TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TIIlTliST) A V. SEPTEM (IVAl fi, 1000. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisement fur thur column will lie token until VJt in. fur the rtrnliiK edition nml until H III) p, ni. fur iiiornttiK unit unilr edition. Ilnles, I I -'Jin a nurd flrt Insertion, le n ivnrd llicrrnftrr. .Nothing tnkrn fur Irs tlinu ar.c fur the Drat Inser tlnn. 'I ll rue mil rrtlsrinenta rauat lie run consecutively. Advertiser, lij rciiuotlnjr a ntim tiered ebccL, run linvp ntiNiTcri nil ilrcsaril to n nil inhered letter In curt of 1 In? Her, Antiitri n ntid reused will In- delivered on presentation of the clieak only. WA NTED-MITl! ATiON. WANTED, position tin governess or com panion by u Imly of refinement. Address T 20, lice. A-M317 fi IN PRIVATE family, for room and bouril, hy Klrl experienced In housework Wants to tiiko college courw, State particulars. Address. T 23, Hee, A 313-6 W tVIEll-MALE HELP. WANTED, wo hnvc steady work for n few good hustlers of good ha'its and appear Hiirc. C, F. AdamH Co., lfiVi Howard 81 U-87II HARHER trudo taught thoi. Mi'v In Hhort limn; ciiiuioguo lino pun mum irre. Address Western Harbers' Instltule, Omaha, Neb. 1I-S71 WANTED, laborers, teamsters, rock men and surniec men, Nch. yo. and Iowh; free fare; highest wanes; Hhlp dally, Western It. It. Labor Agency, 310 S. llih 11-872 AN INTELLIGENT young man tn tnkc a Hliorthiiiiil scholarship In bent school and pay for II when course Is completed ntid position secured. Address L 20, Hoe. , u-873 GUT a free cntatogue of the Nebraska mciiooi or Magnetism and osteopathy, 1M6-17 Chlrngo street, Omnha, Neb. ; grad uate employed, n all WANTKD. men to Irarn barber trade; onlv eight weeks required; special- offer of iinarii. mois, nrnonirsnip anil transporin ilon to our rollegi'M at Chicago. St. Louis r Minneapolis continued thin month. positions guaranteed; ciitulngjc free. Ad ores .Moier Harher Collcgu rcpreseiilil live. 102:1 Farnom St.. Omaha. II-MI29 6" WANTED, capable. Intelligent man to manage Htcam laundry; state experience, en-. i-. u. nox iiu; aiiurest i i. .m. H-M312 (i WANTHP. an nxnorleiiced stcnouranhcr. Address with reference and full particu lars, nox .in, i remoni, woo. ii .M3iti AN EXPERIENCED ' trnvelimr salesman for country Irade. Nebraska Liquor House noiiin iimiiua. n- .ui-ii. ANTED at once, two men to work on Moves, Omaha Auction Co., 520 N. Kith. ANTED, n HrHt-rlnifK windmill and pump man; ono who uiiderHtandM all kinds of well work and operate a t ihular well ma- cnine; salary reaHonaiue; mwimuhii na tionality preferred. Address T 23. Hee. H-.M3.TJ 6 KALICHMKN for road on a new proposition fall or address, tKls I'atton Ulk. WANTHP. lOo men on irnvernmrnt work W at Florence and fin at l-'lurenep lake; i !in per day or !. per day anil boa'd Applv on Ihe work. It M."SS 7 A iif)()I) cnatniaker wanted at onee; steady worn, iiiio iueiow, ncnuyier. wen. I5-M353 C MAN or hoy to herd I'eep In (!reepv county: hoard In family: Kind wiik'1'. rail IV3T. Cass si. H-.M3l'l7 v.N i i:n I'ini ai.i: iiin.p. AN INTKLLIflKNT lady to take a short hand Kcholarshlli In best school and mi v for II when course Is completed and posi tion secured. Address L Ilee. r .S7." WANTKD. 310 t;lrls. IK! I Podfie. Tel. S7li. C S7U SH Rlrls wanted, tanadlan olllce, 1522 Poutslim C-S77 WANTHP. two expcrlenred ulrls, for llriit and siTiMiil work, sinnll family. 10:U (IcorBla live. C Mill (!Onp. rompettfnt cook. 2215 Faruam: cool waces. C 121 WANTHP- Competent slrl for housework. Family of three. 1W Webster. C 302 j FIHST-f'LASS Inundress. Apply 1207 South loth. Mrs. llermnn Kouutze. C 2!iS-fi Ciini.S vanted to put up extracts and nuilnir Kmlth. I'eneny Lxtraet l'o. srj inth. C M31I i! ANTKP-(Jlrl for Kenenil housework, Ml So. loth street. C 322-.' WANTKD. a competent Rlrl In family or two. Apply to Mrs. W .1. Hurt-ess 0j llenrBla ave C M2fl.) f IliM'HHKHHI'HU with Al references enn Had slluntlon; references exchanged, ltee onire, South Omaha. C- MSII S AV AN'I'UD-(!lrl for Reneral housework. l!Ur, Wirt street C37J. C!i)OD Blrl for general housework 121 North lid si. C- MTd 7 vtm iik.n'i' iitM si:s. IIOI'SKS and tints. llltiKwalt, Ha ker hlk D -Mil FPU HKNT. slrlelly modem Hat In Dav Iduo bullillim, opposite city hall.' JtVlIN V. HOIIIIINS. lSiii FAIINAM HT. D-mn 120ri William St.. 3 rooms-fS.eo. 2012 SewMrd PI., r.-rootn cottau'e $10.00. OMAHA LOAN THCST CO.. hith and DoumIiis. D-SS2 1721 N. 27th St. Nine-room house, all moil irn. In line repair. 517.S1'. OMAHA. LOAN ."4 THCST CO., ICt li nml DoukT.ih St. D-SS3 ALWAYS movltiB II. II. poidH. Pianos. Olllce, irdl'i Faninm St. Tel. I5.VI or si;i. D-Stt si:h hhnhy h. paynic, roi n. y. lifh. D-SMi IIOI'SKS for real In all narts or tho city. Hrennan-Love Co., 310 So 13th St D-SS7 I'MVH unfurnished rooms, all modern. 2711 N. 2.M st. P-MH1 IF yoi want your houses well rented place them with llenawa ,Co. D S7S IIOI'SKS, elc. F. D. Wead. W2I DoukIiis. P ST'J 6-nOOM flat, city water, 2710 Ilurdette. D-SW Iinl'SHS, stores. Ilemls, Paxton block. D-M3 DI'.SIHAHLK roomy cottiiKe, 102S Seward street; furnace, hath, etc.. JIO.W per munth. Knuilre Hlbbel Paper & W. Y. Co, 1107 Ilarnoy street. D 328-5 Foil SALH ! room house In Kountze Plaie, cheap. Address T 21, Ilee. P 320.9' NHW il-room cottiiKe. water and khs; rent $15 monlh: north part city; convenient to car mid school Inqnlre Wm. I Kler stead. City Hall. P-3l6y SIX-HOOM cottase. S10 H. Wlh. P-M359 12 FOIt HKNT-FI IIMSHIMI HOOMM. IIOI SHKKKPINO. GH So 17th ave! Foil HKNT, furnished rooms sultnhlc f ir centiemen: illso for light Ivuicokecplng Apply 113 So. ISth 8t. K-12J fi' 3 furnished rooms for home keeping; mnn i wiie, rent iiikou in noaru. !, iTin. IC-2'jO l.AHOK front rooms In modern lviuse Kountze pince, iirnlslicd or unrurnlsiied Ileferences 2311 lllnney st. K-.M337 Ft 'UN I SI IICP rooms-modern, light house- Keeiung alloweii. iM2& Lake K 3I0-11 IM'HNIHIIKP and unfurnished rooms modern, fiil'.i S. l!)lh st. K M3CI 7 ItOOM. steam heat, gas, bath. 01 N. loth third floor K-M3M I'l IIMSIIKI) ItOOMS AMI IIOAItn. OLCNCAinN.tmnMeuts.tl.:: day. 16 Dgii, I'l HMSIlini ntlOMS AMI IIOAHP. I loop board, private family. 