TUB OMAHA DAILY HEE: "WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. 1000. 0 X SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisement for these column vrlll lie lakni tititlt VA m. for Hip evening edition mill until H MO p. m. for morning nnil Snndny edition. Hate, 1 l.itn n -rnrd first Insertion. 1c f word tlterrnfler. Nothlnit tnUcit for le tlmn SRo for the flrt Ittser tloti. These Advertisement must In run eonseetttl vely. AdverlUcru, liy reanestlnir, n nam tterrd chock, cn line nnsvrcr nd drm.ril tn n nnmherril letter In cnre of TIip Her. Innrn no nddressetl Mill lie delivered on presentation of the check only. siti ations w anted. TllOnorOIII.V competent bookkeeper tit Mrojt clerical position of nny kliul nt once; rapid pcnmiin; accurate iiccnunttini, bond given, btt city releronro A'-dre-H T fit, Hcc A-M627 IP w a T n ii m am: ii tii.r. WANTED, wo have steady work for ft few good hustlers or goou mums ana appear nncc. C. F. Adams Co., 160i Howard 8t. IJ 870 DAnnKll tratlo taught thoroughly In short tlmo: cutnloguo untl particulars ireo Address Western Barbers' Institute Omaha, Neb. B-.S7I WANTED, laborers, teamsters, rock men nnd aiirruco men, Noli, wyo. aim iowu; Western II. It. Labor Agency, 310 8. Uth. it a. AN INTELLIGENT young man to take a shorthand scholarship In bent school and pay for It when courxe In completed and position Hccurcd. Address L 20, Hoc. H-S73 GET a free catalogue of the Nebraska School or Magnetism anil wsteopamy, 1515-17 Chicago atrect, Omaha, Nob. : grud, nates employed. B-874 WANTED, an experienced stenographer, Address with reference and full particu lar, Hox 385, Fremont. Neb. H M316 WANTED, men to loam barber trade; only 8 wrekM reoiilred: special oft r of boar I, tools, scholarship and transportation to our colleges at Chtongo. St. I.oiiIh nr Minneapolis rontlnueil th month: imM Hons guaranteed; catalogue free. Ad dross Motor Harbor Colleen Represent i- ttve. ir,23 Kiirnam nt., omana. ii .mui w- ANTED, oven young men to prepare for November Omaha postal service rxnniltiu tlnn. thorough prppnratlon. charges ronnonnble, Inclose stump. Interstate ( or respoiidonco liiHtltuto, ccdiir Rapids, la. H-M590 17 WANTKD man and wlfp, no children, to tako earn of small apartment house for housn rent, fuel, light, etc. No colored peoplP. AddroRH T til, Hoc. H C0l-i:i. WANTKD, at onrr. alpiuan for rlotlilim nun geniM rurnisiiinK kooii.; iiuihi nave wood refereiicoH; none but c.ipprleni-ed men need annlv: lnle man nreferred. Addreos tllobo ClothlllK Co.. Missouri vaney, in. ii aiiusi va WANTKI). a (lrt-cla all-around clerk for a Keneral tnorchandlHo Htorc: m.iHt bo well versed In dry Roods and have snine experience m winnow iiressint;; stale expcrleiii-p and salary expectpd. Address 1". O. box SI 7, west rolut. Noli H-.MtHl 1H OOVKHNMKNT POSITIONS, don't prp pare for the noslollli-p or nny otlipr civil servlcn examination without seclne mr cataloxne or Information: sent rrci rolumblaii I'orrcspondenco ColleKi'.Wash llic ton, 1J. t '. AI1212 WANTKD nvcrywbere. hiiHtler to tack slcns. tllstr buto circulars. Nanni es, etc. no cnnvasslng t;ood pay. Sun Advertis ing uureau, t incaBo. n muiu z- WANTKD, boy with horse to drive nd- vorllslnp wiikciii. Apply nt once. ax woras, iBiii st. ii aitsw i." w..M'i-'n i-'h.iiai.b iiki.i. AN INTK1.I.IOKNT lady to tako a short- linmi sciioiarsnip in ncsc school ami imy for It when course is eompletoil ami post tlon secured. Atldress It 2o, Hoe. C 873 WANTKD, SW Rlris. 1621 DodBO. Tel. S7ii, C S7u V Rlrls wanted. Canadian oftlce, 1522 Doni?las C; ST i rOMHKTKNT cook nt &5i So. 2Sth SI c-riSi-12 WANTKD. a number of extra ladles and nontlpinen for HlaKe work." Annlv lo stnRp ninmiRrr .it staRe pntrancp Hoyd's ihenter any forenoon betwppii date and Saturday. i sir.ii l.l flOOD Rlrl for Roneral housewo'k; small family; waRcs, Jl. Apply immediately . 2lW2 Toppli'ton ave. C MUw 13 WANTKI) -Younc Indv stpiionranlior Rood appearance and wIIHiir to assume some reiiponslblllty. Hood permanent poslilon to the right party. Answer al once. T. iii, nee. c ii'i,i-u. Olnl. fnr- f.nnriil linllniiwiirW uttiull fiitnlli' 1511 yutes St. Take Sherman Ave. car t lira la W A VTKH Hlrl for cenoral bousnwnrlt. pood waRcs to competent Rlrl. Inquire 1911 junni'yHi. i hk i." WANTKD. Rood Rlrl. 5M N. 2.1d st , C-MKJ0 13 WANTKD. a competent ulrl In a family of two. Apply to Mrs. W. .1. Hurpes. mis Oeorsla iivo. C-M61S 15 FOIt It KNT 11 Of SMS. HOl'SKS and Mats. HIliRwalt. Darker blk. D-iSl FOR HUNT, strictly modern Hat In Dav Idpe bulldlnR. opposite city ball. JOHN W ROHIilNS, 1S02 FARNAM ST. D-603 ALWAYS movlnp II. II. coods. Pianos. Olllce, 1511U Farnam St. Tel. 1559 or S63. D-88.1 PKK IIKNRY R. PAYNE. 601 N. Y. 1,1 FK. D-S80 HOl'SKS fnr rent In all parts of the city. Ilrennan-Lovo Co., 320 So. 13th St D-SS7 FIVK unfurnished rooms, all modern. 2711 N. 22d st. D-Mlll IF yni wnut your houses well rented' placo them with Hcuawa t Co, D S7S HOL'SKS, etc. F. D. Wead, 1524 DoiiRlas. D-S79 6-ROOM flat, city water. 2719 Uurdotto. HOl'SKS. stores. Homlf. Paxton block. D-S0 BIX-ROOM cottaRC. S10 S. 30th. ' D-M359 12 -ROOM cottaRC, all modern; 2121 Miami st. D-371 2202 to 2212 N. 21st st.. 3 and 4-room imTiU oni Hats, $S.(). Si) Sherman ave., 5 rooms, 2d floor, city water nnd sewer, JS.oo. 2636 Ch.irles St., 5 rooms, duo repair, city water, J12.0O. ' 26(0 Charles st., same a above, $12.00. 2315 8. 12tb st., brand new, 6 rooms, all modern. $20.00. 2317 S. 12th si., same as above, $20.00. 3107 Jackson st., " rooms, all modern, $H.0O 2710 Hrlstol nt . S rooms, modern plumblnc I1S.I"). 4917 Cass st., 9 rooms, all modem, elegant. $16.0"). 4907 Webster st . 9 rooms, nil modern, $17 00 2915 Mason St., 10 rooms, all modern, $23.00 PAYNK-KNOX CO . 