THE OMAHA DAILY UJ5E: TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER I, 1900. SPECIAL, NOTICES Advertisement for llirip rolunini Trill lir tnUrii until lit in. for I lie evpnlim edition nml until M .'10 i. in. for morning nntl Jitndn- edition, Rntrs, t l-lio n vronl llrst Insertion, lo n troril thereafter. Nothing InUrn for leu (linn arte for the flrsl inner tlnti, These nilrrrttacmeiit moil be run eonsfotitl vel. Advertiser, by reutiestlnjc nnm liereil rheoU, cnn liftvr muttrrn nd lre.eil to n numbered Irttrr In cnre of The life Antncri an ndilresieil trill lie delivered om presentation of lUe rlieck only. W WrED-SITI ATIOV HOY wants place to work for board while attending school. Boylen' college Tel. 19SI. A-MHO l K.VPKRIKNOKD double. entry bookkeeper, rnjild penman, ncourntp iipoiintntn. ev rMl years' experience, best of elty refer ences, bond furnished. Adlrus T 14. Roe. A-.M2iO I WANTED. H0!iltlon us eovorncas or com- minion by a lidy of reilnement. Address T 2". Hee. A-.M317 8 W A . T I 1 1 SI A I.K II I'lil't WANTED, we have stcud olt for n few good hustlers or room ii an . appear ance. C. F. Adams Co.. IG'5 Howard hi U T0 BARBER trade tuught thoro'iahty In Hhort tune: catalogue mill particulars iree. Address western naruers insuiuie Omaha, Nrb. ""71 WANTED, laborers, teamsters, roek men nnd surface men, Neb. yo. iinn lowa free fan-; highest wages; ship dally Western R. It. Labor Agency, 310 H. lllli H-87:! AN INTELLIGENT young nmti to take a shorthand Kcholnrnhlp In bent school and pay for It when course In completed and position Hei'tirvd. Address I. So, lice. II 3. j GET a free catalogue of the Nebraska flehool of .Magnetism and Osteopathy, 1516-17 Chicago street, Omaha. Neb. ; grad- uates employed. j i Ki t WANTKD. men to learn barber trade: only eight weeks required ; special olfer of board, tools, scholarship and transporta tlon to our colleges at Chicago. Ht. Louis or Minneapolis continued this month positions guaranteed; eataloitle free. Ad dress Moler Harber College representa live, 1(523 Fnrnum st.. Omaha. B-.M129 6 WANTED, two Rood moulders, permanent (oh Address rvemont rouimrv r .m ion Co., Fremont. Neb. B-.M102 4 REPAIR man, to plaster: also a general neipcr ai repair worn, r i, nee. H-MCiW I WANTED, capable, IntelllRent man to maniiKe steam laundry; state experience, etc. P. O. box 127.1; address P. C. M. H Mill B GOVERNMENT POSITIONS, don't pro unto for the nostolllce or any other civil service examination without seeing our catalogue of information; sent free Columbian Correspondence colleRe. Wn iv InRton, I). C. H-M310 4 WANTHD. Rood all round baker for coun. try town; must be strictly sober. Ad dress J. O. Wiles. Hed Cloud. Neb. H-.M30S 5 WANTIiD. an experienced stenographer, Address with reference nnd full particu lars, hox iis.1, Fremont. Ken. n .M3jis wavied female hki.i'. AN INTELLIGENT Indy to take a short- hand scholarship In best school and pay ror it wiien course is eompioicd ami post t lull secured. Address 1. 2.i, Hee. (' ,S75 WANTIJI), 20i) RlrlH. 1521 DodRe. Tel. STO. U Sit) 10 Rlrls wanted. Canadian nlllce, 1.122 noiiRlan WANTKD. two experienced girls, for llrst and second work, small family. 1029 Georgia live. C-Mltl GOOD, competent rook. 2215 Farnam: good wages. C 121 WANTED, girl for general 'housework at 1919 Chicago ,.t. C-147-3 WANTED, girl for secmd wages. 1 IB So. 02d ave. work : good C-.M2I7 r. WK have a position for a trUvellng man ner Call af teiitooliB. Vlavl Co., sis Bee hldg. C-5I20I 4 WANTKD. a competent girl In family of two. Apply 1015 Georgia ave. C-MKfi 1 WANTED Competent girl for housework. Family of thrcr. WiS Webster. (J ,102 3 FIRST-CLASS laundress. Apply 1207 Rout It lot ii. .Mrs. Herman Kounize. i u GIRLS wautril to mil un extracts and bluing. Smith, Denchy Extract Co.. ft a h. lOttt. (' JI.IH ll 'Oil HUNT HOI SMS. HOUSES and Hals. Hlugwnlt, Barker blk. FOn RENT, strictly modern flat In Dav ' l.i rt.,...lln 1... II idae building, npnoslte rlly hall VIIJ 1802 JOHN W. HllllMlNiS FARNAM 8T. D-W3 1:05 William St.. 3 2912 Seward St.. 5-room coitage $10.00. O.M.MIA LOAN ft TRUST CO.. 1 tt Ii and Douglas. D-SS2 1724 N. 27th St. Nino-room house, all mod ern, in line repair. iit..m. OMAHA LOAN ft TRUST CO.. 16th nnd Douglas St. D-SS3 10-ROOM steam-heated flat ll .,,,..1,., ,i i iini, in. i,i... Inquire Llndqiicst, :ilii So. 2317' DollRla 16th. if vii ALWAYS moving 1 1. II. goods. Planus, Olllce, 151H4 h'arnam 1R. Tel. 1559 or M13, D-S5 SEE HENRY H. PAYNE, 001 N. Y. LIFE. XM. HOUSIC8 for rent In nil parts of iho clt.. Breniiiui-Love Co., :,j) so isth Ht D-87 -R005l flat, modern itnproements. $15. 2M5I 10URHW4. II-.MKM u l'OH RENT, "-room strictly modern house, near car line. 102S So. 3lsl si: $(0 per monlh. Potter Sholes Co., 310 N. Y. Life nidg. rnone ti". It .ill I. FIVE unfurnished rooms, all modern. 271 1 N 22(1 Hi. D-Mlll PAYNE-KNOX CO.MPANY. Isl lloor N. Y. Llfo Hldg. D-.M2:n S IF yni want your houses well r en led plaiv tnem wun iienawa ,v i n. D oift 1IOUHKH, etc. F. D. Wead. I5JI Douglas D-ST9 6-ROO.M flat, city water, 2719 Hurdrtte. D-StO HOUHES, stores. Bemls, Paxton block D-sso ! till lll-i.N I -'.'-room iioiisq; modern con veniences. '.Till Dodge. 1) 3051 7-IIOOM collage: all kinds fruit : large turn: large cnicKcn nonse; cosy place. lhKi iiouievurii' .( ei i . ri. i omp. 1) -299- -; nm nr.N'i I'riiMHiir.n hooi, HOUSEKEEPING. 614 So. Kth E 5S 5 VOIt HUNT. fiiriiUhpil rooms uultnhln for gentlemen; also for light housekeeping. Apply us ho. ism hi. r."j 3 furnished rooniB for housekeeping; man wife: rent taken In board. 313 N. 17th. LARGE front rooms In modern houe in Kounlio piare. furnished or nnfurnlslicil. Heferunces. 2211 Hluney St i:-Mli'4 4' TWO well-f iirnlsbeil front rooms. Ilcht housekeeping, modern conveniences, de- hiraoic location, in Farnam K-.M31S 4 lUHNlMIKI) 1IOOSIS AMI HOAHD. aLENCAIRN,translents,$l,Mdiy. 1609 DgN. r 6w GOOD hoard, private family 09 So. '.'5th avenue. F -5IS.VI llANnriDMKTjV fiirnlslipil rooms eeod hoard; trttet rc8ionblc, Ta .Hose, i UI1U. I'.UW MM' FiMMiinn noosi?i .wn nn.ino, 1 TOPIA, 1721 Oavenpoii St 1' -m IN PIUVATH family 2' 2 St. Mary s Ave. l-'-vil TIIK PIIATT a deMrible front room with altove. 