8 TTTTC OMAHA PATLV BET!: STXDAT, STCrTTCMTlET? 0, 1000. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MiNoit muxtio.v. Davis sells glass. "Mr Riley " 5-ccnt clgnr. l.cffert, S3 Bdy., tests eyes free, Gas fixtures and globes nt Hlxby's. Tine A II ('. beer. Ncumnycr's hotel. I)r Stephenson. 101 I'cnrl St. Tel. XO. Schmidt's photos, now mid latest styles. Cab. photos 11.60 doz. Williams. Ml lldy. tollman. s lentlllc optician. 100 Hd'y. J C & W. Woodward, architects. 5K5 Hdy. W P. Lewis jells monuments. 301 H'way. lamp's beer. Socnkc Boyscn, sole agent. llest beer, lludwelser. 1.. Ilosenfeld. Agt. Cash Hosing "le Ml 111 going on at Trey tior & Unrhnm's Oet your work done nt the popular liagle laundry, 721 Ilroadway 'Pnone 15". V C. Hstep, undortakT. IS I'earl street. Telephones: Office, a"; residence. 33 Itoliert Mltrhell, tnaiidollii and guitar In structor. .Studio. 2(1 Merrium block. t2n,li stock carpets an. I draperies at cost and less for rash Treytior it Durham. V. F. Ornff. undertaker and licensed em balnier. 101 South Main street. 'Phono oC6 A picture Riven free with each frame bought In KHiitemlier of ('. H. Alexander & Co., 3.11 Ilroadway. For sale, thlrleen-room, two-slory frame hotel building. Inquire, at Illuff City laun dry. 31 North Main. attend the a o T. M. social given nt Mrs. Ij. I.uchnws, lOfl Sixth avenue, Fri day evening, September 11. Mrs. Mllle K.itmi was granted a divorce from H. ! I'.a'on yesterday In the district court on statutory grounds. Cntlre slock at f"t fur cash, floods r.clling rapidly Coine early for best so le tintis Ttevnnr iSi (! .rham. Our sale l a big success. We still have $;h,kio worth of carpets and drnperles at '! i and less for cash. Treytior & Oor ham New neckwear, new stiff bosom shirts, new hosiery and underwear at Smith Ar Uradley's. and not a back number arllclo in the lot Ike Mlnnlck was overcome with the heat yosterday morning at his father's barn on ilroadway. For a time bis condition was considered most serious. Superintendent Henry W. Hothert of the Iowa School Tor the Ueaf has Issued the announcement of the opening of the school j'lur, beginning Urtober I. The local labor unions expect that they will i lear about jam by the Labor day cele bration last .Mondav. and the money will be expended In Improving the Interior of their lui 1 1 In the foreclosure proceeding brought In tho district court by A. W. Way against John Short Attorney Fremont Benjamin was yesterday appointed guardian ad litem for Short. F. II. UvaiiM leturned yesterday morning from Chicago and will be the guest of friends and relatives here for several days rieforc returning to his home In tlarden City, Kan. Albert Howard, driver for 1'ndertuker Kstop, had his left shoulder dislocated yes terihiy as a result of stepping Into an open ttap door In Mlnnlck's livery barn on Ilroadway. A A. I'renllce of Crescent City has com plained to th police of the theft of a feutchel ftom his liugy while In the city yesterday. Ills pocketbook, containing $8, was In the satchel. Mrs. C. II. Orvls has so far recovered from her Illness as to be able to be removed from the Woman's Christian Association hospital, where she has been for several weeks, to her home. The funeral oi Kllznbeth F,lolse, the In fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Faul, will be held I Ills afteruoofi at 4 o'clock from the family residence. "Hi Mill street, and In terment will lie in walnut lllll cemetery. Hvervbody ought to look over the o'e gant stock of furnishing goods and huts nt Smith H HrailN . s before making their fall purchases They will save you mjiicy nnd give you nothing '.)Ut the latest things. The order for the summoning of tho petit Jury for the September term of United States district court has been changed from September IS to September The grand Jury will convene as originally announced on September is. The defendants In the case of John I.lndt ngalnsl August I'lileln and the Schlltz llrowlng company In the miperlor court filed a motion yesterday for a new trial. This Is the case III which John I.lndt se cured a verdict tor $.1,7111.11. Itev. T. F. Tlilekstun Is desirous of com pleting Ills arrangements for the establish ment of a church on West Ilroadway In Strcetsvllle this week nnd requests that all persons promising lluani'lal assistance will send In their subscriptions as soon as pos sible. Mrs. C. S. Quick of lndlnnnlu, Neb., died Friday at llenver. Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Quick were old settlers of Council Illuff s. the for mer being In business here from lSt to 1S73. Ills brother. K. J. Quick, and wife will leave this morning for Imllunnlu to attend the funeral. The funeral of IWward tlllberth, who died Friday afternoon at his home In Hazel Hell township, will be held this atteriioou at 3 ii clock from the residence and Interment will be hi the Hazel Dell cemetery. He was 0T years of ago anil his wife Is his only Immediate survivor. Mrs. James Coyle and Mrs. Augusta Unkoy were Injured In a runaway accident Friday evening on Mcl'herson nvenue. The buggy in which they were driving was up net. Mrs. I.lnkey suffered a fractured wrist ii nil a number of severe bruises, while Mrs. Coyle was seriously Injured about the chest. The buggy was smashed to pieces. The public generally cannot afford to miss seeing the extra i-elect stock of hats that arc, now on display at Smith - Urad ley's Kvcry thing Is new, bright and syllsh. The celebrated John 11. Stetson huts are all In ami make a splendid show ing The llawes' $.1 eo line, which Is al ways swell, was never as Irresistible ns at present, and the H.iW. M.Go and tiM assort ment cannot be equaled A rare chance. I have a pleasant and urolltable business; I need the services of gentleman or lady of irood business ad dress: will pay reasonably good salary or give interest In the business, which I wl'h to enlarge: must furnish about $7uo, which will be secured. This Is an exceptionally tine opportunity: I court uu Investlg.itl in. State when Interview can bo had. Address T. nee otllcc, Council Bluffs. The members of Hazel camp. Modern Woodmen of America, and Ulv camp, lloxal Neighbors of America, will hold a basket picnic next Wednesday at Lake Mauawa. Many of the members of Coun cil Bluffs camp and the Oninlia camps are expected to participate. A feature of the day's amusements will be a game of ball between teams from Hazel and Council muffs camps. Whaley's orchestra has been engaged for dancing In the evening. The women of l.lly camp will furnish coffee and lemonade free to everybody. Tho Oohauy theater will doubtless lis filled to Its greatest seating capacity to night to witness the performance of the ltlchnrds K- I'rlngle's big minstrel com pany that appears there lor a one night's engagement The scene ef the opening nci is sain in oe one or irieuiat spieuuor nnd a thing well worth seeing. The com pany as a whole Is. according to press reports, composed of excellent talent and I lie performance everywhere has been Mgn v spoken of The specialties are up-to-date and the mu-lc above the average. N. V riuinnln? Co . telepnono 230. Premiums given with Domestic soap. " '11 III ' " am Rough Ricfer School Shoes Every Pair War ranted at HAMILTON'S 1 FARM LOANS Negotiated tu eastern rtenraska ml Iowu. Jumes N. Cnady, Jr., IM M tin St 1'iuiicll ni'ifT. MONEY TO LOAN,"" Savings Loan and Building Associate Council Bluffs, lowm BLUFFS. COOPER ACTS FOR THE BOARD Chairman of Teachers' Oommittce Restores Salaries That Were Out. STRIKE OF SCHOOL MA'AMS IS AVERTED .Home vf lint fdrmilnr Mtonllon i:ilM, but Citiitrnets Are All Mulled lit flu- Hid PlKiirr nnd Kverj boilj Is lliiip. Willi but few exrepllons the teachers elected to positions In the city schools for the ensuing year were present yesterdny morning nt the teachers' meeting held by Superintendent Clifford In tho Bloomer building. They nil signed their contracts without protest. The few Hint were ab sent were unavoidably detained elsewhere. It had been expected that some of the teachers whose salaries hnd been cut by tho School board at Its Inst meeting would protest and refuso to sign the contracts. Nothing of tho kind, however, transpired nnd It developed that all unpleasantness hnd been avoided by Chairman Cooper of the finance committee taking the responsi bility upon himself nnd restoring the sal aries to the original figures. The tenchers whose salaries were cut succeeded In prov ing that under the rules of the hoard, about which so much was said nt the Inst meet Ing of the bonrd, they were entitled to tho salaries us first fixed and that the reduc tions wero made through a misunderstand ing on tho part of tho members of the board as to what grades, under tho as signment, they wcro teaching. Ctalrmun Cooper of the finance commltteo stated he hnd no fear but that the board nt Its next meeting would ratify his action In re storing the salaries. LAST WHISK IX LOCAL SOCIiyi'Y. MitrrhiKc nnd filtliiK Mori-lone nnd Some ItiiiinliiK About. Last Wednesday, nt tho home of tho bride's parents In Omaha, Mr. nnd Mrs A. J. Fairbanks, their daughter, Huth, was married to Mr. Clarence Spain of South Omaha, Hev. Mr. Ballenger officiat ing. Tho young couple nre Ceaf mutes nnd wtre former pupils of the Iowa School for the Deaf. Prof. Spruit, now of tho Illinois faculty In the state Institution for tho deaf nnd their former teacher, interpreted tho ceremony. Thcro were a number of friends of tho bridal pair present from Omaha South Omaha and Council Bluffs. The marriage of Mr. Paul Kodwels of (Irani! Island, Neb., nnd Miss Bessie lllch was solemnized Thursday evening nt tho home of the bride's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs, A. Newton Rich on Franklin uvenue, Hev, W. S. Barnes of tho First Presbyterian church olllclutlng. Mr. nud Mrs. Kodwels left tho snme evening for Ornnd Island vvhero they will make their future home. The groom was u former well known young business man of this city. Miss Botha Marsh of Fourth street Is homo from an outing