THE OMAHA DAILV BEE: WJUDXTSSDAV, SEPT OfH Kit 11), 1000. 1 1 SPEC1ALN0T!CES Advertisements for tUtnn rolnmn trill lie tnUrn until I " nr tin ftrnlnn edition nd until Hill) p. m for morning nll Hnnilnr edition, Itntr", 1 J-2e a Trurtl flrftt Insertion. Ir n TTorit thereafter. Nothing tnUen for le (linn 2 Hp for the first lner. tin 11. These adrerlUemenU mnii hi run oonseotitl vel)-. Advertisers, Uy reunetlnjr a nam tirrcil ehepU, cnn linve nner nd-dressr-d to n numbered letter In cre of 'I he Pee. .Inairera addressed will he delivered on presentation of the check only. jtrn atiom wavieu. SITUATION wanted by experienced nll- round butcher unil meat cutter, single man. temperate, no objection to country Address I 6", Hoe. A-M9S1 19 W.WriJD-.IIALU HELP. WANTED, wo have sternly work Tor ft few good hustlers of Rood habits nnd appear and!, v., r. Auams uu., ivw iiuwiiru n. U 870 BARBER trade tnught thoroughly In Bhort t me: rntuiogue linn particulars irec. Address Western Harbors' Institute Omaha, Nob. 13-871 WANTKD. laborers, teamsters, rock men nnd surface men, Neb. W"o. nnd Iowa fren fare; highest wages; ship dully Western It. It. Labor Agency, 310 S. ml' 11 ht? AN INTELLIGENT young man to take a shorthand scholarship In best school anil pay for It when course Is completed and position securou. Auuress u m, urc. I1-S73 I HAVE paying position fT nil tinemptoj od malo teachers. Cft'n or nddrcs-. C I. Hates, 631 Hamge Hldg. Omnhn. Neb H-C52-19 i. iM'f.A'rr'M mdn in n, induct nnTco In each couiiti seat; no capital but honesty and good common sense; reliable concent Willi imdnunrtcrs In Omaha. Address i v, Hee. Ii-Mti WANTKD. men to le.irn barber trade. c tea'-b tho work In two months, present complete outllt of tools, pay, wages for Saturday from start, glvo lectures on skin dleases, grant diplomas that allow graduates to work In any state and pay transportation to our college ut Chicago St Louis or Minneapolis, Orntid onpor ,.,i,,. r,r iiniillriiiils frnin distance, "at. i logue and particulars mulled free. Mn'cr tinrhrr co cue representative, u:ii i-ur nam st . Omaha. U-M693 20 BARRER; no Sunday work; Iii.if. XP. . omurn. minwn'-. n. .,.,....- ACTIVK man, by established limine wirth J250.i0: duties, hiring help; liberal salary and expenses advanced to right parly Address William .1 I'M. Manager Chestnut St.. Philadelphia. Pil HVJ7J (intll) llro Insurance hustler. U r3, llec 11-MS5S .1) mil) tub man and nlustrrer for rental dept U 4.1, Hee. II Mt j U WASTHIl. inilck. two cood-sUetl voung men with experience and wardrobe to travel with dramatic company. Address M II. Curts, Seward, Neb. It-Main ! TAILORS WANTED. 107 S. 15th t. H-M9I7 19 A No 1 stenographer and typewriter, for railroad olllce; good opening for eupunie well edurated young man. Address. Mat in ft experience, ngo nnd salary expected U M. Hee. ZZ 1 WANTI-JO An experienced grocery travel inir mnn: irood refereilii'S required. Ad dress f 1. 'Uee. H-fi3M AVANTlCn-Thoroughly Oith. IT lit, Hee. experienced cu riiet U I'il is WANTKD. a good carpenter to loratc In Magnet, Neb. Address P. O. Hox MS. wanted everywhere. huMlcr to tack l.,u AiMii-llmtt. circulars, saninlcs. etc no cnnvasslnc: good pay. Sun Advertls lug Hurenu, riilcago. Il-MKIt 19 uni'UliVMHKT POM TIONH UOII t Pre nar for the norttolllco or any other civil xervlrc examination without seeing our lis till I Ml r lororiiiutliiii! bout fro Columbian Correspondence College. Wash inslon. 1) t ! L w iv-1'i.'ii ibo nildresh of n good rellab iiotnrv iiublle before whom to take depositions; enclose stamii for reply. . ilresa HtiltC 13, : La Halle. Chleairo. IS" I .')( 1 MAN OH WOMAN-To employ and super inieuu iiacnin, p..- i-i m,Hiui ,uii .-. penscs; experleneo not required; pcrma limit. Zleuler Co.. 7H9 Motion bldir.. '111 .ago t!r?,-!L1:' YOCNfl man earn Illustrating by corre snondence. free; tuition payable iV) day nfter huh t on s secured paving 51,1 week. Correspondence lustttJte of Amer Ira. Kcriilllon. Pa. 11-M933 19' TIU'STWOUTII Y man to advertise ami appoint agents In Nebraska; $V) nmntlilv and expenscH, besides commission; per maneiit. John Cross. u50 Dearborn. Chl ciuo. H M9 19' WAM'Hll 1'HM I.H lir.l.P. AN INTELLIGENT lady to take a short hand scholarship In best school and pay for It when courso Is completed and posi tion secured. Address L 2.i, Hee. C oTf WANTED, 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. S76. C-ST6 to girls wanted. Canadian olllce, 1522 Douglas C S7 1 WANTED, at once, girl. 2616 Poppleton Ave. C-651-l'.C COOK A good reliable conk wanted; in easy plnce, good wnge.i. Address Grand Hotel, Hartlngton, Neb. C J1SS9 23 GIRL 28th for llrst work, good wages. 616 So. St. C-S92 li AVANTICD Nursit ' girl; short hours: must live at home. Apply 220 Harney St. C 92S 20 AVANTED Cook and laundress. Mrs M. Rogers, fflt S. 370k C-9J7-20 WANTED Girl for general hoisework; good wnges If competent. 1916 Wirt St. C-920-18 I 'oil m;r.T iiouftEx. HOUSES and Hats. Rlngwnlt. Barker blk. D-t.81 FOR RENT, strictly modern Hat In Dav idge building, opposite city hall. JOHN W. ROHH1N8, IWi FARNAM ST. D-C03 ALWAYS moving H. II. Olllce, 151U4 Farnam St. goods. Pianos, Tel. 1G59 or S63, D-8S3 REE HENRY B, PAYNE, 001 N. Y. LIKE, D stfl FIVE unfurnished rooms, N 82.1 st. all modern. 2711 D-Mlll HOUSES for rent In all parts of tho city Hrennan-Love Co., 320 So. 13th St. D-S87 IF yoi want your houses well rented place lliem Willi MGIIIlwIt .'. U S,!l HOUSES, etc. F. D Weud, 1521 Douglas D-i79 6-ROOM flat, city water, 2719 Burdette. D-S69 HOUSES, stores. Rends, Paxton block D-M I.AROl MT..00. modern residence west part town, inquiro i.vj I'liriiiim si. u Mala MODERN 13-rooni house, steam heat. ;"219 Dodge st. Kingwau nros., uarxer iiiccit I .MIS) ins Stanford Clrclo-2602 and 2010 8. 