r THE OMAHA DAILY 111312: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1000. COMMERCIAL ASD FINANCIAL Wheat Fairly Active and Advances Early on Cables and Weather. CORN IS DULL AND CLOSES SHADE LOWER tints Mnrltrl l Willi on I Life nml tin Prlprs Arc V nil 1 1 en 1 1 y t'nr limmcd I'roi Islona Arr Fuller nil Hun Itcrelptx Clone Deprrsiril. i IIKAOU, Sept. 14.-Vheat advanced er', on cables nntl weather, but sue ' imbed later to the lnrk of export dcmnlitl (I'ul rinsed weak, October ',4c lower. Corn isd i,p nml onts a shade down. Fro UsIonH closed 7141(15c depressed. Wheat wns fairly netlve. Tbe market opened strong, Oetober lit 76f77Cc. because Liverpool showed n responsive advance to tin bulge here yesterday nnd because rains In the northwest were again InterferlriK with threshing. Long wheat came out at tho Htart and u dip to 75'c took plncc, but as the offerings were Well taken, the mar ket reacted to 76'i'ii76V'. The recovery wan In a measure helped by a sn!e of 2fi0,000 bushels at St I,oiiIh. The exnort demand 'lid not make Its appearance here, on hail been hoped. This, with the liquidation of over I.ikm.Ooo bushels by n prominent trader caused the market to weaken and the mar ket wh.s weak at the close. October UfoHc under yesterday. New York reported :I3 loads taken for export Clearances at the seaboard were put at 750.000 bushels. I'rl mary receipts were 1.265.000 bushels, com pared with 1,24.1,000 last year Minneapolis nod Duluth reported 669 cars, against IS3 last week and 1,022 a year ago. l,ocal re ceipts were 216 cars, 5 of contract grade Corn was dull and featureless, but steady. The market was sustained by unfavorable weather In the west, bv the light country offerings ami a good cash business. Spot sales were reported at 400.000 bushels. The market bulged early In sympathy with whent and dropped again when the latter market timed weak. October sold between 39",e nnd M'sc and closed c lower at nD'dc Receipts were 62.1 cars. Oats gave another exhibition of still life, but the trade was substantially nt yester day's figures. The tone was rather easy. October sold between 22'a22',c nnd 21'c, i loslnjr ii shade down nt 21?4c. Kccclpts were 327 cars. Provisions were easier on hog receipts over the estimate and under heavv pres sure from sellers of ribs. The shipping de mand was reported good. October pork closed "lie lower at $11 10; October lard, 7'aftlOc down at St!. 7216, and October ribs 15c deoressed at 7.22',4. Kstlmated recefpts tomorrow: Wheat, 375 ciim: corn, 670 earn; oats, 33.1 cars; hogs, It'.OOO head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open. I lllgh.l Low. Closp.i Yes'y. Whent Hept Oct. Nov Corn Rept Oct Nov Oats Sept Oct. Nov 1'ork- Ort. Jan. I,a rd- Oct. Nov .Inn. ltlbs- Sept Oct. .In n I 76 I 7T. "r 7;. 77b 7fi!lU I 75 I 7'U 75'4l ir.'s 7H' 76'i'!( i 40 i m xifii .in. 1 7I.TU 1711 ifj.HI 7fiif77l IWifjl 41 39", 4 37 Hllll ."IP. i 121 WV, 21 2H4 21 1.!, 22(, 217V" 22 22H! I II 42'fe 11 .12 V, 22'; 11 1 11 2.- 11 15 11 10 11 '7H 11 3IH 11 .12V4I II I 6 77m C 77"..l f. 7"4 0 724 fi !2'i fi 72V4 ' l0 tl 55 It 2K Ii 75 fi 75 6 72 Vs 6 53 I fi 57'Sjl fi 65 ' I I 7 15 I 7 45 I 7 40 I 7 10 l 7 47'A 7 27' 7 30 I 7 2J'4i 7 224, 7 li'fc fi 02',fc Ii 0214I 5 !'7'al 00 (, 0Ji, No. Cosh nuototlons were as follows: FLOFIt-SIeodv: winter patents. US0T 4 00 straights. W.lOffi.1.70; eb.irs, J.1.10'!i3.50; Hiring specials. Sl.loit4.60p putents, S3.60fj 400, straights. S3.wwi3.io. Wl I HAT--No. 3, 75fi76o; No. 2 red COHN-No. 2. 4li'(IPic; No. 2 4i41illc OATS--No. 2, 21V22,c; No 2 2l'ic No. 3 white. 2U2IV. UYIC-No. 2. 52c. IIAItMCY-Oood feeding. SMtiSai-ic; 77'ii . yellow. white, fair to I'linice mailing, iVitlJC. SKi:nS-No. 1 llnx. SI.WI: No. I north western. $1.51: prime timothy, J4.10W4.3O clover, contract grade. J!i 75. nun iniij.re.iess pors, ner 001. (Till 10. Lard, per 10H lbs.. $i.72V(i6.76. ribs sides (loosol, S7.40fi7.7i). Pry shoulders (boxed), $J37V4fltf.724. clear sides (boxed), $7.9.Vf S.05. I KO VISIONS Mess nork. uer bh S11.40 yiil 111, 1,11111. M-r i" nil., 9'. i-k2r(l 11. tn. Winirt salleil Short WIIISKY-Hasls of high wines. JI.20. si n a us unciianged. I-'ollowIng are the receipts and shipments of the principal grains: Receipts. Shipments. l-'lour. obis 15.000 2S.Ai Wheat, bu 3k0.iK) 25rt.iVO Corn, bu 4.V.1.OX1 175,o Oats, bu I.'iO.Oho 2s5.n0) Hye, bll H.ii 11 1.0 0 llarlcy, bu 5ii,0n0 2,0W On the I'rodtice exchange today the but' ter market was llrm; creameries, lG'.sJiWAc dairies. I 111 inc. Cheese, llrm, lO'ifllHSo Kggs, steady, fresh, 15c. m:w voiuc ;i:m:hai, maiikim' Uiiotnlloiin for tlir Ihlj- on Vnrlou CoMimoilltlrs NUW YORK. Sept. 14.-rU)l'-Hc- celpts. 14.922 bbls.; exports, 10.91C bbls ; hiiich, s.omi pkgs. , tinner again, with In side, prices raised 55110c and demand ac tive, winter patents, JJ.701i4.00; winter straights, $3.60(1(3. GO; Minnesota patents tl l.V(i4.40; winter extras. $2.70iij3.0O; Mlnne sota bakers. J2.S."ij3.2ri; winter low grades $2 4 ji2.d. Hve Hour, nulel : sales, ton IiIiIm fHlr to good $3,005(3.25; choice to fancy, J3.30 Kl.l.li'i. COIINMHAI, Klrm; yellow western, SSc illy. 75iSSc; Ilrandvwlne. J2.431i2.55. UYR Firm; No. 2 western. 57-V f- o. b,, alloiit, state, 531i6lc. c. I. f., New York. HAKI.KY-Qulet; feeding. 421f45c. c. I. f., ir inrn; inaiiiug, w.vuwa, c. 1. f., liiu fain. H All!, ICY MALT Dull: weHtern. (Hr.ifiSe. WlllCAT-Kecelpts, 100,825 bu. : eximrt. (I.4H0 bu.; sales, 1,250,001) bu. f'Hures, .SO.000 1111. expori spot, sternly; No. 2 retl. bitv, f o. b., alloat: No. 1 northern nu'uth. S5o. 11 (Ion t Options had quite a strong niienlug on hlcher entiles and more rain In the northwest, after which by reason of active realizing, uisaiipointuient over the local ex port trade 11 ml heavy offerings In Chicago declined Hhnrnh. oloxlnir weak nt 1111. eluuged prices; March, MVf?S.V;c; closed Xic, May, MVusjV"; closed. S.(i(,c; Sep- Inntlm '1-1 IM. klLV - nl,..l Oil ... S0iysie: closed, SOV; December, S2btf n.i'ic, cioseo, fi."jic. COIIN- Heculpts. 107.250 bu. ; exports. 44 mi , saies, iti.i.iani nu. futures. 2in.eoo bu ex port Spot, Hteady; No. 2. IfiV. devntor. nnd 47c. f. o. b., atloat. Options higher at first on limitless nliroiul. but huImi mlv vleldlng to tho break In wheat and pros pects of larger receipts closed easy at "jC advance on September to i,e rise on De i ember; May, 4lKJf41V.,c; closed, ll'jc; Sep. ii-iiiiH-i, i!i-'imii-4C. c-upeu, lu-c; uecemuer. 4l-(ii42e; closed, ll'Hc. OATS- ltecel)ts. 1(,500 bu.; exports. 315 1 1 II Hflletl .11. I H HI llll uiw.f U(.,t 11.... Kn .1 25i No. 3, 24We; No. 2 white. 27&i27iie': Xa. 3 white. 2t!fi2fii.4c; track mixed western, 24V4 iii2i!i- track while western. 25V4ii;i3c; track white slate. 25'4tfi.13e. I-'KICD -Steady ; sirlng bran, JIG OlifTliLSO; mixed. J17.Wjl!U): winter bran, J17 60(fj"pl.f0; city, $17 on. llAY-Steady; shipping, 724(f?75c; good to CIIOICO, W'0,.,1,. HOrs Dull; stato. common to choice. j -:-' crop, ii'fii.ic; niu, ziiuc: j'nciuc coast is:i! cron. l(Vni3c: old. 24i5c. lMDKrt Firm; Oalveston. M to 25 lhi., JRc. Cullfomlu. 