18 TITTC OMATTA DATTjT" BEE: SI'XDAV, SEPTKMBER 2, 1000. SPECIAL JOJJCES AdTert'setneiits for these columns Trill be tnkru until lit in. for the rrrnlnu edition nnd until H ill) p. m. tor morning niul loniliir edition, Itntea, 1 l-!tp ft Trord Oral Inacrtlnn. lc at word therenfter. Nothing tnUen for lean tlmn UfSr for the rt tnacr. tlnn. Thru- mlYertlseiuenta moat Itr run conarrutlTrly. AdvrrtUrra, l' reuneatlna; ft anni tierrd check, cnn lin'f nnawers nil drrmfd n ft numbered letter In rnrr of The lire. Anairert ao nildreaaed will be deltrered om preaentftllun at tb check only. WA NT ED SITUATION, BOY wants place to work for board whll' attending school. Boyles' college I el. 1951. A-M102J' OUTStDE position, city or rond; western territory preferred: ntn 33. temperate hab Itx, good references! and anxious In wW. Address S 51, Uto. A-MlOl 2' WANTED, by refined, Industrious young lady, occupation requiring good penman hlp nd knowledge of bookkeeping: can furnish best of references. Andres? ifiM, jjee. A-M13, 2' POSITION as bookkeeper, good references, have lind oxperlence. C. II Moshor Ok-n-wood, la. A SITUATION wanted by Indy bookkeeper, permanent, capable of neat appearance No favors expected. Adress I 6 1 lie Beo A I ". EXPERIENCED iloiible. entry bookkeeper, rapid penman, accurate ncountunt, gov ern I yearn' cxperlcnr best of city refer ences; bond furnished. AiMrcrs T 'J-0ntSe POSTTION as private tutor by young lady of education; Instruction In German Ad. dress M. He.- olllce, Council Bluffs wanted-mai.i: niii.r. A FEW MORE POINTERS ABOUT THE OMAHA COMMERCIAL, COLMIOB, 16TII AND DOUGLAS STH. uoHitnofOii bros.. props. POINTER NO. 1-The fnll term opens to morrow morning. Scores of young men and women have already made their ar rangements to begin. A law number of others are coming tomorrow. New classes will be organized In all departmentH. This Is tho best time of the year for you to begin. Call at the college tomorrow, look the Institution over and decldo what you shall do. .... FOINTER NO. 2-A new class starts tomor row In Gregg shorthand. This will be the largest class we have had this year. A treat specialty will now be tnado of Gregg shorthand and touch typewriting. If you are going to learn touch typewriting It will pav vou to be under tho tuition of Prof. Mosher. Ho has mnde more of ti Hpeclnlty of It than any other teacher In this country. He spent most of last week nt Oulesburg, III., delivering lectures on this subject. Teachers came from all parts of the stuto to attend the conven tion. Ilo sure nnd call for tho purpose of Investigating tho advantages nnd oppor tunities the Omaha Commercial collego is now offering. POINTER NO. 3 Gregg shorthand Is now Iho most popular Hystem In the slate of Nebraska. It has but one position, one slant, no shades, but few word signs, Is extromelv legible nnd ndmlts of the high est speed. You can learn It In half the time you can any other system. We al ready have a large number of Gregg writ ers occupying good positions. Gregg writ ers do better work and more of It in a given time. Why wnste your time In learning something extremely dltllcult while (Jregg shorthand Is so simple? POINTER NO. 4-Nlght school. This will open tomorrow night at 7 o'clock. Instruc tions may be had In all the branches taught In the. Institution. A new class will bo started In Gregg shorthand and touch typewriting nt 7 o'clock. Do you not want to Join It? Tho tuition is about $3.00 per month. H 276 2 WANTED, wo hnvo steady worlc for n few good hustlers of good habits and appear ance. C. F. Adams Co., 10)5 Inward St. 11-870 BARRER trade taught thoroughly In short time; cataloguo and particulars free. Address Western Rarbers" Institute, Omaha, Neb. II S71 WANTED, laborers, teamsters, rock men and surface men. Neb. Wyo. nnd Iowa; free fare; highest wages; ship dally. Western It. R. Labor Agency, 310 S. 11th. H-872 AN INTELLIGENT young man to take a shorthand scholarship In best school and pay for It when course Is completed and position secured. Address L 26, Ree. R-S73 GET a free catalogue of tho Nebraska School of Magnetism and Osteopathy, 1515-17 Chicago street, Omaha, Neb. : grad uates employed. B 874 SALESMAN, for Creston, la.; must be sober. Industrious, well educated and able to approach best people: splendid future for right man. Address S 58, Ree. H-MU7 2 SEPTEMBER 3. SEPTEMBER 3. SEPTEMBER 3. 8EPTEMRER 3. That excellent School opens Its FALL TERM. BOYLES' COMMERCIAL nnd SHORTHAND COLLEGE. Ree nulldlng. Complete RuslncsB Course, Complete Shorthand Course. Complete English Courso. SEPTEMRElt 3. SEPTEMBER 3. SEPTEMBER 3. SEPTEMBER 3. R-154 2 WANTED. 3 tinners, experienced, on fur nace work. Milton Rogers & Son. B-127 2 WANTED, high-class experienced tea and coffee salesman to sell trade nnd manage Omaha branch; must huve good refer ence, executive ability and acquaintance with the trnde; must be able to furnish bond. Addrehs High-Class, S. 01, Bee B-M130 2' WANTED, men to learn barber trade; onlv eight weeks required; Hpeclal offer of board, tools, scholarship and transporta tion to our colleges at Chicago, St. Louis or Minneapolis continued this month, positions guaranteed; catalogue free. Ad dress Moler Barber College representa tive, 102.1 Farnam at.. Omaha. B-M129 6 BOOKKEEPER, experienced young man; city references. Address S J3. Ree. B-M135 2 GOVERNMENT positions: where they are, how obtained, salaries paid: particulars tree; wrlto ror cireuiar Kit national cor respondence Institute, Washington, D.C viw. nil'R NOMISTranannrtatlnn or Mining companies and Information bureaus are always exposed In "IN DUSTRY AND MINING " It Is the of ficial paper of tho Alaska Miners' asa'n; better subscribe for It for three months ana Keep posted on ine mining uiuumrj out west; It will cost you