THE OMAJIA DAILY 111215: TV ESI) AY, SEPTILM M3n 18, 1000. n PECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for these rnlnmn, Trill be tnkcii until lit in. for tin' rvrtihiK nllllim nml unlit N .'10 ti. m for iniirnliiK nml Stindny edition. ltntrn, J l-i!o n n rd flrt Insertion. 1r n ttord thereafter. XotliltiK tnkri, for leu th it 11 2."n) for Hip tlmt Itmrr tloit. Thup ml vrrtlaenieuta niuat In run roimnMill vrly. AtH r rtlcr, h rctineatlnit n num bered ehrek, enn Iinvp ntiHTcr Ad dressed to n numbered letter In rni of The lire. nntn an niltlrraaril wll. lie delivered on presentation of the check only. Mil VIIOAS WAVIER. WANTED, by I.idv, position rtj, bonkkoepct Or stenographer, accurate iirrountnnt: good penman, owns typewriter, refer enrcs furnished Address Lock Rox 285 West Side, lown A Ml 12 IS' u ei-.mai.i: iir.i.p. WANTED, we have steady work for a few Rood hustlers of gooo nar-'ts :mu appear a nee C. 1". Adums Co , ID Howard St H 870 HAIMER trade taught thorough' y In short time; catalogue unil prt '-uIhis frei Address Western Hn" "is' Institute, omnhn, Neb. H- 8il WANTED, laborers, tenm is. rock men and surfnie men. Neb. .''-o. nml Iowa. free fare; highest wages; ship dully. Western It. It. Labor Agency. 210 8. mi' AN' INTELLIGENT young man to tnkc n shorthand scholarship in bABt school nml pnv for It when course Is completed n lit I pOHltlon McctiiPil. AiMreHS L Zt. "J'c. II 873 WANT HO, n llrst-clitss nil-ill ountl clerk fr.e it general merchandise store; iiust bo well versed In tit y goods utul bltve tome exuerlenee In window tm-tslnif ; state experience nml snlurv expected Address Is I), box MI, Went Point. Neb H-M021 IS WANTKD. nn oxpor'cnrcd young traveling iiihii. good references required. Address U I. Ilee. R-OI-.-i I HAVE paying position f all tinomp'oyfd innle teachers. Cm or titldreH.t i C. I. Hate. 5.H Itnmge Hldg. OIiiiiiiii. .'. 11 Co2-l J rDUCATKD man to conduct olllce In each 1 1.' tin i-iiiilinl tint honesty tin.) tuml common sense. Mlnblc concern with headquarters In Omnliu. Address 1 , 3, lire, i .i'"ri WANTKD men to learn barber trade. We teneli the work in two months, present cmiilcti. nut 111 nf too!n. 11.1V WUg"S lor Sntuttlny from start. gli- lectures on uifii. iliufiiiMim et'iuit illntimniH that allov. graduates to work In any stale and pay tranxpoitatinn to our college al Chloigo. SI Louis or Minneapolis, lirunn oijpor tunlly for applleaiitu from d'stanoe. ( at.t WiKiie aial liartlcularH malbd free. Mo er ltarber etdleKe repreBOiitatlve. USl I; a r niim Ht., Omaha. II MOT Jr HOY wanted. 1317 ChlcaKo street. It 70S-17 I1A HIIKH: no Sunday work; ll.(n). .1. I'. Coll.urn. Alliance, S'i,. Il-Mil3 22 ACTIVK man. by esftbl'sbed Imuue w irth 12.W.0WI; dutlCh. hlrlm; hjiu: liberal salory and exiienses advanced to rlKht purtv. Addr:ss William .1 I'll I. Manauer .721 Chestnut Ht., Philadelphia Pa. IW OOOD lire Insuranco hucllcr. I' r2 lleo II MNj 2) WANTKD. an exiierlene.' I electric elevator boy at once. People's Store. , It vo W WANTKD. a wide awake man lo solicit anil rolled tor an oni line innioniue "; puny, (lordoli HldK Itoom 115, New York ! If-' li-n o ti ODD Job mail and plasterer for rental dept. f .t, Uee. H-S9J 1.1 WANTKD Thoroughly expel lenced ellKl neer. one havliiK had experience with elictrlc elevators. Address, f W I tee. 11 - !;-17 AN enerKelle man to look after our In terests in Douglas and adlaccnt counties; salurv or commission; write for particu lars. "The Harvey Oil Co.. Cleveland. O. .... .f. r ll-.W'?7'1K WANTKD. quick, two pood-slzed voum; men with experience and wardrobe t i travel with dramatic company. Aildf.s M II Curti. Seward. Neb. It MUI5 111' T I I.OftS WANTKD. Ii'7 S 15th st. M-M9I7 19 W A N T 1 1 1 - P K M V 1 , 1 : 1 1 1 : 1 , V. AN 1NTKU.HH1NT lady to lalte a short hand scholarship In best school and pay for It when course Is completed and posi tion secured. AddlcHS 1. 2.i, Itec. C-S75 WANTKD. 200ft;lrls. 1521 DodKe. Tel. SiC. C Sill 80 filrfs wanted. Canadian oillcc, 1522 Doimjas C Si i WANTKD, at once. hIH. 2rtlfi Poppletoji Ave. C lijl-IIl OIHD for Kcneral housework; small family; Hood wiikch. Call at once, 217 S. 25th sL COOK A K"od reliable conk wanted; H easy place, Rood wanes. Address (Irnnd Hotel. HartliiBton, Neb. C-.MSS9 j:l an' ACTIVK. ambitious lady, t.ot yoiuiK.r than 25. wanted at once In our buslne-s. pav moderate, but gradually lncrine I. ! '17. Hce. C-S97 17 c.Htl. for llrst work, cood wanes. 55B So. -Sth Si. C-S92 1.' I'DU HKN'I lltll)NI. HOUSKS and Hats. Hlnnwalt, Parker lil R S.S1 I'OH HKNT. strictly modern Hat In Dav Idne bulldliiK. opposite city hall. JOllN W. ItOltlllNS. 1 FAltNA.M ST 1 ) - tiO.i ALWAYS ntovliiK It. H. Olllce. 15ll',4 I'Mnrnm St. goods. Pianos. Tel. 1E59 or Ma. D Sv HUB" HENHY H. PAYNB. C01 N. Y. IilFK t) S6D 1'IVK unfurnished rooms, till modern. 2711 N. 22d St. D-Mlll HOl'SBS for rent In all pnrts of tho city. Hrennan-I.ove Co., 320 So. IStli St. D aS7 IK yo.t want your houses well rented place thun Willi iienawa t iu u-n HOUSKS. etc. V D. Wead, 1521 UoukUs. D-S79 I.ROOM flat, city water, 2719 Hurdette. D S69 HOUSKS, stores. Ilemls, Paxton block. D-S0 I.AIKIK modern resilience west part town J35.0O. luuulro 120.1 Farnam si. D M675 roil HKNT. larite house, partly modern on very reasonable terms, at 130.1 Cutn- Inc st. w. P. Tukey, Hoard of Trndw K D-M702 17 MODKHN 13-room hoin-e, steam hout. 2218 DOdKU St. JllUKKllll llli., Hill lT iiinuiv FOH HKNT, Oct. 1st. 3000 Mason St., 9 r'ms iriiiiee: 11 II modern, with coal rantic tor rent n.ild. etc.; Kood repair. $33.00, 1115 South 28 th Htrcet, s rooms, bath, city water. Kas, Rood repair. .u rottcr-Sholes Co., 310 N. . Ilfo. D tl2-17 FOIt HUNT, 12-room houso. modern, 50. 