8 TIIH OMAHA "DATLV TIRE: TUESDAY", STCPTTC"MTT-JR 18, 1000. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Unfavorable Wcathor iu Northwest Fur nishos Strength for Wheat Market. CORN DULL AND CLOSES SLIGHTLY LOWER Ittlo Trndc In Ont Prosl-lnn-Au"l" I'ecl Prr-s-iire from Short Wlio Were mi Mir 'I'rnll f I'll rL mill Kiln. CHICAMO, Sept. l-.-Pnfnvnrablo cflmat ooiulltlona In Hip northwest .-"""'"'VJ! ,.! ,, bull motle today. October clo-lng IH rain of 4 -tnce Saturday " " 1 So tower ana out "hiid- dcpre-H.a Piovlnlnn clo-ed 2Vr-M2'; blKber. . Bave for ti tnnin. nl of un.-a-lneH- at t" tarl. when tinder wen- feeling ' T..",' .i -'"dntmeiit our .ill advance "f '' , 1 at Liverpool and th- b-ibio hct- wheat wan buoyant Th. ,'l,r ' ,m",1,t further cnlnn. lii i-plte " l',v'1,!L0' i1,"'1 In Hi.ltf or an Im-mixe In worUl s hJiIp menta a ml In tin- amount on pasH age. h demand wan genera atnl broader man SSSatb.-niui.i- "r prwll.-tl.iiw of more rain for th- northwest rj,-(,l,.-r .ipii- Mt lower at -MiW,r ami under lttjrI l-res ur.- from buyers advance, to ..(.- The vlHihlt Increase of i.VM.Wl ' I'"' " Vex blank.-, on tnarkc-t. .Inlluem-lnB coi.f.l.l.r.ii.1.- piollt taking ''""? 1ok.-, however, whb -trong, October, after reacting t" '6V- mcndled anil closed V; over Saturday at 77'..:. N-w Y,t "'-h twenty-one 'oad- taken for export, while In wheat an.l flour were equal to. 1. -" ! I Primary receipts Kr''Pt.-il U-.Wi h compared with I.W.w bu. hint w - M '" neapnll and DjIuHi ropor ted ..II car- cnlnHt H hint w.-.-k ami 1.45J a yr Local V.-. r-ll'tM were 416 earn, tell of eon- Cnrn'wu'-'dull an.l Inclined to weakness At tltncH tbe market tried to brace up a bit III Imitation f wheat, but the effort wen. unavailing ami In thy ' 'T1, fettled bn.k. Heavy local receipts. cars, a lib-nil estimate for tomorrow the belief that the crop bad not V"'.1 ..i.i, the frost In tfie north last tight an.l the tame c.ihIi demand were all '' ' 6 -presslnB Hie market, Country ''MmH were reported freer and this also had an effect October sold between Kl'.c and "WSMo "'id closed He lowr al .S'j('. data were dull. The market f..lt u Me ptlrfer appearance at one time, In smp.Uli with wheat, and later transferring Its af t. etlons t.. corn, which meantime was seek-In- a lower loiel. October sold betwe. n """and SIN''-"!",.1 "l"1 closed n shade down n't 2l"i- He. clots Were I'.lS curs. ITovlslons attain felt Hie oressure from shorts, who were on the trail of I"'"'.'1 ribs. l.ar.l was siinported by the llu t iloeks of that -ro.ict. l.ar.l and rl botli lield their wiln we ', but when H" short Interest In pork had be. -om up parelitlv satlslled that speculal ve art I eased off October .ork sold l.etween $1J.. I nod 1l K.anil closed a's'iSc h!nher at t U0.'4 (it 12 15; Octobct lard between Ji..SjU nml Jf.r.. closlnu l"'iflJ'.sc better, iinil October ribs l.etweeii $lAn an.l 7.27ifc, with the close liWi I2'i-f Improved at ?..:!. ..10. lOstlmateU receipts for toniorr. w : ' ;i nr. cms. com, Picars; oats. 4..i cars; Iiobs, lT.n'm liea.l. ...... Tlie lea. litis futures rnneeil ns follows. ArtliTcH.1 Open.'l llluli.l Low. I Cloae.l Ycs'y. Wheat Sept. Oct. Nov. Oct. Nov. Cits Kept. Oct. Nov. Vork Oct. .Ian. l.a r.l Oct. Nov. .Ian. Illbs- Hept. Oct. .Ian. I I T-.'il I 7r,-i 77',i 7C Tflil-'77.V..V 7C 77V, 78 m'J !WJ',4 22',, I 12 05 7GTjl'jt77! "S "i.TM I l I ' in',41 ii'4i o.i :;i;,i :wti MVii i i i 77',. 10', 21'.. I2l',tffl--,.l aiSlSTl'. 21iHI 22 12 (h) 11 ) ii no i i-' id , n oo li no II 37'i II W) I; 75 I! 75 li saw t! S7',ii fi 77' i- .1 7." r, sr. li S5 I li 7.i f. iii'.i r.7,i I 7 M I 7 l 7 10 I 7 li 05 I C 02',i .i in i 7 75 7 27W na'.ii . ... 7 m 7 ID W!'4' tl 05 No. I. fash nuotntlnns were ns follow: I'l.OlTli Firm: winter patents, iXWit 1.00; stralRllts. $:i.rJMCt.7ll: clears. W.1UH3.W; spring specials. $t.60: imtents, 3..rH)f 1.50; HlraUhts. yi.Wrt.Ui; bakers, $2.Wifi2.75. Wl I HAT No. .1. 7CKrt72c; No. 2 red, 770. COHN No. 2, IOM2Hc; No. 2 yellow, 40 4l lic. OATS No. 2, Siiiii'JO'ie: No. 2 white, 20-HiJ( 21c; No. white. 2ITi2IV4e. ItYK No. 2. B2Vjc. IIAllliKV-Mood feeillnK, SD'so; fair to choice limiting, 49'ii55c. SKCD.S No. I llax, Jl.r.O: No. 1 northwest ern. fl.r.7; prime timothy. $l.00i5t 1.25; clover, i.mtract Krade. Jto.oo. rnoVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl.. JI2.00 ff"M2.05; laril. per 100 Mix.. $ii.Kr.'(iii.87'b: short ribs, sides (loose). S7.75'iiS.uo; dry salted, shouldera (lioxedi. $'i."7l3'itt'..t'.2,3; short clear, Hides (boxed). $S IOS.20. WHISKY Hauls of lilKh wines. Jl.2ii. Following are Hie receipts and shipments of the principal uralus: ueceipis Shlpiuents. l.l.fHKl 'I-.IM yo.oiH) l-'lour, bbls Wheat. Int.. Corn, 1 in Oats, bu.... Jive, bu 22.0.10 . . .25S.IHHI . ..tol.niKl ...:i70,0a0 . .. 5.01)0 IJarley. Int.. Ki.ouo ir.,ono tin the produce evchaiiKe today the but ter innrket was slow. Creametles. lfiui Efl'.jr; dairies, IKulSc. fheeso. llrm; W,!v 10';c. Kkkh, slow; flesh. 15.-. nkw y(ik ;i;M::t.i. i it iv i; i'. I'rlers of tin. lln am Ynrlous Com mod 1 1 Ic. NMW YOUK. Sept. 17. FI.OCU - Heei-lpts, 41.117 bids.; exports. 20..IIS bbls.: sales, H).::no iiackiiK'-s. The miirket was mote active and tlrmer on Hie streuKth of wheat. AVlnter stralKhts, $:! 504i:l.ir; .Minnesota patents, $1,151; I. r,0; Minnesota bakers, $2.7i ci ..,"0; winter patenls, $1 5uii5.00; winter low Krades, 2.4."',(f2.ii. Kye Hour, llrm: receipts, 41 bbls.: fair to Kod, J :t. I K, J Lt. r. ; choice to fnncy, J.l.rtii'u.I.iki. C01N.MI-:AI. Finn; yc'low western. SM( FOe; fancy, !; Hrnudy wine, $2.1502.55. UYK Strong; No. 2 western, C?c f. o. b , nlloal: state. 5Hi.Vk- . I. r.. New York. HAUl.FY Firm: weslern. III'kIiIc e. I. r., New York: maltlliK, MHiSSe c. I. f., ltuffalo. HAUI.IIY MAIl'-Ihill; western. i;2n;sc WIIKAT-ltecelpts. 50.275 bu.; exports, 25.HI7 Int.; sales. :t."i4.nno In. futures and Fn.Hl liii. export Spot, llrm; No. 2 red, S2V f. . I'-. nlloat; No. 2 liald, Si)i;i-; No. 1 northern. Ihilulli, Ml'.e I', o. b., atloat; No. 2 hard, Dulutli. IkUJi- f. o. !.. afloat. Options wero easy, because of disappoint ing KtiKlish cables, hut ipilckly recovered ntiil was strotiB most of tlie dny. Iluylnu for northwest ace.uiiit, stronger coulluental markets and iirospects fur more rain In sprlliK wheat regions aroused Hie bulllsh iiess in local circles, iiromotluK also a l.rlsk demand for demands. Closed llrm 'j'ijNiC advanced. .March, 5 7-1 Ml 87c, closed nl SleSe; .May. S"i41t!ii';e. closed at Mi'.e; September. VvM'ni-. closed at s:l4c; Or toiler. S0(iiiS2. closed at S1V; Hccember, WMIS4.1-1H.-. closed at Vli . COItN ltecelpts, ISS.suo bu.; export j. nt.SiXl bu.; sales. 120.IMU bu. futures and 240,(W bu. export. Spot, sttoiiK; No. J. 4.'4.'. elevator, and I'.V f. o. b., allo.it. Tlio oiition market had a steady opcnlui; and ndvanced on near months, owlni: to scarcity and strength of easli corn. Closed irregular and rather easy at . udvance on September, but Mle decline other wise. May. HKiSi IH.c, closed at ll'nc; September closed at t7'e; October closed lit Pic; December, 41Mi II'kc, closed at 4i'-ie. OATS ltecelpts, .117,2ml Im.: exportii. 10.117 bu.; sales, 75,tKi bu. Spot. stcad ; No. 2. 25c: No. :i. 2Hic: No. 2 white, 27c; No. 3 white, 204121'.-; track mixed western, 2l'(il 2Cc. track wlilte western. 