1st floor, N. V. Llfo nidc D-M599 13 rrRNI8HKD house for rent. Apnly at Hosw'h Art Store. D-602. FOR n KNT, 111,1 8. 2Sth. S rooms, gool repair, $20. Potter-Bholes Co.. 310 N. Y. Life. D-M622 It FOR Hi:.T-l l lt.MSIIi;i) IIOO.M.S. 3 furnished room fnr houjckeepltiR; man & who; rein taKen in ooard, am rs. 17th E--2T.0 FritNISHRD rooms-modern, llpht house- Keeping nuoweti, ;i;j imkc. ij 340-11 ROOM, .steam heat, pus, bath. 40t N. 16th, mini iiiiui. i-, .tixti HOrSKKKKIMNQ. 6D S17th A vol K-3C 12 TURKU ronis, housekeplncB; 1112 8. llth. K-374 MODKIIN rooms, U.W vccl: 614 n'Sii ,- i D-.5T9.if I'tm hi:t ii itMsitun iioo.m. I-'t UNISIIKD -5 nlrp room', -ome hnio. KtppiriR. sniRie or ensultp. mmlern. re.is onable. no children. 51 North 19th st. K-377-13 Ft'IlNISHED room., m 8. 20lh st. D-.M59.1 IT TWO furnished rooms; references. M0 S. z.ni r. MBit is TWO large furnNhed rocins for linuic- KeepiIlR. 0110 H. XSii SI. II-.MUI Jn 11 HMMIKI) ItOO.MS AM) llllAltl). ai.ENCAlHN.translciits.1.25diy. 1600 DkI. , f-SS3 GOOD board, private family. 100 So. i'Slh avenue. r .mvj VTOPIA. 1721 Davenpott St. r-W) IN PfllVATK family. W20 St. .Mary's Ave. 1' yji TIIK Mcrrlam, eood summer rosort. 25th ft 1JOURC. ! 811 I'llONT room nnd board, 25SI Homey. i ..ii-ii" DKHIItAHI.K rooms, board. 2.VI Harney. K-M6I3 IS I'nil IIK.VT-f.M'lHXISIIKI) HOO.MW. 2 L'NKl'ltNISHKD rooms; no ho.isekeep. mis- I't rarK ave. u-ii: ONK or two furnished or unfurnished room. 3 block from Hlah school, private family: references exchanged. Addr-ss T M. flee. a-57512 I'lllt IlKXT hTttlll'.s n OFFICII. FOfl HUNT, More In nr.telass location; rent reasonable. Apply It. C Peters Co., Rrouml floor. Hco bldR I-2h5 Io7l HUNT, nlro brick Ktore bulldlnc In Hock Port. Atchison county. Mo., tine location for Roncrnl stock of merchan disc: bnllillim I 2lxM feet, with ware room separate, and Is owned by Masonic louce. one r tne nesi corners in iowu Address W. H. Ulcrmann, secretary. I--187 .(ii:.vrs AV.wn'i). AOKNTS for HenlRer's MiiRazlne, the most iwiiiiilni' llliislmtoil Cathol c fit til 1 1 V miiKli 7-lne; II f) a vear. Sells fast; J25 a week casv. Kxcluslvp territory given. Addresf with references. llenzlRcr llros.. "o Har clay st., New York. J -MM" 1.1 POHTHAITS of McKlnloy nnd Hryon. also Hooscvolt a Homjli Rider, handsomely luountcd In colorctl cardboard frame, slzn I5.20; send 25 cents for sample otitlll and terms to iiRents. KiiRono Carmine. Dept 19, 1620 nnd 1622 MIITllil si . Phila delphia, Pa. J-M.m51- MAN OH WOMAN, to employ and superin tend iiRents; jbo per montii and expenses experlenco not required, permanent. ZleRlcr Co., 7(0 Monon bldR., CIiIciiro. J-Mfitl 12 WAT-.l TO Itl'.XT. NTKI)TO R KNT, Turnlshod or unfur nished suit nt 4 to t', rooms, furnifc heated; family of 3. Address T 59. Heo K-2-ll FI'RNISIIKD house of 10 room or more for the winter or 1 yenr; eentrni prt or city. nr. J. it. Miner, in hoiirc K-5S5-13 STOIIAtil-:. I'AC-IFIC StoniRP and Wnrehoue Co..-ni2. 911 Jones, general stornju nnd forwardluR, S92 Om. Van Stor. Co., 15HH Farn. Tel. 1559-Mn. WAVrBIJ TO IIUV. AM. kinds of household poods, hotels. t"., In hirRP and small quantities. ClileaRj Furnlturo Co., nuo-io dourv. vol. ioj. N-Htl WILD purchase a limited number of iimanii savinps naim occounts, uri-nnim Dove Co., 309 So. 13th. N-S'5 2DHAND bicycles. Omalii Hlcyclc Co. N S96 I'll It SAI.i:-l't llMTl'ltl). .'OR HAl.l-:limilturo of six-room house comnletc. with or without piano. (lood location, cheap rent; In South Omaha Will sell on tlmo If desired. Address, "D," Hen Oltloe, South Omaha. O-606 17 foii nam: iiohsi:s, vnmci.KS,- i-yrc. NEW and 2d II. vehicles at marked down prices. Harry Frost, llth & Leavenworth. P-J.9S BRAND new hlRh srade $32.1.00 Snyder phaeton; low price. Apply 313 Karbach Itlock. P-M395 If FOR SAI.K, new bURple bodies with Roar Inp for sale at $1.50 each. A. H Alplrn, nilDoiiRlas. P-MKil Oct. 7 GRAY mare, 8 years old, 1.40) pounds; aDo roan horse, fi years old, woIrIu 1,150 lb. Harney Street stables. Win. l-'rankle, 1205 Howard. P-433 WANTKD. a secondhand bus or cab or pood carrlape: must be cheap' for cash. Address Hubbell Hotel, Olenwood. la. P-r.74-11 SA FK. speedy, bay horse that lady can drive. Address T 57, Uee. P-576-12 OH SAI.K MISt'KI.I.AXDOlJS. HARD nnd soft foundation piling; hog fences unit criuumg. wi uougias. y Mia Cl'TTKRS of ilruR prices. Sherman & Mc- Council Drug Co., cor. mil ana Dodge. Q-900 H. HASS, Florist. 1813 Vinton St. Tel. 776. Plants, out ftowisrs, boquets, hall, resi dence, wedding and graco decorations. Orders by mall or c.rpresso promptly tilled. Q-901 2DHAND safo cheap. Dcrlght, 1116 Farnam. Q-9')2 8AFKS; buy, soil, ex'go. Schwartz, 114 8. 13. nvi JI. & W. tires, $23. Omaha Hleyclo Co, Q-9-)l MANSON bicycles, $25. Omaha Hleyclo Co! Q-905 2DHAND wheels. $5 to $10; new wheels $13. Omaha uicyclc Co., inn & Chicago Bts. Q-906 8KCOND-IIAND Callgraph (new) for salo. Call ut olllco clerk district court. Q-SIO FOR SALE, corncobs. Monroe & Co.. Ml i. IUII1 PI. tj illiW DICAl'TIFUL Stelnway upright piano, must be sold this week. Address T 1, Hen othco Q-267 Ol PIANO Sllphtly used upright, big bargain; left on sale, private party; nusl be sold. 1620 DoiiRlas street. Q 370 12 FOR SAI.K, cheap, lurpc well miulo booth used nt exposition by the Chicago Rec ord: Just the thing fnr street fair pur poses: good as new Inquire 513 Ramgo block. Q-MI02 13 FINK horse nnd rubber-tired buKgy, cry cheap. H. K. Fredrlckson, 1122 DocIrp St. Q-414 OS FOR SAI.K, young Jersey cow and calf. 4160 Chicago St. Q-6S0-12 fob TONS good hny at bargain, If sold at once. Cuddlugtou & Wilcox. N st . So. Omaha. Q-M5S9 16 Hic.ll Rrade piano, Rood as new, nt one half value If taken at once leaving the city this week. Sheldon, 2510 F street, South Omaha. Q-601-12 FOR SALK-Two pool nnd billiard fible., cheap. 