10 THE OMATTA DATLT BEE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1000. BANDITS ARE STILL AT LARGE Powes Tail to Big the Union Pacific Train Robbers. OFFICIALS ARE GREATLY DISAPPOINTED Oiiltnu IIcIiir llnril I'iikIipiI, Unci- FlITt llllll 'I'lirlr I!!1!!!!!" N I II- in.c ij-uiti- i ii ii 1 1 u. i-r I II c-il Men. The capture nf the five men who hold up a wrjttiounil train on the Union I'nclflc laBi week at Flitter Creek, Wyo., has not yet hern effected anil local oflldnU are much (llsitppoliitcil. an they bollevcil that, with the early alarm ami the linmeillatc nrKanlz.i tlon nf posjea. the robbers rnulil not encapc. Tho ilesperatloeg. howevr r have shown thom iielven entirely familiar with the country In which the holilup took place anil have biic resHfully elmleO all of the oftkrr who are on their trail Oetieral ManaRer tMckltisnn l still at Haw llns. where he In illrortlnx the chape, and nt Union I'nclllc headquarters In this city the utmost ronflilenre Is exprefsed In (he ultimate, capture of tho bandits. Kour prln ilpal ponces are now scourlni; tho country In the vicinity of the holdup, while any num ber of otllcers and detectives are keeping a nltnrp lookout tor tho men, the big reward offered for the apprehension of tho gang mttng as an Incentive. United States Mar hhal Iladscll of Wyoming l In charge of n posse of twenty-live men, who star ed out from Hnwllns. Her-mifo of the desperate character of the men who are believed to havo committed this holdup and their ac quaintance with the country through which they are being pursued It Is feared that they may If hard pleased, stop In one of the many admirable spotrt for an ambuth and nmbttfcade the pnpe which overtakes them. Kor this reason their enpture Is not ex pected without a llerce tight. Kxpress Mount nger Woodcock, who was In charge of the car thai was dynamited and robbed, was also one of the mesrcngcrH In tho celebrated Wilcox robbery. It Is re ported that In this Instance Mr. Woodcock used admirable Judgment and when the tialn stopped, before the car was broken Into, he took a couple of money packages from the safe containing $1.(100 nnd hid them, leaving only a package of money containing nlotit jr. I. Weight Is added to the report that some of tho men Implicated In thin last tobbery were also members of tho Curry gang, which conducted the Wilcox holdup, bv the fact that when the robbers broke Into the ear and overpowered Woodcock one of them exclaimed: "Why, you're tho same fellow that was In the other holdup." Two of the men who bad a hand In the Wilcox robbery are still at large and may have been In Ibis gang. The other four men In the Wilcox affair have all been disposed of, three having been killed, while tho fourth Is serving a term In the Wyoming state penitentiary. Work if KMU'rloiieeit Men. Mall t'lerk I'rout. who wan on tho train that was held up, says tho men went about the business In hand with n familiarity of detail that suggested previous experience. "They were bundled up." ho said, "bo that It was dtnicull to obtain an accurate de scription of thorn. They seemed to bo making n particular effort to disguise thomselvcH thoroughly. Their masks wero inndn of mosquito netting or somo thin fabric like that and they talked In a inuflled sort of way as though they had Homnthlng In their mouths. One mnn did moat of the talking ns far as I heard. "1 wasn't much frightened, as the rob bers didn't seem disposed to kill anyone. When they ordered me out of tho mall car 1 was a little slow In moving nnd they told me to movo quicker, that was nil. I moved quicker. They did not touch any thing In my ear. but they made short work of the express ear. It took threo explo HlotiH nf dynamite to blow open tho through wife. "The man who stood guard over the train ami englno erow while tho work was going on In the ear wns qulto communlcntlve nnd talked freely with his prisoners. Don't know how we'll faro here," ho said, 'but we did pretty well In tho Wilcox Job. Wo got n llttlo short of money and camo down hero to get some more. This Isn't tho train wo wanted. That went through nbout a week ago. The man who was go. Ing to stop It got a llttlo weak-kneed nnd lot her go by. lie saw two carloads of contract laborers aboard and got a no tion they were all detectives. We'd have done well on that train. Hut being here unci needing thu money wo thought wo'd tackle this one, ns wo wero pretty sure sho had somo money In tho safe. Wo don't want to kill anybody, but wo may havo to if Homcono gets Hmart.' " HONOR FOR DEAD OFFICIAL i'riillle on (lie Mriiiilil Hnllrnail .Sjfiteni Ih SIiiimmI fur I'lve Ml iiiilcx. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 3. -Krnm tt:lf to 31 :"0 o'clock today every locomotive, every plcco nf machinery and overy employo on tho Memphis railroad system, from Kansas City to Birmingham, Ala., wero idle. Tula action was taken as a mark of respect to tho memory of the lute President H. S. "Washburn of tho "Memphis" system, who died at Uyc Beach, N. II.. last Kriday. Kor tho flvo minutes k er I lied overy train, ear nnd locomotlvo was held nt n standstill, no matter whero they happened to be. At tho end of tho flvo minutes tratlle was resumed. Tho funernl Hcrvice of 1'resideut Wash burn was held shortly after noon, at St. Andrew's church, Hyo Ileaeh, N. 11. The body was taken to Iloston, MasH., later this nfternoon for Interment In P'nreat Park eemotery, whero other members of tho family rest. llnllMiiy Not en unit t'orxoniilK, A special ear over the Milwaukee brought ItellHteilt's li.itul In from Chicago yesterday morning. (. O. Mills, cashier in the Ineal olllees of the Missouri I'aiillc at Kansas City, Is an Omalm visitor A. I.. I'"lsher, traveling passenger agent of tin- Northwestern, Is a visitor in the city from Kansas City. W T. b'lsher, ehlef traveling auditor of the Missouri I'niitlc. Is hi the cltv from St l.ouls, visiting his brother, II. R Klsher. traveling freight agent of tm Missouri racille. John N. Neeley, chief elerk In the North western freight dcimiimcut. has gone to Dos Moines for a few days' vacation and John Mellon Is back off the road to tem porarily llll Mr. Neeley's position. I.mtiii-c-il UimUIiN uoiiIok, Only n roaring tiro enabled J. M. Oarrett son of San Antonio, Tex., to lie down when nttneked by asthma, front which ho suf fered for years. He writes his misery wag often so grcnt that It seemed ho endured the agonies of death, but Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption wholly cured lilm. This marvelous medicine Is tho only kuovvn euro for asthma as well ns consump tion, coughs nnd colds and all throat, chest nnd lung troubles. Price, 50c and $1.00. Ouaranteed. Trial bottles free at Kuhn & Co.'s drug store. ciikai i:criisui.NS wnvr .c south, Yin Hook I pi I it ml llniitc, Tickets will bo on sale September 4 aud 18 to Denver. Colorado Springs, Pueblo and nienwcod Springs. Colo., and points In I'lah, Oklahoma nnd Texas and to most nny place for one fare, plus $2.00, for the round trip. City Ticket ofllco No. 1323 Farnam street STATION AGENT'S DILEMMA llpernlnr nt .Wlnutn. Veil., Ilrpelrr a Mi'iciiKr Ulrretlim Cl Mnr f lin I to Arrest Illinelf. The station agent In the little town of Atlanta. Neb., found hlm.lf In an em barrassing predicament the other dav when he received n telegram from tho I pollco department of Omaha, reading llko j this: "To the City Marshal: Arrest John Ken nedy, horss thief. L'sed to run boarding house In Atlanta." Now It happens that there Is no city marshal In Atlanta, and that tho entire eotiBtnbulary of the place la vested lu one nmn, a Justice of the peace, named John Kennedy. He, as Judge of tho only tribunal In the village, nets ns his owa pollco department, his own court otllcer anil bis own Jailer. The station agent mado somo Inquiries and ascertained Hint Judge John Kennedy also ran a boarding houso there at one time Whnt was the agent to do? Obviously Judge Kennedy was the man wanted, but . hat was tho use of delivering the messngo to him'' It was too much to expect him to attest hlmrelf, try himself nnd