TUTS OMATTA. DATLY BEE: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1900. 0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OIO0 iOIO008000OtOt NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Stt.VOIl MBM'IO.V. Davis sells glass. "Mr. P.lley," G-oent cigar. . Leffert, 230 Hdy., tests eyes free. Gas fixtures and Rlobcs tit IJIxby's Fine A H C. beer, Ncumayer's hotel. Dr. Stephenson. 101 Pearl St. Tel. 5K. Bchmldt's photos, new and latest styles. Cnb photos J1.60 doz. Williams, Ml Udy. Wollmnii. nrlentlrlc nptlrlnn. 4W H'd'y. W. J. Hosteller. dentist. Hah'win block. J. C. & W. Woodward, architects, 523 Hdy. W K. Lewis i-ells tnonutnents. 301 H way. Lemp's beer, Soonko Hoyscn. sole agent. Ilest beer. H idwcls-r 1.. Unsenfeld. Ant. Oet your work done at the popular Bonle laundry, "21 Hroadwny 'Phone Id. W C. F.step. undertawer. ZS Pearl strct. Telephones: Offlee. 07; residence. 33 W. F. Ornft. undertaker nnd licensed em balnier. 101 South Main street. Phone. u Clarence F.mpkle left ymterdny for Iowa City where he will enter the suite uni versity. A picture trlven free with r-noh frame boUKiit In September of C. K. Alexander As Co , 313 Ilrondwny For sale, thlrteen-room, two-story frame hotel hulldliiK lnuulro .it IllUff City Inun dry, 34 North Main While Tto?e llebekah IoiIkc No. 2SI will meet this evening In regular session at the usual time and pl.ire. Miss Mary Jones of l.f avenworth. Kan.. In the Ruest or Mrs. A. Mctwr and M"s. A. I.oulc of Mvnsier str-"i. riilKudler Toft, divisional olllrer of the Salvation army, will rondu.t lltt srrvlees trulKhl at the loral b.irr.icks. Cltv Auditor I. Hvaiis will leave to. dnv for i 'iitnberland. In. where he ,lll spend his vacation with relatives. Several larlnads of Imported croekerv ware were tcrclvrd at the customs house In this rlty this week conslKlied to W. A. Muurer. A marriage license wns Usuet' yester. d;iv to T C. Hnnfrldt. lined 41. nnd M. K Jlnnfeldt. nacil iV both from Pfrsln, In Justice fivlde Vlen performed th imr rlnpe reretnonv Hub Thompson, arrested Thursday ovo'i liK for peililllnu "phony" ewi Iry. was u t.ced $1 anil costs, amount ln; to $'''", ri police court yesterday morning. He H hoarding out the line. Mrs F T. Mcl'herroti of Hardin town--lilp either lost or had her pocket boo'c stolen at the postolllce vesterday after noon II contained about t!i In cash ami .1 money order receipt for J2.'.f0 Owing to rehearsals for "Alice In Won derland" the regular meeting of the llusy lire" of Ira ee church will not be held this nfternoon, as previously unnoiticed. at the residence n.Mra. O. tl. Jackson. Mike H. H.illtnau. a laborer of Audubon. Ta . tiled a voluntarv iietltlon In bntik ruptcv ostcrduy In the I'nltcd States dis trict coirt hete. Ills labilities uRnrcRate VM !).". iiKiilnst which he has no assets to offer. Flovd Cole, charged with b-r iU m: l"t ' (ho storo of C. l,o-."th on Sixteenth ave nue and Seventh street en the nUht of August is last, had his preliminary hea--Inr hi. fori. Justice Ferrlrr ycs.crday nft ernoon n'ld was ill'iharced. tile, cvtd 'li e being Insutllelent to warrant binding aim over to the grand Jury. Chief of Police Albro tecelved a letter esterdav from William Mill " mm ,u. Wis. asking him to locate Louis llub'n un i.ij uiriiuoii The votine man rini" , Cnniicll (Huffy nbout rlKht weeks inn and Is supposed to be working for s line lnllroad company. 11111 Is HrK iinu wains vounK Itoblnson to return home. llev J Sims will oicuoy the pulpit to morrow morning at the lllondwny Mel odist church In the absence of Mie pastol Iter M. C. Wnddell. There will he no preaching service In the cvenltin. Sund iy school will be held at noon. meeting of th Junior Kpworth league at 1 p. m aivl the meeting of the Senior F.pworlh lentil" nt 7 p. m The police received woril esterday tlm the suit of clothes aliened to have bre-i stolen nt Tara. la., by Thomas Kelley, an Illinois Cenlral railway section band ar rested In this city, has lieeti found where Kellev Is supposed to have bidden It. Kel ley Is still at the city Jail' here, hilt til? nuthoiilles at Tarn are expected to come for him today. Murray mid Mack la "h'innlguii s HaJJ nl the bohany thenter Mtmlnv night wt ,i.,,,i,i i.. n .ir.-iwlnir .itiriu lion lor theatergoers. It N said Ibil the sccn-ry Is niaRtilllcent. RorReous MMtinius. wl Hi a bevy of pretty Rlils and funny cmudlars, and with MurrH and Mm-k It Is enoujn to tnsnre a Rood farce lomedv nnd "i collent entertainment all the way throng l. Mrs Mollle Tripp nccunyliiR part of a res dence Cut-off with' Mr-. Kll'-ab-ih Hpraktls, was arrested esterduy mornhiR on complaint of the latter who chaiRed h r with ste-llnR a silk shirtwaist At he hearliiK before JudRe Aylesworth In tb" afternoon there was no evidence fotthcoin IriR beyond the .omplalnliiR wltness s word to show that Mrs. Tripp Imd ever seen th parmcnt and the court prompfy dlscharRed Mike Smith, the ynuns fellow chai-Rcd with stcnllilR coal from Minor Jennings ards. had a urelltnlniiry liearlnK befoie lustlco Vlen yesterdav afternoou and was bound over to the Rrnnd Jur. Ills lm I was (lxed In the sum of tlfn) on condition tint he keep away from the saloons, but IT r rourt learnei be was frcinenlliiR them the bond would he raised to $1 0j Smith ex to furnish a bond today I'eiiillnK which he was recommitted to the county In"- , .. Further word concemliiR lh.