THE OMAHA "DAILY nEfc: .SATURDAY, SKPTTJArilKH IT., 1000. REDS WHITEWASH SCPERBAS Bobbj Allon'8 Crew Bracoa Up iu Fine Style at Brooklyn, GIANTS GIVE GARVIN A HARD BEATING Kerr Vork Closes the Monson ulth Clil CMK Uy I'liiinitliiu the Puzzle Pitcher In 'I'rnp t'lintu liliin Form. rinrlnnnll, J llrooblyti, O. -New ViirL, r. (IiIciiko, 1. ChlcilKO. It II II flu I II, II, M II VTH II l CO, H llllllllllllllll, I. Clot olnml, n. MliinciipntN, a. 10. Kiiiiniih ('II j - Detroit lliiln. nilOOKI.Y.V. Sept. Tl -Cincinnati shut out the Rrookln,s today by superb fldJ Ing and bum hlng a bruco of hits off Ken nedy In tho si-cond nnd fourth Phll.r. held the locals down to six scattered hits and two fast double plays cut off run hen tho Hrooklyns wero dangerou. Qillnn's batting wax the feature. AttcrJ ancc, ff). Score: CINCINNATI. 1IROOKLYV. . H oa n I o a n. HArrett. ef.. 0 l i o 0 J. n, ef.... 6 0 2 0 0 1 wn. if ) i o 6 0 Ktele.-, rt...O i 2 0 0 MMnf'Hl, lb 0 0 1 J 0 WieekJid, If 0 0 1 0 0 llckly. . 1 : 11 t u K-lby. lb . 0 0 S 0 0 orcorun, mi t OH 10 fmly. Ib.... 1 3 I 0 Cjulnn, lb... 0 4 1 1 1 Crow. b....O 0 1 1 0 lire !Vn. tf. n l l l oiMtdn. m..O S t 4 1 ''It 0 0 2 3 0 MKluIr . r 0 O 1 3 0 1'Mlllps, p.. 0 0 0 0 0 Kennedy, p. 0 1 ISO Totals ..2 0J7 1J l1 Totals ..0 C 31 U 1 Cincinnati o 1 o 1 0 n n n - Rrooklyn o 0 o o o 0 o 0 o First Iihso on errors: lironklyti, 1. Left on bases: Cincinnati. R; Ilrooklvn, il. Htruck out: Uy Kennedy, S, by PhlllliM. 3 Double plays: Hockley to Corcoran; Cor coran In Rcckley. Time: 2.34. Umpire. (Iiiffncy. (ilinil I, mill on iinrlu, NFAV YORK, Sept. ll.-Tho New York won tho Html Knmo with Chluigo toil.iy through superior batting. A foaturu of too panic was a steal homo by Doyle In th fourth InntiiK The New York Hub h is made a big offer for Morphv. lh Norwle.i (Conn second biurman. Attendance, "y0. Score: OlIU'Aln. I NfcW YOIIK It II n A K I It. II ri A R McCitt'y, If 0 I 1 1, cf. 0 1 0 0 2 llillilf. Jb... 0 3 2 i Sellmih, If.. 2 2 5 0 0 Me-trs. f 0020 o 11 i-km'r. 3b 1 3 I o o K Mti It. 3h. 0 111 0 Smith, rf.... 13 10 0 IVxler. rf .. 0 1 3 0 0 Royl. lb... 1 0 7 0 o Urndliy lb. 0 0 II 1 o I nv.i, ....0 2 110 Mn'nr'k, . I ! ! 1 0 01 aon, '!b 0 I 3 3 0 Kiln, i- 0 1 3 5 0 Orsdv. C....0 o 7 o o Uuivln. p... 0 0 1 3 0 Haulpy, p.. 0 0 0 1 0 Tobi's ..1 6 2111 0 Totals .. .". 11 27 g' 2 ChlrriKO o o I o o n n o n l New York 0 o o H 1 0 1 n -fj Karned runs: Chicago. I: New York, 3 First base on error': Chicago, 1 Left on bases: Chicago. I; New York. 5. I'Mrt bafe on balls: Off rinrvln, 2: off Itiwlev. 2 Struck out: Hy (5'irvln. I: bv tlnwly, f. fitolen bofi's: Doyle, Davis, dimly. Three-base till: Hickman Two-lmse hit: McCormlck Passed ball: C! Time: .CO. Umpire; Lnislb-. MiiihIIiik f flip 'IVnnis, I Played. Won. Lost. P.C. Tlrnoklyn lit iff 41 .f,V, PlttsburK 117 r,7 M .r.7.'l Phlludelphla 11 1 f.D .V. ..Ms Hoston 114 Ki R!l .4S2 Chicago 111 R7 fi .47( Kt. I.nuls Ill S3 l'. M Cincinnati lie. M iu .1" New York-.'. llfi 43 07 .422 C.A1IKS 1)1' 'III!-, MKItH AV I.K.MM IL Clllenun Wlnx due if Hie llenrt Illnensi Xirl frnm lluffulii, CMICACtO, Sept. It. Today's Rnnie was a pitchers' battlo In wit eh both Kerwln and Denxer did excellent work. I'ach aldo fielded perfectly and the Katne was in doubt until the last map was reilred. Hoy scored the only run on a base on balls, a sacrltlco and n two-bnRKer by Wood. At tendance, l.OiV). Score: CHICAGO. i I1LTFAIX). ... , 11,11 o.a.i:.! H.H.O.A k. liny, ft 1 1 2 rt t. rf o l l o o I'.nllrn, Ib. 0 1 I 5 0 Hhrec ut, e. 0 1 3 0 ft Wooil, e 0 I 2 1 0 llnl btan. If 0 o 3 l o HIiPKron, rf. 0 0 2 0 0Cnrey, lb...O 0 11 0 0 Il I'll, lh....O 0 12 0 0 O timin, (10 t I M Ullliird. If.. 0 0 .- 0 0! Amln v, :b 0 1 13 0 Dtnln, 3b .. 0. 0 2 4 0 Hhugurt, mi. 0 11 2 0 Pfni'r, p... 0 2 0 2 0 111 rb'r. U . 0 0 1 2 0 llnvlrr'k, rn H ft 2 0 0 Kerwln. p .. 0 2 1 3 0 Totals ..1 6 27 11 01 Tnt.iN ..0 S 21 11 0 Chlcneo 1 o o o n n o o Uuffato a o o 0 0 o (i o 0-y Left on liases: Chicago, 5; Itiiffaln, fi. Two-base hits: Wood, Padden, Hoy. Hart, Andrews. Kerwln. Saerlil.'e hits: Padden, Drain, Andrews. Stolen baso: Hart. Dou ble plays: Andrews to tin t Inner to Car.-y, Andrews to Carey. Struck out: Hy Don- zer, 1; by Kerwln. 2. Hase Denier. 2: nlY Kerwln. .1. Tli i balls: Off Denzcr, 2; oiT Kerwln, 3. Time: l;3i. I'm plre; Dwyer. Spnrl.s 'I'lirns Wlrnrd, MILWACKKIC. Sept. 14 -The Mllwauk 'es had Utile difficulty In .lefeatliiK the In dianapolis team today Hpjrks pitched a masterly Knmc. ullowliiK Ins opponents four scattered hlt.s. Attendance, 1,2 o. Score: MH.VAi'Ki:i; INDIANArOMS. lt.ll.OAi: 1LIIO.A.K. Ktrhom. rf I 2 0 0 nllUrtzH, If.. 1 0 3 0 0 Wall. on, rf. 1 2 2 0 0 MuRoon, 2b. 0 0 4 3 0 llnllnian, If. 2 110 0 tie er, si.... o 115: Aniltri'n. lb 1 1 12 ft O'ylnM. pf. 0 o I o 0 1'ullz, 2b.... 2 1 3 2 0 K. llpy, lb... 0 0 12 1 0 t'onroy, m.. 0 13 4 Oil'owra. c... 0 13 2 0 IIU'k Jb... 0 1 3 1 0 IIORt'xer. rf 0 1 0 0 0 lip'p, e .... 