8 NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL Ml.VOIt MK.VriOJV. Davis ells Klaus. "Mr Riley," (".-cent clear. Leffert, 23rt Hdy., tests eyes free. Qas HxMircs onil globes at lllxby's Fine A II C. beer, Netimnyer's hotel. Dr Stephenson. 101 Pearl St. Tel. 3C. Bchmldt photos, new awl Intest styles. Cob. photos Il.tO iloz. Wllllatrs. Ml lUiy. oilman, scientific optician. -I1 H '1' ' W J. listener, dentist. Itnldwiti block I. C & W. Woodward, architects, 52! Hay. VV fi Lewis sells monument. 301 Hway. Ltmp's beer, Socnkc lioyfen. sole agent. Heat beer. Itu.lwclser. U Roscnfeld. Agt. Get your work dnne at the popular Eagl laundry. 721 llroa.lvvuy 'pnone IB.. V C ICstep. i.mWtnk-r IS Pearl street. Telephones: OUlo, 'J7; residence, 3.1 Robert Mil. h II. mandolin and ultar In structor Htudl... 2:tl M.trlatn block V F Oruff. urdertnker and licensed em balmer. mi South Main sticet. Phone ul6 A picture given free with each frame bought in September of C. H Alexander A: Co 33.1 Hroa.lwa The motor company has nnnounced that It will close Its Luke Mnnuwii linn after odn for the season. Lieutenant Governor Mllllnian of I.ocan was In the city last night attend ln n meeting of the Kilts' building committee. Hon J. P. Duticnmbc of Port Dodge, president of the Port Dodge & 1.(Jm;,l,'f llallroad company, was In the city last nliht M J Hlgglns. Indicted on charges of blgimv awl adultery, was nrraiBoe.i ... th. .Itstrl-t curt ycstcr.iay ami pi......... ""!. l". '".'.'f! rhnr''" ... 1 Th I-jIKH mlll'IinX f Minium nit -- -' , ni M anl opotuMl tho Uh fur the erection - .. . .. I..., lioimul it tvn ! I II J I o' the i liibhouse. but postponcii iiwaniiii Hi. ...ntrii.t until WclncKday, heitcmbr The motor company ban commenced to pa c ih. approach to Mm bridge With Hloux i- is gninltc block. The paving will cs tenil from the sloigh tri'Htle to the bridge proper . i, . i Mi.,- nt 1.1 lv cainn. Aid otletv. Hual Nclnhborn r Amerliu. w lie held Monday afternoon nt 2 o clock i th. li'itiii' "f MrH. J C Dcmlng. bAJ Mf iV nr..l... '-7, " . --J-'.-;..-'..- .....I at irtii acini.- , A f ill line of the cetcbrntet Acorn rook fume Mteel ranges, iKiseburnurs, oak Hi -vc and hot blasts ut very low prices at Keller A: Hand's, 1n7 llroadwuy. ou can own ne of these stoves by paying Jl a week until paid for. A ll-dre.MS.Ml mun giving the imme of Imnes Montgomery was arrested last even ing by 'Mllcer Culbighan on Hiiplclnn of being a pickpocket. A bawlrotnc gold watch thought to have been sto en. w.is found lo bin possession Work Iiiih been commenced on the new bridge over Indian Creek at Mftb awl l i i ui iivciiuch. The new structure will be of ample width to allow, besides room for the Minnie truck of the motor company, smlli'lent roadway for wagons and n foot poth on each side. The semi-annual meeting of the Council IP ITs Association of Congregational b.r. lies and Ministers will be held Tues il:i. mid Weiliiesiln..-, .September 2.i nnd .n. In ibis cltv i:ach chirch In the iissocla i is entitled to be represented by Its pa'.tir mid three lay delegates. 'I wo men glvhi't the nnmes of George C.rillln and Harry Pulton were roundel ui b Deteeilve Weir on liroailwny lasi nlKb'' When senreheil at the cltv Jail lb.' were found to be carryln In a gtlp n . .inpete set of burglar's tools, such as slei'l Jimmies, drills, prlers and skeleton kes Tin were bunked as Migrant. dlutant General Hers has Issued an inner a .opv or which has been received here b Company 1.. to th.' effect that n ,.ni,...ru r tin. Iiumi Niitlonal uuaril will have to iindego a severe test before being commissioned. This order does not apply to olllcers now holding commissions or to members of the governor's stalT. The musical rug time comedy trnyesla, The Hottest Coon In Dixie, will be at th' Unburn- theater Monday night. It will be the llrst time this p'ay has visited this i in The organization 'omprlses nearly lortv of the lori'iimst sliiKirs, conii'illnns nnd specialists of the colored race. 1 he sliiKlnl; Is said to be very line, while the specialties arc all original and of n popular order That the Uohany will be packed this tnenliiK b on- thealer-goeth to see Mur rav awl .Mack In their funny farce, i-in-lilunns Il.ill." kocs without sayliiK He sides the excellency of the comedy plnv there will be specialties gn ore mid there niom'ses to be not one dull moment dur Inc the entire ptn. All the new and popu lar sonzs will be leinli reil, and with rag time melodies, cuke walks and dances the amusement features of the play promise to be verv entf rtalnlur A few bedroom suits to close out to make room for stoves forces us to make u big cut In prkes. Pive full. scll front, iniarter oak suits, polished I'rcnch beyel plate mir ror, ili'X.iti, wi.riu ;'. ... .-uw "... " Blx full, swell front, niiihoKony suits, Piench bevel plate, 2S3I, worth jr-LriO, to elr.se out at $11 Seven full, swell front, iniarter oak. golden polish. ! rcncli bevel plate. 