13th st b-room modern eottages, convenient to South Omaha nnd 13th St. cur lines, 120.00 C.'Ull. The Byron Reed Co., 212 8. llth St. D-M714-22 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam. D-M674 FOR RENT, a cozy S-room modern cot tnge. inquire 2152 St Mary's. D-.M793 FOR RENT. kill So. 23d st.. 6 rooms, bath, closet, water, 117.50. IUi just bten papered nnd palpted is an reau"io iiiuvo uiio. OMAHA J.OAN TRUST CO., Kill and Douglas Sts. FOR RENT, 7-room licmxc. modern, til 8 24th ave. tan A. iruynor, piionu or 49L W--M913 TWO modern houses, new, 26th and Hamilton, I". D. Wcad, ICin Ulld, i-i-JlVlt roil iu:vr ut hmhiied room.". TWO furnished rooms; reference. Sl 3. i.m K .MBit is THREE roms, housckcplneg; 1112 S. llth. 13-371 FURNISHED rooms, hent by steam; nlso noiiru. zg iiurmony st., counrii mims. E-M647 19 HOPBEKUEIMNQ. 611 So. 17th Ave. i: 651-10 LAHOK nicely furnished front room; gen- iiemen oniy. uoage. i-.mum 5I-KOANT room, snltiiblo for two men. i h. 3fitn. llOfHKKEKPINn, back parlor and kltch- en; mso ntco irotit sieepinj? room diu N. lDth St. K-DM-M IM It.MMim) ROOMS AM) IIOAHI). aLENCAlItN.tranMotits.ll.Kday. 160 Deli, 85 OOOD board, private family. 109 8o. 25th avenue. F MS53 PTOPIA. 1721 Davenpott St F-SW IN PHIVATB family 2iJ St. Mary's Ave. r yji THE Mcrrlam. cood summer resort, 25th uodge. - i' 33i ELEGANT room, with bonrd. 1909 Capitol li Venue. F M5S2 22' LA HOB front room, llrst-class board. 2f.Sl norney. i -j HOOM for two. 23.1. with or without board. 2ir. N. F-M9.T3 2.1 Fl UNISMBD south back parlor with board, 2015 Douglas F-M9I9 2t KOIt HIJ.NT IMMMtM.SIIBII IttlOMS, ITNFt'HNlHHED rooms; Ing. 1037 Park ave no hojsekeep. (5-412 Sl'ITB of rooms, modern, filS Gee rgl i ivo G-M918 1 run'-vroiii;s ami offices. FOH RENT, storo In flnt-class location; rent reasonable Apply it. u. reiers.v Co . ground floor, Ueo bldg. l, 1 FOR RENT, litre brick store building In Rock Port. Atchison county. Mo. : Una location for general stock of merchan dise; building Is 2lxM) feet, with wore room separate, and Is owned by Masonic lodge, one of the best comer.H In town. Address W. E. Glcrmann. tccrcturv. ACIINTS w.Ti:n. LUCRATIVE and pleasant employment; no expense attached; commission Inrg; no experience required, teachers partic ularly adapted to the work, but nnyoao cnn be successful Address 4M llee Hlllldltllf. J-M701 28 HELIA OLE ngents In every Nebraska town to nell the best eombinaiion lire ana accident policy ever Issued; easy to sell double tho ordinary amount of business; liberal contracts to good men. Address Guardian Life Co., Denver, Colo. J-M7K 29' AGENTS, "Galveston Horrors" sells ut sight, big hook, over w pages, niusiraieu from photographs taken on the spot; complete story of the greatest catas trophe of the century, thrilling detulls by nn eye witness and world famed de scriptive writer as told by the rcscuera and rescued: only 11.50; agents making i.VJ to $JW per week; best terms, credit given, freight paid, outllt free; order to tlav. The Publishers. 315 Deurborn St.. Ch'lcaco, III. J-M9!il 20 W.lM'l!!) 'I'll HEX'!'. SUITE of unfurnished rooms, with board, In prlvote family by couplo with one child. House must be modern and loca tion desirable. K-92.' WANTED, n modern house, seven to nine rooms, in West Farnam or Hnnscom park districts; either furnished or unrurnlslied Address 201 First National Hank building IC-M913 WANTED, two pleasant rooms and board on south or west side of city by married counle: will nav llbernlly for nice place private family preferred. U fu, llee (iillcc. WANTED, two modern furnished rooms light housekeeping, between Farnam nnd Hurt. 20th und 16th; rent about 12. U 49, Hue. K-.M93S 19 STORAGE PACIFIC Storage nnd Warehouse Co.. 012 911 Jo-ies, general storage and forwarding. -892 Om. Van Stor. -'o., 15UH Farn. Tols. UG9,1. 593 WAXTEII TO HV. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, et , In largo and small quaniiues um.agi Furniture Co., 1406-10 Dodge. Tel. 2120. WILL purcnase a limited number of Oinulia Savings bank accounts. uremia n- Lovo Co., 305 So. 13th. N-S 5 2DIIAND bicycles. Oninln Bicycle Co. N-8M WANTED to buy small gentle pony, one that children can drive, inquire A. u. Hraudeis. Boston Store. N MSSi 19 WANTED, mantel folding bed "quick," N-&98 IS must be clienp. i li, nee. FOR Ml.l'.-IIOHSICS, VEHICLES, Vl'l.. NEW and 2d II. vehicles at marked down prices, liarry i-rosi, mn i,ivnnwuri. FOR SALE, new buggle bodies with gear ing for sine at ti.w eacn. A. li. Aipirn. 913 Douglas. P-M401 Oct. 7 FOR SALE, a horse nnd cuggy, cheap. In quire nt ziaj rn. ,iuuy uve. .-.Mini Till s"A TIM fif CI i i,i,AX KiTfJBT HARD and soft foumiutlon piling; nog fences anu criuuiiu,. tvuuiao. o?j CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Mc- i . .1-,-,,.. i- for 1t!lh unit Itn.ta V.OIIIiril -A'l "I. WW., WW.. - - ...... ...rv.p.v, Q-9( R. HASH, Florist, isu vinion ai. ici. i(u. I'lantS, Clll UOIKCI.-. I'UHIICIO,, HUH, ll'BI" dence, wedding and grace decorations. Orders by mull or expresse promptly filled. 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1116 Farnam. v SAFES; buy, sell, ex'ge. Schwartz, 111 S. 13 Q-903 M. & W. tires, 12.75. Omaha Bicycle Co. Q-901 MANSON bicycles, $26. Omalm Bicycle Co. W W' "DHAND wheels, to to $10; new wheels $15. ...... fllnvnln I'n lKlli X- Chtrnrn Ula Q 906 SECOND-HAND Callgruph (new) for sale. Villi Ut OIIICO viciiv utnuiii vuuil. FOR SALE. corncobs. Monroe & Co.. tH ff. ltitll SI. Q-M1W FINE horse nnd rubber-tired buggy, very cheap. H. E. Fredrlckson, 1122 Dodge St. . (J 131 OS FOR SALE Two pool and bllllcrd tables, cheap. 