TV viik ovAirv D ml i im:ijj Finn vs. shi'thmmm t, won. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA, COUNCIL an.voii .Mi:.vno.. Davlg flla glass. "Mr. Hlley." G-ccnt clear. I.fffert, 2SC Udy., tests eyes free. Ofts fixture and globes at Hlxby's. Flno A. li. ('. beer, NctimaytT'd hotel. Dr. 8trfhonfon. 101 I'earl St. Tel. 3. Schmidt's photos, new and latest styles. Call, photos J1.50 lnz. Williams. Ml ISdv. J. C. & W. Woodward, architect, 023 Hdy. W. n. Lewis fell monuments. 301 IT way. Lcmp's beer, Socnko IloyKcn, boIo agent. Dent beer, lJudwelscr U. Uosenfeld, AKt. Scientific optician at Woolman's, 409 U'way. Harry Cileason Ik reported to bo seriously til with typhoid fever. Get your work done nt the popular naglo laundry, 721 Uroadway. 'I'hnne 157. W. C. Kstep. undertaker, z I'earl gtrcot. Telephones: omce, U7; residence, 33 W. W. Ilniilhorn left hiHt evonlnB for IlrldKcton, N. J.. m an extended visit. W. F. draff, undertaker and licensed cm bnlnier. lol Houth Main street. 'Phone ! Miss Hrrna Murle Nelson of Nebraska City In the. wicst of MIsh Claudia Scott of Tenth avenue. A picture nlven free with each frame tiouiriit In September of ('. V.. Alexander & Co.. 333 Ilrondwiiy. For Kale, thlrlecn-room two-story frame hotel bulldlnK. Inquire nt . laun dry, 31 North Main. J. Mlthen took out n building permit vex terday for the eri-etlon of a two-story frame cottngu on Mynstcr street to cost J2,oi0. Mm. Thomas Ollleer and Miss Julia Offi cer have returned from u month' outing iimnng the mountain resortH of Colorado. Mlko Weatlierlieo cnrnilullicil to the police that n wt of harness wan stolon Wednesday night from his livery barn on Uroadway. Herbert I'inkerton nnd Ilosa Cnnkllnr both of Omaha, were married In this oltv ji.storduy afternoon, Justice Ovlde len of ilclatlnj,'. The will of the. late Mrs. Harriet I Oallup was admitted to probate yesterday and her daii".. it, Mrs. Mary I. Hauler, appointed exectrlx without bond. lMwIn McCrarv. who has been visiting his parents on Fourth street and slinking hands with old time friends for the last few days, left last night for his home In I.lltlo Hock, Ark. 1. fiunimude secured a building permit vesterday for the erection nf a one-storv iind one one and a half story frame cot taes at the corner of Fourth Vonuu und Tenth street, to cost J3,rI0. A general mooting of all the teachers of th city schools has been called for tomor row morning at in o'clock at the Hlootnor building. All teachers are required to have their certlllcntes with them, as they must bo shown beforo they can slsn their con tracts. Second Lieutenant Fred Mould of tho High School cadets has been elected first lieu tenant to llll the vacancy caused by the resignation of Lieutenant Hicks. Alfred IVtorson has been mado second lieutenant to succeed Gould. Miss Anna Paulson, daughter of Mr and Mrs. II. J. Pailson, IWiS South F.levonth street, died yesterday morning from tuber culosis, aged 20 years. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon from the fnmllv resilience nnd Interment will bo In Fair view cemetery. The semi-annual Installment nf the water rental duo from the city for Hie hydrants, amounting to about $13,000. has been paid In cash Instend of In warrants, as heretofore. This was made possible by the refunding of tho outstanding general nnd water war rjnts some few months ago. Jacob Sims, senior partner In tho legal linn of Sims St Itlanchard of this city, has entered the law firm of Sliaw & Kuehnlo at Denlsnn. tho senior member of which Is Governor Shaw Ho oxpectH to spend a larcn part of his time at Denlsnn, but will continue his residence In Council HluffH. T. D. Quick, tho young farmer from Mace, donla, failed to put In an appenranco In police court yesterday morning when tho caso In which he was charged with carry; lug concealed weapons was called. Tho U cash and tho rovolvcr which he had put up as security for his nppeuranco were escheated to tho city. Charles Dickinson, a driver for the Amer ican Kxpress company, was found guilty In pollen court yesterday mornlnK on the banjo "I fast driving through tho streets, lie was late for the train and drove at a full gallop on Uroadway to the Northwest ern depot. The court suspended sentence nnd advised him to mako an earlier start In future. John Ilarcl.iy. the Insane patient who escaped Wednesday from St. Itcrnard's hos pital, was raptured late that nlKht by Olll rer Matlock. Tho ynutiK man kuvc tho oltl rer quite u ttisslo before he was landed at tho hospital This makes the third tlmo that Ilarclay has escaped from tho Institu tion anil he said that If he over got out sldo the grounds uguln they would never catch hi m. The case against William Itnlloil, charged by W. 11. Knepher with selling liquor con trarv to law, was continued In Justice Vleii's court yesterday for the third time. September 12 has now been set for the hear ing. Hallou Is a bartender In the employ of Colonel llcrk, who conducts a saloon on South Main street, and It appears that Knepher took this course against him to Ret even on an old account which Hallou Is suld to own him. Kdward Chambers, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Chambers, living