i THE OfATTA "DATLT BEi:: TTTTTSDAY, SEPTEMBER fi, 1900. NEVER BEFORE at FIVE CENTS. Omaha Smokers Have Now .the WHITE nXTYFRsTTY AT TUP HIk road company, from original, State analnst He unenrthed a copper lUUtLiUOill al HlLi 1 IlllV I'nlon Purine Itailroart tomcanv. from or- Vnlted State mlntaec iKlnal, Wltenberg against Mollyneaux from city was not settlcJ until early In the '60s rlav countr Motley naainst Motley, from ami the curliest settlers came here In 1S1:. Adams county. Sioux City DrUKc company the coin may have round its way there Laree Crowds Continue to Attend Street against Dakota county, from Dakota county, at the nrllst time In the city's hlBtory. r . w . pi-... v uiuo linn iiniauj uvcti vittcjtiii fu iui CARNIVAL ISJTLl SWINCU Healthy Mother ad Cjfjd Educational Exhibit that is a Great Featuro of the Show. LARGE CROWD AT STATE FAIR th- curl-bul """"" t0 kcp" 11 GRAINS AND GRASSES OF NEBRASKA Ocnlnr Kvlilmcr of (lie Adoptability of .Mitny Vnrlrtlen Shottn nml AmtlMnnee of the IWirrlineiil Stntlou Mode I'IbIii. Atten.lnnor I. n lleonrd-llrrnker for I U UO V t L I O NtDHflOKft I til T II .Mllllllc or the W III)). LINCOLN'. Sept. 5. (Special Telegram I Over 20.000 paid admissions was the rec ord at the Nebraska stnto fair today. This surpasses any Wednesday nttendancc slnco Three Time AiTum the Mtntr. tilth Three lltenliiK .Meetliiu llefore Hi l.i'nii'Hi LINCOLN. Sept. 5 (Special Telegram. ) Chairman II. C. Llndsey of the republican DAY COMPLETES SHOOTING TOURNAMENT (i en rue Meiilnl Win I lie Mhcr t'iii 1'rrneiiteil If- Colonel Only In tin Itttiiitlciip lit enl Tenitln l.iin. lliiuei llurliiu l)n. 188S, the year J. I. C. was the state fair's state central committee was In the city to- chief uttractlon. At 7 o'clock thin morn-1 day und while here he announced that nr- lng people began flocking to the grounds, rangementa had been completed for the taxing the capacity of the street car serv- 'Nebraska engagement of Governor Itoose Ico to the utmost, although cars wcro I velt, who will be in this state October 1, LINCOLN, Sept. 5. (Speclal.)--The branches of the University of Nebraska the Agricultural Experiment station, the School of Agriculture and the Farmers" In stitutes are represented ai mo sinic isir ,. , . .,... t,m,tl ,,,v,. ,,,,,1 m , 2 a .mil i ltn will come to Lincoln from by exhibits which arc designed to be of o,clock 4 000 Uc)ct8 ha(, ,)e(,n T(jc Mchlsotu KaI18.. via Fnlls City and from consiuerauie cuucutiunui taiui:, mi uuui prlslng one distinct class and occupying an entire building. Director T. L. Lyon of the United States Experiment station la In charge of the display and la usslsted by n corps of about twenty university attaches. Since the fair opened the building has been Tp (,nl,y pnam j,,, m)t ,,ff(!r Brcatly UUP Ul IlltJ Ullll'l tt'lllCIB U, lUll'iriL. ,,v rush continued until the gates closed at C here will start on n trip that will extend o'clock tonight. three times across the state over the Bur- Several special excursion trains were run llngtou, Union l'aclflc and Llkhorn rail- In from outside points today, bringing roads. From NebrasKa He will go to ueau- largo crowds from Omaha, Hastings, Heat- I wood for an evening meeting. Three even rice, Falls City, Havenna and other places. J lng meetings will be held In Nebraska- one at Omaha, one In Lincoln and the third ginning at the east citlrnnco the visitor Is first shown the processes Involved In the preparation of the autl-toxln scrum used In the treatment of hog cholera, which was from that of preceding days. The after noon races were somewhat faster und drew a much larger crowd than yesterday. The Capital Mutual Hog Insurance com pany of Lincoln has surrendered Its char first put In use by the Nebraska Experiment , , . ' . ., .,, . - , 1 I .1 I V IP, lllll IIUII V f. M 0 UUIUft siauon anu aiicrttnro. rrcuBiiitcu " United States Deparmcnt of Agriculture as a practical and rfflclent remedy for the a9sei,BraPnts for IICC(!Sinry expenses and musk lUSUBlluua Ul till nniliu uisruaro. into treatment was Inaugurated by Dr. A. T. I'eters, head of the Department of Animal I'athology at the experiment station. Dur ing the last year over 7,000 hogs havo been treated with this serum and about Jtn ner rnnt wprn hhvpiI. In connection la an exhibit showing the methods used In f Jin,'",'.1 k'' ' that they would bo compelled to Institute legal proceedings against 90 per cent of them If they continued In business. Following Is the summary of the races: First event, trottlnc 2:30 class, nurse J.IOO: Liuly Hlrd I l l .Mt'AIIUtl ...:! :i i ...4 4 3 ngnting blackleg in cattle. An interest- 'rime: 2:'.l-i lng feature Is a collection of horseshoes Second event .... ..... ... ..... JI00: snowing iiih . viiriuun puaiien iiiiu luuuluvil Hi'ldeti Wilkes 1 tlon of shoe used for correcting defects In Madcap .'