2Sx:it. worth :. to close out for JIj. Keller i1!.- Hand. 107 Hroadway. Prank Pevton, who Is alleged to have eon fisscd to the murder of John K. Hobson In Bloux City on the night of December 2'J last, was lodged In the city Jail here yes terday for safekeeping between trains. He was In custodv of Sheriff Jackson ol Wood bury county and Chlct of Police Lealon of filoux Cltv. who were bringing him from Kl Louis, where he was arrested. Peyton has been Indicted by the Woodbury county grand Jurv on the strength of his alleged confession made in St. Louis. Peylon while here said he bad never made nny confes sion 'and that he was traveling for a safe llrm. lie was accompanied b his wife. He nlso said (hat he had no fear that when the ense was Investigated he would be cleared of the charge. N. Y. riumblns Co., telvnaono 2.'.0. NootlivvoAlorn lovvn Teacher. Superintendent W. N. Clifford of this city nnd Superintendent O. H. Prench of tho Creston schools, members of the ex ecutive committee of the Southwestern Iowa Teachers' association, held a meet ing hero yesterday to make the prelim inary arrangements for tho.annual session of the association to be held In Council Muffs November 1, 2 and 3. When the meeting of tho association was hold here two years ago tho enrollment of teachers exceeded 400 and It Is expected that nhout the samo number will bo In attendance this session. Use Domestic soap. It's the best. Six Mouth for Siilllviiu. James Sullivan, lndiiiid for breaking Into an oil hniiHO In the yards of the Hock Island railroad and stealing a quantity of brass, entered a plea of guilty yesterday before Judge Maey In the district court and was sentenced to six months In tho penitentiary at Port Madison. He will bo taken there today by Deputy Sheriff Can ning Davis sells paint. rremtums given with Domestic soap. m i rm-a imnii ' - om PATENT KID SHOES l or Men and Women at $3.50 onn't bo boot nt nny prlco HAMILTON'S 3E STORE BROADWAY. FARM LOAS Nczotluted in i'.iiicrn rtcuraska and Iowa. James Is. Casady, Jr., Itti M.iln St i iiiurll lli.jffi. MONEY TO LOAN,"-:;: Savings Lean anil Building Assoolat'n Council Mutts, lowo. BLUFFS. FORSYTH WANTS THE TRACKS Proposes That tho Motor Company Shall Give Service Promised, ASKS COURT FOR MANDATORY INJUNCTION (itlen Who Didn't I'l-oposc to l.nie Suburban Ail nil taur Thrnnuli tlic Operation of the Con notlilatloii llcul, t.irM nf the district court Issued I .crrtnir n crnoon o the not Hlo o .Slercln) atternoon. on ino pcuuuu ui yesterdny Henry I. Forsyth, manager of the Union Transfer company, a temporary writ of Injunction restraining tho Omaha, Council Hlurfs & Suburban Hallway company and tho Omaha & Council Muffs Hallway and Hrldgo company from tearing up or remov ing any of the tracks laid by the former company, particularly tho tracks on Ave nue C, between Twenty-eighth and Twelfth streets, and on South Sixth street. In tho petition filed Porsyth recites tho facts as to the granting of the franchise to the Suburban company under which the company contracted to and with the city of rotmc1 niuffs nnil propi.rty owners of said cltv to construct nnd for the full period - - of llfty yenrs operate a Htroot railway nloiiK . ... ... ...t.,t. . , l. . ....... ail or tne streets over which a num. m ... was granted by the franchise As n basis of his suit he nlleges that the motor com pany, now ttiut It has bought out the Subur ban company. Intends to vlolnte the pro visions of the franchise and says "that the defendant, the Omahn, Council Murfs & Suburban Hallway company now proposes and threatens to abandon said street rail way nml to take up the track and rnlls and other street railway equipments es tablished and constructed along said street nnd particularly along Avenue C, from Twenty-eighth street to Twelfth street, and threatens to abandon the use of said streets for street railways and has ceased to oper ate Its street railway along said streets ami will, nnlebs prevented by the Injunctive powers of this court, completely and en tirely remoo Its Btrect railway tracks from the portion of Avenue C referred to." (italic iiucn the Combination. He further nlleges that there Is some contractural relations between said defend ants, the direct nature of which ho hua no information except In n general way, which (s that both the defendants propose to com bine nnd consolidate their properties Into the operation of a slnglo line of street rail way and by said combination and consoli dation he charges the fact to be that they have contracted together for the purpose of controlling the prices charged for fare and the number of trains used for the trans portation of passengers nnd the routes to be used and the streets to be occupied nnd that said combination and contrarturnl rela tion Is Inequltnble and to the great nnd Ir reparable 'damage of him and tho public generally. Pursy 111 owns property