near Armour, la , died yesterday morning at the Woman's Christian association hospital from typhoid fever, aged 28 years. He taken sick a few days ago while, on his way home from Colorado Springs, where he attended thn National Farmers' convention as a delegate from this state. Tho funeral will be held Sunday morning nt It o'clock from tho family residence under the auspices of thu Armour masonlo lodge ami burial will bo in the Hardin township cemetery. N. V. Plumbing Co., telenaone 200. PO.nnO cakes Domestic soap tired In Coun cil HlnCTs Inst month. Hrnl lint ill r Trnimf rr. The following transfers wero (lied yester day In tho abstract, tltlo and loan ofllce of J. W. Squire, 101 Penrl street: John T. Williams to H. Whetstone & Hasmus Hurt, lot 7, block 7. Heers sub. dlv.. w.d 400 Ollleer .t Pusey and wives to hmlll" Wegener, lot fi, block 3, Mynster's ad., q.e.d 15 Almlra J. Dllln to Johanna Olsen, lots I nnd 6. block 22, Avoca, s.w.d .00 lown Loan and Trust company to Nora Ilrown, lot IB, block 13. Honrs" sub. dlv.. n.c.d i" Council HluffH Savings bank to John Heno, e4 oH nw'i neU, sw'i lieit. e'. so',. i and nw'i se'i. 12-n-n, s.w.u.... .u Total, llvo transfers 13,135 MnrrliiKP Licenses. Licences to wed wero Issued yesterday to thn following pornons: Name und Hesldence. Age. Paul W. Kodwels, Council Hluffs 31 Hesslo A. Hlch. Council HluffH 2S Herbert Plnkertou, Omaha ?!) nosa Conkllng. Omaha 23 Grnvel roofing. A. H. Head, 641 Uroadway. Domestic snap sells on Its merits. Rough flitter School Shoes Every Pair War ranted at H HAMILTWSj FARM LOANS Negotiated In Eastern Ttrnraskk and Iowa. James N. Casady, jr., I2ii Main tit. council mufti. MONEY TO LOANi'n.'pS? Savings Loan and Building Associat'n 1S Council Ulufla, Iowa, BLUFFS. TAXES ARE CUT HALF A MILL Board of Supervisor! Sets tho County Levy Lower for Next Year. SHERIFF'S FEES ARE COMING OUT SHORT Office Does Not Hnrn HiioukIi In l'n.v l!ie Snlnrles limn n lij- Ibr Deputies at Present Hniplo rd. The state nnd county tax levy for 1500 was fixed yesterday by the Hoard of County Supervisors at 15.5 mills, being halt a mill less than thn levy for 18J9. Tho levy as fixed Is ns follows: Fund. Mills. Stato 2.6 Statu unlMerslty 0 I Iowa Stato collego 0.1 County general I 0 County poor , 1.0 County bridge 3 0 County road l.o Temporary school l.o State Insauo 0 ." County Insanu ti.5 Soldiers' relief 0.2 Homl and Interest 1 5 Total irTs Tho stato levy last year, Including the levy for tho Stole university, was 3 mills. This year It Is but 2.8 mills, Including an extra levy for tho Stato Agricultural col lege. In tho county levy no changes were made from last year for the county general, poor, bridge, road and school funds. Tho levy for tho state nnd county Insano funds was each reduced half n mill. Tho bond Interest fund was Increased from three-fourths of a mill to 1.5 mills, while the soldiers' re lief fund levy was reduced from flvo one hundredths of a mill. The stato tax Is fixed by the Board of Control nnd Included by the supervisors In the county lovy. MicrllT'A Feci. Full Short. Tho ruport of tho commlttco on officers' accounts does not look very protnlslug for Sheriff Cousin's four deputies and the prospects for receiving anywhero near their full salaries are far from bright. Tho four deputies, J, C. Haker, W. A. (Ironoweg, 12. Canning nnd John Long, thn latter tho deputy nt Avoca, wero to re ceive $100 a month each provided tho fees of tho olllco wero sulllclunt. According to tho report of tho committee mado yes terday to tho board tho fees uro entirely lusufllctent to pay theso salaries and more than this tho report shows that tho dep uties have drann more salary In four months than tho fees show they are en titled to In six months. For tho first ulx mouths of this year tho total tees, as shown by tho sheriff's books, amounted to (2,401.34. Out of this Sheriff Cousins ro talncd $1,230 as his salary for that pe riod, leaving $1,151.34 to be divided among his four deputies. This would glvo each deputy $287.83 for tho six months. Ths books of tho county auditor, show, how over, thut during tho first four months of tho year each deputy received $333.33, or $45.13 moro than nccordlng to tho nmount of fees ho would have been entitled to re ceive for tho six months. Action on tho report was postponed until the session today. Two of tho deputies were appointed court bailiffs by Judge Macy for this term of district court and as such they will bo entitled to draw $2 a day while court lasto. This will be paid by tho county nnd not from tho fees of tho sheriff's ofllco. This, It Is expected, will rultevo tho situation somewhat nnd enablo tho other deputies to securo their full pay from tho receipts of tho ofllce. To dire for llic Poor. fleorge T. Miller was ro-clected super visor of tho poor for Kane township for another year and his salary fixed nt $50 per month. C. H. Norton was re-elected holdlera' relief commissioner for Avoca and his salary llxed nt $50 for tho year. The amount expended for tho old soldiers' re lief In tho county for tho year ending Sep tember 1, 1S00, was $3,387.45, as follows; Cieorgo T. Miller. Council Hluffs.. . .