only 50c and It .... iiaii Hnllnra In Vrttii I m t' u f . limy p it - jw.a. menta. Industry A Mining. No 629 New Yorg 1II0CK, tieame, rsii. n TRUSTWORTHY man to advertise and nnnnlnt acents In Nebraska: $80 monthly and expenses; references required; per manent. John Cross, &G Dearborn, Chicago- A SOLICITOR wanted In every town to represent our handsome family magazine; Jino to Jo.on nrollt dallv. No expense at tached. Terms, complete outllt nnd sample copies free. Address MeGraw Murden Co.. New York City B-172-2 SALESMEN, by representative houe, to sell tho largest and finest lino or Im norted nnd domestic calendars, ndvertls Ing novelties, pictures, etc., In the United States; low prices, easy to sell, larRe commission, quick returns, liberal treat ment; exclusive or sum line, write now. itnniiett-Thomas Mfg. Co.. Importers, Publishers and Jobbers, ;W3 Dearborn St., Chicago. ii-173-2' .WANTED, Immediately, four men of good address and business ability; light work; i) to 1S per week. Address 79. Bee. t JJ 25v 2 WA.vrnn male hem. ROTLES- COLLEGE. FALL TERM opens SEPTEMBER Jd. Day and Evening Sessions.. COMMERCIAL AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE of the HIGHEST STANDARD, Recognized by business men na being the most thorough and most practical. BEST EQUIPMENT, DELIGHTFUL ROOMS, MODERN COURSE OF STUDY, EXPERIENCED TEACHERS, INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION, STRICT DISCIPLINE, PRACTICAL METHODS, GRADUATES ASSISTED TO POSITIONS. FALL TERM OPENS TOMORROW, SEPTEMBER 2D. SHORTHAND In securing a shorthind educntlon one should look to n school a record for thorough, efficient Instruction and to tho success of Its graduates In securing nnd holding positions. The school having the best teachers, tho best reputntlon nnd tho best equipment pro duces tho best results. The graduates of BOYLES' school have no dllllculty In securing nnd holding posi tions. U-155 2 WANTED, grocery specialty salesman; givo your past experience luny; wo ui un exceptional opportunity and good salary. 8 37, Bcc. B-170-2' WANTED, registered drug clerk; single man ui kuuu iiuuiin urn iciu'iii-i'ii 7, Bee. B-1SS-2 WANTED, first-class musicians and per formers, aerial acts, nrouier ncis, niir performers, man with troupe of dogs and llrst-class acts of alt kinds; people for concert, steady engagement nnd sura salary, which must be low. Call or ad dress Lew Collins. Klondike Hotel, Omaha, Null. B-187-2 TWO men to take orders for household necessities, commissions ndvanced. Do mestic Mercantile Co., 707 N. 16th. B-lSfi-: WANTED, trustworthy man to travel through Nebraska; J50 mommy ana ni. ex penses to start, advancement; position permanent. For particulars addressed envelope. American L. & M. Associa tion, 358 Dearborn, Chicago. B-1S5-2' THREE first class specialty salesmen at once; permanent positions; fnll trade Just opening. Address The Eastern Mfg. Co., Manhattan Bldg., Chicago. B-1S4-2 YOU can write advertisements, will teach you by mnn. rage-uavis Advertising School, Chicago. B-183-2 TRAVELING satesmnn of ability for high crauo line appropriate to nearly every department of trHdc; references; bond and entire tlmo required. CommlsMonj J1S to JM on each sale. P. O. Box 3. De troit, Mich. B-213 2" SIDE lino offered by high-rated corporation oil uncovered Kruuiiu; Hevciui t-tun m weeklv cash; free outllt. Factory, P. O. 1371. New York. B-212 2' WANTED, two barbers at Drexel Hotel Barber shop Aiomtay morning, u EXPERIENCED traveling salesman to sell eHtnbllMiit-cl toilet preparations on liberal commission, as sldo line. State experience, territory desired nnd give reference, E. Slinrum Mfg. Co., 60 West 22nd St.. New York. B-1S2-2 CAPABLE, reliable men In every county to represent large company or solid financial reputation; $3 per day absolutely sure to start, dellnlte bona lido salaried contract and expenses; opportunity to secure per manent position Involving no canvnsslng. Universal, Box 733, Philadelphia. B 221-2' RELIABLE man In every town to represent ail o 111 rsiu uiiitt:u niu iiuim uuii ink turn- pany with capital of $200,000; nnlury J900 per year and expenses. Rapid promo tion nnd permanent position requiring no canvassing. Unusual opportunity. Ad dress Manager, P. O. Box 1173, Phila delphia. Pa. B-223-2' WANTED, experienced young mnn In wrap- ping desk. NebrasKa Clothing t o. D-168-2 WANTED quick, for local positions In all country towns ann vniases, tanioiic nun and women of character; J18 per week Address "Faith," ' "90 Caxton Building, Chicago. III. B J12 PER week bona fide; salary and ex penses; capanie men nnu women to ropre. sent us appointing agxuts; rapid promo tion nnd Increase of salary; new, brilliant lines. Butler & Alger, Now Haven, Conn. B WANTED, two good moulders, permanent ob Address Fremont Foundry & Mach. Co.. Fremont. Neb. B M162 4 WANTED, energetic clsnr salesman, ex perience unnecessary; commission or salnry; M to J10O per month nnd ex penses. Tho Phoenix Cigar Co., "02 Wyandotto St., Kansas City, Mo. B-1S1-2' SALESMEN; two experienced, to fill vacancies; staple, wen Known lino; dry goods and general store trade; employ best anil pay accordingly. W. I. Pratt, Cam this paper. B 180-2' GOOD men can earn 13 to JR per day. Call i-rciguton diock, room cor. tatn nnd Douglas. B 251 2' REPAIR man, to plaster; also a general helper at repair worlc. T 1, Bee. B-M2S8 4 WANTED everywhere hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertis ing Bureau. Chicago. B 237-2 WA'ii;i)-i-i;MAi,i: iiki.p. AN INTELLIGENT Indy to take a short hand scholarship In best school and pay for It when course Is completed and por tion seemed. Address L 25, Bee. C S75 WANTED, 200 girls. 1524 Dodfie.Tel77C, C-S7ti SO girls wanted. Canadian olllce, 1522 Douglas C-S77 WANTED, two experienced clrls. for first nnd second work, small family. 