8 TJI"E OrATTA DATLT HTCE: TFirnSDAY, SEFTTCrHTCT? 20, 1000. NEWS OF INTEREST COUNCIL mi v it MHvno., Davis ll nlas. "Mr. Hllr-y," &Tfnt clsnr. lffrt, 230 Ildy , tests ryes freo Ga fixture anil globes nt Hlxby's I'ltie A I! C. beer, Neurnaycr'n hotel. Dr Stephenson. 101 I'onrl St. Tel. 355 Schmidt's photos, new ami latert ntyl"" Cat), photos 11.50 doz. Williams. Ml Hdy. Voiunnti. Kfifntinr )tirian. vn Hdy. W J. Hosteller, dentist. Haldwln block. J C. & W. Woodward, architects. MS Ildy. W n I.pwIs fflli monuments. 301 Hwny. lamp's beer, Soynke Hoyacn. sole iiKent. I. . "t tippr Hulw. I.r. 1- Hoscnfcld. Ai Now oval frames C. 13 Alexander A Co.. 233 Brondwny. OpiipihI (i .f. Dodife til New Vork IS ill the rltj for a short llt. ( A H Morehouse hurt Koue to Colorado BiirlnK!" on n vlMll to Ills brother. Oct your work done fit the popular KRl laundry, 721 Hromlway 'Phone 17. W C. Kftpp. mid. rtnkt-r t Pearl street. Telephones: Olllce. rcsldonee. 33 W. !. nraff. undertaker nod licensed em balnipr. 101 South Main street. Phone M.G Miss l.aura Wi aver tift Tupsday evening for Sycamore, III . where slip will attpnd Sf hoo'. Mrs. Onrse HwhIi of Hlloxl. Ml... Ik the Kiicst of Mrs J. It. Heed of Mien aven'ie. MIhm t.ulu 'ielsc of I'tiderwood Is the cuest or Mrs Fr-d OelHP of Washington a vi ntio. Mr n. U. Wheeler hn bscn called to Mount Vernon, la , by tllp lllnt of a retail VI.-. Attorney It. AltchlNon Is horn from iin vt.-,i(pd trip to Toronto. Ont.. and poir.t In Ohio Tin- Mioses MrParty of Dcn'cin. Tex n n- the K'tHl nf Mrs. T. MHiiuhnti cif Fourth flvi ii ip. Itev. and Mrs. Henry DpI.oiis nf t ves tcrlav mornlntt for a villi with friends In Hcnkelniin. Nell. Wavne filncv of'Onklaml, tn., was In the pity ypNtnrdav trnnettctltiK business utnl lluiK on h's friend. Mr- J 1. I t'-iii; nt tlip t'ntnn TruiiHf-r lioi.i him I een culled to Newton, In., by Hip death m' h -r mothi r II. inii.mv chapter No. 35. Order of Kast rrn Star' will tin "t In rt-sulur session at M.isoiiIi ball thin evenlii. Indue Welter I Smith Wont last evcnln to Kmprmi in iIiIImt an address before III. n puhlli it ii4 of that place. Mttid I'iMeiM i I Hi North Klclitli street. Ii is been reiurlid In the lliianl oT Iletilih hk "ufl'i'i Iiik fr"to ..irlil fevtr. Min Mlfeht.i- I'l-ak or r.rpolpy, r'olo.. it lb Kiii'xt tif the rtimllv of County lterortltr 1. i; Smith 'in Filth avenue. Mrt A K Hiiiein mid Mrs. Clark of Milwaukee ale the KHeRt" "f Mr n"'1 J.iineH I'rterstin of -M Vine atl'eet. Mra Mary Monroe left TueHduy evPtilnt; f"r lienver, it a Istl t to her diiu;;htel Mis A. MeAlllKter. fiirmerly or this city I. It. Mason, rlerk of the fulled Slatea clri tilt iiitiri. returnetl to IJes Moines last rvenlnn. He expects to bo back here next Wcduesdaj . Itev It. Vi nlltii-, pastor of thr Plrsi IlaptlHt elltue1!. Ii.ih tllOVPil Ills resldPltc f rum 7'ki U'aslilitBinn nvcnitp to pis North ICI.hlh street I: I. Mnure. a member of the police force nt Ii.in enp'irt. tn , was a visitor ut pnllco lieiidMiinrii-rs clerda.v. e Is enJoyliiK a t' n (In J H Mil III Inn. Curl KIiIith r MlmlPii, u former utiject of the empi ror of ii'rmiiii . wiih cranted his naturalization pap ra In the n iperlnr court yt'Hterday b JttdKc A vleswnrl It. William .1 Crnzier and Mlsa Thrcsu I Id derer, both of (Mtiaha. w. re married In Illi cit' TiicsiIii v eetiliiK at the (Iniee Hnin copal churcdi I'ei torv b Itev. H. !. Kn.iv .InrneM Audersun of Carmin. anesled Tups 4av nllil for lielnr drunk and rant drlvhiK 00 I lie Hi reel M WllH ISHI'MMeil Illl'l COMlM In tmlli p court yest'Tdav inmnlni;. lie paid the t'ne. .lollll Ml'IRPn eotuplalncd to the pollie ypMierday thai u zinc bath tub and the plumhliiK llvturcH bail been taken out nf n vacant cottanc at 7i0 Koiilh Sixth street, owned by lilm. The conirei(all'Ui of the Klrst CoiiBteKa ttonnl church Iiiih ileclded in build a pnr son.'tKe and a committee of live has hern appointed to titiderlukc the ralsliiK of 1 1 1 necessary fundf'. The local i orpa of the Salvation Arnij will hold ita it M ii 1 1 1 1 1 Harvest celebration at the h.irrafkx on liroudwiii, coiumencliiK S.it.i-.iav, September 'jn, and lustiiiK untl Tucsduy, October ChnrlcH J. Smith, depulv clerk or lie 1 lilted SIiiIch court at Keokuk, and Cup tain H. T. Nix. holding the satne position at Crcston, ate In the city, atteiidlni; III term of fcileral euurl Captain leitler has Issued a call for a! tneetlni? of the MeKlnley uard ror tonight el republican heiid iuaiter.M. ICvery nu mber 1 Is p 'lliested to lit ptesctil fur drill, after I Vhlch there will he a business session. The i ase iiK.ilnst I'red Stone, colored, I clini'Ked wllh assaultliiK Mrs. lO ira Camp bell, uliio lolnfcil. was illsmlsHi d In .lustier VIon'H i unit .eHieiday umriiluK as the com jilalnliiK wdluesa drclliird to p lsecute. I'rofrs'or Chamtiet extends to his past pupils and all his friends an linitutl n. complimentary, to attend 1 I: npentnir puty l''rlday evenlni. ror adults and Saturday evenliiK for children, at odd I-Yllows,' tem ple. Tlir rasr UKiiinst William Kldle, charKod with horseHtealliiK, was conllni.id in police court ycstcril.iy iinlll this mornliiiT. So far the police have 'been unable to discover owner for the horse found In Kldlc's pos session. M