Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Wheat Breaks Badly Early, but Partially
Recovers Later in Session.
Onl Are Unll nnil Misnlntrly With
out Any firiMilntl p IMrrrt Pru
tlsliina Am Utile! mill tlnsler
irltli lltrcptlini tif Hllis.
CHICAflO, S'pl. fi -Wheat broke badly
early today, tint partliilly recovered Inter
on tht export business, October cIosIhk 4r
under yesterday. Corn closed ' up nnd
oats 'ie depressed. Provisions at th. close
worn tinchniiKcd to 10: lower.
The v)icat market opened steady under
the Influcncn of steady cables from Liver
pool. Spot opened ut 7.1V. Shortly nfter
th market touched 7le, this, however,
proved to be'the hUhcst price of the day.
Receipts, were heavy and there appeared
every prospects of tlielr ronllTltl.ini'e for
roinn time. There was a Rood demand on t -i.ide,
but It amount" to little alongside the
offering, wlileb soon begun piurlnK Into
the pit. LotlBS liquidated freely nnil thus
encouraged ioinr short hpIIIur. Not till
Octoher had humped tip iiK.ilnst "2S40 did
the tnno show any decided slns of Btlffen
Ins. 'J'lin decline was aeeompanled by
small reactlonH, hut these In no wise ills
concerted the bears. A Rood export de
mand wan hroiiRht out by the Hlump nnil
thin, toRpther with tho Inlluenre that nn
Influential trader had been buying under
"3c. caused anxiety nmotiR shorts nnd n
rally to 7SVfl734c followed. Tim close was
steady. October 'Ac under yesterday at
73c. Heaboard clearances In wheat and
flour were equal to .U0.0K1 bu. New York
reported 71 loads taken for export. Hales
here were 'J.i'Mi.ono bu. Primary receipts
URRreRuted I.2I7.0WI hi., cnmpanil with 1.
lr..fiOO bu. the corresponding day last year.
Minneapolis and Diilulh report r,ns cars,
against 313 last week and 7'W a year up.
Local receipts were ts:i cars, 21 of contract
trade. ,
Corn was unlet but llrm. and the tlrmness
was early In spite of wheat. Home cables
and Unlit country offorliiRS were the sus
taining factors. The trade was not a larRe
one The rank and lllo are not disposed
to run short on corn, despite rosy crop
Iirospeots, because they stand very much
u awn of the bull part at present credited
with belnR In control. Hecelpts here were
SIS cars. October sold between :is3,iMf3S'ic
nnd closed 'fee higher at 384r.
Onts ruled dull and absolutely barn of
any speculative Interest The absence of
tho usual early offerliiRS by receivers was
h noticeable feature at tho start October
sold between 2l21'4c, closing '8c down at
21Ve. Hecelpts wens 413 cars.
Provisions were quiet and easier, with the
exception of short ribs. The ensh demand
was Htlll In excellent working order, bit
throughout tho session there was a mod
erate nmount of liquidation by Kngllsh us
well ns home interests and the shortn
pounded the market some In nn effort to
depreciate nearby deals. The excess ol hog
receipts over the estimate nnd nn ensler
market nt tho yards had a depressing ef
fect on tho provisions mnrket. October
porlc sold between Sin.SVhlO.'.fi'.i and dosed
lnc lower nt $10.00; October lard between
is fiililif. 10. clnslnc
losing 7Viinc uowii iii 'M)'(i
6.07W, and October ribs, between J7
l(V tttM nlrttm tinehnnired nt $7.10.
Kstlmated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 370
ears; corn. 310 cars; oats, 315 cars, hogs,
18,000 head. , ,
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Artlcles.Open. I HIrIi.I Low. ICIosc.l Yest'y.
i I
73Hm 734 724 73 731ffi4
flX 74 721 73V 73,
"IHWi 71 V, 73 7141 it
39fl4 39 .Will, 39 M
3S&"4 3SVH4 & 3841 38
31 ;:; 35 35!, 35
SO'; 21 207;, 21 2Hl4
2Pi 21, 51 Vi 214 21
21411 HI 21'il 2l42U4fl
I 1
10 75 10 S24 10 75 I 10 S24 10 90
10 !74 10 !I74 10 8.1 10 ti 11 00
11 1741 11 174 II "24! 11 W 11 20
70 I fi 70 f. l!24 " f'24 B 724
fi 70 I li 70 ti fit I. I"i74 fi 75
G 474 M fi -2V4 C 45 fi Hi
' 7 SI " : 7 25 I 7 25 7 30
7 0741 7 10 7 OS I 7 10 7 10
5 874, 5 8741 C S24I 5 85 r' w
No. 2.
fash nuotatlons were ns follows:
KLOt'It Steadv: winter patents. $3.80t?
4.(i0; stralnhts. $3.10i3.70; clears, $3.10it'i.r.'t;
spring special. J4.4Wi l.f.0; patents, 3.6"1iUO;
bakers. J2.204r2.75.
WIIKAT-No. 3. C91i714": N"- - "pl. ".H
CORN No. 2. 39Vil0c; N". - yellow, 3S54iJt
OATS-No. 2. 2Ki.fi22c; No. 2 while, 21c;
No. 3 white. 22M(2l4c.
nAKLKY-tiood teedlng, 3D4e; fair to
Choice malting. IfiifflSe.
8KKDS No. 1 (lax. $1.15: No. 1 northwest
rrn, $l.lfl.l"; prime timothy. $3.!C; clover,
Lontract grade. $:i.25'i(!t.50.
PI tO VISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. $I0.S5
Fi 10.90. Lard, per 100 lbs., $ii,674$ii.7U. Short
libs sides tlooso), $7 loiit .'. 10. Dry salted
shoulders (boxedi. JR.'STVsli 0.02 b. Short clear
sides (boxed). $7.05("7.75.
WIIISKY-basIs of high wines, $1,214.
SI'OAHS-Cut loaf, $l!.G0; Rianulatcd, 50.10.
The followhiR are the receipts nnd ship
ments of the irlnclpal products:
iieccipiH. niiipineoi
Flour, bbls
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu Ml.tW
O.its, bu 353,000
live, bu 5,000
Hurley, bu 3.l,ooo
On the Produce exchange today the but'
ter market wan llrm; creameries, lS4"f2Hc
dairies. It'll ISc. Cheese, sti ady, l'"i5Jll4c
Kggs, llrm, fresh, 141 15c.
Ki:V VOItK (illM'.ltVI.
(tiiotntlonn for the Mil) on Various
( IIIIIOlOlllllCH.
NKW YOHIC, Seept. fi - KLOrU-Ue-celpis,
30,'J3I bbls.; exports, 21,751 bbls.;
sales, 8,200 pkgs. ; market was ruther quiet
nnd barely steady; Minnesota patents,
$l.00ff I.3U; winter patents. $3.75(u4.(Xi; winter
straights. $3.Mift3.fifl; winter extras, $2.7010
r. d0; Minnesota bakers, 42.S5ii3.25: winter
low grades, $2. 10ii2.l5. ltye Hour 'lllet;
sales, 350 bbls.; fair to Rood. $3.00)13.25;
choice to fancy. $3.W&
COJlN.MKAl.r-Stenily; yellow western,
8Se; city. 87Sic; Ilraniiywlne. $!.45(Ti2..V..
IIYH Dull; No. I! western. Wc f. o. h..
nlloat; state rye. 52(ij53c. c. I. f . New York.
IIA11LKY -Steady; feeding. 42 13c c. I. f.,
New York; malting, t04rrf'"'e. c. I. f.. Ilia f
fnlo. ItAHLIIY MALT -Dull; western. fi."nfi!e.
W1IKAT- Hecelpts. 101.050 bu. ; exports,
16.020 bu.; sales, 1,125,000 bu. f Mures. IOo.wm
bu. export. Spot easy; No. 2 red. 7t)4 "
b, ti limit; No. 2 red. 77c; elevator. No. 1
northern, Puliith, 82c f. o.b., alloai; No. t
hard. IJuluth. Nfi'4c f. o. b., atloat. options,
niter a st .id! opening, declined rapidly
under renew d liquidation, lower cables
and weakness. An afternoon
nillv on export business was followed by
later weakness under realizing, cloied
weak lit ll-e net decline March closed
Mav v'Vijs:iV closed S2c; September,
77''i78lc, closed 7Sc; October. 7S'-.'(Ti "S'e,
closed 7S;c; Oecembcr, 79'hSO',c, closed
SOi ic
COHN-Hecelpts. 5S.500 bu.: exorts, 1S2.
629 bu.; sal"S. 170.000 bu. futures, , bi.
export. Spot, steady. No. .'. I.Vc f. o b..
nflont and 4lsic elevator. Options, market
was generally steady most of the day on
moderate covering, steadiness nbroml nnd
export rumors. Finally eased off with
wheat and closed weak at 4c net decline
Mav, 404(5 404c closed 40tc; September,
4t'1illif444c, closed 44V: llecember, 404'a
40 11-10.'. closed 404c.