..V.'.'.'.'.'.'.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!r. the foot of the horse. In n nearby case is urvai a collection of .100 different families of ViVinv Vi plants, representing all varieties of an ecnomlc value, both good and bad, that are common to Nebraska soil. Of Interest to sheepmen Is an extensive collection of the various grades of wool raised or Im ported to this country. On the walls are hung a set of charts showing different types of beef und dairy cattle, hogs and sheen. These iltnrmms nrn used for the A hlCfU Cln38 domestic Cigar Instruction of methods used In Judging W I ll.. - 1. TU ---,1.1 ... ..t 1. ,1 - .Inl AMIlt . I i i I ntu rtiuin. uiu iii)iiu uiumwu u i ucici 111111 1 tlie IinO BIUOOIU, BlUgaut DR buor fat In milk, which Is done by means of a special milk tester, may also bo ucn In operation, lly analyses of this KNIGHT at 5 cents eort for wliich you've boon paying ton cents. McCord, Brady & Company, Distributors. pneing, 2:18 class, purse 12 4 1 I t I I r, ?. 2 :i :i 5 r, r miey a 4 2 4 a 2 rime: 2:20. Third event, runntne. tliree-ouarters of n mile nml repeat, purse J100: I'.nicnuii, 11 in 1 1 Leiieller, 1). s :i Lauuois, h. e 2 2 J. It. C'outs, s. g 4 0 lime: 1:1U. ItltAK IONIAN IU' DOWN AM) KII.I.ICII. II. Kelly of Oiiintin MertK llrnth nt (iriiml Iftlnnil. OHANI) ISLAND, Neb., Sept. 5. (Spe cial.) It. Kelly, a tirakemnn on the Union In some town In the western part of the state. Pacific under Freight Conductor Ooorge kind much information may bo 'obtained Cnmllsh, was killed In the Orand Island concerning the fertility and productive qualities of any soil. The chemical con stituents of soil have been Insulated In glass tubes. Sugar beet analyses nro con ducted dally. World-Wide Collrel Inn. yards but n few feet from the passenger depot shortly nftcr midnight last night. He was about to cut his train, which had Just como In from the west, for n crossing nnd stepping before an on-coming string of cars was knocked down and run over. One arm was completely cut off below the elbow, one foot was crushed and the other foot cut above the nnkle and all mangled be tween the knee and thigh. Kelly was con scious until chloroform was given him to AiiuiikIiiiih. Sjnoil In eil Mi: AD, Neb.. Sept. G. (Special Telegram.) Tho Augustana synod of the Swedish Luthernn church of the state of Nebraska met In semi-annual session In the local church today and Immediately got down to business. The program consists of the dis cussing of matters of Interest to the church In general and tho work of the ministers. Ministers and delegates from nil over tho state are present npd the sessions already held were well attended. National Presi dent Ilev. K. Norclus, D. 1)., of Wasa, Minn., who Is the head of the Augustann synod of tho United States. Is present und taking part In the meeting. Women Form Itcpnhlli'iiii ("lull. NKHAWKA, Neb.. Sept. C.-Last night tho republican women of Nehnwka met at Sheldon's hall nnd, after turning all tho men out. locked the doors and organized n McKinley club with the following otllcers: President, Mrs. K. M. Pollard; vice presi dent. Mrs. Mary Carhart; secretary. Miss Grace Holmes; treasurer. Miss Isadoro Hall. The club starts with a membership of twenty, which the women expect to In crease to sixty. Tenm MIunImk. NORTH I1KND, Neb., Sept. .1. (Special.) This morning when John Collins, a farmer living one mile cast of here, went out to his barn ho discovered that a valu able span of bay horses belonging to his father, Iluebcn Collins, had disappeared. A diligent search has been instituted, but no trace has been discovered of them. It Is now believed that thoy were stolen. NOltTH PLATTK, Neb.. Sept. .1. -(Spe cial Telegram.) The crowds In attendance t the street fair continue laree, visitors being here from nil parts of western Ne braska. The special rate of $2.M for the round trip from tlrnud Island and oilier points west to Lexington goes Into effect Thursday morning and It Is thought that several hundred people will come in oil the special train In the morning. The excellence of free street entertainment, which has been provided is surprising to oven the street fair management. The bal loon ascension was one of today's principal events. It was performed under ideal con ditions and without any hitches. Tho