) SPECIAL NOTICE Advertisements for Ihcsc column rrlll lie lnb.cu until Vi m. fr tin' neiilnu edition anil until N !l I for inuriiliiK nuil .Stinduy edition. Kitten, I l-2c n tmrd first lliserlliin. 1r n vtord thereafter. Mithliig taken for lend tlimi U.tc for tlir II ml liinci-. tliin. These ndrcrtlscnirnt iuut In run cniise-cntlt r Ij. Ailvcrtlncr, lir reuuetliiK n num bered i-liecU, rmi hnc nnttcrs ml dressed to n numbered letter In cure of 'Mir lice. Anntfra no mill rcioil til lie dellicred tin prcaculntlun of t In ched! 11 nly. SITUATIONS WIEIL Gil SITUATION u-iinteil liv registered lihur nnii'lni ; up to date references. Address U 11. Hee A-M73I 1" WANTED, by Inily. position ns bookkeeper or stctiocrimncr. accurate nconununi good penman: owns typewi.t-r; refer ences furnished. Address Lock Hox 2S'i, WfSI Hid.-. Iowa. A-MM2 IS POSITION by experience I itiiiA tiinii tinner lv tr.i-1 li r 'wire ,a'ul b: t of ret -r turpi. W Ij II , box S3, V") ' l.iKe. N.i'b. A--..1S .1 li w i.nthd-.mai.i: t'ri i. WANTED, wo have stent!. wo f'T a few mod hostlers of mind IihMI i!i appear my C. F. Adams Co.. li! j Howard St. IJ SiO 1JAR1IHR trr.de taught thoroughly In short tiin- riiinini'iin mid nnrtlculnrf free Address Western Rnrbcrs' Institute, Omaha, Neb. WANTED, laborers. tnmMrii. rock mm n...l mfrn.l.i lllnll Veil V.'CII. IHIll IOWO free farp; hlgho-d wages; "hip dully Western It. It. Labor Aceticy, 810 S. 11"' 11-87: 4 V" IV'I'I'I T Tfll.-vr I'ftnnf mull tn fake shnrthnnd sehntur.ihlii In best school and miv for ti when potirip In completed and position secured. Address L 26, Uee. H Si3 M'NTKD. spven young men to preparp for November ummia poimi for' ici! tlon. tin, much preparation. rhariei ro.-isnniibli . Inelosp stamii Interstate for rrspondPiH-e Instltutp, Odar y'ljlj' "i, WAS'TI'.l) ii llrst.-lnsM all-iirom-1 -b-rk r.,r n I Mi.,i.liMiii1l,' Hlorl-: mist ln well ered 111 drv itoods and Iiiivp kftinii nv-iirlniif-.l (ll IvIllilllW llrPMStllVt HiHin ..vi.firi.,iii.n tiiul Mtitnrv pxnerted Ailrirpss 1 O box SI7. West Point, Neb. It MK1 IS A'NTUn. tin pvpcr'pnei-d runi; iravpllm ina-i. itoiiil referciH'Pi required. .MHinnv I- I, Pee. ll-mi-lt tt'V-n-ll1 nvnnrli-0il nrflMTl' IrilVpl Inii nii'm: cood references required. Ajl dress V 1. Ilee. Il-(Kfi-ls I HA V paying posltlm for nil iitieinp'oyr-l male teai-beri. C'n'l or addria' r I". Hates, KIN HaniKe llldn.. "m;,M,jjj;,,"ir,, tniTATlCD man to londuet otllce In enrli rounty spat: no cnidtnl lr.it honesty and wood common souse; reliable eoneeni with hpadqiiHrtPis In Omaha. Address n 5pp, II -MWi WANT UP. r-rl itiied pliarm-'clst; refer. piipps required. Hlngle. AiMre I 1, The Hop. xijj WANTUP Plaun rppaln-r nuil tlnlsher. A. Hospp. DoukIiih St. ll-MU ii 21 WANTI'.O. men to learn luirb"r trnde. Wp tpneh the work In two months, pren-nt ermipletp oulllt of tools, pay wnR-s for Saturday Irom siart. k'vp Ipeture n skin diseases, itr.int dip nmni lhar iil'or. crnduatps to work In any i-tatp and iny tniii-iportatlon hi mr poIIprp at t hleiiso St Louis or ollnnpniiolls. (irand nrpor tunlty for applleunti' ''-'" ,lly"'''r '" loRtte nt.rl partl. nl irs mulled free. Mo er Harber .-iiIIprp repn sentatlve. I'l. I;r nam si.. Oniahii. 11 JIR'l HOY wunted. 1.H7 Chi vgo street. II -7(S-I7 HAUllint 1 'olburn. no Sund.iy work Allliim-e. Neb. J1I.IH). .1. H-M7U : P. W ANTED- Mm. unrleht e'l-i-icti-r. to mi lingo business of old establish -d house. S lar-- jir per week 11 ml expenses, nar- ; . ii !p..u direct from headtiuarters. Emipiiho money iidv.inted. I '''"Rl"" l;: nianeiit. Itcfereuee. Stnnd.trd I Inusp. Wl Caxton nulMlug. Chlcaitn. J,' rl WANTED, niuslplam at mice; must be tlrst-class: have opinlngs for dry goods Hiilesman printer and liuiehl- Dts for It It slums; elarliet a d i-nrnet plav 1 given preference, wile at Hut. 127. McCook. Neb. ce. Li'K R-.M7S5 17 M'TIVE man. bv est'iM'sbctl h uts- w r-th 250.eOO; tluttes. hiring h ... liberal sa'no and expenses ntv.inee. to right P'irl. v.lilress WU'lilti 1 l'. Man"4'pr '21 Clieslnut st. Phlladelphij. 4'a. IIS27 1 GOOD lire Insurance huller. :2. Hep M-i'S -") w.M'i:n-i'HM m.i: uiu.v. N 1NTELLIOENT lady to tnlce a -hort-iuiud Hcholaisihlp In best school and pay for It when course Is completed and posi tion secured. Address I. 25. Hee. S WANTED, 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. S7fl. C -S7ii M girls wanted. Canndlan olllce. 1522 Douglas U- 1S1 . WANTED, at once, girl 2t5l'l Pnppleton Ave. C-fi.V-1'i GOOD girl for gpucral inisewoik; sniil family; waged $1. Apply Immediately at 2002 Pnppleton uve. (IMlLfTTr'gentfral housework: small fatnlly: good wages. Call al once. 217 S. 2..th sj. M I . 1 I COOK A good relllble ( piisv place, good wagp-t. Hotel, Harllngton. Neb- 1. ok wanted; in Address Grand C-MM9 .3 WOMEN to do water color work at home; experience unnecessary; v.;e le.uli ymi jy mall and buy your work , . C11. v'ri- Art Co.. Scranton. Vn- 1 -MSis L ' i-'oh hunt norsr.v HOl'SES ami tlats. Rlilgwalt. Harker blk O-SSl FOR RENT, strictly modern Hat In Dnv dgn building, opnosiie ;-ii ", JOHN W. ROUHINS, 1S02 FARNAM ST. 'A3 ALWAYS moving II. 11. Olllce, 1511H Farnam St. goods PlnnoB Tel. 1559 or !. D-SVi SEE HENRY R, PAYNE, G01 N. Y . LIFE. D-8 FlVl N. unfurnished rooms, all modern. 2.11 22.1 st. D-Mlll HOFSES for reht In all pnrtn pf the city. llrcnnun-Lovo Co., 320 t5o ISth St. D-SS7 1F yo.t want your houses well rented place them with llcnawa X- Co. P--S'S HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas D-S79 6-ROOM flat, city wnter, 2719 Rurdette. D-S03 HOl'SES, stores. Hemls, Paxton block D- SS0 l'I'RNISHED hottue Hose's Art Store. for rent. Apply at D-tiK. LAROl . $3.1.00. modern residence west Inquire 1203 Fnrnnm st. part town D-Mil73 FOIl RENT. In rge house, partly nodern. on very reasonable terms, at 4 si I Mim ing st. A. P. Tukey. Hoard ,'TtouV MODERN 13-room hou-e. steam heat. '! ' nod.? , st. RliiRwalt Hros.. Harker blcc t d mo;1 l.