12 TTTTC 0!r ATT A DATTjY 15 EE: TJimSP AV, STCPTTCMr.FK 20, 1000. co.Ti.Ni:.vr,w. sum: smut sold. Entlri- .Stock of Miiir of ( niitlncnlnl ClotlithK ' ( '' SOLD TO HOSTON' STOHIS. ON 8A1.R NOW AT & A NO $1.SR AT DOSTON STOHK. OMAHA, notton store lias bought etcry pair men's find boys' shoes of the Continental Ctotniug company. This well known shoo stock com prises all the latest ami newest styles of men's and boys' shoes In every Rood grad of leather, Including patent leather, enamel, calf skin, vici kid. velours calf box rait. t, 11 low calf and Krenih enif. It also com prises all the newest styles In tan and ox blood shoes. Tho cheapest men's shoe tho Continental carried they sold for 3d and the best for Jo.flO. ANY BOYS' StlOi: IN TDK CONTINENTAL STOCK FOR M&e. We will give you your choice of any boys', youth's or little Rent's shoo In the entire Continental shoe stock, no matter what they sold It for. we will sell at 9Sc. CONTINENTAL MEN'S SHOES, J10S AT I10STON STOKE. We will give you choice of the entire lock of men's shoes front tho Continental, together with tho choice of all the men'a ahocs whlrh we bought In tilt) Chlcags wholesale stock, for $l.!iS, $3.00 and This Includes the finest men's shoes that money can buy. shoes they sold front $10 to Jfi.OO pair. SEE THE WOMEN'S FINE SHOES. We put on sale tomorrow nil the latest nd newert fall styles In women's ahocs, In all the new shapes and illfTercnt kinds of heels. Louis XV heel, opera licet, com mon sense heel, nil the newest toes, semi mannish toe, full mannish tue. new tp.r.i toe, new coin toe. I'rlces ranrie from Jht'S to $10 00 pair. We are sole agents for Edwin C. Hurt's liidlcs" fine shos anil the celpbrat'd Quoin Quality $8.00 shoes, which aro so exten sively advertised In every tnnt'tulne. DOSTON STORE, OMAHA. N. W. Corner IGth and Dauglna Sis. Williams & Smith Co. announce the ar rival of fall and winter woolens. Ainiinciiiciit, Thursday Afternoon, Sept. 20, 2:30 p. m. DELLSTKOT'S HANoTut Pavilion. Fifteenth and Capitol Avenue. March, "Empire State" Hr.nt'l Waltz, "La Hello .Moxlctiin" Siviii'n Kong ami Dane. "Olowriiei'V lirutid "Second Hungarian Ithapsodlo" I.ltzt TWENTY .MINTTIIS IN'THUM 1SSION. 'A .Morning Noon itnd .Hitppu Overture. Night" Bnlo for Euphonium, "Iteiiiitlrul H en lug Star' Wngno Mr. Oiistave lltirkluirt. Peeneit from "The flomloller" ....Sullivan I nil In ti lt.iirllmi' Mure i. ( lilor Kli'k-u Hnle-lti-thu-Sky" lint id All music played by band, for piano, for ealo In this I'avlllon Adtnltslon nfternoon to any neat In the Pavilion, 23c. Children, inc. Kvcnlng eon cert, 35c. Unserved Scats 10c extra. Con- cort beglnB at 8 o'clock. RESPONSES COME STEADILY (ill vmtnn lli'lli-f I'tlliil AiiioiiiiIm it I'refient In Mmiiil Seven TIioiihii ml Dollnrn. More than JHOO has been added to the Galveston relief fund mid tho entire sum mibscrlbed by Omaha Ik $f5,77rt.57. Although the subscriptions are for mnnllcr utnoiint.i thnn they were when Mayor Mooics or iginally made the call for assistance, yet thoy are coming In steadily and tho mayor Is conlldent that I ho fund will bo swelled to $10,nOO before the end of the week. The following additional subscriptions am given nut; Amount pre; I- A. W . Parker.. ously r'P"rt'' l-V 151 lioni Pol -j .... Omaha Packing M. ItimmMstl .. loo M.lnmeM i:. IlejM.. Si (OTrniiMiilxHlxlppl (Iroln t'u Coe Coin- lulpfllrm (o 10 COIt. It. IViiny & Co Tlicxniitri r. r, ft) lloyil J. A. Cnnnt-r. ... in nornsli 1 eO ."rank T.. rtunoni 1, iriuirlcy riinnlm? Jnlin It. 10 (0 lfnirwnll u'Ht.lolm ltrzlm-litilc ('Inn Ion Znrp '. MP. II. Mil lay.... tOA. Thumsen .... Mlltnty Dine .... r.'