THE OMAHA T AT LT 1513H: FlttD Y. SEPTEMBER 7. 1000. QUAKERS IS SLUGGING FORM Twenty-Tire HiU Off Callahan with Cnly Twenty Runs. PITTSBURG JUMPS ON BROOKLYN HARD PlrnteV Wlnnliiu Mrenk Cnrrlr Tlicm with n HiikIi tn Victor?' llvrr Ihr Chnniilnn l.lntit I. our l.lkr A iiiiitriirn. riillnilrliihln. 20 Clili'nn". .. rillnliuru, Ill MriiitUI) ii, Ii. tit. I.onln, III mv Vnrk, I. Iltitnn, ."I I Ini'liinntl, (). nrlriill, KanNiit Cllv, .:t, IliHTnln, r,i Milwaukee, II. vrlnnil, t M I n ncn inl In, ",. Iiullnnntiolli, .'.-!! CIiIciiko, t-ll. FHIIADKM'HIA. Sept fi. The home team enquirer) In a batting matinee today nVmnilo everything from a scratch bunt to a home run. I'hlladclphlR was nldrd con siderably In run Rotting by some weird fielding on the part of Chicago. The vis itor! never had a look In and after the !erond Innlni; the game wan tiresome and uninteresting Dolan played nt third base. Wolvrton being Incapacitated by reason of Injuries sustained while allKhtlnR last night from a trolley car. Score: rtllt'AOO. I PHIIAnF.M'HIA n it o a i. n n o a.e MoCirfy. If 1 2 3 1 I'Thonmi. ef. 3 4 1 0 0 Child!. Jb .. : 1 JO 0!K, If . . 2 5 3 0 0 UflM, tb.. 0 2 10 I 2 I)lli'ty. lb I )H 1 0 Ryan, rf. .000') 0.t.i.lnl. 2b. 3 2 0 I 0 Oren, ef .0100 l'Kltrk. rf.. . 1 3 3 0 Bradley, ih. A ! 11 liMeParl'd. r J I 5 " Dnnihue, r. 0 0 1 IMuckl'eh, 0 10 0 Dexter, e .. 0 0 1 0 tlol.iti. 3b... 2 3 t J Mervir'k. en 0 0 4 4 ft.i'rniw. m 5 12 3 Catlalian, p 0 C 2 lTrarer. n. .. 2 2 0 3 - liernlinril. n 1 0 0 TOM IK . . 0 8 24 15 mk p.. 0 D S 4 t Olton, p. 0 0 0 4 1 Totals .. s I 27 13 4 Totals .. S 2:4 1 Detroit ft 0 0 3 ft S 2 O Kansas I'lty 1 2 0 ft ft n o o n 3 Karned run- Detroit Three-base hit: Plieehan Sin rlflcc hltd. SMmefer. O'tlrlrn. t'llngman, .I--A1Ilster Stolen bases. Hemp hill, Ityiin. Srtmrfer. Harley (2). Klrst base on balls: Off Krlsk, t; off Gibson, G. Klrst base on errors. Detroit, :i, Kansas nty, 2. Left on bases: Detroit, ; Kansas City, ft SINK ); out: Hy Frisk. 2. by (llb.ion. 4. Wild plteh. Ily (llbson. Time: 115. empire Sheridan llufTnln's l.nst nl llnnir, HtTKAl.O. Sept. S.-Hufftilo won the last game at home todav. The were fortunate In petting a lead early In the eontest and J",,, ttmlntalnlng It, for Andrew had a bad day ""'"" ami nis misornnie piaymg nearly mrew me i ... Tinni r-n nimnu game away. Ilalllgan s hitting whm a fea- QQ DOWN IN TANGLED CUNbH i'iii1 linn in ill,- mill lie i prnivu ill'" nun,'!, .1.1... , ..1.1.. ti...i. if ..mi n. nine hi iikiii mini i.-ninr ii-n I , , , . . ... ,.... onrly tonight for Milwaukee. Attendance, .loel.ej 1lurili. H hn Unit Hie Mount j.nun. .score: tit ri'Ai-o t MiiAVAi'Kr.r. It II O.A K II. II O A F. Hart. rf.. .2210 o'Ketehnm. cf 0 0 I 00 Hhnrk., e . 1 1 4 1 ft.Wuldron. rf I 10 0 2 of I'ennsylvanla has the In hand a slsted U last ear s aptaln. ' J (Irllllth Manager Suit has secured the following games for this fall. I'nl'ersltj of Minnesota at Minneapolis. Oclnl e B I nlvrrslH of Nebraska at t.lnridn. Orto- fnlverslty nf Iowa at Ames. October I?. Simpson college at Ames. October Si. (Irlnnell at Orlntiell. November 3 Drake at De Moines. Novimber l Prlnlt nt Ames. November T State Normal at Ames, November U'nrk la mwlvrwnv no tin' new cnclnccr- Ing hall at the Iowa State college by the Sdilenter nunpnny nf f'lili ago. which se cired the rnntract at the sum of MM.Olo Tin- new hall Is tn be built Just west of tb" motor ilepot. nnrinvies. m me iimm mi lllniis, litis Skull I'riielureil nml tny Die, NI'AV YOUK, Sept. fi.-An unfortunate Han,n.r.M i 1 i o'h: U i 2 o o ncV.dent, VhlVh may result ferlously In the I'arry, lb...i) 114 o o Ahd'rs'n. lb 0 0 12 0 0 fletlinan, cf 0 1 2 0 ft Iullc. 2b.... 1 1 1 S 0 Andrews. 3b o 0 ft 4 ri.l'onroy, s.. ft 113 0 itletb'r, 2b.. 1 2 4 4 0 llurke, Sli... 0 0 2 2 0 llrn-ter-k. 0 0 1 0 Cplfs. c 1 I 1 0 KerK'ln, p.. 0 t 0 3 o liowllnK. p. 0 o 1 1 o - - ItetUrr. ti . 1 1 0 1 0 TMit .. J 11 2T IS r, - I T it.ils .4 C !l 11 Huffalo 1! 0 ft 0 3 ft ft 0 - Milwaukee 0 0 0 1 ft ft 2 t 01 case of one Jockey, marred the raring at I liiiv todav. Three horses went down in n neap ai me nisi no k i"'it- m the Hist race and the only wonder Is that their riders were not killed. The Held was well stralghtoni'd out In the stretch, when fnslghtlv. ridden by Knight, fell. Heveruge. with Wedderslrand up. turned a complete sfimersiiult over him and Minis, piloted by Murphy, also plutued into tne struggling mass When the dust had cleared awav the threi- bns were sneti lying on the TomIs . 20 2.'i 27 13 l won the game by hard hitting. Attendance 0 I 0 0 ft ft ft- 5 rcnre iirm giime; INUIAK.UUI.IS. . IJIILAUO It II O A.K. It. II (1 A R HjrtJfl, If . 0 0 0 0 0 Hoy. ef 2 0 3 0 0 Maroon. 2b. 0 12 7 1 DHUnl. If.. 0 0 4 0 0 (l-tr, s.... 0 1 8 2 1 Wood, c 0 0 4 2 0 Klly, lb .. o o 6 o o Sueilen. lb.. 0 4 3 0 0 Seyhold, ef 1 1 2 0 0 Hnrtm'n, 3b 0 1 2 0 2 rowers, e... 2 2 1 ft 0 lb . 2b.... 0 o ft : o HoKr'xer, if I 2 3 0 0 .huuart, . ft A 3 3 I Phllarinliihln R llnss on hulls: Off f.l a- Mickey, 3b.. 0 12 2 1 Shenron. rf. 0 n 1 " 0 hati. 4. off Frnser. 4. off Hernhnrd. I. lilt Mllllgiin. n. 1 I 1 0 0 Klhr, n . . 1 1 0 2 0 UV pitcher Thomas. Ilrudley HtrucK o.u: Ely Callahan, riernhard. Passed ball: Don- nhlcacn fhlladelphta .. 9 3 0 0 ft fi 2 I -20 Karned runs. Chicago, 2: Philadelphia, 15. Two-base hits: McCarthy, Delehanty, Ffastr. Dolan. Jacklltsch. Three-base hits: Merles, McKarland, I.aJole. Home Sun' I.aJole Hncrlllco lilt- Mertes. Stolen asns. McCarthy. McCormlek, Thomas. Iale. Double nlays Callahan to McCor mlek to Mertes heft on bases: Chicago. 7; lloKrer, if I 2 Philadelphia, 8. liases on Halls: t)ir t'.iiia- uicKry. .id.. i Karned runs: Huffnlo. 3; Milwaukee. 3. ir,.i. Help wan nnlekly at hand and tho Tit-n.liiinn lilfa llnlllnuii I'll llullftllltl I , i.'.l 1..., 11... l.l..l.l Vn,1. Waldron. Home run: fie t leer. Stolen I i .ti lv uinnnod nml nliowed his bases. Ilnrt, Fultr,, Ketcham. Double ner,, i,v riding again In the llfth race, plays: Spies to 0'ullr. to Dowllng, Conroy K,t had bis shoulder sprained, bill later to I''ult7. to Anderson. Klrst b.isi- on balls: wn ni,p to K home. Murphj lay all the uii imtwiii, i; oir iseiiger, i. nirui n iiiii: afternoon unconscious anil appears 10 nave iiy ucrwiii, i ny iieuger, .'