10J9 ucorgia nve. - .Mill GOOD, competent cook. 2215 Fnrnain: gooil wages. v. 121 WANTED, girl for general housework at 1319 Chicago ot. C-147-3 CROCIIETERS wanted, to crochet for us at home. Good pay. unicago crochet Co., ucnrDurn si., i uicago, in. C WANTED, girl for second work;' pood wages. 116 So. 32d ave. c M2I7 LADY to travel In Nebraska, $V monthly and an expenses to start: permanent pi' sltlon If satisfactory, elf-addressed ij. velope for reply. Address Munuger Mac Rrady. Star Bldg.. Chicago. C-131 2' GIRL over 14 wanting good home, may go to school; small wages to right party; 3 In family. Cull Monday No. 5 Sherman lints. t;-j;w 2' WANTED, two school teachers for tern porary positions (luring next eight weeks. Allures l 1, nee. u isj s- LADIES, you can earn $9 to 118 per week at home Call Crelghlon block, rjqm 22, lain nnu uougins. i. .ou i WE have u position for a traveling man ager Call nfternoons. Vlavl Co., 348 Bee bldg-. U WANTED, society editor for new paper, Addrtii x ib, emca. i' wati:ii-i'i:m.i,e 111:1.1. Wo teach the- Gregg nnd Graham systems. -N rjflKAHK A BCSINESS AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE, BOYD THEATER BLDG. DAY AND EVENING SESSIONS. An Institution of Highest Order. Ahsnlnfelv Thnrnneh Most thoroughly equipped t'-pewrlter dept. JI.O'JO.OO Just Invested In new Underwood t voewrllnrs Over 30 students entered In the last 30 days. a constant demand at college ofllco for our graduates bv business firms. Over o per cent of last year's enrolment now In positions. A number of students writing different sys tems entered insi montn to complete their course. None but experienced teachers employed. Two more instructors recently added to IHCUIl. . Largo class to enter next week. ir you want n practical education and a goou sainrieu position you make no mis take In entering a school clean In char acter and thorouuh In work. "NO BETTER SCHOOL AT ANY PRICE." a. l.-. u.-su, a. m , i,i,, u., president. C -29.' 2 for iti:.T not si;s. FOR RENT. 3C9 N. 23d, S rooms, modern, 6 So. 24th St., So. Omaha, 6-rooms, city wntir. ilS 1817 N. 21st, 7 rooms and barn, cltv water. 115. 1507 Plnkney, 0 rooms, modern, a bargain 3014 Lindsay nve., 6 rooms, 15. R. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Famam. v 1 51 2 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwnlt, Bnrker blk. u-ssi FOR RENT, strictly modern flat In Dav- lage nuiiiiing, opposite city ball. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1S02 FARNAM ST. D-fio:; ICE npartmentfl of C rooms and bath; line repair; location best In the cltv, $17.50 to right party. Inquire room 310-11 Brown blk. D-G51 1205 William St.. 3 rooms-t.VOO. !912 Seward St., 5-room cottage 10.00. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO.. lGth and Douglas. D-SS2 1724 N. 27th St Nine-room house, all mod ern, in line repair, 5ii.;i. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO.. 16th and Douglas St. D-8S3 10-ROOM steam-heated flat, all modern. an Douglas, inquire Ltndqucst, 316 So. 25th: D SSI ALWAYS moving II. H. goods. Pianos. Olllce, 1511H Farnam St. Tel. 1553 or Ma D-8S5 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, C01 N. Y. LIFE. u MB HOUSES for rent In nil parts of the city. urcnnan-i.ove uo., jm ao. I3in St. D-SS7 FOR BENT, 8-room modern cottage. In quire .ibz si. aiary . u mssi z' fl-ROOM flat, modern Improvements. $35. z;i uougins. u .MNll 4" C ROOMS, largo yard, -2222 North 18th. 515, uoio outers, rungwaii uros., narger uik. D-MJ54 2 FOR RENT. 7-room strictly modern house. near car nne. iu. so. 3isi st; jto pr month. Potter Sholes Co., 310 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone 470. D M112 HOUSES FOR RENT: 2214 N. 21st St., 5 rooms, 5. 2M3 Plnkney. B rooms, ft. 1214 S. 17th, 5 rooms, $11. 210G Miami, 8 rooms, bath, $20. 2641 Dodge, S rooms, modern. $22. 552 S. 2iitlt nve., f rooms, modern, $25. 24th and Caldwell, 9 rooms, bath, $25. GARVIN BROS., 1613 FARNAM ST. D-266 2 SIN-ROOM cottage. 33d nnd Spauldlng sts. ; city water and gas, D 121 2' FIVE unfurnished rooms, all modern. 2711 K. 2i'd HI. O Mill FOR RENT. 7-r. house and 13 acres for market gardening or chicken business; loo Brown Leghorns for sale. Ad. P 46, Bee olllce. D 316 N. 41nt Large, mod. residence), $15. 1937 So. 29th 3-room cottage, $7. 3516 Webster 3-room cottage, $0. 38th nnd P, South Omaha, 4-room cottage. ..I . . . .. . .. . , - T . . 1 ,1 ". ..... ... St bu t ti D-270 3 FINE apartments In the Albion. l'AYNK-HKOX UO.Ml'ANY. 1st HOOT N. Y. Llfo Bldg. D M216 8 FOR BENT, 9-room modern house (fur- nisncii) fimmeu St., nam. etc. jk per month to right party; possession given at onco. Inquire 519 Paxton Blk. D 163-2 FOR RENT BOARDING HOUSE IN SOUTH OMAHA. 14 rooms, recently painted Inside and out. nnwiy papered and put in excellent repair generally. For terms see R. C. PETERS & CO., 1702 Farnam St. J3-152-2 ,-ROOM cottage, all kinds fruit, large barn, large chicken house, cosy place; $4,600; Boulevard ave., C. E. Comp. D 192 2' 3407 JACKSON ST.. 7-r. modern, with barn. 419. 4201 Lafayette ave., 7-r., city water ann sewer. $18. 2315 So. 12th, 6-r., brand new, modern, $20. 2317 So. 12th, 6-r.. same as above. L-Jia .Mason St.. -r., an modern. $25. 720 N. 23d St., H-r.. all modern, $.5. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, First floor. N. V. Life Bldg. D-156 2 IF you want your houaes well rented place mera wiin uenawa wo. u sis HOUSES, etc, F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglas. u 579 6-ROOM flat, city water, 2719 Burdette. D-S69 7-ROOM cottage. 2611 N. 17th ave. Clarko Powell. 310 New York Life. D M54I HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Paxton block. D-8S0 FOR IlKNT FIIRMNIinil BOOMS, NICE rooms, 1317 Chicago; private famliv. E-78? 