0 l 3 o 0 Hick y. 31.. 0 10 3 1 l-p.irk, p.... 1 0 0 2 0 Sllmntcl, p . 0 0 0 3 0 Tolols .. 8 l'.27 9 Ol Totals ..1 4 24 17 3 Powers out on bunt ruin. Milwaukee 0 1 0 0 (5 0 1 0 S Indianapolis 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 IJnrned runs: Milwaukee, 1. hits: Conroy, HoBrlever. S.icrldco h.t: MaRonn, Conroy. Hasn on bul s: Olt Sparks. 5: off Stlmmel l. Hit by pitched bull: Kultz, Seybold. Struck out: Ry Stlm mel. Powers, Sparks. Double p.ny. Con toy to Kultz to Anderson Left on bases: Milwaukee. 0. Indianapolis Stolen bases; llurke, Waldron, Conroj . Hallmu i, Nip mm Ivxtra fitraiti needs extra strength. When a man begins to nrid to his hours of labor, and subtract from his hours of rest, he m putting an extra strain on brain nnd Ixxly. In such cases many men make the serious tnistako of usinj; stimulating liquors, or alcoholic medi cines. These can only injure. The spur forces on the horse, nut does not strengthen him. Stimulants arc only spurs. The need of the body is strength. .Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery ?s Invaluable to overworked men ami women. It strengthens the stomach, increases the blood supply, nourishes the tiervco, and gives vital power to brain nnd body. There is no alcohol in " Golden Med ical Discovery." It contains 110 opium, txicaiue or other narcotic. is slridly a temperance medicine. Mr. iMiTril Jacob, of Marengo. Crcwfonl Co., Indiana, writes: "After three ear of KufTffrint; with liver trouble nnd malatia I gave up all hope of ever pcttintf ttout acaln, nnd the iatt chance was to try your medicine. I had tried all the home doctors nnd received but little re lief. After tatlnc three bottles of Dr. I'iercc's Golden Medical DUcovery nnd one vial of his ' l'lcatant Pellets ' I am stout nnd hearty. It is due entirely to your wonderful medicines." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical I Adviser, loos pages sent free on receipt j of stamps to pay cost of mnlliiiK only. Send 21 one cent stamps for pa per coverco, or 31 stamps for cloth. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Biiff.tlo,N.Y. Ket'him, lljsri'Vir Time 11" Vmplre Hhrrldan Millers I'nrenell t ppen rn nee, MINNLAI'OLIS. Sept 14 - The season closed hre toijay by MlnneanOlls nd Cleveland breakln: even The first ffntnc was siiHlclrntly dose to be Interesting and whs lost mi errors by the locals. Tin sec ond came was a snap fur Ralley until the elKhtii Inning, when the visitors hit his curves ft-.' four runs. Reust was easy nt all points of the j.ame. The base running of Minneapolis was the fentum of the Kaine, Lnlfy steallnK home and four oth ers travellnc ns they pleased. Attendance, Sou. Score, ilrst game: IflNNKAI'OLIS. CLHVKLAND. It II O A K It II n A F Lilly, If ..1 1 3 0 0 PlckPr'e. cf. 1 1 1 0 0 Wilmo . rf.. a ooo o O-nin', If... 11300 Nanep. Jb . 0 1 1 2 0 Jonn if.... 0 3 10 0 rdn, lb.. 0 0 M 0 0 I.aCh'CP, lb. 1 0 13 1 0 fm th, if.. .1112 2 Fh-a. 1 1 1 5 0 NI,'rol, lb. 0 1 4 0 1 I'l.jfxl, 2b . . 0 1 3 2 0 KlshPr. e... 0 2 6 0 1 Tnmsett. 3b 0 1 2 10 llund lln, ef 0 0 ft 0 0 Crf, e 1 2 2 0 0 Ithi't. p 0 0 0 3 1 Itaker, p.... 0 2 2 3 Totalt ,2 S 27 9 I Totals ..5 13 27 15 0 Minneapolis 1 I 0 o o o 0 0 0-2 Cleveland 1 1 n o 1 0 0 0 2 S . Harned runs: Minneapolis, 2. Two-base I'lt.V Smith, Tnmsett. Three-base hits: l'i",el "all: Cross. Hases on balls. Off Lhret, 2. Struck out: Ry Khret, 5; b l aker, 2. Left on bases: Minneapolis. 6, icveland, 13. Sacrifice hits: Nance, Ocnlns Hood Stolen bases: Fisher, hallv, Flood. Hrst baso on errors: Cleveland, 3. Time: 1:2. Umpire, McDonald. Score second came: MINNIIAI'OI.tS. I CLEVELAND. . ilh ou:1 it it o a i: If 1 4 2 0 0 IM. k'r'ir, ef. 2 1 2 0 0 W limit, if . 0 1 3 0 v U n ns. If.. 1 2 3 0 0 Nan e. b. . 1 3 10 1 Jrne.i, rf ... 1 1 t 0 o Wirdon. lb. 1 0 7 0 0 lfhVe, lb 1 0 11 0 2 Smith, .. 2 2 2 4 Sh a, .... 0 1 0 3 2 Nlnhol, lb.. 2 3 1 0 1 Ho il, 2b... 1 0 4 3 0 I lnh;r. c, 2 1 9 l o Tammlt. 3b 0 1 1 3 2 Hnrd-lln, cf 0 1 2 o 1 I'rsi, c ..01300 Uultey. p..., 1 I 0 3 J Heust, p.... 9 0 0 0 TolaN .10 1127 3 Totals .. 7 27 15 Mlnuoapnlls 00112012 0 I Cleveland 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 I 0-6 Karned run: Cleveland. I. Two-bnse hits: I.nlly. Cross, Tamselt. Hares on balls: nrr Reust. 