special weight for fall wear, high spliced heel and toe, mneo or black sole, 35c, 3 pair $1.00. We can give tho best bargains In boys' nnd girls' school hose, wide or narrow ribbed, double kneo, heel and too, sizes (5 to 10, only 25c pair. Our misses' flno ribbed polka dot hose, brown nnd navy, regular DOc qualities, at 35c pair. For Saturday's sale. KKLLKY, STIOF.R & CO., Cor. Farnam nnd 15th. Ilium Vlsltum' KxrurnloiiN. On September 26 tho Rock Island Route will sell tickets to points In eastern Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin nnd Minnesota for one fare plus $2 for the round trip. (Icod for return until October 31. Call at city tlckot olllce. 1323 Farnam street. Cheap ltnte Kxciirnlons, Sec agent Northwestern lino for cheap excursion rates to Hot Springs, S. D., dur ing month of September. Look out. If you want to hear of good things read our ad on page live. Haydcn Pros. Williams & Smith Co. nnnounco the ar rival of fall and winter woolens. ' A 1 The Only Direct Route Across the Continent. You can leave Omaha on this train after breakfast and reach t! e P uific Coast as soon as those who start la any other route the day baforc "The CHICAGO-PORTLAND SPECIAL" One hundred and fifty miles alone the Columbia Rivur by daylight. J 6nly Two Nights in Making the Trip S tram Omaha to Portland. g i City Ticket Office, 1324 Faraam Street. Telephone iilQ. Ho Colossal, amazing and unparalleled Is Hnydcn's stock of cloaks, suits, skirts, waists and children's Jackets. Purchased from tho lending manufacturers of the coun try, and now on sale In our remodelled, and enlarged cloak .department AT A SAV ING OK 2.1 to 60 PKIt CKNT ON KVKRY OAH.MKNT. Wo nro better prepared this season than any house In western America to rIvo you the greatest values and the greatest bargains you ever heard of. 100 Ladies' Sample submitted for comparison by three of tho leading manufac turers of New York City, at a saving of 50 per cent. S2B.00 Suits r fK Sample $30.00 nt rpiwiOU' Suits at Ladles' handsomo st and most stylish sample suits, worth $40.00 and $50.00, nt $26.00 and $27.B0. Ladies' Golf Skirts Very finest Im ported materials, mado up with strapped seams, with 21 rows of stitching at $10, $12.50 and Ono table of ladles' (lolf Skirts, In grays, blues, hrowns nnd black, at COO ladles' Dress Skirts, In mohairs, Yenctliinsrti fjj f , worth $ii and $7, on sale at ij)iiOU and serges. 3.1 Sample High Orade Taffeta Silk Skirts, most elaborately trimmed, at $12.00, $15.00, $20.00, $30.00, $10.00 and $,Kuio. Our stock of ladles' conts, In automobiles, boas and etons is something harmonious. Impossible to describe them. We have them from tho ph.in Jacket at $..0t), to tho swell imported Automobile at $16.00. 250 Washington Mills Kersey Jackets mad o lined with tho famous Skinner's satin warranted for two years wear a Jacket worth $15 In any houe iu America Hayden's prlco only Our Fur Department Is the n.ost complete in the Jtlo wast. We utrry astrakhans, beavers, minks, Per sians, near silks, electric sealu, nmtlloons nnd all other furs. 75 Astrakhan capes, Skinner s satin lined, warranted to wear worth $7 so on sale nt Children's We carry more Jackets for ages f to 1 tl years than all tho houses In Omaha com bined, st prices 25 to 50 percent less thin nuy house In the coun- -4 f f( try. They como from $1.25 to 1 J J 200 Jackets, axes to 12, on salo Saturday worth f ( . $4.00. for only A.Vy Specials for Saturday HOO ladies' Silk Waists. In blnek and colors, sizes ii to It, mado of all silk taf fota, corded back and slemes worth $t!.00 anywhere y ff Hayden's price JmzsJ Ladies' dressing aacques, mado of wool eiderdown, trimmed with C i"fc satin ribbon worth $1.60, for J5yC 2ft dn.cin Percalluo Underskirts worth $1.21 f on sale at, ca. h -ivC 20 dozen I'lannelene Wrappers with yoke t-mid tiimuip'l extra s f waist lining -worti $i -y t ,r . OvC 60 doien Indies Wrsipers a I 1 v Iuju-s 'V'l.innos ik I ned m Head Hayden s ISarKums on