-.iu ih'.n."p net. 1st. 3000 Mason St., 9 r ins furnace; all modern, with con range ....1.1 ..I.. 1-00. 1 reonlr. $31.00, wilier irm lJuiii. .., o 7 w uts Mnuth 2Sth Btreet. S rooms, lialii, .1,,. ilt water, gas, good repair. $20. Pottpr-Sholca Co.. 310 N. . Life 12-17 t.-iiii ltMN'l'. 12-room house, modern, $50. 2201 Webster St.. apply '"renooiis. D ilO-l ,..- iJi,.ror.l Circle L'tM' and 2lil0 S. 13th St '.-mom mod'erii u-ottages. i-onyeiileiit to uitli Omnha and 13th St. cur lines. $20.oi "Tlm Hymn Reed Co.. 212 S. Mill SI 1 1 M 1 1 . CIIAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 12rtl I'arilam D Mi57l pab nirvT n pun- R.room modern n rim iinvr-iiot si:. 'on ui;nt ; S i 23d st , H ronm. batli. t Inset, water, $!? y lln Jvl-t In en papered and pallitcl. Is all n-ady to move Into. OMAHA I .OA N TRFST CO . Pith and Douglas St d iji "Oil RENT, tn small family, a 7-rooiti house, strletlv modern, fully rurnisneu; OporKln uV" , r. ar llanscnm park; owner and wife wm.'d like to board with prirtV. tefcrenros given and required Addro a W 4.'. Hep. D-M5fl run itr.vr pi'hmsiii:) rooms. TWO f urulxlir-il rooms; references. SI" S E--M61I IS tli THREE roms. lioiipkPpltiPR; 1112 S. 11th. U-171 tvi'tiNlHltnn rnotus. iint bv steam: also board. 22- Harmony ft., :ouncn niuus. H-MG47 19 HOL'SKKKKPINO. OH .-'o. 17th Ave. liAlini-: nicely furnished front room; i?eiv llpmell only. VJW jjoiisp. i .udii TWO lnr.p newly decorated room. sIhkIb ot fitroUhpd for llcrht hottHt-lteptHtiL:: beat nas, porcelain bath, etc; reasonable. IIS S. 35th si. K-M673 ni.KOANT room, nilt.iblp for two men 521 H. 3otll. roil HUNT, thrpp furnlhed rooms; llKht 513 H. 2 it ll hoiifekeepltif provided for. street. HtM 17 507 SOI 'Til 2Mh nv. private family i:-.ls75 1 l-'OH HUNT. Hire south room, for one of two eei.tlpmen: nrlvnto family; near llanseom park car tin. Addrei I . ', Hrp. n-JIiio i' I't ItMMII'.l) ItODMS AMI llOAIlll. Ot.i;NCAIUN,tran?lents.1.23day. l SS3 OOOD board, u venue. private family. S08 So. 2M h F-.MS.j3 V S! Mary's Av P-S91 I'TOPIA. 1721 Davcnpott St. IN PHIVATK family. V St. THK Merrlam. OodRP. :ood summer rescrl. 25Hi DKSIHAnLl' roomr, board. 2SM Harney I" .MG13 is BLKOANT room, with hoard lftl!) I'llpltol llVl'llllP. I.Mav 22 l.-nll Tt a i--l I i.mis nlf.. front nlpovp room two deep elosets.' on same Moor with b'tth room. Hood meals Terms reiisonnii e 2(17 S 2tth st r-MHij l FI'HNISllUn SMiilh board, 2915 Oougl.is. hick parler, with F-MiW li' l-'OH llll.NT I'M-'rnxisiinii HOO.MS. 2 CNFI'HNISIlFil) rooms; no lug. Ia'i7 Park ave. ho.isckepp-G-112 roil Hi:T-vronr.s ai offices. FOr'rHNT. store In llr.t-cla1s location: rent reasonable. Apply H. C. Peters Co, ground Iloor. Heo bldg. I--''1' FOR HI-INT. nice brick store bul'dlng In Hock Port. Atchison county, Mo. : Una location for general stock of merchan dise: building Is 2lv.s0 feet, with ware room separate, and Is owned by Maso-uc Indue, one of the best corners In t wn. Address W. K. niermann. secretarv AtJP.NTS A VI'Hn. AOKNTS wanted for the "Onlveston Hor 11... r..uiui u .!tiitr Vinnk ever null llshed. Contains stnrtllng descriptions i t Hip horrors of tne noon aim loio.m". m deaths and rescues, by America s great est descriptive writer, ji personal eye witness. Demand ciiormt us. ,AB,7ro wild with miccess. Hlg IvioVc On'y II W Agents i le.iilng from .i o $11 diilb . Outllts free Standard I'tibllsh'ng Houe. 331 Dearborn st . Chlengo. J MbSb li Ll'CRATIVE and p'pasant Ptnploymeut : 110 expense attached; oinim s ilnn latg-; no viierlcni-o iPnu-d. tpa-hcrs p.irt c- iilnrlv iliblllted to the w-irk. but ntiyo can be Hiiccessful. Addrpis 411 tiitlldltnr. J M.01 ee Nebraska l l.'l I A III .1.' nc.nnfA In PVPTV town to sell the nest eomiiinaunu nie on accident policy ever Issued; easy to sell double the ordinary amount of business; liberal contracts to good men. Address Oiurdlan Life Co.. Denver. Colo. J M106 29 A CENTS on sal.irv nr eommls'.liin ; tl greatest agents' seller ever pri.duce-1; everv user of pen and ink buys It on sight; 2i-0 to f.00 per cent profit j one agent s sales amounted to 'fi2i) In six days; 11 t' other 132 in two hours. Monroe Mr. Co.. X 111. Lacrosse. Wis. J Mi52 li W tMi',11 TO HUM G-ROOM cottage or rent. P f). Hox II flat SI. by Oct. 1st: Hate K 707-17 WINTr'.D. three or four unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping In South Omaha; young couple. Address 11, Hee, So I til Omaha N MSS.I 1. SKHt A(;I5. PACIFIC Storngc and Wnrehnuso Co.. 912 911 Jones, general stor-.i?o nnd forwarding. Om Van Star, '.'o., 1511V4 Fnrn. Toll. 1539-t-BI. -S93 WA.YIT.D-TO IIUY. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, tt.'.. In 'nrgo and small iiuaiitltlcs. C' 1 ng) "urnlture Co.. ntji,-iu unu Tel. 2121. N-S9I WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha Saving bank accounts. Hrt'tin i n Love Co., 303 So, 13th N-S 5 2D11AND bicycles. Oiuiiln HIcyc'.e Co. N '96 WANTED to buy small gentle pony, one that children can drive. Inquire A. D. HrandelH, lloston Slorcv N-Mi 19 l-'OH S I.E I'l'nMTI lin, "OR SALE Furniture or six-room uouse. complete, wun or wiiiioui piuuo. i.ju i,ir,i Inn: ebenn rent: In South Omaha. Will sell on time It desired. Address. ' D, Heo Olllce, tioiun iJinuna. w -mu 11 FOR SALE-HOUSES, VEHICLES, liTC. NEW and 2d II. vehicles at markeii down prices, tiairy rrosi. inn iinnronmui, 1 Pi9S FOR SALE, new buggle bodies with gear ing for sine ut i i" e.ii-u. u. i iiu, 913 Douglas. P-M401 Oct. 7 FOR SALE, a horse and i uggy, cheap, in quire at -lo. at. .nary s uw. i jii I.'OH S A I, E Jl I S ( E Ll. A . EO li 9. HAHD and son tounuaiion piling; nog llrtlii' ,,.,,, Wi ii,,,,. ., oV'ia fences aiui omi'i'iif CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Mc 16th and Dodge. Q-9u council wi'ih -"i It 1IASS. r lOTISl. 