C Smith of Klrsl avenue left Tuesday pvi-uliiK ror A'biiitioriue, N. M. lie was nciompanled hv his daiiKhler. Miss Maud ftinlth. and son. Dr. Mark Smith, who has lieen Hcrloiolv 111 with malarial fever. Dr Hmllh will visit at l.an VcKao. N. M. I!. Hasmussen or I'Vanklln avenue brought to the pollco Htalion yesterday luoruliiK a silver butter dish which he had found under the catch basin ut (liai'e and 1'icrce Htrcets. It Is supposed to be part or the booty or the recent robberies on 1'ark or Ci'.eti avenue. , Captain I,. It. Cousins, sheriff or Potta wattamie couiilx, returned jeslerday morn liiK rrom a three weeks' visit In Ohio, on his way cast he attended the national en rampmctit of the flr.md Army of the lle piibllc In CIiIciiko. Mrs. Cousins and riaiiKhler, who have been visiting relatives lit several points in the east, accompanied Captain Comdns home. Atrnes WashliiKton, the lii-vrar-od col ored (,'lrl who eloped from Fremont, Neli., wllh a ncKro named William Donohiie, was taken home yesterday inornliu; by her btotlier The nil I as found lute Tuesday nlullt at the Ouden house. Donohue, after borrowing, fn tn thr lrl to kcI the mar rliiKe license wltli, sklppul across the. river nnd Iiiih not been seen since. The work of tearlnn down the old brldtro nt Fifth and t'nlon avenues, over Indian creek, was commenced yesterday mornluK A foot brldi;e will be left for pedestrians, but street cur piiHseiiKers will have to chatiKe motors until the new structurs comp'eted Miih of the material that tirrKed for the in w brldKc was condemned nnd refused 1 c.unr.ietor Campbell Alder man Hammer hnlrm.m of the committee on brldKcs and cltv property. Is rIvIhk tlie construf Hon of tlu new bridge his peronal ftiipervlslon N. V Plumbing Co , m.cnaono 250. Larfrcst Assortment Boys' Solid Shoes $1,25, $1,50, $1,75, $2 liter) Pair Warranted at MILTON'S 412 Ilroadna), FARM LOANS Negotiated In eastern rrtirnska una lawu. J amen N. Cnnady. Jr., Uu M.illl tit Ciuitcll Uluffv MONEY TO L0ANi Savings Loan and Building Associate Council Ulurta. Iowa. H-4 I HA Lb BLUFFS. HE CAUSED HIS OWN DEATH Court's Opinion of the Taking Off of Herman Bmith. ACCIDENT DUE TO VICTIM'S NEGLIGENCE Votinit .Men Who I'ltiy Poker Are Asked to ( olltrlblllc to the Kitty Conducted III I'tnor of the vhool Fund, Judge Mae in the district court yester day morning took the damage suit of Oeorge Hayties, administrator, against the Fort Dodge, (t Omaha ltullrond company nway from the Jury nnd directcu a verdict for the defendant. Huynes brought suit to recover 110,000 for the death of Herman Smith, an cmplo)e of the defendant com pany, who while working on the road dur ing Its construction near Logan last win ter fell from a flatear and was killed. The railroad company set tip the contention of contributory negligence on the part of .Smith, alleging that he was seated on the front edge of the tar with his feet hanging over the edge Instead of taking a position In tho body of the ear. At the close of the tldenc for the plaintiff Tuesday after noon the defense moved that the case be taken from the Jury and this morning, after listening to the arguments, Judge Macy sustained the motion. Tho attorney for tho plaintiff stated that the caso would be taken up at once to the supreme couri. Gus I'routy and Henry Allen, two of tho right young men living In the vicinity of Honey Creek, indicted on thr charge tf gambling, entered picas of guilty and Judge Macy sentenced them each to lln s of t.'O and costs. Ah soon as sentence had hern parxtd both of the young men di elded thoy needtd thr services of an attorney. Having secured one, they went before the court again nlth n request that the line lie reduced. On the showing made by their ntloruey Judge Macy reduced thr fine in both canes to anil costs, provided the lines nro paid, but If not, and the defend nntH elect to board the lines out In tho county Jail, the original amount of $'fl Is to stand. The young men expect to be able to raise Ihr J.",."). Thr following third assignment nf civil rases was miido yesterday: Tuesday. Si pi. 2.1 M iyn" K- Haelton ngaliiM Amelia lilrney ami others; W. D. Iliii.ghn against M. S. Ilaughu. Wednesday, Sept. 20. Ose Drundagr against Clilc.i'-'o & Northowestern Hallwav company; I,. II. Mossier llguinst Allle Wil son and others. Thursday. Sept. 271,. II. Mossier naalnt Alice Wilson and otlurs; Vllottu ShintolTer against (1. W. I'.'ingle. Friday. Sept. . F. J. Day. adminis trate! against II C. HreivstPr. Monday. Oct. S. Herman iloldxtriii against John S. Morgan and other. Tue-i! v. Oct. !t Martin Sorcison against l I'. Juilsou; Herman Shaffer against Holi er! Mudntx. Wednesday. Oct. in. -Citizens" State Hank against Wood llrothrrs and others tspeelall. Thursday, f'ef. II. -C. ti. Sorcnson again t C. II. White: WlNon Smith against City of Council muffs Friday. Oi t 12.