V SPECIAL NOTICES ilvertlPineiit for tlirsr roliinini tcIII lie InKi'ii until 12 in. fur the rtrnliiK edition mill tintlt Hill) p. m, for niiiriilnu nml Sunday rtllllnn. Hnlps, I l-VIc n. word IlrM Insertion, lr n iril tlierpnftpr. .Neitlilnsr takrn fur less flinn lifir. for the llrst Inner- tlmi. These nil vr rtlneiurtita must lir run ennse-i'iillvcljr. n iTinrH, n- rcuneminii n nntn ticreil cheek, ran linvi niiMvrm nd ilressril In n numbered lcttrr In cure or TIip 11pp. iimiers no mid rpaird will he delivered on presentation of the I'lirck only. W A .NT 1,11 31 A L13 II U,. WANTED, wo havo steady work for a few pnnii iiuniirrn hi koou nitons and apnea r Bii.r. C F. Adnitm Co., lGoj HovCnnl SI. B-870 BARBER trade taught thoroughly In short limp; ruiaingun unci particulars free Address Western Barbers' Institute. umana, iNen. II-61 V ANTI3I), iHliororn, loatnstriH, rook mpti l find surfarp inrn, N'rb. Wyo. and lnwa; irfn in n-. imhir'xi wnKs; snip daiiv. Western H. It. Labor AKcttcy, 310 S. 11th. 871" i i ' ij i i i i . iN i younR man to tnkp a shorthand scholarship In H-ftt srhnol and pin- fur It when oonrso Is rotnplclPd and in.iiiiuii wtuiiu, .uurcss i, iipo. JJ-S7.1 Oi:T a frop cntuloKiio of tho Nebraska M-iinoi or .ManfiiHin nnd Osieoiiathy, .'.C ."..1.1.. ....... a. rt .... . , ' i 'i. .-ii on hkii niiiwi, umaim, on. ; gran nates omployed. lt-S't WANTED, an pxperleticpil stenoRriipher. AddresH with rercrenco mid full partlcu- lars. Ilox sxr.. Fremont, Neb. II M31G WANTED, men to learn barber trade; only s ueeus reriulred: mini' In I ftrr ,.i i,n,i-, t.inls. scholarship nnd transiioriatlon to our poIIcroh at ChlcaRo, Ht. I.ouls or Minneapolis rontlnued this month; pn. ii'iun psiii.iiiiiil-i.-ij , uii ill niello lire, .M- drcis Mnler Harbor CollpRe Iteprpsentc tlp. 1CSI Fnrnam st., Omaha. I1-M301 i:l AN' pxperlencpil tea and corfen salesman. h.iltiR n llrst-class present connection w'Mi the Kroepry trade In Nebrasku innv "Veyponil to advantaRo wllli Thomas n nun a: i o., importers, iioston, Alass. II 107 10 WANTED, llrst clans ilniR clerk, reRlstpred In Nebraska Sherman-McConnell Drug in. i-iir. iniu una ijourc. II f.M-.ll WANTED, seven youiiR men to prepare for November Omaha postal service examina tion, thnroiiRh nrenaratlon. chnmpa reasonable. Inclose, stamp, interstate Cor respondence immune, icdar Ilaplds. In. H-M590 17' WAXT13I1 IT3M A I.H II AN INTELLIGENT ladv to tnko n ahnri hand scholarship In best school nnd imv fnr It when courso Is completed nnd posl- 111111 Di:uiiitni. iiiuruaa jj 0. nee. w ib .3 " WANTED, 200 girls. 1521 Dodgo. Tel. S70. V OIO W girls wanted. Canadian ofllce, 1522 Douglas u b?? GOOD Rlrl for general liousework. 1021 rant avc. c J14W 10' Oini, for Reneral housework, family of two, nignesi wages, mu bo. inn st. C-M573 11 COMPETENT cook at 050 So. 2Sth St. C-CS1-12 WANTED, ladles for traveling show: eood salary and transportation. Call at rooms IS nnd 21 nt 21S' North Itith St., betwe-n 1 ana iu tonigui or 1 to y tins morning. 1; uyi-iu" WANTED, a number of extra ladles and gentlemen for stage work. Apply to stage manager nt stage entrance Boyd's theater any forenoon between date and Saturday. t. .-isau i& GOOD Rlrl for general housework: small family; wages, U. Apply Immediately nt zrits l'oppicton ave. c .miw la FOIl HI3.NT HOUSES. HOUSES and Hats. Itlngwalt, Barker blk. IJ 8il TOR RENT, strictly modern Hut in Dav Idee hiilldlng. onnosltu city hall. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. D-C03 ALWAYS moving H. II. poods. Pianos. Olllce, 151114 Karnam St. Tel. 1539 or s3. D-SS.) SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, C01 N. Y. LIFE D-Sb6 HOl'SES for- rent In nil parts of the city. Hrcnnan-Lovo Co., 320 o. istii st. D SS7 FIVE unfurnished rooms, all modern. 2711 N. 22d st. D-M141 IF yo.i want your houses well rented placo inem wit 11 iienawn it i;o, u rib HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas. D-879 fi.noof flat, rltv water. 2719 Burdetto. D-S69 HOUSES, stores. Rcmls. Paxton block. D-SS0 SIX-ROOM Co Uage. S10 S. 30th. D-M359 12 ti-ROOM cottage, nil modern; 2121 Miami st. T. -171 u on VTfr r. . nnii,n nvi!t Vnrlli IHlli .... ' . iriuuiii i.Viiiiii ' " " " ' ' l D 376 10 Fort RENT Elegant S-room house; nil modern Improvements. Inquire 410 N. 23d. ij 111 iu- -02 to 2212 N. 21st St., 3 nnd 4-room mod rrn O.i Im tfi DiV 302i Sherman ave., 5 rooms, 2d lloor, city water and sewer, $8.00. SIS'! Charles st., 5 rooms, flno repair, city water, 2610 I'liiirlpu ot n.'inin n nbovp. J12.00, 1315 S. 12th st., brand now, C rooms, nil modern. $20.00. 2117 S. 12lb St.. Kiiinn as above. $20.00. 34f7 Jackson st., 7 rooms, all modern. $1R.00. !71ft Bristol st.."s rooms, modern pliimbliiB, IIS.OO. ino; Cass st.. D rooms, nil modern, c cgailt. HI.ihi. IW Webster at.. 0 rniiniM. all modern. $17.00 1315 Mason st., 10 rooms, nil modern, $25.00. rilK-H.MJ. to. 1st floor. N. Y. Life Bldu u .mow 1.1 FURNISHED houso. six or seven rooms, by family or two. References exchanged, Address T W, Bee. D M595 12' FOIt III3.VT l't ItMSIIF.I) BOOMS. I furnished rooms for housekeeping; man it wire; rent taken in board. 3ia n. l?in. lu.ju FURNISHED rooms modern, light house- Keeping nllowed. 212.1 i.ano. !; 310-u- ROOM, steam heat, gas, bath, third Jlrtor. 40il N. 16th, HOUSEKEEPING. 614 So. 17th Ave. E-362 12 THREE roms, housekoplneg; 1113 S. Ilth. ; Ji 1 TWO ii'hnlrn rooms furnished or unfur nished; parlor floor; nil conveniences. 1 is 2.1th St. 1-4 ms iu l'URNlSHED-5 nlco rooms, somo house. keeping, single or eiiHune. modern, reus- ....l.l.v l.ll lvn. Rl.t AT.lll. mill at iiiiiiuit, 1 111 uuiiiii 1-11. inu 'IlL 7," L 577-1 J MODERN rooms, $150 weel-.. 514 N. intli. L 6791 1 FURNISHED rooms. 606 S. 291b st. E-M593 13' lMIHMMinn IIOOMS AMI IIOAItl). OLENCAlRN.trnnslcnts,$l.:5day. 1609 Dels. GOOD hoard, prlvato family, nvenue. 109 So. '.'5th F-MK53 II A vnsnMP.t.v fnrnlulipil rooms: uood board; rates reasonable. The Rose, - 12 j Harney. F-.M2H air UTOPIA. 