OATS--Hecclpts. 114,800 bu.; exports. 159,
004 bi.; sales. i5.(HK) bu. spot. Spot, easier;
No 2. 25c; No. 3. 244c; No. 2 white. 204U
27e; No. 3 white. 254U2fic; track, mixed
western, 2f.')2fe; track, white western. 25'if
S3e; track, white state, 2.Va33e. Optlonn
t.ow and easy.
HAY null: shlpplllR, .24'ile'e; good to
choke. S5'ij90o.
HOPS-Qiilet; state, common to choice,
1899 crop,; old, Mi So; Paclllc, I!M crop,
lOH 13c; old. 20(5c.
Hll)i:s I'lrm; (Inlvestou. 21 to 25 lbs.. 18U
23c; Cnllfornla. 21 to 25 lbs.. lS4c; Texas,
dry. 21 to 30 lbs., 134e.
l.KATHKH Firm; hemlock sole, Hnenos
Avres. light to heavy weights, 2241i2;s4c;
ncld, 22451234c.
WOOL-Pnll; domestic fleece, 2.VrtISo;
Texas, lS'liliic.
PHOVISIONS-Heef, dull: family. $10.00(5
11.50; mess, 9.(V(in.M; beef hams. $20.50rt
21 W, packet, JtO.rtXf 11.00; city, India mess,
$bi.0iVfi 20.00. Cut incits, steady: pickled bel
lies, 11.00; pickled shoulders. $6.WW
8.75; pickled hams. $lo.nofi 10.75. Lard, dull;
western steamed, 17 X. August closed
at $7.10; No. 7. nominal, refined, quiet; con
tinent. $7.30; South America, $S; compound.
$i.ncii0..l24. Pork, quiet: family, $15.00J
15.75- short clear, $13.2511 13.50. mess, $12.00
I'OTATOICS-Uull; Jerseys, $l.(KMil.2i; New
York. $l.2Mil.M; Long Island, $1.124(1M.
TALLOW Quiet; city ($2.00 per pkg.),
4 7-16e, county (pkgs, freel, 441i4C.
SUTTER-Rccelpts, 4,513 pkgi.: barely
steadv. creamer. l?4f22c, June creamery.
2')rn.U . fnctorv, iili
I'HUBHK- Hereq.ts. 8.32S pkgs.! firm;
large, whltr. 104 . small, white. 10flpi',e,
larte. colored. lOMfloijc, small, colored.
im4tf tn-V-
I'.OH.S Hr-eipts. 7.7.W pkes. ; western,
regular packing nt mnrk, 10fl5c; western,
loss off, J7fitc
MKTALS The Iron market was rather
easy and leading downward Northern No
1 nnd 2 foiindrj ivas Wtc lower on asking
rates, while Hessemer pig In Pittsburg sold
at $14 f). representing n decline of $1 per
ton. Tin In London declined los and eased
off some 20 points here, closing ensy at
$3" 7)p :n 70 Copper declined 5s abroad, but
was tinner and 4c higher locally, closing
at JIB. 7" Lend nnd speller were dull and
unchanged at $4.37494 071i (.124 respec
tliely. The brokers' price for lead ws
$!.' and for copper $10.75.
Couilllloii of Trndr nnd (Inolntlons nn
fnpl' mill l.'nncj- Prodiipi'.
KfHIS Hecelpts llhernl; good stock firm
LIVK J'OfLTHY-Ilcns. 7f74e; roosters,
necordlnf 'o 1. ge at.q sire. 377 Ic ; sprtn,-?
chlckptis, 9'ci94c, ducks, 4ff5c; geese, IT5c;
turkeys. 8c
fOc; roo.iteri, hliCc; ducks and geese. Mi
10c; broilers, per lb.. 127124": turkeys, 124o
ltrTTHH-Common to fair, 134c; choice,
loftlfic; separntor, 20c; gathered creamery,
iv ;i 10.
FISH Trout. I0e; bluensh. 9r : pickerel,
8c cntnh. l?e. dreMSPcl buffalo. 6c: white
fish. 10c: herring. 5c; black bar, loc, sil
inon. 13c; white bass, ; cropple, 10e;
Pike. 10c; halibut. 1U-; liulitiertj. tr; rlim
perch fie: lobsters green. 22e: boiled lnb
ster. 25c, mnckcrel, 2ic; codllsh, 10c; yellow
perch, fie.
I'MlHSIt OYRTHHS-rirst Rrade. sr,1,l
packed. New York counts, per can. 40c;
extra selects. 35e; standards. 30c. Second
grade, slack filled. New York counts, per
can, 30e; extra selects, 21c; stnndards, 21c.
I'lonoNS -Live, per dozen, Mc.
VKALS-Cholee. f.JilOr.
HAY Prices quoted hv Omaha Wholesale
Hay Healers' association: Choice upland,
;sr,0; Nn. 1 upland, $S: medium. $7; coarse.
$fi.0O; rye straw. $... These prices are for
hnv of good color nnd quality. Hecelpts C
cars; demand fair, prices weak.
OATS-No. 3 white, 2fic.
COHN-No. 3, 3Sc.
crCf.MUKHS-IVr dozen. 2f23e.
NIIW TI I!NIPS-Per bushel basket, n!.
NKW ni:r,TS Per dozen bunches. 15?j'-'0
NKW CHHOTS-Per dozen nlinches. 25c.
I.KTTI'I'I'.- T'or ilnun infilRn
HAHISIIKS Home grown, per dozen, 15c.4
III.MVU U'hw I...U I...-U-1 t 1..
',,'..' ' " . i" 1 null ininiii'i ii.iiMji.
40c. string, 35c
POTATOKS -Per bushel. p50c; sweet
potatoes, per pound, 2c.
CAHHAOK - Home grown, per pound, IV.
CAI'LHM.OWKH -Per dozen. $1-
TOMATOKS -Homo grown, per half
bushel basket. 10c
ONIONS -Home grown, per bu., WtlMc.
CKLKH Y Nebra ska. 30,i 40c.
PKACHKS-Cnlltornla freestones. 90c;
clings. SOc.
PLI'.MS California, per crate, St.lOni 23.
PIirNHS -rtnh and Colorado, per crate.
$1; per box. itte
HAHTLKTT PKAHS Per box, $I.75T?2.00;
others, Jl 5iK(l 75
(SHAPKS -California Tokays. 4.biskt
crate. $1 50; Concords, home grown. 171119c.
WATKHMRLONS-As to size 2i325e en n.
CANTALOI'PK Gem, per dozen, 40J ic;
largo sizes. fiOf75c.
A PPLKS Native, 75c$! per bu : per
Mil, $2 50f(3OO. Crab apples, per bbl., S3.
OHANOKS-Valenclns, S1.2SWI.7S.
LK.MONS-C.illfornla. extra fancy. $5.75;
choice. J.1.00W5.25.
HANANAS Per bunch, according to size,
$2.(0'! 2.75.
NL'TS Hli'kory, large, per bu., $1.25;
shellbarks. Sl.33; KnglNh walnuts, per lb..
12013c: tllberts, per lb.. 12c: nlmonds. p r
lb., llfilfic; raw, per lb., 54tiGc; ro.isted,
HinKS No. 1 green hides. 6c; No. 2 green
hides, 5c: No. 1 salted hides. ti4c; No. 2
salted hides, 54c; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12
lbs.. 7c; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs.. Cc.
St. I.iiiiU ; rn I n uml Provisions.
ST. LoriS. Sept. 6.-WlIKAT-Lower:
No. 2 red. cash, elevator, 71c; track, 721i73c,
September. 71c; October, 714Ti72c; Decem
ber, 734ii73V. No. 2 hnrd, f.S4c
COHN Firm; No. 2 cash. 39c; track, 40fl
404e; Setember. ."S4e, October, 304a: De
cember. 324S:i3c; year. 32V.
OATS-lllghcr; No. 2 cash. 21c; track,
21M224e. September. 214c: December,
224c; May. 21c; No. 2 white. 25fi2S4c.
HYK-Illghcr: 51c.
SKKDS-Tlmoth.1. scarce and firm; '.1.25
bid for prime spot, with average receipts
quotable nt J3.50I! Flax, lower, $1.15.
COHNMKAI, Stendy, X2.00'. 2.05.
HHAN-Steady ; sact'ed, east truck, fic
HAY Timothy, steady: fS.O'ii il,30: prnlrlo
llrm; $7.0ii8.(i.
WHISKY -Steady. $1.24
MKTALS Lead, quiet : $1,324. Spelter,
lower; $.1.95.
POl'LTHY Steady ; chickens, 7c; young,
S4c; turkeys. 7'TiSe; young, 11c; ducks, Cc;
young. 7c; geese. 14c; young, fif64c
lXiOS Lower; 12c.
ltrTTKH-Stcady; creamery, lSfl22c;
dairy, 15iil7e.
HAOfllNO-SS 10418.85.