on Avenue C and contends that the abandonment of the line on that street would be detrimental to his interests. He Insists that tho defendant companies be required to carry out tho contract with the city according to the terms of tho franchise granted the Subur ban company nnd In his praver lo the court asks that the defendants be enjoined awl restrained from taking up nnd removing its street railway tracks along Twenty eighth street from tho Missouri liver south to Avenue C and along Avenue C from Twenty-eighth street to Twelfth street nndJ nlong Sixth street from Sixteenth avenue to Twenty-ninth avenue and that the Omaha, Council Hind's & Suburban Hallway company be compelled by the court to restore nil tracks removed from said streets and to be further compelled nnd directed to construct nnd equip a street railway along Twenty-eighth street from the Missouri river south to Avenue C. nlong Avenue C from Twenty-eighth street to Twelfth streot and along Ave nue A from Twelfth street to Ninth street, along Ninth street from Avenue A to Plrst avenue, along Plrst avenue from Ninth street to Sixth street and along Sixth street from Plrst avenue to the city limits, nnd that the said de fendants be compelled to maintain and operate a streot railway of not less than three trains n day along said streets an., across the Missouri rivet, through K.ist Omaha and Into the city of Omaha, that an order of court be entered dissolving the contract existing both of said defendants and re-establishing an Independent rela tion between them nnd enjoining nnd for bidding each anil nil of said defendants from forever entering Into a contract reg ulating nnd fixing the amount of fare to ho charged for passengers transported along the streets herein named, or rcgulat Ing or fixing the number of trains to bo operated nlong said street and further that a temporary writ of injunction iasuo restraining tho Omaha, Council Muffs & .Suburban Ilallwny company and the Omaha '&: Council Muffs Hallway and Midge com pany from tnklng up or removing any por tion of Us street railway construction along nny of said streets, including tho tics and rails laid upon said streets nnd also including the poles, wires nnd over head electrical equipments and that upon a Dual hearing of this case that said tem porary writ be made perpetual. i'ciirliiK I l tin' TraeUn. Tho motor company has commenced the work of removing tho track from Avenue C between Twenty-eighth anil Twelfth streets and has given notlco that It will abandon lis Mannwu line after today fur the winter season. Hecently the company announced its Intention of taking up the track on Sixth street between Ninth and Sixteenth avenues and of connecting tho Mannwa line nt Sixteenth nvenue nnd Main street. As far as Is known tho motor company has no Intention to abandon the proposed service between this city and Omaha via Kast Omaha over tho Terminal company's bridge. The Herman Soohno society gives its next dancing party on Wednesday evening, Oc tober 3, ,nt Grand Army of the Hepubllc lull). 00.000 enkes Domestic soap used in Coun ill Muffs last month. Violated III Parole. Fred Hansen, tho young man who, nt the March term of the district court was con victed of breaking into and rob blng tho resilience of Prof. Albln HiiBter and sentenced by Judge Smith to five yeara In tho penitentiary at Fort Madison, will have to serve out the sen tence After sentence hnd been pronounced Hansen's friends interceded on hU bchall and succeeded In getting tho governor to parole him. One of the provisions of the parolo was that Hansen should remain In Pottawattamie county This provUlon ho has failed lo comply with and ho will now have to go to tho pen. A abort tlmo ago h went to Colorado, but ns on hta return he promised to stay hero ho was not mo- Jested. A week or so ago ho again left the county and went to Illinois and Sheriff Cousins was Instructed to effect his arrest. Ho received word yesterday that Hansen was in Jail ut Jacksonville. III., awaiting Instructions from here. As ho refused to return without a requisi tion tho necessary pnpors were drawn up by the county attorney nml forwarded last evening to Governor Shaw at Dea Moines. LAST WIIKIC IN I.OIAI, SOCII2TY. Clirltrnir n-llcnncr Xtiptlnls Knally I.cudH the llvcnti. A pretty homo wedding last week was that of Jnmes P. Chrletensen and Miss Mabel Dcntier, which was solemnized Wednesday evening at tho home of the brlde'B mother. Mrs. Louise H. Henner. 