2: off Hale , . Hit by pitched ball: Smith. Struck out: Hv Ralley. 6; by Reust, . Left on bases: Minneapolis. 12; Cleve land. 9. Do idle plavs: Flood to Shea to LaClianee. Reust to Tnmsett to IiChanee. Halk' Reust. First base on errors: Mln neap.i'H, 3; Cleveland, 2. Sacrifice hits: Handelln (II. Smith, Tnmsett, Genius Stolen bases: Lallv. Wllmot. Nichols. Handelln. Werden. Pickering. Time: 1:40 Umpire: McDonald. KANSAS CITY. Sept. II -Kansas City Detroit game postponed: wet Krnunds. Mnuillnu of tlir 'I en ins. Played. Won. Lost. P.C. Chlcacn Milwaukee ., Indianapolis Dutrolt Kansas Ctv Cleveland ... Hiffalo Minneapolis . 131 SO f.I .nil 133 131 Ill 131 133 13.-1 ir,ii 7ii 70 ilS iH 82 no J3 f.7 CI ft! 3 7t 75 S3 ,r,.;s ,M4 ..-.07 .45', .467 .411 .30) Oninbn 'I'eiini In Defenleil. OLKNWOOD. Ia . Sept. ll.-(Rpeclnl Tel CKram.)rThe Rankers' I0) base ball team of Dinnha was defeateil hero this after noon by a score of 4 to 2. (nun for Sun ilny. The Uniques and the R, L W. 400 . play at tho Vinton street ball park Sunuay afternoon ut 3.30 p. m. BAY STAR WINS GOOD RACE Ilium liter of Kentucky f,tnr Cnuturrs Slow Trot nl Km pi re City TrnrL. iv,NKU ORK Sept. 14. -The 2:11 trot wai tho most excltlnB race of the fifth day of tho nrand Circuit meet nt the Umpire i,,,y "ek ,"'-' With u field of twelve. Huy Star was sold In Hip pools j.W to 10 The favorite won the Ilrst heut by u length nnd It looked as if It was all over, but In the second she trot the worst of a ba 1 Mart, was eut ofT at the Ilrst turn, bn'ke badly and looked to be out of th" race. Hho ran In and saved her distance and won tho next two heats by from tlnco to four length. Summary: 2:11 trot, purse tl.W: Ray Star. b. m., by Kentucky Star (Kenneyi 2 Jon Watts, ch. k- (YouiikL 4 1 I .ami) Girl. b. tn. (Herrvl 1 1 1 2 ..2 2 :i !i .. ti t 10 2 .. 3 10 ,1 10 ..73lfi ..II .1 C 3 ..10 7 7 I .. s c r 7 .. f r n s .. S 11 I2dr .12 S Sd'3 Genevieve, ch. in. ( Paife) Alice Rarnes, b. m. fNoblo).... Iris O . b. m. (McCnll) Dot Miller, b. m. (McDonald).. Rlondle, dun g. (Footel Confessor, ch. k. (Hrndvi ,'. I'alm Leaf. b. n. fMcC'irthy).. Raker, b. c (Curryl MiiHciuetoon. b. c. (Mowery).. . Time: 2:00. 2:10-i4. 2:lli,n, ::11'4 2:20 trot, nurse il.Sirt: Rrandywlne, pr. K-. hy Sphinx (Dem iiresvi Tlmberlake. b. k. (Huil'onl Leonard Roll, br. jr. (Walker) Tin T.. Ii. p. (Lynuni Tiverton, b. c (Thompson) Klectrle Wilkes, br. g. (Curry) Charlotte W.. ch. m. (Hord) Time: 2:14s;. 2:14t,. 2.15. 2:10 pace, Jl.Mrt: The Private, b. p.. by W. H. Hill (Footel .1 1 1 .5 2 2 .2 3 3 .3 I 4 1 1 1 2 2 ,'l OeorRe, br. R. (Kenneyi., Dick Lee. b. h iLymnn). Susetto, b. m. (Gilbert) .. 1 3 3 .... dls 3 1 Time: 2:I0i,4. 2:C73, 2:11, 2:12'4. Road wagon trot, free-for-all : Franker, b. p., bv Chaser (Hillings') 1 Zembln, br. m. (Perren) 2 Time: 2.12',. RENO DROPS DEAD AT HARLEM .Steeplechaser linen OIT nnd Drops Head After FlnlshliiR llelilnd Hie Money. CHICAGO, Se;it. 14.-Wllllam Ulrlchs Kood steepleehnser, Reno, after finishing fourth In the steeplechaso nt Harlem todav dropped dead. Weather clear nnd track fast. Results: First race, six furloncs: Klnir Ralne. 10 (Tally). 9 to 5, won: Tola, 100 (Wlnklleld). 11 to I, second; Fl Orlente. 100 (Alexander), 10 In 1, third. Time: 1:14 2-8. Propeller. Om durman. Roval. Victor, Impromptu, Albert I''. Dewey, Red Signal nnd Tho Conqueror also ran. Second race, one mile and n sixteenth: Crosby, 104 (Ransonl, 4 to 2. won; Thrive. 102 (Ruchannn). 4 to K. second; Rill Gnrrett, 101 (J. T. Woods), to 1, third. Time: l:4(J3-3. Owensboro, Pay the Fiddler, Hot tentot and Hold Up nlso ran. Third race, steeplechase handicap, short course: Negligence. 131 (Hueston), 7 to 5. won; Herkv Rolfe. 110 (Johnson), 13 to 5, second; University, 130 (Kcrlns). 9 to 1. third Time; 3.3S. Robert Lattii also ran. Mnnchle ran nut. Rono dropped dead. Fourth race, one mile and fifty : nrds: Sliver Coin. 105 (Buchanan), 7 to 1. won; Defender II 97 (F'lck), 13 to fi, second; Prairie Dog. f (Wooilsl. S to 1. third. Time: 14U-5. Quannah Parker. What Next, Klnsteln and Calcoon also ran. Fifth race, four and a half furlongs: Mnnov Muss. 10.' iGllmnrei. S to Ii, won; Cora Goetr. 102 (Tally). 9 to 1 second; Hv l.o, 103 (Tullyi, 4 to 1. third. Time: 0:,M 2-3. Lasance, Shut Up, Hp, Cluster and Water Plant aNn ran. Six 111 race, one mile nnd fifty yards: Pat Garrett, 102 (Rradfordl. S to 1, won; Trebor, l'i.i (Tally). 2 to 1, second: Chauncey Fish-r. 97 (J. T. Woods). 5 to 1. third. Time: 1:114-3. Maharajah. Little Hilly. Invernrv II, wlt John V. Pittnn. Handllghl. Murtha Fox. Dandy II. The Jefferson and Depend ing also run. Ilnees nt Vllllsen. VILLISCA. 