page Kelley, Stiger Co. Special Bargains In Ladles', Misses' and Children's Shoes for Saturday. Children's $1.50 shoes cloth top or leather top, sizes S to 11, on falo Satur- 'Jq Children's $1.75 lace nr shoes, sizes S to 1 L ... Misses' $l.S.r button QKr shoes, frizes 1 l.J to 'J ... vL $1.98 Lucius' Shoes to morrowA complete line of ladies' tf-t.UO lace shoes pat ent leather tip or kid tip, ex tension soles, opera toe. never sold for less that $-1, t?f AO tomorrow for pl0 A LHADIIR In ladles' shoes Is our 3 10 extension sole, patent leather tip, j - u m button and lace -always sold for 1 H.50 all sizes and widths V4'1' STORM HOOT Just the thing jj r for school girls or to wear with golf sklrts-a I boot for 0OV CI'SHION 1NSOL12 FOR TKNIU2K FKUT-. a thick role that Is as soft und Uexlble as a hand turned thin sole , n generally sold at 4.00 we . " have marked them ptUU A HFAL'TIFt'L PATENT KID SHOE for ladle extension sole latest toe soft nnd nice on the feet cushion Insole j i f worth 5.00 wo are selling A I ill them for J7 fr. W Kelley, Stiger & Co. Cor. 15th aiul Fa rnti m : 1 fW'kl U ilr'l 'J"trilit. i o li..ulijw.t lofjBin I kHI DID JlY"il ,m""' If u" ll"'l 1' I'Tt'i'tlyrn n KVl-nLja. ftVl l'ncti)ry,ffqMilllhc liltfbr.lgr.dtlM " lMt'i.''WE4 lo SUM. VI tli fr.Uhl 11 Of and frrltftitcliaivt'a. tivth. mtthU hr.A BftDlh. knd If dlultl.fl.d In .r .; wt will rrl.rn o. Cumei comptrlu with qullter, pcreilrlrei. Col ns, nrodlei. pauirp, nil can anil In.imctlon book. IJra ful sollil oak ctrawnr. .Iron lirml cabinet. Han rver uliroTcment. lus.leat running:, tie.t worLtns: acwlni nrlilne ctcr offered, imvr itilMiiHt I LlitKiim MM ktHllur. Mrllr f.r l,S.-l,, SirM., I'.LIotar. JiMr... FiAPF. nOEBUCK A. CO., CHICACO I 0, 'L CCRU:. all i.Ui .. Diseases. Hnclt ache, etc At Imp gists, or by ian.ll it. Freo bonk, ail Kldneycura? vice, etc., t t nr. n. J. Kn7. Sarntoga, N". Y. nuns Every Day g In the Year rr Limited 99 via the, Union Pacific Via the UNION PACIFIC. Cloak Department Suits -4 f rpio $15 $4.75 with strapped seams, pearl buttons nnd $10 4.50 Jackets r Clothin 4w f better than Men's Overcoats Tit First, there's an almost end less variety t o choose from. Then wc know how to put style in them without put ing cost in cordial relations exist between this s'ore and the tasteful men of the city. The graceful and elegant styles of our coats command recognition and get it. Men's All-Wool Overcoats Dark grey oxfords farmer's satin in v r bu nn $6 lining a popular und sightly garment well made for Men's All-Wool Overcoats Gray Herringbone Box Coats with or without strap seams satin pip ingsgood quality farmer's satin lining perfect llttinc nlenty of 'em for L $5. $6, $R, $9. $9.50. $10, $10.75, $12 and up who couldn't find nn overcoat among these prices. We carry a full line of stouts any extrn sizes for short, stout and ox tra size men. Farnam and Fifteenth New Tailored Suits, new Dross Skirts, new Oolf Skirts, now Silk Waists, now French I'lannel Waists, now I'nll Wraps, Silk Petticoats. Mercerized Petticoats, Sateen Petticoats, new Wrappers, a full assortment of the latest novelties In Kur Collarettes, Storm Collars and Scarfs. SPECIAL F Saturday-$1. 50 98c 'ercalo Wrappers i lliiV i ru for Iti'lliililc iooil lit l.im est Prior. SCLOASUITCO. 1510 DoimlnsSt Doctor Karl Cramer's PemijToyal Pills Regular price .2 Our cut price $1.00 Will be soul prepaid on re ceipt of price. QpUlCEXQ (Jt:T -'KICK b. U. Cor. li.ii h ii no (;iil,.i:u, , SOAI' SOAP SOAI SO AT SOAT SOAI' SOAP SOAP SOAP SOAP OAP SOAP That "Yellow Soap" That Pleases All. 10c a Cake. J. A, FULLER & CO. I'unrtucntli uaV Jmaiita Slrccla, ta CO Yon Will Find MEN'S FALL CLOTHING -wpood and clothing bear a harmonious relation to each other, and to the life necessities generally. It's unrighteous to tamper the stomach and dsgradc the back; yet that's what you arc doing when vou are having roast beef for your dinnerfand a cheap mixed stuff (,"'7, on your back. We'll give you