Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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    THE OMAHA TA1L.V 111312: AVRDXHSPAY, S Kl V ISM H lilt in, imw.
Unfayorablo Weather and Strength in Mar
kets Influences Wheat Advance.
lUnitr tn Xiirrnir In OnU nml Hip
Trade l.ncnl llrtnnni! lor Lard
Vm Hip IVnturr In the
Provision JlnrUet.
CIIICAOO. Sept. 18 -t'nfiivornbln wenther
from the northwest anil strength In the
markets of that section were Innuentlul
In an ndvnnco In whont today. October
closing "ifi'SiC over yesterday. Corn closed
'Ar. higher and oats a shade lower. Pro
vl'lons closed unchanged to 1T'$e higher.
Wheat opened nervous and easier, Oc
tober at TBTWTC'ie, because, of Liverpool's
failure) to respond to the advance here
vrsterday and because the predicted rains
for the northwest failed to materialize.
There, was a considerable amount of profit
taking at the start, but the offerings wero
well taken nnd the market gradually
worked up tn 77'c. Rradstrect s report of
un Inereaso In the world's visible of o,118,0)
tut. caused more selling later. ItJt mean
tlmo the northwest markets had turned
. ..... n ...i u, aiiiir wna t-e.nlllv nhsorbed
When shorts tried to get back some of
their sales the: found a verv stiff array
of holders and the price was bidden
sharply un to 7V The close was firm.
Octobr tw,r hlKher at Wt77c. (Vsb
sales here were reported at 200.000 bu. New
York reported .".( loads taken for the other
side. Clearances In wheat and Hour were
1,300,000 bu. Primary receipts aggregated
1 12.1 000 bu., compared with 1.617.OU0 bu. last
year. Minneapolis anil Duliitli reported
WIS cars, against 001 last week and I.-Sj
a vear aKO. Local rcrclpts were 3..0 can,
20 of contract grade During the afternoon
It was reported raining at Orand Iorks
Corn was dull and devoid of speculative
Interest. It was also Inclined to seek a
lower level becnuse of easy cables, large
receipts, freer offerings anil good condi
tions for the maturing crop west. Irade
was largely of a scalping character. Re
rlpU were Wft cars. October corn sold be
tween I'-Sric and 3Sic closing '8c higher
at 38NiC.
Oats were dull, the range narrow and the
trade local. October sold between 21V
atwl 21ue "nil closed a shade down at 21vlf
2lc. flecelpts wore 330 cars.
The demand for 'ard was the feature In
tho provisions market. The small stocks
of this commodity caused covering by
shorts nnd as packers were also buyers
tho mnrket advanced October pork sold
between $12.25 and $12.02! and closed lOffl
1214c over yesterday at $12.15; October lard
between JV.07'A and M 90. closing li'fce
higher nt $7.70, and October ribs between
$7.16 and $7.37',1i7.t0, with tho close un
changed at $7.37'U7.j0. .
Kstlmnted receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
it:, cars; corn. 400 cars; oats. 23.) cars; hogs,
"rhe tending futures ranged as follows:
XrUcTcsTopcn.l HlghTTl.ow. Close. Yes' y.
7fiV4fiTd 77
77.'fj:4 78-i
4 40' '
2H1 21
2li, 5li
22 22',i.
12 20 12 2T.
11 3741 11 421
C 00 7 07'4
0 !f) I 7 02'i
6 05 I C 70
7 824 7 83
7 40 7 4.'.
C 071 6 10
76' I 77H
Wh 77H1H4
77-S 7SV4
39'4 40
3Si 3SH
36 ZWti,
2P4 21'i
21!; 22 (tf'i
12 02'A 12 15
11 32 11 4214
fi 00 7 0.',
fi 90 7 00
G 63 C 0714
7 7714 7 7714
7 3714 7 -10
6 03 C 0714
12 03
11 3214
6 R7',4
0 83
C 624
7 SO
7 40
6 03
nnd midline d at $115 73'Ef 17.(0 Pip Iron wire very ilu'l at $.37yt"l0 :7't
Lead was also dJli at J4 374, while spelter
was firmer nt il.KUHlK. Tho brokers' prlco
for lead was $1.00 and $lC.7Htl6,S7l4 for
omviia wholesale markets.
Condition of Trade nnd (Inntntlnna on
. 1 11 (lie- mill I'nncy I'roilnrr.
KOOS-Ilecslpts liberal; good stock firm
at 14MI1.V-
LIVE POt'LTRY - Hens. 7c; . roosters,
Sfilc; spring chickens, 8c ; ducks. 4Qoc;
geese. 4ti5c; turkeys, Sc.
Tt9c; roosters, b'nOc: ducks nnd geese. SO
10c; broilers, per 111.. 10JUc: turkeys, 12'4c;
prairie chickens, per doz.. $2.Goir4.u0.
HFTTER-Common to fair. 13c; choice,
lSfilCc; separator, 21c; gathered creamery,
FIfc'lt-Tront. 10c. bluensh, Oc; pickerel,
8c; catfish, 12c; dressed Iiuffnlo, 6c; white
fish, 10c: herring, f.c; black bass, 10c; sal
mon, 13c; white bass, 10c: cropple, 10c;
pike. 10c; hallbui, l-i; hullboaa. 10c; ring
perch. 6c; lobsters, green, 22c; boiled lob
sters, 23c; mackerel, 20c; codfish, 10c; yellow
percn, sc.
KttKSH OYSTKHS First grade, solid
packed, New York counts, per enn, 40c:
extra selects, 33c; standards, 30c. Second
grade, sluck filled, Now York counti, per
can, 30c; extra selects, nc; stanuaras, 20c.
PIOKONS-I.lve, per dozen, 90c.
VKAt.S-Chnlcc. Ofllftc.
HAY Prices ipioted by Omaha Wholesale
Hay Uealers' association: Choice upland,
$8.30; No. 1 upland, $S.0O: medium, $7.50;
coarse, $6 f,n. Hye straw, $3.W). These prices
nro for hay of good color and quality.
Demand fair nnd pr'ccs linn.
OATS-No. 3 white, 26c.
COllN-No. 3, .Die.
imAN-512 7.-.
Ct'CCM MORS Per dozen. 20fl25e
Ni:V TCHNIPS-Pcr bushri basket, 5c.
NKW Ili:ivr.S-Pcr dozen bunches 15fi'-0o.
NUW CAHHOTS-Per dozen ounches, 23c.
I.KTTPCK-Per dozen. 10tjl5c.
It A I) IS 1 1 KS Home grown, per dozen. 15c.
M3AN8 Wnx, per half bushel basket,
40c Htrltif? H5Ci
p'0TATtKS-Per bushel, 40050c; sweet
notatoes. per tiound. 2c.
CAHUAnK-Home grown, per pound, lic.
f'Afl.iri.OWKH-Pcr dozen, (l.
TOMATOHS Homo grown, per half
bushel bnsket. 10c.
ONInNM llomr- grown, per bu., 0OQ6OC.
w : k i j t; u 1 r. ora s it a . au vx.
PI" r"i:S California freestones, S3c;
clllii,s, 73c.
1'M'MS-Cnllfornla, per crate, $1.10fil 25.
PIM'NKH Ctaii and Colorndo, per crate,
$1: tier box, fine
HAHTI.nTT PKARS-Pcr box, $1.75t?2.00;
Others, $I.WWt.7S.
OUAI'KS-Cn'irornla Tokays, 4-basket
crate, $1.50; Concords, home grown, 1710c;
Uelawnro and Niagara, per 5-lb. basket, 15c.
WATKRMHI.ONS As to size. 2C(fJ25c each.
CANTAI.OI PIJ-Oems, per dozen. 403fio;
large sizes, fi01(75e.
APPI.KS-Natlve, 75c(f?$l per bu.; per
bbl.. $2 50773.00. Crab apples, tier bbl $-1
CHANIIKIIHIKS-Per bbl., $7; per crate,
OUANOi:.S- Valeticlas, $4.2r.Ti4.73.
I.IC.MON.S-Callfornia, extra fancy, $5.50;
Choice. SVOOfta.Zn
rtANANAS Per bunch, nccordlnn to size,
NfTS-Kngllsh walnuts, per lb., 12ffl3c;
lllberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, per lb., 163
ISc; raw, per lb., 4',4??3c; roasted, 6!4fi7',4c
HlI)i:S No. 1 green, tic; No. 2 green,
ficj No. 1 salted. 71te; No. 2 salted, 6Uc:
No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal
calf. 12 to 15 lbs.. 6c.
No. 2.
Cash quotations wero as follows:
FLOUR Firm; winter patents, $3.80f?4.00;
strulchts. $.1.60173.70; clears, $.1.1063.50;
spring upeclals, $1.50; patents, $3.30')jl.50;
Hirnlzlits. J.1.00(fi3.50: tinkers. $2.50112.75.
WHEAT No. 3. 71f7Cc: No. 2 red. 7814c
CORN No. 2, 40Uc ; No. 2 yellow, lu'ifT
OATS-No. 2. 21iffi22c; No. 2 white, 23c;
No. 3 white. 3M!2.''.4C.
RYE No. 2. 02i52l4
llARLEY-Oood feeding. 33g30!c; fnlr to
choice malting, 401f33c.
