Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1900, Image 4

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THE OAFYirV DAILY liKE: Tilt ItD Y. TA VKM HV.R (?. 1000.
jii.voii .mi:.tio.v.
Davis felli slags.
"Mr. Illley." 5-ccnt cliar.
Why not smoke the Why clirarT
I-effert, SK Hdy.. teats eyes fro,
Oas flxturo nnd glob at IJIxby's.
Klfie A. II. C. beer. Keumayer's hotel
Dr. Stephenron. 101 I'earl St. Tel. SO.
Schmidt's photos, new am! Iaet styles.
Cab. photos U.M dnz. Williams, Ml Bdy.
J. C. & W. Woodward, architects, MS BdJ'
W. n. Lewis sells monuments. 1 IJ'way.
I.emp's beer, Soenke Uoyson, sole agent.
Beit beer; Hudwelser I. Hosenfeld, Agt
Scientific optician at Woolman's, Kri
M. Harlcl Is home from a sojourn fit Mot
Hprlngs, a. D.
Mrs. A. Osborn left yesterday on a visit
to friends In Deadwood, .4 D.
Oet your work done at the popular Eagle
laundry, 721 Broadway. 'Phone 157.
W. (.'. Estep, undertaker. 13 Pearl street.
Telephones: Office. 97; resldonce, 33
Mrs. K. C Brown and family are horn
from u visit with relative at Butte, Mont.
W, K, Oraff, undertaker and licensed em
balmcr, 101 Mouth Main street. 'Phono 5.0
A picture Klven free with eaeh frame
HoUKht !n H-rtembT of r. k Alexander A:
Co., S3t Broadway.
Tho Woman's Belief eorp will meet this
nfternoon at 2:3k o'rloek at (irand Army
of lhs Bepubllc hall.
MUm Jeslca Morgan, wno has been the
cuest tit Miss Klla Wirt, left Inst evening
for her homo In Lincoln. Nen.
Mrc. II. S. Lynn of Kansas City iirrlve.i
yesterday on a visit to her sister. Mrs.
O. M. Brown of South Seventh street.
O. 12 Beswlck and wife left last evening
for Oalesburc. III., where thoy will alleni
tho reunion of Mr. Beswlvkn old rtlm -nt
Mrs. N. A U. Planek will leave this
mornlnK on a visit to relatlvu.1 at Outhrlu
Cv liter. In.
A marriage lleense was Issued yesterdav
to Otha f. ('henry, hrc1 it, and Margaret
J. Taylor, aged K, both of Potuwuttumle
Tho county Board of Education will met
tills morning to take up the matter of
electing uniform text books for the coun
try schools.
Hev. W. S. Barnes of the Klrt Presby
terian church Is In Atlantic, attending th
Council Bluffs presbytery of the Presby
terian church.
Chief Templeton of the fire department
has sold tho big gray team. Tho cart
team formerly at No 2 host- house will
be put In service on the chemical.
Captnln Terrier has lsued a call for a
meeting of the McKlnley Guards for to
night at republlean head-iuarters. Every
member Is ordered to be present for drill.
Iturry Curtis, who for a number of years
was secretary of the YminK Men's Chris lin
nssoclatlon In this city, before. It went to
tho wall, Is visiting council Bluffs frlcndi.
Mrs. Clara Ward of Vine street has r
turned from a summer visit with friends
nt Kt. Louis and Kansas City ami left last
evening for a short vllt with friends In
Lincoln, Neb.
The city ouncll Is booked to meet
a committee of the whole In the near future
to Investigate the s-wer system of th
rlty and see, what Improvement and re
pairs are needed.
Bids for supplying the city with eoa!
have been KUbmlttcd by Kenlon ti Foley,
If. A. Cox and the Carbon Coal rompi'iv.
The bids havo been refened to the city
clerk for tabulation.
Mrs. Krederl'ka Voss of Walnut. la.,
was ordered discharged from St. Bernard'.
hospital yesterday by the Insanity commis
sioners. She consented to return to her
homo and llvo with her hu and.
Tho two local lodpea of the Mo u-rn Wood
men of America will plcmr v -.1 Wednes
day at Lake Manawa. A i-iture of the
day's outing will be a bail gam- betwe n
teams from llizol and Cornell Hluffs
Ocorgo Shumway, a leading attorney nt
flalcsburg. 111., was In the city yesterday.
He was In the Tutted States mall service
under President Cleveland and In ISM voted
for Bryan. This fall, ho says, ho will vote
for McKlnley.
Oracle, tho ft-months-old Infant daught-r
nf Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Simpson, 27i
Avunuo A, died yesterday morning. Tin
funeral will be held this afternoon nt .'
o'clock from the family residence ami
burial will be In Falrvlew cemetery.
Mrj. J. C. Bnker nnd fcmlly arc honv
from a vMt with relatives in Menilota. 'II
T. D. Quick, a young farmer of Mace
donia, la., who was found carrying a big
rc volvcr In hW hip pocket yesterday, had
to put up $5 cash the piece of artllL'iv
for his appearance In police court thl-.
1-3. A. Morehouse & Co.. tho bookbinders,
have added to th Ir business a Job printing
ft inbllshment and will be ready to do work
of this kind in a few days. Tim Increasing
buslr.ciT. of the llrm necessitated this move
In order to turn out orders in quick time,
or u other words rush work. The print
ing establishment Is (omplete tn every re
flect and tlrst-class work will be turned
out on time.
N. Y. Plumblns Co., telepaone 2S0.
fiO.000 rakes Domestic soap used In Coun
cil Bluffs last month.
Prune) Hun Opinions.