2' HOUSEKEEPING. 614 So. 17th ave E-S5S f. FOR RENT, furnished rooms suitable for gentlemen; also for light housekeeping. Apply 113 So. lath St. E-122 6' 3 furnished rooms for housekeeping; man fc who; rent ianen in noarn. aia is. I7tn. E-200 BEAUTIFUL, modern front room for two gentlemen. 614 N. 13th. E M136 3 FOR RENT. 415 N. 25 St.. furnished rooms, beautiful resilience, he.ited bv hot watr, nil modern conveniences; Harney car, wnlklng distance. E 215 2' FURNISHED rooms, pleosnnt, well kept rooms. 1921 Drdge. E 227-2' LARGE front rooms In modern hou--o in Kountzo Plnce, furnished or unfurnished. References. 2211 Blnney St. E-M1'M I FOR RENT, large, pleasant room In private f.imlly, good home cooking; line view from two largo windows. Address S (,.', Ree. K 191 2' FURNISHED rooms for rent, first nnd sec ond floors; good board next door. 1915 Cnpltol ave. E 252 2 TWO well-furnished front rooms, light housekeeping, modern conveniences, do titrable location. 2203 Furuam. E-M2S4 3 THREE partly furnlsh'd south front rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, $12 month. 3210 Cass st. E 2S5 2' HANDSOMELY furnished front room, with nlcove, for one or two gentlemen; uil modern. 1135 Park ave. E-2S1 2 FI!ltMSIIi:i) BOOMS A XI) IIOABI). OLENCAIRN,traiislents,$1.25day. 1600 DgK F-SS3 UTOPIA. 1721 Davenpott St. F i'JJ HANDSOMELY furnished rooms; geo-l board: rates reasonable. Tne Rose. J2 Harney. K M2M SU' IN PRIVATE family. 220 St. Mary's Av. F s91 THE PRATT, a dlrablo front room with alcove. 2d floor, 2T2 S. 25lh St. K7US GOOD board, private family. t09 So 25ih avenue. F MS53 FINE aouth front room, with board; mod ern detached residence, nicely situated, mU family; references. 604 S. 27th at. lU4i 2 Fl MMSIIEI) BOOIS AM) llOMttl. THE Merrlnm, good summer resort. 2Mh ,t Dodge. F-S3I NICELY furnished rooms nnd board, bust ness center, private family; new np,."t ments. modern Improvements, llrst ci.ish In every respect. Apply 2i09 Harney St. F-Mi9,3 F4IR It i:T-t'M'rilMSHl',!) iioomh. THREE modern rooms for light housekeep ing; good location. Address S 33, Bee. G 776 2 OR .1 NICE southeast rooms, steam heat, gas, bath. S. W Cor. 221 nnd Lake. G-197 2' FOR RENT, 3 unfurnished rooms, 6 S. 20th st.; refecences required. a-M2 3 3' FOR It E.N T STORES AXD OFFICES. One office vacant. U. S NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Some leases about to expire nnd may not be renewed. AIfo some desirable ofllco space on ground floor, with vault, telephone, etc. 1-271 2 FOR RENT, store In first-class location; rent rensonnble. Apply R. C. Peters . Co., ground floor. Bee bldg. 1266 FOR RENT. nlrebrlek store" building In Rock Port, Atchison county. Mo.. Mnc location for general stock of merchan dise; building is 2lx'0 feet, with ware room separate, and Is owned by Masonic lodge, one of the best corners In town. Address W. E. Gicrmnnn, sccretnry. f 487 AfilJ NTS WANTED. $25 TO $50 enslly mnde by our llvo asenls, men or women, selling our latest n vclty, campaign waterproof neckties; goods en tirely new ami patented: agents rtollchted; sales unlimited: what others do, vou can do; tlmo is short; wrlto today and secure exclusive territory, guaranteed best teller Address, with stamp, M. & M. Mnnfg. Co., Dept. C, Springfield, Mass. J-M092 310' AGENTS on salary or commission; the. greatest agents' seller eVer produced; cvcr user of pen and Ink buys It on sight; 200 to 600 per cent proilt; ono agent a sales amounted to $620 In six days; an other $32 In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co.. X HI, La Crosse. Wis, J-M131 2' JUST OUT New Peerless gasoline lamp; easiest lighted, most satisfactory, knoeka all competition; Mgents t.olnlng money. Peerless Lamp Co., 244 Railway Kxchania bldg. St. Louis, Mo. J- AOENTS wanted. To bo Independent, learn the grandest paying profession of tho age. A beautiful book and Information abso lutely free. American Institute of Science, Nevadu, Mo. J AGENTS, cither sox, to nlnke money mu have fust sellers with good profits; some thing the people want. We havo such; 2X per cent profits. C. O. Myer Co., Atch ison, Knn. J-21S 2' AGENTS, most novel attractive campaign badge out; "works" by touching button; everybody wants one; 15 cents for samplo nnd speclnl terms. Motion Publishing Co., 321 Dearborn St., Chlengo. J-217 2' AGENTS, Klpo, combination perfect silk umbrella, dressy cane; salesmen wanted everywhere, samples, $4, $3: easy seller, good profits. Klpo Commercial Company, Ironwood, Mich. J-216 2' WANTED, agents to sell steel campaign trays, diameter 12 Inches, with candidates portraits handsomely llthocraphed In colors; can make $5.00 a day easily; sand 50 cents for two samples; much lower prices In quantities. Chas. W. Shonk Compnny, lS-C35 N. Wood St., Chicago. J-178-2' GENERAL ngents in every locality in U. S. to represent large concern, appointing agents on strictly salary basis or $85 per month, with nil traveling expenses paid. Dopt. S7, 1970 Park Ave., Now York. J-177-2' BOOK agents, send your nddress and we will send you our 170-page Illustrated catalogue and suggest n plan by which you can greatly Increase your profits, without Interfering with your present work. Address American Literary As sociation, 40 Dearborn St., Chicago. J 175-2 LIBERAL salary or commission to live ngents not afraid to work; best line of toilet articles ever put up easy sellers, Permanent employment to right party. Address Wonder Toilet Co., Indianapolis, Bid. J-176-2' WANTED, agents and organizers, general and local, to represent largest sick, ac cident nnd death benefit association in tho country. Big commission or salary; choice territory. American Benevolent Association, St.Louls, Mo. J $200 PER MONTH and expenses Introduc ing our goods; sample absolutely free. Odorless Dlslnfectnnt Co., B 435. Cincin nati. O. J 232-2 $100 MONTHLY. New Patent Metullc Bread Boards. Sample Free. E. W. Forshee, Cincinnati, O. J 231-2' WANTED agents; quick selling mednlllnn campaign badges. Big profits. Send for circulars nnd sample 25c. Jas. Murdock, jr., uent. 3,. Cincinnati, O. J 230-2 $10.00 DAILY, no failure. 