8EEDS-N0. 1 tlax. $1.5Si5?1.5S'4: No. 1
northwestern, $1.5914. Primo timothy, $I.O0H
4.35. Clover contract grade, $10.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $12.15
W12.20. Lurd, per 100 lbs., $7.03fi 7.0714. Short
ribs sides (loohe). $7.00. Dry salted sboul
dnrs (boxed), $0.374U6.02V4. Short cleur sides
(boxed). $8.108.20.
WIIIHKY-Ilasls of high wines, $1.26.
SUC.ARS Cut loaf, $6.60; granulated, $6.10;
confectioners' A, $6; off A, $5.85.
Following are the receipts and shipments
of the principal grains:
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour bu lt.OOO 11.1100
Wheat, bu 374,000 406,000
Corn, bu 556,000 311,000
Oats, bUi., 460,0110 318,000
Hyp. bu 5.000
Hurley, bu 101,000 10.000
On tho produce exchange today the but
ter market was steady; creameries, l(Srfr
21c: dairies, 14Ull!ic. Cheese, tlrm at lOVu1
1114c Eggs, firm: fresh, 15c.
Cnblr nnd 'I'rlPKrmililc Report
(ruin A II nut mill Ashore.
NEW YORK. Sept. 18.Speclnl cable nnd
telegraphic advices tn Rradstreet's show
tho following changes In available supplies,
us compared with tho last uccount;
Wheat. I'nlted States and Canada, east
of Rockies, Increased ,1,218,000 bu.; afloat
for and In Europe, increased 1,800,000. bu.
Total supply Increased 5,118,000 bu.
Com. I nlted States nnd Canada, east of
Rockies. Increased 616.000 bu.
Oats, United States and Canada, east of
Rockies, Increased 2.740.000 bu.
Among the more Important lncrenses re
ported are those of 400,000 bu. at north
western Interior elevators, 116,000 bu. nt
St Josetih. 82.000 bu. at Cleveland, 53,000
bu. at Coteau. 52,000 bu. ut Dallas and 50,(HJ
bu. at Louisville. Stocks of wheat at Port
land. Ore., and Tacoma and Seattle, Wash.,
Increased 320,000 bu. last week.
STio; No. 2 northern, TCcj No. 3 spring
MurUet Onpp Slnrc (lor Ilnck to It"
Condition of DiiIIiipsn,
NEW YOR1C Sept. lS.-Tho stock mnrket
demonstrated Its Inertness again today and
tho effort to continue yesterday's course
of recovery fell flat. Pr'ces were nt one
time advanced considerably above last
night's level, but they did not hold nnd
the closing showed somo of the gains com
pletely wiped out or reduced to small pro
portions. The announcement during tho
tiny of u failure of n stock exchange noue
had a rather detinsstng effect, nlthoiiijn
tho suspension seems to bo due entirely to
private causes. About 2.0"0 shares of stocks
wero sold under the t tile for the aicni'iit ot
tho suspended firm on tho exchange and
tho quotations for some of the stoess sold
wero considerably depressed. They recov
ered somewhat after the selling tinder the
rulo was completed, but In the dealing
Consolidated tins was forced down again
and sold 2 under the high point. Iicie lo
Oa whs Inclined to buy stocks In the mar
ket, notwithstanding the good Impression
In that market and the demand from that
sourco wns a factor In tho early ri?o in
the market With a geneial election pend
ing Loudon expects a period of the snme
kind of dullness ns has been prevailing
here. The exudation that 11 portion of
tho American subscriptions to the German
loan will be paid by the transfer of stctlit'i
exchange bills helped to wtaken the Lon
don market. The strength of Americana
In that market. In spite of the generu
weakness nnd of the further rls in dl -count
rates, wns 11 distinction for that
group of securities. Notwithstanding the
buying hero for London a-count and the
continued large exports of merchandHi
tho rise In discounts was effective In caus
ing 11 sharp upward Jump in sterling ex
change, tho price for demand bills rising
qulto 141I. Sterling exchnnu'- at llerlln, on
the other hand, dropped pfg on accou it
of tho continued hnrdii"s In the He'iln
money rate. Thce various developtnoius
and responses In tho world's motiev mar
kets were watched with cIohp Interest, .is
bearing on the future of our own moiv y
market. Dispatches from Chicago reported
that nil Herlln bankets were applying to
banks there for loans for a period of sev
eral months The New York money market
showed 11 hardening tendency and call
loans commanded "t per cent. Tlnv loans
were also more firmly held. The movement
of money to tho Interior continues
both by express nnd registered mall and
liv tnlKirr.iiihle trunwfers through tho sub-
treasury. The amount transferred in ttH-i
mmiM,!- In Ww nrlfiirm loihtv atlloUllte
to M23.o0ii. On the other hand the -uib-
trivisiiiri' was a debtor nt the clearing lions,
tn.luv in tlir iminntit nf J2.Ofil.4SS. Till 4
mot'ly represented by orders on Klondiko
gold iieposiieu nt j'acuic oasi pmiun, uu
tho payments for pensions wns large to
day. The question of the exact process
by which payments for the Oerinan
.,.,. V, mn.ln lu ullll iillupltll'il 1 tie 111-
clilents of the Inst week sirengihened the
conviction that the controlling interests In
tbii various leading slo-ks wilt lend 11"
nminlcr nffnrlx hv 'ineculators to lillll prices
pending the solution ot the various une-r-ni..iA
l,.j,mlnf nvrr ttin tiinrket. but
they are- equally prepared to support prl s
und protect stocks with unfavorable fnc-
Tho bond market wns dull and Irregular
i.. iii uinl lilies nnr value.
JruW I'nlted Stntes 2s advanced U 111
the lild price. . . ,
Commercial Advertiser's London, flnanelal
was tlrm todny. mainly because of the
v,,,jl,iu mill Hip cneral ex-
jiecta'lon that the' parliamentary elections
it' iii.ri aiinniinn limn iiii'i ti.i- ......
rrt... . ri4rlninl IVfm nn eX''Cn
tlon, profei'sloiuls buying In the belief
that yesterday's slump was largely caused
ny nuinHiuiaiiiNi. .ic ......
.1... rln.n wna nt the best lirlC.'S
Tlnt'os were lower, Pari Miowlng a weak
, i-.,ill mnnv WflR P.1SV nlllt dlS-
counts ! were tlrm. The bank lost ira.M)
5-nlil tn Eovnt. 5.000 to Africa and 5,0vi
Vr. imiin k Iver was lower In India, but
.U ..I.,.. lioA U'fW 4lPnrfV.
The following are the eloslnz prices on
the New York Stock exclisnge:
!7 .Union I'aclflo f.5"i
call do iifd..
-ii,Waba;h C
Si4 1.. pM 1"
4S Wheel, i U E
STti do SA pfd
10ij Wis. Centrul
aud $1 Mt, for X(y dm- postrd rates,
$4v4i.1i4M, oil' H'-'.il
SILVER Ortlll. ates, Wt-'ltS'ii . ba".
C2Sc. M. xti an dollars, 49'
llONDS-Oovi rnment, strong; state, in
active; rallroud, Irregular.
I'orelmi I'lniini'lnL
LONDON, Sept IS -Money was In good
demand today und there was a fnlr supply
It Is feared that It will be needful to send
gold to Germany In connection with the
new German loan now being ulaccd in
the I.nlted States. Discounts are tlrm.
Tho llnanclal and banking houses are act
ing laiitlmsly, especially in view of tile
Mpproachlug general election. Tills has
nlso disturbed the stock exchange, the
operators entertaining no hope or a revival
of business while tho elections nro pro
gressing. American securities opened nbove
purity, subsequently improved nnd closed
good. Grand Trunks were wenk on the
decrense lu tralllc returns where nn In
crease had been anticipated. Katilrs were
a!so wenk on the abandonment of the hope
of the public coming Into the market. The
amount of bullion withdrawn from the
Rank of England on balance today was
JM13.U0O. Spanish 4s. 71V Gold premium
nt Ruenos Ayrcs. 133 0i.
ItERLIN, Sent. 18. -The weeklv state
ment of the Imperial Rank of Germany
shows the following cnanges: insn in
hand decreased 1.110,000 mnrks. treasury
notes Increased 480.000 marks, other securi
ties increased 33.0SO marks unit notes in
clrculntlnn Increased 2,050.000 murks. Rusi
ness was improved on the bourse todar
iniernatioiial securities were quiei. iiuiians
were harder. American and Canadian Pa
cifies were maintained and mine shares
wero good on bear rcpurcliases. i;xcnangi'
nn London. 20m 44'4pfgs for checks. The
rate ot discount for short bills was l per
cent nnd for three months bills 4 per
cent. . ..
PARIS. Sent. 18. Realizations were me
order of the day on the bourse and trans
actions were restricted tn Internationals
llrazlllans wero weak, owing to me ne-
cline In exchange, and Spanish is recovered
on the improvement in me rate ot ex
chnnzo. Rio tlntos declined. KafTlrs suf
fered on realizations prompted uy uie un
certainly as to the situation In South
Africa Three per com rentes, iuiu ic i"r
the account. Exchange on London. 2,if 15c
for checks. Spanish Is closed at 72.S74.
I'liiniii'liil Notes.