1.1. . Sept. II -(Sperlal.)-The Vllllsca Jockey club Is mnklni; big plans for a successfj' meet next weak. Some of th best horses In the state iro now Iu town rendy for their place In tho tacus. Dr. Culbertson has two tine horses hero now that in.ii'o reoonls l.i'-t : far. Thoy arc 'l.nrlnet ind Robert Ronner The clui lh;r ks tho mVtr.kes of last year can bo (orrected so as to leave a bal ance on the rleht side this yeur, If they as li' criblo weather. The inannenient lias been put In dlf fi rent hanJe. Diiys' Itnces nt (.'Hilton, CLINTON. Ia , Sept. H.-(Spelcnl Tele gram.) Following nre tho summaries at the race track today: Free-for-all pace, purse $300: Alph W win. Harry 8 second, Admiral Dewey third Rest time: 2:t2.. 2 30 trot, purse J250: Mabel D won, Telia second. Catherwood third. Rest time: 2 24'. 2 23 pace, purse $250- Hmollne won. Leota second. Susan V. third. Rest time: 2:1S. Five thousand people witnessed the races Results nt Klnlocli Purl;. ST. LOUIS. Sept. H. OirtshlerH had a Held day at Klnlocli park this afternoon, thev being victorious in tlvo out of the six events carded. Nocklacewns the only winning favorite Speculative features wero entirely lacking Attendance laige nnd track fast. Results: First nice, four nnd a half furlonjs nurse. 2-jeur-olds: Juanctt. US (Van Dusen). S to 1, won: Mlnon, 113 (Cohurn) I to 5, second; Downhearted. IIS (Howell). 7 to 1, third. Time. CM. Our Lady, Tho n' I. . 1. ll.dnlia. Plra III,. f .i fii I 11 r tt Dp 1 111 Ufll, ... . ... j , - Rltkiier. Vacate. J illus Werner and Honor Rrlght also ran. Second rare, six and a half furlongs, se' ling John Morton, 104 (Domlnlck), 6 to 1. sccohd; Captain Galtics, 107 (J, Mathews), 6 to t third Timr 1 22 . c.inr.'bert. lllida H WalMii. SH-tit Frb ud Ior ild e. J V S Domini. Cai'li' llii and Coral also ru-i Third race, one mile, selllnc c. : s'c lor. 110 (Co'hrani. 7 to I. won, Revenic HI (Van Duseni, J to 1. second; Delsnru 111 (J Mathewsi. t. to 1. third. Time 1 4i' Mountsln Dew. Round Turn. Huntress Padren-. l e. DelKndn Helen H. Gard ner. Isaac and Harve R also ran. Fourth race, seven and a ha'f furlongs selling: Necklace. 110 (J. .Mathews), fi t.. won, Zanetto. 113 (Van Duseni, 6 to 1, sec ond; Two Annies, 104 (Domlnlck), S to 5. third. T4me: 1.30U. Miss Loretta, Chlcka mauga. Nance O'Nell. Grey Forgo, Lurdan and Whisper Low also ran. Fifth race, erven furlongs, selling. 2-year-olds: Marcy. 1" (Coburni, 3 to 1. won. Satin Coat, 1(0 ((' Hooker). 14 to 5, second Glanbow. 104 (May), 28 to 1. third. Time 131. Murcla Dent. Seething, Pirates Daughter and Vcdas also ran. Sixth race, six and a half furlongs, sel ling: KI Ghor. lln iMayi. 5 to 1. won. K 1 genla S. Ho (Sojthardi, 24 to 1. second Wntercrest. 113 iCoburn), IS to 1. third Time: 123. Omella. Klsle Vonner, Salle Iituar, Florida 11, IM L an I Imp. Loiterer also ran. FIGHT WItOvCOY NO FAKE ( orbctt tin ArrlvliiK nt (lueentim 11 Denies .r ork Itiiiuiirs nf IN I. lite Mntoli. QUIULN'STOWN. Sept 1 -A represenia tlve of the Asoclatid Pics on b'nrltnit today the t'unnrd line steamer Campiiua from New York, handed to James J. C"i -belt, the pugilist, a number uf dispute v relating to the charges made ngalnst 'ru in New York. He rend tnctii nnd sail "It Is ridiculous to sav that my tights With Shark"V and McCoy were fakes ' Corbctt and .Marguerite Coruellle. th- nctress. were booked in "Mr hnd ,lr Mnrtln." Her mothi r was with her nil Corbctt occupied a separate state room. Trntl Cnrrli's Off the Honors. TUXKDO PARK. N. Y.. Sept. ll.-Walt r J. Travis, the amateur golf champion i-f tho United States, carried off the honors ut the Invitation tournament of the Tuxf do Golf club today. In the S"tnl-tlnnl ru id today Travis played against K. M. Rer and defeated him by 2 up and 1 to p'ay. Travis had to go the round of the link. In 73 sttnkes, lUers taking 7H. In the afternoon Louts Llvlngstore. r . of the Westbrook club was Travis vi nent in the Dual round. Livings! oie posli d lln champion s.i closely TruM though wlnnliiK hy f. up and 4 to pbi, hid to cut the record for the links, made by Hyers, four strokes, as ho mude the round In 71. Following nro the cards In the Tux-do match: Tuxedo cup: WuRer J. Travis: out r. 4 3 fi 4 4 4 I r-?. In 4 4 3 3 5 4 4 4 & 3'j 71 Louis l.lvinstoiie, Jr.: out ri 4 4 r. 1 r. 4 r. 1-40 In I 4 3 I 5 4 2 I 3d 7 The tournament will he concluded tomor row with n thirty-six hole medal p.av , handicap for which forly onirics haVo been received. ineilenii 'renin Wins nt Purls, PARIS. Sept 14 --The grand race of lb' nallons, ore ef Hie leading events nf the evellng tournament at Vliicetims. was to dav won by America, (ire it Rrltaln. Ger mnnv, Italy. Austria, Relttlum. I'ranc- and Hullnnd competed, each lountry b lng rep resented bv three men. Cooper. MeFarlaiid and Hanker constltul-d the American team Tho dlstnree was Lff) meters In the preliminary America defeat"! Helglum bv S points, 5 to 13. nnd In tho semi-final lie-it America won from Italy bv the same score. ... The French team, composed of Jncquelln. Rourlllon anil Loubot, disputed the Una! with tho Americans, the latter winning, although Jacqut lln Mulshed tint In 2:1. 