of several weeks among the Colorado resorts. Mrs. T. Mnnnhau and son, Frank, nre homo from n six weeks' trip to Texas points. Tho Order of Herman Soehne gnvo the first of a series of dancing parties last Wednesday evening nt Orand Army of tho Republic hall, which wns largely attended and very much enjoyed by those present. Mcsdames Thomas nnd Butler chaperoned a number of young people last Tuesday ut a picnic at Lake Maunwn given for Miss Kthyl Blgncll and Miss Agnes Casebci' of Lincoln. Neb. Mrs. Charles Beno of Frnnk street on tertalned nt dinner last night. Clarenco Kmkle, 61S South Sixth street, gavo n stag dinner last evening, covers being laid for eleven. It was in tho na ture of a farewell function, ns tho host leaves In a few days for tho Iowa State university. J. P. Bench nnd fnmily of Hnmbitrg, la., have located In Council Bluffs nud will occupy tho I). W. Keller residence on Ave nuo F. Mr. Keller hns moved with his family nt t!2C Mynster street. J. M. Klagler nnd fnmily have returned to their homo In this city from a three months' sojourn In tho country. Mrs. C. Spruit leaves today for a visit with her relatives at Osreoln, la., whore sho will be Joined later In tho week by her husband, Prof. C. Spruit. They will then go to Jacksonville, III., which will be their future home. Tho members of Palm grove will entertain at a lawn social Tuesday evening nt tho lesldence of Mro. Stevenson, 3ll Bluff street. Miss Stella Lett of Hastings, Neb., Is tho guest of tho fnmily of L. H. High smith. Mrs. J. W. Shepler of Fifth nvenue, who hns been visiting In tho eastern part of tho state for tho last month, has returned home. Miss Joo Hill will lenve this evening for Boston. Mnss.. where she will resume her btudleg nt Lai-nlle seminary. Miss Nina Myers of Park avenue gave n dancing pnrty Friday evening for her brother. Cadet fleorge Myers of tho Naval ncademy nt Annnpolls. Miss Knto Lewis Is visiting friends In Denver, Colo. J. W. Bell of Third avenue Is home from a three weeks' sojourn nt Colfax. Hurry Hnworth left Friday for an ex tended outing nt Madison Lake, WIb. Arthur Kccllno will leave today for Har vard college. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hnzelton of Avenue V left jesterdny for Lnko OkoboJI. Miss Kmma Hnmllton of Pelln, In., Is tho guest of her sister, Mrs. John Green of Fourth street. Mis. O. K. Ferguson of Logan is tho guest of Mrs. 0. L. (iormnu of Fourth avenue. Mr nnd Mrs. O. H. Lucns of Oakland avenue are visiting friends nt Pacific Junc tion Mrs. (lladys Thompson of Kansas City Is the guest of her mint. Mrs. (Icorgo Kd ward Walk, at St. Paul's rectory. Mr and Mrs. fl. W. Morris nre visltlnc relatives nt Kvnnsville, Ind. Dr. F. B. Seybert and family will leavo this week for an outing nt Leech Lake, Minn Misses Laura Weaver nnd Nellie Hn worth will leave this week for Sycamore, 111. where they will attend school the com ing year Hon. nnd Mrs. 8. H. Byers of Des Moines were the guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest B. Hart of Park nvenue. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lawrence Ovorralcr nro homo from a short wedding trip nnd nro the guests of Mrs. Overmler's sister, Mrs. A. Whltolaw. Mrs Thomns Metcnlf anil dnughter, Mlts Oolln. who havo been spending the sum mer with relatives In Ohio, nro expected home today, Mrs. C. n. Kentner of Whltten. In., was the guest last week of Mrs. T. R. Drake of North avenue. Mrs. T. J. Foloy nnd daughter. Miss Helen, are expected homo today from Urecn Lake. Wis., where they have been spend ing the summer. Mr. and Mrs M J Lee nre home from n six months' vlsll to Norway nnd Oenmnrk. They nre accompanied by a little daughter born to them while visiting In Denmark. Mrs. T. L. Kastlnnil left Thursday even ing for n month's outing among tho moun tain resorts of Colorado. Miss Horn Spnre is home from u visit In Snlt Lnko City. Mrs. H. S. Lynn of Kansas City Is the guest of her sister. Mrs. O. M. Brown of South Seventh street. Mrs. James II. Crnlgmlle of Eighth nve nue is home from a visit to friends In Colo- rndo. Mrs. Julln Mornn of Cnllnwny. Neb., was tho guest Inst week of Mrs. Charles Lunk ley. J. (lascolgne of Chndron. Neb., was the guest last week of tho family of L. Saund ers of Third avenue. Mr. nnd Mrs. LcwIb Lnndcrgreen of t)cs Moines nre the guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. K. Swnnson of Park avenue. Mrs. Wllllnm Alton nnd daughter of Lit tle Sioux and Mrs. K. Mnxfteld of Ncoln are the guests of Mr, nnd Mrs. Henry Hlshton. Mr. nnd Mrs. James McOenchen of Or leans, Neb., wero the guests Inst week of Mrs. A. B. Hewctson of Park nvenue. Mrs. O. A. Beebo nnd daughter, Mrs. V W. Houghton, nnd Albert Houghton, re turned homo yesterday from their Colorado trip. Mrs. 11. O. Itunnlng nnd Mies Anna Jloho wltz of South First strcot left yesterday on a visit to friends In Atchison, Knn. fleorge Mnync left yesterday for Bassctt, Neb., to Join Will Ulgtlon nnd Leonard Kv- erctt nt chicken shooting. Mrs. J. c. Bock and children of C.rnnd Island, Neb., were the guests last week of Mrs. Bock's sisters, the Misses nink of Av enue K. I'rrpnrr for Winter. It won't be long now till you will need something to keep you warm. If you arc needing a heating stovo you nre Invited to call and see our Radiant Homo basebtirner. It has been sold In Council Bluffs for years nnu wnoever cwns a Radlnnt Home is satis- fled. No better stovo was ever mndo nnd besides being wnrrnntcd not to crack, It Is tho best fuel saver In tho market, being built so that there Is no waste hent. An other fenture of the Radlnnt Home Is Hint of cleanliness. Before buying wo believe It Is lo your advantage to call nnd Inspect this siove. PKTKRSON & SCHOKNINO, Mcrrlnm Block, Commonwealth 10-ccnt cigar. Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap. Davis sells paint. ' MOHIJ TlllH HILLS iiirrnixnu, fir nnd Jury l'n mncs t;p Another Ilnteli of Indictment, A second bntch of Indictments was re turned by tho district grnnd Jury yester day, after which thut body ndjoitrned until Monday, as It still has n number of enses before It for consideration, the criminal calendar this term being unusually heavy. But seven of the Indictments returned were made publlr. tho defendants In tho other cases still being at liberty. Two Indictments wcro found against Lee Carlln, a barber of this city who Is charged with having obtained a loan from A. A. Clark &. Co. on n barber outfit under false representations nnd with hnving Inter dis posed of tho mortgaged property. Tho offense Is alleged to havo been committed on July 10 last. An Indictment was returned against Fred Wroth on the chnrgo of having committed adultery with Mrs. Julia Dcfrlcs on May 14 last. Wroth has been In Jail over slnco iiiai uuie, oui iuu woman, lor wnom n war- rant wns issued, made her escape and has au iur uiuiiuu iiie vignnnce oi tuo nutnorl- ties. Dan Sullivan was Indicted on tho. chnrgo of breaking Into the barn of J. W. Mlnnlck on May 27 last and stenllng a bridle of the value of 5. James Sullivan wns Indicted for breaking Into an oil house In tho Rock Islnnd rail way's yards on April 20 last nnd stenllng a quantity of brass. He wns nrrested whllo In tho net of trying to dlsposo of tho brnss to a Junk dealer. An Indictment was returned against Ed Jones of Neoln, la., on tho charge of crim inal assault on Molllo Sanders, it 14-year-old girl living In Neoln. Jones wns nrrested yesterday morning by Deputy Sheriff Cnn nlng and his bond fixed In tho sum of JSOO. H. H. Templeton wns Indicted for stenl lng $.1 from the ensh drawer at Gray's restaurant on Broadwny on May 20 last. Ho has been In tho county Jail since that date and asked to bo sentenced nt once. Tho court gnvo htm twenty-two dnys In tho county Jnll. Ed Jones of Garner township, against whom an Indictment wns returned Friday on the charge of assaulting Joseph Clark with Intent to commit murder, was ar raigned yesterdny morning nnd entered n plea of not guilty. His bond wns fixed nt $1,000. which ho furnished. "No bills" wero roturned by the grnnd Jury In tho enses ngnlnst Thomns Stott, the alleged burglar, charged with breaking Into tho residence of John Aten ut 134 Glen ave nue, nnd R. B. Bradshaw. charged with the larceny by embezzlemonl of n hnrso be longing to Ike Nixon, a farmer of Hazel Dell. Tho principal testimony ngainst Stott. which led to his being bound over to the grand Jury, was tho measurement of a footprint outside the Aten residence mndo by Detective Weir with n ploco of twlno. To Introduce their curpets, Keller & Bnnd, 107 Broadway, will sell velvet carpets that aro sold everywhero else for $1.23 a yard, nt 7! cents. You can own one of theso beautiful carpets by paying $1 n week until' pnld for. Uso Domestic soap. It's the best, Howell's Antl-"Kawf" cures coughs, colds. ievt nrl Ii ceU. Relief. Paul C. Aylesworth. president of the Premium Star company, hns sought the ns slstanco of hnnkrnptcy proceedings as the easiest way In disentangle hlumclf nut of tho difficulties surrounding the Inability of his roncet'n lo fulfill Its pledces to the pub lic. I lo filed yesterday In tho I'nltcd Stnles district court n petition asking to be re lieved of his liabilities. His secured debts aro slnted to amount to $7ft nnd his unse cured to nggregato $l,309.0S. Among the latter aro Included his obligations upon outstanding "premium stars." rstlmntrd at about $.100. The petitioner asks thnt about $2,Sfi0 of his property, Including his home stead, household goods, etc., bo dcclard exempt. Aylesworlh's nctlon In seeking the pro tuition of the bankruptcy court was prompted by tho fact that n number of dis appointed persons holding blocks of his "premium stars" hnd threntened to tnko tho matter Into court and had even hinted at criminal proceedings. It Is claimed that Aylesworth has received tho cash from all tho merchants who handled them, "for the stars" now outstanding, and this being the ense the persons holding them feel they aro entitled to have them redeemed. Miperv Imii'K