bind him self over to the district court. The agent wired thcte facts back to Omaha and nsked for Instructions, but mean er lillo the Omalu police had found their mnn tho right John Kennedy. Ho had been located In Oak drove. In. The agent nt Atlanta wus told that he needn't mind. FALL DRESS GOODS AND SILKS Boston Storo's Advance Sale Cffera Unusual Opportunities to All Buyers, WAR CLOUD RISES IN SOUTH iiliimliln I'reiinrlitu to .Mnkr lleninniU I lion Venezuela Viiolit Mntte Into Wnr Mili. NU.W YORK, Sept. 3 The Herald says: Oeorgc J. (lould's famous yacht Atulanta. converted Into an armed cruiser and pro vided with rapid-fire guns of the latest pat tern, will leave this port at an early date, bound upon a mission about which the representatives of the Colombian republic, to which It now belongs, maintain secrecy. Information brought by travelers return ing from Central America Indicates that the United States of Colombia, hav ing suppressed a recent rebellion of unusunlly srngulnary charac ter. I.i determined to call Vene zuela to account for permitting the rebels to organlre there and cross the line Into Colombia. The At.ilnnta, noted for its speed, was purchased under special instructions from tho Colombian government on July 20. Since that time the yacht, which was built for Jay Gould, han been undergoing a quiet transformation In the ICrl i basin. I'rom n luxurious pleasure craft It has been changed to a war vessel According to trustworthy advices from Colombia, there Is strong popular feeling against Venezuela ns the result of the re cent Internal struggle. Charges are openly made that Venezuela instigated the rebel lion and gave uld nnd comfort to the ene mies of Colonibin. It Is nsscrtd that at least 1.200 of the rebels crossed tho lino from Venozuela Into Colomblnn territory and that In the lighting that ensued COO govern ment troops were killed by the Invaders. The total losses during the war are placed at 12.000. When Colombia is ready It Is said that it will nsk an Indemnity from Venozuela of $5,000 for each of the fl00 soldiers killed or $2,500,000 In all. Additional claims may be made for property destroyed and also for the cost of suppressing the rebels whom Vene zuela permitted to cross Its borders. Venozuela will also bo asked to surrender tloneral Sarmlrntn nnd his followers, to gether with two gunboats, captured In u Venezuelan port. Oencral Sarmlento and members of the crews of the two vesseta wero thrown into prison in Cnracas and their ships taken after the rebellion had been suppressed In Colombia. These enemies of Colombia are, tt Is said, nbout to be set free by President Castro. All these Incidents have combined to anger tho Colombian government and populace against Venezuela. Hesldcs heavy money Indemnity an apology nnd guaranty for the future will probnbly be asked. Venezuelans Bay that these demnnds will bo refused and that If they nro insisted upon war will probably result between the two countries. Tho wolf In the fable put on sheep's clothing because If he traveled on his owa reputation he couldn't accomplish his pur pose. Counterfeiters of DoWltt's Wltcb Hazel Salve couldn't sell their worthless salves on their merits, so they put them In boxes and wrappers llko DoWltt's. Look out for them. Take only DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. It cures piles and all sklu diseases. Stnli 1'nlr .Ntnv Open. Tho big state fair nt Lincoln Is In full swing this week, with the best nnd most complete line of exhibits which havo over been displayed In the Capital city. Kvcry day this week will bo n special day and the nttendnnco promises to break nil pre vious records. Numerous carnival, mu sical nnd special amusement features havo been secured and thero will bo no luck of entertainment for nil. Don't fail to at tend tho biggest event of tho year. He. duccd rates on ill roads. llonii. Si'i'kiTH' ttxc'iimluii. On Thursday, September 4th, the Missouri Pacific will sell round trip tickets at very low rates to points In KnnsaB, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Indian Territory. Texas and cer tain points In the south, southeast and southwest. For information write or call at compnny's olllees, S. K. Cor. Hth nud Douglas Sts., Omnhu. Neb. J. O. PHIU.tPPI. A. (5. F. & P. A. TIIOS. I (iODI'UKY. P. & T. A. 1 1 1 1 ii I m Central Kxeiimliiim, On Sept. 4, 7, 10, IS, 21 nnd 2C, wo will sell round-trip tickets from Omaha to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Waseca, Watcrvllle, Mad ison I.ako nnd Duluth at rate of one faro plus $2.00. Homo Visitors' oxcurslon tickets on sale Sept. 10 nnd 2t!, to nearly all points In Illi nois. Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin nt one faro plus $2.00 for tho round trip. All tickets limited for return until October 31 Full particulars nt City Ticket office. 1402 Farnain street, or address W. 11. trill, D. P. A., Oiunha. W. W. Mnco, Fifteenth and Cnss streets, sayo ho cannot praise Cramer's Kldnoy Cure too highly, ns It completely cured him. Ho would advise all sufferers to try It. He liked us anyway Ho said "Schaefer, I don't llko somo of your ads, but thero Is ono thing that I admlro about you. It's your grit and nerve." Wo thanked him and nsked how much do you wnnt to borrow? Criwni'r'it Klilni- Cure 7,-.e Meiinc-nS Till nun l'invilcr r'o I nel Niiiii'n Tiilnicro Cure rillit Sliruiler'M .'lir I'ovcilcr -jri.. Dr. Knrl Criwm-r'n l'enii) roj nl 'HI mi.lllt I'iiIiic'n Celery Ciiiiiiiiunit ..7fie Wine of Ciirilul .....T.'.o Carter' l.lver rill ., ir,vi Munrt'N l))nitia TublrU I lie lllrv'ic Hoot lleer . it,. IIiii'iiii Half Iti-atorcr 7, Mnlteil Milk. lOe, 7Bo i(c;Uo dunHErCn DuuciGiST I. W. Co, lutb uuu Cbli-auo. S2 BLACK AND COLORED S LK, 6SC A YARD Must It cm h r Un lit - llnrnnlni IJvrr 1 1 en ill (If Cliolcrnl UrcxN I'nlirle nuil llka nt i:trnurilliinr l.otv I'rlco Tiiiluv. I.MPOItTKD DKESS SILKS. The rarest creations nnd highest grade silks ever shown In Omaha, all exclusive patterns, especially adapted for gowns, opera and evening waists, In tho new satin brocho. crepe do chine, moire untlque, rich brocades, new Corril reiue, azuro nals, Jaclntho argent, In tho pastel shades, black and white fancies, special price $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, J3.S8 and $3.00 yd., worth fully 33 per cent more, $1 I1LACK AND COLOUIMi SILKS, 50C. Plain and fancy silks, corded silks, 27 Inch black Japanese silk, satin and twilled foulards, all silk satins, gros grains, fancy brocades, black tuffetns, etc., $1.00 values, on bargain square, 50c yd. $2 HLACK AND COLORED SILKS. C9C. High rcrndc silks for dress nnd trimming purposes. Satin Luxor, satin llegent, black satin stripes nnd brotndes, black and col ored taffeta, French foulnrds, line evening silks, black pcau de sole etc., $2.00 values, on bargain square, per yd. ti'.ic. NHVV PLISSi:, TAFFUTA AND CItKPONS. New pllsse. tntfotu, crepon, silk and satin striped, 'now poplins, new black eplnglc, now evening broendes, worth $2.00 yd., at Dc and $1.00 yd. $1.10 WINDSLOW TAFFKTA. fi9C. Colored Wlndslow taffeta, 27 Inches wide. In all tho desirable shades, worth $1.10. per yard 60c. SPECIAL IN HLACK TAFFKTA. Oood, strong rustle taffeta for lining, waists and skirts, nt one-half price, 20 Inch. 3c yd.; 22-Inch, 50c yd.; 27-Inch, 07o yd.; nc-lnch, H5c yd. 50C MOCSSKLIN DH SOIK. 15C YD. Illnck silk mousselln do sole In rem nants, any number of yards enn be se cured, however, ns the quality nnd weave can be matched. 