2d ilnor. 212 S. t:i Ht f-mi Till.- MAfplnm rft,iu KlmHirl1 rpnr( 9T,lb Xf I UOdRc. r-w i - ctnt iiuvrrvri umsiiuii ntmsis. THHKK modern rooms for llRht housekctp- Ing; Rood location. Addr.-s n n, iio.e.-4 (I 1 1 I'OH HI2.NT STOHI1S AM) OKKIt'KS. KOft ni:NT. store In flrst-ela-s locntlon; rent reasonable. Apply H. C. Peters. Co., Rfound Moor. Hee bldR. I KOIl HKNT. nice brick tore btilldlnR In Ilock Port. Atchison county. Ms. : one location for Reneral stock of meridian iHsp: biillillnc Is 2IM fet. with ware room separate, and Is owned by Masonic lodge, one or tne dcsi corners in town. Address W. I J. (Hermann, necretary. . 1 1S7 A(illTS VATIil), 125 TO $50 easily made by our llvo aents, men or women, selling luiesi iii pnmnlilnn wnlnrnrmir t1APUII4' tfOOllS CO- 1 tlrely new nnd patented; acents do'.lnhted; snics uunmiito; worn mnrrs uu, uu i lo; time if. short; write today nnd eejiro exclusive territory, guaranteed uwi wiyi Address, with stamp. M. & M. Matifg, t-o., Dept. c. Hpringiicni. -M'''-'JMW2gl0, WANTKD. agents to sell our fast sellim? specialties; send 25o In silver for samples and full particulars. Lyman llros,, Hlanchnrd, la. J-M30J PORTRAITS of McKlnley and llryan; alio Roosevelt as Rough Rider, handsomely mounted on colored enrunonru irainvs, size. 15x20; sond 23 cents lor sample, out tit and terms to agents. !;,.,81;," f lir,r,nlM.f ' Dept. 19. 1C20 and 1C22 Mllllln st Phlla- delphla. Pn. J-M3M t WANTHD, agents. 1 laves' metallic nibner ures lor rocKiiiKLiiiuin. iri seller. (Jooll prollls. ,f",'b?J''J!! lew iniuuies iiinu aim im uuuuiu .".i. and Moors from scratches. .Makes rockers noiseless anil comrortaoie. j y. imyi-p, US i:ast Locust street, Des .Moines, ta. J 513W s" W A T K 1 ) 'I O 11 11 XT. WANTKD. large unfurnished nlcoye room, heated. Willi good o aro. near inn uuu Ames Ave. Address T 2, Hcc ofllce. K-5I201 4 KIC.HTTROO.Mhouso bciwecn" Calffornla nnd St. 5Iary-M and 20th and 2Cth. Ad dress, T IS, Hcc. K-30I-.V STItll All K tur-n.-tr 5mrnn mill Wnreliniisp Co.. 912- 911 Jones, general storage nnd forwarding. OIK. Om. Van Stor. Co., 131114 Farn. Tels. lS59-Sfil. to iu;y. a i. i. bltwiu nf limisplinld uoods. hotels. et In large and smnll quantities. tlhlcaRJ FUPlilture i;o., nw-iu uooxe. ici. N c9 1 WILL nurchnse a limited number of Omaha Savings bank accounts. Brennon- l.ovo i'o aw no. uin, i o u 2D1IAND bicycles. Omaln Bicycle Co r S9G WANTKD. to buy. a skeleton. Addrcs Medical Student, 22uG H. 10th M.W 4, PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. .Bherwoo 1, 939 N. Y. Lire nidg. ji.uj ii HMVTPn Cinnnilhnnil npnsniore. (live de- ficrliitlou and price. 8 50, Hee. N-303 ! FOR MW.K iioiikks, vninci.i'.s. BTC. NEW and 2d II. vehicles at marked dow;n prices. Harry itosi, itin i.eaveiiwurin. Tl COO FAMILY horse and two-seated carrl.t?e and harness, iii-i x irt. i 1. roil SAI.i:-SllSCKl.l.AKOUS. - . ," , ,,, ; HARD and soft foundation piling; li"K CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Mi- Council Drug Co., uor. ittn and uougo. U-000 It. HASS. Florist, 1S13 Vinton St. Tel. 770. I'limiM put iinwers. ooiiiipis. nan. resi- .i.iiw-p tv,il,llnir and uraen decorations. Ordera by mall or expressc promptly tilled. 2DIIAND safe cheap. Dcrlght, 1116 Farnam. y uu SAFES; buy, sell, ex'ge. Schwartz. Ill S. 13. V fM 51. ft W. tires, $2.75. Omaha nlcyclo Co. 51ANSON bicycles, $25. Omaha Bicycle Co. V Wii 2DHAND wheels, $5 to $10; new wheels $15. Omaha Bicycle Co., lth ft Chicago Hts. SECOND-HAND Cnllgraph (new) for sale. Cull at olllce clerk district court. (J-SI0 FOR SALE, corncobs. Monroe ft Co.. sll N. IGth st. u .M1W LARGE Dlebold bank sife. wi h stel chejt. almost new: iirlce. 200.oo r. o. p. William 51adgett, real estate. Huntings, Neb. SECOND-HAND typewriters Hammond Smith Premier On He pn till . JIO.M .M.ini v.. I i. mi , tie inuiMH'ii io. i itpmlugtou No. 2 12.50 " " S'bo "."i:; .":;'::". 4000 vnewrlters at $3 ol) n'pr' mniitn NEBRASKA 'cY('lK CO ft iw i s. i. . .' - Yost Densmoro . Wo rent tyi Cor. 15th nnd Harnev Q-M143 3 BEAUTIFUL Slclnway upright piano, must lie innu nun iii-i-ii. .i-iii, --. i i, him' noire (J 2i7 OI l.'nl! SALE A frpsll bulf .leruev miH rnir. -ham. cow. 2111 Lake HI. Call after 5:Wl p. III. Q-3H0-3 SIIM' VMtOV. NOTICE, country ilealers. ;'i!!iand furniture nnd stoves at lowesi prices, carload lots or lesn. (.iiiciiRo Furniture t o., iinii-in oodge. R-907 'OTP' le;sYV,,,T,e.l!ifK!ol, see 11. (.. ,v ( it., liitsd.i inoniiiiL. l'i:mi:iti:i:i) stock, reasonable nrlces. Address i;d llervey, lipj N join street, Omaha. - .m.ii n ( I, lllVOVA,Tx. 5l51E.flYI.MER genuine palmist. KA" Dodge. H-IIK ELECTHIC Til IIATMENT. i.'f.n'l.'. mirliii's. CIS 8. Ifith. seeind floor. i .iiui" ni MME. LEE. magnetic treatment. 507 S. lSth. room 2. i .mho r 51.M1:. A5IES, b.ilhs. 115 Howard, second lloor. room 1. Attendant. T-.M225-C PEHSO.V II.. tH I VATIJ hoHiilliil fnr laillps be'oro ft dlf. lug cotitlncmcnt; babies adopted. 1136 N. 17. u yii ft I TURKISH baths, massage baths, electric liallis. for I.iiIIph onlv: skilled women massage operators; tlnest equipped b,illis in the city. iteiHtrom nam (.ompany Rooms 21B to 220, Ueo Hide. c-uio DR. ROY. chiropodist und upward. Room 1 corns removed, 25o 2, Fi enter mock. U-913 RU1TURK cured; no knlfo. no pain, nu danger; send for circulars. Empire Rup ture cure, .n. v. i.ito uiag., umann, U-914 510NH KIT. Chiropodist. IBIS Farn. Tel. 2333. l' JW PLEATING and pleated skirts of all kinds. .M. lioiuman & un., ;'.t uougias diock. U 915 PLEATING, huttonr. to order: p nkleg while. you wait. Omaha Pleating o Mi QauiUl. ll-Ui Pi:iSOVAIi, JOHN JU'DU, optician. US S. lflth St. 1-,-At Sit 1IAVK furs repaired nml altered now. Don't wait until the busy season and expeci work done at once. Allliibfliiph, Son fc''o , Kurriers, dot; Karbach hiock, iirnaiiu. r-ms sr. - - - orns t uunions destroyed, ou ivarmicn oik 1 ,rr,r,. . - i;. 