$.',478 45 It. 11. Wilson, Carson -J'.'o.O) C. 11. Norton, Avoca 4S00 Supervlror Matthews reported that tho city council had mado a proposition regarding tho expendlturo of tho portion of tho county road fund raised from tuo lovy of tho tax within tho city limits. Ho said tho city would bo willing to take CO per ccut of tho fund to expend as It desired, leaving 40 per cent for the county board to spend under Its direction. Mayor Jennings nnd City So Ilcltor Wndsworth appeared beforo tho board on behalf of thef proposition, but nftcr some discussion It was decided to postpono action until today. This division of tho road fund, ns rnlscil from taxation within the city limits, Is tho samo ns wns ngrecd upon last year between the city council und tho county supervisors. Tlu law gives tho city tho right to direct where this money shall bo spent, but provides that tho work shall bo dnno by tho county. In order to secure complete control of a portion of tho monoy tho city Is willing to forego tho balance. Tho umount nf tho road fund raised by taxa tion In tho city Is about $3,300. Owing Id a default in tho survey or record of tho relocation of tho Council Illurfs-I,ewlB road, tbo county surveyor was directed to ranko a renurvcy and rclocato it. ri, i:mm; tiii; coiiFr nocKris. .Indue Mnry Hrniovm n Lot of Drml t'Huefi from (lie Flics, Judge Macy of thn district court yester day mado n whnlesalo clennlng from tho docket of a number of cases thnt have en cumbered It from term to term nnd have never been brought to trial. Ho struck from tho docket tho following cases, sub ject to reinstatement on a proper showing- J. H. Herd ng.ilnst George F. Wright, h. noclm ugnlnst J. J nrown nnd Mary H row n. H. O. Whlto against Mary C. Key nnd others, Sallle A. Stlllmnn against J. W. Craig, J. J. Uess against Joseph D. Smith. H. F. Cornelson against William Sledentopf, Administrator: Mary Stack against Charles Unas nnd wife, Stoughlon Wngon company ngalnsl 11. O. Cook. O. I- Smith ngslnst P. II. Wind. W. O. Wirt ngalnst J. J. Stemlmnn. Officer & Pusey against KdFon Hlch et nl. Frank IVrron ngnlnst Joseph Fullmer, Cora Hello Knepher against H. F. Knepher and others, Flnley Hurko against Alice II. rtedmnn nnd others, Flnley nurko against Oeorgn MorrlFon, S. M. Williamson against John O'Ncll. De troit Tobacco company acnlnst (J. H. rirlm mnlman, Mnry Sorenson ngnlnst Soren Sor enson, First National bank against Inde fiendnnt School dlitrlct, Joseph I'errell .gainst H. M. Duncan, John Pugh, adminis trator, against J. N Casady anil others, Mechanics' Savings bank against Daniel Carrlgg nnd others, John Pugh, adminis trator, ngalnst F. It. Jorgeimon nnd othors. Philip Wakehouse against City Hoard of Health, J. J. Shea ngnlnst Schott Ilros.. Kiliabcth McKeo ngalnst Daniel Carrlgg and others, Warner K. Hoopra against Odell Investment company, Colo & Colo against Cltliens' Stato bank, James M. Dlmond ngalnst Helen K. Metcalfe, J. C. firaaon against Jams WIbj company, C. Courey agalnat J. Hammer. Peter Frieze against William Kaph, W. Ackerman against Adams Kxpress company, H. H. Knowlcs against J. N. Casady, D. Doyle against it. J. Crowe, Henry Newton ngnlnst W. H. Newton, Dorcas Haines ngalnst John S. Morgan, nherlff; U. P. Judson against Ncls Jensen, Warder Huehucll nnd Olessncr Co. agnlnst Fisher & Aney nnd others, C. f!. Snunders against Omnhn & Council Hluffs Hallway and Hrldge company, Pllgo Iron Store company ngalnst B. T. Waterman, William IJooth against A. C. Shoemaker nnd wife, I Klrscht St Son ngalnst Thomas Ma loncy, Charles H. Hannan against Aetna Ufo Insurance company, William Strong against It. P. Jack, (Jeorge W. Kingsnorth against John M. Campbell, Carl Nelson against Lars Hansen, Dorcas Halner against Lars P. Nelson. Council Hluffs City Wnter Works company agalust O. M. Jnrvis. Mrs. Cora Hootcn was granted n dlvorco from Klchard Hootcn and given tho cus tody of their two minor children. Hootcn recently attempted to commit suleldo nt his brother's place near Hellcvue by hanging himself nnd Is now In the Insano asylum. The Omaha Hrldgo and Terminal Hall way company has appealed to tho district court from tho finding of tho sheriffs Jury In the condemnation proceedings brought by It agnlnst 13. C. Van Huson nnd others. Tho Chicago Sc Northwestern Hallway company has taken a similar course in the condemnation proceedings brought by It against Charles Hncer und wlfn and Oeorgo Clmso and wlfo for Its right of way on Eleventh street. In tho superior court tho caso of the West Publishing company ngalnst Hurkfs & Casady, which has been on tho docket ever slnco 1S95, was dismissed yesterday for want of prosecution nnd tho costs taxed to tho plaintiff. The following first assignment of law causes was mado yesterday by Judge Macy: Monday. September 17 Oenrge A Havnes vs. Ft Dodgo Sc Omaha Hallway company; O. C. lingers vs. S. Friedman. Tuesday. September IS Citizens' Stato bank vm. Wood Hros Wednesdav, September ID C. C. Hraydnn vs. Kllen M. S. Ilnus mid others. Thursday. September 20 Oeorge A. Mer lin vi. W. C H-irwnnd Friday, September 21 Mnry McKenzIn vs. I.. II. Cousins, slierirf; Mugglo McKvuzle