- death or Wllllatii Schott at Hakerstleld. (.Ml., was received by his mother Vf'!",1r',n.yi.,.n!Jr!!n!5i It appears that he dropped dead In i J'"'' and 'the doctors pronounced the ca use .to be heart failure. VounK Schott left here nbout three years iiro and when ust beard fro about a year iiro. he was borliiR lor nil thouRh he wns a baker by trade. 1 he fnmlly here understood lie was married o it west u year iiro, but thev know nothing ubotit his family N. V. I'lumblnc Co., teleonono ISO. Delays the Sort lor. OwlnK to tuo repairs on tho blK smoke stack at tho powor house not bclnK com pleted, the motor company has been forced to postpone tho opening of Its ICast Omaha eervlro over tho Tcrmlnnl company's hrldRc. announced for today, until about ten days later. While tho repairs on tho smoke stack nro In process the company Is obliged to use the old nowrr house and with the nddl- tlonal service to Lako Mnmiwa would be ..nnt.iA in furnish sufficient power for the Kast Omata Hue. Davis sells paint. DEMOCRATS ARE VERY COY County Offices May Almost Go by Default This Year. CANDIDATES SCARCER THAN HEN'S TEETH D D . of Omaha, former pastor of the same church of which Mr. Officer had been a lending member since Its organization. The music wns furnished by n quartet composed of Mesdnines Mullls. W. W. Sherman and Messrs. Charles Illgdon and W. V. Thick stun. Following the services nt the house the remains were taken to Walnut Hill cem etery, where Interment was private. The pallbearers, all deacons of the First Pres byterian church, were: Judge J. II. Heed. Dr. Woodbury, J. II. Westcott. L. C. Kmp klo, F. U. Warner, J. M. Oursler. C. l'arma lee and F. Hoagland. Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap. Patriots I'litrlllliiR In Snorlllcc TIiimii Neltes In it Hopeless Contest unit the County Committee Is In u Hellenic rrccllciioieiil. The democrats are experiencing consid erable difficulty in securing candidates who nrc willing to accept tho party nomina tions for the vnrlous county offices to bo voted on next November. Nearly eery one of the "possibilities" so far approached has llatly refused to be led out like a Iamb for the slaughter. They are not willing to expend their time nnd money-running after offices to which they realize they can not bo elected. The difficulty In securing candidates Is what has prompted County Chairman Zurmuehlen to put off to such n late date the call for the county conven tion, lie was fearful that If he called It nny sooner there would be the same ex perience as at the Judicial rnnv;ntlon, when the democrats had to adjourn for the sim ple rcniion that they wore unable to dls cotcr any candidate willing to accept the nomination and make the race. Now that the call for tho county conven tion has been Issued the lenders of the county democracy are making a grand hustle to find sufficient candidates to ac cept the nominations. So far their ef forts have not met with much success. For clerk of the district cctirt C. H. Mc Crady of Macedonia has been npproached with the offer of the nomination, but ao far he has not consented to be considered n candidate. Mr. McCrady Is a prominent Implement, denier , of Macedonia anil his friends say that under no clrcumstnnces will he permit his name to come before the convention In connection with the nom ination for clerk of the district court. Ills Is the only name mentioned so far In con nection with this nomination. I.oenl Plltrlots tie Wary, For the nomination for county auditor pressure has been brought to bear upon Thomas Howman and Louis Zurmu-hlen, Jr., both of this city, to accept the nomina tion, hut they hate both refused. Tho leaders of the party are now hunting for some one who will be willing to nccept the "honor." No democrat has been found yet who wanls th nomination for county recorder, but it is said that Hoscoe Harton of Avorn Is billing to ofler himself as a sacrifice In the Interests of democracy and accept the nomination fcr canity attorney. John 1'. Organ was the choice for this nomination, but he has retuscd to run for any ofllce. In the matter of the nominations for two members of the Hoard of County Super visors there seems to be more hope for the democrats, ns It Is said that there are