. lime: 1 :.m. sustained a fracture or tne skiiii. i mpire: uwyer. Tii,- iHil. rnvnrli fur the race, won ny n heal from Kllln Conlg, the well-hacKed INDTANAl'Ol.lH Sent. h.--lndlanarolls t. ....... ,'i.i.. i.i it. ,,rtr and Chicago broke even In today's double- a tirp,lv rai.P throiiKh the stretch with n'a.ler. 'Islier xvas baited ror rour cameu A,ri, 'Srlleek and Demurrer. The lust runs In Hie fourth Inning of the tlrsl gnnie amp,i niP the running for live furlongs S?.'L 1 ,'pr.". "'t','I',1 " ll,jm. ,r"n 1,1 ,ll, when the other two moved up and after u fifth, clinching the game. Chicago over- lmr,, (lr,vi, ,hroBh the stretch Hellarlo won came a lead of three runs In the sixth In- ,,v ,, a nKth, while Allard Scheck was R.ii.i,- ii. nr. ... tne same distance nefore iiemurrer. I HUM. Billed by errors. In the seventh In- Tlu, omnium handicap went to I'otente at nlng the visitors balked up four more and , . of)tls j,cn,e lMlt i,, to tlm front at the rail of hip Ilag ami miiKing an me run D"M Tern and Plrites Daughter alsi ran Sixth r.u one mile and a i larter sell Ing Tom tMmore 'T Domini, k 11 t.i s. won, orlatullne ! iWatsoin tuft and I t" 2. second, Onveriinr Ho-d. I'M i Klleyi 11 tn '-, third Time 2.2t,. Nan Dora and Kly Klre also ran ON SCIENCE AND TFIE SOIL Secretary of Agriculture Wilson Talks to Farmers of Farming. GUEST AT THE STARK COUNTY FAIR GETS DUST IN HER THROAT flip I're.v SIioms Ills Kljliia; llepls In Hip llllliertii IimIiipIIiIp Mls Ilcnnell lit llnrlein. CHICAGO. Sept ft Miss Hennntt has llnallv been beaten. She fell in disgrace In the fourth event at Harlem In the llraduate stakes. Joe Krev making her bite the dust Miss Hennett hail her usual butst of speed for half a mile, but Tally never let up on ,lne Krev from (lagfall to wire Turning for !,.. t.. t.'ini .na unit' I. lt..,tf dU'lU' lllwl It could nlalnl'v be seen that Miss Hennett culture Wilson was the guest of honor at w as a beaten tllly. 1 tho Stark county f.tlr today. He arrived Fourteen 2;ypr-nlils opened hostilities for from Washington this forenoon and de Ut'ii ii'd f Vipn flnnt?.. thi lien vllv.nlil Vfd llvered an address before an Immense f.nerlte, won all by herself, antl I'lrate crowd of people at the fair grounds After uuecn. tne next enmee, uiiisneo seconu ny lhp n,i,lrcss ho lunched with tho fair man- Hessle' Mac'klln. the m'ueh-touted speed ftKT" and prominent citizens on the wonder, who was tnouKiii to no a world- gronnns ami ai m:;i.i o ciock started casi beater, met her match in hp second race, trpstdent McKlnley also expected to he 111 which sne ivus ueienii'ii jtuiii ,. .inn- i . ,. ,ui I ... rls Iteults- I at t,lc 'n'r on ",'a occasion, but press of Klrst race, live furlongs: Cora Ooetz, 110 public business prevented. The secretary (Tullvi, to J, won; Pirate Queen, nu read from the platform n telegram of re IlllK llllllillli, ,i in l, Hrvuim, mi ii'iiie, 11- I'rlenils nml Nelulibors of President Mclliile Itlteii siinie I spfiil In fo ruin I Inn I'oiieernliiu Ap lilleil II ii tiu ti l r , CANTON, O.. Sept. G. Secretary of Agrl (Alexanderi. 3ft to 1. third. Time: 1:0.2 3-!i. Haiiilburst. St. Bluff. Mister l'omeroy, l.uego, Hustle flirt. Papers, Manltln, Pirate of Penzance, Clnero, lieu .pplo and jack Dr yle also ran. Hcconti race, six iiiriongs: .ionn A. .Morris, gret from President McKlnley nt Wash ington. Secretary Wilson said In part: Seleuee In I'lirnilnu, In Introiliiclnir bl rem. irks Seerctarv Wilson dwelt to some extent nn the irn - slty nf the successful fat. tier nf t.i.l.iv 112 (Wlnklleld'l, even, won: Hessle Macklln, f '!' the successful rai.ner t t,.,i,ii f. iTallvi VI to 1ft second- fleorule 101 b'lmltlg of the soil In all its rcbtlnn-. 1 niuchanan u ' to t'. t Wrd. TI me: 1:1 1 l" !": ',?;V!""" ,nJ.'-..V" ,'.'."".V' !!" ! Alearela. Allle II. Klrelock nnd l.mly .Mom- nhls also ran. i niru race, one ami one-sixieentn mues: ties and posslbllllN. as shown b experi ments which have been cmiduitcd l" sclentlllc men. The pioneer did imt nc I this. lie had a rich mill that nature bid liue. Wild pitch: Callahan. Time: 2:04. umpire Kmslle Cliiiiiiiilons i to Pieces. DItOOKLYN. Sent. 6. -In the Hrnoklytl- Plttsburs gnmc today a muffed throw by nlng won cleverly by a length from the favorite, Decanter. In 1:52 l-S, a new track record. Decanter, none too wen rumen, beat Andronlcus six lengths for the place. rhe other winners wete. uonraion. in j to ; All Green, at 6 to 1. and Maximo (lomcz, at even money. Uullman rode the last named and rotnned home In track lime. 2:01 1-.". for the instance, a mile and three- sixteenths nn the turf, the old murk Doing :03. Ilcsults: Klrst race, six and one-half furlongs, selling: The I'rlde, 106 tlllillmani, 1' to 1, won; Kiiin i onlg, loo tsnaw), 7 to i ami ft,..,,,.. Il'l I tt'l..l.lnl,1l ? 4n ,.. Honey Hoy! 1 ft.-.". Tally)', II to' 5,' second; VAxx- "XZx In'Nils Vln er ' ' nd' 1" stein, 07 (Hasslngerl, S toM, third. Time: J"; . ' f?,;! er I J S r ni r''." ""w vloiaV,'r,atu,re-..H-aw".1t ovn i i., r: Vic Ai',,11.., , i .., r ., r,!,- Vhatever Invest g.itlou had been o - niliiliill if itlllKIII t'l tlir llliilii WE CURE TO STAY CURED y; Woou out even, seconu; i arnuncie, in.i i.mci upi,; i io 1, lllirn. I line. l.i;-il. 1 lllll 1 1: . I'lillii I.lllle Simmons, Totals .. S 9J3 11 31 ToUls .. S 24 J 3 Hartman out on Inflotd fnr rniifilniT not nf linn. t...u. ii- o o i i k n ft r. Kbertinrt. I'rotus. I in. iuiiu inn in v v v i . v v u i .. , .. , ' . nAnAnn-ll lll'V TIIL'I'. r.inilH niin I 11HIUI11IV nim I II n "-""-"B" 1 u u u u u u .-o ,,: ,. --, ,l. ,.,,,nn., lllllllnll. Karned runs: Indlannnnlls. 5. Hase on ..,.,, ... e ....... i.-i,..; n.: ,n,,r, t i.. Daly sent Kennedy up In the air In balls: Off Milllgan. 7: off I-Ishor. 3. Struck j ,mil - to 6 , second; Toddy, 110 iSpenceri. 9 the second nil nn and rour men were sent out: ny Du ncan, i ny I'isncr. -. im ny . n, , i,i,.i nn,... i.mi.r. around the bases by wild pitching and a pitched nan: liy .Milllgan, noon. l wo-l Third race. C.olden Hod Htnkes. six and a couple or hits Kltson men went tn to nase nn: i inner, iiiree-naiie nu: iiicaey. half furlongs on the turf Hellarlo lift Sltch and was batt"d bard. The Pitts- Homo run: Powers Stolen base: Ho- (Mahcr) 9 to 10 won- Alard Scheck 1'' urs played a superb lleldlng ganie bo- grlever. l.nft on bases: Indianapolis. 