16t Lroai way, Council HlufN. Q-M.'S FOR BALIS. tnt 21x60. fvoiythlng com plete, perfect order, only used one wek, $.15 If tako at once. Apply Wax works, 16th st. Q-MC.N W MlSCJI'l.l.A.MlOrS. NOTICK, country dealers, '.'dhand furniture nnd stovsuat lowest prices, carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co., 1106-10 Dodge. R-907 tl,VIIlVOVA.TS. MMK.OYLMKR gcnulno palmist, 1605 Dodge, S-14S i: LDCTH K T 111 ! A T.1I II I'. ELITE parlors. 615 S. ltftli, second floor , . . . T-375 05 nt.i'.t Titic 'run TMi:yr. M M K l,KK. magnetU treatment Mi S T-JHOi 15 13th room 2 I'DRfll.V VI,. TURKISH bolh, massage bntns. tleetrlc imius, mr tallies oni) , skiiipu women mastaRp operators: llnet eipilpped bilhs In the city. Hcntrom Hath Company Rooms 216 to 220, Hee I) Ids. F-01O IH'PTI'RK cured; no knife, no pain, no dapper; send for circulars. Empire Hup turc Cure. 932 N. Y. I.Ife bids., Omaha. U-9II MONHKIT. Chiropodist. IBIS Farn. Tel. 213 f-DOO PHIVATK hospital for ladle hefore Sc dur. Ins confinement; babies adopted, IIM N. 17. U-911 PI.KAtTnO and pleated sklrt7of airklnd. M. Ooldman & Co., 2r) Douplas block. I '-913 PI.KATINO, buttonii to order; p'nklri? while you wan. umana Pleating Co.. 1524 uougias. f-913 JOHN HL'DD, optlclHii. 115 S. 16th St. P 50-1 SI9 PHIVATK home hpfore and tltiritiR conl'ne mcnt , babies adopted. Mrs, IJurRet, 2t".'0 Hurdctte. V 010 .HOFF'S Kxprous A Messenser Co. Tel. 171. VIAVI, woman's way to health. 316 Ho? bid? UalS K. I.. I.OVKJOY. US N. lMirt.. for a OOOD bicycle, for a pood sowIiir machine, for atiythliiR for bicycle or sewlnR machines see him. C M5'X 15 I.ADIKS' Jacket and tailor made suits al tered, cleaned, repaired M. ForoI. ;i07 S. 17. r-3ll-o. DH. HOY, chiropodist: corns removed, 25c and upward. Room 12, Frcnzor block. I nil i'i:ittoAi.. DADIKS' hair shamnoopd. tlrrsse I. 35c. Ilalr toilet poods. Mouhett, 15ts Fnrnam. Tel 2,'UJ DAI'KTITK French oval photos 50c psr tiozen uuriiiR eptemuer oniv. i-rncior, t)l h. nan. i AISB Oct. I Pl.ACK your order now for seal saciiue. fur scarfs and collarettes of tilt dpcrlp Hons; furs repaired anil altered. Aula baupli, Son & Co., 6"ii Karbatk blk J--M.157 O. NOTICK I hereby Riven that R. C. Dnzler of t2S Paxton blk , Omaha, Neb., I no loiiRpr a representative or iirpiu of thp iiiuconiii & iioKo Mrc. co. of Sullivan, Ind . and the said tlrm will not be re sponsible for any contracts made bv the said Mr Dozler, and all persons bavins business with the above named tlrm arc requested lo correspond with them direct to the address below. Holcomb H- Unite MfR Co.. Sullivan, Ind. V -M617 12 MOXI1Y TO IiOAN Itl-lAli KSTATI LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at 5 per cent. Horrowers can pay $10i) or any multiple. Any Interest date. No delay. Hrennan-Lovo Co., 309 South 13th St., Omaha, Neb. W-921 MONRY to loan on improved Omaha real estate. Hrcnnan-Lovc Co., 309 So. 13th. W-92S $1,000 and upward to loan on Improved city property and farms. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam. W-929 WANTKD. city loans, bond anil warrant. Gcorgo & Company, 1601 Farnam St. W-931 MONEY In nny amount nt .1. SI. 6 per cent. J. W. ROBIUNS & CO., 1802 FARNAM ST. W-930 MONEY to loan on farm nnd city property; lowest rates. O. F. Davis Co., 1505 Farnam. W-932 MONEY to loan nt 5 nnd 6'.4 per cent on Omaha property. W. II. Melkle, 401 S. 15th. W-927 PRIVATE money, 5, hi, 6 per cent; no de lay. Oarvln Hros., 1613 Farnam. W 920 WANTED, city and farm loan': also bonds and warrant. R. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Farnam St., Heo Uldg. W 921 PRIVATE money. F. D.Woad, 1521 Douglas. W-922 FIVE per cent money. Hemls, Paxton block. W-923 MONEY to loan on drst-cliiss Improved city property or for building purpose. Pavue- Knox Co., Now York Life. W-923 MOXEV TO I.OAX-CIIATTULS. MONEY MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. No endorser or mortgage required. LOWEST RATES, EASY PAYMENTS and STR 1 CT L Y CON FIDENTIAL. OMAHA CREDIT CO., Room 526, fifth floor, New York Life Hldg. X-913 M-O-N-E-Y--D-O-Y-O-U-N-E-E-D-I-T- Wo mako loans from $10.00 up on furniture, plnnos, horses, cows, etc.; you keep the property; or we will mako you a SALARY LOAN rn your own note, without Indorser or mortgage; wo charge absolutely noth ing fnr making papers and we keep noth ing out of the amount you borrow; you may pay the money back In one month or tnko moro tlmo In which to pay It. and you nre expected to pay for It only whnt tlmo you use It; our rates are low nnd our terms nre the easiest; our business Is ns confidential ns Is possible nnd our treat ment Is always courteous, Omaha Mort RaRp Loan Co., 306 So. 16th St. Estab lished 1S92. . X-931 LOANS. TO SALARIED PEOPLE. ARE YOf ONE OF THE CROWD WHO ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE of our NEW pnrtlal payment plan? Let us QUIETLY oxplaln same to you. We loon employes on their notes. No piortgago: no Indorser; no publicity. Simply a CONFIDENTIAL IU'SINESS DEAL. Wo lonn THOUSANDS In this way, SO DON'T HESITATE AUOUT CALLING. We nro hustlers and want more buslne. R R. EMPLOYES RECK1VE PROMPT SERVICE TO SUIT THEIR TIME AND CONVENIENCE. These nre times of henvy competition und to remain loaders we must rIvo moro for your money than others DARK. ' RKLIAHLE CREDIT CO.. Room SO. Third Floor, Paxton Hlk. X-935 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture". Jew lory, horses, cows etc. C. F. Rood, 319 S. 13. X-936 SALARY LOANS. C1IATTLE LOANS. J. W. TAYLOE. 