Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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Wheat is Strong Throughout the Session and
Trade is Animated,
Oil Are Indued In lie Hauler Knrl
In Synipnthj- tilth Other Mnrkets
l,nr(' It it it of 1 1 okh Iln l)circ-
Inu lilted on Provision.
CHICAGO, Sept. 13,-Hlgher Liverpool
cables, smnll northwest receipts ami
heavy ensh demand caused 11 good advance
In wheat today, October closing lHc higher.
Corn closed Improved. Provisions
dosed 2t4'86c lower.
Wheat was strong throughout the session
and trail,! generally was anltnaled. October
opened UGhe hlKher'at 7li7l?c nnd early
udvanced to 75'kc. Hlgner cables from
Liverpool and light northwest receipts were
the principal factors. Later heavy ex
port sales were reported and the market
rallied sharply. October at "o which was
also tho closing quotation. New York re
ported n loads taken Tor export and sales
here, were put at tW,i bu. On the ad
vance traders who wold short yesterday
were obliged to cover, thus aiding mate
rially In the bulge. Clearances ut tho sea
board were 4S.S.IMI bu. Primary receipts
were 1,012,000 bu.. compared with l.lST.iKm nu.
last year. Minneapolis ami Duluth reported
311 cars, against 608 cars last week and ST'J
cars a year ago. Local receipts were 43o
cars, 12 of which graded contract.
Corn started weak, for nlthough the open
ing was higher a dip followed Immedi
ately, traders selling in Imitation of tho
elevator interests. A lino cash business
caught the market sold out and a sharp
rally ensued. The wheat strength was also
a help. The I'rlco Current est I ma to of a
2,UiM,wpU,0fi-lni. crop was a bearish Intlucuce.
early. Local receipts were Mi curs. New
York reported 157 loads taken fur export.
October sold between .TS'.c and SOc, clos
ing c higher at at'ic.
Outs were Inclined to be easier early In
s mouthy with corn, but It showed Just as
much readiness to respond to the rails In
the latter market later. Another factor
In the tlnnness was the excellent demand
for shipment, much of the stuff being for
export. Hales were 200,000 hit. October sold
between 2ISc and 22c and closed 'nflc.
higher at 21"fl22c. ItecelptH wero 307 cars.
A large run of hogs had a depressing ef
fect on the provisions market. There was
some recovery In the bottom on the grain
strength mid the close was steady. October
pork cloned He higher at Slt.17',4; October
lard 2H1iGc down at Jrt Soliii sji, and October
ribs 2V4c depressed at $7 .'17'.
Kstlmatcd receipts tomorrow; Wheat, 295
cars; corn, 165 cars; oats, 320 cars; hogs,
19.100 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Artlcles.l Open. lilgh.l Low. Close. Yes'y.
Sept Oct.
Sept Oct.
Oct. Nov.
Scpt Oct.
74i! 751 i!
7II 75M
1 5; 4
40", fi-;!
40 I
J'i !
40 I V
11 40
11 25
11 50
11 3714!
fi S2a'
fi Hi
11 40
11 25
fi 77
fi 75
11 471V 11
11 374l U
fi 8214! 0
6 0 I fi
C 62U
fi 80
fi 75
G 57'jl
0 KH4
7 10
7 52'il
7 3714'
7 22i
5 37,5
7 47Ul
7 37 )t
e 02(41
' B7V4
' D
i "2',4
7 35
6 97',i'
No. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOCK-Steudy; winter patents. J3.S01T
4.00; straights, J3.10fr.'l.7O; clears. J.'i. 10ij3.ft);
spring specials. J4. 10fi 1.50; patents, $:i.sniif
4.00; straights. 13.0041:1.50.
WHKAT No. 3, 70f7Cc. No. 2 red. 'GU
CORN No. 2, lOff lie; No. 2 yellow, 40
OATH No. 2, 22'',iri2.V4c; No. 2 white, 25'ic.
HYK-No. 2. Bl'c.
B A KLKY Good feeding, 30j33e; fair to
choice malting, 47Si51c.
HKKDH-No. 1 mix. $1.49; No. 1 northwest
ern, 11.50; prime tlmotbv $l.l0fil.30; clover,
contract grade, Jfl.fi0fi0.75.
PHOVISIONS AtesH pork, per bbl., $11.45
fill. SO. Lard, per 110 lbs. $G.Mftfi.S2A. Short
ribs sides (loose), 'M'uT.Sl. Dry salted
shoulders (boxed), ffi 374'iifi.C2!4. Short clear
sides (boxed), IS.OOfiS.lO.
WIIIHK Y-Hasls of high wines, $1.2(1.
Following are the receipts and shipments
of tho principal grains:
Hecelpts. Shipments.
2t,V.n 13),0"0
'. 3Vi,i 301.000
23J.IW 225,l)
23 1. 0H) ' .'124,000
43,000 C2,0O3
Flour. Mils
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu
Oats, bu
Hyp, bu
Hurley, bu
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was quiet: creameries, ym'aW.c;
dairies, MjilSc. Cheese, firm, lOJiil'.se.
Kggs, llrm, fresh, 15'4c
m:w yohic ;k.m:iiai, MUtunr.
Quotations for Hie liny on Vnrluut
( oiuiiiiid 1 t Irs,
NKW YORK, Sept. l.t-FLOUK-Kc-ceipts,
18,447 bills.: exports, fi.411 bids.; sales.
8.100 pkgs. ; mnrket was conslderablv
stronger and more active hovers tlmllng
strength In the decided llrmness of wheat.
Winter patents, $:i.755i4.00; winter straights,
J3.45ft3.fiO; Minnesota patents, $l.(mjii 30;
winter extras, J2.70ji3.0O; Minnesota bakers.
J2.R.V&3.25; winter low grades, $2. 15fi2.'i.
Hyp Hour. stcnlly; sales, fi bbls. ; fair to
good, $3,005(3 25; choice to fancy. J.'L.IO'ji.'l.fiii.
i'OHNM HAI- l-'lrm; city, 87CiSSc; Hrandy
wlne. $2. 151i 2.55.
HYH Quiet ; No. 2 western, 57c. f. o. b.,
nlloat: state, IMiMe, c. I. f., New York.
HAHLHY Steady ; feeding, I21jl5c, c. I. f..
New York; malting, 4fi',iit50c, c. I. f.. ISuf
falo. IIAHLI'JY MALT null; western. (Wt&Sp.
WHHAT Hecelnls. H9.125 bu. : exports.
119,053 bu.; sales, .1, 175.000 bu. futures, 3211.000
nu. exports. poi, tinner: No. 2 reii. siv.c.
1. o. b., alloat; No. 2 red. 79'4c, elevator: No.
1 northern Duluth, S5'5c, f o. b., alloat; No.
1 hard Duluth. sv,e. f. o. b., alloat. Op
tions wero considerably llrmer today In re
pponso to positive Htrenutli In the north
west, where receipts were light. Hesldes
active selling at times there was moderate
foreign buying and a broader trade gen
erally, helped by Increased export trade.
Closed strong at Wflc net higher: sales In
cluded: No. 2 March, SIVnS5jc; closed.
R'i'iC; Mav. MM'S5c; closed, S5c; September
Clnscil, MJ'c; octolier. Ml' livm.c; eloseU,
SOVic; Oecember. SliiiS2 13-lfic: closed. s:,v.
COKN Hecelpts, 109,200 bu.; exports. 171.-
4S2 In.' snlcs. 201.0(10 bu.. 40,000 bu. export;
export, nrm; ino. 2, eievaior, ami l. ,c.
f o. b.. alloat. Ontlou market was steadv
nt first, but afterward much stronger on
cables, tho rise In wheat and export re
ports and small clearings. Closed nrm at
'(?fV.o net advance; May. Il'c; September,
45;iffic; closed, Ific; October. II V( I5'ic;
closed, 15'ic; December, ll'j'il llsSe; closed,
OATS-llecelpts, III.21W bu.; exports, 100
int.; .Nn. -. sac; io. ,1, ;ie; ro. ; wnue, sfsr
27c; No. 3 while, SfKi 2(P ic : track mixed
western, 24'; track white weetPin,
25iATi?1c : track white slate. 25' X'e
KKICn-Sle.idy ; spring bran, $11 0'57lii.l0;
mixed. $17,001(19.00; winter bran, $17 60ffl'i fO;
Mty. $17.00.
MAY Steady; shipping, 7241i75c; good to
cnoice, bwiwi'c.
HOPS Dull: state, common to choir"
K99 crop, 10W13c; old, 2l5c; Pncltlc coast,
IW9 crop, wiiae; 0111, .-sioc.
HIDi:S Firm; Ualveston, 20 to 25 Ibi
11c; California. 21 to 25 lbs., IS1.4C; Texas
rirv 91 to 30 lbs.. 13Ue.
LKATIIIHl-Steady : hemlock ro!e, Mucins
Ayres. Ilgnt to neavyw'ignts. sjii.'ivtu
nrld, 22U'it23'c.
wOOI null; domestic lleece, 2iTi2c;
Texas. IBfi ItSc.
PHOVISIONS Heef. steady: famllv, JI0.C0
f 11 50; mess, :i.i"y ii.w; iiacaet. ji'ieoy n."0
city, extra India mess, 16.'Iil7.0i c it
meats, steady; jilekled bellies. $S.75.5T11.00;
sliouiuurs, jii.wi; piemen uanis. ji.2.vk
10.75. Lnni, nrm; western sienmeu, $7.2i',4
Rentember closed at $7 35. liomlnnl. re
fined, llrm: continent 7.M! Soulh America.