ST. 1.0FIS. Sent. lS.-Clcarlngs. $-,28l.02;
hnliim-cx. Jl 1M3I7. Mnnev. 5117 Her cent:
New York exchungp. wc discount um; i-c
discount asked. ... , .
i-iiti'aiii soul is. lea rules. ji.i.m.oo..
balances. $1,110,019; posted exchange, slot
JI8V New York exchange, ac uiscouiii.
rl.l 11 IKK, ricpi. 1. i ifiu nihn, ...,,
W? I'm: liultitwi.M I!) .MH.TKi.
HOSTliN. Sent. 18. i-iearings, n,iii.w;
i,..i,,,,...,u ti no mi
RALTIMORE. Sept. ls.-Uienrillgs, Wi.',-
C7I I..,1nr...,u tlVtA.ll
PHILADELPHIA, M'pl. is. i irai in
$16 277.221; bain noes. J.'.OI 9,533. . .,.,
CI ,M I .N . A I I, Bepi. n M'.i i ihk",
Rrl; New Yprk exchange, 20(i2.ic dl'couni
Money. 3H0 per cent.
('onilllliiti of the Tri'imiry.
WASlllNV.TnN'. Kent. lS.-Tndny's state
ment of the treasury balances lu the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the jido.ohi.'ki goni
reserve In the division of redemption,
shows: Available cash balance, $13l,.,S20;
gold, ?i4,l-.k.m;i.
Oorn Cattle Are Rather Slow, bnt Feeders
Soil at Steady to Strong Prices,
loot! Sheep Arc Strong; nnd Active,
While Lifinlm Are n Little
Slow anil Tendency
I, on rr.
Recelnts were:
Ottlclal Monday.
Ofllcial Tuesday
Callle. Hog.. Sheei
Two days this week.... 12.731 10.256 22.0SS
Same days last week. .14,037 7.i'.w Ji.wi
Same week before 11,020 11.43.; 18.2b;
Same three weeks ago.. 11, 572 10,3it 0.J;
Samo four weeks ago 8.883 O.iW 17,3lr
Average price paid for hogs for the last
several days, with comparisons:
10"O. ,i899.189S.lS97.irM5.'lS05.11S94
I .
5 ..
7. . .
15 ,
5 01', 4 20 3 611 3 Mi 2 77
4 141 3 61 4 071 2 8
5 02 I 3 63 4 0"! 2 M
5 l'!, 4 19( 14 t)L a J.I
5 0.SUI 4 22! 3 C2I
I 5 ft,S 4 23 3 .tj 4 05
I 5 10T4I 4 301 3 V
i r. iii'
I r. 22 1
' 5 20',
i r. o7's
5 n3
I 5 0SV
1512 4-51
I 5 13
I 4 23!
4 2
t 231
I .to
4 Vl 3 7:
3 34 3 68
3 671
3 68
3 771
3 70
I 02
4 00
.1 01
3 03
3 84
2 78
2 81
2 81
2 JM
2 8S1
2 7J
I 32
.1 82!
I, 871 2 70
3 f I 2 731
3 681 3 861 2 05
, 3 Oil 2 71
& (3
4 31
4 34
I 21 5 61
4 131 3 f
I 201 f 51
4 22 3 i7
5 53
4 21
4 (V, 5 62
I 5 82
4 or.1 8 1
4 06 5 73
I II.S .1
I . (.8
4 ail 5 67
4 0I 5 61
lllillpntna Miitiflnv
Tho ofllcial number of cars of stock
brought In todny by each rn.ul was: ,
C. M. & St. P. Ry... 1 4
O St. L. Ry 1 5
Missouri Pacific Ry.. .1 3
I'tilon Pacific System 65 22 Z 1
C. N W. Ry 1 2
F.. I.'. .: M. V. It. R.. 46
S. C. P. Ry 1
C. St. P.. M. O. Ry 3
II. K- M. R. R. R 52
C, 11. .It Q Ry I
1C. C. St. .1 12
C. R-1. fi i' cast
C, R. I. A P., west.. 18
Total tecelpts ....207 120 31
The disposition of the dny's receipts w.n
ns ioiiows, ciicii iiuyer purcl'.asiiig tne mini
rer 01 nenn lnilicaicd
Prices of tin. Day on Vnrloiis
Coininoil It les,
ceipts, 30,260 bhls. ; exports, 17.615 bbls. ;
market less active, recent demand having
siippllod the trade, buyers nnd sellers were
lOti 20c apart on spring patents todny.
Winter straights. $:t r0', Minnesota
patents, $4.1.Vitl.50: Minnesota bakers, $2.75
ra3.30; winter patents. $3.50'ii3.o0; winter low
grndes, $2.43Ci2.65. Rye flour, firm; snles,
600 bbls.; fnlr to good, $3.0J1f3.25; choice to
fancy. $3.30it3.03.
CORN.MEA L Firm : yellow western. SSTfp
80c; fancy, 00c; Uraiidywlne, $2. 13ff2.53.
RYE Quiet; No. 2 western, 5814c f. o. b.,
nfloat; state. MfrSSc1. c. 1. f., New York.
IiARLEY Firm; feeding, 43fi46c, c. I. f.,
New York; matting, nofruSc, c. 1. f., UalTalo.
PARLEY MALT -Dull; western, 62(itr.Sc.
WHEAT Receipts, 134,100 bu.; exports,
08.628 bu.; sales. 3,100,000 bu. futures and
200,000 bu. export. Spot, firmer; No. 2 red,
83sC f- o. b., nfloat, and Slsc, elevator;
No. 1 northern, Dtiluth. sec f. o. b., nfloat;
No. 1 hard, Duluth. 01c f. o. b., afloat.
Options opened steady on light offerings,
only to sac off under disappointing Liver
pool cables, southwest selling and local
realizations, From this depression prices
morn than recovered on reports of rain
In the northwest ngnln, very strong outside
tnnrkots nnd actlvo local covering; closed
strong nt Mne net advance. March, 86U
?l87c, closed nt S7c; May, 83"4fflS0'4e, closed
h 86H-c: September. 8HS2W,c. closed ut
S2Uc; October, Sliiri82l,e, closed at 821ic;
December. 8;i 5-16'ii81'4C. closed at 8ll4c.
CORN Receipts, 01.000 bu.; exports. 500,
406 bu.; sales, 160.000 bu. futures nnd inn.OOO
bu. exports? Spot, firmer; No. 2, 47',4c,
elevator, and 4Slic r. o. u., alloat to nrrive.
Oiitlons were nt first depressed a little
by large Chicago enriot arrivals und
weaker cnbles, but closed tlrm. Isffic net
decline. May, 40V? 41p. closed at 407;e;
fieptember closed at 47',4C October nt 46c;
December, tlliill'nc, closed ut 41"ic
OATS Receipts, 80.500 bu.; exports, 00.170
bu. Spot, steady; No. 2. 25c; No, 3, 2P-o;
No. 2 white. 27c: No. 3 white. 2fi'ic; track
mixed western, 23''ii26c; track white west
ern nnd white state, 2514iff33c. Options wero
low but nominally stenilv.
FEED Dull . spring brnn. $16.25(f10 50:
middlings, $17.ooffl0 50; winter brnn, $17.501f
IO.OO; city. $16.504117.00.
HOPS Quiet , state, common to choice,
ISM crop, 10iH3c; old olds, 23flc; Pacific
const, 1890 crop, 1013c; old olds, 2ii3c.
HIDES Firm; Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs., 18e,
Cnllfornla, 21 to 25 lbs., 18'4c; Texas, dry,
24 tn 30 lbs., 13hc.
L13ATHER Firm; hemlock sole. Ruenos
Ayrcs, light to heavyweights, 2214ti'23!4c;
ncld. 2214m 234c.
WOOL-DuU, domestic fleece, 23ff2Sc;
Texas, 151il6c.
PROVISIONS-Reef. nulet; family. $t0.00
Ofll.00; beef hams, $20 00521.J; packet, $10.00
(ffll.OO; city, extra India mess, $16 OOff 17.00
Cut meats, Bteudy. plckleil be'lles, $8,731
11.00; pickled shoulder". S10.50; hams. $0 7u
Si 10.75. Lnrd, stmidy, western 'denmed,
$7.45. nominal; refined, tlrm; continent, $7 75.
South America. $8.23; compound, $0.ooif
6.1214. Pork, stronger; family. $l5.23fr 15.60,
short clear. $ 15.0041 16 ml; mess. $12.50441:150.
RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra. 41,
4T6'4c; Japan, 4"1ff3e.
MOLASSES Steady ; New Orleans, open
kettle, good to choice, 43'n7i3e.
TALLOW Firm; city, $2l per package,
4Sc: country, nackages free, tVn'l'iie.
RIITTKR Receipts, 10.462 pkgs.; strong:
crenmery, 16ti4i21c; June creamery, 18'44
lc; fnctory, 14iil64C.
CHKESI'Recelpls, 15.S31 pkgs.; fltm,
larco white. 11c; small white. 11c; large
colored. 11c, small colored. UUc.
EGOS Receipts, 11.303 pkgs; market firm;
western, regular packed, ut mark, 134il7c;
western, loss off. 19c
METALS The principal feature of the
dny's market for metals, or for weeks past,
wns the drop ot 6 for pig tin in London,
said tn be due to the collapso of a bull
clique In London nnd tho heavy shipments
of Uto It caused a loss of about 100
points here, closing unsettled and nominally
an th basis of $20. Luke copper ruled dull
St. I.oiiIm tirnln nml Provisions.