25iifr33e; track white, slate, iiW 'Ek' Options were dull nnd nominnl. FHHI-I)illl: sprliiK bran, $li'..25lilii 50: mlddlliiKS, $17.iW5 I0.W; winter hum, $17.f.01i 19 00; city, $li.50(iM7.iHI. HOI'S -Quiet; stiite, coiiunoii to choice, 1VW crop. 10fl;!c; old olds, 2i4o; I'.iclllc .oast, ISW crop, lOIMIIc; old olds, 2(ft5e. IIIOICS Firm; tlulveston. 2il to 25 lbs., ISe; California, 21 to 25 lbs., is'sc; Texas, dry. CI to Mi lbs., l:l'.c I.HATHKK Finn; homlock wole, Uuenos Ayres, HkIU to heavywelKhts, 22',il(23',i;c; licl.i. 22i.41i23'fce. WOOI-OuA; .lomestlf llecce, 25S(2Sc; Texas. IMilile. I'llOVlSIONS-lleer. quiet ; family. $10.(X ffrll.OO; lieef hums. $20.0012100. packet. $10 00 fnll.lHI; city, extra India mess. $lti OOfli 17.00 Cut meats, steady; pickled be'lles. $S 7Bj M.fio: pickled shoulder". SlO.&o, liams. $:i 7j Pi ld.75. l.ar.l, steady; western 'teamed. $7 "0, nominal; rellned, llrm; continent. $7 50: South America. $S.t0, compound. Jiioo iiM2V. Pork, stronuer, family. $17.floM7 SO; short clear, $15.(Vi pi.oo; mess, $12.Wt 13.50. HICK Firm: domestic, ralr to extra, 4H flfi's': Japan, 44(1 5c MOI,ASSi:S-Steady, New Orleans, open kettle, coo.l to choice, 1311,130. m'TTKH-llecelpts. 33.220 pkKs.; firm; cre.unery. 10mt21e; June creamery, ism? Clc; factory, Hiitf.Uc. (II ICKSH -llecelpts. 1.XI3 pki?s.; larne. white. 11c; small, white, lie; hiriie, colored, Me; small, colored, 11c. KCiOS ltecelpts, 10,520 pkus.; market llrm: western, rcKUhir pnckliiR, at mark. J3ftl7ci western, 'oss off, 19c. TAI, LOW -Firm; city. $2; per package, 4Ue. country, packages free, 4H'ir4;;c. METAI.S Tho Kcni'ial aspect of tli (nut market todiiy was toward a lower level of nlue. Tin in London declined JJ.' nn. promptliiK a similar loss in the local situation. . losing weak here at $20.50 29 75 While reports from mihskow showed a weak feeling there, out market remain .1 lull and unchanged at $9.:t7'nfrlo..T7Vj for pig ton Warrants Lake copper was Mile! at IP; 761.IJ )" Lead and spelter were dul -lid in- h.mged on the l.ls or $I.:I7' and $l.0o4 1(i, respectively. Tip- brokers' tirb e for bnd whs $1 and for copper $IC.75flltf s;4 OMWIA VIK1I,I VI.K MAHICK'H. r.iiidlll.10 of Trndr nn.l (Inolndons on tnple n.iil I'nnc) Produce. IJG08-Ilet-olpts liberal; good stock firm at imfMV MVn POL'trilY - Hens. 7c; roosters, Itflc; spring clilckens, Se; ducks, 4Q5c; geese, ifiSc; lurkeys, Se. FML'SH DHK3SKD 1'OL'LTRY Hens, Si fl9e; roosters, Mtfie; ducks and geese, I'M lc: broiler, per lb.. IiVhllc; turkevs, UVsc prairie chickens, per doz.. J2.501i4.5n. HfTTKH Common to ralr, 13c; choice, lSlIOc; separator, 21c: gathered creamery, 19A2.K- FISH-Trout, iOej blueflsh, 9e; pickerel, he; oitllli, 12c; dressed btlffalo, 6c: whlte llh, I0e; herring, 6c; black bnss, lOc: sal mon. 13c; white uass, P'c; cropple, 10.; pike, inc., perch fie: slers, 25e: perch. e. halibut, ;U'. !mlltieaa., ic; ring lobsters, green, 22e: boiled Inb mnckerel, 2ijc; cndflsh, lt-c; yellow OYSTRUS-First irrnde. solid tinelrrl -nTi' V.ipt finiinla hr nil. extra selects. :!5c; stati.lar.i!-, 30. Second grade, slack tllle.i. New York counts, per run 30e; extra selects. 21c; standards, Sou. PIOKONS- I.lve, per dozen. !Wc. VKALS-Cholce DftPV. HAY Prices (iuote.1 by Omaha Wholesale Hny Dealers' association: Choice upland. H50; No. 1 upland, $8.00; medium, $7.50; coarse. Jii 5o Uye straw, S5.50. These prices ro ror hay or good color and utiallty. Demand ralr and pr'ces firm. OATS-No. 3 white, 26c. COHN No 3, as,-. HUAN-512 75 VEQKTAnL1-. CyCi;.IHIiHS-I'er dozen. 20J123C. NKW TCKNIPS-Pcr bushel basket. COc. Nj:w n HUTS-Per dozen bunches. 15ff20e. NKW CAUHOTS-Por dozen ounches, 23c. LLITt'CK-per dozen 10Jjl5o. KADISIIICS Home grown, per dozen, 15c. liKANS-Wnx. per half bushel basket, 40c. string, S5c. POTAToKS I'er lushel, 40flB0c: sweet potatoes, tn-r pound, 2c CAIHIAOK -Ilotuc grown, per pound, l. CA I LIFI.OWFM-Per dozen, $1. TO.MATOMS Home gr -wn, per half buHliel basket. V-c - ONIONS It-mi.- grown, per tin., uOqcOc. CKI.KHY- Neb'-iska. liO'.UOc. FHPIT3. PKACIIKS-Cnlirornla freestones, 83c; clings, 75c. PLrMS-Cnllfornla, per crate, $1.1011 25. l'ltrNKS- I't.ih and Colorado, per crate, $1; per box. line HAHTLMTT PKAtl.S-Per box. $1.752.00; otliers, Jl.50fll.75 OIIAPFS-iVIIfornla Tokays, 4-basket crat", $1.; Concords, home grown, KfalOc; Delaware atnl Niagara, per .-lb. li..kot, 13c. WATKIt.MKI.ONS An to size 2'ifffr,c each. CANTALOl'PK Oetns, per do?.en, mtrt'c; largo "Izcm. i;ofi75c , APPLKS Natle, 76cO$t per bu i per bid.. 2.50H5 00. Crab npplei, nor bbl.. $.1 w;HANHi:imii:s-Per bid.. $7; per crute, TROPICA I. FlttMTS pitANOKS-Vuleticlns, i.2.Vl 1.75. LIO.MONS-Calirornla. extra fancy, $5.50; choice. oiKj'u IIANANAS Per bunch, according to slzo, $2.i)'t2.7".. MISCKLLANKOt'8. Nl'TS Kngllsh walnuts, per Hi., 12(13e; lllberts. pur lb., 12c; nlmonds, per lb., mi lhe; taw. per lb., I4't5c; roasted, (i'.fcffii'ic. IIIDKS No. I green, fic; No. 2 green, 5c; No. 1 salted. 7'jc; No. 2 salted. Oc: No. 1 veal cair. 8 to 12 lbs., Se; No. 2 veal cair. 12 to 15 lbs., tic. SI. I, out. (.rnlu iiml I'm vImIoii.. ST. LOCIS. Sept. 17.-WHKAT-lllKher; No. 2 f.-il, essh. elevator. 753le; track, 7ii'.ffi .Se; September. 75c; October. 7ii'4c; D'e cutnber. 77MiT7'ac: No. 2 hard, 77Uc. COHN Lower; No. 2 cash, :.9c; track, 40c: S-oiember. jaiUc: October. 36Wc; December, '-'!':.'; yer. V,r. OATS-No. ;: rush. 21M,e; track. 2i'31i22c; September, 21'Ae; December, 22'-e; May, 2l'ic: No. 2 white, 2425'4c. I Y 10- i Usher at Kic. l'LOCIl Hetler; patents. J'l.CVfi3.75; extra fancy and straight. $3.343)3.4 J; clear. $2.40(ii 3.00. Si:Ft)S Timothy, .steadv. at $3.75r 4.40; llax. higher, at $1.13. COUNMICAISteady. at $2.00'!i2.05. IIHAN Firm; sacked, enst track, taf(70i:. HAY Firm; timothy. $9.uufM2.00; prairie, $G.7.Vo-N.2.". WHISKY-Hlea.lv. lit $1.2(1. IRON coTTONTii:s-$t.::o. 1 1 A Ml 1 1 N M - $K. 1 Wfl S5. I I KM I' TWINi:--9c. MKTAL8 Lead, quiet, at $4.32; spelter, dti'.l. at J3.S5. Pol'LTKY Steady; chickens, 7c: young, MiSVc; turkeys, 7c; ducks, 7c; geese, C''.c. KMMS Steady, at 12Vc. HI'TTKH Steady; creamery, 17i('21c; dairy, 15(f17c. I'KOVISIONS-Pork, llrm: Jobbing. $12.fA Lard, higher: choice. $.77',i. Drv salt meats (boxed), higher; extra shorts. $7.S7's; clear ribs, $S.oa; clear sides. $S.12',.. Hacon (boxed), higher; extra shorts, $S?50; clear ribs. $S.i!2U; clear sides, $S.75. HKCKIPTH-Flour. 13.000 bbls.: wheat. 175.000 bu.: corn. tiS.OOD bu.; oats, I9.IW) bu. SHIP.MKNT.S-l,,o.ir, ln.omi bb' wheat. 97,oon bu.: corn. Oi.fOO bu.; oats, Iti.OOd bu. Kiiiikiis ( ll (i i-ii I n iiml 1-r.ivl.loiiN. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 17. WHKAT Pe cember. fAc. May, 73e; cash, No. 2 hard, iVtG'ic: No :: fn'tifiusc; No. 2 red, 72'c; No. 3. 70i5fi7lc COHN-Di cumber, .12a,H32r; Mav, 54'vc; cash. No 2 mixed. SSfrilSUc; N0. 2 wllttc, ?,!iW.!c : No. .1. 39c. OATS -Sti-nily: No. 2 white. 23c. ItYH-N.i. 2. 17'uc MAY -Choice tlmnthy, $9.0, choice prairie, $7 0017.BO. HI 'TTKIt -Creamery. lSliJl.; dairy, fancy, 17c lOMCiS -Firm : iresli MNioiui and Knnsr. t stock, 12'jc (loz., loss ..IT, rsea returned; new white wood eases included, '.( moro. UUCKIPTS Wheal, U7.iV 0 bu.; corn, r,!.-r-oo bu.; oats. bu. SHII'MKNTS -Wheat, 23l,im) bu.; corn, 7,500 bu.; oats, 3,0iO bu. I'lillnilelpliln I'roiliiee IturUrl, PIIII.ADKLI'IIIA. Sept. 17.--llCTTI-:il-Steady: fan.