vs. L. Li. Cousins, sheriff. Commonwealth 10-cent cigar. Premiums given with Domestic soap. MrKlnlcy (imiril Drill. Fifty members turned out last night to tho drill of tho McKlnley guards nt repub lican headquarters and a number of now ap plications for membership wero received. H. O. Williams was appointed first sergeant. It has been found necessary to Becuro uni forms, ns tho old ones, after having been parked nway for four years, havo beeomo Eomewhnt moth eaten. One hundred uni forms will bo secured, ns It Is expected that tho membership will be brought up to that number lu a short tlmo. Captain Forrler has Issued a call for n special meeting tonight of tho guard for drill and requests evory member to be pres ent. Ho Is anxious that tho organization thh year shall mako tho samo showing that it did four years ago, whon it was considered tho banner marching club In tho state. Ilcautiful moonlight on I,ako Mannwa. Muslo on tho water, Lorenze orchestrn, every evening. Howell's Antl-"Kawf" cures coughs, colds, Text Hook for the County. Tho county board of education, which con sists of County Superintendent McManus, Supervisors Auld nnd Matthews and County Auditor Innes, held a meeting yesterday morning for tho purposo of selecting text books for a uniform course of study to bo used In tho country schools throughout tho county. Thero wero a number of school book men In attendance and tbo board se lected tho publications of tho American Hook company, Olnu & Co. and D. C. Heath. Under the law tho board cannot adopt any set of textbooks, but simply recommend their adoption. In order to adopt a uniform courao of textbooks tho proposition has to bo submitted to tho voters at tho annual school election. This will bo dono by tho board of supervisors nt the next school elec tion In tho county districts. Srlianf'N Mrntnl Condition. Application has been mado to tho dis trict court, tho hearing to bo held this term, to determine tho resldenco of Carl Schaaf, nn Insano patient In tho stato asylum at Clarlnda. Schaaf was arrested in this city Juno 22, 1SD8, nnd being found Insane was committed to tho asylum. It wns determined by tho local Insanity board that tho young man, having mado his homo with nn uncle, Chris Schaaf, near Glen wood, therefore, his legal resldenco was In Mills county. Tho olTlcIals of Mills county refused to rccogntzo nny responsi bility nnd tho local board has, therefore, asked tho court to settlo tho matter. Mb 11 111 it ny'n Ilnrn ItuiimieUril. Thloves broko Into tho barn of J. W. Shumwny on South nvenuo Wednesday night and thoroughly ransacked tho place. Everything of any valuo wbb carried off by tho marauders, among tho articles stolen being blankets, robes, halters, several quilts nnd thlrty-flvo prize bred chickens. Tho family wuro at home, but failed to hear tho robbers. Wheel trackn Indicated that tho thloves had carried off their plunder In a wagon and footprints showed that they wero two In number. Prohibition Con vr 11 1 Ion. J. C. Pike, county chairman, and F. P. Fetter, district chairman, havo Issued a cnll for a convention of the prohibition party of Pottawattamlo county, to bo held nt Oak laud tomorrow evening nt 8 o'clock, to plaro In nomination a county ticket. Hon. P. S. Taylor, prohibition candidate for rongrets from tho Ninth district, is booked for nn address beforo tho gathering. I'so Domestic soap. It's tho best. Taylor I'IIcn a Homl, C. (J. Taylor, elected street commissioner to succeed John D. Harden, filed his otrirlnl bond yesterday, with Spencer Smith nnd Cal H.ifer ns sureties. Ho will rontlnuo to net simply ns foreman until tho bond is formally approved by tho city council. Taylor was formerly Instructor In carpentering nt tho Iowa School for tho Dcnf. Olil Settler Mcrl nt Oiinuii, ONAWA, la.. Sept. C (Special.) Two thousand people nttended tho old set tlers' picnic nt Hluo Lake park today. Thn Onawa band discoursed good music nnd everybody was happy. There was no reg ular program, but everybody was out for a good time nnd all kinds of amusements were provided. Tho old settlor was very much In evidence nnd told nhout tho hard winter of 1S3fi-57, tho big flood and many other Interesting reminiscences of plonoor days. Prof. Ward made a very successful balloon ascension. Tomorrow promises to bo tho big day and the court ntllclnls nnd people of Onawa will mnko It a genornl holiday. I'nlr Oprim ut I.e.Vtnr. MJMARS, In., Sept. 6. (Special.) Tho fourth annual Plymouth county fair opened here yesterday with Ideal wenthor nnd n good nttendance, Tho fair Is ono nf the best In tho northwest nnd the stock ex hibits nro exceedingly good and numerous. Horso races, bicycle rarcs, ball games nnd other nttrnrtlons nro provided. The fair continues four days, CUMMINS NOT A CANDIDATE Withdraws from tho in Trivor of Senator Dollivor, GIVES THREE REASONS FOR HIS ACTION If Truth Dlnirlct II111I Hern Culled t pun lo Deride llettweit Tuo Men Hie Mi'piilillt'iin 1 1 it 11 K Mlulit llini' .shITim-ciI Disruption, DISS MOINKS, Sept. C (Special Tele gram.) Hon. A. H. Cummins will not bo a candidate for I'nlted Slates senator ngalnst Senator Jonathan P. Dolllver wheu tho lnlter's short term expires nud ho