THE OMAHA J)AILV HIDli: SATTRDAV, S JSI'T I5MUI5H lo. J000. I 1 i r j SPECIAL NOTICE AtlVPrtlpiiipiif for these columns nlll lip (nU)ii until I- in. for tlif rtcnlim edition anil iinlll H !!0 i. m. for morning it ml Sniiility edition. ltntex, I l-Ue n iinril first Insertion, I n vriml I lierrnf tpr. .Nothing Inkrn for lon til n n il.'p for Hip first Innir tlon. These nil vrtlenieli( tiiuat lie run poriseptitlt ply, Ail iTllxTi, by reiiitestliiK nuin tiprett ehcel., rnn linn1 nnmrrn nd itrciiaeil In n iitintlicrctl letter In purr if Tlip Hop. Vnmirrii nn mill rpsaptl vrlll lip itrlltcred on iircupntutlou of the clionU only. Mil l TIONS U WfHI). POSITION ns honspkeeppr liy refined, iitiltt pumhored, experienced wlilow. Address I' 6, Hep A-MOOS 1' SITI'ATIfiN wanted by two-thlrdcr com positor, will work lit anvlhlng; wpII cdu ciitpil Address, f 12, It'pp A M-II VtTUII-MAI,i: IIUI.P. WANTED, wo tmvo steady work Tor n few good luiHttt-rn of Rood habits nml appear ance. C. I-'. AilatnH Co , Vfo Howard Ht. 11-S70 BARBER trade taught thoroughly In short tltnr; catalogue, unil particulars In p. Address Western Hnrbers' Institute, Omnhn, Null. II- S71 WANTED, laborers, teamsters, rock men nml Hiirrnci) men, Neb. Wyo. nml Iowa; rice fare; highest wages; ship dully. Western It. It. Labor Agency, 311) S. 11th IJ ST? AN INTELLIGENT young mini to take u shorthand scholarship In best school and pay for It when rntirsn Is completed anil position Mcc-urril. Address I. 20, Hpp. H-S73 WAN'I'I'.D. spvpii youtiR men to prpparp for November Omnlm postal service exnmlnn tlon, ' thorough preparation, chnrRea rpasoimhlp. Inulosp stamp. Interstate Cor- 1 rospoiiilpilii' ItiMtltiilP, Cellar Itaplils. In. WANTED, at onrp. salpsman for clothing nml gents' furnishing rooiIs: must bnvp Koinl rpfpreiipps: niuip but experienced itHMi iirpil applyi single man pipfprreil Aililress (Ilobi) ( 'lot hint; Co.. Mlssoirl Valley, la 'J-M6l' v WANTED, a Ilrst-c1:is all-arnuml clerk fnr a general merchandise store; mist be well versi'il In ilry rooiIs anil have some experience In wluilow dressing; stalp experience anil salary expected Address 1'. O. box SI", West Point. Neb, H-M021 IS WANTHIi, an experienced young traveling man; good references required. ,inires, V I, Hpp. B-0l,;.i8 WANTED, a few trustworthy boys as nii'i sengprH. Apply at A. D. T. olllre, 212 Roulh t.ltli st. IIMOII ir, WANTED. 10 tpatns to haul brlek. Krlteiv brink Urns., South Omaha. H MUM 13 WANTED, an pxpei Icnccd grocery truvct Iiir mini: Rood references required. Ad- dross C 1. Hop. B-030-1S I HAVE paying position for all uncmplnyori male ipiipiipm. Lnu or acorcss i . i-, Bales, MS KaniRp HIiIr.. Umaha. Neb. lt-052-m' WANTKP. pxtiprlcnreil hutullH wrapper, Nebraska ClotbliiR Co. I1-.MG72 Ifi MM'CATi:!) man to eoniliiel fitllee In each county seat; no capital but honesty anil rooiI common sense; reliable concern with beaiuiuartcrs In Umalia. Aildress r , Hpp. It MKfiti WANTHtl. brlKht bov. VI to lii ypars old: smnll waues to beRln with; chance to learn trade. Address I 8, Ilee Olllce. II MUM Ifi' HXPHUIHNt'Kl) clothhiR salesman wlhs flltnatloii. i Itv or country; speak!) ii"rmau and Swedish: Al references. Address H ('.. 1S11 ChlciiRO St. 1! MBTii IV MAN wanted for dalrv work. II. V. Stahr ."1st and lloulevard Ave, ha'f mile west of deaf and diimb Institute. It US.'- 11 SlIOK.MAKnU wanled to work on a Jack Sin a week. 20.-, N. ll'.tli. n-fiSO-K,' U'ANTIIH. rellabt6' man to travel anit an point aRents In Nebraska; $0 monthly anil cmippscm insider entninliPI'iii. rer mni;nt. John Cross, 30'5 Dcnrliorn, "111 - eaRo. u Miivi Hi' VANTKI). reRlitered pharnmelst; refe-- ences reiiulrcil. Single. Address I' i:i, The Ilee. II-MTOi 17 WASTHP- Piano repairer nml llnlsher A ospe, IourIiis st. 11 Ml! i 21 A MAIlltlKP man with no children wlihes n position on a farm or tanen. lias been inreman mrcr years on a rancn m is cousin. Addrtas H. V , 2I2:i S I'lst st Omaha U -Ml 01 10' WAXTKD. m,rn to- le.n ii barber trade. learn tne worn in iwo m inuis. preseiu complete mil lit of beds, pay wages for Rntuiday from start Rive lecturei op skin diseases. Krant diplomas that alloiv Rr.niuates lo wont in miv state anil piv iraiispoitatlnn to our conese at i nicaRo Si. l.ouls nr Mliineapnll" Itratnl unpor tunltv lor applicants from dlslaeev fata- loRiie mid nartlculars mailed free Mn'cr Harbor coIcr reprcHentatlve. p;'.. k-t nam St.. Omaha. H-Mffl.1 : TWO wide-awake, niTRetlc salejinit'n stejdy positions 707 N. 1Gth "t. H-Mffll If.' "WANTlll). four persons In Omahik. to bail' die a valuable hist Heal thir' needed In nice and home. Harry Curtis. Cnum It niulTs. It M7i. iri v.ti:i-i'Um i,n ii i-i.i. AN 1NTKLMOKNT lady to take a short hand scholarship in best school anil pay for It wneil eoutso is completed ami posi tion secured. Address I, 2.i, Hee. C 87S WANTKP. 200 girls. 1521 Podge. Tel. 87fl. C-S7ii FO ctrls wanted. Canadian olllce, 1522 Douglas C-S77 WANTIOD, a number of extra ladles and gentlemen for singe work. Apply to stage manager at stagn entrance Royjl's theater any forenoon between date and Saturday. C-M5SW 15 WANTMP, a good second gill. Mrs. K. A. Ciulahy, 37th and Pewy Ave. C-fi32-Hl SCIIOOl, tllltl, offereil home and small wages l'i family of Iwo. Address I' I, Ree. C-Milll l.V KNPKRIRNCKD girl for Reneral house work. Hood wages. 