ST. LOITIS. Sent. lS.-WHEAT-Hlgher;
No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 734c; track, 77c;
September, 75tc; October. 77c; December,
78'ie; May, S2c: No. 2 hard. 71l4f72c.
CORN Lower; Nr. 2 cash. 30c; track, 40c;
September, 30i,c; October, 36c; December,
33Jtc; year, .TOc.
OATS Lower; No. 2 cash, 21V4c; track,
21",422c; September. 21'4c: December, 22ic;
Jliiv, 21'i.c; No. 2 white, 2514c
RYE-Finn: Me.
FLOIR rnchanged.
SEEDS Timothy, easier, $3.75fT4.25; finx,
higher. $1 56'.
CORNMEArz-Steady. $2,004(2.03.
11HAN Firm; sacked, east trnck, 65f?70c.
HAY Timothy, steady, $S.004f 12.W1; prairie,
linn; $5.751l5.50.
WHISKY Steady. $1.26.
lRi .s COTTON'i'IES-$1.30.
PROVISIONS Pork, higher: Jobbing,
$12 75. Lard, higher; choice. $6.03. Dry salt
meats (boxed), higher; extra shorts, $8(0;
clear ribs, $8.124; clenr sides, $8.25. Uncoil
(boxed), higher; extrn shorts. $8.6214; clear
rlb, $8.75; clear sides, $8.87'4.
METALS Lend, quiet; $4.3Jl4:spelter, bet
ter; $3.00.
POt'LTRY Firm; chickens. 7c; young, 84t
S14c; turkeys, 7c; young, 714c; ducks, 7c;
geese, filjc.
EGGS-Stendy, 12V4c.
Hl'TTER Higher; creamery. 17412114c;
dalrv, K17c.
RECEIPTS Flour. 0,00i bbls.; wheat,
126,i) ii. ; corn, 05,000 bu.; oats, li2,W) bu.
SHIPMENTS-Flour. 12,XH) bbls.; wheat,
DS.OuO bu.; corn, 7S.OW bu.; oats, 14,000 bu.
Knnsiin City firaln nnil Provisions.
KANSAS CITY, Sept. lS.-WHEAT-De-ccmbcr.
RllsffjfiOc; May. 73'4c; cash, No. 2
hard. eSfrOOc; No. 3. 674?6Sc; No. 2 red,; No. 3, 601?71c.
CORN December, 32lH4i32s4c; May. 32?ic;
cash, No. 2 mixed, SSHfiSSUc; No. 2, 3014
203e; No. 3. 30g30'iC
OATS-No. 2 white, 2514c.
RYE-No. 2. 40c.
HAY Cholco timothy, $0.00; chotco prairie,
RUTTER Crenmery, 184i20c; dairy, fancy,
EGGS Firm; fresh Missouri nnd Kansas
stock, 1214c, loss off, cases returned; new
whltewood ensen Included, 14c more.
RECEIPTS-Wheat, 152.8S1 bu.; corn, 15,800
bu.: oats, 13,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS-Wheat. 231,200 bu.; corn,
11,300 bu.; oats, S,0oobu.
Liverpool (irnln nnd Provisions.
firm: No. 2 western winter, 6s 2Hd; No. 1
northern spring, 6s Od; No. 1 California,
6s :i?d'fi6s 6d: futures, quiet; September,
6s 2d: December, 63 4d.
CORN Spot. Htendy: Amerlcnn mixed.
new. 4s 4d; futures, quiet; November,
4s 2"id: uecemncr. 4s .',u; Hcptemuer. 40 211.
PROVISIONS-Hnccn. Cumberland cut,
tlrm. 41s fld; chort clenr backs, firm, 42s 6d
Lard, American refined, firm, 3Ss; prime
western, linn, 37s. Tallow, prime city, firm,
21s Od.
Receipts of wheat during the past threo
days, 172,000 centals, includi.ig 151,000 Amer
ican. Receipts of Amerlcnn corn during tho
pnst tlireo days, L2,000 centals; weather
Toledo .Mnrket,
TOLEDO. O.. Sept. 18 WHEAT Active,
higher. Spot, SO-'Jie: October, 81c; December,
CORN Dull, lower: cash nnd September,
41'sc; December, 347,c.
OATS Dull, unchanged; No. 2, cash nnd
September. 22'4c: December, 23'nc.
RYE Dul'. higher; No. 2 cash, 54c
CLOVERSEED Active, lower: October,
$6.00; December, $0.70; No. 2, $3.83.
Plilliidelpbln Prod nee Mnrket,
Steady; fancy creamery, 22c; fancy west
ern prints. 23c.
EGOS Steady; fresh nearby, 18c; fresh
western. 164iU18c; fresh southern, 16c; fresh
southwestern. 17c.
CHEESE Firm; full creams, fancy smnll,
7JTU,4c; fnlr to choice, 10i4n0-ic.
Peorln .Mnrket.
PEORIA. Sept. lS.-CORN-Easler; No. 2,
OATS Firm; No. 2 white, 23c, billed
WIIISKY-On tho basis of $1.26 for fin
ished goods.
Milwaukee Grain Mnrket.
MILWAUKEE. Sent. IS. - WHEAT -Lower;
No. 1 northern, 78H1T70c; No. 2
northern. 7644i77c
11YH Hteudv: No. 1. 541iC.
PARLEY Steady ; No. 2, 5214c; sample,
MinnrniiolU "Wheat .Mnrket.
September, 78lc; December, '9c; May,
S'Jiic; No. 1 hard, 78'ic; No. 1 northern,
70'4c; No. 2 northern. 82UC. to arrive.
DuTutli Mnrkrt.
DULUTH. Sent. I8.-WHKAT-N0. 1 hard.
cash. S3'c; No, 1 northern, cash, Sl4c;
September, Si;c; December, fcO'Ac: Muy.
do pfd
llaltlmore i Ohio
Cnnuillan I'acltllle
t'unda Po
Cli-s. A Ohio
hlcaBo O. V..
C, II. & Q
Chi. Iml. & L..
do pfd
Chi AftO ti 13.
Chlcano & N.
c. at. 1. & 1
o. c. c. a st,
Colonulu So....
do 1ft pfd....
do Sd pfd
D.'l. & Hudson
Del. !.. & W...
Denver & H. O
do pfd
do Ut pid..
Ot. Nor. pfd,
llocklnr Coal
Hocking Vulley .
Illinois Central ..
Iowa Central ....
do pfd
Iike Brle & W..
do pfd
Iike Hhor
1 fc N
Mnnhattan L ....
Met. St. ny
Mexican Central
Minn. & M. L...
do pfd
Mo. I'arino
Mobil" & Ohio ..
M K. & T
do pfd
N. J. Ontml ...
N. Y. Central ...
Norfolk Jfc W
do pfd
No. Pacific
do pfd
Oritur. u & W
Ore. Hy. A Nav.
do pfd
Pennnylvinla ...
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Rio Cl. W
do pfd
St. L. & S. F. . .
do 1st pfd
do 5d ptd
St. L. Soilthw...
do pfd
St. Paul
do pfd
St. P. & Omaha
So, Pacific
Ho. Hallway ....
do pfd
Texas & Pacltlo
..lUsJllilnl Avcnu-
. Ji
. ah
. ir.'k
, iwi
. lX'i
Adams Kx...
Aineilcnn Kx
L'. S. Kx
Wf lls-FnrK Kx..
Amer Cot. Oil ...
do pfd
A'.'mr. Maltlnir ..
do ptil
Ainr. H. .t It...
do pfd
Aincr. Spirits
do pfd
Amur. S. I loop ,.
lo pfd.
3V4 Anir. S. & W
Til's! do pfd
13', Ainer. Tin Plate..
. ft Amer. Tobacco ....
,.115Vi do pfd
. 18 Anac. Mining Co..
,. 4. Hrooklyn It. T
,. 87 Colo. Fuel A I
. SJl C111. Tobacco
.SuS do pfd
.. 7t l'eifral Steel
, . ft du pfd
,.151 (ten. Kleotrle
., Ji Olucoiir Siifar
,.51 do pfd
,. M Intr. Paper
.. S)',; do pfd
. . S3 IcleJo Oan
. . National Ulsnult ..
.. it do pfd. ,
. .Ul National L'ud ....
..129'i do pfd
.. 33'i National Stel ....
74' j I do pfd
. 2.1't
. 15'!,
. 4i
. :u
. 8
. 23',
. S'i
. Ml;
. I'b
. K
. 10
. c;
. M'4
. 7:;
, 4J' j
, !'j
. IS',
, !'.;
. si
. 17'4
. 9) "
. .",'i
S0t N' Y. Air Drake. ..i:
70'i No. AniTlcan
1914 Pacific Coast
42 co lt nfl.
., T I do M pfd
..1271 Pacific Mall
.. lSVi People's (las ....
,. Wt Prtiiiied S. Car...
,. 2i do pfd
. s Pullman P. Car..
,. W S. It. & T
.. !i', Sugar
. . C". do pfd
,. 33 Tcnn. Coal & Iron.. 67 H
.. IDi U S. leather 10',
..27 do pfd ff,s
,. IH14 'U. S. Itubbfr ID'i
..1734 do pfd
..110 iWesti-rn 1'nlon 79i
.. 32'4 Ilcpubllc I. & S.... 12',
.. 114 do pf.l 53
.. 53S P. C. C. & St. I,... !G
,. 13
.. sr.