713 Washington avenue. The ceremony una performed by Hev. George Kdward Walk, rector of St. Paul's episcopal church. In the presence of a large gathering of rela- , Uv.s ntul friends of the bridal couple. The; brWu. ho looked strikingly hawl.ome In a ... , gown of pale blue moussellne de sole awl carried a bouquet of white roses, was at tended by her mother. The bridal party en tered tho parlors to the strains of the wed ding march from Lohengrin, rendered by Miss I-Mnn Wllklns. The parlors were elab orately decorated with bride's roses, Amer ican beauties, carnations nnd smllax. Pol lowing the ceremony dainty refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Chrlstenscn went nt once to housekeeping at 210 North Klghth street, whero they will bo at homo to their friends after October 1. Tho groom Is one of the deputies under County Treas urer Arm! nnd among the many wedding presents rerelved by the happy couple were a handsome desk and bookcase from the employes nt tho county court house. C. A. Ilardell and Miss Daisy Covalt were married last Wednesday evening nt the home of tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Covalt, on North First street. Hev. W. S. Ilarnos, pastor of the Plrst Presbyter Inn church, performed the ceremony, which was witnessed by n large number of rela tlevH awl friends of the bride and groom. The parlors were tastefully decorated with cut llowera, American beauty roses pre dominating. Following the wedding supper Mr. and Mrs. Ilardell went to their new homo nt 812 Avenue C, which the groom had purchased and furnished nnd where they will bo at home to their friends after Oc tober 1. Mrs. John T. Stewart of "The Gables" entertained nt lunch Saturday for Mrs. Allen of Washington, I). C. Muster IMwnrd Walls entertained n num ber of his young friends Friday evening at d o'clock dinner for his cousin, Miss Gladys Thompson of Kansas City, who Is visiting at St. Paul's rectory. Sol lllimni of Deadwood, S. D., was the guest last week of John T. Stewart and family. Miss Klennor Cofi'oon of Norfolk, Neb., Is visiting her brother In this city Mis. W. C. Uuthank of S10 Avenue A entertained Prldny evening nt a muslcalc. Following the program a dainty lunch was served. Miss Corn Hitchcock of Washington nve nue entertained at lunch a bicyclo party of the members of tho Washington Avenue club Thursday evening. The Council Mulls Hawing association will close the season with an informal hop Tuesday evening at tho rlub house nt Lake Mnnuwn. Monday evening the club will give a stag social and smoker. Special cars will leave Hroadway awl Pearl street each evening at 8.30 o'clock. Miss Dewey of Omahn was the guest Inst week of Miss Stewart at "Tho Gables." Mrs. M. McKune Is home from Ocean Grove, N. J., whero she spent the sum mer. Mis. David Gates li home from a visit to chlrauo. Miss Delia Hobintion Is home from spend ing her vacation In Denver nnd among tho mountan resorts of Colorado. One of the prettiest weddings of the season was that of Mr. Henry D. Petersen awl Miss Minnie Kvers, which occurred Inst Wednesday evening at the hnnjfc of the bride's parents, i2S South Fourth street. The ceremony was performed by Hev. G. W. Snyder of St. John's Kngllsh Lutheran church, In the presence of u largo gath ering of relatives and friends of tho bridal ouple, who entered the parlor to tho strains of .Mendelssohn's wedding march. played by-Miss Sylvia Snyder. Llttlo Leona Kvers, a cousin of the bride, acted as maid of honor, awl Maatnr Marcus Petersen was page. The bride was handsomely gowned in white silk awl carried bride's roses. The parlors were beautifully decorated with palms awl roses. Following the cer emony an elaborate wedding supper was served, after which Mr. and Mrs. Petersen went to their new home at 1120 Muff streot. Tho groom Is a well known young business man of this city, nnd the brido until re cently was ono of the popular teachers In the city schools L. K. Anderson arrived yesterday from Denver, Colo., on n visit to his parents Mr. awl Mrs. J. IJ. Anderson of Kast Hrond- wn; . Mrs. W. A. Gronoweg and children left yesterday on a visit to rolntlves nenr Mlneola. Mr. and Mrs Hoy Johnson of Mt. Pleas ant aro the guests of B. A. Morehouse and family, 320 Prank street. Mrs. W. S. Dimmock nnd Mrs. Llna Dlm- tnock, who have been spending tho summer at Winona Heach, Mich., are expected home the early part of this week. number, of young people have organ ized the Kllto Dancing club and propose to glvo an assembly every Thursday evening during the Bcason, commencing next Thurs day. The following cadets will leave Monday for tho .Military acadomy at Mexico, Mo.t Doers Hohrer, Hay Heardsley and Hoy Ilosen of this city, nnd Frank Vlerling and Hen Henson of Omnhn. Miss Ollle Walker of Omaha Is tho guest of her i oiisin, Miss Gcorgene Mitchell, of "II Hroadway. The Woman's auxiliary of Grace church gives a musical and dancing party next Wednesday In odd Fellows' hall. Jackson Cady's orchestra will play for both parties. Tickets only 25 cents. M TTHHS INTl7lJ IMSTIIICT COI'HT. liny Tnl.en I n Chlelly with the Suit of Sot I lb Aiti.liiNt Smith. The divorce suit of Mrs. Mnrcy M. Smith, who seeks to have tho bonds severed which tlo her to Wilson Smith, whom she mar ried In Toulon, III., Juno 21. lS.il. occupied the greater part of yesterday In tho dis trict court. Tho