-v western creamery, 22c; fancy western pi hits, 23c. KCCiS Steady ; fresh, nearby atnl west ern, MMiISc; fresh southern, 16c; fresh southwestern 17c CMKIJSK- Firm: New York full creams, fancy, small IKill'ic: New York luW i reams, lair to choice, H.Jil04e; Ohio Huts, OK Hie. loteiuei.t of Visible Supply. NKW YOP.K. Sept. 17 The statement o' the visible supply of grain in store and alloat on Friday, September 15. as com piled bv the New York produce exchange. Is as follows: Wheat. 53.927.0o-) bu., Increase, 2.Pil.n)ii bu.; corn. 5 i2,ooo bu., Increase, 2I5.(( bn.; oats, 10.;:I7..'". bu . Increase, l.f.22,iv) bu. ; rye, ?JI.((0i bu.. decreise 3'. ("i bu.; barley, ti53,(io0 bu., itu reuse, lifi.ooil bu. Dulutli When MlirKel. Ill" LI 'Tl I. Minn.. Sept. I7.-WHKAT-No. 1 liard cash. .M-c; to arrive. SM4C, Sep tember. Sl-c: December. Mr-c; Mav, 8l&;c; No. 1 northern, cash. 79'c; to arrive, 79c, Snpteniber, 7914c; December, 7WV-J May, K2e: No. 2 uotthcru. 74'ic; No. .1 spring, 740 O ATS -2311 23" , c. IIYK-52C COItN -iOe. AMiiiieiiiioIlN Wheat .MnrLel. MINNKAPOLIS, Sept. 17. WHKAT September. 77'kc; December, 77'.c; May, Mi-4c; lo nirlve. No. I hard, Wlc; No. 1 northern. 2'c; No. 2 northern, (ic. rLOI'H-lOc higher; llrst patents, $l.20f I. in, second patents. $l.(H.'ii 1.10; tlrsl clears, $;!.iHV(3.pi; second clears. $2.0015(2.10. llltAN-ln bulk. $12.00M2.25. llltt niiKee drain Mnrl.ol, Ml LU A IK KM. Sept. 17.- WHKAT -Higher: No. 1 northern, 79c; No. 2 north ern, 77'.4C UYM-IHgher; No. 1. 5454'..-. HAIU.KY Higher; No. 2. 324i."i3c; sample, I2il-.2c. HOVi:tlliT (II' STOCKS A,M IIOMI.s, Mui'Kel Opens vllti SImmv of SlreuuMi, I111I I, uler (iron . Mull. NKW YOUK, Sept 17 The expected fall in stocks fulled to occur 1 iday. There wore cotp-lderable selling orders at the open ing, in- never falls to happen on a br.-.ik on prices, but the friends of the various stocks had pl.iced supplanting orders (n tlie market and then buying was sullb lent to absorb the offerings. The pro'es-o. u traders win, had -olil short op Saturday were nut slow to detect the evidences -if support and they hastened to cover and take their proilts llnylug irom this source was a material factor in the recovery. Seeing the tendency of tilings the hull lead ers who tried to retreat last week at tempted to retrlese their lusies by buying The pressure to sell at tho advance stopp-.l this movement, however. lh. market fell back Into Its recent condition ot lethargy and downward drifting prices in practically all Importnnt stocks were ery near to Saturday's level at the Hon-, which whh dull and easy Among tlie professions I traders who still cortrol n large proport'on of the operations an Important Iniluaucit was exerted by the bullish opinions ex pressed by James It. Keene in an Inter view In IjoiuIoii, Mr. Kseno's views were the more Intluontliil, Inasmuch as Satur day's Kosslp on the etoek oxchango hud attributed a selllni; order ot 15,000 uhuu of vnrlotm storks to his account The .mailer traders who followed this lead had nothing to .1-1 but to 1 over their short p-.n-tracts thlx mort Ing. The relative llrtnn.-ss of th- coal carrying railroad stni ks. even before the general upturn, and the po.itii strength developed later, setved to detract fcnttiewhnt from the effect or tho sliutUnu down of Mm eoul mines fnenslticss was less active over tho money market a. d moro Hccount was taken of the fact tint last week's outward movement of current v was abnormal bv reason of the large relief funds transmitted to Texas Mreater con fidence was f.-lt in the ability of the money market to meet the requirements of the Merman loan subscriptions and more at tention Is paid to the larger view of the operation as an Indication of the growing power and Importance) of the country's ilnanclal position. The export movement of mcrchnmM'e continues heavy thus constnnlly tnnkltm exchange to meet the obligations Incurr -.l to meet the subscriptions of the loan. Larg llouting loans are coming due In the H- r.ln market to Amerlnm lenders an I will be available bv a bookkeeping operntlin to pay installments on the loan. The fear Is expressed In London that the American subscribers may pay the Merman govern ment by orders for gold on London, tho supply of sterling exchange In New York being large enough, It Is believed, to allow such an operation. This possibility was n depressing ructor In tho London stock mar ket, us Merlin would not be expected to be ho lenient a creditor as America has been, owing to the high money rate In Herlln. From nnv standpoint, America being the creditor In tho operation, would exerels. large control or the situation. The possible lino In which roller would be sought Is In dicated by last week's resale of the cer Htlcates for Urltlslt exchequer bond, to London, which was madu by some of the American subscribers and wlihh helped to frustrate the plan of the underwriting syn dicate to ship gold to London. The bond market continued Irregular. Total sales, par value, $Wfln. United States refunding 2s when Issued, the old Is nnd 5s advanced li and new Is '4 III the bid price. . Commercial Advertiser's London Ilnanclal cablegram: The tone in the markets hero today wns heavy and tho volume of mi l ness was trilling. Americans were rather eagerl - sold In the morning hours, under tho Influence of the coal strike and ill--monev outlook, some orders being given over Sunday from New York. There was a slight recovery toward the chue. Morev was steady. Tlie bank lost C6.O00 gold token for South Amerlcu Sliver was lower on the reaction In India nnd the tlose was uncertain. The following are the closing prices on tin- N.-w York Stock exchnnge: Atellisun do pfd Ili.lt A. Oliio .. fun. IMclllv ... Cun. Southern, dies. & Ohio.. ('. 0. W C. it & U Chi. Ill.t. At 1. di I f .1 r,l'llion Pucltlo .. lo pfd . . 70 . S7 , 4-t Wall .sh do pfd w. & 1 1: . 17'4 . 6 Hi . !:.'. . L-4 .110 .121 .if.) . I '. .r.'J . 3i'. . is ('a 23 Vi . l6Yt . Hn I'a . 17 . IMi it-i u.i piu I" 5 " is. cerurui .., MS Tlnrd Avetiu ., Ait.iias l:x Attn 1 Ion ti Ux.... P. H. Kx .memo a 1:. 111... c. & s. v... C. It. I. .V I Hjqi'Wella-Kargo V.x .Piou .1ne1. uoi. uii., . oS 1 do pfd , . .vvAmt-r. .M11. t. tig . o I .1; pfd , . l-VAin. ri. & H . t"Si do pfd .172 Amer. Spirits ,, . lli4 Uo pf.l . wit-j Am. Steel Hoop, . lux do Pfd (. O. C & rii. 1, t'.ilu. Southern... tlo lt ptd ,1,1 2.1 i.m Del. . II111I.011... 1)., L. Ai W n. & n. n do pM Krle do 1st pfil (it. Northern pM. Hocking Coal Hoiking Valley. . III. Cvnlial Iowa Central .lo pfJ Luke Kl ie & W.. do pfd Lake Shore Louis St N.1.I1... .Manhattan I. Met. St. Ity Mex. Crural M. A- St. I. . . do pfd Me. 1'iu-llh- Mobile Ohio.... M .HAT .... do pfd N .1. Central N Y. Cent-al.... Norfolk & V lo pfd No. l'ucltle do pfil Oninrlo A W Or. Ity. AV Nhv. do pfd lVniiiylvniihi .... Itr-ailln do 1st pfd do 2d nM Hlo O. W .H pfd fit L H. F do l.t pfd do 2.1 pM St. L . S. V .In pfd St Paul do pfd . 32 Am. S. & V 33 .IMi "du pfd 73 . LP Am. Tmplnte ... . 31", do prd .11.1'i Am. Tobacco ... . I do pf.l , 41 Anaconda M. Co . 21114 Itrooklyn It. T.. . iijilColo. F & I .Jo") Con. Tobacco ... , 711 I do pf.l . hs'l Federal Steel ... .I.M do pld 11 Clfll. Uisctrlc.... ... 2-JU ... VH4 ... M ...127 ... 4314 ... 3i(i ... 34, t Atjlj ... 7ii' ... 33 ... r.:,4 ...ns'4 ... 