Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1900, PART I, Page 7, Image 7

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: : - , I ill!. U.M.MIA N.A I Ij 151, I'.! .M S I A 1 5 1 j I( 1 (.. I!MM).
Ootitributiong for Galveston Storm Sufferers
Continue, to Ootno In.
IMnyor Moore nnlldciit t lin I Iho s
'I'liiiiiniiiiil Dollar-. He ..! ()U(
l HiiInc Will (.
Ilnilly Secured,
Omaha's contributions to the relief fund
tor tho UaHesion sufiorers have reached
the 15,000 mat k arid Mayor Moores expects
to swell the ninount to JlO.duu before nn
otter week has passed, a rem.tunce of
moro tliati $l,ooo, wired to (lalvosioh Sat
urduy nlfciit, advanced Omaha's gift to ihu
(llSirofesc.I city $81t beyond iho io.UiO post.
Tins South Omaha Stock ixcinugo and
several Mnglo City, bank sent Mayor
Moores Saturday afternoon and other
gifts aggregating more ihau Jl quo wore
received Into lu tun afternoon. All tho
clergymen in tho city have been asked to
tako collodions In iholr churches todn)
for tho fund nnd tho mayor h..i:s to sc
euro at least $1,000 from this u.ce.
Holow Is a list of thu Hui.scriptlons
received before .Saturday noon.
AnISiint rircvb p. (j frlau 5 00
uly icjKjiu,l.j,, i J &
Nob nsk.i Na- r0 jr.,
tlonal hunk SKMpiry, I'mc L
Shinnat) A- Mc- Cm.l s oo
Conntil Diiib irjhb.ium a
Co 10 M Hon 5 00
U I.. Piyton.... II 00 Tfftnnlrt. Moor
J. II. Schmidt.. sm k llurke So)
foji Tii-h I... t io II. O. SttflRlit.. 10 00
t'-L-11: ?ff'rfrnr & Blrmont
i rank u. i-.ib . i w tfMmtfy su
Kuhn ,te Co 6 ,0 Kenron A
tlUsisv Halm .. tm Pooppr s
911 Urui (, ... Joir,. M. b.tle .. 2vO
Ttnth PI.,t i,r-o Urn.... 10 uO
"tots fl m c'anh i oo
0, A. Olacomlnl. 3 10 IV. K. HdlPll. f '0
H. 13. Howell.... ! ) ,v1d tote Co.. 8 0
Ind U. Mar.. 2M)j. t ftyitr . 5 '0
f. A. llumtiph... S i il. i. Unimu-
l'. 8traueiuui;li s co totti i co
IJmd f.fin k.... 2 03rerk. 11. A M.
II. inb;n..n.. .. no liwvlniuitmi. . '0
J. II. M-nhanl 3 ) o M. Nnttlnrer 1 "V
iIyeiiB.)ii;m t re khsoii . t M
Urtitf fo S0.lj. ininlnkr ... .'. 00
J. A. Pull -r A "o 2 '0 i ,1 Nfi,n 5 ufl
J II. Cont" 104 Tnm Klrklnnd . 5 f0
It U UFttnooJ S'rb uhnu Ur. w-
Co 1 oo in co 5 oo
Antnn tajuri... lnOrtnt Pnvlmt
l-atiyon A. Co.... 100 ca SS OO
f K'lnv lOOpartiT
Imes Poiyth.. 1C0 pnv ng Co.... 5 'W
.M'. 13. H. h AlntKow . 10 00
U'ormoiM ... 3M,. a O Id m th S fO
Oilcf IJoni''U.. S O) Andrew Syh tit.. SCO
luriir Karharh.. I 0) l. p. Cnlv EM
J. T. Don. tl. . l'"T. J. Poley K fO
WllllBtM lltldii(iri I 01 Preil II. Kmtt . 5 00
Psji alt) Her. .. . lf")larrv Hvm .. CM
Serf 'ant WoiM-n- ihn Kn'hmiy.. 5 00
btrit 1 O1 Prank 50
S rRMitt Whaltn 1 Mr Thnrn 1 01
CAftnlD llayei . t'O.hix A. T any . 5 "0
ratrolmen, e'ty w n. llcniT-lt
rorcr MM Co 15 00
John Wrtehi fiioiy-Hl rta
Wnxel Unluli . . .". 0) u cl"b 5 01
Bmp'oyes'r i--tk'. Wralcn
llakltiK Co., hy Trarol"-' tlio S 0
Wm. IiuJcr. mm. .1. Ilnnn . 5 n
presl'lfnt lM'my l'llfn... .
Jrtin H V1I" . '0 m. Ilarrlx Cnl.
Itx H'tn-dy Co. . O) linn i
McCTd-llrudy Co fOs. A Tnllifrrro 5 00
M. B. Hmltti Jt i. a Otlm n .. . 2 (
Co 1". Mom "-a World.
Julius Trrl'wtike 10 CO H-rald 35 01
1. SnnnenbTK... 5 04 pr. n. Ollinor . 10 no
J. H .Mo'I.t, p. it, KrnnarJ.. 3 W
O'Nrlll, NpI. .. 2 00 u c. ivtorn A.