21 tn 25 lbs., lSWc; Texas, drv. 21 tn 30 lbs.. 13',e. ATI I Kit Steady; hemlock sole, liurnos Ayros. iieni to neavywemiits, 22ji2Jlsc; ncld. 22Vjii23Uc. WOOI Dull: domestic tleece, 25fi2ie: Texns. ISIilfic. I'HON'ISIONS-Ileef, stonily; famllv. $10.00 mum. mess, :i.i-iiu.i"i; ouckoi, jiu mvini.iio city, extra India mess. IO.CO(jl7.0j Cut meats, steady: pickled bellies, $X.75iT11.00; suniiioers, jo.nu; picKien nams, Jiu.rssr 10 7." Kuril, llrm: western steamed, $7.20; Seritember closed nt $7 20, nominal; re fined, llrm; continent, $7.50; South Amerleu, $S00. compound, $8.COJU 12'4. Pork, steady; family. $15.00'! 16.75; short clenrs, $l3.75'u 16 ill. mest. $12.2513.25. TAKKOW Steady; city ($2 per pkg). i couuiry tpacaages tree), 4'04'c. RICR Steady; domestic, fair to cxtn 4vfifi'4P. Janan. 4,4ifie. MOKASSUS Steady; New Orleans, open nrnir, kuou in cnnicc, miic. ni'TTliH-Hecelpts, 2.213 pkgs.; steady; stnte dairy, IStjIfiO-'jc; creamery, lAUfi2lc; June creamery, ISViii-lc; factory, llWltiUe; jiuiiuiuiii L-jcaniery, joiniirvc. CIIKKSK- Receipts. 2.C01 pkgs.; llrm larro white, lu'kc: largo colored, 10',c; small white. loVic; small colored, IQUc. ICQOS Itecelpts, fi,122 pkgn. ; steady; west- em rrsuiur iiai-King, ni marK, ujiiic; west ern. loss off. 10c METALS The wifeW nnlxlins un with vere little (f any mnUrial channo In tho nietul nrlces us ouoted on last I'rl.lnv Tin rule. I very dull and omewhut lower owing to tho ettsltr markets abroad, prices thero easing off 10a for spot and i:i for futures. The rloe hre showed spot to be on the bnfls of jjt.wxsiiiu.w. imkv copper was nulet and unchdneed at $16.75frl7.00. Lead, dull nt M.tVA. Spelter, eosj; In tone, but not nuot- moij lower, ui tt.wmt.iv, una hb iron wur- dull nt $3 37-4; Tho broker. prP e for lead was $4 and tor cop- per JlG.87's omaiia wiioi.i:sAi,i: MAnuins. Condition of Trade nnd Qnntnltoni on .tnplp ii nil Ffine-r 1'rodiier. i:r,OS Recolnts liberal: rood stock firm nt 13'.yfr1u KIVK I'Off.TRV Ifen.i. 7e: roosters. 344c; spring chickens. Sc; duckB, 4U5c, geese. 4'85c, turkeys, Sc. fiu:sii ui(i;usi-;u rot iinv uens, gcj (fJSc, roosters, Dfifie; ilueks nnd geese. C5j5 1CK'. broilers, per lb., lOttllc; turkeys, 12'4o. HfTTKR-Common to fair. 13c; choice. Ififllfie; separator. 2le: gathered creamery, i:ni2nc. FISH Trout. 10c: bluensh. 9e: nlckerel. $c; catfish, 12c; dressed buffalo, 6c: white- Ilsn, nc; nerring, c; black bass, ioc; sal mon, 13e; white bass, 10c; cropple, 10c; pike. 10c; halibut, :u bllllneaa. Ifc; ring Iierch. Gc; lobsters, green. 22e: boiled lob sters, 25c; mackerel, 20c, codfish, lCc; yellow perch, Ge. FRKSII OYSTRItS-Flrst grade, solid ltni.ljnil V VnKb ' II I b nn- f " - iht extra seleets, 35c; slaniliinl.. 20c. Second' graue, siock linen, New vorK counts, per can, &)o; extra selects, 21c: standards, 20c. raiKDNS-i.ivp, per dozen, yjc. Vi:AKS-Cholee. nQIOc. HAY Prices minted bv Omnha Vholesnln I lav Dealers' assoelatbin: Choice unbind. $S.50; No. I niilond, $8.00; medium, $7.60; coarse, $G.50. Ryo straw, $5. Theso prices are for nay or good color and minlltv. Re ceipts, 3 cars. Demand fair nnd prices iirm OATS No. 3 white, 2c. CORN-No 3, 3Se. 11RAN-J12.M. VROHTAnKKS. CrcyMIiKRS-Ier dozen. 205723c. NKW TI RNII'S-I'er bushrl basket. Me. M5W IIKKTS l'er dozen bunches. 15'820c. MOW CARROTS Per doren nlinches, 25c. KKTTt'CK Per dozen, 1015c. RADISIIKS Home grown, tier dozen, 18c. I1FANS Wax. tier tmlf tmahnl ImvltnY. 40c; string. S5c. POTATUKK Per bushel. 40SOe!- Hweol potatoes, ner pound, 2c. l AiiHAtJi; Home grown, per pound, lc, CACKIFKOWKR-Pcr dozen, $1. TOM ATOF.'t I Inmn irrnu-n. ner Vintf bushel basket, 4'jc u. u i.ns- Home grown, per bu., uO-yGOc. CDKKRY-Nebraskn. 30i40c. FRl'ITS. PFACHF54 CnllfnrVil.i rrMitnnin clings, 75c. I'KUMS-Cnllfornln, per crate, $1.1001 23. PR1 'N l-!K I ln h mill Hnlnrnrln ner prnlp $1; per box. G0c HA IITKRTT PRAItH Per lint. tt.TSfiS.IM! others, $I.r,(yiTl 73. ORAPFS--Cnllfornln Tnknvq. l.limkM crnte. $1.50; Concords, home grown. 17jl!ic; Delawnrc and Niagara, per 6-lb. basket, 15c. WATI;RMI-:I.oN As to size, 2T23c each. , l A.NTAi.oi Pl.-Oems, per dozen, 40i';c; largo slzea, 6iV,i75e . APPKKS Nntlvp, 73cft$l per bu.; per bhl . J2.60U3.oo. Crab apples, per bbl $3. CRANllF.1tItlF.HIVr lilil tier rniln $2 60. TROPICAK FRUITS. ORANOFS-Volenclns, $4.25'i(4.75. KKMONS California, extra fancy, $5.60; holee. J", efvfia 2.. BANANAS Per biinrh npeonllnp- tn lze. $2.Wy.'.73. M ISUriKKANKOUS. VTtVnt? t-....ll..l I ... .nstn - . .'ii io-iiii(iiiii winning, jier in., iui.tc; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, per lb.. lCft' ISc; raw, pep lb., UilfSc; ronsted, GHQ7Uc. HIDES. HIDFS No. 1 ureeti lililes. fie! K'n 5 i?reen hides, 5c, No. 1 salted hides. V4?. So. 2 salted hides, fiijc; No. 1 veal calf, S to 12 lbs., 7c; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs.. 6c. St. l.iinls Crnln mill Provisions. ST. KOIMS. Sent. 13 WHRAT Illtrlier- No. 2 red, cash, e evator. 73lc: track. 74UCT m'Ac; Sentomber. 73f-c: October. 74lte: cumber, No. 2 hnrd, G9;g70c. i'uu.n Higiier; No. 2 cash, 39Hc; track, lOKc: September. 3'J'ie: October. .17p: lie. ceniber.. :"'!. 31c. OATS Firm; No. 2 ensh, 22e; track. 22i5T 22'ic; September. 21',4c; December, 22'4c; No. 2 white. 25U2H,p. tl'I. u. I.. ... rn- .... I hi,-. oi.-iiiiv 111 u.u I11U. FKOFR Stronger: nut en U. 13.flVi73.7S! ..v. tr.i fancy and stralgnt. I3.2."4i3.35; clrar, $2.7iM3.0o. SKKDS-Tlmothy, steudy, W.7517 1.10; llax, higher. 14c. CORN M 10 A K-St end y , $2.00ft 2.05. I1RAN Higher; sacked, east track, Gift 1 2c. HAY Timothy, steudy, JS.0Oifl2.CO; pr.ll rle. llrm. J7.0Ofji.25. WHISKY Stead v. J1.2G. IRON cottonTh:s-ji.30. BAOniNC.-JS VW.Kt. MUMP TWINH-Oc. MKTAKS-Keud. uulet at $4.321.4. Snelter. dull nt J3.9I. PO r KTR Y Stead v. chickens. 7c: voiinir. M4e; turkeys, 7c; young, be; ducks, 7c; geese, O'llll'sC. K(K!S-Stuudy nt 12V6C. IH'TTHIi Steadv: crennierv. I7ifi51i'f dairy, 1.rifil7c PROVISIONS-Pork. steady; lobbing. $12.50. Kurd. Iiiwer; choice, JG.G.". Dry salt meats ibnxed). strong; extra shorts, $7.75; clear ribs. $7..S7'i; clear .ildes, tl.nt. Bacon (boxed), strong; extra shorts. $S.37ls; cleat ribs. $S.5(l, clear sides, $vfi2',4. RKCFIPTS-Flour , bbls.: wheat, 13t.0iV) bu.; corn, 3S.O0O bu outs. M,00o bu. SH I I'M FNTri Fiour, 2.t0 bbls.; wheit. U.0O0 bu.; corn. 09.000 bu.; oats, 2O.0X) bu. C ii ii x ii i f'lty firnln mid Pro vlnhilin. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 13.-W1H:AT-De-cember. 77tfj l"'p ; May, 72c; cah, No. 2 hard, GijftC7c; No. 3. G41(GGc, No 2 red. 71c", (f(72c; No. :i. G7!i"0sc. CORN December. 33c: May. 31ft34if0; cash. No. 2 mixed, SSc; No. 2 white, 39V4CJ No. 3, 39c. OATS-No. 2 white, 25c. RYi:-No 2. (Gc. HAY-Cholc timothy, J9.50&10W; choice prairie. $s.no. M'TTDR C'renmrry. WUWc; dairy, fancy, 17c. IXiCiS Steady ; fresh Missouri and Kan sas stock, 12V.-C doz., los off, cases re turned; new whlteood eases Included, ',tc more. UHOHIPTS-Wheiit. 154.400 bu.; corn, 15, 300 bu. ; oats. 15.IMI bu. SHIPMFNTS Wheat. 204,H bu.; corn, 1I.3W) bu.; oats, 4.000 bu. I.lroriiool tirnln mill Pr Islons. K1VHRPOOK. Sept. 14.-WHKAT-Snot, llrm; No. 2 red. western, wlntpr, 6s PAil; No. 1 northern slf tings, lis 4Mid; No. 1 Cal ifornia, fis Mj 6s 5V4d; futures, quiet; Sep tember, lis 2d; December, Gs 4'd. CORN Spot, llrm: American mixed, new, 4s 4V2d; Amerlcnn mixed, old, nominal; fu tures, unlet; October, 4s 3'd; November, 4s 3VI; December, 4s 27'd. FKOFR St. Kouls fancy winter, firm at 8s. Receipts of wheat during the last thren days, 3SI.0O0 centals, including 350,000 Amer ican. Receipts of Amerlcnn corn during the last three davs. 179,900 centals. PROVISIONS Kard. American refined, steadv. 