"Have you formed such an opinion that
It would prevent you giving a verdict ac,
cording to law and evidence In this case,'
was asked of Johu Jay Kraney, who had been
summoned at a Juror In tho superior court
"I have," promptly answered the eminent
Shakespearean orator, "and what Is more
I am opposed to private ownership of land
and am In favor of tho confiscation or rents.
Ho was excused.
Tho case In which a Jury wns being 1m
paneled was that of Attorney John Limit
against August Uhleln and tho Slltz Brew-
Inu company. In which Limit seoks to re
forer rent at 11G0 per month from the
brewing company for tho building on Broad
way, built by the latter and the ownership
of which finally fell to the astuto attornoy
otter several years of litigation. Llndt
wants rent for tho time that ho was kept
out of tho building pending the litigation
Commonwealth 10-ccnt cigar.
Tremlums given with Domestic soap.
Hcnl Kslatc Trnnsfern.
Thn following transfers were filed yes
terday In tho abstract, title and loan odlea
of J. W. Squire. 101 Pearl street:
Kllcna P. Marshall and husband to
u li'.ll,. tr.r 11 Mm U 2 Pnrlc
add. w. d -M'-U
M. J. Bellinger and wife to ricorge A ir. lOnpU M I'errv niiu.
nt ,1 13
George B. Kolsom to Callie H Skln
i,.,. "i o,i.i "1 lilneli .11. Central
J l t . nun - ... - i ..--.- --
BUbdlv., w. d o
Three transfers, totnl S'-'.CI3
neautlful moonlight on Lako Manawa
Music on tho water. Lorenzo orchestra,
every evening.
Howell's Antl-"Kawf" curei coughs, colds.
Rough Ricfer
School Shoes
Every Pair War
ranted ai
Negotiated In haslern nrnraKii
and lowa. James La-May, jr.
i: Main St fiuacll inuftt.
Savings Loan and Building Associate
Countj Supervisors Name a Full Liat of
Judges and Clerks,
Mutter Debuted nt .some t.eimth, tint
l.lllil liter Without AiMion III
(Iriler to Plek the Elec
tion Oftlecrs.
Beyond discussing the matter the Board
of County Supervisors took no action yes
terday In regard to fixing the tax levy for
lfOO. County Auditor Innes has the books
completed and the board expects to an
nounce the levy at today's session. The fol
lowing Judges and clerks in the various
precincts throughout the county for the
November election were appointed:
Belknap Judges: William Curse. 11 II.
Hounds, republicans, J. o. Bate, demo
crat, clerks: K. K. Wentz, republican; C
A. Sample, democrat.
Boomer-Judges. S A. Tamlslea, A. B.
Smith, democrats; J. P. Chrlstlnnson. re
publican. Clerks ij. B. McBrlde, demo
crat; Soren Peterson, republican.
Carson-Judges. J. W. Alston, W. L.
Throp. republicans; I. L. Pierce, democrat
Clerks: '.. Y. Llnvllle. republican; Ira It.
Stltt. democrat. . .
Center Judges: W. 9. Edle. T. J Johns,
rep'jbll- ans. J. II. Kelso, democrat. Clerk':
Oeorge H. Nash, republican; A. L. ITUell,
Cresrent Jjdges: William Currle, Henry
Hlef, democrats; N Swanson. republican.
Clerks: T. A. KlrkwoOd, democrat; Rob
ert Adams, republican.
Clarner Judges: Joseph Abel, Lewis
Smith, iletnor ruts; J. M. Dollarhlde, repul)
Mean. Clerks: C. L. Prouty, democrat; N.
O Ward, republican.
Orove-Jtidges: V. E. Putnam. O. G. Mil
ler, reput'lleans. William Cogelaon. demo,
crat. Clerks: H. A. Smith, republican; P.
W. Frederlckson. democrat.
Hardln-Judges: Henry Wild. Euseno
Stupfel. demurrats; A. K. Chambers, re
publican. Clerks: V. H. Kief, democrat;
V. P.. J. Morris, republican.
Hazel Dell Judges. It. L. Prentice. A. H.
Smith, republicans; L C. Hondo, demo
crat. Clerks: O. L. Barrett, republican;
D. D. Smith, democrat.
James Judges; Henry SchlJeter, A. .
Halladay, republicans; George Miller,
democrat Clerk-: C. C. Smith, republican;
M. F Brown, democrat.
Kane (ojtslde eityi Judges: ". J Smltn,
J. K. Butler, republicans; W. Duncan,
democrat. Clerks: J. E Myers, republican;
J. o. MeMahan. democrat.
Keg Creek Judges: Fred C. Hoist, E
Campbell, renubllcans; Nicholas Klrsoh,
democrat. Clerks: O. P. Plumer, repub
llean; Charles II. Flood, democrat.
Knox Judges. Jasper Pierce, Frank
Tr i- democrats; Walter E. Bunnell, re
publican. Clerics: c. E. Brown, democrat;
A. c Meltzen. republican.
Lay ton Jud s: O. B. Tlltnn, C. N
Slmonsen. demoerats. Clerks: Hico Bur
melster. democrat; L. J. Neff, republlran.
I.wls Townsh.ji Judges: II. II. Mar
tens. P W Cramer, democrats; Henrv
Ellerbeck. republican. Clerks: O. C
Pl'imer, democrat; W. A. Sewing, repub-
'Lincoln-Judges: F Strlttmatter, F. M.
Alice, democrats; Freil Lehman, repub
lican. Clerks: J W. Brown, democrat;
Charles Brown, republican.
Macei on a JuUkch: j. Koenier. j. n.
Martin. demoeratH: Theodore Tibbies, re
publican. Clerks: Henry Kennedy, demo
crat; V.. B. Lane, republican.
Mlndeti JuiIrch: L. Schwcgier. uooeri
W. Carson democrats: Peter Lnnger, re
nubllcan. J'lerUs: c. H. Stuhr. democrat:
John CelKer. republican. . ...