CltlfPti of Mat- Co 5 00
vcrn, i.. IV T Van Ilarpn 1 0)
.tames .1. Wll- Plxpr Uiw Ip '! 51
urn, r:uld'r. . . . 32 0 lrnrni P. lli-mK 2 SO
CuitT WhltP l). l.'f Vun
l.'Rl W.irkH... 2S) Cjtnp 1 ofl
A. Kolp I '0 V Pr Klip-.. 1 CO
Wo!f KlPctrlrnl Wm 15. I"rn. 5 00
.lupply Co 5 no , . no m',
iPip Jt lil.ick.... 10 00 m, i) jio
John W. Hnlt)li 2 50 nr. M. P. Clark. 1 oo
Moilo-n Woo.lniPti J P. fliifi ... . 1 '0
of Amrpa, by Wm. Andfrjoti.. 50
C. II. T. nippen. W. J. Manintish 2 'W
clerk 15 00 m. 'P. ir-it-bo.. 2 00
Ut'rlff Jiilm ,T M. MoParlm l 100
PowPr 11 O) p. I). Van Cnurt 1 0)
UmnlpypK nlifr- O. II. Ni'lmry.. 1 '0
Iff'B otllce fOUutherford &
Omaha Watt1 Jpiipn 10)
union No 23... 10 oo lvr Hunfpn.. 1 oo
f:mplopi Itenton Wolf Pr it. C.3 . 5 "
Htorn W 00 Youwc 1 w
ttoty and th ciemnit ct a-p ' oo
bootblnck 4 01W. P. Yartm. . 60
t:i?rk In 1. S. rmli rollclM
National hank. 5 50 by W. P. Stock-
Coiinrllmpn- nnl Carte-.... 10 25
Ilncatl IOIOhp M nutp rf-
Hyo 1 00 taumnt 5 00
Zlmman I oo "n'utnt Coff-p
WHPhorn .... 10.) lioun.. 5 01
Ixibpck t OOCl'tnax
Iturkl-y 1 00 rant 1 00
TroMlpr IOpN C. InUnry.. 2 '0
M imt .. ...... 1 0) Pnln 'rtnnrnt 100
Ilavden HrPK.1 tT. S. nstatirint 2 oo
mployps, add. S 00 llpnrn' rpntau-
J. N. lfpralil .. 5 00 rant too
Jncb Itv hp-un 5 (0 .Ilm'R rpinurant 1 0)
Mnrkt Kurdn- Hon Ten rtau-
prK. roll t'd rant 1 Ofl
by W. O. OprkP. Mm. PnuRlns .. 100
ni k'tinnlpr 10 7.
A. nooth i Co . 1 O) Total M.532 61
dountyYax lists complete
Amnniila Duo from Clllzeiin of Polic
ial! County ("oniiiiileil from Hrul
unit I'r rmuiiil Viilmitliinn,
Chief Clerk K. O. Solomon of tho county
elerk'H otllco hna completed the compilation
f tho tax Hats for 1000 and will turn them
over to tho county treasurer on September
!9. Thu county taxes will bp duo on October
1. Tho record of tho reul and personal taxes
of tho county occupies nlno laro volumes
tnd, on n basis of 24.7 mills, mako tip a
total of $C00,I7I.CS. Tho tax Is apportioned
as follows:
Btato tax JI'Vl.094 SO
County tax 374.030 75
School tax C1.S02 SO
Vlllapo lux 5.151 33
Poll tux 5,:'so w
nundoo troo tax 103 00
Total JB09.474 (S
Scrofula is but a modified form of Blood
Poison and Consumption The patent
wbo is tainted ty cither will sec m the
cliild the same disease 7T-v
manifesting itRtlf in yvpivV
the form of swollen ,.9.
clandaof the neck nnd toSkoA h
throat, catarrh, weak 'frjfV
eyes, offensive 80res', S(i
and abscesses nnd of- 'vrjy. "Jl- nt
tentimcs white swell- ftOSwlrVi'
lug sure si p us of
Scrofula. There may y(;rS '
be no external MRtm for
n lonu time, for the disease develom slowly
in some cases, but the jn-isun Is in the
blood und will btcak out at the first favor
able opportunity. S. S S. cures this wast
ing, destructive disease by first puiifyitiif
anil building up the blood and stiniulatin,
and invigorating the whole system.
J M Sc.l. nj Public Square. Nathvllle.Trnn
) : " Iff il ycatf ago my djuchtcr fell and en
tier fnrphpad Prom Ihii wound the alandi 1 1
the IJc of her face became nwollen ana buttel
home of tlir hru doctors here ami eUewhei
attended her without Jin benefit We decide.'
to trv S ti. S and u lew bottle cured her en
makes new anil pure
blood to nourish and
strengthen the body,
It overcomes nil forms of blood poison,
whether inherited or acquired, nnd no
remedy mi thoroughly and effectively
cleanses the blood If von have nnv
blood trouble, or your child has inherited
some blood uitu," take 6. S S unci get
the blood in giKd condition anil prevent
the disease doing further damage
Send tor our free look and write our about vourcase W e make no
charge whatever for medical mH ""e
Utile I, . nn JoriMMifti'ii I'ntiillj Itnrni-il
In-1 Hti-r IImiiIIiiu Her
oiiiib I'rleiiilN,
J.ena, the .".-year-old djuehtrr of Mr
and Mrs. Chris .inrvon pn ra.f.llnn. o 401
Hamilton street, whs so terribly burned
an oil explosion late Paturdav after
noon that ahe Is not exnprtp.l to
The little Kirl was alone ut home and had
started a fire In tho kitchen stove. It did
burn briskly and she poured In some
from a two-tallnn nnti A lt..lMn ..
plosion neeurrtd. which scattered burn-
on all over the KlrPa clothe nn.I fnox
Shu ran from the lmu.. mi, . i... i.a-k
jard, where Jacob Crl. k. a neiKhtior, cau-jht
uer ami extinguished the llames by roll
ln her In the uraas After tl,
partmeiit had put out the fire the girl
was taKcn bock to her home and attended
or. iincon. The burns on tho faro are
peclally severo and the han.u
murh of the body uro also burned.
Mr. and Mrs. .Inruensen wer.. ut liomta
lark nt the time of the nprbionf . i.u.
rled home as soon as Informed. Saturday
h me jfirrs iirteonlh blrthiHy, which
il been co ebraled !v ;i nnrlv ii f.,u. 1.
The datnuce to the bnmi. hi nm
about $2.-i It , not known whether fie
can contained Rasnline or kerosene anil it
as too btdly wrecked to leave UttV Ok I.
Urnoo of what it contaiiud.
Con Kirk nf Ov.lvllle is at tho Murray.
ttnl-rlri l.-..t1....... ... , ... .
.Murray uhcxiusi is sioiipniB ni me
.T. Il rlllt.. rfl..
P ij r .mi
the .Merchants.
II. A. nawsnii oi Pine HUe Is n patron
or ihu Mcrr li.mts.
nrorgc S. f) Iver of Hrand Island Is stay.
HiK at the .Murray.
Plmrb.a tl It.- j t . ...
Her rirand . esi'erdoV- ' " "u
Syl l'i rout, and wife of Stanton, NMj..
are guests of the Murrnv.
il. ll itlnviT a metchant of Orind
iHlfind. Is nt the .Mori-hunt.