at least four members of tho partv who uro anxious to try their rnances nt "rsvur Ing a seat on the board. Tho four men tioned as possible candidates for the nom inations are: (leorge Dye of C.irscn. Hu Rcne Stupfel of Hardin township. James Holler of Wright township and Link In gram of Keg Creek township. The convention Is called for Wednesday, September 26, nnd the caucuses to select delegates will be held Friday evening, September 21. I'olltlcnl Not ci.. Tho speaking campaign for the republican party will begin In this city and county nl.out October 1. and It Is proposed to keep thlncs humming from that time until th day of election. Tho schedule of speakers Is now being prepared and will be ready for announcement In a few days. Chairman Wright of the republican county central committee Is hopeful of being nble to recure I'nltcd Stntes Senator Dolliver for a speech here. A number of good speakers are being ar ranged for the weekly meetings of the Mc-Klnlcy-Hoosevelt club. Captain Ferrler expects to have the new uniforms for the McKlnley Ouard here he fore tho meeting next Thursday night. The uniforms for tho Colored Voters' Marching club have also been ordered and are ex pected hero shortly. The latter will .con sist of gold cap3 and capes and white Icg gliis. The members will carry torches. The uniform of the McKlnley Ouard will be tho same as four years ago, white duck suits, helmets and leggings and the mem bers will carry llambcaux. IK-alth Ofllcer I'hll Wurrham Is out for the democratic nomination for Justico of the peace. .i"ri:i, i iimiALF of oUiViisto.v .Mnyor .Icnnlnu" t rue tlir Cltlr.cn to Cont rllmtc to the Itellef. Mayor Jennings has Issued an nppeal to tho vltzens of Council Hluffs to contribute to the relief of the terrible disaster nt Oolveston'. The following proclamation was Issued by him yesterday: Olllce of the Mayor, Council Muff. li.. Sept 14, 1'irt. To the Citizens of Council Hluffs: The reports from Onlveston show the recent calamity which has befallen f'O 'iiilf rlty and vicinity to be one of the most appulllng history has ever recorded nnd the suffering there existing appeals for help from every quarter of our country Subscription lists will be found at Camp Hros.' drug store and I ask our charitable citizens to contribute ns liberally us they can to the relief of our distressed coun trymen. Those who desire can mull thc.r checks to me and 1 will see the proper ircdtt Is given through the paiiers. VICTOR JF-NNIN.()S, Mayor. The mayor Is anxious that his appeal be liberally responded to, so thnt he will be enabled to forward a good-sl.cd check to the authorities of the storm-devastated Texas ilty. Speaking of his appeal, he said: "Council Hluffs cannot afford to stand back. ICvery city of nny size In the country Is responding liberally to the ap peal for help that has gone up from Texns. The nerds of the survivors of the nwful ratnstrophc arc pressing and $1 contrib uted nt the present time will do more good than $5 later on. Tho people of Gnlvcston hate always been to tho fore when assist ance was needed for other cities and now In their hour of dlro distress they should receive the same assistance that they have so freely bestowed on others In the past. Kvery citizen should contribute nt least something to help swell the fund and keep up tho name of Council Hluffs." In accordance with "an order Issued by Hlshop Cosgrnve of this, diocese a collec tion will be taken up nt both the Catholic churches In this city tomorrow nt the early and morning masses for tho relief fund for the (liilvcstnn storm victims. DES MOINES GUESSED WRONG Census Returns on Iowa's Capital Aro a Surpriso to the Residents. POPULATION SHOWS A GOOD INCREASE lottn Women ( nil on lloinlllonn Stutf Ccntrul Com in It too mill (lifer the .SuKUesdon Tliut They Ho I2n ouuriiKoil to Ortcnnlre ('lull. Last Thursday W. A. Maurcr of Coun cil Hluffs paid as duties Into the customs house of this city upwards of $2,000 upon several carloads of imported earthenware. r.nilmruo on I'livlliK. It Is beginning to look very doubtful If cry much more or In fart any more pav ing will be laid this year. The work on North Main street will be completed In a day or so. when Contractor Wlckhani will commence the (iraham avenue sewer. K. A. Wlckluim has a number of men can vassing the property owners on tho streets ordcted paved for signatures to waivers to all objection lo the paving assessment. The canvass on Washington avenue has so far not proven very successful, only four or live property owners having signed the waivers. Most of tho property owners say they are anxious for the paving nnd that it should he done this year, but contend thnt the contractor should be willing to take the certificates DES MOINKS. Sept. 14. (Special Tele gram.) The announcement of tho official