1721 Davenpoit St. F-S9J IN PRIVATE family. 2020 St. Mary's Ave. THE Mcrrlam, cood summer resort, 25th & I'oiice. FRONT room nnd board. 25Si Harney. F 31-11' FOR ltE.T-l MTTtMSIIEI) HOOMS. 2 UNFURNISHED rooiuspj no hoJsekeep. FOR HHNT-I NFt RNlSIIKD BOOHS. ONI-! or two furni.Vin.i - .. . t. . or unfurnished fnn..- n ... . -.i. ui . un i urriineu i t in v. V rro,n "Phool. p-Hutc 1 Re". 0-67S-I2' hip 3 Tn"P.- modern, dtslrable 1UJU1I. .MllirCSS 1 2U. I1P . fl-776 I'Oll RENT STORKS A.N I) OFFICES. FOR RENT. Htoro In first. cln Inrcitlrm- ri.nl ........ 1 .i - . .. . . .... i-iV Y I'P'y i- peters . Hiouii'i imiir, nco Dldg. I 256 KnLl,,JU,NT n.'" ,,rlrk stre building In Hock Port, Atchison rounty. Ma.: tin . u .uV. Kr,n,'r'" "'ock or tnerrhuu. dlse; hulldlni; Is 2ivtn uin. ......... AViAn "' """ "" , ' owned by Muso-.lc a.,?. ... '".lliV. mfl corners in town. Address . u. cilcrmnnn, secretary. I--IS7 ACIHNTS WANTI1II. Afll3NTS wnnlril, wo can tiso n fpw more ".i i ii i ii in ihkp nrnors lor our custom n'!.';""1'- To tin- rlRht kind of nennts ii- . !. ;. ' ..V.11 ,rc "l iniirRP. work in. in. re . ii., rn men. .imt.m n AHKNTH for npnzlepr'H Macazlne. tho most ';"""""""? latnoiic ranilly maRa 7.lnp; Jl fO a vrar. SpIIm fni- tr, o ..ru easy. Ilxcluslvp tprrltory Rlvon. Address with rpforpnivs. IlenzlKer Uros.. 3d Ilur- i imj m., ,ow i orK. J MBS7 13 wati:d to hunt. A NTKM.V To rani l.v ut,t I ". ..m11 ft. I , , , .. ...... niiii... in.- iii.-iii.u Mm nr roiiaRe. wnn some modern conveniences by small family; references pxcunngod. Address T 37, Hop. K 40S 10' pVANTKt) TO It 13 NT, furnished or ulifur- "Ished suit of I to fi rrmnis. furna e heated; family of 3. Address T r.l. He. K-6S2.U Ft'HNISHED houso of 10 rooms or more inr tne winter or 1 year; central purl oi cuy. ur, j. j.. .Miner, imi hoiirc YOt'NO Rentlcman and wife desire two or tnree nicely rurnlslieil rooms and board, iTivatP ram IV nrererred. Ilererences ex changed. Address T CI, Uee. K-M53I 16' STOI(Ail3. PACIFIC Stnrace and Warehouse Co.. 012- U Jones, general stor-i?o and rorwaniuiR. 1KB Om. Van Stor. Co., 1B11V4 Karn. Tols. 15fi9-61. KM AVAMTI3D TO IIUY. ALL kinds of household coods. hotels, et" in large and small quantities, (.'iiicagm itirnituro uo., iio-io uouqe. tci. im, iN eyi WILL purchaso 11 limited number of umana bavincs unnK accounts, iirenuan- i.ovo in, mrj ho. jam. i a 2DILVND bicycles. Omahi Ulcyclo Co. ' N-S06 PIiiv-'iTP money to loan. J. Hberwoo j, 933 N. Y. Lire bldg. N-M26) 11 FOIl SA 1,13 HOUSES, VI3II ICI.I3S, rTO. NEW and 2d II. vehicles at marked down prices. Harry Frost, nth & Leavenworth. i' ts IIHAND new high grade $325.00 Snyder phaeton; low price. Apply 313 Karbacli IIIOCK. i AUJJ n FOR SALE, new bucRla bodies with ire lng for saio at ti.bu cacti, a. h. aiptiii 913 Douglas. P-M401 Oct. 7 GRAY marc, 8 years old. 1,400 pounds; nlo roan norse. o years oiu, weignt. i.idu ids. Harney street staples. vm. FrnnKie, 1205 Howard. I 433 WANTED, a secondhand bus or cnb or good carriage; must no cneap lor ensn, Address Jiuuucil lioiei, uicnwnou. la. 1' -DM-ll" SAKE, speedy, bay horse that lady can drive. Address 1 57. Bee. P-5itS-l. ,t7-.t, irn'liflwrnrTTTVP.fiTI! 1011 .SAI.K-.MISOKl.liAM-.OUS. r ' T 1 , ., ... " T HARD nnd soft foundation piling; hoe fences anu crioouiK. mi uougias. y oj-j rtTTTEUR of druc nrlces. Sherman & Mc- , . 1 1 ...... .. . n ... - ir.Vi n..l nn.l... IwUIIIICll iiuij v., , v.w. . ,.111 Him .vvj.. u. 4 VW B. IIASS, Florist, 1813 Vinton St. Tel. 776. P ants, cut t owers, noiiuets. na 11. resi dence, wedding and grace decorations. Orders by mall or exprcsse promptly tinea. W 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 111 Fnrnam. f QI't I SAFES; buy, sell, ex'ge. Schwnrtz, 114 8. 13. y ws M. & W. tiros, J2.75. Omaha Bicycle Co. U w M ANSON bicycles, $23. Omaha Blcyclo Co. y 2DHAND wheels, V to $10; new wheels $15, Omaha lilcycio co., ititn ie unicago Hts. -vj IW SECOND-HAND Callgraph (new) for sale. Call ut oinco ciern district court. Q-S40 FOR SALE, corncobs. Monroe & Co., 811 N. 16tn st. j aiiw iif.aU'ITFUL Stelnwny unrlght nlnno. must I . ..... . . . - .. . ' . . ' . t,n uqiii tn 9 wcck. Auurcss r 1. nee on co. 14 ib( ui PIANO-Sllghtly used upright, big bargain; left on saie, privaio puny; mast dp soiu. 1620 Douglas street. y 370 12 Fnii BALE, chean. lnrco well made booth used at exposition oy ine unicagn itec ord: lust thu thing for street fair pur poses; goou as new. inquire nia unmgo Block. Q-MJ0213 FINE horso nnd ruhber-tlrcd nuggy. ery cheap. 11. ii. r rcuricKsnn, hzi uouce Ht. FOR SALE, young Jersey cow and calf. 4160 Clilcago at. w-o-ii- 100 TONS good hay at bargain, If sold at once. Cuddlngton & Wilcox, N st., So. Omalia. w aiasa pj' MISCKI.LAMMHJS. NOTICE, country dealers, 2dhand furniture . . ...... .. . , . ... and stoves at lowest prices, carload lots or less. Chicago Furnituro co., uuu-iu uodge 11 w 1 CLAIHVOYA.M'S. MME.GYLMER Bonulne palmist. 1605 Dodge. B-HS 13 1 . 1 X'T 1 1 1 ' T II 13 A T M H X T. I3L1TE parlors. 615 S. 16tll. second floor. T-373 OS MME. LEE. magnetic treatment. 507 8. - -. - . . - n n. ifii'i ir. l.it 11. room "" u I'EHSO.VAI.. TURKISH baths, massago hatns, electric ..,:;i. rr indies only: ski led women iinui!.. - ,1. -,, ,.;.r 1....1.. massage opcruiiu". i," "'"? In the cuy. ih-iihiiuhi ...iu i-.iiiiiiijf . Booms 216 to 220, lire mug. u-wiu RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no .lancer: send for circulars. Empire Run. turo Cute, 93' N. Y. Life bldg., 'omaha' MONIIEIT. Chiropodist. 1GIS Karn. 'JVl.tt3. iiniviTK hnsnlial for Indies before & dur. I ..-'. ..,,- ..,l,.tilu.l Mia K IT 1IIR COnillHlllVlll. IM1UH.B l.vv....u. l.OU .1. II. nib mini 11 t ' 911 PLEATING and pleated skirts of nil kinds. 1 1'. '.ii. ........ i iv. Illil llniioliiu lilnfil- S. ItUIUIIHIII V wv,., .v, ...v... I J15 PLEATING, buttons to order: PnklrK while you wan. iiiiuiiii cu-hhiih 1. u., iv-i Douglas. U-913 JOHN RUDD, optician. 