221.4 WcUBtcr ni.. apply luicouinia. u 710li ICS Stanford Circle- -2tW2 and 2010 S. 13th St 1....M.1.1 iniiitiirn cottai:es. convoll lent ti Pout It Onutha and 13th St. car lines, J.'O.OO "file Hyron Heed Co.. 212 SUHI. CHAS. R. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam. D Mini FOU HKNT, a cozy S-rootu modern cot taec. inamre .in: nt. .wit) a. u pnn itt.'Nlv (13 So. U3d st , fi moms, bath, closet, water, 117 50. Has Just been papered and painted li a reauy to move into. OMAHA LOAN & T HI' ST CO.. 18th and Douglas Sts. D i.i I'OH HKNT, 7-room hoiue. modern, Ml 8 Xltll ave. i. an 4 najioo. imi...i. or 191. TWO (i-roont tnndfrn houses, new. Mth and JUmllton. 1". u. caa, ivwi u,1uAl.V'ou rim hunt noi m:. HOti.M t"Hin-ben!e. Hat: modi rn convenience- 2hM Sherman nv. APptv 216 Sherman nve D- M91fi if rttit iti: r-rt HMsiiKi) huoms. TWO furnished rooms; references. Sin S. IS-M6U IS 27 th TlUtKK roms. housckeplncs; 1112 S. nth. 371 FPIlNISIIKD rooms, heat by stenm; also board. 23R Harmony St., Council Illuffs. K-.MCI7 in IIOl'SKKKHflNC. Oil So. 17th Ave. B-CM-10 I.AIKIK nicely furnished front room: (ten tlemen only. 1D19 Dodi?e. K-MftlS KI.KOANT room, sultitblu for two nen. 521 S. ilSth. l-til-Ifl I'OH HUNT, three furnished rooms; l'cht hotisckvepliifr provided lor. 515 S iith street. Uttl 17 507 SOfTII th avv.i prlvato fnmlly. K-MS75 I'OH I IK NT, nice south room, for one or two Kuntlemen; prlvato family; near Mnnscom park car line. Atldresi r .'.I, Hie K-MSI5 IS MODI2HN rooms. H.M week. 511 N. 19th. K-S9.1 17' ITItM-IIKI) ItmOIS AMI llOAIll). ai.KNCAtllN.translents.Jl.aday. ICO DH. CiOOD hoard, prlvato family. tCJ So. fflth avenue. I MS1 t'TOIMA. 1721 Davcupott St. I.'-S9) IN PIUVATK family Mu Bt. Mary's Av. F-91 TUB Mcrrlatn, sood summer resort, 25th St DodKe. l S,L DKSIItAHIiK rooms, board. 2SS1 Harney. tr-MGU IS KI-KOANT room, with board. W0 '""Pltol avenue. K-M8S2 22 l'OU TKACIIKHS. nice front alcove room. two deep closets, on samr Hour with Imh room (lood meals Terms reasonao'e S07 S. 21th st F-MfiA) U 1'1'ItNISIIKI) smith board. 2'I15 Doufilas back parlor, with F-M7M is' KUH lin.NT l MM HXISIlBI) ltOOSIS. 2 UNF't'HNlSHKD rooms; no hojsekeep. I nij. 1057 Park ave. O - H'-' HI'ITK of rooms, modern, 610 Ce -rtla iv. G-M91S 1.) 1'tlll HUNT STKHKS AM! IH'l'lCKS. FOIt HKNT. store In tlrst-claM location; rent re.isonnble. Apply It. C. Peters .fc Co , ground lioor. nee diiik - l''OH UKNT, nice brick store bulldliiK in nrt AtnliUiiii eniintv. M.l. : tine location for Kcncrnl stock of merchaa dlse; bullilltiK I" Slx.0 feet, with wnrr room separate, and Is owned by Masonic IoiIro, one or mo nest corners in iowo Address W. B. Olcrmnnn. secretary. I IS i AtiKNTS WAVI'KII. I.I'CHATIVB and p'easant einliloymcnt ; mi f.Yttenso atturheil: commission tare.1; no experience tenulreil. teachers par'ic ularly adapted to the work, but can lie suecessuu auuicss i'i llulldlng. J-M70I 2S ItKl.lAllI.r: at;ents In every Nebraska mini iii ,11.1 i in- liest eomniuation ire nnu ai'cldent policy ever Issued; easy to sell ilnolile the ordinary amount of business; liberal contracts to iiood men. Address tiuarillan l.lfe Co.. Denver. Colo. J M756 29 V Wi lli) 'l it HUM". HOOM cottage or flat by Oct. 1st; stato rent. P. O. Hox 112.!. K idi-ii WANTKD. two modern furnished rooms IlKht liouseKcepinu', petween Miruam iinu Hurt, 20th and Pith; rent about J12. r w Hce. K-MP09 IS WATs'TKD, to rent furnished hotel In cood sma town In .Ncii. Aiiuress i: u n x 2 It!. Orand Island. Neb. K-MWI ! KlOlt Will, PACIFIC Storage and Wnrehouso Co., f12- 911 Jones, uenerai siorniie ami torwariiioi; - 892 Dm. Van Stnr. "'o., 15U14 Fam. Tola. 1559-'f1. S3.. WANTICII TO llt l. ai t iiin.iu f.r limiKehnlil t?onds. lintels, et lu large unu smnu iiuauimes. t iiif.15 Furniture Co., 1100-10 uouije. i ei. - " iN -fill WILL purchaso n limited numlier of Oinnba Havings nana accouuis. iirriimui Lovo Co.. 309 So. 13th. N-8'5 2DIIAND bicycles. Omalii Hlcycle Co. N-S90 WANTKD to buy small gentle pony, one that children can nrive. inquire a. y. Hrandels, lloston Store N M"S7 19 WANTKD. mantel folding bed "quick; must be cheap, r 11, nee. i ron si,i: fi UMTi'im. FOR SALE- l-'urniture of six-room house, complete, with or without piano, lioou location: chean rent; In South Omaha. Will sell 011 tlmo if desired. Address, "D, Iteo Olllce, Houtli uuiunii. n vn u on n i,i:-iiousi:s, viiiuci.i'.s, liic. NKW and 2d H. vtdilcles at marked down nrlces. iiarry rrosi, 1,111 icuvcnwurin. ' P-SflS FOH SALB, new buggle bodies with gear ing for suio ill i.w cacu. a i i nrn, 913 Douglas. P-M401 uct.7 FOR SALB. a horse antl ruggy, cheap. Ill- qlllro III 21U- Ol. -MUlJ ae. 1 .in.u roll SAliU Mlbt'IililjAXKOtS. HARD nnd soft foundntlon piling; hog lli-Viv' . ,., n,ll nimlnu II dill fences unu unoi'iun- CUTTKHS of drug prices. Shennun &. Mc- Ll!' '.'. ii 11..,.. I'.. ("or II Ih mill lln,l,, u-ontifii -. - - H, HASS, Florist, isij iiuuo 01. it'i, no. deuce.' wedding nnd grace, decorations. Onlcrt) by mall or exprcsso promptly tilled. 11 ...nil I'm iiiicir.. uiiiiiii:i(-, 111.11. noi- V irji 'DHAND snfo chcup. Derlght, 1U6 Farnam, Q 902 SAFKSj buy, sell, ex'ge., Schwartz, 111 B. 13 4 eja M. & YV. tires, $2.75. Omaha Dlcyete Co. 14 'JUI MANSON bicycles, $23. Omaha Hlcyclo Co. imiuwn wbeels. 