- I.. .laeobxeu against t'nlon Pacific Itallroad company; J- '. Nlelon against Cltv if Council Itlutfs ii ondltlotiHlly . The criminal dn"krt. will be taken up Mon day, October 1. tho assignment being as follows: Mondav, Oct. 1. State against Augustus Smith; Slatr against Augustus Smith, Stale against Wither llnzee Tuenluv, Oi t 2 -State against Kd Jones; State ag.ilnxi Fred Wroth State ai-iiln-t . K. Illrd. Wednesduv. Oct. It. -State ticalnst iCd llodef. State iiKiilnst Fred Slher-i Thurxdav, Oi t I. State ag ilnst John Hviins; State against M. J. Iligglns; State against M. J. HlggiiiH. The utlorneyH for J. A. Oregory, thr no morions horsrthlef now serving a twenty year sentenrr in thr penitentlnry at Fort Madison, requcbted that the remaining case against him be tried this term, but County Attorney Killpack not being prepared, the rase was not assigned. Judge Macy has arranged to go to Hed Oal oti October 111 to hold the term of eonrl there. At the close of tho term there he will rtturn hero to wind up tho ecpilty cases. Domestic soap sells on Ita merits. mcfoitn i)i:i:n fou stuhht th ict. I, list Mi III Coin f mice of lllifh School Site In Taken. The deed to the "Strrrt tract" from Mrs. Mary 13. Street nnd husband, Anthony V. Street, to thr Independent School district of Council Hluffs was filed for record yester day. The property Is known as the west 21G feet of out lot I In Jackson's addition, ex cept tho north sixty feet of said west 210 feet, deeded for street purposes to the city of Council llluffs. Tho property convoyed has a frontage of 2Ifi feet on Fifth avenue and 20G feet on Illuff street. Tho considera tion named Is $.",n00, being tho price paid by tho School board for tho property. At tho samo time there was recorded the deed from tho Streeta to tho city of tho east alxty-slx feet of thr west 2S2 feet of tho samo lot for the purpose of opening up Third street. When It became known cHtorday that Secretary Koss had handed over to D. W. Otis, agent tor Mrs. Street, a draft on Trcasuior Ilavorstock for thr purchase and that the draft had been paid by him, thr npponrnts of tho Street slto wero somewhat at a loss to know whnt action to take. A conference was held yesteidny afternoon nnd tho matter referred to tin attorney for his ndvlcr. If any action Is tnken to restrain thr board from building the High school ou tho Street slto It will bo commenced today. Commonwealth 10-cent cigar. KlllpncU fi ii Trust. County Attornoy W. II. Killpack addressed the McKlnloy-Hoosevelt club last night ou the political Issues of tho day, thr greater portion of his address being directed to combat tho claim of tho democrats that the republican party Is tho rrentura and do fender of trusts. s a good rxamplo of thr attitude of the republican party to trusts ho quoted from the statutes of Iowa enacted against trusts and combinations. Ho said: "Iowa has al ways been conceded to be a pretty good re publican btnte, and Its legislation against trsts enn bo writ taken as a fitting example of thr rcpuhlicnu party's attitude In regard to trusts. Tho republican pnrty Is not and never was, as claimed by Wllllnm Jointings Ilryan and his followers, the creator, crea ture or drfendor of trusts or any unlawful combinations." Mr Klllpack's arguments were clear and conrlBO and his address was listened to with doso attention nnd much interest. He spoke to n largo gathering. Domeitlc soap outlasts cheap soap. MlnUtrrx IlenpiioliitPil. Hev. D. C. Franklin, D. D.,' presiding elder of tho Council llluffs district; Hov Myron c Waddell, pastor of Broadway church. Hov. W II Cable, pn-uor of Trlnltv church, and Hov U. W Krlckson. pastor of the Fifth avenue church, rotuiued yester day from lloone, whero they attended the annual conference of tho Des Moines dis trict conference of the Methodist church. FROM They have all been reappointed to their charges In this city for another year, which lit botli pleasing, to themselves and their congregations. A special line of ready-to-wear trousers and overcoats for fall and winter have Just been placed on sale by Smith & Hrad ley, the popular hatters and furnishers. Mutters In I'rdernl Court, The t'nlted States district grand Jury completed Its deliberations yesterday morn ing and adjourned. Four more indictments were reported, making seven In all returned by the Jury this term, an unusually small number. Threo of the Indictments were against bootleggers, whose names were not mado public. An Indictment was returned against Al bert M. Anthony of Marahalltown, on the charge of raising a $1 bill to 110. He Is In custody nt tho Polk county Jail In Dos Moines and will be brought here for trial next week. John W. Palmer, a farm hand. Indicted for mailing an obscene letter to Fannie Dill, a young woman living nt Silver City, pleaded guilty and was fined $150 and costs, which he paid and went on his way rejoic ing that he did not have to go to the peni tentiary. Among the charges Ignored by the grand Jury were several bootlegging cases and that against Joseph Jones for perjury. Tho petit Jury will bo called Monday, when the retrial of the case of Mrs. Jennie Kerr against the Modern Woodmen of America will be tho first ou the docket. The criminal cases nro set for nrxt Wednes day. Judge McPhel-son returned from Lincoln yesterday morning nnd completed the hear ing In the soap trado mark case. He took his decision tinder advisement. Judge Shlras will go to Omaha this morning to preside over tho trlnl of aome Indian land cases. Judge Shiran held court last ovenlng to hear the motion for n now trial In the mat ter of the bankruptcy of C. 11. Ilnndlctt of this city. Ho refused to grant n new trial. Gravel roonng. A. H. Itend. 