comes up beforo tho legislature for elec tion. Mr. Cummins has todny withdraw u fiom tho raro In favor of Senator DoIlltr In order that the Cummins supporters of tho Tenth district, who nro nlso the Dolll ver men of tho Tenth, may bo frco to sup port their homo candidate. Tho action Is considered one of the moot honorable and sclf-sacrlflcIng movoj ever mndo In lown politics. Men well Informed ns regards tho senatorial situation in the. Tenth district stato that If Cummins had remained a candldato nnd tho Tenth 0ls trlct had been called upon to dec Ida be tween Cummins nnd Dolllver that n larger number would havo said "stand by Cum mins." Tho result would havo been a teirlblo disruption In tho republican ranks, espe cially In the Tenth district, and might havo (.erlously Injured tho party nt tho polls this fall. It was because of this primarily that Cummins withdrew. Mr. Cummins gives threo reasons for hl3 withdrawal. Tho first Is that referred to nbove. The second is that If Mr. Cummins stayed In tho rnco his opponents would undoubtedly havo nt tempted to defeat tho Titus amendment, which comes up nt the polls this fnll. and tho pnssago of which will bring tho Twenty eighth genornl assembly together again for tho election of a I'nlted States senator. As tho present leglslaturo Is friendly to Mr. Cummins his opponents would natutnlly wish that another body of men should dc tido tho contest. Mr. Cummins' third rea son 13 that ho may havo added tlmo to attend to nn Increnslng Icgnl practice. Mr. Cummins mado tho following statement. A nnoiiiirrinrnl to I'nbllr. To My Republican Friends: Imme diately after the appointment ()f Mr Dol llver to llll the vae.iuey c.iu-ed hv "ie dentil of Senator Gear, I wni besieged by reporters wanting to know whether 1 would be n cnndldnto for the otllce be foro th republican cuucui ,f tbo assembly. Thinking It was po.lhle for mo to defer a decNInn upon the question until near the tlmo of meeting of the leg islature I replied In substance that 1 mlclit be n randldato nnd It l now generally be lieved that L will contest Mr. Dolllvr's election. My experience In the short period slnee the nppntiitnu tit has ronvlnred me that It I not prartlenblo to pustpone mv mucin slon. I nrn warned by events that hne already occurred that if there Is t.i bo 11 contest between Mr. Dolllver nnd mvself It must begin now: Indeed, thnt It has al ready begun. I'nder the condition my decision Is easily mado and I desire to s:iy to tho men who hnvu so loyally and tin selllshly supported me tint I nm not a candidate. I cannot say this to nil of you by a personal communication and therc foro ndopt the only other means that can bo used for the purpose. Many things havo combined to Impel me to tho conclusion Just announced. I had hoped that following the uppnintment there would bo a period of absolute penco and nulet upon thn oubject and that wo might forget, for a time, nt least, that there had been n controversy between Senator Gear nnu myseit. 1110 nnpo was not well founded and T 11m not wilting that my am bition shall db'turb tho party lu the slight est degreo during the Important campaign now In progress. I am told that If It is understood that I nm 11 candidate It will nffert tho vote upon the constitutional amendment, to be toibmltted nt the comb g election, and I cannot permit my senato rial aspirations lo In come nn nbstnrle In the way of a measure ho wise and salutary. A limit reason. Influential In my determina tion, Is that my business Imperatively de mands my tlmo nnd strength and I rannot carry on a controversy that will ron.sutne both during tho long Interval that must elapie. between the present time und the meeting of tho general assembly Willi unbounded gratitude for vour unwavering, unequaled devotion In the long, thou It unsuccessful light, I am, yours, f.iithfully, A. H. CUMMINS. M.isterlou Youiik' Woman, A beautiful young womnn attired In tho latest fashion nnd stopping nt the Savory hotel was arrested by tho city detectives this morning, under tho Impression that sho Is nn expert diamond thief. Her conduct Is most mystifying. Sho nt first flatly re fused to glvo her nnme or to tell her ad dress ami then when she did commence to talk gnvo so many different names that tho ofllccrs are moro In tho dark than over. It Is believed that sho rnmo from Omaha and It 13 expected thnt she may havo been nt ono time nn Inmate of tho Glenwood Homo for Feeblo Minded nnd Is now temporarily deranged. Abovo nil, It Is most desired by tho pollco Just now to know what is her correct name and whoro sho Is from In order that they may trneo her record and throw some light on her mysterious conduct In this city. Sho called nt H. L. Chittenden's Jewelry store, sub stituted n cheap ring for a fine diamond and got nway beforo It was detected. Chitten den complnlned to tho pollco nnd bho was caught. Sho has tho appearance of being the daughter of somo wealthy capitalist. Puzzle for a. .IiiiIkc, Mexican manners of dnlng business nnd tho claims of tho Hankers" Mutual Casualty company of Des Moines that a firm of bankers down In llcrmoslllo, Mex., Insured their money nftcr It was stolen, together with a