JS.00; compound. Ifi.OOfi 0.1214. Pork, steadv;
family, $l5.(ntl5.,ri. snort clear.-. ji;i 23'u'
15.50: mess. $12 501 13.50.
TALLOW-Steady: city ($2 per pkg.).
4 7-lfie; country ipackagcs rree). iijiiiv,
HICK Steady; domestic, fair to 1
4.1ifiUe: Jannn. 4j5J5c.
MOLASSKS-Sleady : New Orleans, open
Kettle, goon to cnoice, uiim',
Ill'TTKH-Hecelpts, 3.X.0 pkgs. ; steadv;
s'"t erenmerv. iminjic; juno creamery
lSWn21c: fnctorv. HfflGo.
I'liljWSK- Hecelpts, S.I12 pkgs.; sternly;
large wnue una coioreo. lu-.c, sman wane
lOWfilOSc: smalt colored. lO'iHilO'ic.
l:OGS Receipts, 8.361 pkgs-: steads;
western, regular packing, at mark, ll(ffl7c,
western, loss off. ISiflPe.
MKTALS Huslncss In penerul on the
Metal exchange, wus of a hand to mouth
character Tin. locally, lost all of the nil
vanco scored yesterday, owing to a decllno
of 15s In London ami closed easy 111 tone a'
l.W nominal. Pig Iron warrants ruled dull.
with nothing doing, on the basis of I9.37jff
10.37iJ. Copper was llrm here at Jlii.70fU7.OJ
and unchanged abroad. Lead wus dull ut
H i'tj nnd speller easy nt yesterday's de
illne on the basis of $4.001.10, The brok
ers price for lead was (I nnd for copper
Condition of Trnilr nnd Quotations on
Mnple nml I'liney Produce,
1JOOS Hecslpts liberal; good stock firm
nt 13'H'l'c.
LIVii POt'LTRY - Hcn. 7c; roosters.
3f(lc, spring chickens, 8c; ducks, 4fj5c;
rteese, 4f!5c; turkeys, 8c.
fhksii portrur-Hens, s-;
f9c; roosters, 5fitic; ducks and geese. CO
loc; broilers, per lb., lOfillc; turkeys, 12'4o
1 1 1 'TT K H Com mo n to fnlr, 13c, choice.
l.Wific, sepnrator, 21c. gathered creamery.
FISH Trout, 10e; blncfli'h. Do; pickerel,
fc; otllh, 12c; drexsed buffalo, 6c: white
fish. 10c; herrlnsr, 5e; black ba's, iOc. sal
mon. 13c; white bass, 10c; cropple, 10c;
pike, 10e, hallbu., Imllticavl-t. J0c; ring
perch, fie: lobsters, gree i. 22c: brlled lob
sters, 25e; mackerel, 2)c; cnrtlUh, 10o; yellow
perch, fic.
FHL'SII OYSTF.HS-Flrst grade, solid
packed. New York counts, per can. IOc;
extra selects. 35c; standard."., 30c. Second
grade, slack llllnl, New York counts, per
can. 30c; extra selerts. 21c; standards, 2Cc.
1 ui, i). 1, ive, per uozen, i")C.
VLALS-Cholce. 'Jfille,
HAY Prices mioteil bv Omnbn Wbolesnte
llnv Dealers' ossorlntlon Chftlee tmiiiiicl.
IS; No. 1 upland, $7.50; medium, $7; coarse,
Sfi.50. Hye straw, SB. These prices nre for
liny of good color and quality. Hecelpts, 1
cars. Demand fair and prices nrm.
"ATM-NO. 3 Willie, 20C
COHN-No. 3, 3Sc.
imAN-$12 50
CCCCJIHKHS-Per dozen. 201125c.
NKW TCHNIPS-Per bushri basket, fiflo.
NI.W HMIJTh Per dozen bunches 15ft70c.
NKW CAHHOTH Per dozen punches, 25c.
LLTTfCK Per dozen, lor15o.
HA DISH KS Home grown, per dozen, 15c.
HLANS Wax. tier lmlf liiivhet hnsket.
40c; string, 35c.
POTATOES Per bushel. 4045f.0e: sweet
potatoes, per pound, 2c.
i.aiiiiaijk nome grown, per pound, i?".
f'AI LIFI.OWKH-Pcr dozen, $1.
TOMATOKS llntiie erown. ner bnlf
bushel busket, Ve
oMONH-iiiimc Krown, per bu., MfJCOc.
CRLICHY-Nebraska. 30'5I0c.
I'KACHKS Pnllfomln freestones. S5o:
clings. 75c.
I'LCMS-Cnllfornla, per crate, $1.1031 25.
PRIWFK I'lfih itml f'ilnriwln tier ernle
$1; per box. Wc
HAIlTl.l'.TT PKAHS Per box, Jl.75fT2.00:
others, $1 50fil,75.
(II A M S-C11 forn n Tokavs. 4-bnsket
crate, J1..V; Concords, home grown, 17fU9c;
ueiaware and .Niagara, per O-lli. liasKet, ise.
, i i,it.ii i',i,i).. as 10 size 2Witc eacn.
PANTAI.m'PH rietns. ner ilozen. tOtitMa:
large lzes, ft75c.
APPLFH Natlvp. 75cfi$l per bu.; per
bbl . J2 5OTi3.00. Crab nppIeH, per bbl., J3.
CHA N UK HH IKS Per bbl.. $7: per crate.
OHANCKS- Valenclns. $4.25(fi4.75.
LK.MONH California, extra fancv. $5.50:
choice. Xmrti: 2.1.
HA NANAS Per bunch, nrcordlnc to size.
Nt'TS Kncllsh walnuts, per lb.. 125113c:
filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, per lb., lfifr
18c; raw, per lb., 4',4'S5c; rousted, 6V4f?7'4c.
HIDKS No. 1 nreen hides. 6c: No. 2 crecn
hides. 5c. No. 1 salted bides. 6V4C. No. 2
salted hlde, 5V4c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12
ids., ,c; ,o. 1 veal cair, 1- to 13 ius., oc.
St. I.ouls Crnln nml ProvUlons.
ST. LOC IS. Sent. 13. WHKAT Higher:
No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 73Sc; track, 74'4ff
ovic; September. ,:ic: October, ,4'iic: De
cember. 75c; No. 2 hnrd, 69'lift70c.
t'OHN Higher; No. 2 cash, 39Uc; track.
lOUc; September. 33Lc: October. 37c: De
cember,, 33Mf34c.
OATS Firm. No. 2 cash. 22c: track. 22U
221.c; September. 21'ic; December, 2214c; No.
2 while, 2SHGI25-V.
uvi;.-Hleaiiv at &2c old.
FLo CH Stronger: patents. $3.55573.75: ex
tra fancy ami stralcht. $.1.25fi3.35: clear.
SKIDDS Timothy, no offer tigs: nominal
at $3.7511 1. 10. Flax, steady at $1.48.
coil.N.Ml'JAl, Hteaily at $2.00i'2.oo.
HHAN Firm; sacked, east track, 6Sc.
HAY Timothy, steadv at $7.O0flll.5O:
pralriu, llrm.
U IIIHKV .Steady at $1.20.
PHOVISIONS PoriC. steadv: lobblnir.
J12.W. Lord, steady; choice, $fi,70. Dry
saU meats (boxed). strong; extra shorts.
?,..,, iR-.u f.o,,2; near siurs, tn.
Paeon (boxed), strong; extra aborts, JS.371.;
clear ribs, JS.50; clear sides. $'?.62V4.
MKTALS Lead, quiet at $4.32H. Spelter,
dull at $.1.90.
POfLTHY-Steady; chickens. 7c: younc;,
S',4e; turkeys, "c; young, Sc; ducks, 7c; geese.
ixk.s steady at 12V4c.
Hl'TTKH Steadv: erenmerv. 17ffT"le-
dairy. 151; 17o.
HKCi;iPTS-F our. 10.000 bbls when!
140,000 bu. ; corn, 41.000 bu.; oats. 26.000 bu.
SlIIPMKNTS-Flour, 12,000 bbls.; wheat,
,1, AAA 1... . n. .... . ... . . . . . '
ill.VW UU., uuiu, .-i.wu mi,; OHIS, i,W0 Oil.
Kiuisns City lirnln nml Prorliilnii.
cember, fi'TnliCSc, May, 72c; cash. No. 2
nan . is,tiu,c: iso. ... 4?i xn " rerf Tie-.
No. 3, fi7J70c.
COKN December. 33c: Mav. 34'&a4Ue:
cash. No. 2 mixed, 33c; No. 2 white, 33Uc;
OATS - No. 2 white. 25c.
HYH-No. 2. Hie
HA Y-Chnlc timothy, $3 501(10.00; choice
prairie. $s.0o.
Ill'TrKH-Crcamery, lRfJ-20c; dairy, fancy.
KCliS Steady; fresh Missouri and Kan.
sas stock, 12',4c, loss off, cases returned;
new wiuiewoon eases inciuiien, w more.
HKCKIPTS -Wlicnt. H0.S00 bu.; corn, 16,300
bu.; oats. 13,000 bu.
HIIIPMNNTS Wheat. 203.000 bu .: corn. 11-
3iX) bu.; oats, 1,000 bu.