218 First Nat. Hank Illdg. X-937 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concern upon their own names without security; easy payments. Tolmnn, 706 N. Y. L. Hldg MONEY loaned on nlnnns. furnlttirx i.nnn cows. Jewelry. Duff Green, R.8, Harker Hlk X-93S MONEY lonned on nlnnns, furniture, din monds. wntchps, prlvatPly. Merger's Loan V.U., tout minimi oi., upstairs. X 910 MONEY loaned on furnlturo! diamonds watches: payments conlldentlnl. Omaha Liuiiuu l,uuii nana, -u s. 15th, upstairs. X9I1 PRIVATE LOANSTO SALARIED PEO momentarily embarrassed who desire above fli-nrvlhlhi. aIch lrt A Vflln 1!TIM liiln-v can be accommodated at our offlep with ii-no cinii,i, ttiiiu tino irounio man any placo In the city. AMERICAN LOAN CO, Room 601, Ileo RulldliiR. X-912 IH SIXOS Cll WCES, FOR RENT, owing to advancing years Mr H. Haas, the Uorlst at 1S13 Vinton streoi has "decided to rent out his hot house at nbove location, occupying 7,0 0 to 8.0D square feet, under glass, with about 20) windows, nnd the residence und store fronting tho street, on the motor line 'o South Omaha Excellent location for the Business. Y 911 FOR SALE, a new and clean stock of gen eral mcrcnanuiso in a goou nortneast No. braskit town, Address Merchant. T 19 enro Omaha Hoc. Y Mill 13 FOR SALE Nice boarding nnd livery busb ness; chnnro for llvo man with small capital to mako money. Address, Hox 1 neejaillcc. South Omaha. Y-t7 17 FOR SALE, hardware, tinware and Imple ment business; established 15 years, good business, owner wishes to retire, town. SOO. Address T 63, care Dec. Y-M615 IIIMMISS Cll Wilis. . OIL and Hakerv rmites palng 1,", per cei t on investment montii.y Addre i -x 384, viuisco. la Y Min n for i:cii WOK. A fine family horse for driving or saddle. will exchange for goou piano, i i. nee. '.-M59L 12 foii s.i,k-iii:ai. f.sttii. HOt'SKS. farm. R. C. Patterson. 30B N.Y.L. RK 911 IlOfSES. lots. farm, lands, leans ; aNo (To Insurance. HemK Paxton blk. HD--9H HKAD THIS; otic of the best homes In Han sconi Piatt?; 9 rooms, largo Int. po.i.i barn, sightly home: party leasing city; pric-, $7.5t").t). M. J. Kcnnard t Son, room 10, Hrown block. RK 317 BKK HENRY II PAYNK, 611n! "y. LIFE RK-9 0 PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HKADQCAHTKHS for REAL KSTATK HA Rt) A INS. LOW EST RATES on LOANS; SOl'ND IN St'HANCK; HOl'SKS. FLATS. STORES, for RENT. First lloor, N. Y. Life Ring. RE-919 OWNER about to leave the city offers nt large sacrifice a benutlful home, corner, south and east front, 9 rooms, modem, lorpe burn and carriage house, line shade and fruit trees, permanent walk nnd paved street; only $3.3iV). Ooo W lb I brook. SO Hrown Clock. HE M 1.15 11 OOOD rental property for rnrm. Monroo & Co., Feed and Fuel, SU N. 16th st. RANCH AND FARM lands forale by the t'nlon Pncltlc Rnllroatl company. H A McAllnster. land commissioner, t'nlon Purine Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-91? HTRGTilSLTtRisbN, n" v7 LI FE RE -H3Uct; C11AS. E. WILLIAMSON, OS Farnam 8t RE-MT8I SEVEN choice lots on 30th and Pratt st . Omaha, for sale or trade for improved ciiy property or goou larm land, n tve other Income property and some cash 1 1 mntch any ileal. For particular write S. Hanson, mis Hoono st., Hoone. la. RE-M3IS m C. F. HARRISON. FARMS. REST bargain. $.V) will buy US, Hee. N. Y. LIFE RE-rei o.v Address T RK574-lf HAVElot In wholosale illstrlct. :Wxl20; will build to suit tenant, on long lease. R. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Farnnin, Hoc bldg RE-.M597 13 FOR SALIC, a 20-acre fruit fnrm. 20 miles northwest from Kansas City, on the K C. & N. W. R. H.. In Leavenworth count, Kansas: a in-ronin frame house, good barn nnd other bulldltms and n well of 2001I water. Address T. C. Deuel. Wul lllln, Kan. RE-M616 13 LOST. LOST, large St. Hernnrd dog. 10 months old white nnd burr spotted. Return tn resi dence of James W. Hamilton, 183.1 Cali fornia st., and receive rewind, Loat-M536 STRAYED, from M. J. Stlllmock. 15th and Y. South nmuha, n l-yenr-oiii dark: b.i. horse, with white strip over his bead. Ilt tlo white on left foot. Lost-M391 12 STRAYED or stolen. larRe black horse Aug. 23. from the "Alamlto" farm. West Dodge St., Omaha, Nob. Clinton II Hrlggs. Lost-M623 14 LOST, rubber tire from phaeton between Omaha and South Omaha. Finder ple:ic return to Dyball, 1518 Douglat st . and recelvo reward. Lost -.lir.2.1 12 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. D15 N. Y. Llfo Hldg.; Tel. ltwi; Alice Jonnson. D. I)., Indies dept.; Old E. Johnson, Osteoputhlst, Mgr. 9-"6 M. E. DONOHUE. D. O., of Still school, Klrkvllle, Mo. m I'axton Blk. Tel. 1367. -957 N. F. Mc.MURRAY. It, fr, D D. O., Mrs. J. H. Mustek. D. O.. graduates A. S. O., Klrksvllle, Mo.. sulta; 3j-3S Hee bldg 372 Ol aTt. HUNtTd. 6730.1 Karbitch. Tel. 2312 nsR-oct. o SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y Lift 951 ROYLKS' College, court reporter principal Hee Hldg. -952 NKHRASKA Huslnes nnd Shorthand Col. lege. Hoyd's Theater. -913 GRKOG Short hand taught at the Omabn Commercial College, 16th and Douglas S-s -951 MEDICAL. LADIES out of health find prompt relief Hox 232, Omaha, Neb. Conlldentlnl. 913 GONOVA Is n Frond, treatment for main and female, for tho posit I vo euro of Gonorrhoea. Gleet. Unnatural Discharges Inflammations, Irritations nnd Ulcerations of the mucous membranes. An Inti rn.il remedy with injection combined, war ranted to euro worst cases in one week. $3 per package or 2 for $5. Sent nny where on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co., Elgin, III. American Ofllce, retail wholesale, Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha M. A. D'Uoi), South Omaha; Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full lino of rubbor goods. n.wciNC. CALL on Mornnd, Crelghton hall, for society nnd stago dancing, waltz nnd 2-step, $5. Lnrgo hall to rent for con ventions, meetings, balls and club socials, 636-Sept 21 CHAMBERS' school of dancing. 17th nnd Douglas. Classes and clubs now form ing at academy. Open dallv, 9 n. in. to 5 p. m. 