PHOVISIONS-Pork, firm; Jobbing. S12.5t:
lard, lower; cholc, $0,024. Dry salt meats
(boxedi higher, extra horts. $7.5o; cleir
ribs. $7,024. clear sldos. $7 75. Hacnn
(biixcdi, higher; extra shorts, $S.124; clear
ribs. $S.25. clear sld"s. Ss.37'...
HKCKIPTS-I'lour. S.OOo bbls. ; wheat, 10:,.
) bu. : corn, 42,too bu.; roi.i, ro.(X0 bu.
SIUP.MKNTS-Flour, fi.(0 bbls: wheat.
fifi.OOO bu.; ("irn, I6,00i) bu.; oats, 12,000 bu.
Iwiiiniim ( Itj (irnln nnd I'rovlslons.
cember, 75lVf(7fic: cash, No. 2 hard, filfifil'.ic;
No. 3. GJfiCIc; No. 2 red, 07WC94c; No. 3,
COHN-Scptember, 357,c; December. .T-'c;
May, 334c; cash. No. 2 mixed. 304f(i37c; No.
2 white. 374c: No. 3, 37c.
OATS-No. 2 white, 25K.fi2fic.
HYKNo. : 4c.
HAY-Cholce timothy, $10.00; choice
prairie. $7.iiti7.50.
UCTTKH-Creamery. 18Ti20c; fnncv dalrv,
KCifiS Sleady ; fresh Mlmurl and Kan
sas slock. 12c dnz. loss off, ease? returifd;
new white wood cases Included, ' more.
HKCKIPTS-Wheat. I22.H1 bu.;"corn, 2.1,
3i hit. ; oatr,, 9.01 bu.
SI II PMHNTS -Wheat. 322.2O0 bu.; corn,
11.300 bu.
t.Ucrnool Cralil MnrUet,
dull: No. 2 red western winter, (Is; No 1
northern spring. tN 34d; No. 1 California,
(is 44l$its fid; futuie. ensy; Peptrmber,
5s 114d: liecembei, lis 14d
COHN Spot, nulit: American mixed,
nrw, 4s 7d; American mlvel. old u 24 1:
lutures. quiet: October, 4h I'i'L November,
4s 14d; December. Is l&d.
PHoVISIONS Lard, American refined,
37s 3d, prime western, steady, 35s HI. Hams,
sb irt cm, dull, Ins (id. Hncon, Cumberland
cut, llrm. 13s.
I'lillnilelplilii Produce Mtirkrl.
PIllLADKLPHIA. Sept. fi.-HI'TTKH-Flrm:
fancy western creamery. 22c; fancy
western prints, 23c.
IHK1S Finn : good demand: fresh nearby
and western. !74". fresh sotnhwcstern, lfio;
fresh souther", 15c.
CIII'.F.SK- Dull: New York full creams,
faii''y .-"".ill. 104c; New York fair to
choice, 94f.'0i
Tnlcdn Market.
TOLKDO. O.. Sen O.-WII KAT Hull,
lower: spol and Septrniber, 75'iC; Octob'T,
7fi4c: Dei ember. 7SV.
COHN Dull, higher: No. 2 cash and Sep
tember. 114"': December. DUc
OATS- Dull, unchanged; No. 2 cash, 22c; 22c; December. 1.2V.
HYH Dull, lower; No. -' ensh, C14c.
Dnlnlli Whcnt Market.
Dl'Ll'TH. S.!)t. 6. W 1 1 K AT No. 1 hard,
cash. 7"4e; September, 774e: December.
774c; No. 1 northern, 754e; September, 75'ie;
December. 75'e; No. 2 northern, 714e; No.
3 spring. (yt.i
I'eorln Mnrket.
PKOHIA. Sept. (i.-CORN-Steady; No. 2,
" OATS- Kasy : No. 2 white. 224e, billed
WHISKY-Ou the basis of $1.24 for flu
Ishcd goods.
MllirnnUrr C. nil 11 Slnrhet.
MILWAl'KKK. Sept. 6. WH KAT Lower;
No. 1 northern. 754c; No. 3 northern, 734fj)
HYK Lower: No. 1. 53c.
11AHLKY Firm; No. 2, 51c; sample. 41W
Mliiuenpolls When nnil Flour.
MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. fi WHKAT -Seo-temher,
72V: December. 73T.5t74c; oil traeK,
No. 1 hard, 754c; No. 1 northern, 724c; No.
2 northern, 724c.
Coffer .Mnrkrt,
NKW YORK. Sept. ti.-COFFKK-Spot,
Rio, easy; No. 7 invoice, SV. Mild, quiet;
Cordova. 9fol4c. Tile market for coffco
futures opened steady nt 6 points decline
and ruled Inactive and easy, showing a net
loss of 5 points at wenkest under lower
European cables, fair new crop movement,
stuck snot demand and continued ubsencn
of speculative support. The market later
milieu on nnai reaction in iinvro ana mcai
buying and closed Arm, with prices &U1J
points net higher Tolal sates, 2?.5oo bags
Iniludlig Si(ttrmber at JTuS O. tnbrr,
S7 10. $7 15, December, $7.25-47 35,
March. T I"fi7 5, May, t7.5ofj 7.OT.
MnrKet I llrmj mill ittth No lntlirr
if linpiirtiinee.
NRW YORK, Aug. 6. The hopes nroucl
by jesti tdux Intrt.ise Ir buslnes that .1
period of more active trading In st .eki
whs at hand, wpip dlsappolntpil today. The
stock market ag.iln liecamu an unimportant
affair nnd offered little of Interest as com
mentary on general n millions 01 events.
I'Ondon In particular ,'enened lt attltu p
or IndllTereiiep toward Annrlcnti n'curltl.-s
and biiyltiR for tint account in New York
n il back to Itnlgnltlcant rroporth n. TnN
served to illsmuragp the local tr.iuer. who
bnseil some of their buying yestTdav .111
th bono that the London demand would
take thi!r holdings off their hands. A
hardening of the discount rate In Lntid ut
had something to do with the setluck to
the Mock market. The wreklv statement
for the bank of England dlscloes that the
easy tone or the open money market Is not
viewed with fnvr.r bv the authorities of
tho bank. The market re 'Uperatlon In the
proportion of the bank's reserve Is due not
only to receipts of gold and repayments
of loans to tho bank, the extent of ..ver
$3.000,! ) In each cise. but nlro to the bank's
extensive operation to rontrol the open
market, dls''lo.ed by the necreaso of JM,
I'ki.iko in the Item of government securities,
which Is equivalent to berrowing tn'it
amount from the open tnntke Such 11
policy on the part of the of England
Is regarded as an Index of the belief of its
governors that the prevailing ease of money
will not last long. The rise in the discount
rate at Herlln and the fall there of sterling
exchange were aIo Ini'lil-nts of the daw
The fall In sterling exchange nt New York
was attributed to tho Increased volume of
bills offered.
The tebuff given by Loudon to the N 'W
York bulls was empnaslZ"d bv the woik
ness of the anthracite coalers, which de
clined on the ultimatum offered by the
operators to tho miners and the
thereby cnued of 11 strike. Reading tlrst
preferred. New Jersey Central, Delaware
and Hudson and Pent In. were down during
tho day from i to IV with some sube
quent recovery. Ontario and Western was
an exception and was llrm on the strong
statement of the year" a Income Tho steel
stocks were heavy as a rule, apparently on
the refusal of the trunk lines to grant a
rediuilon In freights from Pittsburg. Col.
orado Fuel was an exception 011 the hexvv
Increase In net earnings teporteil for Julv
over those of a year ago. The continued
decline In the prl. es of Iron nlso affected
the group The bears were disposed to let
People's Has and llrooklyn Transit alone,
mindful of their recent unpleasant ex
perience with Sugar. Whe:-' there wis any
demand developed there was a slgnlfl'-vit
scarcity of offerings nn.l price ndvun el
easily. This was notable In Southern Rail
way preferred, which was advanced f.'oni
524 to 55. The buying of this stock was nt.
tributed to the high price of cotton, which
Is a direct benellt to the Southern railway.
Southern Pacific was well absorbed on
tho denial of reports of frlrtlon among
Insiders. The list ns a whole hung heavy
and neglected throughout tho day. Kanas
Cltv Southern bonds were active and te.
nctlnnary. Otherwise the bond market was
dull nnd Irregular. Total sales, par value,
I'nlted SUtes refunding 2s whoh Issuo.l
were 4 above the bid price ot vesterdav.
The Commercial Advertiser's London
financial cablegram says: The tone con
tinued llrm In the markets hero today, but
business was not much Increased nnd there
was nn feature. Americans opened firm.
New York selling brought a reaction, but
there was a partial recovery In the street
due to continued buying for country cus
tomers, especially of Southern Railway se
curities. Discounts were ngaln tinner. Sil
ver touched 284 on Loudon mint buying,
closing ensler on free offerings from Amer
ica. Following are the closing prices on tho
New York Stock exchange:
do pfd
llnltlmorr' A- Ohio
Canadian Paclllc.