1 11111114 WVllllt- 11 I II 1 (lUlllir - merit; babies adopted. Mrs. llutget. .raj nuruene. i viv HOFK'S Kxpress & McssciiRer Co. Tel. 1717. i j ii VIAVI, woman's way to health. .146 He? b dB L ins HPPKHLY corset to order. 1C12 Capitol av C MS11 Hi U&W ;JV?.r ,fl" fP5-? A HIO reduction In price on new nnd seconu-nand tucycies. repairing ami sund ries, Louis nescner, wa capital ave. C M315 10 MO.VHV TO I.OAX-HI1AI. USTATIJ. nuVATH money, 5, 5H, (? por cent; no de- lay. unrvin uros., 1HI3 Farnam. v vsi WANTKD, city nnd farm loans; also bondi nnd warrants. It. u. I'Cl-rs iV i n., Wi Karnam St., Ueo Oldg. W-Oil PHIVATK money. V. D.Wcad. 1521 DniiRl.'S W-1IJ2 FIVE per cent money, Hemls, Paxton block. w 923 LOANS on eastern Nebraska nnd western Iowa farms at per cent. Borrowers can nay $10) or any iniiltlnte. Any Interest date. No delay, Hrcnnan-Lovo Co., 30U south 13tli Ht Omaha, Nob. W D21 MON10Y to loan on llrst-cla property or for building pi J. J g Now York Life class Improved city lurposcs. j'nyne- n V 1JS w Thomas. M)3 1st Nat. bank. Tel. ltHS. W 926 MOf!BV t0 !on ' " 5'i ner cent 'on Omaha property. W. n. Melkle. 101 8. 15th. W 327 5IONRY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. nrcnnnn-i.ove uo aw ho. istn. W-928 $1,000 nnd upward to loan on Improved city property nnd farms. W. Farnam Smith ii Co.. 1320 Farnam. W-929 WANTKD, city loans, bonds and wnrrants, Oc0rK Company. 111 Farnam St. W-931 5IONKY In nny amount at 8H. fi per cent. J. W. ltUmilKS ft CO., 1S02 FA I ARNA5I ST. W-930 MONKY to loan on farm nnd city property; lowest rates, u. f. navis tu, iwfi Farnam. W 332 SIOXKV TO LOAN-CHATTI'.!,. 5IONKY MONKY LOANED HALARIKD PKOPLK. No endotser or -mortgage redulred. I.OWKST HATK8, iTASY PAYMKNTS nnd STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA CREDIT CO.. Room 520. fifth floor, New York Life Hldg. X 933 AI-O-N-E-Y-D-O-Y'-O-l'-N-K-E-D-I-T- We make loans from $10.00 un on furniture. pianos, norses, cows, etc.; you Keep the nronertv: or wo win maKc vou a salary LOAN on your own note, without indorser or mortgage; we charge absolutely noth ing for making papers nnd we keep noth ing out of the amount you borrow; you may pay the money back In one month or lane iiiuiu iinir in iviuuii iu pay u, anil l vou are exnected to nav for It onlv what time you use It; our rates nre low nnd our terms are the easiest: our ininltirun la ns confidential as Is possible and our treat ment is always courteous. Omaha 5lort gage Loan Co., 306 So. Kth St. Kstnb- llsheil 1S92. X 931 LOANS. TO SALARIED PEOPLE. ARK YGF ONK OF TUB CROWD WHO ARK TAKING ADVANTAGE of our NEW partial payment plan? r Let us QUIETLY their notes. No morlcaie o Ii , iorieVT n nuniicuv. tiimpiy a CUNFIDKNTIAL ni'BINESS DEAL. Wo loan THOUSANDS In this wav. SO DON'T HESITatk Atini'T fAT.f.lVri rt In.DM.ra business. R. R. E51PLOYE8 RKCKIVK pn05IPT SERVICE TO SUIT THEIR TI.ME AND CONVENIENCE. These are limes or neavy competition and to remain leaders we musi give more ror your money mini uuiem Liiiiie.. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Room 303, Third Floor, Paxton Blk. X-935 MONEY loaned on plnnos, furniture, low- lery, norses, cows etc. v. ! . Reed, 319 S. 13. X 93H SALARY LOANS. CHATTLE LOANS. J. W. TAYLOE, 218 First Nal. Bank Hide. X 937 5IONEY loaned salaried nennle holding ner. nmueiu position wun responsiDio concern upon their own names without see.iirltv: easy payments. Tolmnn, 70 N. Y. 1.. Hldg x Uffj "'i'!:: .riPFlXiterssi cows, Jewelry. Duff Green, R.S, Barker Blk X 93! MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, dia monds, waicnes. privately. Merger s Loan i o., idui Farnam hi., upstairs. X 910 5IONKY loaned on furniture, diamonds. waicnes; payments couuiientiai. umnha cnattie Loan nang, 220 a. I5th, upstairs. .9(1 PRIVATE LOANS TO SALARIED PF.O- PI.R momentarily embarrassed who desire above pverytning eise ro av l n ri .ro tv can be accommodated at our oR1ce with fi?...p li thp 'pi i " ,ro,,," xmn n5- 1 wmciv mv rn UIJL c ni n. n ii Room 601, Beo Building lll!SIKS CIIAXCES. FOR RENT, owing to advanclnir veam Mi' if. nnas. ine norisL hi im.i viiiioii sireei has decided to rent out his hot hoin-e at above locntlon. oecnnvlnc 7.0 0 io f-quare feet, under Rlnss, with about SOJ win Inilnws. and the residence uml store frntidltfr (bp Hlriel. nil llin mnlnr lllli l,i South Omaha. Excellent location for the business. Y-9II FOR RENT, dining room of Liiirp lintel; goon lniiuccmeuis 10 ursi cnjss pariy. Y M5 Wftyfe ra:wsA& a , , PX(wn1p. u)1 new hoiiii Htoek. Address S (.6, Bee. Y-51210-P 5IODERN. 75-barrel llourlnc mill In n Ne- nrusKH county seat. .Might trade for established mercnntiln business nr good rami innu. Address I . Hee. Y-51209-5 BARBER shon for sale: (Irst-elass. tbrne chair sunn and uatn rooms; snup. Lock Box 7SJ, Eagle Grove, la. Y - 51207-! FOR SALE, a new nnd clean slock of gen eral inercnaniiise in a goon uorineast Ne braska town. Address Merchant. T l'i, care vimuua itee y Mill Ii roil k( ii (ii; GOOD rental property fur farm. .Monroe ft Co.. Feed and Fuel. Ml N. Kith st. .-MH.2 FOR .SALE REAL l'.STT A BEAUTIFUL S-R005I IIOUSI? AT A SNAP. We have. Just expended $375 In rellttlng painting ami papering tue uouse at ;ki.' Heward street and the owner Instructs us to sell at t'.fsiO. $500 cash, the balance to suit. .Must be soiii wniun tne next weeu. i an and let us show yon the property. This house alone could not be hullt today mr less man .-,;w. PAYNE-KNOX CO.. .Main Floor N. Y. Life Illdg.. Tel. 17S1. RE-123 3 HOt'SES, furms. R. C. Patterson, 205 N.Y.L. HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also tiro Insurniipc. llnmli Pnilnn lillt II 1 - - ni'i II Ll i 11 n't I 1 13 i nf , 1. . k.,1 l,mae I f, llfln. .... ,ii- . ..... ii. o ni i,.....vo ... . scorn Place: rooms, large lot. goon barn, sightly home, party leaving city, pric. 700.00, M. J, Knnartl & Son, room iilO, Brown black. RK-Ji7 'OH t.i: Vtj HST TH. KANfll AND 1'AMM lands for sale bv the t'nlon Pacllle Italiroail company. l McAllaster, land comnilloner, imon Pacllle Headquarters, umana, Neb. lie; SUK HKNltV H. PAYNK. 