100 So. 2Sth avenue. F MS53 IIANPSOM KLY furnNhM rooms;K"0' bnarl rates rrasonuble. Tmp P"e yii Harney. F-M2H 31l CTOI'IA. 1721 Davonpott St. F-iW IN PIUVATK family. 20 St. Mary' Ave. F-y)l TIIK PIIATT. n deilrahlo front room with lileove, 2d lloor, 212 S. 23th St. F M3 TIIK Merrlatn, sood summer refort, 23th A Podue. F-SM FI10NT room and board, 25S4 Harney. FOIt ItC.N I-1M ritMSIIKI) ItOOMS. THItKH modern rooms for Hunt housekeep ing; Kood location. Address S 33, Ilee. O 778 Toil ItK.NT STOHF.S AM) OFFICHS. FOrrilKNT. store In tlrst-clam location! rent reasonable. Apply It. O. Peters .4 Co., nround lloor, Hee bids. 1-25H I'OIl HKNT, nice brick store bplTdlnc In Hoek Port, Atchison county. Mo.; lne locAtlon for Reneral stock of tncrchun dle: bulldlnKT Is 2txS0 feet, with wart room separate, and li owned by Masonic lodce. one of the best corners In town AddreFH W. K. Olermann, sccrctarv. I 187 AOIOTM WA.M'UI). $25 TO $r easily made bv our live ntti'iilc, men or women, elllng t.ur latest nivelty. ramputitu waterproof neckties; xoods rr tlrcly new and patented; aecnts de'.lehted; sales unlimited; what others do, ou can do; time in short wrlle lolny and secure fxclunlvc territory, Kuarar.teod best seller Address, with stamp, M. M. MnnfR. Co., Pept. C. HprlnGneld. Mas. gw WANTKD, auents to sell our fast soiling specialties! send 23c In silver for samplei and full particulars. Lyman Pros., Illanchard, la. ir-J WANTKD. aRents, Hayes' tnetnlllo rubber lltes for rockltiKchalrs. Applied In a few minutes' time and no trouble Quirk seller. Oood prollts. Protects baseboards and floors from scratches. Makes rockers noiseless and comfortable. J. C. Haye., 4IS Kast Locust street, Pes Molne. la. J SWti b POHTHAITS of McKlnley and Hryan. nlfo Hooscvelt as IlftURIl inner, nanusomeiy tnoniiteil In colored cardboard frames. size 15x20; send 25 cents for sample outfit and terms to aRents. rnipeno tarriun Pfltit. ID. 1S20 and 122 Mlltlln st . Phllu- delphlii. I'll. .1 M33I l WA.NTHI) TO lli:XT. WANTKD, to lease. hulldlnR; nmnutlt of room required, nrmut a uy rour stories. Address l nee. iv .wan ;i- s roit t; i : PACIFIC Storane and Warehouse Co., ni2 Oir.Tones, Reneral storage and forwarding. WJ. Om. Van Stor. Co., 131H4 Fnm. Toll. lSM-HII. WAXTKII TO II1V. ALL kinds of household soods. hotels, ct"., In larue and small mnntltles. Cliliagi Furnlturo Co., HOti-10 Podsc Tel. soi. N 31 WILL purchase a limited number of omann Havings ii.'ihk accouuis. mmnm Love Co.. 30 So. 13th. N-8 5 21)1 IAND bicycles. Omaha Bicycle Co PHIVATK money to loan. J. II. Sherwood, D3!l N. V Lite UIUR; Mint u FOIt HM.K Fl UMTlillK. FOIt SALIC, furniture of 0-roonl modern house; walking dlstaucir; furnlturo neat and In Rood repair; iiossesslon Riven In ten days. Address T 21, lice. O-M350 7' foii s vi.ic uonsiCH, VKIIICMCS, IVVV. NKW and 2d II. vehicles at marked down prices. Harry Frost, Hth & Leavenworth. P-MS FAMILY horse nnd two-seated .cart I ' e and harness. 212S Wirt. P 120 B FOIt SAt.K MlSCICLI.A.NKOr.S. 1 1 All P and soft foundation plIitiR; lin fences and cribtiinK. yu ijoukiiis. w- Cl'TTKHS of drug jirlces. Sherman '& Mi1' Connell Drug Co., Cor. ltith und PoiIkp Q-'M ft 1 1 ARM. Florist. 1K1.1 Vinton St. Tel. 77fi. Plants, cut flowers, boquets, hall, resi lience, ueiitiuiK nnu (trace uecoraiions. Orders by mall or expresse promptly filled. WMl 2D1IAND safo cheap. PcrlBlit. 1110 Farnam Q-903 SAFKS; buy, sell, cx'kc. Schwartr,, 11 1 S. 13, M. & W. tires, $2.75. Omaha nicycle Co, Q-301 MANSON bicycles, $23. Omahu Hlcyclo Co y sob 2DIIAND wheels. $3 to $10: new wheels $15. Omaha lllcyclc in., ltli Ac Chicago His. SKCOND-HANP CallKraph (new) for sale. call al office clerk district court. Q-M0 FOII SALIC, corticobs. Monroe Co., till N. ieth st. Q-anc; LAHOK PI 'bold iunk sif?, w h sloel chest inmost new; price, f.w.oti i. o. i, William Aiaugett, real estate, Hastings, Neb. Q-M130 HICACTIFt'L Stelnway upright piano, must . ne hoiu tins wcok. Auuresa i i, nee oiuce (J-2S7 Ol HASH Hjrner stove, medium size. 2iJ0l lirislol Htruel. Q 312 7 .iisci:i,i.am:i)i i. NOTICK. country dealers. 2dhand furnlturn and stoves at lowest prices, carload lots or less. I'lilcago i urnttille llW-10 Dodge. H-1W7 PICDICiHKICP stock, reasonable nrlces. Address Kd Hervey, 111U N. 10th street, Pmalia. -avs3 n ( I; tlll () AXT.s. MMK.q YLMKIl genuine palmist. 1605 Podge. r ii.i ICI.ICCTIlIt: T11I3ATMIOT. MMIC. LICK, magnetic treutment. G07 B. 13th. room t mhs 7' PICIISONAL. PHIVATK hospital for ladles before & dur. lng confinement; names auopteu, 1136 N. it. TCHKlSH baths, massago baths, electric t.. .... t.t- In, Una ntilv ullltA.l n-ntnAn massagii operators; llnett equipped b.tths in 1110 cny. iveiifiiuio iiuiu uoiiijitiuy llooms 2111 to 220, Hee llldg. U-910 DH. HOY. chiropodist; corns removed, 25o anil upwiim. nuuiu i., rivuivi miiL-n. ' I' Mil ni'PTl'IlK cured: no knife, no tialn. n danger; send for circulars. Empire Hup- ture Cure, 332 N. y. Lire mug., umana. U-ld4 MONHKlT, Chiropodist. 16V? Karn. Tel. 2333 V 00!) PLICATINO and pleated skirts of all kinds M. uouinian u lo. , .'ii uougias Diner. r-915 PLICATINO, buttonn to order; p'nklrg wiuie you wait, umana pieaimg fn., ius uougias. l'-'jii JOHN ni'DD, optician. 115 S. 16th St. C 501 81J HAVIC furs renalred and altered now Don' wait until tho busy season and expect wont none at once. Aiuabaumi, son vo Furriers, f; Karbach lilock, Omaha, U-31S S3 Corns & Imntous destroyed. 