shooting tournament was completed today, the chief event being the lluflalo Hill handicap. This was won by Oeorge Nlcolal of Mlnden. his score standing twenty-three turgcts out of a possible twenty- live. The prize was 11 tine gold and silver cup. presented by Colonel . F. Cody. The tennis tournament begun nt S o'clock this morning and continued nearly all day Three preliminary events In singles were played, which resulted as follows: Cary won from Kvnns, 6-0, C-2; Mooncy won from Newman, 6-0, C-2; Orr won from Cunning ham, t-4, C-2. Men's double events re sulted In the following scores, winners be ing named Ilrst- Orr nml MrMlclmel against Kvnns and Newman. C-l, tl-2; Cunningham and Otten against Wiseman and Parsons 7-5. C-4; Mooney and Cary ugalnst Cox and McKeen. -0. ti-;t; Orr nnd McMlchael ngnlnst Mooncy and Cary, C-l. 6-3. In the final match between Orr and Me Michael against Cuiinlnghnm and Otten each sldo won two sets, the scores being S-ti, 3-0 ami C-3. ft-7. The conclusion of the match was deferred until tomorrow. have these goods in stock ready for callers. White Knight Customers. -Omaha. Jus. Novak. Groceries, 1251.SVi?,ti1?.i?t V. Htrausbacli. drugs. ISi! Vinton. William llerte Drcxe lint'' A Swarw.01.. iMgars ,10 N. B . Mrs". J. V. Hest, cigars, 18th and St. Marys tasted at tho experiment station, quite Avenue. () Peterson, l'unlon Convention I'onrly Atlenileil. HHWAUD. Neb., Sept. 0. (Special Tele gram.) The fusion county conventions held hero today were qulto tame, only about one half of the delegates being present. The populists did not seem to take much inter est in the convention, but thero was quite a bitter light among the democrats on can dldate for representative, (.eorge W. Ful ler, populist, of Seward, and J. J. I'ndlcoft democrat of Dorchester, were nominated for representatives and Harry Landcs, democrat of Millard, for county attorney. In another part of the building was to bo found a rare collection of cereals nnd nutrltlvo seeds from various parts of tho wnrM. Thrun hnvn hrpn rnllpetpd In tnanv lands by agricultural experts sent out by "Hove th" awful pain. Ho lived an hour the United States Department of Agrlcul- nnIf- lure, the ohleet helnir to test tho ndanta- W" homo was In Omaha, where he has rm. i'i 1 rlnqlaca tinro I i,mii t ni.ni. in vnrimia rt.inna in several brothers residing and a mother, e ...,,. sintps. Thin has burn done to who conduct a boarding house. The re a great extent by the Nebraska Experiment mains were taken to the morgue and will station and a number of promising varlc- very llKeiy De soni 10 uniana lor inici nt pralnn hnvn been discovered. A his- ment. Inrv nf 3nh nf llinan nrpnm nan Ipft thn Rum- ..i.i i i.r.n i. nniiihlleiin Hnlly n Flrrlhn - "1 VL" ..,. u" . LYONS. Neb.. Sept. B.-(Speclal.)-H. If. been found to bo particularly well adapted f' ' ' . t 'l tn tho senil-nrld region of this country, l1 "tl a, a ne gh boring town. v , The meeting was to be held In the school mene k..ii u. u.w. f,."" i,ij A Kp tions. under climatic conditions very Bimllar ,V ,' u . . .l,u i M,o ,ii ...... closed for repairs. Fortunately for those IU lutipr w.lltll uuiniu .., a.tw.... , , . . , fi of this country and we have been able to .K "11'. "' lun " take advantage of their long period of Z 1" adaptation by br ng ng them Into this conn- "c V .'.,,.,: ' . ...1' ii, mi.in. tho speckcr and crowd over to his building UJ. X liicui 4 v..0 r, tl..l, .nl.rlaln. (hp all.llpnro ...u. f ihl. lrln.1 whlph linvp hppn prnwn "..-iu ..... .. ..... v on tho experiment station farm are arranged or - hour -nd thirty minutes with log n. 1 mi,r of wimpr rvh-nt, ganlzed Immediately after the meeting with vl v., ...... ..u...v .! ...hint, ...III l, l-nn-n 3 npnt ntntlnn. no te n t'"" incM..s., ........ .... , 1 . ,AL, .n ..lilt. n Unr 1. II number may bo seen arranged In the sheaf " along the wall of the building. At this ,,.,,., ,:iiu,il,lnr. Nnn.nl H I gli School nt CnlliMtny Oihmih. CALLAWAY, Neb., Sept. f.. (Special.) The Callaway High school opened yester day with tho following teachers In their respective departments: Robert Thimp son, principal; Miss Kthcl Higgle, gram mar; Miss Clara Powell, Intermediate; Miss Jessie (Ireer, primary. Tho attendanco has madu a marked Increase over last year. llniitliitN l,nr Corner Slonr. TF.CUMSKII. Neb., Sept. C (Special.) The corner slone of the new Ilaptlst shurch here was laid last evening with appropriate and pretty services. Papers concerning the organization of tho church. Its membership. tho names of those who contributed to the new edifice, copies of the late Issues of the town papers, etc., were placed In the stone iMr. 713 8. lfith St. L. Hanson, cigars, 701 B. Kith Ht. nloni W . I SIB "v. cigars. 