601 N. Y.'l'.. I IK a " rAYNK.,.N.ox roi 1 1 K a DO I A MT K IIH for HKAIi KSTATI-: HA HO A I Ns: t.OV. kst uatks on i.oam; hoi nil kn St'HANCK; IIOfSKfl. KI.ATS. STOniCS, for llK.NT. First uonr, . l.iie hiiir i 1 1 y i j CHAS. K. WIMiIAMSON. 1208 Karnam St. 11K .MiM AND still two bargains on monthly pay ments, fi-room cottage, newiy papered, cltv water and sewer, No. 317 N. .10th st.. ItAlO 6-room cottase. city water and sewer, 1509 Mutfwl tt.ln.r Association, lice " t i.- ti? im-"!37 S 1'ARM I,ANDS for sale, 1.4 to acres of l.ind. partly Improved, in tilsier, limine, 'ri..m.. ..,1 QhArtnun pnlttitlpa fnr tl.MO ensh. Write for description. Mornhy& Kwlng, St. Paul, .Minn. uk-juiu o KAIIM for sale. . . , 101 acres !) nines wesi ni umniin, ni enu of Dodge street macadam. This is a choico farm nnd Is only one hour's drive from tho cltv. Good buildings nnd large orchard. Price reduced to $55.00 per 11 ffn Tho Byron Heed Co., 21! S. lllh St 2707 ft 2717 CHICAGO ST: Two lnrRt) t-room nouses wnn nan. porcn 111 front unil urounn in sun-, newiy papen-n nnd painted: city water In house, lot 50x 1.12 feet each. Your choice for $1,200.00; .Y Pny?"0"1"'.... ... . c . I no Ityrun iiceu v-o., -i- n. niu ni. RF-Miei-4 FA RMS Do you want to buy. sell or ex change u rami, rnncn, mercnauiiise, mm nr iiflinr iirri!prtv7 (itO acres Pawnee county. Nebraska. 6,500 acres near Scotia. Oreely county, Ne- nrasKa. innu lor rain.n. 10) acres Nuckolls county. Nebrnska. Larce tract of 5tlssourl land. 10 ncres (fine) Richardson co.intv, Write me wnai you nave and wnai von wn,i Inn"; yr'Tl" 0,0 1'l",lne,,f' "Ives me i u'dlp iipoiinlntance. 1 iii.-vtv i' ati'Pii I1W..J1I V. ,7(ll,. Falls City. Neb. RII-M2SS f. HAtirt.viV In choice earden tract: R nnrpd. on Iv 74 miles from center of the nil- iviiii ii.rnnm niiiii'. imrii. liiri:!' chicken house, two wells fenced, two acres In rrult. wuicn consist ot pencnes, nriidps. nltims. cherries, grimes, black berries, etc. All In line condition. This plnce is worm tz.UMi.uu. e can sen h for $1,050: one-hnlf cash. Tho Hyron Heed -co., h. Mtn hi, HK-MIC3-I 1.159 SO. 27TH ST . Just Miuth of Pontileton ave.. 7-room nw all modern two-siory i.ousc, large lot, line lawn: nr ce. IJyrnu R. Hustings, 212 So. llth St. jie- .Mini.' i lllll.CI.W IIAUIIS. PRDIOHKKD stock, reasonable nrlce Address Ed Jlurvey, tnu N linn street, Omaha. 51 -in ;; DIir.KKSIAKI.Vn. K. G. .M'DONALD, 112 Cap. Ave. -912 S4 IN families. 51lss Sturdy, 2010 Harney. CW-Hept. 21 SIIOIITIIAM) AMI TYIUIWHITI.VO. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life. 901 BOYLK9' College, court reporter principal. iieti iniig. - - .- NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand Col lege. Boyd's Theater. -953 ORKOO Shorthand taught at the Omaha Commercial college, iBtn and Douglas Hts rii .MEDICAL. LADIKS out of health find prompt relief. liox a.', umana, en.yvonuucniiai. LADIES, Friar's French' female regulator brings monthly period? reguiariy without ain; i per iiija. n uuAia iui 40. iiiia i)in-u .Minneapolis, .Minn. .mimo a, GONOVA Is a French treatment fnr male nnd female, ror me posltivo euro or Gonorrhoea, liieei. I'linniurai uiscnarges. Inllnmmatlons, Irritations and Ulcerations of the mucous membranes. An Internal remedy with injection combined, war ranted to cure worst cases In one week; $3 per package or 2 for $5. Sent any- wnere on receipt oi price, i ne iviuu urug Co.. Klein. III. Amerlcnn Ofllce. retail. wholesale. 5tyers-Dlllon Drug Co., Omaha; 51. A Dillon, Houtn omnha; Davis Drug Co.. Council Blurts, Full line of rubber goods. LADIES! Chichester's English Tnnroyal pills aro the nest: sure, rename: taico no ether. Send 4e stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles" In letter by return mull. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. OSTIIOI'ATIIY. johnbon institute.; 515 n. y. m. .nidg, rel. Ifif.4: Alice Johnson. D. O.. lad es' dept.; Old E. Johnson, Osteopntlilst, 5Igr. 93(i 51. E. DONOHUE, D. O., of Still school, Klrkvllle, .mo. n rnxton hik. tci. i;ii. -937 DRS. 5IC.MURRAY ft 51USICK will open osteopathic omco wept, i, .uo-am nee mug. -5ISS1 Sl A. T. HUNT, D. O., 305 Karbach. Tel. 2332. 513-0 HU I.OhT. LOST-Sundny afternoon on road from Ifilh ''l Harney through west Farnam to Hanscom park, a shoulder shawl, white ni pmi,rodered In white. Finder wil iiiease return to IIS South Kith St nnd receive reward. Lost 2'.li 3 STOLEN or strayed -bay mare, 7 yeais old. weight 900; split in one ear. one wnin hind fool, strip In forehead. Finder nollf Grush and Ret reward. Address 2419 S. 2it h si Lost -an -3 SI40M1TIC in: l.l.Vi. GREAT Western Institute-. KI23 DoiiRlas St., chronic diseases cured; no drugs, Hiirger . -I'.S THE Reuulne Simon Pure Wellmer .Method ot Magnetic Healing and iiiirrauen s Hvpuotlsm complete In one volume, $2.50. Prof. R. Williams, DcMito, 51o. 51-9H5 PepS NICKEL l'l.TIV(i. STOVES, lamns anil chandeliers replated. Om. Plating Co., Beo Hldg. Tel. 25.15. -900 ,STMir,niMi MI STl TTEII I Mi. CURED. Julia Vaughan, 130 Kutngu Illdg. -9G1 LAI MHll. 051A1IA Sleam Laundrs ; slilrtd. 7c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavciiwortli, Tel. fill, -M3 STOVE lir.P VIIIIMi. HTOVK. furnace, range repairs; water con nections, omalia hiovo itepair wurks, 1207 Douglas . 901 HOTELS, HENDERSON. $1.00 per day house; board. $3.50 to $5 week. 9th and Furimm: tel. 12 w. -MIOl OI ! WVMIIUIIvKltX, EAGLK Loan Olllce, reliable, aeenmmodat ing; all busuess conlldetitial. KV) Doughis. !W3 LOANS, II. 5Iarowitz; low rates. 418 N. 11. 00(1 EMilMia, IIOILERS, rIC. L. C. Sharp Macli. Wka, ; motors, dynamos 1t1 mmw ivn miviiiL-niiv i """" ........... - . - STOCK'S Bird Store. 