45 ... nsi, ... 18', ... f6 ... 71 ... 32', ... ti. ... l.j ...9p :,2 (lluece Sugar... 110 pr.l Inter. Paper .... do pfd Lii lede O ,s ... Nat. Illflcult do pfd National Lead . ... (H ... Sf. ... ut; ... 21.14 ...i:'4 . .1:9 . . . S3 ... 7t ... .Vl't ... 70 ... 19 ... 4; ... "C ...1:; ... lMfc ... ;4vi ... M .. 9' ... n ... ... 32'4 ... II ... :, . ..1I2, do pfd Nat. Steel do pfd S.'t N. Y. Air III like... 12 N. American 14' 1'aclllo Co.ist.... .14 S3 ill '.'114 91 , 3S do 1st pfd Uo 5d pfd Pacltle Mall ... reopIe'H Oas.., Pren.d S. Car do p'd 71'i Pullman P. Car 1S9 S. It. T Huaar do pfd 117 nr. w, mm ; 2914 si 74 UH Tcnti. C. & I V. K. I-ather..., do pM tl. P. Ituhber do pfd Western tTnlon . H f. I. ft S do pf.l P. C. C & St. I .174 St. 1'. AV Otnahii....ll So. I'n -trie 32 So. Tlallwuy l"l da pfd f-2'i Texas Si Pacific .... lCt Orrored. Kx-dlvldend. mv York Money MnrUct, NKW YOUK. Sept. 17. MON13Y-On call steady at I'i per cent; prime mercantile paper. I'.iR per cent. STKKLINO KXCHANOK-Flrm. with ac tual business In bankers" bills at $l.hWi7 4..vtiTi ror demand, nnd at $4.831 ror sixty .lavs; posted rates, $I.HIii4.84't and $4.87Vsf( 4.SS; commercial bills, .M.!2s''a4.S24. SILVKH-Certlllcatcs, t.S'iHtiS'Uc; bar, n2Nc; Mexican dollars, 19V4c. HONDS Movernment, strong; state bonds inactive; railroad bonds Irregular. The closing prices on bonds today are as follows: C. S. l!cf '. reg. Mo coupon do .le. 1 K ,lo eotllKill tKi new 4s. rcg... dr. ceitpon .In old 4. reg do coupon .lo .',, reg do coupon II r.l 3 ess.. . Alch. gen. s do adj. Is fan. Southi-rn 2s... Ches. 'Olio P.l!-.- do Os . . ,V N. W . 7h.. do S. I", deli Chi. Terminal (s... Colo. So. (s D It. O. Is Mo (s .lHU'N T. r. 1, jam .10P4 N. .T. c. non. Eh 12 llt N. Pac'tic J i4 .lo 1 do 4a 1044, .U!"j N. Y..C. Si St. L 4il0tot .ISIVs Nor. Si W. e. 4,.... !)i .115 O e. Nav. Ik t J .It I do (s 102 .,U Oie. Short Lln ..K7 .11.14 do o. : hji.j .1.1 Heading senoral 4. n.i, .ini',4 Hlo (5. W. 1h..: 09 . .."! ft I, & I M e. fa...lt2ii .194 St L fc S F g. 6 12J'a . 9-' St Paul ennsola ...1S"I, .ISO SI. P.. S: P. Is. .117-, .1.19 do s 11R1, .Krtii, So. I'acltle 4s 7' . S'J'i So. Hallway fs MS'i . Sift H II. AV T r T M Tex. AV Pacltle la. ..112. . 904 ,in 2m M . to t'nliiii I'aMlle 4s 1 !; Krle gen. 4s... r w s- D. c 'fipn. electric Is.. 7 I Wabash Is tfT do 2s In West thoie 4s ir.M; Wis. .Vritr.il (.... fc7"j Va. (Vnlililen $itt .131 .111 . 99 , . 9U Iowa .'canal Ih.. U & N. Hid. (a .. M.. K. A: T. 2s.... do 4s ' "When Issued." "'(") fl'ercd 1 1 1 1 x 1 1 1 ti Mock (ttiolallniis, HOSTON, Sept. 17. Call loans, 2f)3 per cent; time loans, liVol'i per cent. Ofllcl-il closing A . T. s. s. 1 .... rto pfd Am. SiiK.tr do pfd ll.Moii AlKiny, llo'ton 1" eviiled Host 11 j Me.... i'.. II. AV Q lioininlun Coal... do pfd 1' dertd Steel pfd Ceil. Hlectil- .... .to pfd I" '. Hlee III .... Mexican Central t.rli. Telcnhnne. 2l!'i Wret Utul (' AtchlKin 4s... ltd', N. K 1as .1- C HJ'4 Adventure 9tv, 9-1 ,-S'k I 1 87 .21", Alloilej! .M. Co. liI' Alllal. I'onner. .1SJ At'anlle 2ji(, 1231 llnton .Miht.,.3l(iii,iii . .l!'i Culiuntt ,"r llccla,. 7(rt .l'u Centennial ur, . B,iv r imkllii 13 1 8 llumhnlilt .131 .2H . II Oeolu .. Put rot ... (Jii ncv .. nr. .... lo', ....14- sr. 'Sana 1-V Cnnnr .. 44 ...1 ... 29t, ... !'i ... 4) N. K. da . C.ike. Old Colony oil pom'tilon 1 lubber I'lilon Pac-llle ei4 iiiiuaracK jo I Ctttli Mining .... 'il'a Winona 29 iVo.vrlnrs 51 T, 1 M Yorl. Mlnlim Slnclia, NKW YOUK, Sept. 17. Tho following arc the closing limitations for mining shares today: Cholor c-.iwn P Int .... fun c,l & Va.. I )r ad wood H-nild Si Currle . Halo AV NorcroBj. I-nn filler Mcxii.iu . 11 ,. 11 .1 . . na . si . 17 '. 4 . 21 Ontario Opldr , Plymouth , Quicksilver ... do prd Slept a NVvada Standard I'nlrn Con . ., Yellow Jacket ....S7. .... 41 .... 10 ....'V ....) .... 21 ....CO . ... I.', .... li Hunk CierirluuN, ST. LOFIS. Sept. 17 -Cleat lug.s, $6,HD, 571; balances. $s9S,5o0. Money. 61(7 per cent: Now York exchange. 30c discount bid, 20 discount asked CH1CAMO, Sept. 17 -Clearings, $,217. (ill: balances, $l,U2l.2h, postnl exchaiue, $I..M'i1l l.ss'j; New York exclmnge, 30c dis count. CINCINNATI. Sept. 17 -Clearings, $3.001. -150, New York exchnnge, 174ft 25t- dlscoutn. Monev. 3fi0 tier cent. NKW YOUK. Sept. 17 - Kxcharu;os, $103,. SS0 723; balances. Jti.435,152. PH1I.ADKLPHIA, Sept. 17 -Clearings, $12 321,301; balances. $1,979,995 HALTLMOHK. Sept. 17.-Cloarlngs, $2,0(6, W)S; balances, $599,925. CoiiilKloii of the TreiiNiir). WASHINOTON, Sept. 17. Today's HUto ment of the treasury balance In Mm gen eral fund. oxelUHlvo of the $150,000,000 gold reservu In th4 division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $13,).25(S,22ili gold. $73,737.o,l:i. 1'orelnii I'ltiHliclnl, LONDON. Sept 17 Discounts were flr.n 1-idiiy. th.-r, in ing indliatlnns that monry will become scarcer Ilbplacement 4 In coniieetiiiti wbh tails payable on fr.Mli sues of capital will be considerable durme. tlie week. Ai'.Mi.ioj going t local loans and stock tomorrow ami towards the end of the week. Besides the tteasury bills larger payments are dm the bank nnd the de mands of Herlln ore expected to be heavy at the end ur the present quarter and later In tlie enr. Hnsinecs uti the stock exchange was dull and prices niostlv Inclined down ward mostly owing to the nervousness about China and future money. Mottle rails wero weak utul there was an Indispo sition to transact business In On it Kast erns on account of renewed labor uncer tainty, when It was believed the troube had been shelved. Americans were flat, in response to New York and unfavorabl. bank statements and tlie strike, news, which accentuated the deptesslon, which wa most pronounced in Chicago, Milwaukee Af St. Pauls and 1'nlon Paclllcs. At the close prices wete steadv and there was a partial recovery. There were further real izations of Grand Trunks. The amount of bullion withdrawn rrom the Hani: of Kng land In balance today was Uouo. Spanish Is closed at 71-V Mold premium at Iluetios Ayres. 13H.50. HKItl.IN, Sept. 17,-Huslness was de pressed on the bourse today, owing to unsatisfactory reports rrom Amerlc-i. In ternationa, securities were dull, Americans wer weak. Locals relapsed sharply. -s-peclalP mine shares, cash sales being pressed, owing to contradictory reports In regard to the situation or the iron Indus try. The only fenture was the strength displayed by Transvaal railroads on the announcement that the Hrlllsh military authorities hnd taken over the Nether'ntnls railroad. Exchange on London, 2om 4"pf? r.ir checks; discount rates, short bills. 4 per cent; three-months' bills, 4 per cent. PAULS, Sept. 17 -Hitslness on the bourse today was Irregular, but the tendency was toward llrmness The dealings were small but townrd tho close they became brisker nn.l prices closed at the highest or the day. Spanish Is were at llrst frcoly offered, but subsequently rallied. Hlo tlntos fluc tuated much, but llnlshed strong, owing to the material decrease in tho stock of cop tier. Three per cent rentes, loif 25c ex Interest; exchange on London. 25f loc for checks. Spanish 4s dosed at 72.75. Cotton MiirUct. NKW YOUK, Sept. 17.