164 Broadway, Council Bluffs. SECONDHAND bicycles from $1.00 up Nob. Cycle Co., Cor. 15th and Harney. Q'.Mlw'l s-J FOR SALE, payable after received, three months' trial free: $11.2o for a high grade 5-drawer, drop head cabinet sewing ma ,, w tinivi i.i..i.. Clllllt-i l.iJ lOI II It'hUO.i sw-iV WHJi.ii'i $98.50 for a $300.00 piano; $29.75 for n $75.00 parlor organ; $15.60 for u D-plece over stuffed velour $io.t pnrlor suite All new bleb Kradi! standard unods. For full par ticulars state articles Interested In und we will mull you a special catalogue, ti.,t,d lnil,il,.b I-,-, nUinirn J Q-M05S 013 NEED Money Ing upright. $185 will buy tine Chlcker Address, I! 8, Bee. Q-267-0-1 FOR SALE 2 Hoos r w re-n cket corn crib machines, good working order; bargain. J. w. llart, Slromsuurg, Net). Q-M9t9 25 iis(t:li,a.m:oi;s. NOTICE, country dealers, ,2dliand furniture and stoves nt lowest prices, carlond lots or less, cuicago Furniture Co., nw-io uouge. 4V W( (.LllltVOVAYrS. MME.OYLMER genuine palmist. 1006 Dodge. S 115 MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 819 North 16th S-9J9- BLUCTIUC TIUJATMEVr. ELITE parlors. 613 S. 16th. second floor. T-373 OS M.ME. AMES. ISIS Howard, room 1, 2d floor; Mao Edgar, assistant. T MWJI 20 M.MIJ. 13th, LEE. room magnetic treatment. M7 S. T- M3l PEHSOXAI.S. DR. ROV. chiropodist; corns removed. 26c and upward. Room 12, Frcnzer block. J V-M nOU'I"8 Express & Messenger Co. MONHE1T, Chiropodist. 151S ram. Tel. 1717. F-917 Tel. 2533. L'-909 VIAVI, woman's way to health. 310 Hee b:dB u-uis TURKISH baths, massago bat-is, electric baths, for ladttH only; skllleii women massage operators: llnc-it equipped bllis In tho city. Reiistrom Hath Uompmy. Rooms 216 to 220, Hee Uldb'. U-910 RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pnln, no danger; send for circulars. Emp re Rup ture Cure, 932 N. Y. Life .bldg., Omaha. U-914 PRIVATE hospital for Indies be'ore dur ing confinement; babies adopted. 1136 N. 17. U-911 pr.EATING ami I p1enTc"irsklrtsof loT kinds. M. Goldman & Co., 20u Douglas block. I '313 PLEATING, buttoim to order; p'nklri: while you wnlt. Omaha Pleating Co., 1B2 Douglas. , U-OW JOHN RUDD, optician. 113 s7 PRIVATE home before and during conl'n" ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Uurgrt. 22.) Hlirdette. U 916 LADIES' hair shaniproed, dresi-ed, 33c. Hair toilet goods. Monhelt, 151S Fnrnam. Tel 53.U U-W LADIES' Jnckcts nnd tailor made suits nl tered, cleaned, repaired M. Fouel. ;tu7 S. 17. U-34t-0-4 LA PETITE Fronch oval photos 60c jvr doxeii during September only. Proctor, 616 S. 16th. U-M333 Oct. 4 PLACE your order now for seal sncque-.. fur scarfs nnd collarettes of nil descrip tions: furs repaired and ulteied. Auln. baugh, Son & Co., 606 Knrback blk U-M337 OS WANTED TpO secondhand ladles' bicycles Nebraska Cycle Co., Cor. 15th Harney. U-MT22-22 FOR SALE, elegant full dress suit lit one fourth Its value Look 1617 U-S9I JIO.M1Y TO I.OAX III ISM'ATMi LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms nt R per cent. Borrowers can pay lino or any multiple. Any Intere-.t dato. No delay. Hrcnnnn-Lovo Co.. 309 South 13th St., Omaha, Neb. W 9.M MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real estate. Hrennun-Lovi! Co., 309 So. 13th. W-9JS ll.OilO nnd upward ) lonn on Improved city property nnd fnrns. W. Farnum Smith iS: Co., 13.D Farnum. W-09 WANTED, city loans, bonds nnd warrants. George & Company, 1601 Fnrnam St. W-931 MONEY In any amount at .1, G'i, 6 per cent. J. W. ROUUINS & CO., 1502 FARNAM ST. W-930 MONEY to loan on fnrm nnd city property; lowest retcs. O. F. Davis Co., 1503 FarnHrn. W-932 MONEY to loan nt 5 and 64 per cent on Omaha property. y. B. Melkle, 41 S. 13th. W-927 PRIVATE money, 5, 6U, r, per cent; no (lay. Garvin Bros., 1613 W-920 WANTED, city and form loans; also bonds .and warrants. It. C. Peters & Co., l"2 Farnam St.. Bee Bldg. W-91 PRIVATE money. F. D.Wcnd, 1521 DoukI.'S W 922 FIVE per cent money. Hemi- 1'a.vion block. V 923 MONEY to lonn on first-class Improved city property or for building purposes. Payne Knox Co.. New York Life. W-925 MOXEV TO I.OAX CHATTELS. MONEY LOANED MONEY PEOPLE. SALARIED No endorsor or mortgage required. LOWEST RATES, EASY PAYMENTS nnd STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA CREDIT CO., Room 626, fifth lloor, New York Life Bldg. X-933 -M-O-N-E-Y--D-O-Y-O-U-N-E-E-D-l-T-We niHko loans from 110 00 up on furniture pianos, horses, cows, etc.; you keep the property : or we will make you a SALARY LOAN rn your own note, without Indorser or mortgage; wo cnarge ausoiutuly notti Ing for making papers and we keep noth ing out oi inn amount you porrow; you may p.iy the money bonk In one mouth or tnko more time In which to pay It. and you are expected to pay for It onlv what tlmo you use It; our rates are low and our terms nre the enslest: our business Is ns con'ldentlnl as is posslblo nnd our treat ment Is always courteous. Omaha Mort gage Loan Co., SCO So. 16th St. Estab lished 1892. X-934 LOANS. SALARIED PEOPLE. TO ARE YOU ONE OF THE CROWD WHO ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE of our NEW nart al payment plan . Let us QUIETLY explain same to you. Wo loan employes on tneir notes. io noriRugc; no indorser; no publicity. Slmiily n CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS DEAL. We loan THOUSANDS In this way, SO DON'T HESITATE ABOUT CALLING. Wo ure hustlers and want more business. H. tt. UAU'LOYEH RECEIVE PROMPT SERVICE TO SUIT Titian TIME AND CONVENIENCE. These nro tlmos or neavy competition and to remain lenders we must glvo moro for your money lllilll Ulll.'" I.VlItU IlKLIAISLK CREDIT CO,, Room 303, Third Floor, Paxton Blk. X-033 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew- lory, horses, cows