1603 Lcavciiworth I) IM1. 'ALL on Morand. Crelghlon hall, for society and si.up dancing, wall and 2-s(ep. $3 Large hall to rent for con ventions, meetings, balls and club socials. (W-Seiit. 21 ri HMTt in: AMI PI.WO SIOVIMJ. JACOB SCHU AR'., 1510 Webster Tel iW,. -Mil's 30 r ami .ioiiiikhx. ALL kinds of carpenter w irk and repairing promptly attended to. .1. i. ucniittce. .mh and Lake Sis. 3 in I t I'l'iU HITIMi. TYPEWRITERS, secondhand. 1116 Famam. W0 TICKET BROKER. Ul'T rale tickets every where. P. II, Phil- tin. i.iiij Farnam. roiepnono iM. wit I RMTI Hi: RIll'AlltlMI. TEL. 1331. M. S. Wnlklln, 2111 Cuming St. i.r.tiAi. M)Ticr.5. NOTICE. TO REPUBLICAN VOTKRS OF DOUG LAS COUNTY: ltv nuthorltv of tho rcnubllcnn countv central committee a convention of delegates tepresentlng tho republicans or uougins county Is hereby called to meet at Wash ington nan, umana, ai . p. in. naiuruay, September S, to placo In nomination Threo state senators, Nine atato representatives. Ono county iittornur One county commissioner. First district, to bo named by the delegates from said district. Nine ward assessors for Omaha, Four ward assessors for South Omaha, Thirteen precinct assessors for country ureclncts One constable to fill vacancy for Omaha, Two constables to fill vacancies for South Omaha, and to select members of the county cen tral committee. The representation In Oils convention Is apportioned as follows: Each country pre clnct. five delegates: South Omaha, sixteen delegates, and each ward of Omaha, ten delegates. Delegates to this convention will bp ehospii nt a nrlmarv election hereby called for Friday. September 7 th" polls being open from i- in. ;n p. m in umana and South Omaha and from 7 p. m. to 9 n m In the country precincts. The locations of the polling places are: City of Omaha First Ward Sixth and Pierce streets Second Ward Twentieth and Castellar streets. Third Ward 1120 Capitol nvenue. Fourth Ward 220 SoJth Seventeenth FfftrhC'Vnrd-2fd2 North Sixteenth street. Sixth Ward-ldlcwlld linll. Seventh Ward 132S Park avenue. Eighth Ward Twenty-secon.i and Cum ins streets. Ninth Ward Twenty-eighth nnd Farnam streets. City of South Omaha 312 North Twenty fifth street. . Chicago Precinct Kelner's hall. Clontnrf Precinct II. Tangeman's. Douglas Precinct Ruser's pnrk. Kast Omaha Precinct DlHrlct No. fll school house Elkhorn Preclncl-Klk Cltv. Florence Precinct City hall. Jefferson Precinct .Mangold s lumber of fice. 5IeArdle Precinct Glandt school houso. .Millard Precinct Millard school house. I'lnttn Valley Precinct Valley opera house. Union Preelnel Purcell's hall Waterloo Precinct Masonic hall West Omaha Precinct Benson town hall The boundaries of the primary election districts shall correspond with the respec tive ward boundaries In Omaha, precinct boundaries In the country precincts nt city boundaries In South Omaha. The primary election will be held under the provisions of the primary election law nnd the rules adopted by this committee, which require petitions to be filed with tho secretary not Inter than 12 m. Tuesday. September 4. Bv resolution of tho committee no proxies will be allowed In the convention, but delegates present authorized to cast the full votes apportioned to their respective districts. 51. II. COLLINS. Chairman. CLYDE C. HUNDBLAD. Acting Secretary. Omnha, August IS, 1900. I'OSTOFFICR OTICE (Should be tend DAILY by nil Interested us changes may occur nt any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending Sep tember S 1!v, will close (PRO.MPTLY In all caseni at the General Post Olllce as follows: PARCELS POST .MAILS el-i-c one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels Post .Malls for Germany close at 5 n in. .Mondnv and Wednesday. Trniis-Allalille .Mulls. TUESDAY -At fi:30 n m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Kaiser William dcr Grosse. via Cherbourg and Bremen (malls far Great Britain, Ireland, Belgium. Netherlands. Austria. Norway (Berpiuii and Cni.' Colony, via Southampton must be dlrecte I "per s. s Kaiser William dor Gnuse' i. at 7:30 a. m. (supplementary !':3 a. m ) for Europe, per s. s. Deutfchland, vl i PImoutli, Cherbourg and Hamburg WEDNESDAY At 7 a in (supplementary 9 a. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s St. Paul, via Southampton (mfiil for Ireland mud bo directed ''per s s. Si. Taill"; nt 10: '0 a. m. for BELGIU.M direct, per s. Southwark (mall must be directed "per s. s. Southwark"); at 11 a m. (supple mentary 12:30 p. m.) for EUROPE per s. s. Oceanic, via tjueenstown. THURSDAY -At fi:3i a. nt for EUROPE, iwr s s. Columbia, i. Plyinnulh iiid Hamburg (mall for France. Switzerland. Italy. Simln. Portugal. Turkey, Eg. p. British India and Lorenzo 5Iarquez. v a Cherbourg, must be directed "cer Columbia"); nt 6:30 a. nt. for FRANCE, 8WIT.KHLAND. ITALY. SPAIN, POR TUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT. BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MARQUE., per s. s. La Touralne. via Havre imiill !or other parts of Europe must be dlr cted "per s m. Ln Touralne"!. SATURDAY At K n. in. for NETHER LANDS, per s. s. .Mnanlmi (mall mini be directed "per s. s. .Maasdam"): .it V) n. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s Cltv of Rome, mail must be dree'"d "per s. s ('ltv of Rome"); nt 10.3) a. in (supplementary 12 m) for EUROPE, per s. s. Campania, via Queenstown. PRINTED .MATTER. ETC -Til sleiuner lakes Printed Matter Commercial l'ni'i ' and Samples for (jpimany only. The same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not b- ent bv this chip unless Hpeciniij uirictpii ny ner Aftpr tile closing of the Stlpplf ment iry Trans-Atlaulle .Malls named anove addl llnnal Mipplenienlar mnlls are opened rn the piers of the American, Kugll- b. French and German steamers, ard remain open until within Ten Minutes nf Hi" hour nf sailing of steamer SlnlU fan' iii Hi mill CeiKrnl Vnierleii, Went Indies. Etc, TUESDAY - At 9:30 n m. isiipplemeiitoi y 10:30 a m I for CENTRAL AMKRI"A (except Cosln Rleni and SOUTH I' CIFK PORTS, per s k Alllancii. via Colon (mall for (Itiiilemala must b- ib rrcted "per s. s. Alllanci"i. at 10 ., m for INAGUA and HAITI, via Por' no Prince. Port de Palx and ('ape ll'iltl per s. s innio; at 9 p m for JAMAICA, ner s. s Admiral Furruuut. from Host vi. WEDNESDAY- AI s:30 a rn. for BRAZIL, per s. s. Buffon, via Pernambueo, ll.ihla and Rio Janeiro (mail for Northern Brazil and La Plain Countries must be directed "per s s Buffon"!. .it 12.30 n m. (supple mentary 1 P in for ST. THOMAS. ST CROIX. WINDWARD ISLVNDS LEE WARD ISLANDS and DE.MERARA. per s. s Carlbbee THURSDAY AI 1 p in for YUCATAN, ('A 51 PEC' i E TABASCO and CHIAPAS, per s h Vlgllanela via Havana and Pro greso (mall for other parts of Mexico and for Cuba must be illtecteil "per s Vlgllancla"t: at 9 p. m. for JAMAICV. per s s Admiral Sampson, from Ilo'd n SATI HDAY- At 1 u. m. for NKWFOUNI -LAND, per s. s. Cnran, from liil',id-l-phla: at 11 a m. for LA PLATA COCS TRIKS, per s. s Bellmia. al m (supiilementarv 10. ro a. m.l for roRTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. HA VANILLA mid ('ARTHAGKNA per s. s. Altai imntl for Costa Rlea must he directed "per s s Altai"!: at 10 a. in. (supnlemeiitary in 3" a. m for INAGUA and HAITI ivla Cain Haiti Port au Prince. Pali Gonve and Jcremiel per s. s. Andes: at 10 ri in. (sun. plenientary 10:20 a m.) for PORTO'O (via San Juan). CURACOA and VENE ZUELA, per s. s. Ciirncas (mall fnr Si vanllla and Cnrthagena must be dlreeie.i "per s. s Caracas")! at 10 a m for NEW FOUNDLAND, per s . Silvia- at 11 a. m. for CUBA, per s s. Mexico vi'i Havana; at 11 a. rn. for YUCATAN, per s. s. 51ercatni. via Procreo: al 1 n ni for 51ATAN.A9, CA1BARIKN, GIB RA nnd BARACOA. per s. s. Ollndn (ordl-nre mall only wlilch must 1m directed "per b. s. Ollnda"!. Malls for Newfoundland, 'iy rail to North Sydney, and thence bv st'amrr cl"se this otllcc dally at S'30 p in (cnnneeil'i close here every 5Ionda. Weduesdsy nml SiturduM .Mills fT .Mlnnelon by r.ul lo Boiton and thenc by jtcumcr gioie at poM'orrit i: tk e. this olllce dall at S:: ti ni Mils f e Cuba, by rail to Port T.impi. Fin it t Hence by sieamer, cio-e at inn o i d.illy lexcept MondN i i t "7 a til 'th t iinnei ling rinses are on Siitid ix . e.l day and FrldaM Malls for Mclio i un'ess spilailv addrese I disputed by steamer. cli!e at Ibis .iitw . dally at 2.30 a in. and L 30 l m ,Ntail fur Costa Hlra by rail to Mobile, and f"i' llellne, Puerto Curie and (iuitC'lia 1. by .. a I ... V fi.l...... . .....I t. 1.111 It, .It'll I'lllim-. r nil I II III l sleaimr. floie at Ibis olhce duly at ' . , i P m (connecting p'imos lure 'I 'ps,ns for Costa Rica and Mondays for ll'l'e. Puerto Corlez and Gu.itcri;.! t "IVi l tereil mall close at ( p m prexluus d iy Trims. I'nellle Slnllv Malls for Australia (except Wist n tralla). New XealHiut, Hawaii. FIJI ,i id Samoan Islands, via ban Frauclse.-i. I e here dulls at t..T) p. m after Amu t MPO and up to September . Ineluslxe. "'' on day of arrival of s Campatd d ie at New York Seiitembi r "is-, for putt h per s. s Slum. Malls f r chin nnd Japan, via Vancouver, cl. ee e dally at tl 30 p in. up to Septemler "it i Inclusive, for dispatch ner s Empr of China (registered mull mut be direr I "via Vancouver"!. .Malls for Jap in. eh ni nnd Philippine Islands, via S'att'r. plus here dally at f.:30 p m. up to Septemb.-r 7th, Inclusive fur dUpateh it s. s. Tosa 5laru (registered mall must be di rected "via Seattle' ) Malls for llaw.t I China. Japan and Philippine Islands, vt. San Francisco, close here dally al (!.'" p m up to September 10th, in- liulvc for dispatch per s s Doric. Malli f r Hawaii, via San Franc'sco, eh s- In re dally at (!.) p. m. up to September llth. Inclusive, fnr dlsoa'eli per .. s Australli Malls for Australia 'r- pep! Aus tralia, which goes via Europe and N.-w X.ealand. which goes via San l'r.inel'C ') and FIJI Islands, via Vanmuver. oK here dally at (1:30 p. m up to September 15th. Inclusive, for dispatch per s s Warrimoo (supplemeiunrv malls via Seattle, close nt 6:"0 p. m. Si pt-rn'or Mtfth) Trans-Piulllc malls are furwnrded ( jv r( of sailing dill.v and the schedule of dol ing Is arranged on the pr sumption nf their uninterrupted overlnml tri'isn Registered mall closes at (i p. m prev ious day CORNELIUS VAN ( 'OTT. Postmaster Postodlce. New York. N Y.. August 31. 1900 1IAVY TIMI5 CAItll. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON ft Qulncy Railroad "The Burlington Route"-Tlcket Ofllce. 12 I'arnam St. Tel 250 Depot. Tenth ft, 5tason Streets. Telephone, ls l.enve. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial . .a 7:00 am Porla Exnress n n:25 nm Chicago Vextlhnled Hx a 4:(0 pm n 7:45 am Chicago Local Express a S.50 am a 4:"3 pin Chicago Limited . a 7:45 pm a 7:45 am I'aclllo Junction Local .al0:ir am Pacllle Junction Extra. n 7:i0 pm Fast .Mail a 2:15 pm u Dully BURLINOTON ft 51 IS niurl River Railroad "The Burlington Rome Goneral Offices. N. W. Corner Tenth and Farnam Bts Ticket Olllce. 1502 Famnm street. Telephone, 25v lluiiliiKton station. Tenth und .Mason Streets Telephone, 12!, Leave. Arrive. Lincoln. Hastings and 5IcCook a S:40 am a 7:35 pm Lincoln. Denver. Colo- rndo. Utah, Cnllfornla.a 4:2o pm n 3:00 pm 1 incoln ft Black Hills, a 9:30 pin a .ruo pm 5Iontann. Paget Sound u 9:30 pm a :4,i am Lincoln Fast .Mall .a 3:m pm n!0:35 am Denver. Colorado. Utah ft California a C:15 am r. Dally KANSAS CITY. St. Jo seph ft Council BlutTs Railroad "The Burling ton Route ' i Icket Olllce, 1502 Farnam street. Tele phone 250. Depot, Tenth and .Mnson strectB. Tele phone. 12S. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex ..a 8:50 am a 6:10 pm Kansas City Night Ex al0:15 pm u C:lo nm St Luuls Flyer for St. Joeph nnd St Louis a 1:5j pm nll:l.t am a Dally FRK.MONT KLKIIORN ft 5Ilssourl Valley Rullrond "The Northwestern Lino'' General Olllces. United .Slates National Hank Hldg., H. W. Cor. Twelfth and Farnam Sts. Ticket Olllce. 