Canada So
("lies. & Ohio ....
Chlciifo O. W
C. II. & 1
C. Intl. & I,
do pfd
(111. n III
('. A N. W
('.. H. I. .1- P
". ('. ". it. L.
Colorado So
do tut pfd
do 2d pfd
Del. A- Hudson...
Del I. ft V
lner A. H. O...
do pfd
do lt pfd
at. Nor. pfd
llncktng C'
Hocking Valley .,
Illinois Central ...
Iowa Central
do pfd
Like Ilrle ,fc W...
do pfd
l.ike Shore
I, ft N
Manhattan I.
Met. St. Ity
Mexican Central .
Minn ft Si. I.
do pfd
Mo. I'urllle
Mobile ft Ohio ...
M.. K. ft T
do pfd
N. J. Central
N. Y. Central
Nr. r folk ft W
do pfd....:
No. I'ai'llU'
do pfd
Ontario ft W
Ore. Uy. ft Nav .,
do pfd
do 1st pfd ,
do !d pfd
Itlo C). W
do pfd
St. I. ft S. C
do 1st pfd
do Id pfd
St. 1. Sonthn
do pfd
St. Paul
do pfd
SI. P ft Oninlia...
So. Pacllli'
So. Uillwny
dn pfd
. !Ji; Tetss & P.iclna ..
. 714 t'nloii I'a 'Itlo ....
. 72',' do pfd
. M i Wabash
. 4341 do pfd
. 2SVWIiel. ft L. TJ...
. 104' do SJ pfd
.l.'5t Wis. Central
. 23 ITlilnl Avenue ....
. 574' Adams i:x
.. 9!i' American Bx
.IBS C S. Ilx
..lrnVWells-Furxo ICx..
. 69i. Aimr. Cot. Oil...
. 6 do pfd
. 41 Amer. Malting ...
. PI do pfd
.1114 A S. ft....
.17(54 ' t'fil
,. I9ij Am-r Spirits ....
. K"7i 'In pfd
,. 11 Ainer. H. Hoop ..
. M do pf.l
.113 Aiiit. .1. Y....
. 154 do pM
. 341, Amor. Tin Plate..
.11(53; , do pfd
. ISHiAmer. Tobacco ...
. 144
. 67.
. 74
,. 74
. IS
. SV
. 2Z
. 13
. 45
. .134
. SI
. 44
. 24
. M
. 89
. I'
. 17
. 114
. (17
. W,
. :s
. so
,. 914
. 454
. 534
. 3i
. 26
. 7S
. 314
. 67
. s:
. 9T;
. (W't
. 71
,. 3.14
. 85
. 17',
. SSl,
. 2G4
. 15
. 544
. 8.)
. CI 4
. 11
. !I2
. 39
. 72
. 5
.. C9S
. 114
,. 634
. 294
. 9
. 74
.. (4
.14 no pro
"1 'Anno M
?i 'Anae. Mln Co
. 9.14 Itrooklyn It. T....
.W) Cn!o. ni.'l ft I.,..
. 724 .Con. Tohaeco ....
. 9J do pfd
.ir,14'ldenil Stetl
. 1141 do pfd
. .v. jOn. Ulectrlc
. sjij Olncose ainrar ...
. Bl, do pfd
. 35 Inter. Paper
. 10 du pfd
. ;it I,aceie tlas
.132IJ Notional Illscult .
.ir.1 I do pfd
. W, National Lad ...
. 7(14 do pfd
. M!i N'atlonnl Steel ...
. 71 U1 do pfd
. 214 N. Y. Air Ilrnke.
. 42 I No. American
. 7(5 Pacific Coast ....
,.1214, do 1st pfd
,. 164 do 2d pfd
. Sip j Pacific Mall
. 2 People's (las
. .-,4 , P --1 S. Car....
. M do pfd
. 10 Pullman I. Car..
. 07 IS. It. ft T
. 334 Sugar
. 124 1 do prd
. WiJ.Tenn. Coal ft I...
.1144 f. S. L-atlier ....
.173 do pM
.112 C. S. Rubber ....
. 244 1 do pfd
. 1!'i Western Cnlon ..
. 544' P- C C. ft St. L.
mv Vurl. Mouoy Morlict.
NKW YORK. Sept. li.-MONHY-On call,
steady ut 14ft U6 per cent; last loan, 14 per
cent; prime mercantllo paper, 4fi54 per
STKRLINO KXCHANCli-Wenk, with ac
tual business In bankers' bills nt $1.87 for
demand and nt $1.S34 for sixty days; posted
rates. $1,81414.85 and SI.SRfM.SSli; commer
cial bills. Sl.SJWi I.KIti,.
SILVFR Ccrtlllcates. OJVifiKIHc; bar,
C24c; Mexican dollars, 4S,c.
HONDS (iovernment. strong; state, In
active; railroad. Irregular.
Tho dosing prices on bonds today arc as
!'. S. ref. 2s, rep.
do cnupoa
do 3s, re:
do coupon
do new 4s, reg..
do coupon
do old Is, rrg....
do coupon
do 5s, reg
U. of C. 3 fi."s
Ati'h, Rcnernl Is...
do adj. Is
Canada So. 'is
Chcs. ft O. 44s....
do 5s...'
C. ft N. W. e 7.,
do S. P. deb. 5s
Chicago Ter. 4....
Colorado So. 4s....
I), ft It. (1. ts
dn ts
Ki'le general 4s
l. W. ft V. C. Is.
lien. Hlerlil ...
la. Central Is
I, ft N. unl. 41....
M . K ft T. 2s....
do Is .jj
When lssuen.
.P-JVilN. Y c. Is
.Uiji, N. .1. c. Ron.
.1.9 No. railllc 3s
.1094 do Is
.131 N Y. C ft St I, 4i,
.1334 ,V ft W. ron. 4...
Ill Orrgnn Nav. Is.,,
.US do 4s
.11!, O eaon I,. ((...
.11J4 do cnniol Si
.in Rending gen. 4s...
.101 lllo O. V. is
. s34 St I, ft 1 M c. s,,
.106 SI I, ft S C ir. Cs.
. 94'i St. P. consols
1" St. ! , ('. ft p. J,,
Hi do .-.
IK So. 1'aclllc 41
. M So Hallway 5s
S. It ft "P. (!
.1C24 Tex. ft Parlllc lg.
. M do 2.1
. C34. Cnlon I'acinc 4s...
. 724W.ib.u'li Is
116 do 2s
.113 West Shore 4s
. M' Wis central 4...
. iVPs Va. Centuries
. 92'5
. 051,
. 971,
. 84
. 99
. 7S4
. w,
. m,
rv lurk Mining tock,
NKW YORK. Sept. il.-The following aro
the closing quotations for mining shares
Chollar 1$ ,Ontarlo v,o
Cron Point 11 Ophlr 42
Con. Cal ft Ya 110 Plymouth 10
Deadnood 10 IJiilrkulU er l.',u
Could ft Currle 11 do pf.l :o
Hale ft Norcrnn .. .'il Sierra Nowula 2
Homesuke '.000 Sian'aid 375
lion Sliver 'I l'nlnn Con 11
Mexlr.m .jj . 22 Yellow Jacket If
1'liiuiif Inl oles.
ST. LOIMS. Mo. Sent, fi -Clearings. $5
G.0lt: balances. $717,281 Money. Hi7 p-r
cent. New York exchange, SOc discount bid,
20c discount asked.
CINCINNATI. Sept. G.-Cleartngs. $2,5C,!,
fk'fl. New York exchange, KHiJOc discount.
Money, 3&il per cent.
NKW YORK. Sept C.-Kxc hallges. $11?.
573.813: balances, $7,(il0.2O
HOSTON. Sept. S.-Kxchanges, SRTM.Odi:
balances, $l,Mi..s;i
HALTIMOHK. Sent. 6.-ClearlngH. $301..
618: balances. $384.0t;9.
PIllLADKLPHIA. Sent. 6,-CIcarlngs, $13,.
WJ.fJvl, balances. S.VUO.ino
CHICAGO, Sept. i.-Clcarlnwa, 23,WS,V33;
b.ilnnces $1 5t(! (V14 Posted exchange, $4 S
ii 4 st'. New York ex- hanse, r.f'c discount.
lloaton SlocU (tuitiitloiiH,
HOSTON, Sept. t;.--Cnll loatis, 2fl3 per
per cent; time loans, S'tttti per cent. Official
A , T. ft F. . .,
do .fd
Am.-r. Suar ....
do pfd
lieu Telephone ,
I lost on CleMied ft Maine.
c . II ft Q
ltnlnlon I'onl .
do pfd
Federal Steel ...
di. pfd
Pit. hhurr pfd ...
Uener.ll HlerlHe
1M. Klertrle HI .
Mexli an Central
tleh. Telephone
N K. n ft. c...
old Colony
Old Dominion ....
Union 1'aelfle ... ,
.. S8H
. 71
. 31',
. i
. 13
. 29'
. .74"
West Knd
Westlneli Ktertrtr
Atehlon 4i
Adventure ..