115 S. 16th St. IT 504 S19 PRIVATE homo beforo and during contlne mont: babies udopled. Mrs. Uurget, 2iiJ0 Burdetto. U 91b ifoF'S Express & Messenger Co. Tel 1717. VIAVI. woman's way to health, 316 Bee b'.As $230 REWARD The nhnve reward will be T . . a. I. .. U.mA. !,. II ..'.I nllll. pari ll ll'r l.rIIClllll Olliri 111111.111J ....- i.unv fnr 1 ho arrest and conviction of, am ;,4pi.. nr mirtlpa. who robbed their uon iluctors on the night of September 3d, on Park Avcnu Line and Q Strct Line - , U 3-5-lv. PERSONAL. I'ADIES' hair hampooed. classed, 35. Hair louei goons. .Monnen, lsis. i nrtiHrn i ei wj i-"o LA PETITE French ovnl photos Eev pr uiiznn miring neptemncr nim l'mrtor. CI6 B. 16th. V-.MSB Oct. i PI.ACK your order now for foul Facque. nir Hcarin mid rounrcitM ot on uernp tlon.i. furs rrpHlrcd und nltcred. Aula baugh. Son & Co., 50J Kirbuck blk V JIKBl Ui K. I I.OVKJOY. US N. IBtlt t., for u OOOU woyi'ip. for ii good spwlnB m.ichlnp. for nnythliiR for bicycle or pewltm ninrhliiPS sco him. r-M554 1S LADII3S' Jaeknts nnd tailor made suits al tered, cleaned, repaired. .M forpi, 3117 h w DH. riOY. chiropodist: corns removed, 26c anu upwaru. noom n, r renicr diock. U lUJ MO.M3Y 'I'd 1.(1 A -HH.VIj HSTATK. 1-OANS on eastern Nebraska and western lowa rarms at 5 per cent. Ilorrowers can pay lino or any multiple. Any Interest date. No delav. lirennan-txivo Co.. 39 South 13th St.. Omaha, Neb. V-M4 MON13Y to loan on improved Omaha real esiaie. lireuuan-t.ovo uo., 30 ao. Mm. JI.OnO and upward to loan on Improved city properly anti tarms. w. l-arnam Mnun a: Co., 1320 Farnam. V-0 UMVftMl Mil.. Ia.h ..H.t - tt Oaa.a - t. I'-ys ...... .. tjM t.--..M ii. iuvuidv w ..viiiituiij, iirj. i-dtiiiiii Hi. V-531 MONEY In any amount at 5. BV6. 1 per cent. J. W. 11(JII1II.H til UU., 1502 FA INAJ ST. Y-93t) MONEY lowest to loan on farm and city property; rates. O. F. Davis Co.. 1505 Famam. W-932 MONEY to loan at 5 nnd G-4 per cent on umuna property, w. u. .mpikic. vn . loin. w IK? rniVATE money, G. M4, S per cent; no de lay. Oarvln Hros., 1613 Farnam. W-920 WANTIJD. city and farm loans; also bonds ami warrants, it. t.. reirs i o.. liir Farnam St., Bee IlldR. W-9J1 PIUVATE money, F. D.Wead, 1521 Pnuclaa w :'.. FIVE per cent money. Hcmls, Paxton block. W-923 MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city property or for liulldlnR purposes, ravne- kiiox 1:0.. rsow yorK Lite. w ! MOM3Y TO LOAN-CHATTELS. MONEY MONEY LOANED SALAIllED PEOPLE. No endorser or mortcane reoulred. LOVI3ST HATES, EASY PAYMENTS and HTH I CT LY CON F I D I'.NT I A L. OMAHA CUEDIT CO.. Room 52, fifth floor, Now York Life BldR. A .3. -M-O-N-E-Y- Wo make loans from J10.0O up on furniture. pianos, hors-s, rows, etc.; you keep the property; or we will make yon a SALARY LOAN cn your own note, without Indorser or mortgnRe: wo cnarRo absolutely noth ing for making papers and we kpep noth lnt out of tho amount mil borrow: von may pay the money back In one month or ibko more time in wnicn to pay it. and you nre expected to pay for It only what time you uso It; our rates nro low and our terms nro tho easiest: our business Is as confidential as Is possible and our treat ment is always courteous, uinaha Mort page Loan Co., 300 So. 11th St. Estab llahed 1892. X-934 LOANS. TO SALARIED PEOPLE. ARE YOlt ONE OF THE CROWD WHO ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE of our NEW partial payment plan? Let us QUIETLY explain samo to you. We loan employes on incir no.es. ..o mr.riRage; no innorser; no publicity. Simply a CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS DEAL. Wo loan THOUSANDS In this way, SO DON'T HESITATE ABOUT CALLING. We are hustlers nnd want more business. R. R. EMPLOYES RECEIVE PUOMPT SERVICE TO SUIT THEIR nair axu t,u li.MhMJK, These aro times Of heavy competition and to romnln leaders we must rIvo more for your monoy tmin otlmrs DARE. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Room 303, Third Floor, Paxton Blk. X-933 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew. lery, norses, cows etc. c. 14 Heed, 319 S. 13. X-936 SALARY LOANS. CHATTLE LOANS. J. w. iAri.uii;, zis First Nat. Bank Bldg, X-937 MONEY loaned snlarled people holdlns per ...... . . r. n I I ... I . I. ' I L I mauent position with responsible concern upon their own names without security: easy payments. Tolman, 706 N. Y. L. Bldg MONEY lonned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, jewoiry. uurt ureen, n.s. Barker Blk X 93S MONEY loaned on nlanos. furniture, riln mono, waicnes, privately, iierger s l.oan to,, ism rarnam Bt., upstairs. x 9IU MONEY loaned on furniture, diamonds, watencs; payments confidential. Omaha Chattlo Loan Bank, 220 S. 15th, upstairs. PRIVATE LOANS TO SALARIED PEO PLE. momentarily embarrassed who dpslro nhovn evcryininar eiso to AVOIU l'UUI.ICITY ran bo accommodated at our ofllco with less expense, timo and troublo than any piacu 111 inu cuy. AMIS 111 CAN LOAN CO, Room 601, Bco Building. X-912 foii i'.xcii.ti;i: a lino rnmny norse for driving or saddlo will oxchango for good piano. T 62. Bee. 53-M592 12 III.SIX13SS CTIA.t.T35. FOR RENT, owing to advancing years Mr 11. naas. tne noiiht at 1111 vintnn street has decided to rent out his hot house at abovo location, occupying 7.0 0 to 8.0W Bouaro feet, under glass, with about 200 windows, and the residence and store fronting tho street, on tho motor lino to South Omahii. Excellent location for the bii8lncas. Y 941 FOR SALE, a new and clean stock of gen 1 .if,. I mrtPnliniiilliiA III n irnml iinplhniul Va eral merchandise In a good northeast Ne braska town. Address Merchant, T 19, caro Omaha Bee. Y M3H 1 GOOD live Nebraska town of 1.2n0 cnuntv seat enn wen support anotner grocery and general merchandise store; an elegant opening for wide-awake man. Address T 27, Bop. Y-M33I II OIL and Bakery routes paying 15 per nert on investment mouiiiiy. Anurpss isn.x 254, Vllllscn, III. Y-MI73 13' POULTRY farm fnr S'lle or rent; stork for eaie. itemer, wmtnrop iiarnor. ill. Y-M470 11' FOR SALE: I offer my restaurant and fur nlshed rooms, seven single and two line large douhle rooms, for sale; doing gom business with constantly lncrraslmr n.it romiRe: have other business deinundlni; my personal attention: all located Iu Co-. luinnus, opposite 1 nion racinc nepoi: 1 rood railroad town and has a cooil rail road patronage, will sell for part itish and goon easy terms; win near strict in vestigatlon. S S, Rlckly. proprietor, Vienna restaurant, 1 ouniuus .