3Ss: hams, short rut. dull. 4i- bacon, Cumberland cut. steady, 44s; clear Hemes, Hteauy, ais; snouiuers, square, firm. Mliiiipupnlln Wlirnt Mnrkrt, MINNFAPOKlS. Sept. 14.-WHFAT- eitemt)er. il'tv: Deeemlier. ifiur; May, 7!'i'!i7nc To arrive: No. 1 hard. 7Sl'tc; No. 1 northern, 7Gi4c; No. 2 northern. 74s;p. FKOFRSleady; first patents In wood, $11011 1 S3, second patents, $4,Oog-i,2,'): llrit clears, $2fIr3.10; serond clears, $2.C0ff2.S!). HRAN-In bulk. $12.00fi 12.25, Pbllndrliililn Prodticp Mnrlirt. PHIKADFKPHIA. Sept. ll-HUTTKn-Qulet, but steady; fancy western cream crv. 22c; fancy western prints, 23c. KfiliS-Qnlet; fresh nearby. 18c; fresh western. lTV'MSc: western. 17c. CMIHKSK-Flrm. full creams, fancy, 5 Mil. lair to cnoice. iii4c; nais, yniwc. Duliltll Mnrkrt, Dri.FTII Wis , Sept. 14.-WIIRAT-Nn. 1 hard cash nnd tn arrive, 74c; No. 1 northern cash to arrive. 773ic;October, 7Sc; December, 77c; May, S0c. OAT8-2l44"J4e. CORN-40c. MllivntiUcci llrnln InrUet. MIKWAFKHH. Sept. 14. -WHRAT -Higher; No. 1 northern, 77'4G7Sc; No. 2 northern. 75'J't76,,e. RY10 Higher; No. 1. 53'sc. HARKKY Firmer; No. 2, 52c; sample, 43Jj61c. movi;h:ts or stocks axd iio.mjs. Wi'iik .tliirl.i't Mums .M ri'iiKt Ii In C'onipnrlMoii vtlth l'orincr llnya. NHW YORK. Sept. 14.-Tho stock market took on a much more decided tone today. Indications of llouldntlon gathered force and In the late dealings the professional traders fell upon tho market nnd offered prices down nil around the room. They met with considerable success In bringing out shorts at the decllno and when they covered on a moderate scale tho rallies wero so feeble that they renewed the nt. lack, making the close of tho market quite ucuve aim easy, i ne coalers were Hie most notable sufferers, though not on thq largest volume of selling In tho list. New Jersev Central fell SH points and Kackawnnna nntl Reading tlrst preferred lost n point each. Rut the weakness was quite genernl and well distributed through the list, rnllronds and Industrials suffering alike. Sugar en Joyed n period of strength, but elnseit n point below last night. The steel stocks were generally heavy and a number of them were off a point or over. The local traction group, I'nlon Huk preferred, Atch ison preferred. Missouri Pacific, Southern Pacific. Burlington, Koulsvllle, Baltlmoro & Ohio, Kaunas A Texas preferred und North ern Pacific preferred were down from 1 to 1!4. nrowlng uneasiness over the ef recta ot the coal miners' strike and feurs rants rerv of higher monev rates combined tn depress prices, There were reports that the strike would be settled before the curtnllment of output proceeds far, but today's news that miners whose supply of powder was ex hausted were lying down their tools with out buying fresh nupplle.t dispelled much of the optimistic feeling The financial world seemed to nwake gn ernlly today to the realization that tho cautious conservatism displayed by the world's great banks was warranted by fore knowledge. London discounts hardened sharply and stocks were sold In New York for London nccount. the sterling pxehange rate recovering u fraction. The otllclul An nouncement of the subscription by New York bunkers to the Oermnn treasury bond Issue of so.UpO.OoO marks (J2ii,0oo,on0) empha sized the uneasiness over the effect of this new demand upon the money market. The forecasts of the weekly bank statement shows that the banks have Inst to the sub treasury since Friday Jl.lH.OoO. F.stlmntes of the currency movement to the Interior are confessedly conjectural, but the known movements of money by express, according to statements by the banks themselves. In dicate that over $3.nc),00O has gnne out. This Indicates n total loss of ciihh b the banks of about $5.0oi),0ii0. The changes In the loan Items nre obscure, but If the (Jermiin loan operation figures in the statement n large Increase In the loan item and n correspond ing expansion of reserve requirements Is to be counted In addition to the loss In cash In eHtlmatlng the shrinkage of the surplus. This rapid rate of Inroad upon the nvall nble bank reserve precipitated the selling of stocks. Possibly the reaction in the cot ton market was nlso responsible for throw UK "ome securities on the nmrket. The bopd market did not share in the late activity of stocks and continued pruc 11:? ,!i '""mailt. Total sales, par value, JSIj.oon. I'nlted Stntcs 3s advanced U and the 6s 4 per cent In the bid price. Commercial Advertiser's London llnnnclnl cablegram; "The markets opened hero lint today tinder the Influence of n disquieting aSSr. ,n thn Tlnf,', concerning the situation In China. They recovered partial strength on news from Africa and closed falrlv cheerful. Americans were under parity most of the day. though New York offered some support. Business In this department was on mi extrcmoly small scale, Paris ad vanced llntos. Money wnH llrm, owing to the many calls und the mnrket was com pe led to apply to the Bank of Knglnnd for a large sum for a week at 4'j. Bar sliver was (Inn. Following nre the closing prices on tho New i ork Stock exchange: Atchuon E7i do ifd 6' HM'lmore A Ohio.. 7)i Ciinml an l'nclllc ..81 . Con.nlu So 41 I'tic. A Ohio i.7't ciileaKO . W lft: . II. & Q t:t Ch.t Iml. L 2.i do pf l S7 riii. & n. in gun C & N. W ifriu .. it. i. & p i. 6t. c v. C & St. i,.... ;s Color.nf.i Mn it I'n'rn laoldj do pftl Wnbnih do pfl . Mt4 , 73t, H'i 17', 2. . I2. .un .121 Wheel & U n. d. nf,l. W s. Pentral Til rd Avenue .... Adam 1 llx Amerl at Ux P. (4 V.k Well-laro I2x... A me-. Cot. Ol .. do pfd Pi 122 3PJ SS 4'4 2li, 3Ui !'. Pa 17 P 6-i 3-. , 7l, Amr. Mnltlng .. dn 1st nf 1 41 ' do pfd do M pfj ijij Pel. & H ipon ID Del. K V .... l 214 Penvei & II. 0 18 'lu nfd c; i:n n dD 1st pM 3:11 Ot. Nor. pfd 1511; llne'tlnit ronl n Hocking Volli-y .... S3 Illtnoli Central ....l'tP; Iowa Cntinl n; rtn pM ta Uike Brie & W .. J.;.; do pM 9 1; Kike Shore I., f.- S 7 Mn-nlmttm I. !0U Mtt. St. It.- rm Mexican Centr.il .. 1P4 M'ni. St. I. ,H do rf.l !i4 Mo. l'nc'nflp rA'5 Mobile "ihlo S) An-.o-. s. & II In pM Amr. Spltlts .... do pfd Ame-. S do pfd. Hoop .. Amer. H. di pfd. Atner Tin Pln'e. do pfd Atner. Tnliaiio ... 1I0 pfd Anar. MlnlnK Co. Brooklyn it. T... Colo. F11M & I... Con. Tolne o 'o nfd Federal Stel do rf 1 On. Kleet-le ilueoe Sugjr ... do 1 f 1 Intr Pner d rfl Icl'd- Has NollTal niscu t di pfd Nitlrn'l K.il ... di rfd National Steel do pfd N Y A'r Brake. .'n Anier'oan ... Pnclfli l'oat do l'l pfl 1I0 -d rfl "n-V Mali P-op'e's Oat p.enaei s. Car .. d pf.l . SOI, 44'i . r,: . 3. . 3iij . 61 .13H, . 11 . mi; . 1 'i . !! -1 ; "2, nn . i - in, .127 . M"i . 54i . i: . Dp; . 3 . 'i 7P4 .tsj Wi .'ID . . 10 . R4 . 'I . I' . 7!i; . V . .- M.. K. T do nfd ri: N J. Ontral 1 N. Y. Cental 12". NorMk & W U do tifrt tl No. Pa 1(1 51 do nM 71 Onta-lo & V y Ore. Hv & Nav.... (3 do iM P'tiniylvonln 127'i Iti-nillng Wi do 1t rfd 6l'j do M rti I. nio O. W 51 Jo rf I ' Pullman P. -' o. A- T. Car St. I. S r 'iv do 1t rfd do M pf.l f,7 311, 1H. S'S 'r. rw, in it r., li'i Sti"ar do pfd Te-n. ivl A- I... 1'. . Inthr .... 