dJoiirii. The Board of Supervisors completed Its business for the September terra yesterday morning und ndjnurtd. Before adjourning the board took up the matter of tho salaries of tho deputy ibcrlffi, and directed tic audi- tor lo pay them their full compensation up to July 1. The county superintendent and county auditor were authorized to certify to the sev eral school districts In the county the ac tion of the County Hoard of I'ditcatlon In selecting certain text -books for n uniform course of study for the country schools. Will Appenl the fuse. Acting under instructions from Attorney (icnernl Remley County Attorney Klllpack will take to the supreme court the collat eral Inheritance tnx ease of the estnte of tho Into John' Lavvson. who committed sui cide In Omaha September 7. 1896. The ap plication of Stnte Treasurer Hcrrlott to compel L. F. Potter, the ndmlnlstrntor. to pny the tnx from the proceeds of the es tate was resisted by the heirs and upon stilt being brought In the district court hero Judgo Smith ruled against the state, find ing for the heirs. Lawson's death occurred between tho passage of the original net arid the ntnendatory clause. Judge Smith held thnt tho original net was unconstitu tional and that tho amendatory clause was not retroactive so far ns real estate was Involved. Attorney General Remley takes excep tion to Judge Smith's ruling nnd In n com munlcntlnn to County Attorney Klllpack. received by tho latter yesterdny, he says: Tho fallacy of Judge Smith's conclusion Is that the law of K:! Imposing the tnx was unconstitutional. It was not. To -n- ueavor to entor-'e tnnt in'v witliout notion, according to the theory of the Terry case, would bo unconstitutional, I. e., tho en forcement of the law witliout notice. Hut the law created a lien, and that Hen. nnde decisions of various courts. If no proper met nod were provnieu uv siaiuio ror its enforcement, could be enforced Itr n court of equity. In n similar ense to the Lawson estnte, recently tried before Judge Prouty of the Polk county district court, the court ruled exactly reverso to Judge Smith's holding. Beautiful moonlight on Lake Mnnawa. Music on the water, Lorenze orchestra, every evening. Gravel roofing. A. II. Read, C41 Broadway, The celebrated Acorn stoves nre sold by Keller & Hand, 407 Broadway. There nre morn than a million of these stoves In uso In the United States and they arc sold at very low prices. You can own one of these stoves by paying Jl a week until pnld (or. Church Notes. Rev. George Kdwnrd Walk, hnving re turned from his vncntlon, will conduct services and prench In St. Paul's Episcopal church this morning t .. 10:30 o'clock. Tho subject of his sermon will be "Christian Service nnd How to Render It." The even Ing servico will be omitted. Tho choir, which hns been tnklng n vncntlon for the Inst two months, will reassemble at this morning's service. Among the music which will bo sung arc "Te Dcum," by Young; "Jubilate," by King Hall, and "Tho Two Angels," by Krogmnnn. Tho services nt Grace's Episcopal church, Rov. R. L. Knox, rector, today will bo ns follows: Sunday school nt 9:43 n. m. morning prayer and sermon nt 11 o'clock aud evening prayer nnd sermon at S o'clock. "Tho Law of Splrltunl Growth" will be the subject of Rev. J. W. Wilson's sermon this morning at tho First Congregational church. In tho evening the theme of his discourse will be "Aiming nt tho Perfect Life." Sunday school will be nt noon nnd Christian Endeavor society meeting at 7 p. m. Morning service will be at 10:30 o'clock nnd evening prayer nt 8 o'clock. Y. P. C. T. t', Alllliinl. The first annual meeting of the Young People's Christian Temperance Union of America Will he held TllPRitnv Arnnlni. nt the First Baptist church, when tho election of officers nnd superintendents for tho ensu- ing year will take place. The following pro gram has been nrrnnged: Plnno Solo Miss Sylvia Snyder Address Itev. untile Miss Mae Caldwell Vocal Solo ... Recitation ... Violin solo . Recitation ... Miss Gretzer .vir. Steokelberg Airs. Wollman tVIdre Itev. Venting Vocal Solo mhh Brock Cement Killer. The first of the cement filler to be used In this city was laid yesterday by Contractor vvlckham on tho North Mnin street navluc In order to allow for the expansion nnd con traction likely to be caused by weather varl atlons, at every thirty-five feet a filler of asphnltum is used. So far about one-third of tho street has been laid with tho filler and present Indications are that It will add greatly to tho durability of the pavement. Mnrrlnjte I.Ici-iihch. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to tho following persons: Name and Residence. K. A. nichurdson. Council Bluffs .. Orace Swnney, Council Bluffs , Otto Paul. Council Bluffs Clara H. Engel. Council Bluffs Domestic sonp sells on its merits. Age. . .. 2i ... 