131.1 iiiiwo ni. 11.-1, iiu, ... im. i-inn.. at n.ii - Plains, cm nuil"'- donee, wedding and graco decorations. Oi'lcrii by mall or expresse promptly tHlod. . ..... iw.iiiirtiG linn t-i.e, . 2DIIAND f-afo cheap. Dcrlght, 1114 Farnam SAFES; buy. nill, ex'ge. Schwartz, 111 S. 13 Q-9J3 oi W. tires, $2.73. Omnha lllcycle Co. O-90I MANSON bicycles, $23. Omnhu lllcycle Co. Q-905 IDHAND wheels. $.1 to $10; new wheels $15 Oinnha Hleyclo Co.. 10th & Chicago Sts wheels $15. Sts, IJ 9)6 SECOND-HAND Cullgruph (new) for sale. Call at olllce clerk district court. FOIl SALE. N. ISth st- FINE hors" rheiip II. corncobs. "Monroe & Co.. O-MIW and rulitier-tlred huzgy. very E. Frcdiickson. 1122 Dodno St. O- 434 OS -Two pool and billiard, tallies, FOR SALE cheap. 161 r.roai way. Council Hlurrs g M6j SECONDHAND bicycles Neb, Cycle Co., Cor 15th from $1.00 nnd Harney Q-M724 THE OKA II A DAILY Foil .xam: Mist i5i.i.m:i f. l-"OIl SAt.K, paablp nft-r rei. ivo:'- thtpo mnnths' trial frpp. Jll : for a iiipn wraiip. Ti-draupr. drop lipad i-abliii't sewlni? ma i lihip; 111 W for a regular Sin.nn bli-yrle, I'.iMSft fur a J.tan.Oo piano; J'.'9 75 for a 175 fi parlor ornan; J1...V for a r,-ploop opr atuffpd vplonr Slrt.oo parlor ultp. All new blKli Mrail standitrd Koods Tor full par ticular statp articles Intpresled In and wo will mall you a spi-plal rataloRiie. Sears, Hoeburk Co., Chicago. Q-M0 OI3' NMKD Monpy. JIM will buy tlnp Clilckpr- itiK upriRlit. Address, l . hop. Q 207 0-1 anon paylnn business for 2. rash Host In city for money Invested. Address, V 10. Ilec. Q-ilM-15" .Misciu.i..M:or!i. NOTICE, pountry dealers. 2dhatid furniture and stoves at lowest prices, cnrload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co., HM-IO DodKe. 11-907 CI, VlllVOA A.NT.S. MMU.aYLMKH eenulne palmist. 1C05 Dodc, H HI H.nCTHIC TIllIATJirAT, KLITIi parlors. 615 S. lr.th. second tloor. T-375 03 MMK. A MLS. 141.1 Howard. room 1, 2d iloor; Mae 1-iilRiir, asslstatll. i MIWI 20 MMK. 13th, i.i:n. room magnetic treatment. 5fi7 S. T- .IH I'nitSONAI.s. DR. HOY. chiropodist; corns removed, 3e nnd upward, ltuom 12, l- renzer block. IJ-1'13 1 1 OFF' 8 Kxpress A MesFonKer Co. MONiTkIT, Chlropcdist. IBIS vnrn. Tel. 1717, 1-917 Tel. 2T.J3 V1AVI, woman's way to health. 316 Hee b dc L1 .'IS Tt'RKlSII baths, massage bat is, electric baths, for Indies only; skilled w.itnen massage operators; tlne.it equlppi d b.itha in tnc city, uensirom iiain uomp;iuy Ilooms sic to 2:0, uce uiug. u-uiu Hl'l'TrHE cured; no knife, no pain, no danger; send for circulars. Ktnp re Hup turo cure, :ji .n. x. i.ue dkik., umana. U-911 PIIIVATH hosnllal for ladli-s be'ore & dur I115 conllncmcnt; babies adopted. 112fJ N.1 17. PLI2ATINO and pleated skirts of n'l kinds. M, (loldmau & co., w uougias uioi k. I' 913 PLICATINO. buttonK to order; p'nklejt while you wait, umnna rieniing m., 'w Uougias. JOHN HI'DD, optician. 113 S. lfith St. r-501 313 t'tttVATC. luinio linforp and iliirir.tr confine ment: babies adopted. Mrs. liurget, 2'"W Hurdette. Fnio I.ADHCS' hair shampooed, dri -fc I. 35e. Holr toilet itoods. Monhilt. 131s Farnam. Tel SI.U ( ir !0i LADIF.S' Jackets and tailor made suits nl . .1 1 , 1 t 1 . I O.i- (- I- lereo, cieaueu, repaireu, .11. i uk'-i, -vi 1 I.APKTITI! I-'retiph oval nhotos 50c P' dozen during September only. Proctor, Hit! S. lfith. I' M333 Oct. 4 PLACE your order now for seal saeqiies. fur scarfs and collarettes ot till descrip tions: furs repaired and altered. Aula b.nigh. Son & Co., 5; Knrback blk F M337 Oj WANTED iV secnndltaiul ladles' blcvclcs. Nebraska Cycle Co.. Cor. 13th & Harney. r-M-2"22 MOM-TV TO 1.0. III-: A I, HSTATI5. LOANS on pastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at 5 per cent. Uorrowers can pay lino or any multiple. Any Interest date No delay. Hrcnnan-Love Co.. 309 South nth St.. Omaha. Neb. W-924 MONEY estate. to loan on improved Omaha real Hrcnnan-Love Co., 309 So. 13th. W-928 $1.0m) and upward to loan on Improved city property and farms. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam. W-929 I WANTED, city loans, bonds nnd warrants Mi-oriie 1 union ny, iwi i-iiiiutiii 01. w-m MONEY In nny amount at 5. 5'4. 6 per cent. J. W. ROUHINS &! CO., 1S02 FARNAM ST. W-9J) MONEY to loan on farm and city property; lowest rutps. O. F. Davis Co., 1505 Fnmnm. W-932 MONEY to loan at ; Omaha property. W iind 6'i per cent on IS. Melklc, (01 S. 15th. W-927 PRIVATE money. ; lay. Onrvln Pros , 5'4, 0 per cent; no dp U113 Fnrr.nm. W-920 WANTED, cltv and farm loans; nlso Innds and warrants. It. C. Peters it Co., lTn2 Farnam St.. Rep Hldg. W D.'l PRIVATE money. F. D.Wead. 1521 Douglas W-922 FIVE per cent money. Hemls, Paxton block. W 923 MONEY to loan on first-clnss Improved city property or for building purposes. Pnvne Knox Co.. New York Life. W 925 MOXEY TO LOAN CIIATTUI.S. MONEY LOANED MONEY PEOPLE. SALARIED No endorser nr mortgage required. LOWEST RATES, EASY PAYMENTS nnd STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA CREDIT CO.. Room 52(5, llfth Iloor, New York Llfo Hldg. X-933 -M-O-N-E-Y--D-O-Y-O-L'-N-E-E-D-l-T- Wn mckp loans from $10.00 up on furniture. pianos, hors'-s, cows, etc.; you keep the nrooprtv. or we will make vou a SALARY LOAN in your own note, without Indorser or mortgage; we charge absolutely noth Inn for making papers ami we keep noth Inir nut or the amount you borrow: you may pay the money back In one mouth or takp more time In which to pay It. and vou are expected to puj for It only what tlmo vou use It: our rales urn low nnd our terms are the easiest; our business Is ns eonim-nuni as is possimc nnq our treat ment Is nlwni-s cn-irteous. Omnha Mort gage Loan Co.. 2uG So. lfith St. Estab lhhcd lSDJj X-931 LOANS. SALARIED PEOPLE. TO ARE VOI' ONE OF THE CROWD WHO ARE TAKING ADVANTAOK of our NEW n.irtinl payment plan? Let us Ot'IETLY explain same to vou. Wo loan employes on their notes. No mortgage; no Indorser; no nithlleltv. Slmnlv a CONFIOrtNTIAL Hl'SINESS DEAL. We loan THOFSANDS In this way. SO DON'T HESITATE AHOL'T CALLING. We are hustlers and want more bus ness. ll It. EMPLOYES RECEIVI- PROMPT HER VICE TO SUIT THEIR TIME and t-u.xvKMK.M'K These nm times of nea-y competition anil to remain leaders we must glvo moro for your money than others DARE. ItEI.IAHLE CHKDIT CO.. Room T03. Third Floor, Paxton Hlk X-931 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, tew lery, horses, rnws etc. C. F Reed, 319 S. 13. X-9.H1 SALARY LOANS. CHATTLE LOANS. J. W. TAYLOE, 21S First Nat. Hank Hide.. X 937 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concern upon their own names without security; easy payments. Tolman. 