Liverpool (; nil 11 nml Provisions,
LIVKHPOOL, Sept. 13.-WHHAT Spot,
llrm; No. 2 red western, winter, Cs ',4d; No
1 iKiilhern, spring', fis.l'id; No. 1 Califor
nia, IW 4d'ijiii 5'sd. Futures quiet; Septem
ber, lis Id; December, Cs Mid.
COUN- Spot, llrm; American mixed, new,
b-.'i'jd- old. nominal. Futures, quiet; Octo
ber, isS'id: November, IsSVid; December,
Is 2K.ll.
PHOVISIONS-H.ims, short cut, 14 to IS
lbs. dull, lis I'd.
TALLOW Australian In London, steady,
25s 9d.
Philadelphia Produce Mnrlet,
Quiet but nteady; fancy creamery, 22c;
fancy prints, 23c.
KOOS Quiet bit steady; fresh nearby
and weatern. ISc. fresh southwestern, 17c;
fnsh southern, lCc.
ClIKKSK-FIrm and hlcher: New York
full creams, fancy, small, 11c; New York
full creams, fnlr to choice, lOfjlO'ic; Ohio
Hats. 9iri0c, ns to quality.
Toledo llnrkct.
TOLKDO. Sept. 13.-WIII3AT Active,
higher: spot ami September, 7774c; October,
7SXi,c'; Decr-niber, M'.nc
COHN Dull, lower; No. 2 cash and Sep
tember, 12'je; December, 35'Jc.
OATS Dull, higher; No 2 cash and Sep
tember. 22'ic; December. 23',4c
UYK-Dull. higher; No. 2 cash, 52Uc.
SKKDS Clover, active, higher; October,
JC.'Ji; No. 2, $li.C5.
Xliinenpolls Wlii'iit .Market,
tember, 75'4c; December. 7iiVfT7iac; May,
7Sikc: to arrive, No. 1 hard. 75'ie; No. 1
northern. 7rtLc: No. 2 northern, 7H4C.
FLOP!! First patents, $3 !iO(fM.K: second
patents, $3.S0iI.OO; llrst clears, J3.O0ff3.25;
second clears. $2.OOfi2.10.
HHAN-In bulk. $12 OOfi 12.25.
Dllllltli lllirUet.
DFLl'TII. Sept. 13.-WHKAT-No. 1 hard,
cash and to arrive, T!ic; No. l northern,
cash and to arrhe, 77'ie', September, 77ic;
Decfuiber, 77V1; Slav, Sic; No. 2 nortlienf,
72c; No. 3 spring, G3?ic.
I'eoi'ln lnrl.-nl.
PFDHIA. Sent. IJ-COnN'-l nur. v o
33l'.c. ' ' "
OATS Firm Vn rt n-tiltn M:1L'..
bllb-d threugh.
WHISKY -On the basis of $1.23 for
finished goods.
MlliianUee (i rill 11 Market,
MILWAl'KKK, Sept. 13. - WHKAT -Higher;
No. 1 northern, 77c; No. 2 northern,
KYK-Stendy; No. 1. 53c.
HAHLKY Firm; No. 2, 51ff52c; sample,
Xeiv York Dry liooil.
Oeneral demaiul in excess of supply In
heavy brown cottoua and print cloths and
sellers generally withdrawn from the mar
ket Spot goods helu for advanced prices.
Duckn are Vje higher In some makes,
nieaehed cottons In good demand, advances
probable. Course colored cottons nnd tend
ing upward. Prints In good request nnd
Cnttee Market.
Hlo, No 2 Invoice. S4e: mild, quint Th
market for coffee futures opened teady at
11 decline of 5fjl points nnd ruled Inactive
with u weak undertone, following lowr
European markets, uusatlrf .ittory Hrazil
Un news, full receipts, disappolntlnc spot
demond nnd entire abence of speculntl 'i
support, a large Increase In the worl I s
visible supply being expected October 1 on
the present movement. The mnrket coed
steady, with prices 5 to 10 points net lower.
Total sales, 20,250 bags, including Septem
ber. 7 10ff7 15c; October, 715c; November,
7 25c; December, 7 35c, February, 7.15c; May,
7.55fj7 6oc, nnd July, 7 70c.
Trnde In Mnrket tins Yet Shovrti No
SIkhs of Life.
NKW YOHK, Sept U-So far as th
stock mnrket can be relied on as a mirror
of the general condition, the catifo remains
plunged In profound doubt and uncer
tainty. The few movements of prices nrc
little more than ripples on the siirfucu of
a stagnant pool. Members of the Stock
exchange are quite nonp,u!cd. Loth that
class who operate on their own account,
as room traders, and the commission houso
brokers nre equally puzzbd over the Im
mobility of the market. The few stocks
In which any npprtclab'.e movement oc
curred today were dealt In to so smnll an
extent as to detract from the ilgnlfleance
of the changes The coalers showed som"
sharp declines, Lnkaw-inna losing 2' points
while Heading Hist prefirred nnd Jersey
Central were down at 0110 time about 11
point, but partly recovered. A declaration
of a strike In the Pennsylvania nnthracUc
region had n depressing effect on the gen
eral market ns tho I'ontesi Inaugurated Is
felt to be fraught with vat possibilities of
harm. Some depression wai rcllected from
foreign exchanges. London showing un
easiness over the likelihood of a railroad
strike. The lending Incident of the dav In
the llnnnclal world was the casing of the
private discount rate In London In response
to the large additional recuperation shown
b" the Hank of Kuglnnd.
The sterling exchange rate fell shnrply
In New York. Paris and Berlin as n con
sequence, an advance In the HrrMn d!count
rate helping the movement. The Lond in
money market was apparently undlturb'd
by the Stock exchange settlement and th"
25 per cent Installment falling due tomor
row on subscriptions to the llr'.tlsh ex.
chequer bond Issue. This leaves half ef
the subscription yet to be met. The gen
eral admission that a Oerman loan to the
extent of $25,000,000 Is to Pe placed 111 N"W
York gives additional Interest to the effect
of the remaining Installments to be pal I
by American subscribers to the Hrltldi
loan. It Is a safe assumption that a 'lb
cral proportion of the German loan wdl
have to be met by cold exports, the need
of gold being the evlilrnt 'node of the Oer
man government In seeking to place the
lonli In New York. The Herlln bank, which
Is usunlly foremost in government llnanrlal
operations, has for Its correspondent In
New York the bank which holds over $i.
000.000 of surplus reSTves. compared with
the. total surplus of 2" for nil of tV
ilxty-threc clearing house b.mks. Fullv
87 per cent of the banks' leserves are In
gold. With the growing movement of cur
rency to the Interior and the cessation nt
money supply on subtrcisurv operations
the future demands thus Indicated on th'
money mnrket may well have suneihlng Vi
do with the determined apathy of stock
market speculation It l n-.t Imprnbtb'o
that the syndicate wh'rh urderwrnte ihe
American nllotment of ihe IlrltMi loan may
make further gold shipments to meet later
Installments on the loan.
The bond market continued devoid of
Interest, except for n drop of l's In St.
Louis Southwestern seconds. Total sale,
par value, $710,000. I. 8. 5s registered n de
cline of ' per cent In the bid price.
The Commerelnl Advertiser's London
financial ciblcgrnm savrf: The public ut
terly failed to follow the lfad given in the
markets here yesterday md onsequcntly
a reaction took place todav. Huslncss wis
unlmportnnt In volume. Hestralnlng Influ
ences were fenrs of dearer mo"ov and of
trouble In China and the railway labor
war. The announcement hit 11 strlk had
been ordered In the coal region tlepret'",d
Americans, thoueh there , si me Imiln 1
tlnn nmong the market leadets here In be
llcvo that the str'ke will prove 1 Hz-, e.
Money closed harder and Peril') fMscouo's
were up. The bank received 5.0X gold In
bars. Silver was higher on Calcutta on -Ing,
believed here to be buying In bazaar
by the Indian government. The bazaar
price was 74.
Following are the closing prices on the
New York Stock exchange:
do pfd
llaltlmci:e & vhlo l'liclllc.
("annda 0
Chen. & Ohio
!7T Texas ft racllle
15' i
dn pM 74
WhImkIi 7
do pfd is
Wheel, ft 1.. ll Sit
dn 2d pfd 23
Wis. Central 13
Third Avenue 110
Adiuns U 134
American Kf: 152
V. S. Hx 4,
.... ;s;
.... io,
. . . . 22si
Chicago ll. W.
C, H. A Q
Chi. I ml. & L.
do nfd
C'hlcHgo & H. 111...
Chlcngo & N. v
C. It. I. & P ..
C. C. O. Ft U
Colorado So
iln Ul pM
do III pM ,
T)l. .1- lludon
16l',i WtPs-Vnrgn llx.
K6i'Ainer. Cot. Oil .
. 52K
. SS'i
,. I,
. :.Pi
. 36'i
. f?,
. 17
. li'i
. CA
. .-6'.
. 57 'i
. SI
. .2'i
. 4S
do pfd
Amor. Mult'ng ...
dn pfd
Amer. 8. ft It
do pfd
Amer. Spirits
dn pfil
Amer. S. Hoop ..
do pfd
Amer. S. ft W....
dn pfl
Amer. Tin I'lite
dn pf.i
me -. Tobarco ..
do pfd
1)-1. I. & W X.
Denver ft It. Q l''
lo nfd C"l4
do Ipt pfd..
fit. Nor. pfd.
