TTITC OMAII V DAILY JWTa TRD1WT)T, PErTTOrnETt 10. 1000. nninnuw om-ll TVlHLMxl ....r. ..uxkct mm:, 'am. wool im.ik . .. u.i,nx t " til " I 11 III 1 1 I I I I I A A 1 .1 11 I .11111 I 1 I 11 jmiin HUilJf iMM MiJil l III WnB 11. WllXUilllJ ,w,w.w Merry Freight Rato War Has Been On for Some Months, BUSINESS TAKEN AT ALMOST A LOSS l'rojrclrd Pool Ulili'li '" In Hum-IIi-pii I'ornifil .till)- t I'nllcil to Mnlerl-nllc. Local railroad men. particularly those connected with tho various freight depart mcnts In official capacities, are availing with Interest the result of the niieting of piprnllvp nincni-H of Western roads, which convened In Now York yesterday. Their es pecial Interest centers in tho uetlon that will in all prohahlllty be taken regarding In. nrient iimiuestinned muddle Which frclKht rates have reached. There In ,no denyiiiK 'he fact that rates are about as unstable now as they have been In a long while. Shippers who aro In a position to know afllrm this statement and they are not In the least anxious to seo tho cxcetitlve and tralllr. olllclals net to gether on some common ground whereby the clashing f rates will cease, Inasmuch us they reap the benefit of all reductions In freight trnffle. be they over so small. With the railroad frclKht otllelals. however, It Ih tho same old story. Now that the war has been In progress for several weeks and rate. have tumbled to the point when- In order to set business .t must be taken almost nt an actual loss they aro anxious to seo normal tariffs maintained once more. In order that they may be relieved of the anxiety con cernlng "what the other fellow Is doing." It has been quietly admitted for some tlmo past that rates In Omaha were not as firm as they might be. but wlthiu the last few weeks the gauntlet has been thrown down by one road to tho other and the war fare has been a merry one Tho entire dim culty started July 1. At that time, accord lng to an agreement reached by tho tralTlc managers of western roads, pools were to be established In Omaha, as well ns several other western cities. This was with the purposo In' view of doing away with tho fre quent rate disturbances, and plans were u greed upon where-by curtain penalties were to bo Imposed upon tho roads that should rut rates. It was believed Unit such a pool vperated along the lines determined upon would provo an eflecttinl barrier to further tillllcultle.8 in the rate situation. Pool Wiin '' lllllilUll-il. The Omaha pool, however, was never cs (abllshed. The position no Joint agent or manager of the pool went a-begging. It was offered to several well-informed tralllc men and refused, and since no one could be found to tako hold of the matter the tool naturally Hucruinbed before Its birth troceedlng upon the technical theory that Inasmuch as the pool agreed upon was not formed and thut consequently no road whb pound to nbldo ry the incompleted agree mcntB of the t raffle managers, one Omaha line continued, from the very tlmo that rates wero supposed to be maintained ac cording to tariff, July 1, to take business t rates which suited Its own pleasure All of the other roads maintained tariffs for a short time and theu cutting became general until It is now asserted that with ono single exception overy Hue In Omaha g Blushing rates right and left and getting the business It seeks regardless of tariff sheets. With tho continual cutting of tariffs however, tho Inevitable flnnle has been reached and now rates nro In such shap Mint every freight ofllelal would wolcomo a return to normal tariff