541 Broadway. Vli'ksliui'i; ('oiiiiiiIxnIoii Iert. Judge J. H. Iteed returned yesterday from Dos Moines, wl err he attended the first meeting of the Vlcksburg i.omml.sslon. The commission was appointed by the state to locate tho positions of the Iowa regi ments at tho siege of Vlcksburg. There was a large attendance of the commission ers, more than twonty-flvo being present. Thr rnmmlHsloii will make Its first visit to Vlckhbiirg tho latter part of November. It was decided that thr commissioners meet In Chicago on November 21 at the Palmer house and proceed from Ihere to Mem phis. Tonn., from there going to Chat tanooga to look over tho battlo field at ('htckumaiiga. This Itinerary will allow the commission to spend as much tlmo as dcslrrd at Vlcksburg. Judge J. H. Heed wiib senior first lieu tenant in the Second Iowa battery at the plegc of Vlcksburg. Hon. John Y. Stono of this city, who servrd nt Vlcksburg with thr Fifteenth Infantry, was appointed a member of the commission, but owing to pressure of his private business was rorced to tender his resignation. Davis sells paint. Hrnl IXuto TrainCci-i. The following transfers were filed yester day In the abstract, title and loan ofTlce of J. W. Snulrc. 101 Peail street: Frank Zahner and wife to Agnes (Iray, lots 1 and 2, .Martin's sub., w.d $1,500 A. W. Johnson and wife to Pottawat tamie county, .10x3.10 feet In soi4 sei4 ;n-7(i-l3. ( c.il U' Ceorg. C. Sexton and wife to Kdward Dunn, part of ne'4 swU, 19.77-11, w.d. 2,225 T. A. Johnson lo Horace n. Oould, 12 In 2!i HurjiH' add., and 11 in 18 Mc- tiee's HUb , (i.e. il 2 (iu-icle S. Ilolibs and husband to Tnv lor WooNey, lot 12, Klder's iiild., t-c.d i.ion Mary 13 Street and husband to Cltv of Council Itlutfs, r i;r feet of w 2S2 feot of out lot 4, Jackson's add., for street purposes, dedlclltlon 1 Same to Inder "ndent School District or Council It, nfl's, w 2lii fret cx cluillgn n (V) feet) of out lot i. Jack- sons mlil w.d 5,f,no cieorgu u. roisoin hi i,nrs il. rsieiscn, 22 in l, Howard H add., w.d w Total eight transfers J10,I3U Uso Domestic boap. It's tho best. Hack from South Africa. Krnest dray Is homo from n live-months' servlco under tho Hrltlsh ling In South Africa. Ho left New Orlenna July 10 of last year, with a shipment of mules for Africa. From Capetown ho wont tn Kim berley and not being nolo to secure employ ment, enllstrd in the Klmberloy Light Horse, attached to Ocnernl Hunter's com mand. Ho took- part in tho rolirf of Mafo klng. Ho Is visiting his brother, K. F. Orny, who conducts a restaurant on Uroad wny. 50,000 cakes Domestic aoap used In Coun cil llluffs last month. School Shuts llmvn, Tho pupils nt the Third street school en joyed a holiday yesterday, nnd If the weather keeps cold may do so for tho rest of tho week. Tho heating apparatus Is out of repair and It Is said It cannot bo placed In working order for a week at least. Tho repairs woro ordered by tho board some weeks ago and were to havo been done before school opened, but there was some delay In securing tho mnterlnl. Howell's Antl-"Kawf" cures coughs, colds. Itellef for illl vcMon. At a meeting last night of Hluff City lodgo No. "I, Ancient Free nnd Accepted Masons, it was decided to contribute $2." to tho relief of tho (lalvestou storm victims. Tho money will be sent to tho Masonic lodge there. Illuff City Typographical union has sub scribed $27 to tho relief fund and tho money has been wired to Oalveston. Premiums given with nomrntlo soap, Mlirrlllue Licenses. Licenses to wed wero IhhupiI to tho lowing persons: Name and Hesldetirr. J. W. Anderson, Council llluffs fol- Age. .....17 ....25 ....23 ....21 Fnima Anderson, Council Hluffs.... William Janz. Omaha Cora Jay, Omaha Arthur F. Dohn. Omaha Anna Murlo Larson, Council IlluttH llepiiblli'illiK nl fornllm (ii'Kiinlr. COHNLN'Ci, la., Sept. 19. (Special.) Corning organized a MeKlnley and Hooso velt club hero Tuesday evening with an enrollment of 201 names, which will be doubled In a week. Tho president Is Dan W. Turner, n menibor of Company K, Fifty first Iowa volunteers; vice presidents, C, K. Okey, J. Conway, L. K. Medloy and Clnudo Stovcnson; secretary, J. W. Biggin ; treasurer, C. A. Hllleveg, captain of mulch ing club. Senator Dolllver will speak hero Thursday, September 20, at 1:30 p. m. Killed Ii)- Thresher i;iloiiloii, SIHLKV, In , Slept. 19. (Special Tele gram.) August Sehr was killed yestoi'day by tho4oxploslon of the boiler of his steam thresher ns ho wbh running tho machine on tho highway. Ho left a wife and three young children. (ilenuood tiroeer I'll I In. fiLMNWOOD, la.. Sept 19. (Ppeclal.) A. C. Sabln, grocer, assigned to C. M. Sharpe, trustee, yesterday, The indebted ness Is said to be Jl.COO, IOWA. PAY IS NOT LARGE ENOUGH Brotherhood of Firemen Must Raise Their Bid to Get Sargent. DES MOINES AFTER ORDER'S HEADQUARTERS State Hoard nf Control Is Conlilerln Adilniilillll) of ItciilueliiK Mule .Nurses In State liiMlttitlmi ullli I'rinnle Mime. DES MOINES, Sept. 19.