.. 11
.... 33
Hnckln? tval .
Hofklnic Valley
Illinois Central
Iowa Central ..
do pfd
IjiUe P.rle & W
Anse Mln. Co
Ilrooklj-n It. T..
do pf'l
l.ake Shore
'"otn, rnr ft Iron.. 3:.'4
Con. Tob.icco
1.. & N
do pfd
I'-deral Steel ...
do pfd
t,en. Klertrle ...
Olucoje SiiRar ...
do pfd
Inter. Taper ....
do pfd
l.aclede Ons
Na np"' HI. nilt
do pfd
National I-ad . .
do pfd
Nal'nrm' Fte, .,
.. 7"t
.. 3IH
.. 8i
.. M;
.. 7Hi
.. l1i
.. Cfi'i
.. 72
.. S3'i
.. S5
.. 17
.. S1
.. r
.. MM
.. S'i
.. fttj
.. n o',i
.. r,ij
.. 7Ui
Munhattan 1.....
Met. ,t. Rv
Meilcnn Csnlral
M'nn. A- St. I...
do rfd
Mn. ra"in"
M"b t Ohio .
M . K. ft T
.In pfd
N. .1 Central ..
N. Y. Centnil ..
Nrrfnlk ft W....
,. 1".
.... 91
.... m;
.... 3
.... 9
.... 301',
.... ?4'i
.... 75
d-i "M
No. Pact do
d" 1 fd
Ontario ft W
Ore Ily. ft Nar..
dn p'd
Pennsylvania ....
dT Ut pfd
do CI p'd
Hlo C. W
Mn pM
,t I. ft . F....
f.lV do pfd
71'4 N. V. Ale nrnke
2f) No. Aimerlran ...
It IPaelfl- ...
7i do lt nfd
127 do 21 pfd
lfii; IMclll" Mn'l
.... r,;v
.... w
.... 54
.... tw
.... OH
.... f.7
.... 3.1
.... 1"t
IVnple's Qhh
Presel S. Car .,
do pfd I". Car .
S. It ft T
do pfd
ill 1st pM
do 5d pfd
St I, South!..
dn pfd
Ft Paul
dn pfd
"t. i' f)ma'n
Fn. Pirld"
Fo Pnllway ...
dn p'd
Unln Ta-lflo ..
Tnn Cral ft iron. 7)
.... S. leather
....'IV. do pf,
... HI": f. S. ntibh'r
tin do efd
rv;. Western l'nlon .
PS II nnhl'e I. ft g
r., dn pM
57'', 1 C c. ft st 1
York Money Mnrket,
NKW YORK. Sept. 13.-MONKY-On call,
steady ot IK per cent; prime mercantile
pnnor, 4r,li iier r.nt
actual business In bankers' bills at SI.SiiK
for demand and at St.Wiff 4 Sjv, for sixty
davs; posted rote $lST,4Mti and $I.S7Kff
4.S!: commercial bills. $I.S2KTr I St
SII.VKH Certiorates. fi2'-j(; bar,
ti2',e: Mexican dollars. 49'Jc
HONP" novernmenl. easier; state, Inac
tive; railroad, irregular.
The clor.lng prices on bonds todny are ns
1 F. ref. 2s, re .lit
do e-upon
do 3, rec I'D'''
di couiion 1 3'fr
do new 4', ipj. ...1H
do c-il"on 131
V V C. Is iisu,
N. J. C. tn. Ss....lKS
N'n . Paclllc 3a r.ij,
d ' rt'j
N V. r & st I, 4..ln;
N. ft W. eon. 4s.... as
i) enM Nav. Is 1"!
do 4 pi;vj
Oreron S. I, is....llT
dn e nsol ; in
Trn llnv -en.
do old 4, re IIP
1n ronpen...
do 5. re
do coupon....
i e
Atrh. ren. 4s..
d MJ 4
Canada So. !
Cl"s. ft O. (tjs
dn 5
..101 I Hlo 0. W. Is "
.. f'k'i' r, ft 1 M ri...iijK
Ft I, ft s 1.' r fs...l21'
.. i''St Paul consols ,. Kin.
..IW'i S. P , C. ft p. !s ,TS
r . v V e . M
00 r. 1131J
S uit-ern Pnclflo 4. 7";
Fo. n.illnnv i 101
S I! ft T or
Te. ft pnrire 1s..n:l
iln F. P. deb Bi..liOi
Chlcaen Ter. 4s M
Coin. Si. 4 M'i
p ft " 0. Is
do 4s '"!
' v,
Crl ijene-al 4s W, Vnn Paeldn l.i,,ni
T. W ft O c. 's. "3'i v-.i,,', t, ,r,j
Oen. Lie'. Is 1"0 do T pi;
'n vn c.n'ni1 ". .1' Went "'1-0 is j'ij
I, ft N'. iml 4 (',': ""P. Cnir. S.,,, 171,
M. K. ft T. ! 'i Va. Centuries 9) "
do Is n
When Issued. Offered.
New York .Mining? .Stocks.
NKW YOHK. Sept. in.-The following nro
the closing quotations for mining shares
1 hollar
Cr.wn Point ....
Con. Cal. ft Va..
.. it
.. 11
.. 41
. . .1,
.... (4
.... 50
.... 17
... U
. .iitii
do pfd
S erra Nevada
l'nlon Con
rllott Jacket
(lould ft Cu r e
Hole ft Norcrona .., 15
Iron Sliver "
MexU-an 21
I'liiiineliil Voles.
ST. LOriS, Sept. U-Cleaiings. $5.411.0Xi,
balanced, $417,770; money, 4Ti7 per cent; New
York exchange. 40c discount bid. 25c 1IU1
count nsked
C1I1CAUO, Sept 1.1.-ClearltiBS. $21.778.281 .
balances, $l.:Ki5,;t01 , posted exchange, $4.SV3
4.SSK; New York exchange. 50c discount.
NKW YOHK. Sept. lil.-ClearlnifS, $124,
9S1.394. balances. I10.1S4.367.
CINCINNATI, Sept, 13.-Clearliis, V.'.SSO,-
250, New York exchange, 1525c discount,
money, 2'J'ij6j)er cent
HOSTON, Sept 13,-Clearlngs, $16.7J3,00,
balances, JI.52C.Sin.
PIULAUKLPHIA, Sept. 13,-Clearlngs,
J12.517.120, balances, $2,239,!3fi.
HALTIMOHK, Sept. 13.-Clenrlngs, $4,199.
27S; balances, $693,355.
Huston Stuck l)untalnnn
HOSTON, Sept. 13.-Cnll loans. 203 per
ceiii, tiuit loans, u(i per cent. Official
A T T. ft S. P . , .
do pfd
Ameilran fcugar .
do pfd
Hell Telephone....
Denton l;ievated .
Host, n ft Me
C n. ft Q
I), m n 011 Cpal ..
Pid-ral Steel
do pfd
Kd. Klec. Ill
Mrtlrnn Penlfol
, iJV, Wis. Central ,
. 70U Atchison (s
tu k n. 1:. a. a c. t.
Ill Adventure
ll!'s Allout Mln. Co..,
'.4 'J Anial Cupper
PS' Atlanll-
Hits Uoston ft Mont...
. 3S 'I t ft tlns'nn .
, 2l'i Calumet ft Itecla.
, 67 Cmtennlnl
,:iu PianKlin
. 11
. 59
. W'i
. 4'
. tj
. S
. Ji'i
. 1
. 11
' J."1
! In;
. r.
. 4i
. 2014
. a.
. 42
11U 1 'Idt
tt Os.'nola
Mich. Telephone....
N. 1:. n. ft c
, 9 Pa-rot
1)1 Quln y
, 17Sonta Fe Copper,.
, r!)'i Tamamck
, 5?ii Utah Mlnlnr
474 Wolverines
Old Colony
Old nonunion
ltubb r
l'nlon Pc flflc ...
tlx 1 1.1
Westlngh. i:iec;rlc
I.onilon Stock lliiotntlons.
LONDON, Sept. 13.-1 p. m.-ClosIng:
Cons., money 9? !).C.i:rlo
do account ....SS
do lt pfd
Atrhls n
Cnnadlan Paclllo
St. Paul
Illinois Central...,
Cnlon P.ic. pfd..,.
N. V. Central
'r P.ielrte nfd
. 93i
. 74i
. 76
Ornnd Trunk
Hand Mines
HAH SILVKK Firm, 28 15-lCd per ounce.
MONi:Y-2n2' cei.t; short InllH.
3 9-10 per cent; three months' bills, 3 9-lGtf
3s, per cent.
1'orelKii domicilii.
LONDON. Sept lS.-The weekly state
ment of the Hank of Knglnml shows tho
following changes: Total resurve. Increase
JCfcilT.ODO; circulation, decrease i517.n0; bul
lion. Increase OlSWd; other securities, de
crease ,C2M,000; other deposits, decrease
.C7!i'i,oo0; public deposits, decrease JulSS.OlO;
notes reserve, Increase COOI.OOJ; eovernment
securities, decrease ill.509.0w. Tho propor
tion of the Hank of Kngland's reserve to
liability Is 53.85 per cent. Last week it was
50 S9 per cent. Hate of discount unchanged
at 1 per cent. The amount of bullion taken
Into the Hank of Kngland on balance todav
was .5.000. Spanish 4s closed at 72. Cold
premium at Ruenos Aires. 136.40. Discount
rates were steady today, although there
was much uncertiilntv regarding the future.