706 X. Y. L. Hldg X-939 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horns rows. Jewelry. Duff Green, R.S, Parker Hlk X-93.S MONEY loaned on piannu. furniture, dla monds. wntclu , privately. Herger's Loan Co., iriin Fnrnnm St., upstairs, x 9io MONEY loaned on furniture, diamonds, watches: payments confidential. Omaha Chattlo Loan Hank, 2:M S. 15th, upstairs. X9I1 private loans to salaried peo ple. momentarily embarrassed who desire above everything else lo AVOID PUIJLICITY ran be accommodated at our olllce with less expense time end trouble than nn place In the i ll AMERICAN LOAN CO, Room 1501, Hee Hulldlng. X-912 Ml H.VtilMV. llOII.I'.HS, UTI up. 29 C. Sharp-Mach. Wk motor", dynamos, H13I5: 1 OX DAY. SKI'TEM P.KH IT. 1000. lit 5IM5!' tllAX r.s. Oil RfCNT -nvlng to advarrlng year- Mr II. I In.t". the Hori.-t ,it Vfiton street, has decided t- rent out Ills ho; hou.-e .t above locatliiti. occupying ,,i0 tn $0) square feet, under glass, with about 20' windows, and the residence and storn fronting the street, on Hip motor line o Smith Omaha. Excellent I rnllon for the business -ill FOR SALE Nice bo.irdltiR and livery busi ness; iluu'ce for mm- man wiui sniuii capital to make money. Address. Ilox U . Uee UllUe. South Otiiahu. 1 ti, li FOR SALE, hardware, tinware and Imple ment business; establisncti 10 years; goou business; owner wishes to retire: lown, SOU. Address T 03. cafe Hep. Mt51.il FOR SALE-Restaurant and ennfeetlonery In sood eastern NetirasKii town m i.'w population. Only place In town. Address, I' 20. Hee. Y-M73-li tiAurr cit a vrr"Tinliiss tinvlne tram IK") to 1300 per month for nir ; oniy snv"' capital required .uurcps 1 i, iV v 1 M I.) 1 1 1150 push or pnsy payments buys 23- strict y lawful (nickel) slot macinnes 1. r iiini;, ll:ar or cash: will 111 n $2 and uowurd weekly ench. Earl. Clark n Co. Furni ture Manufacturers, Chicago. HI. FOR U.VCIIAMU). KM ACHES clear Improved land In lieu W nv Co . Neb., to exenanoe for pr ip prtv In vlelnltv of Haiit-ciun tiark: an pay dlfferenie In cash. J. H. Hlam hnnl JH2 So. 29th St. Z-M7.'l 22 FOR SAI.n-HEVL evi'ati:. 1 Q.tjnn'.f limiann for snip, i-benn: mndiT'i Heiiawa v Co.. inn . mui si. 111, .m.uj is HOl'SES. fnrniB. R. C. Patterson. 3fC N.Y.t. RE-Ml HOl'SES. lots, farms. lund. Inane; n'-" Pro Insurance, lieirtts, Paxton bih. m- v ttl5Atl TlttH: one of the best homes In Han scorn Place; 3 rooms, largo lot. good barn ui.,i,ii- 1, fwipiv liin.si i-'tv. nr C . ST.Rfirt fV. M J. k-en tin i d .t Hon. room I0, Hrown block. HE-917 SEE HENRY H. PAYNE. OH N V LIFE, in-: 0 PAYNE-KNON CO.. II E A I )( P A RT E RS tot- HliAI. KSl.MI-i '""-,-.-7.-.."",v. i.'ut w I'rt.-u m riiiNri- sill Nil IN SI H ANT I-; ; I idi'SICS. FLATS. PTORE9, for RENT. First Iloor. N. . l.lfo tlUti? HL-flU OOOD rpntal nroiierty for farm. Monioe & Co., Feed and Fuel, Ml .V 6t'sj;,6 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the I'lilon Paclllc Railroad cpmp..ny. H. A. MeAlbiKti-r. land commissi mer, t nion Pacinc Headquarter. Omaha. Np'-.9n UARGA1NS-IIARRISON. N. Y. LIFE HE HSOctT CIIAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 12"3 Farnam St. UK-MTSt SEVEN choice lots on nnth and rratt s t . Omaha, for sale or trade tor Irtiprel cltv property or good farm land: lmve other Income property and i-onie cash t match any deal. For particular write S. Hanson. 1015 Hoono r.'... lioone. In. C. F. HARRISON. FARMS. N. Y. LIFE HE Ml 05 ICO acres of Improve 1 land, si mlle w of Sioux City and six tnlU s from rail road; all nmler cultivation; house, barn, eorncrlh. granary, windmill, grove, -te Price. $2.(i0O; one-third cash 2.&0o-acre stock ranch, wl'h ewel-'ttl stream of living water, some line lia hint will malleoli verv J.r illtable stork ranch: a bargain at $.im cnn. ItW ncres or smooin tnini, " soil, near D. railroad town, In Mannnll enmity. wV'iicrps In Holt county. Neb . suitable 10oacVesmm wert of " nice stream on thl? Intbl- , 1 r rr '",)-..... iiiu' in, ti-iiiies. iiujiiii 1 i." wood. Sioux City. I" HE-M701 17 Poll SALE. 5-room cottage, near 27th and R inlet to stieels, nnylnB 7 per cent above expenses on Sl.OOO. Will be sold this Shlmer, 219 S. 10th St. un-MKM IS" 4113 Dnveuport, 7-room htiiisc and barn, fenced, trees, shrttbbor.fr great bargain. $1.0(10. Inquire 130S ''"a"'"1, ,.:MS30 2J. FOR SALE $3.m0 llrst nvrtgagp. drawl'i 6 per cent, secured on CI0.-ncre farm near eltv worth Jl'J.ooo. Want face value, 'i will discount ;'.-monuis niieie-.i. F 11. The Hee. RL-M's Addr"-s 1. MEIIIl'AI.. LADIES out of health Hox 232. Omaha, Neb. Mnd prompt Cnnddentlul. LADIES troubled wfth Irregularities, ...1.1..... u... .llliv nnlnt'iil or HllPpressed menstruntlonH lltul prompt rellet ami 1 un . Willi. 'n. r,t, ....... , . -. quiet home be fori) alio mnnj r 1.- ment. a" or wan- nn -""o Fries. 1513 Dodge St., Omaha. Neb u-jiw en GONOVA Is a Fmnct. rrcntmeni lor maio and remaie, ior un- pumii- uo- Gnuorrhoea. Gleet. Fnnaturul Discharges Inflammations. Irritations and Flceratlui s of tho iiucous membranes. An Internal remedy with injection combined, war ranted to cure worst cases In one week. $3 per package or 2 for $5 Sent any where on receipt of prlcp. 