.. tii'i,
.. 29'b
.. Ml,
.. 31',
.. lllj
.. 3'i
Cotton mnrket.
NEW YORK. Sept. 18. The forenoon In
thu cotton market was spent in sizing up
the situation nnd in preparing inr wie n"v-
ernment report due at 1 p. 111. Alter a
steady start at unchnngsd prices to a do
cllne of 3 points the market worked 2f?3
points lower under foreign sidling nnd home
liiii,ifiiinn um I'linslderlne tho extremely
liearisn icuor 01 rngiisn
market here was remarkably steady. 1 he
Imnl trade was naturally siow 10 neiieve
thoroughly In tho bear movement in Her-
pool, luasmueli as 11 was Known inai wi
European cotton trade was In no position
to assume the short side, owing to the semi
famine prevalent thoro. Throughout the
forenoon iluetuntlous in the local pit did
not exceed 10 points and ut no time did
either side have a posslblo ndvantage. Tho
government report proved to be decidedly
less bullish than the trade had prepared for
and as a result soiling became general.
Prices withered gradually under tho pres
ur.. hriiULhl In hear, declining 10 points by
2 p. m. Additional Information intending
to create prejudice iiMlnat ,llP bull side
wero estimates for heavy receipts at the
more Important centers tomorrow, encour
aging crop reports from tho central bolt and
a. reversal In the present speculatlvn public
to support the market. Lnto advices from
the other side explained tho English break
was due to offerings of 10.000 bales Suptem
ber delivery cotton from the continent.
During the last hour thu mnrkot was fev
erish with a weak undertone. Tho trado
wns spasmodically lictlve, with Wall street
a ..ln-ral seller. Thp market closed steady
11 ml lla points net lower, npoi cu.seu
quiet; middling Uplands, 10'f.c: middling
gulf, mtc; sales, 4,1 uaies. r mures, rep-
tembor. 10.10c; uitoiier, ni.tisc: .sovcmu.r,
0.07c; December, 0.67c; January, ll.6Cc; Feb
ruary. O.ojc; Maroh, y.ciic; April, y.t,c; jiny,
0.66c; June. 0.66c; July. 0.63c
ST. LUl 1, rioni. i.s. L u 1 1 u-s yuiet nim
Kc lower; no sales; middling, lur:ic; re
ceipts. 107 bales; shipments, 501 bales; stock,
I, Jit; naies.
Weak; sales, 2,700 bales; ordinary, 8 5-16C;
good ordinary, 0)c; low middling, 10'4c;
middling. lONic: good middling, lO'.c; mld-
dlltiR fair, lUuc; rooeipts, 8,d6 bales; stock,
31.172 bales. Futures, quiet and sternly; Sep
tember. io.:w4io.3ic; uctoner, 0.70410.11c; No
vember. 0.52f(0.54c; December, 0.5i)'i0.51c;
January. 0.53'5it.53o: February, 0.52tj0.53c;
.March, a.Dt'u'J'toc; April, y.&ru'J.&o; .May. o.ri&ii-
LIVERPOOL. Sent. 18.- 11. m.-COTTON
Spot very dull and lower; American mid
dling iJlr, 7 3-lUd; gooil middling, C15-I6d;
middling, 07d: low middling, 6V1; good or
dinary, 6 13-32d; orrilnury, 5 2o-32d: sales for
tho day were 4,000 Dales, of which 2U0 were
for speculation and export.. Including 3.50O
American: receipts, 0,000 Dales, Including
1.500 American. Futures opened easy nnd
closed steady; American middling, 1. ni. c,
September, U.SD-Gld, vulue: September and
October, 6 0:i-i;id, sellers; October anil No
vember. 5 43-lil'o5 44-61(1. sellers: November
nnd December, 5 35-6ld, buyers; December
and January, 5 20-oisi.i .i0-i,lil, value; January
and February, 5 26-6153 27-0ld. buyers: Feb
ruary and March, 5 24-6lf(5 25-6P1, buyers;
.Marco ana April, 0 L-.'-ui'iia si-tilil. iniycrs
April and May, 5 21-Cld. Iniyers; May and
Omaha Packing Co...
G. H. Hammond Co..,
Swift .t Company
Cudahy Packing Co...
Armour ft Co
G. H. Hammond Co., K
Armour & Co., K. l
R Rocker Ilegnn ....
Vansant ft Co
J. L. Carey
Loliman ft Co
MeCronry ft Clark
W. I. Stephen
Hill ft Huntzliiger
Kenton ft Underwood ..
Huston ft Co
Livingstone ft Schaller
Hamilton ft Rothschild.
L. F. Hiisz
H. L. Dennis ft Co
S. ft S
A. S. Mawhlnney
Other buyers
,. 76
.. 137
.. 21
.. 10O
.. 16
.. 122
.. 131
.. 256
.. 4s
.. 144
.. 6(i
.. 77
.. !3S
.. scs
. 51.36
31 feeders
2 cows,
5 cows. .
10 feedors
. 872
3 i
3 25
i ,10
3 70
024 ?
31 feeders.. 802 3 75
9 feeders.
7 cows
14 cows
12 cows
I calves. .
ft Son-Neb.
3 feeders.
A. C. Rolllet-Colo.
27 feeders.. 812 .1 AO 4 cows....
1 fnn.tora fiTll .1 110 1.1 COWS
Webster city t ame i n. i inn
fi feeders.. 00.1 3 t 1 feeder. . 000
Gin 3 I!" 1 reeuer. . . uau
C, 11. Thex-Wio.
,1242 4 55 10 cows 1036
G. C. Rothwell-Neb.
1071 3 03 5 cows um
3 05 1 OOW I' V
? 0".
4 M
SOS 3 25
13 steers.
S cows. . . .
3 cows.
2 cows
5 feeders.
2.1 feeders.
1 feeder..
R. S
61 feeders.. KM
32 feeders. . Oil
3 05 22 feeders.. PS0
4 20
C. IUI'le-Ncb.
3 50 28 feeders.. S,9
3 1)0 1 feeder... 000
Vnn Tassell Wyo.
1 steer...
1 steer.. .
S steers.
5 steers.
1 steer.
3 steers.
1 steer..
Ill steers
2 steers.
1 steer..
1 cow
1 cow
1 cow
1 cow
f cows
1 cow
!6 cows
6 feeders.
2 feedurs.
88 feeders
3 feeders.
2 steers ..
I fv
3 75
4 30
4 30
4 30
1 1ll WPS ft
..1175 4 30
20 feeders
I feeder.
1 feeder.
1 feeder.
. 000
cows. . . ,
. SSI)
. 851
. 80S
.I (till
. 700
. 850
. 0'
. !J
. 775
. 851
10 feeders .1007
3 feeders.. 1123
1 feeder... 03O
11 feeders.. 1077
4 feeders.. 1132
1 feeder... 12 10
3 feeders.. 10 1.1
15 feeders.. 1120
1 cow 0V)
!4 cows 102
1 cow..
3 cows.
1 cow..
I 30
I 30
I 30
4 70
1 70
4 7(.
4 00
;l S3
3 83
2 25
3 20
2 75
3 60 2 COWS. . .
3 80 20 feeders
3 80 2 feeders
1 oo :i feeders
4 00 5 bulls ..
2 S3 7 bulls
3 lo 2 cows
3 25 1 cow
aryon Neb.
3 00
2 23
3 no
3 t
3 50
3 61
3 IV)
4 20
3 SO
3 00
4 tC,
4 53
t 55
4 55
4 10
4 10
3 50
4 10
4 10
4 l
3 61
1 00
2 25
3 S3
3 23
3 20
.... . . . . .
pics nnd light11, pn. Kars, j in
6.15, butchers l. v i ti . , , ...
SHEEP A.Nl' I. .MH Jtecripis. "r'i
market ticllvc nnd high- r, native tnuttoi s,
H 2fiiil.2f., lambs. $3 "nj M, culls nnd dikki,
J2.7Mr3 W; stoi'Kcrs, u oim id.
Knnsns lt JitocU.
eclpts. 13,000 henil natives, head tax
ans Mid 750 hciid calves; export nnd heavy
. . ' ..I,.... tn al.x.lH 1r..,.r
nest neei sieern num n. ...... .....v.,
butcher cows mid steers steady to shado
higher: stm kcrs nnd feeders steady; niitlvrt
steers. $1 75i 5. 10; stockers and feeders. J.l .'.i
41150; butcher cows nnd heifers, J1.W 1 1.
canners, $2.304t3.o0; fed westorns. $1.7.V; iAV,
wintered Texnns. $3.7.18 0'); grass lexans,
$3.0Oi3.75; calves. $l.50p'.i5.
HOGS- Receipts, 8,ynu ncau; mnrset nciivn
nnd steady to 2'sc higher; heavy nnd mixed,
$5.20lifi,3"; light. $.15ti...32't!; pigs, i shika"'
SHEEP AND LAMRS-Rccelpts, SOU bend,
good demand, nil grades selling strong to
I0c higher, lambs. Il.754i0.40; muttons, $3.50
4(4.00; feeders, $3.l1iri.l3; culls, $2.50tf300
Stuck In Sight.