otc. C. F. Reed, 319 S. 13. X-936 SALARY LOANS. CIIATTLE LOANS. J. W. TAYLOE, 218 First Nat. Bank Bldg. X-937 MONEY lonned snlnrled people holding per- iimntiiii iMiniuou wiiu respoosioie concern upon their own nnmes without security; ensy payments. Tolmnn, 706 N. Y. L. Bldg X-9S9 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, jewelry, uurrureen, R.s, Darker Blk X-938 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, dia monds, watcnes, privately. Berger h Loan co., imii i-arnani ai., upsmirs. jv am MONEY loaned on furniture, diamonds watches; payments confidential. Omaha Chattlo Loan Rank, 220 B. 15th, upstairs, X911 PRIVATE LOANS TO SALARIED PEO PLE. momentnrlly embarrassed who desire above everyming eise 10 AVOID PUBLICITY cnn bo accommodated at our olllce with less expense, tlmo and trouble than any piace in wie cuy. AMERICAN LOAN CO, Room 601, Bee Building. X-9IJ IH'SIXKSS CHAXCES. FOR RENT, owlmr to ndvnnclmr venr Mr B. Haas, the florist fit isin Vinton street, hns decided to rent out his hot house at above location, occupying 7,0 0 to U.ftW square feet, under glass, with about 200 windows, nnd the residence nnd store fronting tho street, on the motor lino o South Omaha. Excellent locution for the business. Y mi $153 cash or easy payments buys 25 strictly lawrui 1 1110 k. i ) slot mucnines for drliiits cigars or cash; will ram $2 und upward weekly each. Earl. Clark & Co . Furnl turo Manufacturers, Chicago, III V-M7 MAN nnd wife without chllJren wuut management of a first-class $2 house or would Ieuse for two years, 20 years ex, rerlencn In hotel business references Addrcs-, U 40, Bco. V-M9.0 2'j' Ill SIM1SS I II M r. FOR SALE, a 12.v stock of drugs In S E. Neb.. 11,600 takes It; this ts it snap; will trade for small Improved farm Addrcs f tS, Omuha Bee Y-M2I A LADY or gentleman wanted to Investi gate n mining proposition presented by rellubln nortv: bank references; security given. E. C. Atwood. I'd Tabor ."pent House block, Denver Y-MDH V FOR SALE, a well-paying steam laundry In county seat: largo territory; excellent chance for right man; sickness cause for si lling. Address U W, Hee Olllce. Y-.M950 S FOR SALE, a most excellent Implement busluvss In a town of I.oki, practically oil new stock; good reasons for selling. Ad dress V lrt. Hee. Y-M9I2 19 roil 2A.I II MJI5. lfy) ACRES clear Improved land In Re'l Willow Co . Neb., to c.vchnngo for pnp erty In vicinity of Hiutsrom park. nn pay dirtererico In cash. J 11. Hlan. hni-d, 1112 So. 29th St. Z-Mul 22 $9,'iiJ stock new genei:.l drv goods; will ex change for doslrnble property lit the south or west; owner would require nb'itit 12.SD0 cash to pay up obligations, but would take nil property fur balance. Ad dress L. J. Wilde, trustee, 713 Wabasha st.. St. Paul, Minn. '.-MW1 21"0, J9.OI0, J17.r and 30.n' stocks gen i'hI merchandise for sale or trade. "Wilde," 713 Wabasha st., St. Paul. Minn ,-M92 21 50.000 worth of geiierat merchandise for sale or trade In chunks to suit. "Wilde, 713 Wabasha st . St. Paul, Ml""- , for iin.tii r.viA'ri:. HOUSES, farms. R. C. Patterson. 305 N. .L RE-P4-. HOUSES lots, farms. Iand, lunns; nNo Pro Insurance. Hetuls. Paxton blk. H13-9N READ THIS; one of the best homes In Hun scorn Place; 9 rooms, large lot, good barn ll,li. lintno- iiiirlV llllV.tiL' CltV! ni'.C". J7.500.0O. M. J. Brown block. Ivonnnru nun, loom RE-91i SEE HENRY H. PAYNE, 001 N. Y. LIFE. RE-90 PAYNE-KNOX CO.. 1 1 HADtjU A RTERS for REAL ESTATE HAR.IAINS: l.'-w i.'ot iM'rnu r,., I.OAM!: SOUND 'N SURANCK; IIOI SIIS. Fl .ATS, STORKS, for RENT. First lloor, N. l . Lire iiiag. 1 J.' GOOD rentnl iirnnertv fur larm. Monroe & Co. Feed und Fuel, Ml .N 16th st. , Z-M622 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the Union Paclllc Railroad coiupany. n a MeAllnster. land conimlsxlnner, L nion Paclflc Headquarters, Omnna, Nu'j99 HA RG A I NS HARRISON, N. Y. LIFE RE HSOet. CHA'. E. WILLIAMSON, 1213 Farnnm St. Ill; -m. si SP.VI.'V rluilce lots on Mth and Pratt st Omahn. for srIu or trade for Intlirj'VJ'd city property or good fnrm land: hivo other Income property and some cash to match nny deal. For particulars write S. Hanson. 1015 Boone e... Boone. In. C. F. HAPRISON. FARMS. N. Y. LIFE RE-B6I Oi 4113 Davenport. 7-room house and barn; fenced, trees, shrubbery: great bargain, 11,000. Inquire 130S Fflrna,",,KMS;w 2a. MY neut I'ttlc home near llanscom i ark. Have moved to Denver. Must se !: $l,i..0. SSOO loti'r. time. .0 per rent. J ail '" " agent, 6t9 Bee, Bldg. RI--923-19 LARGE 7-room, 2-story Wise: good i, nr., s i.iree lilts, near paved St.. school, etc., l,2M. C. F. HARRISON N. V. LIFE. RE-919-27 SNAP BARGAINS. ..WE HAVE CHEAPEST LOT N THE '-' I V..V. u-riii.-i.-r niKTIUCT. THE THE FAR- NON- RESIDENT OWNER IS HERE TO SELL V u' re UN THE NEXT 4S HOURS AND HIS PRICE WILL DO IT BETTER SEE US V.'l ,ONCE. J. W. BOBBINS K CO., 1VI2 FARNAM. RE-M9I8 20 3SI ACRES. 10) in res III crop, some Umber, some rough land, ho ise. well, barn, all fenced, 2 miles north of Ponca, Nebraska. Price, 160 acres of land. SO miles west of Sioux Cltv. all under cultivation, full set of or dinary buildings, windmill, 6 miles from railroad. Price. $2,000; $70ii cash. 2 600 ncres of land. 123 miles from Sioux City, with excellent t-trratn of living waicr, some line has- land: will make a very profitable stock ranch. A bargain nt JS.750 I II LAND P. LOCKWOOD. Bloux Cltv. la. RE-M9J5 21 MEDICAL, LADIES out of henlth :lnd prompt relief Box 232. Omnha, Neb. Conlldentlal. 9. u LADIES troubled with Irregularities, whites, sterility, painful or suppressed menstruations find prompt relief and cure; quiet home before and during confine ment. Call or wrlto with stamps to Dr. Pries. 