dissertation on freo silver and the shrinkage of silver coin in crossing tho Mex ican border. Theso nro somo of 'tho In teresting and International points thnt will come up nt the September term of tho dis trict court by reason of a suit filed today. Ulbanco do Sonora is tho plaintiff In the nctlon Instituted today and the claim ngalnst tho Hankers' Mutual Casually compnny Is for $2,400, nlthough $.1,000 In Mcxlcnn money Is alleged to havo been stolen. Tho other $2,G00 goes to the shrlnkngo between Mex ican silver coin nnd good gold eagles of tho United States mint. Tho Mexican cap Itnllsis claim that tho money was Insured with tho local company nnd was then stolen out of tho poatolllco nt NogaleH. Ariz. Tho local company does not speritirally deny that tho money wns mnlled there, but It does claim thnt the money wns not Insured by them until tho Mexlcnns found that It had been stolen and they nllego that tho whole thing Is moro or lees an example of Mexican trickery. Aaron T. Young today brought suit ngalnst tho National Starch works of this city to recover $15,000 damagPB which ho alleges Is duo him fnr the death of Chnrlcs W. Young, who wns mangled In a shaft belonging to thn company last June. John P. Scott, accused of wlfo beating, In troduced a novel plea lu pollco court this morning. He nlleged self-dcfenco nnd said Hint ho had to whip his wlfo to prevent her from annihilating him. Street I'alr al Fori Dodur, FORT )OWU:. In . Sept. 6. (Special ) Tho Fort Dodgo street fair opened here today under favorablo conditions. The streets nro beautifully decorated with street fair colors, purplo and white, and nro brilliantly Illuminated with thousands of electric lights. Ono of the attractions Is the Hngenbnck animal 8how. Tho llrst day was a success in point of conditions S"J ntten !an' c -ex- ml thous-ir I m iters from cut of town bring present lo-ile the umi.'I quota from the illy nnd surrounding country. The fair was formally opened with a municipal procession, headed by the mayor nnd council, with police and n largo procession of riders costumed ns Roosevelt Hough Riders. The festivities will continue for threo days. Cases In Dlstrlet I mil t. JI5FFKRSON, In.. Sept. (Speelnl ) Tho present term of tho district court for Greeno county Is practically without legal business of Importauce. The large crop of real estate men, the direct result of ad vancing prices of farm lands, has produced quite a portion of tho lltlgnllon nt this term. The real estate men list every piece of property upon which the owner will set nny price, the current rato for making n snlo being $1 per acre. Tho litigation grows out of tho participation of the owners In deals nnd tho claim, when the ngent de mands his $1 per ncre, that tho owner himself negotiated tho transaction. The contract Is plain and clear, yet In a ma jority of cases the Jury has found for the defendant nnd ngalnst the agent. The case of Arndt ngalnst McKeon Is assigned for tomorrow. McKeon rented his farm to Arndt for n number of years. At tho end of the first year It Is nlleged that McKeon wns dissatisfied with Arndt nnd tho rela tions between the men beennio strnlncd Finally, upon nn occasion when McKeon was visiting tho place nnd warm words had been uttered, diplomatic relations wero broken off. McKeon says Arndt started nfter him with a pitchfork nnd threatened him. Arndt says ho merely told McKeon thnt ho would go nfter him with tho pitchfork, which he held In his hand, If McKeon did not get off tho place McKeon brought suit In the Justice court, charging Arndt with assault with Intent to do great bodily harm, and Arndt turned around nnd sued McKeon In the district court for mnlprosecutlon. lonn Corn lid thp I'rlrr, SIOUX CITY, la., Sept. fi. (Special. ) George Collins, who Is fnrmlng tho H. K. Wheeler place near Sioux Rnplds, hns n remnrkablo Held of corn. It contains about forty acres of ground and the stalks nvcr ago about fifteen feet In height. Somo of them nro ns large nround ns a man's waist. The cars aro so far from the ground that tho tallest man cannot reach them. It Is moro llko a forest thnn a cornfield Nor Is this tho only big cornfield in tho county, although It certainly takes ilrst prlzo. All over northwestern Iowa the crop Is n wonderful opo nnd tho farmers aro Joyful. Oat3 nnd wheat havo yielded big crops and tho hay crop, too, wns enor mous. Ileiiiililleaii Meet nl Amliilion. AUDUHON, la., Sept. C (Special ) The republican county convention met hero today nnd nomlnntcd tho following ticket Auditor, A. T. Grconwnldt; clerk, Q. T. Hill; recorder, O. C. Donnldson; county attorney, Fred H. Plume; supervisor. Niels P. Hoegh. Tho convention was woll at tended nnd nil tho offices but ono contested for. Tho result, howover. Is accepted by the defeated candidates with good grace and tho ticket Is commended nB a strong one. Judgo Smith, candidate for congress from this district, spoke to a large crowd In tho park immediately nfter the convention finished tts business. Murdered Mt-n ol lilentltleil. MASON CITY, la.. Sept. C The author! tics of Kossuth county are striving t Identify the bodies of the two men found murdered yesterday afternoon near Sex ion, but hnve so fnr failed. The men wero evidently killed by robbers. Kverv thlng was removed from their persons to prevent Identification. Domestic snap outlasts cheap soap. Davis sells paint. I'FrTHillllW'S CAMP.UfSX SVSTDM. Sennlor 'Wrlle rernonnl Letter In Hope of Flnillliur IVIends. PIBRRK, S. D Sept. .