W M ai,.... ... , ..
Is stnylnn ut the Mcrelmi.ts.
.Mrp. I.. of .VebntHka Cltv was a
atjrdiiy ii-Pt at the Murray.
V. Tun.... .....I A 1.' I '.. ...
lork are p.ic- iih of the Millard.
.nihil f. TlidMtts. chirlo!' WMtlir mid .
i. Slier of Chle.igo nro 'n the cltv.
11 V It tn r. .... ........
miner of Colorado SprltiKS. Is nt the .Mil-
I-: M. V l.c llanu. n banker und mlll?r of
.PVfnirtnn V...1 lu umii....... .... ....
Illlll ".wi'j.'iifc iiv iiju ,MH
Hurry Hrnwn. Prank Qnyer and Charles
'f.rli.v .mil ..if.. r t..........t. i.i .
Omaha ""u""1' '" aTO '
W. I. .leiiklna N. n. Steven-, I., r.
,Vr J,.er.i!""'rM ; ' "II f Chlcvro,
It. A. WorUy lm rettirnrcl from a ton
IJIVS rlifi'lf tut ii. i.. ii.. i. ...
He' leportVW.-d "nhootiJiK. J
h. JiurrU oi r.jiiertoii 1h nt tho Murray
tered serday ,u tlie Murra' "KI"'
Miss my (ll.-a-on of I Intiulbnl. Mo.. N
the inn.! ..r Mi- I.- ii ii.;i: i .
remuln durlns the fall festlvltl...
Ulshop Scannell returned I'rldav nlclit
from Wr-uli.rri VnV,...ul. I ... .. .
i ..... V .tii'-if ut- HU'.I
been lllllni; confirmation nniioiuiments.
. ,.".".n,a.'! J- mylnr. rrnresrtitlii5 H e phl'.u
delpbla Pres. 's pn-, ' f, w ,inj-s ..
CflV. III! V OI!) .. X. n..1,11 .r .1. .....II....
cities of the we .t.
... ,t . .. .
Jr.. of Nolu-urka City ar.d J. li. HerKt of
.......... ... . H uii 'inesia at tue
.'. l ...... is ..riiitniii:'.
H. CI -Inl..,ll,. .. .l.
. .. I fc ' ii.iii iio.ii vfiirs
"Ko In the who pf.-ile Implement business
y1..!'1" -"y' bnt n"w 11 manufacturer at
Ml.l'tlPtown. O.. was renewing old ac
uualntances lu Oinubn Satutdav.
Klshop Scannell leaves shortly for l'eorl.I
IP . to b.i I ..I il... ...
lit. llev. P. .1 OHellly. who has been
mnofnlpfl n o villi, r.- 1,1..!... r T1....1
assistant to the bishop of that see.
costmaster i'r..w will RO to Peoria. 111..
Septemlmr 25 to deliver an address befor
tho AsHodutloii of I'oHttnasters
of th.- Cnlted States, yhlrh will be in
session at that p'.a.e from th 2.1111 to the
Fred Hupp has takrn out n building per
mit for M worth of repiirs on a dwelling
at 3100 South Thirteenth Htrcet
Mrs Murtba Cornwell, ukpiI 42, die 1 it
the Presb terlan hospital ,uid her remain
were sent to Orand Jiinetton. Ia., for In
terment. Chnrles P. ni-nhimi nf
asks to be rideawcd from lit, ilebts by tl)-i
operation of the bdiikrupti v law. lie ones
52.lW.0i, and has assets of 157o.
oiiperltitei:dnt tSarn r of the American
liXpnss luiH Riven notice that all cah 111 d
supplies destined for the sufferers at Ci.11
yeston will carried ireo ot charge by
Ills company.
Tho American Musician. Ihe olllelal oruati
01 the National Musicians' nr.lon. cinitiitna
u portrait of Julius Meyer, treasurer of tho
wioiioii union aim 11s iteipuate to the na
tional convention.
Hpeelal Ar'tit Llewellyn has been notl
lled that rural free delivery has been es
tablished nt Dorchester, Sallnn county,
with one rnutu. and at Auburn. Nriuiilin
counly, with two routes.
Headquartprs of the republlcar eountv
central committee have been moved from
room 103. 1 if, building, to 171' p.irnim
street, where Secretary Sundtdad Is In
stalled with a full working force and l.irKe
nuantltles of c.mipalsn literature on band.
Delia Crabb. alios Mary Smith, colored,
who was arrested hero Wednesday bv De
tectives Donahue and I). tnpscy, Is wanted
nt ropoltu. Kan . on a charKe of robbery.
City Marshal Stonestrect of To-ieUa ar
rived lu the city M-sterdav and will leave
thla mornlns with his prisoner.
Tho reentry division of the Omaha poit
oillre Is iv. w open for business In the north
sldo of the bulldiiiK. The mnlls will In
received through the south doors Monday,
nt which time the platform on the we t
fido will be demolished for the excavat on
for the foundations of tho unnef.
Tor tho lirst time nine- th s orm the
Weather bureau received reports from finl
veston Kr.dav Vh"n the ..reeint
nfllclals succeeded In elcarlnu' awaj the
wrfck at their olllce In the pl.fued luwn
they found that the'.r lust niments wore
not Irreparably damaged. Tt.. r.rort In
dicates that the weather Is now pleasant
nt that point, and that there aie no signs
of further stoims lu sight.
Conrl XotpM,
Judge Knweelt of tho lUtrlct bench Ins
returned from his summer vaeat 11:1 anil
will hold court In matters of emergency.
Mrs. Ida Slobodisky, against whom a di
vorce sull Is pending, was giHiited 13 p
week teniporary alimony, by .Indue
ycsterdfij In rebuit'ei; the . Ii in Jai"
Sliibo.le.hy .-et up that he was i k .'inJ
In debt and that Mrs S'ubi'dlnkv ln, ft
his habitation, takliu: all Iter elTeets wit'i
1 'unstable Wl'llam P Snowden of
Vlusonhaler's r urt has i-turned from a
two weeks' vacation at Mrbeiley, Mo. Mr
Snowden reprennted tho 1 Ity and state it
tho reunion of Mexican war veteran hei I
In the, Ml-murl elly Mr. Snowden Is mech
r.-nivenated by his trip nnd has no ap
pearance of belnK tho oldest citizen of
The case of V. S I'oppleton against Mis.