4318 Farnam. C-MlUO 1ii OlHI, for Reneral housework In s-mall family; waRcs J4.00 per week. Apply 1218 So. 7ih st. c-efij-ir WANTKD, Rlrl for housework; good wagej 2101 Cass St. C-G13-H' WANTKD. lit once, girl, 2010 Poppletnn Ave C -CSt-l'i COOK wanted. Mrs. ll. R. Marker, U32 S. 37lh. C-Mf,7a 1C, WANTKD, girl for housework, In small family, mm who can go home Idghts pre ferred, at 140U Douclns st. C--MC62 1.V OOOP girl for general h iuework: snnll lnmlly. wages $1 Apply lmmedl itelv at W2 Poppleton nve. C Milt ft FOR RI'.NT HOI SI-.H, I'OR HUNT 22M Clark, I rooms, cltv water, $10.00 :si N. 16th, 7 rooms, barn, modern, $2.' TO. I tlii N 20th, 7 rooms, modern, $ts.ii . 3213 Hurt 3 rnom-, city water, 21S S 13th. 2 rooms, 2nd tlior, 113 im !42l S lilt h. fi rooms, $15 M. 4223 N. 36th, 5 rooms. $5 STORKS. 323 So lilth. basement, $6. :i2ii So. 16th. 512 SO. 2126 So. 16th, part store. J5. 1302 Farnam, $150. l&oj Farnam. 2 rooms,. 3d lloor, $15. 8i B 17th. istUVf Mci'ague Investment Co., KiOiJ Dodge Street d-k;3-h HOl'SKS nnd Hats. Hlngwalt. Marker blk D-SSi FOR HUNT, strlelly modern Hut In Dav id bp building, onposlto city hall. JOHN W. ROIIHINS. 1VJ FARNAM ST. D-iVl.1 A!, WAYS moving II. II. poods pTanos Olllco. J5Ui Faninm St. Tel. 1559 or C3 D-tS ski: hrnry h. paynr, coi n. y. mfk. n vst FIVE unfurnished roeme, all modern '."U K, ZZa 1U D Mill I tlH HUN T-IIOI M'.M. Hfii SKS for rent In all parts of th city iirennBn-t.ove uo., K no lain ai. D-S37 IK soi want your liousos well ranted place mi'in witn itenawa k i.o. u is uorrtiifl. etc. P. D. Wead, 1M4 UourIhs. P-879 6-nOOM flat, city water, 271D Burdctte. IIOCSES. stores. liemls, Paxton block. P-sso rrit.NISIIKP house for rent. Apply at Rose's Art Store HOt Sr.S. C. K. Williamson, 12 ramam. U-.MC7I KAIKIK modern rpuldence west part town, $.15 (io. iiuiulre 1203 I'nrnam st. P MC75 I'OIl HUNT. largo house, partly modern, on very reasonable terms, at -I30( ium InR st. A P. Til key, Hoard of Trade P-M70.' 17 2 S-HOOM houses for salp, cheap: modern. tienawa ,v i o wi . 10t!1 St. 13 .M7D it MOPIIHN 13-room linti-o. xtram bent. 2219 UoURe st. KltiRwalt liros . Darker blneit P-MIWJ rtut iicn i-im itMsitni) iioinis, TWO furnlyhcil rooms; references. S10 S. 12-Miill IS :7tn. TWO large furnished rocms for Iiiimj keeplriR. 50C S. 22d gt. K-MK4 IV TIlltKH roms, tuniiiekeplner;; 1112 S. 1 1 tit. Li .Si l MOPIH'.N rooms, 1.M week. Ml N. lilth. n-e7n-M ri'HNISHKP rooms, heat by steam; also oonru. ji, iiarmony st , i ouneu iiiuitn. ' 12-M 6 17 13 IIOI'SHKHHIMNO. fill rfo. 17th Ave. I.AU'ii: nicely furnished froitt room: Ren- tiemen only, v.m poiIrp. i-j-muus TWO larire newly decorated rooms, mIiirIp or furnlslii'il for llsht housekeenlnr: heat. riis. porcelain bath, ete; reasonable. lltJ S. j.,ih st. H--MC7J HI.I20A NT room, suitable for two men. r2 s. Kith. . i:(;m:'u l''l'HNI.SIII2P nice rooms, some house keeplntt, sIiirIo or ensulte, modern, rea sonable, no ihlldreit. 510 North 10th St. H-C7S- 16 POH HUNT, lnrwe furnished room for one or two Rentiemen; references leoiilrcd. I'arK a ve. i; .m ! I t IIMSIIIU) IIOOMS AM) ItOAIin. OI.KNCAIHN.translents.Jl.criday. 169 PrH. i' sj OOOP board, private family, avenue. too So. SSth F MS31 1'TOPIA. 1721 Pavcnpott St. K-MJ IN PHIVATi: family. 220 St. Mary's Ave. f yji T1IR Merrlam, sood summer resort, 23th Ai JJOIIRP K PKSlHAHIiK rooms, board. 2.1S4 Harney. f MUl.i IV HI.KOANT room, with board. 1900 Capitol avenue. 1'-.mms i- FOIl TKACIIKHU. nice front alcove room two deep closets, on same Moor with luth room, noon meals. Terms rensonanio 207 S. 2ltlt st. F-MGri 18 I.AIillK clean rooms, modern: board spe clal rate for two. Oil! N C3d St. K-M70fi ! I'llll HKVI' UMMinMSIIlJII ItUOM.S. ITNI'I'HNISIIKP rooms; no hnjsekeen- 1I1R. I0u7 I'arK n VP. u 412 I'OIl IIHXT yi'OltliS AXI! tlFKICF.S. FOlT" niONT. store In flr.M-elass location rent re.isonatile. Apply H. C. Peters -1 Co., ground lloor, Ilee lililtr. I 2w FOR IlENT. nice brick '.store bllllillnir In Hoek Port. Atchison county. Mo.: Una location tor Reneral stoelc or mcrcnan dlse: bulhltni: Is Zir.rt feet, with ward room ueparale, and Is owned by Masoilc ioiirc, one oi ine uei corners in iowii. Address W. K. II urtnanu, secretary. I IS' AtilJ.NTS W.Ti:il. ACiKNTS wanted for the "flnlveston Hor ror,'" the fastest sellll.g book ever pub lished I'ontalns startling descriptions of the horrors of the tlood and tornado, or deaths and rescues, by America's greu' est descriptive wrlter,v personal eye witness Demand cnoi incus. Agents wild with success. RIr b ok. Only $1 So. AgenlH clearing from IS to $.!') daily. Outtlls free Standard Pubtlsh'nR lloinc, 3.11 Dearborn st , Chicago. .1 MCSfi 17' l.t'CRATIVn nnd p'pasaut employment; no expense attached; cnmmlsloii Ihr.': no expellcnce reipilred; teachers pariic ularlv adapted to the worjt, but anyoao can bo successful. Address 4M Reo Hulldlng. J-M701 2S STOIt Mil'.. PACIFIC Storago and Wnrehouse Co., 912 911 Jones, general storage nnd forwardliiR. f.92 Om. Van Stor. Co., 1511 Farn. Toll. UBO-'fll. -S9.1 w.wrnn to nt v. ALU kinds of household goods, hotels, eti., In lnrgo, nnd small qutntltlex. Chl'ag' Furnuuro uo., jiuu-iu uousc ici. ij.'-'jyj WIM, purehafo a limited number of Omaha savings panit accounts, urenmn l.ovo Co., 309 So. 13th. N 8 3 2D11AND bicycles). Omaln .Rlcyc'.o Co. i .- "OH SAI.H I'l I1MTI IIK, FOR SAUK Furniture of nlx-room house, complete, wltn or wiinoui piano, i.oou loc.itloii: chcau rent. In South Omaha. Will sell on time If desired. Address, "P," Hen Olllce, Houtn umnna. u uju u I'OIl SAI.K IIOKSKS, VKIIM MIS, IJ'IT. NEW and 2d II. vehicles nt marked down prices, tiarry itosi, inn i.eavenworin. 1' hOi BRAND new- high grade $325.00 Snyder phaeton; low price. Apply ;n.i ivarnaen ,lock- i,l;11,5.1,' FOR SALE, new boggle bodies with gear ing for sale at $1.50 each. A. H. Alpirn, 913 Douglas. P-.M101 Oct. 7 CRAY mare. 8 years old. J. 400 pounds; alro roan horse, u years oni, weigni i,u,o ics. Hnruey Street Htables. Win. Fninkh', 1205 Howard. P-4JJ roil sAi.K misci:i.!,am;oi:s. HARD and soft foundation piling; hog fences and cribbing. 