8; (Hurns),' R to 2 and 3 to ft, second; Demur hind I.eever good pitching and shut off Chicago, 13. Time; 1:10. Umpire: Me- rer, KHJ (Odoin), 7 to 3, third Time: 1:21 2-5. tho runs Kee er made four hits, but all were wasted. The game waa called In the eighth on account of darkness. Attendance, 1,400. Score: I'lTTSIIt'HO. , IHlOOKt.YN. It H.O.A.K. ll.ll.O.A K. Clsrk. If .. 1 0 1 0 0 Jones, cf 0 14 0 0 Ilemun't. ef 0 ft 2 0 0 Kepler. rf...0 4 2.0 0 Jtltcliey, 2b ft 1 ft 2 0 Jcnn'gs, lb. ft ft 2 2 0 Wcner. rf. Z 3 2 0 OiKelley, If... 114 2 0 O'llrlon, lb. I 2 A 0 Ollulilon. s.. 0 0 4 1 0 Wlll'ms, 3b. 2 3 Ti 3 OU'rowi, Sb.... 1 3 1 0 0 Zlmmer, c . 2 1 I 2 O'Daly, 2b.... 0 2 2 2 1 niy, ii.. . , I ! 1 ! 0 Purred, c... 0 1 2 0 ft lever, p .. 0 0 0 0 0 Kennedy, p. 0 0 0 0 0 iKIIson. p... 0 0 10 0 Totnln .. 9 13 51 9 01 I Totals .. 2 12 24 7 1 rittshurg 0 4 1 1 0 0 3 0-9 llrooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 02 Earned runs: IMttHburg. 2; llrooklyn, 2. Three-bHse hits: Zlmmer, Cross. Two-baso hits: Wanner, Williams, Daly, i.on on Donald Score second game. Attendance, 3,000: INDIANAI'OUS CHICAUO. Il.H.O A K. ll.ll.O.A r. HnrtJi'l. If.. 2 1 0 0 0 Hoy, cf 110 10 MaRiKin, 2h. 0 2 3 S l.Dlllartl, If... 0 ft 3 I 0 (Itler, s ... 0 2 0 5 1 1 Wood, c t 1 9 0 0 Kelly, lb.... 1 1 II 1 1 HiiKden. lb.. 2 3 1 ft 1 MeyboM, rf. 2 t 2 0 O.Hnrtm'n. 3b 3 2 2 2 0 Powers, e... 1 3 3 2 0 iJbell. 2b... 2 3 11 llngr'ver, rf 0 1 2 a 0 Hhilgart. s. 1 2 1 4 1 lllckey. 3t. . 1 3 2 2 1 Stlmmel, p.. 0 0 1 2 VI Totals .. 7 12 24 17 Shearon. rf. 1 2 0 0 1 I'atters'n. p 0 1 0 3 1 Denver, u .. 0 0 0 0 K Totals ..11 U 24 12 t Indlananolls 1 13 10 0 10- Chlcago 0 2 0 0 1 1 4 0-11 I unities pitched: Hy Stlmmol. 8: by Patter. son. fi 1-3; by Denzer, 1 2-3. Hase hits: OIT Stlmmel. 15; oft I'atterson, 11; oft Denzer, 1. Hase on nans: urr Patterson, 4. sirucn out: Hy Stlmmel, 2; by Patterson, 4; by AutollKht and Doctor Harlow nlso ran. l'ourth race, umnium handicap, one mile and a furlong: I'otente, 102 (McCue). S to 1, won; Decanter. 105 (Mailer), 6 tn ft and 2 to ,i, second; Andronlcus. 9S (O'Connor). G to 1, third. Time: 1:52 4-5. Martlmas, Charentus and ICulght Haronet nlso ran. l'lfth race, live and one-half furloncs: All Oreen, 121 (Turner), t! to 1, won; Sllverdale, 112 (Hums). 7 to l and ft to i. second: Dub lin. US (McCue), 3 to 1, third. Time: DOS. Operator, Colchester, Salve, Surmise, Sharpshooter, Scurry. Princess Pepper, itcniiwortu nnd itimseir also ran. Sixth race, one mile and three-s xteenths on the turf: Mnxtmo (lomcz, US (Hullmatii, even, won; compensation, mi (Hpencer), 10 io i ami i io l. seconu; aimko, nnj(.Milesi. iihj to l. mini. Time: 2:01 1-5. The Amazon, Villa V. Ulg Gun. Greenlock nnd Dissenter nlso ran. bases: Pittsburg, S; HrooKiyn, n. hirucu UpnJ!er, 2. Karned runs: Chicago, 5; In- o.u ny m lino, ',"J, , 1 1 , ""- dianapoiiH, 7. 'rwo-imse nua: iiartmnn, rlflce hit: Zlmmer. Stolen bKHCs: Henu- sugdeti (3). Three-base hits: Geler, Sey- nnnt Wllirner ItilMPM Oil lllllls: Off Ivell- I I.. .1.1 ir.. Ul.... d,.,llA l.l. -1 - - ...., - - ii.. I innii. in,) i iiiiLtu iiii. nil. viuiri. nrdv, 2; orr J;t-oytr. 2. ioullo piny : Kelly Double play: Power to lllckey. Htolen III V. I ALL BETS DECLARED OFF ross. Hit by Pllctied ball. H Ken- buHf. Sheiiron. Left on bases: Indlan . 2; by I.eever, 1. Time. 2.01. L mplre. I poii 30; Chicago, 6. Time: 1:K. Umpire: .Mcuonaui. Cli'veliiiid Wins Wlmliip, nedy O Day Hum (Jnnie ill civ York. NKW YOHlv, Sept. . The New York nd the St. I.ouly ball teaniH gave about the worst exhibition at the Polo ground! today that has been seen here In somo time. St I.ouls took ii lend at the start And nl I eh ance, l.Oftn. Score UT LOUIS. XKW YOItK Suspicious I'orin Shown hj Prince Alert In Hlr Knee Arnusex .Sua. IilclniiK of .IuiIkps, K H.O.A.E 1 WeOraw. lb I 12 10 Burkftt, If. 2 0 1 0 0 ileldrkk. cf 0 2 1 o 0 Ponovan, rf 0 1 1 0 0 V1U(. us. 3 1 2 5 1 Kelnter. 2b 2 3 13 0 Mrdann, lb 3 2 6 0 1 nblnon, eft 1 10 I 0 Sudhoff, p... 0 0 0 0 0 TnlnH . 11 10 24 B 2 I Totals .. 4 4-23 12 Donovnn out. hit by batted ball. (tt. Louts ft 0 3 0 0 2 1 0-11 Mow York 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 0-4 TCarn.,.1 runs; Ht. I.ouls. 2: Now York. 2. First baso on errors: St. I.ouls. 2. New York, 2. I.eft on bases: St. I.ouls, 7; New York, 3. Kirm base on nana: un huuiioii, Il.H.O. A.E. Vanll'n, cf. 2 1 10 1 Tomer, us... 0 1 5 3 1 Slliach, If.. 0 it 3 0 1 Htckm'n, 3U 1 1 1 0 0 Hmlth. rf.... 0 0 ft 0 0 Doyle, lb... 0 0 8 1 3 Mercer. 2b.. 1 I 1 5 0 fltiwer'n, e.. 0 0 3 2 I Doheny. p.. 0 0 1 0 0 MiitthVn, p 0 0 0 1 0 HARTKOIID. Conn.. Sent, fi. TI e Circuit racing today was sensational In one leaiure. prince Alert, one or the three CI.ICVKLAND. Sent. C The Clevelands starters In thu free-for-all mice, after .mule. won the last came of the season on the Ihk a half In lif)-1;. name in at the wire local grounds by bunching their hits. They either held by Walker, who waa driving, or were maieriniiy nsnsiea ny lunrei s wild- in uisiress, taaing second place. The odds is sun horse It II o.A K. ll.H O.A H. ""'Her orew me norse in me accond hent nii,.,. r r, .. i n ,i r .ii,. ir i , r, I nun exniaineu ai prince Alert came Mown (lenlns. 'if... o o l (i a, lim'ot. rf" t o o o "" I'etch suffering from blind staggers Jones, rf.. a 1 .1 0 i)nlen, lb. 0 2 12 t ' "'"J oougeu io n eed turn as l.a('h'c, lb 1 1 9 ii OiNanve, 3b.. 0 1 4 o V . 1 , 1 . '"""""",wl,re TaniMPit. .1h 2 0 i) 4 ft Smith, a.... ft 1 J 4 tt " 'ai iniiir iue iiursc aim me Shay. ....( i 4 3 1 Nichols, 2b. 0 0 4 2 0 rioml. Sh.... I 2 2 0 PlBlxr. c... 0 S 4 2 0 Pros. c 0 ft 5 3 ftill.nulelln, cf 1 3 ft ft 0 linker, p.... 0 1 ft 1 OilJhret, p 0 1 0 3 1 a, t ..,,io V.r.i u iun.i ni ii .. HiiVrt w(,rc maieriniiy nsxisiea ny unrein wild- "i uisiress, inning second place. The odd n. never h-i led h mfhoff the r little tioss nnd the loose playing of the visitors in were m to Jlo on the horse and the bel 5 w , S ,,r2S tho Held. Attendance, 1,800. Score: were dcclured ofT by the Judges on the hui t'ou" qcore-K ' ' CI.KVHI.ANn. MINNKAPOUS. position that , Walker , held the hors' juui'es reserved their decision as to waiKer h ciilpalilllty until the evidence Is alt In Uets were also declared off on the second neni nernre Martini; and ten min utes were allowed to make a new book, Tntjila T "7 It 1 Till it. 10 "4 11 2 A,,"" V" "' "" ."' iiiiumia 111 lulls illiu.i. KltlllS .4 I .1 11 II IUI.IIS .. - IV .4 i rpi. ...Ip,,. ... 