.l. SlnMi,rff .... GnKa-rft & ru Hii'iiiiun t.0V. P. Kimcl .... w. i:. wihoti.. 5 oor. i. atuk i:. iMiiuim.. eeminny CI.. Chaff re.... Ilntirmlnn tiillfi' society 3. " P. nf Wil bur. N I K i liny Prem ti Mmlilnety company Tlutnes Mer- ti.un Myron l. lvirr.. (Irriinn AM Hrni ety Thitrit'.n JllnVn elul AVim Moncll .. Vlll.am Airbiunlrr .... IV. It. Mi-lClnley Miehapl rtlhUr.. lY'il IloUer .... C A. Vtiboc.. A. A. Tulley VrrA Kuril fiupt V. It. Ai1um Ornnliu Itottllng On Schlpporclt nrn Anton I.lnrtiinn Peter Petermii., Gctirlmun llri'W- 1 f0 1 10 10 Oi 10 00 f, o fp 00 1 00 1 00 r, ro 5 og 0.1 ; w 2 , ,i 2 on 2 Oi MMHIAI. Af)Vf!l MtTIt K, llnston .store .Notlllei llir I'rople of n l.nrue nnil I tn (iiirtii n ( ( nriiet Snip, WILL TAKE PLACE NEXT SATl'ItDAY. AT HOSTON STtiltE. OMAHA. Having bought the entire stork on hand of ft large Ingrain carpet innnufHcturer tit about one-tl!lrd regular value we will offer the greatest sale of all kinds of Ingrain carpets that ever took place In the west. There Is everything made by an Ingrain carpet mill. Ingrain carpets of every de scription, Ingrain art squares, pro-brttssels art sininres, ingrain stair carpet and In grain rugs, they are In every grade, all kinds of strictly nil wool high class car pot, extra heavy nil wool; will be sold at tho most remnrknbly low prices that car pet was ever sold for. These goods are now arrhlng and from day to day we will tell you what they consist of. Watch Friday's papers for the prices. Wo will tell you more about It today. HOSTON STOKE. OMAHA, N. W. Corner Sixteenth nnd Douglas Sts. 'I In Wily of ii AViiiiiiin. It teems to be the way of n woman to neglect the most important element of her existence even though she Is scrupulously exact In every other detnll of life. She may be unsurpassed as a manager, Irreproach able as n hotist -keeper, talented in nrt, music, literature or society, nnd a very model of good taste In dress, and yet neg leit her henlth. It Is so easy to disregard Iho first symptoms of illfoase, the first slight warnings of tired nature, tho first fnlnt In dications of strain or weakness. And yet how tinwUo nnd careless to trllle with the very foundation of human life and happi ness! l'or health means beauty, vivacity, vigor, success, hope, home, happiness ewrvthlng. Ho wise todny. The new Ilenntrom treatment offers a road to health, a safeguard to thoso who would retiiln It. It Is n boon to the women of Omaha and , tho many puMoiis of the LnrilcY Hathery can , testify to Its value. It cures rheumatism and mrvous troubles, Invlgorntea the entire system and rcntorcs the bloom of youth to faded cheeks. A trial treatment will eon- 1 vlnco I ho most skeptical. The llatherv second lloor Hoc building. Trained women 1 give the treatment nnd n mold Is nt your service, l'or Indies only. 'ixujjjIljlj j 1 1 1 1 1 1, i J-Li m i.uxujjuaa.i..iiJ.iJ.i..U-U FT WSB FT i s MSI -VMM The satisfactor3r j jJ ffW train to St. Louis j i ,m 1 C Is the llurllngti n'. St l.ouls Flyer. yf f i It leaves the Hurllngtuii Station, Omaha, every nf- y B v J ternimti at ).." p. in. Arrives In St. IoiiIm the vt S A 3; .A inurnliig at ":1 tin l.it.