901 Douglas. Q-SU3 CUTTERS of drug prices. Shermnn A- Mc COIHK'II UViB wo., -ur. ui" miu iJuiiKU, Qbn M II ASS, Florist. 1S13 Vinton St. Tel. 770. Plants, cut (lowers, boquets, hall, rest ilence. wedding nnd grace decorations. Orders by mall or cxpresso promptly tlbeu 2DHAND safo cheap. Dcrlght, 1110 Karnani. SAFES; buy, sell, ex'ge. Schwartz, 114 S. 13 Q-903 M. & W. tires, $2.75. Omaha Mlcyclo Co Q-90I MANSON bicycles, $25. Omaha Mlcycle Co. 2DHAND wheels, $5 to $10; new wheels $15. Omalia lllcycle Co., nun & ciucago his, y km SECOND-HAND Callgraph (new) for sale. Cull ut olllce clerk district court. Q-SIO FOR SALE, corncobs. N. 16th st. Monroe & Co.. 811 Q-MIOii nKAFTIFl'L Stelnwity upright plrino, must bo sold this week Address T 1. Ree o(tlc. Q-207 Ol FINE harm and rubber-llrcd buacy. ery cheap. II. E. I'redrlckson, IC1 Dodne Ht, , Q-434 01 I'oit . w,i: Mist i:i,i,m:m .s. 1") TONS Rood hay nt barRaln. If sold at 1 once. CuddliiRton Wlhox N t . So Omaha. Q-M39 lfi roUALK-T"wopoornnil bllllcrd tnble.4, cheap. 161 1, roadway. Council Ultiffx. H-MiW I'OIl SAL.I2. payable nfter received, three monins trial rree: 111.2ft rnr u iiirii crane, 'drawer, drop head cabinet sewlnc ma chine; III tw for a regular IW.oo bicycle; ISS.50 for a $.10oo0 piano; $W.7B for n $75.'n parlor orRan; 1Ui for a 5-plece ovpr sturfed velour $10.00 parlor suite. All new hlKh Bnule standard Roods. For full par ticulars state articles Interested In nnd we will mall yon a special catalogue. Sears, Roebuck Ai Co , Chicago. Q-MffiS 013' OOOP paying business for $2,000 cash. Rest In city for money Invested. Address, 1 10, Hee. q(;niiv I'OR SA1,R, (lnet mntehed team Shetland ponies In Nebraska, with buggv and liar, in'ii State paper ou saw this In. Atlee Hart. Pakota City, Neb. Q-MiS9 111' HAND elevator, 20-h p. tioller, 12-h. p en pine, wooil lathe Sprague Mnehit v Works, 121(5 Jones st. Q-MC7 16' MIS( Kl.l, WKOI S. NOTICR. country dealers. 2d hand furniture and stoves nt lowest prices, cnrload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co., 140U-10 Dodge. R-9u7 CI, 1H VO VAVI'S. MMK.O YLMKR scnulno palmist. 1005 Dodge. S-14S i:i,l2( "I'll It' TIIHATMH.NT. .M.MR 13th. I.KK, magnetic treatment. 507 S. room 2. T -M 102 15 KItTR parlors. 615 9. ICth, second floor. T-375 05 M.MR AMKS, 1015 Howard, room 1, 2d floor; Mae Kdgnr, assistant. T MOil 2n im:h! DR. ROY. chlnipodlst; corns removed, :5c und upward. Ruom 12, Frenzur bl ick. U-913 HOFF'S Kxprcss & Messenger Co. Tel 1717. l'-917 MONIIK1T, Chiropodist. 151S rarn. Tel. 2333. f-909 VIAVI, woman's way to health. 346 Roe b:dg U-91S Tl'RKISH baths. maBsago baths, rlectrle baths, for ladhs only; skilled women massage operators; Driest equipped baths In tho city. Renstrom Hath Company Rooms 21ii to 220, Mec Mldg. F-910 RrPTI'RK cured; no knife, no pain, no danger; send for circulars. Empire Rup turo Cure, 932 N. Y. Mfe, bldg., Omaha. U-914 PRIVATR hospital for ladles before & dur. lug confinement; babies adopted. 113G N. 17. f-911 PI.KATINO ami pleated sklrtiTof all kinds. M. Goldman & Co., 200 Douglas block. C-913 PI.KATINO, buttons to order; p'nktrr; while you wait. Omaha Pleating Co.. 1521 Douglas. C-919 JOHN UL'DD, optician. 115 S 10th St. C-501 SI.1 PRIVATE home before and during confine ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Uutget. 2020 Murdette. F-Olfl LADIES' hair shampooed, drf rre 1. 35c Hair toilet goods. Monhclt, 1D1S Famum. Tel 2.UJ U-!0J E. 1,. I.OVEJOY, 11S N. 15th st., for n OOOD bicycle, for a good sewing machine, for anything for bicycle or sewing machines see him. U M50I 15 LADIES' Jackets and tailor mnde suits al tered, cleaned, repaired M. Fogel. 307 S. 17. t!3HU-4 I.APET1TE French oval photos 50c per dozen during September only. Proctor. 010 S. 10th. C-M333 Oct. 1 PLACE your order now for seal sacques, fur scarfs and collarettes of nil descrip tions; furs lepalrcd and altered, Aula bniiRh, 'Son & Co., m Knrback blk. t: M3S7 O-. MO.M3Y TO l,OA ItK.M, EST ATI:. LOANS on eastern Nebraska nnd western Iowa rarms nt 5 per cent. Horrowers can pay $luo or any multiple. Any Interest date. No delay. Hrpnnan-live Co., 309 South 13th St., Omnha. Neb. W 921 MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real esiaie. iireni'.un-i.ove w., SCO so. latli. W-92S $1,000 mid upward to loan on city properiy nna inrms. w . f .irnam tmitli ,fe Co., 1320 Fnrnnni. W-929 WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrantR. Qeorge ,t Company, 1001 Farnam St. W 031 MONEY In nny amount nt 6, 5, ft per cent. J . V. IlUHHI.NS ft CO., 1S02 I' AHNAJI ST. W-930 MONEY to loan on farm and rlty property; iowphi raics. u. v. uavs uo., jdo.i Farnnm. W-932 MONEY to loan at 3 find M4 per cent on Omaha property. W. Ii. Jlolkle, 401 H.