evidence was not all in when coint adjourned for the day. The suit of Henjamln Douglas. Jr . against Louise Douglas and other heirs of tho estate of the late Henjamln Douglas founder of Dun's Mercnntllo agency, was Anally dismissed in tho district court yes terdny. the heirs having agreed upon a partition of the property. The real estate transfers of yesterday show that four of the heirs have sold their Interests In the property to P. C. and E. II. Lougee of this city. The estnte consisted of several nun. dred ncres of 'valuable farming land in tlilB nnd adjoining counties. George Chase and wlfo commenced suit In the district court yesterday against the city of Council llluffs to recover 300. the amount which they claim their property on Avenue 11 nnd ElovenHi street was dam aged by reason of tho city grading the vnue, thereby turning the water onto their lot, nl by failure of tho city to compel the Northwestern railway to build culverts to provldo for tho escape of the surface water. tly stipulation the suit of K. W. Nash against the L'nlon Land and Improvement company and others has been specially as signed for trial on October 23. This U the suit In which Nnsh seeks to restrain John W. Paul and others from attempting to make li I in liable on alleged unpaid stock for tho debts of the Union Land and Improvement company. W. It. Jeffries brought suit In the su perior court yesterday against Lougee & Lougee to recover $300, the alleged value of live stock, etc.. seized by the de fendants and claimed to como under the exemption law. I.O.MS AM) SHOUT SI IJ AT IT AGAIN. Piiinoil I'nlr of Holdup Itoti the SiiitI I'ltnillv of ('null. Attorney J. 11. Sweet nnd his two sons, who conduct a meat and grocery store nt Tm.iMn ilrni nn.l llrnnilwnr. worn Attorney J. 11. Sweet and his two sons, Twenty-third street and Hroadway, wore held up and robbed last night shortly aftor 0 o'clock by two men. Attorney Sweet had Just got Into his buggy In front of tho store when the two men lined up, ono on each side of the buggy, and thrusting revolvers Into his face, ordered him to get out of tho buggy and enter the store. The attorney lost no tlmo In doing ns he was ordered. Once Inside the storo the men, each of whom had his face partly covered with a red handkerchief, ordered Sweet, hta two sous and daughter-ln-lnw to stand up against the wall awl hold up their hands. The family did as It was bid nnd then tho holdup artists went through their pockets, securing tho at torney's gold hunting case watch and Jl. The two sons and daughtcr-ln-law had noth ing to give up. the latter having nothing but her marriage ring In the shape of Jew elry nbout her. This the men left with her. Fiom tho cash register they secured about 510 and then bncklng out of the front door with their guns still covering Sweet nnd his family they ran south on Twenty third, disappearing in the darkness. The only description the Sweets wore nblo to glvo of the men wns that one was short and tho other tall and that both wore black slouch hats. KIM.no IIV A FI.VIXG TUOM.KV CAIl. Mrs. I'm I'cnif oily MitiiKlc.l by n Swiftly MovIiik Omiiliu .Motor. Mrs. Pox. a widow living on Hroadway opposite the water works pumping station, wns run down and Instantly killed by a west-bound motor car at Thirty-sixth street and Avcuuc A about 10:30 o'clock last night. Mrs. Fox had been to the grocery store and was about to cross Avenue A when an east-bound motor passed. She stepped directly behind tho motor and In front of the west-bound car. Death was Instnntau eons and the body was fearfully mangled Coroner Treynor was at once nntllled and after viewing the remains ordered them removed to Undertaker Kstep's rooms, where an Inquest will be held Monday. The car which killed Mrs. Fox was In rhargc of Conductor Summltt nnd Motor necr Wnkehouse. Mrs. Fox was about 60 yeara old awl lived nlone. A son Is thought to work In the l'nlon Pacific headquarters In Omaha. Domestic soap soils on Its merits. Mrs. A. Huster. will hold her fall millin ery opening on Saturday, September 22. Clin relt Note. St. Tanl's Episcopal church, Rev. George Kdward Walk, rector. Fourteenth Sunday at 0:t5 a. m.: morning prayer and sermon at 10:30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "The Wlso and Foolish Virgins." Sunday school will bo held at noon. Tho evening service will ho omitted. The services today at Grace Episcopal church will he as follows: Sunday school at 0:1.1 a. m.; morning proyer awl sermon at 11 o'clock; evening prayer and sermon nt 8 o'clock. At the First Congregntlonal church this moining at 10:30 o'clock the pastor, now J. W. Wilson will take as the subject of his discourse, "Contrasts of tho Christian Life." Sunday school will he at noon; Christian Kndeavor society mrotlng nt 7 p. m. 