-r It makes fast time, and X-ik- II 1 hum ov. t n smooth triric nil the way. iff trar uj Tlofcet Olflcs,, ourllntiton Station, J B 1 J jl , . X. Tel. P.SO. Tal. 120. jl .. j K 9 I a Clotiiioq XATIONVl. COVIJNTM 111'' CHATIC Cl.t IIS DKMO- At lllllllinntiiilli. Inil.. (Irliilirr It. The Omaha & St. Louis railroad will sell tickets for this occasion at one fare plus $2.00 for the round trip. All Information at city nfrieo, lib" Earnnm street, or write Harry E. Moores. O. P. & T. A.. Omaha. Neb. I lu 111 1 1 ' on Warren. M. I)., eclectic and mngnetlc physician, has moved his ofllce tn "0!t North ICth street, room 13. Speclnl at tention to all long standing or lingering dis eases and to diseases of women and children lilKlll l'ttllilt. Spirit Lake. OkoboJI. Lakn Washington, Waseca, Eagle Lake. River Falls, Solon .Springs. Itlce Lake. Hayfleld, Ashland, Gog ebic, Watersmeet and numerous lakes near St. Paul nnd Minneapolis. They are all good fishing places and are quickly and comfortably reached by tho Northwestern Line. Cheap rate excursions September IS, 21 and 2C. Limit. October 31, 1!)00. City ticket ofllce, 1101 nnd 1103 Farnam street. I.tmrM ItntCN of Hie Sciiaon VIA THE NORTH WESTEftN LINE. ALL POINTS in Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Northern Michigan. TWO DOLLARS. PLUS ONE FARE Round Trip! Minimum Rate. $7. September 2d. City Offices. 1I01-H0S Farnam Street. iicu Unit- l",xeurhliiiii. See ngent Northwestern lino for cheap excursion rntcs lo Hot Springs. S. D., dur ing month of September. I). 10 00 P. IllKllVM'tl. W. V. Sclmltz.. SMI", llomrarrh 8 l Vnclnv J, Itah.i !i eu Ciwh M. fns y ln Co 10 0) S. (. Johnton. Koiinlio Me morial churoli. All SnlnlB1 Sun day scliool .... Kno Preiiliy- terlan cluireh.. Nirwtnlan umt Ilanlfh M. K. church Itev. Hubert C llerrlna Cnluied Zlon ll.ilitl'l ctmrtli U I, Irfimnx. sen. t'n. ttl John W. Scott, U. P It. It Co C. II Paten, V. P. It. it. Co C. .T. Tumvli! r. p. n. it. co IT. M. HlBKln, v. p. n. u. co m n. p. a. nmrn U. P. TtV I). I Carpenter Jr T W. Collins.... 3 C. Ilyorth.... It A Smith .... I, . IlHndmrf V? J. Mori!.... T W. Hwolie.. . II. A Mchlni.. M U. Mlllir.... It C. pnvlemi.... Krod P Drlscol V tjinon T P. Miihotity.. rah C It lHen i"'1 NelirssUu Fuel Co Kiinim St Ne- tirBkn Kiiel Co Tenn Coal & Coke Co Manlx Co.. . Hn'litoii & xV1n.U1 Co nnrnhHtinr Coal Cr 7 R. Luriif .... C.iutnnt (c Sqiilrei ( H. Jnhnnon... C. W. Hull Co. . Plrloirrt ti Mower Pnlon Pnl Co.. (tml Hill Coal Co Tlenttr Ulioilen 1 Lsvy ontervllle tilm-k Ccnl Co Knnein & TeKnn Coal Co llunnell .V IIjiI- lock K A. W'nn .... Dlnnnl K. Honell IM MeKarlirnn . Jaiiuh I. Kinip CnMi M 07 Vis or Itoltnnnn Prfil Hiinson .. 10 00 Pis. II. F. nml L' Hoy Cruni- 13 I"i mer 1 M. Freeman J Simpson 1 70 V. F Wnpplch Dr. TIMrii B OOP. V. Prl hard.. V. 11. (Hatten.. K 00 earnest Swret.. Joseph Crow, 2 00 postmaster .... J. i:, earner.... 1 Mo. Nonlwell .... John I 00 ninbrow Cniinnan 1 M.r. P. O'Connor.. .1. W. llrnwn .... 1 CO C. II. 11 imllton V. C. lYIee .... S. Cnnmiollo .... I. . I). Mnts C. M. Itnckley.. 1 0) John A. 1 M (isc.idfn 1 '0 t:. V. Cmly 1 'OS. B. Mmisen.... 1 0) Hell fVott MP. T. ltce.l J'J. P. Piimlile.... '0 Itoss lloilges .... fO.I. J. Hllry MO J. Ijttey .... VUiiarlei .NMson.. W Iiuck llvnns 0 Janus Uteino I .V'K. F. Tiler .... to OlThonms Uurrett Mlchnel Ciffoy.. 10 CO It. K. FliRllHli.. V. J, Jrotn.... C. C. Ipis- 5 CO John WomlriKT. . Thoni.is Parkins 'f0V. A. Kelly.... S ')0 Cniih Cllffonl Panlel. C CO Wert Thompson Frank Pouarty.. S 00 K, o Fisher.... J 11 V A Itnwin.