'o -fd P. fl. Ilnhhef .... do p'd Veprn i'olin .. Ito'-uU'l- I. ,t S.. do pfd 1 r c. st 1.. st I. OilUflW do if,l St Paul ill pf.l t P - rvn.nho . So. J'a-lflc So. HMIwoy di n'-l Teas l'o-'ne.. Offered. Kx-dli'ldend. Nov VorU "IIoiipj- Market, NHW YORK. Sept. 14.-MoNRY-On call. easy, at liff2'ii per cent; prime mer cantile paper, 4fi5 per cent. STRUM NO IJXCIIA NOR Steadier, with nctual business In bnnkers' bills nt $4.80 for demand nnd $4.f3l. for sixty day: poited rates. JI.KII M'J. and J4.S7.i(T4,f-8. Cemmerclal bills Jl.2'iri4.f3. S1KVRR CRRTIF1CATF.S-2.;?i3-44c SIKVRR Bar, 2e; Mexican ifollars, 48,c. BONDS-aovernment. strong; state, In active; railroad, Irreiulur. Thi closing prices on bonds today are as follows: IT fi. ref. ti, res .101 Y r. 11 irmij V. ,r c. gen. 5, ....122 Xo Pacific 3, csij di 4 nt N" Y, r & st I, 4i .107 'or & V. con. 4. O e .sav. 1 t ? do 4 jo2; O eeoa S U i....12:t, do ronol ,1s lit Itfadlng ten. ts S7i.i do coupon 10i do 3s. reg do coupon ... do new 4i, rer. do coupon do old 4. res;., do coupon do r g 1 do coupon r e i- 3 ;, Athlon gei. 4 do ndj. 4b Canada So. 2.,.. Ches. & O. 4'.js di ts C. ft N W - 7i .1 01, .1 9 .111 .131 .114- .11 V; .'13', l 1HP- Bin O. W. 1s n I t I. A- T T e f. ll' ..1 ' .. 5S' ..120', t I. S F ,'... 1-4'j t Paul connol! ...lO'i 1'. P.P. P. Is. .117 do 6 115IJ S llthern Pjclflo 4. " fi . Ita'hviy lOS'i S It ft T s 67 Tex. & Pacific ls...l 2 'o .1 ..til do fi. F. deb 3.. 12014 Chlr.iito Ter. 4s.... f2'i Colo. So. 4s Sl'a p. ft n. n. is 1I1S 4s Br'e general 4..., p iv. (. n. r is. 10J v, K 1 t'nlnn Parlflc 4i Watiah lr do : .p-.i; .1 IK-J .12 .112 7'i . si?; O'n. Klectrl- ts....l S K. U X, unt. 4s... 911, West S!io-e 4i.. 1 M'iltVls. Cnlral 4i M.. K & T. is..., do 4s. When Issued. 91 iVa. Centuries lloston Stock Qnotntloiia BOSTON, Sept. II. -Call loans. 2J73 per cent; time loans, 3ijf4',i per cent. Official closing: A . T. .tr fi. F 27 do pfd I!1 Atner. Sutjar 11) do pfd 1 C Amer. Telephone. . .14Jij Poton & Albany.. .I4"i Wis Cenlril Alchlon 4 N 12. O. ft C. (is. Adventure Allonez Mln. Co.. Antal Copper Atlantp Boston ft Mont... llet ft Boston . .. tn .. 57'j .. 414 .. 1 .. n 2'14 . 312 .. ..744 .. 11 1. 14 .. hi .. 4114 ..111 4IJ ..i:0 .. 30 .. ?; .. 40 IVston Blevated . Boston 4- Me c. n. ft q Dominion Cenl ... do pfd Federal Steel .... do pfd F.d. Klec III ..m . .isi ..123 .. 37', ..110 .. 3H, .. ..2I Cal ft Becla Centennial 1 Franklin ''ill- hildt 0rpola Parrot Qulney Santa Fe Copper. Tamarack Plan M lint Wlnena Wolverines Mleh. Teleplinne.... f5 n. n o. ft c Old Colcny 22 on Pomlnlon I7'4 BuMrr 25 Vnl.n ruelfle 504 West Knd . .. ", Westlnnh. Elecrlc. 47'4 " Kx-dlvTdend. Iiomlnn Slock Quntntlnns, LONDON, Sept. II. p. m.-ClosIng: Cons., money SS 9.IC do account 11-16 Atchison tS I2rle 11 31 73?i 7 9'i 41'i do 1st nfd P-nnsylvanla . Ileadlnu No. Paclflo nM Canallan Twine. .. 91 St. Paul 117 111 nols Central ....119', Oranl Trunk . Inilsvllle 71 naconda Vnion Pacific pfd.SUt ITtand Mines ... N. Y. Central 131 -I'.x-ilivnii-iiii. bar HiiiVKii-quiet; 2S 15-lRd per ounce. MONEY 2ft2V4 per cent. tnl, . . ,, ,11.. 1.. . 1 . . jut' iiii" hi iiini-iiiiiii in me iiprn marnet for short bills Is 3fi3 U-lfi per cent and for three months' bills, 3 11-1&33, per cent. Xe.v A'nrk MIiiIiik StocUs, NEW YORK. Sept. 14,-The fol'owlng nre the closlnc quotations for mining shares todny: Chollar n Crown Point V) Con. Cal. ft Va 10"i Peadwood 41 O.Tiild ft Ourrle .... 31 Hale A Norcrosa... 17 me ike JftM Iron Silver 61 Ontario 675 Ophlr 1 Plymouth Iwicksiiver .... I d3 rfd florr.1 Nevada . I Standard jPnlon on ... . I Yellow Jacket .... 41 .... 10 ...,H0 . . . .700 .... :s ....420 .... 14 .... 15 Condition ur till! Trennury. WASHINOTON, Sept. 14 -Todny's state ment of the trensury balance In the gen cral fund, exclusive nf the J160,oi',000 gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows; Available caijh balances, J135JG'.', 767! gold, $73,CS4,640. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Eatl Weather and Light Eccolpts Mako Buyers Indifferent. HOGS AVERAGE A SHADE LOWER TODAY Mieep MnrUet Well Supplied, but Tbpj CbiinUPil llu nils ut (iiioil, Mend) Prices nnd IJ rr tblnit .sold Knrly. SOfTH OMAHA, Sept. II. Receipts were Cattle. Hogi. SI1.1P .. O.fl'ii 1.W5 I'.JOI .. .s.041 fi.Mi I.!1 0 .. 4.5 7 270 S.VU .. 4,0t!l lO.Stifi !.;'J .. I,j39 fi.'Ot 0.SI7 Otllclul .Monday ... Olllclal Tuesdav . Ottlclnl Wednesiliiy Olllclal Thursdiiv Olllclal Friday ... Flvo days this week....2r.4IO 31.31S 30.3 9 S.imo days Inst week....i:i.241 Zf.Wi ;;:,'Ji Same Week before 22.175 24.C31 40,iil.l Sumo three weeks ago. 1U 7!9 31,713 43.153 Same four weeks ag . .lG.:t4 21,815 31,1. ( Average price palu tor hog lor the last several days, with comparisons: 1900. Aug. 15.. 4 97 Aug. 1G.. 4 9S Aug. 17.. 5 00 Aug. IS. . 4 M Aug. 19.. Aug. 20. . 5 03 Aug. 21.. B 02 Allg. 22. . S 01 Aug. zi. 4 97 Aug. 24.. 5 02 Aug. 23.. 503 Aug. 2(5.. Aug. 27.. 4 PS Aug. 24.. 5 02 4 441 3 75 4 32 3 7-. 2 831 4 42 6 03 ! 4 47 5 Hi 3 70 3 71 a iv 4 3b 3 74 2 SI n 110 4 Sol 5 II 4 47 4 5'J 3 IK 3 1;7 I 6 07 1 is! 1 r.i 1 3 I.) 4 42! I A in j fix 3 70 3 16 2 70' I t) 5 01 2 Sol 4 49, 5 10 2 7Ji 4 Mi 5 0) , 4 36 0 12 2 6S 4 30, 3 14 1 1 O '', 4 41 3 74 3 F3 4 I? .1 111 ?. 7P 4 40 3 731 3 SI IS J .1 3 t'A 3 !'3I 2 86 I ffi 5 62 Sept, H.'.l fi 22 I 2S i-cpt. 12..! 5 20U I 22 I 81 2 ,i 4 O'.il 5 82 4 051 5 SJ 3 77 I 2 70 nepi. IS., fi 07T I 3 79 3 82 I 00 5 73 Sept. II.. 5 05-., 4 30 3 83l 3 8'JI 2 C9i 4 03 5 72 Indlcntes Sunday. The ofllclul number of cars of stock brought In today bv each road was: Cattle, llos. Sh'p. H'M. 4'.. m. iv st. r. ity.... O. St. I,. Hy.... I'nlon I'aclllc system. Mo. I'ac. Ity C. N. V. Hy F. H. M. V. Ity.... C, St. I. M. & O. Ity. II. & M. Ky C. II. & Q. Ity K. C. & SI. .1. Hy C, H. I. & I., cast.. C. It. I. & V.. west.. Total receipts 14 38 3 721 3 91 2 76) 4 3'J 3 70 I 02! 2 75i 4 -.'41 J U 4 40! 3 971 2 Mil 4 21 5 M Aug. 2;). 1 6 02 4 421 370 I 2 S4I 4 III R S8 Allir .1 I p m ' 2 2tl m.i a m , 1 01! r. in Aug. 31.. K 0.3 4 271 3 G1 3 'J 2 811 4 201 5 4a I't- 1... 5 01'i 1 20 3 r,l 3 991 2 771 I 5 T3 g''l't. 2... 4 II 3 HOI 4 07 2 Ml I "1l f-ept. 3... 5 02 1 3 65, 4 07 2 Sl 4 3I fept. 4 ... 1 r, 1 1,, 419 1 I ol 271 421 5 f Pept. 5... I fi Wi' 4 22f 3 C2 i 2 7CI 4 13' 5 t5 gept. G 05H I ZV 3 3I 4 03 I 1 20 5 51 f-ept. 7,..! fi os-1 I ml 3 531 4 021 2 7S' 4 221 5 . V'Pt. 8... I 5 10T4 4 30' 3 CO! I O0 2 Ml 6 r3 Scill. II I 1 , nr., n .".I 1 Oil n Cll J 1 'i tt lt 23 ii 4 1 3 1 1 8 S3 2 12 IS 16 13 5 3 I 3 'fi .! 62 89 28 4 The disposition of the day's receipts was us follows, cash buyer purchasing t lit? num ber of head Indicated: Iluvers. Cattle. Hons. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 1 1.270 0. II. Hammond Co 167 1.12ti Swift nnd Company 80 1.210 Cudnhy I'ncklng Co 91 1,54.1 Armour St Co lrti 1,152 Omaha Fuck. Co.. K. C... 76 II. Uecker & Oegati 90 .... .1. I.. Carey 24 .... 1. nbm.m Co 70 .... W. I. Stephen I Mill & Mm tzlnger 34 523 5,491 f,8S Benton & I nderwood n Livingstone & Srhnller... 8 llnmlltnn & Rothschild.. 