Ilowser waa set for hparing yeerilav
but went over by agrpemcnt until next
Friday In the'ir.e Mrs. Hows -r,
iiueeu of Miuatters, Is still oceupy'ng hi
m1 bouse on the bluff ttact and no thr-e
xheilff's deputies care to undertake in
task of removing her Mrh. Kowser welsm
I.niliir. In I'nriiuriiplis,
l-'rlday. Sepiember 21, has been deslsnalei
ns WiHidmen of the YVrld daj at tb
murlcal festival. Memlurs of tho order
are now selling tickets for that day
Tho central committee of the Anclcn
Order of Putted Workmen will meet Mon
day night at Labor temple to dlicuss mat
ters relutlng to the Ak-Sar-Hen
Seymour e.imp, Woodmen of the Worl I.
passed new h-luws ut Its Inst session. Tbo
camp Is prcparlnt: to chnnije Its plae nf
meeting and heieafter will hold but two
resslons a month
The response of the campa to the appeal
sent out In behall of Oalvestou iy the
Sovereign camp. Woodmm of the World,
w.iw prompt ii'il effectlx.'. Ii Is probioe
that Ihn fund will reach 1 10,00 ) wlthle. too
present week
At ihe last meeting if 1 .miner lodxe. N'o
11. the ani ndm. ; r pi -ed b the a '
vlsorv board of the rand lodge w.r'
iidopted Moo lamlb ledge No til. will oil
ebratu If ammcr? irj Oc "b r 1 AD ledums
nf this -r:tcr ir pieparlnii floats for tht
fraternal puiailc of Ak Ua'-llen.
tt 1 t "S S 1 tm 1 4 - S - . -a . . . ...... .-... ...
Positive that the Colored Man is the One
Who Robbed Him.
Police I flux rn 1 11 lu Ii I lii'lllM'll i- oil
I'milurliiu lln Mtii'li-Wiuiteil
I 1 linlniil Ncm 11 Wns
Dovelopmonts of the last twenty-four
hours In tho case of James Davis, who
waa arreat.d last Wednesday cvcnlni? on
a charge of train robbery, arc In the nature
of new and very material evidence ttervlni?
to connect him with tho holdup of Missouri
Pacific passengers near Vernon, Neb., on
the nlKht of May 2S. The $200 watch
stolen from S. 15. Spraisuc on that occasion
has been fctind and the man having It In
his possession will swear he received It
from Davis. S. C. Ayer of Omaha, another
of his victims, has called ul tho station
and Identified hint ns the "lone highway
man." Mr. Ayer says that. thoiiKli Davis
wore n mask. It brcntne disarranged dur
ing the confusion of the holdup and re
vrab'il his face, of whiih Mr. Ayer obtained
II good view. Ho says he can't be mis
taken in tho man.
Chief Donnhuo devoted the most of his
time Friday to eross-qursllontiiK D.ivls, but
tho negro was wary and onlv once did tho
chief catch him with his guard down. Then
the prisoner Inadvertently dropped n hint
whlih. beltiK followed up, resulted In the
finding of the watch. He did this by men
tioning the name of a man with whom he
had "tralisnetfd b.nlness." This man
proved to be the "feme" to whom Davis
had dlBpcsed of the magtltnieut timepiece.
Ho was required to give up the properly.
A comparison of the chronometer with Ihe
description of tho stolen watch j?lvun to
the police Immediately after tho holdup
loft no doubt us to Its identity. It has
been marked "Kxhlblt A" and deposited
III tho Jail safe, later to be Introduced In
Ajcr lilcntltlc. tlie Prlioner.
Simon C. Ajer. 2302 North Hlghtcenth
r.trcci who, with his wife, was a passenger
on the Pullman sleeper at tho time of the
robbery, called at the station yesterday
anil had a lock at D.ivls Ho Immediately
turned to the e'lilif and remarked, "That's
ilio man."
Luior, In conversation with several de
tectives, Mr. Ayer said' "I was convinced
Hint tho holdup was a negro oven before l
hml a Kllmpsc of his face, as otherwiso he
would hardly have tnkrn the trouble Ij
near gloves. 1 watched him closely ns he
w oi Led, hoping to see some peculiarity in
his physique or movements by which I
could identify him later, and It wns well
that I did. lie seemed to be Ills
hund3 trembled as he fumbled about In m
clothing. Initially, a.i he backed away
nra the berth, his dumino m.-sk nautilil Ir.
the curtain and wns lifted free of his faue.
I made tho best of that opportunity to
study hts features. Ills physiognomy was
liked In my mind and I knew If I ccr saw
him ugaln I'd recognize him ut once."
The police nro congratulating thcnlsclves
upon this pleco of work and the fact that
Davis' capture was easy In nowise de
tracts from their gratltlcatlLU. I).ils can
alttibuto his downfall to an ovenonll
deiieo In the friendliness of the Omaha
force. He seemed to think that because
his record here was comparatively clean
he could enjoy Immunity from urrest here.
Ho forgot that pollco departments of the
various cities havo u way of working i t
A hustling subscription canvasser for
Sorensuu's Kxamlncr. Address or call at
r.OU South Twelfth street, 11 a. m. to noon
First Train Hut the Alliance. Ilrtisli
llrillich Will Hide I lit! led Hulls
ut t iidlinliiNlie.l Puce,
Friday afternoon, three minutes before
2 o'clock, the last spike in tho building of
the llurllngton's new branch from Alllanco
to Brush was drleu. Today tho Ilrst
regular train service on tho new line will
bo Instituted. The rapidity with which the
establishment of train service follows the
completion of trncklnylug operations i
m'lrt.i finaalMn bv r.n.nn nf thm I Ito.'i.. 1. 1, !
manner lu which tho work was done. Thero
was 110 necessity of going over tho lino
after Its building was entirely completed
In order to place certain portions of thu
track lu condlllun for Immediate use. This
was attended to while tlo work was bolng
done In tho first place.
Indicative of the confidence Ilurlington
otllclnls havo in tho physical condition of
this new line, the new trains which will
begin operations today are scheduled lo
make time substantially the same as trains
operated on long-used portions of the road.