census showing the population of Dts Mclnes to be 02,139 was received with sur prise and wonderment by most of the citi zens of Dps Moines today. While the city has generally claimed from 70,000 to 75. oao, It was confidently believed that the official returns vsould show from 70,000 to 7.000. Tho surprise at the aggregate re turns changed to good feeling and rejoic ing, however, when It was nolle. (I that the percentage of Increase was 24, an excellent Bhowlng for the capital city within the past decade. Tho most surprise at tho returns was evidenced among the postal authori ties of Des Moines. Tho postal officials were loudest In their claims, Immediately after the completion of the census by Su pervisor Hlgglns and his assistants, that thousands had been omitted In the enumer ation. The nuthorltlrs nrr still of the opinion that the otflrlal figures do not do Justice to Des Moines. The olllclal figures announced today are 4,000 less than tho returns of tho postal census taken In Fel ruary, lStifi, which showed Des Molncs to bo over tit;,O0O then, l the authorities claim there has surely been no decrease since then. The census office today nnnouueed the population of Des Moines. The figures are: moo, U2,i;in; iso, &u,u:ij. nie ngures show for the city as n whole an Increase In population of 12,010, or 24.05 per cent from ISI'0 to 1900. The population by wards. In 1900 Is as follows: First ward, 9.407: Second ward, S.533; Third ward. 11.109; Fourth ward, 9,344; Fifth ward. 8.32.": Sixth ward, 10,77; Seventh ward. 4,659. The grouth of the city has been as follows: 1900. 62,139; IS9.1. f,3.19; 1S90, 50.093; 1RS5. 32.498; 18S0, 22.408; IS75, 14,443; 1870, 13, 035; 1860, 3,965; 1850. 502. .onress Will io Free. Miss Mattle Mash, the young negrcss who confessed to the murder of William Foster, the colorifl attorney, will in all probability go free. Her attorneys havo In their possession an affidavit signed by Foster while ho was In the hospital fully exonerating her from all blame and recog nizing tho Justice of her nlleged provoca tion. The girl's claim that she was driven to desperation because Foster seduced In under promise of marriage and then re fused to marry her Is apparently corro borated and Is fully believed. I'nder th circumstances, it is not bellcvjl an In dictment will be found against her. Im mediately upon the. death of Foster yes terday afternoou, uu officer placed her un der arrest and she occupies a cell In the city Jail. Her father U well off and says ho will spend all his wealth If necessary lu defending his daughter. The republican women of Iowa will lm given an opportunity to take part in the campaign for McKlnley nnd Itoosevelt. Tho republican stuto central committee was called upon by well known women to- Hollow Eyes - Sunken Cheeks Tell of coming nervous prostration These symptoms serve to wrti yon that danger threatens HUDYAN AVERTS THE DANGER. for Ht'DYAN cures all weak nerve conditions. Ht'DYAN brings back the glow of health rosy complexion and bright eyes. Is your appetite poor, your digestion Impaired (2). your tongue coated, your skin harsh nd dry. your memory poor? If so, take Ill'DYAN. Are you weak, Irritable, cross, des pondent, gloomy, nervous? Do you lack confldenco in yourself? If so, "Hl'DYAN will euro you." Do you suffer with headache (3), backache, pain In Joints (C), fluttering of heart (1), a feeling of exhaustion, dizziness, cold extremetlcs (5), nausea, n tendency to faint, dark circles under eyes (4), ringing In cars, shaking knees, weakness of limbs, pale or sallow complexion. If you do. Ret HL'DYAN nt once. "It will cure you." HUDYAN euros tremblings, sleeplessness, coated tongue, costlvencss, bloating of stomach, sharp pains, shooting pains, lack of energy, falling memory, twitching of muscles, horrid dreams. Hmotherlng spells and all other distressful symptoms thnt arise as a result of weak ened nerves and nervo centers. All the uhove symptoms denote nerve-wenliness Hl'DYAN is a nerve remedy thnt Is superior to any others, and Is recognized so hv emi nent medical men. HL'DYAN Is an unfailing specific for all the conditions mentioned above. Be cured by HUDYAN. Don't Become a Nervous Wreck, o o 0 o 0 o 0 o o o o 0 o 0 o 0 HUDYAN 19 for mon nnd women and euros pcrinuiictitly Get Hudyan KUMIiDY CO , an IVaiiclscc, Oil. from yon drnrrulfit, 60c a pneknuo, six pacling-os 12.50. If your ili'UCKist does not keen it send direct to tho HUDYAN' DOCTORS Of the lliKlynn llctucily '- may be consulted hy letter or in person. Write your symptoms. S12ND FOR FUKK C11U. I'LMW AND TESTIMONIALS OF THE CHEAT HL'DYAN. WHITE. For snle hy Kulm & (.'o . Sherman A: M -I'onuell Drue Co. Mtrr-Dlllnn Drug Co.. J A Fuller & Co. O 0 o. 