1513 Dodge St.. Omaha, Neb. U-MC69 013 DR. LE DUE'S Female Regulator, posi tively warranted to cure me mosi siun born cases of monthly stoppages. Irregu larities, obstructions and suppressions brought on from whntevcr cause; $2 a package or 3 for $5; sent anywhere pre paid on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co . Elgin. HI- Ainerlcnn Oflice, retail, wholesale. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha: M. A. Dillon, South Omaha; Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full line of rubber goods. OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 515 N. Y. Llfo Bldg.; Tel. lii'.l; Alice jonnson. u. ij., mines dept.; Old E. Johnson, Ostcopathlut, Mgr. -s:u M. E. DONOHUE. D. O , of Still school. Klrkvlilo, Mo. U04 t'axion ihk. tci. imi. -057 N. F. MrMURRAY, R. S. D.. D. O., Mrs. J. R. Musick. O. o.. grHiiuiues A. . u., K rksvllle, Mo., suite wn-ss ueo bldg. .'IT I 05 A. T. HUNT. D. O. 305 Kurbaeh. Tel. 2352. 6S6-Oct. 9. LOST. LOST or stolen, Sept. 1, 1900. largo Irish spaniel bitch. Return to 2010 spruce St.; $10 reward. Lost-MMl 20' LOST, between Webster street depot an. I 1721 uavenport, llger eye cnurtn. i-in:nr leave ut Utopia hotel and recelvo reward. Lout ,01 IS' LOST-Go'd spectacles between 22nd and Davenport and Bellstedfs concert. Re ward If returned to 301 N. 22nd St. Lost-93l-is SIIORTIIAXI) AMI TYPEWRITING. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Lite. -931 BOYLES' College, court reporter prlnclpnl. Beo Bldg. ' -952 NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand Col lego. Boyd's Theater. 953 GREGO Shorthand taught nt tho Omaha Commercial College, 16th and Douglus Sts DA.NCl.MJ. CALL on Mornnd, Crelghton hall, for society nnd stngo dancing, wnltz and 2-sten. 15. Large hall to rent for con ventlons, meetings, balls und club socials. UIB-Hept. 21 CHAMBERS' school of dancing, 17th nnd Douglas. Classes nnd clubs now form lug ut academs. Open dully, 9 a. in. to 5 p. m. Phone, 1111. Unit and music- furnished purtles. circulars. M598 O10 Ml SIC L. PROF P. BRAUN. teacher of plnno and orirnn: studio 550 Ramge blk: nncn 1 to i p. m ; terms moderate; thorough, artistic work guaranteed. .MSUOitli' IIEl.ti I AX HARES., THE Los Angeles Belgian Hare Co. is head quarters for thoroughbred stock for breed Ing purnouts, 2627 N. IVth St.. Ouuihi M9:2 WMi:i)-TO BORROW. WANT one-enr. 10 ier cent, elear 160 good security Address owner, U 51. Hee - -It.' I 19 Fl IIMTUli; AM) IMAM) MOVIM1. JACOB BCHWARZ. 1510 Webster. Tel. 2016 -MI0S I0 .u'IMYi.iim:. MONARCH Generators nre best. Carbide I4.5 per ton lbs Agents wanted. M. A. G Co., pi.'2 Douglas St 677- -l.1 nUI'.S.V.MAKINO. IN families. Miss Sturdy, 31S S. 26th st. ITS) Sept. 31" G. M DONALD, 1612 Capitol avenue. -M667 Ol.1 STAMMERING AM) STI'TTnitlMI. CURED. Julia Vaughan, 430 Rnmgo Bldg. -961 MIRROR I ACTOR V. Damaged looking glasses resllvercd. 70' N- 16 926 ACCOHDIOX PLF.ATIVO. . ... ACCORDION nnd side pleating, cheapest best, quickest. Mrs A. C. Mark, 9 Pat terson Blk., 17th and Farnam. Midi Oi TICKET BROKER. CUT rnte tickets every where. P. H. bin. l.Wi Furnnm. Telephono 7SI. Phil- -967 LAXtlt AtillS. CIIATELAIN School of Languages, Boyd s theater, will reopen Monday, September 10. 425 OS HOTELS, HENDERSON, 11.00 per day house; board. 13.50 to 5 week. 9th nnd Furnnm. tel. 3216. -M26I Ol ! WMIIIOKnitS EAGLE Loan Olllce, reliable, accommodat ing; all busness conlldentlal. 1301 Douglas. -963 LOANS, II. MarowlU; low rates. 41S N. 16. 010 LAI Mlltr. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. 7e; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1730 Leavenworth. Tel. 517. -663 VI'OVE REPAIRIMi. STOVE, furnace, range repairs; water con nections. Oin. Stovo Rep. Wks., 1207 Doug. Tel. W). IIIDS WAXTEIL WANTED, bids for cutting up 100 tons old n-rnp locomotive hollers A. B. A'plrn. 913 Douglas -AIIOO ICE FOH SI.E. ICE for sale In car lots. Council Bluffs. Gilbert Bros , -M510 rrRXITtllE RIR'AIUIVCi. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming SI. -9 M WiXKTIC IIKAI.1XG. GREAT Western Institute. 1623 Douglas St., chronic dls-euses drugs, Hiirg-r. -a:s (Altl'IIN THUS AM) JOBBERS. ALL kinds of enrpenter w irk nnd repilrbiK promptly attended to. J. T. Ochlltroc. J'tti and Lake Sts. 370 U.XtJ I Ml'', BOILERS, KTC. L. C. Shurp Much Wks.; motors, dynatnoii. m -913 HUH I Tl AM) OR ATOR . ELLA DAY. 201 Riimge bldg: reading, elo cution, oratory, Thursday light school. M7S-0-tl5 Xlt K EL PLATlXli. STOVES, lamps and chandeliers replnted. Om. Plating Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2535. 9'JO BIRDS AXI) TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1003 Leavenworth. 959 POSTOPFICH XOTICK (Snould be lend DAILY by nil Interested us changes may occur at any time 1 Foreign malls for the wek endl'.g Sep tember 22. 1900, will cloye (PROMPTLY In all casf-o at the (iciieral Post Office ,is follows: PARCELS POST MAILS do o one hour earlier than cb.slng time shown below. Par. oih Post Malls fur Germany close ut 5 p. m. Monday and Wednesday. Triilis-Alliiollc .Molls. WEDNESDAY At 7 0. m. (supplementary 9 u. in ) for EUROPE, per s. s New Vork, via Southampton; nt 9 11. m. (supplemen tary I:3o 11 m.) for EUItoPE, per s Germanic, via (jueeiislown, at lo:.ln a m for BELGIUM direct, per h s KHtisli'ir- ton (mall must be ulrc-cteil "per s. n. Kensington"). THURSDAY At 6:20 a 111, for EUROPE, per s. s. I-uerst Hlsmnrck, la Plytnoir. h nnd Hamburg (tnul1 for Frnnce, Swlls- r land, Italy, Spain, Portugal. Tut ley, Egypt, British Indln and Lourenzo Mar quez, via Cherbourg, must be d'rec . d "per s. s. Fuerst Bismarck"); at 6.30 a in. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND, ITALY. "''..:'. 