an all wool suit of clothes, made for this store, made to sell at a price that cannot be dup icated by any cloth n house with n your reach made to bring you back, made to advertise this store, made the average suit that sells for more than we ask tor this one. It's an oxford reinforced Farmer satin lined satin piped latest style and our price only Mens' Hats This hat department of ours Is heading oif a great many hat customers this fall wc often wonder if other hat stores arc doing as well; we hope so. Every man who buys a hat at this store is ahead a hat - because the hat tha- wc sell for $I.5C and call it our "Nebraska Special" is as good as any $3 hat sold in town. We've other hals at $2.00. $2.50 and $3.00, and to pay more than $3.00 for a hat Is foolish. All the latest blocks uro here. Miller's, Knox, Stetson, Dunlnp, Christie. Ynumiiu, eic. We've good Derby Hats for $1 00 in black or brown. Men Shoes Men's Box Culf (1 uble sole Sh'es $2 Mou's Box Culf Ooodyerr Welt Shnus ilouulo sole-juit the thliiL' for full-nnv &.r-")5l size any last .. . Surpassing Display Today All tin1 lnsliionttble creations for I lie fall and winter of J 1100 1001 in nicn's anil bo.vs' highest grade apparel, onlv (lie most, skillful tailors and (lie choices of foreign and doniestic mateiialis enijiloyetl in the preparation of this mammoth ami modern ex hibit. The display is nio-t complete and far outshines any cloth ing exhibit ion ever attempted in this city. In honor of t he event we offer during this sale only special items in our great Clothing department at about half the usual prices. Men's New Fall Suits oSO men's worsted and Hue eassimere suits, regular sizes, .'! I to -H, sold else where in Ibis city for $1 1.H0 to Jjfl.-.OO FJ special for Saturday only - OhJ' Men's veiy line suits, in regular si.es, also slims and stouts, of line Oxford mixtures, pure worsted, tweeds and cheviots made by the lies) makers in America Suits worth tflN.00 special -fi f ff Saturday for 1J .JJ Men's early fall Overcoats, handsome Oxfords, vi cunas and Chesterfields, also nobby Covert Pop coats, regularly worth from $7.f0 3,75, 5.00, 7.50 and Hoys' fall and winter Knee Pants Suits, ages to 10, cut in vestee, double-breasted fancy vest ami novelty styles all the newest and nobbiest effects, extra well lined and tailored suits that others offer at double our prices -here Saturday for 95c, 1.50, 1.75, 3.75 up to HAT SALE. 300 stylish bats, In Fedoras. Colonels nnd sold elsewhero at $1.75, $2.00 and $2X0, on ltnllroad Bhupes, regular $1 2". hats, on salo special sain Saturday ut $1.00. t jrl0i A special drive In men's and hoys Capa. All th latcHt Oolf shapes, regular $2 f0 All silk lined on sale at z:,c. and $2.2" hats, on sale at $1 t: Campakn hats for men on salo at 95c 22,r, men's stiff hnts. made of fine quality Hoys' i'ampainri Hat nt 10c and 25c. felt, in tho Knox and other leading shapes, I SIOIC BA HO A INS ON PAC.IO H. HAYDEN BROTHERS. I Dental Work, ti, Rive satixfa' 'ion and to bo InstinR mus l.p iii,n- ly expeneu.id iiKn All work w.irr.iiiiol (inM Crovsim $ w rioll I'lllliiK tjood Set Teeth $1 '.0 up $5 00 Tad's Philadelphia Dsntal Roams loll Douulu. HI, SKoes $2.50 sagg?' r v,ray oys Clothing, Happy thought! is Saturday, H a wnoic holiday what bet ter time could there be for bringing your "olive branches" to be rigged out by us. The school suits of which we'ro speaking nro both tasty and tough they'll "slaliil the racket," and It doesn't make ntiy difference how tough the racket may be. HOYS' SCHOOL SUITS In bruken plaids, tough, yet tasty 25 HOYS' SCHOOIj SPITS In gray checked casslmcres, well made half n dozen different styles and pntterns to select from I50 HOYS' SCHOOL SUITS -of gray Scotch mixtures elegant vnl- -J 7fy mime iui .cimhhku uuikt HOYS' SCHOOL SUITS of gray Scotch mixtures, half a dozen 'differ ent styles of cloth to select from at 225 Farnam and Fifteenth to $20.00 special Saturday at 250, 2.95, 5.50. 7 ff JJ A nil 0.00 i s