Neoln-Judges: ti. A Murphy, O. S.
Spencer, democrats; J. Ci. Hardsley. repub
lican. cierKs: i;. .sienuei, uemocrni; rrcu
llllams, republleiin.
N rv.allt J idseii: M. J. Hanlfan. John
.Myers, democrats; Fred Hansen, repub
lican. Clerks: N. D. Fisher, republican;
P. Maxlleld. democrat.
Plennunt Judcos: John Den, Henry
Bornholdt. democrats: George Haas, re
publican. Clerks- Fred ltohrs, republican;
D. (Jriiss. democrat.
Ilockford Judges: Tlmotny iiyan. i,. -i.
loii-.i. ilernncrats: Henry Lowe, tepubllcan.
Clerki: F. R. Haldeman, republican; H. L.
l-ontz democrat
Silver CreeK Juilgei-: J. . moss, .mirusi
loleroc renublleatm; E B. Carlev. demo
crat. Clerks- Ellon Lnwson. rciiubllcnn;
R. M McKenzle, democrat.
vtillev Judci s: John Mnassen, uemn-
erat; W. I Porter, Marlon Palmer, rcpini-
Ilcans. Clerks- J. L. llun. repulillcan; ll
A Van Beck, democrat. .
Was timttoii JudKes: F. M Lewis, c. n.
Lvmiui. repulilleiinv; II Mrf.'abe. democrat
'lerks; O. W. Pierce, republican; . C.
Llddell, democrat.
U'u'dund .1 idkres: John Rush. N. S
Collins, republican": D. Lantts. democrnt
ClerkH: Geors" Saint, republican; C. M
Potter, democrat.
Wright Judges: Gcorco itarey, .Mien
Bullls, republicans; J. V- Foster, demo
crat Clerks N. Waiters, repuuuenn, .i.
G MrConnell, democrat.
York Judges: G Elsabush. G. iv. Davis.
ilernncrats. Fred Knott, Clerks
11 Klehenberger, repunilcan; I . -iici.eun.
( oilliell lllllfTs,
First Ward. First Precinct Judges:
Lewis Hummer, W, C. Dickey, republicans;
Phil Waroham. democrat. Clerks: c A.
Morgan. republlean; J. C Woodwurd,
First Ward. Second Precinct judges: c.
If. Muber. democrat; E. B. Gardner. E c
Hftldy. republlcnn". Clerks: hranK hlicr-
ratt. republican; R. F Jlatn, democrat.
Second Ward. First Precinct .1 idges:
H. I oncer. Snunccr Smith, repuhlicnnH: n
M. McDonnld, ilemocrit. Clerks: W J
I.everett, republican; A. w. casady, demo
crat. . .
Second Ward. Serond Precinct .innef .i
D. Johnson. J. II. Mlthen. republicans; 11
Ham Alstrand. democrat. Clerks: W. M
Sb"inrd, republlran; August Voos, ib-mo-crnt.
. .
Third Ward. First Preclnci Judges: omo
Knox. W. P.. Hue, republicans; A. C
Graham, democrat. Clerks: Robert Green,
renubllcnn: chirks Gregorv. Jr.. democrnt.
Third Word. Second Precinct judges: r-u
C. Urown. B. A. Bonham. republic -jus; .1
IV Connor, democrat. Clerks: Wnlt'-r
Gains, repihllenn- It. Ounnoude. democrat
lourtn warn, first j-recuici junh-r:
W. McDonald. T. It. Baldwin, repibllians
J. M. Patton, democrat Clerks- j w
Morse, republican: T. ii. casauy, demo
crnt. . .
Fourth Ward, Second precinct judges:
A. M Bonham, J E. Ford, republicans: J
I) Mnliiueen democrat. Clerks- Emll
l.efferts. republican; Fred Smith, democrnt
Fifth Ward First Precinct Judges: D.
J. Clark. William Klnzel. republicans; .1.
K. Cooper democrat. Clerks: C. Konlg
niarhcr, republican; E. A. Troutman. demo
crat. Kiflh Ward Second Precinct -Judges: Al
bert Ingram. D I.. Runvon, retmbllcans; J.
Christiansen, democrat. Clerks: D. L.
Grimes, republican; R. I. Gallahcr. demo
crat. Sixth Ward First Precinct Judges:
Israel Lovett, I. M. Shubert. republicans;
W C. Hover, democrat. Clerks: J P. Mr
Aneney, republican; J. L. HocUhoff, demo
crat. Sixth Ward. Second Precinct Jjilrces: W
II Ma'-wood, John Hansen, republicans.
William Roderick, democrat. Clerks: Jatncc
M Ttmkjar, republlcnn; N. B. Shlnqulst,
Domestic soap outluats cheap soap.
Itrreiiup Full .Short.
Lars Pctcrstn swore out a search war
rant yesterday In JustU-o Vlen's court for
the saloon conducted by Nels P. Nelson
at Cut-Off. Petersen had been making
thrcatB to do do for several days, so Nelson
had taken time by tho forelock and when
tho constablo arrived at his saloon yes
terday morning tho only liquor In sight
was pop and consequently thero was no
seizure. Petersen felt aggrieved at some
thing Nelson had said or dono and took
this means to get even.
Davis sells paint.
IVilPrnl Court Doelcet.
The following trial notices havo been
filed for tho term of United States court
which opens hero on September IS: Mrs.
Jetslo Kerr, ngjlnst Modern Woodmen of
America; Joseph A. Riddle, against S. N.
Malno; Jacob McKlsslck. against J. R.