't'ij'Ai ' ' null inn i.m'ia anu i.ui iii;.,ii aiaii QUEZ. per s s. L11 Lorraine, via Hnvro (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s. s La Lorraine' 1 SATURDAY At K n. m. for NETHER LANDS, per s. s Hi.iteniiiim (niHll mutt be directed "per ... H. Statenilfim") ; ut 10 II. in for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. As torln (mall must bo dlr?cted "per s. s As toria"); at 10:30 a. m. (supplementary 12 III. ) for EUROPE, per s. . I uuinl.i. via Queemtown; at 1 p. m. for ITALY, per s. s. Kaiser Willlum II, via Naples (mall must be directed "per s. .i. Kaiser Wil liam II"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thi steamer takes Printed Matter, commercial Pipts; and Samples for Germany only. The same class of mall matter for other parts of Europo will not be rent by this rhlp unless specially directed by her. After the closing of the Suppl. monl iry Trans-Atlantle Malls named nbovo addl tlonal supplementary mails nro opened cn the piers of the Amerb an. Engii h. French and German sto.unc;. acd lemalo open until within Ten Minutes of tho hour of sailing ef steamer Mulls for S011H1 mill Centra! America, West liidlcH. Etc. WEDNESDAY -At 10:,io n m for HA ITT. per s. s. Prlns William III tmuil for (,'ura cao. Vcncsueld, Trinidad, British anl Dutch Guiana must be directed "per s s. Prlns William III"); at 1 p. in. for MEX ICO, per s. s., via Tempi-o (mall must be directed "per s. s. Mutnn zns"). THUHSDA Y At 10 a. in for BRA.IL direct and LA PLATA COUNTRIES, per s. s Coleridge (mall for North If i'.H must be directed "nr s. s Colerldg. ' 1. i t 1 p m for SANTIAGO, CUBA. p. r k s Clonfuegos: at 1 p. m. for YUCATAN CAMPECHE. TABASCO nnf CHIAPAS, per s. s. Segurunco, via Unveiia and Pp. greso (mall for other parts of Mexb nn 1 for Cuba must no uireci'-u --jicr s w Heg. uriincu"i: nt 1 1). in. for YUCATAN i, r 1 h. s. Prima, via Progros-i imnll must be directed "per s. s. Prima"); at 9 p m for Jamaica, per s. s. Aumir.u scniev, Hum Ronton. SATURDAY At 1 n m. for NEWFOUND. LAND, per s. h Slbeil.m from I'hlliid-'-pllla: al in a. m (supplementary pi .To .1 m I for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, 8A VANILLA and CARTI1 AGENA per s. s A thus 1 mull for Crista Rica musl of directed "p-r s. s. Atlmx"). at lo a oi (supplementary 10:30 11. rn 1 for 1NGU. ami HAITI, per s s Adirondack, at )n 1 in. (supplementary 10:30 a m 1 for PORTO RICO. CURACOA and VENEZUELA. : s s Philadelphia (mail f-r feevnnllla u--l Carth.ig' na must bo directed "per s Philadelphia" ; at II a in lor CUBA, per s. s. Mexico, via Huvar a: at 1 p in f r MATAN.AS ( 'Al BARIEN .MTlVTts GIBARA. BARACOA nnd PUERTO PADRE, per s s CuJItvba (ordlearv mali only, whli li must be dm etc "per . Curltyba". Malls for Newfoundland Sydne.v an 1 thence bv this olllce dally ut S o iy ran to North n anu r cu s it p, nt. r 'nnc tins imik rorriri: xoiit 12. close here every Mombu . ednedy and Snttlrdm 1 Mails for Mlqiie'oii. by rail t.. Rnstoii and thence bv Jtenmer, cloe nt this, olllce d.illv nt m Malls f"i Cuba, by tall to Port Tainpi, Flu 'i'i thence bv steamer, cIo-o .it this otue'' dully ec-pt Mondavi at n. m tth" cotiuectlnp 1 loses nre nn Sunday, Wciln. -day and t'rkliyi. Malls r r Mexico CI ' overland, unless specially iuldrese 1 for dispatch bv steamer. eloe at this olllce dally at 2.30 . m. nnd 2 So i m. Mitlli for Cost i Rlrn bv rail to Mobile, and for Hellre. Puerto Corten and tluateuin'a, by rail to New Orleans, snd thence bv steam. r. cloiie nt this office dully nt "3 P m. iconnecllng closes here luo-.dms for Costa Illea and Mondays for Itellte. Puerto Cortex and Guatemala!. "Peuls. tercd mall close at 6 p. in previous day. Trims. I'l.cllle Molts. Mnlls for Austrnllu texcept West Austt i'l.i. whl. li goes via Europe, nnd New Zealand, whl. h goes via San Fri.i.elscoi, and Mil Island. ln Vancouver, close here dnlly nt 6 31 p in up to September "15th, in clusive, for dispatch per s. s. Warrlmoo (supplementary malls, via Seattle, elm nt 6 :lo p. m. September "lfith). MM f'r Hawaii, ilapnn, Chin i and Phlllpb'ntf Islands, via San Francisco, close lyre dally nt 6-30 p. m. up to September 'I7tn. Inclusive, for dispatch per s s. Nippon Mnru Malls for Hawaii, china. Japan nnd Philippine Islands, Mu Sm Frau.." close here tlsllv at :S0 p. in. up to Sep tember 27th, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s Rio de Janclto Mniis for Australia (except West, New Zealand. Hawaii, FIJI and Islands, via San Francisco, cloe here dnilv at 0:30 p li. after September 16lh vd up to Sepiem ber 2!ith. Inclusive, or on day of urilvil of s s Catnpaiiln, duo at New ork Sep tember 29lh, for dlipatrh per st s All meda. Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver. cloe here .'.ally at 6:30 p. m up to October "2d liiclule. for db-pntch per s s Empress of India (registered mall must be directed "via Vancouver ') Malls for Haw ill, via S in l'ram l-co, close here dallv at 6.30 p. m up to Octo ber "I2ih. Inclusive, for illspatch per s. s. Aiislrnlln. Trans-Puelllc malls nre forwarded to port nf nllliiir lull.- onil I be Hcbi diilc of clos ing 1 4 arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overinnu irnns-i Ri'clstercd mull ot ' p in prev ious day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. . Postmaster Pntnlllce, New York. N. Y., September II li LEG L XOTICE. Notice to contractors Scaled proposals will be received at the olllce or i he undersigned until twelve o'clock noun on the 17th day of October, I Pan. for tin- construction of Hie Carnegie library building In the city of Lincoln Nebraska. Plans, spcclllcntlous and con ditions nmy be found at the olllce of the Librarian of the City Library III Lincoln, nnd nt the olllce of Messrs. Flshr & l.awrlc. architects, in the P.ixtou building. Omaha. Nebraska. The hoard reserves the right to reject any nnd all bids. By order of tin- Library Hoard of the City Library of Lincoln, Nebraska. S. L. GELST1IARDT. of Committee on Plans. 