basis. Tho Npw Vork mooting of executive officers Is ex kected to force such a conclusion, but whether or not some new plan will be do rlsed whoreby there will be no early repo tltlcn of rato cutting Is entirely problem atlcal. lii mtilcnl lire In I OfTrrlim of lltniili-li l?l l.nillr .frrf Unlt. I .if tlim l'.cr In Onuilin. Other II I u llnrmiln Totiiij hi WE IJfY TIIHM CIII5.M'. UK SUM, f HKM I HnSldN STOltK. OMAHA. C'HBAI'. I ALL Wool, IMI'OIITKD CIIALLIS 7C I). Through a fortunate rlrcumstani e we 101 puces strli'ly nil wool Imported emu 110CIC INI. AM) l.OSkJS TWO I'.MI'I.OVKS Messrs. Wiimirr mill Mcliulro l.cnvf Itonil to I'uUe I'll Otllff llllHlnPNV, lly the resignations of C. A. Wanner, contracting fialght agent of the Hoc! Island, and J. II. McUulro. chief clerk In tho freight department of tho samo otllce a number of changes will ho made oftcetlve Immediately. Mr. Wanner has been with tho Hoc! Island for mnny years and has been Omaha In his present position for u long tlmo. Ho goes to Chicago, where ho will enter Into a nourishing commercial bus Iness ns a partner. Ills successor Is Kdwtn Mather, formerly stutloned at Des Molues In the local freight otllce of tho Kocli Island. Mr. McOuire has olt-o been In tho local offices of tho Hock Island for Bcveral years most of which time ho has occupied the responsible position of chief clerk. Ho has concluded to quit tho railroad service en tirely nnd will move to Des Moines, where lis will complete u cour.ic In dentistry. Frank Pearson, who now occupies u posi tion In tho otllce as operator, succeeds Mr. McOuire nnd "Chief" Foley will be elovatod from his position as messenger to assume the vacancy created by Mr. Pearson's promotion. wero offered a Jobber's entire stock of all kinds of blankets. Today they go on sale for tho first time. IT WILL PAY VOL TO tlt'Y T1H2M TO LAY AWAY. jr..00 HLANKKTS, J2.0S. All the strictly all wool white, gray and red blankets cold wholesale as high as 5.00, In one lot, at 12.08 pair. $i5.00, $7.00, $5.00 HLANKKTS. $3.S0. All the strictly nil wool plaid blankets, all the line white nil wool blankets, nil the heavy blue gray blankets. In fact all tho blankets that this jobbing house sold ns high as $8.00, in one lot nt $3.50 pair. HAHOAINS IN COTTON HLANKKTS. All the regular $1.00 cotton blankets, 40c pair. Ml tho heavy whlto, gray and tan cotton blankets, very large size, nt 75c pair. All tho extra large size heavy cotton blankets, fiSc pair. Ilest grade, very large, soft fleeced cot ton blankets, white, gray and tan, at $1.25 pair. KXTHA SPECIAL HAHOAINS IN COM FORTERS. $2.f.O COMFORTERS, $1.25. Extra large slzo sllkollne covered and retonuo covered hand tufted, fine white cotton-filled comforters, no larger slzo nt any price, wo offor them today nt $1.25 each. These arc worth $2.50. Grand special bargains In fine, fancy comforters nt $1.50, Jl.'js, $2.9S nnd $3.50 each. HOSTON STORE. OMAHA. N. W. Cor. ICth and Douglas Sts. Wluit ii .MokiiI Can Do. That wns a remarkable demonstration of whnt a Mogul can do that occurred on the Now York Central tho other day. when engine No. 018, ono of tho new Moguls, hauled out train No. 11, the South western Limited, made up of two mall cars, five passenger coaches nnd nine Wagner ears, sixteen cars In nil. The total weight of tho train wns 1,832,000 pounds, or Old tons, nnd the length of the train, including tho engine, wns 1,212 feet, or nearly n quarter "f n mile. This en glue tnado tho running tlmo of the train between Now York and Albany, 113 miles, In three hours and fifteen