-Wlthout display ing any of the setisatlonul activity of last week today's cotton market was wearing on the traile. being particularly sensitive of news or almost any description and to orders Irom an point of the compass. The general swing of the flu. luatlons wiih tho reverse of that of Saturday, though at no time did bear sentiment of a positive char acter assert Itself. The influence bearing on the market at tho start was a bearish set of cnbles from the Kngllsh market. This led to a weak opening hero with prices, down 41(11 points under feverish geiur.il selling and an almost total absence of bull support. The decline did not cease with adjournment or the "call." prices further easing Ofjll points before recuperation manifested itself on the down turn. Ku rope, the south, the public and professional holders sold nervously, parties having prof Ita within reach purchasing the cotton or fere.l. Light receipts, a brief spell of buy ing on the reactionary theory, reports that southern spot markets were easily holding their own and elattns that the print cloth situation was Improving in some respects started a sharp advance before the close or the llrst hour and during the rest or the rorenoon the market held tolerably steady without, however, rallying to the closing level or Saturday. The market had another weak turn In the early afternoon and broke to the lowest point of the day under a flesh demand to unload cotton in -cumulated on last week's rise, supplemented by straggling sales for short account. Ks tlmntes for much larger receipts during the rest of the week were partially responsi ble for the renewed selling, though the fav orable forecasts and reasonably good crop reports figured lis bear news. The market dropp.-il in a spasmodic way, but very llttlo new business through commission houses appeared. Trade was extrem.-h nervous In view or contlictlng reports as to tho umount of damage done by the storm In Texas und mixed opinions bearing upon tomorrow's we.-klv government report. Con siderable attention was directed toward Savannah, where receipts continued lieavv. due to haste on the part of exporters to f-hlp cotton and relieve the strained situa tion auroau. m lie market closed steady at a net loss of Hit 10 points. Futures closed steady; Hontember. J10.27: Oc tober, $10.23; November. $9.92; Decem ber, $9.7!i: January, $9.76; February. $9.71; March, $9.74; April. $9.75; May. Jd.irt; June. $9.74; July, $9.73; spot closed quiet; middling upland. 10'ie: mid dling guir. ll'.c. Sales. 2.224 bales. ST. LOCIS, Sept. 17 1 'OTTON-Qulet, He lower: salr.i. none; middling, 10V: receipts. m nates; siilptneuts. 4US ij,ils: stock. 4.520 bales. NKW OKLKANS. markot casv. sales, ."t.c: good ordinary. Sept. 17-t'OTTON-4.25.1 labs; or.llnarv, 9-Kc; low middling, 10 7-lOc: middling, 10 .i-i'ie. wood nilttillllig U 1-lhe; middling fair, 1' 5-lCe: recelnts .,39S bales; stock, 22.011 bales; futures quiet and steady. September. $10 42510.45; Oc tober, $9.8111!) S3; Novemi)fr, $9A2U!.C3; De cember. $9 60'f79 0I, January. $9fiOff9il; Feb ruary. $9.lfiti,62; March $9.(j2(f(9.(ii; April. $3.fi29.(i3; May. tn.WWH. L1VKHPOOL. Sept. 17.-1 p. m. -COTTON c.T.,11 )ii-l'iess nriceH llg'.er: Amerleiii mlddllru; fair, 7 9-10d; middling, 7 5-lftl; K'-od nuddlii.g. 7I41I: low m .1 illng. 7'.d: good ordinary. t 15-32.1; or.llnarv. t 5-32,1. The sales of the day were 3.000 'IihI'i-.. of which 30) were for speculation nnd oxnort nnd Included 2.3oo bal -s American. Tte celpts, l.ooo bales. Including 200 bales Amer ican. Futures opened llrm atnl closed quiet; American middling, 1. M. C. Sep ternber, 7 5-6ld value: September and Oeto her, (iO-CUltJ Ki-fild sellers, October and November. 5 49-iil'n5 TiO-Old buyers; Novem ber nnd December, 5 :)9-(jl'5 40-C4il sellers: December and January. G33-IM1 buyer,; January and February. 5 30-015 31-611 sell ers: February and March, 5 2K-fi4n". 29-fil 1 sellers; March and April. 5 2ii-04?r5 27-Kld sellers: April and May. 5 25-04 seller.; May anil June, f, 23-tillffi 21-(ild s-ellers; June and July. 5 22-fild hellers; ,ln' and August. 5 20-CM5 2I-ti4d. Coffee lllirkel, NKW YOUK, Sept 17.- COFFKK Snot, dull; No. 7 Invoice. 7',sc; mild, quint; Cor dova. O'.l'iOV-. Futures opened unchanged, but soon turned llrm .in nipport of bears and oncouri'irlng foreign news The featuic of operatiiW was tlie switching of near ror far deliveries. Tlie market broke bully late In the session, on reports of de. line In rate or excliatue In Hlo and crlHcil slate of Ura7.ll llnances In general: closed barely steadv, with prices rffll) points net lower. Total sales, Di.S'O bigs, including; September, $7.25; October. $7.25. November, $7.Wr7.35: December $7 55 7. 15; .laniiai y, $7.40; February. $7.15; March. $7.rru7.0O; May. $7. ffMii 70; June, $7 75; July. $7 75. California Dried I'rnKs. NKW YOUK. Sept. 17. -CALIFOUNIA DHIKD Fill 'ITS -Aside from a moderate inquiry ror choice grade of evaporated apples, to Mtippl) Iminedlatc wants, t lie ro was nothing In the way or features and the market was generally quiet on the basis of :i'.i5c for common; prime, 4uB,o choice, j'.jc, fancy, O'dC1.'-. California dried frills were dull, but about steady. Prunes were quoted at 3Vi7'o tier pound, ns to size and .iiiulltv. Apricots Hoynl. UfMo; Moor Park. IMiP'e. Peaches, peeled, 14'u ISe; unneeleil, O'llOc. (Ml Markets. OIL CITY. Pa.. Sept. 17.-0LS-Credlt balances. $1.25, shipments three davs, 224.011 bbls.; avorage, i9,9o bbls.; runs, three davs 213 fi,9 bl.isj. ; o eraite, 87,218 bids LONDON. Sept 17 -OILS-Caleutta lin seed, spot, fi'.'s; linseed oil. 31s; turpentine spirits. 2Ss 3d; rosin, American strained, Cs loua. LIVKHPOOL. Sept. 17.-Ol LS-Cottonseeil oil. Hull rellneii, November, steadv. at 2U.s 3.1; turpentine spirits, steady, at 2Ss. Neiv orU Dry (noil. NKW YORK Sept 17.- DHY OOOD5 Tlio week opened with a verv atl.mg cot I011 goods market. There has beep no change In the quotation for hl-ric'ilei! cot. Ion, bill In all oilier staple line.' prices ris ing and higher quotations made In many Instances. Print cloths dllii- iilt to buy on basis of 3Ui for regulars. Prints are tend ing upwards Mlngliams very tlrm. Whlto goods scarce arid against buyers. No change In woolen goods. Toledo Mnrliot. TOLKDO. ()., Sept. 17-WHKAT-Actlvo; spot and September. 7954c; October, kOUc; December. s2'.' COHN -Dl'LL; No. 2 t ash, 124c; Decem ber. 35'4c. OATS Cash and September, 22Vsc. ItYK Dull: No. 2 cash, 51c CLOVKKSKKD-Dtlll: October, ?ii 93. Siibmi" llnrl.el. NKW YOUK Sept. 17. SI'MA H Haw, tlrm; fair retinlng. I'4c; centrifugal, 93 test, 5c: molasses sugar. Ic; rellne.l. llrm. NKW OHLKAN3. Sept. 17-SL'OAlt-Qulet; open kettle, 4l4u; centrifugal, yel low. 51iB,e: September, 3fl9-1Cc. LONDON, Sept. 17.-SI 'OA H licet, Sep tember, lis ;Oid Wool MnrUct. ST LOFIS. Mo., Sept. V, -WOOL-D'lli, nominal; limited denmnd; medium grad-s 1421c; light line, llfiKe: heavy line, liy 14c, tub washed lS'fi29c Kluln llulter Mnrhel. KLCIN, III. Sept 17-UL'TTKH-Steady, at 2lu; sales, 25 tuby. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Both Cattle and Sheop in Good Supply, but Only a Few Hogs Arrived. HOG MARKET AVERAGED A SHADE HIGHER Corn (n((le Hnlbcr .Slorr Sale, but (iooil llrioy l-'oeders IU nnd I'lillj Mend) llotli -.beep nml Lambs sicnilj. SOUTH OMAHA, Sept. 17. Keoelpts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Olllclal Monday 0.:52 3..I1U 12.9W Same day last week ... r v-O 1,9(2 i.'ilfl Samo day week berore . 