1 IS Burr B'ock, Lincoln, No braska. H-16-1S-20-22-M tiorm.AS coi'N'i'v fair. The count v fair will be held with the Ak-Sai-Hcn cernlval In Omuha on S'idcm- ber 21 to 29. Persons desiring to exnioii live stock, poultry or In any departm-nt of the fair should seciite nitty blank nt once from G. W. Heivey, bicretary, 1112 Farnam street The live stock will be exhibited on the grounds of the Omaha Driving park. HI5-M&-B7C RAILWAY TIM I J TABLES. FREMONT ELK1IORN & Missouri Valley Railroad - "The Northwestern Line" General Oltlrci United Stntes National Hank Bldg., S. W. Cor. Twelfth nnd Fnrnam Sts. Ticket Olllce, 1101 Farnam St. Telephone, Ml Depot, lritn nna wciwicr sis. icn nliotle. 146S. Leave. Arrive. IdncW Kills nemlwond Hot Hprlngs n 3:00 pn n 5:00 pm Wyoming, Caspar and Douglas il 3:00 pin e G:tt) lira Huntings. York, David City, Superior, Geneve, Exeter und Seward. ...b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk, Verdlgro nnd Fremont b 7:30 am b10:2.i am Lincoln. Wahoo und Fremont b 7:30 nm bl0;25 am Fremont Locui c 7:30 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, e Sun dn only d Dally except Saturday, o Dully except Monduy. IIR'AOO. ST. PAUL Mliiiie.tpolls & Omaha Railway "Tho North western Line" Ofllccs. Nebraska Divi sion, 15th and Webster Sts. City Ticket Office, Farnam St Telephone, Ml. Uepot, Sts. and Webster Leave. Arrive. Twin City Pnssenfier .a 6 00 am n 9:10 pm Omaha Pasesnger. all -.10 am Sioux city & North east Nebrasku .. . .11 3:50 nm Oakland Local b 6:15 pro b 8;15 am Dally excep. Sunday CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "The Northwestern Line" Ctty Ticket Olllce. 1101 Farnam Street. Tele 1 hone, 561. Depot, Tenth and Mason Sts. Tele- phone, C29. Leave. Arrive. Davlluht Chungo Spe, elal a 7:00 am all:S0 pm Chicago Passenger a 1:15 pin a 8:10 uin Eastern Exurcs Des Molni-s. Marsnalltowu, Ccdnr Rapids and (Jhl- cago ul0:55 11m a 4:05 pm Eastern Limited, Chi cago und East a 1:55 pm u 4:05 pm Fnst Mall, Chicago to Omaha n 2:45 pin Omiih'i-Chlcaso Speclul.n 7:45 pm a 8 00 pm Fust Mall u 8.30 urn a Dallv SIOI X CITY fir PACIFIC 1 Railroad 'Tho North western Line" Genernl ' Olllces. United States Nutlonnl Bank Building. S. W. Corner Twelfth and Fnrnam Sts. Ticket Office. 1101 Farnnm St Telephone. 661 Ho put. Tenth and Mnson sts. Telephone, C2J. Leavo. Arrive .n 6:66 am n!0:60 pm .a 7:35 pm a :15 am ,u S:00 nm u 4;2v pm t Twin City Express Twin 1 uy Limited Sioux ity Locu u Dally. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rallioad. City Ticket OL tlce, Hu2 Fui-nam sireet. Telephone, 215. Depot Tenth and Mason btrcets Leave. ....nlHlO nm ....11 7:45 pm Arrive n 4:05 pm a 8:15 nm Chlcngo Express . Ch.cngo Limited Minneapolis and Paul Express ... Minneapolis and Paul Limited HI. ....! St. ;00 am b 9:10 pm a S:15 nm .u 7:4j pm Fort 1 )niliie Locnl from council limns n i:m pm am n Dally b Dallv except Sunday. CHICAGO, ROCK ISL nnd & Pacific "-Ulroad "The Great Rock I'd- I and Route " City rick- . ct Olllce, 1323 Farnum 1 Street. Telephone. 12.1 Depot. Tenth i Mnson Streets T elephono CD. Leave Arrive Den Mulucs nnd Daven purl Local ui 25 am bll..'!5nm Chlcugo Express ..tdl lunin a S:K) am Chlcugu Fast Express. .11 6:00 pm a 1:25 pm Lincoln nnd F.ilrhury..a !:3J am a 7:00 ;m Lincoln. Colorado Spgs., Denver, Pueblo- and West a 1:50 pm a 1:15 pm Doe Moines. Rock Isl and mid Chlcngo a 7:15 pm 11 6 50 pre. Colorndo & Texas Flyer a 6:5a pin a 9.15 um a Dnlly. b Daily except Sunday. BURLINTrON & Mis souri River Hnllroad "The Burlington Homo General Ofllccs, N. W. Corner Tenth und Fnrnam Sts Ticket Olllce, 1502 Fnrnam street. Telephone, 1 25. Burlington station, 1 Streets Telephone, V.i. Junlli unu .Mason Leave Arrive. Llr.coh. Hastings and M crook a 8:40 um a 7:3o pm I lino in Denver. Colo rado, Utah California a 4:25 pm I 'ncoln & Black Hills a 9:30 pm Montana. Paget Sound. . u 9:30 pm Lincoln Fast Mall . . . .u 3:Csj pm Dei.ver. Colorado. Utah & cnllfornla .. 1. Dally a 3:00 pm u 3.W pm u 6 15 um ul0:35 am a 6:(5 am KANSAS CITY. St. JO sepb & Council Blurts Rnllro..d-"Tho Burling ton Route ''J Ickct Office, 15o2 Farnum street, Tole. phone 250. Dep-Jt, Tenth and Mnson fctrce-ts. Tele phone. 12S. Leave Al'ive Kansas City Day Ex a s.50 nm a 6 le pm Kan.-titi city Night lit al" 15 pm um St L uU Flyer fcr St Jo-it-pli and St Louis a 1,55 pm all 13 am u Dully, 1401 15th u Daily b ilk 1 KfirmTpfli mmm NEWS PLANT NOT CRIPPLED (inlv esloii'. I cndliiu .tniiriinl MnUes Its tppeuriinee the Sunie ns I sunt. A copv of the flrt-l edition of the (lalvcton News published slme the storm was re- rlved in Omnha yestenUy, addressed to Mnjor B K. West, late chief roiuinlsfary o the Department of the Missouri. It was tent by his brother, Dr West, who was re- lorted as having lost his life In (he flood which swept over the city. Tim paper Is Idled with storm news, bdt shows little or no sign that the plant was sctiotitly dnmnged by the storm. The news Is arranged by days, showing the work of relief and repair as it is progressing. One page contains the names of the dead re ported Wednesday evening and preceding days. An announcement of the health officer of the city Instructs all druggists to furnish supplies of medicines to all vino apply nnd charge the hills lo the city. An advertise ment by the street rotnmlsloner calls for 600 men to work In the wrecked parls of town removing debris. In n column editorial the paper