511 Karbach blk i; aw on PHIVATK homo before and dtirinc coiillne ment; babies adopted. Mr. Uurget, !'K0 jiiiruettc. i' i HOFF'S Kxpress & Mesnenger Co, Tel. 1717 i' i'ii VIA VI, woman', wuy to health. 316 Be b'dg PKHSOX VI.. LADIKS' hair shampooed, dr'ifod. 35c. Hair toiiet goous. .ionncn, uis f arnam lei zdJj f-ro A HIO reduction In price on new nnJ seconu-nanii nu-ycies, repairing ami sunn rles. Louis Flescher, 1C22 Capitol ave v C-M315 10 $2f) IllCWAllD-.The above reward will be pit in by the omnlia Street Hallway com pany for the arrest and convletion of any party or parties, who robbed their con ductors on the night of September 3d, on Park Avenue Line and Q Street Line. l.'-323-10. TO THIC Kdltor of Tho Omaha Hee: We have been considerably worked up over the agitation of the "embalmed milk" question and, to satisfy myself thnt my family Is not subject to disease and death from such a cause, I tested the milk fur nished to me hy tho Ak-Sar-Hen Dairy. I used the hydrochloric acid test and could not discover any trace of formalde hyde or similar preservatives. This test was made without the knowledge of Mr. C. P. Wilson, tho proprietor of the dairy named nnd I am satisfied that the milk furnished by the Ak-Sar-Hen contains no deleterious preservatives. IC. H. Pack ard. C-313-5. iAPKTITK French oval photos 50c per dozen during September only Proctor, 420 North 16th St. t'-M333 Oct. 4 LADIKS' Jnckets und tnllor made suits al tered, cleaned, repaired M. Fogel. 3u7 S. 17. IT 314 O-t NOTICK Is hereby given that II. C. Dozler or i."s I'axton dik . om.iha, Neb., Is no longer n representative or agent of the Holcomb e Hoke Mfg. Co. of Sullivan. Ind., una the sold firm will not be :o sponslblo for nny contracts made by the said Mr. Pozlcr. and all persons having business with the above named firm are requested to correspond with them direct to the address below. Holcomb & Hoko Mfg. Co., Bulllvun, lnd. C-M3j8 (J PLACIC your order now for seal sacques, iur scans nnu couaretics ot nil descrip tions; furs repaired and altered. Aula baugh, Son & Co., SOS Kurlmck blk. C-M357 Oj JIOXKV TO I.OA.V III3AL I3STAT1 PHIVATK money, 5, 514. ". pur cent; no de. iay. uarvin uros., low r-arnnm. v-y: WANTKD. city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. ll. c. Peters & Co.. 17U2 Farnam St., Hco Hldg. W-DJl PHIVATK money. F. D.Wead. 1521 Pougl.ia. W-W2 FIVIC per cent money. Hcmls, Paxton block. v ii;a MONEY to loun on first-class lmnrovd cltv property or tor building purposes, payne Knox Co., Now York Life. W 923 LOANS on eastern Nebraska nnd western lowa farms at 5 per rent. Tlorrowers can pay huh or any multiple. Any interest date. No delay. Hrennan-Lovn Co.. 309 South 13th St.. Omaha, Neb. W-324 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real csiuic. urennnn-i.ovc 1:0., 309 ho. 13111. W-92S $1,000 nnd upward to loan on Improved city properly anil rarms. w. Karnatn mnith li Co.. 1320 Farnam. W 929 WANTKD. city loans, bonds nnd warrants. Oeorge & Company, 1M1 Farnam St. W-931 MONEY In nnv amount at 5. 5U, r per cent. .1. IV. HUIJUINB & LU., IS02 FAHNAM ST, W-030 MONKY to loan on farm nnd city property; lowest rates, u. r uavis lo., iwis Knrnam. W-932 5, 51,. 6 per cent on Omaha, So. Omaha. MONKY to loan at 5 and SH per cent on umana property. 11. .mcikio, tin H. lfitn W-927 MOMCV 'TO I.OA.V CIIATTKI.S. MONKY MONEY LOANED SALAIUKD PKOPLIC. No endorser or mortcairn reonired. LOWEST HATKS. EASY PAYMENTS nnd n Till L'T L Y CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA CREDIT CO.. Hoom 52tf, fifth floor, New York Life Hldg a :i:si . -M-O-N-K-Y- Wn m 11 1 Ifi'iHn tfnnt tin (VI f ...... t ... ... , ,.w,i, v.v.ir im 1111 iiiiiuri iniiiiun, uors"i, cnivB, eic. ; you Keep tne proiierty; or wo will make you a SALAHY LOAN rn your own note, without Indorter 01 inui iKiiKf, ve cniirKc iiosouueiv notn I11R for making papers and wo keep noth- lilt' rnif nt tlm nin, f t ., ...... ...r. ..... ..., .in, 1 ;nii iniiiun , IHI may pay the money back In oun month or him- iiioit) 1101 10 which 10 pay 11, and you are expected to pay for It only what time you use It; our rates are low and our terms are the easiest; our business Is nn cimuiiriiiiiii an is possioie nnu our treat mntit l n 1 , 1 j .,.,,.. t , r.i. . , .... ..v ... .....H.n i.-iiiivuun. wumiiii uori- gage Loan Co., 306 So. 10th St. Estnb- IIBIH'll JV.. J J3t LOANS. TO SALAIUKD PEOPLE. ARE YOC ONE OF THE riimvil i-irn ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE of our NEW partial payment plan' Let us QUIKTLY explain samp to you. We loan employes on their notes. No mortgage: no indorser; no publicity. Simply a CONFIDENTIAL nCSINESS DEAL. We loan THOUSANDS ft.v'jMW',?.0 DO-YT HESITATR ABOUT CALLING. We are hustlers anil want morn business. R. R. EMPLOYES RECEIVE PROMPT SERVICE TO SCIT THICIR TIME AND CONVENIENCK. These are inure in iicnvy compeimon nnd to remain iciiucm c iiiusi Kivo more tor your money tfiuti ntl.firu n II 1.- " HKLIAHLK CREDIT CO., Room 303, Third Floor. Paxton Hlk. X-933 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew- iury, nurses, cows eic. c. r . Heed, 319 S. 13. ' X-936 HAIjAII) l.OANM. ("I I ATTLIC LOANS. .1. 11, 11 11,01,, ;i eirst isnt. Hnnk Hldg. X 93 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per- niiiiit--iii iiwiuiiu wiiu responsiuie concern upon their own nnmes without security: easy payments. Tolmnii, TO! N. y. L. Hldg a. uj;i MONKY loaned on nlnnos. furniture bnrucii ion, jcwciry. uun ureen, 11. s, Darker Hlk X 93S MONEY loaned on pianos, fitrnltureTdlu nionds, watches, privately. Iierger'H Loan 1.0., iini I'arnam St., upstairs, X 910 JlONrA loaned on furniture, diamonds. watcnes; payments confidential. Omaha aniline i.oau jiaiiK, ZJ) H. 15th, Upstairs. X'JIl PR I VAT IC LOANS TO SAaTmED-!-ICO 1T !.- momentarily embarrassed who desire abovi overythlug else to A Vf I PI TltTtit T"..ri... . 