1....1 ,. hv 1I neenr. Cleveland.. 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 -4 rence, us the short end had b'li: monev In Minneapolis o 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 02 sight. Indiana took a new mark In the Karned run: Minneapolis. Two-base hits: second heat. -.ui. Shay, WerUen. Sacrifice hit: Tnmsett. I.ard Geraldlne took the consolation purse Stolen bases: Tnmsett. Klsher, Hundelln. offered for those outside of the Charter Klrst base on balls: Off Khrot. I. Struck Oak stake money Monday, tieers drove out: Hy Haker, K.hret, Klsher; by Khrot. tho mare In place of Hennlck. She broko Tnmsett, Cross. Wild pitch: Uv Khret. badly In the second heat, but was driven linnhlff nlnv: Wenlon i miuaslui.,,11 i oft from the outside to win. York llov was Bloff'Dohenyl ofrIat on bases: Cleveland S; Minneapolis. 0. Hit favorite, but took a fourth ami lift!, it- Hv Suiihoff B- bv Doheny 3: by by pitched ball: Hy Cross, 2. Time; 1:45. 0,',,- Sfnt'thewBon Z Si oleu bases- McGraw. Umpire: Cantllllou. , Major Greer wus not headed In the 2:27 , ?"i" LS Meniuin (') Van . .. ,rt ''! iin in three straight heats. In I " '.'rI KLi ''",?! lMeis .r"to( WallSc1.. "Hiidli.. of iUr l e-,U.. tho first heat. J H P.. Alia Kord. . Hoodler ouii r.vr. nn (isucnauani. n to .'. mini. r n... ....n m r ,i.. ... i .n Time: 1.112-5. Honnle l.lssak and Handy eoverles' nf our dav have thrown light '"t'" ' '"' . . . pfiK uctlon. Thev should be taught n Klfth race, one am three-sixteenths m es: ii,i .i .,i ...: ,i, r.. ,i. e Ihc Devil, I)., ( 9 In 1. won: John ,,llt k.-ep pace with growing lt,f..rtinti..u ' aker. Pi.. (U lnkl ehli, .1 to 2. second; Cl.iv warding his work he struggles against wind i! ,1,or:, .IMcDormott). 4 to 1. third, and water, heat and cold, ii.stcad ..t usP. 'l ime: 2:02 1-0. Koenlg, I'ny the Uddler. them ns servants. Ther lw a demand f a ' " '"r" . scientiucaiiy trained rarmi ts w niu i Sixth race, one mile: Hansford, 107 (Wink- splendid life work the sludv of the ouostlon noli ), s in fi, won. I't-ellnghuysen, 101 of the movement of mnlstrte npored up to iiuii.ii, iu iii i, nei-nini, luiKiiiiir. hi inn vouni: farmer. It me en leee woiim (Dupee), r. to 1. third. Time: 1:13. I.ouls- make the movement of molstun In the mill vllle finished llrst. hut was disqualified for n specialty and turn a full faculty tnunrd foul. I ho Jefferson. Pantland, Chlcoplc, Its demonstration it I ( iimaciis, .Mtn o Kee, horrel Hose nnd Irish would bless the country more than any unl- juivei uimi i.iii. versn' iiminr nnr linu. We bu the pmduc Is of i-MI' from nth r ltiiei HcHiilts nt St. Paul. countries, and we ntiv raw maieiiu, i u tiii-i .... .. ....... liroduct of elienii labor We ell in crowd' w. l e.V' heTn'cVnT f kl.H !-' rlrlP. .," I ariernoon, the feature of tho card be ng , 'l,,,, ' I' i ,. ,,, f the " "I trot with n Lriinrnnteeil nnmp nf Inhor, within our own land. A catolni W' Pin' Zn r ifr tJ f Hi'" condition of affairs will leal heatM w lib the greyest Vase but wl bin a U! l" " t,orri''' ,tl' nf our hummed fceVofHln'th !WAW,Ai: , hen t'olJll t'Va'ce '.'n' ?Wit .'cat's & - W''tth? XJ. ii ,,.,.IU'.1..! .r."CPD .1?ir.1l."t ",n,H W55.51I.SM worth of agneiiltulul prod.., Is ...ii ..... n,ji -i..i.. durliiir tne same vcar It Is tnierr snug ..i ii i,i, ii iji fie o.'jv'. t-iKiiLPitiiit'ip imi-i. ... - , ... , ,. . . ' ... . .... . ..i in ifiiniv wiifti v.'e iii.v I n, inrire hiiiii ill ll iunt r ;.c? iffiNIS mono - for ami It InV-ltes our though. f it w in Mrs and se? ml hoitts Time- "ltii attention to the production of such things " io "i'i. - Viu " 4" within our own hunters In the future m is ' "'-I. ... I ,,,.., ,,, .,.n.,t Itruu li . V, 1,111,1 XII ::;i tmrn. imrMe SI (hMI. m nn HlnrterM- I f.i en ............. ... i--.... ... Plumllne, b. m. (Chnndler). won l.n.. rt'l...... .ii .1.1-1' in -.11.-. lime. 4.IM-4, -.10:4. - .... ! - il.,.II. f.xr II,. f ,.,11,, rilnnln., hnnlo nnron tlftrt. S1IKS, ..l.vJ,lV nil I1UI-IP. fn.V"."-- Myrtle Van won. Melody second, ICaster third. Time: :uVi, Olio mile dnsh, purse $200: Cousin I.otty won. izarovitr. second, .emnia llitrd. Time: 1:47. Day nt Aliunde I'nlr. ATLANTIC, Jn.. Sept. 6.-(Speclal Tele- gram.) ronny was tne insi day or the nrtlinll' fntr nml thnri. U'nu n fulp nlhin. dance. There wns but one regular nice, el'il effect on the prices of farm aiiltnals frnllrf nmt linlu S1l Oj-VLlMUl fnr InhacCO. .till. ouO.noO for tea nml $8,ooo.0ii) for wool, whb-h. however, Is only hulf as much wool an we bought In 1S3S. Several of these things w. can produce In the Knlted States Some of them we cannot on account nf climatic prohibition. iiereiiNi-s In nlue. The itrcnt activity exlstini; In all depart ments of Industry has had a most benetl- 1 1 5 4 The total Increase In the value of thi farm animals of the Knlted States from January 1. 1S07. tn January 1 1!M. was I $572.70S,522. The decrease in the number been pronounced, although It is heroming less and loss every N'nw that nrices are reinutiera ti e. the de crease Is fading o tt and it Is only a ques tion nf time when nn liuitase will benin again. We sold 01,700 horses last year to foreign coupitrles and received ii,'.i:,imi ror them. i tiere is an active ociuhiui in forelun countries for horses of all kinds. nuniin ii i' I ia i.ior.i 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 e mii'H Clillinvn.v Defeats Ilrokpn How. Willi reirard to meat nrodilclm: animals CAl.I.AWAY. Neb.. Sent, il (Hneelnll the nrlees are lilch and will continue high One of the best and most closely contested becnuso the people west of the Missouri nan games or me season wns pinyed at river, wno grime meir hiock on me num.-. mis piuce yesieroay ueiweeu tne homo nave ueeu iiesiroying me grasses u r.yti team and Ilroken How. resultinir In n vie. tmmitleiillv Hint thev are not able. Ill ninny iorv ior me iormer uv a score in s to 1 . nr tin Hinie.s. now io mainiaiu more nnn i n.' game went orr smoomiy. 