3'J T3TE OrATTA BATLT BT3E: S ATTTRT) AT, STjrTEfRETl 15, 100C7. TICKET SUITS THEM ALL No Divergoncc of Opinion on Strength of Republican Nominees. CANDIDATES ARE ALL CAPABLE MEN aicmltrrn of llir I'nrlj- In IJotiKlut County rniilliiiip Hi l!iirr Thrlr troliiitlm of the Cull voiilloii'ii Work, HAGUE RECEIVES PROMOTION Krnrnrj' ( oiinlj- ItrptiMU'nnn ninl iiii(p 1 1 1 tn (i llrprrrnl Thrill In Hie l.rclslnltirr. j The people of Kcarnry county had bolter I tiling in store for U. W. Hague, who hail .net opted the nomination of presidential elfrlor When the convention assembled i rerently It deemed Hague the proper man to represent the community In the leglsla ! ture and accordingly he was given n second Without respect to personal ambitions republicans of Douglas county continue to express their approbation of the county and legislative tickets. As the merit of the nominees come home to them, without exception republicans uro showing that prlnio trait loyalty to the will of the ma jority. Here nro u few more expressions from well known leaders: J. H. Van Uuson: "1 am for the re publican ticket from top to bottom, In plte of the fact that 1 failed to securu the nomination for senator. As a South Omaha man I commend the selection of John F. Schultz for senator and Iiurton K. Wilcox for representative; no better men could have been chosen. I nm not per sonally acquainted with many of the others exrept llaldrlKc. who, of course, Is the man for the place.". Dr. W. II. Christie: "I was an ardent t-orkcr for John I.. Webster, but before that I was a republican and always expect to be one. I know nearly every man on tho ticket, but It Is Isn't necessary for mo to commend them to republicans. It Is n muttor of principle, especially In an elec tion of such Importance, rather than of candidates. I know many others of m associates who feel as 1 do and 1 have no fear that there will bo any dauscr to tho tnif0 in Viivumlipr. blvnr. ... --- W. V. Johnson, member of the Hoard nr. Education: "The ticket as u whole is beyond criticism and 1 Imvo no fear but what It will be elected, from statu senator to assessor. There Is one candidate of whom 1 mlKht speak with understanding Henry McCoy, now employed In the I'nlon I'acllle hcailciuartc'rs. McCoy used to ro to school with me at Monmouth. III., and I know his record from boyhood up. As a schoolmate and fellow ward resident of mine I have nlways found him upright and honorable beyond nil question. lie would bo competent and worthy to hold a seat In the legislature." John Steel: "1 am for tho ticket from top to bottom, for there Is so much at stake this time thai I will keep mum about' any preference I might have bad with respect to certain otllces. There Is one man on tho ticket, Albert J. Colcson. for stale senator, whom I have known Intimately for a num ber of years. He Is a fellow countryman of mine representing the Swedish-Americans on the ticket and a man of unques tioned Integrity. Mr. Colcson has a good slock of common sense and will nlways bo found on tho right sldo of a question; with him his personal honor Is u moro precious thing than any other consideration. As for tho others, everybody known and respects llaldrlgo nud a better man nover trod shoo leather than Mel Uhl. I And that tho ills appointed republicans are coming to recog nize the merit of tho ticket nml all feollnx is rapidly dying out. I don't believe there will bo u trace of It left by November." Judge Irving V. tl.ixter. district bench: "With one except Inn I know personally every candidate on the ticket and they are nil strong. cn-aMn men, worthy of supp.irt. 1 nm ono of those who believe that the re publicans should submit their differences at the primaries nnrt abide