-1.1th. W-927 PRIVATE money, 5. t(., 0 prr cent; no de my, uarvui uros., ii,i:i ramam. w 2 WANTED, city and farm loans: also b'jnds and warrants. It. C. Fours it Co., VI2 Farnam St., Hco Hide W-9.1 PRIVATE money. F. D.Wend, 1521 DoukI.ib. v :i.'J FIVE per cent money, ilemls, Paxtnn block. Y 023 MONEY to loan on llrstv'Inss Improved city liroperiv or rnr nniiumg purposes, rnyne Knox Co.. New York Life. W-925 MONEY to loan on farms or first mort gages discounted. I' 3, The Hee. W Mffi2 IC JKIXIJV TO I.OAX-CIIATTEI.S. MONEY MONEY l.lMMil) SAI.AllllSU PEOPLE. No endorser nr mortcace reoulred. LOWEST RATIOS. EASY PAYMENTS and STRU I LV CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA CREDIT CO.. Room 52(5. llfth floor. New York Life Rldg. X 933 -M-O-N-K-Y--D-O-Y-O-U-N-E-E-D-I-T- Wo make loans irom $10.00 up on furniture. pianos, horses, cows, etc. ; you keep the property; or we will make you a SALARY LOAN rn your own note, without Indorser or mortgage; we cnarge nnsoiuteiv notii Ing for making papers and we keep noth ing out of the amount von borrow: von way pay the money back in one month or take more time In which to pay It, nnd you are expected to pa.' for it only what tlmo you use It; our rates are low nnd our terms are the easiest ; our business Is as contldentlnl as Is possible and our treat, ment Is always courteous. Omaha Mort gage Loan Co., 300 So. 10th St. Estab lished 1S92. X-934 LOANS. TO SALARIED PEOPLE. ARE YOIT ONE OF THE CROWD WHO ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE of our NEW partial pavment plan? l.t us QUIETLY pxplaln snme to ou We loan employes on their notes. No mortgage; no Indorser; no publicity. Simply a CONFIDENTIAL HI'SINERS DEAL. We loan THOrSANDS In this way, SO DON'T HESITATE AHOUT CALLING. Wo are hustlers and want more business. R R. EMPLOYES RECEIVE PROMPT SERVICE TO SPIT THEIR TIME AND CONVENIENCE. These are times of heavy competition nnd to remain lenders we must glvo moro for your monev than others DARE. uumr RKLIAMLE CREDIT CO.. Room 203,' Third Floor, Paxton Tllk X-913 .MONEY loaned on plnnos. furnltiiro7iew lery. horses, cows etc. C. F. Reed, 319 H 13 X-930 SALARY LOANS. CHATTLE LOANS J W. TAYLOR, 21S First Nat. Rank Rldg! X-937 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concern upon tholr own nnmes without securltv; easy payments. Tolman, 706 N. Y. L. Rldg ; X-539 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, Jewelry. Duff Green, R 8, Barker Rlk X-91S MONEY loaned on ninnos. furniture, dia monds, watches, privately Renter's Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St., upatalrs. X-Sl) MIIMIV TO 1.0 t iivrrtit.M. MONEY loaned on furniture, diamond w.itches: paMnents pontldentlnl. Omaha Chattle Loan Hank. 220 S. 15th, upstairs. N9I1 Pl7fvATELOANS TO S,u7a 1 1 HDiKO PLE. momentarily embarrassed who desire above everything else to AVOID Pt'HLICITY i an be accommodated at our office with less expense, time nnd trouble than any place In the city. AMERICAN LOAN CO, Room eni, Mee Mulldlng. N 912 IHSIMS CHANCES, FOR RENT, owing to advancing years Mr H. Haas, the florist at 1M3 Vinton street, has decided to rent out his hot house at above location, occupying 7,0 0 to Sm square feet, under glass, with about 20) windows, and the residence and store fronting tho street, on the motor line 'o South Omuha. Excellent location for the business. Y 94 1 FOR SALE Nice boarding and livery busi ness; chni'ce for live man with small capital to make money. Address, Hox W, Hee Olllce, South Omiijta. Y 17-17 FOR SALE, hardware, tinware nnd Imple ment business; establlshid IS years, good business; owner wishes to retire, town, SOO. Address T fi.1, care Hee. Y M015 IS" RESTAl'RANT. for sale or rent; good res taurant ami lioiei; two-siory oricK Dunn ing, well located In llvu town; good bul ness already established Address Cltv .Hotel, Cnrson, Iowa. Y M7H 10 I'OIl SALE 11 EA I, ESTATE. HOt'SES, farms. R. C. Patterson, 205 N.Y L. H l'i '.ill HOl'SKS. lots, furms. binds, loans, ah o Pro insurance, iiemis. raxion iuk. ms uu HEAD THIS: one of the best homes in Han- scom Place, 9 rooms, large lot, good barn, sightly home, party leaving city; prxs $7loo.oo. M. J. Kennard & Son. room .10, Hrown block. 111:-017 SEE HENRY R. PAYNE, 001 N. Y LIFE. nr. j v PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HEADQt'ART ERS for REAL ESTATE IlAIHiAINS LOW EST RATES on LOANS: SOl'ND IN -SI'RANCE; HOt'SES. FLATS. STORES, for RENT. First lloor, N. Y. Life Ring UE-ni'i OOOD rental property for farm. Monroe ,v (.()., recu ami moi, n ibin si. . M622 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the t'nlon Pnclilc Railroad company. H. A. McAllaster. land commUsloner, Fnlon Paclllc Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-918 HAROAINS-IIARRISON. N. Y. LIFK. RE-1130ct7' CHAS. K. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. It l'i IT SEVEN chofc7 iots on 30th and Pratt st Omaha, for sale or trade for Improved city property or good farm land: have other Income property und some rish to match any deal. For particulars write S. Hanson, 1015 Moone s'... Hoonc. In. HE M31S 0 P HARRISON, FARMS. Ni Y. LIFE RE-3CI O.V REST bargain, $500 will buy Address T r.s. Hee. RE 57'-H OWNERS WANT OFFERS. 2021 Miami St., cottage. 3 rooms, pantry. lartfp closet, cltv water. HltiK, nice ioi (v 122 feet; the lot alone Is worth the price asked for this property; price. $900; a bur !ialn. 2.S12 Hamilton st., cottage. 0 rooms, city water, Darn, nice lot anil snaup. lxamuip this nrooertv nnd nmke an offer. 3719 Leavenworth, new.-.modern dwelling. 0 rooms, gas, porcelain bath, not anil com water, sewer; choice . corner 70x112 fect. Everything llrst-nlass; price, J2,n00; a bar cain. Near 20th and Parker, modern cottnge. 7 rooms, furnace, buth, sewer, gas. city water, good barn, south front lot, brick paved street; price. $3.wi; a bargain. OARVIN UROS. 101.1 FARNAM ST. RE-M0I0 10 liJft acres of Improve 1 land. S) mllo.i west of Sioux CltY and lx miles from rail road: all under cultivation: house, barn, corncrlb. granary, diiiwlmlll, grove, etc Price. $2,000: onp-tlttrrf cash. 2,S0i)-acip stock rqmh, with excellent stream of living .wlit'er, Home tine hav land: will make a Vcrv1 profitable stork ranch: a bnrgaln nt $V750 cash. lfrt acres of smooth land, good 50U. near railroad town, In Mtmhall county, s P. $t.ho. lCil acres In Holt coifnty, Neb : sultab'e for farming. $350. 100 acres. 