20 I.HVtnn ' Other buyers 461 130 703 310 Totals 1.2S9 C.314 CATTLH 'I hero was only n Uscht run of cattle here todav und tho fact that the weather was bad had a tendency to bur' the market. Chicago also reported n dull, weak market and as a result there was not much doing bete. There were only a few loads of cornfed steers on saV and the quality of the offerings was rather com mon. Iiuvers did not take hold with much life nnd It was a dull, weak market. The supply of cows was very light, hurdly enouch to make a test of the market. Thnt being the case, pnckerei did not enre whother thev bought uuvlhlng or not and tho market wan dull, though sales were made that looked about steadv. IHiH on some bunches, however, were undoubtedly lower. Although the bultt of the offerings today were no the feeder order, still there were not enough to go around nnd trade wan very s'ow. Yard traders hove n good many cattle on hand and tho bad weather seemed to shut off the demand from the country toduy entirely, so they were very cautious about buying more cattle so near the end of the week. The market was very quiet and bids were unevenly lower, though some of the better erades may have brought rlsht around steadv prices. The feeder market on the last end nf the week Is not upt to be very satisfactory from u seller's standpoint. There were not enough western beef cat tle hero todny to attract the attention of buyers, but as the market has been steady oil tho week they would urobablv have sold that way todiiv hid thure been any good ones here. Thero were only a lew cows and they sold from steady to n little lower. Feeders were very djll and In the majority of cases the sales that were made looked lower than yesterday. Huyers were not anxious for fresh supplies nnd took th"m only nt a discount. Hepresentatlve sales: HKKP STE1CHS. No. Av. Pr No. Av. Pr. : us, ti ;. n 1130 r. 40 is me 01 1 1 01 b 40 51 1160 5 0) 9 1013 s 40 stfi:hs-ti:xas. 5; 1033 4 0 STKIOItrf AND STAGS. 3 1 0) 3 40 COWS. 1... 1... S... 5... 1... 2. . 1... 10... ... 740 ... Mi ... 9C0 ... 9(8 ; 00 6. s:s 2 31 003 2 00 2 r.o 2 M 2 70 la.i.. 1.... 1.... 1.... c... 1.... 3.... 1.... 12.... 1.... 3 ro 3 ft.) .100-1 ...901 2 7'i . . . f!in 2 73 ... ft' 5 2 7S ... ' SI ...1220 2 R' .1020 :l (V) 94 S 3 03 ... 950 3 0 ... 80 3 10 ... 781 3 11 ... i-47 3 . .. "31 3 .13 ...1l:0 3 S) ... 4(41 3 K) ...101) 4 00 ... 90) 3 fo ...1030 3 y, . 803 ,. sir. .106) : 8.3 : 90 1. MHIKKKS. 450 3 10 fi 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... t... 1... 1... 4... !... 1... t... 1... 1... 20!.'.' Y.'.'. i... ..1010 3 23 1 HUIJ.S. : 43 1 set 1 CAI.'FS. 4 r,o 1 .mo 561 13) 131 3 31 I'O 1. SO STOCK' CO'S AND HKIFFflH, TO : no 3.. 6.. Ml 3 10 ....10f0 ....103) 30 -. (6) 3 10 .. 777 3 10 . T.' 3 ' ..1110 3 SO 2 61 4..., 3... I ... l'l' 3 75 9 '6 1040 3 01 STOCK CAI.VKS. , 2.10 3 23 2 :S3 4 ' :oi 3 so STOCKFPS A NO KHKDI3t.S. 67) 3 00 11. 673 191 3 61 7M 3 10 713 3 1 II :? 13.!.!!! 9 1 3 63 3 70 3 T.l 3 91 . 8)3 8 " 8 6 761 3 '.'0 M0 3 -J) 3 M (24 4 01 4VI 3 .If) 91) 3 61 92'. 3 63 STAGS. 1 No. 2.1 cows. . . . 8 cows 1 feeder.. 2 feeders. 46 cows.... 7 cows.. .. 4 feeders. I feeder.. 7M 3 01 NK11HASKA. Av. l'r. No. Av. Pr. . 991 ill 43 4 cow.... 7 feeders. 1 entf 1 heifer... 1 cow 1012 Ji m) 875 2 60 891 3 70 820 3 ! 250 400 710 910 S70 5 25 2 50 1 50 2 00 1 1,0 75." 896 911 sir. Gun 3 00 3 25 3 33 3 frt 2 cows.... 1 cow 2 50 coi.oii.vno. 4 50 2 feeders. 41 feeders.. 510 510 I 00 IDAHO. 1 bull.. 1 calf. 1 calf. 7 cows 1100 340 80 2 SO 1 bull. ..1010 ..1560 2 61 2 50 4 21 I 15 3 60 3 00 3 60 3 00 4 23 3 01 3 SO It 50 3 00 1 25 3 00 4 15 3 35 3 50 4 15 4 15 3 10 3 63 3 65 3 10 3 65 2 Si 3 7i 3 50 5 00 5 00 3 50 3 75 3 00 3 fid 3 50 4 25 3 55 3 50 3 m 4 15 4 25 3 50 3 50 1 15 3 50 4 15 4 15 1 bull. 97.3 14 feeders.. 1153 17 feeders.. 9(5 2 cows 1070 25 feeders. .1100 3 feeders.. 1061 1 cow 1110 5 cows 992 1 cow 126) fi feeders.. 1023 2 cows 1150 2 feeders.. 1063 1 cow 1131 16 feeders.. 8,16 10 feeders.. 912 1 cow I cow 5 feeders. 1 bull 5 cows . . . 3 feeders. 3 cows.. . fi feeders 1 cow 7 feeders 1 heifer.. 10 rows 860 .1120 .1021 1910 .1021 . 916 IK'O, 1080 . 950 . 891 . 810 .1003 3 cows.... 1 cow 4 feeders. 1 feeder.. 11 feeders. 1130 980 902 910 9A 6 feeders. .1088 1 feeder... lOnO ti feeders 938 I 15 1 feeders .1075 UTAH. 4!) cows. . . 3 feeders. 1 cow 2 cows. . . . 7.1 feeders. 10 cows.... 20 feeders. 15 feeders. 3 feeders. 888 3 10 2 feeders. .IfCO 7 feeders. . 811 8ml 2 C 5 1030 3 40 4 feeders.. 755 930 3 (0 3 f5 2 S3 8 cows. 9l , 734 , 9kS J. 1144 1015 7 feeders. 1 cow . 770 1110 Wl 929 I- nialn-S. D 4 15 3 '0 10 feeders., 1 feeder... Smith Kan. 3 culves ., 7 calves. . 3 75 Steel 6 cows. , 720 40 40 361 235 4 75 5 03 1 heifer.... S10 2 heifers 910 3 40 1 row . 8C0 .1 (0 IIOOS--Thcro was n good ran of hogs here today for a Friday, countlim what tin carried over, but packers nil seemed to le wanting fresh supplir. so that the mar ket ruled fairly active nt the start Light hogs did not sell quite as well on the wholo today as thev did on Hie t.pelilng ltnikrt yeetirday. but still they brought betier prices than they did ut the clo.p estcrl.i. Tho top of JS.2U wns ns good as the high price yesterday, but the bulk of the lllit weights sold from 5.07i, tn 15 lo. The pui portlon of sales landing In these rnlumns was not so great, though, hs on TI1urs1.1v, so that todies market will average quit u little lower Heavy hogs wero .lg.iln rather neglected, nntl. as Chicago came lower 011 tli" heavy weights, p.ieKnri look off 11 little more on those again tod ty. The bulk of them sold around 5 0)ii5o2'4, r.nd the medium weights at I5.02's1i5.l5. The Inst end of the market, when nothing but the henvy sturf was left, was hard y as good and sales were made that W"re fully 6c lower than yesterday's close. The market todav then, was 1. il tho way from steadv on a few light weights to 5c liw-r on the heavy stuff and the average cost o.' nil the hogs will be a rhade loner lb in yesterday. As will be noted from tho tnble of live" age price.'!, this Is the low point of the week mid the average cot Is now b.i k .ibo.it where It was on Thursday of Inst wci.. Henresentntivo sales: No, av. sn. rr. "o. yv. nn. 3(9 ... 14 9) 51 221 40 l'r. IT. 5 f6 5 0.1 5 05 5 0.1 6 OP, 5-7', 8 7' 5 7', 5 07H 5 07 1 41.. 43.. 51 . 53., CO., vs. , 58., i. 66. 61., 66. 66., 61.. 41.. 44.. 6).. 51.. 110. e?.. f.2.. .'1 . 67.. 53.. 65. . 71.. 62.. 31.. 14 9) 4 91 4 9'. I 95 4 95 4 95 4 9714 5 in) 5 (10 5 W 6 t) 6 l) 5 fil 5 01 5 '0 ft ro 5 02'4 5 02 1 i r. (2it 6 (2Vj r. 02'-, 6 0-Jij 6 OPj 6 H'J'i 5 feu 6 05 5 05 5 or. 6 05 5 05 5 05 6 05 5 05 5 05 6 05 6 IV. 6 05 fl 141 6 05 5 05 5 05 5 05 5 01 5 (5 3 Ol 3 f 5 5 (5 .1 03 .1 01 314 ... 4 91 54 :! 6;..., 61.. , 61..., 4... 6J..., rs!!!! CI..., (6..., 41..., ....24) . ..312 238 . . . .232 ,...:i7 ....'.21 ....2.-9 ....217 ....2'6 ....2'S ....213 ,i..22i ....241 ....272 ....244 ....'64 8) .334 .3Cfi ..'.21 .502 .319 .222 .2M .293 .270 ...r.91 .3'.8 120 40 itVl 40 'so 40 SI 5 07'4 5 (7', 61 t. .22i 40 5 07'i 78 241 41 5 07ii 71 272 iM 3 07'j 64 244 4 5 I7'j 71 '64 '0 3fi7'i M "'it .;i 5 7'-. 71 2:.7 (0 5 7"J 57 282 ... 6 0irj 62 261 fO 5 n7'5 64 2H5 ... 5 07', 59 271 32) 6 07'4 (II 271 ... 5 07'i, 72 265 80 5 U7U 65 29S ... 5 07U 71 P3 20) 5 074 61 261 ... 5 07j 73 2IS 80 5 Ii7'; 71 235 ... 6 10 67 236 ... 510 C5 230 40 5 ID t!6 2J7 2 .!...29l 2 0 277 183 307 ....270 ....250 ....265 , ...2.15 ;H2 . . . .267 ....268 10 10 10 200 'so so 'io iio 80 60.. 61.. C2.. 66.. 67.. 6S.. 71.. 61.. 70.. CO.. C9.. 06.. 7l.. 47.. 31.. 62.. 31.. 61.. 64.. 67 . 41.. 