50e values, per yard 13c. 75c MOHAIR nitlLLIANTINE, 39c YD. Mohair brllllantlne In navy blue and blnck, 18 Inches wide, brilliant lustre, 75c value, per yard, 3Ho. $1 NEW FALL NOVELTIES, BPc YD. An extensive rnngo of new fall novelties In every late weave nnd texture, two-toned grenadines, new oxfords, homespuns, Eng lish ottoman. Gorman henriettas, whip cords, diagonals, etc., $1 value, per yard, 9c $2.50 FOREIGN DRESS FA11R1CS. OSc YD. Largest and choleest variety of new foreign dress fabrics ever shown In every correct weave and color combination, In cluding French habit elotn, cheviot, Eng lish camel's hair, zeballno suitings, silk nnd wool burettes, etc., $2.50 values, per yard, 9Sc. $3 PARIS NOVELTIES. OOLFINC. $1.19. New Paris novelties in all the most fashionable weaves, a largo and exclusive variety of new Imported cloths In correct eolorlngs, now satin faced Venetians, plaid back golfing, pebble cheviots, reversible meltons, English homespuns, etc., worth up to $5. per yard $1.49. $3 HLACK DRESS ROODS. flSc. Imported silk nnd wool plerolas, pure mohair erepons. silk matclasse, silk and wool danmasse revcrslblB cheviot, French Venetian, English hroadclonth nnd new tailor suitings, $3 values, per yard 98c. $5c NEW FRENCH FLANNEL. 69c YD. New shirt waist materials In nil the very latest designs, handsome Parisian effects, stripes and polka dots, every tint and shsdo S5c value, per yard 59o. HOSTON STORE. OMAHA. N. W. Cor. Kith and Douglas Sts, Oooel KiAhltiv. Spirit Lake, OkoboJI, Lake Washington, Waseca, Esrle Lake, River Falls. Solon Springs. Rice Iike. Bayfield. Ashland, Oog sblc. Watersmeet and numerous lakes near St. Paul and Minneapolis Tuoy ore all good Ashing places and are quickly and comfortably reached by the Northwestern Line. Cheap rato excursions August 21 and Sep tember 7-21. Limit. Octobsr 31. 1900. City ticket office. 1401 and 1403 Farnani street. i.owust hatics TTp the smMn Via the urtli wrHtrrn Line ALL POINTS! In Iowa Illinois, Wisconsin Minnesota, North Michigan. TWO DOLLARS, PLCS ONE FARB Round trip. Minimum rate. $7.00. September 10 nnd 21. City offices 1 101-1-103 Farnam St. SOAP SLAUGHTERED Monday morning we shall place on sain TEN THOl'SAND Cakes of Soap, which are reallv worth 5e per cake, but which wo shall bell ut Per cake, or Be per box of four eakes. NOTH'E-This will be sold for CASH only, and no inoro than 100 boxes to a cus tomer. NOTE NO. 2-Vv'c are still selling Society Ilygletilquo Soap nt 29c per c ike. Also Itlogers' Imported So.ip, :9c p?r take. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Co, Corner Kith unit I)uili;e. " RATS" Seem to bo very troublesome Just at present. Judging from tho numcious calls for rat poison. In looking for a rcliablo article, we decided on Steam's Electric Paste. From tho reports we bear about It, It Is undoubtedly tho best rat exterminator on tho market. 25c per box cut price 20c. SOLD HY J. A, FULLER & CO. Fourteenth nuJ luilm Streets, P S. MANAWA TICKETS on enlo at 30c a saving of 10c on tho regular fare. UNABLE TO HIRE PLUMBER GUESTS LOSE THEIR COLD IIiiii ril of IMtirnlliiu llni Trouble t.'ettlnu .Noi'i'nuii' Itrpnlr VI n do. In ' Light-Footed Burglar Makos Early Morning Call at Pranck Hotel. The Hoard of Education ha been unable to hlro a plumber to work In the school buildings at the regular price paid Jour neymen plumbers. Although no provision 1 was made for paying the wages demanded i by master plumbers there were several pieces of work that had to bo done nnd small emergency contracts wero let. The plumbing In nil tho buildings is now In such condition that-It will not need nt- tentlon for somo time. Tho board has so much work that It feels that It should j Konr burglaries were committed In the bo nllowcd to hire plumbers nt tho rates t city Saturday night, and If ono burglar did paid by master plumbers nnd hopes to u n,0 work his night's labor netted him make such nn nrrnngemont with the $mj.-jo. of this, guests of the Franck hotel. '. unl0"- Sixteenth nnd Chicago streets, lost $109. Tho I 3 PROWLERS DISTURB RESIDENCE DISTRICT Screen I Cut from AVI miner of llnr nc.v Mreel limine tin it Itohher I I'nltl for Ills Trouble Po lice Itiiiinil t p Mitirctii. .Not So lil In l'nrli. If you nre going to tho World's fair nt Paris this year you .should by all means take with you a bottle of Chamberlain's I Colic, Cholera and DJahhhocn remedy. It Is not sold In Paris and Is almost certain to bo needed on tho trip. After you have called in a French physician and paid him for his services nnd paid for the medicine liu prescribes you will realize how much n llttlo bottle of this remedy Is worth when