Fuublcn nnd others; Lnwrnnce T. Brown,
against Union Pacific Railway company:
Grand Isluud Canning company, against
if'oi'nfil DIiiITk fanning company
Ryin. administratrix, utralnst
! IlurllnRton & Qulncy Hallway company
! E A Helm acainst Kansas rity. SI Joseph
! & fount 11 Bluff Railway company
J)omedtlc soap sells on Its merits.
m t n iiiK
IIITIHt'T fill III',
.loiepli Mrlilnlils Asks flint II
strnltiltiK Order He Modllleil.
Joseph McOlnness, whose wife. Mrs
Mary MrOmness. is suing him for divorce,
has filed a motion in the district court
asking that his wife be ordered to pay out
of the rents of their property sufficient
money to enable him to live until the suit
Is disposed of. He also asks that she be
ordered to advance him 11,000 from tho
same source, so that he can employ an at
torney and prepare for the suit, to which
he says ho has a good defense.
bout three weeks ago Mrs. McOlnness
secured an Injunction restraining McfJIn-
ness from dlsncslng of his Dronertv. both I
real and Dersonal and from
r"L ??J ..p.!rs? an'' fr0.m. ln,erfr nB I
wiin nis wne in ine peaceame possession , qntiervlsnr the offer of the bank was ac-, a..
of their farm. In his motion asUng for an celled and the Issue o bunds TeaZl 5 u n'de" '? the "I- by velerans '
allowance McGlnness sets up that the value I pecent lnterest to be dtted nml issued I tlv" war' Spr'nUh war vc"ans. car
of his landed property Is about J25.0OO and ' wbw l rlaKM and rpPub"can clllbs- The J,s,la-
his ncrsonal Droocrty consisting of farm ' Z , . I tnc.1w,1 :,',l,"nfl i Is expected to be tho grandest In the his-
nis personal propenj. consisting oi larm bank As tllc county is not In Immodlate i ,, ,,-,.
stock. ImDlements. etc.. amounts to about . tory of the cltj.
... , . . .
uespue tno laci mat no owns an
this property, he alleges he Is penniless ;
and without means to support h mself or .
I pay the rent o the house In. which he Is
I t i , . j . , . .
Judge Macy yesterday granted Louis Ba- !
n,u . u, i ui.l uuw .uirt llriillUA Ull Clir
grounds of desertion and also freed Mrs.
Mary E. Skinner from the matrimonial
yoke which bound her to Thomas Skinner.
Mrs. Skinner alleged ill treatment and fail
ure to properly support her and family.
In the suits brought by Thomas Bowrnau
against Ervln Dryer of Chicago and For
rest Smith of this city, the defendants yes
terday fined demurrers to the petitions on
the grounds that no cause of action exists
Inasmuch as the actions complained of
have not yet been determined. Bowman
seeks to recover damages for the holding
up of his lighting contract with the city by
reason of tho Injunction proceedings
brought by Dryer and Smith.
In the suit of Spencer Smith and Harlo
& McCabe against H. Hollow-ay and others,
a default was taken yesterday as against
H. W. Whetstone. This suit Is to recover
attorney fees In connection with tho grain
rate cases.
The following first equity assignment wa3
made by Judge Macy yesterday:
Thursdav. September ft J W Squire
against Chris Miller and others: same
ngniust sanv.', First National Bank against
Rice and others.
Friday. September 7 Stiles against Stiles.
Saturday. September S To be supplied.
Mondny, September 10 To bo supplied.
Tuesday, September 11 Peterson against
Wednesdnv, September 12 Chris Miller
against L. B. CoiMnf.
Thursday. September 15 Mills County
acalnst Pottawattamie Countv.
Frldav, September 14 Vest against
Short; Nash against I'nlon Land and Im
provement Company.
Saturday. September I J Peterson against
Independent School District.
Cso Domestic soap. It's the best.
llnrdeii'a Future Course.
C. G. Taylor has been elected street com
missioner to succeed John M. Harden. As
he cannot qualify until he has filed the
nccossarJ bond he will act In the mean
time In tho capacity of foreman. Attorney
Hazclton filed notice on the city council
yesterday that Harden would appeal to
tho district court from the verdict finding
him guilty of the charges preferred against
him by Alderman Huber. There aro two
ways open to Harden to take the case up
to the district court, either by appeal or
a writ of certiorari.
Gravel roofing. A. H. Read, 641 Broadway,
Insane Mnn lit l.nrue.
John Barclay, an Insane patient, escaped
yesterday from St. Bernard's hospital. A
few months ago he managed to get away
from the institution and was arrested, after
stealing a bolt of cloth from the Boston
store on Broadway. He was behind tho
bars at tho city for a day or more before
his mueniiiy was aiscovered. The young
man s homo Is In Minnesota.
(irand Jury ( Imrjies lllm tilth ICIIHiik
lolio C. Itolison.
SIOL'X CITY, Sept. 5. ("Special Tele
gram. j Tho grand Jury today Indicted
Frank Peyton, who Is In Jail at St. Louis,
charging him with the murder of John E.
Robson hero on the night of December 23.
lili.'t. Peyton confessed to Chief of Police
Nelon, who visited St. Louis recently.
Ilurtclnrs nt Work in .Ii-fTerson.
JEFFERSON, la.. Sept. C (Special.)