minutes, Thuro Is no railroad In the world which has n better roadbed, more skillful en gineers or better equipment, hacked by loyal men, always alert fur the safety of their passongcrs, than tho New York Cen tral & Hudson River railroad. What roid con match Its corps of men, from Presi dent Callaway down tho long line of em ployes to tho humble and faithful track men who watch their sections of rails through tho long hours of tho night nnd day, In order to safeguard the lives of the trnvolers on trains whirling by tholr hum ble shanties, many of which ncstlo closely to tho rulls under their guardianship. Editorial from tho Albany Times-Union. lis In fall colorings, all dark gr.umK polkn dots .small Howl designs, small checks, etc sultnble for dressing sucks, house gowns and children's dresses. These are guaran teed a 50c quality, on sale on main lloor, 7c yard. All wool printed cashmeres, dark and light colorings, polka dots, Hour tie Its designs. stripes and small checks, on sale at 3Dc yd 78C FRENCH FLANNELS IDC. A now lot of the popular, strictly all wool Freuch flannel, Persian patterns, polka dots stripes, checks, etc.; so popular for waists nnd dtesslng sacks, 7oo quality, on sale at 49c yoid. $1.00 JERSEY WAISTS 15C. Another lot of those nil wool Jersey waists In black, nnvy ,red, brown and white, plain or braided; ladles' and misses' sizes, guaranteed worth $1.00. on sale nt 15c. SPECIAL HAHOAINS IN nASEMENT Ono big counter of the finest quality drapery ticking and sateen, 10c yard, worth up to 40c. One big counter fancy light colored outing flannel, 6',sc. worth 12'jc. Ono big counter of the very heavy dark colored outing tlnimel at 84c yd, worth 15c. One big counter fancy printed swissollne, worth 15c, at Co yard. One big counter remnants of all kinds of sllknllno 3c yard, worth 15c. All on sale In the basement today. HOSTON STORE. OMaIIA. N. W. Cor. 16th nnd Douglas Sts. Well Known Omaha Shoe Slock on Sale. Continental's Shoes On Sale at Boston Store, Omaha. Illinois (Vlllml IJie urolnns. On September 21 aud 2G wo will sell round trip tlikcts from Omaha to St. Paul. Minneapolis, Waseca, Watorvllle, Madison Lake aud Duluth at rato of ono pnre plus . $2.00. ' Homo Visitors' excursion tickets on sale September 20 to nearly nil points In 1111- i nols, Iowa. Minnesota and Wisconsin at ono fare plus $2.00 for the round trip. All tickets limited for return until October 31. j Full particulars Ht City Ticket Olllce, 1402 Farnara street, or address W. H. Drill, i D. P. A.. Omaha. .!. L. Bnuidois it Sons, Proprietors Boston Storo, beg to announce their purchase and Sale Today of the Entire Stock of Men's and Boys' We III in ii ii iifH youth. The Jacob Klchtmnn left vesteidnv for St. Louis to go Into the southern trade. I'lio cantitln does not know whether hi will return to Omaha next mimmcr or not. al though he has hnd u good season,' busi ness. Before leaving he guve evidence be fore the surveyor of the port recording thn death of the netcro bootb'nck whmp body wns found Sunday In tho river, lie said he had seen the boy on the bout the day the boiler exploded nnd hail not seen nun since, lie Knew Homing ot tne cause of his Ueuth. (illllll l'tlllllK. Spirit Lake, Okobojl, I.ako Washington. Wnscca, Eagle Lake, River Falls, Solon Springs, Rice Lake, Hayflcld, Ashland, flog eblc, Watersmet and numerous lakes near St. Paul nnd Minneapolis. They nre nil good fishing places and nro qultkly nnd comfortnbly reached by the Northwestern Line. Cheap rato excursions September 13, 21 and 28. Limit, October 31. 