13 miles wept of Ewlns. Neb.; nice "tream on thH land PrUe $.W. Clear titles; no trades, inland P I.oc't- wood. Slou City, la., RE-M701 17 A NICE building cnt-tfer. lots 2 ai'd 29. Fnlrnioum Place, on easy terms Write to F. H. Kanpcn, Milwaukee. VU. FOR SALE. 3.W first m 'rtg.'tRe. drawl'ig 0 per cent. FecuriM on 210 acre farm near cltv; wortn xi;,i". h am iacc vume. mn will dWcount 3-months lateret. Address V II. The Hee. RE-M6W 17 MEDICAL. LADIES out of health Und prompt relief Hox 232, Omaha, Neb. Confidential. 9.' 5 VIRTl'AMA cures Impotenev resulting from Indiscretions or debllltv. gives vl tulltv. vlcnr. restoring desires, ambitions. nsplratlouH of youth, health, lifting for success, happiness In business; profes sional, social, mairlcd life; $2 or 3 for $5. Sent nnvwhere prepaid on receipt of price, tup Klilil I 'rug i o., i .igin, in. American Olllce, retail, wholesale. Mvcrs I"llon Drug Co. Omaha; M. A. Dillon, South Omaha: P.ivls Drug Co., Council Mluffs. Full line rubber goods. LADIES troubled with Irresutinitlo. wjiltes, sterility, painful or suppressed menstruations llud prompt relief and cure; nulet home before and during confine ment. Call or write with stumps to Dr. Pries, ,ri;s ooiige in., umana. Nen. F-M0G9 013 LOST. LOST, bunch bills stamped People's Fur, Ai C. C Return and reeelvo reward. Lost -011-1 1 TAKEN FP, dark red cow with white hind legs. John Koihelek, 2sth and 1 straeH, South Omaba. l.osi ta.i-ir LOST or stolen, Sept. 1. 1900, large Irish spaniel bitch. Return to 2010 Spruce St.: jiu reward. "i.osi auwi u" OSTEOPATHY. jTm7nSON Institute. ,115 N. Y. Li7ellldg. Tel. 1001; Alice Johnson, D. O.. ladles' dept.; Old E. Johnson, Osteopathlot, Mgr -a:o M. E. DONOIIIJE. D. O.fc of Still school Klrkvllle, Mo. 001 Paxtofi Mlk. Tel. 1307. N. F Mc.MI'RRAY, H. S D . D. O.. Mrs. .1. It. Muslck, D. o.. grniiuateH A. s. o. Klrksvllle, Mo., sulto 530-3.S Hep bldg. 372 OS A. T. HI 'NT. D. O , 305 Knrbaeh. Tel. 2352. r.SO-Oct. o, SIIOH'I'II M1 AM) TVI'l'.WIUTIMi, A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life. 9)1 HOYLES' College, court reporter principal Hee Rldg -013 NERRASKA Huslness and Shorthand Col. lege'. Iloyd's Theater. 953 GREGG Shorthand taught at the Omabn Commercial College, IClh and Douglas Sis 1) l N CI.N (i. CALL on Morund, Crelghton hall, for society und staRc dancing, waltz nnd 2-step, $3. Largo hall to lent for con ventions, meetings, balls and club socials. CSO-Hept. 21 CHAMBERS'" school of dancing, 17th and Douglas, classes nnd clubs now form ing at nuidemy Open dally, 9 a in. to 5 p. in. 'Phone, nil linll and rnusle furnished parlies. Clrculurs. M59S O10 TICKET Cl'T rato tickets every where P. II. Phil bin. 1505 Furnam. Telephone 781. 987 LA Mil AGES. CHATEI.AIN School of Languages, Royd's thcatr. will reopen Monday, September 10, 4210!) DRESS.MAICIVO. IN families Miss Sturdy, RH f: 20th st. - G30 Sept 21 R. O. M DONALD. 1G12 Capitol avenue. -MA87 013 ST VtlMlilllMi' IMI STI TTERI(1. CURED. Julia VoughanTTao" RatnpTTlldgl -Wl C('OHI)ION I't.H TI.ti. ACCORDION and side pls.itlnc. cheapest best, quickest. Mrs. A. C, Matk, 9 lai terson Rlk., 17th and Farnnin. -M514 03 i:m3imv, iioii.ers, etc. L. C. Shari Mach. Wks ; motors, dynamon. -913 HOTELS. HENDERSON, I1.C0 per .lay house; board. 1 tj -. ...nt r.,t. I.--. ii.i fo.tfv lu it ,cvn. I'kii iuii ruiuuill. I,',. JAI,. -M2C1 Ol I' WMiitoicnits. EAGLE Loan Olllce. reliable, accommodat ing; nil nusncss conuucniuu. luui uougias. -903 LOANS, H. Mnrowltz; low rates. 418 N. 10. 000 LA I'M) It V. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, c; cults, 4C. lioo l.eavcnwortn. Tel. Mi. -00:1 STOVE R El' AI R (Mi, STOVE, furnnce, range repairs; water eon- net lions Om. stove Hep. wks., i;u. uoug Tel. 900. mns WATEll. WANTED, bids for cutting up 101 tons old scran locomotive hollers A. II. A'PU'M, 913 Douglas. M400 ICE FOR S U.K. ICE for sale In car lots. Gilbert Urns. Council Muffs. -MjIO II It N I It It I; ItlM'AIIIIMi. TEL. 1331. M. S. Wnlklln, 2111 Cuming St. -902 M AIiMlTIC HE LI.i;. GREAT Western Institute. 1C23 Douglas St., chronic diseases cured; no drags, Hiirgery, CAltPEVIKIIS M) .lOllltnilS. ALL kinds of carpenter w irk nnd repairing promptly attended to. J. T. ocnutice. jrm and Lake Sts 3W I0I.OI ITION M) PIMSICAI, ( I Li t II.:. CUAS. W WALTON, teacher of elocution anil ptiyslcal cjiture. ucisarte and Swed ish gymnastics. 29 N. ISth street. -079-17 acei'yi.icm:. MONARCH Generators are best. Carbide $4.50 per loO lbs. Agents wanted. M. A. G , ... t .nu U, l'i I'M It. Mil HE AM) PIANO .MIIVI.Mi, JACOB SCIIWARZ, 1610 Webster. Tel. 2010. M12S 30 NICKEL PL ATI. ML STOVES, lnmps nnd chandeliers replated. Om. Plating Co., Hee Rldg. Tel. 2535. -D00 IIIHDS AXD TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1603 Lenvenworth. -959 II A It STATEIIE.NT. No. 2005. Report of the Condition of Tin: m:ihi ask a .national hk at Omaha. In the slate of Nebraska, at the Plosp of business. September u, 1900; RESOURCES. fill Loans and discounts.. Overdrafts, secured $ 001, 520. 11 S.591.45 150,000.00 20O.IHW.0O 10,500.00 llfi,39l.lS 88,000.00 27.14S.77 and unsecured I'. S. bonds to secure clrcu'allon P. S. bonds to secure K. S. deposits. r Prem'ums on U. S. bonds Stocks, securities, etc. Hanking bouse, furni ture and llxtures Other r c a I estato 4 owned Due from national banks (not reserve agents) $ 157,244.42 D le from state banks and bankers 31,012.0.1 Due from approved ; 'serve agents 530,792.55 Internal r o v enno stamps 802.29 Checks and other cash Items 07,003.51 ExchaimeH for clear ing house 13,700 5S Notes of other na tional banks 31.SOO.00 Fractional paper cur rency, nickels and cents 1S3 59 Lawful money re- servo in bank, viz.: Specie Legnl tender notes.... 