you nre 3,000 miles or more from home and among strangers. itioni t i:i it.ii:.s o. m;pt. hi, 'mil Vln (iilrnmi, Mlliviiuhi-i- .1 M. It ii 1 1 vv II) . On September 10 nnd 25 the Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul railway will sell round trip tickets from Omaha to Chicago and return $14 75 Milwaukee nnd return 10 75 St. Paul and return 12 C.I Minneapolis and return 12 05 Dubuque nnd return 12 10 Spirit Lake nnd return S 30 Elgin. III., nnd return 13 90 La Crosse. Wis., nnd return 13 25 Madison, Wis., and return 15 IS And to nil points on their lines in Iowa. Illi nois, Wisconsin, Minnesota and the north ern nenlnsula of Michigan, nt one fare, plus $2, for the round trip. Minimum selling rate $7, tickets limited to October 31 F. A. NASH, (lenernl Western Agent. 1301 Farnam St., Omaha. More Cheap Kxcurnlouft. Soptembcr 1. 1900. Rcmarknblo! The season Is nt its height. Cool weather. Al titude. 3,400 feet. Healthful climate. Good plnco to spend a vacation. HOT SPRINGS. South Dakota. The trip is easily mado via the Fremont. Elkhorn &. Missouri Valley railroad. Satur day excursions September 1, S. 15, 22, 29. Limit, October 31, 1900. Saturday and Tuesdny excursions on sale at all points on "North-Western Line." Sioux City. Missouri Valley, Omaha and west thereof In Nebraska. Tuesday excuislon's, September 4 nnd IS, also on salo at points on "North-Western Linn" nnd connections east of the Missouri river. Rate One faro, plus $2, for round trip. Limit. October 31. 1900. Dates sale September 1, 4, S, 13, 18, 22, 29. For pamphlets tilling nil nbout hotels, scenery, climate and cures, call on any agent North-Western Line. 11 A 1.F IIATI2S TO I.I.XCOI.X. Account of Htate Pnlr. September 3 to 7 the Rook Island Route will sell tickets to Lincoln and return for ono fare, plus 50 cents, for admission coupon to fair grounds. Morning nnd even ing trains will stop nt the fair grounds. Tlekots at 1323 Farnam street and Union BtatUn. Tuesday evonlng. September 3. will bo candidates nlrht at the Eighth Ward Re publican club. Twenty-second and Cum ing stroeti. Everyone wolcomo. Omaba Tent ana Awning Co , cents, awn tnr;, canvas goods, 11th & Harnfv Tel. S33. Missing Teeth rair the looks of the most beau tlful face Wo replaeo such a IIRIDOE or PLATE so that they look like tha ones nature gave you. Oood Set Teeth $5.00 Oold Crowns $3.00 Gold Killings $1.50 up Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms, 1G 11 Dnnuluii St. teeth with remainder was picked up In tho residence districts. It must have been early Sunday morning that n prowler entered tho Franck hotel and by moans of skeleton koys admitted h'lmsclf to seven sleeping apartments, ench of which ho ransacked. From four of these looms, however, nothing of value was taken. All were occupied nt the time, but the burglar moved so stealthily that tho guests wero not aroused. Entering the room of O. F. Young, the thief searched his clothing nnd took $S4 from bis trousers pocket. William Kelso of Coznd. Neb., who was sleeping across the hall, suffered the loss of $20 and Mrs. Mil dred Hrovvu, malinger of the hotel,' con tributed $5 toward swelling the burglar's revenue. While the marauder was milking his rounds Walter Cook, the night elerk, was sleeping on n cot in the hall on the ground Iloor. Ho says he heard no unusual sounds. Iteslili-iioi'K .Vri- ItuiiininKc'il. About tho same time n burglar cut the screen out of n rear window of 2465 llnrney i sticet, where lives Harry Hagen, n bar tender. Crawling through tho opening thus made, the thief entered Hagen's bod room, sonrched his clothing nnd stole $29 from his trousers pocket. At tho house of John H. McDonald. 