'Even ing worship will be at 8 o'clock, with ser mon by the pustor on the "Crown of Life." Hev James Sims will occupy the pulpit this morning nt the Hroadway Methodist Episcopal church in the absence of the pastor. Hev. M. C. Waddell. Theio will be no evening sermon, but all the other ser vices will lie at the usual hours. Tho Sunday schools of the Fifth Avenue Methodist Episcopal church, the Epworth Methodist Episcopal church and tho Haptlst mission at Twenty-ninth street will hold a "rally" meeting this evening at 7:30 o'clock at the Fifth avenue church. Ad dresses will be delivered by Mrs. Munger, Dr. N. J. Rice, .Mrs. Shopard, Harry Cur tis, C. G. Saunders and others. William L. Thlckstun. teacher of piano, S02 Avenue n. 'Phono Mil. Howell's Antl-"Kawf" cures coughs, colds. A I1lr Deal It. I'nrni l.lllliln. Two of our prominent real estate firms have Just come Into possession of 3,1.10 ncres of land, located In Pottawattamie Mills, Shelby and Harrison counties. Iowa by purchase from the heirs of the II. Doug lass estate. This Is probably tho largest real estate deal ever transacted In western Iowa. Tho lands are nmong the best In this part of tho state, being mostly under Improvement M ssrs. Lougee K- Lougee and Day & Hess nre tho purchasers, having bought the land for speculation nml will at once put it on tho market. The purchaso price llgurcs between $100,000 nnd $200,000. This tract of land was entered by the Douglass" from the government years ago and has been held by them ever since until this sale. Commonwealth 10-ccnt cigar. lite Flrnt Colli Wlllllx. Yesterdny you felt the need of nn over cont. It won't be long until you will feel tho need of a good heating stove. Ilcforo you buy we want to call your attention to the Hndlant Home, the most economical and best heater on tho market. The Had- lant Homo is known to hundreds of Coun ell llluffs peoplo and they will tell you that the stove gives perfect satisfaction If your neighbor hns one ask him nbout it. Wo stand upon the merits of the stove All wo ask Is for you to come In nml look over the Hadlant Home nnd sea Its good points. Hemember that we warrant It not to crack. Peterson & Schoenlng, Merrlam block. One WccU'h n.irollmrnt. The enrollment for the llrst week of the school year, which will bo embodied In Superintendent Clifford's report to tho Hoard of Education tomorrow night, shows a gratifying Increase over tho number of pupils In attendance at the city schools the samo tlmo last year. The total en rollment up to Friday night was 4,3."(i divided among the different biilldingi as follow?- HUli nhuol 3W l.lBlitti .iviiiii . ICfl WaililnKlmi nvenue. TsS Avenue II III om r 191 ei-cnn.l avenue srs Twriitieib nv.nie IDS llnrrlion siro t in: I'li-rce Htrfpl it Thlrtv eeotul itreet ut I iKl.tli blret Hi n"t " oumll llluffi Third trt il "unn 17 Madlion tvtnu , lit Woodbury JJ FIREMEN ON IDAHO TROUBLE Brotherhood Oonyention nt Des Moines Cen sures Government and State Officials. CONSIDER CONSTITUTION WAS VIOLATED Family of Atc-tntulrr I'nlMcy l.lvlnn nt lounN ('npttnl I, corn of Him l)rnth In (inlvcatnn Through .Newspaper 1,1st of Killed, DES MOINES, Sept. 15.-(Spcclal Tele gram.) The Motherhood of Locomotive Firemen todny ndopted a resolution con cerning tho Idaho miners' strike which con demns tho Interference of the government and stato authorities in vigorous terms nnd censures tho house committee on military affairs, of which Congressman Hull of this district Is chairman, for not publishing the testimony given during the investigation The action of the authorities In mnltitnlulng martial law in the district for sixteen months Is pronounced a violation of the constitution in that It deprives them of liberty of speech and tho freedom to unite tholr Influence ns well as to seek employ ment unless they forever forswear allegiance to any lnbor organization. Tho first Des Moines victim of the Gal veston storm la Alexander Paisley. No par ticulars whatever have been received, the only knowlcdgo of the disaster coming to tho family In the printed list of tho dead Mr. .mil Mrs. Alexander Paisley went to Galveston, Tex., some weeks ago In the hope of benefiting Mr. Paisley's health. It Is believed by the relatives here that both met denth In the terrific storm. They were occupying rooms In the part of the city which encountered the most severe force of tho Hood and which wns completely Inun dated. Held ltepoiillle for Dealli. The coroner's Jury Impaneled to sit upon tho dead body of William Foster, shot by Hnttle Mash last Sunday, concluded Its la bors and returned a verdict holding the girl responsible for the man's death . The Jury found that Poster "enme to his denth by reason of n gun shot wound caused by n leaden bullet fired by a revoUer In the hands of Hattle Mash." This verdict of the coroner's Jury will probably have consld erable weight In the determination of the case, whether or not the girl will bo tried for tho murder of Poster. She Is now at liberty on howl, her father nppearalng -as her surety, and in view of the