steadfastly by tho result. When any discontented ones realize that the election In November will dccldo the political complexion of tho county anil even of tho state they cannot afford to irdulgo In any scratching and I do not believe nny will be dono." M. A. Hall: "Although I do not know all tho candidates. I have mado Inquiry nboul them and find them all well spoken of by their ncq alntances. When peoplo all prnlse a n m behind his back 1 regard that as a pretty good sign that ho Is all right. All my ward supporters will turn In and work for tho ticket. There Is no soreness among them; they simply realize thut It In a case of tho other fellow being the stronger. We'd havo gathered In tho fruits, too, If we could. Of tho candidates I know Mel Uhl and llaldrlgo particularly well and bellevo they will both run ahead of their ticket." Judge Leo S. Kstelle: "As an old soldier I should like to say n word for John Parish, for county attorney. Ills father was shot In tho civil war when John was 2 years old nnd ho has mndo himself tho capablo attor ney and squnro man that ho Is under con siderable illlUculty. Ho Is Just tho man for the place, with plenty of lmckbono and brains to exocuto his duties without fear or favor." runrrpssmnn David II. Mercor: "I should like to testify that the republican ticket fi exceptionally strong irom top to iiouoin nml oiicht to bo elected by a largo major ity. I cannot very well pay n trlbuto to nny particular candldnte, because I Know thorn nit and they nro nil equally deserving of a good word. v. M Stenlierir. donntv roclster of deeds 'I nm futlv niitlntteil with Hie character nnd ability of every candidate on tho ticket and bolleve that It Is sulllclently strong to draw heavily from tho ranks of tho enemy. I know almost every nominee personally and couldn't havo made nny bettor selection myself." Clicnp Itnte Kxourslonn, Bee fluent Northwestern line for cheap excursion rates to Hot Springs, S. D., dur ing month of September. nomination. His resignation as electoral candidate Is In the hands of the republican state committee and will be transmitted to the secretary of state. In the place of Hague the state committee has selected ex Sccrctnry Chrlstcnsen of tho Kearney county central committee to serve ns elec tor. Chrlstcnsen Is a Dane of high stand ing In Mlnden nnd the surrounding country. He has served as secretary of the county committee for thrco years. I'nilnreil Itentli'x AkoiiIom, Only a roaring tiro enabled J. M. Oarrett son of San Antonio, Tex., to lie down when attacked by asthma, from which ho suf fered for years. Ho writes his misery was often so great that It seemed he endured the agonies of death, but Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption wholly cured him. This marvelous medicine Is the only known cure for aslhtnn as well ns consump tion, coughs nnd colds and nil throat, chest and lung troubles. Price, .0c nnd 1.00. Ouarantccd. Trial bottles freo nt Kuhn & Co., druggists. Hayden Hros.' ad la on page 7. look It over. Will you Illinois Centrnl I!xei rslon. On September 18. 21 nnd 2t we will sell round trip tickets from Omaha to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Waseca, Watervllle, Mndlson l.ahi' and Duluth at rate of ono pare plus $2.00. Home Visitors' excursion tickets on sale September 25 to nearly all points In Illi nois. Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin at ono fare plus $2.00 for the round trip. All tickets limited for return until October SI. Full particulars at City Ticket Oftlec, 1402 Fnrnam street, or address W. II. Drill. D. P. A., Omaha. I, on est Itnti'N of thr Sec, son VIA TUB NORTHWKSTKIIN LINK. ALL POINTS In Iowa. Illinois, Wlsconslji, Minnesota, Northern Mlchlg.tn. TWO DOLLARS, PUS ONK FA tin Hound Trip! Minimum Hate, $7. September 20. City Oltlces. "MOt-HOU Farunm Street. Horsey : to Slum FiiIIn. Ve.Mtorilnv tlmuilt. I'niln.l at,..... sha Pearsall started to tho rii.nix nln Ponltentliirv with Frank M. Dorsov After Ills siirtoniior to the marshal Pnrsev was anxious to leave Omaha and seemed to shrink from meeting former acquaintances II" remained nil day Thursday In the olllro of tile iimrMiiiil t Hi.hIah . i........ i... night, but ciuld not be tnlton until Marshal .wiiiiH'wa reiiirneu to me city. Iern- nml Drive tiff Witt-uia. If there nro unrmu nr hiMuiinB ...... kind In tho human body, Cascarcts Candy Lninarue win nml. Kill and expel them. All druggists. 10c, 2,'c, fiOc. "" I S OP HI IMCII-'IU ItAll.WA Y. ry Low Itntrs. On Tuesday, Sept. 18. To points In Kansas, Arkansas. Indian nml Ot;lalmmn territories, Texas and eertnln nnlntq in th.. south, southenst, Bouthwest. To Kansas City Septembor 2!, 30, October 1 to 6 Inclusive. To St. Louis Scntemhnr 2l nnil flft rw. bcr 1 to 5, inclusive. For further Informntl dress company's olTlces, H. K. corner Four- teentti and Douglas streets. THOS. F. ClODFRKY. P. & T. A. J. O. PHILLtPlT, A. O. F. P. A. Tho less money people havo to buy with tho greater our obligation in vlvn i,..m full value. Hayden Hros.. with a big ad on pago 7. r.,7tiil LAI 13 CtHTAI.N IN ft. n. WHIU IC Solil lir the CImI m" Aneiit of the Uqll ronrt .lust n The)' Ar TO 1JOSTON STOKE, OMAHA. ON SALE MONDAY. , This immense lot of lace curtains was wrecked on the way between New York and St. Louis. The majority of these curtains are In perfect condition and In full pairs. Some of tho cases were broken, however, and the curtains In them became slightly soiled. These will bo sold singly so much each. We divide the entire lot In Just 6 lots for Monday's Bale. All the odd curtains, worth from $3.50 to JC.r.O a pair, go In 2 lots at 29c nnd 49c each. All tho ruffled Swiss curtains go at 25c a pair. All the perfect high grade curtains go at $1.2.1, ll.fiS and J2.9S a pair. Don't miss this noportunlty. Further particulars In today's and Sun day's pnpers. BOSTON STOnn, OMAHA. N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas. Turn right to pago 7 and read Hayden Hros.' nd. I'letiirenne rolornilo li the title of the most nttractlvc pub lication over gotten out by a railroad on tho subject of scenery nnd resorts. It Is Issued by the passenger department of the COLORADO & SOl'THERN HY.. whose line reaches the grandest scenic portions of tho state, as well as tho lead ing health nnd pleasure resorts. Copy of this handsome book sent to nny address on receipt of .1 cents, to cover postngo. T. K. I'ISHEIt, Oeneral Passenger Agent, Denver, Colo. P. S. Our other handsome publication. "Colorado Heauty Spots," sent on receipt of 1 cent In postage. tillllll I'tNlllllst. Spirit Lake. OkoboJI, Lake Washington. Waseca. Eagle Lake, ltlver Falls, Solon Springs, Rice Lake. Raydeld, Ashland. C.ng oblc, Watcrsmeet and numerous lakes near St. Paul and Minneapolis. They are all good fishing places nnd nre quickly nnd comfortably reached by tho Northwestern Line. Cheap rate excursions September IS. 21 and 2il. Limit. October 31, 1000. (Hty ticket oflice, 1101 and 1 10:! Fnrnam street. The I'nlon Veteran Republican club will hold Its meeting nt Wnshlngton hall Satur day, September 1.1, at K p. m. HiiBlncss and Bpeaklng. W. C. McLENN, Secretary. Every dollar saved Is sa'ely saved Hay den Hros. save you. Read their ad on pago Kelley, Stiger & Co. School Shoes School begins Monday and the boys and girls will havo to be fitted out. In OOOD. 3EHV1CKAHLE SHOES. Our misses' $t.S0 shoes are Just the thing extension solos lace sizes U to 2 only $1.G0. Our line of $2.23 ladles' shoes (for the young ladles) Is the best that money can buy all sizes nnd widths, from 2'd to S Hoys' nil solid leather shoes every pair warranted sizes 'i'i to Gli only $1 85. Some Special Bargains On tho bargain counter you will find some children's $1 r.O shoes sizes S to 11 that we nre selling for T.'