Allouei Mln Co..
Amsl. copper .. .,
Itmton ft Mont ...
Untie ft llnston ...
Cal ft Heola
Smta Fe Copper....
t'tah Mining
Loudon Stork lnotntlon.
LONDON. Sept. 0.-4 p. m.-Closltig:
Cons , money
do account
. ...' 7-16 IS-le 114
..9 11-16 do 1st pfd 354
i, Pennsylvania 654
Canadian Pacific
St. Paul
Illinois central .
I ul ill"
I'nlon I'a.'. pfd.,
N V. Central ...
.. 1124 Heading Si
. 1174 No. Purine pfd.. .. 13',
. .120 drand Trunk 6
. 74S Anaconda 04
.. 7S4Ilanit Mines 404
. 131 I
SILVKR-Hnr. steady; LHlid per ounce
MONKY 3 per tent.
I'o reign I'lnnnclnl.
LONDON, Sept (..The weekly statement
of the Hank ot Knglnnd shows the follow
ing changes:
Total teserve. Increase, 42fi,oOO; circula
tion, Increase, 270.000, bullion. Increase,
CM.531; other securities, decrease. i:6.'.5.oi);
other deposits, decrease, 311,000; public
deposits, dectease. i'2.3,o.i5,000; notes receiva
ble, 477,(iOO: government securities, do
orcase, 2,2P8.0(s.
The proportion of the Hank of Knglnnd's
reserve to liability Is 50.89 per cent. Last
week It was 47.3 per cent. Rate of ills
count unchanged at 4 per cent. Short bills,
34. three months' bills, 34$ll16. Har sil
ver steadv at 27-d per ounce
Tho money market was a shade harder
today owing to renewed operations by the
Tank of Kngland to establish an Improve
ment In rates. On the stock exchange tho
loitdinc departments showed a cheerful
ti 'ie. Hot prise was expressed at the firm
ness displayed In view of the smallness of
the am.'int of I uslness Silence succeeded
vc.i'.'ni.y's show lnc; and the public wns
npalhelle. Home railroads were tinner,
'irout F.istern Improved sharply, and Mid
lands n-id Southeasterns were strong, bears
nervously repurchasing, as there is much
scarcity of stock
Amerlcnn securities were Irregular In re
spouse to the tone of Wnll street. They
opeiH'l abovi on h parity, but there was
no business done, operators not being
pleased with New York's reception of the
returns from the election In Vermont. An
Increase in activity In the American de
partment Is not expected until the political
outlook In America. Is more definite. Chosa
penke A ohlos were In demand on fa
vorable dividend estimates. There were a
few realizations of Orand Trunks. l4fllr.4
hardened and were fairly active, mostly on
pioicsslonal trading and later thuy lluctu-'led-
PARIS, Sept. fi -The weekly statement of
th.. Hank of France fhows the following
.Miies. Increase o,700,000 francs; trenHiiry
accounts, current. decrease, Ho.jui.ww
francs; gold In hnnd, decrease H50.000
frjncs; bills dlsco'inted, decrease. 135,573,0W)
francs; silver In hand, decrease iu.wkj
francs. Huslness was more active and
prices were maintained at the opening ol
the bour3e today, but later, on realizations,
prices were easier. Toward the close they
recovered. Spanish Is u"d Hrnzllluns were
less favorable Inclined. Hlo tlntos were In
active. De Heers wer n stroiif demand
and kafllrs were In good demand, hut
closed quiet Three per cent rentes, lulf 10c
for tho account. Kxchange on Ixindon. 28f
10c for checks. Spanish 4s olosed 73.5U.
RKRLIN, Sept. B.-Prlces on the bourse
today were irrcsujnr. Amerlcnns were
m.iinta'ued. Canadian Pncltlcs wore. dull.
Chinese securities reacted nnd mines were
weak on unsatisfactory manufacturing re
ports clnslnu nt a slight recovery. Ex
change on London, 20 marks, 474 pfg. for
1 hecKS. Discount rules, short bills, 34 per
tent; tluec months' bills, 14 per cent.
Condition of the Treasury.
WASIIINCiTON. Sept. 15. Today's state
ment of the treasury balances In the gen
eral fund, exclusive of tho $150,000,000 gold
reserve in tho division of redemption,
shows: Available cash balance, $134,161,248;
gold, $158,337,144.
Cotton MnrUet,
scarcity of cotton In Llvorpool continues to
keep bull sentiment In nil speculative mar
kets ut fever point nqd today advanced
prices In truly sensational form. Ah for the
local market the rise since tho movement
set In on Tuesday morning has reached
nearly loo points, with no sign of the cul
minating point having been touched. On
almost every hnnd were to be seen evi
dences of the desperate situation In which
foreign spinners llnd themselves. The mar
ket opened strong, excited and very active,
with September up X points and other
months 2KC22 points higher. Hefore noon
Roveral violent changes occurred, the mar
ket easing off 11 points nt 11:30 n. m., but
ngaln hardening still later on, when 11 wild
scramble of outside shorts for cover en
sued. Kurope and the mmiUi wore by far
the heaviest purchasers throughout the ses
sion, though the public bought large blocks
of October and January delivery. Wall
street sola out long stuff heavily around
the opening In the belief that the market
had reached the turning point, but this
hnme Interest later becume ono of the mar
ket's most enthusiastic supporters. The
bull movement derived Its source chiefly
from remarkably strong Liverpool cables,
the Kngllsh market advancing 1345H54
points on futures nnd 5-32d 011 spot cotton,
with prlvutc cables reporting nothing less
than a panic among the foreign bears and
spinners. A close examination of the re
serve stocks In Liverpool showed that 50
per cent of the cotton In store was entirely
unsiilted to the needs or the Manchester
spinners, while ut least 10 per cent of the
remainder was held lor the account of par
ties not In the market as selb rs. Orders
for immediate shipment of spot cotton were
cabled to all American ports. Some 5,000
bales were secured In Huston from repre
sentatives of New Kngland mills nnd sim
ilar amounts were purchased In the south
ern ports, lor nil of which ocean freight
room ban been provided. Far from react
ing In the late session the local market de
veloped additional strength from predic
tions for another bulge In Liverpool tomor
row on claims that .Monday's government
report would bo bullish beyond expectation
and estlnuites for very light receipt!! at tho
ports tomorrow. Trading was verv active,
with buying led by the leading bulls of the
forenoon. The ciop and weather news was
generall favorable, but totally disregarded,
the trade giving attention exclusively to
the bullish situation abroad. The market
closed strong, 3i51)2 points pet higher. Fu
tares closed strong; September. 0.57c; Octo.
her. !).24c; November, 0.28c : December, fl.23c ,
January, fi.23c; February, 0.22c; March, ft.20c;
April, O.lOe; May. 0.21e, June, 9.19c; July,
0.10c. .Spot closed quiet and steady; mid
dling uplands, 1114c; middling gulf, 10.4c;
salcH. 54 bales.
sales. Wki bales; ordinary. 74c; good
ordinary . SO-li;.-; inw middling, ! lt-lfic; mid
dling. :ill-ll5c; good middling, loS-Klc; mid
dling fair. lun-lCc; nn'lpts. 1.07;! bales;
stock. 2ii.i;'S bales. Futures, llrm; Novem
In r. t. luijttt. ; December, ri.fl".'i!!i.ii9e; Jan
uary, lumcuAe; Kehruai'V. !.10'i',i.l;'c; March,
O.Wiru.V; April, o.p.'iiifi. 3c : May. ft.lHi9.IKc;
September. !I.S34ifl S7e . October. 0.3.':,f(!'.3lc
ST. LOI'IS, Sept. .,- COTTON4c higher,
firm; middling. 04e; miIph. I . bales; reeclptn
8S bales; shipments. Pi'i bales; stock, 7,008
LIVKHPOOL. Sept. (5.- COTTON-Spot,
fair demand, prices higher; American tnld
dllliR, 0 5-ird; the sale- of the day were ID,
nuO Pales, of which l.roo weie for specula
tion and export anil liieluileil S.40l bales
Anierlc in; receipts. 1,000 bales, Including 3.10
Amctlcaii. Futures opened llrm and closed
llrm; American mlddllun; I. ni. e , Septem
ber, M'li-fild, sellers; September and Octo
ber. 3 .T.-iiPfi.S .11-lild. sellers; October and
November, 5 H-iiKiu l.i-fild. sellers; Novem
ber and Dei ember, 5 07-c.ld. sellers; Decem
ber nnd January, 5 02-i5lfi5 (l:M5UI, sellers;
January and Februaiv, I i'..l-ii(i(5d, buyers;
February and March, to.l-fitd, buers:
March nnd April. I :a-mi I CO-CId, neilers:
April and May. I SflailK 1 fio-nid, sellers; May
and June. I 5i;-G4'ii I 57-iild. buyers.