'Phono. 1111. Hnll ami music furnished parties. Circulars. M39S O10 ACCORDION PLHATIN'fJ. ACCORDION and side pleating, cheapest best, quickest. Mrs A. C. Mark, 9 Pat terson Hlk., 17th and Farnnin. -M6II O ELOf TTlOX AND PHYSICAL CriITHI'. CHAS. W. WALTON, teacher of olo'U. tlon nnd physical eulturv Delsart" and Swedish gymnastics. 209 X. IS.h t -Mi,20 13' I.ANtil AfSF.S. CHATELAIN School of Languages, Rnvd's theater, will reopen Monday, September 10. 4.5-0! jiAti.NFrio in: i, inc. GREAT Western Institute. 1623 Douglas St" chronic diseases cured, no drugs, surgery. NICKEL PI. ITIN'ti. STOVES, lamps and chandeliers replated. Om. Plating Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 25X1. 0G0 STAMMERING WD STUTTER I Ni. CURED. Julia Vnughan, 4J0 Rnmgo Hldg" -9ul LAINIIR V, OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 17.10 Leavenworth. Tel .117. -aq DltESS.MAKINt'. IN families. Miss Sturdy, 318 S. 26tb st -6 :n St-pt 2f MRS JEFFRIS-KKMP. i;io,si7mklng" niid Indies' tailoring. Room 101, Paxton blo-k, 16tlijiiidFiirnnm Bta 361 12 HOl'ELS, HENDERSON. 1M per "day houseTboai-.L $3.50 to $5 week. 9th and I'arnnm: tel. 1211 AK61 Ol PAWMIROKERS, EAGLE Loan Oftlce, reliable, accommodat ing; all busncss confidential. 1301 Douglas. 965 LOANS, II. Mavowltz, low rates. Us N lo. -tf'.J EMJlM'i, IIOII.IlllS, F.Tl. C. Sharp Mach Wk ; motors. dn.unos, -913 HIHDS AMI T.WIDERMY. STOCK S Ulrd Store li"3 Leavenworth -959 iiiMvri:iis D tioiiiiEits. - - - - - ALL kinds of carpenter w irk nnd repurl ig promptly .ittemUd to. J. T. Ochiltree 2 1 1 and Lake Sts. . ; I'l HMTt III; HHP VIHINO. TEI.7 13,1b M. S. Walklln" 2111 Cuming StT -06J TICKET HltOIC Fit. CUT rate tickets every where. P. iiPhll bin. 160,1 l"nrnain. Telotilintip 781. Ki It'll FOR SALE. ICE fnr sale In car lot. Gilbert Hros . Council Hluff. .11.140 Fl It IT I It II AM) PI WO MOVntl. JACOH SCHWA HZ. 1510 Webster Tel. 2016 MIS SO STOVE HEPAIHIMt. STOVE, furnace, rnnpe repair; wnter con nections Om Stove Hep. Wks.. 1207 Doug Tel. 9.V). IIIDS W.WTKI). WANTED, bids for cutting up too tons old scran loi-oinotivo uoiurd. -v. u. Aipirn, 913 Douglas. MIW H AM, M AY TIMU T VIII, ES. FREMONT ELKHORN Missouri Valley Railroad - "Tho Northwestern Line'' Ocncr.il Olllco United States National Rank Hldg., 8. W. Cor Twelfth and Farnnin St Ticket Olllce, 1 101 Farnam St Telephone, r01 Depot. 1.1th and Webster Sts. Tele phone, li.is Leave, Arrive. Hlack I lllls. Deadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 p'n a 5:0) pm Wjommg. Caspar and Douglas d 3:00 pm e 5:00 pm Hasting. York. David Cltj , Superior, Geneva. Exeti r and Seward b 3:00 pm b 5:f0 pm Norfolk. Vcrdlgro find Fremont b 7:30 am 1)10:25 am Llmoln. Wahoo and Fremont Ii 7:30 am 1)10:25 am Fremont Local o 7:30 am a Dally 1 Dall except Sunday, o sun tiny onij il D.iliv except Saturday, o Dally except Monday. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. Mlnne.itiollH Omaha Railway "Tho North western Line" General Olllcos. Nebraska Divi sion, llth nnd Webster tu cut. nist nmr, nut I'lininm hi. Telephone, Ml. Depot, lTith und Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin city Passenger, .n 6:00 am n 9:10 pm Omaha Pnscsnger nlltlO am Sioux City & North east Nebraska n 3:51 pm Oakland Local b 5:45 pm b S:15 am a Dally, b Dally excep. Sunday. CHICAGO A NORTH weslei n Railway "The Northwestern Line" - City Ticket Olllce. 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phone. 561. Depot, Tenth and Mason Sts, Tele- phone, 629, Leave. Arrive. Daylight Clucngo Spe Cllll ii ?tVI nm ii 1 1 ... Chicago Passenger. ,!!!!n 4:15 pm a 8:40 am Eastern Kxnress. Des Moines. Marshalltown, Cedar Rapids and Chi cago al0:55 nm a 1:05 pm Eastern Limited. Chi cago and East a 4:53 pm a 4:03 pm Fast Mail, Chicago to, Omaha n 2:4.1 pm Omaha-Chicago Special. il 7:15 pm a 8:00 pm Fast Mnll a 8:30 am a Dalit. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad 'Tho North western Line" General Offices, United States Nntlonnl Hank Rulldlng, 8. W. Corner Twelfth tllul TAimfim fltu Tlnlnt Offlcn, 1401 Fnrnam St. Telephone. '661. De pot, Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone. 629. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express . ...n 6:55 am nl0:50 pm Twin City Limited ....a 7:3,1 pm a ntlB am I Sioux tty l.ooa; a 8:00 am u. 4:20 pm a Daily CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Qulncy Hnllroad "The Burlington Route" Ticket Olllce. 1502 Farnam St. Tel. 250. Depot. Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephone, 12s T.onvo. Arrleft Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 nm IVorla Express n 9:25 pm Chicago Vestibuletl Ex. .a 4:00 pm a 7:45 nm Chicago Local Express. a 8:50 am a 4:05 pm Chicago Limited a 7:45 pm a 7:13 am Paclllc Junction Local.. al0:l5 am Paclllc Junction Extra. a 7:00 pm Fast Mall n 2:45 pm a Dully. KANSAS CITY. St. Jo seph & Council Blurts Railroad "The Burling ton Routo 'llcket Ofllce, 1502 Farnam street. Tele phone 250. Depot, Tenth nnd Mnson streets. Tele phone. 12S. I.enve. Arrive, a 6:10 pm u 6:15 am , Knnsns City Day Ex.... a 8:60 am Knn.-as Cltj Night Ex..al0:15 nm i v 'u,s i i) tr ior ol. Joseph and St Louis .a 4:55 pin nll;15 am ii Dally BURLINa-f-ON & Mis souri River Hnllroad "Tho Burlington Route ' Generul Olllccs, N. W. Corner Tenth and Farnnm Sts. Ticket Olllco. 1502 Farnam street. Telephone. 2.V. Burlington station, 'Jenth and Mason StrcetB. Telephone, 12S. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln. Hastings and McCook a 8:10 nm a 7:35 pm Lincoln. Denver. Colo rado, Utah, Callfornla.a 4:25 pm a 3:00 pm l.lncolo ft Black Hills.. a 9:30 pm a 3:00 pin Montana, Puget Sound.. a 9:30 pm a 6:45 anl Lincoln Fast Mall a 3:00 pm 1110:35 am Denver. Colorado. Utah & California a G: is am i. Daily. UNION PACIFIC'THE OVER land Route" General Offices, N. E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam streets. City Ticket Ofllce. 