.c. And some misses' shoes sizes 11 to 2 that were $1.S,1 we are selling them for Me Our $.1.1." ladles' extension sole shoe button and lare new Cuban heel -Is as good us you will dnd anywhere for $3.'.0. Kelley, Stiger & Co. Cor. I5tii and Parnam. old Aro made of 22-karat gold and are shaped to acstmllate the natural tooth, hao a Una polish and wilt wear a lifetime. Gold Crowns $.100 (Sold Fillings $1.&0 up Silver Fillings 7-lr Talt's Philadelphia Dental Rooms l.-.n iiotisiiiH st. I Ladies' newest $ man-tailored Two Trains Daily to Denver. I.v. Oninliu 4:25 p in today. At. Denver 7:H5 a in tomorrow. Lv. Omaha 1 1 p in to Jay. Ar. Denver i:'20 p m tomorrow. Sept. 18 ilie Next Excursion. $111.0(1 to Denver and Return. $15).00 to Colorado Springs and Return. $H).0() to Pueblo and Return. $:i'2.(H) to Salt Lake and Return. Return good until October 31, 1900. City Tlokot Office 1324 Fnrnam Stroot. Tol. 310. suits, skirts, waists, furs, wrappers, dressing sacques at prices that should and will interest all the women of Omaha. The values are simply unmatcliablc. Ono lot of ladies' liiiloi'-in.idc suits in colors and black, the very best materials, sold elsewhere tit $111; your choice Saturday only 57.no. Ladies' swell tailor-made Suits at .?ll..r0, $13. ?17.f0 and $lL SILK DRESS SKIRTS. Our linos in tho now autumn styles are now ready for your inspection. 2Si SilkRkirts with now flounce, elaborately trimmed and sold by other houses at $lS.r0; Saturday at Ilaydelfs for $10.00. Other remarkable values at 15.00. $20.00,' $2.-).()0 and ?.o,.".00. One lot. of ladies' black rainy day skirts, double breasted, ex tra heavy, others advertise them for $0.00; Saturday's price at llayden's $1.0S. Ladies' Dress Skirts in serges and Venetians at $5.00, $7.50. $10.00 and $12.00. 200 skirts all in one lot; your choice Saturday as long iis they last for $1.9S. LADIES' SILK WAISTS 250 ladies' silk waists, in pink, blue, cerise and all colors; regular $15.00 waists; your choice for $2.00. Ladies' Waists made of tho famous Winslow Taffeta silk; every garment warranted not to crack ; in all color and black for, each' $5.00. Ladies' early fall jackets, tans, browns and blacks at $1.08. Ladies' now Dressing Saccules, 20 dozen, in pink, blue, gray tind dcardinal, at $1.50. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY. 10 dozen ladies' Dressing Sacques, worth $1.25 for 5!)c. 20 dozen ladies' Porealino Tiidei-skirts. worth $1.00. for 10c. !t." dozen ladies' rnderskirts, in all colors and black, worth up to $2.50, for OSe. One lot ladies' Silk Waists, at $1.08. 150 ladies Collarettes, worth $:U)0, for $1.25. 50 dozen ladies Wrappers on sale at .'50c each. 100 dozen ladies' Wrappers, worth $1.50, for OSe. I j 2 Low Rates Next Tuesday Pay you to drop In and got posted about our Home seekers' excursion rates ot Tuesday, Scptorabcr 18. Tboy-ro VHIIY low one faro plus (2 for tho round trip to points In Arizona, Arkansas, llrltlsh Colum bia, Colorado, Idaho, Indian Territory. Kansas, Montana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, I'tah, Washington and Wyomlns. Ticket Olflot, 1 502 Farnam St. Tel. 260. Burtinoton station, 10th and Mason Sts. Tel. 120. RATTAN FURNITURE. Chairs, Rockers, Settees, Couches, in Great Variety. Ladies' Rattan Sew- $1 75 ing Rocker Lidies Fancy Rattan Sewing; Rocker, medium high back, nicely finished, price 70 on'y & This elegant large