124,501.05 07,000.00 1,0.10,730.02 Redemption r ll 11 u with C. S. treas urer (5 per cent of circulation! Total LIABILITIES. Capital slock paid in. Surplus fund Fniilvlded p ro II t s, less expenses and taxes paid National bunk notes outstanding 500.00 $2,33,290.50 $ 400,000.0,') 30,000.01) 19,109.13 150,000.00 Due to othor na tional banks $ 173,332.07 Due (o s(a(e banks and bankers 70,858.07 Due to trust com panies and Having imnks 37.HW.S7 Individual deposits . subject to check 822,859.15 Demand certlilC.'ites of deposit 9,633.70 Time cortlllcatca of deposit 120,330.07 Certllled checks 087. 00 Cashier's checks oit- standiiiK 5,153.37 I. S. deposits 113,853.32 Deposits of I. S. dis bursing ofllcers 1S.538.15 1.73S.927 13 Total $2,338.300 50 N.SIntP of Nebraska. County of Douglas, ss I, Lewis M. uecu, casnicr oi me anove uamed bank, do soleiun'y swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. LEWIS S. REED. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14!h day of September, 1900. L. W. SCIIEIREL. Notary Public. Correct Attest: ll. W. YATES. .1. 9. COLLINS. WARREN HWITCLER, Directors. POS I'OI'I'K E NOTICE. (Should he rend DAILY by all Interested as changes may occur .it any time ) Foreign malls for the week endlt g S-p teniber 15. ll Will close (PROMPT!. V If all casi'Si it the General Post Olllc i follows: PARi.'KLS POST MAILS lo one hour earlier than closing time slum u below. Parcels Post Mulls fur German, close at 5 p. in. Monday and U'edm s.l.iv Trims- Vtliinllc Hulls, BATl'RDA Y -At fi n. in. for KCRol'l) -it s. s. Ktrurla, via ljueepitown .m.ill fnr Etrurla "), at 0:3o a. in for (JERMANV per s s Trave, via Bremen (mall ( r oilier parts of Europe via Southampton must be directed "per i- . Trae"i, a S rt m for NETHERLANDS direct. I' s. s. Amsterdam (mall must be dlrnt' I "per s, s Amsterdam"); at 9 a m ' 1TALV per s s. Werra (mall must be illrectcil "per s. a. U'erru"): at 10 m for SCOTLAND direct, per s . An chorht mult must be dlrtpled "tur . Attchorla"); at 11 a. m. for DENMARK direct, per s. s. Helila (mall must bu fli reeted ''per s s. Hekla' ); at 11 a ni. for AZORES ISLANDS direct, per s i Spartan Prince PRINTED MATTER, "ETC -Th stcnmT takes Printed Matter, Commercial Papeti l't)i'OI''lMCI5 .NOTICE. and Samples for Germany only. V ' same pias of mrtll matter for other pir of Europe will not be ent bv tins li'1 tmlr specially dlrrcted b her After the clo-ilng of th, Supp'i men. i'v Trans-Atl.intlc Jtnll named above a i Ii tlonai supplementary malls ate opened m the piers of tin Amerlin-. Eng'l h. Kreiich and Germnn Meant-, ai-d teuioi'i open until within Ten Mlnutii of ih- hour of salting of steamer .11 n IN fur South nnd Centi-nl t niprlcu, Weil IiiiHps, Eli. SATI'HDAY- At 9:30 n m isupplementaty ' m ! f. r RT. THOMAS. ST CROt.N I. LEU ARP nnd WINDWARD ISLANDS and PKMERARA. per s s Fontabel.e imali fnr Grenndn nnd Trinidad must b" directed "per s. s. Fnnt.ihelle ' i . at pi m for GRENADA and TRINIPAP. ,r s Maraval; tit 10 n. in. (sup,lemeti'.ir 10:30 a in) for FORTl'NE 1SI.M' JAMAICA. SA VANILLA, CAR rll. GEN A nnd GREYTOUN. per s s A e ie (mall for Costa Rica mut be illrci"! "per s s. Alene"); at 10 a m cuppl mentnrv 10:30 a. m.i for ci'RACOA an I VFNEZI'El.A, per s. s. Ilililur (mail f r Sutanllla and Csrthngena mint be ,'l rci ted "per s. s. Hlldur"): ai b n m for Porto Rico, per s. s Juan; ai 11 n m for CI'HA, per s. s Havana St'NDAY At 8:30 p. m for ST PIERRi': MIQFELON. per stenmer from Nort i Sydney. Malls for Newfonndlnnu, v rail to North Sydney, and thence by .ttamer. elos" p this oilier dally at 8:30 p in. iconncctPiK i lose here every Mondai. Wednesday and Saturday) Malli for Mluuelon, by rail r. Hoiton and thence bv .ttennier. cio'p - I this olllce dallv at 8.30 p tn Malls for Cuba, by rail to Pott Tamp.i, Fla . n 1 thence by steamer. cloe at thi oile dally icxeepl Moijd.ty) nt 7 a ith- connecting c!oes me on Sunday. Wcd'i s day and Friday). Mails for Mexico CPy. overland, unless speclallv aildrpsse I fo dlspatih by sleamer, cloe at this oiibe d,ill at 2.: a. in and 2 :' p in Mall for Costa Rica bv roll to Mobile, and f r Belize. Puerto Cortez ami Ouatenin'a. i. rail to New .Orleans, nd lb. nee b steamer, close at this olhcp da Iv ,ii ,1 p. nt. (connecting clones here Tups In s for Cosia Rica nnd Mondavs lor He i" Puerto Curler, nnd Ou.itomul.ii l', ut (errd mall close at 0 p. m pre. inns d ly Trittift-PiiPllle Hulls. Malls for Hawaii, China. Japan and Phr Ipplne Islands, via Snn l-'rancl-ipo i"e here dally at 0:30 p. m. up to Septemb r 10th. Inclusive, for dlsnntch per " -Doric. Malls Jol ilawmi, via San Fnn cIsco, close here dally at fi.3o p m up t September 14th, tnclu-lve, for tllspa',' i per s. s Australia Malls for Ausinlli except West Australia, which goes vl i Europe, and New Zealand, whli Ii go.-s via San I'ranclsco). and Fill Island". 'a Vancouver, close here dally at 0 1') p tn up to September 15th. Inclusive, r.,r ,11--patch per s s. Wnrrliuoo (sunpletnennirv in. ill. via Scuttle, close ai i!:30 p nt S " tetnlier lOthi. Malls for Hawaii. Jap in China and Philippine Islands. la San Francisco, close hero dallv at 0.3a p. m up to September 17th. Inclusive lor dis patch per s. s. Nippon Maru MslN for Australia (except Wes' Australia). New X.eal'ind. Hawaii. Fill and Sam an Islands, via San Francisco. e,te b.,e dally at 0:30 p. in. nflcr S'ptetnber PWb and up to September 2'Uh. Inclusive. ..r on dav of arrival of s. s Catnpaiili. due at New York September '21111 lor ,11 -patch per s. s. Alameda Malls f r chb a and Japan, via Vancouver, close h"ie dallv at 0:30 p. in. up Id October 2d. In clusive, for dispatch pc s. s Etnprpss of India ireglitered Pmll must be di rected "via Vancouver") Trans-Pncillc mnlls are forwarded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of cln Ing Is arranged on the prrpumption of their uninterrupted overland iritis, t Registered mall cloes ai p m prev ious day. CORNEL! FS VAN ('OTT. Postmaster Postotllce, New York, N. Y , September 7. 