'lho Mild Drug Co Elgin. HI- American Olllce, retail wholesale, Myers-Dillon Drug Co,. Omaha. M A Dillon. South Omaha; Davis Drug Co., Council IlluffK. Full lino of rubber goods. , in,),- ; l-i.ll.-M it Mur OSTEOPATHY. iniiVKnv lnutllute. 515 N. Y. Ijlfo Hull: Tel. ltWI: Alice .lonnNou, ii. .j., i.nnen dept.; Old E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, Mgr M. E. DONOIIUE. IJ- O.. ot tstui scnom, Klrkvllle, .MO. tiui t-axton ma. iei ioiii 95. N.T' McMl'RRAY. H. S. D. D. O.. Mrs. J R. Mustek. D. O-. graduates A. S O . Kllksvllle, Mo., suite 530-3S Hee bids 372 O.i A. T. HUNT. D. O., Karbach Tel 5S6-Oet S1IOHTH VM AM) TVPKWIUTIVti. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N, Y. Life. -9,U llOYLKS' College, court reporter principal. Hee Hldg. NEURASKA lliisiness nnd Shorthand Cul lege, lloyd's Theater. -OM GREGG Shorthand taught at tho pma'-n Commercial College, 16th and Douglas h'B 9 it n citi, CALL on Mornntl. Crelghton hall for society and stago dancing, waltz nnd i.i:in r. l.nrue hall to rent for cn- ventions, meetings, balls and club socials CSS-Sei)' 21 ('HAMPERS' school of ilanelng. Lth and Douglas. Classes anu ciuns now uirm Ing at academv. Open dally. 9 a. m to 5 p. m. Phone. 1111- Hall and music furnished parties. Circulars. M59S O10 Ml SI FA I., I'HOP 1 HHAl'N. teacher of piano Ill 1 orgun, studio 5.?i Ramge blk, on. n I tu 'i p m ; terms moderate; thoiou.h artlj'lc work guaranteed. .MvO O. II IIEl.tilAV IIAHRS. THE Los Angeles Helglan llnre Co. Is head quarters for thoroughbred stock for breed ln purposes. 2027 N 16th St., Omaha EI.OCITIOV AMI OIIATOHV, ELLA DAY. 201 Ramge bldg. reading. -l . cutlon. oratory, Thursday tight hi Iiu i' M7sS-Octli MCKEL I'LVTIVti. STOVES, lamps and chandeliers retil.ited Om, Plating Co., Hee Hldg Tel 2535 1IIHII' MI T 1 11 Ell MY, STOCK S Ultd Store H3 Leavenworth -959 ITHMTlili: AMI PIANO MOYI.Mi. JACOU aOHWAH'Z, 1510 Wobter. Tel 20IS -M12S JO PM)( I THIN tMI IMIVNH 1i ttl.Tl Hi:. H S. I.TON. fulier o' r'-n Itl t and plush .11 1 llture Dt liarti nvl Swe-l Ish Rxtnn.isitis -'"li N Wh sr it C '.1 t s aci:t i.em:. MONARCH Generators are best Carbt II W per inn lbs Agents wanted si m Co.. 1022 Douglas St. G77 o-l.l I.O. ST. LOST or stoli n. Sept. 1. ISOfl. large Irish simnlel blti h. Return to 2010 spruce st . tlo reward. Lost- MOfil 2'' l)lli:S.1IAKIMI. Miss Sturdy. 31S S 2tith 1VI1 1 Sept IN families st 21 E. O. M'DONALD, 1C12 Cnpltol avenue M.,.. ,M. ..IWI MIU s I'A MMI5IIIM1 AM) ft TlTTDHlXi. I't'RED. Julia Vaughan, iSQ Ramge Hldg 9tll ACt (tltl)IOV PLEA'I'IVti. ACCOlUiION and side pleating rheapest best, quickest. Mrs a C. Mark. 9 I'u terson 111k.. 17th and Farimtn. Mnl I O' TICKET llltOICr.lt. Cl'T rate tickets pvpry whore. P. II. bin. l'AI Farnam. Telrphonn 7S4. Phil- -9ti7 CHATELAIN School of Languages, P.od theater, will reopen Monday. Heptembi rift. I'.'j - (IS HOTELS. nrvtmitsiiV. 1 CO ner dnv house: board. !3.5o to f.'. week. 9th and Furnnin. tel 1211. Mi61 01 I' VHMIItOKEHS. RAOLE Loan Olllce. rprnble. ing; all btisucss conlldeuttnl nccommndnt 1301 DoiirIiis. 9fi5 l7oANS. II. Marowltz; low rates. 418 X. 10. -1500 I.AI'XnitY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, 2c: cuffs. Ic. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel M -603 Vl(l I HEl' IHIXi. STOVE, furnace, range ropnlrs; water con nections. Oni Stovo Rep. Wks , 1207 Doug Tel. 9i. Illll WA.NTIJII. WANTED, bids for cutting up too tons old scrap locomotive holler" A. 11. Aipb'ti, 913 Douglas. MIW ici: i'o 11 svi.i:. ICE for sale In Council Hluffs. car lots. Gilbert Pros. -M340 pi iiMTi iii; itni-MitiNti. TEL. 1331. M. S. WalUlln, 2111 M Vti.MVI'IC HHM.IXfJ. rTm?AT Wi'Mtern Institute. 102.1 Douglas St chronic diseases cured; no drugs, surgery (.lll'i:l'i:i AM .IOI11IEHS. ALL kinds of inrpcnter wjrk and rcpalrllg promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree. 2Jtn nnd Lake Sts. 3' Mli'lCI DOl'OLAS COt'NTY FAIR. The ctiuntv fair will bp held with the AU-Sar-Heii carnival In Omaha on S'ptem ber 21 to 23. Persons desiring to exhibit live slock, poultry or In any department of the fnlr should secure entry blank at once from C,. W. Hervey. secretary. 1112 Fnrimni street. ... The live stuck will be exhibited on the .rounds of tnc Omaha Driving park S13 ME 7t HAII.WAY TIM 1-1 TAIII.KK. FREMONT F.LKHORN Ai Missouri Vnlloy Railroad "Tho Northwestern Line" - General Otncos. Fnlted States National Rank Hldg., S. W. Cor. Twelfth and Farnam Sts , Ticket Olllce. 1101 Farnam St. Telephone, , r, i1(?,)0t n,U and Webster Sts. Tele- , ,,hon0i (4M!. Leave. Arrive. HlaeK Illlls, ueauwoou. 1 ,lot HprI1!ff a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm o 5:00 pm wvnm nii. casnar anti f )nlii?1lta .d 3:00 pm Hastings. York. David city. Superior, Gene n. Exeter and Seward... . I) 3:00 pm Norfolk. Verdlgro and Fremont i:30 am Lincoln, Wahon anil Fremont b 7:30 am b 5:00 pm bl0:23 am bl0:25 nm Fremont Loeni oiMinm a Dulls 1' Dally except Sunday, e Sun dny onh 1 Dnllv except Saturday, o Dnily except Monday. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. Minneapolis & Omaha I JrtlrMliihJ Jtnuway i rCrtTi i JclViii western Line IW!lUjsaW OHlcos. Neb I lllUaSfOT sloti, 15th n B5! Hts. city T I H"l Farnam SI Telephone, I1"" nnd Webster Sts. tlnllwav "The North Line i icnerai Nebraska Dlvl nnd Webster Ticket Olllce. Farnam SI Telephone, COL Depot. Lenve Arrive, a 9:10 pm nll:10 nm i Twin City Passenger. ..u 0:00 am I Omnha Pasesnger Sioux city A: North i east Nebraska a 3:50 pm Oakland Local b 5:15 tun b S: :15 am ! a Dally b Dally excep. Hununy. CHICAGO & NORTII western Railway "Tho Noithw-pstprn Lino" -City Ticket Olllce, 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phone. 