Comfort Rattan Rocker has full roll arms and scat nicely A 20 finished; a Bargain at ' Fancy Rattan Parlor Rockers, finely finished, made of best ma-, terial, attractive de- $A 25 signs. Price " Fancy Rattan Parlor Chairs, suitable for corner, richly de signed and fine fin- A 90 Jcllr4 Pi! f a ...... . I Elegant Arm Rattan Chair, very attractive design, Jfll 00 finely finished. Extra value at Rattan Divans and Settees, large variety, attract- $1 1 00 ive designs, at $18.0f), $14.50, $12,00 and . y 1 1 Store Open Saturday Evening Until 9 O'clock Orchard & Wilhelm Garpe 1414, 1416 and 1418 DOUGLAS STREET, The School Bell Rings On Monday, September 17th, calling the children to school. It ringa hero today calling attention to an ex ceptionally large and well selected stock of school room necessities. Trade logic has been at work. Perfection in styles, reliability, in makes and materials, have not only been sought and secured, but large orders placed early, boforo tho rush of tho fall manufacturing began. School Boys'. Clothing The selling of boys' and children's cloth ing has been great this week. 'Twill bo greater today. $1.25 will buy a boys' school suit, in a pretty line of bioken plaids, mado to give perfect satisfaction to tho wearer. $1.50 will buy a boys' school suit, in a Boys' School Shoes Saturday will be a great day in our boys' school shoo department, and extra help will help us out of tho trouble. $1.10 will buy a boys' satin calf, all solid school shoe, 13 to 2, ovory pair guaranteed to give entiro satisfaction. $1.25 will buy a boys' satin calf, all nrntiv linn nf ehnrki'rl rMiMsiniMrnq $l!75 will buv a bovs' school suit, in a olid school shoe, 2i to 5i, and a guar pretty selection of gray Scotch mixtures, "ntoo with each pair, properly cut and will lit well. I $1.00 willbuy apairof ourlittlogonts $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50 will give lsH), made of satin calf, to 13. you a nobby line ol boys school suits in half a dozen different stylos of cloth and' colors, pin stripes, checks, etc. Boys' Russian Blouse Suits The newest and swellest suits ot tho sea son, some with military fronts, some with $1.25 will buy a boys' kangaroo calf shoe, that's bficn a favorite with tho boys, dressy and durable. $1.50 will buy a missos' tan shoe, with extension solos, mado in tho latest stylo, regular 2 values, 12 to 2. B to IS. vestees, some with line leather belts, all of You can gladly rectify any mistakes you thoni new and up-to-date, $3.75, $5.50 and make in your buying. Quick and prompt $(. 50. service on Saturday. Women's Outer Garments. All the notable novelties that should bo hero all tho chic, choice, correct, desirable and depondablo find first and freest exposition in this great and growing store, price offerings and stylo such as tho expert shopper does not expect to find elsewhere. New Blouse Suits Strikingly handsome effects, now walking suits, new otons, tight fitting, magnificently man-tailored garments, high class materials, broadcloths, cheviots, Venetians, homespuns, etc., rich autumn colorings and black, military and fancy collars, no w "puff" sleeves, tailor stitching, taffeta and velvet trimmed, now gir dles, new gilt and mohair braid trimming,now flaring skirts with in verted pleated back, all garments that are distinctive from anything shown elsewhere and guaranteed perfect fitting at 1 O Pj SL $35, $29.75, $22.50, $19.75, $1(5.75 and k) kJ . J kJ Mini i -nm i m Jp M FALL Scne,d-s- SILK WASSTS, WOOL WAS1TS, WALKING ' SKIRTS, Underskirts AYDENs Boys' and Youth's Clothing School And n beautiful vnrlot.v l'KTTI COATS. Kvcry ilny wo nn roivlvlns some thing now. Conio and sec. No troulilo to hIiow goods. flfSCDFELD y !UQAtffl.SUITCO. 