This city Is in tho throes of Its periodical
engagements with burglars. Within the
past few dnys no less than a half dozen
attempts havo been made to gain admis
sion to prlvato residences, but in each
cafcc tho attempt has failed on account of
tho watchfulness of the owners. The bur
glars In nearly every caso havo i-ought to
enter by forcing doors, but at the first sound
tlee and thus tar there Is no clue us to the
identity of the thieves, although there Id
strong suspicion that the would-be robbers
aro JeffeiEon parties. The Misses Remlck,
daughters of a prominent citizen, had n
somewhat rensatlonal experience along this
line. About midnight they were awakened
by footstep; of someone upon the back stair
way. They were alone In a largo house
nnd, being thoroughly frightened , simply
awaited developments. Tho burglars got
Into tho cellar, finally, and Into the house,
making efforts to force the doors Into the
chambers. Ahout this time someone passed
along the sidewalk and the girls gavo the
Hlar.n and the burglars lied. A trail of
burned matches was found In the cellar,
but there Ij do other clue.
liiKtriietoi-N for lovta ('ollcne,
AMES. Ia., Sept. 5. (Special. )-The vet
erinary deportment of tho Iown State col
lege wa3 strengthened today by the ap
pointment of John H. McNeall nf Shoshone,
Wyo., as profeysor of veterinary science and
Dr. Lewis A. Klein of Philadelphia as In
structor In meat inspection. Prof. McNeall
has been In tho employ of tho United States
Department of Agriculture In the study of
the diseasos of sheep und was at ono time
demonstrator of anatomy In the University
of Pennsylvania.
Dr. Klein Is now In the enrploy of the
Department of Animal Husbandry nt Wash
ington. Tho study of meat Inspection is
a feature of this department and every year
a large number of students go Into that
branch of government service.
I mn .Normal Opens.
CEDAR FALLS, la., Sept. 5 -(Special
Telegram.) The State Normal school
opened today with an enrollment of 2,000
studonts. President Secrley enters his fif
teenth year of service, making him the old
est college p.csldent In thn state.
Inmi PMN Notes.
The Prlmglntr Methodists dedicate-! a
new church Sunday.
Agnes Mann of Holsteln was drugged to
death while v.-aterlns a fractious hor-
M. L. Rlttger of Des Moines was r.iuaht
fishing with dynumlto and It eoxt him $20
August Schney. a small Dubuque bo -,
fell from tho sldewulk Into tho gutter and
broke his ruck
Pocahontas had a great celebration in
honor of thn entrnnee of th first passenjer
train Into that city.
A Fort Dodge woman struck a light -d
match Into u can to see whether it was
kerosene, or gasoline contained therein. The
neighbors now know whku It was,
Is3ue for County Court House Purchased by i
Des Moines Capital
Iteiiublk'iui Mute t'entrnl Committee
Announces Another List of Dates
nnd Places of Siioeohcs for
Coming CnniuilKH.
DES MOINES. Sept. J. (Special Tele
gramj Th Iowa National bank came to
the rescue of local capital and today pur
chased the UOO.000 Issue of couu.y bonds I
for tho purchase of a new court housu i
glte anJ t.rcctlon of a new building at the
.r .... u
. ' P f V , P . " '
resolution Introduced before the Board of
offer of par. plus S227 premium. By a
aeeu ui cue mouej uuu iuuii ui'icimmw
upon a site and secure the options and
lhc ,cc8 lllerefor ,t la JouU.
fu atl). actuu, eXpt.nd,ture is made
wtnln a voar. u ,8 lhe lntentlon l0 re-
deposit the J30O.0O0 in the Iowa National
. , ,,a ,..., ,h.,Pn
which the bonds draw. The bids opened
today were as follows: Spltzer & Co , To
ledo, O.. par, less foOO commission or dis
count, Masrn, Lewis & Co.. Chicago, par.
less 1728 commission or discount; N. W.
Harris & Co., Chicago, par. less $1,010 rom
mlislon or discount; Iowa National bank,
Des Moines par, plus 1227 premium.
"This Is the first real step I have seen
taken looking to the erection of tho court
house," said Supervisor Fischer after tho
board had accepted the bid made by the
Iowa National. "Somehow I have believed
all along that another Impediment would
be thrown In the way nnd we would have to
hold off again. It looks as though Polk
county was going to have a new building
ofttr all."
('nmpulKii Dales A r ru n k ed.
Another batch of dates and places of
campaign speeches was announced from
the republican stale central committee
headquarters this morning. Colonel Hep
turn will deliver speeches as follows.
Marengo, September 10; What Cheer, Sep-
ttmber 11. Washington. September 12. and
Hazleton, September 13. Speaker Bender- .
,..M1 ...... 1. nt Co fl.n iCll,
flcm III agnufv u i. ii i; ... ,- u.x,
Greene tho 13th, Hampton tho 20th and
Clarion tho 21st. Judge Walter htnlth of
Council BluifJ, the republican nominee for
congress In tho Ninth district, will de
liver an address at Arbor Hill September
12; nt Avoudale, September 13, nt Mas
tena. September 14; at Cumberland, Sep
tember 1"; at Panora. September 17; nt
Bayard. September IS, and nt Emeisun.
September 10. Senator Dolllver will open
his series of spccchmaklng at Orheyedan
September 10. Tho remainder of his dates
are not yet arranged.
Bernard J. Foley, an old-time resident
of Des Moines and health oPacor under the
present administration, expired suddenly
6hortly past noon today In front of a
restaurant. He had Just eaten lunch and
was departing from the cafe when he be
came seized with a violent hemorrhage
and expired before medical assistance
could be had. i
Mrs. Emma Miller died today as a re
sult of a gasollno explosion at her home, a
few miles from here. After lighting the
stove It exploded, the home, worth $2.C00,
burning to the ground.