1 1 llilf I 1 1 eun no nrrnmmnHa i..H n.fiAA ...1.1. ..... ,, ,.v 1l41 IJ1III.I Vllll less expense, tlmo and trouble than any AMERICAN LOAN TO, Room 001, Hee Hulldlng. X-312 nrsiMCss ciiAxrics. FOR RENT, owing to advancing years Mr H. Haas, the florist at Vhiimi uireoi has decided to rent out his hot house at ,ilArt'n Innillnn ,m . n.. I ,, n A . - .... ,,'li.iiuh, ivviiiiiii( I.V U III O.lll souare feet, under glass, with about SO) windows, and tho residence und store iiiuii.il im- nini-i, mi iur innior line in South Omaha. Excellent location for tho iiiiniiit-ni-. V J11 FOR RENT, dining room of Luigohotoi good Inducements to first class party. Y-M2 FOR SALE, a new and'clean stock of gen' eral merchandise In a cood northeant Mo, braska town. Address Merchant. T 19 enro umuuu uce. v .M311 13 FOR SALE, clear, candv. elder, neuiiii' popcorn, lemonade, Ice cream, Hodn and an iirivueges at .K-nar-nen carnival; K?i iniiii 111 1.HM iiarnHy 1 . j'. liett Huperintenuent. y M3; 9 nAKERY for sale chpan. In count v sent town of 4,0i)0; doing good business; snap for some one; reason for selling, poor ueaiiu. rtimress jjox im, niair, .veil. Y-M329 7 GOOD live Nebraska town of 1,200 county seat can well sunnort another uroeerv and general inerchandlso store: an cleirnnt onenlivr for wide-awake inun. Address V 27. Hee. V M334 11 MRS. N. JOHNSEN-restaurant for sale Inquire at 207 Ho. 12th Street. Y-S39.7 foii r.xeiiA.vr.i: GOOD rental property for farni. Monroe 6i 1.0. , i' ecu una t'uc , u n. lutn st. 2-M822 FOR SALr-IlDAL ESTATE. HOfSES, farms. R. C. Patterson, 306 N.Y.L. HE -:mj HOUSES. lots, farms, lands, loans; a1o Pre Insurance. Uemls, Paxton blk. HE-916 READ THIS; ono of the best homes In Han scorn Place; 9 rooms, large lot, good barn, sightly home, party leaving city; pnc", 17.rrfOmV M .1. ICeimnrd .C- Ann mnm aIO 1.1..a1. tit ni- ijiuiiu uivtn. RK-917 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the union 1'iiciuc itaiuoau tompauy. 11. a. McAllaster. land commissioner, t'nlon Paclllc Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RK-913 8EK IIKNRY H. PAYNE. Cot N. Y. UPK. RIM 0 PAYNK-KNOX CO.. II EA DO PART ICRS for HEAL ESTATE UA HO A INS: LOW EST HATES on LOANS; SOUND IN SCHANCIC; HOCSKS, FLATS, STORKS, for RENT. First lloor, N. Y. Life Hldg RIC-9I! CHA8. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. HE MTSI AND still two bargains on monthly pay ments, ts-room coiiage, uewiy papered, city water nnd sewer. No. 317 N. 30th st., G-room cottnee. city water nnd sewer, IMS corny st.. $1,300. Mutual Loan and Hulldlng Association, Hoc building. G. M. Natlinger, secretnry. HIC SJ7 S A NICK building corner, lots 2S and 29. Fitlrniount Place, on easy terms, vrile to F. 11. Knppen, Milwaukee, WU. SEVEN choice lots on 30th and Pratt st., Omaha, for sale or trade for Improved city property or good farm land! have other Income property and some ensh to match any deal. For particulars write S. Hanson, 1015 Iloonc st., Hoonc. Ia. RH-M34S 19 FARM for sale. loo acres 9 miles west or Omaha, at end of Dodge street macadam. This Is n choice farm and Is only one hour's drive from the city. Good buildings and large orchard. Price reduced to $53.00 per acre. Tho Hyron Reed Co., 212 S. 14th St. Kl'i .Mllil MODERN 6-room cottage, furnace, plumb ing, oak uiilHii. tun lot, fronting east on 20th st. boulevard near Sprngue See owner. 3930 North 20th. HIC -M330 9 nnicssMAicixr.. IN families. Miss Sturdy, 2010 Harney. R-W-ISept. 21" .HIIOHTIIAM) AND TVPlCWHlTIXt A. C. VAN SANT'S School 717 N. Y. Life, -951 HOVLKS' College, court reporter principal. Hee Hldg. -952 NKHRASKA Huslncss and ShorthanlTcon lege. Hoyd's Theater. 9,3 GREGG Shorthand taught at the Omaha Commercial College, 16th nnd Douglns Sis -934 MicninAi.. LADIES out of health And prompt relief. Uox 232, Omaha, Neb. Conlldontlal. -935 LADIES, Friar's French" femalo regulator brings monthly periods reguiiriv wi'nnut pain; $1 per box. boxes for $3. Rox 53ii-n, Minneapolis, Minn. -MUfi S7 VIRTt'AMA cures lmpntcney resulting from Indiscretions or debility, gives vi tality, vigor, restoring desires, ambltloas. aspirations of youth, health, fitting for success, naiipincss 111 nusiiies.4, proies slonal. social, married life; $2, or 3 for J5. Sent anywhere prepaid on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co.. Elgin. 111. American olllce, retail, wholesale, Mvra Plllon Drug Co.. Omaha: M A. Dillon. South Omaha; Davis Drug Co., Council Hltirts. Fun lino ruuner goous. LADIES! Chichester's Isngltsh rennyroyal rills Are tne nest, snie, rename, t.iko no other. Send 4e stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles" In letter by return mail. Ask your 'druggist. Chichester Chemical Co. Philadelphia. Pa, OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. Dlii N. Y. Llfo Hldg.; To!. Iti'il; .Alice ,ioni!nui. u. 11., laines dept.; Old IC. Johnsoii, Oafeopathlst, Mgr, -o:u M. IC. DONOlll.'K. D. O., of Still school, Klrkville, Mo. wn paxton uik. Tel. i:ir,7. -937 A. T. 1 1 1' NT, P. O.. 303 Karbach. Tel. 2352 . m 9211 an LOST. STOLEN or strayed bay mare. 7 years old, weigh! 900; spilt 111 one ear. one white hind foot: strip In forehead. Finder notify Grush and get reward. Address 2119 S. 24th St. Lost-301 5' LOST Hay mare 6 years old. large white stripe, on fijrehend, white hind feet. Re turn to John Klllelea. 30th and (J streets, South Omaha. Lost -323-5. MAGNETIC IIICI.IG. GREAT Western Institute, 1623 Douglas St.. chronic diseases cured;. no drugs, surgery. -o:s THE cenulno Simon I'uro Weltmer Method or Magnetic IK a ling and liarrarlenH Hypnotism complete in one volume, jj.w. Prof. It. Williams. Desoto. Mo. M-9G3 SopS NICKEL Pl.VTI.Vt;. STOVES, lamps nnd chandeliers replated, um. Plating co tico uiog. j el. 203.1. SCO NT A. MM Ell I Mi IM) STI TTDIIIMS. CURED. Julia Vaughan, 430 Ramgo Hldg. -961 LA I'M) II V. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. 