Mnicy wns fairly plentiful, the settlement
passing off satisfactorily. Home rnllroads
wero active and In sympathy with tho
flrciit Kastern, caused by the report that
the men employed on that line were dls
satlslled With tho directors' reply to their
demand and they would go on strike soon.
Foreign securities were dull. Spanish Is
ami Portuguese were wenk. Hlo tlntos
hardened. American securities were dull
and the tendency was mostly downward,
tlrand Trunks opened Irregular and weak
ened. HKHLIN. Sept. 13. Huslness was dull at
the close of the bourse today nnd on the
street after the close of regular transac
tions there wero declines In prices espe
cially of bank shares nnd on the re
port of the Hank of the Republic of Kin
.lunlern. Canadian Pnclllcs were In good
demand owing to minora of amalgamation
Kxchange on London. 20m 47 nfes. for
checks. Discount rates: Short bills, 314
per cent; three months' bills. IS per cent.
PAUIS, Sc.'it. 13,-The weekly statement
of the Hank of France shows th" following
changes: Notes In circulation, decrease 13.
.".o i.oimf; trensury accounts current. Increase
S,100,000f; gold in hand, decrease l.ino.ooof;
bills discounted, decrease 43.77S.OXlf : sliver In
hand, decrease G.fjoo.OOflf. Prices on the
bourse todny opened undecided and weak
ened owinj to the advices In regard to
China nffalrs not belipr of a reassuring
character and to apprehensions regarding
llulsarla. Hentes were dull. Spanish Is
declined on the bourse rate of exchange.
Brazilian dropped heavily owing to the nn
noancemetit of the trouble In connection
with the Hank of the Kopublle of Hlo
Janeiro Hlo tlntos were maintained and
Delleers were unchanged.
Condition of the Treasury.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 13.-Todav's stato
ment of the treasury balance in tho treas
ury fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold
reserve In the division of redemption,
shows: Available cash balance, $131,171,745,
gold, $72,10tf,GOi).
Cotton .Market.
NKW YOHK. Sept. 13.-Kxcept for
show of animation during the early session
and several violent price changes before
midday the cotton market was compara
tively tame today. The more normal ruling
ol affairs In general In speculative circles
was regarded by some traders ar. Indicative
of waning bull strength. The market
opened Irregular, with prices 4U17 points
higher in sympathy with an unexpected
turn of the Liverpool market. The strength
on the other side resulted from 11 number
of causes, the most Important of which wns
a crop estimate by Nelll. In which ho
plnced thu maximum yield at 9,750,000 balos,
naming 9.500.000 bales as a more probable
llgure. however. The trade here was slow
to respond to the strength In Liverpool
and following the call the market rapidly
eased off to about 'bust night's llnal lilds.
In keeping with our reaction Liverpool
also declined, though private cables de
clared the easier turn of the Kngllnh mar
ket was due to freer offoiinss of spot cot
ton from New Orleans. Later In the morn
ing the local market gave a characteristic
demonstration of inherent strength bv ad
vancing 21 points on a rush of shorts to
cover and a spurt of Investment buying.
This exertion on the part of the bulls
seemed to exhaust their energies as. during
the rest of the session, the market slowly
sagged back under 11 little prollt taking
and nn absence of bull backing. Prospects
of continued light receipts and reports that
a storm of ' onsldernble volume and violence
was centered In the Atlantic states In
creases the reluctnnco of the trade to take
the short Kldo for the time bolng. Near the
close the market became wenk under a
hurried scramble for prollls bv Insiders nnd
the wire element. The market closed weak
and irregular, l points higher to S points
net lower. Futures closed weak and irregu
lar; September, lo.,",0e; October, 10.21c; No
vember. 0.o;ic; December, 9.9Ge; January,
n'2'!l': Iff'imry, 9.91c; March, 9.91c; April,
9.9.V; May. !l.9lc; June. 9.95c; July, 9.90c.
Spot closed quiet, 'Jo advanced; middling
uplands, lie; middling gulf, lP.ic; sales, 57
sales, 4,150 bales; ordinary, 9 13-lfic;
good I ordinary. 9?c; low middling. 10c;
llllfllll 112. lll.c: irnnil ml,!, III,.,. 11.1.,,. ...Li
!,o-n ,f" r' n,c: relpts, 2,.'192 bales; stock,
.0 di., bales. iMitures. Irregular; September, asked; October. 10.03f710.03c; Novem-
l'rr. 9.S(Mi9.S2e; December. 9.79ri9SOc; Janu-
U,;ck,:,5:9a!cl,'H; "hl"ra". '
Cnllfornln Dried l'riitta.
nitTrn riPi'V-eL- Y0"1 J-- LIFOHNIA
DKILD 1' HI ITS Inactive. Aside from a
few orders for a few choice grades of
evaporated applen to supiilv Immediate
w'ants business was conspicuous bv Its
absence. 'Ihe market, however, maintained
a firm undertone at llrm prices; state, com
mon prime, was dented from 3c to 5c
prime, Ptffjutfcc: choice, Sialic; fancy, tiff
t.hc. Prunes were quoted at 3l4T7V.c per
,,V,flH tn,slzc "nd quality. Apricots, Hovnl,
IPfiHc: Moor Park. 13filGe. Peaches, peeled
lGSlSc; impeded, 9c. 1
(III llinl.els,
OIL CITY. Pa.. Sept. I3.-Credlt balances.
JI..V, certlllcntes, no bid: sllliments, 7.152
a,,iJeyPb,,1,lH-:nl "'.blH.;
hJmRZ?'' 8cpt- -0-TurcntIno
INSTHl 'M KNTS placed" on record. Thurs
day, September 1.1:
Wiirrnuty Deeds.
'M1,la.c'.,r.rl'MI' I" Laurence C.reen, "
ot 10. block 2,1. in iirdt addition to
Corrinan place $ C)
J- Johin-oii ami wife, to Andrew
bamlnnd. I it 22. bl. ck 4. Sherman
Avenue park 575
Atlantic Hedlty ns ditlm to D. n.
Smith, lots 11 and 12. nlick 5, Kon
dall's nddl'lon (,50
Otto Hnrseh and wife to V. .1. Fr-'gge,
lots 1 .o 24, block 12, KilRWond Park
addition 551
Patrick Hrnsnllian and wife to II. .fet
ter, lots 1 and 2. nrnsnlhrui's sub 11
vhlon SW
K S. Flor to Noah Thomas. cU lot
15, block I', Rhlnn's second nddlMnu 1.10)
L. M. Hull ami huuhaud to K. L,
Kent, lots S and 9, block 9. Kniintzo,
place 1
H. L. Kent ami huslmnd to J. C.
Whitney, receiver, samo S.OV)
Sarah V. VnCamp and husband to
W. W. Wallace. 'riMcc. lot 7. block
7, VanC imp's addition ISO
M. J. C. Hyan and linsbainl to P. II.
Shea, lot 1. block 12. Corrlgan place 1.00)
C O. Connor to fleorge and Jennie
Scheschy. tux lot 13 In 1-15-13 1.250
lull (illliu Deeds,
Harmon Schell to L. M. Skinner, Id
21. block 1. Hnlpli place 1
James Durness, trustee, to C. S. Mux
hold, lot 15. Marshall L.'s Utvi
slon 20
Total amount ot transtcra tU,S47
;.": ''i'l,ii'.ic: renruary, o., ificsoc; March.
9,l'.e'fliS:r;.',V!"'y' Mny. 9.82fi9.S '
SI. LOl'IS. Sent. U-COTTON-Firni and
'( Higher: m dd Ini? HIT.,.- nn liiu Aft I .
Good Demand for All Glasses of Cattle
Except Oornfed Steers,
Sheep Were In Active Deninnd nml
Prices Advnnecd .shnrplr, l.nmbs
Were Ten Cents Higher, While
Feeder Held About Sternly.
SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. 13.
Hecelpts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Olllclal Monday l.W2 9, 6!
ODlclal Tuesday S.041 6,957 1.985
Olllclal Wednesday 4,Cn0 7,270 S.739
Olllclal Thursday 4,eiil 10,325 S.772
Four days this week 23,611 25,531 29.1C2
Same days last week. . . .17.M2 23.73J 21.277
Same week before 21,183 23,917 35,341
Same three weeks ago...l7,9S9 25,759 35,795
Same four weeks ago.... 15.2SJ 19.434 29,114
Average price paid for nogs for the int
several days, with comparisons:
I 1900. I1S99. 11898. U97.1S9J. 11895. 1S9I
I 2 $3 4 41 5 M
41 O "J
4 55 5 11
5 07
I 51
i r.xi 5 01
4 49 5 10
5 04
5 12
5 t4
3 21
5 24
5 51
5 50
5 42
5 45
I t 53
5 HI
5 55
5 51
4 221 5 57
I G 53
4 2l
4 0(5 5 K2
4 5 8J
4 051 5 S )
4 00 5 73
Indicate Sundnv.
Tho olllclal number of cars of stock
brought In todny by each wns:
Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'rs.
o.i st' l. Hy. '...?.::;;; 'i
Mo. Pnclllc Hy 10
Cnlon Paclllc system... il
C. & N. W. Hy".
V., K. M. V. H. H.... 22
C . St. P.. M. H O. Hy. 12
H. M. It. H. H IS1
C.. H. & Q. Hy
K C. .t St. Joseph
C. H. I. & P.. cist
C. It. I. P.. west
Illinois central 2 ,.