1321 Farnnm street.. Telephone 316, Depot, Tenth und Muson SU. Telephone, 629. 'itis"" Leave. Arrive, a 7:35 pm a 7:33 pm a 3:25 pm a 6:50 nm a 4:35 pm Tho Overland Limited.. u 8:20 am The Chlcago-Porilnnd Special a 8:20 am Tho Fast Mali n 8:50 am Tho Colorado Special. . .ull:35 pm The Fast Mall Lincoln. Hontrlco and Stromsburg Express. .( 4:10 pm Tho Paclllc Express... n 4:25 pm The Atlantic Express.. Gland Island Loral.... b 5:30 pm bl2 pm n 6:50 nm b 9:30 am ii Dally, b Dally except Sunday ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. City Tlrket Of flee, 1102 Farnam street Telephone, 215. Depot icnui anu aiason streets Leave. nll:10 am n 7:45 pm St. b 7:00 am St. a 7.15 pm from Arrive. Chicago Express . . Ch.cngo Limited . Minneapolis and Paul Express . .. Mliincapollh and Paul Limited .... Fcrt Dodge Local Council Bluffs i Dally b Dnllv n (:0.i pm a 8:15 am b 9:40 pm u 8:15 um .b 1:30 pm bl0:lt am ex'jept Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Olllccs and iickhi ninees noutneast i'or- WyiUU'i'rS "er 14th and Douglas Sts. "ftf-JVVc Telephone 101. Depot, Union IsSn tiulon. Leave. Arrive. St Louis, Xnnsas & Nebraska Limited . . . ,nl0:00 nm a 6:30 pm K. C St. L. Kxpress. . .al0:l0 pm it 6:15 nm Leave from 15th Webtter Sts Nebraska Local nnd Via Weening Water b 1:15 pm n!0:l5 am a waiiy. u wauv except Bunnay WAR ASH RAILIIOAD- Tlckot onico. 1504 Farnam Street. Telephone, 893. Do pot, Tenth and Marcy Direct, leiepuouc, tJ. Leavo Arrive. S' Louis "Cannon Hall" Express a i.vb pm a 3.20 am Silk Express b Dally. n.II.WAV TIMU TAtlLI'. OMAHA & ST LOUIS RAIL- I road Omaha. Knn-as cit , oc r.iiririu ii.iui linn n- Q.ilncy Route -Ticket Of fice, llli ramam Street Telephone 322. Depot, Tonth nnd Marty Street. Tele phone. 629. Leave. Arrlvo. St Louis Cannon Hnll Kxpress a 6 05 pm a 8:20 am Kntxa city ami tjunicy Loral a i W am a 9:00 pm n Dally CHICAGO, ROCK 1SL nnd & Paclllc ."illroaj "The Oreat Hock Isl and Routo " City Tick et Olllce, 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone, VU. Depot. Tenth Mason Street. Telephone 6ti. I.pjvii Arrlvo Des Moines and Daven port Local n"-23nm bll:3.1 nm Chicago Exprcs . .Milium a St 10 am Chlcilgo Fust Express .a 5:00 pm a 1:26 pm Lincoln and Falrbury..a s.3) nm a 7.0) pm Lincoln, Colorado Spgs.. Denver, Pueblo and est a 1:50 pm a 4:15 pm Der Molne. Rook Isl and nnd Chicago a 715 pm a 5:ft) pit. Colorado & Texas Flyer n 5:51 pm a 9:15 am a uniiy. u uaiiy except sui.u.iy. CHICAGO, MILWAl'KKK ft 'TtT- St. Paul Hallway-Oily IMmvMiure; Ticket Olllce. 1501 Farnam im!LWA"'ttl street. Telephone 2S4. Depot jenin ami Mason street Telephone, 629. l.fiivp Arrli-p. Chicago Limited Ex.. n 6:00 pm n 8:06 nm Chicago d Omaha Ex. b 7:15 am b 3:50 pm a uaiiy. u uany except sununy. POSTOFFICK NOTICE. (Should bo read DAILY by all interested a changes may occur at any time. i Foreign malls for the week ending Sep tember 15, UhV), will cloe (PROMPTLY in all casosj) nt the General Pott Ofllce as follows: PARCELS POST MAILS clo-o onn hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels Pot-t Malls for Germany close nt ft p m. Monday and Wednesday Triiiis-AHnntlc .Molls. WKDNESDA Y At 7 n. in. (supplementary ! a. m.) for EUROPR; per .. St. LouH via .Southampton imall lor Ireland must bp directed "per . s. St Louis', at 9 a. in. (supplementary 10.30 n. m) for EUROPE, per s. s. Teutonic via Qtleens town; at 10::io a in. for BELGIUM direct, per s. s Westernland (mall must be di rected "per s. s. Westernland i THURSDAY At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Augutto Victoria, via Plymouth und Hamburg (mn for Franco, Switzer land, Italy. Spain. Portugal. Turkey. Egypt. British India and Lorenzo Mar tiuez, via ciierbouig, mutt bo direct) 1 "per s s Augustc Victoria"); at 6:30 a. m for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND, ITALY, SPAIN. PORTUGAL, TURKKY. EGYPT, BRITISH INDIA and LO RENZO MARQUE.. wr s. s. La Hre tagno via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "per . s. La Hretagno"). SATURDAY - At fi a. m. for EUROPE, pr . s. Etrurlu, via Qurenntown mull for Ktrurlii"); at 6:30 a. in. for GERMAN! . per s. s. Travc. via Bremen (mall for other purls of Europe via Southampton must be tllreotod "per s s. Trave"); at S a. ni. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. s. Amsterdam (mail must bo directed "per s. s. Amsterdam "i. .it 9 a. m for 1TAL1. per s s. Werru (mall must be directed "per s. s. Werr.i 'l: nt 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per H s. An ohcirta t trtii II must lie illrrnoil "nor t. s Anchorla"; at 11 a. m. for DENMARK direct, per s. s. Ilekla (mall must be di rected "pet s. s Hcktn ): at 11 n. m. for AZORES ISLANDS direct, per .. n Spartan Prince. PRINTED MATTEr7ETC -Th steamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial iMpori and Sample for Germany only. The same class of mnll matter for other parts of Europe will not bo :cnt by this ship unless specially directed by her After the closing of the Supplementary Trans-Atlantic Malls named above nddl liana supplementary malls arc opened en the piers of the American, Engilrh, .French nnd German steame-i, nnd remain open until within Ton Minutes of the hour of salting of steamer. Mull for South untl Control America, AVext liuller., Etc. WKDNESDA A' At 10 a. m. for INAOUA, HAITI nnd SANTA MARTHA per . h Helvornon; nt 1 p. m. (supplementary 1:30 p. m.) for NASSAU, per s. s. AntllU (mnll must be directed "per s . An- tllla ); nt 2 p, in. for NORTHERN BRA ZIL, per s. . Hilary. THURSDAY At 8 p. m. for BERMUDA, per s. s. Pretoria; at 