7c: collars 2c; cults, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 547. -803 STOVIC REPAIRING. STOVE, furnace, range repairs; water con nections, omana siovo ttoimir works 1207 Douglas . 904 HOTELM. HRNDICRSON. $100 per lay houso: board, $3.50 to $5 week. 9th and Farimm; tel. 2W, MM I Ol P WMIIIOKICIIS. EAGLE Loan Olllce, reliable, accommodat ing; all busness conlldentlal. 13ul DoughiH, LOANS, II. Marowltz; low rates. 418 N. 10, 00 ENIJIMVJ, 111)11. HHH, ETC, L. C. Sharp Mach. Wks. ; motors, dynamos 913 IIIHIIS AM) TA.VlDr.llMY. STOCK'S Hlrd Store. 1003 Leavenworth. '.39 "DAM'IVU. CALL on Morand, Crelghton hall, for society nnd stage dancing, waltz and 2-step, $5. Largo hall to rout for con ventions, meetings, pans anil ciun socials C30-Sopt. 21 Fl'IIMTI HE AM) PIAXO MOVIXd. JACOR SCHWAR.. 1510 Webster. Tel. 2046 -1113 30 TVPEWItlTIXO. TYPEWRITKHa sccondhnn(lllOFar7im l ARPEXTrCHH AM) .IOIIIIEIIS. ALL kinds of carpenter wjrk and repairing promptly attended to. j. 1. ucniitree ji.in ami i.age hib. aio TICKET IIIIOICEII. CUT rate tickets every where. P. II. Phil bin. 1505 Farnam. Telephone 7SI, 967 fTHMTUHi; IllCPAIIIIXi. TELT 1331. M. S. WalkllTi, 2111 Cuming St -932 FOIM), TAKEN t'P I red cow with white spot on neau uwner ran lime same ic- caning. 3 miles west on L st . So Omaha nnd paying nil damages J Hreuliltig. Found POTOFFIt E MtTM IJ. Should bo rend DAILY by all Interest d as cnanges may occur ai any timc.i Foreign mails for the we't emllrg Sep tember S I!W. will cloM tPROMPU.Y l i all cae at the General Post Oltkv '.i follows: PARCELS POST MAILS clo e one hour earlier than losing time shown below. Parcels Pot Malls for Gertnanv close at 5 n m. Mondav nnd Wednesday 'I'rnns-A tliintlc lnll. TMt'RSDAY Al 6:3.) a. m for EFItOI'IC Per s s. Columbia, Vic. Plymouth atvl Hamburg (mall for France. Switzerland. Italy. Spain, Portugal. Turkey, Egipt, Hrltlsh India and Lorenzo Maiquz vn Cherbourg, must bo dltected "per n Columbia ); at i!:i a. m for I'n.VV' i:. SWIT.EHLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. POR TUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT. HRITtSIl INDIA and LORENZO MAHQUK.. ror s. s. La Touralne. via Havre tmail other parts of Europe must be dlr - 1 "ner s s. La Touralne 1. SATURDAY At S n. in. for NHTIIFR LANDS, per s s. ManJilim (mall mut h" I directed "per s. s. Mnadam' it 1" 1 11. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s City of Rome, mail must be direct d ' "per s. s. City of Ronie' i, nt 10 3' a in . (supplementary 12 in) for EUROPE, o r s. s. Campania, via Cjueenstown PRINTED MATTER, ETC Th steamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial Pip.ti und Bnmples for Oernninv only. The name class of mall mutter for other p.iris of Europe will not be rent by this phlp unless specially directed by her After the closing of the Supplement try Trans-Atlnntlc Malls named above nddl ttonul supplementary malls are opened on the piers of tho American, Engil It. French and German ste.irieri. ai'd teni. mo open until within Ten Minutes of tlti hour of rnlllng of steamer .Mnlln for S1111II1 und Central 111rrlc11. West Indies, Etc. THURSDAY At 1 p. m for YUCATAN CAMPKCHIC. TA1IASCO und CHIAPAS, per s. s. Vlgllancla via Havana and Pro greso (mall for other parts of Mexico nnd for Cuba must be directed "per s s. Vlgllancla" 1 ; nt 9 p. m. for JAMAICA per s. s. Admiral Snmpson, from Hoit' si SATURDAY At 1 a. m for NEW IO I NL LAND, per s. s. Corenn. from Phi iid-l-Phla; nt II a m for LA PLATA COl N TRIICS. per s. s. Hellenn, nt 10 a m (supiilementnrv 10:30 n. m.) for FORT I NIC ISLAND, JAMAICA. SA VANILLA and CARTIIAGICNA per s s. Altai .mail for Costa Rlen must be directed "nor h s Altai "): at 10 a. m. (supplementary 10 31 n. m.) for INAOUA and HAITI nln Cape Haiti Port nil Prince, Pttlt Gnave ami Jeremlei per s. s. Ande.t: nt 10 a m. isu pletueniary 10:So a. m.) for PORTO RICO (Via San Juan). CURACOA and VENE ZUELA, per s. s Caracas (mall for Hi vanilla and Cnrthagenn must be directed "per s. s. Caracus"); at 10 u. m. for NEW FOUND LAND, per s Silvia; at 11 11. tn. for CUHA, per s. s. Mexico, via Hnvann; at 11 a. m. for YUCATAN, per h. s. Mcrcalor. via Progreso; nt 1 p. m for M ATA N7.AH. CA1HAHIEN. OIIIARA and HARACOA. per s. s. Ollndn (onlloarv mall only which must be directed "per s. s. Ollnda"). Malls for Newfoundland, "y rail to North Sydney, nnd thenco by stiainer. close 11 this olllce dally nt 8:30 p. ill. (connecting close hero every Mondav, Wednesday nnd Sn'urtlay). Mails for Mluuelon. by rail In Huston nnd thence by jdenmer. cloe nt this olllce dally nt 8.30 p 111. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Flu , ntid thence by steamer, close at this ofllce dally (except Monday) nt a. m (the connecting closes are on Sunday, Wednes day and Friday!. Mnlls for Mexico CI'V, overlain), unless speclallv ndilresel for dispatch by steamer, olosip tit this olllce dally at 2:30 a. tn. ami 2'31 p. tn. Mall.i for Costa Rica by rail to Mobile, and for Helize, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala, bv rail to New Orleans, mid thence In steamer, close at this ollue dally at "3 p. m. (connecting closes hero Tucsdavs for Costa Rlea and Mondays for Ilellze, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala) "regis tered mall close at 0 p. m previous day. Triinx-l'nclMo Mulls. Mnlls for Australia (except West Aus tralia 1, New Cealnnd. Hawaii, FIJI and Samoan Islands, via San Francisco. "loo hero dally at 6:30 p. m. after August 19th and up tn. September 1st, inclusive, or 011 day of arrival of s. s. Campania, due at New York September Is', for dis patch per s. s. Sierra. Mnlls for China, and Japan, via Vancouver, close here dally at 6.30 p. m. up to September Mt'i. Inclusive, for dispatch ner s. s. Empr'ss of China (reglslered mall must bo dlroci'M "vlu Vancouver"). Malls for .1'ip.m, Ch'ivi n till Philippine