600 greatest Boil ers ever produced, catalogue, two samples FREE for stamp. Bradford & Co., C 140. Cincinnati. O. J 229-2 $100.00 MONTHLY Introducing and selling Pneumatic Butter Separators. Vatcnted. Dairy Machinery Co., Cincinnati. O. J-22S-2 AGENTS sell our aluminum card cases and cards; also our dun letters; big profits, clean work; circulars and samples free, Bunker Ptg. Co., Dept. O, Bunker Bldg., Kansas City, Mo, J-M200 3' AGENTS, article of unusual merit; highest nwards; government endorsement; half million sold. Agency Dcpt 312, 27 William, N. Y. J-199 2' AGENTS wanlVd, to sell campaign badges' and other novelties; write for catalogue nnd prices. Herron .t Ilcrron, Oskaloosq Iowa. J-19S 2 $10 DAILY to live men; wo wnnt agents everywhere; leather suspenders cannot break, wenr out or pull off buttons: sells at sight; samples furnished free. Cincin nati Leather Suspender A Belt Co,, B 511. Cincinnati, Ohio. J-196 2' AGENTS, canvassers, streetmen, our two color lithograph campaign, portraits nro the handsomest and richest looking pic tures and best sellers money can pro. duce, 22x2S; heavy napjr. Full sample bv mall, 10 cents. Nlelcn Art Emporium, Clnclnnntl, Ohio. J- WE WANT ono man in each town to buv for us. Nothing to sell. Big Income If reliable. Commercial Rubber Co,, 12 East 42nd St., New York. J WANTED TO It EXT. THREE or four unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping by married couple; no children; must be modern and in good neighborhood; state prico and Incut on. Ad.lress S 53, Bee, K -MhX) 2' WANTED, largo unfurnished alcove room, heated, with good board, near 21th anil Ames Ave. Address T 2, Bee olllce K-M201 4' WANTED, to ront, four unfurnished rooms In a quiet and good neighborhood: no children. Address T S, Boo. K-254 2 WANTED, desirable boarding plnco by young gentleman; state particulars and terms. Address T 12,' Bee. K-273 2 ROOM nnd board by young Indy; con venient to east Omaha car line. Address T 17. Bee K-2M 2 SToit nn. PACIFIC Storage nnd Warehouse Co., 012 914 Jones, general stnrige and forwarding, -892 Om. Van Stor. '.'o.. 1511'; Farn. 'Ms. 1559-''ri. S.i3 WANTED TO 1I1Y. Af.t, klmlM nf household coods. hotels, ft" . in large nnil small quantities. CM' ag) Furniture Co., ltw-iu uougt. tci. .i-m N-M'l w 1 1 t purchase u llirllted number ffj rtmnlwi R.-ivlnos ti mum accounts, jin-nn mi- Lovo Co., 309 So. 13th. N-8 5 2DHAND bicycles. Omnhi Bicycle Co. N S! wajn iklii econd-naiia urnrmorc. Ve acscnpiign ana pries. 0 bv, ntc.- WANTDD TO lit V. WANTED, to buy, a skeleton. Address -Medical Student, 2205 S. loth St N-M202 4 PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwool, 939 N. Y. Life bldg. N-M26) 11 WANTED, to buy a ntTesliddtoiorse? Including saddle. Will pay rash. Ad dress T 13, Bee. N-22 2 WANTED TO RENT. TRAVEUNO man In city about ten days each month desires n home with modern conveniences for self nnd Invalid mother; permanent If suited; stnte terms In an swering to receive attention. Address T 11. Bee. 249 2 pott sai.i; Fl'RNITriti: SQUARE piano, also household furniture, first class. Call World Sjpply Co.. 319 S. Tenth. 0-255 2' FOR SA l.H HOUSES, VEHICLES, IVIC. NEW and 2d H. vehicles at marked down prices. Harry Frost, 14th & Leavenworth. P-S9S FAMILY horse and two-seated carriage and harness, 2128. Wirt. L'l120 6 FOR HALE, horse nnd buggy cheap. 2152 St. Mary's ave. P-MS30 2' FOR SALE. 1 Doubto carriage. $200. 1 Concord wagon, $55. 1 Set double harness, new, $75. 1 Single harness. $15. 1 Good driving horse, $125. A. p. Tukoy, Board of Trnde. P-H9-2 EXTRA fine driving mnre, standard bred, rubber-tire runabout and good harness, Inat' nir rliv 17.,,. I. on vpmvnrIM l ?S7 FOR A I.K M I St ' 1 1,17a S liCH'S. RD nnd soft foundation piling; hog HARD nnd soft foundation piling; hog fences and cribbing. 901 Douglas. Q 599 CUTTERS ot drug prices. Sherman lie. Council urug Co., cor. 16th and Dodge. Q-900 B. HASS. Florist, 1813 Vinton St. Tel. 776. Plants, cut flowers, boquets, hall, rcsl dance, wedding and grace decorations. Orders by mall or expresso promptly tilled. Q-901 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1116 Farnam. y 902 SAFES; buy, sell, ex'ge. Schwartz, 111 S. 13. Q-903 M. & W. tires, $2.75. Omaha Bicycle Co. Q-904 MANSON bicycles, $25. Omaha Bicycle Co. Q-905 2DHAND wheels, $3 to $10; new wheels $15. umann mcycio o., mm at unicago sts. Q-906 SECOND-HAND Callgraph (new) for sole. Call at ofllce clerk district court. Q-,140 $G0 LIFE scholarship; Omaha's leading bus iness and shorthand college, for ssle cheap. Address 8 62, Bee. Q M107 2 FOR SALE, corncobs. Monroe & Co., sll N. 16th st. Q M106 LARGE Dlebold bank safe, with sleel chest, almost new; price, $200.00 f. o. b. William Mndgett, real estate, Hastings, Neb. Q-MI39 SECOND-HAND typewriters: Hammopd $10.00 Smith I'remier 33 i.OO Callnrauh 15.00 Remington No. 4 Remington No. 2 Yost 12.50 25.00 25.00 Donsmore 40.00 Wo rent typewriters at $3.00 per month. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. Cor. 15th and Harney. Q-M143 3 FOUNTAIN PEN. 14KT. GOLD, Plate, with box and filler, equal to $2 pn; large discount to agents: send 23c for sample. Pen Co., 102 Beekman St.. New York, Q 244 2' BEAUTIFUL Stelnwny upright piano, must be sold this week. Address T 1, Bee office Q-257 Ol MISCIZU.ANKOIIS. NOTICE, country dealers. 