Vnllntvlnir urn Ilie recelnts nt the four
principal western markets for September It-
i nmc. nogs, nnooii.
South Omaha
Kansas i'ity..
St. Louis
7 018
Totals 32,211 40.SI6 2I.5SI
.1033 3 63
. 701
. 815
. 860
3 SO
3 80
X 80
2 6.1
2 60
2 75
2 75
26 cows.. ..0o2 3 50 2 cows 668 3 50
1 COW.. . . 760 2 50 Scows 063 3 00
4 feeders.. OVi 3 50 67 feeders 085 4 30
Thomas Ma liny Neb.
01 calves... 318 160 10 feeders Ml 3 75
44 cows.... 850 2 85 25 cows .000 3 25
HOGS -There was a good nverage run of
hoes here todav anil t he iiuaiity as a
whole wns cry fnlr. The market did not
open any too brisk and buers seemed to
hold hnck nn everything but the choice
light weights and onlv part of the p.iekeri
were buying those. The early sales weio
Just about steady with yesterdn. the bulk
or i no medium and umu weignis seiung m
J.Vl'Jt., ii rut S3 15. with n ton of $5.23 In
some cnscH the prices paid 'ooked a little
strong and In nihers not quite ns good as
esterday, so that the market as a whole
was about steady. The heavy hogs were
not bid on nt the start and no one seemed
nnxlous for t int rl.tss or stufT
After about twenty or twenty-five loads
had changed hnnds the feeling was rather
weak nml fur a time not much was done.
bit iinckers llnallv lumned In and bought
them up nt fully stendy prlees with the
opening market, and. If posslhle, the last
end was n Utile stronger. Coarse heavy
pnekcrs. though, were not niiy better and
they were slow sale at miv price. The
bulk of nil the snles today was from $5.10
to $5.15 nnd the average cost Is not much
dirrerent from whnt It wns yesterday, itcp
reseutatlve snles-
260 5,077
CATTLE There were not ns many cnttle
here today as there were yesterday, nor as
many ns thero were a week ngo today.
There were about twenty-live cars
Included in tho receipts nnd severul loads
were carried over from yesterday, so that
the supply of that class of cattle was quite
liberal. Packers did not tako hold very
frcelv of the com cattle, as all other nolnts
reported weak markets. Prices here have
been most too high In comparison with
other points nnd packers are trying to get
them down In line. It Is safe to say that
corn cattle are now 10ft 15c lower thnn they
were the middle or lust week, unless they
are very choice, und the decline hero has
been no greater thnn at other points.
ine cow market was lairiy wen supplied
today, but buyers took hold wltii consider
able life and tho market was lust about
stendy nil around. The better grades wore,
of course, In the greatest demand and can
ners nlso sold well, but not much change
was noticeable on even the medium gradvs.
The stocker nnd feeder trades were In
good shape ugnln this morning. The de
miind from the country continues henvv
und ns u result yard trnders wero all good
nuyors. - ino nenvyweignt came Drought
a little stronger prices in most cases nnd
even the common kinds moved more freely
at fully stendy prices.
vnai tew western ueex cattle there were
on salo Drought u little better
prices. The demand for that clnss nf
cattle is heavier than the. supply nnd sel
lers have little dllllcult in disposing of all
that arrives nt very satisfactory prices.
Cows sold about the s.inii. ns thv n,i v..u.
terday nnd feeders brought a little stronger
imi-t-M iwuuy, jjamcuiiiriy 11 tnev were of
good weight and quality. Representative
June, 5 10-64f5 20-6ld.
July. 6 ls-61d, buyers;
5 16-6IT(fi 17-64d, buyers.
buyers; Juno and
July and August,
Ronton Stock Quotation.
IIOSTON, Sept. 18. Call loans, 24Tf.1 per
rent: time lonns, 4W4',4 per cent, omciai
57V4 West Knd
C9'i WntlnBh. Electric.
A . T . r...,
do pfd
Amr. Sunar ....
do ipfd
Amer. Telephone
Iloston & Albany
I104ton Elevated
Iloston ft Me
C. 11. & Q
Dominion Coal...
do pfd
Federal Steel ...
do pfd
FltcliburK pfd...
On. Klectrlo ....
do pfd
T. 1. Klec 111
Mexican 'Central
Mich. Telephone,
jf. K. O. ft C...
Old Dominion ...
Union Pacltlo ...
..US Wis. Cential
..115 Atchison 44
..1(1 N. E. O. & C. 6s... IS
. .245 Adventure 4
. lt;'4 Altourz Mln. Co.... 1';
. .psvi Ainai. 1 opper si's
,.123'i Atlantic 22'3
3SVj iloston fc Mont 313
.110 Calumet ft Ilecla.
,. 32 Centennial
.. asij Fianklln ..
,.135'4 Humboldt .
..K8 Osceola ....
. .lS'j't Pnrrot ....
. yu ncy
, 11
, Il'i
. ;
Santa Fe Copper
Ptah Mlnlne
. 13
. 23
. CIV.
. 40'4
. t'i
. 4)
London Stock (luotntlons.
LONDON. Sept. 18. I p. m. Closing:
. .95 5.1c
Cons., money.
tin account..
rnnndlan Pacltlo
St. Paul
Illinois Central....
1'nlon Pacltlo pfd
N. Y. Central ...
9S 7-16
. 27'.
. 901
. "3'4
. 744
do 1st pfd
No. I'aclflo pf.l...
Orand Trunk
Anaci nda
Hand Mines
65' i
nnlot: 2S"iil ner ounce.
xinNTl-Y 2iii3 ner cent: short bills. 3V-
Vi per cent; three-month.i' bills, 3Tifi3 15-16
per cent.
mv York Mlnluir Stocks,
NEW YORK. Sept. IS. Tho following nro
the closing quotations for mining shares
Crown Pulnt ....
Con. Cal. & Va..
Oould & Currle .
Rain A Norcross
II me"ali
Iron Silver
... D
... 45
... S)
... :t
1 ii nimith
d" Pfd
Sierra Nevada
1'nlon Con
Yellow Jacket
... 13
... 10
.. Uo
.. 14
... i:
pt York .Money Mnrket.
NEW YORK. Sept. 18 -MONEY-On call,
stendy, at l'.jfil'i per cent, prime mercan
tile paper, 415U per cent. Sterling ex.
change, strong, with actual business in
bankers' bills at $4,8711', tor demand
Wool .Mnrkot.
ROSTON. Sent. 18. Althoucli thein h.m
been considerable Iniiiilrv and 11 irrmil unm.
plo business donn in tho wool market here
this week, the sales nro tho smallest that
luivo been recorded dining the past tlireo
months. The continued dullness tends to
weaken 1110 market, nut dealers nro loath
10 cut uncos.
.Manuinclurers continue to buy onlv what
wool they require to keep their mills In
operation. Territory heads the list In tho
small business transacted. Fine medium
and line stunlu In scoureds call for lS430c,
while strictly stnpl.' lots aro quoted at
524j53c Fleece wools are slow ami In the
uusenco or nusiness prices nro nominal.
Australian wooIh held here arc moderate,
with slow sa e and steady values. Follow
ing arc quotations: Ohio nnd Pennsylvania
fleeces. X anil above, 26f27o; XX and XXX
and ulmve. 2S'..1i20e: delaine. :;0c: No. 1
combing. 20J(30c; No. 2 and threo-el.'hth
blood. 23ft uQc: coarse and braid washed
4i27c: X Michigan. 22fi23c; No. 1 Michigan
comb ng. 20c: No 2 Mich gnn comb ng. 20c
quarter blood washed, 24)20c; coarse and
braid washed. 2jTi26c: line delaine. "6I21C
unwashed medium, etc , Kentucky nnd In
diana quarter blond. 2l12c; three-i'lgtith
blood. 2l'!i23c: Missouri quarter lilood comb
lug, 2!H24c: three-eluhth blood, 2.1?i2lc; brai l
comb ntr. 201121c: lake nnd Georg In. 22si2.Se
Territory, scoured oasis: -iiontnnn 11 tin
Wyoming lino medium end line I74(1c;
scoured, 50c; Htnple. 52ffi2c; Utah fine
uieillum and line, liililic; scoured. 4sfir-x;
staple. 52fi53c; Idaho line meilluin and fine,
161117c; scoured, isjiuvc; stiinie. i,;o.hic
Australian, scoured basis: Knot nrlco.i
combing, superllne, nominal, 82'n87c; good,
Coflep Mnrket.
Rio. barely stendy; No 1 invoice, sup.;
mllil iiuli.i! fnrdiiva. 0141 10'mC. Futilr
opened steady, with prices 5fii0 point-;
lower and showed a weik undertone all
day, following a severe deellno in European
markets, n markcu incii'iisu in iii.i.nmu
reeelntM nml u weaker ruling of snot nieT
kel. European and local operators sold 011
the) decline. rue ticnitinu mini sicns
Miioilv fur iirnilts. constituted tho liuvlus
closed steady, prices unchanged to 5 points
lower; iiitai sue i...." ,.,Hr, ,uihmi, ih
Sentember. $7.10; Octnlier. $7 On;
$7.254i7 30; January, $7.M; Mnrcli
$7.5547.(K); July, $
SiiKiii' .Market.
xhh' mil. KAN'S. Sent. 18. Sl'GAR-
Q.llet; open kettle. 4"4i ; centrlf ugal, yellow.