1-R Cooper was second McFarland third. Rourlllon fourth. Hanker fifth and Loubct sixth The purse wns CSM franc, divided into individual prizes and three prizes for the winning team The marking was by tcim and hy points. .Irrfurils Proves Hnsy Gniiir. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 14 -Peter Mnher of this cltv completely outclassed Jim Jef fords of California. In the two rounds of wb'it to have been a six-round tight at the Pennsylvania Art club tonight. At no singe of the llqht did Ihc California!! show cleverness. Mnher scored his firs! knock down In the Ilrst round with a left on the Jaw. Jeffords was evidently weak ut the end of the round and when he met the Irishman In the second round Maher went at him and scored three knockdowns In oulek succession. It being evident that Jef fords could not stand another punch, though he made every effort to get to Ills feet, the referee stopped the tight. How Oi i'r 'I'rneU I.ense. SAN FRA NC.'IPCO. Sept. 14 -The stock holders of the Pacific Jockey club, after voting to uncondlt'oiially lease (he Inglclde irnck lo the San Francisco Jockcv club. Prince Ponlatowskl's new or ganization, appointed a committee to pa-. upon terms nnd report Its r commendation j to the main body. A meeting was held, but .,.1 1...... n.i.l ,lA mi tiArlO' naserr UOUllUK "U.' M"ll- ..ll'l , n j that the whole' proceeding is irregular linn niegni. iieiny . mmi ii"- " i, ' lleved iron! ine uiri iory uir " Coast Jockey club and Hall McAllister ap pointed In hl place on a rl owing made to the directors that Mr. Ciocker d es not now own a snare 01 siock 01 mr nuu. Ynnisrr Gets 11 l)rnw. CHICAGO. Sept. 14 -Renny Ynuger "th Tlpton slasher," nnil oung . owaii fought a iiraw ni xne iiumoib .ounii uu i tonight The contest was 11 slugging match throughout. Mowutt was knocked down with 11 rlcht swing in the Mrs! round, but evened matters un In the next round with several heavy body punches. Gun Shout nt TeiMiinsrli. pppfMSHll. Neb.. Sent. 14 - (Special. ! During the Johnson county fair the Tecum seb Gun club will conduct a shoot In this cltv Two davs. with a dozen events each, w'll be Indulged in Thursdav and I riday. Scplemner .'i anu un- o- " ers of he sport from oer the state will bo liivicd to pa-lklp.Ce LOCAL BREVITIES. t'lir linn in, rnmmlssloner has nuarantlncd a caso of diphtheria at 1100 South Sixth street. The republicans of the Sixth wurd will hold a rousing nlly this evening at ldlewlld hall. Dr. Pope or Oklahomu will bo the speaker of the evening. The careless dlnmal of hot nshes caused a small ilro In the bnrn on the premise nt lM'i Hurt street, occupied by Shelby Kcmplon. about 3 p. m. Friday. The loss Is esiiniated at $15, fully injured. Joseph and John Myer, building con tmetorri. who formerly lived tn Omahn, re moved to Galveston live years ago. Friends nnd relatives In Omaha have heard uolhlng from them since nisi wcck h siorm. Jiimen Matthews of Hrock was arrested Timruilnv liv Iienntv United States Marshal James WnllfiiK on a charge of selling liquor wllhout n license. He gave bond before Commissioner Jackson at Nebraska City. A break In the water main nt Sixteenth ami Jackson slreels caused considerable excitement yesterday nnd Hooded th" streets for about un nour ueiore worKmen succeeded In lurning on ine water uuu re pairing H10 leak. So fpw children look tho Sixth and Seventh grade examinations given nt Central school that Superintendent Pcarse will not offer examinations next year, but will allow the principals of various schools to use their tAvn Judgment In accepting pupils for these grades. Civil service exrtmlnntlons will be held October 23 for a lithographer In the Agri cultural department nt Waslilngton at a salary of fi.2i. and tor an Interpret! r ot Hniiemian. i.ununtiinn ana I'onsn languages at the otllce of the inspector of Immigra tion at Haltimore nt 11 salary of ?). The tllo for the subdivision of the wenthcr forecaster's nlllce bus readied Omaha nnd tho work of altering the fourth lloor room of the federal building will begin Monday. ihe large room of the weather otllce will be divided by a wall run ntns from norlh lo smith nnd the new apartment thus created will be used by the supervising urchltoct of tho butldlns. The real estate sales are encouraging for September nnd are mostly for spot rash W. 11. Green recently closed a deal for H. I. Robinson for tin west forty-two feet of the east eighty-four feet of lot 11 In Reed's second addition to John Kenne'ly for 17. 