2dhand furniture and stoves nt lowest prices, carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co., 1406-10 Dodge. R-907 ANTED, bids on grading, for Information see R. C. Peters & Co., Tuesday morning. It-Ml 57 3 CLAIRVOYANTS. PALMISTRY. MME. GYLMER. OMAHA'S FAVORITE PALMIST, Is still doing business at the old stand. Others come and go, but she remains. She does not claim to bo nble to tear away the veil of futurity and peer Into tho great beyond, neither does she pre tend that your absolute destiny is visible to her eye and thnt she has power to Shane It at her will. All cheap 111 c tenders who asert that they communi cate with someone In the other world or exert some mystic power through any source whatever, be It occult science nhychlc force or spiritualistic revelation, is an Imposter and a "fake" and anyone who patronizes such Is not entitled to symprhv when they hnve been separaUd from their money. PALMISTRY Is a well established science and those who are versed along these llnrs know that U Is tho only method In vogue whereby the PAST. PRESENT and FUTURE can bo told. Tho llncH In the palm do not shapo your destiny, but ate Indicative of what your destiny Is, MME. GYLMER Is permanently locnted In Omaha, having been here 4 years. Sho wus In Council Bluffs several years prior to her coming to Omaha and she Is well known nnd her reputation as a palmist la thoroughly established. No one disputes that she Is honciu and the necuracy a 1th which she reads life bus oftentimes been pronounced phenomenal. Her predictions are Invnrlnbly correct and she lus pre dicted many Imporlnnt events which lvive occurred exactly as she said If you are Inclined to have your life read f.ee this wonderful woman, the greatest exponent of palmistry, who has ever been in Omaha. Parlors, 1605 Dodge, south side now I'. O. S-239 2 MMB.OYLMER genulnealntbVrDodge. 8-148 BLIOCTRIC TREATMENT. ELITE parlors. 615 S. 16th, second floor. T-M910 84 MME. LEE, magnetic treatment. 507 8. 13th, room 2, T-M145 7' MME. AMES, bnths. 1615 Howard, second floor, room 1. Attendant. T M225-4' I'KltSONAL. PRIVATE hospital for ladles be'oro ft dur. Ing contlnement; babies adopted, 1138 TURKISH baths, mnssage baths, electric baths, for ladles only; skilled woman massage operators; finest equipped baths In the city. Renstioin Bath Compmy. Rooms 216 to 220, glee Bldg. U-910 DR ROY, chiropodist ; corns removed. 25c and upward. Room 12, Frenzcr blu'k. U-913 RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no danger; send for circulars. Empire Run. turo Cure, 932 N. Y. Llfo bldg., Omaha. U-911 MONHEIT. Chiropodist. 1611 Farn. Tel. 2333. t U-S09 PLEATING and pleated skirts of all kinds. M. Goldman & Co., 200 Douglas block. U-315 HAVE furs repaired and altered now. Don't wait 'until the busy season and expect work done at once. Aulnbatigh, Son & '""o , Furriers, (Xni- Karbach Block, Omaha U-9IS S3 PLEATING, buttons to order; pinking whllo you wait. Omaha Plentlng 'o . 152 Douglas. U-010 JOHN RUDD. optician. 115 S. 16th St. ' U-501 sn Corns A-liunlons destroyed. 511 Karbach blk U-919 35 PRIVATE homo before and rfnr mc conPn"- ment; babies adnptei. Mrs. Burget. 2H20 iiuruette. 1 IOFF'8 Express & Messenger Co, Tel 1717. IS' I, woman's way to health 316 I i.ADV acquaintance wanted by ral'n- P. O. Box 255, Dos Moines, I,,, PERSON A I,. YOUNG physician wants correspondence with Indy or widow; don't answer unless stylish and lellned; everything on the quiet. Address T 3, Bee. T'-S 2" EPPERLY corset to order. 1612 Cap'lot rtv U-M9II SI SECOND-HAND seulng machines at prices never before made. Why not buy your wife n machine? These prices are for Saturday and Mon day only; 3 Singers, 1 1 Davis, I 2 While. I 1 Noble. 1 Choice. $2.00. 1 New Home, I 1 Victor. I Old Price. Now. Household $13.00 $ 6 O) While 15.00 7.W Singer, high arm 20.00 7.50 Singer, good as new 25 00 is 5n Domestlc 12.00 6.00 Stnudsrd, perfect condition . 25. i"' U Wheeler Wilson 35. W 12.50 Wilcox A Glbbs 30.00 15.00 Wo will give one-half dozen sewing ma chine needles of any make to everv lady who calls at the store Monday forenoon. W,o rent sewing machines nt 75c per week. We sell parts for and repair every make of sewing machine. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. Cor. 15th and Hartley. U-M144 3 LADIES' hair shampooed, ilrrsscd, 33c. Hair toilet goods. Monhc It, 1518 Fnrnain Tel 23.U U-!0 MANHOOD RESTORED; ten days' treat" nient free of Aphrodisica, the only abso lutely reliable remedy for weak men tn if J I stages. Address the La Ciolx Clinic, Milwaukee, W is. it MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocaine habit myself cured, will Inform you of '.armless, permanent homo cure. Mrs. Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago. U YOUR FORTUNE FREE: To pTovo to you the wonderful truth concerning vour own life us revealed by X.arah. tl e world renowned ustrologer, send your name ant birth date, with 10 cents (stapips .,r sti ver), and I will send you full lioro-copicnl rending of your entire life, Free Mii'ters of love, marriage, (-peculation, bnslne. nll made plrln, everything free; test It for yourself, nnd I will ntonlnli you with the truth. Address Zarnh. Dept. 16S. L-ck Box 1599, Philadelphia. P.r U-220 2 "WHAT you told me nine years ago bus thus far come true," Mrs. Chnrmley, Verndale. Minn Everyone pleased. A. trolo".v Is nccurnte and scientific. Trial reading 10c. Give date of birth. L. Thi in son, Kniisns City, Mo. U 219 2 WANTED, Immediately, first class agent lady or gentleman, to travel cast and book my big juvenltn operetta with so cletles on percentage; liberal terms. S 67, Bee olllce. U M2I1 3' DOCTOR. 