-.en Y-M5-I 11 KOIl SALE H 13 A I. 13STATI. HOl'SES, farms. R. C. Patterson, 305 j.Y L. RE-9j I - - - , . . . . I ... ... . HOUSES, ots. farms, unds, lonns: al-o 0 Insurance, llenils, Paxton blk. RE-911 READ THIS: one nf the bent homes In Han scorn Place: 9 rooms, larse lot. itood barn sightly home: party Uavlr.c city: nric. $7,500 ti. m. j. Kenimrd & Son, room .dO, urown iiiock. it i-j 91? SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. Y LIFI RE-9-0 PAYNE-KNOX CO.. HEADQUARTERS ror IfNAI. KBTATK IIAIItiAINS LOW EST RATES on LOANS. SOUND IN fil'RANCE. HOUSES. FLATS, STORES, for RENT. First lloor. N. Y. Life Bldg nr. HI J OWNER about to leaye the city offers at large siiciiucu 11 nraiiuuu nome, corner south and east front. 9 rooms modern large barn and carriage house, tin" shade and fruit trees, permanent walks and paved street, only W.3o.W, Gen W H I nrook, 307 urown uiocx. be micj 11 I GOOD rental property for farm, Monro & Co., Feed und Fuel, SU N. 16th st. 1 w vilU I'Oll ai.ihi: VI, itti:. HANTH ANI VaM lands for sale bv tho I'nlnn rarlflc llallroad lompanv 11 A MPAIIaster. land cnmmlslnner, rniii I'jclttc HeHdiiuartcrs, Omaha, Neb. HI3-9U nrnaAiNs-TiAiuusnN, n. y i.iph m: -tudrt: CHAS. K. Wtl.MAMSON, IMS Kartinm 9: hk-m;s: S1-:VI3N cholrelotson mb and Tratt st Omaha, for sale or trade for Improve-) city properly or roikI farm land; luVf other Income properly and some cash t i match any deal. For part'culars write S. Hanson, 1015 Iloone St., Itoone, la. Hi:-M3IS !! C. K. ItAntllSON. l'ARMP. N. Y. I.I pi: hi:-3gi or.- ni:.ST barRaln, will buy. Address T 5. nee. UK-67S-H HAVI3 lot In wholesale district, 3.1x1:0; build to suit tenant, on lotiR lease. 11. reters & Co., 1702 Fnrnam, nee bide. ll.3.MM; 13 WANTED, best barRaln .V enh wIM bir Address at once. T Zi. Hfp. UK ?t, LOST. t.OHT. large Ht. Dernard iIor, 10 months old white and bun spotted. Upturn to resi dence of James V. Hamilton, t35 Cali fornia St., and receive reward. Lost M5.1i) OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, r,15 N. Y. I.lfo IlldR. ; Tel. Jtwi; Alice jonnson. ii. ii., ladles dept.; Old E. Johnsptl, Ostpoputhlst, Mgr. M. 13. DONOHCE. D. O.. of Still school. Klrkvllle, Jio. coi raxton hik. Tel. 13.17. -SB? N. F McMl'IlHAY, II. S. D., D. O., Mrs. .1. n. Mlislik. D. prauuatcs A. H o., Klrksvllle. Mo., suite 535-SS Ueo bids. 372 O.I rTTlVt'NT. "dTo., SO", Karbach Tel. " 2.152. BVi-Oct. ft SHOIITH I Ml AMI TYPinVHITIMJ. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life, -951 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal ueo mug. vm NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand Cn. lege. Boyd s Theater. 9j3 GREGG Shorthand tniiRlit at the Omatm Commercial College, 16th and Douglas Sis 95 1 M 13 11 1 CA I.. LADIES out of health !lnd prompt relief Box 232, umana, .-seu. i-onuuentiai. -956 DR. 1.13 DUE'S Fetnnlo Regulator, posi tively warranted to euro the most stub born cases of monthly stoppages, Irregu larities, obstructions and suppressions brought on from whatever cause; $J a package or 3 for $5; sent anywhere pre paid on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co.. EIrIii. 111. American Ofllce, retail, wholesale, Myers-Dillon Dr.ig Co.. Omaha M. A. Dillon. South Omaha, Davis Drug Co.. Council Bluffs. Full lino of rubber goods. .A DIES! Chichester's r;ngtlsli rennyroyal Pills Are the Best. Snfe. reliable. Take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars, "Relief for Ladles" In letter by return mall. Ask your 'druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa, IlAXCIXti. CALL on Mornnd. Crelghton hall, for society nnd stage dancing. waltz and 1 2-step, $5. Lnrge hall to rent for con ventions, meetings, pans ana emu social. 636-Sept. 21 CHAMBERS' school of dancing, 17th and Douglas. Classes and clans now rortn Ing ut academy. Open dully, 9 a. m. to 5 p. in. 'Phone, 1111. Hall nnd music furnished parties. Circulars. M39S O10 ACCOHI1IOX PI.I3ATI.Nfi. ACCORDION and shlo, plaatlng, cheapest best. quicKest. .Airs, a. v;. iuara, a iai tersou Blk., 17th und Farnam. M51I OS I.AXOI'AGES. CHATELAIN School of Languages, Boyd's theater, win reopen .Monday, sepieniDer m 42S-OS MAGX13TIO 111. tlilNC. GREAT Western Institute. 1623 Douglas St . chronic diseases cured,. no arugs, surger). -s:$ XUKI3L PLATING. STOVES, lamps and chandeliers replated. Om. I'lating i;o., iico unig. iei. 860 STAMMERING AMI STl'TTIMUNG. CURED. Julia Vaughan, 430 Ramgo Bldg. 951 I.AI'.MIUA'. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars. 2c; cuits, 4c. 17j0 Leavenworth. 101. ri7. -903 IHlliSSJIAKl.NG. IN families. Miss Sturdy, 318 S, 26th st. I)3U sept. 21 MRS. .1EFFRIS-KEMP. dressmaking nn 1 ladles' tailoring. Room 404, Paxton blO"k, 16th and Farnam Sts. -361 12 HOTELS. HENDERSON. $1.C0 per doy house; board, $3.50 to $3 week. 9th and Farnam; tel. 1211. -M2CI Ol l'AAVMIIlOlvERS. EAGLE Loan Ofllce, reliable, accommodat ing; all busness connucuiiai. luui uougias. 965 LOANS, 11. Marowltz; low rates. 41S N. It. 600 I3.N(JI.NE'I, IIOII.I3HS, 13TC. C. Sharp Much. Wks.; motors, dynamos. 913 limns AMI TA.VIllEnilY. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1603 Leavenworth. 959 Altl'ENTEltS AXI1 .lOIIIIEHS. ALL kinds of enrpenter w irk nnd rep ilrlirf promptly attended to. J. 1. ucnmioe .ni nnd Lake Sts. -3T- IIF.I.GIAV IIWIHN. PEDIGREED stock, reasonable nrl'C. Address Ed Hervey, 1110 N 0th streoi, Omahn. -M313 11 IM UNIT! Ill) HEP V lit I MS, TElTi331. m. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St -962 TICKET llltOKr.lt. CUT rate tickets every where P II. Phll bln. 1505 Farnam. Telephone 7M. 957 ICE I'Oll S VI. 13. ICE for sale In car Council Bluffs lots. Gilbert Bros , M510 IT It.NTTt RE AMI PIANO MO IN(J JACOB SCHWA RZ, 1510 Webster. Tel. 2016 -MI.'S STOVE REPAIR ING. STOVE, furnuce, range repairs, water con nections. Om Stove Rep. Wks., 1207 Doug Tel. 960. I1II1S AVVNTI3I1. WANTED, bids for cutting up tons old scran .locomotive hollers A. B. Alpb'o, 913 Douglas. MloO LOST. STRAYED, from M J Stlllmock. 15th nnd Y South Omaha, a 4-year-old dark Iciy horse, with white strip over his head lit. tie white on left toot. Lost-M591 i S12PTTLMUIin 11, 1000. HAIl.W AY t'IMU I Alllii:?:. FREMONT EI.KHORN Missouri Valle Railroad Tip Northwestern Line General Otllrc' Unllnl States National Bank Bldg.. S. W Cor Twelfth and Farnam Sts Ticket tinVr Unl Farnam St Telephone. r.l Dtj.ot l..th and Weliter Sts. Tele phone, ll.'.s Leave. Arrive. Black 11IIK Deadwood. Hot Siirlngs a 3:00 pril a 5:00 pm Wyoming. Caspar nnd Doutttas d 3:00 tim o 5:00 Ptn .Hastings York. David City. Superior. Geneva, Exeter irid Seward, .b 3:01 pm b 5:(0 pm Norfdk. Verdlgre and Fn ni. nt b 7:30 nm bl0:25 am I.lni in S a Ii. in and Fr. muni . ..b 7:30 am bl0:25 am Fremniit l.n. ai c 7:30 am a Dall b Dallj except Sunday, c Sun da oniv d Dally except Saturday, e Dally except Monday. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL, Mlnne.innllH Ar Omaha Railway "Tho North western Line" General Ortiros, Nebraska Divi sion, 15th and Webster Kl (Mtv Tlekpt Olllce. I mi Farnam St Telephone, 561. Depot, 15th and Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin f'lty Passenger a 6:00 nm a 9.10 pm Omaha Pasesnger. nlltlO nm Sioux city A North- east Nebraska .. .a 3:50 pm Onk'and Local. .b5;l5nm b S:15 am a Dally b Dally e.xcep. Sunday. CHICAGO & NORTH wpstrrn Rallwav "The Northwestern Line" City Ticket Onice, 1101 Farnam Street. Tele phone. 561. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Sts. Tele Leave. Arrive. phone, 629. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 am alt:30 pm Chb agu Passenger a 1:15 pin a 8:10 am Eastern Express, DCs Moines. Mnrshalltown. t'eilnr Rapids and Chi cago nl0:65 am a 4:05 pm Eastprn Limited, Chi cago nnd East a 4:55 pm a 4:05 pm Fast Ma. I. Chicago to Omaha a 2:45 pm Omalia Chicago Special. a 7:15 pm a 8:00 pm Fast Mall ;. a 8:30 am a Dallv SIOUX CITY ft PACIFIC Railroad 'The North western Line" General Ofllces, United States National Bank Building, S W. Corner Twelfth and Fnrnam Sts. Ticket Olllce. 1101 l'arnam St. Telephone. Ml. De pot. Tenth nnd Mason Sts. Telephone, 629. Leave. Arrive Twin City Express Twin City Limited Sioux ay Local a Dally . ,n 6:55 am al0:50 pm ...a 7:33 pm a Mic am ...a 8:00 am a 4:20 pm CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Qulnry Railroad "The Burlington Route" Ticket otnee, 1&U2 Fnrnnm St. Tel. 250. Depot. Tenth Ai Mason Streets. Telephone, 123. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial S .. ...,n 7;0i) nm Piorla Express a 9!25 pm Chicago e.tlbuled Ex a 4:00 pm a 7:45 am Chicago Local Express. a S:50 am a 4:05 pm Chicago Limited . .a 7:15 pm a 7:15 am Purine Junction Local. .nlOitS am Pacific Junction Extra. a 7:00 pm Fast Mall a 2:15 pm a Dally KANSAS CITY. St. Jo seph & Council BlufTs Rallroad-"The Burling ton Route ''1 Ickct Olllce, 1502 Farnam street. Tele phone 250. Depot, Tenth and Mnson streets. Tele phone. 128. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex ..n 8:50 am a 6:10 nm Kansas City Night Ex..al0.15 pm a 6:15 am st Louis Flyer for St. Joeph and St Louis.. a 4:55 pm all:15 am 11 Daily BURLINOi-ON & Mis souri River Railroad "The Burlington Route ' Genernl Ontces. N. W. Corner Tenth and Fnrnam Sts. Ticket Ofllce. 1502 Farnam street. Telephone. . . ' ' .... . . ...n.ln.t O.AH.I. ., .. . I M.rln fcji1. MUrilllglOn BA.iiiu.ii 1 I.-IIUI UIIU WOOUII Streets. Telephone, 12.S. Leavo. Arrive. Lincoln, Hastings nnd McCook ..a 8:40 am a 7:35 pm I lncoln. Denver. Colo- rado. Utah. California.!! 4:25 pm a 3:W pm I 'ncnln & Black Hills.. a 9:30 pm a 3:W pm Montana, Puget Sound a 9:30 pm a :45 am Lincoln Fast Mall . ..nSiOjpm al0:35 am Denver, Colorado, Utnh & California a 6:15 am u Pally. UNION PACIF1C-"TIIE OVER land Route' General Offices, N E for, Ninth nnd Farnam streets. City Ticket Ofllce, 13;l Farnam street. Telephone. 316, Depot, Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone, 629. Leave. Arrive. Tho Overland Limited.. a S:20 nm a 7:35 pm Tho Chlcago-l'or'.land Special n :?0 nm a .:3j pm The Fast Mall a 8:50 am n 3:2j pm Tho Colorado Special. . .all :35 pm a 6:50 nm The Fast Mall a 4:35 pm Lincoln. Beatrice and Stromsburg Express .b 4:10 pm bl2:25 pm The PaclIK Express .a 4:25 pm The Atlantic Express . n 6:50 am Grand Island Local .b 8:30 pm b 9:30 am a Dally b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. ROCK ISL nnd & Pacinc ."-illroad "The Great Rock Isl and Route " City Tick et Olllce, 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone. 2J, Depot, Tehth & Mason Streets. Telephone 62-1. I.envfl. Arrive. Den Moines nnd Daven port Local a 7,23 am bll:35nm Chicago Express 1)11:15 am a S:10 am Chicago Fust Express, .a 5:00 pin a 1:23 pm Lincoln nnd Fnlrbury..a 8:30 am a 7:0J pm Lincoln. Colorado Spgs.. Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:10 pm a 4:15 pm Dec Moines Rock Isl- end and Chicago a 7:15 pm a 5:50 prr. Colorado .v Texas Flyer.a 6:5S pm a 9:15 am a Dally, b Daily except Sunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket Of llce. 1102 Farnam street, Telephone, 215. Depot Tcntu anu .Mason streets Leave. Arrive, Chicago Express . Ch.cngo Limited Minneapolis and Paul Exptcss ... Mlpni'.'ipnils and all:10 nm a 4:05 pm a 7:43 pm a i:15 am St. b 7:00 am b 9:40 pm Ht. a 7:45 pm a S:15 am raui Limited Fcrt Dodge Local from Council Bluffs b 4:30 pm bl0:16 am a Dally b panv except Huniiny. OMAHA ST. LOUIS RAIL- roan -umana, Kunsas city & Eastern Railroad "Tho Qtlincy BOllte" Ticket Of fice. 1115 Farnam Street. Tolephono 322. Depot, Tenth nun xuarey streets. TOle phone, 629. i.eave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express n 5:05 pm n 8:20 nm Kansas Clt and Qulncy , a ?:uu nm a s;uu pm CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE H St. Paul Railway-city Ticket Office. 1604 Fnrnam Street. Telephone 2S4. Depot ientn nuu .inton stroets Telephone, 629. Leave. Arrlvo. Ch'engo Limited Ex, . . a 6:00 pm a 8:05 nm Clip ago & Omaha Ex..b 7:15 am h 3-55 pm a uany 11 uany except sunuay. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL- road General Ofllces anil TicKPt oincos southeast Cur per Hth ind Douglas Sts. Telephono Wl. Depot, Union station. Lsavo. Arrive. St Louis. Kansas Nebraska Limited K. C , St. L Express. a 10:00 am a 6:30 pm .mono pm a t:ir am Leave from 13th and Wi bstf r Si- r Nebrask.i l.ocnl Via Weeplnir Water . .. .b i:15 pm nS0i45 atn a uany. i uanv except Sunday. , W A 11 A S H RAILROAD Ticket Oftlco. 1501 Farnam . Street. Telephone. 655. De pot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Telephone. 629. Leavo. Arrive. St Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 5:05 pm n 8:20 am u Dally. I'OSTOFFK II NOTICE. (Should be rend DAILY h" all Interested as eh gr in. y occur at any lime 1 FoicLsu inaili tor tho wceli ending Sep. 0m? Local u Daily (JOVU.HX.MB.NT NOTICE. tentber 15. 1M0. will ctoe (PROMPTLY In all cases,! nt the General Post Office .is follows PARCELS POST MAILS clo o one hour earlier than closing time shown belnw Panels Post Malls for German' close nt 3 11. in. Mund.iv and Wednesday Trims-tliinllc .Mull. TUESDAY At 7 a tn lor EUROPE, per 9. s. Lahn' via Cherbourg. Southampton and Bremen (mull for Ireland must be directed "per s. s I.nhn"! WEDNESDAY-At 7 a. tn. (supplementary 9 11. in 1 for EUROPE, per s s St Loul via Southampton imall lor Ireland mus' be directed '"per s. s. Ht Louis", at 0 a. in. (.supplementary 10:30 a. m 1 for EUROPE, per s s Teutonic via Queens town: nt 10 30 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per s. s, Weslernland unall must be di rected "per s. s. Weslernland ') .... THURSDAY At 6:30 a m for EUROPE, per s. s. Auguste Victoria, via Plymouth and Hamburg (ma. for France. Swluer land. Italy. Spain. Portugal. Turkey Egypt. British India and Lutetian Mar quez. via Cherbouig. must be dlteoicl "per s. s. Auguste Victoria"), .at .6 30 a in. for FRANCE, SWIT.ERL SI , ITALY. SPAIN. PORTUGAL. TURKIC.. EGYPT. BRITISH INDIA and LO RENZO MARQUE.. p.r s s. La Bre tagnu vln Havre (mall for other parts of I3urope must b.i directed "per s. s. La Hretagne"!. . ,, SATURDAY At a. m. for EUROPE, tt-r s. s. Etrurla, via Qneen:itovn .mall fur Etrurla"); at 6-30 a. in for OK R MAM . per s. s. Trave. via Bremen (mall lor other parts of Europe via Smithaniptoti must be directed "Per s s Tr.ie 1. at R a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. s. Amsterdam tmall must be dtricld "per s. s. Amsterdam"), at 9 a. tn. lor ITALY, per s. s. Werra imall must be directed "per s. s Werra"! ; at 10 a tn. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s An choria (mall must be directed "per s h. Attchorln"): at 11 a. m for DENMARK direct, per s, s. Hekla (mall must be di rected "per s. s. Ilekhi"); at II 11. tn. for AZORES ISLANDS direct, per s. k. Spartan Prince. PRINTED MATTER. ETC -Th steamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial PtpMi nnd Samples for Germany only. The same class of mnll matter for other p'irts of Europe will not be Kent by this hlp unless specially dlncted by her After tho closing of the Supplement try Trims-Atlantic Malls named nbove addl tlonal supplementary malls are opened cn the piers of the American, Lngil-'h. French and German stcamr-;. nrd reuviin open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sulllng of steamer. Mulls for South nnd Central America, West Indies, Etc. TUESDAY At 9:30 a m. supplement iry 10:30 a. in.) for CENTRAL AMERICA exceiit Costa Rica) and SOUTH I'A- I'll-lt' I'UKTB, per s. r AHiaiirn, nn Colon (tiiall for Guatemala must be di rected "per s. s. Allluncn"); at I p m. (supplementary 1 ) p. m ': f"r JM RK" ISLAND and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC per s s New York; at 9 p. in fnr JAMAICA, per s. s. Admiral Dewey, from Boston. . . WEDNESDAY At 10 a m for I NAG I A. HAITI 11111I SANTA MARTHA tier W. S. Belvemon; at 1 p. m. (supplementary 1:30 p. m l for NASSAU, per s. s. Antliu (mall must be directed "per s s An tllla"); at 2 p. m. for NORTHERN BRA 7.IL. per s. s. Hilary. ... . THURSDAY At s p m. for BERMI D. per s. s. Pretoria: at 1 p. m. for UOA TAN. CAMPECHE, TABASCO nnd CHIAPAS, I'T s s. Orlraba via Ha vann and Progreso (mall for other parts of Mexico and for Cuba must be dtr.'ctd "per s. s Orizaba"): at 1 p. m. (sup plementary 1:30 p. m.) for NASSAt . GUANTANAMO and SANTIAGO, per ; s s Hunting: at 1 p. m for LA PLAT. COUNTRIES direct, per s. s. HonorluiJ. at 9 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. H. Ad miral Schley, from Boston SATURDAY-At 9:30 a. m (supplementary 10 n. m ) for ST. THOMAS. ST. CnniX LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS nnd DEM ERA RA. per s s Fontabelle (mull for Grenada nnd Trinidad must be .llrnnleil "lnr U M . FoillllllPl C ) lit 10 II- m. for GRENADA and TRINIDAD, ter IENADA and TIll.Ml'AP, irr val; at 10 a. m. snnplementary m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. . SA VANILLA. CARTIIA- s. s. Maraval 10:30 a m t l M A If A g'eNA and ORI3YTOWN. per w. s. Alene (mall for Lostn mca mum op inn-i-i-" "per s. s, Alene"); nt 10 n m. (supple-Ji.,- ift.