000 nnd the west seventy-eight feet of the north 102 feet of lot 3 In Johnson's addition for the Omaha Savings bnnk to the same party for $1,001, These sales nre for cash. The following explottd of huridnrs nnl suck thleviM have In en rei orted to the pence: rcrrieK uaiverson, in :snrtli i-ortv sexenth strtet,, twenty-llv. mixed chl k ens; Mrs. Mae Mayer, Dodge hotel, sea1 skln sack: F.sther 1. Martin. 50n South Tlllrtv-third slreet, child's liink contain ing $.1 In nickels and pennies: George W Wright. 300 North Sixteenth street, two 32-callber pistols; A. Wulker. 1121 Dod street, blatk chevbn suit worth $li. G. c. Hobble, who owns the corrugated Iron building nt tfw South Tenth strpet, has been ordered by the council to remove the building November 1 It Is located alone the Tenth street viaduct Just west of the Union station nnd wns formerly used as a ticket brokers oltlce. It Is now occupied by .1 fruit dealer. The building was condemned January 1. 1SS9. hut the owner refused lo tear It down In spite of the complaints tiled by tho owners of brick bulldlnc whUh adjoin It en the south. GOOD ROADS AND IRRIGATION Convention with Double Object Will Meet Hero During tie Fall. PREPARATIONS ALREADY UNDER WAY 4 President Monro "f the ntlonil Honil Assoeliitlon Co-oponitliin vltlillie Ciiiuiiii-relnl I lull t MnLc the AfTiilr u .Success. Thero will ho held In Omaha sometime lato in October or early in November a gooJ roads, good streets' and Irrigation con vention to which, It U supposed, nil rail roads In tho stato will make a one faro rate, mid nt which will spenk men of na tional reputation. The purpose of thti con vontlon. as Its- name implies, is to en courage tho hulldlng of better roadways, to extend the area of arable hinds iu tho mld ,i'i. .L-ni hv menna of Irrigation nud to se- curo uallonal and state leglslnllon and ap propriations to this enu. ine ,;"?""! will bo mado attiacllvb"hy exhibiting sam i,. rniiinvi. road mnchluery and vehicles, by holding nutomobjlo races. and by securing tho atteudance of speakers ot recognizee! ability. Uetwecn now uud November slm iinr .nnvtionR will bo held In eight other cities of tho west and middle west. Dele gates will ho eluded lo attend the national gathering ut Chicago or St. Louis Novem ber 20 to 23. ri hna lnnir been the purpose of the Omaha Commercial club to hold nn irriga tion rniicrcss in the city this fall, but not until Friday of ihls week was it decided to comblno this with a good roads and good streets convention. Tills idea was advanced hv Mr. W. H. Moore of St. Louis, president of tho National Road and Improvement as sociation, who arrived in too city i-riuay. Iu conslutntlon with members of the Com 1 club, he suggested holding a good roads convention here about October 3. Then tim similarity of tho two enterprises being apparent, it was determined to comblno tho two. "Tho first convention of the scries," said Mr. Moore, "will bo held In Topeka Sep tember 4 to 2S. A government engineer Is now there laying a mllo and a half of macadam road us a sample, and tho rail roads ot tho stato havo agreed to make a onn fnro rato for tho benefit of all Kan sas points and some points lu Nebraska and Missouri. All the machinery, vcnicies and other exhibits to bo placed on dis play thero are being shipped by President L. P. Ripley over tho Santa Fe freo ot charge. Senator Jnllus HurroiiKhs, Hon. Joseph Wilson, President Ripley of tho Santa Fo road and possibly Governor Roosevelt and Carter Harrison will speak there. "Other conventions have been arranged for as follows: Srrlnqtleld, 111., September 2D and 20; Sioux Falls, October 2 to 3, Denver, October 0 to 7; Rotso City, October 8 to 0; Seuttlu (or Portland), October 11 to 12; Sf.cramcnto, October lii to IS, L03 Angeles. October 21 to 23. Rach of these conventions will send credentlalcd dele gates to tho national convention, which will nrrango for legislation, state nnd national. "An attempt will bo mado to have Sen ators Depew, Lodge and Dolllvcr. and pos sibly Mnyor Carlcr Harrison of Chicago spoak nt the Omaha