1101 Farnam St. Telephone, Ml Depot, Ifith and Webster Sts. Tele phone, 1453. Leave. Arrive. Black I lllls. Deadwood. Hot Springs u 3:00 pm a 5:00 pin Wyoming. Caspar and Douglas d 3:00 pm e 5:00 pin Hnsllngs. York, David City, Superior, Oenowt, Kxeter und Howard.... ti 3:00 pm b 5:(0 pm Norfolk. Verdlgre nnd Fremont h 7:30 nm blO:2.i nm i iiw.oin Wnhoo and Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:2o am Fremont Local . ..c 7:30 inn a Dally b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day onlv l Dally oxcept Saturday, e Dally except .Monday. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. Minneapolis ft Omaha Hallway "The North western Line" General onices. Nebraska Divi sion, 15th and Webster Sts. City Ticket Olllce, 1101 Farnam St. Telephone, 561. Depot, 15th and Webster Hts. I.eave. Arrive. Twin City Pnssenger. . .n 0:00 am a 9:10 pm Omnlia Pasesnger nll:10 nm Sioux City ft North east Nebraska n 3:50 pm Uakland Local It 5:15 pm b S:13 nm a. Dally b Dally excep. Sunday. UNION PAC1FIC-THE OVER land Route" General Olllces, N V.. Cor. Ninth and Farnam streets. City Ticket Olllce. 1321 Furnnm street. Telephone, 31(1. Depot. Tenth and 5Iasnn Sts. Telephone, 029. i.eave. Arrive. Tho Overland 1. united .a 8:20 nm u 7:30 pm The Chlmgo-Purtland Special a R;20 am n 7:35 pm The Fast .Mall a 8:5U am a 3:25 inn Tho Colorado Special... all :35 pm a (1:50 nm Thn Fast .Mall a 1:35 pm Lincoln. Beatrlco nnd Stromsburg Express.. b 4:10 pm bl2:2G pm The Pacllle Express . a 1:25 pm Tho Atlantic Express . a fi:50 nm Grand Island Loral b 5:30 nm b 9:30 am n Dnll b Daily except Sunday. 5IIS.OIRI PACIFIC RAIL road - General Ofllres and Ticket olllces Southeast Cor ner llth anil Douglas Sts. Telephone 10L Depot, Union station. .save. Arrive. SI Louis. Kansas Nebraska I .milled K. C , St L. Kxpress ulO.OO am u fi:30 pin .al0;t0 pin a ti:15 am I.eave from 15th bsler Sis Nebraska Locnl and Via Weeping Water .. .b 1:15 pm al0:45 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO ft NORTH western Railway "The Northwestern I. no City Ticket Ofllce. 1101 Farnam Street. Tele phono. Ml. Depot, Tenth anu .miisou his. ioic phone, 629 Leave. Arrive Daylight Chicago Sne- cfal a 7:00 am all:30 pm Chicago passenger n l:l5 pm a :io am eastern lixuress. wes Moines. 5Iarshalltnwii, Cedar Hanlds and Chi cago al0:55 nm a 4:03 pm Eastern Limited. Chi cago and East a 1:53 pm a 4:03 pm Fust 5Iall Chicago to i 'mnh.i ... a 2.45 nm (iruuha-chlrago Special. a 7:15 pm a S:00 pm n umi SIOUX CITY ft PACIFIC Railroad -- The North western Line General Olllces, Unlfd States National Bank Building, S W Corner Twelfth and Farnam Sty. Ticket Olllce, 1101 Furnnm St. Telephone, 60i De pot, Tenth and 5lasoti His. Telephone, ffi'j. i.eave. Arrive Twin OUy Express Twin city Limbed Sioux iiy l.ocu. . u Dolly ..a 0:5.'' run a 10:50 pm . .a 7:35 pm n xM am ..a S:0O am n 4:20 pm OMAHA ft ST. LOUIS RAIL-road-Omaha. KansnH cit ft Eastern Ilallrond-"Th Qulncy Route" -Ticket Of llce. 1415 Farnam Slreot Telephone 322 Depot, Tenth and 5Inrcy Streets Tele phone, 029. i.eave. Arrive. St Louts Cannon Ball Express a 5.05 pm a 8.20 am Kansas City and Qtilncy Local a 7:00 am u 3,00 pm u Dally HI rus' .Man a Dalli It ll,U V TlStl. I Mll.F.. l lilt VtiO HOCK ISL nnd I'acid, ' illron 1 "The Great Hock Il and Huute " city rick, et omce, 1323 Farnam Htrcit Telephone li I 'epi'l. Tenth Mason Streets Telephone (31 Its De-. Mumcs and Daven. i.eave .invc port Local a 2f nin bll :; nm bll 15 am a s:10 am Chicago Express " .. . I1.1' "F" ' ast .Express l!viirna ii, I . A i,m II Ii col i! and F.ilrbun !.a S:3J am a 7:0.' pm Lincoln Colorado Spgs Denver, Pueblo ami I 'f Moines Rock Isl- end and (iilcngo .. .. a 7:15 pm a h:W Pn. Co.,.r.ido A- Tex is 8:W pm a 9. ID am . D.illv. b Dally xcrpt Sunday ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad City Ticket Of lice. Hi2 Farnam street Telephone. 2(5 Depot Tenth and Miison streets Leave. Arrive ...,li:IO am a i:i6 pm ...a 7:15 pni' a ,S:15 am St. .. b 7:C0 nm b 9:40 pm St. .. .a 7.15 tun a S:15 am Chicago Express . Ch.uigo Limited . Minneapolis and Paul Exiuess .... 5lliinenpolls ami Paul Limited Fert Dodge Local from Council Binds b I.TO Pin bli):18 am 'i Dally, b Dallv except Sunday. WABASH RAILROAD Tlcl-.ot Olllce. 1601 Farnam Stieet. Telephone, $93. De pot. Tenth nnd 5tarcy Streets. Telephone, ta. I.eave. Arrive. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a S:Co pm a S -W am n Dally. . CHICAGO. 51ILWAUKEE & '"V St. Paul Rallwny-.CIty u,,i,!aii,t'?' Ticket Olllce. I.w i Farnam fMILWA 'httI Street. Telephone 2S4. Depot L " srBA, I Tenth nnd 5lason Streets -.f:fV Telephone, a. Leave Arrive Ch'eago Limited Ex . .ail:00pm a S.( nm Chlcngo ft Omaha Ex b 7:15 am b 3:5j pm a Dally, b Daily except sunuay OI T 111' THE OHHI tHV, In Peru It was once the eustiitu for domestic servants to have two of their upper front teeth extracted. Their nbsenco Indicated servitude. A spring lamb, killed and dressed In New .ealand, was received In good condition In New York the oilier day. after a voyage of 17,(Xl miles, lasting seventy days. The French Workman's Accident Assur nnce association olTels u prize of 1.U00 frnncs to the Inventor who shall produeo the best glove for use by electrical workers to safeguard them from accident. Alvlnr.u I lay ward, the California mil lionaire nnd mining king, still wears I'm style of beaver silk hat that was In vogue tlfly years ngo. For half a century be has had his hats made over the same block The New Jersey alligator found In a creek near Trenton has boon scon by so tunny different kinds of people since Its capture that the theory that the bra id of applejack most popular with the mi Uvea has anything to do with tho story has been a buiuloned. Some gold coins, amounting In value to $1,570, have been found In an old house In Derby. Conn., where they were hid over 100 years ngo. The oldest coin was dated 1790. The house was built In 1772 bv Hen Jamln Deforest and General Lafayette stopped there In revolutionary times. Children playing with matches caused ninety-one Ures last year. Cigars and cigarettes caused 912; electric wires nnd lUlits, 750; boilers ami engines, .1ST; In cendiarism, C744 ; lightning, 2,700 spontaneous combustion, 1.2;K; six were duo to sun's rays. Tho cause of 13.127 Ures were not ills, covered. 