5.7,V) 2,7I lO.'W Same three weeks ago.. 7.v .'1,113 12.VC Same rour weeks ago... I.'llij 2,618 Hl.tOi Average price paid Tor hogs ror the hist several days, with comparisons: 19U0. 11893. lS9Sril'fl7.llS9'5. ISrS.liSM. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. L. O a.'. 4... r... r... 7. , , 8.. 9. . 10. 11. 12. 1J. II . 15. Hi. 17. 5 0J, 4 20' 3 611 3 99 4 Hi 3 6.M 4 071 ' 3 05 4 071 4 19 I oi I 22' 3 02 ' 4 23' .1 6J I 05j I )i 3 Ml t 021 4 "0 , 3 601 I 001 6 H 1 t 02 I 5 Hflj S OStj,' G ((,!(, G nvV G IO74 5 lfitj fi 22 1 G 20t, 5 07'," 2 81 4 31; 2 8l 4 3I 4 1 5 ' I 4 13 D 55 27C 4 IV 6 Bl 2 iS 2 81' 2 M 2 M 2 SV 2 79 4 5? S r8 4 29 a lii 3 OS .1 911 I 21 3 931 3 ,S4 4 di r, Ci I 2S 1 22 I 26 4 (..' 5 3 77 2 7:1 I 05 j S) 3 79, 3 82' 1 4 00 o i3 :: s't s'n 2 09 4 05 5 7; r. i. I s OVv ;G12 4-5, 4 'I' I -31 3 71' :. .7i 2 70 I (j M 3 31 3 BS 3 4 2 731 4 12, ' 1 3 OS I ,1 8(1 2 051 I 03', 5 t7 Indicates Sunday u7J.' .',lcl-l, number of cars of brought In today by each raid was; i.. o CattU,.nog.s.Sh'p. stock HVs. 31 '"it "io i V, ,., ,niein ..til s ai Mo. Paclllc lly ; F., K. & M. v. n. II 79 8 6 C.. H. I. .(i P., east '. ." " i V., II I. A.- P.. west . I Total receipts .. 27S ,",2 49 14 The disposition of the day's receipts w.n as follows, each buyer purchasing the num. ber of head Indicated: Havers. Cattle.Hogs.Sheep. Omaha Picking Co 191 Ml 33: M. II. Hammond Co 1175 5 D 715 Swift & Company -jia 3s i,oo Cuilahy Packing Co .... 1,010 805 1,05 Armour & Company .... sci 3S 1.0.5 It. Meeker Ai Degan .... Ill , Vimsant & Co 171 J. L. Carey S15 .... IVS Lohman ..- Co l.on McCreary Clark 2:11 W. I. Stephen 162 Hill & Huiitzlnger 02 llenton & I'mlerwooil .. ,Hi Livingstone & Schaller 277 N. Morris 177 Hamilton & Hothschlld.. ;il, L F. Husz ro Dennis Ai Co 2:1 A. S. Mawhlnney :io Other buyers 1,2.17 .... 2..I56 Total C,i2 2.305 S.S12 CATTLK There was a good liberal run of c-attlo here today, but they were mostly feeders, very few corn or grass beef cattle being on sale. About ten cars would cover the receipts of eornfed steer, nn.l the mar ket was not very nctlve 011 what whs here. The general tendency of prices was lower .mil some sellers claimed that bids were In some cases as much as a dime lower. The general murket, however, could best bo described by cnlllng It slow nnd weak. There wero about fifty curs of cows on sale and the liberal supph made buyers u little slow- about tuklng hold. Mood cows and heifers, though, were Just about steady and the common kinds were steady to weak and not verv active. Tlie stocker nn.l feeder trade monopolized the most of the attention and s the vard traders were fairly well cleaned up they took hold of the good heavy cattle with considerable life. That class of cattle were fully steady and In some cases thev brought a little better prices than they would have sold ror at the close or last week. The commoner grades. In view or the liberal supply, were rather neglected and prices on that class of cattle were certalnlv 110 hotter. Stock calves were again In good supply and prices today were a little lower. ltecelpts or western cattle Included-very fow beer steers. What Tew there were here met with ready sale at fully steadv prices and particularly wns that true of tho better grades. O001I cows were lust about steady, while the commoner snides wero a llttlo slow and prices none too tlrm. Mood feeders were steady to strong und common kinds slow and weak. H.ire sentatlvo sales: HKKF Av. Pr. STKKKS. N. A v. Pr. 18 1121 4 9i) 19 108.1 4 91 8 IDS 3 IS No. 1.. 10.. t,1.. 1.. ..1270 .. 910 .. 9M .. 9"0 3 S) 4 Kl 4 (l 4 f,a COWS. 1 M 2 7". 19 S... 3... 1... 1... 1... 1... 821 9ii ... 9"! ...1231 ...1030 3 15 2 SI 3 75 SI') 3 D 1 IIKIFKHS. 9(0 2 00 1 .... 729 2 (0 1213 ! V. HULLS. 2 25 6 2 8-1 STAGS. ..1SH1 . . lino .1.1V) 3 : STOCK COWS AND HKIFKHS. 4f) 2 .".0 1 Ps!9 3 i 113) 3 00 STOCK CALVES. 430 ( 70 91.. 12.. 3.'.' 9.. ft STOCKKHS AND FKI3DKHS 613 5 ....10(5 ( (0 I 00 1 00 ( e.1 I 0.1 4 25 3 2. .1 :: 1... 1... 27... (9... 18... .11, HO . (CO . C53 . n;i . 639 SSI ss: 3 so 9C0 3 jr. 3 80 4 0) 916 . 5I7 ST K KHS AND HKIFKHS. .... 755 4 4) NKHHASKA. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 2 feeders.. 89. $.1 75 2 feeders. .1000 $5 75 12 feeders.. 941 3 73 2 feeders.. 903 :i 75 2 feeders.. M5 :i 25 1 cow HWi ", s." 7 cows 091 2 V. 1 steer 1150 II 25 1 cow 770 2 81 85 heifers... 310 -1 IN) 102 stk. civs all) 5 10 11 cow 321 1 20 low If IV) 2 90 1 heifer.... 850 1 15 ! calves... !!07 -I '.) 11 feeders.. 460 4 10 1 calf JHO 5 ml 1 feeder... 469 3 .VI I calf 90 ft 00 16 cows Kn 125 0 calves... I9ii 1 on 1 cows 120.! .1 73 70 calves... 3.14 5 00 1 bull 1170 It 00 25 feeders.. 9JI 1 85 0 cows 1011 2 M 16 f lers.. 712 3 55 9 cows 748 2 15 5 feeders.. 710 .100 5 feeders.. 931 1 0) 12 feeders. .lltfi 4.W) 1 heirer.... 810 1 (Kl 42 cows 976 1 45 .1 feeders.. 726 1 15 6 cows 1020 2 60 1 feeder... O) 3 25 15 cows 912 2 75 5 heifers... 580 II IT. 39 steer. ...1220 4 30 9 steers.. ..1205 4 30 2 steers.. ..1263 4 10 2 bulls 1110 2 05 1 bull 1150 2 05 2 COWH.....119') 2 75 2 feeders.. 1030 4 15 .19 cows..!.. 96 3 3" 12 feeders.. 1009 4 15 16 cows 1UI6 3 30 1 lull 750 .1 25 I cows 925 2 50 1 bull I Oil) 2 65 I cows.. .. 8.S7 2 0 1 bull 1370 2 85 1 feeder... 620 :i on 1 cows 87.1 2 00 2 cows SIO 2 60 5 cows 1108 2 95 4 cows 067 2 75 1 cow 810 1 50 1 cow KilO ;l () 6 cows 1CO.) 2 Ml 2 cows 920 2 HI 7 cows 684 3 10 .14 feeders.. 8sS 4 00 1 feeders.. 807 1 50 1 feeder... 76U 3 50 19 feeders.. 863 3 75 1 feeder. .. 720 .1 65 2 feeders.. 885 3 25 11 feeders.. 807 3 80 28 feeders.. 618 4 (HI 1 cow 890 2 70 2 cows 980 3 20 28 cows SSI 3 80 1 cow 71") 3 (Hi 1 cow- 810 2 65 1 cow 810 1 50 1 cow 9".0 2 (id 12 feeders.. 781 3 75 S heifers... 861 1 15 15 steers.... 812 4 () 71 leeders. . 901 IP) 3 feeders.. 900 I PI 19 feeders.. 737 3 50 1 feeder... 720 2 0 1 cow 109U 3 DO 11 cows 870 2 90 1 cow 100.) 3 30 1 cow 850 3 itO 1 cow 810 3 15 1 cow 8V) .1 50 (i cows 90S 2 'W 1 cow 000 2 M 1 cow S70 2 liO 1 cow "(l 2 73 8 cow- 681 ,1 20 1 cow 860 2 00 I bull 1170 2 65 7 cows 802 2 00 II cows 750 2 91 0 cows 625 2 .VI (i cows 800 2 10 2 fei'durH.. 520 3 25 II cows 1017 3 40 2 cows Urn," 3 00 1 cow 910 3 no 1 cow 1920 3 40 1 cow 8 30 3 10 1 cow 1200 3 10 1 cow 11)50 .'! 10 1 cow 910 3 10 1 cow HUO 3 10 0 cows 915 2 .85 1 cow 1000 2 85 1 bull 122.) 2 75 1 cow 1080 2 85 1 COW 1010 2 S3 1 cow 830 2 85 1 cow 910 2 85 22 fdrs. Tex. 8.11 3 :;r, 2 steers.... 91i 3 3 7 steers.... 861 3 3. 14 steers.. . .1023 3 3. 2 cows 1180 ,100 2 t-OWS 1180 3 00 2 cows 1100 3 00 1 cow 1220 2 8.i 1 cow 920 2 25 2 cows 880 2 15 2 cows 985 3 25 8 cows 98 3 25 24 ft-ednrH.. 741 3 SO 7 r.-ederH.. 988 I Oil I feeder... 820 2 33 i heifers... 787 :i(Ki 4S feeders. .1030 4 10 3 feeders.. 1030 3 50 CTAH. 72 feeders.. 621 I P COLOHADO 28 cows 916 2 70 21 hellers... 521 3 0) S3 cows ft'17 2 75 8 feeders.. 93.1 3 :) 17 cows K-O 2 85 limits 1670 2 53 SOI'TII DAKOTA. U cows 973 2 85 8 cows 109? 3 11 1 COW 1091 2 6 16 cows 88 1 3 75 MONTANA 12i) calves.. 289 4 73 M. K. Chlpps-Neb. 8 feeders. 1046 I 15 6 calves... 373 I 40 W. L Watklns-Nrb. "7 feeders.. i 3 80 21 feeders. . S52 3 0 .1. M Carr & Hroi-.-S. D. 22 steers. .1207 I 20 L C. Wakemun o 19 f-dders. 1231 ( 40 4 feulers 1228 4 Oo 1 cow.. . . 1160 3 25 W. o Mara N'l) uowi &M 3 W 31 heiftrs. .. 