1721 Leavenworth St. llmP Ree 1 1 ros. groceries. IStli und Leave- WsrlK.Bnowell, drugs, 20th nnd Lcaven- W!irt:.BHowell, drugs, 29th .md Paclllo Sts lieslwnod Co., drugs, Woolworlli and JM.ll fi'li.n.. ,irUr. r,ms n. nidi St. Ilutler Ai Miller, cigars, m ti. lth St when winter culture Is exciting so much Interest in Nebraska, this Is of pe- TF.CUMSKH. Neb., Sept. 5. (Special Tele gram.) At the fusion legislative convention cunnr interest, mo soy nenn, mo j..,i.,.-. , hpM Johnion rotlnty MonrOB T. nllrre,a plant which has received so much comment I. N h colnt p0!,t0mce Auburn, in iigricuiiiiriii cnxii-a ui imv, .o ..-.,-seined by n number of varieties which have been grown nt tho experiment station o ih s" W th aarao i,ib" nnd whl;h ,h a hur,1,r II ,. lP. I" ...... ,., i i,i,nu I ..... . nwnw l,Qn tl,,, pn.mnnlv H W I larK, Howling iiiu-.v. j i vm luty m nn...... ....... .....v v... -... riessy PliiirniHcv. drugs, 21th und Lake. rasp, thin oountry, may also bo seen. rressy I'lKirinncy, oriiKi.. ..... ...... collection oi the products of corn com nt RtTi'v Halm, drugs, 1Mb nnd Fnrnum. prises an astonishingly largo number of .1 .....I Illt.i.nv irrnpprlpH. I .... ....... , . f t.n. ..,.ln-lnl ' ,,1". L""" V; I..' 11,11. U!,tn" s"o-" " Mr :ni is n IPiullmr democrat of Johnson III I'll I Til I'll 1 . Ilk IIP, )HI . . nlnnn la VAIlsaenlt IAH hlf .....- -- r. p Pharmacy, drugs. and Kyner - " county. market. In Court for SellliiK Liquor CriiKiM of n (irent Stnlr. I1KATHICK. Neb., Sept. S. (Special Tele Finally there Is to be seen n collection gram.) This afternoon Ed Loko and Frank ,,r rpi,renontine the varieties that Poslck of Puwneo City were brought before havo endured u thrco years' test on the ex- United States Commissioner Cobbcy at this ncriment station farm. There aro about place and bound over to tho federal court twenty of these and they are what remains for soiling liquor without a license. Ih of 12S varieties originally planted, the re- men conducted a sort of club at Pnwnci was placed In nomination for senator from tho Second district nnd Kdgnr II. (Jrlst of Johnson county, postomco Tecumseh, was named as tho candidate for representa tive, of the Fifth district. The district is Nemnhn nnd Johnson counties' tloat. Mr Ilurress Is a populist and has served Nemaha county two terms as county clerk and has twice been elected mnyor nf Auburn. Iliini Pnirllt. elgars. lice building. Hi! Ll'ndlv, barber. 2Cr. Sherman Aye. Mr. S . ,W. A. Walker, cigars. IStli und ' Jolin'lloiHt. drugs. 2702 Cuming St. i ii si. .I.nilill ilrucM. llllli mid ( liming. Watim & Mcillnn, drugs, IStli and Far- nam his. . . ,. ,. Andrew Anderson, rimnp, "'' v. ...... w"." Kllnn, cigars, 16th and Clark. Kuhii & '., nrugs, iuiii nil" i"" si K. Colombo, cigars and confectioner, ti. K 11th St '.Miitthew' .uckscliuerst, cigars nnd con fectioners, Sir, N lfith St. n. K. IVake, cigars, 20th and Lake. A. M. Henrc.se. cigars, BOrt S. 10th St. II. .1. McKeimu. clguis, rtS,a S. lOth St. A. Carter, cigars, lOlt", S. 10th St. King Pharmacy, cigars, 37tli nnd I.enven vnrth Sts. L. H, Piiyton. Pharmacy, cigars, 2IIU nnd Leavenworth Sts. H. W. Walton, pharmacy, cigars, 702 N. 1CpatS0. Cal.than, cigars. 916V4 N. lfith St. Kl i:iino Hestaurant, 1012 N. lfith ht. .liunes Kpeelnuili, cigars. 1104 N. 17th St. P. M. HustcHd, cigars, 3724 N. 16th Bl. Midland Hotel, 317 N. lfith St. Geo. S. Cnckley, cigars. 121 N. lfith St. J. A. Davis, cigars, lfith and Dodgo Sts. .1. W. 'ox. cigars. 1S02 Dodgo St. .1 J. Freytag. cluars. 1K24 N. 21th St. W. .1. Hunter, 12 N. 24th St. P. .1. Schmidt, cigars. 1921 Leavenworth. Mnx Ileclit. cigars. 720 So. lfith St. Joe Uerger. cigars, ll-H Dodge St. TV A. Stixmau. cigars. 103 S. IStli St. Klg. Kahn. cigars. 107 S. 15th St. Martin Urns , cigars. 307 S. lfith St. Frank Hubor. cigars. 1110 Douglas St. AV. 11. DeVk. cigars. 323 S. 10th. c. J. Johnston, cigars, 112 S. 14th St. Thurston Hotel, cigars. 15th mid Jnckson. It. C. I'Venam, cigars, SOS S. 13th St. elms. Tlgnor. clears, 322 S. 13th St. John O. Clark. cUnrs. 210 H. 14th St. Hrown's Quick Lunch. 21S S 13th St. Myers. Dillon Drug Store, 16th and Fur nam Hts. H. C. Shenrs, clgnrs, 10.1 N. 16th St. ck Yager, cigars, 1204 Fiirnum St. S. II. Farnsworth, Phurmacy, 2115 Cum ins St. South Omaha. Howard Meyers, drugs. 734 N. 24th St Howard Meyers, drugs, 26th and N Sts. Frank Thompson, saloon. 