20 50.000 cakes Domestic soap used In Coun cil Bluffs last month. itr.i't in. tews ciirr imwx to work. f.'rent KiitliiiNliinin Miovrn nt Orunnl rnlloii of Iteil Onk Club. RED OAK. Ia Sept. S. fSpeclal.) A meeting was held here Frldny night for the purpose of organizing n McKlnley nnd Roosevelt club. Notwithstnndlng tho hent of the evening and less than twenty four hours' notice, there was n good nt tondance, nenrly 100 signing tho roll, to which list another 100 has been added since then. While the interest does not compare with the enthusiasm of four years ago. tho lopitbllcans aro awakening from their apathy of screno confidence and from now on the campaign will bo Interest ing. Colonel J. W. Clark was elected president of tho club nnd E. J. Barklow, secretary; H. G. Barnes, C. H. Wilson nnd J. H. Best, viro presidents; C. I t'larko. treasurer. The campaign in southwestern Iowa will open at Red Oak next Frldny, September 14, with nn address by Senator J. P. polll ver In tho City park In the afternoon. In tho evening a meeting will bo held at tho armory, nt which tho principal speaker will bo Hon. Waller S. Smith of Council Rluffs, republican candidate for congress In tho Ninth district. Hon. Webb Byers of Shelby county. Hon. V. B. Martin, candidate for secretary of state, ami G. S. Gllbertson. candidate for stato treasurer, will also de liver short addresses. This will be the most Important political meeting to be held In Montgomery county this fall and Ralph Cringle, county chairman, is leaving noth ing undone to malio it a grand success. A feature of tho meeting will be parades by uniformed marching clubs and music by several bands. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lemiN Sure of Vlelory. ATLANTIC, la.. Sept. S. (Special.) Chairman Follctl Is making extensive plans for a big crowd to hear Senator Dolllver on tho 17th. A big tent has been secured and It will bo pitched In the court house yard that every ono may bo permitted to hear. The republicans of the county are sangulno that the republican vote In tho county will exceed that of four years ago. There is no doubt ns to the election of tho entire republican ticket. Tlppery Haciipi-K from .lull. ONAWA, Li. , Sept. 8. (Special Telegram.) Charles Tlppery, who hns been confined In the Mononn county Jail for selling liquor, broke Jail liwt uieht and is still at larse. FIREMEN REACH DES MOINES Delegates Attending the International Con vention Are Given a Grand Welcome VIRACK BOOKED FOR SPEECHES IN IOWA Prominent (ierninn of Vpit nrk t It) linn Been .""ecillcd l He piililli'nn t'eiitrnl t'niiiinlltee tn Vliil. e n Teii-I)ii- Tnnr nf the Mute. DES MOINES. Sept. S. (Speclnl Tele grnm.) The first of the firemen who are to nttend tbo biennial International con vention of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen urrlved this evening, some 500 of them coming In from Chlrngo on a speclnl train over the Rock Island. A committee of Des Moines citizens went enst this morning nnd met the speclnl ut Davenport to give them a welcome nnd escort them to the city. The firemen reached here this evening at 7'30 nnd n royal welcome wns extended them. The firemen will be here In eonveti Hon for about twelve days. The principal matters to come before the meeting will be the revision of tho constitution nnd by lnws. the removal of the headriunrters. the election of officers nnd tho selection of a place for tho next meeting Grnnd Master Snrgent hns held tho ofllco for sixteen years nnd will probably bo re-elected There arc somo ten cities bidding for tho headquarters. Des Moines seeming to hnvo the lend. Milwaukee seems to hnvo tho lend for the next place of meeting. Will Work for Prosperity. Tho republican stnto ocntrnt committee was Informed this morning thnt Hon I. Vlrnck of New York City had been secured by the national commltteo for n ten dnys' spenklng tour of lown, beginning Septem her 12. Mr. Vlrnck Is a memljcr of tho national commltteo nnd ono of tho prom inent Ocrtnnns of tho United Suites. He bus a nntlonnl reputation us a cnmpnlgn speaker nnd will be n power for good In lown, whero tho German vote hns so much to do In Influencing political results. Mr. Dawson, who hns chnrgo of the spenkers, snld this morning thnt Mr. Vlrnck would open his lown engagement nt CalamUB on September 12 and would de voto tho time from tho 13th to the 17th In Bremer county. The remainder of his dates have not been fixed, but Dawson Is endeavoring to nrrango for nt least two meetings In tho Second district, where tho Germnn vote Is largo und where tho demo crats nro making strenuous efforts to de feat tho reptibllcnn nominee for congress. Tho republicans will not open tho cam pnlgn In lown with a whoop nnd hurrah nil nlong tho line ns was done Inst year. It wns found impossible to tlx u day for n gen eral opening In all tho districts for the renson that the vnrlous spenkers could not nccomtnodate themselves to such nn nr rangement. Each congressman will devote several days to campaigning outside his own district nnd so ninny of the lending spenkers nro scheduled for speeches In other states that tho manager of speakers wns compelled to allow each district to open Its campaign on the date best suited to all concerned. Therefore, Instead of one grand opening, tho republicans will have scores of them. CampnlKii Utile .Set, To date tho assignment of congressmen Is as follows: Congressman I. 