Total receipts 149 152 33 2
The disposition of the dnv's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Cattle. Hogs.
Omaha Packing Co
O. H. Hammond Co
Swift and Company ...
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour & Co ,
n. Hecker & Degan....
Vansnnt & Co
J. L. Carey
Lobman A Co
McCreary A- Clark ,
W I. Stephen
I llll & HuntzltiRcr
Kenton & I'ndcrwood. ,
N. Morris
Hamilton & Rothschild
Cudahy Kros. & Co
North P. & P. Co
II. L. Dentils & Co
Other buyers
Totals 4,ftV, 10,291 S,19
CATTLK There was a good average sup
ply of cattle here for a Thursday, but
the market as a whole was In good shape.
Chicago came slow to 10c lower, which had
rather a bad efTect on the demand for corn
cattle. There were about twenty-live cars
of cornfed steers hero and packers did nt
take hold with much life. Some sales were
mad that looked Just about steady, while
others were undoubtedly lower. The mnr
ket was dull and druggy throughout and
tho tendency of prices was lower.
About thirty cars ot cow atulT wore offered
on the market today and the better grades
of cows and heifers brought Just about
steady prices. The demand was In pood
shape and everything was sold In fulrly
eood season. The comnymor kinds and
canners also brought nbo.u stendy prices.
Stock bulls were In good demand today
and prices were n little stronger. Killers,
howiever, were about the same nu yester
uay. Stock calves were plentiful on the
market again today and on that account
prices were not quite so good.
Tho Blocker and feeder trade was In bet
ter shape today than It wus yesterday.
The good, heavy cattle met with ready je
at strong to a dime higher prices, ihe
commoner grades, howover, were dull and
the market on that class of cuttle was no
morn than steady.
Western klllem were again In light sup
ply today and nn the demand for them was
good prices were a little stronger, particu
larly on the better grades. Cows were also
In good demand at Just about steady prices
all around. Oood, heuvy weight feeders
sold well today, all the way from strong to
a dime higher, as compared with yester
day. The commoner kinds, however, were
neglected and the price paid were no bet
ter than those of yesterday. Representa
tive sales:
.... 9;,7
.... 760
.... 871
....10 8
, . . . 9'51
.... 946
.... 9Ti)
.... 911
.... 913
.... ?67
.... 970
.... 970
.... t60
.... 651
.... 9!8
.... 810
.... 700
.... 641
.... 811
.... 91.1
.... 471
.... 718
.... 3:1
.... 431
IS.. 4 97 I 4 441 3 75
. . i 33 11 a ,e .i ,ui
17.. 6 00 1 4 36 3 74 3 71 ! S4
JS.. 4 95 ! 4 47 2 6fi S 68 2 92
19. 4 60 3 67 B 73 2 S
20. . 6 03 3 75 3 70 2 79
21.. B 02 4 42 ;i ',( 2 S5
22.. 5 01 4 421 3 69 2 7 4 36
tl 97 4 41 .1 74 3 531 4 36
21.. 6 02 4 42 3 81 2 7P 2 CA 4 30
25-. S OG I 4 40 3 73 3 81 2 79!
28.. 4 34 3 71 3 911 2 761 4 32
27.. 4 9S 3 70 4 02 2 751 4 24
2J.. 5 02 . 4 49 3 97 2 SO; 4 2!
23-. 5 02 I 4 42 3 70 2 SI 4 22
."0. . 6 00 4 40 3 72 3 91 4 24
31. . 6 03 4 27 3 153 3 391 2 Sll 4 20
.. 6 OPj, 4 20 3 (ill 3 99 2 771 .
. 4 141 3 4 07 2 Ml 4 31
3... I 5 02 I 1 3 65 4 07 2 Sit 4 31
4... I 5 U 4 191 1 1 04 2 71 4 21
5... 5 USUI 4 221 3 02 : 2 701 4 13
B...I 5 (il",U, 4 "31 3 R3I 4 051 4 20;
7...1 5 0SHI 4 301 3 531 4 02 2 78
S... 6 10?i t 4 30 S 00 4 00 2 81
I 4 29 3 07 3 91 2 SI
10. . I 5 lJi 3 6s 3 93 2 Sfi
11. .1 5 22 4 2 3 84 2 M
12.. I 5 20JS,, 4 22 3 77 2 79
13- I 5 07 I 25 3 79 3 S2
I'r. So. Av. Tr.
4 2-1 1 1190 5 10
4 61 19 12.3 5 1.1
4 70 22 UM ( 21
4 81 20 1:37 f, 30
4 8.1 HI 1J3 S 31
5 01 2) 1(17 5 M
5 P) 1 1318 5 55
5 "0 II H9J 5 45
COW s.
2 00 2 1033 3 05
2 0) 3 j cu 301
2 ID 19 11(4 S 0.1
2 71 4 1015 3 15
! 70 11 131 3 2)
2 71 1 87n HI
2 50 1 1010 3 :s
2 70 1 1(W 3 23
3 71 3 t87,i 3 03
2 75 1 1010 3 23
2 7.1 1 IliO 3 2.1
2 81) 10 m 3 5.1
3 81 23 Jij) 3 30
2 90 3 1071 3 3)
2 91 11 POJ 33.I
3 W 1 11 !0 3 50
3 M 1 10S3 3 65
3 00 1 1130 3 (11
3 00 2 1CS5 3 73
3 00 3 10C3 3 7.1
3 CO 20 UM j 73
3 C3 1 1:70 3 75
3 10 7 917 J 20
3 11 5 780 3 25
3 20
2 65 1 12M 3 C5
2 71 1 1CM 3 13
2 9) 1 km 331
2 91 1 1.T0 3 30
3 00 1 mo 3 5)
2 15 1 SCO 3 13
2 9) D S22 3 21
3 00 16 li'l 3 2.1
2 51 4 677 3 3.1
3 CO 24 $76 3 so
fi 0) 8 212 5 50
5 01 1 200 3 73
5 21
3 15
3 61
.. 9'5
.. s'6
.. 570
.. 612
.. 5!4
3 IS
3 40
3 51
3 f.9
3 SI
3 6)
. 736
. m
. 771
. P12
3 70
3 81
3 IS
4 00
I no
4 00
1 hrlfcr...
1 heifer...
2 cows
1 feeder..
10 heifers..
1 heifer...
5 feeders.
3 feeders.
52 feeders.
1 bull
7 feeders.
14 eowk. ...
1 cow
2 cows
1 cow
5 heifers..
1 cow... .
9 calves. .
. 950
3 03 2 COWS 965 3 05
2 75 17 cows 832 .'I 50
2 80 23 feeders.. B70 3 25
3 25 7 cows 1027 3 35
3 10 3 helfors... 050 2 75
3 15 2 cows 9S0 .'1 ,35
4 10 15 feeders. . 852 4 10
3 50 1 heifer.... 770 3 15
4 20 0 feeders.. 981 3 60
2 85 17 feeders.. 983 4 20
3 60 I feeder... 900 I 20
3 25 51 feeders.. 917 4 20
2 91 2 feeders.. 957 3 50
3 00 0 feeders.. 058 3 40
am 1 cow 900 4 00
2 50 61 cows 90 !i 00
2 70 48 cows 1021 5 i)l
5 00 27 leeders.. 773 3 75
3 S", 28 feeders.. S72 3 S3
3 75
3 10 2.1 cows. . . . S01 3 30
2 90 1 cow 102il 2 23
3 75 I belter.... 780 ,'i 20
3 25 I steers. . S72 3 85
H. Kent Neb.
3 9) 2 feeders. . 993 3 50
3 25 82 feeders,. 994 4 20
3 '0
Hummers Wyo.
I 10 1 bull 1470 2 75
ll. Wcarr-S. D.
4 76 3 calves... 235 3 00
4 75 liteer 1204 t M
. 700
. 752
. 770
. S82
. 852
. 9Vt
. 7:14
. 9ii0
. 720
. 920
,. 720
. 180
. 935
?7 steers. . .
239 feeders
25 cows
19 cows
.1 1 ows
13 heifers..
22 feeders.
1 feeder..
1 feeder. .
52 feeders.
, 733
02 calves.
lcalf 334
3 bulls.... 1320 2 50 1 bull 1400 2 50
1 bull.. . 1010 2 SS
47 cows 828 3 00 5 cows 722 2 2o
S. Hamilton Wyo.
25 feeders.. 670 4 20 2 feeders.. ,,0 3 60
A. H. Uuck-Neb.
2J cows 1076 3 85 1 stag 1010 3 00
Thompson Bros. Neb.
62 feeders.. 398 4 00
2S feeders.. 027 3 35
W. II. Hnrdy-Wyo.
10 feeders.. 949 4 25 3 cows 1056 3 65
6 feeders. . SM 4 25 2 cows 1000 3 05
14 feeders . 95:1 4 25 2 bulls 1250 2 S5
8 feeders.. 1046 4 26 2 cows S70 3 Uu
9 steers.. ..1170 4 40 4 steers. . ..1051 4 40
1 steer 1320 4 10 1 steer 1290 4 40
5 steers.. ..1170 :l i!S 1 steer 1060 3 05
Frank Wagner Colo.
10 feeders.. 938 3 50
Johnson & L. Neb.