50 per Cent of me meat prouucine animnis A dance was Klven In the evenlnir nt the found thero a fow years uno. The meats Grand I'aclllc hotel for Ilia Msltlng team. of the country In the future must be pro though several matched. Results: 2:27 trot, purse $2o0: Hreezolund, b. g., owned by C. J. Wilson, Hoone 2 Winnie H, g. in., owned by 1. Mc- Atee, Hoone I Henry Colby, blk. g., owned by S. G. Heeden, Council Hhlffs 1 2 2 Peporly, . owned by K. 1,. Heed, Nevenvllle 5 3 5 Klectrlcity. b. m.. owned by H. M. Silencer, Creston 3 4 3 Heat tlmo: 2:25. .lne.,,1 nn tin. fnrnw nf tile fnlllltl'V I need not tell an unio audience mm-ii nbout sheep. The policies of political par ties have mich to do with prosperity along this line, nnd nobody understands that bet ter than the Ohio farmers. When we hao llaltren Double pluys: Kelster to Wallace Mrtiinn lliimn runs: Vanllaltren Mlnknian. Two-base hit: Koster. Three- ,. i, ii- Menniin. Hit bv Ditched ball Mercer. Passed balls: Howerman, 3. Time: 1:50. Umpire: (iiuniey. lti-ils Are VhilPWlp4l nOSTON, Sept. B. Uoston whitewashed Cincinnati today. Hoth teams played llst i.m1v ui the bat nml In the Held. Irwin nns put out of the game for kicking In the first Inning. The game was called In the oiirlit H on account oi onruiicis. aucu dnncc, R5ft. Score: 1103TON'. CINCINNATI 11 H.O A K I II H.O.A.E fiaimlt'ii. ef 1 13 0 1 nurrett. cf.. ft Chicago .... Milwaukee .. Indianapolis Detroit .... Kansas City Cleveland ... Huffnlo . .. Minneapolis Played. Won. Lost. 122 125 124 12S r.' 123 127 127 3 ii 5H 57 IS 17 5il 57 ill til! Ci 7ll 79 P.C .iil5 .53: .510 .523 KK. MlNK.V WINS AT VOIt TII PI. 1'1'TR In linx. as.... 2 3 3 5 0 Irwin, ss.... 0 1 0 0 Ptalil, rf. .. ft 1 1 1 0 Pelt!, c 0 0 10 Tenney, lb., till OlStelnf'dl. 3b 0 2 0 1 Collins, 3b.. 0 1 2 1 Ojllerkley, lb. 0 2 12 1 Duffy. If.... 114 0 u Mclirme, rr. u u w o .0232 n itreirs n. ir. " o i u .Mil ftljulnn, 2b... 0 111 Vlsltora I'lnil the Home Tciim Itllther i:n Moner. NOIIT PI.ATTIJ. Neb.. Sent. C (Snec al t u i i. - Teli'iiram.) The base ball cinie lietwenn I ai,. i.-a,i i, , ,n...,a 2 10 North Platte and Kearney wna called at 4 Hnoillor. lir. g. (Snow)..!!!!!!'. and I'ar.illox cailu'lit the distance fine i tie .-:iu jiace was unumsncd, tiiree neats being paced, two going to the Admiral nnd ono to Paul Hevere. Dumont W was tho favorite. A heaver thunder shower i: stnpned the event and nlso prevented The 473 Abbott from KoInK nualnst his wnuon rec- .449 ord of 2:u3'i. Summary: 8 2:27 trot, purse J1.2KJ: Jlalor (ireer, s. h. (Uaylord) Ill Dolly Hid well, b. in. (Carnenter) 2 2 .' Marluue, ch. h. (Kennoy) 3 3 3 Wlnakn, b. m. (Titer) I 5 3 Klecttic Wilkes, b. h. (Curry) 5 I 4 Hetsy Tell, blk. tn. (McCarthy) ii ills Iine, 2h... Clarhe, r.. I.ils. p... ills .. ills .. ills .. ills p. in. It was n rather one-sided contest Parallax, ti. m (Koote). owing to Kearneys good team work and Time: 2:15b. 2:llj. 2:li1V North Platte s costly errors. Although the Charter Oak Consolation, purse $S00. best mime iriiui nn win nun ior a iniiii or live two in three: more nasos man me visitors they were tin- l.ndy Geraldlne, b. in. (Geers) 0 ft ft 0 0 Totals .. I 10 24 11 1 Kulioe, ss... ft 0 2 (cott, p 0 0 1 5 Huston Cincinnati Earned runs: Totals . 0 8 21 13 4 0 1 2 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Hnston, 2. Home runs: able nt any time to make the game a close Magulo Anderson, b. m. (Delllngcn. one. The North Platte nlavers irnve xnnm .In.. U'hiih eh u. iVmnici exhibitions of nttipld base running which York Hoy. b. g. (Cummlngs) cost several runs. Another game will be Hustler, b. g. (I'usey) Played between Kenrney and North Platte Nigger Jack. blk. g. (Arturi.... Krlday afternoon KKAUNKY ll.ll.O.A. I. ("y niaek. lb. I 2 1 1 Duffv Long. 'Double 'ply: 'rke to Vr!,0,"'.V""0, " ?, J J Long. Knlmo to Heckley. 'llase on balls: Oft ' ""'J ' ; ; Lewis. 1. lilt ny plicncd nan: poitz. rtno: 1:50. rmpire: nyuer. StiimlliiR of Hip Trllins. nrooklyn .... Pitlsbuig Philadelphia Chicago Hnston Cincinnati .. SI I.ouls .. New York .. Played. Won. Lost. 1117 111 10S 111 109 111 IOR 109 in III .'. 51 53 fi.' 4S l'i 42 l 52 57 M 59 ill P.C. .('.07 .56.S .519 .4K0 .IhS .411 .413 Mernott, 2b 0 ft 3 9 0 II. lllH.-k, rf..ft 2 ft n -Keffe, lb ....0 1 2ft 0 1 Jim It'il'd, c.J 3 1 0 0 dray, cf 2 1 ft 0 0 Srotitt, If 2 o u 1 I Attendance, 5m). Score: NOIITH I'l.ATTi: It 11 O.A K werucr. cf...l 12 0 0 Hart. 3b 2 2 3 1 0 Sawyer. rf....O 1 1 ft 0 Klllott. lb .. 0 1 1.1 0 Sullivan. 0 1 1 2 0 Hchn-nlRer, c.O 0 4 12 Han'r, 2b. ...1 3 13 1 H.llley. p 2 2 0 4 1 KlUmillcr, Ifl 0 2 2 0 1 I 2 3 3 2 5 4 0 5 4 dr 7 ills tlAMi;S OK Till". AMIMIK VN l,U (il 11 llctrnlt MnUea (lie l.nst Hnnie l)uj l.lielj for knusn (II?- DKTHOIT. Sent. 6. -The Detrolls cele brated Ihelr last appearance upon the home Totals ...11 11 27 22 5' Total 7 1127 11 Kearney 1 3 1 5 0 0 1 0 0 11 North Pintle 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 Struck out: H.v Gordon. 1: by Halle v. liases on nans: orr unnion. i: on Ha ov 1. Two-base hits: Gray, Jim Hedmond Pulley (2), llaner (2), Hai l. Three-base hit : Temple Wilkes, b. g. (Plank) 'lime: 3:il't. -:i.iV. Kree-for-all nace. each heat a race, nurse $l,.vm: Indiana, b. g. (McCarthy) 1 1 1 Coney, blk. g. (Mellenry) 3 2 2 prince Aierl. h. g. (Walkon 2 dr Time: 2:05, 2:0I4, 2:0S. 2:10 once, nurse $1.2il. tinllnlshed: The Admiral, b. h. (Pavne) 5 1 1 Paul Hevere, r. g. (Grathi 1 2 I Dumont W. b. g. (K.rnest) 2 I 3 Sphinx S. ch. g. (Spenr) I nolle Collov. b. in. (Clark) 3 Lady Pipes, b. m. (tUce) 7 lied Heal. I), h. (Know I Slavonic, gr. b. (Cheneyi... Time: 2:U7!4. 2:U7'i. 2:i14. I'nvorlles Hon led Oier. ST l.fllMS Mo. Sent li Willi ,mo ov. Hart, lilt by pitched ball: Worker. Wild oeptlon favorltea were bowled over at Kin pitch: Hnlley Pasesd ball. Jim Hedmond. loch Park this afternoon. As nn two l mplre: i . A. Kiir.miuer. preylmis ncraslmis since the openim; of th? ir.,,.L, ,.hh than a week ami. Dnm n c lc Two linnips nl Ai-npiilinp, excelled In fockeyshhi by winning on four AIIAPAHOE;. NpD.. Sept. (.. (Special nio ints. tne leature was a nnndlcap at erounds this season bv taking both Karnes Telegram.) Todav'rf gnmes In the tourna- one mile, which brought half a dozen of r. .i.i. ..,....,,.,,, ,i,n,ii, ,,.!.,, ...i.i. ,. ... iiiniit reunited ns follows. .Morning um.