'pburn will open nt Marengo on Septomber 10 nnd will speak ut What Cheer on tho nth. Wash ington the 12th nnd Hnzelton the 13th. Con gressman Smith will open In his own dis trict, tho Ninth, on Soptcmbor 12, where he will labor until the 19th. going thence to Ccntervlllo, where he will speak on the 20th, with dntes at Eddyvlllc nnd Knoxvllle the 22d and 23d. Senntor Dolllver will open at Ocheydan on the 10th nnd will bo nt Storm Lake the following dny hnd nt Dcnlson tho 12th. By the grnco of tho Hon. John Cownlo of the State Bonrd of Control nnd Jeweler Chittenden of Enst Des Moines. Borthn Llebbecke, the young woman who stole the diamond ring fro:n Chittenden's Jewelry store, Is a free woman. She was released by tho dotectlro department early this morning. A tolegrnm wns received from the chief of police nt Omaha snylng sho Is n clever thief, but is not wanted thero nnd that ho hoped the Des Moines officials will bo good enough to stnrt her onstwnrd In stend of toward the sotting sun. SOCIETY RUNS STREET CARS llcllen nf SIomt City Gather In flu I''urei for SMert tiuirltaH SnUe. SIOUX CITY, TnT Sept. S.-(Spcclnl Telcgrnm.) Sioux City society rodo In street ears today. This was trolley day and the regulnr con ductors on tho street cars took a day off whllo the society belles of tho town gath ered fnres. The proceeds of the enterprise will go lo Mornlngslde college, whoso new $50,000 building will bo dedicated Monday. Kach car was decorated with tho colors of somo particular college or national col ors, many of the foreign universities being represented. Tho women in chargo of the respective cars vied with each other to furnish tho most attractive features. The day was n big success. Tiuuvns at wo it ic ix nun' Diiniji:. Dry f.unils S(re Ih Looted of Pine Mllis ami SntliiM, PORT DODfJH, la., Sept. 8. (Speclnl Tol egrnm.) Thieves entered the Larson Dry floods company's store some time during Inst night nnd tnnde away with almost the entire stock of fluo silks nnd satins, amount ing to several thousand dollars. Kntrance to tho storo wns gnlncd through a win dow In tho rear, which was pried up with a Jimmy. Owing to large crowds in the city during tho street fair two watchmen wero stationed In tho block. Tho thlovcs wero evidently professionals, as thero Is no trace whatever of the stolen property. Thloves also entered the tailoring storo of John Hardin nnd made away with a lino suit of clothes, which was hanging on tho rack with n number of others. Atlantic I'liinn street I'nlr. ATLANTIC. Ia.. Sept. 8. (Special.) At lantic Is preparing for n grand street fair ami carnival to last for five days, from October 0 to 13. Plans have been develop ing for tho last month and uro now well under way. More money h:is been raised than was over raised for anything of the kind here. Tho various committees havo been appointed nnd nro nt work on tho va rious departments. Advertising matter will bo distributed for fifty miles mound nnd there Is great hopes that tho largest crowds Atlantic ever saw will bo on hand to partake of the elty'B hospitality. An executive committee, consisting of Mayor L. L. Tllden. John H. Boys, A. A. C.lllette, C. T. Campbell and K. M. Nebe, havo the affair In charge and havo appointed numer ous subcommittees. Kreo street attrac tions will be given nnd for live days all roads will lead to Atlantic. Unit Killed h I'rclulit Trnlii. SIBLHY. la.. Sept. 8. -(Special Tele gtjui.l -Late ihls nftornoon liill Burke of Chicago was killed by being inn over by a freight train nn the f'hlcngo, St. Paul. Minneapolis & Omaha, on which Burke had started tn Meal u ride to St. ThiiI. This evening a coroner's Jury returned a verdict of accidental death, He hud been Rea! Estate IN VALUE. Some excellent lots, pleasnntly located nttd do sirnble for suburban homes, can be had now at reasonable prices. These lot 8 are located In Omaha, Wright's aud Central Sub. additions. This property will steadily increase in value as the city throws in th at direction aud the time to buy is the present Call at THE BEE OFFICE, Council Bluffs. OUR 11 I I I IOWA FARMS FOR SALE DAY & HESS, 30 Pearl St , Council Blull's, llnve for sule n lnri:e list of Improved vexetnlile liuidxt nlsu residence unci nnd flnuilin. MI1II'. TAMMM 160 ncres Hazel Dell twp., 11 miles nc C. B., good buildings, $45 per acre. SO ncres near Crescent, well Improved, J15 per acre. HO ncres f miles east, good buildings and fruit, $50 per acre. CO-ncre fruit farm, nenr city, good Improve ments, $1G0 per ncrc. 30-ncro fruit f.irm ndjolnlng city, $(1,000. The nlinve In only n miniptc of our ." per cent Intercut. Telephone It 1 1, Busk Steel Ranges Dole & Cole, Council Bluffs, Iowa. By Our New Plan wn mill si:vxn uaciiimos at I.-..