700 N. 24th St. Jlrs. DeLiuiuy. Ilorlst, C2I N. 24th St. Hose Hros.. cigars, 42S N 2Hli St. Str. McKnlKht, cigars, 425 N. 2tth bt. Frank Taylor, drugs, 2725 Q St. Mrs C!. L. Sweeney, clgnrs. 416 N. 24th St. J. P. Clallagher, cigars, 40S N. 24th St Harry lludelson, cigars, 27th und N Sts. V.. P. Miller, restaurant, 27th und N Sts. Delnmnlco Hotel, 27th and N Sts. Mild Long, restaurant. 27th and N Sts. Chas. Truax, cigars, 2609 N St A. M. Ankle, clgnrs and news, 442 N. 21th. A. K. Ankle, cigars and news, 2713 Q St. C Chrlsteiison. cigars, 2507 N St. Pat Trainer, clgnrs, 26th and Q Sts. Cameron & Heck, cigars, 2tth nml Q Sts n. S. Clark, drugs. 25th and N Sts. Max Foot, cigars and now, 24th and N Bt Dillon Drug Store, 24th and N Sts. C A. Melcher. drugs. 24th and N Sts. J. A. Vail, cigars, 34th nnd N Sts. Florence. P. Iverson. cigars and confectioners. Jas. Hrenneman, barber. Andy Anderson, grocer Henry Anderson, saloon. J S. Paul, crocer. Mrs. Hose, crocer malndcr having succumbed to tho rigors of winter, especially that of IMS and 1899, or to tho heat and drouth of summer. In this region, where pasture Is of such great Im portancc, this collection Is particularly valuable, as It comprises tho grasses that may bo looked to as of value for pusture purposes. Among these, the grass of great est promlfe Is the Hungarian brome-grass (Ilromtis liiermls), a grass whoso homo is In eastern Europe and western Asia and which has shown Itself so well adapted to the cllmntlc and soil conditions of the transmlssouri region that It Is being town ns fast as seed can be raised nnd lraporicu This grass has been thoroughly tested, not only at the experiment station, but also by parties to whom the sccu was scni out from that Institution. II Ik Cnlflnh U llrml. "Hrvnn." tho famous 108-pound catfish, which attracted so much attention in tho i.'inheries' building on the opening date ot tho fair, passed Into another world hut night. Unlike tho man after whom it was named the tlsh was unuhle to withstand the hardshlBs of traveling and the severe knocks received while enrouto from the hatcheries at South Hend, coupled with constant con duement In a small tank, soon changed lilm from tho wildest to tho weakest tlah In the building. "Hryan's" last hours were spent in tho imnrovlscd hospital in the rear of the Fisheries' building, where ho received the constnnt attention of ltobert Oberfclder piesldent of the Stute Fish commission, and Adam Shoup, superintendent of the state hatcheries. Today tho remains lay In state In the flsh morguo and wcro viewed by ovor 10.000 reonlc. Members ot tho fish commis sion, ns well as nil persons connected with the fair, mourn deeply tho loss of this Im mense fish. Kindt nn Old Coin. (HAND ISLAND, Neb., Sept. 5. (Spc clal.) Herman Cords, while digging a hole for a fenco post nt his residence on est Koenlg street, this city, made quite a rind CliHimm In IMiiHkiiioiiIIi School". PLATTSMOUTII, Neb.. Sept. fi. (Spc clal.) All the members wcrn present at the meeting of tho school board. Miss Mar garet Farley was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Miss Edna Adams and will be nssigned to the room nf Miss Donovan. Miss Ocrtrudo Foxwcll will ho assigned to Miss Adams' room. SI reel Fnlr I'nyn Money. GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Sept. !. (Spe rial.) Tho board of control of the street fair had n meeting yesterday, at which all bills before It which had been properly audited were allowed. Tho board expects to be nblo to pay baek stockholders or subscribers about 20 to 30 per cent of their investment. Aork Supplied n Mlnnlonnrr. YORK. Nch., Sept. 5. (Special.) Rev. A W. Marshall, a York young man and a graduate of Princeton Theological sem inary, preached last Sunday at the Pros byterian church of this plare. Rev. Mar shall sails for India, where ho will enter tho missionary service. DpcUIoii In llniiUriiplev 'ne. YORK. Neb., Sept. R. (Special.) In the bankruptcy enso of J. M. Champe before Referee Charles Stroman, trustee. A. H. Taylor Is ordered to draw a check for a 15 per cent dividend, payable to the different creditors of the estate. I.rt ConlrHcl for School llnillns. MADISON, Neb.. Sept. 5. (Special.) Illds wcro opened last evening for the steam heating system for tho now school building. There were five bidders. Tho contract was sci urcd by F. W, Harclay of Heatrlcc for J2.I70. Mr. l.t'ftNr nt (ienevn. ORNHVA, Neb., Sept. 5. (Special.) Yes tcrday afternoon Mrs. Lease talked to a crowded court room on tho choice between copperheadlsm and republicanism.. She roasted Stevenson to a finish. Mnny claim the speech was the best in a political sense ever delivered here. ,. x ,' ' . i!7 ttfii 1 it lull .' 