13 to $10; new wheels $15, .i.i,...,.. .... mii, s. m,irt u, Oiualia nicyuiv i-i'.. ii v.iiii.1!," infl, SKCOND-HAND Callgraph (new) for sale Call ut olllco clerk district court. Q S40 FOR SALE, corncobs. N. 16th st. Monroe & Co., 811 Q-M100 FINI-: horso nnd ridibcr-tlrcd buggy. ery cheap. H. B. Fredrickson, 1422 Dodge St. FOR SALE Two pool mid billiard tables cheap, iui i.roaitway, v-uuimi e" SKCONDHAND Neb. Cycle Co. bicycles from $1.00 up, Cor. 15th anu -!9 FOR SAI.K. payable after received, three ...ft..ti,u ri,A rd' ill 'T. for u lilcrh irrade. II11II11IID ...... ...V. . K.ilruu-nr ilron bead cabinet sewing ma chine: $11 Oil for n regular $40.00 bicycle; $98.50 for a 1300.01) piano; $29.75 for a $75.00 parlor organ; i.ou tor u s-iubw ui stuffed velour $40.00 parlor suite All new niuli uraile standard noods. For full Par ticulars state articles Interested In and we will man you a special catalogue .Sears. HoenucK o.. c.i.cao NKKD Monny 11 will buy tine Chlcker lug upright. Address, V s, Heo. Q Iui O-l noon imvliiir business for 12.000 cash Rest In city for money Invented. Address U 10, Bee. Q-6S1-15' mii i;i,i,.m:oi a, N'OTIf'K. country de.tlers. 2dhand furniture and stoes at prli s. t nt load lots or less. ChlcHRo Kurnltwre Co . HPO-lrt Dodge H 907 tl, llt VU A.M'S MMK.O VI.MI'It Kcnulne pnlmlst lCf Dodsc. S IIS i:i,i:ci itic tiii:atmi:t. KI-ITB parlors. 01S S. lfitli. seeontl floor. T-373 OS MMK. A MBS. 1CI5 Howard, room 1. 2.1 floor; Mae Kdgar, assistant. T Mil 20 MMK. LKK. maKnctlc treatment. f.e7 S. 13th. room 2. T- MSW :b' Pf.HsoNAt.s, DH. HOY, chiropodist; corns removed, 26o atid upward, itoom 12, Frenzer blocK. U-H13 HOFF'S Bxprcss A Messenger Co. Tel. 1717 f-917 MONHKIT, Chiropodist. 151S rarn. Tel. 2X3. VIAVI, woman's way to health. 310 Dee b'ds u VI 8 Tt'HKlSH bnths, mnssago Imt'ns. electric baths, for Indies onlv: skilled women massage operators; Illiest equipped b.tths in tnc city, iiensirom ltatn uompany Hooms 210 to 220, Ilee Uldg. U-910 Hl.'PTt'HK cured; no kniro, no pain, no danger; send for circulars Kmp re Hup- itiro uurc, . uiug., umana. U-914 PIUVATK hospital for ladles be'ore & dur. Ing conllticmcnt; babies adopted, 1130 N. 17. U-911 PLKAT1NO and pleated skirts of all kinds. M, uoiuman c Co., 2W uougias diock. I' 915 PLKATINO, button)', to order; p'nkln; while you wait. Omaha Pleating Co. 52l uougias. uvii JOllN HL'DD, optician. 115 S. 16th St. P-501 S19 PHIVATB homo before nnd tlurint: conl'ne- mcnti babies adopted. Mrs. Uurget, 2'"20 iiurimtio. i 'i'i LADIKS' hair shnmpcoeil, drfffed, 35c. Hair toilet goods. Monhtlt, 151S Farnam. Tel 2:UJ L !V LADIKS' Jackets and tailor made suits al tered, cleaned, repaired. M. Fogel. 307 S. 17 ij jti tj- I , nur LAPKTITK French oval photos ROc pr dozen during September onlv. Proctor, 010 S. lGth. F-M333 Oct. 1 PLACID voiir oriler now for seal sncollc. fur scarfs and collarettes of nil descrip tions: furs repnlred and altered. Aula bnugh, Son it Co., 500 K.trhurk blk U-M357 05 WANTI-2D 50 secondhand ladles' bicycles. Nebraska Cycle Co., Cor. 15th Si Harney. L'-M 722-22 FOR SALB, elegant full tlress suit nt one fourth Its value. Look 1017 Farnr.iu. IT-S9I MIDDLI-:-AOKD grntleman with large In come desires to correspond with lady; object, matrimony. Address P. O. Hox 2i2, Myracuso, . i jum iv MOM1V TO I,()A- 1II1A1. ITATI! LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at D per cent. Uorrowers can pay Jluo or any multiple. Any Interest ditto. No delay. Ilrennan-Lovo Co.. 309 South 13th St., Omaha. Neb. W 921 MONBY to loan on improved Omaha real estate, j-ircnnau-i.ove co., .vrj an, i;un. W-92S $1,000 nnd upward to loan nn Improved city property and farti.H, W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Fnrnam. W-929 WANTKD, city loans, bonds and warrants. ueorgc At company, twi Farnnm at. W-931 MONBY In any nmount nt 5. 514. 0 ncr cent. J. W. HODUINS & CO., 1S02 FARNAM ST. W 930 MONBY to loan on farm antl city nronertv lowoj't rates. O. F. Davis Co., 1505 Farnam. w WW MONBY to loan nt 5 nnd G'4 per cent on umana property. v. n. .mcikio, iui m. tritn. W 927 PRIVATE monev. 5. 5'4. 0 ner cent: no de. lay. Oarvln Hros., 1013 Karnum. W-620 WANTKD. city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants, it. c. reters & t o.. 1703 Farnam St., Iteo Hide. AY 921 PIUVATK money. F D.Wead, 1521 Douglas W '.'22 FIVK per cent money. He tuts, Paxton block. W l'.M MONKY to loan on llrst-class Improved city prnpprty or for bullillng purpoes. l'avnu- lnox i n., sow Yorit laic. w 92.1 JIIOXBV TO I.OAX CHATTELS. MONKY MONEY LOANED SALARIED I'KOPLE. No endorser or tnortence required. LOWEST RATES, EASY PAYMENTS and STRICT!.! CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA CREDIT CO.. Room 626, fifth floor, Now York Life Hldg. X-933 -M-O-N-E-Y--D-O-Y-O-U-N-E-E-D-I-T- Wo mnko loans from $10.00 110 on furniture. plnnos, norses, cows, etc.: you keep the nronertv: or wo will make you a SALARY LOAN rn your own note, without lndorser or mortgage; wo cnargo niisolutely noth ing for making papers nml wo keep noth- Inc out or 1110 amount you borrow: von may pay the money bnck In one month or takn moro time In which to pay It, and you aro expected to pay for It only what time you uso it; our rates nro low and our terms tire the easiest: our business Is as cotilldentlal ns Is possible and our treat ment is niwnvs courteous. Omaha Mort gage Loan Co.. 300 80. 