(M), 15 is. no nnd i5'J.".0(). Full nlcUcl. with liltfh arm. They nro Booil liiiti-hliics -not c-ltenp thlnps. Our :i(). :i.", 10 nnd ."() dollar ball bear injr, (loublo feed "New Homes" uro tho finest yon wvr saw. Trial frco. If yon would like to see, try or buy a sowing niiu'ltlni' call on us. rout sowing machines 7.ie a month. i Kvi'iybody knows Unit the "M: HO.MK" is all right. You take no chances. We guarantee every one and our guarantee is good. full nn iim mid nee the iiinelilneN mill compare irlce. GEORGE A. BULLIS, :i;i7 llrmiilnn v. Council llliifT. IIVIUJAINS IV IHU -I'.S AMI LOTS. House of I rooms, collar, well nnd stable for s horses, near the Illinois Central yards. Price only t'M. House of 11 rooms nnd bath room, with plumbing In for connecting bath, city water, cement cellar, lino corner lot, with shade trees, one block from motor. Price $l.(i0"; easy terms, A bargain. 4-room house, with room to finish off 3 more rooms, city water, well, barn H'clR, 2 good lots, one block from Avenue A motor line Price $l.c(Hj. (!ood ti-room house near Northwestern depot, cellar, city water, cistern and large barn. Prlc e $J.:n. House of 7 large rooms and room for bath, 2 hulls, cellar, cistern, city water, stable, chicken bouse, fruit and shade trees, 2 lota. Price $1,500 If sold within a few days. $2iki down, balance monthly payments. New li-rooni house, three blocks from th' Methodist church, cement i filar, elhtcr.i, with pumii in kitcjien, well ami It y water, barn, all In good shape Pri-. $IX,o, $2Mi down, balance monthly pay ments. (i-room cottage. 5 blocks from P. O.. cement cellar, idstcrn, city water, cement walks, shade trees. Will sell with $jm down, balance monthly. 10-acro Irult farm 2 miles from P. o good 5-room house, well, cistern, bam. dilrkeii lioiiM', ik) benrlns cherry trees, apples, i.iKpberiles. blackberries, plums, g.iose berrlct-. currants ami a small vim var l Price 2,r. JOHNSTON KKIIH. Tel. 117. 511 Hroadwaj, Council Bluffs working In the Sibley gravel pit for the last Ihico weeks, lie hnd on his person Chicago correspondence from 291 ! Cottage Drove avenue, Chb ago vhii:i;t imui at pout noniii: i:ik l.nrne rnil of Mlnr Wltnesn the I ml nit rlii I mill I'lnrnl I'll riiilen. PHUT liolxii:, la.. Sept. S. - (Special Tel egram ) -h'ori Hodge has Jusl clnsid ono of the biggest street fairs ever held In this pan of Iowa. iThe jfalr hns been In progresi for the past Hire. r days and every day has witnessed n large crowd of visitors. Thursday wns Woodmen's day and aboui a thousand representative Woodmen from the surrounding cities were present. The last day of (he fair was given up to the Industrial parade nnd floral parnde Tho latter was arranged anil directed by Mrs. J. I". Buncombe nnd Is pronounced one of the finest exhibitions over seen In the west outside of Chicago. H Is estlmuted that twenty or thirty thousand people were in the city yesterday. is Rising PRICES And tho quality of our work should b of interest to you if your tooth are no in perfect condition It in at tors no. how little or how much you have to bo done, we will bo pleased to do it for you, and tho charges will bo very moderate. . ..Telephone 145. H. i. Woodbury, D. D. S-, Gounoll Bluffs. 30 Pearl St. Grand Hotel fiirins, clileUeii rnnelien. fruit ami liiislness proper!) In Council ItlufTn ldO-ncrcs Missouri bottom land, S miles ji city, $10 per acre. 210 acres nenr Pacific Junction, well Im proved, $40 per ncrc. 32Q acres In Silver Creek twp., $50 per acre; well Improved. 213 ncres fine bottom land In Bockford twp., $42 50 per ncrc; well Improved, list. jioviiY i.om:i ox l-WHMS AT Whlto Enameled Oven Doors Equal econ omy nnd best construction of nny range made Greene's a o. d. 336-338 Broadway iMioxi: nr.. We Want Your order. Wo don't sell cheap goods we sell good goods cheap. HIXTS TO JIOXHV MAKISIIS MONDAVI 10 iioiiniln (iriimiliiteil Snnr If 1.00 ir neeiinipmileil with '- nriler. in poiiuiU, iiltlinul order... ,f 1,00 While Heine Fnney I'oteiil Clour, rill-piiuiiil kiicL, itnr- rillited kiiiiiI UHa II o j a I n n t Ii I n k line r til d Mlmif until Wlieot I? I, OH 10 liiii'fi Siintn 4 'In nn Soil .... -T.e 11 luiri Itiiml.v Snap g,n f.'nlil DiiNt It ," iI.h, . . , , llnlk S(n cell .'I pooniln . Unfile Itlne Inrne linlfle. .Seen lilil iik: I.J c It eiinx . , . .sal Sndii. it poiiimIm f 'liifhc PI ni . ilnen... IOe -.11! ."le Hie re fin .Serublilnu llriiNhfh e I rn Inrsto mill roocI rlee rnnf eueli . . Corn .March, kiiihI, pound.. Vcnxt !'( in . pUu V fi i: 1 1 1 n Cxi rn e t f nn d n ril xlxe bottle Leiniin i:lrnel, xtiinilnril . . . . :i llnltlcN iiliuv e ti tle In -If Kin VI IIU CT. Siirlnu; ClilcLeiiM, ilrcnncil-- tspeelnll pound lie Sirloin Slent i- .-je I'ol terlio me, IipnI .ll'l-'Je llneon Oe .Suit I'nrU , , , , , Ne Give Us Your Order. We Will Do tfie Rest. OOHAMY THEATER SUNDAY, Sept. 9 (mo Niplii (Inly 1 Richard & Prnale're , Famous GEORGIA MINSTRELS iik; minhtiiki, itii.vttri v. no him i, hn Tun t im:us. (Jje5r(IC;'V(S2)(i) Result (i) Tell '' TIIK m:rc WANT ADS j PRO DUCK Kl'SUFrS. &&t)3)(i(I)(0()(S()(Vj