OH llarkei,
OIL CITY. Pa.. Sept fi.-Credlt iMlanoes,
-- J'ertlllcnteH, no bid; i-hlpments, I3i,
' bbls, average. 02,022 bids.; tuns, 17u,W'5
bids , iner.ige, h'.i.C'jl bills
LIVKHPOOL. Sept. (5 -OILS-Cottonsfed.
Hull rertued. November-April, strong, 18s
!M. Turpentine spirits, llrm, 27s.
NKW YORK. Sept. li -OILS-Cottonseed
oil stlong; ellow, 3IK.C
LONDON. Sept. 0. "-OILS-Calciitta lln
seed, sot, 5fis. Linseed oil, 31s Turpntln
spirits, 2(is lo'jil'f(27w.
Ciillforiilti Dried Fruits,,
DIM HI) FHl'ITS-lniictlve. The market for
cvai'Oiutcd !ippen ruled quiet and steady at
unchanged prices; state common was quoted
from 3i to fu-; prime. 41i5V,c; choice, firi
be; fancy, (51,(i(7c Prunes were quoted from
3c. to .c per lb., as to size and quality. Apri
cots. Royal. HgfHe: Moor Park. 15gi7c.
Peaches, peeled, HtflSe, unpceled, tS9c.
Light Receipts Characterized Today's Market
All Around.
4 bolce (Irmlrs of Cnttlr of Ml Kinds
HruiiRlit Mend? In .stronger
I'rli'rs flood Sheep nod
I, limbs Mend).
SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. fi.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hog. Sheep
Olllclrtl Monday 5.750 2,54'. 10.HM
Otllclul Tuesday .17!( S.GM 8 1j3
Official Wednesday 4.243 fi,13l 2.152
Otliclal Thursday 1,1 6,lfi3 3,s;9
Four days this week ...lTsjs 23.732 24,277
Same days last week ..21,188 23.V87 35.311
Same Week befote 17,089 25,759 35.7!i.'
Same three weeks ago.. 15.282 19.431 29,111
feamo four weeks ago. . .1(5.747 27.528 23.301
Average price paid for hogs for the last
several days, with conipnttS'ms:
"I l)."11899.!l8'.iS.!Ml7.,189iiT l895"il4'T.
21 .
I 1 97
I 1 ot
1 5 00
I 41 3
4 32 3
2 S3 4 42 5 0.;
3 70i
1 71
3 fell
4 47i 5 Oj
1 551 ft 1 1
4 3C 3 74
4 47i :i in;
4 93
5 03
5 02
5 01
4 97
5 02
5 (0
ft 07
4 60 3 0.7
, 3 751
3 73 2 .?
I 51
3 70,
2 791 4 5.5
4 42'
4 42. 3 (59,
3 16
4 U ft 10
4 3(5, 5 04
1 111 3 71
4 12 3 31
3 83
4 35i 5 12
2 79 2 68
3 81 2 79
4 .W .. 14
4 40 3 73
3 21
4 38 3 72 3 I'll 2 7fil 4 32
I 98
5 02
ft 02
5 (0
5 05
3 70 4 m 2 75
4 40 3 97 2 80,
4 42 .1 70i I 2 84
4 241 3 24
28. .
5. . .
4 2-i M
4 221 5 315
4 24i 'I 42
4 201 5 43
4 40 3 72 , 3 911
4 271 3 (53 3 ')!
! 81!
S 0441 4 20 3 61 3 90,
14 14, 3 6.M 4 071
fi 02 I I 3 65 4 07
5 (Hi, 4 191 'I (II
ft 084! 4 22 3 62 I
ft 054, I 23! 3 C3 4 05
2 77 I ft H
2 Sl 4 All
2 811 4 34
V 1 1 4 li 5 CI
2 761 4 131 5 f,5
4 20, 5 51
Indlc.les Sunday.
The nfllclal number of cars of
brought In today by each road wns:
i-ttle. Hogs. Sh p.
v ., oi. iv ni. i". uy . . .,
O. .v St. L. Hy.. ......
Mo. Paclllc Hy
I. P. System
F., K. ti M. V. R. R...
S. C. & P. Ry
C . St. P.. M. A- O. Hy
H. & M. R. R. H......
C H. A- Q. Hy
K. C. cc St. J
C, R. I. Ai !., cast....
C R. I. & 1'., west...
Total recelnts
Tho disposition of tho day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num-
,- J11-.IU IlllllUrtlUtli
Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p.
357 1.T1-.
O. H. Hammond Co
Swift & Company
Ciidahy Paeklug Co
Armour .v Company
Omaha Packing Co., K. C
H. Heckcr & Degan
Vansant & Co ,
J L. Carey
Lobman A: Co
W. I. Stephen
Hentoti Si 1'nderwood ,
Livingstone & Schaller
Hamilton & Rothschild
L. F. Husz
H. L. Dennis & Co ,
A F. Mawhlnney
11. F. Hobblck
Other buyers
.... 21(5 1,115
IfN 1 '17'J
.... 34s 1,091 1.2M
Mi 1,536 .T35
Totals 2.PJS 6,4f.9 4,183
CATTLE There wns rather 11 small sup
ply of cattle here todny for a Thursday,
and ns the demand wa.i good for both
feeders and killers the market soon emtio
to 11 close. The big bulk of the receipts
were ugnln made up of stock cattle. There
were onlv about thirteen cars of corn cat
tle 011 sale, and packers bought those up at
steady to strong prices. They seemed anx
ious for supplies, and as a result everything
wus sold ut an early hour The ommoii'i'
grades were also In fnlrly good demand
011 account of the light supply ot westerns.
The coiv murket was again In kooiI shipo
today, only about fifteen cars being on sar
The, demand foe the better grade.! wns
heavy and prices on that clnss of stuff was
qulto a little higher today. For the week
It Is safe to call the market a good quarter
higher. The commoner kinds of cows have
also Improved, though not ng much as tho
best grades.
Choice feeders were again In nctlve d"
manil this morning, nnd sellers found little
difficulty In disposing of their better grades
at steady to stronger prices. The demand
from tho country continues vtry heavy
and yjrd traders have been able to keep
their pens fairly well cleaned up Yearlings
are selling considerably better than th"v
wem a while ago, there being more call
for them from the country. The less de
sirable cattle today sold Just about steady
but trade on that class of stock was not
very active.
In splto of the fact that a good propor
tion of tho offerings today were wcster.i
cattle there were only about three cars if
killers. It wns hardly enough to make 1
test of the market, but It Is safe to sav
that had there been any lure they would
hnvo brought fully steady prices. Good
cows sold better today than they h U'c any
time during the week, and are nil of 2"c
higher than at the close of lnt week
Thero hus been a general Improvement on
all grades of cow stuff, but It has not been
so great on tho less deslrabln rtulf. cjj.ri
feeders today brought stronger prices,
while others sold Just about steady. Reprc
sentatlve sales:
Av. I'r.
A v. it.
...1184 5 40
...126.1 6 SO
...1275 5 50
...12945 5 5',
...1261 f, 0)
...13IC 5 CO
...11S4 5 60
...1303 5 C.
... 870 80
... 909 2 S5
...1040 ; SJ
. . .103) 2 9 )
...1010 ; 00
...1116 3 or,
...1111 3 1-,
... Kt, 3 20
...1000 3 20
...1010 3 m
660 3 2i
St.". 3 2
1020 8 3ft
800 3 f.0
7 4 -.
10)3 4 70
1012 r. 00
1081 5 10
000 M
40 1 50
101a : 2:.
1017 2 2".
910 HJ
u; 2 21
Ml 2 3
1060 2 60
1110 8 73
1055 2 7;
.1003 2 80
1115 4 23
. . 870 : 7.1
..511 2 23 1
..733 3 no 2
.. S'jO 3 00 1
.. 800 3 15
30 3 ::.
510 3 31
570 3 50
1310 2 to l..w.,
920 2 70 I
ICi',0 3 ( 1
1530 3 00
401 4 50 1
450 5 23
..1260 3 1)
..930 3 20
..1300 3 53
190 B 75
r.oo 2 00
SSfl 3 00
, 8jo : s
9.17 2 70 3
,960 2 90 19
,705 'J 00 1
, COO 3 00
, 842 3 15
,102.1 3 63
. 627 3 43
1150 3 75
410 5 110
2i: 5 10
600 3 30
723 3 93
, MO 3 Vt
, 55.1 3 65
900 It 80
, 913 3 90
. 9.12 4 ro
. 710 4 00
. 71.1 I 10
.1010 1 13
IS feeders. . 537 I 05
39 fefders.. 928 3 (51
4 cows 812 2 23 I bull 1510 fi 0)
23 feeders.. 835 4 00
2 heifers... 120 3 ' 1 heifer. ... 00 2 50
1 bull l'Htrt 3 10 H feeders.. 559 3 81
7 feeders.. S57 3 53 12 cows 823 3 10
1 cow . . .. 74 0 3 in
7 feeders.. 910 3 75 2 feeders.. 710 3 25
50 feeders. . 90:! 3 so 2-1 feeders. . R58 3 20
1 cow 1020 2 85 1 row 1100 2 00
Scows 1020 2 80 2 cows 1003 2 0)
4 cows 10.15 3 20 1 cow 10(0 85
2 cows 1050 2 85 2 cows 1010 2 S3
7 cows 1025 3 10 I coiv 1170 4 01
1 cow 1020 3 (0 13 feeders.. 90 4 05
1 feeder... 1030 3 50
2 cows 10i.5 3 80 2 bulls H20 2 50
I cow 1210 3 0 1 bull lun '.' fO
1 cow lOOO 3 80 1 slag 1470 3 0)
1 cow I Km 2 75 5 enH. I Sal 3 85
Iron Mountain Hunch Co. Wyo.