501. Depot, Tenth and Mason Sts. Tele phone, 629 Leave. Arrive. Da) light ('Imago Sp?- cl.il a 7:00 am all :30 pm Chicago Passenger n 1:13 pin a S:10 am Eastern Exni'ess. Des Moines, Miirshalltown. Cedar Rapids and Chi cago n0:55 am u 1:05 pm Eastern Limited. Chi cago and East a 4:55 pm n 1:05 pm FaM Mall, Chicago tn omnha a 2:15 nm ! Dtniihu-Chlcutfo Hpeeiul.il 7:45 pm n S:0O pin i-;ihi .Ainu u a.M uui a Dnllv sioux crrv a pacific Railroad Tho North western Lino" GenernI Oillces, Unltsd States National Hank Rulldlng, S. W. Corner Twelfth and Fnrnnm Sts. Ticket Olllce, 1101 Farnam St. Telephone. 501. De pot, Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone, 2U. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express a 6:55 am a!0:50 pm Twin City Limited a 7:35 pin a s:15 am Sioux iiy Local a B:00 nm a 1:20 pm a Dally. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket Ot llce, 1102 Fai-nam street. Telephone, 245. Depot Tenth and Mason streets Leave. .111:10 nm n 7:45 pm St. . .b 7:(0 am St. ....a 7:45 pm from Arrive, a 4:05 pm a s:15 nm b 9:10 pm a s:15 am Chicago Express . Ch.cago Limited . Minneapolis and Paul Express Minneapolis nnd Paul Limited Fi rt Dodiie Local council Plaffs b 4:20 pm bio 16 am i Dally b D.iliv except Sunday. CHICAGO HOCi ISL and &. Paclllc " illroa.l "The Great Hock Isl and Route " city Tick et otllce. 1323 I-'arnnm Street. Telephone. (2i Depot, Tenth .i Mason Streets. Telephone Cf). Leave Arrive. nr'i Mi,lfii-h and n.iven. iiort leicui a -25 am bl1:35 am Chicago Express .bll:15nm n S:lo am Chlcugo Flint Expre-f. .a 5:0) pm a t:26 pm Lincoln and Fnlrbury..ii S:30 nm a 7:0-) pm Lincoln. Colorado Spgs.. Denver. Pueblo and West a 1-50 pm a 1:15 pm Der Molne-, Hock Isl- r.nd and CIiIc.iko a 7 15 pm a 5 50 prr. Cnl -rado ii Texas I'l: er a 5:5t pm a v 15 am a Dally, b D-illi ciccpi Su;.2i;. zmsr 01ms mm- St! It II.W VI TIME TAIII.F. CKICAOO. PI'HI.INOTON & qultu y R ii'road- 'Thc Hurlliigt n Houte ' Ticket oiiite w: I'arnatn St. Ttl 2:-0 Depot. Tenth & M.ison Streets Telephone, l. Leave. Arrive. D.illgl.t 1 UienB" Spe clal a 7-o am Pforl.t 1' spre a a 9:25 pm Chicago rxttluiied Ex a I (0 pm a 7:i5 am Chicago I nl Express a s. 59 am a re pm Chicago Limited n 7:15 pm a 7;l6 am Pncltu Jur.cthui Local 11 10: 10 mil P,i. I111 .Lin. tn -a Extr.i. n 7:0il pm Fast Mall a 2:t5 pm a Dally. KANSAS CITY. St. JO- seph Rallroad- Council itlurrs 'Th Hurling- ton Route '-'ticket Otllce. 1502 I arnatii street. Tele phone 25'' Depot, Tenth and Mason streets. Tele photic, I2S. Iiiivp. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex .a s;50 nm a :io pm Kau-a-i cit Night Ex alo 15 pm a 6:li am Bt ' nis Fiji r fir St Jonph au.l St Louis a :5j pm all 15 am 11 Dally lit RI.lNrrrtlN Mis souri Htvur Rallrond "The Uurhngtnn Route OeiiPiiH Ollkes, N. W. Corner Tenth and Farnam Sts Ticket Olllce, 15"2 Farnam street. Telephone, nation. Tenth and Mason 25i HurlltiRton Strci U Telepli ue. 12S Leave. Arrive. Lincoln. Hastings nnd McCook a s-w a"1 " ;,w I"" Lincoln. Denver. Colo- rado. 1 tali. ( alirornia a r.m pm a pm l.'ncoln Ulaek Hills.. 11 9:30 pm a a .no pm Montana, l'uget Mount! .a pm a 11:1.1 inn Llneoln Fast Mall .. .a 3,v) 11m al0:3,i am Denver. Colorado, I'tnll & California a (5:15 nm t Ualiv. UNION I'ACIFIC-'TIIE OVER land Route' Oeneral oillces, N E ior. Ninth and Farnam streets City Ticket Olllce. 1321 Farnam street. Telephone, 3bj. Depot, Tenth and Mason Str Telephone, 029. Leave. Arrive, a 7:35 pm n 7:35 pm a 3:23 pm n U 50 nm n 4:35 pm The Overland Limited n S:20 am The Clili-ago-Por.land Hueclnl ... a "in The Fast Mall . a S:50 am The Colorado Special ..all:35 pm 'he l-"ast .itnu . Llneoln. Heatrlee and Stromsimrg i;xprcss..n :in pm IU2:25 pm The Paclllc Express. . .it 4:25 pm The Atlantic Lxnress a fl-M am O rn nil Islnnd Local., b 5:30 mil b 9:30 am a Dally, b Dully except Sunday OMAHA .fe ST. LOFIS RAIL- rnad -Otnnhn. KunsaK City A: EitBtern Hallrnatl "The (Julney Route" Ticket Of tl.i. 1115 Partial!! Street Telephone 222 Depot, Tenth and Matty Street. Tele phone, (529. i.cnvc. Arrive. Cannon Rail St Louis Impress Kansas City Local a Dally. a 5 05 pm a S:20 am and Oulney n 00 am a 9:i)0 pm WAR ASH RAILROAD Ticket Olllce. 15"! Farnam Street. Telenhone. V.. De pot, Tenth and Matey Streets. Telephone, est. Leave. Arrive. Cannon Hall" S. Louis Express u Dally a u:C5 pm a 8:20 am MISSOfRl PACIFIC RAIL road General Oillces and Ticket oillces Southeast Cor ner 1 lt)i and Douglas Sts, Telephone lot. Depot, Union station. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis, Kansas , Nebraska Limited . .riio.oo am a ti:30 pm K. C. St. L. Express... iit0:10 pm a G:15 urn Leave from 15th Webster Sis. Nebraska Local Weeplnir Wnter a Dally, b Dnllv nnd Via b 1:15 pm nlO:45 am except Sunday. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE ,"i St. Paul Rnllwny-Clty 'V mum iiLfcp Ticket Olllce. 1501 Fnrnnm Street. Telephone 2S4. Depot ioiitn ami .Mason streets Telephone, f3 Leave. Arrlyp. Chlcugo Limited Ex a 6:00 pm a s.Oo nm Chlcugo & Omaha Ex b 7:15 am b 3 55 pm a Dally, b unliy except Mund.iy. posTori'icn mitu i (Should be read DAILY by nil Interested as changes may occur at any time ) Foreign malls tor the week ending Sep leiuber 22. llxnl, will eln.p iPROMPlLY In all ensesa al the General I'nst Olllce as follows: PARCELS POST MAILS clo e one hour curlier Ihnti closing time shown below. Parcels Post Mails for Germany close at 5 o. tn. Monday and Wednesday. i'riiiis-Allnnllc Mull. TUESDAY Al 7 u. m. fur Fl'ROPE. per s s. Kalseriti Maria Theresln. via Cher bourg, Southampton ami Hicmivi imall for Ireland must be dlrer-tel " er n. s. Katsurln Maria Thcresln"), at 0:.Mi a. nt (supplementary II a. in.) lor IRELAND per s. s. Servla, via Queenstown tmall tor other parts of Europe must be dlric'--ii "per s. s. Servla ") WEDNESDAY At 7 a. m. (supplementary ! a. in ) for EUROPE, per ii. s New VntK, via Soiithnmplon ; at 9 a. m (supplemen tary 10:3i) a m.) for EUROPE, per s Germanic, via Qinenstovvn; at 10::io a m for HELGIUM direct, per s. s. Konidrg ton (mall must be dln-cled "per s. n. Ketislncton" i. TIIFRSDAY-At 6:::0 a m. for KUROI'E, per s h Fuerst Hlsmank. via Plymouth and Hamburg (m.il' fnr France. Swltsr land, ltnl. Spain, Portugal. Turkey, I'Igypt, Htitlsh India and Loiirenzo M:ir quez, via Cherbourg, must be drec.