- 1 the best horses nt the track to the in. si sns Cllv The visitors could not bunch hits Hertrand 1 0 5 3 0 1 3 3 fiifi Go (lut wns made favurlte, but the w-lnner no Yoaeer in tne nrst game, and In the sei ond mime Duncan wns the only man who lilt Krlsk safelv Sheelian s playing was a texture, riciire nrsi game; ntrritoiT i Kansas rirv 11 H.iVA K I n.H O.A i; r a-v Jh .. ft a ft 0 llontphlll. rf 0 1 I .1 i Holm's, rf. ft 2 1 0 0 lrrell. rf 0 1 : fl o Hariri. If ft 2 ft OOTtrlrn. If. 0 1 I I ID nn. th .. o 1 2 4 ft Duncan, lb. 0 1 lft ft stun, i- ... 0 0 2 1 n (Tine n. . o 1 1 i o Dllloii, lb I I 13 ft ft I'ouc'itln. 3b 0 1 I 10 lrr. rf.... ft 2 0 ft 0 SollBsfsr. 2tl 0 I) 1 .1 ft misehan. as ft 1 i 3 0 Mc.Manus, el 1 4 ft 0 leaser, p... 1 ft 0 4 0 Ie, p 0 0 0 I 0 Totals ..2 9 l'i 14 01 Total ..I 7 24 11 1 Detroit 0 0 1 1 0 0 0ft'-: Kansas City 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-1 Karned run: Detroit, 1. Saerltlce hits Duncan. Harley. Stolen Unrlev Yeauer. Klrst base on lulls: Off Yeagor, 3; on 2. nrsi base nn errors: Detroit, 1 Left on bnses: Detroit. S; Knnsas City, niruoK out: ny leaner. 1 bv .ee, Mluden 2 0 ,, 2 0 ft ft 0 312 Halterles: Scott and Mansko, Punk ami lthi. iles. II ts: Hertrand, ll; .M nden. 10 Krrors: Hertrnnd. 10; Mlnden, 7. Umpire: Dr. Wane. Afternoon gnme: Indlanolii ft0101ftftftft-2 Ar riahoe 1036 2 00 0 0-12 turned nn In Ida l.edford. the second choice, whom Domlnli k rushed to the front nt the quarter nnd never being headed won In a common gallop bv throe lengths from the favorite. Attendance good, track fast. Hummnry : l-'irst race. sl furlotiKs, selllnc: Mnnoir ban, 109 iDnmlnlck), 11 to 5, won; Guerdon. 112 (Hlnkleyi, 10 to 1 and 4 to 1. second; Hatterles: Agor and Powers. Jess Scott Captain Gnlnos, 112 (.1 Mathewsi, 7 to 1, and ltatcllfT lilts: ludlatiola. ti. Arapahoe, third. Tlmo: 1:16. Merry Whale, Prolll, 14. Krrors: I ml anstlo, 6, Arapahoe, ft. I'm- Jack Willis. Hrown Thrush. Kongo el Noir, pil v . i i-iiir i inr. iioi,i)hi:(;k ms at hoi.i' match. Amelia Hay, Mny Korbes nnd Sylvian nlso ran. Second race, one mile and n sixteenth. selling: Mitt Hoyklli. 109 (Mavi. S to I. won; rciElior, 109 (v. ivlley). s to s and 3 to 5 second. Padrone, 112 (J. Mathewsi, 7 to 1 third Time- 1:50. Klsle Venner. Snnir.i. num. Klgltha. Delgado and Leo par also ran. Third race, six and one-half furlongs Mule ( linniplonalilp I nv llelivreii 4) in it Ii it nml HolilrPHP I'piiius, LINCOLN. SeDt. 6.- (Sneclal Teleeram.) HnldieKe won the llrst match of the state nolf tournament Ibis afternoon, defeatlne the Lincoln Hum of ten men by a score of selling. Lamascotta. 10.; (Domlnlck). 3 Io 1 33 holes. Tomorrow. Omaha will meet. both won: McNamara. u3 (W Kllo.-i. ii to 1 iiunirt-KP iii;;; i.incoiu ior mo siai second: Miss l.ynnh. inj (l-'alleiiy), ;t to 2 uiiiiioiuii. nn- ii.-n-ni ,.i i, iicoiii lumiy third. Time; l:224 llevenue, .1. ti. Harnos ii 1 u..ii. l-i : .ei...-. ..Wt "i..::..i... v.,....iiM,iiniii. iu mv munri i .miss verne. arve n. .mi ureii names I .irprii iniiii. oiiiin, llllir. I., XI. I llllllir. 1 11, llm , iu. In , ruft ,,,,l,,ut .,n,nrA. h I . ... ..,.. ,.,... .. . Slixrlilnti ;. . i. . i U. ,.i j. " I i.exeu, r.ucrniii n ami -..uisprr i.nw a so nueiiiinu I )m match todav HI ( air nf llnlilrvp rlln. I ... tlngulshed himself by defeating McCreery, Kourth race, one mile, hnndleap: Ida Score seennd gamo. Attendance, 2,,'A); fasci, Sb . .Inn, rf lljrlei, If ltxn. Sb M' .IVr Dlllnil lb Nieal, cf . ... ivrtfPAP int. i.i"' inn r ii.ii-R kuii iuiixt. oy a score oi Leclford. 97 (Domlulcki. 3'. to 1, won: Go '.' " -r'. .. . . nii.wA.i; iip. in" sieauv iiirouKiioui out. 104 iKrost). x Io 5 and 1 to 2, second i i i i',iiinpniti. rr l o t n n ami rnr siqierior io mat or nny Lincoln St. Culhberl. 105 (W Idles l. 4 to 1. third 'I JI ;'rT c 0 0 3 0 0 player. Time: 1:42. Alice Turner. Ladas and Joe " ! ' " V nrirn. n..v i c -.- :r"- . Do.iKhtv nlso ran I n I 1 o, Duncan, 11. 0 2 ,) fl me Icilli'Ks Knot llnll Dlltea. Plrih race seven furloncs. selllnir 5.v.i:ir I'llncn. m. 0 ft s l I A IKS, la. Sept i! (Special i-The Inwn oldn: Secundiis. 102 (W Kllev). 15 to 1. 'won I ouchlln. 3b 1 0 2 I II at.ite enllcce loot ImII learn tills rnn. I.iln I nillnrll lift I.I Mnthen-m tf. In r, a.,, I H-haefer, !h l 0 9 S 1 training and Is honng up some good ma- I 6 to 5. second. Seething. Iftl (McCanni. s to Oon4ln, c, 9 0 4 x 0 terlal. Coach Woodruff of tho Untvirilty I 6, third. Time. 1.31. Julletta n, Marcla l ft 2 1 ft 1 I 9 I I I 1 2 0 ft SktfaaJl, III 1 I I I 8 3 Thev were "hut out t 1 l-en ports that Industry langu Ishos U'o i I nnlnir imd were co inlet lv it buy millions of ilollars' worth of wool v the Sloi v cUb 1 J from foreign countries. The sheep In- tlle "10"x c' "'- dustry l.s prospering In the Knlted States Council HIuITh AViilloied. LITTLK SIOKX. In.. Sent. 6.-(SnocIul.1- The Merohnnts' Hrowns" of Council Hluffs played base ball at Little Sioux Sun. dav, September 2. and were defeated by a score oi s the ninth ..Inuort.l 1... ll.i,nvl I,.. lliv OIUIIA 11.111. . ..... . .. (nut timv rriu. tniiv-enietit in tlie direction Kntrles In (Jtilr T'niirnilnien t. nf ernwlnir mutton slieen. with desirable N I AG A H A-ON-T1 1 K-LA K K, Out.. Sept. C. wool, Is In the right direction, without Kntrles for the lnternntlntinl (?nir innrnn. mmtiilnii The nemilo will bo fed more ment which beulus tomorrow nn the i.irt ecnnnmlcallv and tho nroilts for the fnrmsr Genrire links tni'liiil.i unmn nf llm l,ui u-llt I,,, better In the ni'nductlnn of a larKCr ers In Canada and the Knlted Slate's, per cent of mutton sheeii than we have. Aninnir these are: A. V Kmlll. been In the habit of nroduclliu. ' plon of Canada; G. S. Lyons, ex-chnmplon Secretary Wilson referred to tho new Av..r..r; P to the Knlted last year: A. C. Korbes nnd W. H. nienn. Status. Including the territory In the mln- Syracuse; C. M Hunsom. International mg states west of the prairie country, the plmKn,1y;,gJ' lVunoWTomonrrCoH!,,i,r)Vnii:!LJ 'lent " "otl the handlcan will bo nlaved nml in iii,, lleuros to lllustrute thu increase In exports nrternoon mo qtinuiying round In the in recent years. .