1 cow 1070 3 00 4 feeders.. 927 3 70
1 cow S20 3 25 4 feeders.. 675 3 75
C. Henmmlng Knn.
24 cows 895 3 20 37 cows S95 3 20
15 cows 883 3 20 42 cows 897 3 20
4S cow s 892 3 20 63 cows 903 3 20
Weare & A.-S. D.
1 cow lOn 2 75 lcow 96-) 3 40
32 calves... 303 5 10 lcow 1110 3 50
2 calves... 375 4 00 1 cow 970 3 60
1 heifer.... (10) 3 70 1 cow 990 3 25
H steers.. ..1141 4 15 3 feeders. .1013 3 73
12 feeders.. 1090 3 76 1 feeder. . .1000 3 75
L. lllbbs-Ncb.
J cow 720 3 25 1 bull 1730 2 00
lcow 1110 3 fin 3 cows 953 3 25
? 'ow9 KISS 3 00 1 cow 1M) 3 25
4 feeders.. S;u 3 0) 6 feeders.. 773 3 00
1 feeder... 670 .'I 00
., , J- H. Saleson Neb.
81 feeders.. 8.88 4 05 2 stk. hf.. 323 5 00
6 feeders.. 8SS 3 60
. J- 'I- Abshlre-Neb.
12 feeders.. 716 3 25
, J. li. Kcddlck-S. D.
18 feeders.. 975 3 80 18 steers.. ..1273 4 50
Scows 1125 3 25 3 feeders. . 913 3 30
- I'dwn 1075 s no 3 steers.... 810 3 10
4 cows 937 3 25
Keaseu Uros. Neb.
2 cows 1C90 3 (5.1 4 steers... .1213 3 85"
, steers.. ..1142 3 85 1 steer 1 260 4 50
lteer 1000 3 Mi 1 Mecr lO.n jim
iJ '1 ex. str.. 919 3 50 10 steers. ... 887 3 50
21 feeders.. 900 3 85 7 feeders. . 6s5 Hi
C. C. Deiniey Neb.
J cow 1080 3 25 1 feeder... 190 4 50
1 feeder... 840 1 25 7 cows HVII 3 8)
J tll 1460 2 50 .10 feeders.. 1073 3 25
5 feeders., ml 3 25 2 feeders.. 895 3 25
2 feeders.. 970 3 25 2 feeders.. S75 3 25
. . . J S. Combs-Neb.
30 feeders.. Ml .'! 70 2 feeders.. 890 3 25
11 feeders.. 1100 3 90 1 steer 1100 I (X)
2n feeders.. 979 3 75 1 feeder... 920 3 75
1 steer 1340 3 25
HOqS There was the biggest run of
hogs here today of any day so far this
week, other markets also had a good
liberal supply and prices broke nt all
points. The market here opened up about
a dime lower with only part of the pack
ers In the Held. Those that were buying
picked up the choicest loads mostly 111
I.'.IO and Jj.12'4, and as high us J5.2) was
paid for a fancy load. The heavier h gs
sold from $5.10 down. After twenty or
twenty-live loads hud changed hands there
was nothing doing for some little time.
They ilnally bought them up. however, 10
(ul5e lower. The coarse heavy stuff suld
around $5 05 and the heavv stuff of f Ir
quality from Ij.tCjiS.lO, and the medium
ami light stuff of good quality sold largely
at $5.pVi(5.15.
As will be seen from tho table of average
prices all the udvance of this week Is lust
Htid more loo, but prices ure still a little
better than they wero a week ago today.
Heprerentiitlvo sulcs:
No. Av Sh. Pr. No. Av. Bh. I'r.
IS 32i) ... 0 00 66 264 k0 5 01
16 192 ... 5 CO 71 16i (o 3 05
75 2'4 200 SCO 61 261 HO 5 0714
18 321 120 6 00 7S 221 40 5 (Wi.
.S9J M 5 CO 71 201 2 3 U7i-
62 2S1 ... 5(5
6, ;s7 iuo 5 ir;
67 273 41 6 (.1
57 IS2 1M 5 03
10 27.1 ... 5 01
f9 273 ... 5 05
83 27!i 241 5 00
47 318 (0 5 O)
75 81 ... 3 !0
46 79 ... 3 91
4( 82 ... 3 90
M 88 ... 4 CO
(5 227 81 4 CO
34 292 80 6 0)
81 3'0 ... 6 00
M 313 161 6 00
6 2.18 40 5 OJiJ
52 287 120 5 01
f.9 ST. SO 6 (15
62 297 1.8) 3 fS
66 231 ... .1 01
7? 213 121 5 0.1
61 w '61 r. f.i
76 267 1M 5 0.1
f9 291 41 5 0.1
CI 307 16) 6 0.1
65 274 81 5 05
66 281 ... 5 03
63 261 80 5 05
58 291 80 5 0.1
f.D M3 41 5 03
63 2'8 ... .-, 03
2i'i) ... 5 OK
67 2t ... 5 01
f 2S5 120 .1 05
6 236 89 5 03
31 "31 ... 5 09
61 '61 ... SOS
r.i 319 40 r, 0714
f) 313 ... 3 071 j
'4l 264 ... 5 07a
19 ?11 ... .1 (7'a
61 2.18 121 5 67'a
66 v243 80 5 OT'i
(6 208 120 5 07i,
47 261 4) 5(.7'
63 2 8 ... 6 07'4
67 211 41 5 H7i
l.S 2S7 10 S 07'i
..162 ... 5 07'i
. .2116 81 5 10
..210 S'I .1 10
..267 40 5 11
..767 Hi ,1 10
..246 81 5 1)
52 265 41 5 11
76 2 9 120 5 10
I 287 ... S 10
71 212 ... 6 11
93 212 ... f, 1ft
61 263 ... B 11
f6 241 41 .1 11
61 261 41 5 10
62 293 ... 5 11
89 114 ... 6 19
6( 286 8) 5 p)
76 214 41 5 11
6t 2(7 40 5 10
67 241 ... 5 10
71 2:0 ... S 11
M 220 121 6 11
11 267 ... 1 19
24 214 ... 5 11
71 241 ... 5 11
41 2'4 41 6 10
71 263 8.1 5 1 0
61 267 81 5 10
261 10 5 f'7'4
(W 227 31 3 074 61.; 22 81 6 11
61 241 11 fi 07ij 67 256 40 6 10
61 241 41 5 0714 64 210 ... 6 10
71 221 121 5 0714 81 161 41 5 11
85 244 ... 6 0714 68 2'. ... 5 111
61 273 ... 6 07'4 74 233 ... 5 11
80 211 200 S i"'4 63 J2S ... 5 12IJ
81 26) ... S 07 1.4 62 lf W 5 P14
73 214 ... 6 f7'i M "17 161 -1121,
71 296 ... 5 0714 r6 2)0 fO 11314
fi 2T6 8) 5 0714 fS 271 M 5 I2ia
61 231 120 3 C7', 61 312 SO 6 12',
f 27.1 ... 6 07 12 267 ... 5 12,
61 345 ... ft C24 31 261 ... 6 12(4
f4 3d ... 6 02H 79 252 4) 6 I214
62 311 60 5 C214 67 Ill . . 6 12H
47 112 ... 6 05 .' . 111 5 12'4
61 316 12) 5 01 76 2'4 81 3 12',
84 2! 61 5 01 "V. " .11 5 '2'4
7 242 M 3 115 73 261 ... 6 1?'i
2.17 M 5 ffi 61 2l ... 5 12"j
46 33.1 ... 5 ft.-, 73 224 ... 51115,
65 27 81 6 65 71 227 81 5 1 2'4
61 277 209 S 05 67 271 '1 5 II
71 '91 41 6 05 70 221 161 5 II
61 TS6 121 6 01 f2 214 10 5 r.
.'1 'II ... .', 01 62 2S( ... 5 11
" 2'8 4) 6 0? 78 2iV) ... 6 11
67 2" ... 6 01 77 211 120 3 15
fS 2d 121 5 01 7.1 711 241 6 11
93 211 161 6 65 61 211 ... 5 '5
67 275 ... 5 05 61 4(1 . , 3 1".
41 21 120 6 0.1 71 211 81 2. 17'4
61 291 120 5 03 70 215 ... 3 21
SHKKP There was a good liberal sup
pi" of sheep here today, but tho demand
was fully equal to tho occasion. Chlcauo
reported a good mnrket apd as a result
prices here advanced shnrplv nil around.
Sheep nre now asiilOo higher for the week,
as much as $100 being paid for a string
today. Lambs advanced nbout a dime to
day and for the week may be railed 25e
higher. There has not been much rhnngn
In feders for the week. The demand, how
ever, has been fully equal to the supply
and tho market has been nctlvn all tho
5 Ctah ewes 91 2 00
105 I 'tab owes 104 3 21
9 Ctah wethers 102 .1 05
5.8 Idaho wethers 90 I 00
244 Idaho wclhrs 101 1 00
211 Idaho wethers 97 4 Oil
81 feeding lambs 48 I 10
15 Ctah feeding lambs 43 I 10
233 1'tnh feeding Iambs 48 4 10
129 Ctnh feeding lambs 17 I 10
50 cull lambs 00 .'ll
367 Idaho lambs 07 5 21
400 Idaho lambs 07 5 25
RV) Idaho lambs 07 5 21
653 Idaho lambs 07 6 25
5 Idaho cull ewes 81 2 60
13 Idaho ewes 92 3 50
13 Idaho cull lambs 73 t 15
IS Idaho ewes 103 3 .'(5
595 Idaho wethers Id) 3 ,o
191) Idaho wethers 100 3 7n
5CI Idaho wethers 105 I , ,
03 Idaho wethers 107 3
.19 cull lambs 10 4 2i
982 Idaho lambs 6 ''
101 Idaho lambs 67 & J.,
Ilenvy nml Common .steers Loner
Sheep Slriing to HlKber.