This feeling of confidence they bellevu to
bo warranted In a large measure by reason
of tho excellent physical equipments that
have been put into the new road.
vv c vmn Tin: i ai i.s.
i:utriiii'c of Unit Itoiiil Iiiiii Kim I'rmi
cInco IIi-ciiUm 1 it ii .Iouoiol ,
Tho olllcors of tho western railroads ore
discussing the effect tho entrance of the
Santa Fe road Into Son Framlsco will have
upon the fast mall service from Chicago to
tho I'acltlc slope A I present that service
Is peifoimcd by the Southorn Pnrllle, nnd
while the trains ere nominally fast mall
trains, their schedule Is little more than
twenty-live miles nn hour. This condition
could not be Improved while Hint road had
a monopoly of the business, but now that
u competitor has entered the Held, It Is
the opinion of men that tho South
ern Pacific will have lo reduce Its running
time nr surrender the fast mall trains to
the Santa Fe.
The tarrying of UiIb mall Is a branch of
the business which n road dislikes to part
with, as It is generally considered an evi
dence of recognition of good service on th
part of the government. it Is believed
that the advent of Ihe Santa Fo Into
California will result in shortrr time be
tween Ogdefl and the coast
Open ltiiiliiis shopx,
In compliance ivlth the necessities of tho
occasion, brought abcui by re iboii of th"
big business now holm; dene In the west,
the I'nlor. Pacific Is making arrangements
to Immediately open the iihops ut ltnwllns
to their fullest operative capacll). This
week twelve laborers, one nwchlulst and
ono air man have been ndded lo tho forro
already employed and it Is authoritatively
stated that tho company is looking for
other suitable men.
Itnl1mi Note mid Poi'MoiiiiIn.
I Whtnc, general townslte nrr. nt of tb
Hlklorn, left Us nluht 'or ('hl 'Uiro
chief Clerk llrock of the During' on !
irrigui upparimeni tins reiiirneii irom an
extended pleasure trip thriugh the ea-t.
John Mellon, traveling passenger nBem
of the Northwestern, Is In th" nth es
for a few days durli.g the ubtoiuo "f City
Passenger Agent (leorge West
Knbert K U.issett, cnn'-e.'MI with I bo
Burlington advertising ib urttnort at S .
I.ouls, I.s In tin city while on in. to to nn
homo from an outing nt Ho, s.'iiag . .
Sylvan Lake.
Allen Halverson of West Prairie. Wis .
says "People come ten miles to buy
Foley's Kidney Cure," while J A. Spcro
of ll.lmer Ind . says "It is the mcdli-ar1
wonder of the ago ' Myers-Dillon Dro
it Omaha Dillons uruz Sioro Souh
i Omaha
MKmsmmamwm iiiimjw XMKMBvitomFmmmiwmmitimmnwmjLMmmtmMJiiiWLMimmmixnMjmmtmma
Jf .1 .v,.j i .i j iiiiii i.i ......
at a price that s make you realize what opportunities there arc here to save. Come NOW, while
the assortments are yet unbroken. This great establishment has been built up by being honest,
courteous and obliging to our patrons. Everything sold for cash or credit.
Carpets and Rugs
Th's department is turned
Into a veritable expiilon of all thnt's
new in cnrptdnm th immense stock
purrlwrd for this fail's business must
be moved in order to make this great
September sale a rousing success. IPs
a bargain chance never to crur again.
326 ro'ls sple 'di Ingrain
Carpet, tl"- kind ma V for durn! I li ,
with ho'd. ist i oior. (veil- 4 g
slve rarge of drHjiis -jour i f.
pick tho yard only 11 -,v"'
228 rolls all-wool Ingrain
Cnrppl. exclusive Mii.-m vol all
color eotnldprllrit s rMra heavv. of
Ihe high qimlltv mil, worth -
to 7.-.. . tliti ..i.c th.. E. Iri
yard only SJs
197 rolls cxqMisite Tapestry
llrusels-- ry bitot ecli:s,e p.
sli;n. u t arr:e fr m the trl'lx
new. clean, ard hand ome " v
your choice, y.Md, only 5yC
112 roll of Velvet Car-
pets of the belt grnde-i boi . eoior-
iiik iinu !Uinurim' P'Ticni f
ti... !-. li.,.i .-. . fcrvi
ber sale price . ...
The Ka ga Rug- -the new
est Wpave-flzc !'X 2 fepl
In m '
lion pat'. 111 or tai
slt'ii -w .. . h JlMn '! em
ber saio pi ice
The Star Estate Steel Ransc
has everything thai a third more
money usually bi.ngs. llns high
closet; special pot thelvcs; draw out
grate, big one-plt-ee entliallng oven;
baianco drop oven door. N'ctcel
.wherever It can co. Is asbestn.. lined
throughout. With or without water
front. Tho moro you use It the better
you will like It. $40 Star Kstnto
steel lange sale price $27. GO.
Tailor Made Suits Ladies'
ail wool cheviot,
tailor-made suits
full silk IMicd
Jackets w orth Jlfi,
New Golf
CJ Sklrts-I.adira' all
wool (Jolf Skirts
double faced with
plaid backii all
colors, wcrth JS.60,
" 4.98
New Silk Waists L idles'
full linked taffeta
waists, all i olms atel
black, worth J"i. for
ItousliiK Meeting nt Idlcuild Hull
VildicsHCil b Dr. Pope mill
Sixth ward republican headquarters in
ldlewlld hall were as full as comfort would
permit Saturday nvenliiK nnd the nearly 100
republicans present were stirred Into bursts
of noisy approval by a speech from Dr.
Pope of Oklahoma, ono of the speal.or3
brought to the state by the republican
stnte committee.