1510 DouulusSt RED FIRE Wo nro lit position to fill orders for all Kinds of Tableaux Fire on bhort notice. Supplied In one-fourth, ono-lmlf, ono and five pound tin cans. Wo furnish In HI-3D, HiaiM, rmiSKX and WIllTK. Prlces-ono-fourth pound ean, 20c; ono-half pound can, SOc; ono pound can, BOc. Much lower quota tions furnished on larger quantities. wn cut Ditufl r-mcrcs. 23c Monnen's Talcum Powder, wo soil.. 12c 2I)C Packer's Tnr Soap, wo sell 'IBo $1.00 Peruna, wo sell 7Bc 25c Laxative riromo Quinine, wo sell.. 15c $1,00 Scott's nmulslon, wc sell 75c $1.".0 l'Vllow's Syrup, we sell $1.20 Jl.oo Malted Milk, wo sell 7Gc jl.00 I.laterlne, we sell C5e 2",c Tetlow's Swnlisdown, we sell.... He $1 00 Cramer's Kldnoy Cure, we sell.. 7De Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co Write for t lie N'ew Catulosiie Coll. 1GT1I NU DOI'UK. OMAHA Boys' Knee Pants Suits in ages 3 to 10, fancy vest suits, sailors and plain, duuhlo breasted styles. Fine-all wool of sn.K in neat light and dark shades, cannot be equaled elsewhere for less than $'. 50 llayden's special offer, only Jfl.Tsi. Hoys' tine Knee Pants Suits, ages : to 1(5, vestee sailor and plai double breasted styles, heavy weight serges, cassimere and worsted, to 5 would be considered good values elsewhere here for only, 2.50. Hoys' very line Knee Pants Suits, ages .' to 1(5, fancy vestee suits, .'-button cutaway coat, with vest and knee pants; also line plain double breasted suits with extra fancy vest, cannot be equaled elsewhere for less than $5. f0 to ?(i here for onlyy "?:. 75. Hoys' Long Pants Suits, ages Hi to 19 cut in single or double breasted vest, tine all wool fabrics, in tweeds cassiuieres and wor steds, extra well lined and tailored, equal to the $10 to $l suitH elsewhere! at Ha yd en's for only $.", $7.50 and 9.50. Men's early fall Top Overcoats, worth up to $20.00 on sale at i?n, 7.50 and $10. Men's new 1900 Fall Suitsmore styles, hotter tailored and for less money than any other store in tho west. Great fall Cap Sale 200 dozen men's, boys' and children's fall weight caps, all the latest styles and colors; worth 7oc and 50c; all satin lined, beauti ful goods; your choice Saturday only 25c. ! Br iBHilSi prescriptions. Manawa Tickets ) qa. f Co . Ksy's Renovator iiiiariitiit i-,1 lo ure the ver worst case: of dyrfafuHiu. constipation, MUouti head ache, ,i. r ai. i hlum-ys At druutsts, X' and I) f i-tiU for I- rer Hainpiu i-"rrr Uool and Fro V u. U: V. J hay. Saratoga K. Y. HOWKI.L'S iAnft-SCewf That h whore wo hM c lioratmo rvon otic that wo lilt i prepare ptiarninrlst S'imi . tin nt i.!,t tin. .l..l. ... ...... ...( 1,.. thitikn KM. 1111(1 u .- let him think hi. .hi. In n while Saves you 10 cents on each tlrkot. You IM(M I. an also save lots of trouhlo and annoy- Schupfer'K f'nuKh Syrup 20o . Ur Knrl Krumar'n IVnnyroynl Pills.... $1.00 ancr lrnm Mention's Tulriiin I'owuor u- no ..f Curdul JBc Carter's I.Ivor Pills 15" Avrn llutr V'lfcTur IUC Cramer's Kldnoy Curo 75t- .... . Duffj h Malt Whiskey Wr r froily uslni; about tho clonals, pantry, 1 toz. .-pram wuinmo uujihuich tu 1 do. .'1-nrsln Cjulnln" Capsules VUs 1 dor r.-Kraln gulnluo Capsules I.axativo llromo Qulnluo fio H S S T6c S i up ..r i-iks ;wo Moh".ifHk"" SS-i AH ou linvo ,n "n 18 10 pr'nki u IM.-r. h Pii si ilptlon ". : around (noti-pi.lronous) nnd, presto, thoy I ....! H Pills HI"' Dr Karl Krornrr's Prnnyroal fills will . Dolh sold hy on porcn, ciusm "Do t"'.' i.oH'paiu on rotoipi 01 prii o cm. throat uP. AfU tCETICfB CUT I'KICK B. , tnr. JUtU AUt Cblr.HBO. I ruurleeulh mitl iiuiIm Htrerta. Mill iO llPruusi- .-v..., ..... tm All This Week., j H,i v h so hut ho n ull Roaches shflves and sinks Eciffo Trv Anil Kavrf JSj, All drucclnU. J. A, FULLER & CO.