771 3 20 730 3 00 1 cow . . 1010 10W 2 M 9 feeders.. 732 2 85 3 85 C. C Cobble Nb. S4 3 36 1 steer 820 2 a 917 2 tt Mathews .- I'n -Neb. 2h heifers. 743 3 00 I cow 1201 3 2 I heifer 7! 2 50 P. A- W. F. Mcl-'arland-Wyo. II feeders . 87 I V, 25 l eders. . 9I 4 1. :n tee I M s 15 feeders. 8 cows 16 feedeis. 2 feeders. 822 .1 75 A. K Weaver wyo. lo,"') I 00 1 feeders. S2 3 15 2 cows ... Lovulatlil "r II.--Neb. 760 3 lV 70 fredeis. , 680 1 i 24 feeders. 761 .1 00 3 feeders. . 8(0 .1025 . 798 3 5-) 2 ) 3 CO 3 00 3 00 1 30 4 90 3 75 2 (0 2 50 2 55 3 SO 3 73 . ?07 . 761 D. .1018 .1045 .IPC. 61 feeders Cresswell Cntt'e Co. S. 4S feeders, .psll I 10 47 feeders 31 feeders. 1037 4 ; 123 feeders, 1 feeder. .1130 4 30 27 feeders P. H Sherand-Colo. 1 stag. .. 29 feeders. 2 feeders. 51 feeders 41 steers .. 7 steers.... 23 cows 11 cows 2 heifers.. .1390 2 75 I ill ... ..1140 . .. 8M . . . 922 ...1113 ... 93S . 9H 1 .15 2 bulls.. "oil 1 00 32 cows. D Whlttaker Wyo I2'S 4 00 6 cows. . 1(V) 4 30 2 steers. 930 I 25 S. Morrls-H. D. 938 3 20 2 COWS.. 99!) 3 10 10 COWS. . .1133 . 986 2 6) 3 15 70u 1 25 M J. Oray. 117 feeders.. 940 1 SO C. f). PalmerCntn 35 feeders. 614 4 15 1 feeder... 420 3 00 F. Wllklnsoti-Neb. 10.11 3 23 1 cow 830 2 73 2.) cows. L. M. Duvls-Wvo 49 feeders.. 1200 t 75 L. Hamsv e-S. I). 3 heifers... J feeders.. 5 feeders. . 1 feeder... .MX) 3 15 28 feeders.. 1009 910 4 20 2 feeders.. 850 20 3 75 M. Ilobertson-S. D. 72i 3 15 1 calf... . 110 5 50 60 4 00 L. lllntz-Neb. 3 cows. 923 2 60 19 cows 1021 3 43 3 75 3 o0 James Farrell Neb. 18 feeders.. 1166 1.10 1 feeder... 1020 Scolleld & K. Neb. . 991 3 30 I COWS 1115 . 920 2 00 1.0 cows. 2 cows, 15 cows. K Krulse-Neb. . 780 3 lo 3 Cows .1003 2 50 1 bull. . . . 1020 3 (X) Lake Tomb Cattle Co. S. I). 1 feeder. ..1250 4 Id 1 feeder... 940 4 10 4 10 I P) 4 10 I 2i 4 CO I 20 4 y) t 20 1 20 2 reedera.. 10,1 1 feeder. . .1050 5 feeders.. 110S L. 1 steer 1510 1 steer 1210 1 steer.. ..1120 3 steers... .1270 4 10 1 feeder... 1360 4 10 8 feed. rs-.K"? 4 10 27 feeders.. 1057 A. Hrown Wyo. I ft) 1 steer 1510 I 20 1 steer 1260 I 20 1 steer 1'JoO I 20 2 steers. ..1215 1 steer... 1 steer... 126 cows. .1160 I 20 6 steers... .1108 IIP) 4 20 1 steer 1110 H. 11. Head-Nib. 911 .1 00 Jov X- .lordiin Neb. 157 feeders. Inirt 1 20 8 .icders..l0J6 "0 feeders.. M2S I 20 ,1 50 J. W. Drlskel-Wyo 35 feeders.. 1103 18 feeders.. 972 15 feeders. . 996 1 feeder... 1010 2 reciters. . Urn) 1 feeder . . 850 13 feeders 1016 .1 85 I feeder.. .110) . 916 . !) 3 8". 3 85 .1 5 3 V". :; m". 3 5 3 1" 1 85 1 85 .1 85 1 25 3 25 .1 85 56 feelers. I feeder . 5 leeders. .1031 2i feed. rs. 1019 I feeder... lotW I feeder... 920 IIOOS There weie only thirty-two cars of hogs on sale this morning ami the mar ket opcm-il up a shade bot'er The range of the sales was from $5.05 to $5 2". The top was 6c higher than Saturday's high pric.-. but the quality of the hogs was better Minn anything on Saturday's market The built of tin- sates today was fmm $3.10'u"i.l. i.s against $5 .01(5 15 on Saturday The llgnt and medium weights sold moMly at $5.12',. an.l $5.15, and the heavier hogs brought around a dime with the trashy sti-.if M'lllng as low as $3.05. In some cas..s the hogs that sold for $5.05 on Saturday sold todav for $5 07'; and $5.10. or Gc higher, so that the market was all th,- way rrom strong to 5c higher. There was not much change in the mar ket Horn start to finish, everything add at a reasonable tarly hour. Hepre-entatiVi-sales: 1 hflfur . 4 cows. . 15 feeders 9 feeders. No. Av. Kh. Pr. No. Av Sli. Pr y: 20: so r. or. 1 244 ... f. li'.i 214 .. 5 07' j t1 214 0 5 i:i 27 210 2(0 5 07' M "00 361 ft 12is t: isi ... r. 10 7i 208 40 r. r. 72 234 2") 5 10 Sh 144 40 G 1 M 173 120 5 10 67 231 200 ,". 1.3 73 '.-J- 40 ..!,) 73 224 ... f. 1". Ci 273 ... 5 10 ;,9 235 80 3 1". 37 270 12-) 5 10 72 251 120 5 IS ;n :so ... r, ti i 2.11 so .-. ir. 70 ... 1 11 ;r isi 120 r. r. M 274 ... .",11 1,7 250 1C0 "11 60 3M 40 R 12i, Sii 217 id '. '7v 70 22S 40 5 12'j 81 IC9 ... 5 17', 72 l'.S 80 .', r."j 75 ,..'.'l'l 5 2. 71 :(( . . s iij SHKKP Todiy was one or Hie big .lavs of the season In sheep receipts, but at the same time the market was In good shaos Packers were liberal buyers of nnytliln good, nnd the bulk of that class of st'iff was picked up at a reasonably early ho"' Sheep were In active demand at steady to stronger prices and lambs also hrough; Just about steady prices. The top on lambs today wns $5.25, but buyer say Miev would pay as high as- $5 50 ror strletlv pilme lambs. Theie were a good many feeders Include." In today's receipts and n liberal pr -portl u of them were lambs. The market, however, held Just about steady, as tin- demand from the country Is still In go-id . hnpe Quotations: Choice western grass weth- rs. M.75fl.oo: choice grnh- yearlings. $1.75-1 1.00; choice eves. $.1 253.'fi- I lr to good ewes, $1.Wr3 25: cull ewes, $2 50-fl U) choice spring lambs. $, 2fi5.50; filr to good sprlt-g lambs, $5.(loi5.25; r.-eder wethers 83 ft)', 1 50, reeder lambs, ;4.0n-f4.4O. Heiresentalive snles: No. 229 Wyoming cull ewes G Colorado bucks 26 Wyom'ng ewes 5S Wyoming ewes 14 Wvoming ewes 7 culls 6 culls 2 eu'ls 35 Wvomlllg ewes .Vi cull wethers (7 Wyoming wethers 6 Wyoming wethers 376 Wvoming wethers 151 Wvoming wethers 146 Wvoming wetheis 52 Wyoming wethers 210 Wvoming lambs 1 Wvoming wethers 309 Wvoming wethers 251 Colorado feeders 226 Wyoming curlings 701 Wyoming reeding lambs. P.; Wvotnlng lambs 771 Wyoming lambs 221 Wyoming lambs Av. Pr 15 $ . 5 150 2 ro vi : in 178 :: in 10: n "o 9" 3 .'5 III 125 125 3 23 106 1 40 101 1 10 88 1 73 95 1 75 101 : 75 88 r so 119 .1 S3 98 3 83 r.r, 4 S3 95 3 S7'.i 102 1 871 76 3 00 " 106 3 M 50 4 25 69 5 00 61) 5 00 61 5 m CI 5 10 61 5 10 6.1 5 PI 62 5 10 88 3 I') 98 3 25 61 I 10 Gl I 10 67 4 10 65 f, 25 70 5 25 162 Wyoming liimtis Wvoming lambs.. 146 Wyoming tamtis.. 161 Wyoming lambs.. 51 Wyoming ewes... 411 Wyoming ewes... 67 cull lambs cull lambs cull lambs 97 42 4.15 Wyoming Inmbs.. 221 Wyoming lambs.. CIll.'llU.i I.le SlneK. CHICAMO. Sent. 17. -CATTLK -ltecelpts 22. 000 head. Including I.OOO westerns nnd 1.21(0 Texans Choice sleady; medium and light, slow to 10e lower; butchers' sin. k steady; westerns slow; Texans steady, na tives, best on sale today, three carloads at $5.85; pood to prime steers. $5.tWi?5 85. poor 10 lilt-lllillll. .i,"ii..i-i. t -... ..- "-' y- , lower, $.t.!KKi 1.63; miked Blockers, 10c lo 16. I lower. $3.00f17"i; cows. $2 80114.50. heifers, "3.noii3 2.V. dinners, $2 15i2 80. bulls. $2 50 1.50; calves, $I00'0 73: Texans. receipts. 1 "0" head; best on sale today, live carlonds a' $1 50: Texas fed steers. $4.40(175 15. 'lexas grass steers, $3.5fliH4.30; Texas bulls, $2 3 40. 1,1-.-.. nA.i,.,u iaiIjv f.1 000 Iii.m.I end 1 lOoTtfl. iMjlltt.filt.il left fivel niai.-.i ii.inti, i.'tt. 1. . - " -- , 4.000; active and generally Hteiun, except , t. L.n.ni.. Inn f. ''J I I rougn iienvy .1 room.- ; , mixed and butchers'. $.i.0u'i".G.i; good to .i...tn.. 1. t'. nr.!i. i.'- rniiL'h lienvv SI Si 6l5 00; ltglll. IMlJ.'tf. HOIK eoi, 1 i"ii r, 13 SHKKP 4 VM-, I lMim..ni.nlntK 'JII.IIIHl head: choice and feeders, steadv to strong, nonr to medium weak and a shade lower. good to choice wethers, $3 75'iil20: fair l choice mixed. $3.2."51.75; western sheep, $1 ,5 iffl 10- Texas sheep, $2.o!)3.0; native lambs. IVZVaZ.W; western lambs. $5.00'g5.90. Ncvr Yorh Live Stock. NKW YOUK. Sept. 17.