67. ...213 ...256 ...SB ...250 ...253 . . .20) ...2M1 40 SO 160 40 Ys 70 248 SO fi in 6 10 5 10 5 10 S 11 5 10 r, 10 ...26.1 . . .257 ...25S . . .258 216 231 23 ...i:70 JM 279 190 40 5 05 P4 2 9 80 6 11 80 5 03 66 211 ... 3 10 10 S) 5 Mi IH M6 41 5 10 40 3 Ol 5 J18 K0 5 10 16) 3 f.3 21 ISO ... 6 12'i 40 5 f.l 47 211 80 5 12'j 40 .1 03 76 243 8) S 11 r. 11 81 5 I'S 92 204 SI 5 H 10 Fi 03 91 209 ... 5 20 5 I'S Fi 03 (8 279 SIIKF.I Hecelpts of slifep todny were liberal for the last etui of the wek, bit the demand wns also In good shape. The supply was made up mostly of sheep on I packers picket them up In good season at just nbout steady prices. There were on'y n few lambs on the market, but l hey al'o met with ready sale at about steady prices. They brought J3.25, but were not of ns good quality as the string that sold tor J5 35. It was 11 good, steitlv. active mar ket nil nround and everything was sold curly In the morning There wero not many feeders hpre tndiy. but prices remain Just about the siine. Quotations: Choice western gras wether?, J3. 75ft 1.00; choice crai yearlings. J3.7i 4.00: choice ewes, $3 25t?3.fi): fair to grod ewes, f.1 4?i3.25' cull ewei $2.fV5i3.(0: choice spring lambs. $5.15'ti5 35; fair to gootl spring lambs. UWiiUM; feeder wethers. S3.30i3.'; feeder lambs, 4 Of((4.40. Hepresentatlve rales: No. A v. Pr. 101 $3 25 101 3 23 102 3 75 1C.1 3 75 103 3 76 SI 2 Ml 90 3 23 95 3 25 103 3 25 S3 3 69 9! 3 75 10 3 71 91 3 10 91 3 ;o 13 3 20 9i) 3 21 102 3 "5 101 3 23 Pi! 3 115 91 3 CI 92 3 75 9.1 11 75 57 4 20 Ffi 4 20 69 6 25 6S 5 25 10 I'tab 60 I'tah 217 ftuh wethers wethers wethers wethers 515 rinh 19'l Ftnll wethers 18 Nebraska cu'l ewes 92 Nebrasku owes 11 Wyoming ewes 65 Wvomlng owes 10.1 Nebraska breeding ewes.. 22 Wvomlng wethers 3 Wvomlng wethers 104 Oregon ewes 250 Oregon ewoi 230 Oreton owes 250 Oregon rwes 13 Wyoming cull wethers 1'6 Wyoming ewes 583 Wyoming wethers 5SS Wyoming wethers SS Oregon wethers 1SS Wyoming wethers 4'' cull lambn 75 cull lambs 93 Wyoming lambs 255 Wyoming lambs cum ;o 1.1 vii STOCK Il.tllKllT. ('holer l.lclit nntl Medium Steers Stpnil Miei'p nntl I. limbs Act li e. CHICAllO. Sept. 14. -CATTI.K-Hecelpts. 2.001) head, choice light and medium steers, steady: heavy. 10c- lower, Teans llrm: na tives, best on sale today. 5 carloads nt $5.S0; good to pi Imp steers, $3.S(MTfCi.9ii; poor tn m"dlum. U lCftl.35. seleeled feeders, JS.OOJt 4.61; mixed stocki-rn. J2.80iif3.73: cows, ii K0fi 4.31. hlfers. J3.00fi5.25; cannnrs. $2 25,12.80; bulls. J2.50fi4.60; calves, $5.Cfl'n6.S5. Texnns. recelnts. 300 hem!, best on Hale todav. 10 carloads lit J3.95: Texas fed steers, M 35JT 5.10; Texas gras.s steers, J3.401j l.3; Texas bulls. J2.75l.i3.40. linns-Hecelpts todav. 24.000 head; tomor row. 17.000 head estlmnted; left over, 6.600 head; heavy, 6c lower; light steady to shade ioivcr; ton, J5.65; mixed and butchers. J5.05ff 5.55: good to cholc heavy, J5.orii5 42'J; rough heavy. J4.95.0O: light. $5.15f(3.c'; bu'k of sales. J5 104(5.35. SHi:i:P AND I,AMIIS-Hecelpts, 5.000 head; active and ntrcng; good to choice wethers. J3,75'llll3: fair to choice mixed. J3.50ii5.75; western sheep, J1.S0Til.15; Texnns, t2.Mf(3.50; native lambs, $4,35'i3.91; western lambs, J3.16'5.9J. K n n nni 'lty I.Itp Stock. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 1 l.-CATTLIJ-He-celpts, 2,200 natives; 1.300 Tpxuiih; 100 calves; heavv. best beef export steers, lower; butcherwelght steers and killing cows, steady to 10c higher: native steers, J4.90ii5.CO; Blockers and feeders, JJ.2.H1 1.50; butcher cows and heifers, $3.0017 l.5'l ; din ners. $2.5nr3.00, fed westerns, $3.70fi'l,8.1; win tered Texnns. 3iiflQ1.7u; grass Texnns. J.1.20 (it3 50: caives. Jl. 5016.CO. HOOS-Hecelpts, 9.300 head: the market opened weak to 6c lower: closed with part of the decline regained; henvy and mixed. J5.16fiC.25; lUllt. $5.10fl5.27'i: pigs, Jl.25'(l 5.00. SIIKHP AND I-AMHS-Recelpls, 2,200 head: killing grades steady; feeders ,1 shade higher; lamb", f l.50(ii5.00; muttons. J;i.555f 3.80; feeders. $3.00f 1.00; culls, $2.60fi3.00. imv York lilvr Slock. NHW YOItK. Sept. 14 -HKK"KSHe-celpts, 4.031 head; good steers, steadv; others slow and 10c lower; bulls nnd cow's, llrm: steers. Jt.45'(i3.75; bulls. J3.001t3.RO; cows, J!.S0T3.75: choice fat western cows, JI.65. Cab'e. steady: live cattle. 12fi13c; tons, 1314c: ship. llTillije; refrigerator beef, lOfilOtjc; oxports, 6,10 head cattle, 4.2SO quar ters of beef. CAIA'FS- Receipts. 261 head; steadv; veals. J5.oo.i6.50; grassers and buttermilks, J3.251M.00 SHUKP AND I.AMHS-Hecelnts. 5.711 head; sheep, steadv; Iambi, netlve nnd llrm: sheen. $2.7511 1. 50; culls. s;.noi2 r.n; Ininbs. S I.7514 6.23; Canada lambs. J6 23; culls, $3.75fi I 00. IIOUS-Hoeelpts, 2.316 head; llrm at J5.75iff fi.00. St. I, outs l.lvp Ftfock. ST I.OI'IS, Sent. 14 -CATTI.II-Hei elpts. 2.400 head. Including 900 head Texnns; mar kt steiidv native shinning and export Htocru, Jl.901j5.S3; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.503 31; steers under 1 foo .h., $.1.00 (ft 1.90; stockors and feeders, J2.93fi I 65; cows and heifers. 12 0M 1.7,3; canners. $1 60142.60; bulls. J?3ofi3.30; T"xns and Indian steers, $3 31114 60; cows nnd heifers, J2.501M.70. HOGS Receipts. fi.OOO head; mnrket opened wenk to Bp lower, closing better; nles nnd llchts S1'S5ij5 43; packers, $5,105? 5.31: butchers J.1.311;! 5914. SIIKI-JP AND I.AMHS-Recelpts, 500 head; market steady; native muttons, J3.GM1 1.00: lambs. $1 '.'Hi j 3". eills nnd bucks, $;.60lf 1.09; stockers, J2.8Vf3.23. St. .Iimcnli l.ivr Stuck, SOFTH ST JOKFIMI. Mo.. Sept. II. -(Special ) The Journal quotes: CATTI.K-Recelpts. 2 SfO head; mniket steady to strong on best; others easv to 10c lower; natives. Jl.25fi5.50; Texas anil west erns, $3.15fi5.0; cows and heifers, J2 2'ilf 1.61; bulls and stats. $2'11i4 80; yearlings and calves, $3 25,1 1 25; stockers nnd feeders. $3HOD4.10; veals. $.100i7 0n. HOGS Hecelpts. 4.200 head; opened Mendy to 2'j.c lower; closed strong to 2Ue higher; nil grades, J5.i2i3f1l.30; bulk of sales. r..l7U?.i.22l4. SIIRKP Receipts, 3,800 head; market 10c higher. Stuck In Slulll. Following aro the receipts nt the four rirlnrlpi pal western markets for September Cattle. .. 1.839 . 2.IVI0 . 3.5O0 . 2,400 lings. 5,804 24,iiOO 9.3O0 6,000 Shee ). 6.817 6,000 2.200 500 South Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. I.ouls Totals 9,733 45,105 11,517 WEEKLY REVIEW OF TRADE Texas Storm and MinerV Striko Aro Import ant Factors of Market. COTTON REACHES RECORD CREAKING POINT t orn Crop Un Mnturci! I tiller Fn-.ur-i.ble Wonllicr mid l ItPR" !!' (ieiicrnllv lint of llniiner-lliiel-iipss Is II11111I nt Iron .Mills. NUW YORK. Sept. ll.-U- O. nun Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow win lie tropical storm that devastated I the gulf coast, almost willing out llu cl t , ii Oalveston and doing dain.igeln tlV.r 1 . , of the country mused reduction In the ui utne of business lu the south nnd rallroaus In the gult region have iirolmbly not shown their maximum losses of earnings as ci. but even after such a catastrophe a rc cupeivtlve ower Is shown An added cause of hesitation In business Is the order for a strike of the anthracite coal miners. Otherwise the working torce iins Increased this week, tor operations are resuming at steel mills and the Michigan 1'enlnsuUr enr plant and the Deerlng Har- ester works have started up after seven weeks' Idleness with 3,0nn batms each. 1-nun mtinv quarters of the west and southiscsl a better distribution of men hnndlse Is te ported ill jobbing and retail circles. 