an nounces that, bneked by the railroads and lorn! nnd outside capitalists, the citizen of the town will Immediately begin the work of rebuilding the city. The editor ndvlses nil persons to keep uway from Gal veston unless they come to work; that friends nnd relatives of Injured persons tuny rest nssured that I hoy nro receiving the best euro possible und that every out sider who lslts the town Increases tho trouble and expense of taring for those ulready there The nnnouiiceinent of tho provost mar shal who took charge of the city uiid-r martial law Is given, culling upon the peo pie to assist htm in maintaining order ami In the suppression of lootltit;. The killing of five negroes for robbing tho dend I given three lines In the paper, which Is otherwise filled Willi stories of tho storm In various parts of town. No advertise ments appear except those of the city. On the margin of the pnper Dr. West writes that he, his family nnd his houso escaped without Injury. IRONS CLING TO JAMES DAVIS Feller Hold Dcspeiiile Primmer So TIkIiII.' Ihnl No le Cnn Turn 1 1 1 in Loose. Chief Donahue received n letter from John DcLong, special agent or tho Missouri Pacific, yesterday from Atchison, saying that owing to an accident to the leg Irous used In conllnlug James Davis, tho alleged tialn robber, while lu transit tu tho Kan sas town, the metal rings had to he sawnl olf and are now useless. In trying to un lock them tho key broke In the lock anil Dnvls had to be t..l;en to a blacksmith shop bofoio ho could be separated from the Jew- dry. Kaunas ts now Indebted to tho city of Omnha to tho extent of one pair of leg lrolir; value, (12. Davis, who Is .luirged with two Missouri Pacific train robberies, was very much averso to going back to the Sunflower state. On the eve of his departure he told ChUf Doiiahuo he had rather die than go For this reason, nnd ns there wus cause to believe Ihut Uu vis was desperate nnd would Improvo his first opportunity to es cape, Special Agent DeLong und Sheriff Klpp had both his wrists nnd ankles con fined In Irons. Ho was then placed In an expiess car instead of a passenger coach, us the olhriirs feared Hint In tho event of n struggle the lives of tho passengers would be cnduiiKcred. good layer'foimall pay Lund Olllce Jlnkcs l,iire D.'inniidN of ( lllldlilole nnd Requires (lull lie W.ti-U Chen p. The VHed States wants a copyist who will be qualified for assistant attorney of the gent-ral land olllce and has sent to the local secretary of the civil service a notlro to that effect, giving tho qunllflcntlons necessary for one lining the poslllni). In tho first place, ho must be u lawyer having five years' nctlvo practlco lu the highest courts of tho state nf which ho Is a resi dent; ho must then have had fivo years' practice before tho general land commis sioner or before some court lu which the innu inws 01 1110 rniteii states nro a ma terial part of tho practlco. Preferably the land oflice desires a man who has had experience on tho Judicial bench nnd this will ho accepted In lieu of tho practice. He must bo less than 55 yenrs of ngo nnd of ability as a lawyer The man filling the qualifications may en ter the examinations and if he passes with nn average of more than 70 per cent ho may be appointed to a position which pays $900 per nnnum. There is no rush of Omaha lawyers to tnke the examination. RAILWAY TIME TAIH.E. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Gulncy Rnflroad "The Burlington Route" Ticket Olllce. j 502 Fnrnam St. Tel 250 Depot. Tenth U Mason Streets. Telephone, 128. l.flfll' Arrlvo. Daylight Chicago Spe cial ...a 7:00 am Peoria Express Chlcugo Vestlhuled Ex .a 4:00 pm . Chicago Local Express. 11 8:50 am 'Chicago Limited 11 7:45 pm Pacific Junction Local. .al0:)5 am Pacific Junction Extra. n 9:25 pm a 7:45 am 11 1 :05 pm a 7:45 am n 7:00 pm a 2:45 pm Fast Mall n Dally. UNION PACIFIC'THE OVER, land Route" -Goiicrnl Olllces, N. E. Cor. Ninth nnd Fnrnrim streets. City Ticket Olllce, 1321 Farnam street. Telephone, 316, Depot, Tenth and Mason Hit. Telephone, 629. j.enye. Arrive Tho Overland Limited. .11 S:20 um u 7;33 pm Tho Chicago-Portland Special a 8:20 um a 7:35 pm Tho Fust Mull n li:50 am u 3:25 ))m Tho Colorndo Special... all :35 pm a 6:50 nm Tho FaBt Mall u 4:35 pm Lincoln, Bcatrlco and Slromsburg Express, .b 4:10 pin 1)12:23 pm Tim Pacific Express . ,u 4:25 pm Tho Alluntlo Express.. n 6:50 mn Grand Island Local.. ..h 5:30 pin b 9:30 am a Dally Dull except Sunday. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS HAIL rund -Omaha, Kunsas City K Eastern Railroad -"Thu (Mllicy Route" Ticket Of fice, 1415 Farnam Street Telephono ,'!22. Depot, Tenth nn I Marcy Streets. Tele pliuue, 629. Leave. Arrive. St Louis 1 annuii nun Express a 5:05 pm a 8:20 am Kansas City and Qulncy Locnl . ..u 7:00 um n 9:00 pm n Daily. MISSOURI PACIFIC ItAIL rond General Olllces and Ticket olllces Southeast Cor ner Hth and Douglas Sts. Telephone lot. Depot, Union fetation. Leave. Arrive. St Louis, Kansas c . Nebrasku Limited ... K. C, 31. L. Express.., alo.O) am a!0;10 pm 11 6:30 pm a 6:15 um I.envo from 15th and Webster Sis. Nebraska Local Via Weeplnp Water h 1:15 pm n!0:4S am a Dully, b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE ft SI. Paul Railway Ulty Ticket omce. 1501 Farnam Street. Telephone 2SI. Depot Tenth and Musun Street Telephone. 629. Lenvc Arrive Chicago Limited Ux.. ..a f.:00 pm n h.ofi nm ebb ago Ai Ornnhii Ex. b 7:15 am b 3.65 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. WABASH RAILROAD Ticket Office. 1501 Farnnm Street. Telephone, 895, De pot. Tenth Hiid Marcy Streets. T h ti" iie. (.2a Leave rilve. S LouH "Cannon Ball" Exprev-i u A p'u a i) 20 aru a. Dully. M.WA'"F