14 Jf- pmi 11 Thomas Wheeling. Mrs 12 Mrs K. K Thomas writer t had been doctoring for set prul years, but kept getting worse. One d.iv n neighbor woman drought me your book. 'Tho Ills of Life." and wanted me to take your tnrdh Inc. I told her that I had given up all hope of ever geltng well- 1 had tried mi much medicine My neighbors thought I was nearly dead with cotiutiiptloti. Finally 1 com Hided Hint I would nniko u last trial. So my husband got me a bottle of IVrtmn and Maiulln. "1 ooininciKoil tukiti", them iiccorJini; to direction. Thut was two years lino. A year an last . ovum Her I nave nirtli to a ui.poiiuu oany boy, wlio Is well ami licarty; ami I am ilolnn my own Housework. I can never give Pernna too jreat praise " Mrs L. M tlrllllth writes from Orltlno. Neb.. "Your Pernna did me n wonder ful amount of good. It cured me of bai renues 1 nm 30 years old and had never borne auy children: but since beginning your medicine 1 gate birth to n 10-pound baby girl. She Is now six months old and weighs 2.'i pounds. I am stronger than I have hcen since I was iiiite young, (ioil Itless you ami your medicine forever. 1 cannot tell all. 1 never saw or heard of nuvthlng halt so good. I can tuner thank you enough for your kindness. In cases of la grlppo It works like n charm. It cured my baby." Poiutia Is a specific for pelvic catarrh. Any woman suffering from any form of pelvic trouble can consult Dr. Hartmnn free of charge. Dr. Hartmati is treating thousands of women for diseases peculiar to their sex with universal success. "Health nnd Ileauty." written especially for women, sent free bv addressing Dr. Ilartmim, (.olumiuis, Ohio. Yl'IIDOLS. Sacred Heart Academic BOARDING SCHOOL, Park Place, J6tli and Burt. DAY SCHOOL 27tli anil St. Mary's Avenue ClnFpri will be resumed at the above Institutions Wednesday. September 5th. Tho courso of study einhraccH all the brunches of a thorough Kngllsh education, also the languages, mtulc, drawing, painting anil needlework. French, German and Latin ars included In the curriculum of studies free of i barge I'Olt I UMS Al'l'LV TO KHSPKCTIVK SUPIMUOUS. Wenlworlh Military Academy Oldeit and larccit military schcol in Central West. Oovernlnent and National Arnflpnilei. COL. SANDFORD SELLERS. M. A.. Supt., LEXINGTON. M0. reiUlrcd upon tho amount due at the time the policy Is written or within a year from that date. SI IIOOI.S. ('nil for lli'iiiihllt'iin ( uniiilll Ire. PLATTSMOUTII. Neb., Sept. f,. (Spe cial.) Ocorgo L. Farley, chairman, has Is sued a call for the republican central com mittee of Cass county to meet In Nehnwka Wednesday, September 12. STARK FIGHTING STRAW MEN CnnBrPNOiiinn Spimiin In lie Trylim In He move Soniel hlnur (hut Hum t I'lvlalenee. According to tho stntemcnt of Internal Hevenuo Collector Houtz, Congressman Stark of Nebraska Is cither fighting straw men In Washington or endeavoring to con ceal his real purpose before tho commis sioner of Internal revenue. Tho locnl organ of the congressman's parly in Omaha from dny to dny contains tele grams of tho light tho congressman Is mak ing to have tho Internal revenuo tax re moved from the policies of fraternal life Insurance companies, nnd these telegrams contain statements to the effect that Col lector Hont7. has declared that such pol icies are taxable. The fact Is that no such ruling was ever made by the Omaha olilce, or any other ofllcc for that matter. A ruling was made In tho case of a mutual company nt Stromsbnig, Neb., holding that the polices Issued by mutual companies are taxable, nnd this ruling was in conformity with a ruling made by the commissioner In un Iowa. case. The tax has been collected from all mutual companies In the district with the exception of tho Stromsbuig com pany, which Is protesting. Thero is one point Involved which may, In tho case of tho companies, Involve" a mollification of tho order. Tho policies in this class of companies piovlde that they shall bo paid upon a sliding scale. Whilo tho face of tho Instrument provides for the payment of J1.000 or more, a provision Is Inserted which makes their payment de pendent upon tho length of life of iho insured. If he dies within one year ho re ceives $600, nnd Increasing amounts each year until such time as tho wholu amount Is paid. The commissioner has held that the tax must bo pnld upon the face value of tho policy, while hereafter It may be : For United Stales Senator-Edward Rosewater : J These contesting delegations in the respective