convention." CONDITIONS AT CAPE NOME Streets Are Filled Willi Idle Men mill Siil'.oiiiitr SoetiiN 1 11 01 liable for Hie Whiter. J. W. Onrner, formerly deputy revenue agent at Omnha, Is now In Alaska, where he was sent as special agent of the depart ment for tho purpose of making on exom inailou of tho collodions of internal revenue In that territory. Ho had no special In structions, but was told to go as soon ns possible and to stay ns long us necessary As a result of these general orders he Is visiting every Important point In tho Island. In a letter to Captain O. II. Wheeled;, dated August 17, ho writes of his impressions of Nome, nt which ho arrived about a mouth previous to tho date of the let ter. His opinion of the gold town is not very high and ho predicts great suffering thero this winter. When ho arrived he found neither piers nor harbor for vessels. Pas sensors nnd freight wore removed on light ers 10 tho town. The town Itself Is a dis appointment. Tho mud Is deep and ex penses are out of all proportion to service. Wngos are J10 per day when work can bp secured, but there are hundreds of men for every Job. The day beforo ho arrived ihe deputy collertor of internal revenuo died and had not mado an entry on his books uor a re port to the ofllre. Tho deputy bad received $i,000 in stamps nnd after two days' work tho agent balanced the books and received tho money due. From Nome Mr darner goes to Dawson C Uy and Klusway and tnenev to Sitka, "" """' """"" """" 1 ll"IIW' Juneau nnd other places. He will return to tho Inlted States ne month, nirmng In Omahn nbout Oi iober 10 POSTAL CLERKS' CONVENTION ( (inurcss to lie AsKcd lo MuUc l'oi ( IC lull I Hours 11 l.i'Kiil Wool.' Work. Frank Royer of (ho Omaha postofllce has returned from Atlantic City, N. J.. where he nttended tho first annual contention of tho united societies of the postofllce clerks of tho United States. The convention was very harmonious, considering that It was the result of n union beiween two organ izations heretofore rivals. The most Important business was the consideration of laws which affect tho clerks. It was decided to ask congress to pass a law making forty-eight hours, ex clusive of Sundays and holidays, it legal week's work, as now obtains with the let ter carriers. The classification hill pre scnled to the last congress was again en dorsed and active efforts will be made lo pass It at the next sesBlon. A committee of live was appointed to con fer with like commlltees from (he Letter Carriers' nn'oclntlon nnd tho Railway Mall Clerks' union, looking to a consolidation of th three organizations. It has br-cn found Hint these organizations do not work in harmony nt present, as ench one desires Iho consideration, of congress regardless of the other associations. Mr. Royer was chosen as a member of tho financial committee, the only place going to a western delegate, besides tho third vice presidency, whlr'.i went to Kan sas City. Tho next convention will be held In Milwaukee. Millions will ho ppent politics this year. Wo can't keep tho campaign going without mone any more ihan wo can keep tho body vigorous without food. Dyspep tics utcd to starve themselves. Now Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and allows you to eat all tho good food you want. It radically cures stesiaen troubles llnrtnlit.i Mii(l(les. ThP following denih and births were re ported lo Iho health commissioner for th" twentv-four hours ending at noon Fridav: Death Lnzcr Rrown, 30? Norlh Twelfth, a zed 73. Rirths John P. Hansen. 272.1 North Twen-tv-elihth avenue, bov; W V Rvnn. Hen son, girl; Peter Klewit, :;';i South Tweiitv elghlh. bov; Oeorge T. Llndley, l?oi North 1 lilrtv-slxtli, nov: James Mnitn. hhi joio s. girl; iMwnrd Dovle. .Kill Charles, girl; Will KIsasser, 2I1S South Nineteenth, boy PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. F. Jewell of Lincoln Is at the Her (irutul. K. M. F. Lellans of Lexington Is nt ihc Millard. Oeorgo H. Konn and M. J. Rerry of Hast ings wero nt the Murray Friday. CTydo J. Ruckus, stamp clerk nt the postolllce. will spend u week's vacation nt Kills. Kan , beginning today. Nebrnsknns at the Mi n hunts- A M Daniels and I.. R. Rcnnor of Hnncroft. H P Simmons of Chadror. J.din F Sides "f Dakota City. M R Hdi-r ot Jackson iu 1 J a Hergt of Altona. mm Aefsfleassnty mtdfivmpfy. Cleanses the System Gently and Effcctimlly when bilious or costive. fitrseiits in. the most scccptabfcfbrnt the laxative jiriticipes of plants Atown .'1 actjnost heieiia'till', TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS BUY THE GENUINE