10th St. Estab lished X 934 LOANS. TO SALARIED PEOPLB. ARE YOU ONE OF THE CROWD WHO ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE of our NEW partial payment pian: us QUIETLY explain same to you. Wo loan employes on their notes, No mortgage; no lndorser; no publicity. Simply a CONFIDENTIAL 11USINKSS DEAL. AVe lonn THOUSANDS In this way. SO DON'T HESITATE ATinCT CALLING. Wo nro hustlers and want more business. It It. EMPLOYES HECEIA'E PROMPT SERVICE TO SUIT Tttl'm TIME AND CONVENIENCE These nro times of heavy competition and to remain leaders we must gbyo moro for your money RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Room S03, Third Floor, Paxton nik X-933 MONEY" loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew- icry, noraes, cows etc. u. e need, 319 S. 13. X-936 SALARY LOANS. CIIATTLB LOANS. J. w. lAii.ui-i, -is i-irsi jat. jiank Hldg. x 937 MONKY loaned salaried people holding per- manent position with responsible) concern unon their own names without seenritv easy payments. Tolmnn, 706 N. Y. L. Hldg X-939 MONEY loaned on plnnos. furniture, tinrses. cows, Jewelry. Duff Groen, R.S. Unrker Hlk A 93Ji MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, dia monds, watches, privately. Herger's Lonn 1.0., timl i-arnam nt., upstairs. X 910 MONBY loaned on furniture, diamonds, watches; payments eonlltlentlnl. Omaha Cluittla Loan uank, 220 s. 15th, upstairs. A9(l PRIVATE LOANS TO SALAHIKD PKO PLK momentiirlly embarrassed who deslro above everytning eiso to AVOID PUBLICITY enn bo accommodated at our olllce with less expense, time ana trouble than any piuce in wio ciiy. AMERICAN LOAN CO, Room C01, Heo Hullding. X-912 lirsixES's ciiA.vrns. FOR RENT, owinsr to udvunclnir vears Mr. 11. Haas, tho Ilorlst ut 1S13 Vinton street, has decided to rent out his hot house nt above location, occunvlnir 7.0 0 to RtViol Biiuare feet, under glass, with about 20) windows, nnu wit) resilience aim store irauiinc me street, on me motor line 'o South Omaha. Excellent locution for the bujlness. Y-941 FOH SALB Nice boarding and livery busl ness, chance for 11 vo man with small capital to make money. Address, Rox W, lien Olllce. South Omaha. Y-607-17 iii hm:s)i i n t FOH SAI.K. hurdware, tinwute and Imple ment tiuMhei.,. i-stRMUniil l iiirs. kooh bnslnes. owner wishes to retire, town. Mi Address T (15. t are Itee Y-Mi!l5 1.1 Foil SAI.K ItestaurHtit and confectionery in com! eastern NetirnskH town nt t,"' population. Only place In tevn. Address. I' 2". Hce Y-.M7M-17 HA HK CIIANcT:-Hii-ln-ss paylm? fritu JPi to Ji per month for ?nlr; only utnali capital rciiultod. AibUess 1' 33, . Mr.e Y-M7!) L J150 cash or easy payment, buys 211 strict y lawful lutckel) slot machines f..r dtlnk. clars or cah; will larn ! and tin ward weeKly each. Karl. Clark t'o , t-urni-ture Slanufacturcrs, Chicago, 111 Y .Mi." I FOH SALB. a 12.() stock of drtlRS In S K cn. ; fi.jcu takes It; mis is a snap; win trade for small Improved farm. Address L ts, iMiuilia lice. Y .m:" MAN and wife without chll iren wifit tnanaKcmcnt of a llrst-clas, $2 house or would lease fur two years, 20 years' ex-i-erlenco In hotel business, refetenct-s. Address, V 46, llee Y-M1K0 2-. A LADY or centtcman wanted to Investi gate a mining proportion presenicu reliable party; bank references, security given. K. c'. Atwood. lil Tabor Opera liouo liioeK. Denver .vr.ui I'tm i:enMii). 10) ACHKS clear Improved land In Hed Willow Co.. Neb., to exchange for prop erty In vicinity of Haii'-cotn park; tan pay tlltTerence 111 ensn. J. n. iiiancoaru, 1112 So. 29th St. Z-.M71 22 $9M) stock new generhl drv goods; will ex change for ileslrniue property in toe south or west; owner wouiu rcnuire uunio I2A50 cash to pav up obligations, but would take ail property for balance. Ad dress L. J. Wlfdc. trustee, 713 Wnbisha st . St. Paul. Minn. y.--Mm .r $0,fi, l:'.oolC $17.&i nnd f3i.ti stocks gen eral merchandise for sine ir irime. 'Wl de," 713 Wabasha st.. Ht. Caul. .Minn. Z-M!2 21 J50,0i10 worth nf general merchandise for sale or tratle In chunks to suit. "Wilde," 711 Wabasha St., St. .Minn i-'oii sai.i: it i: Aii i:T.Ti:. 5 s.ttnnM hoimrs for sal", i lionn: mod T'i ltenawa A: Co., 1U .N. luin si. ill-; jiiin in HOL'SBS, farms. H. C. Patterson, 305 N. ..L. t;i; yi.i HOt.'SBS. lots, farms, lands, loans: also Dro Insurance. Hunts, P.ixton blk. HB-91'j ItKATi TIMS: one of the beit homes In linn scorn Place; 9 rooms, large nn, poou uarn, slKhtly home; party la.r.g ciiy; pnc'. J7.ri) ). M. J. Kennurd & Son. room "lO, tln..... 1.1...!. III.? '117 Hrown block SBB HBNHY II. PAYNB, ol N. Y. LU'K HK-9:0 IHVl,M;VnV fn ItKAIXJlTAISTKKH for HKAI, KSTATIJ 1 1 A 1 W A I s r . i.i'- KST HATKS on LOANS; SOl'NIJ IN SI'HANCK; IIOI'SKS. FLATS. STOIIKS, for RENT. First lioor. -N. i.tiejmu4 GOOD rental property for tarm. Montoe iSi to., iceu nnu euci, an i. toio i"'. RANCH AND FARM lands for snip by the I'nlon I'aclllc llnliroitl company, n. j. McAllaster. land commissioner, I nlon Paclllc Hcadauurters, Omann, Neb. HA HO A INS HARRISON. N. Y. CHAS. 13. WILLIAMSON. 12(0 Far nam St. SBVBN choice lots on 30th and Pratt st . Omaha, for sale or tratle tor improveo city properly or good fnrm land: niivc other Income property and xome cush to inalch any deal. For particulars write S. Hanson, HH5 Hoono s'. , Itoone. la. 1 HI-: M31S 0 C F. HARRISON, FARMS. N. Y. LIFK. HB-361 05 FOR ft A LB. 5-ronm cottage, near Sit It and lllirtiene hiicuis, iui "'..J. "'"J,"".,." expenses on $l,Ofto. Will bo sold this week for $700. cash or payments C l . Shinier. 219 S. lOlh Ht. HK-MS30 lS 4413 Davenport, 7-room linuse anil uarn; lencetl, trees, snruiioery ; kii-iu n.n kuui, $1,000. Inquire 130S Farnam. MKDICAI.. LADIES out of health find prompt relief Hox 232. umana, ncu. 1. oiiiiuuuuhi. 9.0 LADIES troubled with Irregularities. whites, sterility, painiui or supprcsseu menstruations llnd prompt relief and cure; quiet homo before and during conllne menl. Call or write with stamps to Dr. Plies, 1513 Dodgo st., Oniulia, Neb. U-MCtJ OI3 OONOVA Is a French treatment for male and female, tor the positive euro ot 1.011 orrhoea, (Sleet. Unnatural discharges, ln llanunatluns, Irritations and Ulcerations of the mucous membranes. An Internal remedy with Injection combined, war ranted tn cure worst cases In one week. $3 per package, or 2 for $5. Sent any where on receipt of price. The Kltld Drug Co., Elgin. III. American Olllco, retail, wholesale, Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; M. A. Dillon, South Omaha; Davis Drug Co.. Council HIuITh. Full lino of rubber goods. n.r 'Biudi-ipi'll'l.! "on ii!3iu.itio jois.iuaci .1 lmsiitiup jhoa msv 'limit UJin.u .q .niMI III ..soipii'I .10 J.ilieil.. sjcin.iiJi'tl joj vuiiiiiiM .q- puos .IMl- Oil 031"! :aqc0J "oji'H .'it u sill. I ll-.MUUU.