502 South Twenty-fourth nvenue, the thief secured scarcely enough to pay for the trouble of prying up tho kitchen wiudovv. He stole two fancy chain pockethooks. such as women carry, but they contained nn aggregate sum of only 20 cents. The bulk had been supplied by cooking recipes, porscrlptlotis and memoranda. While Mrs. Kato Forton was nslrep In nor mom ai uu- souin riiiriccniu street n snenk thief entered by turning tho key i,n tho Inside) with a pair of nippers. He scoured $S and a gold watch. Tho pollco havo made several arrests, and suspicions characters nre being rounded up in large numbers. CIIKAI i:.V( I HSKINS .;isT A MIHTII Vln Mock ImIiiiiiI Itoule. Tickets will be on sale September 10 nnd 26 to points In Iowa. Illinois, Wisconsin. Minnesota at one fnre, plus $2.00, for the round trip; good for return until October 31. Minimum selling rate. $7.00. For full Information call at Rock Island city otllce, 1323 Farnani street. There will be a meeting of the populist county central committee nnd onndldntes at Peter Cooper club rooms. 1515 Howard street Tuesday evening at S o'clock. E. F Rutherford. Chairman The Next Excursion Sept Sept 0'S P.'CTOr VIA The Popular Route. $19.00 to Denver and Return. $1!).00 to Colorado Springs nnd Return. $i!U0 to I'uchlo and Return. $:V2.00 to Salt Lake and Return. Sept. 4 and 18, 1900. Return good until October 31, 1900, City Ticket Offices 1324 Farnam Stroot. Tol. 316. Closing out all the sam- Shoes m nit pie and Oxfords now Every pair of ladies' fine $2,50 - and $3,00 sample oxfords on VJ Q sale at All the men's fine $4,00 and $5,00 sample shoes, on sale at 1.97 Time Flies But Mr, Bellstcdt, the musb cal director, will beat it this evening, and every evening until further no ticc, Good clothing, goqtl inoiiuy, nnd good music, is what wo want. You can savo tmough money in your buying of My5 school uotlimir and Mioes At tins store to pay your way into every musical this week. School clothing and school slices must he tough. They seem to wear out all over. The hoys and girls have a way of kicking out shoes and wearing out clothing that makes short work of them. Our clothing and shoes are made for just such wear strong, well-litting. neat amid low priced. Start your hoy to The Nebraska for and you'll start him on the right road We'll start him in on a school suit as low as his eflothing. to economy, .$1.25 His shoes start at tin shoes. Tlitn are the Any mistake you make in buying we gladly rectify. same price for gootl satin calf nuil int i i I unmijiikiiltlfk 1-1 1 1 BaHli;iMJ.Iraif.lro.lI.IIH?MP IBMLHKCTM State Fair at Lincoln All this week. iTI I llll J n Tlokst Offloa, 1502 Farnam St. Tel. 250. Round trip $2.15 including admission to Fair. Four trains a day to Lincoln 8:40 a. m., 3 p. m., 4:25 p. m., 9:30 p. m. Special train 8 a. m. Sept. 5 and 6. eurllnoton Station, All. , mm M . iuin ana mason sis, y Tel. 120. C ADVANCE SALE HAYDENs Early Fall Overcoats Sept. 4 Tunnrlnii LPtllS llfllULIlO BUGdllajj $15 and $18 Fine Whip Cord Covert Overcoats, at $10.00. ?10 ami $12.r0 men's fine covert top coats, Princes serge lining, Skinner's satin sleee lininr, on sale at 7.50 All the ladies' fine $5,00 and $6,00 "Shriner and Urner" rX ZLM sample shoes at These are all tin linest makes of shoes direct, from large Eastern manufacturers. The latest up-to-date styles, finest ma terial ami workmanship. IOvt ry pair worth more than double the price. In fact they are the greatest bargains in fine shoes ever offered. Don't miss this great sale of sample shoes. Watch for our grand opening sale of furs next Saturday, HAYDEN BROS. Jtoys' school wear below cost. Hoys' long pants suits, ages 111 to I!), weeds, cheviots and g? tt cassimeres, our regular !?7.."l) to 1 1.50 grades, onlv. . vJllU Hoys' double bieasted knee pants suits, ages S to K!. our regular .fL'.Tn to .S grades, ai ?l.7r, li.50 and Hoys' vestee suits, ags .' to S, serges, tweeds ami wors teds, our regular .?L7." to ?..")(! suits, at l.7."i, l'.7r. M ION'S FINE TWO. SEI!S H 10 LOW COST. Mostly large sizes, US to IS waists, our regular ?..n0 to ?(!.."() grades, at .?t.7r, $-."0 and 3.75 3.75 3.75 mwm siollim: tiiio most clotiiino IN OMAHA. DON'T FORGET THAT YSMU SMKIKG A I You have tho BEST not wltlisUndlnu they cast you nu mure ttijn Inferior uoods. It. RIC'K.M t'.t tl.,MAM KAn tlllKltS, VI' l.lll l JIO, ll?llinU (4 finr- C. A. KAILSOACK, OMAJIA, DldTHIULTUlt. .UniUN inADE