Judge Mcl'herson Is making but few
changes In the practices nnd ofllcors of tho
federal court, as established some years
ago by Judge Woodson. A couple of orders
were received from Judge Mcl'herson to
day. In which ho approves and confirms tho
established customs of the court and shows
hts Intention of allowing tho precedents
established by tho lato Judge Woolson to
hold good during the present tenure of
ofllce. Judge Mcl'herson has already re
appointed two employes of the court who
held office under Judge Woolson and tho
orders today simply reaffirm his policy to
make as few changes na Is consistent nnd
Telephone Proposition llefore Voters,
SIOUX CITY, Sept. f.. (Special.) The
Tho pcoplo of Sioux City are to have n.
chance this fall to vote tho city another
telephono exchange. At the present time
the Iowa Telephone company has a mo
nopoly on the telephone business of tho city
and the rates are higher than they were n
short time ugo, when the Homo Telephone
company, an independent corporation, was
doing business. The Iowa company ab
sorbed the Home company nnd the rates
wont up Immediately. Now F. B. Rowe, tho
projector of the long distance system
through the northern part of Nebraska to
tho Black Hills, desires to Invade this ter
ritory. The matter has been presented to
the city council, which has ordered that
the question be submitted to the vote of
the people.
Iti-ptilillciuiN Start Unll Itolllnu.
CLINTON -la.. Sept. 3. (Special Tele
gram.) Republicans open tho campaign In
tho Second Iowa district with a big bar
becue, and tally at Plnneos grovo tomorrow.
It will bo an all-dny program. Tho speakers
are: Captain J. N. W. Rumple, candldato
for congress: Congressman J. R. Lane, Dav
enport; ex-Congressman O. M. Curtis, Clin
ton. Bodies of Murdered .lien Found.
MASON CITY. Ia.. Sept. 5. Trainmen on
the Milwaukee road this morning discovered
the dead bodies of two unknown men near
tho truck at Sexton, west of this city. It
was evident that they bail been murdered
nnd left near the track. It Is supposed
they were stockmen.
loci u .Man Itcturnis from Nniiic.
AMES, lo. Sept. C. (Special. )-Gcorgo
Brlggs, one ot the prominent men In Story
county, who has been in the Cape Nome
gold ileldB this summer, returned homo
Saturday evening. Mr. Brlgga arrived in
Seattle on August 15 and has been visiting
the coast cities since that time.
Sims llc'iiorlcd In l.inv Plrni.
BENISON, la. Sept. 5 (Special Tele
gram. ) It Is reported that Hon. Jacob
Sims is about to enter tho law firm of
Shay & Kucblc
Every Moikr, Expectiii Muffler I
lli'liiilillcniiK rr rllr nml An- ( nu
ll (! lit of n (tiinil MnJurlO
Till lull.
Sept. ." iSpe ml )
are warming up In I
Nearly every pre. loot1
In the county has an acthe McKlnley and ,
Itooeelt club and those unsupplled are,
or.tanuing them. The Yankton . lab
now numbers several hundred members
A ilub of over 100 was organlied at Clay-
sllle last night and svtcral other of the
clubs have as large a 'membership. The
folloulng list of otllcers. was elected for
the Oayvllle club: President, lvar Has- 1
alad; vice presidents. C. V. Williams and I
t'olbern Peterson, and secretary. Henry I
Soleui. Speeches were delivered by Charles !
Holmes of Sioux Kails nud John Holmau
of Yankton. Tho hall where the assembly
was held was filled to overflowing and en
thusiasm was rampant.
Oreat and elarorato arrangements for the
wclcomo of fiovemor Hoosevclt have been
-j nV 7 3u ..m! and wiube mit
by several hundred uniformed Hough Ill
"er an(i wniiormen repuoncan nuus irom
all parts of tho county. Tho lino of march
. ' u... . u.. ,.
Wholesale changes from llrynnlsm to the
republican party, caused by close study of
the Issues and In some Instances by tho
insane asylum scandal, are having .in ap
preciable effect on the situation. A con
servative poll of tho county shows that
from a condition of extreme closeness it
has now a good working margin of repub
lican majority. Pettlgrow has written In
numerable letters to parties here and has
made several visits In person since the
campaign opened, but the only effect his
visits havo seemed to havo so far Is the
transfer of the populist Beacon Light to safer
hands immediately after the name of Burro
Lien was pulled down from the place at the
head of the ticket nnd his concctton with
the asylum tcandal given In no minced
terms as the reason for such a stop. At
tho lowest estimate 200 populists will re
turn to the republican party In Yankton
county this fall becnuse of the extreme rot
tenness of the political deal that keeps
Dr. Boss at the head of that Institution.
The republican county convention will
be held on tho 10th Instant nnd the tuct
that nearly every office will be contested
for by from four to eight candidates Indi
cates a general condition of confidence In
the general result that will hardly be mis
placed. Indians Attend u m pmeet I n u.
MITCHELL. S. D.. Sent. . i
, isrge number of Sioux Indians have been
passing through Mitchell for several dav.s
... .. . -. . . . '
on tue way to liunalo Lake. Thev are
u part of tho tribes which will gather
at Slsseton September 13-17 to attend
tho annual Presbyterian caiiipmectliig.
which Is held under the management of
Rev. John P. Williamson. Between 200
and 300 Indians usually attend these meet
ings and about 100 teams are expected to
go from Yankton and Rosebud agencies.
Rev. John P. Williamson, who Is the head
of the council, is a character In Indian
work nnd has been engaged In It for tho
last thirty-five or forty years. It was In
1SS3 that he took up his work for the
Yankton Indians In the Dakotas and In
time established four churches among them.
For a good many years he has been the
active missionary of the Dakotas and has
organized a large number of churches In
the new fields he has opened up. In his
llfctimo a whole presbytery of Indians has
grown up In tho Dakotas, which Is Indeed
remarkable. The presbytery consists of
twenty-five churches, sixteen Indian
preachers, 1.116 communicants and SO"
pupils in the Sunday schools.
Imllnn Cnso nt DcndiTood.
DEADWOOD, S. D., Sept. G. (Special i -United
States court Is In session todav and
It Is likely that It will be convened for
ten days. Tho city Is full of Indians, who
are hero from Pino Ridge and Rosebud
agencies as witnesses In several cases
which will como up at this term of court.