wards are pledged to Mr, Rosewater's candidacy, Republican Primaries Friday, September 7 Polls Open from 12:00 M. to 7:00 P. M- Supreme Court Cull. LINCOLN, Sept. 5. (Special.) Following is a list of the cases called for hearing at the next sitting of the supreme court, which begins September IS' Parmele against Schroeder. from Cat.s county; McLaln against Marlcle, from lloone county. Hrnwer against Fjss from Otoo county; State against Standard Oil company, from original; Little aeainst State, from Lancaster county. State against Chicago, St, 1'aul, Minneapolis & Omaha Kailroad company, from original State against Fremont, Klkhorn & Missouri Valley Kailroad company, from orlgtnnl State against II. & M, Railroad company from original: Tatum against State, from HufUlo county, State against Missouri Pa cific Railroad company, from orlglnnl; State against Chicago, Rock Inland & Pacific Rail. WESTERN PACKING STATISTICS .Mtiilernte lnrl.el Inu .if Unit, ( iilitln- iick, llthiiiiKli Output Im In 111 i'i' of I.iinI Yi'lir'x. Racine College Grammar School CINCINNATI, Sept. 5. (Special Tele gram.) The Price Current says: There Is lontlniied moderate marketlnc of hnirs. al though somewhat larger than a year ago. Western packing for Iho week Is .12.1,00(1 head, compared with II 10,000 tho preceding week und H'.m.OOO Inst yenr. From March tho total is 10,'.Hr,,O00 head, against lO.KO;,,- , 000 a year ngo. Prominent places compare as follows; Chicago 3,ilii.wj0 :i,i',o..K" Kansas cuy i,i;.i.ii i.ai.i.Mn Omaha I.II.U"') l.W'i.'KH .St. .lOM'PIl H.:'.IHKI ,-'.1.111 HI. I.oulM Wi.lHio T.'o.rOO Indianapolis r,.,.,oii Milwaukee KMS.OnO Cincinnati 2s:i.(mn ottumtva ::ui,ano Cedar llnplds sr.-.i"! Sioux City ;!7.'i,0iki St. l'uiil --.""I "The School That Makes Manly Boys." Its Graduates enter any Col lcrje or University, Social and Athletic Advantages. Military Drill. For Bos ol 8 Years Old nnd Upward. lltulrnlHil Catalouun npnt on application to Ret. II. I). ROIUNSOM, it. A., Warden, " Undue, WIkiiiisIii. 1 .i 110.0 0 sf.i.nuu lai.noii r.is.roa z.. o Culled In .1V I'lehl. Sl'ltlNdFIHLIJ, O., Kepi. fi. - A call li.is heen extended to J. M. Itutlir.iuff f C.ir thage till I college In become president of Wlttcnburg college. Fiiivr wtnii, P. M. RACK. K. A. CAltTKR. JOHN CLINK. JOHN FIALA. CHARLES HRNN. KARL STEFAN. R. M' DON A LI). 11. C. MINER. CLYDE C. SUNDni.AD. JAMES W. WOLSIIENSKV. Voting Place Sixth und Pierce Streets. SMCOMI AVAIII). S. A. CORNEER. .IAMF.S DUSATKO. E. F. GRIMES. S. C. KENDIS. ANTON K.MKNT JOHN L. LYCHOLM JOHN L. LYNCH. R. R. MISKOVSKY. FRITZ ML'LLER. CHARLES P. SOUTHARD. Voting Place Twentieth and Castellar Streets. i'ii in i) w.um. W. M. DARR. It. S. BERLIN. W. F. OKRKE. H. GOLDSTEIN. JOHN MERR1TT. W. W. REECE. C. 0. VAN NESS. JOHN WRIGHT. V. B. WALK ER. HARRY n. ZI.MMAN. Voting Place 1120 Avenue. Capitol 1'Ol'ItTII WARD. GUSTAVE ANDERSON. RORERT S. ANGLIN. JOHN W. BATTIN. WILLIAM J. CONNELL. l'RED W. FLODMAN. SIMON GOETZ. GEORGE R. PURVIS. I). M. VINSONHALER. C. M. WILIIELM. W. 11. WHITHHORN. Voting Plact 220 South Seventeenth Street FIFTH Willi). WILLIAM ARNOLD. GEORGE W. CRAIG. WILLIAM HARRIS. F. S. KNAPP. L. K. LUCAS. V. G. LINDGREN. WILLIAM H. M'KENNA. It. MENOEDOIIT. P. M. MULLEN. ROBERT SMITH. Voting Place 2612 North Sixteenth Street. .SIXTH WAIU). C. E. ROBERTS. FRANK C. CANNON. S. H. BAXTER. IRA FLANAGAN. D. S. HASS. WILLIAM J. HUNTER THEO. II. JOHNSON. HENRY OSTROM. A. D. SMALL. LYMAN SEARLK. Voting Place Idlcwlld Hall. m:vi:th waiiii, ii. s. baker. ii. ii. baldrige. ac buresh john l. carey, john grant, m. j. kknnari). m. c. peters, louis peterson. J. W. STONE. B. F. THOMAS. Voting Place 132S Park Avenue. Kir.HTII MID. II. I). BOYLES. A. BROWN. LEWIS HETTS JAMES HAMMOND GEORGE HEIMROD. L. G. IIUTTON. DR. A. JOHNSON. E. JEPSEN. GEORGE F. Ml' NRO. J. C. C. OWENS. Voting Place-Twenty-second and Cuming Streets o o o o o o FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Wiiiil" und Miottr, llrlnnliiK n l'nll Iiik 'IViiiiieriilure, I'niKliimlU enleil fur i'iln. WASHINGTON. Sept. fi. Forecast for Thursday and Friday: For Nebraska Showers and cooler Thurs day; Friday fair; north to east winds. For Arkansas Warmer and generally fair Thursday; Friday showers nr thunder storms and cooler; northerly winds. For Oklahoma, Inillnn Territory nnd Kansas Showers or thunderstorms and cooler Thursday, Friday fulr; southerly winds, hecomlng vrlublo. For New Mexico Showers Thursday; Fri day fair, variable winds. For Western Toxus Showers Thursday; cooler In tho Panhandle; Friday fair; varia ble winds. For Iowa Showers or thunderstorms nnd cooler Thur3d .y; Friday fair; fresh west erly windH. For Missouri Fair and warm Thurs day, except probably thunderstorms nnd cooler In northwest portion; Friday show ers and cooler, except In northwest por tlon; variable winds. For North Dakota Fair and wormer Thursdny; Friday fair; norlh lo east winds For South Dakota Fair Thursday and Friday; north to enst winds. For Wyoming Fair Thursday nnd Fri day; easterly winds. For Colorado and Montana Fair Thurs day and Friday; vurlnbln winds. I, oeiit Iteoiiril. OFFICE OF Till: V.".LTIIEIl nPHRUJ, OMAHA, Sept. o.