11100. City tlckot ofilco, 1401 and 1103 Farnnm street. I.mvest It II t i'h of the Nciison VI THE NORTHWESTERN LINE. ALL POINT" in Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin. Minnesota, Northern Michigan. TWO DOLLARS, PLl'S ONE FAKE Round Trip! Minimum Rate, $7. September 20. City Offices, 1401-1403 Farnam Street. XATIOXA1, CONVENTION OP CHATIC l.tllX IMSMO- A Intlliiiiaiiollx, Intl., Ootnlier II. The Omuha & St. Louis railroad will sell tickets for this occasion at ono fare plus $2.00 for tho round trip. All Information at city ofTIc, 1415 Farnam street, or write Harry E. Moores, (5. P & T A . Omaha. Neb. ilk ill CON fe'll KivS.V Vx'jti'cr hoes OF THE TINENTAL NG CO. CLO Cor. 15th and Douglas sts, This well known stock of shoes and our other pur' chase of the Chicago whole sale stock are together and It's Remarkable how many folks tl e 'c arc that wear ill-iitting: clothing all their lives because they have gone to the same old made to-order tailor to be fitted. Why don't you as sert yourself? Get the right sort of fashionable garments from our ready-made pay less live logger. There Is no eqvinl stock within your reach you expect of vis what other merchants can't oven consider, and you shall not be disappointed. Our Fall Suits for Men are at your service. Men's all-wool Business Suits the season's newest effects In stripes, checks and tho nobby overlaid plaids livery suit cjuar- nntood to be Ptrictly all wool and all aro cut In the nowest styles THE NEBRASKA PRICE Men's extra fine Black and Blue Cheviot Suits made of the finest quulltlcs of biuo and black win- tMr ter vveioht Scotch Cheviots with wide In- JL ZD tier fncinqs lined with double warp Italiun CIOWI 1 It V IN C-D1ADIA rniUli , ....... m fx 6 75 These arc only two of twenty different styles and prices Whatever you want in clothing Tho Nebraska has It, nnd has it ut less than you can find It elsewhero. placed on enlo in A lots All in- Contincnlal'd boys' and youths' sliGus, reprnrdluss of what the Conti nental sold them for, will go in one lot thede sold up to $H a pair , All the men's' shoes that sold for up to $2 00, go in our basement, at All the Continental's men's shoes that sold for up to $3. 50, goid All the men's shoes, that sold for up to six dollars, go at 08c 79c $1.98 3.00 Sale at Boston Store, Omaha. O I c When a prcpnrntlon lias on advertised reputation tniit Is world wide It means that preparation Is meritorious. If you go Into it store to buy an article that has achieved universal popularity like Cas carets Candy Cathartic for example you feel It lias the endorsement of the world. The Judgment of the people Is Infallible be cause It Is Impersonal. The retailer who wants to Dell you "something else" In pUco of tho article you ask for has on ax to Krlnd. Don't It stand to renton? He'o trying to sell something that Is not what he represents It to bo. Why? Because he ex pects to derive an extra prollt out of your credulity. Aro you eusy? Don't you see tliroiiRh his little game? Tho mnn who -will try and sell you a subrtitute for CoscaretH Is a fraud. Ueware of him! Ho Is trying to steal thn honestly earned benefits of u reputation which another business man has paid for nnd if Ills conscience will allow him to go do far he will go farther. If he painn h Celery Compound M.ooto tils niclnniAi. in nna v!iv h villi In ! Rrtclf H I.lVfl" fills nii,., i ii i. n. ,f . i i..i.,u I Stuart m Dyspepsia Tablets For Chapped Hands Urn Egyptian Lotus Creani -ltn n gnml preparation, keeps the huml.s soft and nus a. soothing effect. 