'Hie weather has contlnueii favorable for the maturing corn crop, with c.ittlng pro gressing and the crop generally beyond dnnger, but the danuige to cotton by the storm Is still an unknown qunnllt.. Prices of staple commodities are hlklnr for the week, hoisted by tho sharp tlse In cot ton, but In manufactured products there Is little change, though steady liicie.tse or business ut the current level Is sailsrac- t.o'lton closed last week nt the highest price In ton years and a huge short Inter est wns awaiting reaction. Instead then; tame news nf the disaster In Texas and henaatlonal reports that 1.000,000 bales had been destroyed. At the New York Kxchange trading was tar In excess of all previous tccords nnd prices rose by bounds. Sub sequently thero was less exaggerated re ports from the south, but the maiket failed to respond and middling uplands advanced to 11c. The rise In the raw material caused sharp advances In cotton goods. In one week standard brown sheetings rose from 6.67c to 6c, wide blenched sheetings from au to 2tc. Htnndnrd brown drills from 5.0ie to 5.87c und staple ginghams from 6c to 5.50c. Uujcrs who have been delaying tor weekH are anxious to secure liberal supplies, both Instant and distant. Stocks In ilrst bunds were closed up and seilers generally withdrew from the mar ket. heat rose above soc again In the tace of receipts for the crop ear. thus lar 8,415.9.16 bushels larger than last yenr, while exports decreased 10,251..';r.s bushels, Incliid ItU Hour. Reports of heavy rains In some sections and Injury to the crop, with bet ter Inquiries by foreign houses, explain the udvmco. More orders are being received at Iron mills and prices arc steady. In structural nml finished material thero Is much busi ness and activity Is becoming almost uni versal In the Iron region. Steel mils nre waiting for the agrivment as to prices, which Is expected to be reached next week. A reduction lu keeping with other steel products Is considered certain und then the market will be on a settled basiH. Some large makers tnvor $27.50 ns the new basM and believe that nearly 2,(K,0,0u) tons woul be ordered nt that llgure. Shipbuilding wuh never more uctlvu und a feature was 11 con tract for a coal pier to be used In tho ex port trial o Hoots and shoes begin to recover uftcr many weeks of Idle wheels through New I'.nglund. Orders ure coming forward freely and a return to normal conditions Is In prospect. Last week'H shipments from Hoston were only 67,142 cases, which Is the smnllest amount since the decline began, but Increasing purchases promise nil early gain In forwiirdlngs. Conditions 1110 hIiii I'nr In the wool market, where sales last week aggregated 2,643,110 pounds, against 12.06C.5iio a year ago. Prices do not fall, ns might be expected In such 11 dull season. Failures for the week were 195 In the I'nlted Slates, against 119 last vear and thirty in Canada, against thirty-two last rear. WHKKI.Y t l,i:.Itl; IICM'SK TAlll.n. AKurfKuli- of IIiinIiiphs Trimnm-tcd "ij tbe xocln4cl Hunk. NHW YOItK, Sept. M.-The following Jitble. compiled by ISrndstrect, shows the bnnk cleurlngs nt the principal cllle.n for the week ended September 13, with the percentage of Increase and decrcnie as crmp.ire.l with tho corresponding we.-k Inst year: CITIFS. New York Hoston Chicago Philadelphia St. I.ouls Pittsburg Ilaltlmorp Sn4i Francisco .... Cincinnati Kansas City New Orleans Minneapolis Detroit Cleveland Louisville Provldonco Mllwaiikeii St. Paul Murrain OMAHA Indianapolis Columbus, O Savonnuh Denver Hartford Richmond Memphis Washington Peoria Rochester ' New Haven Worcester Atlanta Salt Lake City ... Springfield, Mass. Fort Worth Portland, Me Portland, Ore Ft. Joseph I. os Angeles Norfolk Syracuse Des Moines Nashville Wilmington, Del.. Fall River Scranton Grand Rapids Augusta, Ga Lowell Dayton, O Seattle Tacoma Soknnp Sioux Cltv New Hedford Knoxvllle, Tcnn... Topekn Mlrmlnghnm Wlchlla lllughamton Lexington. Ky Jacksonville, Fla. Kalamazoo Akron Chattanooga Rockford. Ill Canton. O Springfield, O Fargo. N. D Sioux Falls. S. I).. Hastings, Neb Fremont. Neb Davenport Toledo Gnlveiton Houston Helena Macon Little Hock Youngstown. O,,.. Fvonsvllln Sprlnglleld, III 159.6 , ..I ..I 16.4' 31. 1' 6 2 1...lJI,328,fi35.fifi5. Y. 6S6.335.I21!. Totals I'. S.... T'ln outsldo N. DOMINION OJ-' CANADA. Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Halifax Hamilton Si. John. N. M. . Victoria Vancouver Totals $ 1 1. 455.6011 . 10.1C1.909I 1.719.211'. I.M9.S7 I 7W49'. (-71.5351 727.4921. 1.(03.007 1. 1 1 IB. 5 '14 7 "4 4 13 3 6.6' . I 1$ SlJSl.SlG. .1 2 3 lilt l)sTlli:UT'S FINANCIAL IIKVIHW. M'rrk'N .Market I" Limited nml Slum's Very 1,1111c Life. NFW YORK. Sept. 14.-HradFtreet's Flnanrlnl Review tomorrow will snv Hurdlv nnv Improvement can be noted In either the .u llvllv of the slock mnrket nr In tho quality of the trading at the Stuck exchange M continues tn be n llmlti-d market and the transactions In the main an cnntlied to an exchange of contrail' between professionals The public Is mil of Wnll street ami shows 110 Inclination l conn In. while even the Investment demand for bonds nnd dividend paying Htorks I somewhat slacker. Tho market was noi tlmulated by tho result of tho .Maine ele. tlon, which, It may be n --Uti. wnn ron- .rallv cnnslrted In n favorable sense b the street. Pnllllcs. howcier. i-dttlUUtr to be the principal topic of dist tisslon and th market Is settling down to a belief thai while no political "scare " may develop tl t I. in erlr.lnties of the situation ns regards the prosldenc will continue to restrict speciiluttiui and to render Investors motions Reaiisli pressure of n manipulative kind arc continued to be seen In a few slocks, particularly Hrookhn Rapid Transit and Peoples (las, but tho felling of stneks was unimportant nud so far us the m-nernl rnllro.ul list wns con ciriied reptv.-cntiMl niolnly liquidation by tired out speculative holders. In one do purl ment of ihe list, liuiccd, there wns 11 n uppcar'ince of genuine weakness, the un thrncltc ronl stocks declining somewhat on the Increasing prospects of 11 miners' strike. Kvon In this group, however, there wns some support shown nt the concessions, though the nnnntiuccmcut Hint the strike, would In .ill probabllltv begin next week tended lo 1 rente more or less bearish talk and feeling In regard to the general list. In ibis cnnneciinii the benrlngsxof trottblo with labor in nuch a great Industry as nn thraclte ronl on the political outlook has not been lost sight of by the street. Lon don seemed tn take an unfavorable vlow of Ihe matter, but the London markets aro "fill dull and fur, Un participation and In fluence were nf ,1 nu respondlugly narrow dcscr'.ition. IIHAIISTItF.F.rs HF. II1W OF TIIAlin. Outlook In Market In I'inoriililp -it lilt i:reptliiti of 4 1111 1 Miners Strike. NIIW YoltK. Sept It lltadstreefs to morrow; will say: Hxpandlng demand at iidvunclni- prices In tn.tn lines or trndo llnds lis chief exemplar In Ihe market for taw enttuti, which has witnessed the great ist excitement, heaxlesi trading nnd inrg- n gum in price for at least a