Dr. Pope has a homelike, earnest, candid
manner which, combined with a peculiar
southern dialect. Invites attention, and
tho puiiRency of his argument stirs his
hearers with every sentence. Ho evinced
remarkable famlllurlty with the dctnll of
history and by means of it showed how
every eftort to disturb the protective tarilf
In this country has led to panic and hard
tlnus. Ho pictured tho falsn prophecies of
ilrynn in 1S3 in a manner that awakened
roars of laughter, following with a forclblu
prnscntntlon of tho fact that during tho
past threo years of republican administra
tion Ihe baianco of trade baa been In favor
of this country to tho extent of $1.00,000,-
000. This fact, together with the general
prosperity, whl.h the spenkor graphically
pirtraytd. hns led to tho new Issue of Im
porlallstr. He referred to tho Louisiana
purchase, tho California acquisition, tho
Florida annoxatlon nnd similar Incidents
of history to explode tho resounding pro
tense ol the democrats In relation to con
sent of tho governed, and denounced tho
atrocities committed upon American sol
diers by tho Filipinos, declaring that It
made lilni sick to hear Agulnaldo likened
lo Wnshltistoti
Short addresses wero heard from A. J.
''clcson. landldnto for state senator; Henry
McCoy, candidate for representative; M. A.
1. unn. N. C. Pratt nnd ltohert H. Catlln of
Terro Haute. Ind. Tho latter ts hero to
spenk for republicanism nnd promised to be
hoard at length during tho cnmpulgn. Ho
said that the report has gone abroad that
Indiana ts doubtful, but ho wiuted lo as
sure Nebraska republicans that tlmt stato
will go for McKinley by RO.000.
At tho close of tho meetlni; a Hough
Itlder Marching club was organized, with
IM Taylor ns cnptaln, to participate) In tho
Roosevelt demonstration October I, and
a committee of three from each precinct
of the wnrd was appointed to enlarcto tho
membership of the club.
Itcpullllcnn i:ccntli- ( onilulllcc se
lected mill rrnngeniciil Mode
to sll!l'l spool. el.
About forty members were in attendance
at the incetlUK of the republican county
central committee in Washington hall Sat
urday afternoon, at which an executive com
mlttee was created (omprlslng It. H. Jor
dan, Firm ward, Charles P Southard, Sec
ond ward; V. 11. Walker, Third ward: Vic
tor nnsewater. Fourth ward. W T Gra
ham Fifth ward. W. J Hunter Sixth ward.
M J Kt-nmird Seventh w.irJ II P Dol
man KiRlPh ward Oecr -i Thompson
Niuth ward Mile Mmhcli Sou'h Omaha,
(0 f', '
& its
September Sale
cnl.. c1.11. i.c 1 1 u, 1 1 ni: m) (
525 Scroll desgn brass trim
if - I lied. Hi,, r-axi 1 ' philo th! gteat
off' r s' ih a low i' ("id 111 g.lng beau-"
nil I o 1 illt t..r .1 m. ie ihu' e
the Mr. i g ii' il urt s 1 ot w th In y
p -t, bow fr in. .' o t
l.c rii. in fa.' 1,1 ,' 11 f4
to all go . ills K-'' S '-,
87 Handsome
Dresners, gold, a
llnl-h. bfss trlin
1111 d, 1 a. em c i-tcr-..
b .h gi a ie
t'i i 1 o pariici,
lar.x a - (-, frar
,".., .8.
62 E cgant Mcr
i i 1 1 : tb eel
with sp-lng M-4t and
ert ; i e . uih'on-.
of . 1 i' de Inns i ' r comblua-
!';,-; .V7.98
Eleovnt 5-riec Parlor
Siilts-h nd'emo ene .ugs fiam-s
nnd of rl, h ,i. .-dt.s- Jt-5, 9 3
worth Jl), for
Go Carts
'J'ho Hoy-
Wonel Itillll
- well mailo
and Implied
li avy iron
V llrio's
wu th $1
vpt. oalo
I' S. Tucker, Florence precinct, Charles
Witte. Chicago preclnii.
cirirles WUte of chhago precinct re
ported that the name of Sam Fry had been
handed In at the county convention as can
didate for constable In that precinct, but
that It did not appear in the published re
ports of tho convention. Delegations from
tho various precincts wero authorized to
1111 out tho vacancies on the ticket in nom
inations for minor olllccs.
Mr. Wltto also announced that Ihe first
republican rally to bo hold In Klkhoru pre
cinct will occur September 21', nnd that J.
A. Van Dusen nnd A. W. Jeffcrls will speak.
It was announced that preparations nro In
progress for rallies nt Klk City ami lien
son, nnd tho chair Informed the committee
men present that If limy would npptiso the
committed of tho dales of meetings In their
respective products tho speakers will bo
provided for them.
It was determined Hint tho committee will
meet every two weeks hereafter until fur
ther orders nt roomo on the giouiid Iloor
of The Hen building.
When tho central commltteo adjourned
tho execullvo rommlttco met and ornan
Ized by electing Charles F. Morgan as Its
piesldent. Some tlmo was devnied to ills
elision of plnns for tho campaign nnd n
commltteo was appointed to confer with
thp candidates on tho question of assess
Millions will ho tpunt tr. politics this
year. Wo can't keep tho campaign coins
without money any more thr.n wo can keep
tho body vigorous without food. Dysppp
tlcs tired to staive themselves. Now Kodol Cure digests whut you eat and
i'Io . s you to eat all the good food you
want. It radically cures Bf-"n.n h iroubltj
I'l-oiti-nin of llcllMeilpN liiiiul.
The following program will ho played to
day nt 2 '30 and S p. m. by Ilellstcdfs band;
2:'lo p. m.
Overture1, "Juniata" Suppe
Polneca Brilliant Vihr
Noeturtn-"The Lust Hope" Oottselnl't
Sreties from ihe "Uu ao ot Shobn". .aoutu d
Orand March. IJulhft.
Ilei ltative and .Aria (Cornet).
Arlu (Trombono solo, Mr. Carl ICraatai.
fteenes from "Lohengrin" Wawner
Sacred Aria "The i.ont chord "... .8ulllv.ui
Mr. Herman fJelifctpilt.
Clrnnd Polonaise In K minor I.ts.t
llungurlun Dunce "Tho Pplrlt of 'If
S:o0 p. m
Overture "Tho Chase of Young Henry"
Caprb e llerolquH "The -Vwakei In - of
the l.lon" Kontski
1'lctorhtl Scenes
(ui "The Antfelus" (lifter Milled .