190.). l.EIIVL Ml'I'K'i:. noi'icf. doi'glas col'ntv fair The county fair will be held with the Ak-Par-Bcn carnival In Omaba on Septem ber 21 to 29. Persons -desiring to exhibit live stock, poultry or In any department of tho fair should i-p' tire entry bljnk at once from G. W. Hervc, i,icretar. 1112 I'arnam street. Tin live stock will he exhibited on 'he grounds of the Omaha Driving pirk. S1G-.M&E 71 ItAII.U Ai tmik,i:s. FREMONT ELK HORN & Missouri Valley Railroad "Tho Northwestern Line" Oenorul Olllces Pulled Status National Hank Bldg , R. W. Cor Twelfth nnd Farnam Sis Ticket Olllce, 1401 Farnam St. Telephone. 501 Depot, 15th and Webster Sts. Tele phone, II5S Leave. Arrive. Black Hills. Denf'wood. Hot Springs' a 3.00 pn a 5:00 pm Wyoming. Caspar and Douglas 1 3:00 pm e 5:00 pm Hastings, York, David City, Superior, Geneva, E.xeter and Seward.... b 3:00 pm h 5:C0 pm Norfolk. Verdlgro nnd Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:25 am Lincoln. Wuhoo and Fremont b 7:30 nm bl0:25 am Fremont Locni c 7:30 am n Dallv b Dally except Sunday c Sun das onlv d Dally except Saturday, e Dally except Monday. CHICAGO, ST. PAFL Minneapolis it Omaha Railway "The North western Line" -General Ofllces, Nebraska Divi sion, 15th and Webster Sts. Cltv Ticket Ofllee. 1101 15th Farnam SI. Telephone, 5G1. Depot, and Wobstor Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger... a 0:00 am a 9:10 pm Omaha Pasesnger ull:10 am Slotix City & North east Nebruska n 3:50 pm Oakland Locul b 5:15 pm b S:13 nm ft ll.'lllv ll n-itlv nvpnii Mim.'tfiv CHICAGO Ai NORTH western Rail wav "Tho Northwestern Lino" Cltv Ticket Olllce, 1401 Furnam Street. Tele phone. 501. Depot, Tenth rtnd Mnpoti SIh. Tele. phone, 029. . Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 am nli:.T) pm Chicago Passenger n 1:15 pm n S:10 am Eastern Express, Dos Moines, Marshalltown, Cedar Rapids and Chi cago nl0:53 am a 4:03 pm Eastern Limited, Chi cago and East a 4:53 pm a 4:03 pm Fast Mall, Chicago to Omnha n 2:15 pm Omahu-Chlcngo Special. n 7:15 pm n S:00 pin Fust Mntl n 8:30 am a Dallv siofx crrv .t pacific Railroad Tho Norin western Line" ciencral Oflloes, Fulled States National Bank Building S. W. Corner Twelfth anil Fnriintit KIs Ticket Olllce 1101 Farnam St Telephone. 501 pe- mji, n-iiiii unu .uasou nis. i eiepnniic, i,j. I.eave. Arrive Twin City Express . .a 0:55 am nIO 50 pm j win city i.imueu ..a 7:;!& pm u mia am Sioux ity Local ..nsiOOain u f.'.V pm a uauy CHICAGO. BURLINGTON Ai Qiilncy Rallroad-"Tlio Burlington Route" Ticket Oftlce. 1502 Farnam St Tel 250 Depot. Tenth Ai Mason Streets. Telephone, Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial ..ii 7:0i) am Ptorla Express Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm Chicago Local Express. a R:50 nm Chicago Limited a 7:45 pm Pacific Junction Local. .al0;l5 urn Pacific Junction Extra. Fast Mall a Dally. n 9:2,i pm a 7:t5 am a 4:01 pm u 7H5 am a 7:01 pm a 2:15 pm KANSAS CITY. St. JO scph & Council Bluffs naiiroaa-"Tho Hurling ton Route ' 'i loket Ofllee, 1502 Furnam street. Tele phone 25'). Depot, Tenth iiiui .iiiisnn streets, tcio phone, 12s. Leave Arrive, . ,u,tpt,.-i voy iiij i-.x ii am I Kaiifa" ''i Nighi Ex uio 15 pm St ! uis l'i er f ,r St. Lansns City Dny Ex a S:50 am a 0:li pm u 0:15 utii I Joseph and St Louis t a Dally a 1:5.1 pm all;1.1 am Ht RI.INnvo.N Ai MIS souil River Railroad "The Burlington Rome (leneral Ofllces. N. XV Corner Tenth and Farnam Sts. Ticket Olllce. 1502 Farnam street Telephone. llliruuciou sihuuii. c iimi uuu .iitnuu Streets. Telephone. J.3- I.ea I. Inc., In. H.iHilncB and Arilve, MrCook aSsl'jHm a 7:35 pm I.lmoln. Denver. Colo rado, I'tah, Callfomla.a 4:25 pm Lincoln & Black Hills, u 9:30 pm Mintana. Puget Sound. . n 9:30 pm Lincoln Fust Mall . a 3:00 pm Denver, Colorado. L'tah Si California .,..,,,, l Pally, . n 3:(Ji) pm a 3 0) pro a 0 (5 am a 10:35 am a CIS am R VII, W V TIMi: TAII1.1L I'NION PACIFIC-' THE OVE It land Route General Ofllces, N K Cot, Ninth and Farnnnt streets. City Ticket ORlre, 13M Farnam street Tcletihone. 310. Depot. Tenth and Mason St-. Tcleiihone, IBP. i.eave. Arrive The Ot Miami Llmlt'd n 8:20 am n 7:38 pm Th- hlciisn-For.lnud Speclni a 8:20 am n 7:35 pm The Fat Ma'l a 8:50 am a 3 25 pm The Colorado Special ..all .35 pm n 0.50 nm The Fast Mall n 4:35 pm Lincoln. Hentrleo nnd StromslmrR Express b 1:10 pm bl2:J5 pm The Paclllc Express .n 1:2 pm The Atlantic Express. a 0:50 am Grand Island b S."0 pm b 9:30 am n Dally b Paliv c:.cpt .Sunday ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rallrosii City Ticket Or tlce, I4u2 Fiii'tiam street. Telephmic. 215. Depot Tenth and Mason streets I.tave .... nil '10 am . . n " .45 pm St. b 7 (0 am St. .,. ..a 7:15 Vn from Arrive a 1.05 pm a t:'.5 sin b 9.40 pm a S:15 am Chicago Kxprcss Ch.fago Limited Minneapolis and Paul Express Minneapolis n.ut Paul Limited .... Fort Dodge Local Council Bluffs . . a Dally b Path' .b t:: o pm bio. IB am ex'ept Sunday. CHICAGO. MlLWAl'KEE i St. Paul Rallwav-Clty Ticket Olllre. I5i) Farnam Street. Telephone 2S4 Depot Tenth and Mason Streets Telephone. 029 Leave Arrive Ch'cnfto Limited Ex n rt:ii) pm u s ofi nm Chungn Ai Omaha Ex b 7'F, am b 3 55 pm 1 Dally b Pni! except Sumlay. CHICAGO ROCi'C ISI -nnd Ai P iclllc V illroa.l "The Gteat RnoU l1 nnd R ute " Cltj ric'i et Olllce. 