There nrfi two important Indian cases
the first being that of Cloyton High Wolf,
who shot and killed his father-in-law
Charging Shields, nnd attempted to kill his
mother-ln-law. Tho murdered mnn was
one of tho respected Sioux of tho Pine
RIdgo agency und his wife is in Deadwood
today to testify to the killing. She herself
carries her ana in a sling, having received
a bullet wound from High Wolf while try
ing lo protect her husband.
Another Interesting case will bo that of
a Rosebud buck, named Stampede, who Is
to bo tried for attempting to kill the head
farmer, Louis Bordo, who is a half-breed.
Tho agent sent Bordo over to the ranch of
Stampede requesting him to como before
tho agent to explain certain actions. Stain
pede went to tho agent's office nnd then went
home nnd got his gun and, returning, at
tempted to shoot tho head farmer. It Is be
lieved that Stampede's mind Is unbalanced.
(-liulillciin Cluli nt ltniilil (it).
ItAPIH CITY. S. I)., Sept. 5.-(.Special.)
A republican club of 150 members wns or
ganized here last niRht, with the Rreatest
amount of enthusiasm. A. D. nankin, tho
Iron moulder of Pennsylvania, who is con
sidered the strongest republican campaigner
tho Black Hills has had this year, addressed
a crowded house. He told his audience that
ho desires to vote tho republican ticket for
the reason that for nearly four ypars past
ho has had constant work at his trade. Bo
foro that time, like hundreds of others In
his state, be was out of employment. A
continuation of the administration that gave
him hiB Job l in oio upt to continue this
stage of prosperity than a change in ,i lmln
(titration. The oillcers of the club that was
organized aro: President, A. K. Thomis.
first vice president, A. K. Onrdner; second
vice president, Joseph Waterion; sei rotary,
Will S. Wurner; trcuturcr, B. C. Johnson.
IImimii'I for (Jovcrnoi- lloosi-vrlt,
SIOL'N KAM.S, S. I).. Sept. 5. (Special.)
In addition to (lovornor Shaw of Iowa
nnd Senator Nelson of Minnesota It hus
been arranged that Charles W. Herrled,
tho republican nomlneo for governor of
Si.ulh Dakota, and II. W. Martin, ono of tho
republican nominees for congress from
South Dakota, aha 1 1 accompany Governor
Hoospvelt on his trip through tho state
which commences on tho 11th Instant. As
beforo stated In theHO dispatches, Colonel
Melvln (Jrigsby of Sioux Falls and Will
A. Boll of Hell Ilaptdo, who enjoys the
distinction of being tho only South Da
kota!) who was a member of Colonel Roose
velt':. Hough Illdor regiment, will also bo
in tho party which escorts the republican
vice presidential nomlneo through the
can have a. practical treatise on motherhood, telling xX
about "MOTHER'S FRILND" i that 2
vi'l save incmths cf pain nnd trouble), sent, free, i
by s-ndin?; nni' rnd n !drti- of self c r inends to
Tin; nuini n:n iircit i.ATciu to., .tn.-inm, i.n.
"The world can product nothing like 'Mother' i Friend.' "
Soldfcytxit DrvifjUU, SI. Oil, c -t Cy ,rMru mi receipt i pint. .p
Interior Department Look3 After the Yel
lowstone Hworvc.
P.riort Will lie Mnde lo rrrt tin
PiTsims 'I'lionn lit to lie ltesion
sllilr for 'I'liosp Hint
Ititrneil This ear.
WASHINGTON. Sept. ". (Special Tele
gram.) Strlng-nt measures arc to be
adopted by officers of the Interior depart
ment to prevent recurrence of fires such
as those which recently created so much
damage In Yellowstone park, It having
bean demonstrated by close Investigation
that recent fires were the work of In
cendiaries It Is understood that secret
sorvlce agents will be sent to Montana and
Wyoming with a view to locating the guilty
persons. The department has received ad
vices of the arrest of three parties by
United States troops this week, but those
apprehended were released after examina
tion. The department has sent out de
tailed Instructions concerning tho erec
tion of the flfty-mlta feme which Is to bo
placed on the northern border of tho park
On account of the nature of tho land on
the northern border It was reported to the
officials that there would be considerable
difficulty nt certain iiolnts and that It
would probably bo Impossible to put If up
on tho lines of the reserve. Instructions
havo been Issued to those In charge to
uso their own discretion, but not 'o go
outilde tho limits of tho reserve The ob
ject of the fence Is to prevent antelope
nnd tuountnln goats from straying an-ay
from tho limits of the park, several rases
of shooting of these by hunters of animals
having been discovered.
Depilrttnc-llllll .Votes,
John C. Bentley. attorney at Burlington,
la., hns been debarred from practice be
foro the Interior department. Bentley was
detected In collecting fees In ndvance, In
violation of law.
Miss Grace E. Bradley of Minnesota has
been appointed assistant matron nt Chey
enne Indian school In South Dakota at 14S0
a year. Miss Jnnette Woodruff of S:sseton.
S. D.. has been appointed to n like position
In tho Crow, Mont., school nt 1150 per year.
An additional carrier has been allowed
for duty In the Port Dodge, Ia., postofflce,
to take effect November 1.
The Corn Exchange National bank of
Chicago was today approved as reserve agent
for the First National bank of Dewitt. It .
nnd the First National bank of Chicago
for the First National bank of Montezuma,
la., and the Commercial National bank of
Chicago for the Iowa State National bank of
Sioux City.
George H. Larabee was today appointed
postmaster at Aurora. Brookings county. ?.
L.. and John M. Rlghter at Cabria. Wstoa
county, Wyo.
The name of the postofTlce at Grove, Hum
boldt county. Ia , has been changed to Ar-'
nold, with Frank D. Arnold as postmaster.