51. V. Glltner of Jackson's Hole. Wyn., seeing that oik wore becoming scarce und having In mind the fate of the buffalo, has eslublislied a preserve of twenty acres, en closed by a fence, In which he has a herd of nineteen elk. He started four years ago with half u dozen, nml, ns these animals in their wild slate nre rapidly being ox termlliuted, he hopes that In a few years handsome return will tomo for his fore sight. Wlillo a consignment of eggs was In tran sit from the northern part of Illinois lo Chicago Iho natural heat of the weather was sulllcleut to hatch out some chickens. It would bo Interesting to know tho con dition of tho eggs whe.i they slarted and also what became of those which were not hutched enrotite. The whole storv is rather ominous for political stump speakers now headed for tho west. The latest musical prodigy Is Pepllo Rodrlgiies Arlola, now 3'A years old. who, when ho was 2',., was discovered bv his mother nt her piano fuulllrsslv playing bv ear a dillieult classical composition sho had been practicing earlier In the day. Tho point of Hie story Is tliut tho mother loft the plaint closed and nobody knows how the baby got II upon. Pepllo has Just been iiruiigin oeioro uio congress of Pathology at I'a tis. Comrade Joseph Trax of Newcastle. Pa , had charge of the famous Custer cannon In Hie Grand Army parade in Chicago. Tho gun. which Is a two ami nne-quarter-lnch Held piece, was east In 1S7C, being innile of war relics, spear heads, buckles, bugles and captured trophies of various kinds, picked up on bultlehelds during Ouster's raid. Comrade Trax, who was Custer's bodv Kiiaril, has been present al the last thir teen Grand Army of the Republic conven tions with Ids historic gun. An undertaker at Sunhury Center, Mich., had a number of colllu boxes stored In an outside shod. Needing ono of them, he nnd an assistant went to tho storehouse, nnd, Helecthu one, pi weeded to lift it out. Im mediately afterward they lifted themselves out of the shed In n hurry, pursued hy a lloek of bees which hud established their mine in me mix. naving gullied access through a knothole. After the busy Insects had boon driven awny by fumigation sixty pounds of Mrst-class honey wus found in- lltw l.WA. COXVUIIIALITIES. HI. Joseph, .Mich., hnd seventy-feven wed dings last Sunday and Is hi 111 open lor engagements. A llllle Increase In the wedding rate siu gcslr. tho observation that If a youth 1 1 ihu hght of n gill's life before why should he be out so much at night after marriage'' .Mrs. George II. Dyer of Derby, Coon , has separnled from her husband and wants lilm never to return to her again becutun he IiimIsIs on picking the huiji In an at. tempt to pluy nines on II 51rs. Dver says she tunnot stand .Mr. Dyer's stumbling efforts to Und the nlr Miss Thiirzen .May Epperson, a e-iltlx icvl toiiety girl of l.o.s Aimeles, li:i ninriied. much agalnsi her family's will, Adacld Klnnsiike, a Jnpar.e&c. Mr Klnouike, how. ever, Is very much Amei l.-'inly. i. He l a. contributor lo American magazines and Hi., literal) editor of thn LiM Angeles TIiik-s Last Sunday was a bimy day In Hi tiialilmnnlal Hit" at (iaylon, Ml T-i happy elopers, ranging In age from 1't io 15, wended tlielr way in Hie .Mlssou.i Gretna Green, where they friind clerks and matrimonial advisers and executives wait ing to accommodate litem with Just whit I hoy il -Mired. Four couplt s enme from Bt Louis. The Osage Indians lm" .iusl been eel -bratlng a wedding In hlgii !ife-lhal of Tall Elk, a chief worth $-o.oo n Ms own ri-ht end heir to much more, nnd .Mary Red Eagle, daughter of a wealthy clijri The lathers of the bride nod gloom have long been Piiiiules ami both were blti'llv op posed lo Hip wedding, especially fin squaw's fal her, whose lortiino Is i aid t) be aboul $2,.("i Fur over thiee e,irs Frank Senovltz i.f New Haven, Conn, Maid conn In Sophl Hemphlii of Brant ford, ten miles dlstun llo never iccelved much. If nu, encoiira -c ineul. and was ieceiill.t rhllled for go i Now lie threatens to have thn girl urresti d unless shu refunds him th.' money expend d fifr railroad fare and presenia on his weekly visits to Branlford. ,Mss Seraphln Is will ing lo return Iho gifts, but draws the linn al railroad fine. Senovltz presented un Itemized bill for Wn. which Included tha prln' of railroad tickets, presents on cream, niiiily and theater tickets. From a barred chamber in her mothers homo In Seymour. Conn, where nn h(l been kept a prisoner lieraiee shit won (I I ot marry an admirer linen nuns her own age. to a home of her own Willi the man of her hearl'H choice, such was the lightning transition In the lot of Emma Hupp .Mrs .May Schlliter. the girl's mother, and lor stepfather, Isaac Si-hlllier. I o unlit ., th last to compel her io niurrv ho elih'liv James O'Brien They took their llnal siand oi Hie morning of August 24, when Hho'Uf Spencer nppeared in tli front yard wbn tho habeas corpus Issued hy .Indue Ht lull y lo compel .Mrs. Hchlluer to give her daugh ter freedom and to respect Hie girl s wishes In the i hop e of a husband. .Mrs. Belli tt t walked upstairs tn tlie girl's room, drew (be bolt, and said: "Come, Kmtna, wit aro ready In tiavo you married now" Shu to fused to move at llrst, but she was led down stairs leluctnntly. She opened ihu duor lo the parlor and saw facing tha family pastor, Rev Mr. Woodstock, the sweetheart of her youth, Edward Btirily Sho almost fainted but thn young man stepped fnrwurd nnd put his arm around her "Kmrnn, this Is the man we have decided tn let ynu rnarr) suld her moih r, Tho wedding ceremony followed. KMT -Ak.r w ft S'