54i31c; seconds. 3'y4 0-l0c.
NEW YORK, tsi pi- " m iiajv na .
firm: fair refining. IV; centrifugal. 06 test,
5c; molasses sugar. 4c. Refined, firm.
St. .Iiim'IiIi I.Isp Stock.
SOUTH ST JOSEPH. Mo., Sept. 1S.-(Spc-clnl.)
The Journal quotes?
CATTLE Rim elpts, 2o. mnrket stea Iv
to ieak; nallve-i, $1 l''4(5.45; Texas and
westerns. $3 154J5 35, cows and heifers. $2.23
4(165; bulls and slags, $2.2M 1.80; M'arllngs
nnd cnlves, SI 23ft t 26 : stockers und feed
ers. $3.i0i I W; veals. $l.(sM(7 t".
HOGS- Receipts. 3.W); market steady to
5c higher, all grades. $5.154(5.3 1; bulk o:
8feES.N7!i- LAMPS -Receipts, t m
murkrt nctlvo and Htroni?; lumba, $I.854J
5.45, sheep, $3,751(1.10.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
2 S10 t 00 42 n 6 25
2 725 3 90 21 HO) 5 i
4 783 4 () 20 112; 6 n
1 730 4 0) SJ 1208 r. 3S
1 870 4 26 1 1240 6 3?
14 1299 4 ft) 47 KM c 3.
2 1170 4 TO 54 1173 5 4)
2 975 5 0 24 1234 6 40
21 Ml 3 0) 21 13V) 5 .)
20 1133 5 00 20 1267 5 40
(2 J!35 S 30 1 1390 5 -,
61 1234 JS 0) 29 128J b Si
22 1172 5 00 53 U89 5 4.
19 11S1 .I 25 1" 1(38 5 60
1 108) 4 25
9 796 4 7) 22 957 5 CO
21 95 4 73
1 861 1 75 10 961 2 73
2 8,0 1 73 1 750 5 V,
1 Gf,0 3 0) 3 OSS 2 85
I 0:0 2 01 3 06 2 V,
3 733 2 11) 2 983 J 9:,
1 S'TI 2 4) 10 870 3 00
8 877 2 10 10 819 3 10
6 9S S 23 6 11V1 3 10
4 '.'07 2 ::. 41 DOS 3 10
2 113) 2 50 13 1C60 3 13
1 960 2 30 2 1130 3 !)
1 1110 2 50 1 970 3 23
1 930 2 60 1 1130 3 23
4 P67 2 6) 12 m 3 3
2 19) 2 GO 10 1167 3 4.
II 938 2 75 1 1000 3 43
1 1U0 2 7. 2 1115 3 90
1 280 3 51 1 400 4 55
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
27 72 ... $1 W 6". 261 40 f. 12'i
16 M ... 3 73 t 2tt 80 5 1214
2.', 6 ... 3 8, 71 2". 120 6 12'4
1,1 93 ... 3 90 K8 IS. 210 5 12'i
23 100 ... $4 () 21 2.18 ... 5 12'a
M 112 ... 4 13 57 26. ... 5 12',
16 16 ... 4 25 o 213 200 5 12'4
4H 2(1 80 4 8 f.6 283 80 5 12'-j
63 3:8 8) 5 0. 88 260 40 5 12'j
t.6 324 ... 5 0. TO 29 3 f. 1.
66 304 41 5 07' ' 70 231 0 5 15
(6 3f0 210 R 07'i C9 211 40 5 15
f,0 304 ... 5 07 '4 83 37 81 5 1.
76 241 ... 5 07'4 71 211 80 r. 15
67 321 40 5 i4 57 115 40 5 F.
43 368 ... f. 0714 71 Vi 24) 6 13
60 237 ... 5 10 62 2t7 ... 5 15
67 273 40 5 10 71 521 ... 5 15
33.. 253 ... 5 10 34 210 40 5 13
3 284 ... 5 10 tt7 216 ... B 13
46 SIS 120 5 10 73 238 40 6 15
51 223 PV) 5 10 t9 2s3 120 6 15
67 277 120 S 1) M 279 ... 5 15
51 322 ... S 10 85 219 26) .'. 13
58 273 40 5 10 75 267 321 6 1J
67 223 120 f. 10 66 237 8 ) 5 15
82 1P5 160 6 10 2(1 ... f. 13
51 S2t ... 6 10 72 224 160 3 15
47 325 ... 5 10 56 239 160 6 15
47 296 80 6 10 71 381 40 5 13
f,l 318 ... 5 10 54 262 41 5 15
40 323 10 5 10 58 2S.1 40 5 13
58 288 4) 6 10 61 !(4 ... 5 15
36 371 ... 5 1 0 60 367 ... 6 13
47 301 ... 3 10 59 273 200 5 1.'.
78 S.V. 2f0 8 10 78 223 ... 5 15
66 2S8 240 5 10 68 238 ... 6 15
82 271 120 5 10 61 279 ... 3 13
5S 26 ... 5 10 57 29 4 40 3 15
lit 312 ... 6 12"j M 204 41 5 13
M 191 12 i 1214 73 279 120 6 15
73 220 fO 6 12'i 29 2D 40 5 15
53 2S1 80 5 12V, 63 250 ... 5 15
56 31? ... 5 12'4 fO 280 ... f, 1.
70 261 80 6 1 2'4 fi 256 8) 6 15
73 211 40 6 12'4 76 207 4) 5 1
SI 192 ... 5 1!4 73 2V.S 40 6 13
79 236 4 1 5 124 87 2(8 80 6 13
72 241 10 5 12'i 79 210 160 6 17'i
66 222 40 6 12'j 3S 2CI ... 5 17',
62 242 40 5 1214 61 223 40 5 17'i
63 2(8 80 6 121, 70 2,3 240 6 17' ,
f. 24 280 6 12'i t,9 201 ... 5 17'i
6:. 322 ... 6 12'i 78 211 4) 6 17'(,
62 28 ... 5 12'i '9 203 ... 6 17'a
61 274 30 5 12', 6( 238 ... 5 17'i
69 261 ) 5 12'n CI 300 ... 6 17' a
62 267 16) 5 12', 60 I'M ... 5 21
51 T..277 ... 3 12'i 73 23' ... 5 20
63 269 ... 5 12'i 73 215 ... 6 20
69 271 80 5 I2'j 66 209 1 20 5 20
63 233 200 6 12'i 87 203 ... 6 20
53 295 ... 5 12'i V) 196 . 6 2J'i
61 239 . . 5 12'4 71 21t 120 6 2".
6( 264 2)0 5 12'i 70 ISO . . 5 23
Off lea Oier 2I& South 14lh Street.
$500 A MONTH.
Tr eats all Formt of
tt Ye:r'i Eiperltnct
14 Yean In Omihi.
Dr. McOrew at W. quickly without cut
ting or pain
SYPHILIS In all ataRn cored permanently
and t'tr I fe. Stricture, Hydrocele, LOSS OV
MANHOOD. Nlcht I.oMfn, Nervous liability
madder, iwuueyj, uonorrm.aa, uiem.
Electricity nnd Medical Treatment com
bined. TREATMENT UY MAIL. Consul
tation free. .......
Hours 8 to 8 p. nt. sumiay. 9 10 12. r u.
tin 760. Office over 215 South 14th street.
between Farnam and Douglas streets, Oma
ha. Nel.
If not, you have missed a good thlni,
This exquisite mult bevcrago stands on
unlquo basis. It sells Itself. Us tame and
reputation Is the enry of many. The palate,
tho beneficial results achloved "within" tht
Inner man aro tbo only nnd real judcci ol
its merits. Approved of by them, It tri
umphantly enters Innumerable household!.
Where Cabinet enters, doctors and drui
M1U exit.
riti:n icitufi inimvixc. co.,
PIiomc -ISO. OMAHA. .NEIl.
313 4 40
315 6 00
1 600 3 00 23 S71 3 70
I 700 3 23 9 461 3 "0
3 871 3 25 33 704 3 8.
21 699 3 33 6 1136 3 93
11 it 3 4) 1 930 3 SO
II 693 .1 63 C 513 4 00
1 S60 3 63 3 446 4 CO
19 822 3 03 1 1150 4 10
30 838 3 70 11 W3 4 10
1 92) 3 01 1 4) 3 51
14 739 3 20 1 24 ) 4 3i
13 811 3 40
1 1220 2 60 5 1K6 3 00
1 1440 2 (!) 1 C50 3 00
3 lit 2 TO 5 1021 3 10
1 1190 2 0) 1 520 3 23
4 172 2 9) 1 730 3 33
1 1050 3 CO
1 . 170 5 55 4 215 5 60
20 227 5 60
1 6(0 2 10 2 770 3 10
1( 727 2 75 5 6(2 3 20
3 b"3 2 83 2 1103 3 50
Av. Pr.
4 steers.... 1340 $3 10
$7.13; Muy,
1 steer,
t cows...,
1 feeder..
1 heifer.,
fi heifers.
!) feeders
5S cows...
1 bull
5 COWH. . .
1 cow
1 cow
4 feeders.
1 feeder..
1 feeder..
7 feeders.
5 feeders
1 bull ....
1 bull
. I'37
. 870
. f20
. Mfi
. 801
. !M
. '.CO
. SC.7
. !l.'.0
. 770
2D feeders.. 871
2 feeders. . 883
in feeders.