-in . Chailes II. " 00 Newton "0 Unities Clnrk ... M J. II. Tehhens.. ' MTIm Kelly 5 00 P. N. Pauley C. Anderson f f0 .Mm A. Metcalf r MThimns Croft.... 1 00 u. A. Ptte'Bon .1. II. McKeuzlt Z 00 Citizens of Itertrand. Nell S r)Cish sent to 1.. Pr.ike, catlilir I 00 .Merchnnts' 5 0) hank II. F. Celt :coc II. (lulou.... J v : N T. tal ti,' 2 CO V.t 1 oa 1 00 t on 1 1-1 1 01 1 ix 1 co 1 Ml r.o 50 r,n so C 01 1 1.0 r. co 1 to 1 01 1 00 B Co I CO 1 00 "l 00 1 no 1 0) 1 ro 1 10 t IHl 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 '0 1 00 1 10 1 01 1 10 1 ro 1 00 1 fill 1 00 1 CO 1 CI 1 11 1 00 1 CO 1 00 1 10 1 00 1 I") 1 00 :, r,o 1,0 ro M '.1 M f.O M ro CO U 73 1 00 S C) w 00 "J 37 It Is with pleasure that we announce to 1 he ladles that wo arc now prepared to how tho handsomest lino of French Flan nel Walbts ever shown In Omaha. A large variety of patterns In this season's best nlorlngs- Our stylca have been selected with caro nnd have a peculiar, refined olo ganco about them that would mako them noticeable nt all tlmea. Wo have devoted tho necessary time to look nt tho bent lines of wnlsts made In this country and tho result Is, wo nre showing only pretty, per fect fitting waists. Prices $L'.C0, $3.50, $3.95, $1.35, $5.00 nnd $5.50. Fancy Silk Waists A few excltisve styles In evening waists $S.50, $9.50,- $10.70 and hotter. Mothers endorso It, cip'dreu like It. old folks use U. We refer to One Mlnuto Cough Cure. It will quickly euro all throat and lung troubles. Very excollont program at nellstedt bnnd concert, Fifteenth and CayUn4 avenue, this afternoon. w mm Wk j Overland LI raii ted y via the Union Pacific iisussi' ii ill 11 minus in jtjj The Only Direct Route Across the Continent. Vou 2- l:i cry Day in the Year rr can Icaie Omaha on this train aflcr breakfast nnd reach ti e P jtific Coast as soon as those who start lia any other route the day before 4,Thc CHICAGO-PORTLAND Vlalh. urivmu UIO. I'ACIIiC. 3S One hundred and fifty miles alon? the Columbia River by daylight. Only Two Nights in Making the Trip from Omaha to Portland. City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam Street. Telephone 310. EL ST- tn. LlfsSCOnELO a am&.mw. 15 10 DutiulnsSt Oon'i Ekep Coughing No ubo dolug so, tnko Schnefer's Cough Syrup, It's ono that will give you satis faction and tho price Is right 20c bottle. P Sale of New I Fall Shoes Men's fine $4 and $5 Sample Shoes at $1.97. Women's fine S3 vici kid lace Siioes al $1.85. Boys' and oirls' School Siioes at 98c, $1.25, $1.50 20 cases of men's fine $4 and S5 Sample Shoes, in vici kid, velour calf and box call, with weit soles, on sale at $1,97 18 cases of women's fine vici kid S3 shoes, in lace and button, with single flexible and dauble stitched soles all sizes and widths at $1,85, Eft -v flma Bovs' fine satin calf lace tAl-nniMu-v 1,11 "f-tJ sizes 11 to 2 at 98c AAA r 4 U t iV a Uirls hne donola kid 'i-i worth S175, sizes 11 to 2, on sale at $1,25, Boys' fine $2,00 quality calf shoes at $1,50, Girls' finest $2 vici kid shoes at $1,50, Newton's lteef, Iron nml Wine Crnnier'H Kidney Cure Sehucfer'H Cough Syrup Dr. Knrl Kramer h rennyroyui fills... Mennen'B Talcum l'owder Wlno of Canliil Carter's I.lver Tills Ayer's Hair Vigor Uuffy's Mult Whiskey 1 tin., "-grain Quinine Capnulcri 1 doz. 3-graln ijulnlno Capsules 1 doz. n-graln cjulnlno Capsules S. S. S Syrup of IIgH Miles' Nervine Malted Mill: Tierce's Treiieriptlou Donn's Tills Tltcle Sam's Tobairo Cure 00c 7.ric 3Uc Jl.Oil IJc ".ii 150 10. l.y '.'Mr ?r,i 4"r 4c SCHfiEFER CUT PUICK I) h i Jr. r, 1st h. . ( . lltlli nnrt I'lil-'acu. Dr. Karl Kramer s rennyroyui Tills will be sent postpaid on receipt of price. THEY WILL CURE YOUR COLD. . . . Sherman's Cold Tablets v. Ill "loosen up' that cold In your liead-and slop the pain retuovo the "stuffy feeling" nml do I: iltilcKly and without harm they'll do It Ak anyone who has used 'em Price, '."n per box. $1.00 Moeller's Cod Liver Oil. wo sell ... iSo jl.ft) Ttnltluim's Vegetable ('onipotiud. . 75c BOe Syrup of Pigs JiOc $1.00 Scott's Kmulsltm 7..c $1.W U'lno of Cardul 75c $1.00 Teruna 7..e $100 Hostetter's Stomach Hitters 75i- Jl.Oi) Kilmer's Swamp Hoot 7f.i $1.00 Ur Miles' Nervine 7.V $1 (X) Maltluo Treparatlon s.v :ac Cnstorla 2,'c $1 UO Malted Milk 7.'ic 2oc Carter's Little Liver Pills i.'.c $1.00 Tierces Pavorlte Trescriptlon . .. 75r $1.00 Hood ii Harsaparllla . 75c Sherman &McGonnel IDrug Go . Corner XUtk uiid Uotlue, The Greatest Shoe Sellers in Omaha, Good Teeth way bo a gift from nature or int. ii ci. s.s m:risTit. as practiced here, enables: anyou to enjoy the advantages of good teeth. Where pcsslble we save tho natural teeth, hut If too much decayed we advise the wearing of aiitii'k i a i. rinvrii. iJ BAILEY, the Dentist ltiioiu) :n-J-:ii;i I'lnlnn llln, u. I'Iiiiki Ills,-,, l.iul Mteiiilnnt. ,(5 3 RESULTS TELL THIS HI! IS WANT ADS puonrci: uusi'irs. ))C)ffit(?(S)'i'i'!)e?y r-r" I ti, Ki i: m I The Opening Days Continue The rich harvest of autumn costumes ready for every reaper. omen's lirts Tho constant stir, tin grcnt activity, tho throng of buy ers in this, depart ment is easily ex plained. Wo are niakiilg prices on the most fashiona ble garmonts that will surprise even tho most careful buyers. Women's New Autumn Suits nindc of good veiiciian cloth, jacket ' with the new front, trimmed with bunds of satin nicely si itched, satin lined skirt willi new mi ten ci i i i duck, naniig nottoin. and trim med with slitelicd satin hands, $ Hie Acliraska jince only .... Women's New Tailor-Made Suits In cheviot.s.broadclotlis, Venetians. Zibelines, etc., black or colors, cton and double breast ed tij;lit fitiinjr styles, .strictly tailor-made, new Ha ring skirts, with $ tlie inverted jlait back, only . Women's Walking Skirts- ir0 wiilking skirts, made of heavy all wool plaid back golfing cloth new hack, and with nie proper Jiang, linislied with rows of tai lor si itching, ji skirl worth $7. rid. for Women's New Autumn Skirts- Jn the ver latest styles, tucking, braids ami plaiting, made by expert skirt milkers, in verted plait back and flaring bot-$ A 7P torn, ;ja-.oi. $i!).no. .?i?L.no, ?i.).7u B & J Millinery 9.75 , i Good News travels-;-iv IclM, Bad news slill faster, store.- that are honest in their mode oi douii) ma m p.'jrj ' i nianently, and the otlier kind coino to grief sootier or later, generally sooner. Our record speaks for it?elf. Men's All Wool Suits Newest effects in stripes, cheeks and the nobby overlaid plaids -every suit is guar anteed to be strictly all wool and are all cut made and linislied in the very latest styles 6.75 :I9.75 $4.90 WITH TI1H UA(iH FOR HLAf'K AND WIIITK thai has been Avafled from over the sea, they loom up in many sombre bits of millinery that are both stylish and becom ing millinery thai mccls your exact, fancv al SLno, .'J.."iO, .?-I.r,0, .