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o O0O0O0O0OOOO 0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O00O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0O0 of assessment, without an additional guar nntee from tho property owners. Contractor day and the latter'fl suggestion that the Wlckhani on the other hand does not foci Justified In going ahead nnd laying the pav ing nnd then havo the certificates .when ho attempts to collect them, attacked and pay ment of them resisted by the property own ers. When seen yesterday Conti actor Wlckham staled that the matter was still In tho hands of his attorneys and until he se cured an opinion from them, he could not say whether he would proceed with the paving or not. As most of the paving on Ilroadwny between Twelfth nnd Thirteenth streets will be paid for by the Illinois Cen tral railway this contract, Mr. Wlckham said, would be carried out as Boon as the curhlnc was ready. Domestic soap sella on Its morlts. Commonwealth 10-cent cigar. rremtume given with Domestic soap. Itrnl 13tn( Trnnsfors. The followltift transfers wer tiled yes terday In the abstract, title and ban llt'c of .1 W 8iiulrt, 101 Pearl street: Charles Deetken and wife to 1' rd ( . Wegener, lot II, block 1. Oak drove nddltlon w il . . . "' Andrew Chrlstensen and wife to 11 llani B Hamford. r'n -e'4 '.'-i. -12- , w d - ' Andrew Chrlstensen mid wile to Henry Hentlnge, se neit 2S 77 42. W d.. l.fi Three transfers, total J 1' LADIES New Fall Shoes nt HAMILTON'S 412 BROADWAY. Illnlrli't Court .Votes, Mri. I.lef Hurke commenced suit lu the district court yesterday for divorce from William Hurko to whom she was married In Do Witt. Neh.. July 11. ISSfi. She al leges cruelty a grounds for the annullmeut of her marriage. In addition to the di vorce she nslis for the custody of their only child, a daughter aged 0 sears and that sh be given the homestead and $10 per month as permanent alimony, f 150 as temporary nlitr.ouy ponding the suit, $50 In order to prepare her caae and $200 attorney fees. W. S. Davis, Indicted for the larceny of a bicycle from the I.nthrop Novelty com pany of this city, enterod n plea of guilty and was sentenced to thirty days In the county Jail. Davis has been ubout seven teen weeks in Jull awaiting trial. The case of H. Douglas, Jr., against I.ouls Douglas and other heirs of the late H. Douglas was. on application of the plain tiff, rein dated yesterday, the order of dis missal being set aside and vacated as Inad vertantly made. The parties to the sul havo been unable to agree upon a partition of the estate. The re'lt Jury Is summoned for next Mon day, when tho trial of law cases will he commenced. Tho trial of criminal cases, of which thero Is nn unusual number, will not be taken up, so County Attorney Klllpack stated yester day, before the first or second weok in Oc tober As Judge Macy has to hold court at Red Oak next month. It Is probable that a number of the criminal cases will have to go over until tho November term. Gravel roofing. A. H Head, Ml Broadway. r.0.000 cakes Domestic soap used in Coun cil Hluffs last month. I'ltOIIIIUTIOMSTS IM. W Il.l,l, , Ciiiiilhtntro fur President mid Vice President Will Spenli nt I'l. Ilodnr. FOUT DODGB. la., Sept. II. (Special Tel egram.) One of the biggest prohibition campaign meetings to be held In the wos. this fall will take place In Fort Dodge on Saturday, September 22. Tho arrangements have Just been completed and tho nnnounco mi nt made public. The list of speakers will Include Hon. John G. Woolley, prohibition caudldnto for president, and Henry O. Met calf, candidate for vice president. Other speakers will be Samuel Dickey, ed itor of the Chicago Voice; Volney H. Gush ing, "tho new mnn from Maine:" Oliver W. Stewart, ehnirmnn of tho national prohibi tion committee; Itev. R, L. Baton of tho First Methodist church at Des .Molncs; Hon. M .W. Atwood of Bslhervllle, Colonel l'llls bury of Ragle Grove, candidate for secre tary of state on the state prohibition ticket. Tho presidential and vlco presidential candidates can only remain here for half nn hour, but the time will be well taken up. They will bo met at tho Illinois Central depot and taken to tho Duncombe house, facing the city park, where Mr. Woolley will deliver one of his half-hour speeches. After his departure tho local prohibitionists will devote tho rest of the day to speaking and exercises. L'se Domestic rnap. It's the best. Howell's Antl-"Kawf" cures coughs, colds. FARM LOANS Negotiated in KuMurn rteurak and Iowa. Jamv N. Casady. Jr., W Muln tit I'liincll rutw MONEY TO LOAN,'.'