10c -lottle. Nawton's Hr-ct. Iron anJ Wlno P'c Cramer's Kidney Cure BEFORE BUYING A PIANO be sure to get prices nnd terms nt Pi limoller & Mueller's. They vnrry the largest Htock of high grade) Instruments In tho west and often save tho buyer from $75.00 to JltO.09 on a single instrument. CastorU Wine o Duffy's Wine of Card til Malt Whiskey I'lnkham's Compound t doz. 2-gr.iln Quinine rapiules 1 doz. 3-eraln Mulnlno Cuuulrj 1 dozen 5-grslti Quinine Capsules.. 7.)c Sir 73o 7c 10c 15C Laxative flromo Quinine 15c Ajax r.iDieis Dar-Hen Wost Hraln and Nerve '1 I'lereo Prescription . .. 1'reattnent. with him. Doware of thp Cascaret substl tutor! Remember Cascarcts aro uever sold In bulk, but In metal boxes with the long tailed "C" on every box and each tablei stamped C. C. C. KXCIJHSIOV IIATKS TOH CAHXIVAL. Itnllrnml .Men AntlclpiitliiK Ilniv Trniel lnrln- .K-Mir-ll-ii W'erli. Onuilin railroads are already beginning to distribute advertising matter relative to carnival week and the Ak-Sar-Hcn festiv ities, and passenger men aro looking forward to a big movement of people from outside points In the state next week. All Nebraska lines have agreed upon n rate of ono faro for the round trip from nil points In thu state within 200 miles of Omnha. with re turn limit good until tho close ot tho week's nuiuBomrnts. Tho Omaha & St. Louis Is the only line that has thus far arranged for a cheap low rate oxctirslon. Thursday, beptcmber 27, n upoalal train will be run from rattonsburg, Mo., to Omnha and return and the round trip faro from l'attnnsburg will be f2, with corresponding reductions from all Inier- medtato points. The regular one-way rate from rattonsburg to Omaha Is $5'.60 and It 1b expected that the greatly reduced rate vslll attract an enormous crowd of people. The Hpeclal train wilt leave I'attoiiBburg at 4 10 n. m. aud reach Omaha nt 11 o'clock. Ho -turnlns, It will leave Thursday nlgbt nt 11:30. C'lienii llute Kieurnlonn. Seo agent Northwestern line for cheap excursion rates to Hot Springs, S. D., dur ing month of September. Williams Smith Co. announce the ar rival of fall and winter woolens. Steamer Hourletta will run afternoon aud evening excursions until October 1. THEY WILL CURE YOUR COLD. . . . Sherman's Cold Tablet will "loosen up" that cold In your head- and stop the pain remove the "stuffy Incline" and do It (lulckly and without harm they'll do It. Ask anyone who lias used 'em Price, 25c per box. $1.00 Moel'er's Cod Liver Oil. we sell.... KIc $1.00 I'lnkham'H Vegetable Compound.. ?5r Mr Syrup of KIk Wr $1.00 Heott'a Hmulslou 7.V- $1.00 Wine of Cardul 7nc $1.00 I'eruna 7oc $1.00 HoHtetter'H Stomneh Hitters 7r $1.00 Kilmer's Swamp Hoot 7.V $1.00 Dr Miles' Nervine 75c $1.00 Maltlno Preparation k'jr S.",c Casturla 2.1c $1.00 Malted Milk 7.'.o 2,'ie Cnrter's Llttlo Liver Pills ISc $1.U) Pierre's FiiMirlte Prescription 7o $1 00 Hood's Sarsaparllla 7.ic Sherman&McGonnell Drug Co, Curlier I III Ii iiml Diiilur. Syrup of Ils uarneiu iu 0: 4UC. 23c 7.c 7no 15c 40. 3 20c CL'T PRICK . DRL'tlCIST t. W. Cor. Jlilll nun Clilrjiuu. 