written state' ment nnd exoneration by Foster of tho girl her ultimate release has been expected In some quarters. The Jury's finding may change this and cause the girl to be bound over to the grand Jury and stand trial Mr her net. The first annual Des Moines liorso show that closed today was a success In ovcry way, financially as well as otherwise. The show was to have closed last night, but rain Interfered and another big crowd attended tho concluding matinee today. A feature of the day was the purchase by C. E. Hawson of Des Moines of the famous bono Quo Vadls, owned by A. E. Ashbrook of Kansas City. Tills purchase, makes Mf. Hawson's team one of the finest pilrs In the country. Tho horses nt the Des Moines Bhow left to night for a tour of the horse shows In Den ver, St. Louis, Louisville. New Orleans. At lantic City nnd Mndli-on Square Garden. New York. MEN TO NAME CONGRESSMEN DrlrKfites Selected nt Kurt DoiIkc Who Will Help CIiooki- IlollUer'n Snoct'iHiir, FORT DODOR. In.. Sept. If.. (Special Telegram.) The republican county conven tion was held hero this afternoon to se lect delegates to the Tenth district con gressional corventlon, which will name n successor to J. P. Dolllver. recently ap pointed senator. As Webster county vvlll not present a candidate to the convention there was no contest In the selection of delegates. The convention carefully avoided Indicat ing in any manner Its choice of the numer ous candidates now known to bo In the field. The delegates go to the con gressional convention unhampered by any instructions nud orators who addressed the convention refrained from rcferrlm; In any way to congressional candidates. The list of delegates embraces lending republicans of tho county, none of whom are known to havo expressed preference for any of the candidates. The following resolution, com mending Governor Shaw for the senatorial appointment, was unnnlmously passed: Unsolved. Thai the republicans of e. ster county, who are In convention i.s KPtnldeil for the purpose of the selection of ilelecntes to the convention which Is to nominate .1 P. Dolllver 1 Hucepssur to 'Ic olllce of congressman from the Tenth con gressional district of Iowa, return tlianls-i to HIS excellency, ijovern.ir nnuvv, 111. nc--grcnt honor he hns conferred upon her i 1 tliigulsbed eongressmnn. and they commend the act of the governor the more heartllv because they realize that Iu making tjie nppollltmeilt lie nns neen oominiuen oy ...e highest sense of public duly awl bus con served the best Interests of the state awl nation. Following is the list of delegates chosen: S. T. Meservy, George K. Huberts, it. .M. Wright, W. S. Kenyon, 1M Porter. S. J. Dennett, G. P. Gustafson, G. S. Hluglawl, Swan Johnson. G. W. Marsh. II. W. Ross, Oscar Hilstrom. N. II. Hart. William Me- Uwnn, J. A. Llndherg. Thomas O'lloyle. former Ilen.oeriitx In Molvlnley Clnli. A.MKS. Ia., Sept. 15. (Special. )Tho re publicans of Ames nnd vicinity organized n McKlnley nnd Roosevelt club in Aines last evening nt Read's hall. A large and en thusiastic meeting was held. Daniel Mr Carthy, for many years a staunch demo crat, avowed his attention of voting for McKlnley this fall. Tho following olllcers were elected: G. A. Undnrwood, president, J. Galen Tlldcn. secretary; F. T. McLaln, first vlco president; Daniel McCarthy, sec ond vlco president; F. N. Fowler, third vice president; Hermnn Knnpp, fourth vice pres ident; C. O. Lee, F. II. Munn, H. II. Mc Carthy, M. Hemstreet nnd Joe Colin, flnnncu committee. .MnrrliiKC I.Icciikcm. Licenses to wed were Issued ycsterdiy to tho following persons: Name and Residence. W. I. Christie, Lincoln. Neb Klvn Heck, Council llluffs Fred F. Fair, (ilenwooil, la Jennie. Woodlmrst, Olenwood, la .Inlin W. Teinnleton. Council llluffs .. Ago. .... .1 .... 0 .... 22 .... ia I'll Rosa A. LnrMin, Council Uluffs 3t V S Scrov. Kankakee. Ill .11 Elizabeth .Morrison, Omaha 23 Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap. Gravel roofing. A. H. Read, 541 Rroadway. Kvery ono ran understand and enjoy ragtime. Don't miss Monday night at the liellatedt concert. 00IIANY THEATER Here We are Again Murray andfUacK, Famous Hnlli.kmg Farce, It With an all Si ir W Sunday Night Only, Sept. 16 PRICKS, 25c, 35c, 50c and 7Dc Closing Out Sale $20,000 STOCK Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Linoleum, Etc. To Make Room for Our New Fall Goods. Our CiiiiHi nre nil iicit iip-to-ilalc. lnu nre Invited to cull unit nre them. SOME OF OL'U PltlCKS: rOlt.Mr.ll IMUC12. SAI.K I'rtici:. Grnnltr liiRrnln . Itr.c i!le, Itnloti liiRriiliin COc :i;t,. C. C. timrnlim (llle 4,)c All Wool lnrnlns.. , , . N.'e u,-,r All Wool ItiKralna , Tile r,r,e VII Wool IllKi-nloa , (I.'c .Si' All Wool It-ply Iticrnlti. ...... .M. Oil TOe Tnirtry llrunnelii IIOc to I.DO -tne to 7fte lloily llrnnncl $l.:t.t Site lo s,-,o Velvet 11.