-..On'and !?(5.00. Farnam and Fifteenth Men's All Wool Suits Made of the lines! quality of black and blue winter weigh! cheviots wide inner facings, lined with double warp Italian cloth- The Nebraska price wilh a $7 "7 1 guarantee k at 3 oys Clothing More and more every day, as prudent, practical parents compare clothing and clothing claims, do I hey realize that for clothing style and clothing service, 1 here's no place like The Nebraska. Boys' School Suits .$2.1)0. i?LLV. J?L.-). and .fll.Tr. in a pretty line of gray Scotch mixtures, in half a dozen dif ferent pallerns. ...C)0. .S.ur, S3.n0, .!.7r, 3I.OO ami up will buy a boys' school suit, in a good selec tion of cassinieres, worsteds, Scotch tweeds, diagonals, cheviots, etc. Boys' Russian Blouse Suits Sonielhing en! i rely new this season neat durable, stylish- $.'.".", .r.r0 and $i"0. Farnam and Fifteenth j mm miii 1 ttm ! nci rnr n i ni - m i if rM rv Co, Men's Fall IA and Winter Vasliingf Matlo Easy is a ratcliltiR pliraso for linusewlvus ami mnlds. U'h a droam doubly ilt 1 1 k h t f u 1 In roallty and romps with tlio puttltiK In of thoso now, modum tubs which aro special fr.ittiros of our plumblm- work. A I10U30 without surh tubs la a Kaa brpn. No one would think of leaving a plnco whoro thoy aro found. Nono rrltlolHo our charKes. l'lutnblnK, gas und strain lUtlng. FreeS Black, Phone 1010. . 1S0IJ I'armini St. SOAP SOAP SOAP SOAP SOAP SOAP SOAP SOAP SOAP SOAP SOAP SOAP That "Yellow Soap" Thai Pleases All. 10c a Cake. J. A, FULLER & CO. I'litirtront Ii mill Viouulna Mrni-tn. Suits and Top Coats and mm fT50 JUL & -A JB I 's' School Clothing Trills week we surpass all prece- dent and begin soiling fall and wintor clothing at prices other stores eharge at l tho end of tho season. We Want You to Inspect What We Have to Offer for men's pure wor sted and all wool Cassiitiere Suits in neat cheeks, stripes and mix tures, with deep inner facings, single or double breasted vests, splendidly tailored duits that cannot be made for less than $12.50. L "il T for I11C,S stylish Fall and Winter 8 S iUU Suits in all tho new eliects in all -IL-A wanted colors, patterns and sizes tail ored and trimmed in a most reliable manner made of vicunas, day, fine fancy worsteds, series and tweeds ; suits worth $15.00. .Men's Suits and Overcoats at $12.50, $15.00, 918.00 and $20.00 compare only with the best merchant tailored clothing, except pricett. Three grades of men's Fall Top Coats at low introductory prices at 5.00, $7.50 and 10. 00 consisting of coverts, oxfords, vicunas, whipcords and clay worsteds, with guaranteed . Hittin sleeve lining and silk velvet collar. Hoys' Scliool Suitswith knee pants sizes !l to JO yenrn at 05c to $5.50. Hoys' School Suitswith long pants sizes 1L' to 10 yearn at $..25 to ? 1 2.50. ork, Kldneycura? Ct ii . ,u . J lJtmai.cs. duels ucho. t" ' At triii. i-Uts. or lv II. I'rrotool:. ad vice, etc., ot Dr. U. J. Kaj, barumt. N. Y. tu kIvp cntlKfurtton and to lit- laatlnK nuiBt In done by experienced men. All work uurruttted (lold Prowns ilnld Killings (iooil Sot Tooth 55.00 .$1 50 Ui V'-fO SELLING THE MOST CLOTHING IX OMAHA. DON'T FORQET Tali's PhiladelpTiia Gonial Rooms ir,ii DoiiciiiM si. Mi-&avf! THAT WHEN SM0KINB A cuukIi is a cold iiruio.sltl',n Ant kawf will answer Tr it. an drjiLims You have the BKST not.vlthstanUInu trtoy cost you nu nioro titan inferior goods. C A, IlAILSnACK, OMAHA. DIBTlU TUlt, jliWH UMl'JQ J I