-d "per s. s. Fuerst Hlsmarek"! : nt :.:n n in for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND, ITALY SPAIN. PORTUGAL TURKEY. EGYPT. HRITISH INDIA and I.OUREN'O MAR Ql'K'A. per s. s. Lorraine, via Havre ituuii ior otner parts ir Europe must bi directed "ner s. h. La Lurralne") SATURDAY -At S a m for NEI'IIUR- I.A.Mib. per s. s. Kl.itendam rmall mud be directed "per s. s. Stutendnm"): nt in a. in. fnr SCOTLAND direct, per s. s As- tnria (mall must un directed "per s. s As torla i; at 10:3o a. tn. (supplementary 12 in) fnr EUROPE, per s. s. Luciinla. vl-i Queenstown; nt 1 p. in. for ITALY, per s. s Kaiser William II, via Naples itnii must be directed "per s. a. Kalsi-r Wil liam II"). PRINTED MATTER,-ETC Th . steamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial pipvi and Samples for Germany only. The same class of mall matter fnr other pans of Europe will not b cent bv this Fhlp unless specially directed by h"r. After the closing of th" Supplement-in-Trnns-Atlantlc Malls named uhovn addi tional supplementary malls are opened en the piers of the America!. Engll-h, French and German steani";. nnd remain open mil 11 within Ten Minutes of III" hour of sailing of steamer Mulls for South mid Central Aniciicn, West Indies, Ele. SUNDAY -At S.S'j p m lor RT. Pn-MHIE MP I'ELON. per steamer frnm North Siluey TUESDAY At 9:30 a m (siipplenie'itatv 10 30 a. m i for CENTRAL AM'-'RICA (except Costa Rica) and SOUTH PA. CIFIC PORTS, per s s. Flnutipc. via ( olnn (mall for ( in itemalu must -p iiirecieu "ner s. h. i-iiuuici- i; nt loa m for INAGUA and HA'TI. per s. u, Kurntin- nt 9 p m fnr JAMAICA, per s. s Admlrnl Fnrnigiit, fr"lli lloston. WEDNESDAI-At 10:.!i) n m for HAITI per. m irln Wllllnm HI (mull for cum- i no. . Venezunla, Trinldnd. HrltPh nni iinten uiuiinn must lie directed "per s s Prins William III"): at I p. m for me. it-i) per s. s. Aiat-inza-!. via Temol-o (mini must bo directed "per s. r. Mntan zns'i. THURSDAY-At lo a m. for H't AIL direct and LA PLATA I'OU-'THIE's ner s a colerldire imall for N--r"' H'az'i must be directed "nr s. s C -erldgi "); nt 1 p 111 tor HA.NTIAUO, Cl HA pel s s cienfupcos: at 1 p. ,m. ior YUCATvN CAMPECIIE. TAIJASCO and CHIAPAS, per s. s. Segiiranca. via H.-ivnpn noil pro ereso (mall for other parts- of .Mexico and for Culn must be directed "per s Seg. urancn"i; nt 1 p. in. for YUCATAN. p"r s. s Prima, via Progrnn (mall mu't I if directed "per s s. prima, ): nt n. m for JAMAICA, per s s Admiral Kchiey, from MiiSIOIl. SAi'UltllAY At 1 a in for NEWFOUND- I vo per n u Hi'n--. fr ivi Pi-r-,iei phla, at 10 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a in i for l-'MRTUNE l"l N'" lAMAICA HAVAMLLA and A HTl I a ( jh.NA. per s s Allies (mail lur i osin ii-cn must directed per s k Atno- ; nt 10 a m (Kuniilementary 10 :v a m ) for INAGUA uui HAITI, per s " dirutiili.i-K ; -,i lo a m (siipn'oinentnrv t o -:m a in i f-ir PORIO HP O. CURACOA nun vi;.m:,uei.a. nr.- s s. PhllHilelphln (mall f ir f-e vaidlln an-l ( -irtliagen hium be illriLled tier s s Philadelphia . nt 11 a m (or cl HA. per s s Mevlco via flnvilnn- hi 1 p tn f - r MATANZAS I'MMVRIEN Nl MVPA" GIHM. PRAC" nnd PUERTO PADRE, per s. e Cuiiltjba (ordinary mall frm pus, t Trri" I'OMTOI'FH F, M1TK 15. ' wlil Ii mii-t b d i-1 ! I 1 cr s - CtlllHb.l 1 Malls for Newfoiitullatui. 'y rail to North Svdnev, nnd thence bv Minrr. clo-e t this office dally at V.10 p. tn. e UltlWtltl clo.e h.-iP pverv Mnndnj. Wednesday ntid Sat ir.lav Mails for Mluuelon. by rail to Huston and thenpp by .iteBtiicr. elpe at this oIUcp dnllv at ;! P In. MhIU for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa. Flu.. ivd thence bv steamer. cloe at till ofruv dnllv lexeept MotnlnM ctv7 n. n (the contircllne clops are i-nHiinday, eiln' dav and Frl.hivi Malls for Mexico CI'X nverlnnd. unless spcelallv ndilresed foi dispatch 1 steamer. clop at this "fllee dnllv at 2 30 a 111. a'ld 2 ) P tn. Mll for Cost. 1 Rlen bv full to Mobile, and for lit H7.0. Puerto Cot-tpz and Uuatetiinm, by tall to New OrlentM, -lid tll-'ltee liv steamer. elne at this otlii e dnllv lit "3 ti 111. (coniipctltm closes here Tuesdavs for Costa Pica and Mondays for Rollse. Puerto Cortpr. and C.u.itemiil-O regis tered mall dose at ti p m preMous day TrnnsJl'iieltle Mnll. Malls for Auslralla tevoept West Australia, which goes via Europe, and New .eilan I which goes ln San I'n.t,elco). nnd r HI Islands, Ma Viiiu'.-uv.r. ilo.e hero dall at 0 30 11 m. up to September Ldn. in clusive, for dispatch per s arrlmoo (supplementary malls, via Seattle. clo at f,3Jp. tn Septiinber MlillH M.l'N fo Hawaii. Japan. Chin 1 nnd V1'1"1'!' Islands, via San Francisco, elose here dally at f.:30 11. 111 up to September lit Inclusive, for dispatch per s s Ml'P' Mam Malls for Hawaii. China. Japan nnd Philippine Island-, vl-i San I- rancl'co close here dally at 0 ;50 p. Ill up JO i ' tcmber 27th. hic1use. for Rsprttt'lt pet s s Rio de Janeiro Mulls for Austr a I 1 (except West Australia), New en 1 il . Hawaii. FIJI and Satnoan Islamls. via San Francisco, close hrr.; dn.li at 1.: ;0 p n after Senlembet- lfith and up to Sept en -her 'th. Inclulve. or on day of arrl I of s. s Canipaiua. du- H New 1 ork .Sep tember th. Or .'Istmtclt pet- s s Al -tned.i. Mails, f.