40. excellant Income, will marry refined, gentle Indy who will make homo happy. Mr. Maxwell, 117 East 23d St., New York. U 234-2' REFINED, generous gentleman, $1500iio, beautiful home, extensive business, seeks wife to share his home and wealth. "Hanker," 771 North Park Ave., Chicago, III. U-203 2' MARRY lovely women nnd honorable men; many rich; send 2c for big list. Mutual Exchange, Kansas City, Mo. U LADIES, your bint enlarged 6 Inches; fall, tire Impossible; harmless J JO) cash guar nntee; proof free. Leonard Mcdlclnr Co., Kansas City, Kan. r 20", 2' LADY 36, fond of home, music, books, worth over $200,000, widowed 11 yeais, would marry congenial gentleman of honor. Integrity. Mrs. James, 69 E. 59th St., N. Y. U-201 2' LADIES, I wish to call your attention to n now, first-class tailoring nnd dressmaking oitnbllshment: late of Miss Terrell, for merly of Marshall Field & Co . Chicago T. M. McNatr, 420 Paxton Block U-2! 2' CORRESPOND for amusement or matri mony sealed particulars, 2c. Champl .11. Council Bluffs, la. U-263 2 MIDDLE-AGED widow, no Incumbrances, with property lu South Dakota, wishes to correspond with honorable gentleman, competent to handle property, T 16, Bee. U-2SC 2 Sl'PERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential: all work guaranteed. Miss Allcnder, 1613 Douglas. -U WIDOWER, 40 years old, no Incumbrances, nice home. Income $4,000 yenrly, property $32,000, wants wife who will apprec nte kindness; bank references. Mr. Will, Box 110S, Chicago, 111. L' !90 2' MONEY TO LOAN 11KAI, i:.TATI5. PRIVATE money, 5, 6',4, 6 per cant; no de lay. Garvin Bros., 1613 Farnam. W-D20 WANTED, city nnd farm loans; also bonds nnd warrants R. C. Pours & Co.. 1702 Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W-9J1 PRIVATE money. F. D.Wead, 1521 DougtaiT W-922 FIVE per cent money. Bemls, Paxton block. W-923 LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at 5 per cent. Borrowers can pay $100 or any multiple. Any Interest date. No delay. Brennan-Lovo Co.. 309 South 13th St.. Omaha. Neb. W-924 MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city property or for building purposes. Payne Knox Co., New York Life. W 925 5, 6',4, 6 per cent on Omaha, So. Omaha. W. II. Thomas, 503 1st Nat. bank. Tel. 1618. W-920 MONEY to loan nt 5 and B',4 per rent on Omahn property. W. B. Molkle. 401 S. 15th. W-927 MONEY' to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co., 309 So. 13th. W-928 $1,000 and upward to loan on Improved city properly and farms. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam. W 929 WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants George & Company, 1601 Farnam St. W-931 MONEY In any amount nt 5, B',4. 6 per cent. J. W. ROBBINS & CO., 1802 FARNAM ST. W-930 MONEY to loan on farm nnd city property; lowest rates. O. F. Dnvls Co.. 1505 Fnrnnm. W-932 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. No endorser or mortgage required. LOWEST BATES. EASY PAYMENTS nnd STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA CREDIT CO., Room 626, fifth floor, New York, Life Bldg. X-933 -M-O-N-E-Y--D-O-Y-O-U-N-E-E-D-I-T-Wo make loans from $10.00 up on furniture, plnnos, horses, cows, etc.; you keep the property; or we will make you a SALARY LOAN on xour own note, without Indorser or mortgage; we charge absolutely noth ing for making papers ami we keep noth ing out of tho amount you borrow; vou may pay the money buck In one month or fake more time In which to pnv It. nnd you aro expected to pav for It only what tlmo you use It, our rntes nre low anil our terms are the easiest; our business Is ns cnnnd.Mitlnl ns is possible and our treat, ment Is always courteous Omahn Mort gage Loan Co., 30fl So. 16th St. Estab lished 1892. X 931 LOANS. ' TO SALARIED PEOPLE. ARE YOU ONE OF THE CROWD WHO ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE nf our NEW partial payment plnn" Let us QUIETLY explain same to you We loan employes on their notes. No morlgage; no Indorser; no publicity. Simply a CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS DEAL We loan THOUSANDS In Mils wny. SO DON'T HESITATE Alini'T CALLING. We are hustlers nnd want more Aia.iMi. e are nustiers nnd want more nislness. H. R EMPLOYES RECEIVE RO.MPT SERVICE TO SUIT THEIR flME AND CONVENIENCE. These are tiusiness I T times of heavy competition and to remain leaders we must give more inr your money than others DARE , RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Room 303, Third Floor, Paxton Blk ' X-93.1 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew lery, horses, cows etc. C. F. Reed, 319 S 13. X-9M SALATtV LOANS CIIATTLE LOANS J. ,W. TAYLOE, 218 First Nnt. Bank Bldg. X-937 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concern upon their own names without security: easy payments. Tolman, 706 N. Y. L Bldg X-933 MONEY TO LOAN ( II ATTLE.I. MONEY loaned ion pianos, furniture, horsea, cows, Jewelry. Duff Green, R.S. ,,nrk.pr9,(jlk MONEY lonncroti pianos, furniture, ilia monds, watches, privately. Berger s Loan Co. 1501 Farnam St.. upstairs. .-940 MONEY ionned on furniture, diamonds, watches; payments conlldentlul. Omaha Chnttle Loan Bank. 220 S. 15th. upstairs. X9I1 PRIVATE LOANS TO SALARIED PEO PLE. momentarily embarrassed who desire above everything else to AVOID PUBLICITY can be accommodated at our ofTlce with less expense, time and trouble than any place In the city. AMERICAN LOAN CO, Room 001. Beo Building X-912 BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR RENT, owing to ndvanclng years Mr B Haas, the llorlst nt 1513 Vinton street, has decided to rent out his hot house at above location, occupying 7.0 0 to "S.00 square feet, under glass with about 20) windows, nnd the resilience nnd rtore fronting the street, on the motor lino 10 South Omaha. Excellent location for the business. Y 944 FOR RENT, dining room of Lingc hotel; good inducements to llrst ctass party. Y-M2 FOR SALE or trade Bargain. Newspaper plant. Addresfl P. W. White, Onnwa, In. Y ZAMBESI OEM The Great Discovery. Experts cannot detect It from the genu ine diamond nnd costs but one-tenth; In brilliancy nnd cut It has no equal; set ting solid gold. Write for beautiful Illus trated catalogue. E. Rnwe. A- Co.. 3SS Dearborn St.. Chicago, 111. Y- AN established $250,000 Ohio corporation, composed of men ruled over $5.000.0 (fur nishing highest banking nnd commercial references), operating on the Carnegie profit-sharing plan with employes, desires correspondence, and Interviews with men nble to earn snlary and commission of $3,000 per annum. To comply with co operative conditions and obviate giving bond nn Investment of $1,090 to $3.ooo nbso lutely necessary. Address Auditor's dc partinent. 