(b)"The Mosquito Pnr.lile" fnewi.
llumorisque )oinostlo lipb'ode. "Wnlt
lug for HuMiy" llellst.'dt
Duet for Cornets "Jack and J I
1'olkn" liollman
Messrs. Dellstotlt und Jones. '
Overture -"1M2" Tschalkows'ty
March Comtque "Elephums en Pa
rade'' i new i Frlpjeuimin
Popular Souk Mcllev Iteyef
"Chu-c of pfpr Oynt bv Mountain
Imps" Orl i;
March-"W-st End" nellst'di
milkl'llll'll t n,
The . rowd thai h.i.- Mironged Mu n'
Tro. n, . thai tin. .e was opened
i be Or ' . t .(,, , c ,ni n i 'hut i
poi jlnri'y hn ein i ay liiu k Crooi.
In .--.i;l
1 :Ba-:-tf..Js7.w.-A'i;i n
653 cnaQf I
I .v.
Blank ts, comfo'-ts,
pi Ions. uniitroMg, etc., at
i'pp'o.i.brr sale prices
vitpiyi (ii.i
465 Massive Extension Ta
bles it may Inferos! yon to know that qua'
Ity Is ulw.iys Ilrst caiisldpiullcn here, and
that credit is equal with ah ate of 9. ill I
ouk, highly polished large braced I-g .,
full width nn.I tumid, only Ji' i0, fC
some "I the M a.i -fCS
klrd ... yKJ
M. '.ill
Jiriiiv r, 3
Three pioce Bedroom Suits
In beautiful golden .ak tlnlsh birge
bed with hlb h -adb 'or I c'euiiit
dresiT, with larso French plai g a m
52 lancy Sidc-
bojrds till of solil-e-i
n h k - poll? h
llnl'h b ass trlm
ippd h i d earvpit,
mlir. i. and a
spac mis di nwrn
12' c t lenxt ?25i0
It any other pla.e
this sale
u c
to J."
Prcttv 6-picce Toilet Sets
dal i-iy riecorntnl extra CO!. th.s salo t'fj
55-piece Dinnc Set new
patterns and color do or- A Afl
ui ions, very artistic, net
100 piece Dinner Set, mo t
plea: in d'lcns aid of 'J "7-
eceiitlonul quaity, special ' m tJ
500 Sample Lamps prct-
tlpst colors offered for full, nnls
tic i aapps, lin,,. oil containers und
of cm rnordlnarv quality ware I li
to closo them out. up from .
Dining Chairs
Closing out a
manufai turor a en
tire stock fancy
solid oak, cane
seat chair v.iih
braced arms tnr
and scat Uiw
-ul Oak and im
!f$$i itation ma-
!) 1'wl liocranTr Pen.
ter Tables
wcrth iiu to .M
Septenibor salo
Jr., having just closed u very successful en
gagement, Watson's Oriental llurlcuqurrs
beajn tonight for a week's eogagement.
The rcRiilar matinees will be glen ns usual,
Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday, the spe
cial matinee for tho benefit of Texas flood
Htilfcrcrs, announcement of which Is made
in another column, bolng on Wednesday, a
date not on the list of regular Trocadero
Watson's Oriental llurlosquers promise
to furnish u real twentieth century show.
Thero Is a total of forty-five people ami
not u drono In tho lot. Among them nro
Vldocq and l.vnna, Mllhin Heach. O'llourke
and Hiimette, Mills nnd Ileecher, Vale Sis
ters, Scanlan and Stovons, Kdlth Allen,
Maud Jordan, Florence DeAlden and Mtulo
Tho fun begins with a musical skit enti
tled, "A Military Hop." As a closing
feature, uftor numerous interesting spe
chillies, comes tho hurletta, entitled, "The
Waldorf Castorla." in which I ho comedians
tako advantage of tho many ludicrous sit
uations which arise.
A bright young woman Is wanted for
subscription canvasser for Soreuson's Bx-
aiuiuer. Aiiuress or can ai ao.i -ouiu
Twelfth street, 11 a. m. to noon Monday.
HUMllOI.DT, Neb., Sept. 15. (Special,)
William ('. Helm, a well known young man
of this county, who now holds a position
as a ilurlington operntor nt Table Itock,
wns united In marrlago yesterday nvenltiK
to Miss Hlhel, daughter oi S. C. Harlow, a
veil known citizen of Richardson county.
The ceremony took plnco nt thu Hviin
gellcnl church ami was performed by Hov.
T. M. Serf In tho presence ot an Imniutiao
crowd of relatives nnd friends. A recop
Hon wns given after tho ceremony at tho
hemo of tho brldo and the newly wedded
pair left for a tour of tho western part
of tho state, after which they will lake
up tholr resldenco In Table Hock.
Spon nor-So hue th.
WKST POINT, Neb.. Sept. 15. (Special.)
On last Wednesday was solemnized
tho nuptials of Jgnat Spenner and Miss
Theresa Schueth of this plnco. The ceremony
was performed In St. Mary's church by Itev.
Victor Knd, vlcnr of Oleyan. Tho parties
wero born and brought up In this county
nnd nro members of two of CumliiK county's
most Influential and wealthy families. They
will cominenoo huusokropliiK nn tho line
farm belonging lo the groom Just west of
the city limits.
Pump Hull Player lleml,
I'lIILADRLPHIA. Kept. 15. - ISddlc
lCnauff. n otico fuinojs baso ball player. Is
dead of u broken bak, after havlmr
lingered In it hospital bore for three years
nnd n half- Ills ease was unique In mcd
Icul hisiory After retiring rrotn the ball
field In In came a flremiin, and ut u llr
wns crushed hv a fulling hi am. Kniiuff
Was one of the pit. held i,r (he Athletic
club when that organization won tin;
American awsiniatlmi chuinplonshlp
Hum ii llml llinl.