1 p. m. for YUCA TAN. CAMPKCHK, TABASCO nnd CHIAPAS, per s. s. Orizaba via Ha vana and Progreso (mall for other parts of Mexico nnd for Cubn must bo dlr?ctd "per s. . Orizaba"); nt 1 p. m. (iup plementnry 1:30 p. m.) for NASSAU. GUANTANAMO nnd SANTIAGO, per s. s. Santiago; nt 1 p. in. for LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct, per s. s. Honorlus: nt 9 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Ad miral Schley, from Boston. SATURDAY Al 9:30 a m (supplementary 10 n. m.) for ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX. LEEWARD and WINDWARD IHI,AJND and DEMERARA, per s. s. Fontnbello (malt for Oronnda and Trlnldnd must be directed "per h. s. Fontabelle"); nt 10 a in. for GRENADA and TRINIDAD, per s s. Maraval; nt 10 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 n. Ill) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SA VANILLA, CARTIIA GENA and GREYTOWN. per s. s. Alone (mall for Costn Rica mut be directed "per s. s. Alone"): nt 10 n in. (supple mentary 10:30 a. m.) for CURACOA and VENEZUELA, pur s. s. Hlldur (mall for Savunllla and Carthngena must bo di rected "per s. s Hlldur"); at 10 a. m. for Porto Rico, per s. s. San Juan; nt 11 a. m. fnr CUUA, per s. s. Havana. SUNDAY At 8:30 p. m. for 8T PIERRE MIQUELON, per Bteamcr from North Sydney. Malls for Newfoundland. "y rail to North Sydney, and thence by st-nmer, close at this ofllce dally nt 8:30 p. in. (connecting doso hero every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). Malls for .Mlquelon, by rnll to noston nnd thence by .ttenmer, cloo nt this olllco dally at 8:3) p. m. Mails for Cuba, bv rail to Port Tampa, Kin . and thenco by steamer. cloun nt this oll'ce dolly (except Mondny) nt "7 n. m. (th connecting closes are on Sunday, AVednet dny and Friday). Mnlls for MpxIco Cl'y. overland, unless specially nddressed for dispatch bv steamer, (dope nt this office dally at 2:30 a. tn. nnd 2-30 p. m. Mails for Costa Rica by rail to Mobile, and for Belize, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala, by rail to Now Orleon.', nnd thence bv steamer, dose at ibis otllre dally at 3 p. m. (connecting close hero Tuesdays for Costa Rica nnd Mondays for llollte, Puerto CoHpz and Guatemala). P.eul tcrcd mull close at 6 p. in previous duy Trnnn-Pnclflo Mulls. Malls for Hawaii. China. Japan nnd Phil ippine Islands, via San Francisco, close bpro dally nt 6;S0 p. m. up to September 10th, inclusive, for dispatch per . s Doric. Malls for Hawaii, via San Fran cisco, close hero dully at 6:30 p m. up to September '14th. lndulvo, for dispatch per s. s. Australia. Malls for Australln (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, ami New Zealand, which roc vln San Francisco), and Fill Islands, via A'nncouvpr, close here dally nt 6:30 p, m. up to September 13th. Inclusive, for dis patch per h. s. Warrlmoo (supplementary malls, via Senttle. close at 6:30 p. m Sou tembcr 16th) Mnlls for Hawaii, Japan. China nnd Philippine, Islands, via San Francisco, close hero dallv at 0:30 p. m. up tn September 17th. Inclusive, fnr dis patch per s. s. Nippon Mnru Mails for Australia (except West Australia). New 'calami, Hawaii. Fill and Bamonn Islands, via San Francisco, close bore dally at 6:30 p. m after September 16tli and up to September 29th. Inclusive, or on day of arrival of s s. Campania, due at Now York September 2'th. for dis patch per s. s. Alameda. Malls fir China and Japan, via A'ancoitver. dose here dallv at 6:30 n. m up to October 2d. In clusive, for dispatch per s. s. Empress of India (registered mall must bo di rected "via Vancouver"). Trans-Pnclflc malls are forwarded to port of sailing dally nnd the schedule of dot ing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit Registered mall elopes ut 6 p m. prev ious day. CORNELM'S VAN COTT. Postmaster Pottofllcc. New York, N. Y., September 7 1900. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. offTck'" CHIEU (JUABTERM aster. Omaha, Neb., Aug 13. 19(0 -Settled propos als, In triplicate, subject to the usual con dltlons. will bo received at this olllce until 2 o'clock p. m.. central time. September 13, 1900, for tho construction of n llro appa ratus house, with iilumbluR therein, nnd n uaiinn shed, nt Fort Crook, Neb. Full In formation furnished upon application to this olllco. or tu i ho tiuartermaater. Fort (.'rook. Neit , where plans and bpeclllcatlon mav bo seen Proposals to be marked "Proposals for Fire Apparatus House, or wagon nlieii, as tne cat-e mny no, nnu nu dressed lo the undersigned. F. II HATH AWAY. C. Q. M. A17-18-20.218ciilll.12M Committer for Relief, HOUSTON, Tex. Sept 11 A citizens' lommltteo hns been appointed to take action for iho relief of the flood sufferers nt Galveston and other points where relief is needed. . 5 SUN FORCE FS TO SET Omnha Principal Follows Now Trail on Europ?aii Trip. HONEST MEN ARE COMMON IN NORWAY Tourist tc 'I rented n Friend nnd Sec S( in nuc MkIiI In Etcbntigc for Sinitll Fee Nctt tnper Ittiitl nt Midnight. "The Alps nnd nil European -ornery, In fart, pale into liilRiilili:inre when rotnpared with the mountain, of northern Norway." raid Miss Sarah M. MrClieane, principal of tho Long ii'hool, vtho hs Just returned fiom n visit to the land of the midnight sun. "In rnr.tiy plnrcs the niountnlns are a mass of Ire and snow nnd rise abruptly 7.000 ftet nbove n sea fo dorp that bottom lint never boon found. We werp In several straits which wore mere flssuirs In the glaciers. In one place our vessel turned In n passnRp whlrh wns lefs than 300 feet tldo nnd mi a walled by mountains of ire that rose thousands of feet nbove tho sen level. "Wo made the trip by rnll to Trondhjrm. where we started on the ocean voyage to Cape North, This trip has come to bo very popular now nnd Hip tourists