-Olllclal record of tem per.! turn nnd precipitation, compared wl'li tho corresponding day of tho hut ti.r, o years: 1900. 1&D'. IS S !)9; Maxtinutn temperature... !'l !iO M !, Minimum temperaturo "I 71 fs Ts Average tenipcrutiiri' fl ti TI Preelpltntlon 00 .OT l T Record of preelpltntlon nt Omaha for this day nnd since March I, 11)00: Normal temperaturo for the dny "I Ksecss fr the day M Tntnl excess since .March 1 '2', Normal rainfall Delleleney fur tho day Total riilnfnll since Mnrrh I . Delleleney allien March 1 Delleleney for cor. period. IVO Delleleney fir cur. period, Ifct'S lteiorlH from Million ill M IV Western Military Academy, UCT Altnn- "' KtnhlUltM rfpnlfttlnii Imltft'l numlntr, Thormwhlr pfil I'lt'Allnut liK'itum. rnnTfluirhttnHt liiiti. Onnfi'l mi'i mnnartil ti (rnrlir of lon inrlenr( whu Ink" I'ornonnl chnrr of llm rmlri niil uMiimn Art(tnHl rfKCon.lulf t lor hl r rr a"1 intruc11un. Akforcin.ular. (iLO. I). I VTOS, Secretary Northwestern University, At i:V tNMION unit llU'tCII, II. I,., fimilirmw Cilleire "f l.tlieiiil i rto, Mo.llrnl Srhnnl, Ijiw .mIi. ml. M'liuiil .it I'n.iMii.irv, lii'iitil schonl. Wiimao' Mediral S t. !. sih,. nf Mii-lc iiml brliiiiil of Oratory. Ale il r'.hilm'tM un Ar.ulpinv ,i( Ux lilk'llKxl eriuii. 'I lie li.irirll llilillrul Iii(1Ih!i n local eil on tin, rollfk'i rami'ii- t'nll,'if te.ir lienlna hi't,'iul,T "jlli. I'or iiifin u.ilion. nililroni., nn: it i:jiHi'it. it, r.tiniiinn, in. The Kearney Military Academy KK IIM.V. Mill. Third year begins HepL 12. 1!W, with In creased futility and facilities to give tho boys of Nebraska lomplete preparation for University or HuHncss Charges inoderato. Address iho nrmldent MISSOURI MILITARY ACADEMY New buildings ("nullum loo aen w Mml, ' schoiil In. nv I'.u iilt of MI'.N ii-.t l. , Hiim i iIIhih from Ix Mt Nih'iols of Aini tl u and IJurope The new hurra. k .,r" i.iup'.et-il ;ntv remit for ly r-'i I, I , p. n Se;,i '.nib. YANCV .V 1'ON V li.l.i;, Mixho. Mo . .. .la Inch , .. .10 Inch Mi. fia Inches 2.IM Incn s 'J 70 Ine ii . S7 Im llIM V. STATIONS AND STATE OF WEATHER. J3g p C. f : re ! Omnha. nart cloudy North liatte, clour Cheyenne, clear Salt Luko City, clear..., Ilupid City, clear Huron, cienr Wllllstnn, clear Hilcngo, clear St. Louts, clear St. Paul, clear Davenport, clear Kansas City, clear Helena, cloudy Havre, clear Hlsmarck, raining Galveston, part cloudy. Sf !H ."I Mi v in) ",G 7s i0 S2 ' I .10 71 Ml' in 74 M .01 I Ml iJi T H' ii .on m; !i'J hi , Ai ! .Ill m; vi 'i -Si 'i On 01' Ifi 'ii in r, ; i I f,B l,s T . ...I 8(1 8t Ol ctipltatlon 1. A WELSH Loial Fottcust Oftl' ml pi'iii:i,v vniiivi'Aiii.ie. Acta am a Tonic and Stops Hair from Falllni; Ou, Cures Dandruff. Brittle Hair, Itch lng nnd all Scalp Troubliis. Guaranteed to Cure H7i)i 'i other rant dies have Jailed or money refunded. Sold everywhere. Safe, Sum. Reltabla Treatlso on Hair and Scalp troubles frue. A. IU IIUUMr.lt CO., - Ohlonito. For Salt- by Shirman ft .! niineii Iirug Co., M.. i i :i-l illlon Iiruy i 'o . M A. I 1 1 1 1 1 . Smith (iimihu. I rnile Mi,illeil hy M Moiiheli llmr llazuar. A I. Ullilell.nil, UUii.iidrim Lu us Co. xls It il- Vl.'l M 7;l rrniih on III. "' u.'l.n A SKIN OF BHAUIV IS A J0V I ORHVI.R DIM. I II.IV OOL'RALD'S ORI'INTAI. CK1A.M. Ill) MAr.ir.M riPAIITICirtt. iPini t'.i Tan. IMinpIr, l'rf-hl , Motli I'jtclin.. s It il- vi.'l ..Ida ill- 'very triilily. U'lef- I' Ims Hton I lh trrt of r. I'an, und Ii ') hm niImik tt taita It Ui be mire It l i.inj.i rly inailf. Ai , no eountrr f'it of clmllur a nc nr. I.. A. .-rty. falil to a U i! ' f tV liaqt-tun d h.tifnti! As oii ladles tv.ll line li'em, 1 recom mend 'ClOl'KArn'S ('ltrM- ?i the least harmful of all the Hkm j.r. paratlo'is." Fur sain by nil Druggists and Fancy Ooodi Dealers in the C ft and ICurope i'i:i(ii. i. Hopkins, pnipv, 87 Great Jonos St., N. Y. 7m I Of, Kj'l COltnS nil Kidney jnseiues. iiuca achf. cu . At ln.n risls or by mud, I Frco book, ad vice, etc., of Dr. II, J. Kay, Saratoga, N, Y. KidneycuraT