1 STEIN WAY Snap Shots. Get kodak or camera strt take n snap shop ot tho funny nftornoon parades, the haudssma floats and Midway shows, Wo have a beautiful A. I). Oil ASK. VOSB. K.VEUSON, STKtllCIt, IVKI5S & POND and PACK ARD PI NOS .to select from. 1 Hayden Upright $100 1 New Kngland Upright $12.1 1 Vouo tc. Sons Upright $150 1 ClUckerlng Upright $17.1 Sohmer Parlor Oraud $401) Bteck Concert Grand $300 Hale Upright only $75 Orpans and Square Pianos $18, $2.1. $38 nnd up We tell on easy monthly payments, ron;, tuuo and repair pluo3. Telephone P)2.' You ore cordially Invited to Inspei t Hip wonderful SULK-PLAYINO PI NOI.A the grcaiest musical Invention of thn century. It plays any piano anyone can play P Catalogues, prices and terms sent freo on application. n i miwbi rfri. , -jrTT i iia The Old Reliable Piano House, 1313 Farnam St, Omaha 337 Droa dway. Council muffs. Iown i Ladies' New Fall Suits FOR $4.00. All other good makes ot cameras. Call and see our assortment Tiie Robert Dampstar Co,, 1215 Farnam St. Exclusive Dealers In Photo Supplies. Ilrlll'N Vnentliin In Over. W. H. Ilrlll. district passenger ngent of tho Illinois Central. haB returned from n two-weeks' camping trip In southwestern Missouri. In the party wero fourteen of Mr. Drill's friends from St. Louis, Joplln Klrksville nnd Paducah. and they were pro vlrtcd with overy comfort to uiuko the out lng nn enjoyable one, the camp even being equipped with an acetylene pas plaut Camp was pitched In tho Ojark mountains hero thero was an abundauce of fish and Came. Itnllvriiy ii niul PrroimU. Genoral Freight Atfent Crosby of th nurllngton left last night for St. Paul on a short business trip. J, V. Hartsnugli. traveling freight agent of the Loulsvll'e A- Nashville. Is In the city from Kansas City looking after busi ness. Assistant (leneral Passenger Agent J. W. Munu of the Klkliorn han returned from a liuiitlng trip In the northern part of the Btate. Ho was accutupanlcd by Love Kelloy. James E. Cox, traveling passenger agent of the "Henderson route," stopped u Omaha Monday evening long enough to visit all of the local pasnnuer tnun and look after southern business. Tito ltoel: Island freight department has given notice that It will transport trcv ot charge all freight destined to aid the Gal veston tuiflVrei's. Such freight must be consigned to the mayor of Houston. Will III MIMlill wsm "The Overland ----Limited Runs l:cry Day in the Year via the Union Pacific The Only Direct Route Across the Continent. 5 You can leatc Omaha nn this train after breakfast and reach t e Coast as soon as those who start via any other route the Jay before fin 'The CHICAGO-PORTLAND SPECIAL" Via the UNION PACIFIC. One hundred and fifty miles along the Columbia Hiver by daylight. Only Two Nights in Makinn. the Trip ; from Omaha to I'ortiand. 2 City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam Street. 'lolopholto DIG, Just at the right time, when women are buying their now Pall Suits e have the greatost offering In the history of our cloak department. We have received 110 sample suits from three of the foremost manufacturers In tho t'nlted States for comparison, to enable us to make up a large order on suits that wo are about to place. The manufacturers gave us permission to sell these samples at any rea sonable price rather than return them . They will be on sale tomorrow at prices noer beforo quoted by any Omaha house on ladles' high-class tailor-made suits at this season of the year. Whether you Intend buying or not now It will pay you to spare 0 minutes and seo theso suits. They aro worth your close inspecllou. $25 Suits at $15 $30 & $35 Suits at $20 $50 and $60 Suits $30 and $32.50 Rainy Day Skirts Just received by fflf express 100 miny-fliy skirts, on sale to morrow at 5.08, 0.08, $7 9S up. Black and Colored Taffeta Waists Just received .i00. Special Stove Sale For This Week. Elegant Double Heater Like Cut. TUB SPAIIKMXO I'NIVKItSAl, These goods ure tho finest made very handsome in design, mirror nickel plntlni;, extra bealiiiR