.1:,.';:: Savings Loan and Building Associat'n Council Blufl't. low. hllei'u i lull luvtn I'll r ni er. INDRPBNDBNCB, la.. Sept. II. Elmer Crny, a farmer In Mlddloflold township, was visited by tho whltccaps Inst night. Ho wns severely flogged and treated to a coot of tar and ordered out of the country. Cray iv ns recently pluced under pence bonds for assaulting his father. DottHi'i- SpenkN In Heolson, DENISON. Ia.. Sept. 13. (Special.) I'nltcd States Senator J. P. Dolliver of Fort Dodge addressed a very large udl erec at the Gormanla hnll last evening. wives, mothers and sisters be permitted to show their patriotism In fact, be cn couraged to orgnnlze dubs and take pari In political demonstrations, was well re ceived. The committee heard the womei and were convinced of the practicability of the plan enrolled hy them. No definite action was taken by the committee, but the fair visitors were assured that any thing tho commltteo could do to tV them would be cheerfully performed. William Dudley Foulko, the great re publican orator, is coming to Des Moines September 26. He Is to be tho guest ot the Grant Republican club and will attend a reception nnd banquet nl the club housu. Miss Delia Weeks, the well known army nurse who went to the front with the Fifty-first Iowa, started for Galvestou to day to nurs flood sufferers. She Is sont hy a local paper. Tho features of today's convention of tho locomotive firemen was a discussion of the employmelnt of colored men as firemen. Many colored men are employil as fire men in tho Bouth at lower wages than Is paid white men and tho brotherhood Is Inclined to object. Seme $9,000 In dlsa blllty claims were allowed. Tonight for the convention tho Des Moines Iiro depart ment gave an exhibition run down Wal nut street with fifteen wagons. It Is worth nbout $S,000. It Is understood that .If tho Indlun woman, who is !0 years of age. Is sueiessful In this suit she will bring art Ion to recover other properly In tho vicinity. Tho land originally was given her by the United States government fot services sho rendered In the perfection of a treaty. 0UR prices tlulllvpi Open Count Cnnipnlun, MlSSOl'Itl VAI.I.BV. In.. Sept II. (Spe clal.) The republicans' of Harrison coun'y opened the campaign In this city Inst even Ing. The speaker of the evening. .Senator Dolliver of Iowa, spoke to a large and en thuslastlc audience at the opera house Ills arraignment of tho false Issues of the Hrj nnltes brought forth loud applause A larg. torchlight procession headed hy two ban I paraded tho streets during tho early par of tho evening. Harrison county will g. McKlnley a lnuiclsoino majority. Mliilntrrlnl A III I'nnil OrKanleil. SIOUX C1TV, la., Sept. 14 --(Special Sioux City Is to be the headquarters for il Hoard of Ministerial Aid Fund of the K r gelleal Lutheran Augustntia Synod of Nir America, the articles of Incorporation havii: Just been filed here. The corporation he for Its purpose the aid of sick and superam atcd ministers of tho Augustnna synod i n professors In tho Institutions of learning ! longing to the synod or to Its confeienct and to help the families of such ministers nnd professors. ra i il avinrwmu And thu quality of our work should bo of interest to you if your teeth are not in perfect condition It matters no. how little or how much you havo to be done, wo will be pleased to do it for you, and the charges will bo very moderate. . ..Telephone tin H. A. Woodbury, D. 0- S-, Council BluHs- 30 PBS!-! St. Granl Hotel iff llnliltttnn SpeuUs nt Crrston, CRRSTON, ia.. Sept. U. (Special. )-Con-gressman John S. Hohlnson of Madison spoke here last night to ,i fair sized audience. Amoug the assertions he made was that every prediction made by the democrats four years ago had proven true. Tho whole speech was a disappointment, even to some of his friends, nnd will add srenglh to tho re publican ticket here. Vllllfteii Srlimtl Open, VILlilSCA. Ia., Sept. H. (Special.) The schools aro again In working order, having 640 pupils, of whom eighty are foreign. Mr. Palmer Is again superintendent nnd has rive teachers to assist in the High school work nnd music. There re ten teachers in lower grades. All hut four of tho teachers have taught In our schools boforc. A Cure for AsthniH. Asthma sufferers need no longer leavo homo and business In order to be cured. Nature has produced a vegetable rimedy that will permanently cure Asthma and nil diseoses of the lungs and bronchial tubes. Having tested Its wonderful cura tive powers In thousands of cases (with a record of !0 per cent permanently cured), nnd deilrlng to relieve humnn suffering, I will send free ot churge to all sufferers fiom Asthma, Consumption, Catarrh, Hron chltls and nervous diseases, tUb recipe, In Herman, French or Kngllsh, with full directions for preparing nnd using. Sent hy mall. Address with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Noyes, S3.'i Powers' block. ltochester. N. Y. DOLLIVER SPEAKS AT RED OAK lnu it Alil V.a citoii, Sioux City. Sept. 14. (Special Telegram.) Today Mavor Hurtod sent to Oalveston, Tex., $5t0 as Sioux City's public contribu tion to tho