-(Speclnl.) An old soldier republican In this city u few days ago received a letter from Senator Pottlgrew, which would Indicate that he Is attempting to work a campaign of (lattery among somo of tho voters of tho state. Tho lettor, on Its face, presumes that there has been previous correspondence, when In this case and probably In others as well of tho samo class nothing has been s.ild by tho party to whom tho letter wns ad dressed. Tho letter lu question is us fol lows: SIOFX FALLS, S. D.. Aug 2S. mm - Mr Guorgo W. Uolster. Plyrri-. S. I. Dear Sli Your favor dulv received Please urnut my sincere thanks for vour kind offer to do what you can for me in the campaign 1 assure you It will be deeply appreciated O' course. 1 Hhall need the active assist -inco of all mv frliid In order to win. as n ublkuns nro hi ending a vast umount of ECZEMA'S ITCH IS TORTURE. Eczema is caused by nn acid humor in thu blood coming in contact with the skin and producing great ledness and in Humiliation ; little pustular eruptions form and discharge a thin, sticky fluid, which dries and scales off ; sometimes the skin is hard, dry und fissured. Kczema in nny form is a tormenting, stubborn disease, and the itching and burning at times are nlmost unbearable; the acid burning humor seems to ooze out and set the skin on fire. Salves, washes nor other exter nal applications do nny real good, for as long ns the poison remains in the blood it will keep the skin irritated, BAD FORM OF TETTER. " Tor three yean I bad Tetter on my hinds, which canted them to swell to twice their natural she. l'att of the time the disease was In the form of run ning sores, very pain fill, and ranging me iniieli discomfort I'our doctors mid the Tetter had progrened too far to be cured, and they could d) nothing for nie I toot only three bottles of S. S. 8. and wai completely cured Thli wa fifteen years ann, nad I have never aliice keen any tign of my old trouble. " Mr -L. II. Jackson, UH Mctiee St , Kanta City. Mo S. S. S. neutralizes this acid poison, cools the blood and restores it to a healthy, natural state, nnd the rough, unhealthy skin becomes soft, smooth and clear. skin becomes soft, i sss cures 1 etter, Ery sipelas, Psoriasis, Snlt Klieuni and all skin diseases due to a pois oned condition of the blood. Send for our book and write us about your case. Our physicians have made these diseases a life study, and can help you by their advice ; we make no charge for this service, All correspondence is conducted m strictest confidence. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. ilWY THE GENUINE " SYRUP OF FIGS MANUFACTURED BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP C STB 9UM HA MAX. Mm. Wliiilim'n niMilinns rrnp Han been used for over FIKTY YKARS h MILLIONS of MOTHERS for tliflr ClUL UllliN VWI1M-: TKKTHINO. with PKK 1'IX'T HlJl'riJS.S. IT POOTIIi:S the CMII.U (iOl-'TH.N'S the (JU.MS ALLAYS nil IAI.V, fUttKS WIND COLIC, anJ In the hist rem. edy for DIAHIUIOKA Hold by UrueKlnts In cvnry part ot t'io world Ho Hiiro nnd tmk for "Mrs. Wlnslow's SoothtnK Uyrup," and take no otner kind. Twcnt)-!hb cents u. tiolUe, .. ' i v t , , . , ir ifi Mi li i in tid n i i i i i w i ' i ti ii, i, t i i.'u ,i ' k- . i-i ). -i ,i i- r situation m a l,nlit v ,' lliil) II F PF'l i:iiU1. In regard lo the samp Mr. Roister s.iv ho Is rrsdy to help lttlgrrw stay at hunie this year, nnd when ho votes it will li thnt way. Huron I ntlfue Fall' Open. Ht'RON, S. D, Sept. (1 - (Spei lal Th county fair for the benefit of Huron ioi lege opened Tuesday afternoon with a m'l cert by the Hut on cornet band. The nt tendnnco during the nfternoon nnd ecnlnc was ery large nnd the exhibits In the an ous departments surprised everybody. So complete Is every ntrangemrnt nnd so lntg are the dlJplays that one enn scarcely real Ire that nlmont everything shown Is owned In or Is the product of Hendle county. I'allli' Horned In Car. C HA MU Hit LA IN. S. D.. Sept. li.--I Special Telegram ) spark from the engine thi afternoon set Hie to the liny In a car loadel with cattle poon after leaving this place and beforo the lire was exunguishvil almost t i -entire carload was burned to death The cattle belongrd to F C Thompson nnd were being shipped to f'e. la. lyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. Jt.Trtifk'lally digests the food and aids Naturu in Htreniftlienlnc; and rocon Jtrticllng tho exhausted digestive o- Kans. It Is the latestdiscoverod digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in cillclcncy. It In Uantly relievos and permanently cured Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, L'iatiilence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick IIeadiiche,(!astialnl'i,Cranip3 nnd all other results of Imperfect digestion. PrlcofA". nmill, Uargo i.loeoulnlnsS'i time? sruaiihUe. Ilovikallitbouti) vspcpsla mulled frco