ClIICAtiO, Sept. 1.1 - CATTLK Hecelpts.
11.500 head. Including l.noo head western"
and 800 head Texans; heavy and common
steers, lo-fnse lower; light and medium
weak; butchers' slock steady; westerns
strong; Texnns, 10c higher here, active: na
tives, best on sale today, 3 carloads at $., 90.
good to prime steers. OOljO on; poor to
medium. 14 50(1(6.50; selected feeders about
steadv, $1.004 75: mixed stoekert Inwer,
$.1.00(!3.83; cows, $2 75171 50; heifers, $3.0(111', 2,i;
canners, $2.0012.73; bulls, 52.80'u50. calvex,
$5.0of6.S5; Texans, receipts, 7W head; best
on sale todav. 10 carloads at $1 20; Texas fed
steers. $1.(015 00 : Texas grass steers. $3 40fi
4.35; Texas bulls. 2.6(Xn3 10
HOCS Hecelpts today. 28,000 head: tomor
row. 17.000 head, estimated; left over. 7,00 1
liead- market 6e lower, top, $.60; mixed and
butchers. $V10f(150; good to choice hem v.
l.l.pKif, 47'4; rough heavv, 11 Wi5.(j5; light.
$5 25fi5 69; bulk of sales. $5,151(5 35.
S1IKKP AND LAMHS-ltecelpts, 10,000
head; sheep, strong to loc higher, sleailv in
strong; good. to choice wethers. $3 751iloi,
fair to choice mixed. $3.401i:i6i; western
Sheep, $3 751 1 00, Texas sheep, $l.25(5.83;
native lambs, iwc5.76.
S, I.imiIn t,le Murk.
ST LOl'IS Sept 13 -CATTLK Heei Ipl.i
1.300 head. In, hiding 150 'I.xuns. Mark"'
uteiidv to shade easier, native (.hipping ti " I
export steers. $Mm'n5 85; riressed bef nnd
hut'dier tecr J 1.501(6 35; 1 leers indir
pounds. 81 60iii.0o; stackers nt:d urli-i -.
$3 2WI 60: cows and heifers. J2 00ilk5. 1 11 -tiers.
$15-(JfaW: bulls, 12.Mif3.05; i'exni and
Indian steers, $3.3')j4 65; iows nnd heifer.
HOGS Hecelpt, 6,vW head; market 5fil0c
loner, pigs nnd lights, &4o)j5.55, butchers,
.(015 40
SHKKP AND LAMKS--Hecelpts, "00 hend
market steadv; native muttons. $.l.63ir4.0O:
lambs, $1 15i(5.W; culls and bucks, 2.50i;p
1.(0; stackers. $3.0Ci3.26.
Kit 11 urn City Live SlocU.
celpts. S.000 head tintlves, 1,300 head Texnns
mid 500 head calves; dry lot cuttle shado
lower; all other kilting grades steady; best
feeders steady, others slow; native steers,
l.7."i(5.75; stockcrs and feeders. $3.25JTL6-''i
butcher cows and heifers, $3.00f!5.40; can
ners. $2.tnr!:j no ; fed westerns, $1.0016.55; win
tered Texans, $.1 ft ft 3. Ik); grass Blockers, $3.20
5J3.55; culles, $1,504(6.00.
HOCiS-Kecelpts. 11,0k) hcnil; trade quiet
and prices steady to 6c lower; heavy and
mixed, $5.2oC5.;!0; light, $5.15?G.32V4! Pitts,
$4.50115 00.
SHKKP AND I.AMHS - Hecelpts, 1.700
head; nctlve market: muttons steady; fat
lambs shade higher; lambs, $l.75ij?6.25i mut
tons. $3.fv)i,1S0; feeders, $3.O0fJ4.00; culls, $2.50
St. Joseph l.lvc Sloeli.
SOFTH ST JOSF.PH, Mo., Sept. 13.-Tho
Journal quotes:
CATTLK-Hecelpts. 1,300 head; mnrket
active and stend to strong; natives, $l.t5p
5.50; Texas and westerns, $.').35fT.i.4P; cows
and heifers. $:.25df 1.75, bulls nnd sings, $2.25
Cfl.80; yearlings and calves, $ I 21;
stackers nnd feeders, $3.00.10; veals, $5.0Oj$
, HOaS-Hcccltits, 9,000 head; market 5JM0o
lower' nil grades, $5,155)5.25; bulk of sales,
SIIKKP-Hecelnls. 2.100 head; market ac
tive and lOjjlSc higher.
imv VorU Live StocU.
NKW YOHK. Sept 13-HKKVKS-He-celpts,
756 head; nothing doing worth
noting; stendy feeling; no chnngp In cables;
shipments, 731 hend nnd 85 quarters of beef,
CALVKS-Hecelpts, 322 head; steady;
veals. $S0Ki5.So, grassers and buttermilks,
$3.25ffi-I.OO; yearlings. $2.75.
SHKKP AND LA MHS Hecelpts, 4.2H
head; good stock nctlve and firm: common
lambs, slow; sheep. $3.O0!JI.35; culls, $2.62iJ;
lambs, $ 5076.26; culls, $3.0011 1.01; no Cutmdil
IKHiS-Heeelpts, 1,353 head; steady ut $5.73
Monk In SUM.
, Following are the receipts nt the four
principal western marKcts tor sepicmnor
Cattle. Higs. Slice',
South Omaha 1,(01 10,325 8,771
Chicago 11.5(0 28.(00 10(D)
Kansas City H.3MI ll.fieO 1,7 tl
St. Uiuls 1.300 COM 7M
20.101 65,923 31.173
Siikiii llnri.el.
NKW YOHK, Sept. 13. - SCC.AR - Haw,
strong; fnlr relinlng, l''tc; centrifugal. 90
test, 5c; molasses sugar, le; refined, llrm.
LONDON, Sept. l.l.-HKKT SCOAK-Hep-tcmber,
lis 6d.
NKW OHLKANS. Sept. 13.-SCOAH-Qulet;
open kettle. ISc; centrifugal yellow,
Sl.iS'V; seconds. 3il 9-IOc.
rvcr IIoiikIiI One.
Chicago Post- "Air you tryln' to tell
me, Hiram, t hot you been to tho city eight
times an' ain't never bought a gold brick.'"
"That's what I said, Joshua."
"Hull! Well, you air t ho ornercst liar I
ever did' sec. What was that thing you
fetched bnclt tlmn nforo Inst?"
"That wasn't a gold brick, Joshua. I
thought It was when I bought It, but It
wasn't nothln" but copper nn' lend. No,
sir; any one who tells you I ever bought a
gold brick is a tarnation liar."
Strictly Incredulous,
Washington Star: "No, sir," exclaimed
Farmer Corntosscl. "they can't convince mo
that this here prosperity is genuine."
"Hut what constitutes prosperity?" asked
the summer boarder. "Haven't you nn
abundance to wear and cat, no debts and
money In tho bank?"
'Yes; that's where tho oppressors show
their smnrtness. Them there little details
Is Jcs' put-up Jobs to fool us."
A Sign.
Detroit Free Press: Landlord You never
saw the new guest's daughter, yet you In
sist that she Is a pretty girl.-
Clerk I do.
Landlord How do you know?
Clerk Her mother took me Into her
room today to measure the windows for
new curtains, and I counted nluo mirrors
scattered around.
HE. Smith & Go.
Importers and Jnbbcrsof
Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods
Successor Wilson & DrnUO.
Manufncturo boilers, smoke stacks nnd
bteechlngs, pressure, rendering, sheep dip,
lard and water tanks, boiler tunrs con
Mnntly on hand, second hand boilers bought
and sold Special andfjiompl attention to
rep.ilts In city or country 10th nnd Pierre.
VAesiem Eiecfrica!
vv fiscally
Electrical Supplies.
Electric Wiring Hells and Gas Llehtln.
O. W. JOHNSON, Mgr. 1322 Howard St.
The ykuln Safo
and Eron Works
G. ANDRKIiN, Prop.
Makes a Rpeclalty of
And nurglnr Proof Safes & Vault Doors, eto
OIO S. Mill HI., Olilillm, .Nell,
Davis & Cowgill Iron WorksT
1501. l.'iOIl Mild ir()5 .Inolison Street,
Oiiinha, Sell. Tel, nilN.
B. Zabrlsklo. Agent. J. H. Cowglll, Mcr.
Pattern Makers and Model liulldcrs.
Manufacturers nnd Dealers Steam
Fittings, hlct.jr Supplies, Stoam
i;n:ipes anil tinners, ujhouiw en
gines, Cream Suparators, Machin
ists Supplies. Illsh Crude Kepalr Work n
flperlalt Factor-, and office 6'iC-H South
Tenth St. Phono 23-ii.
Telephone lOIJ!). OiiiqIm, Sal
Correpoi:dence John A Warrn Co
uirtct wlli to Chicago and Nmr lorS
B00rl4rir LITE BL0&
OMAHA tit.
BRANCH 1036 tUt