Islands, via Seattle, elnsi here dally al 6:30 p. 111. up to September "III, Inclusive fcr dispatch px s. -. Tosa Maru (registered mall must be di rected "via Seattle"). .Mnlls for Hawaii, China. Japan and Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally nt fi 30 p. in. up lo September 10th, lnel tslve for dliSpafeli per s s. Doric. Mails f.ir Hawaii, via San Francisco, eluse here dally af fi:3o p. m. up to September tlth, Inclusive, for dlsn;i'ch per s. s Australia Malls for Australia 'eicept Ae Iralla, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, which goes via Son Frnnclxei). and Fl.ll Island", via Vancouver. cnn here dally at 6:30 p. m up to September 16th. inclusive, for dispatch per s e Warrlmoo (supplementary malls via Seattle, close nt 6:30 p. m. Sfiit-inber 161 h). Trans-Pnclllc malls are forwarded to port of sailing dally and tho schedule of clos ing Is nrranged on the pr'snmptlnii of their uninterrupted overlnnd transit Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. prev ious day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster Postomce, New York, N. Y., August 31. 19M LlitiAL NOTICES. NOTICE. TO RKPUHLICAN VOTERS OF DOUG LAS COUNTY: Hy authority of the republican county central committee a convention of delegates lepresentlng the republicans of Douglas county Is hereby enlled to meet nt Wash ington hall, Omaha, at 2 p. m. Saturday, September S. to plnro in nomination Threo slate senators, Nino ntato representatives. Ono county nttorne; Ono county commissioner. First district, to bo named by tho delegatus from said district. Nine ward assessors for Omaha, Four ward assessors for South Omnlia, Thirteen precinct assessors for country oreclnctH. Ono constable to fill vacancy for Omaha. Two constables to fill vacancies for South Omaha. and to select members of the county cen tral committee. The representation In 'his convention Is anporlloned aa follows: Each country pre cinct, five delegates; South Omaha, sixteen delegates, and each ward of Omaha, ten delegates. Delegates tn this enliven I Ion will bo chosen at a primary election hereby called for Friday. September 7! (he polls being open from 12 m. to 7 p. m In Omaha and South Omaha and from 7 p. m. to 9 p. ni In the country precincts. Tho locations of the polling placet) are: City of Omaha First Ward- Sixth and Pierce streets Second Ward Twentieth and Castellar streets. Third Ward-1120 Cnpllol avenue. Fourth Ward 220 South Seventeenth street. Fifth Ward-2612 North Sixteenth ntreot. Sixth Ward-ldlewlld hall. Seventh Ward 132S Park nvenus. Eighth Ward Twcnty-seco'-.;'. nnd Cum ins streets. Ninth Ward Twenty-eighth und Fnrnam streets. City of South Omaha 312 North Twenty fifth street. Chlcngo Precinct Keillor's hnll. Clontnrf Precinct II. Tangeman's. Douglas Precinct Ruser's park. East Omnha Precinct District No. 61 school house. Elkhorn Precinct Elk Cltv. Florence Precinct Cltv hall. Jefferson Precinct Mangold's lumber of fice. McArdle Precinct Glnndt school house. Millard Precinct Millard school house. Plotto Valley Precinct Valley opera house. Union Preclncl Purcell's hnll. Waterloo Precinct Masonic hall. West Omalia Precinct Hensoii town hnll The boundaries of the primary election districts shall correspond with the respec tive ward boundaries In Omnha, precinct boundaries In tho country precincts nnd city boundaries In South Omuha. The primary election will bo held under the provisions of the primary election law and the rules adopted by this committee, which require petitions to be filed with tin secretary not Inter than 12 m. Tuesday. September 4. Hy resoljtlon of tho committee no proxies will bo allowed In the convention, but delegates present authorized to .cast the full votes apportioned to their rspectlve districts. M. H. COLLINS. Chairman. CLYDE C. SUNDHLAD. Acting Secretary. Omahn, August 18. 1W0. GOVERNMENT VOTIC PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION bulldlng-i at Fort Mackenzie Wo Utll' l Chief Quartermaster D"ot Col ira lo. Sent 5. IM Sealed nronnsals In trl ill-a'e will be received here until Hum, Uitoi rj (lovnmMf.vr mitk e 5. !!"). for furnishing nit of the material and labor requisite fur lb.- construction of one Harrack, two doiibl- Ofllcers" yuari-rs, one double N C. I) tjuariers. otie IJ M no I Sub. Storehouse, one Coal Shed, one Forage Storehouse, one Uurtrdhcusc. one Hospital and one Hospital Steward 1J11 tr iers at Fort Mni'keittc, W yo , m et tiling t the plait and specillcallotis on tile in the' olllce. in the ctllce of the (..u.trtermotrr nt Kurt Mackenzie. Wyo., and in the otllces of the Chief yr Mr Dept Lakes, Clilcig1. Ill , Chief yr Mr Dept Mo . omiha. Neu . and Depot yr Mr., St. Loui". Mo, whim will be shown, and blank pr.'posn's and circulars giving full Instruclloi s n to manner of bidding and terms of .ontricl, furnished on application. The government tescrves the riant to accept or tejert any or all proposals EnVel ipos containing proposals should be marked 'Proposals for construction Fort Mackenzie. W o " si' I iulilrescd Major J. W. Pop.-, chit f yu irier masli r. r"i pl5-6-7--o:l-IM It UI.WAl TIM 10 r Vltl). CHICAGO. HUHLINGTON Oulm y R illro.id "The Hurllngt"!! Route" -Ticket Olllce. 130J Farnam St. T 1 2M Depot. Tenth .t Mason Streets. Telephone, l.' l.eni.i Arrive Daylight Chicago Spe cial ..a 7.00 um Pcorln Express a 9:23 pin Chicago Vcstlbuled Ex 11 4 00 pm n 7:15 am Chicago Local Express a S 50 am a I:m pm Chicago Limbed n 7:15 pm a 7: 15 mil Pnelile Junction Local ,i!0;l5 nm Pncltlr JunetM-i Exiri. n T:Oj) nm Fast Mall ... a 2:15 pai n Dall KANSAS CITY. St. Jo seph ,: Council Hlurt.4 Railroad-"The Hurling ton Route ''i leket Olllce. 