-(Speclal Tele gram.) tlrand Mosler Frank M. Sargent of tho Drotherhood of Locomotive Firemen announced today that his deellnntlou of a few days ago to run for grand master of the order was not so sweeping as general y understood. He says that the whole thing is a matter of business with him and that as he has been offered a larger snlary than the J3.500 the brotherhood pays htm. he expects to accept the offer unless thr fire men raise It. This offer Is said to be from an Omaha industry, but Mr. Sargent de clines to say what. Des Moines has asked for a hearing before the meeting tomorrow to arguo for tho removal of the headquar ters of the order from Peoria to this city. The State Hoard of Control announced today that It Is considering the advisa bility of replacing all male nurses In the state Institutions with female nurses. There arc 200 or more of these nurses. When thr board took charge of th? Insti tutions two years ago It at once Increased the pay of tho women to an equality with tho pay of the men. Ita experience leads It to believe that thr women are twice as useful as .nurses. Superintendent Tomlln son of the St. Poter Stnto hospital of Minnesota read a paper before the board todoy in which he said that women nro tho only nurses and In the discussion which followed thr board announced Its opinion on tho subject. The change will probably bo made by the first of the yenr. Slum (iflVi'N Iti'Miiril, Oovernor Shaw today Issued the follow ing proclamation tn the people of Iowa: Information has been reielvnl bv nie of Kin It a nature as to sail fy tnr t'hut two persons named rc,ectl ey Awgusi far!. tpilst and Jens rjraverson, were tnurdeirl on or about t. m, ,,lV ,,, s ,t,.mi r In the county of Kossuth, nnd that thr rrprtrator of Hindi crime, whoever mav have committed thr same, have llrd to avoid arrest. Now. therefore, I. Leslie M Shaw, go.yornor of the state of loivn. do hereby offer u reward nf for the up. prehension of the person or pcr-ions com mitting said crime, the same to be paid upon conviction. In testimony whereof wltnrs my hand and thr great seal of the state of Iowa, this l'.lth ilav of Seoteml f, I!"'. Leslie M Ssuaw. governor, (leorge M Dnbson, secretary of state. Thr national committee Informed Chalr mnn Weaver that thr servlres of Hon. A. n. Cummins nrr dedlrrd In Nrbrnska, and the latter wdll secure Cummins to fill John D. Hurroughs' dates there. The new city directory of Des Moines, to be Issued during tho next two weeks, will show the city to have a population of be tween 72.000 nnd 71.000. T. 11. O'Hrlen, manager for the Polk County Directory com pany, mado this statement this morning. The manager, together with all the members of tho ofllce force, are confident that the government census Is 10,000 below the nc tual figure, nnd from the evidence nt hand In their ofllco there Is reason to believe that tho work of tho government census takers was negligent In tho extreme. Tho Inst city directory contained over 3.1,000 names, while the directory this yeat It Is expected will contain fully 3:,000. Taking two as a multiple, (he lowest number ever used by nny directory company, the popula tion of Des Moines would Bhow 70.000. Wrntr lleturn from ChleiiKo, Chairman H. O. Weaver nf the republican stato central committee returned this morn ing from Chicago, where ho has been In consultation with the national committee in rngnrd to political operations In Iowa. Wenver Is making a special offort to keep tho republican mnjorlty Iowa has main tained for the Inst several years, and Is giv ing particular attention to tho Second dis trict, where the fight Is hotter and closer than In nny other part of thr stntr. He has secured several Oerman spcokers from the national committee to spend consider able tlmo In tho Srcond and hopes to hold tho Oerman vote In that section. Tho fler mnns arc with tho republicans on the money ciiestlon nnd havo nominated a sound money man as their candidate for congress. Tho Issue with them Is Imperialism or expan sion and If the democrats win It will bo on this question. Thr auditor of state today issued a bank crrtlflrate to tho Hose Hill Savings bank of Hoso Hill. It Is capitalized at ?12,000. Colonel J. A. Olmsted of the adjutant gen eral's ofllco will leave tomorrow for a tour of Inspection of tho companies of the Forty ninth regiment. Ilnforo buying n fall or winter nvercont call on Smith & Ilradloy and see their elo gant lino Just In. IOWA MAN KILLED BY TRAIN Tuo Men Are Struck liy I'iikImc iiiiiI One Meets Instant Dentil. ATLANTIC, In., Sept. 19. (Special Tele gram.) Jack Anderson, a prominent stock buyer of this city, was instantly killed by No. 3 on tho Hock Island this afternoon. Walter Hoberts, who was driving wllh him. wus badly, but not dangerously, Injurod. Tho two men were a mile and half east of town and were crossing tho railroad when tho engine struck them and threw Anderson a hundred feet, killing him instantly nnd mangling his body almost beyond rccogni tlon. Mr. Hoberts miraculously oscuped death, though thrown violently out to tho fence beside tho track. Ho sustalnod some bad bruises about tho head and legs, a big splinter being driven Into the calf of the leg. The train wus late and was probably com ing a little faster than usual. It stopped and brought tho two meu Into town, where Hoberts' was driveu homo nnd medlcnl aid attended him. Tho body of Andcrton was taken to the