rcoarcd by C De'VI" r & CO., Chicago SILVER GLOSS CORN STARCH FOR THE LAUN0RV, FOR THE TABLE. T public canme wild entire safety and latlitactloo OSWEGO STSM SCHOOLS. J? WeRTWorth EiMat y Academy (lovcrnmcntsuiKTVIiiloti, MniacommlfiilonMn Graduate. I'rep ami -VMinnni ARnnriincs. LOL. SANUrUHU btLLi-Kb, M. A. OUR ZZEES hlormon Ulshons' Ulls Ckurtft ti uti i'dhiiecijr cures tne wont tuti in oia ami your. amm? uom enru of n.MlHitr,, eiceim, cr cljueitcimoilnj. Oura Lost Mnnhqod. Im bility, Hcndacho, ,Un(ltn to cr oonitlnntloni bVipi QuicKno a vntiH Twl cff function, orzlftS, Stlmulkte lvo lain nd nme titer, coc a Ut. 01 Quicy loSuadt j, with 6 utu. Cucuu fie,4 AdUrusoj "i.i acinijci t, 11)11 SALI1 11Y M i;K.S-IUI.I,0 GOLD Only 00 layH bofore you will ('.mmeii. it Low lioforo tho -j.. - ttr iiiiiiu uiv ujjuu uu. nt- flnw Kind of Stove for CASH or 15ASY PAYMENTS. Tho earlier you IickIm pnvlnir tlio smnller tlm iiayinciuH und thu lcsn cuali ilown ic iiuirtil Favorite Double Heater Baseburner Tht'i c y. nrH ngn wo Introduced the Imso l irm-r In Count il HluffH It h- H a roi onl of twenty yenm ln-hlnd It in the mil 10 Klons, where. It Htuiid without n rt ul To ihiy there uro 125 Favorites in Council Bluffs ON'K TON OT IIAItD COAL MM'IJ ... . f II. a ,.i...pi,. .....b- lllllliei Illillie. I. .Ill 11 1 llll' out WHY. COLE & COLE, M .Main St., Council Bluffs. Ia. state mm IN VALUE. Some excellent lots, pleasantly located and do sirable for suburban homes, can be had now at reasonable prices. These lot s arc located in Omaha, Wright's and Central Sub. additions. This property will steadily increase in value as the city lrows in th at direction and the time to buy is thm present. Call at Council IOWA FARMS FOR SALE DAY & HESS, HiJ 1W1 St . Council Muffs, IIiii i' fiic m l- a In rue I Ut nl I in ih'iii eil InriiiN, chicken runelieii, fruit niul vi'Ki'liihli' IiiiiiI"! iiIkii reiilileiii'e mill ImihIiick irnjierty In Council HI utTx nud (iiniiiiii. sour, I V II II i 100 aw oh Ilaicl Loll twp , 11 miles nn C. I) , good bullillnt's, $lo per ai re. SO acres in ar Cre.iecnt, well Improved, $4.) per a' lo. 60 ncreH fi miles rant. Rood liulldlnRS and fruit, $no iior acrr. G0-acre fruit farm, near city, Rood Improve- tnonts, Jir.O per mro. 30-iicre fruit farm udjolnlni; city, $0,000. Mil' nlmve lm mil) u uiniile nf imr S licr cent InlcrcM. Tulcpliunc .'III, I b'XA DO flH STRENGTHENS SYSTEM BODY BUA1N and NERVES. SEE IMMtlAM WIMJI No o'hrr t, repur,tljn In eor rr rlrd so m.ii A Hilary ie tlnr la's from ecu. tiPlit people ns the world fatnujs MarUnl Win Gives Appetite, Produces Refreshing Sleep, A Safeguard Against Mental Diseases. Fer overwnrked men, delicate women, slCkly children, this healthful, Invtgnrntlnf and Mlmulatlng tonic has no eijunl DOSH-A small wine glajs full thru times a day Sold by druggists. JLtotUf liubstltutes, Or. Kay's Renovator (tntrniiireil to euro tho very worst caset of u sih'Jjsiii. tonsup.lilon, bilious head, ache, ilvcr and kidiiR At druculsts, 2v, and Jl Send for I rcu Sample, bree Hook nnd Free Dr li. J. Kay. Saratoia N. Y. MHOIIl.. BROWMELL HALL Hoarding null Mil eliool for Klrla miller tile illrecllitn of lit. Ilcv. lieiirue iirlliliiuliiii, s. T. II., 1,1,. I), I'll 1 1 term liemillllni '.opt. 17, 1IMIII. Olio of the oldest and most succe'iful educational institutions of tho west lu high standard allowing it to compete with eastern colleges and schiole. Hulldlng In complete order perfect steam hcntlng. oan itary plumbing; collegiate and preparatory courses, special students In music, the Ian guages and nrt; competent corps of ti'auSera, Every ndvantngo offered ne regard tlin moral, mental and physical training Sentf for circular or apply personally to Mrs. L. H. Upton, l'rlnclpal. The Kearney Military Academy KI? llt.MtV, Mill. Third year begins Sept,, 12, 1W0. with In creased faiirlty and facilities to glc tho boys of Nebraska complete preparation for University or Hiiidncss. Charges moderat. Address tho president Oldest and lareest military school la Central Wtit. luirnllon for t'nlTvnltlra bupt., LEXINGTON. MO. PRICES mm And tho quality of our work Khould b of interest to you if your teeth are no in perfect condition It matters no. how little or how much you havo to be done, we will be pleased to do it for you, and the charges will bo very moderate. . ..Telephone 115. H. A. Woodbury, D. D. Council Bluffs- 30 Pearl Si, Ho,e, i" ' 5 " y m lt 'cti ci the wi insomnin, rami in DrlCAi "uiTiiuo 111 PtiurKO. Stc Nor, 1 illicit V ior n4 potfticy tm ex. norvouB uv Marry, upsj.or l.dea I9 Immediate. nnnn ui uij a care It it Mtvi, '.ettcret imill, unleveiepca 6 fir ft jabr mail CtoWni A wtl'.isn putntf, locum Biahop Remedy Co., Can rranclocoi Cmu J)Ill( CO.. KITH AND IW ll.N'AM. GQKiSNG need a hIovo. winter's .lo- ...iti ..ti win am uu IMIIt WIS- ... nioit 1111 id :uel Y OFFECE, Bluffs. 160-nircu MiBfniirl hottom land, 8 miles 30 "y, J 10 per ui rc. ill) n'rt's near I'acinc Junction, v,ell im proved, J 10 per acic K) acres lu Sllvnr Creek twp., J50 per aero; uell Improved. 213 ncri'i linn bottom land In Ilockford twp,, $12 SO per ncro; well Improved. IIhI. MHMtV IOANKU O.V 1'AllUil AT Rising