-r china '""'''! I"",', , Vancouver, close here i.allv at t..3 p. tn up to October 'd Inclusive, for dlpaie1i per " s Empress of ludl.-t tregll-r"-1 innirmust be .llrecled "via Vancouver ' Mi s for Hawaii, via Sun I- rancl co. close bore dnllv at 0 P, in. Uti to Ocl ber "rih. Inclusive, for dispatch per . s Tniii-V'ael'lh- malls are forwarded to port of sailing dnllv and the schedule of clo b g Is iirrntiged on the presump ion of their uninterrupted nverlnnd tr.insit ReuMeted n'lill cln-ei at ti P m. Prc Muy CORNELL'S VAVmTJ. roslotllce. New York. N Y. Si ptetiibcr H. !( ... ... .... . a. M M t 1 r . South Omalm News . ii yE,aa?KS',v5j . 3-arttLnwrsirS'it There In trouble on the minds of the democratic leadi rs and It all comes about tu cause the feeling engendered by the fne tlmi.ll light of hist spring has not died out. The llrctinan-Johiititnti and Elisor factions nio still at It ns hard as ever and a settle ment Is as for off as It was two weeks ago. On Saturday of this week tho demo cratic county convention will be held nt Woodmnn hall and the dcslro of certain people to be nonilnaled Is causing ills cord. On the streets Dr. Elisor Ib given the credit of being a ted-hot aspirant for slate senatorial honors. This lho distinguished democrat denies, lie said In nn Interview yesterday that If the nomination mmo in him ll would have tn come unsolicited and that he would mil niako n move towards sicurlng a delegation. On the other nnnu the untl-Eusorltes assert that even tiling possible Is being done to bring the party Into line for Ensor. r. c. cninweu. one. of tho members or the democratic couniy central committee, said yesterday that he- was opposed to Enaor llrst. last and all the time and that If the convention slipped a' cog and nominated him he would openly declare himself for McKinley and the rest of the republican ticket. Jo)inslon keeps close to the wnll and says nothing, hut It Is known that he has been busy lately hhnrpcnlng up a lot of knives which ho Intends to use at the prlmnrles and on coinentlnn duy ngalusl Elisor. The Hrcntian people aro sore at Ensor and the light at the primaries on Thursday will doubtless be Interesting In lho ex treme. Thomas J. Nolan seems to ho lh- choice of a certain faction for the senntor ship, providing the Omaha democrats allow the position to go to the Magls City. In some circles it Is asserted that the slate Is made up and that Nolan will be ths nominee. If this Is the- case South Omalm will be ghen only one representative in stead of three, as llrst agreed upon. Mi- Devltt had n chance of getting this nom ination, but now it has become known that Elisor Is for him and this may queer him Mnrlln Sullivan and Phil Council are the other aspirants for the place. SiiHill- licet DiiIiik Meelj. The sugar beets planted by the company formed of South Omaha business men are doing nicely and a full crop is oxpeeicu It is estimated now Hint the crop will i un from lit teen to twenty tons to i acre. .No coniracis ior me crop nave neen signed as yet, as two factories aro In the market for the yield. I he Ames ltect Sugar Works will buy the entire crop nt tho price mentioned early In tho spring, but theru seems a disposition to let the beets go to the now Heel Sugar and Chic ory company, which Is now established at the former Home of the (Joed Shepherd, west of Cudahy's. This new company wants all the beets It call gut und 1 5. willing to pay a fair price for the product. At this faitory a portion of Urn beets will he used for sugar anil the residue will bo worked up Into chicory. The process now In use permits the using of all of the residue for the manufacture of chicory inbtend of leaving a large proportion of pulp, as for mcrly, which was fid to cattle. It Is the Intentiun of the uiauagors of this new concern to endeavor to Imlurp each former In tho lclnlty of South Omaha lo agree to cultivate one acres of beets next spring. If each farmer will do this and the crop Ir nny ways fair tho factor' here can be kept running for some time. As the growing of beets nn the Island Is an assured success It Ib mure than likely that the samo South Omaha company will again contract for tho land nnd continue the cultivation of sugar beets. .Indue A Kilo v TiiILn. Judge Prank A. Agnuw has Just returned from a trip through New York state. He said that from what ho learned tho atato would go for McKinley good and strung Republicans generally, he said, nre con fident that New lork will go republican by a good sized majority. According to Judge Agnew prosperity Is tho general ruin nil through the east. New Jersey, he said. Ih sure to go for McKinley and the same with West Vlrglnlu. ( ouiiell .Meetliiu Tmiluhl. All adjourned meeting of the city coun cil Is billed for tonight. Mayor Knlly is still absent and If there Is a meeting Act ing Mayor Adktns will preside. According to the city clerk thorn Ik littlo lamlncst of Importance to be transacted, although It Is prnbabto thai some pot it Ions and com- mimical Ions will he tiled today. Mimic (it- liiinsip. Members nf Odd I-', llown lodge, Nn I r will visit Omaha lodp. No lo tonight Mr. nnd Mrs J F I'ewksl ury nf Lilt Rock, Ark., are the giu-'ts of Mrs. Anna Maxwell and daughter Grace. Yesterday closed the eoiil', rence yeur o the Methodist church and Rev. Johllfon will leave on Tuesday for Norfolk lo attend tl)i iiniiunl eonf rence. An hileie-lltig and lnstrurtle sermon was pro.it lied to laboring men yesterda -forenoon bv lb v Andrew Renwick, paslt of the United Presbytf-rl.i-i church. The Kiinns city stockyards were swamped last week with leeder entile At Smith omnhu the demand for feeders Is so ureal thai there Is no danger of sw, imping these yards. Mothers endurKii It, children like, It, aid folks use It. We refer to One Mlntlti) Cough Cum It will quickly euru all throt and lurij trouble!. tane. lnaulr 21(2 Bt. MttO B. D M75