bnggugo room prior to an In quest, which was hold this ovenlng. Mr. Hoberts testified that he heard no whistle and did not bellevo tho train whistled. . There woro four parties who saw tho ac cident nnd they testified that the train did not whlBtlo for the crossing. The verdict of tho Jury will not bo returned until morn ing. ildrHx liy t'oiiKri'Nsiiiiiii Lurry, IOWA CITY, la., Sept. 19. (Speclnl ) The oponlng meeting In tho republican compalgn in the Second lown district took pluco at tho armory last night. Con gressman John F. Lncoy, the billllnnt ex soldier and orator from tho Sixth district, talked to tho peoplo who filled tho hall. He spoko at length upon militarism and imperialism and reviewed the splendid and prosperous record mado by the republican party during tho past four administrative years. Ho said that free silver, which liryun had tacked on tho platform, was like a headlight put behind, Indicating plainly that they Intended to be run over. On a trip into thr mountains of Arizona Major Lucey saw when deep down in a cuiiyon a plant growing high up In the rift of a projecting rock. There was no rarth and rain had not fallen for four years. This plant he said. ns a cactus nnd he nati.cJ ! .' ir an- i i kill,' ymbulli of lnM1 times. Hi- .irgu.uonta were forcible and stv eloquent and loud and continued ap plause frequently interrupted him. METHODIST APPOINTMENTS I. lnl of MItiliter Xninril for the nrl- oiis District Announced nt lloonr, HOON13, lu., Sept. 19. (Special.) At a special called meeting of the bishop nnd his cabinet during thr session of the Des Moines district conference of the Methodist Episcopal church here the list of ministerial appointments was announced. They wero read us follows: Atlantic District W. O. Allen, presiding elder. Atlantic; Adair, suppllid; Adel, Henry 11. Iturtoti; Anita. J. F. Davis; Atlantic, tl. II. Hughes; Audubon, P.. W. Maihem; Aud ition circuit, supplied; Avoca. supplied. Corsun. I. Shenton: Casey, C. II. .Miller: De Soto, Abrnm F. Conrey; Dexter, W. F. llnrtholumew; Earllmm. cleorge Weyruuch; Exlrit. It. C. F. Cham bers; OrlMwold, J. ii. Hard; Orlswold cir cuit, Charles S. liurnctt; Outline Center, W. O IllheldatTer; Hancock. Elliott Voor hecs; Htulan, It. F. Millet ; L wis, It. W Smith; Macedonia, tieurge Wlnterboui lie; .Maine. M. P. Mitchell; Menlo, A. M. l.ott. North Hraiich. W. T. Ittnk, Oakland. S. T. Weaver; Panora, J. I. Farley; Itedrie'd. tl. W. Ladd. Shelby, C. P. Fr ; Stuurt, J. N McCimh ; Stuart circuit, supplied. Van .Meter, F. L. Watklns; Walnut, Thomas J, Aten; Wichita, supplied; Wlota, L. D. Hurtle. Charlton District W. 11. Thompson, pre siding elder, t'harlton; Afton. 11. W. Maine; Allertoii, J W Howe, Uentoti. supplied, Hlockton. (1. L. Ooodell; Cumbria. J. Hurucd: Charlton, P. J. Vollmer; Columbia, supplied: Corvdon, A. M. Shea; Davis Clt, A. II. Husk; Decatur, A. E. llnrvey; Derby, supplied; Diagonal. J. D. Sparks; tiardeii Grove, 1. N. Woodward; Grand lllver. W. O. Wolver; Harvard, S. F. Hobertson; Hiimestoii, llenjamln F. W. Cozier; Keller ton, C. Knoll; Lacomi. S. Krell; Leon. J Stephen, Llllevllle, O D. Ellett: Mllo. Charles C. Ctilmer; Mount Ayr. P. V D. edder; Murray, John . Uott, Oakle, E. O. Douglas; Osceola. T. J. Wright; Promise city, supplied ; Hrddlng. c. H Wood; Husseil. J. L. Johnson; SeMtlour. P C. Silre. Shannon Clt. Samuel !; Itrown; Tlngle, W. II. Lurilek; Van Wert, supplied; Weldon, A. Matthews, Woodlnirn, supplied. Creston District W. S. Hooker, presiding rider. Hed Ouk; Hedford, Albert II Collins, Hraddyvlllc, II. C Johnston; Hrldgrwater, A. C. Hourne; Carl. C. D. Fawrett; Clar Indii. K. E. Ileenrrltz; Clearfield, A. A. Thompson; College Springs. J. A. Itoss. Conway, A. llanrox; Corning, T. J Ileum, Creston, C. L. Nve; Cromwell, J. lv Cue; Cumberland, E. Nolle; Elliott, Charles W Itrewer; Emerson. M. 'I Ilambo: I'oiita tielle. M. H. Hurtled: Grant, E S Meiioher; Gravltv. J. Klnkeudall; Greenlleld, F. Har ris; Guss. T. A. Farley ; Hebron, L. F. Ilrowne; Lenox, W. II. Shlpman; Lorlmor. A. M Elliott, Marksburg. F It. I) inn: Massetia. William W. Knllluger; Nevin vllle. It. J. Tcnnant; Newmarket, D. Prultt; Orient, It. E. llurve. Present t, J. C. Pike; Hed Oak. W. C, Hohanshelt; Hed Oak circuit. M. Kamhn: Sbambaiigh. L. I. SinLli; Stanton, I). Martin; VI'llsci. W. M Dudley ; Yi rktown. Allied L. Hates. ltoone District W. T. Smith, presiding elder. Itoolie; Ames. Charles L. Ilaxter; liagley, J. W. Ta lor; Ha.ionl, August W. Armstrong; ltoone. First church. J- H Har ris: Marlon. J. E. Nichols; lloone circuit, supplied; Itniiton, J. W. Lucas; Cambridge, J. P. Morle ; Carroll. Charles 10. llentlej ; Chiinlan. Wllllnm L. Cox; Collins. A. Knoll; folo. Flank E. Caldwell, Coon Knplils, C. M. Ward: Cooper, supplied; Dallas Center, D. L. Thomas; Dedhain, W. II. Doyle; Gil bert Station, supplied; Gtldden, James S. Horemnu; Grand Junction. G. W. Wood; Jamaica, A. II. ("urtls, Jefferson, L. K. Ililllngsley , Klrkman and Irwin. J. F. Hunter; Madrid, W. J. Stratum; Manning, F. T. Stevenson; Maxwell, o. F. Shaw, Mlnburn. Carl Itrown. Necudu, II. P Dud ley; Ogden, A. E. Fruited; Ogden Circuit, supplied; Paton. A. W. Humeri: IVrrv. E. W. McDaib , Pilot Mound. M. A. Wright; Pleasant Hill, supplied ; Hlppev. Fred S. Hunting. Seranton, W. II. II. Smith, Wood ward, J. C Hall. Council Itlutfs District -D i '. Franklin, presiding eldrr. Council llluffs; Hlain bard, o. W. Llpplneotl; Council Ulurrs. Hrou.l wav. M. C. Wnddell, Fifth Avenue. E W Krlckson, Trlnltv. Willi II. Cable; Coin. A. A Walburn: Deilanee. Mvrim M. Cable, Denlson. E. M. Holmes, Dow Cite. D. .M lloughtllli. Diinbip. Don A Allen, Essex, '.'; ''. Vurle; Furrugut. sup;illeil. Gletnvood, mo1'; ,hh''.w' """'burg. K. II. Flelsher. Hillsdale. Georgo Flddli r; Hastings. Led It. Carpenter; Little Sioux, F P. Sigh r Eogan, T. S Molesworth; Malvern. A K. Slothower; Manilla. Lewis ISr.idrord; Mis souri Valley. W. L. Douglass; Magnolia. David M. Htiekner; Neobi, J P. Kelley Northboro. W. Mercer; Puelllc Junction! Mipplied Panama, J. K. Matheny; Persia, '; Maeelduwiiey; H.iudolpli, James I. ! '.V,' : rll;,,t," Graves; Shenandoah; William .Stevenson; fildnev. E. M. Moff Silver City ;. v. Wrlgdt ; Thurmnn. A. V h"'7!r,'.T,: vy"'"lne, k H; Weston, A. w . Ghllland. Des Mollies District -.! II u.,,.,,,,,,,. siding elder, Drs Molnea; Altonna. W H ! lirowti: Ankeny. .. L. Gldeti; Drown I ( hnnrl W llllam M. Hlnnd; Carlisle, I'rark i (.::,o,1,irk: Volfnx' M- SlHhl; Dallas. W W. i Williams: Dps Moines. Ashurv L. Ilo.ker. apltal Park. A Tlnu nhriie. De Moines irctilt, J. W. Goodxell: First church A. ! Storms; tirace ehureh, L. T. tiul'il lllgn- , land Park. H V. Adams; MIsMon. W F. narneii; .-orili Des M.iln.s. r Itrown; Wesley, A. E. Grlllltd: East Peru, John Itraisou; ludlanolii, K Miller; Jaml son suiiplled' Meilora. supplied, Mingo, I.unn W. Hurtholomew; Mil. hellvlllr, A. II. Miller; Monroe, D. M, HelmPdc; New Vir ginia. ('. II Fleshrr; Norwalk. George II t'nirts; Pleasantvllle, W C Smith: I'len antvllle circuit, supplied; Poll; Ctv, suii plled: Prairie City. A. 'I'. Jeffrey; Summer set. supplied: Spring Hill, C. W. Proctor. St. Charle", G. W. Palmer: Valley .liinrtlnn J. S. Young: Wnuker, p. Gardner; Wlnter "et. C. J. English; Wlnterset circuit, .1. Ii. DeTar. J. 1'. St. Clair, tlnanclnl ngrut for Iowa Methodist hospital. L. II. WIckersham, tlrld agent Hlmpi'on college. Fletcher Hrown, financial ngent Preach ers' Aid society. Tho following wiib submitted nnd approved by the conference: Missions 27 0.V, Ri Church rxtrnslon 2, 29 '0 Sunday school union 297 r,n Tract cause VX SO Frenlmen'ii aid nnd southern edu cational 2,790 37 Public educational collection I,fil7 I'S Children's nld TOO 17 American Tract snch'ty 23 0i Women's Foreign Missionary fo- clety S.T0) 91 Women's Home Missionary ho- ciety 1,211 SI Other benevolent collections 9.177 fi. Gem rnl coilfrrryicr expenses 2) tin Conrerencc claimants 3,72it 1 1 lCplseopal fund 1.H21 r-i India famine fund feashl 17 0' Total Criminal ( use nt Waterloo. WATEHLOO, la., Sept. 19. (Spocial I ii ii ii mil ii i ii iiiiii A Great Tonic. It invigorates and Btrenijthens, re IIcvch nervousness and headache, and creates a good appetite. fJtnuinfi !.! name llonsrono's onwrappi-r. Ill'LVJS'JJ ll.MtliAINS 1 HOI Sl'.S AMI I. Ill's. floiise of t rooms, cellar, well nnd stabb for s Imrses, near tho Illinois Central yards. Price only .'). limine of d rooms and bath room, wltli plumbing In lor connectlni; bath, It water, cement cellar, line corner lot, win. shade trees, one block trom motor. I TI $l,()iio; easy terms. A bargain. l-ronm house, with room to finish off .1 morr rooms, city water, well, barn llxl. 2 soon lots, one block from Avenue A motor line Prion Jl'.OOu. Good 0-rnom house near Northwestern depot, cellar, city water, cistern and lurRr barn. Price Jl.suo. Iloupe of 7 larKe rooms ami room for b.iih 2 halls, cellar, clstcin, cil.s v titer, M.ibli chicken house, fruit and i-hade trees, i lots. Price JI.KOO If sold wllhlr. a lew days, $;iift down, lial.incn monthly p.i mi nts. New (i-room house, three blocks from th' Methodist church, cement rellar, cistern, with pump In kitchen, well and city water, burn, all In Kood shape. Price $1,S50, V-W down, balance monthly paj ments. G-room cottage, B blocks from P. O , cement cellar, cistern, city water, cement wulka, sliado trees. Will sell with J200 down linlunce monthly. pi-ucre fruit farm 2 miles from P O , roo. fi-room house, woll, cistern, barn, chlcdc-i house, Inn bearing cherry tries, apples, raspberries, lilni kberrles. plums, koosi berrleK, nirnints and a small vineyard Price t:,H JOHNSTON & KHIIH. Tel. 117. Bit Jiroudway, Counv.ll Hluffs Thr most Important criminal case to comei (pi at thW silting of the district court,1 which opined yesterday, is that of .1 W Hoot, who will be tried for attempting to kill his wlfr by sending her a box of dnamlto through the express ollUe lut October. When opened by tho poller It caused an explosion which shook the city. The ease may be put off aud tried nt n spe elal sitting. BANK ROBBERS DO POOR JOB IIIiikc of rlsre, In.. Slnrtlrrl from Hi Sliiinbrrs liy TerrlHc I ; plus Ion. FORT Dntinv; tn Sent 19 iSiirclnl Telegram ) Atnatuer bank robbers have createu great exrltemrnt In the village of Ohio, fourteen miles northwest of here, by attempting to rob the State Hank of Clare Thoy secured an entrance to the bank Insl night and sought to blow open the vault by punching out rlets In