1M2 Farnam si reel. Tele phone i'5'i Depot, Tenth and Mnsnn streets. Tele phone, 12. Leave. Arrive Kansnn City Day Ex ..a S:50 um it H:to pm Kan-as fit v Night Ex ale 13 pm a 6:15 ntn St L uls Flyer for St. Joseph and St Louts a 1:55 pin ail:15 am a Dally nURLINirrON ,v Mis souri River Railroad "The Hurllngton Route Genet nl Olllces. N. W. Corner Tenth and Fnrnam Sts Ticket Olllce. 150J Farnam street. Telephone, 25.). Hurlluuton studon. Tenth and .Mason Mtrccfu Telclihone. 123 Leave. Arrive. Lincoln. Hastings and Mccook .11 8:10 am a 7:35 pm Lincoln. Denver. Colo rado, Utah. California a 4:25 pm 1 'ncolii - Illack Hills. .a 9:30 pm Montana. Paget Sound.. a 9:3) pm Lincoln Fast Mall a 3:04 pm Denver. Col irado, Utah & California i. Dally. a 3:oo pm a ;i:t") pm a i:t." nm al0:35 am a 0:15 am FREMONT ELKHORN & Mlssnirl Valley llallrnu - "Tho Northwestern Line" General Ofllces, United Status National -Hank Hldg., S. V. Cor Twelfth and Fnrnam Sts Ticket Ofilco 1401 Farnnni St. Telephone. 561 Depot 15th and Webster Sts. Tele tihoue. 14! Leave. Arrive. hlack Hills. Dendwood Hot Springs a 3:00 pm Wyoming. Caspar and Douglas d 3:00 pm Hastings. York, David City. Superior. Geneve. Exeter and Seward li 3:00 pm Norfolk. Verdlgrc and Fremont t 7:30 am Lincoln. Wahoo nnd Fremont I) 7:50 am Fremont I.ocni . ..C 7:30 am n 5:00 pm e 5:00 pm b 5:r0 pm 1)10:25 nm 1)10:25 am a Dally b Datl except Sunday, c Sun day onh d Dally except Saturday, c Daily except Monday. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL, Minneapolis ,t Omaha Hallway "Tho North western Line" - General Olllces, Nebraska Divi sion, 13th and Webster Sts Cltv Ticket Office. ma 1'uruam tsi rclepnone, msi. uopot. 13th and Webster Sts, Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger, .n 0:00 am a 910 pm Omaha Pasusngcr. nll:10 am Sioux City ,t North east Nebraska n 3:50 pm Oakland Local b 5:13 pm I) S:I5 am a Dally, b Dally exccii. Sunday. UNION PACIFIC'THR OVER, land Hoiito" General oiriees, N. IC Cur. Ninth and Faiiinm streets. City Ticket Olllce. 13!l Farnam street. Telephone, 316. Depot. Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone, 6.'9. Leave. A i rive. Tho Overland Limited .a S:20 am a 7:35 pm Tho Chl'-ago-Portland Special n R:20 am u 7:35 pm The Fast Mail . .. .n S:50 am a 3 25 pm Tho Colorado Special ..nll:35 pm a 6-50 am The Fast Mall u 1:35 pm Lincoln. Heatrleo und Stroinsburg Express, .b 4.10 pm 1)12:25 pm The Parlllc Express. . .u 1:25 pm The Atlantic Express.. a 0 50 am Grand Kami Local .. .1) 5:30 pin b 9:30 um a Dally I) Dally except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Olllces and Ticket olllces Southcnst Cor ner Mth ami Douclas Hts. Telephone 10. Depot, Union Htatlon. !.ni'i Arrive St Louis, Kansas & Nebraska Limited . .al0:O0 nm n 6:30 pm K. C, St. L Express. . .ol0:10 pm u 6:15 am Leave from 15th and i bstcr Sts Nebraska Local Via Weeping Water . .. .b 1:15 pm al0:45 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. CH1CAGO & NORTI I western Railway "The Northwestern Line" City Ticket Ofllce. 1401 Fai nam Street. Tele phone. 561. Depot, Tenth and Mason Sis. Tele- phone, 629. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spc clal Chicago Passencer l 7:0(1 nm ii 11:30 pm n S: 10 am a 4:15 pin Eastern Exoress. Des MoIiicm. Mnrhih.'illtnii'ii Cedar Rapids and Chl- cimo :ilO:55 nm n 4:03 pm a 1:03 pm a 2:15 pm u S:00 pm n 8:20 um Eastern Limited, Chi cago and East a 1:55 pm Fast Mall. Chlcaco to Omaha Omahn-Chicago Special. A 7:15 pm Fast Mall a D.i Ih- 8IOI X CITY & PACIFIC Railroad 'The North western Line" Gnnarnl Ofllces. Unlfd States National Hank Hulldlng, S. W Corner Twelfth .mil Ii-h run ... Ula TlnLnt Ofllce, 1401 Farnmn St Telephone, 561 De pot, Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone, 623. , , . Leave. Arrive Twin City Express ...n 6:55 am a!0:50 pm Twin City Limited ...a 7:35 pin a 1:15 am Sioux ity Local ...n8:i)0am a 4:20 pin a Dally CHICAGO, ROCK IRL and fi Pacific '"lUroad "The Great Rock Isl and Route " city Tick et Office, 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone, 4'ii Depot. Tenth ft Mason Streets. Telephone C2l. Den MmIiics and Daven- i.cnve Arrive. '"rt 1'i,-"' n 7-23 am Chicago Express ..till. 15 nm ( lib ago Fast Express .a C'Oj pm Lincoln and Fmrbury . .u h:3a am Lincoln. Colorado Snus.. bll:35 am n S:M am a 1 :25 pm a 7:00 pm Denver. Pueblo and West . n l'CO pm n 1:15 pm ici- .Moinci itorg isl and and Chicago .. .a 7:15 pm Colorado & Texas Fhei a 5:5S pm a 5:50 pir. a 0.15 nm a uiuiy. ii i i.ni j except Kumlay. WAR A S If RAILROAD- fjVi Ticket Oincc. 1501 Farnam BtreetH. Telrphono, O. St Louis "Cannon Hall" Express a 5.05 pm a 8 20 am ii Daily ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket OL flre, 1102 Fai'iiorn street Telephone, 215. Depot Tenth and Muson streets Leave. Arrive n 4:05 pm it &:I5 am Chicago Evpre s Ch.caL'o Limited .-.11:10 um a 7; 13 pm Minneapolis ana til Paul Express b 7:00 am b 9 10 pm a s 15 am Minneapolis and Si Paul Limited a 7 15 pm Frrt Dodge Li ml from Council HlufTs b 4:20 pm l10 IS am a Dally b Daily except Sunday. mmm (nTTS""!"-1 Mi: V Ml GIVES SHERIFF THE SL11 Ida Mitoholl, Colorod, Forces Iler Wny Through Bolts ami Bars, TOOK TWO YALE LOCKS FOR SOUVENIRS Escape Wns Effected by I se of Meet I, Id l.lflcr Rearrested In St. .loscpli nml Ik Nimi In Custody. A female Jail breaker has caused the sheriff considerable anxiety since Saturday morning. Ida Mitchell, a slender younr; colored woman who weighs barely 100 pounds, forced her way tlirouiih bolts and bars nt the county Jail shortly before noon and gained her freedom. The girl comes of a iiKiiiing strain, as her mother. I(U Mitchell, sr., weight 220 pounds, is a nutch for any three policemen on the force. The authorities have remained slleut re cardlni! the clrl's csrnnc. but hnvc lu.nl every energy toward her recapture Th ponee ot Miutn umana. council limns ana other towns were uotliled, and as the girl has already nehleved a wide reputation, her apprehension was considered certain. Sheriff Powers