11 cows.... 1O0O 3 Kt 12 cows WO ,1(0
53 cows 1010 3 35
II McCiilloiigh-Knn.
7 cows 10.11 3 25 I cow 9,0 2 0".
It feeders.. 813 4 00
J. Houth -Colo.
7 cows 1002 2 90 " cows 1050 3 0
I cows 1027 3 25 1 cow 810 2 35
17 cows 10.18 2 95 S cows 853 2 33
4 cowrf 972 3 25 1 hull 1300 3 01
1 cow 1140 2 90 1 cow 910 3 23
1 cow 920 2 85
41 feeders.. 1250 1 7ft 1 bull 1200 2 50
2.1 feeders.. 1253 1 70 1 bull 1380 2 73
4 cows 1120 3 25
12 cows pi5J 3 87 20 feeders.. 95S 4 10
I! cows IC0U 3 85 pi cows 1029 3 83
44 feeders.. 1041 ( 45 1 bull 1150 2 70
1 bull... . 1200 2 75 1 feeders.. 552 4 15
1 bull.. HV) 2 70 9 cows .. .II M 3 85
45 feeders.. 1117 I 35 II feeders.. 1149 135
14 feeders. .1110 I 10
1 bull 930 3 00 1 bull 050 2 W
87i 2 3! 14 cows.
J SOD 3 00 1 1 ow ...
Hdw Inslon Neb
1185 .' 00 7 cows. . .
5to ,1 On I c(der.
(l rot s
1 feeder.
15 eons...
1 cow
.1 (1
3 5)
3 7i
Iv J. HHstol-Neb.
.1014 3 75 2S cows lOf-0
. 980 3 75
C. Ileppner S 1J.
870 3 SO I steer ...
,1. J Mcllqtlhali-Wyo.
1070 3 50
It feeders.
3 con s . . .
S10 3 W
A J. Hut Dwell- Neb.
41 feeders. 917 I 25 39 feeders.
7 feeders.. 1(04 4 2d 1 feeder..
K steers ..11.10 4 2f. 1 st.'er....
30 cows 910 3 fyl
M Henry Wyo.
29 feeders.. 725 4 15 10 cows....
4 10
4 m
3 55
.lO58 3 75
7 calves.
4 91
H Weaver Wyo.
14 steers .
12 feeder .
12 feeders ,
22 steers...
75 feeders .
II stk. civs
I 10 10 feeders
1 15 4 feeders
I lrt "0 steers .
4 55
Carnahau- Neb.
4 75 0 feeders
5 25
. 902
. 8.83
4 1
4 15
4 33
1 232
03S 3 75
It (!ri,.Vnli
10 cows .1023 2 vn If, cows..
11 heifers... 777 3 W It Lpllerc
2 fft
3 2)
HOllS -Thi.rn u-na r.iflw.r rt lltfht rlltl llf
hogs here today, hut is other points ie
Ported a nickel dron Ir. values the mark t
here was generally 24e lower. Karlv In the
morning a number of prime llrht weights,
particularly In one dlvlslr.n. brought lust
about yesterday s prices. A tew loads of
prime heavy weight ali sold for about
as much as lhe ..uld have brought yes
terdav. but nlde frntn tli.u the market wa
lower The bulk of the ju weights mid
from steady to 241 inn t, and the hea.'Pr
grades went from 24K5c lower than ycsler
day s general market The extreme range
of prices today wns pr.ictlmllv the same as
yesterday. Light weights brrught mostly
$5,074 und $5 10, and medium weights sold
right around $5.03, with the heavier grades
selling from that llgtire down. The coire
heavy stuff was very slow snle. and sellers
found It difficult to get ven a bid on
class of stuff.
The Inst end of the market was not quite
so good Hidn nn the coarse, heavy stuff
which comprised the bulk of the offerings
on the close, were n big nickel lower, nnd
packers did not seem to care whether th'V
got tho hogs or not. Representative sale
2. 011s
1 bill'
Nn. Av. Hh. Pr. No. Sli I'r
S3 91 ... 3 50 M 153 80 r, 03
63 26.1 200 4 23 61 511 80 5
41 311 ... 4 90 73 :.17 . . r, ft..
70 : 80 4 90 f.9 274 80 S A.'.
47 Ill 81 4 954 - 80 .0.
6 97 120 4 ?4 65 :vi 80 8 0.'.
4 315 ... 4 974 52 W, 80 5 V.
63 29 80 4 974 70 212 240 5 05
4 333 80 4 974 67 245 8 R 05
2W ... 4 97'i 6f. .11 ... 8 0S
50 335 .01 5 00 (.9 254 80 5 05
77 21 80 5 00 87 260 ... f, OS
10 271 6 (0 73 23.3 110 S 03
16 214 ... f, to M 273 M 5 05
37 225 16J 5 00 76 265 80 5 03
58 311 40 S 01 73 262 ... & OS
6J 277 80 5 00 52 262 ... 8 03
57 266 ... 5 00 63 306 ... 5074
46 .116 ... 5 0.1 72 542 ... 5 07',
53 331 ... 5 00 f,7 33,) ... f, 074
47 290 ... 5 00 60 251 ... 5 07 4
66 300 80 5 00 67 239 40 6 074
4ft 237 40 5 (0 71 259 ... fi 074
65 242 10 5 02 4 77 230 2M I f74
60 271 ... 6 024 81 jm i;o 8 0T4
53 20) 2.V) 5 IS4 74 211 160 8 01',
M 26 240 5 02', 75 255 40 8 07',
C2 240 ... fi 024 6S 254 4 0 5 054
62 218 200 & 0214 84 til 160 3 074
73 255 ... 5 02', C7 226 . fi 07
76 277 80 5 02 4 68 264 80 5 05',
66 277 160 5 02 4 71 22) . . Hi',
5.1 233 ... 5 02 4 83 205 80 fi 07',
74 2(5.1 ... 6 05 Ml JJI 131 8 074
18 221 ... 5 05 59 228 120 5 074
S3 2.17 ... 5 03 f3 218 ... 6 01',
72 253 ... 5 03 69 342 . . 8 10
58 272 16.1 6 03 28 206 101 5 10
70 274 240 5 05 71 235 41 5 10
t....;....232 ... 5 05 59 201 .. 8 10
r.5 261 ... 5 0-, 60 272 ... SH
67 232 (0 5 0 132. 263 ... 5 10
63 271 80 5 Of. .. 229 ... 5 10
7.1 215 240 5 05 64 2.12 . . 8 124
64 2.2 80 5 03 79 239 ... f. 121,
69 215 80 3 05 70 219 40 i 12',
35 247 ... f. 05 132 198 160 6 124
61 261 120 S 05 7C 217 SO 6 12',
66 230 40 5 05 71 224 ... 5 15
88 167 40 6 05 66 225 . 5 15
62 249 4 0 3 05
SIIKKP There were only a few cars of
sheep and lamhs on sale todny and the
proportion of heavy stuff, which Is not In
very good demand, wns large and tho mar
ket on that class of stuff was a little slow
The few bunches of desirable sheep or
lambs that were offered sold reudlly at
fully steady prices, as compared with yen
t era nr.
The feeder market was In good shape
today and several bunches sold a little
higher than they would have brought yes
terday or any other day this week. Any
thing nt all good on the feeder order will
bring good, strong prices.
Quotations Choice western grass weth
ers. f3.50if3.0"); choice grass yearlings. HW!t
3.03: choice ewes. $3,001(3.25: fair to good
ewes, $2.60fr"3.00; choice spring lambs, J.VOOJf
5.23; fnlr to good spring lnmbs. $l.05'ij5.0U,
feeder wethors, $3.40'if3.(59; feeder lambs,
$4.(8rt(1.40. Representative sales:
No. Av. I'r.