(10 to S!.:tr T'.'e to S,o Wilton Sl.HO fll.ir. MoincHc , ,, t.:in. p,r,i Vxinlimters fl.lO to 9I.H.1 SOc to t0c WILL MKirr ALL COMPKTITION. STOCKERT CARPET COMPANY, at).-. AM) B(7 IIIIOAIIW.W, COtNCII, lll.l'PI'S, COLE'S ORIGINAL HOT BLAST ( (II.P.S ttltlCINAI, HOT III. ST. Cleanliness nnd Even Heat with Soft Coal R IN VALUE. Some excellent lots, pleasantly located and de sirablefor suburban homes, can be had now at reasonable prices. These lot s are located in Omaha, Wrights and Central Sub. additions. Tlii ; property will steadily increase iu value tho, ritv grows in th at direction present. Call at THE BEE Council 'A Chief's among ye takin' notes, and faith, he'll print it." ?,,, That's just what I'm horo for. I'm among you, roady t tako your notes, and print it. And I'll print it right. The Broadway Number is HAIMiAIVS IN IKM Sl Wl) LOTS. House of rooms, ull.ir, well nnd stable lor wn si ., near nic Illinois C'entrul yards. Pi Ice unlv $.'ii House of fi rooms awl bath room. Willi plumbing In lot connecting bath, city water, cement cellar, line corner lot, wltii shade trees, one block from motor. Price Jl.iieo; easy terms. A bargain. t-riiom house, with room lo finish off .1 more rooms, city water, well, barn 1 tx IS. 2 good lots, one block trom Avenue A motor line. Prlco ti.ww. Good G-rooru house near Northwestern depot, cellar, city water, cistern nnd large barn. Price JJ.SOO. House of 7 largo rooms and room for bath. 2 bulls, cellar, cistern, city water, stable, chicken house, fruit nnd simile trees, 'i lots. Price Sl.rKl If sold within a few days, film) down, balance monthly payments. New i;-rooiii house, three blocks from the Methodist church, cement icllar. cistern, wilb pumo in kilchen, well and city water, barn, all Iu good shape. Price, JI,Sr,o, $3ijo down, balance monthly pay ments. li-room cottage, & blocks from P. O., cement cellar, cisu rn, city water, cement walks, shade trees. Will sell with &:0O down, balance monthly. 10-iicre fruit tarm 2 miles from P. O., good r.-room bniiHe, well, cistern, barn, chicken Iioiim', phi bearing cherry trees, apples, ruspl.erilei, blackberries, plums, goose berries. curr.intH awl a smnll vineyard li If. " JOHNSTON ft KHRH. Tel. 117 Ml Hroadway. Council Uluffs By Our New Plan WW SUM, SHW IXCJ M WIIIMIS AT HI. ".00, I H. OO noil ifU.'.OII. Full nickel, with high firm. Tlioy urn good iniuiilni's not clieup think'. Our .'10, M.'t. 10 mid .) dollar bull hear Inc. double feed "New Moines" are the tlni'st you over snw. Trial free. If you would 111; to see, try or buy n sowing machine call on ns. Wo rout sewing machines ".V a wed;. r.vi'i'.vbodj knows Unit Hp. "NI3W MOM P." N ull light. Von take no .buncos. W giiariiiitce every one mid our irimrnntce is unod. t nil on tin nml nre the in ii I) I ' "O.I c.iiniinrc price. GEORGE A. BULLIS, Jill" HroHilvvity. Coanoll HlulT, With Soft Coal Cleanliness and Even Heat It Is el eutwr than any wood stove made, is ai clean ns most hnrd coal base burners Doesn't pro iluco half the ashes of either it soft coal stoc or n base burner, awl is guaranteed to hold lire better than a base burner. WITH HAItl) COAL equals the economy alio even heat of nny base burner made. 'riivri.MOMAi,. COPNCIL 11LPFPS. Iu.. May 24, KMI.-I used Cole's I lot lllust No. :tM nil last winter, heated room lu.vlli nnd used one ton lown slack and one-half ton Cherokee nut coal one nnd one-half tons all win ter. I wouldn't take J.'iii for the Hot Ulast If I couldn't got another. We used n hard coal stovo be fore, mid It cost uh four times ns much to bent up. I seil eight cords of hickory wood nnd one nnd one half tons hard coal. It gives ns even bent us hard coal nnd leaves walls and ceilings as clean, ami li perfectly free from gas VV 1! KiltKCPP, C. A N W. Engineer. :i(IO MOT IILASTf IN OPIlltATION IN COr.VCII. HI.UFFS. 41 Main St., Council Bluffs, la. and the time to buy is the OFFI Bluffs. 307. The Telephone is 252. GREENE'S G.O.D. 3.16-338 Broadway, Phone 65. U'o wnut your trnrto mid so rvp keep liiimnii'iini; down tlio juices on Rood fjoods. Wo know that our customing don't want olieiip stulT. Monday & Tuesday SI'tJAH -Huy $1,011 worth of hukhp nnd $1.00 worth nnyllilns t'lso In our sloro and we give you HI iioiinds hem Ki'iintilutiMl for $1.00, NUCAK alone, in lbs., $1.00, no.MKS'rnj soap, 10 burs, i.'c. Fruit Specials PUACIIKS Hxllll line 1'roeMonc peaches, S0e. PKARK-Callfonila Hnrtlett's. solid slock, $1.75. 10c for thrco pouwls Laundry Starch, I fft for three packages 5-cetlt OqH I dllRt. for three pounds Salsoda. for live dozen best Clothes PIna. 10e for three cons Scrubbing !yo. wtMv for three cans Lewis I.ye. O for largo Rico Root Hcrubblng '5C jtrush. for tall ran Red Slmon, for can Potted or Deviled Ham, for three prkages Corn Starch. q- for three pounds Hunter's Japan w( III. e. i a pound for Japan Rico Just as ' 'J' K""d us Hunter' ' for new Tea Sittings. 1 for quart Mason Fruit Jar Mind I nb new f'ouniry Sorghum, We Save Yon Money. Risiiiff CE,