1 C I-; U'rd was airef.te.1 In Dust Oiniib i
i . , i .'i rd, i . ' t. rn. . i l Del. ei i ,
Or i mint and Mm bell 1. is wanted a'
i . i I ' .ffi UK in nod firand lai i
I N a. el MU '. p i. d of b I 'ig 1' Ico i
a . d wlii'ii w t' foii-al in his pos ie- '
sim fruin a Sarpy eOji.ii Uinur r-
is now in full blast The prompt
iiiKS of economy should lend your
ufrnu 1ifir 3vrMvHi S tier lu uni'l.-iwl
Stoves and Ranges
This mammoth dep irtment . ipl s
one entire iloor sboi ir r.' mips
nr.d t.tles 1 linn a.i tl.i iica'a er s
comldticil and ..ur in. . arc fruii
one-fourth to oiu-tilid lower
J 84 splendid Co-k Stovcs-
i:celleiit bakrrs, mad fr. in lest se
lected plB Ir. n w. r.b
$1.1 W September sac
prico ooi
950 Oak Heating St -ves
latest ntyle- iiheU cl. k't d ca. ti and
eerv mie warr inted ai .1 goir,i'tceJ
wrll' worth jsjo- Scpteiii- jr tCi
ber sale price ll , f Q
only p
J50C 2-ho!e Cook or Laun
dry Slaves- well ndipted f r lltht
houspkccplng. warrant l t. give he
most pelfeit satlfai II n rf"V O
worth T.0o. SPptemb. I H- rS
sale price
419 Hard Coal Heaters -
hand-em. h nh' i.-d very lineu
slles-all modei n impru emeus
strict!) up to date made of
pis Iron worth J:2 ." A Q
Septenibur sale prt c 15.0
163 Cast Iron Ranges -E'c-
gantlv tnoiitied -inie-i till kel trim
mings luu pat . i f lit lt v " a li" Vi
Mild oil he act I' ' . ' Client -. -
Trvz 19.95
l'-.l .
mm., ca
100 p Mrs Not-
tttigha-.ii t'urtnlns
- 3's ds long
full width this
mi wsM
100 pairs brus-
sells I.ace Cur
tains new und
pretty patterns
50 pairs hcivy
Damask Drapery
Oriental pattern,
rich extra
special- T2
waili stan l ml Ii'
Just a few of these
solid oak writing
d o u k s, (without
tnlrrori, remain to
bo sold. They are
u better value ut
J12 than any vou
have seen, but
we don't want o Ids
and erds, so hero
Oak Easels
- nicoly ttnlsh
ud un odd lot
--worth, each
SI tooloso
ij n irk
Gverytliiii"; sold for cash or credit.
$10,111) north good., II.III) cpU, I.(MI ninath.
f.l.OO worth k.ioiI., 91.-.' ivn-U, lil.'.IKI month.
.".(!, (HI Mot-tli uoihIp., 5 1. .-.(I Hirli, Ifil.uil month.
7.1.(11) mirth ttiioiU, fl'.'.IIO ivi'i'U, ijl.S.IIII uionth,
ino.llll u'firtli kooiIn, iti'i-U, f III iiiontk,
fUnil.OO ftortli uooiU, l:i.(ll hitU, - mnuth.
Special inducenieiils to young'
people just going to housekeeping.
centlv. Shciiff Hukrr of Pottuwnttamlo
county was In the illy lust night to get
ltlrd. but the police authorities refuspd
to give 1) i m up until bo was Identified for
the other Job. Tho owner of the stolen
team will be 111 the elly Sunday lo see If
he owns the' team Hlrd had In JiIn no
t nl.nottii .linn lliiill)' Hurt.
A man supposed to be Thomas l.tpkin
stepped nit a northbound South Oiuuhii
motor train on Sixteenth street, near Wll
ll(iii), about li o'clock Saturday evenlm;
unit fell with his right foot on th" trutk
The ankle wus badly crushed by ihe wheels
of tho trailer. lie wiih removed to tho
Clarksun hospital In the city umbulainu
after he had refused to give un iiceoanl
of himself. It wus reported Irom tho bos
pllul lust night that he was unconscious
either from Inloxleallon or Irom the effeits
of tho accident.
l.oolt for iiiciu Next Siuidiiy.
One of tho most beaulltul llower parades
over even III the slate was the cilmux
of tho week's fcstlvltbs nt Fremont ou
Friday. A rollectlon oi iniiiiy of tho prutly
fuces will ho rcpiudiiccd In Tho Ulustrnted
Dec on Sunday next
ProfiiioKtlfittloii for i'odiiy In Cloml.
Ickm Ileus piis tillli A tiiio.pliere
W'licuiliiu I i lor .llomlny.
WASIIINC.TON. Sept. 15. Forecast for
Sunday and Monday:
For Nebraslca-Fair Sunday nnd Monday;
warmer Monday, northerly winds
For Iowa Fair Sunday and Monday,
northerly winds.
For Western Texas nod New Mexico
Fair Sunday, cooler lu northern portion,
Monday fair; northerly winds.
For Oklahoma and Indian Territory- Fair
nnd cooler Sunday; Monday fair; winds be
coming northerly.
For ArknmaH Fair Sunday and cooler ui
northern portion; Monday fair and cooler m
Bouthurn portion; northerly winds.
For Illinois Fair and much cooler Sun
day; Monday fair; brisk northwesterly
winds near the Inke.
For Missouri I'ulr and much roolor Sun
day; Monday fair, northerly winds
For North and South Dakota Fair Sun
day and warmer In western portion, Mon
day fair; northeasterly winds
For Kansas Fair nnd cooler Sunday;
Monday fair; northerly winds.
For Colorado Fair Sunday nnd Monday,
north to east winds.
For Wyoming Fair Sunday and warmer
In northern and western portions; Monday
fair and warmer In eastern portlun, east
erly winds.
For Montana -Fair and warmer Sunday
nnd probably Monday; north to east winds
l.ncill Iti-eoid.
OMAHA. Sent. 15.-Ofllclul record ' urn
peraturc and precipitation w.ii
the i oircspoiKlinK day of tin lust th" c
veurs. 15KW. isw lh'ts
Maximum temperature . 71 m - u
Minimum temperature .. CA I
AvoraKo temperature . fill 7.' o
I'reclpltntloii 00 .no
Itecnrd of precipitation nt Omnlui f m i
day and slnco March 1, Id'iO:
Norma! temperature. I r the da.
FxcDHs for the day
Tntnl excess since March 1
Normal rainfall i
li-fli lein v for the ilav
i'otiil rainfall tlm " Murcb I 1 n, b
In t.' ten. v slnie Mnr b ' 1 . i li. -i
In P. ten. ' for i ..r pr nod I 'l'l il i ..
DelUicmy fur pen."! :v'i ' ' Ii i
I A 1 I il'l
I i . .r i iif'i al