was gnitlllrd to rrrelvo n telegram yesterday from the chief of pollie ut St. Joseph saying thut Ida Mitch ell was behind the bars. He replied ,U once to hold the prisoner until his arrival The young woman's alleged oflonse was larceny from the person, a transgression lo which she has been obliged to nnswer on ninny former occasions. The clrcuui sfances of an Kllthnrn farmer's visit to tho .Mitchell cottage on lower Capitol avenue were brought out before Judge Gordon and the loss of 125 was laid at the young colored woman's door. She was bound over to nwall trial by the district court. It Is the custom of Motion Mcpherson of the county Jnll to occupy the women prison ers with tome labor about the Jail and on Saturday morning Ida Mitchell was con fronted with a large basket full of clothes washed and dried and ready to be Ironed. Hut Ida objected to work: she preferred to earn money In some other wny. She enst about foe a plan of oacapo and made note of a slender piece of slecl used In lifting the lids of the laundry stove. There was no chance for the attempt until II o'clock, howeier. ns the matron stood at the colored girl's side and Ironed her tlinro of tho linen. I. noli Unsllj Wrenched On. At length the front door bell rang nnd Mrs. Mrl'herson left her work. She say sho was absent fiom the laundry less than ten minutes. The girl thrust Ihe steel lid lifter through tho Yale lock mid with a surprising display of strength wrenched It from the staple. Sho dared not venture through tho IIvIiir npartinonts of the Jailor and eo mndo her wny down a nanow passago Into the potato cellar. From this chamber there Is a trap door to the surfaco of the ground Just west of tho cellar and Hin fugitive also made short work of this final obstruction. She took the lock, also of tho Yale pattern, Willi her as a hoiivenlr. The girl emerged In full daylight at the Junction of two well tiaveled streets, but her escape was unnoticed. The Jail attendants traced ho roiito of the fuglllvo ten minutes In the i car. but the girl wus nb!o to get safely out of sight. The sheriff expressed nurprlse at the woman's deftness In fracturing tho locks which hnvo done their duty well for tun yenis. Male prisoners, tho sheriff (.ays have often been left In tho potato cellar sorting over vegetables, but none Iuih ever attempted to win through the single door between him and liberty. A trial with the lid lifter In tho presence of tho county commissioners proved, however, that a lock of tho pattern used wan not of sum clent strength. The sheriff has ordered a set of new Jail locks, manufactured In New York, which he feela certain will be ndo (luate. It is the opinion of the uherlff that the Jail Is behind tho times In other par tlculars and ho will lay fH needs beforn the commissioners at an early meeting, CUPID INVADETcoiRT HOUSE tnimir Women Ivinplo, ,s f f, ,,,. (llliflnlN Prefer HoiimcI R Ut I.edmTH nml 't'j ici rllcix. Cupid has made a wholesale Invasion of tho court limine which threatens lo disrupt the force of young women stenographers and typewriters. A marriage license wai rc eiired yesterday bv itnimri t i,i,.. ...... - -........v iii,inc mill MUs Margaret J. Truelnnd. tho hitler ono of tho trusted assistants of County Clerk Hnverly. Miss Truelund has made Omalia her homo for ,lm,iy y(,ar nm, Kra(jutw, fiom the High school In one of tho plotieor clasBes. She has been employed In tho county clerk's olllce for a number of years. Miss Trueland'a resignation has been handed to tho county lommlBsloncrs. Mr. Drake holds a position with a bridge build ing company in tho city. Mrs. Alice Moynard Woods, who has hern a stenographer In the olllce of tho county Ju-lgo for several years, surprised .ludgo Mnsonhaler yejferday by proffering her resignation, tn take effect September 15. Mrs. Woo.Ib will bo married next month and will make her homo in Texas. TIRES OF PLAYING TRAMP Lnil Wliu (iiiliun Oiniiliii n HI llomP Is Hrnril I'riiiu m Jul,.,. Imi'K, Colo. Mrs. W. C. Hoffman of Jiilesburg, Colo., writes to Ihe chief of police to Miy that a 10-year-old boy named Herbert llaeklnr, who claims Omaha as his home, calhd at her restaurant the other day and Infer esled her In his story ot why ho ran nwny from his. parents, llo says ho was beguiled away by two boys of his ago, John Stafford and Iteuben Moat, both of .whom lived In Omaha. Arriving at Orchard Colo., ho hnil deserted thorn. He In tired of playing tramp now and willing lo return. He Biiya his father, William Haeklar, la a real estate agent In Omaha und lives at 2535 Cedar street. Tho pollco havo In vestigated tho matter nnd ran find no one, of that mimo In Ihe neighborhood. Mrs. Holfman writes that tho hoy will make his homo temporarily with her. Tho wolf In the fable puv on sheep's clothing becnuso If he traveled on his own reputation ho couldn't accomplish his pur pose. Counterfeiters of DoiU' Witch Ila.el Salvo couldn't sell tholr wnrthlcs Halves on their merits, fo they put them In boxes and wrappers like DoWltt's. Look mi' for them. Take only DeWltl's Witch Hazel Salve. It cures piles and ill skin dUcanes. RAILWAY TIME T.UILICK. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL road -Omaha. Kansas City & Eastern Railroad "Tho Q ilncy Route"-Ticket Of flee. 1115 Farnam Street i cluphone 322. Depot, Tenth and Marey Streets. Telu Iilione, C2'J. HBJll si f i Ib i lUf I is sfffr d Leave. Arrive. St Louis Cannon Hall Express a 5:05 pm a 8:20 am Kansas city and Quiney Local a 7:00 am a 9:00 pm a Dally CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE ft St. Paul Rallway-Clty Ticket Olllce. 1501 Farnam Street, Telephone 284. Depot Tenth and Muson Stroets. Telephone. C29. I Ant... 1 Chic.'icn l.lmllArl l.-v o r.(J ..... .. o .nr. ... .... ..nw ... JA....rt ,w ,1 a. o.im im, Chicago & Omaha Ex h 7 15 am b 3:65 pm u D-ily b Dally except Bunuity, MHW'KEE!