capacity nnd economical in full - nt a prlco within reuch of all, KS.'O. 1IIK HEGAI, UNIVEI18AL This is by far the handsomest double, heating base burn -r on tho market today aud must be Been They are way ahead of anything in nickel ing. In HtttnK. In casting, extra large Hues. The greatest heater made, drawing tho cold air from the floor, heating It, which can be conducted so as to heat nn upstairs room. Comn and see this stovo beforo you luy, only IIW.OO. Then wo have all klndB of Hot Hlast Stoves from $7.50 up. Air tlnht wood stoves from $2.25 uu. IELIS ON fUM lTi All kinds of oak hcators from $5.50 up. I We can give you anything and everything C-hole steel ranges, 18-lneh ovoiih. liUh In tho stove line and savo you at least j shelf, low wurmltiB closet, for $2ti 05. 23 per cent Come nnd see No. 8 cast cooks, 18-Inch avail, for J!.93. For the next IS Fifteen Days You must attend the Bargain Cotton Goods Carnival at Haydens. Sui ply your wants during this sale and save from one-quarter to one-third on jour purolm. All new goods bought nxpressly for this sale 1,000 pieces heavy napped printed Flannelette for house drasses, worth 12o Tho Sale, yard 8io 5.000 pieces of Taney Dark Standard Calicos worth fie The Sale, yurd 3VjC 1,200 pieces of Amoskerg Check Apron Gingham, (tho best Gingham made Tho Hale, yard f'c 1.500 pieces of double fold 7,ic Press I'ercales (all fast colorst- The SaIo. yard .. 4Uo 550 pieces of fancy double fold, bright colored Plaids (worth lio wholesale) The Sale, yard lO'o Ten cases Standard Indigo Illue Calicos, worth (Use The Sale yard 3:i-tn Six cases Simpson's Cadot Blue 3-4 I'ercales, worth 7c ard -Tho Sals 4'o TIIK8U AHE AM. IlftANI) NKW KAM, GOODS IN Kl I I I'lKCKS, Carloads of remnaiitH of all kinds of cotton goods ntu. st guen away. 1 lsf I MOT' LOT 1. Ladles' bhuk taffeta waists with corded back, front and sleeves, uiado to sell for tti.00; the bct.t value In tho country; our special sale priro ..OT 2 I.adiis' blark taffeta waists, from 32 to 10, made up In the nobbiest styles, from the famous Wlnslow Taffetas, which Is war ranted not to crack or cut on sale at '.OT a. 230 silk waists In black, hlues, pinks, grnyH, cerlso and other shades excellent variety of garmonts; a surprise to tho closest buyers; mailo from the celebrated Glvcrnaud Taffetas; on sale at less than half price 3.98 4.98 shades, an 2.95 Specials for Wednesday 175 Ladles' Tnllor-Mude Suits in colors and black: silk lined Jacket worth 15.00 to Jit' 00 on sale at $7 50. 75 dozen Ladles' Mercerised Illack Wuibts, 1 rows of cording In front, on sale t. only 9Sc One table Children' Jackets, sizes t to 12 at $1 25 Ladies' Ktdarduwn iressing SjLques tn animal, gray pink and blue nt 59c ",o do?ep Ladies' peiL.ile Wrappers in 11 i ' k anil reds wrh tl 'i for file. ll iXotcn Lmlirs Vr.ii'p'rs ua al- 'or lLjLlirUJXUJ..U.I.IJJ.' imm UJJUJJXU-LLLUJ-Li U'S 8,096 MILES LONG and still growing Within a week tho Hurllngtoti lias opened another new line and passed Its snoijih milestone. Almost any place can la rca. bed via tho nurllngton llms From Omaha exi elleni u rlce Is offered to Chicago nnd the Ka.'.t -Denver and lie West -Kansas City and the South St. Louis aid the Southeast Muntuna and tho Northwest Tloksf Otflu. 1 502 Farnam St. i Tel. 2G0. uunlngton 5ltln, 10th and Mason Sts. Tol. 120. M tlB t A ' "Ugl' is a ' i-Kawi l lU Bw I ,rr it uruutlots I Br, Ka;'iT"- r" h( Kidneycura? Tlie, etc., cf i i .... .. Dmeasfv llauli ache, etc Al Iruc. iUth. or It uli, II. Pree book. aiV Dr. II, J lit j. Saratoga, N. V. A