Edward P. Pickering, carrier in the pot
ofllce nt Kearney. Neb., and George W. Hall,
carrier In the postofnee at Fremont. Neb ,
are promoted from JOOO to 1550 each.
Albert H. Porch Is appointed clerk In the
postofllce nt Fort Dodge and W. G. Tom
Ilnton at Boone, Ia.
President tci Leave W'nslilimton.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 5 President and
Mrs. McKlnley will leave Monday or Tues
day for Somerset. Pa , to attend tho wed
ding of Miss Mabel McKlnley and Dr Bacr
Tho trip will bo made by daylight Imme
diately after tho ceremony they will de
part for Canton to remain some days
for Infants and Children.
Castorla Is n hnnnlcss substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Sooth hi"; Syrups. It is 1'louMint. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Niircotio
rmhstancc. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverifliness.
Jt cures Diarrhteu and "Wind Colic. It relieves Tecth
infT Troubles and cures Constipation. It reinitiates tho
Ktoniach and Bowels, jjivlnir healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
SS Miliar
In Use For Over 30 Years.
DAY & HESS, Pearl St . Council Bluffs,
Hiiu fur mill- ii lnri;r list nf I in pi-oc -il
t'Ki-tlklilc IiiiiiIm iiIko rc-slilriUT mill
mill Oiniiliii. SOUK rU1S
1G0 acres Hazel Dell twp . 11 milrs tie C. D.,
Kooi) butlillnEs, $.'i per acre.
SO acres near ('resc-pnt, well Improved, $15
per acre.
50 ncres & milrs rntt. kooiJ tnillillnRS aui
fruit, J'iO per acre.
CO-acro fruit farm, near city, kooiI Improve
ment", $U'0 per acre.
30-acro fruit farm ttdJoinltiB city, Irt.'iOO.
Tin- iiliocr In mil) u nniuplo if our
."; irr cent InltTCNl. THpiiIiiiiii- Ull.
Some excellent lots,
sirable for suburban homes, can be had now at
reasonable prices. These lot s are located in
Omaha, Wright's and Central Sub. additions. This
property will steadily increase in value as tho city
grows in th at direction and the time to buy is tho
present. Call at
The only
sure cure
in the world.
Thtte ate few
complaints more
ommoti thin pilei.
The cauut of Ptla r
many among thm con
Uipation of long standing
or di&caits of the Kldneyi
and Liver.
an, oio. uiiairi
will radically and quickly
curt all form! ol Pilci.
Thli talve ii a scientific
compound poittising all
of the cleanilng, powerful diitnfcctant and
ti,ermlcldal properties of Solidified l:ormil.
dehyde together with the moil toothing
emolllenta known to modern icience. Dr.
(leo. Lelnlnxcr's For-mal-dc-hydc
Salve Ii different from and vaitlv luperlor
to any talve or ointment In the world.
There hat never been a ikin remedy to
wonderfully toothing and healinf In iti
natur:, and Ii now extensively uiea by hoi
nitali and lurqeonj throughout the country
for the cure of Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Cacmi,
Burns, Scald), Bruises and all skin affliction.
SoM i 4rgf tin a" - pifkcri f dtf-t
from Tb It 'If- inl-rf t.iiwa, 1 tL-ifj
It' o;t m. M t fr us stilnc.
Tts puMr.tM rat" tut Cs4rrb. nfor,ehltli.
Aihmi. Icir.DS. Cnt amrucn n1 :i No
Ttiroitam! .!. SU t tU draft. IU k
at V)rnt ',n n attnto rnrnte. I
Hold and recommended by Sherman fc
Mi i 'or, n" I! Dt'i 'n . B-at.nM '1.- -. It,
Co. Merrl't-'Jrahsm Dr . '',, If 11 '.-a-b-ira,
c-his If, h-fr Max Bee-.- iu-.
Com p.irk ih.i'mi -. f. . ii-n l-r. irtra r.
King Ph.irmso. 'e.t.,r Ph.irrn
P IhnIs -.,nn !l H iff- U M , I1 on s
Drug S'- re South nj.ihi.
II AVE tOI fiVKIt tilVK.l A
FA lit THIAL TO....
If cot. you "sat aliel a g-.oi thing.
Tola eicjuliit sat b-rae- stasia 03 a
uslqu. baaia. It ill iu.f. It a fas mi
repuU'.len la tt envy of aaty. The ;a.ato,
tie bScUl resulu achieved "wp.b.s" tha
lecer ai: are the esly and real Judges of
Its merits. Approved of by them. It tri
umphantly estera Isnusserable fcouseiuMs.
Where Cabinet enter!, doctors and drug
tills exit.
n;ir)VF.D Is V
riti:n kiuu iiuewivc; to..
i wen ad t fe'iutir-i cf nr. aid h f
Iht tttJ o(b.ry t ) T.3t .wrtf T.tua
Hat t' S rotfc Jjifi ns!. f frtt,
ifu .citnut hL ; f j oc"y by "St
Imperial Hair Regenerator
Hir MVtvsthtliair isft n J r t Sim- a
of vc r i ir a r i fi Sn 1 fr p
b druggists antl halMfe ?sers
Signature of
fiirinn, c'lili-l.i-ii i-Miichi'i. fruit iinil
IiiinIiii'nii iiritprrty In iiiiiu-ll lllafta
ICO-atres .Missouri bottom land. S miles r4
city, f to per acre.
U 10 acres near Pacific Junction, n ell lm
proved, MO pc-r arrr.
320 acroa In Silver Creek tp , JS0 per crej
well Improved.
211 acrcit fine bottom land In Rockford twp.j
$1! ,10 per acre, well Improved
iim. niisi'.v on fiiis at
pleasantly located nnd do