-..hii.u in.i.iviiKv viqi ii.eiis. .,,.. i-,,!,,,,! strifes buys 1200.000.000 worth Tn im. .....i ir i...i.i i i . "f troplcnl products untui.illy. It will bo I n lor mill Kimble In Demi llenl. ,, ,,'ii,. i, f,,i,,r. in oilnenip the brnwn INDIANAPOLIS. Sent, fi At thn tin- I ..,., lal i,,,l nnuuli,i.a In nrnilni-e iloniil circuit bicycle rncea at Newby ovnl this vast amount of material. The receipt iuiiikiii. u me uiii-iiurii nine nauonai pri- of this amount of money will enable mem fesslonnl championship . the final hent be- to set better tables, clothe themselves tween luylor nml Kimble wns ileelnred a better, live In better houses and do more ui'"" mm uiui 4iiu iiurm n'luscu io run it for education. ..Vrtl- 'OdVlrtr. nl,,l,n,l n 1t III ., . I. l 1 . . .... .. ... . . .. ..... .. . . .. ...v. . ,.j .,,..,, v ,, au,.. ii in,- w.iii n, Arrrie niTiirn nnnriHi es iioml wni'ii me ivltnnio ny e nowinu nnd sliuttlnc him nut ,i,,,ini,..u i..,u, iii, uni,.,,ii nt inn. win juiigi-s reuiseii io unow ll. 4N0 industry has cone on unite sat sfactor ly tlmo was given T1, ,,,., ,nrket is the best In the world tho per cent of factory people- grows every I'llKllah Horn AitiilllNt All Cnnlcra. year. Prices for farm iiroducts are ox- A match will he nlayed 1111 Sattinliiv nn I iiaf r,m.i r.m-,t. nf tlir, iirtloim he the grounds at Lmmett nnd Twenty-first yond the sea at arm s length, but factories street, l-.ngllsh Horn vs. Alt Comers. The multiply nnd will continue tn do so. In teams will be captained by J. II. Slmms many directions more goods could be made nnd J. l'Mlicls. Gamo lulled at 3 p. m. than tho home market could consume. Wo roach beyond our borders for new custom ers to ken our artisans busy. It Is tho IV! l'lttxlinrir Hn? n n Plnvor HIIOOKLYN. N. Y.. Sent, fi. The Pitts, formers nrlvlleue to so shiiDi. nollcles that burg baso ball team has purchased tho re- the sphere In which we sell will widen us lease in .lings uoiianue, a leri-liandod our requirements demand, catcher, of the Davton (O.i club, lie tnlned tho PlttsbtirgS today. May Divide Conference. MILWAKKKK. Sent, fi. Tho twentieth I lvetily HouiiiIn to Drniv. annual session of tho Chlcaco conference of hi'. .i()i-;i'il. .Mo., Kept. 1;. Ilurrv Forbes the Norwegian-Danish Melliodisl Kplscopal of Chicago nnd Casper Loon of Now York church, Hlshop Mallulleu presiding, opened iouKiii 11 iweiuy-rounu umw ;u i.nne tjon- m .MllwauKon today and win tomorrow ue trary tonight. cldo whether nr not the territory connirls- Inir tho conference exlendlm: from the WANTKD Hlds for nil concessions on Hooky to the Allegheny mountains shall be grounds of Kremont Driving park, Kremont, divided. -1 wo reports were received one , , , ., A , ' provides for n division with the Mississippi Neb., during race mooting Carnlvnl week, river as n basis nnd the other that the line September 12, 13 and 14, 1900. Address, HUKCR K. SMITH. Sec, Mltlniicr II111 n Wnlf. When Goorco Mlttnuer of R42 South Klghtcenth street arose and went on his fiont porch about G o'clock Thursday morn ing he found u basket which had not been there when ho retired. In the basket was a cute llttlo baby boy, together with a nurs ing bottle mid a quantity of i-lothlng A note statlnu that the babv was born Sen- letnbor 5. 19n0, was found pinned to Its dross. There was nothing to Indicate Its Identity. Mr. Mlttauor reported thn matter to the ponce station and acreed to keen I ho baby for a few days until arrangements could do mnuo ior its disposition. Douuliis ('11 11 nty Denioeriiey. Delegates were appointed nt last night's meeiing 01 mo Douglas county Democracy run strnlKht north and west from Mac Grogor, la. The division would not require me election or nn auumonai mcmner or the hoard of bishops. Ht. p.i u 1 is me omy city so tar asking for the next conference KEEPING IT UP, Emphatic Talk By Omaha Cit izens. Kvery day In the year some resident of Io the national convention of demni rnile Omaha Is tellinc a friend nr nelnhbor aboill clubs, ns rollows: n L. Metcalfe, at large; experiences with Dnan's Kidney Pills. No ir&Uril. G.0,enlmrnnR"w,: n! endorsement as ever given Olmsted. K. K. Munii. John c. Hroxel. A. for any modern medicine. Head what thin I. Thompson, Lyslo L. Abbott nnd Krank says: Mr. Geo. A. Wells, No. 415 South 11th St.. Heller. Itcsolutlons were adopted In memory of inn iiie .iiiiuir newuu TIIK HKAI.TV .11 A II K HT, employed at Chas. A. Pogau fi- Co's. snvs "I always had Blight bladder trouble, but for three years It becaino worse nnd INSTHI'MKNTS placed on record Thura- fonio-tlmos alarmed 1110. Acfompanylng nay, oeptemner ii, it mere was a Vieaxnoss aiioss ine Wiirriint) Deeila, loins, particularly In evident e If 1 Hobort Cook to W. S. Wlant, lot 30. overexerted myself. Always anuouH 10 lllOCk 2. Hedlck liai'k 1 l.flVI trv nnv romedv ulili li inirlil io?..8bloTkt"ontt 450 brinic rollof. when Mr. J. Kllck. wat-hmakor, O. N. Sinn and wife to Adam Toman, of Cass street, ndvlsod mo to use Donn's lot ., mocK 5, n Herne A. 11. s add.... 473 Kidney Pills. emntiHSlzIni: his advice by 1 ft-vi "tfttlng they hnd cured him of klilnoy trou ble. I bought a box at Kuhn A- Co's drug store, corner of 15th and Douglns Btreets, It did exactly ns It promises. The trouble H. W. Homan to W. H. Nelson, n32ft of efilfl lot 11, block 5, Paiker's add . Joseph Goldsmith and wife to I, O. Puyton. w'v of lot 5. Key's sub G. C Moore to M. N. Stultz. lota 21 and 22, block I, Kckerman place l.O1") A D r oster to New Kngiand .Mutual Life Insurance Co.. lot 1. block 122. Omaha 1,00) Jacob Peterson and wire tn Anton Jens.m. 4 lot 11. block 2, "William Hagedorn s add , 10 disappeared." Kor snlo by all doalcrh. Prlre 50c per box. Koiter-Mllburn Co., Iluflnlo, N. Y sole agents for thn United Slates. Remember the name,"Doan'," ami take DOCTOR T0L50N Of the Mute Hloetrii-Hedlcnl Insllliile, Hills I'nrniini Mlreel, Speelnllsl In l)lspuse4 of Hen. Varicocele, Stricture, Contagious Blood Poison, Nervous Debil ity and all Reflex Complica tions and Associate Diseases and Weaknesses of Men by Our Electro-Medical Treat ment, Which Combines all the Curative Powers of Both Medicine and Electricity. j07 fp We want every man thus allllcted to S R (J S I ' , h'llicslly Investlgiltc n ir special K.lcctro- stMem nf treatment We Unite In particular all who bine treated elsewhere without success, and all those whose cases have been abandoned by f.imlly phslolns and so-called cvpert Wo will explain to nn win Miii h treatment has not cured yo 1 nml will doinotiMrntP to your entire FUtlstac tii n that we call cure you safely, milcklv nnd permuuctitb Our counsel will cost nii nothing and our charges for a perfect cure will not bo more than ou will be willing to pav fnr the bonellts ennferrej We will iln by