MANFD, DY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUPCO. SAN rRANCISCO, CAL lOUISVILtE , KY NEW YORK, NY. for salt by dniffitts - price SOt per tort ft. ipfii rflGS PRESS CLUB IS ASSURED !evcnt -Ul it Pencil I'lisbrrs Kinross n Desire to lluo llesnrt for .Sen Nuiprr Men. Seventy-five of Omaha's newspaper men hae signified their desire to have the Omaha Press club reorganized and there Is no longer any doubt that the movement will bo nttendil hy tho desired results. A meeting was held at tho Commercial club Friday aficrnoon for tho purposo of discussing Informally plans for the form ation of such a club and Icmporary or ganization was effected by the election ol II. R. Smith us chairman nnd Will M. Maupln ns secretary. About thirty of tho active newspaper workers of tho city were In attendance and all of them Indicated nn uiiiiuestloncd enthusiasm In tho projec. Tho sltuallon was discussed nt length 11 1 1 suggestions wero offered by several of those present which will in all proba bility he Incorporated In the permanent organization, when ll shall ho effected Committees were appointed as follows Constitution nnd Ily-Laws Will M. Mau pln, C. J. Rest, J. W. McCammon. Securing Club Rooms J. D. Weaver, W. H. Wilbur, Charles D. Thompson. Amueements- -13. R. Smith, Will M. Mau pln, Smith R. Hall. Another Hireling will be held at the Com mciclal club Wednesday at 4 o'clock. Hdlloi's A iv till I'llulit. F. M. Illgglns. editor Seneca (III.) News, was alTHrled for years with piles Hint no doctor or remedy helped until he trldl nueklcn's Arnica Salvo, tho best in the world. Ho writes two boxes wholly cured him. Infallible for piles. Cure guaran teed. Only 2f.c. Sold hy Kuhn & Co., druggists. I'ln.ilnu V 11 1 Ii 1 11 Conic, i The cltv bid'dlng inspector and his depn-' ties are playing a watching game with I One More Day- Then school 0110 more clinnec for you to kIwo the hoy or plrl Uoforo the boll rings conn' Saturdny wp'vo the help lo fdvo ovoryUody that comrs attention--wo Iiiivp ilttod litindicdH of boys tills week to our $1..10 shoes this is no shoo experiment -for years we lmve sold tills shoe for years we have Riven the par ents sat inflict loti-for years wo lmve Klveii Iho boys comfort we Kimrantee tills Jfl.SO shoe to be the best wearing school shoe ever sold at tho price It's easy for us to please you. Drexel Shoe Co., Now CntiiloRiic rendy Sent freo for (lie link I ns. OiiioIiii'h I p-to-dnle Shoe Home. 1110 l'AH.VA.M S'l'ltr.UT, Only One Overstock Art Sale We have struck tho keynote of suc cess In our art department every day brings new surprises for our customers in I lie many bargains offered durhiK our overstock art sale- you have never had such an opportunity to purchase pictures at your own' price we offer every pic ture lu our store at a discount of 10 to CO per cent Including all copyrighted nnd imported pictures-make your se lection now while the assortment Is large. A. HOSPE, Music and Art 1613 Dourfab. About Your Eating You can eat three meals n day nt Rub duff's ilia t's breakfast, dinner and sup perand you'll not And as good u place in Ihe city every one who eats there Is dnlishted such irood things to eat and service the best HaldiUT's dinners are so famous that many people think it takes all day to prepare them, but such Is not the case If you ever try one meal there you'll bn a regular patron Ills prices are reasonable. W. S. Balduff. 1520 Farsiam St. m lii Fi Hill House Work is hard Work Si without the owners of Hie bit" llig 11 1.111 Furritni ireel When Judge M.t ,r of t-e 1 1 it 1 Statis court indb n'0 n he i.ii i..-i 11 tin case recently bi'...iglii ii ib.- .wm In the clt f-Miild ilrttm'lsb 1 lie .Intn.iiid I "ih If It proc-ed 111 ac'ii'diice with I. ' was expected the Hoard of I ' e Works would be asked In the ti.spe. 1 condemn the building and to , rder .1 iro down The Inspeiior. hiwever. will w.nt until Ihe (ae brought by the owner : ad joining property has been decided. It Sim oil Ills llnli) . "My baby wns terribly shk with the rhoea," says J. H. Doak of Williams, ure gon. "Wo were unable to cure him with tho doctor's nsslstnnce. nnd as n last re sort we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. 1 am happy to say It gnve immediate relief and a complete cure." Supply All of the pop nlur snd do lionddblo kind. Eastman Kodaks Promo Poco Adlnke Vive )iiiinond Cyolono and Now Knrona Cameras fjlusa plntos, films, chemicals, mountt), etc.-devolopinp; and ptintinc - prices riffht, THE AlOE & PENfOLD CO., Jiiuilrur J'ioloyraj'Mc ftupp lis. 140S rnniiuii. OMAHA OI'I'OUITE 1'A.XTON UOTL. 1 I uanj (