relief fund. Invin mti or, The Itolands creamery Is preparing to put In an Ice making machine. Tho Herman Methodist conference Is now In session In Hurllngton. Tho-opentnT week nt Cornell college shows an Increase In students over lust year. llev. William I., llrny and wife of Shel don expect to spend the winter In the Holy l.n nil I'nnernl of iiioiuiis Olllrer. So large was tho attendance at the fu neral services held yesterdav afternoon at the family residenco on Willow avenue ovwr Ihn latrt Thnninti flljlpnr Ihnl t)a limit., . .. ItlncKburn of Nen was wnouy inadequate to accommodate all nm k island train near Newton mid was and many were compelled to stand on the lawn outside during the services. In ac cordance with the wishes of tho deceased the services were of a most simple char acter. Prayers were read by llev. W. S. Harnes, pastor of the First Prrkbyterlan church, assisted by Itev, Stephen Phelps, A man named Alberts, near Pocahontas, had ono eyo blown out nnd was otherwise injured while, blasting rock with dynamite. A young man who Is supposed to be Hoy ekbuni ot rvepotiBet, ill., leu from a l.i'irii. He was beatlns his way nt the time. .. Northwestern Halo picked un two men from beside the tr-ick between Hlldden diid Carroll, one of them had his leg cut off below tho knee, having been run over hy n train preceding. The other one was only brilsed. The;' wore drunk and fulled to got off tho track, l.urKf CrMvd Present o llenr Ismir of (aniwilKn Presented liy ew Senator. HBD OAK, la.. Sept. 11. (Special Tele gram.) nnln prevented the Dolliver meet ing from being held In the partk this after noon, but more than 1,000 people thronged the nrtnnrv lo hear the new senator make the opening speech of the campaign. He talked two hours, delivering one of tho most brilliant addresses ever given In Red Oak. He spoke of prophesies made by Hrynn four years ago which were not ful filled nnd showed again tho fallacy of Hrynn's 16 to 1 argument. This year, he said, the paramount Issue of ISOti is not men tioned. Instead of issues we havo n few rlnmors presented by democrats. The great Issuo is to prevent democrats from voting down present prosperous conditions. Ho disclosed the mllltnrlsm, trusts and Im perialism. His speech was received with enthusiasm. Another meeting was held In the ovcnlng when Judge Wnlter I. Smith, candidate for congress, delivered the principal address. In spite of tho threatening storm tho armory was well filled and Judge Smith's speech was well received. Fnlr nt Avorn n Siieerin, AVOCA. Ia., Sept. 14. (Special.) Thr fourth annual fair of the Pottawattnmli County Fair association, whhh commencer" here Tuesday, tho nth. has thus far excellc' all past efforts. The weather Wednesday nnd Thursday could not have been better The first day's attendance doubled that o' any preceding year. Thursday the gates sales were 4,400 tickets, which, with tho season and family tickets sold Wednesday brought the attendance up to tho 7,000 mark Friday the weather man gave a change of ulr, accompanied with n drizzling ralr. that dampened the ardor somewhat. Tho floral hnll wos inadequate to nccom modato nil who would exhibit. Space, how ever, was made hy tho local exhibitors re moving their exhibits, giving placo to those from a distance. Indlun Woman Sues for l.unil, SIOCX CITY. In.. Sept. 14. (Special Tel egrnin 1 After thirty-three years Mrs Amelia Mlssourla Timber, a half breed In dian woman, has begun suit to regain pos session of land which she Is alleged to have deeded away In 1S67. The land Is now In the possesion of Mrs. Mary Despnrolt of Sioux City, and le located lo Union county, 8. D. DEATH RECORD. Yiiiiiik Mnti nt Cnlninbus. COMJMHUS, Neb., Sept. 1 1. (Special.) Mark Horcr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ilorer, died ut tho family residenco this morning at 1 o'clock after an Illness of several weeks from typhoid fever. Ho wns 19 years old last April and was a graduate of tho High school class of '00, nnd hud taken ono year nt tho Nebraska university, and was expecting to resume his studios this month. Ho was a member of the Evnns rifles, Company K, and tho funoral will be conducted by thorn Sunday afternoon nt 3 o'clock. Hear Admiral Slciiril, HOME, N. Y.. Sept. 14. Hear Admiral Montgomery Slcnrd died at 9 o'clock this morning of apoplexy at his suburban home, Slsternvllle. HYMENEAL Th n m pso n-Peters, Al.HION, Nob., Sept. 14 (Spciial.)