you ns wo would Want you tn do bv us If our cases were reversed Corlalntv of cure Is whnl yo t Want We can and will cite nu, bv permission, to some of the best citizens of this cltv whom we have cured and made hippy, and who will cheerfully vouch for our as well us professional standing' Whnl vie bine dune for Ibeni ur en 11 In for oil. VARIPflPFI P ' m',,' "r Kleetro-Mrdlcal trcattnont this Insidious disease rapidly inniUUUtLL disappears P.1I11 ceases nlmost Instantly The pools of slagnant Mnnd are drlel from the dilated veins and all soreness and swelling quickly sub side K cry Indli atlon of Varicocele sunn vanishes, and In Its stead comes tho pride, the power and the pleasute of Perfect benllli nml renloreil iiiiuihnnd, RTRIPTIIRC "r Kloclro-M.dlcal tren",r" uissnnes tne stricture completely ana oiniUlUllL removes evcri nhstrui tlnti from the urinary passage, allays all In tlammatlnn, stnis every uniiatur il dlsrhiirge, reduces the pustule gland, cleanses and heals the bladder and kidneys. Invigorates the sexual organs and restores hi .'lllll and soundness to every inrl of the linrty nnected liy (he dleimp. CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON VnrtXi!.icaso"ispra:,r.;'m me wnra an u is lminrsou u me best ph slclnns or this ami loreign cnniui iw n cni.talns im dangerous drugs nr Injurl.i 1 h' meillclnes of any kind II goes to the ver bottom of the disease and forces nut evcrv particle of Impiiritx hmn every sign and sMiiptnm dlaiprais completol v and forever The blood, the msu. the ll'sh the bones and the whole sxstcm are cleauu'd. puiitled anil lestored tn perfnet health nnd the patient prepared anew fnr tb- ilnlles nml ileniirci if life. NFRVfllHJ nPRII ITV Men. mnnv of you are now reaping the rcsnilt of your IILilVUUO U CD I Ll I I fnrmor fnllv Your nmiibood Is falling and will soon be Inst unless vnu il.. something for yourself There Is no time to lour. Impotoncy. like all sexual diseases. Is never on the standstill. With It you can make nn com prnmlsi Klthor m must master It or It will mnster von and till your whole r, turn with misery and Indescribable woe. We have treated so man cases of tills kind we arc as familiar with them ns ou are with the vctv daylight. Once cured Im us von will tuner again be bothered with emissions, drains pretunture ness. small nr weak organs, nervousness, falling memory, loss of ambition, nr simi lar symptom which rob m.ii of vour manhnnd and absolutely nnlii you for sliuiv, business pirns-ire or marriage. Our trentment for weak men will emtect all lliese mils nnd restore oit tn what not ire In tended--a hate, healthy, happy num. Willi physical, nieiiliil nml sevnnl imnrri rn cmnplcte. RFFI FY rHQFAJF Many ailments are redox, orlglnntlng f 10111 other diseases. IlLl LLA UIOLMOLO I..r Instance sexual weuknoss sometimes comes from Varl cucele nr Slrb ture. Iiiniimcrable blood and bono diseases often result from contiml niis blood taints In the system, or physical nnd tneninl decline frequently follow im potent) In treating diseases of any kind we always remove the origin--we cure cause THE ELECTRO-MEDICAL SPECIALISTS OF THE DIFFERENT DEPTS. .of this Institute by their special combined Klectro-Medlcnl Trentment nre mak ing man v wonderful cures in diseases nf thu Nose, aiul Linus, llouJ. II j.irt, Stniu.wli nnd Howcls, Liver, Kklncys, HIivHiiniitlsin, Citarrh, I'.ir.ityHis, I'ilcs, etc. t Disj isjs, C()iUii'4loiiH ItimiJ P.)lsoii, Ruptiifc, Stricture , Viirictuelc, Ncrvmts Debility ttiul ALL ALLIED AND ASSOCIATE DISEASES OF MEN. PriDDCCDnMnnUPC One personal visit Is always preferred, but If you cannot uUnnCorUllULllur. cnll .it our office, write ns your nymptoms fully. Our home treatment by correspondence Is ulvvnvs sicccssfiil Legal contract given tn all patients to hold for our ngroement. Do not hesi tate, ir you cannot call tmbn. write and describe your trouble. Successful treat ment by m.ill References Hist H.mks and Lsaiini; IhisIhcsh .Men in this City. CONSULTATION FREE. Office Hours From K ii. in to 8 p. m. Sundays, 10 a. in. to '2 p. in STATE ELECTRO-MEDICAL INSTITUTE I IVrinuneiitly Located, 1.108 Farnani St., Omalia, Neb. Total amount o.f trnfr tc ? I no other. Hot Weather Offices. Anyone who luis a west front office these daja, or an of fice in u rninHhackie building, ouglit not to be in the same fix next Hummer. Dirt, too, seems more offensive in hot weather. THE BEE BUILDING is cool, clean and well ventilated. Thero is always n draft, the walls are thick,t he aii is pur eand kept constantly moist by the fountain in the court. This is the place to be in summer. : i R. C. PETERS & CO., Rental Agents, Ground Floor, Bee Building. TIIK Alllllt()OIC DISTILLING CO., The llest nml I'ui-cit liupiirteil nnd Dninesllc LIUIOHS, WIMiS, Hll WDIHS. Direct to the t'oilBllliiei'. 1', O, llm SI. .lo.seph, Mo., '.i-n-inoi). Til 13 OMAHA DA 1 1 A' HI31C, Oinalin, Neb. (lent lemon: Unclosed please find chock for ()."), I lie amount of enclosed bill, which kindly receipt and return. More re turns from your paper than from any one of thirty-seven others. Yours respectfully, THU ASHMIiOOK DISTILLING CO. Olllce Oier 215 Ssuth t4th Street. $500 A MONTH. McGREW SPECIALIST Tr eatt. U I'orin of DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF M EN ONLY 25 Year's Eiperlenca 14 Years in Omaha. VAfllCOCHU! cured Mi-Drw at t.9 qiiirkl; wllliollt cut- tins or puln SYPHILIS In all ntncc cur-il pormnncntlT nnu for i fo. Hit oturr. II j (It.n'flr. LOSS Op MANHOOD, Nlsht I.otifi.. Nervous Imblllty lllmlilur. Kidneys! Oonorrhona, (ilrct. CURES GUARANTEED CHARGES LOW. i;ieitritty nnd Medical Treatment com bined TRUAT.MICNT HV MAIL Consul tation free. Hours 8 to R p. in. Sunrla. to 12. I1 O. Hox TCfi. Office over 2I& South 14th Btreet, between Farnain and DoutUu iitrela, Oma ha. Neb, II AVI" YOU ISVKIl IJIVIC." A KAMI THIAI. TO. . . . "Krug Cabinet" If not, you hnve mlmeil a good thlag. This exquUltn mult ticveraga atandn on a unlqun basis. It fella Itself. Ita fame unl reputation Ii the nnvy of many. The palate, th benoflclul resulta achieved "within" the Inner man are the only and real Judges of Its merits. Approved of by them, It trl umpbantly cntora innumerable hountholrti. Where Cabinet enters, doctors and drug bills exit. aitriWKn ii v piir.n icruu hiihwi.nt; co I'bd'it 20. Oil. ill A, MCn,