- Uhlnu;. K,ji)iMiji.) itillKt VI OSTEOPATH V. JOHNSON Institute, 515 N. Y. Life Hldg.; Tel. 101.1; Alice .lohnson. D. O., ladles' dept.; Old E. Johnson, Ostcopathlst, Mgr. 9:0 M. E. nONOHUE. D. O.. of Still school. Klrkville, Mo. ooi l'axton line. Tel. 1307. -857 N. F McMURRAY, H. S. D.. D. O., Mrs. J. It. Muslck. D. u., gratiuates A. H. u., Klrksvllle, .Mo., suite 630-3S lleo hldg. 372 05 A. T. HUNT. D. O.. 305 Karbnch. Tel. 2352. bSlj.OCl. 9. SlIORTII AMI AMI TYPEWItlTIXO. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life. -951 HOYLES' College, court reporter principal. nro mug. NEI1HAS1CA Huslness and Shorthand Col. lege. Hnyd s Theater. 953 GREGG Shorthand taught at the Omaha Commercial college, itith and Douglas stu -954 lUM'I.Mi, CALL on Morand, Crelghton hall, for society and staso tiancing, waltz ami 2-step, $3. Largo hall to rent for con ventions, meetings, balls antl club socials. 030-Sept. 21 CHAMT1KRS" school of dancing. 17th and Douglas. Classes and clubs now form Ing at uendemv. open dally, 9 n. tn. to 5 p. m. 'Phone, lilt. Hnll nnd music furnished parlies. Circulars. M59S Oio All SIC 1 1.. PROF P nitAUN. teacher of nlano Hid organ; studio 550 Hamge blk; onin 1 to 0 p. m.; terms moderate; thorouuli, arthiie work gttaraniccu. -MS45 Octia' lli:i. (ilAN I1AHES,, THE Los Angeles Helglan Hore Co. Is hwttl quarters for thoroughbred stock for breed lug purposes. 2027 N. ICth st , Omaha. S09 22 i:.m;i.m'i, iioii.ehs, etc. , C Sharp Much. AVks.; motors, dynamoa. -913 ni.OClTIO.V A.M ORATOHV. ELLA DAY. 201 Hninga bldg: reading, do- cutloii, oratory; Tiiursuay n'g'it school, M7S3-Octl5 XII'KEI. Pl.ATlXO. BTOVES. lamps and chandeliers replated. um. t'latitig lo. , uca mug. lei. u, -soo 1I1HDS AMI TAXIIlEH.MY, STOClv S Ulrd Store. 1003 Leavenworth. -959 I l ItMTl RE AM) PIANO AlOVl.Xi. JACOH BCHAVAHZ, 1510 Webster. Tel, 2010 -M12S 30 I.O"T. LOST or stolen. Sept. l. uwn. larue Irish spaniel bitch Return to 2"1' Spruce St.. tin N ward Lost-M(Wt LOST, betui-en Web'ter street depot .v.i-1 1721 Davenport, tiger eye charm Flitter leave at Ptopl.i hotel and receive reward Iist U is STRAY BO OH STOLKN. black branded brolichii. hltchetl to black top pnaeton. with tlark green running near. Call MiS Douglas street. Losl-.Mfllo is fa nw.iril for recovery of horse and capture of thief: piano tp itigg . green running gear, tl irk bay horse, dark trimmed harnes.. 1. lletts, M0 cutnln I.nt-M!i2 IS Dl.Ot't I IO.N VMl I'lM SIC Mi CI liTl'HiJ. CHAS. W WALTON, teacher of eloc.ltlon and physical eilture Delsarle and Swed ish gvmnastlcs. 209 N. ISth street. -OT9--17 Acr.rvi.r.M: MONARCH neneratots are best. CHrblde fl.fiO per 1(0 lbs Agents wanted. M. A. O. Co.. 1022 Douglas SI 077-O-13 IMtr.ssMAKIVti. IN families. Miss Sturdy, 31S S. 20th st. liju sept. 2t" B. O. M DONALD, 1012 Capitol avenue. -M007 013 .HTAM.MIIHIXtS AMI STl'TTBII IM1, CURBD. Julia Vaughan, 4J Riimgo Htdg. -Ml CCOIHMOV I'liKATl.Vll. ACCORDION and side pleating, cheapest, best, quickest. Mrs A. C. Mark, 9 Pat terson lllk., 17th and Farnam. -M51I 0 I II Kl'.r HROlvDlt. Cl'T rate tickets every where P. bin. 1505 Farnam. Teleuhoim 7t. II. Phil--907 I, A. Mil Atil'.M. CHATKLA1N School of Languages. I!oyd"s theater, will reopen Monday, September li). -OS IIOTIII.S. HBNDBHSON. Jl.tO per tiny house; board, J3.50 to $5 week. 9th and Farnam; tel. 12li, -MI6I Ol I'AWMlltOKKIIM. BAOLB Loan Olllce, reliable, accommodat ing; all busuess conllib'Utlal. 1301 Douglas. -9ta LOANS, H. Mnrowltr.; low tntes. 418 N. 10. liOII .AlMlltY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. 7c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 517. -S03 STOYi: ItKI'Alltl.Vti. STOVB, fuinace, rnngn repairs; water con nections, dm. Stovo Rep. Wks., 1207 Doug Tel. SO". IIIUS WANIKU. WANTKD. bltls for cuttliiR up 400 tons old scrap locomotive boilers A. H. A'pl'-,i. 913 Douglas. -MIO) ICK I'OH SAI.K. 1CK for sab- In Council HlulTs. car Iota. Cillbert Hros, -M5I0 II It N I'll lit; ItlOI'AlltlMJ TBL. 1331. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St. -902 m (;m:tiu hioai.i.m;. ORB AT Western Institute, 1C23 Douglas St.. chronic dlsease cured:. no drugs, surgery. o: CAIU'EVrKHS VM .lOIIIIIMt. ALL kinds of carpenter wirk nnd rep.ilrl-ig promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree. tli and Lake Sts. 30 I'Ot XII. FOUND, lady's watch and chain call Frank Johnson, 93.1 N. 2I1H. Found-MIHiO IS l'OSTOl l'ICI-: XOTICE. (Should be read DA I LA' by all interested as changes may occur at .my time.) Foreign malls for the week ending Sep. lember 22. 19o0. will close IPRO.MPTLY In all eusesi) at the General Post Olllce as follows: PARCELS POST .MAILS clo-'O ono hour earlier than closltur time shown below. Parcels Post Malls for Germany close at 5 p. in. Monday and Wctltiebday. TriiiiN-Atliiiillo Alnlls. TUESDAA' Al 7 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Uniterm Maria Theresln. via Cher bourg, Southampton and llremen (mall for Ireland must be directed "per s. s. Kalseiin M11 rlii Thcresla"i; at 9.30 a. tn. (supplementary II a. m ) tor IRELAND, per s. s. Persia, via Queenstown (mall for other parts of Europe must, be directed "nor s. s. Servla") WEDNESDAY At 7 a. 111. (supp'emenlnry 9 a. in ) for EUROPE, per s. s. New York, via Southampton; at 9 11. in (supplemcn lary lo:3U a. m.) fur EUROPE, per s . Germanic via Qureiistnwn; at 0:;;o a. m. for HELGIU.M dliect. per s. s. Kensing ton (mall must be dirt tied "per s. p Kensinuton"). THUHSDAA" At 0:30 a tn. for KUROPi-:. per s. s. 1-uerst lllsmnrck, via Plymouth nnd Hamburg (mul1 for France. Swltzr Innd, Italy. Spain, Portugal. Turkey, Egypt. Ilrltlsh India and Lourcnzo quez. via Cherbourg, mi'st he d'rec'.d "per s. h. Fuerst Hlsmarck"). at 0 30 n in. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND. ITALY, SPAIN. PORTUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT, HR1TISH INDIA and LOl'RE.W.o M A It. QUEZ. per s. s. I.t Lorraine, via Ilmre (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "ncr s. s. Lu Lorraine' 1 SATURDAY At S 11. m. for NETHER LANDS, per s. s. Stdtendam (mall bo directed "per s s. Stateudam"); at 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND difeet, per s. s. As toria (mall must bo directed "per s. s As toria"!; at 10:30 a. ill. tsupplementary 12 in.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Liunnla. vl 1 Ouccnstown; nt I p. 111. for ITALY, per s. s. Kaiser William II, via Naples (miM must be directed "per s a. Kaiser Wil liam If"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC -Th steamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial 1'ap -n and Samples for Germany only. The same class of mall matter for other pins of Europe will not be rent by this ship unless specially directed by her. After the closing of the Supplement iry Trans-Atlantic Malls named above 10MI tlonal supplementary mulls are opened r 11 the piers of the Amcrlcnr. Engil ll, French and German ste.iner;. and tomil'. open until within Ten Minutes of th-j hour of sailing of steamer Alnlls lor Stmt Ii 11 ml Central linrrlcn, Weil Indies, Etc. TUESDAY At 9:30 a n (siipplnmontarv 10:30 a. ml for CENTRAL AMEBIC V (except Costa Rica) and SOUTH PA. CIFlC PORTS, per s s. Finance, va Colon (mull for Ou Remain mutt lo directed "per s. s. Finance" 1; at li) a m for I NAG I 'A jtnd HA'TI, per . Europn; at ft p in. for JAMAICA, per h Admiral Furragut, from Hoston. AVEDNKSI A V At 10:30 11 m for II MTI, per s s Piins William III (mnP for Cura cao, Venezuela. Trinidad, Hrlthh nil Dutch Guiana must be directed "per s s. Prlns William HI"); at 1 p. tn for .mux ICO, per s s. Aliitanii.K. vln Tempi o (mail must be directed "per s s Mata'i-zas"). THUHSDAY-At 10 a. m for RRAZIL'250. direct and LA PLATA COUNTRIES .r s 1. I'oicriuge imnn for North if'UU must be directed "p'-r s. s Coleridge' 1; :.t 1 p. tn for SANTIAGO, CUHA. per . s Clenfuegot; at I p. m. Inr YUCATAN CAMPKC1IE. TAHAPCO nml CHIAPAS, per 8. s Segtiranca, via Havana and I'ro greso (mall for other parts of Mexico and for Cuba must bo directed "per s s Seg. uranca"); at 1 p. m. for YUCATAN, per s s Prima, via Progress (mall must be directed "per s. s. Prima"); at 9 p m for JAMAICA, per s. s Admiral Scluey, from Hoston. BATURDAY-At 1 a. Ill for N KAY FOUND LAND, per s. s. Siberian from Phllade'. plila: at 10 h . 111. (supplementary 10 30 a m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, BAA'ANILLA and CARTIIAGENA. ptr s. h. Athos (mull for Costu Rica must jo directed "per h Athos" 1, at 10 a n. (supplementary 10:30 n m 1 for INAOl A nnd HAITI, per s s Auir hi 111 a m (supplementary 10:30 a m 1 fir PORTO iurn Ym n.C'()A nml VR.'i:l ni.A or - s fi Philadelphia (mall f r r'avnnillu tn 1 Carthagenn must be airectcj - per a t pos i tiri'it ii notici:. Philadelphia", at II n m for Ct'HA. per s Mcvlco, via Havana, nt 1 p. tn IT M ATA NZ AS. CAIHAHIKN Nl'KV'TX".. (It It A It A, HARACOA and Pl'KRTO PADRK, per s. s. Cudltyba lordlnnrv mall til.. whiih must be diluted "per s . CuritNba 'I. Malls fur Newfotilnllnno. 'y rail to North Sydney, anil thence bv sl-amcr. ctoe it this oltlre dnllv nt S:30 p tn. tconneclln close here everv Motitln. Wednesdity and Saturilayt. Malls fur Mltnielon. b tall tn Hoston and thence by .tenmcr. cloe tit till, olllce tlallv at ".i p m. M ills for Cuba. b rail to Port Tamp.i. Pla . i.nd thfiice by sleatuer. cltvo at this office dally (except Monday nt M7 a '" itnrt eoiinectln cloes are on Sunday. Wed" tiny nnd Frldav). Malls for Mexico Tl '. overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch bv steamer, close al thl olllce tlnll at 2.30 a. tn. and 2-30 n tn. Mulls for Costa Rica bv rail to Mobile, and for Hillze. Puerto Cortcz and (lualemaM, by rail to New Orlenn. "lid th.'tice bv steamer, clone nt this olhce dn'ly at "3 p. m (contiertlng close, here Tuesdnvs for Costa Rica and Monday for Itelire. Puerto Cortcz nnd Ou.itemntaV M' -D-tercd mall close at 0 p. m previous day Trnnw-I'iic Hit" Mnlla. Mnlls for Australia (except West Anstfi'l't. which goes via Kiimpe nml New Zealand, which goes via San I'riii.eltrol, and PHI Islands, via Vnucouver. close here dally at fi :H p m tip lo September ":5th. In clusive, for dispatch per s. Warrltnoo (suppletnenliirv malls, via Seattle, elos nt (i-3i) p. tn September "MKtlt!. M t'l, f -r nawaii, japan, t Hint ami rniupi"''" Islands. la San Francici. cioe hT. tlnlly at 0:.t(i p in up to September '17ih Inclusive, for dispatch per s s. Nippon Marti. Malls for Hawaii. China. .Ispin and Philippine Islands, vl i San l-'rnncD-o close here dally at 0:30 p. m. up to Sep tember 27tli. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s Rio do Janeiro Mnlls for Autrallt (except West, New Zealand. Hawaii, FIJI and Siimoan Islands, via S in Franclco, tlose lure dndy at 0.3o p n. after September 10th nnd up to Septem ber 29tit. Inclusive, or on day of nrrlvtl of s. s Campanln, duo at New York Sep tember 29lh. f..r tllpattll per s. s Alt nted.t. Malls for China nnd Japan, la Vancouver. cloe here dnlli nt il:i p. nt up lo October '2d lnelule, for dlpnii'h per s. s Kmproxs of India itvglitrrcd mall must be directed "via Vancouver"). Mali" for Hawaii, via Sail Francl-co. close b-re tlallv at 0.30 p. m. up to .icto ber 12th. inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Australia. , , Tr.ins-Pacllle malls are forwarded to port of Bulling dally antl the schedule of clos ing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit Registered mull cloe nt 0 p in prev ious day CORNKLH'S VAN COTT. Pn,tmater Posloillce, New York. N. Y.. September II. 1900. MITICIJ. """doFULAS COUNTY FAIR The (ountv fair will be hold with the Ak-Sar-llen carnival In Omaha on Septem ber 21 to 2".i. Persons desiring to exhibit live ttocli. poultry or In any depnrtni'-nt of the fair should secure entry at once from O W Ilervey, st cretnt'y, 1IU Farnam street Tin- live st. 11k will be exhibited on the grounds of the Otnnlia Driving pirk. SI5-.M&B 7t IIAIliU A V TIMl-i '1' lll.i:s. FHKMONT BLKHORN & Mhisottrl Valley "The Northwi-stern Line ' Oetieral (llllccs Unlit d States National Hank Illdg., S. W. Cor. Twelfth and Fnrnntn Sis Ticket Olllce. 1101 F.irnaiu St. Telephone. (Al Di pot 15th and Webster Sts. Tele phone, to Leave. Arrive. Hlnek Hills Dendwood. Hot Springs a 3.00 p'n a 5:00 pin Wyoming. Caspar and Douglas . . ! 3:00 pm e 5:00 pm Hustings. York. David City. Superior. GenoAis. Kxeter and Seward. .. ,b 3:00 pm b 5:C0 pm Norfolk. Verdlgro and , Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:2.i am Lincoln, Wahoo and ..... Fremont b 7:50 am bl0:25 am Fremont Loeni c 7:30 am a Dnllv. b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only, tl Dally except Saturday, c Dally ixcept Monday. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL Minneapolis & Omaha Hallway "The North westet ti Lino" General OIliccH, Nebraska Divi sion, 15th and Webster Sts. Cltv Ticket Olllce. 1101 Farnam St Telephone, 601. Depot, 15th and Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger .a 0:00 am n 9.10 pm Omaha Pasesnger nil :10 am Sioux city & North east Nebraska a 3:50 pm Oakland I.uiul .. . b 5:45 pm b S:15 am a Dally b Dally excel). Sunday. CHICAGO A NORTH westetn Hullwav "Tho Northwestern Lino" City Ticket Olllce, 1401 Farnam Street. Tela phone. 501. Depot, Tenth and Mason Sts. Tele phone, C29. Leave. Arrive, Dayllitht Chicnco Sna- cial u 7:05 nm nll:30 pm vnicngn iMssnngcr n t:iu pm a s:tu am Eastern Exuros. Des Moliii's, Marshall tow 11, Cetlar Haplds and Chi cago ul0:53 am a 4:05 pm Eastern Limited, Chi cago and East a 1:55 pm 11 1:05 pm Fast Mall, Chicago to Omaha u 2:4.1 nrn Omaha-f 'lib ago Special. a 7:13 pm a s.-oo pm i-nsi .Man a s:3i) um a U.111V SIOUX CITV .t PACIFIC. Railroad "The Nonh western Line"--Oencral Otnces, United States Nnnnnal itann untitling, 8, W. Corner Twelfth anil Farimin m Tlnl-nt Office. 1101 Farnam St. Telephone. 501 De pot, Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone, 029. Leave. Arrive Twin City Express Twin City Limited Sioux ity Local . n Dally. ...a 0:55 am nio.50 pm ...a 7:35 pm u ,s:15 am ...a 8:00 am a 4:20 pm mmtgmfm omaiia .t st louis hail- H W M rrm(' Omaha. Kansas City n.H - f II U !..!- Hull..,,,.. I .irrul - .....(.ui,., 1 no Qulliey Route" -Ticket. Of llce, 1115 Fnrnam Street Telephone 322. Depot, Tenth nnd Marty Streets Tale phono 029 Leave. Arrive St. Louis Cannon Hall Express ..n 5:03 pm a S:20 am Kansas City and Qulncy Local a 7'00 am n 9:00 pm u Daily. t. AVAR AS II RAILROA1 ftfwjl Ticket Olllco. 1501 Farm RVMM Street. Telephone S95. I S3SS22K, pot, Tenth and Mai V Streets. Telcphune, 029. ROAD- Farnam Do Marcy Leave. Arrive. St. Louts "Cannon Hall" Express a 5;00 pm a 8.20 am u Dally CHICAGO, HOCK ISL and &. Pacific "-illroa.l "The Great Hock Isl and Route " (ity Tick et Olllce, 1323 l-'anrntn Street. Telephone. 12.4, Depot, Tenth AInson tsireets. reiepnono set. Leave. Arrive I Dch Moines and Daven- j nurt Local a 7-25 am bll:35 nm 1 Chicago Express . . . till :15 inn a s:10 nm ' C'liuago Fust Express. .a 5:00 pm a 1:2:1pm Lincoln and Falrbury. .a 8:30 am a 7:0) pm I.bicoln, Colorado Spgs., Denver, Pueblo nnd AVest a 1:30 pm a 1:15 pm Deti Moines. Rock Isl and and t'hlrago . a 7:15 pm n 5 50 pm Colorado S: Texas Fher a 5:5.1 pm a 9 15 am a Dally, b Dally except MIS- RURI.IN'OTON soiirl River Railroad "The HurllnKton Route Gmt-ial Olllces, N AY. Corner Tenth and Farnnm Sts Ticket Ofllce, 1502 Fnrnam street. Telephone, Hurllngtoh station. Tenth and M.tson Streets Telephone, Lincoln HastlnBS and McCook n. 8: 10 am a 7:35 pm t ii.coiti tinnver. Colo rado, Utah. California a 4:25 pm a 3:00 pm Lincoln & Hlack Hills. ,u 9:30 pm a 3 W pm , Montana, Puget Sound.. n 3:30 pm a 0 4.1 am Lincoln Fast Mall u 3:0) pm al0;J5 am Denver. Colorado. Utah . Sc t'aiiiurtua u: ara c Dally. KANSAS CITY. Bt. JO seph & Council RluITs Rntlroad-"The Hurling ton Houto ' -'ticket Ofllce, 1503 Farnam street. Tele phone 250 Depot, Tenth und Mason streets. Tele tihone. 12t. Leave Arrfve Kansas City Dny Ex a 8:50 am n 6 10 pm , Kaneas City Night Ex alO 16 pm a 6.15 am , at LiuU Fiver for St Joseph und St Louis a 4'55 pm nil 15 am WW u uany , ADVANCE PRICE OF HARD COAL Locftl DtM'.crs Add Fifty Cents to tho Cost of n Toil. ANOTHER BOOST IS NOT UNLIKELY .Not Eiiiniuli Aim In llmiibn In Mi PI" 1 7 the lleiiiiiud mul Strike Mn Mil I.i" It Kuril In liet. The prlie of hard coal In Oimihn has beea rttlvtincetl already 50 tents per ton, with prospects of still oilier advances In tho Immediate ftiltirc. When the season for using coat closed last spring the price per ton for hard coal was $S. Coal men nvcr Hint there was such a small margin In selling conl nt that rate, when the freight charges from Chicago nlono amounted to $2 50 per ton, lo sny nothing of the freight front the points of pro duction to Chicago, that a determination was reached to advance the price with th opening nf this season to JS.50 per ton. Even now they assert that the only pos sible means of prollt In the sale of coat