-ia ii 1.1 fnr f'URACOA and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Illldur (mnll for Savanllla and farthagena must lis ni i a a II llrliir : nt 10 a. in for Porto Rico, per s. s. San Juan; at 11 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. H-ani. SUNDAY-At 8:30 p. m for ST PUJIUIh MIQUELON, per steamer from North Sydney. Malls for Newfoundland, 'iy rail to North Sydney, and thence bv st-amer. clos it this ofllce dally at 8:30 p. m. (connectlnc close hero every Mondav. Wednesday and Saturdav) Malls for Mlnuelon, ny ran to Boston and thence by jtenmer, clpe at this ofllce dally at H:30 p. in. Malls for Cubn, by rail to Port. Tampa. Ma, nnd thence by steamer, close at this office dally (except Monday) nt "7 a. m (tho connecting closes are on Sunday, V eibi i -s-day nnd Friday). Malls for Mexico Cl'y, overland, unless specially addresel for dispatch bv steamer, close at this ollleo dallv at 2:30 a. m. und 2 30 p. in. Malls for Costa Rlrn by rail to Mobile, and for Belize. Puerto Cortez and Ountemn'a, by rail to New Orleans, end th-nce li steamer, close at this ofhee dallv at 3 p. m. (connecting closes here Tiies.lavs for Costa Blca and Mondays for Re'lxe. Puerto Cortez and Guatemala). "I pos tered mall close at 6 p. ni previous day. 'IVniia.Pnellli' Mnlls. Malls for Hawaii, China. Japan and Phil ippine Islands, via wan I'ranci'co. ciw hero dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to heptembr 10th, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s Doric. Malls for Hawaii, via San l-rnii-Cisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to September '14th, inclu-lve, for dlspnieh per s. s. Australia. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, which gos via Snn Frnnclscn), nnd Fill Islands, via Vancouver, close here dally at H;30 p. m. up to September '15th, inclusive, fnr dis patch per s. s. Warrlmoo (supplctnentnry malls, via Seattle, close at 6:30 p. m. Sep tember '16th) Malls for Hawaii. Japan. China nnd Philippine Islands, vln San Francisco, close here dally nt 6:30 p. m. .... t,. Qnntnmlier '17th. Inclusive, for dlS- nriteli ner s. s. Nippon Mnru .Malls for Australia (except West Australia). Now Zealand, Hawaii, Flit and Samoan i..i.,,ia ..in ini Friuie sco. eloso here dully at 6:30 p. m. after September 'loth and up tn September '29th. Inclusive, or on day of arrival of s. s. Cninpanla. due at Now York Septetnoer --mi. inr i ii patch per s. s. Alameda. Malls for China Lnd Japan, via Vancouver, close h-jre dallv nt 6:50 p m. up to October '2d. In clusive, fnr dispatch per s s. htnpri-s-J of India (reclstored malt must be di rected "via Vancouver"). ... Trans-Pnclllo malls are forwarded to port of sailing dally nnd tho schedule of clos ing Is arranged on the presumption nf their uninterrupted overland trmsit Registered mnll closes at 6 p m "rev louslay. CORNELIUS VANPOn Postofllce, New York, N. Y., September 7, 1900. NOTICE TO CO.NTRACTOHS. OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER. Omaha, Neb.. Aug. 13. 1910.-SeaIed propos als. In triplicate, subject to the usual con ditions, will be received nt this eilllco until 2 o'clock p. in., central time. September 13, 1900, for the construction of a tire nppa ratus house, with plumbing therein, and a wagon shed, nt Fort Crook, Neb. I-nil In formation furnished upon application to this olllce, or to tho quarterniaster, I;ort Crook. Nob., where plans und speclllcallons may be seen. Proposals to bo marked "Proposals for Fire Apparatus House, or Wagon Shed." ns the ease may be, and ad dressed to tho undersigned. I . 1 1. 1 1 A III AWAY, C. Q. M. A17-18-20-21Septll-12M Illiirk Hills Wool SIiIiiiiipiiIs. RAPID CITY, S. P., Sopt. 10. (Special ) -All of tho wool that was stored In the warehouse In this city at tho time of Hie clip has been disposed of, tho last shipment of 18.000 pounds having been made last week Tho aheopmen nf tho Rapid City dis trict have disposed of 300,000 pounds thlt. year. Hello Fnurcho shipped about 200, 000 pounds. It Is estimated that tho clip for tho Black Hills was twico ns largo as last year. Tho ranchers along Rapid river for twenty miles below this city, where Irritation enn tie carried on, have put up an immense crop of hay. They expect to got a tils price for It this winter from tho cattlemen, who will rind feed on tho ranncs for their stock very light. .11 111 Vnlley Well Snaked, HURON. S. I).. Sept. 10.(SprcInl.) Morn than nil Inch nf rain fell hero last night. This section of the state got n thorough soaking and there ts morn moist turn Iu tho ground than on the same date in several years. Creek and lake beda are full of water and low places havo been transformed Intel miniature lakes by the unusually heavy rnlnfull of the past lev wecka, Koine fall plowing lias been done and much morn will be dono nn soon as the ground u in pioper condition. 0 MINING CENTERS CONNECTED Through Train Scrrlco Between Deadwood and Denver Starts Sunday. BUR INGTON'S NEW LINE IS COMPLETED Time Sfhrilulp Will MnUr It Possible to l iarr the Dlstniiee lletvirpn Hip Cities In Tneul l'oiir Honrs, Next Sund.iy will wiineis for the flrt time the direct connect Ion by rail and through train service of tho two principal mining districts of the west-Colorado and the lllnck Hills of South Dakota. This wilt be mconipllshed by the Inauguration of through train service between Deadwood and Denver. Such connection Is mads pofslhlo by the completion of the Burling ton's new line south from Alliance to Brmh, Colo. At both trrmlnll this extension con nects with the main lines of the Burlington -at Alliance with the line to Billings and nt Brush with tho Denver line. Additions to the Burlington's service Inci dent to the opening of this line will bo the establishment of n new train service be tween Alliance nnd Brush, nt both of which points connections will tic made with fast Irnlns already In operation. The shortening of the time nnd dlMnnce between I)ener and Deadwood by means of this now service will