00 feeding ewes 90 $100
259 feeding wethers 91 3 50
303 native sheep and yearlings.. 07 3 674;
157 leedlnK lambs 49 t 30
100 feeding lambs 52 4 50
4 Idaho stock ewes 90 10
200 Idaho feeder lambs 54 1 no
302 Idaho lambs US 4 ($..
210 Ctull wethers 121 3 15
1 303 Ftah wethers 121 3 ,
33 Idaho wethers 92 .1 f.O
50 cull lambs 4i .! S
Nnttvp Steers Stendy, Westerns nnd
Tenuis Firm lion Loner,
CHICAGO, Sept. 0.CATTLK Receipts,
7,000 head, Including 1.000 head westerns and
100 Toxiins; native steers steady, westerns
and Texans llrm; butchers' stock steady;
nntlves, best on sale today. 1 carload ut $0;
good to prime steers, $3.50T6.00; poor to me
dium, $4.t3fiS.40; selected feeders, steady to
shade lower, $1.0001.75; mixed stockers,
slow, slmde lower, $3.0U1?3.85; cows. $2.75iif
4.50: heifers. $3.00Jt5.00; canncrs, strong. $2 00
i?2.73; bulls, choice strong, medium weak,
$2.50I.C5; calves, eteady. $3,001(7 40; Tex
ans. receipts, 100 head; Texas fed steers,
$4.25fiB.OO; Texas grass steers, $3.23'(4.15;
Texas bulls, $2,501(3.40.
HOGS Receipts today, 21.000 head; to
morrow, 1S.000 head; left over. 3.500 head,
generally nbout 5c lower; lop, $5.50; mixed
and butchers, $5.(i3'f5.474; good to choice
heavy, $5.10115.424; rough hoavy, $1.935.05;
light. $5. 151(5.50; bulk of sales, J5.151i5.35.
SIIKKP AND LAMHS Receipts, 17,000
head; sheep, steadv: lambs, choice strong,
others steady; good to choice wethers, $3.50
1(3.75; fair to choice mixed, $3.3)03.53; west
ern sheep, $3. 10f(3.70; Texas sheep, $2.50(3
3.20; native lnmbs, $1,231(5.70; western, $5.001f
Kitnsns ( Ity I, lip Stock,
ceipts, 8.500 head natives, 2,50o Texans; ex
reliant demand, liberal Hiipply, llrm prices,
native stecra. $1,801(1.90; butcher cows and
heifers, $3.00t3.23; stockers and feeders, $3.50
(!x4.C5; dinners, $2,501(3.00; fed westerns, $3.75
ff5.10; wintered Texans, $3.75113.85, grass
Texnns, $3,201(3.75.
CALVKS- Receipts, (500 head; market
steady; clear. $5 OoliO.OO per cwt.
IIOOS-Recelpts. X.Buo head; trade fairly
active, mostly steudy; a few of the least
desirable lots 5c lower: heavy and mixed.
$5,1015.30; light. $3.15115 324; pigs. $1.0005 10
SIIKKP AND LAMHS - Receipts. 1.20.1
head; market active, prices strong to shade
higher; lambs, Ji.onii 1.75: mixed, $3,251(3.0".,
feeders, ?3. (Mitt. 25; culls, $2.50f3.0U.
SI, Li. 11 In Live MocU.
ST. LOFIS. Sept. 0 -CATTLK Receipts
2.900 head. Including 2,lo Texans. mark't
actlvn and Mining; native shipping and
port alters. $5.151 V75; dressed beef and
butcher steers. $l.(i')5.35; steers under l.noo
lbs., $; stockers and leetlers. $2 75ft
170; cow ami heifers. $2.(iu't5 25; runners,
$l.r,0'(2.i,i); bulls. $2 051(3.05; Texas anil Indian
steers, $3.430 4.00; cows and heifers. $2 loir
3. "0
" ifoC.S Receipts, :.,:m head; market strong
on lights; sln.tly nn other grades, nigs and
lights. $5.3005.15; packers. $3 1505 .'id.
butchers. $3.3305 10.
SIIKKP AND LAM IIS- Receipts, 1.30U
head: market Htendv, native muttons. $335
HI. no; lambs. $1,0015411; culls nnd bucks,
$2.230 4,00; dockers, $2,101(3 33.
SI. .Iiiippli Live Stock.
SOFTH ST JOSKPII. Mi.. Sept. 6 -IKpe-clal.i
-The Journal quotes:
CATTLK- Receipts. I.9n; market te.i ly
to 10c lower: nitlvt".. $110475.150. Texas nnd
western!-. $3 2515.10; tows end heifers. 20i
01.05: bulls and sing.-. 2 0.14 '5..; yenrllngs
anil calves. $3 250 4.25; stnekers and feeders,
3 001(1 10; veals, $5.(O07.(t
IIOHS- Reef hits, ...''.(Vi; market 24'5e
lower: all gratlct.. $5 1005 25, bulk of sail a
$5,1515 20
shrcp steady; lamhs, 10c lower.
Mud. In Slftnt.
Following are the receipts at the four
principal western markets for September ii
Catlle. Hogs. Shenp
South Omaha 1.051 15,103 3,879
ChleiiT't 7,0u0 2,100 17.0U0
ICansaa City It. 000 8.500 1.200
Louis '.'.'."jo r.,:'uo 1,31m
201 23,379
civ VorL Livi Slock.
NKW YORK, Si pi. ti. CATTLK- R
frlpte 8:0, nothing doing; fables, llrm
nntlvis 111 Liverpool and London 12'..0ii
niugfi'. I24113I-; retrlgeratnr beef, 'iI-IiHi
per pound: shipments. 051 cattle c.ilv
receipts, 01; veils Heady 1 grassers peui'i
nominal, veals, $5.0ulik 23. little calves. Ji1
SIIKKP AND LAMRS- Receipts. 3.620. -24
cars on talc, sheep, slow and ktetdy; lamUt
selling ni'ire fre. Iv hen " cfiif i on, lambs,
J4 .:74J6.25, mils. & 0.0 00. ( anail.i Umbs,
$5 V.
IIOHS Receipts 2.01;. In avj Iiork ensl-r;
light easier and pig" nrm; state ai d I'enn
sjlvnnln hogs, $5 7('(CW; western, $3 7a
Xcvi 11rl.- Drj (liiods,
further business reported In regard to print
cloths, but odd In good request and wlds
makes ate 1-ldc dearer. Ileniv blown col
tons do not tespnn.' to the a.Kancp In raw
cotton Demand Indifferent ncd readl'y met
for quick deliveries. Se'l. fs shv 1 11 fi r
ward contracts Htenchcd lottons quiet nil
unchanged. Wide sheetings steady Coat 11
colored eotiotis In tu ulcrnte requirement
at previous prices, prints without clinuao
tiltigliums, dull. Cotton linings generally
Inactive. Silks are selling liidlffetei.tly at
lrrcgulnr prices Jobbing trade good.
suit 11 r Hurl. ot.
NKW YORK Sept 0. -MFC! All- Haw,
firm, fair reiinlng. quiet, centrifugal. 91
test, I15-10c; molass s sUftnr, 4c. rellned,
LONDON Sept 0 St'HAR - Heet. Hep
tember. lis 0d
Best Dining Gar Service
LKAVE 7:00 A M. 4:55 P. M.-7:4I T. M
LKAVIS :5 A. M.-7:35 F. M.
LEAVE 8:00 P. M.
Cltv Offices. 1401-03 Farnim
-I Or, Kt t'll
Cl'KL.i all Liduej
Diseases. Hack
nclic. etc. At IriDt
gists, or by uiuli,
loc, etc., of I)r. II, .T. Kny, Snrntnca, N. Y.
An August cold ol
cough Is the worst
It s like bii fever
Antl-ICnwf will ID
It All druggists.
E. Smith & Go.
Importers and Jobbers ot
Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods
& Williams
Succcaaoi-a Wilson V Prnkc.
Manufacture boilers, Etnoito stacks nnd
brcechlngs, pressure, rendering, sheep dip,
lard and water limits, boiler tunes con
Etantly on hand, second hand hollern houghl
nd sold Special and ptompt attention to
repairs In city or country 19th and Pierce.
lAesferft Etadri&al
Electrical Supplies.
Blrctrle Wiring Dells and fins Llihtln
O. W. JOHNSON, Mcr 1522 Howard St.
Make, a specialty of
And BurKlnr Proof Safen & Vault Doors, eti
10 S. 141U Ht Oiniihn, Veil.
Davis & Cowgill Iron Works.
XOOl, ir.o:i unit lilllft Jnolnon Mi-ret,
Omaha. Xeh. Tel. "AH.
E. ZabrliUle, Acent. J. D. Cowgill, Mcr
for all purposes,
Manuftirl ured by
National (111 & Paint Co,
I0tr.-I7 .Inni'H St.,
rhone l-ill.
maha fiiaohine Works
Pattern Makers nnd Model Builders.
V M Maiiuf... t.irrrs and De.ilers-Stenr
PIMInfi K!eator Supplies, rlteum
l:n'lnes ami Hollers Oaiollne Kn
glnes. Crium Separators. Machin
ist Supplies High lirade Repair Work a
Specialty Pat ori nnd olflre C'JG-14 South
Tnth St. I'hone 2."'(i
Telephone 1039. Otnnlia, Nol
Corretpondence. John A Warrn Co
uiriet wlr to Chlcoco ad Nw Tort;
RR.PE0f1E.Y8t CO.
maiu n
vincoun ttvk