nt $S.50 per ton rests In the disposition of u large volume. The strike In the enateru hard coal districts also enters Into the situation nnd few of tln loeat dealers have anywhere near the coal on hand for which nihanre orders have been booked. Unless the strike Is settled within a very until t time pinspocts of very serious dllllciiltlos In supplying the di'innnds nro undeniable 'Accurate reports recclicd. this morning." snld one prominent dealer, "show Unit (tin production of hard coal up to date lias been but 30.000,000 tons, only a little more than half what the 1101 null consumption amounts to. Unless tho strike Is tpccillly settled It is tlllllcult to ptedlct what Hie outcome of the tdtiiiittou will be, for there is not enough hard coal In Omnlut, or even obtain able, to furnish the early dctnautU. Our company h.iu orders for by fur n greater amount of coal limit we lutvo on hand or thai we luito prospects of getting In the Immediate future and I know that this is the r.iso with nit of the local dealers. Xn Lll.ellliooil or lleiliiellooi. "Ill case the strike Is ended soon the price of coal will probably remain at $150 per Ion. There Is not the remotest prob ability of lis being reduced below that point, llereloforc, all of the Missouri river titles having Hie same ficlght rates ns Omaha have been In ndiaiice of our rctnll prices by 50 cents on the ton. Hut this gieat pioblem now Is that none of the dealers have enough hard coal on hnnd to amount to much. It has been tlllllcult lo get our orders filled oven before tho slrlko of the initio workers wus InMltuted and nnw this phase liar entered Into the situa tion tho outlook Is very uncertain." Freight olllelals of Oninhn roads slate lluit tho shpmcnts of hard coal Into Omaha havti been moro bnckward this yesr than at nny time In leu yenrs. There lifts been but little coal nhvliig. the reason as signed being (lint the coal dealers hoped to see n reduction in tho rates and worn waiting for sin h a contingency, when they would li.tvo had their orders rushed through with nil possible luiste. It Is emplial Ically stated by tho railroad men thai 110 change lu the rates will bo inatle nnd as a result the barons are feeling the eflerts of their procrastination. two ticketsIn'each ward ( onlestlou Deleuii I Ions l-e Hooked tin Thiii-sdii.-, Di'iiioeriitli' I'rliiinrlf n. Democrats say that there will be two contest Ing: delegations put up In every Omalm ward for next Thursday's primaries nml It looked for a time ns If there were to he three in the Eighth ward. Threo tickets were In course of preparation there, the Howell committee forces being divided on the respective aspirations of Ocorgo Shields and James Kelkenny for county attorney, while Hie Fanning forces worn putting up 11 ticket without regard to this momentous question, but yesterday morning It wnu rumored that Kelkcuuy had tied up with the Funning crowd. It hns been lit, I mod by tho Fanning lenders that tho Itowelllles will pul up 110 ticket in the Third ward, as one nf their number, W. II. Giinsolus, has that ward within his grasp, hut Howell men contend that they will hnvo a ticket there. Tho v.olf In the fabio pui on sheep's clothing liecnuaB If he traveled 011 his own rcputntion lie couldn't accomplish his pur pose. Counterfeiters of DeWltt's Witch Ilnel Salve couldn't tell their worthies") Mlvcs on their merits, so they put them In boxes nnd wrappers llko DeWltt's. Look t (or them. Take only DcWItfs AVItch Ha7td Salve. It rurcs piles and all skin diseases. RAILWAY TIME TA11LI'.. CIIICAOO. HURLINOTON Si qulncy Railroad "Tho Iliirllngtiin Route'" Ticket Oillcc 1502 Fnrnam Ht. Tel 2V) Depot. Tenth St Mnson Streets. Tulephono, Leave. Ariivs. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 am Ptorla Express a 9:25 pin Chicago Vestlbulctl Ex.. a 4 (0 pm a 7:15 am Chicago Local Express. a S:5o am a 4:05 pm Chicago Limited a 7:45 pm u 7:45 am I'aclllc Junction Local. .al0:45 am Paclllc Junction Extra. n 7:00 pm Fast Mall u 2:15 pm a Dally. UNION PACIFIC"THE OVER land Routu" General Olllces, N. E. Cor. Ninth and Fonmm streets. City Tlckut Olllce. 1321 Fnrnam street. Telephone, 310, Detail, Tenth and Mason Stc. Telephone, G29. Leave. Arrive. Tho Overland Limited.. a 8:20 am n 7:33 pin The Chleiigo-Forllund Special a 8:20 am n 7:35 pm The Fast Mall 11 X:50 am a 3:25 pm Tho Colorado Special... nil :35 pm a 0:50 am The Fast Mall a 4:35 pm Lincoln, Heatrlco and Stromtburg Express. .b 1:10 pm bl2;25 pm Tho Paclllc Express ..u 1:25 pm The Atlantic Express.. a 0:50 am Ornnd Island Local b 5:30 pm b 9:30 am a Dally, b Dully except Sunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket Of tlce, H02 Farnam street. Telephone, 245. Depot Tenth nnd Mason streets. Leave. Arrive a 4:05 pm a 8:15 am Chlcngo Express . Oi.eairn Limited .all -.10 nm .a 7.43 pm Allniieannlls and St. 1 i f"' Express i) 7:00 am ti 9:40 pm 1 ii. ,.,,, ,ilh ului ni. Paul Limited a 7:45 pm u 8:16 am 1-rrt Dodge Local from 1 ouncii lllurrs ti 4:30 pm am ft Dally b Dallv except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL rtind General Olllces and Ticket olllces Southeast Cor ner nth and Douglas Sts. Telephonu 104. Depot, Union station. Leave. Arrive Ht Louis, Kansas Nebraska Limited K. (?., St. L. Express. a 10. 00 am .a 16: 10 pm n 0:30 pm a 6:15 um Leave from 15th nnd AVebstcr Sis Nibrnak.i Local A'la Wecplnsr Water h 4:15 pm 010:45 am u Dally, b Dally except Sunday. CIIICAOO, MILWAUKEE St. Paul Rallway-Ully Ticket Olllce. 1501 Farnam Street. Telephone 251. Depot Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone, 62H , "-7 C HCAico Llm trd Ex... j.eavo Arrive. a 0:00 pm a 8:0ft am Chlrago & Omaha Ex b 7 15 am b Z'Ui pra a Dully b Dally except Sunday. i mLm"KEE