riecado. Rarely. If owr. In the history of the trade, ii'i conducted on modern lines, ims the In terest displayed In that product been greater and the nrritifucturlng Interests of tin world Und the iltunttnu a iiernlexlni; ne while the prospects of largo" prollts to pfi-oiucrs aro stimulating all lines of south ern trade. IhiglMi Hpltititrr. who nre re ported very generally short of supplies, nro onsldeiini; qrasllc methods of meeting tho reniiiiementa. In American cotton goods llu IiiiMoii from being n buyers' market, a short time ago. Is now reversed nnd ne' lers are In a position to dictate terms. So suddenly has the outlook as viewed by thu trndo generally changed, however, that tiifi'iufactun rs are .ir.able 01 unwilling to ile'lne their exact c sltloii, or If thev ac cept now business In so u. 1 distinct basis nf cost of new Htipi lle.s Mi.xlmitm cotton oop estimators ol ust years ure appar ently panic-stricken and predict famlno e'ockn for the .ml of the year, oven with ii-diiccd consumi tlon. Must food price.' ore either llrm or higher mi Ihe weak, whent being advanced on bet Irt ;port demand and bad weather at the northwest. 1 roved b the low grade of II. mil of the nei-lpts. Corn Is 111 good do maud, wllh M'iii.I i,i).t.lies of old crop, nud pork and lard h;. mpiithfzc therewith. Kaw sinpif Is mill mi, .,- and higher on tho we.. nml coffee Is trurt'otinllv lil-her. Among the few products lower are butter an I lea Flint cV.lhs are nit of the mar ket nt old uli in and M-uthcrn cotton Minis have advanced. 1 o'. la still rutlvor weak nnd the detnaiu foi spring welulit men ft wear goods Is still disappointing. rhe predicted anthracite coal minors' strike Is almost the onlv mfavorable f-a-turi of the Industrial sit latlon. The Iron nnd steel sltuutlnn has not muterlnllv (hantted und Irregularity In demand ntul prices Is Mill -i feiniie. Rather more talk is heard of the lntlue'ue 01 election uncer elnlloH upon future ti.ulo nnd cerlaln'v Siime nddlilon.il wcakneh;' Is told nt leading PL in 11 markets, while on fin other hand, tlnlsiied material lh rather more ilrmly held. Kxamplcs of this are affonled In tho weaker tone of pig Iron at Philadelphia and Hlrmlngham und lu the 'daclng nf Hcssemer pig on a $11 basis at Pittsburg. Or 111, other hand mini huge sales of pig arr noted at Chicago at Go cents advancn 11.1 211100 tons of plates have been placed .i' thai city nt llimer rates, while bars aro active and higher. Wire prodiiets are re ported well cleaned up and stocks are light. More 1m doln in bars it other western points Hardware Is In good demand and a good ra'l business Is likely. The outlook r I to Hte-i rail prices is unsettled, but lower q.ir.mtlons arc looked 'or. HuMnoss failures In the I'nlted Slates for the week number 167. ns ognlnst 151 lust week, 149 In the week u year ago. 173 In 1S9S, 169 In 1S97 and 316 In 1S96. In the Dominion ot CanailH business fail ures ror the week number twenty-Mur. ns against twenty-six Inst week, twenty-roup !r tb's week 11 yeai e.go. twenty lu Ib'JS, thlriv-Elx In 1S97 and forty ( r.o In 1S9G. Ciitton linrkct. NKW VOHK, Sent. ll.-COTTON-ru-turcs opened feverishly Irregular. Prices later uhowed a decline of util.l points on tin noar positions, while the luter months wero 2 points lower to 1 point higher. A good deal t' long cotton was rir sale and within the nevt few minutes prltej showed n fur lh"t loss of 7 points. Then- was 11 partial rev lion on enverln,r, l.,.i again the market became very weak. Thi decline of 7-32 In spots nnd 6ii7 polti's In Inures at Liver pool was trealer than expected. Pub'.lu support, heretofore ready to take udvuu lagi of these brealts, failed to materialize. Til'- nrnr positions were particularly weak an.! lliiuldatlon or long accounts wus tho order ot the day. From the opening llft utes of yesterday September broke 25 points, October 22 points und January. .March und May 31 points. At 0110 tlmo October had special support on account of heavy buying by Liverpool, but this was llnally withdrawn. In a general way tint mnrket was gravitating toward a morn normal condition and while still extremely active was litis spasmodic than at any time within the last ten davs. The deoine. was arrested several times by proflt-tnklnpr and the market was also helped bv tho c'oth market showing new signs of lire bplnners, however, were still showing a refloating front, being without orders lo Justify them In paving Scpuniber pries. Crop news were still conflicting. Some re ported thin ruins were Interferlns with cotton planting east of the Mississippi vnl b . particularly In the Atlantic states. Tho movement of cotton wns rather quiet, but rather ahead of cute ilatlons. Texas storm reports fal'ed to be a factor. Tho market closed steady In tone, but nt nbout the lowest level of the day, a net loss of 245(30 points. The failure of n small New Orleans house was n disturbing factor In tho lato market. Spot closed quiet at 'Jo decline; middling upland., Hiftc; middling; gulf. 11c; sales, 123 bales. Futures closed steady at the dec'lne, September. 10c; Octo br, 9 97c. November. 9.77c. December, 9 61c; January. 9.65c, February, 9.65c; March, 9.660; April, 9.66c, May, 9 60c, June, U.7c; July, ' ST. I.OI'IS. Sepl. II .-COTTON Up lower, Millet; sales, 20J bales; middling. lOV; re ceipts, 317 bales; shipments, 761 bales; stock, 6.522 bales. NHW ORLFANS. Sept. 14. -COTTON Weak; ordinary. 9 1-lfic; good ordinary. 9V; low middling, 10c; middling. Ho; good middling, 1 1 ",( : middling fair, 1114c; re ceipts. 2,371 bales; stock. 20.926 bale. Kit tures barely steady; September, 10.3M10 39c; October. 8.72'u9.73c, November. 9 5ir(9.6Sc; Deeemlier, H.fiMfi'.i.Mc . Jnniarv, 9 I9ti9.60c; February, 9.49'i?9 51c; March. 9.60f(9.52c: April. 9.5Ki9.53r. Mn,, ft.52fi9.5le LI VKRPOOL, Sepl . I p. m COTTON Spol, very limited business, prices lower; American middling fair. 7 13-32d: good mid dling. 7 7-32d, middling. 7 5-32d; low mid dling, 73-32d; good ordinary. i'i'ikI, ordinary. 0. 'l-llid The sales of Hie dnv wero 3,000 boles, of which 500 were for speculation and expori and Included l.loo bales American; receipts, none. Futures opened Hteadv anil cloyed barelv steady, American middling 1. m. e, September. 7 12-6ld, sellers; Sep tember and October, 6 i'J-fiifl 09-6ld, buy ers; October and November. 5 47-6l'd5 IS-6ld. Iiuvers. November and December, 6 36-6C9 5 37-iild, sellers; December and Jununry, 5.'ll-6ld. seiei's, Jamuirv and February. 5 2i-fild. sdlcrs: February and March. 5 25.(11 15 26-6!d. loners. Mur h nnd Aiirll. 5 2l-6ld, sellers. April anil May 5 22-6l4i.i 23-6ld, buy eis. Ma .1 ml June, .I'.M-Uld, linvcrs. Juni ami Jul. .1 19-6H1 20-iild. buyers, .Illy und August, 5 K-6H1.I 1S-0ld. :H ichc"! rn 1 r:ir,i mi. EHWuTO PILLS ."V Orllnl rnJ llnlj Gcnnlnn. BArr. Iirn'l4l.la ai)1t. l Ittuitit for :UI( IIKSIMf i:,NiI,ISlK ill tviuv ftLt4'0 I wLr nu lhrr. Utrf'tfe Itnnaf ru rtit1iltUon uud Iwlt tlituti Btif nf imr Iirutit or ho 1 -Ir, i r nrtlHlnri, IVaHmubIoU ft4 "IfrHot Ur l.t,ltt,"io Mur. ty rw turn Uull. lli.OUll i MlinirBUia UM h JSf.'ES E- D0Y3 & CO., Telephone 1 oar. Oinoli.i, St C0MA1ISSI0N, GRAIN, l'KOVlftIONS4iid STOCICS UOAItU OF TUAHK. Correspondence. John A Warran Ik C uirsct wltKk to CttiLflgo and Nw Torn H.R.POIMEYaC0. coom4 nr lite cua BRAMCH 1038 ((51 tintcui nHk