- Wednesday ovcnlng nt the homo of Hon. John Peters occurred the marriage of Frank S. Thompson of this city and Miss Nellie Peters, Itev. Douglas of the Congro- jutlonal church performing tho ceremony. The wedding was a very large ono and was ho great social event of tho season here, ho contracting parties being widely known ml very popular. Mr. Thompson has been i rosldent of this city for many years and ashler of the First National bank ever ilneo its organization in HSS. Miss Nellie 'oters Is tho youngest daughter of Mr. nnd sirs, John Peters. IN VALUE. Some excellent lots, pleasantly located and do sirable for suburban homes, can be had now at reasonable prices. These lot s are located in Omaha, Wright's and Central Sub. additions. This property will steadily increase in value as the city grows in fh at direction and the time to buy is the present. Call at BEE OFFICE, Council Bluffs. IOWA FARMS FOR SALE DAY 6c HESS, M Pearl St . Council Bluffs, Hove fur lllc ii Inriie lUt of InipriM oil fill ing, clilel.cii rnnclira, fruit noil WKrlnlili' llimln iiIno resldi-nt'r mill IttiNlnrfci property In litunell 111 u n s n lid Oiiiiilin. SOIIi: I'Alt.MSl 160 acres Hazel Dell twp.. 11 miles no C. D., 100-acres Missouri bottom land, S miles it good buildings, 1.1 per acre. city, 40 per acre. SO acres near Crescent, well Improved. I3,:40 aPrPs Ilpnr I)arnc Junction, well lm- Ppr aero. proved. $40 per acre. JO acres 5 miles enst, good buildings nnd1-,,. . , , ... fruit, .-0 per acre. 320 a"' 1,1 Ml"r Creck lwP- 550 ',cr acro: GO-nere fruit farm, near city, good Improve- wo" """rocl. incuts, $150 per acre. 213 acres lino bottom land In Hockford twp 30-acre fruit farm adjoining city. $6,000. I $42.fi0 per acre, well Improved. The nl.ov.- U only n sninple of imr lint. JKIXKV I.OtMll) ON I'AIIMS AT r per ecnt Interest, Tclt-pliiiiit ttM, Wi- vlll replace nny llnril foul Slim' In Ciiiini'll Illufls wltli ('ile' OrlKlnnl Hot II 111 h t lleilter, nnil In mi.t clilininv Hull "ill keep lhc from oIiiukIiik. Mill .llliillelllr Till! (1,1! M,I.M!SS, Till! HVMN IIHAT. Til I! XHSHT IIICAT mill Mivr mil llill'd the cunt ( Im-iiIIiik. One and one-fourth tons of soft coal eijuul one ton of hard eoul. THSTMI DM I. COFNCII. HM'FFS. Iowa, Feb II. We have used Cedes lint Illnst, No 100. all winter We linve heated three rooms all this winter mid p.in of the time a fourth room. We have used .ill kinds of hard coal base burners .mil we like it butter than any of them It loaves walls ainl rooms exactly as clean mid we llg ire the stove will pay for Itself In one winter In the money It saves fiver liny other stove we ever used. It Is Just as even and Hteadj a heat as our base burners and you warm up the bouse In the morning with coal put .i ,.. i.. m.iv i. irvi.' tin in,' ihki'l i i"!'. , .....' . . . , ut r......,.lt itl..r. 1 1 TUB COLUMBIA Bevel-Gear Gliainless la tho ideal blcyeln for outing pur poses. AIwhvb read t- ride Always at Its highest oPT-ienc . Practically keeps Itself in urdur 1eliTin Wp Veteran. CINCINNATI. Sept. 14. The National As soelatlon of Mexican Veterans meets at Cleveland next year. The tollowing offi cers were elected: President. HiMieral ; II. Hobson. Kentucky, vice presidents, W. S McCliesnev of Kentucky. I,ero Wiley of Illinois. II. T. Ogden of Ohio, K. M. IJav s of Tennessee. Heneral fieorue F. Mif.lnnls of Indiana. Wl'llam A. Stuart of Tennes see. Josenh Anderson of North Dakota secretary "and treasurer, lietienil Wilbur H Smith. Lexington Ky. . corn BpondliiK secretary. F T. Foster. Cincinnati: miir shul. Samuel I,. M' Fuddon, Indiana. . ' 2 'I r 1 M! IM III.IC TIONS. Al THOU m;i:kii; a I'LUI. lhlir.lt. Maiiiiserips suitable for Issuing In volume form re liilred l l established house lllirrul ti-rmb prompt. ktr.ilKh nor ward irea tineni Address HOUKH 111 Herald St., New Yorlc. 1 Colombia, Hnitrord, Sloriner nntl Priiiiiuit cnnm wiiffii ara leaders In their respective classes Till! COM Mill COASTIlll Hit A K 12 adds yreatlv to the exhilarating qual ity, teMfulnesi lli.U ease f.f cycling Send for Illustrated Hooklet OutliiK. Columbia llleynlra, IIOMI! OFFICU, IIAHTPOUIJ, OT. Neb Cvcle Co . Columbia Dealeri Omaha Hi'Vfle Co., Stormer Denlers, Omaha. Nb Olllce Over 215 South 14th Street. S500 A MONTH. DR.. iVIcGREW SPECIALIST Tr et all I'ormt ot DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF M EN ONLY 25 Year's Experience 14 Years In Omihi. VAniCOCI;LH cured McOr'w at to, aulckly without cut ting or pain SYPHILIS In nil Mnsm cured permanently and for 1 Iv. .Stricture. Iljrtiorele LOSS OP MANHOOD, Night Looses Nertoiit I'obilltj Hlnddor Kidneys Onnurrhi en, dleot. CURES GUARANTEED CHARGES LOW. Klertrh Hy and Medical Treatment com bined THHATMHNT HV MAII... Consul, tatlon fret Hours 8 to S p m Sunday. 0 to 12. P. O. Ilox TCB. Uffoe over 215 Houth llth street, between Farnum and Douclas atresia, Oma ha. Nub ""' D0IMV THEATER Murr nnd MacK, Here Wo nrc Ap.iin Fanmub Hollo king Farce, for, Ktj't I - Cl'IiKH alll. Id icy Diseases, Hack, actio, etc. At 1rui ibtk. or by until, tl. free book, ad vice, etc, of at, U. J. Kay, 3rtoc, N. Y. KldneycuraT With nn all stir Caii Saturday Highi Only, Sept. 15 litll.ES Jot., jQc aud ?Lc.