tho dial on the vault door. Tho crevices were tilled with powerful explosives and touched off. The result evidently surprised the robbers ns much as the people of Clare. The dial and a portion of the ault door were blown through thr front window of the bank and ncross a seventy-foot street and through thr window of the hotel. The noise awakened every one lu town and the frightened robbers made good their es cape, but without a penny of the i xpect. d booty. Tho thieves overlooked a small safe outside that might have been e ,sily entered and which contained 2.0"n in gi Id There Is no clue. COI HT ( ONSIDCItS Mill . sm;. Peculiar HcIIrIoiik Itellef Dor ot Prme 1 1 1 i of I'iimiiiiiiI Mind. DA VENPOHT, la.. Sept. 19 -(Special Telegram ) M. (1. Leo. tho aged and wealthy manufacturer managing until rr crntly thr large factory of tho Lee Hroom company at Davunport and Lincoln, was declared a sane man In the district court this afternoon and received an ovation from tho largo audience In attendance at the trlnl. His children had asked the court to nppolnt a guardian over hltn for fear tho "llrethren in Christ," the peculiar rollglotm sect to which he belongs, would get con trol of his fortune. The testimony introduced showed that he hud had his wlfr baptlsrd In a river full of lloatlng Ire. that It Is against his religious principles to vote, Hint he considered his relatives "children of the devil" because they wero not brethren lu Christ, nnd that he had figured out to his own satisfaction that the second coming of Christ would occur In 1901. When tho proserutlon had completed Its caso Judge Wolfo took It from the Jury, de ciding that no showing had been mado of Incapacity to manage business affairs. Mr Lee will return lo Harry, whore he Is one of the lending saints In tho "heaven" of the Hrrthren of Christ. He retired from buslnrss u yenr ago. Woman Killed In Hiitiaun). VILLISCA. Ia., Sept. 19. (Special Trie gram. A team hero ran way and threw Mrs. T. Vanhorn out of thr vehicle, In juring her ho that she died In about ten mlnutrs after stir was movrd home. A Ponder Villi K pins Ion Hemoves everything In sight; so do drastic miueral plllB, but both nro mighty dan gerous. No need to dynamite your body when Dr. King's New Llfo Pills do thr work so easily nnd perfectly. Cures headache, constipation. Only 2' rents at Kuhn ft Co 'a drug store. for Infants and Children. Cn?nr!ii Is 11 lninnli'ss sulistitiito for Castor Oil, Parr jjjorlc, Drops nnil Soothing Syrups. It l.i Plrasniit. It cotttnitis noitlior Opium, JUnrphiiio nor otltcr Nnrrotio siibstniifp. It destroys Worms mill allays FcvorisiiiieHM. It, euros Diiiri'liu'it and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teetli ixitx Troubles and eures Const ipittioit. It regulates tho .Stomach and Ilowels, niviuir licitltliy itiitl natural hleep. Tho Children's I'aiiacett Tho mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho In Use For Over 30 Years. tc crfjTu fOMNi tt murp4v tiTPrrT, Ntwvon IN VALUE. Some exce'lent lots, plensautly tocnted and do sirable for suburban homes, can be had now at reasonable prices. These lot s are located in Omaha, Wright's and Central Sub. additions. This property will steadily increase in value as the city grows in th at direction aud the time to buy is th present. Call at Council Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Qlgnnttira ef Am PaoSlmlle Wrapper Iktow. Yary wntU aaA an tur fi take a ufrar. FOR HEADACIIX. F0K DIZ2IHESS. MR BILIOUSfUSt. FOR TORPID LIVER. Fflil CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIP!. FOR THE COMPLEXION ifSm 1 Stmilr Tc tft t an 1 wS CURE SICK HEADaCHK- By Our New Plan Wl si:i,l. MIWIMi UtnilM'.x IT .YI.-..OU. X IS, IMI mill SUo.lMI. Full nlekrl, with liih urni. Tlicy are poil tiiiiHillies- nut elienp tlilni;. our :mi, :;r.. in and r.o ltltti- bull bear Itltf. tlotiblf foril "New Ilotlli's" at'O tho tlni'st ytui over sinv. Trlnl fr'i. If .vmt would like to set', try or buy ti M'wliifr 1 1 1 ii -1 1 1 i i cull mi u. 'r rout scwltit; liiiH'lilnes 7.r :i v oid;. Nvcrybotly knows lhut lln ".VW IIO.Mi:" Is nil rhjht. You inko no idintii'i's. Wo miuranti'e i-vrry (nc tmil our siiurntitri' i kihhI. i all on us noil nrr llir lillielillies and eoniiuire prlcr. GEORGEA. BULLIS, !I!IT llroiulmij. t'oiinell lllnri. M'.H PI lll.lt TIIIx. M.itiusrilpts suitable for ( 1I114 In Md, tine tonn re oiiMeil liy eslHlillsbed house liberal terms ptompt, s'r.ilglil lorw .n il treat no .nt dilress llil()S." Ill 1 lei aid LMd Si , New Vork Al THOIts sr.i:iiiii v PI III.IMMIIt. Signature of Orijiiiiul Tlii't'o I'liicd Stove. Jil'WIU'P ()f -JllSl il S ((IO(l. Dunibilil.v iintl ('ft)ii(iiiiv. It 'icver tTiU'eiH. I Iaiidsoiiit'st liiiso Itiinicp nifido for nny prieo. ( iimj'iinlt'cil to ivt' IIKU'P heat willi less ('t)ill tlinn any stove iniitlt'. rOI'Nf'II, IIM'FKS. In., Auk S, We userl No. 1,15 Kavntlte Hase Itiirner nnd healed four larije rooms from Novem ber 20 to April 2D and burned about Hi tons of hard coal. It Is the best stove I .we haw und 1 have ti'-ed four or five, oiler hard co.il stoves Our roums .iv r rune about Ux r, t-. t M f DANFitUU. 1101 Fourth Ave. 1 OI Nt II. I TV l-.telnslt r VBru.. Bluffs. CARTER'S FAVORITE BASE BURNER BEE OFFICE.