bo of considerable conequcnce nnd the closer connection afforded ths districts of Colorado and the lllnck Hill, which are so Identical In their Ititerosts. promises to In crease the Importance of the business re lations between the two territories. The time schedule that will be adopted with the Inauguration of the new service Sunday makes It possible for a passenger to leavo Denver nt night nnd arrlvo In Dead wood the next evening md, southbound, leLVo Deadwood In the morning nnd icnch Denver nt night. The dc psrtuio of the Denver train from Deadwood at 7 15 In the morning In order to comply with the required schedule of connections will bring nbout n change tn the Burllnglon's custom In Hint city. Heretofore Deadwood people havn nlwnV left for the cut on nn afternoon train, but after next Sunday tho morning train will be the only one, and nil passengers from Deadwood for Chicago. St. Louis, Denver nnd Omaha will leave on the same train. This will bring Deadwood people Into Omaha alter tho now schedule becomes effective at 6:45 In the morning, Instead of 2 o'clock tn tho afternoon. Bin DpiiiiiiiiI for I, nml. J. II. Synions, ngent of tho Union Pa cific laud department nt Itnwllns. Wyo., Is a visitor at local headquarters. "The pros pects of a big business from now on afo splendid." snld Mr. Symons. speaking of tho land situation In Wyoming. "Thero Is nn active demand for rnngo land by tho cattle and sheepmen nnd land that Is capable of being Irrigated Is steadily gain ing In value. Just now there aoetnB to bo somo disposition to put off making pur chases until after election, lint If nt that time four more years of McKlnley pros perity nre assured the demand for Wy oming land will fur exceed tho supply." Hiillvtny Notes nml I'rrsonnls. W C. Ilermn of littsburi Is In the cltv visiting his friend. Roy Miller, assistant city pussenger agent of the Northwestern. 1 PiiHu'iiorr Auciit 13. L. Lomax of the Union Pacific has returned from a two weeks' visit In Glenwood Springs, Colo. Genernl Passenger Agent J. R. Biichnnnu of the Elkhorn has gone to Chlcngo to at tend a family meeting of Northwestern passeimer officials. C. M. Secrlst, chief clerk of the genersl freight department nt tins Union Paultlc, Is taking a short vacation, which he Is spend ing at different points in Minnesota. Dur ing his absence Howard liruner officiates us chief clerk In his stend. EXCITEMENT IN COTTON PIT - l'.pr liuily Wiwitft - Bur "' Prices (in I p vtltli ii Hush Hull In Control, NEW YORK, Sept. 10. Tho cotton mar ket opened irregular and excited with prices up 13 to 61 points on n wave of buy ing nn equal in size of which has not beon witnessed on 'chnnso In many years. Every bioker had buying or'lors. Representative of southern nnd foreign interests franti cally endeavored to secure enormous blocks of cotton, which, for a brief period, seonied to havo become priceless. Tho market was well termed "dangerous," as after tho cull a tumble of IS to 26 points occurred tinder a sudden turn about of holders for profits. Wall street and tho warehouses dumped over cotton in lots of several thousand bales for profits aggregated between 160 and 150 points accrued alnco tho bull move ment set In ten days ago. But the market showed amazing recupor atlve energies and, tn tho fato of lato cables, robounded 12 to 15 points with a rush on n fresh whirl of general buylug which swept everything beforo It. Excite ment In the pit was iinprcci dented and bull enthusiasm positively know no bounds. Thereafter tho fluctuations worn violent both ways, though at no tlmo did tho beara claim tile slightest Inlluenco. Conserva tive estimates placed tho forenoon transac tions at 150.000 bales. Tho origin of the bull drive nnd panic of the benrs was tho West Indian hurricane In tho henrt of Texas' best cotton country. Parties thoroughly acquainted with the territory affected and with n deflnlto knowiedgo of tho crop condition previous to tho storm declared the damage could not bo less than 750,000 bales, with 1,000, 000 bates very possible, should the havoc sprend further Into tho state, as seemed probable. Liverpool's response to tho Texas disaster was a bulge cf 16 to 29 points. Inter modified under heavy profit, taking. For tho tlmo being all thought of the Sep tember government report duo at noon waa relegated to tho background. Not a word camo over tho wires from Galveston or Sabine Pass and conjectures alone could bo mnde ns to tho amount of damsgn dons. Near midday the market quieted down somewhat, but tho price continued fitful with frequent spasms nf buying nnd soiling recotded The closing cables showed prices in Liverpool to bo nbout unchnnged from tho figures current at tho limo of our open ing Prlvato cables summed up the Eng lish market ub "dangerous." Mitchell Itenil) tor lloosrvrlt. MITCHELL, S. D., Sept. 10. (Special. ) meeting of tho nough Riders club of this ity was held last evening to nrrango for tho criming of Governor Roosevelt on Wcdnesdny, September 12. Good reports were rcrelvod from all parts of the county as to tho organization of rliilin nnd of the Intention of the members tn coma to Mitchell Wednesday. The Alexandria tiub will also he hern to tnko part In tho demonstration. Lust evening tho town club met with Its horses nnd mndo Its first drill. Governor Roosevelt will arrlvo In Mitchell from Chamberlain on the morning of the 12th at 11:15 and remain here an hour. Corn I'lllnre t f rill't loo a. MITCHELL, S. D., Sept. 10. (Special.) Among tho attractions for the corn palacn will bo the presence ol the Sioux FalU Elks and thni.0 from other towns In the state. On Tuesday, October 2, the Elks will hnve possession of the city and lnhtltuto u lodgo here. The traveling men will also have one day. A chorun of eighty voices bus been organized as a musical attraction for Sun day September 30, in addition to thn hand, Forty eight young women ot this city will havo a military drill i