flock to Xor way by the hundred. Italy and Franco nnd the bettrr known European countries fleece tourists so badly that It Is n relief tn got out of tho regular bent of travel nnd to find n profile ttho have no deslio to take ndvutilngo of trnvelcrs. Tho Norwegians ure honest and treat strangers with tho greatest courtesy. Norn cnlnn Arc Hone! .Men. "Vessels bound for Capo North stop at tho different point 'of Interest along the coast and allow tourists to make inland trips. This rIvor n line opportunity to get arnunlnted with tho simple Norwegian peasantry and offers n great rurprlsc to people who expect to be robbed nt every turn. In case one's wraps got burdensome on nny of these trltu they nre hung on a trco nnd nro unmolested. Deception and trickery seem to bo unknown. "The conveyances provided for tourists nra little spoon-shaped rigs, which are drawn by queer ponies nnd hnvo n sent for tho driver behind tho passenger. The hotels nre utillko nny other In Europe. Thep nro well-kept nnd In some of them thoro Is nn attempt lo prepare food nccord ItiR to American nnd English reclpei. In most of tho hotels, however, tho Norwegian bill of faro Is ndltered to nnd cIrIU kinds of fish nro offered nt each meal. Fish and broad arc tho two staple article of diet. Before we had finished tho trip wo were longltiR for n chnngo of fare. "Our life on shipboard wns interesting. It seemed strnngo to hnto no night nnd the pnsrcnRers paid but little nttentlon to tho tlmo of tiny nnd slept only when they were too tlrrd to remain on drrk. At midnight It was a, light as noonday. Tourists would rend to each other durlnR the enrly hours of tho morning that they might write their friends of tho Innd where reading is possible during nil tho twenty-four hours. Ac c onipllalimciit of Young; Women, "The Norweglnn families sent their daughters Into the mountains, wherp they herd goats nnd cattle nnd mako dairy prod ucts. We stopped at one place where two glrlo were living nnd asked for sonic milk. After having nil the milk we cared for we wero told that our bill was nbout 2 cent. Wo paid thl and offered tho girls some moro money, but they were Insulted and would not tnko It. Norway Is not n land of tips. "DurlnR the summer months many whal ers llvo nlong the north coast of Nor way. Wo stopped nt ono stnlldli nnd saw a largo whalo nbout seventy feet long which a vessel had Just captured. Upon the Invitation of members of the crow wo went Into their cnttngo and found It nn inter esting plnco. The walks leading to tho houpo were bordered with enormous whalo bonet nnd tho Interior of tho house wa decorated with bones. A hugo Jawbono hung over ono of tho doors; the furniture was nindo of bones and tho walls were hung with bono ornojnents." STORM COVERS WIDE AREA Wind mill Until (ienerul Tlirouclinnt KllMerii N'elii-iiNku nnd West ern ItMtll. The wind nud rain storm which visited Omaha Monday night wns general throughout eastern Nebraska and western Iown. At Co lumbiis C.7I inches of rain fell, nt Tekamah 2.55 Inches and nt olhcr points tho rainfall registered from 1.25 nt Omulm to 3.83 nt Sibley, la. The highest wind wns Just before 7 o'clock yesterday morning, whon It reached a velocity of fifty-six miles. Tho galo played havoc with trees in tho north part of tho city and a gang of men wns sot to work clearing nwny thu branches, from Seven teenth. Eighteenth, Nineteenth nnd Twen tieth streets, north of Dodge. Signboards enmo in for their share of damage. Several bundled feet of the boards along Cuming street wore blown Into tho street. Tho lence which tho Knights of Alt-Sar-Ben aiV building around the Orien tal carnival grounds waa not strong enough to stand the blow and several sections of It were either laid low or twisted out of shape The fall of water wns eo gradual that It did but 1 It t lo dnmago to tho strcots. Tho paving at the corner of Sixteenth and Jack son settled In several plncrs over tho sewer nnd a gang of men wns employed all morn ing In putting It back In n safo condi tion. So far nothing hns been heard by tho weather bureau from Galveston. The wires nro still down and it Is, probablo that nil Instruments have been wrecked. LIKELY TO BE SANCTIONED Custom Oflli'liil of Triiiiseinidiifiitnl Line Will I'rohiilil)- Form tin Asoeln t luiii Arthur H. Smith, assistant general pas songer agent of tho Burlington, hns re turned from Chicago, where ho attended a meeting called for tho purposo of pre paring n report to bo presented to tho exocutlvo officers of western roads, who will meet In Now York September 18, rela tive to tho meeting of passenger repre sentatives of western linos held In Olen wood Springs, Colo., Inst week. The com mittee was In session two days and during that tlmo n full report of tho meeting of the passenger men was prepared for sub mission to the executive officers. Mr. Smith la of tho opinion that a transcontinental passenger association nlong the lines sug gested nt Iho, meeting In Glonwood Springs will rrcclvo tho sanction of tho executive (jflloers at tholr meeting In Now York next Tiiesdn;'. tliilltvii) Notes mid PemnniilN. J. It. Manchester, chief claim agent of the Illinois Central. Is enjoying it visit fiom his daughter, Mrs. A . C. Motzgrr. of Dint or. E II. Hughes, geiiPrnl contractlnR pas senger agent of 'bo Nickel Plato nt Chicago, Is In iho city looking aficr pas-Hon-i-r affairs C F. Annette, assistant Hiipprliitend' ti of telegraph of tho Illinois Central, Is I i the city enroutc to chlcagti from u ! ness trip to Cheyenne. J o. Phllllppl, assistant general fid. and pasHeliRcr agent of tin M'h.-. i . Par Hit left last evening for Atchison to attend the funeral of Mis W R Peabnd tlie wife of the ifslKtnnt general Helfcl t uuciil of Uw Mlntoutl Pacific at St. Lou I.