15 feeders.
13 feeders.
15 feeders.
1 steer....
57 feeders
7 feeders.
2fi feeilers. .Pif)5
21 feeders.. 831
2 feeders.
55 feeders.
3 heifers.
(53 feeders
S teedors.
fi feeders.
15 heifers
13 heifers.
1", I
11 II
:i to
3 05
3 50
2 75
3 3D
3 7.3
3 IK)
2 CO
3 15
2 75
:i 13
:i 80
3 80
3 23
4 00
4 30
2 50
2 25
3 83
3 50
I 30
3 33
I 30
3 ST,
3 00
3 !5
3 75
3 115
3 23
3 :a
3 20
4 25
4 25
I 40
3 .13
3 29
1 steer....
8 cows. . . .
17 feeders.
1 feeder..
1 heifer...
5 feeders.
1 feeder..
1 stnK
t lienors. ..
27 feeders. .
5 fonders..
43 feeders. .
3 feeders..
1 feeder. . .
11 feeders..
4 heifers...
1 cow
2 cows
3 cows
3 cows
1 cow
1 cow
5 heifers...
5 feeders..
1 steer
I bull
1 HtllR ....
1 Hint;
2 cows
1 tow
1 leeder...
13 calves. .
5 cnlves.
24 cows
13 cows
35 cows..
A v. Pr.
1330 $3 40
. 702
, 074
, SI8
. 801
. 783
3 05
4 10
3 50
3 31
3 73
3 50
3 20
3 2i
4 15
3 SO
3 Ii)
3 (VI
1 00
4 (8)
3 23
2 75
2 73
2 50
2 00
3 50
3 10
3 20
3 fiO
2 CO
3 30
3 23
3 00
1 50
3 0)
4 70
5 00
3 50
2 93
3 50
In. to niarry. linulil I
voit par la, lunKo inoa
UronK, vlcorout, robum
married mon, men IntcnJ-
In. to marry, iinuM takn a win aiionianinR re
mit t nluht loiso Hopped! power rmoreJt tl
at SlieriiiMi ti MrCunnrlli. Kiilm & Cu unit utliT
drURKliuur mailed tiy Srne lleanLo, IluSIsloJ, 1
E. Smith & Go.
uiim.MTlinrii wn 11 fnlrlv llhernl run
of sheep nnd lambs hern tnony, but tne
uunllty of tho sheep In particular win
nothlnK extra. The better urmles of sheep
were in active demand on tho part of kill
ers and the market ns 11 result wai a little
Htronccr. Lambs, however, did tint move
nnltii so freely, ns Chlcnso reports were
iinnn too favorable and the feeling was a
lllllr. r!i4l,.r
t..n.,.i.,ri unl.l nlimit the mime us thev bnVe
been for some little time no par'tlciilir
chiuiKO In the maruet neinir uniieeaiiie.
Quotations: i noice wi-sicwi K' j' ,vl'".'"'
$3.75til.OO; choice crass yeariniKS, jj.iS'ii
1H). ..l.nlnn nvi'S. $3.23'! talr to cood
ewe's, $3.00113.25: cull ewes. $2 503.(0; choice
snrltiK Iambi. $5.23fiS.R0; fair. to sood sprlf K
in.iw tr, O0li5.25: feeder wetners .i :in?i;
feeder inmns, jwiui-snnuini-
75 Wyoming owes i'"
1fi4 Htnh owes '.'
!SS I'tnh wetners .'.
113 Nebraska wethers 81,
2 Nebraska, weiners '
72 Nebraska wethers 88
273 Wvomlni wethers 103
m cull ewes
Importers and Jobbers of
Dry Goods, Furnishing Goodt
, . 1 . 1
S63? Wilson fc Prnlie.
Manufacture boilers, smolco stacks nn
breechltiKB. pressure, rcnderlnc, sheep din
lurd and water tnnks, boiler tunes con;
stnntly on nana, secona nana noucr oouini
and sold Special and piomnt attention to
repairs In city or country 19th and Pierce.
121 stock yearlings and wethers.. C7
89 feeder Inmns
310 feeder Inmbs
G10 feeder lambs
51 feeder lamns
48 feeder lambs
100 feeder lambs
330 feeder lambs
113 Idnho lambs
2S7 Idaho lambs
149 Idaho feeder lamns .....
93 Idaho lamns
421 Idaho lambs
15 Idaho Iambs
3 15
3 :
3 85
3 85
3 85
3 85
3 in)
2 50
3 00
" 75
3 90
4 03
4 35
4 .'15
4 37
Western Electrical
Ha mil a nil
Electrical Supplies.
Electrlo WirlnK Rolls and Gas Llfbttna
G. JOHNSON. Mcr. 1522 Howard St.
AFE AlSD IrtUrl k OHKi.
he Omaha Sfo
and Iron Works
Mnrket I. tleiiernlly Steady nml Some
- lint Loner In Spot.
cmr'Ann Kni 18 CATTLE- Recelnts.
Corn) head. Including 2.500 bend westerns and
1,200 bend Texnns; generniiv Menu...
natives, best on sale todny, 1 car at $('.. guild
to prime, steers. $5.,W(5.9n; poor to medium.
$1 101 5. 40- selei ten leeiiers. ai'"ii nu-ii'iv .1,
t:i.9i Ifil.fiil: mixed stockers. wi-ak at $2 75'i
5 7.-.- run VlMlM be flTS. I.I IMI'H.i J . 1 mi
nora Mtnmlv in J'-!.-'.,'!!'-' i: IIIIIIH. nnil ai
fft I CO ,m,Iv,.m 'r,n Imver llinn last I ui'Ul.ij
i J Mwrm Tr, 'Cvnim lii'sl un sale 1miI.iv, 15
cars at $4 10; Texas leu Hirers, i i"'n,i c.
Texas grass steers, $3. 601(1. 30; Texas bulls.
$2 75f(3 50.
HOCiS-Recelnts, today, 18 000 head; to-
infiprnu' " 0 limid. estllllilli'd. li ft over.
4 ( bead: steady; top. $5l,2'4; mixed and
liiiirliirii t:,.Wnh 55: gond to rlH'Ice lieavv,
$5.05'ii5. l"ii: rough heavy, $4.S5i5O0, light,
tr. 'nisir. C'l, : hulk of wiles. !.i.l. 9(5 40
SHEEP AND LAMI1S - Receipts, 13,000
bead: choice steady, others Pll.ic lower.
irnnd to cholCH wetiiers, $3 8.'i( l.2.i ; fair to
choice mixed, $3.2511:1 9o; western stieep, $3 8.3
f 1 1.23; Texas sheep, $2)'j3iu; natlvo lambs,
$1.25(0.00; western lamlis, ij.imin.W.
Vimv orl; Lite Stiiel..
celnts. 429; feeding, steady; London 'ml
Liverpool cables quoto callle at n'.sTil.l'jc
ner lh.: refrlnerator beef. 9'.1(9ic ner lb
export, steady. 735 cuttle, 158 sheep and
fi.5)0 miarters of beef.
CALVES Receipts, 120; stoutly for veals
anil grnssors; veals, $.,.((i'r(8.7.i; grasMiTs.
$.'i.25fi3 75. city dressed veals, firm, at 9?ilJc
ti.i lh
SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipts. 1.(28
h1iicii tlrm. lambs, firm to 10o hlgh'r;
Hlieep. $3 Cuff I 50; Iambi, $5 00i(C35
1IOOS- Receipts, 3.199: feeding steady.
St. I, mils Live siiicl..
ST. LOt'IR, Sept. 18. CATTLE -Rec Ipl-.
5 700, Including Texnns; markcl Hteai .
UHllVI nilll'IMtiK mill '.Aj, i nn' c
r. ilresHi'd liref nnd butcher steers
fiiS.V); steers, under l,0i pounds, $3 5" ill I "5
stockers and feeders. $3 20f74 0. cows ir d
heifers. $2"mit7u; canners. pwusw, in -'
$2 3Vr3C5. Texas nnd Indian Meers. $. J
i rfi r.,,ti'u nml hplfprs. t'l 13M3 75
11003-Receipts, 6,0.0, murkct steaily.l
a specialty of
w-l i, -T ESCAPF.H.
And Hurelnr Proof Safes ft Vault Doors, ati
(110 S. 1 -It li St., Uiiinliii, Veil.
Davis & Gowgil! iron Works.
IGOl, ir,(i:i nnd ir.Dfl .lack. on Straet,
Ollllllin, Neb, Tel. BflH.
B. ZabrUkle. Acont. J. H. Cownlil. Mr.
mr.ha Fflachins VVoks
Patient Makers and .Model Builders.
Mnnufui turers nnd Dealers HteatH
I'll Hngs. Elevator Suppllei. Steam
En.'li.'-s and ItullerN, Onsollne En
cii'S. ('reiitn Separators. Marhln-
Ista SuppH' Hiuh (irade Repair Work a
Kiirclalt 1 '.ic t.r nnd offluo M-H South
Tenth ST Phone 2320.
Jcicphotie 10UH. Omnlirt, Net
BOAHU OF TltAllli.
rvirrnrmi'dBiice. John A. Warr.n St Cn
T.'ir to Chicago and Nr Tor";
okaha nt.
BRArlCrt 1036 HSI