200 to 205 Wyandotto bldg.. Co. Itimbus, O. Y 1100 INVESTED now will return $1.0 0 in six months; prospectus ftcc. Lawyer's St Banker's Oil Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Y-222 2' BUY WHEAT; wc believe there is 10c a bushel proilt to be made nt present prices Send for our book, "Successful Specula tion." J. K. Comstock, 23 Traders Bldg., Chicago. Y-2:9 2 STOCK COMPANY ORGANIZED. Book mnlled FREE, working cnpltal pro cured. Corporation Law Co., Washington, D. C. Y-235-2 ANY man with energy, ability nnd $200 to $10,000 can make $2,o00 to $15,000 yearly; any state. Address Hnthawny & Co., 21 Park Row, N. Y. Y FOR SALE, only shoe store In n city of 8,000; stock will invoice $0,000; cash trado and light expense; all new, clean stock. Address S 66, Bee. Y M210-1 MODERN, 73-bnrrel flouring mill In a Ne braska county seat. Might trndo for established mercantile business or good farm land. Address T C, Bee. V-M209-5 HOTEL for rent, furnished, modern nnd steam hent. In a live, substantial busi ness town on two railroads. Address S CO, Bee. Y M20S-3 BARBEIt shop for sale; flrst-clasn, threo chair shop nnd bath rooms; snap. Look Box 7S2, Eaglo Grove, la. Y M207-4 BIO dividends; how men nnd women with $.i0 or more may participate In tho divi sion of millions or become rich by' tho in vestment of larger amounts, o. m. h Company. 1031 Park Row Building, Now York. y PHYSICIANS' practices nnd drug stores for sale; wrlto Medical Exchange, Omaha, Neb, Y 274 2' FOR EXCHANGE. WANTED to trade, Emerson plnno for room nnd board. F. Rose, Nebraska Cyalo Co., 15th and Harney. 7. M7S6 2 IMPROVED farm near Plattsmouth for city property. Address 8 56, Ree. Z-M113 2 CLEAR lots for good equities. Address S 57, Bee; X-M114 2 FINE stock nnd hay ranch for good city property. Address S 58. Bee. Z Ml 15 2 GOOD rental property for farm. Monroo & Co., Feed anil Fuel, Sll N. 16th st. Z M.'2 WANTED TO TRADE, a good now sewing muchlne, standard make, rotnll price $111. for good shot gun. Address S 65, Bee. .-M212-3' STORE building with six living rooms second story, city water, sower, gas, to oxchango for stock mdse., hnrdwaro pre ferred. 1. N. Hammond, 15th & Fnrnnm Sts. 52211-2' foh sai,i:-bi:al estate. A BEAUTIFUL R-ROOM 1IOUSI3 AT A . SNAP. We hnve Just expended $376 In refitting painting nnd papering the house nt 3S7J Seward street and the owner instructs us to sill ut $2,000. $500 cash, the balance, to suit. Must bo sold within the next week. Call and let us show you tho property. This hnuso alono could not be built tuday for less than $2,200. PAYNE-KNOX CO.. Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg., Tel. 1781 RE-125 3 WIRT ST., 100-foot frontage, good house and barn $3,000 Blnney st., full lot, good house, mod ern 4,750 22d and Spencer, 37-foot froutngo, house, 8 rooms 2,300 2515 N. lSth. ,X rooms 2,0)0 308 N. 27th st . 6 rooms dm 22d and Grace st., 2 houses, 6 rooms 2.003 3713 N. 22d. 6 rooms 9 0 :irh? v 1?, 1, u ...... , w- ... ..... n... , , union 1,UJU 30,12 Emmett st.. 5 rooms, full lot 70n L'll L . I. - . . .. . . . no, n. lowiiin, modern -,iuu 270.1 WoolvAirth, 8 rooms, modem 2.7.V) 1610 Dorcas ot.. fi rooms 1,251) W. T. GRAHAM. Beo Bldg RE-M13S 3 HOUSES, farms. R. C. Patterson, 305 N.Y L, RE-945 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; nl"o tiro Insurance. Bemls, Paxton blk. RE 914 READ THIS; one of the best homes in Han scom Place; 9 rooms, largo lot, good barn, sightly home; party lenvlng city; pric-, $7,500 60. M. J. Kenuaril Son, room 310, Brown block. RE 917 RANCH AND FARM laTidfTfor snlrTby tho Union Pnclilc Railroad company. H A. MeAllaster, land cotnmlsMoner, Union Paclllc Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-918 SEE HENRY II. PAYNE, Ml N. V. LII'e! TIE-9-.0 VERY cheap, three nenis, enclosed chicken tight fence, house, slore, barn, come m, sheds etc.: fine shade trees. Homoofl.it, 11 S. Johnson, Irvlngton, Dopglas Co. Inqulro E. W. Johnson, 1528 Franklin St RE-7S3 81' PAYNE-KNOX CO. HEADQUARTERS for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS: LOW EST RATES on LOANS, SOUND IN SURANCE; HOUSES. FLATS, STORES, for RENT. First floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-91'l CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. RE-M781 AND still two bargains on monthly pay ments. 6-rnom cottage, newlv papered, city wnler nnd sewer, No. 317 N. 30ih st . $1,0"0 6-ronm cottage, city water and sewer. 1508 Corbv st , $1,300 Mutual Loan and Building Association, Ben building. G. M. Nnttlnger, Kccrntnry. RE-OT 8 SPECIAL BARGAIN A beautiful ten-room house, built about two years ago. and contains ovory mod ern Improvement; also tine luundrv, veg -table room .1 ml excellent furnaio. This. Is one of the best bull! houses In tho city, on 11 corner on Georgln iiveiiue. 2 blocks, from car line, and Is offered for $6,500, $l.fj0 cash, balance enn be 11 r ranged PAY.M'-KN'lX CO . Main Floor, N. Y. 1 fe Bldg. HE-MUM -J FTll5n.ANDs'fnrsf7le"i,i40 acres of ,tnd" partly Improved. In Custer, Blaine. Thomas and Sherman uounlles. for $1.8fQ cash Write for description. Morphv St Ewlnr, St, Paul, Minn. RES M 6