- HEKVKSHp- eelotn 6.192 head; good to cii.uce Hieers, low ami a tiliiiil.i lower; bulls ami steady cows choice steady, to Px- higher; common to Hieers, $1.2.51 . s, oen. i.i isro 00; $2.50'ii1 90; cows. $1 'O'ltS.OO; cables no I'hlnmeiits today. bulls steady .. . ( ..(.. tl....l..lu 1 fi'.C I. A'..' ...... Iu ... , ,, r,r lie. on, ... . . ".r- - live and llrm; grassers an.l buttermilks a trltln weak; all sold: veals, $5O0&8 75; gras sers. $.125413.7.5: buttermilks, $3.505 1.00; yearlltiKS, $1 OOTil.25. SHKKP AND I.A.miis- ueceipis. Ti.ViZ head ; sheep 111 lair .leinami anu sieaiiy; lam'is sternly; nil the under grades e lower; sheep, $2.751,-1.50; bulls, $2.00 lambs, $1 75ir6 !5; Canada lambs, $6.00 culls. $3,501(1.1. prime a trill fff2."o; 6.I5; line S ltecelpts. 8. 652 head, sleady at $5.75jt;.O0. ,S(, ,Iom-iIi Live Stock, SOI'TII ST. JOSKPII. Mo., Sept. 17 -ifipe. rial. The J.airruil quotes: CATTLK- Hecelpts, 3,GI; market steadv to 10c lower. natlvH. $4.1(iiG.I5- Texas and westerns. $115fr,30; cows arid heifers, $.' T. J4 65, bulls and stags, $2.25.74 75; yearlings and eale, $3 23I33: stoe-ters and feeder., $J i-M4.1(l; veals, $5(ii7.0'L IIOMS -Hecelpls. 1.900; mr.rket steady: all grades $5.15'u5 25; bulk of -ales, $5.17115.22' SHKKP AND LAMHS-Hect-lpts. 5.'" market ictl-.e and strong; lambs, $4 KAi 5 40, sheep. $3 751(4 00 SI. I, mils 1,1- n Slock, ST LOC IS Sent 17 -CATTLK He. elpts 1 700 in. ludlng 3,60 Texans market stea r,.,tle Khlpping and export steers, $185' '.So, drcHitd btef und butcher atetrj, $4.5 lffi.10, steers under l.Onft pounds, $3.&0li5.iO: Mockers and feeder", $l2Jf4vfi. cows ml heirers, $2.oo6.oo; cunner,.. -j.ooti. -a. nun. $2 3fitt3.05, Texas and Indian steers l t'M i,,,.l liflferM. 82. l.ilr.l 75 IIOOS- He. clots. 4. loO. in.irk.-l 5c lil-ih-i' ,. II, .1,.. a. I.- ,,n ntliers. nlcs .1 lights. $5 35fi5.50. packers, ft imiJ.Je. no" n ' rs. $5 .V.liS tin. . . SHKKP ANH LAMHS-!teolpts 1 1 0: market steadv; iiatlse muttons. $: "o.M -0; lambs. $l'j"n5.r). i-iill and bucks. $2 .'alf 4 (; sto. kels, $2 7Hl3 SR. Kansas lll Mim'U. KANSAS CITV. Sept. 17. -CATTLK lte celpts, 5.200 natives, 700 Texntis and 1,2-V) calves, exports a shade lower; wintered and straight grusscrs steady to a shade higher, light supply of .Mockers nnd feed ers that sold at higher prices; native steers, $.'oa4ii'i.l3, stackers and feeders, $.l?5'f4.2"; buti her cows ami heifers, $3 On'fl 25: can tiers. $2. 5i Vol (8); f.-d westerns. $1.7fiVG.4"; wintered Texan. $1 7WI4 10; grass Texans, $J U.'r : 65. calves. $4 50ii6.eo. HOMS- Heeel.t. soon head: murket ac tive and steady to :'i,c higher, heavy and mixed. $5 16JI 3 25. light. $5.1005.2?'.. ; pints, $4 5O4f5.0i). SHKKP AND I.AMHS-llecelpts I.SM head; lambs strong to pv higher, mutton- steady; lambs, $4 5'ir5 20; muttons, $3.&o4 3.80; rccders, $3.0iK(i 1 mi, culls. $2.G0o300. Mtool. In Sight. Following are the receipts at the four principal western markets for September Cattle. . . 6.93 ...22.X1 . .. ,5,211.1 ... 4. "UO Hogs. 3,310 91 000 S.1MI 4.100 Sheep. 12.930 20,0 4,8.0 I.CM South Omaha Chicago Kansas City . St. Louis Totals .... .:!8.852 49,610 33.331 Loudon Moot. (Imitations, LONDON. Sept. 17 Cloning. Cons., money jC-16.Erle IIS 3S't Ml, do ao.otint 9-9-pi do lt pfd Atchison 27H 1 IVtinsi lanU Canadian Pacltle... Heading St. Paul IIM), No. Pacific pfd Illinois Central 11M drund Trunk.. IjQUlsvllle 7.' Anneen-la Union Pacltle pfd... 78 .Hand Mines .. 3'. 4- N. v. central 132a I SILVKH Har. sieiuly, at 28d per ounce. MONKY 3 ;.er cent. The rate of discount for short bills was 3i3 13-lfl pee retil; for three months bills, 3 l.'l-IO'iil'i per cent. 1,1 rrp.iol (iriiln nnd I'rn vlloii. LIVKHPOOL, Sept. 17-WIIKAT-Spot. steady; No. 2 red, western, winter, tin IHd: No 1 northern, spring, 6s t'jd; No. I California, lis Gd'nOM 5ia.l. Futures, steady; September, titt 2'mI; December, lis I'id. COHN- Spot.llrm ; American mixed, new, 4s md; old, nominal. Futures, unlet; Oc tober. Is 3VI; November, Is 3"d ; December, 4s 2'i.l. Tho Imports of wheat Into Liverpool last week were 99.200 .piattcis from Atlantic ports and O.ooo quarter from other purls. Tlie Imports of corn from Atlantic ports Inst week were 67, Kl q larters. To Try 'I'll III Is In I, Hie Them, The success of Cascarol Candy Cathrartli: Is so great because those who buy them ami try them always buy them again. Alt druggists, 10c, 25c, 50c. Till'. lll'.ALTV II Alt K 1 ST. 1NSTHFMKNTS placed on lite Monday, September 17, 19oo: Warrant? Deeds, W. J. Vanaeruam to Theresa Kunknl, lot 27, block 2, Hawthorne add $ 410 C. 11. Annan and wire lo A. L. Sheet., !ot 11. block '.), orchard Hill 1 O. N. Stone ami wife to Joseph K wosnlewakl, lot 11. block 1, O'Hcrne & II. 's add 4,500 Luther Koiinlze and wife to Anton Fossek. lot 8, block 17, Kount-.o'a third add 6'i0 Fulled Heal Kstate and Trust com pany to I-'. P. Hart, lot (i, block G, Maxwell's second add 30 .1. D. Smith to Abby Hills, lots 23 and 26, block 5. Paddock Place 23 Mary Huchauan ami husband to D. C. Hradford. part of tax lot 11, 20-15-11.. 6S9 (lull Claim Deeds. Newton Land company to Ml-Mutcl Mi--Mary, lots 1. 2 and 3, block 121. Flor ence IOC Tola! amount of transfers $6.70." To llu-e Health mill IIiiii.ii.-ms Fse "Marland" stoves nnd rang, a EI.HCTRICITV as science can make tnem. Hneh one produces as niiieh nerve-b-iiidlng subMaru-e as is eon tallied in the amount of fond a man consumes in n week. This It why Micy have cured thousands of case of nervous diseases r-urli as Debil ity. Di-rinrss, Inso.nni.i, V.-irieo. fie, ft" T''v enable you tottnek clear, ly by developing brain matter; force healthy circulation, rare indiges tion, nnd irnpiitt bounding vigor to the whole m-Mcm. All weakening arid tlniie-ilctrovlng drains and losses permanently cured De'av may mean Insanity, Consumption Price. Jiperbni, six Iiom (with K&i iron-clad guarantee to c.ne or ie- Vi) fund money 1. Jj. Hook eontaliiing Uff Positive proof, free. Address I'eal AlettllnA fn 11-..t . .. .. r Bold uid J, by Kutin Co., 16th and Dnugia", A. Fuller Mc Co . Mm and );uugla". r Ollice Over 213 South HthSlreet. $500 A MONTE.. DR.. IVBcGREW SPECIALIST Tr eats aP )-orma of DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF M EN ONLY 26 Veer's Cpennce 14 Yean in umahi. VARICOCLLU cured Dr. McOrew at to quickly without cut- tin' or pain SYPHILIS In nil ntages cured p.irmnnently an.l f- I fc, Htrlotnre. Hyd-ocele, LOSS OP MANHOOD, Night I.os.c., Nervous Imtdlltj lllnddur. Kidneys. (Jonoirli n, (ee(. CURES GUARANTEED CHARGES LOW. Klectrlrlty and M'-dt-nl Treatment com bined. THKATMKNT HY MAIL. Consul tation flee. Hours 8 lo 8 p. m Sunday. 9 lo 12. P o. Uox 766. Office over 215 South Kill street, between Farnam and Douglas utr.-ets, Oma ha. Neb. Dr. Kay's Renovator Ounrn.iie.-U to culc tut- vei wuml caMCt of dyuuei-sl.i. , unbUpatlun, bilious head, ache, liver ami kl.lnt.-yh At .Irugglats, 'J. and $1. Send for l-'ieo Sample i ret Hool und Prca A,j-.-u. Dr I, J hay. Saratoga N. Y. JAMES E BOYD & CO., Telephone 10U!. OmnlM, Noh COMMISSION, GKAIN, I'KOVISIONHtind STOCKS liOAHD OK THADI5, Correaponuence Jonn A 3Varrtn & Co iiraot wlrea to Chicajjo arid N Torfi rztrf. ll3 H.RPECinEYaCO. eocn4hYurciuDa bramch 103a rcai 1 rsvKumxdtj ol