1323 Farnnm Street. Telephone, (2J Depot, Tenth Ai Mason Streets Telephone 621. l.cnve. .Mine lifi'i Moines and P'irn port l,,,ial a 7 25 am Chicago Kxp''s ..bll lS am blcago Ft ' Express .a 5:0) pm I Incoln and l'alrbury . .a s:3'i am tilt .33 nm a 8:10 nm a t;.5 pm a 7.0) pm i.iucoif. t "lor.uio fjpgs . Denvi". Pueblo and Wp' t a 1 50 pm a 1:15 pm tier Monies Kuril Ul ead und Chicago n 7.15 pm Colorado Ai Ton is Fl rr a fiiS? pm a 5.50 pm n am a Pally, b Dallv t rept S'.ii. lay Sias5rjPl OMAHA .1ST I.OFISRAIL- -onialin. Knusns Cltv ,i Eastern Rallreiul "Tho Juliu x Rniitp" Ticket Of llcp, Hi", I'arnam Street Telephone 322 Depot, Ten ill and Matey Streets. Tele phone, ti."J. Leave. Arrive St Louis Cannon Hall Express a 6:05 pm u S:20 nm iansas i itv anu (,'unn v Lncnl a a Dally. :00 nm a 9:00 pm W ABASH RAILROAD iV'THTS I Ticket Olllce. 1504 Farnam f VMWA Street. Telephone. 5.95. De J)VnV1H, nm. TpiiiIi und MnrcV Streets. Telephone, 029. Leave. Arrive. S. Louis "Cannon Hall" Rx press a 5.C5 pm a S:20 am a Dally. MISPOI RI PACIFIC RA1L rond General Olllces and Ticket olllces Southeast Cor ner 11th and Douglos Sts. Telephone 101. Depot, Union station. Leave. Arrive St Louis, Kansas Ai Nebraska Limited . alO.OO am n 0.30 pm K. C, St. L. Exprcts ..al0:10 pm a 0:15 nm Leave from 13th Webster HIS. and X,.l....ul;., I Via. Weeplnc Water ... .1), pm niu:ia inn a Dally.' b Dallv except Sunday. BAR POLITICAL CHIT CHAT llilrlluuloll Emplujes AmLpiI In Re fill In from Discussion Politics Willie on Dill;. Within the next few days oiip Omaha road and perhaps others will Issue In structions to Its employes, advising them that in the political campaign which Is now reaching lis height they will bo ex pected to subordinate politics to their work. It will not be the purpose of this order to Interfere with the political rights of any employe, but merely to guard against such Inttrcst being aroused that work necessary to bo performed might be neglected. The Burlington Is tho road which pro- petes to Issue instructions along tlicso lines and General Passenger Agent Francis has In his mind the Issuance of a circular lo all employes coming under his Jurisdic tion as follows: In view of the coming presidential elet tlon II Is the dcsiip'of the management tint oir emplojes refrain as as possible from political dlsctisslnnh. especially whllo on duty. It Is particularly desirable that tralnipen do not permit these discussions to prevent them having a sulllclcnt amount of rest nt terminals. Stntlsilcs show thnt during the presldeutlul election years the per coin or uccldents increases rrom .ittiv to November. This Is probably cnused by tho men not paying c'oser attention to Hid work, but pcrinittlni; their minds to bn occupied by other matters. We are par ticularly anxious this year to avoid acci dents from this cause I ask. therefore, for your close attention to your work during this icrloil. i-iir.i;iir it vi es still i .vs i'ahi.e. Tariffs 1'llNt of (iiiciiuo Sold In Hp hi NYnblily i.'iuiillll President Hurt and (loncral Passenger Agent Lnmnx of tho Union Paclllc left last ovenliiR for New York to be 'In attendancii upon tho meeting of executlvn ofllcers ot western rnllrouds, which will meet next Tucsiluy. S. II. Babcock, tralllc manager, nnd (I. W. Heintz, general passenger ngent, of tho Hlo Grande Western, passed through tho c.lty on tho Burlington this morning, hound for tho snmn desllmitlon. One ol tho particular matters that will come up before tho evocative oiriccrs will be relative to the organisation of a trans (ontlnonial passenger assmiullon. It In also Intimated that tho presidents and freight tralllc ollhiuls will dovole nnmo at tention lo freight matters. Even though the Ironclad presidents' agreement that no freight rates be cut Is presumed lo bn effective, still It Is u generally rccognied fact that rates are In a decidedly tinstablo condition. It Is charged by local freight men Hint rates on nil roads east of Chl- ago aro In an unsteady tondltion and local freight tralllc Is moro or less af fected by this situation. r n Ion Fiicllle's Ncv) Tli'Lel OIIIpp. The Union Pacific uptown ticket office Is now completed. Passenger oltliials aro well pleased with the transformation that has been plfortrd In tho old Ouhn building. N'o detull lins been overlooked that would con tribute lo the appearance and cnnvenlencn of the olllce. All of the furnishings nro new and modern ami the ticket cafes aro particularly tine. The walls oro covered with' a heavy, plain green frescoing and aro hung with handsome pictures representing scenes nlong the line of the Union Pacific. A cozy private olllce lins been provided for George Abbott, tho illy paFsenger agent. Hiilluii.t o(e nml Pei'Miiinils, J. It: Allen, Missouri Pacific ageiil ut Lincoln, IS In tho city lsltlim his iiimiv friends. Assistant Gcnci'iil Passenger Agent Gerrlt Fort lit the I'lllon Paclllc has returned from-his Initial trip over tho line. S. F Randolph, traveling p.iHHpiiKer agent of the Baltimore it Ohio Southwestern, Is ii visitor In the city fiom St. Louis. Gcnrgo F. West, i Rv passenger agent of tho Northwestern, has been called to Cedar Rapids b the death of his wife's mother A'pilsiant il'tiei'il Freight Aient .1 o I'hllllppl of (he Missouri Paclllc has re turned from Atchison, where he attended the fuiiu..l ul Mrs. W. It. Penboilv. wife of AsslMlunt Ocrieial Freluhl Agint Pea- j bod;' of St. Louis Thomas ; Mii'l'lUn, T-nrrsI western ueiil 't the Nashville, (imttuiinogu U St Louis. Is ti visitor in the iii trun St I Louis. J Henr Butler iruve Ing freljht , mwi for the aanie line, with heaatiaartwn 1 In Kansas City, li tUe In town. Vi4 n